University of Alberta, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- CRYSYS: Monitoring and Modelling the Cryospheric System in Canada
- Experimental Determination of Sulfur Solubility in Basaltic Melts at Sulfide vs. Sulfate Saturation. Possible Implications for Ore Formation.
- Exposing the Sunda Shelf: Climatic Consequences of Eustatic sea Level Change
- Inclusion in diamonds from the transition zone and lower mantle
- Limnogeology in Southern Greenland; Insights Into Holocene Terrestrial Climate and Oceanographic Changes, Ecosystem Variability, and Norse Movement
- Recent Changes in Surface Area of the Devon Ice Cap, Nunavut, Canada
- Seasonal Subglacial Hydrological Evolution and Impact on Ice Dynamics in a High Arctic Glacier
- Deglacial and Holocene Records of Climate Change in the Tropics from Lake Sediments, Cordillera de Merida, Venezuela
- Evaluation of the Re-Os Geochronometer in Organic-rich Mudrocks as a Method for Constraining the Absolute Ages of Neoproterozoic Glaciogenic Deposits
- How Far Back in the Geological Record Is Bioalteration of Volcanic Glass Evident?
- Subglacial Microbial Communities and Their Relationship to Bedrock Lithology
- The Distribution of Hydrothermal Venting on Ultraslow Spreading Ridges
- Controls on Sub-seafloor Bioalteration of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Glass
- Estimating peak last-interglacial warmth in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Extending the deep biosphere through ocean drilling: Bioalteration of volcanic glass in the oceanic crust
- Generation of Sulfur-rich, Sulfur-undersaturated Basaltic Melts in Oxidized Arc Sources.
- Kinetic Fractionation of Carbon Isotopes During Carbonate Weathering in Glaciated Catchments: Implications for the Detection of Subglacial Microbial Activity
- New Advances in Re-Os Geochronology of Organic-rich Sedimentary Rocks.
- Rare Arsenic-Antimony-Sulphide Bio-immobilization and Bacterial S-layer Preservation in Siliceous Sediments from Champagne Pool Hot-Spring, Waiotapu, New Zealand
- Relationships Between GIS-Based Erosion Indices and Relief Production in the Karakoram Himalaya
- Seasonal Effects on the Carbon Stable Isotope Compositions of Natural gas Subjected to Microbial Oxidation in Soils Near Leaking oil Wells in Western Canada
- Silicification of Thermophilic Biofilms: Do Aquificales Affect the Mineralisation Process?
- Surface Temperature Lapse Rates and Regional Temperature Variability on the Prince of Wales Icefield, Ellesmere Island, Canada
- The 780 Gunbarrel Magmatic Event: U-Pb Documentation of Widespread Mafic Magmatism Along the Neoproterozoic Western of Laurentia
- The role of hydrologically-driven ice fracture in drainage system evolution on an Arctic glacier
- Changes in Terrestrial Snow and Ice Following the Little Ice Age in the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Arctic Canada
- Comparative Image Analysis to Ensure Data Quality in the Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) Glacier Database
- Diamond Formation From Organic Carbon in a Subducting Slab at Depths Between 250 and 450 km
- Electron Microprobe Analysis of Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>/Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in Minerals With low Total Iron Concentrations
- Evidence for Early Life in ∼3.5 Billion-Year-Old Pillow Lavas
- Holocene Climate Change Over Central Asia and the Himalaya: Latitudinal Dependence On the Monsoon and Midlatitude Eddy Activity
- Late-Quaternary Glacial History of the Venezuelan Andes
- Organic Carbon Dynamics in Glacier Systems
- Oxygen Fugacity of Basalts From Earth and Mars: Implications for Oxidation States of Terrestrial Planet Interiors
- Oxygen Isotopic Disequilibrium in Bacteriogenic Soil Calcite Precipitated Near Leaking Oil and Gas Wells in Western Canada
- Solar and Volcanic Modulation of Little Ice Age Climate in the Tropical Andes, Venezuela
- Tephrochronolgical Studies of Late Neogene Sediments in Interior Alaska and the Yukon Territory
- The Expression of the 8.2 ka and Younger Dryas Events in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Tracing Alteration Textures in Young to Ancient Pillow Lavas: A Petrographic Signature of Early Life on Earth
- Variability of Decimetre and Centimetre Scale Ice Surface Roughness and the Potential Consequences on the CryoSat Radar Altimeter Signal
- Deforestation and Gravel Pits on the Boreal Plains: What Influence Does Enhanced Recharge Have in a Land of Evaporation Windows?
- Diamonds From the Asthenosphere and Transition Zone: Remnants of Subducted Crustal Material in the Deep Earth's Mantle
- High Altitude Climate: Observations From the Baltoro Glacier, Karakoram Himalaya, Pakistan
- Observation and Simulation of Deep Water Renewal in Foxe Basin, Canada
- Weather and mass balance in the ablation zone of the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- An Extensive Middle to Late Pleistocene Distal Tephra Record From East Central Alaska
- Characterization of Particulate Metals in Rural and Urban Areas of Lake Ontario, Canada
- Coupled atmosphere-ocean mechanisms for rapid global propagation of climate anomalies.
- Degradation and Local Survival of Permafrost Through the Last Interglaciation in Interior Alaska and Yukon Territory
- Did ENSO Influence Regional Climate and Precipitation Isotopes in the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica through the Holocene?
- Dynamic atmosphere-ocean mechanisms for the rapid propagation of climate anomalies and their effect on ENSO.
- Elevation-Aspect Interactions at the Subarctic Alpine Treeline
- Hydrogen Incorporation into Olivine at 9-15 GPa: Implication for Water Dynamics near the 410-km Seismic Discontinuity
- Magmatic evidence for craton reactivation: an Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope study of lamproites, aillikites/carbonatites, and nephelinites from the Labrador Sea margin
- Morphological variation of Emiliania huxleyi: A new tool for reconstructing sea water salinities?
- Non-conservative Behavior of Dissolved Bromide in a Wetland
- Scaling Hydrologic Processes in Boreal Forest Stands: New Eco-hydrological Perspectives or Deja vu?
- Storage and Release of Subglacial Water at an Outlet Glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Response of Marine Biota to OAE 1b
- Complex Patterns in Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Influence Rocky Mountain Ecosystems
- Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes of Organic Compounds From Lake Sediments Track Recent Environmental Changes in an Alpine Ecosystem, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (United States of America)
- Effect of fCO2 on the Diffusion of C and O in Calcite at 700 °C, 100 MPa
- Growth of Diamond from a Carbonaceous Hydrous Silicate Melt: An Experimental Study
- Holocene climate and cultural changes in the Lake Baikal region
- Methanotrophic Bacteria Maintaining and Coexisting With a Methanogenic Consortium in Soils at Man-Made Natural gas Seeps at Petroleum Well Sites in Western Canada
- Re-Os Geochronology of Organic-Rich Shales; Placing Absolute Time Pins in Ancient Sedimentary Basins
- The Presence and Export of Labile Dissolved Organic Matter from Glacier Systems
- A Runtime Data Verification Cyberinfrastructure for an Automated Robotic Tram System Measuring Surface Reflectance in the Arctic
- Advancing Glaciers and Positive Mass Anomaly in the Karakoram Himalaya, Pakistan
- Assessment of Surface Water Depth using Hyperspectral Reflectance: Case study from a Large-scale Hydrological Manipulation Experiment in the Arctic
- Carbon Isotope Environmental Forensics: Fingerprinting Gas From Domestic Water Wells From petroleum Fields of Alberta, Canada
- Characterization, Monitoring, and Risk Assessment at the IEA GHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Comparison between Ground and Helicopter Electromagnetic Sea Ice Thickness Measurements from SEDNA during APLIS07 in the Beaufort Sea
- Design and Development of a Spectral Library for Different Vegetation and Landcover Types for Arctic, Antarctic and Chihuahua Desert Ecosystem
- Do Secular Trends in the Nickel Content of Banded Iron Formation Record a Methanogen Famine?
- Ecohydrological Response to Severe Disturbance by Wildfire and Salvage Logging in Oligotrophic Rocky Mountain Watersheds: Nutrient Loading, Plant Productivity, and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Response.
- Experimental and Natural Evidence for Rapid Water Exchange Between Melt Inclusions in Olivine and Host Magma
- Exploring glacier dynamics with subglacial water pressure pulses: Evidence for self- organized criticality?
- Geostatistical Inverse Modeling for Natural Attenuation of Hydrocarbons in Groundwater
- Glacier Dynamics Within a Small Alpine Cirque
- Global and regional climate modeling with implications for current and future glacier mass balance in the Western Himalaya and the Western Cordillera
- Hemispheric Contrasts in the Trait of Snowmelt on Sea Ice as Indicated Through Microwave Satellite Data
- Integrated pan-Arctic melt onset detection from satellite scatterometer and radiometer measurements
- Morphological variation of Emiliania huxleyi a new paleosalinity proxy: Evidence from plankton analysis
- New Evidence for the Origin and Sources of Metals for the Giant Mississippi-Valley Type Pine Point Zn-Pb District
- New insights on the Frasnian/Famennian mass extinction: a role for soil erosion?
- Paleoceanographic implications of the osmium isotope record during the mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- Preservation of modern and ancient microbial ichnofossils in basaltic glass by titanite mineralization
- Sensitivity of a Numerical Ice Sheet Model to Interannual Climate Forcing and Interactive Atmosphere-Ice Sheet Coupling.
- Spatial Root Distribution and Clonal Connectivity in Trembling Aspen Along a Hillslope Catena; Implications for Above and Below Ground Water Regulation
- Spatially distributed, physically based modelling through a wxPython based GUI
- The Overdeepening Hydrology of a Small Cirque Glacier in the Vermillion Range, B.C., Canada.
- Thermophiles as Candidate Iron-Reducing Bacteria For the Putative Biogenetic Magnetite in Banded Iron Formations
- Trace element requirements of anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizers: what we can learn about early earth evolution and the role of these bacteria in BIF deposition
- Tropical-North Pacific Teleconnections: a mechanistic link between the strength of the Indian monsoon strength and the Aleutian Low.
- Understanding wetland dynamics on the Boreal Plain: dataset integration for physically based modeling
- Using the Method of Water Poverty Index (WPI) to Evaluate the Region Water Security
- Wildfire and Salvage Logging Impacts on Stream Water Nitrogen in Southern Alberta's Rocky Mountains
- 3D conductive cooling models of shock melts in meteorites: resolving the discrepancy between calculations and experiment (Invited)
- A Geochemical Reconstruction of Aleutian Low Variability over the Holocene: Investigating Teleconnections (Invited)
- A Theoretically Based Parameterization of Snow and Ice Broadband Albedo
- A new garnet, {(Y, REE)(Ca, Fe2+)2}[(Mg,Fe2+)(Fe3+,Al)](Si3)O12, and its role in the yttrium and rare-earth element budget in a granulite
- A viscoelastic spring-block model for investigating subglacial water pressure pulse generation
- Arctic Environmental Change Recorded In Lake Sediments from Baffin Island, Canada: The Past Century Compared With the Past 200,000 Years
- Diversity, abundance and activity of methanogenic archaea beneath the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets
- Effect of KCl on melting of the Mg2SiO4-MgSiO3-H2O system at 5 GPa
- GeoChronos: An On-line Collaborative Platform for Earth Observation Scientists
- Global mantle convection: Evidence from carbon and nitrogen isotopes in super-deep diamonds (Invited)
- Hydrogeophysical Modeling of Spatial and Temporal Salt Flushing of a Tailings Dam
- ID3506, a New/Old Lipari Obsidian Standard for Characterization of Natural Glasses and for Tephrochronology
- In situ characterization of organic matter in two primitive chondrites through correlated microanalytical techniques
- Inter-annual and Seasonal Variability of Sea Ice Thickness North of Alert, Ellesmere Island and in the Lincoln Sea
- Ku-Band radar penetration into Snow over Arctic Sea Ice
- OG1: A Natural Reference Material for Quantifying SIMS Instrumental Mass Fractionation of Pb Isotopes During Zircon Dating
- Phase Relations of Phlogopite with Magnesite from 4 to 6 GPa
- Prospects for Complete Middle Pleistocene Loess Records in Interior Alaska: A Role for Tephrochronology
- Regional Modeling of Future Arctic Climate
- Relationship between carbon isotope composition and crystal morphology of coated and polycrystalline diamonds
- Satellite-derived pan-Arctic melt onset dataset, 2000-2009
- Sensitivity of ice-atmosphere interactions since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Spatial Partitioning of Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) and Ecosystem Respiration (Re) Using Airborne LiDAR, Wind Direction, and Atmospheric Stability Within a Divided Boreal Peatland/Upland Ecosystem
- The Role of Insolation and the Equatorial Pacific in South American Climate during the Holocene: A Paleoclimate Record from Laguna Blanca, Venezuela
- U-Pb geochronology of the Kap Washington Volcanic Province, North Greenland: Constraints on the timing of continental rifting and implications for the development of the Arctic Basin
- What’s your angle? Using sun angle and look angle to improve carbon flux estimates from optical remote sensing. (Invited)
- Widespread and Accelerated Glacier Thinning in the Svalbard Archipelago: a New Estimate of Sea-Level Contributions
- A decade time series of melt season duration on pan-Arctic land ice
- Canadian High Arctic glacier surface mass budget (1950-2009)
- Crustal deformation of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau revealed by magnetotelluric imaging
- Examining the sensitivity of modelled evapotranspiration to vegetation structural characteristics within boreal peatlands, riparian ecosystems and upland mixedwood forest
- Five Years of Land Surface Phenology in a Large Scale Hydrological Manipulation Experiment in an Arctic Tundra Landscape
- Large methane reserves beneath Antarctica?
- Quantitative petrological constraints on the depth of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary and the implications for changes in cratonic lithosphere thickness through time
- Regional hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of deep formation waters in the Williston Basin (Canada-USA): implications for fluid migration in the basin
- Secular Changes in Lithospheric Diamonds from the Archean to the Proterozoic
- Simulation of changes in arctic terrestrial carbon stocks under using ecosys mathematical model
- The Origin and Emplacement Patterns of Paleoproterozoic (2.5-1.8 Ga) Mafic/Ultramafic Magmatism
- Was the Archean mantle thermal regime special? Constraints from residual peridotites
- What can paleo studies tell us about permafrost and future warming? (Invited)
- A New Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record for Tracking Arctic and Antarctic Variability and Change
- A case study for modeling carbon fluxes through optical remote sensing
- Airborne investigation of Arctic tropospheric ozone depletions
- Arctic sea ice thickness change
- Arctic sea ice thickness from airborne EM in spring and summer 2011
- Arctic tundra vegetation functional types based on photosynthetic physiology and optical properties
- Changes in ice thickness and SAR backscatter in relation to ice deformation in the Bay of Bothnia
- Conceptualizing the regional hydrology of a complex low relief terrain: Climate - geology interactions on sink-source dynamics of Western Boreal forests
- Coupling Climate, Surface Processes and Mantle Convection
- CryoSat Validation Experiment (CryoVEx) 2011 Radar Penetration Study
- Diamond growth from subducted carbon implied by correlated δ18O-δ13C variations in diamonds and garnet inclusions
- Did dead animals really spew from the IEA-GHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 monitoring and storage project?
- Drips, delamination and subduction: Modes of lithosphere removal in shortening orogens and their surface expressions
- Ground Monitoring Neotropical Dry Forests: A Sensor Network for Forest and Microclimate Dynamics in Semi-Arid Environments (Enviro-Net°)
- Ground ice conditions in Salluit, Northern Quebec
- Integrated Pan-Arctic Melt Onset Detection From Satellite Active/Passive Microwave Measurements, 2000-2009
- Integration of multi-scale optical data for vegetation monitoring
- Mid-Holocene Climate Change in the Cis-Baikal Region of Siberia Linked to Hunter-Gatherer Cultural Discontinuity
- Modeling seasonal velocity variability and assessing the influence of glacial hydrology and sea-ice buttressing at the Belcher Glacier, Arctic Canada
- Os and HSE of the hot upper mantle beneath southern Tibet: Indian mantle affinity?
- Probable excursions in Alaskan loess deposits and potential for detailed correlations and chronology
- Rapid estimation of depositional ages of eolian dune sands using a portable OSL reader and polymineralic coarse grain standardized luminescence growth curves
- Sea Ice Thickness Variability in Fram Strait
- Sources, switches and traps: the interplay between climate, loess and permafrost in eastern Beringia
- The Timing of Oceanic Mantle Depletion
- Tracking sea ice floes from the Lincoln Sea to Nares Strait and deriving large scale melt from coincident spring and summer (2009) aerial EM thickness surveys
- Training the next generation of Space and Earth Science Engineers and Scientists through student design and development of an Earth Observation Nanosatellite, AlbertaSat-1
- Validation and Interpretation of a New Sea Ice Globice Dataset Using Buoys and the Cice Sea Ice Model
- A 3D magnetotelluric inversion model for the study of ore-forming related processes in the central Skellefte district
- Are Late-Pleistocene Climate Reconstructions from Cirque and Valley Moraines Possible in Regions of Decaying Ice Sheets?
- Biogeochemical responses of two alpine lakes to climate change and atmospheric deposition, Jasper and Banff National Parks, Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Buried Middle Pleistocene ice wedge systems and longterm survival of ancient Yedoma carbon
- Characterizing prophyry Cu-deposits with airborne ZTEM and ground MT data
- Effective use of metadata in the integration and analysis of multi-dimensional optical data
- Exploring variations in microbial carbon sources and cycling in the deep terrestrial subsurface using PLFA and δ13C analysis
- Helium isotopes in lithospheric peridotites and eclogites
- High-Precision U-Pb Geochronology of Ice River Perovskite: A Possible Interlaboratory and Intertechnique EARTHTIME Standard
- In-situ observations of 21st century firn layer changes in the Devon Ice Cap, Nunavut, Canada
- Integrating Science Communication Training and Public Outreach Activities into the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Interactive modelling of the mountain glacier-atmosphere interface
- Intercontinental Distribution of an Alaskan Volcanic Ash
- Monitoring Ecosystem Dynamics Ecosystem Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and a Robotic Tram System in Barrow Alaska
- New insights into the multi-scale climatic drivers of the "Karakoram anomaly"
- Remote sensing of carbon fluxes - how can bottom-up approaches help?
- Sea ice thickness and volume from CryoSat-2
- Synchronous interhemispheric Holocene climate trends in the tropical Andes
- The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) 20 years later: what have we learned?
- The Role of the Mantle Lithosphere in Continent Stability
- The role of subglacial microbes in carbon cycling and methane release in the past and present
- 3D inversion of magnetic and electrical resistivity-induced polarization data for an epithermal Au-Ag and underlying porphyry deposit: A case study from British Columbia, Canada
- A comparison of three-dimensional electrical conductivity models of several epithermal/porphyry type deposits in Western Canada, derived from ZTEM data
- A new high-resolution atmospheric data set for High Asia and its glaciological applications
- Combining ZTEM and Magnetotelluric Data to Enhance Three-dimensional Conductivity Models of Porphyry Copper Deposits
- Craton stability and continental lithosphere dynamics during plume-plate interaction
- Future High Altitude Climate Change Over the Karakoram
- How well is firn densification represented by a physically-based multilayer model? Model evaluation for the Devon Ice Cap, Nunavut, Canada
- Integration of carbon fluxes and optical remote sensing
- Land-Derived Iron Fluxes To The Neoproterozoic Ocean
- Numerical and analogue modelling of the propagation and dissolution of CO2 into reservoir brines: implications for CO2 sequestration
- Observations of ice motion changes at the terminus of Hubbard Glacier using co-located ground-based radar interferometer and LiDAR scanning systems (Invited)
- Observing dynamic Arctic surface optical properties with an optical sensor network
- Origin of the Mackenzie large igneous province and sourcing of flood basalts from layered intrusions
- Polarimetric C-/X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations of Melting Sea Ice in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Re-Os systematics of the Siberian lithosphere: Evidence for melt percolation and lithospheric re-fertilization
- Seasonal photosynthetic activity in evergreen conifer leaves monitored with spectral reflectance
- Secondary overprinting of S-Se-Te signatures in the Earth's mantle: Implications for the Late Veneer
- Suboxic dolomite formation linked to the sedimentary Mn cycle, Archipelago Los Roques, Venezuela
- Subsurface Geophysical Characterization of the Crystalline Canadian Shield in NE Alberta: Implications to Geothermal Development
- Age and evolution of deep continental roots beneath northern Canada
- Cryosat-2 thickness retrievals of freshwater lake ice
- Differences between the bacterial community structures of first- and multi-year Arctic sea ice in the Lincoln Sea.
- Exceptionally Long Distance Transport of Volcanic Ash: Implications for Stratigraphy, Hazards and the Sourcing of Distal Tephra Deposits
- Fluid-induced transition from Kyanite- to bimineralic Eclogite: A petrological, geochemical and mass balance approach to mantle eclogites
- Fractionation of Highly Siderophile Elements in Refertilized Mantle: Implications for the Os Isotope Composition of Basalts
- High pressure experimental study of eclogite with varying H<SUB>2</SUB>O contents
- Microbial Community Dynamics from Permafrost Across the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary and Response to Abrupt Climate Change
- New insights from<SUP> 182</SUP>W anomalies in Eoarchean rocks from northern Labrador, Canada
- PGE abundance and Re-Os isotope Systematics of Native-Fe-Bearing Basaltic Rocks and Their Carbonaceous Crustal Contaminants: Insights into magma plumbing-system dynamics in LIPs
- The Columbia Plateau Revealed; Low Temperature Thermochronology Across the Canadian Cordillera and Links to Lithospheric Delamination.
- The Glacier Peak Tephra: A Continental-Scale Latest Pleistocene Time Horizon
- The Preservation of Meso- Archean Refractory Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Eastern Margin of the Tanzania Craton
- 150 000 Years of Loess Deposition in Interior Alaska as Told by Magnetic Susceptibility
- Deep Mantle Fluids Bottled Up in Diamonds
- High Pressure Experimental Investigation of the Interaction between Partial Melts of Eclogite and Mantle Peridotite during Upwelling
- History of crustal recycling recorded in transition zone diamonds
- Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
- Rapid Response of Volcanism to Deglaciation in Southeast Alaska and Evidence for Attendant Climate Impacts
- The Temporal Relationship Between Alkaline and Tholeiitic Magmatism in the Paraná-Etendeka Igneous Province: ID-TIMS U-Pb Ages of the José Fernandes Gabbro and Dykes of the Ponta Grossa Arch, Brazil
- The first allanite-bearing eclogite xenolith in kimberlite
- Tungsten residence in silicate rocks: implications for interpreting W isotopic compositions
- 3D Imaging and Automated Ice Bottom Tracking of Canadian Arctic Archipelago Ice Sounding Data
- A full Holocene record of water isotopes from syngenetic pore ice in central Yukon Territory, Canada
- Characterization of a Natural Garnet Crystal as a Reference Material for Micro Analytical Determination of Trace Elements
- Characterizing near-surface firn from the scattered signal component of glacier surface reflections detected in airborne radio-echo sounding measurements
- Constraining Metamorphic Timing and Processes by Dating Garnet, Zircon, Titanite and Monazite in UHP and HP Rocks from Weihai, Sulu UHP Terrane, Eastern China
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf Results from the Swakane Gneiss and Pelona-Orocopia-Rand Schists: Mechanisms of Sediment Incorporation into Arc Systems and Implications for Margin-Parallel Translation
- Experimental characterization of the isotopic fractionation of chlorine during chemical diffusion in a dacitic melt and its implications for bubble growth
- Glacier albedo change and its relationship to surface temperature change from MODIS data: Queen Elizabeth Islands, Arctic Canada, 2001-2015
- High-resolution age modelling of peat bog profiles using pre and post-bomb <SUP>14</SUP>C, <SUP>210</SUP>Pb and cryptotephra data from six Albertan peat bogs
- Improvements in Laser Ablation Split Stream (LASS) methodology: simultaneous U-Th-Pb and Sm-Nd Isotope Measurement of Monazite, Titanite, Apatite, Allanite, and Perovskite
- Metasomatic processes in the orthogneiss-hosted Archaean peridotites of the Fiskefjord region, SW Greenland
- Observing and Simulating Diapycnal Mixing in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Radiometric age dating of peat cores from ombrotrophic bogs: challenges and opportunities presented by the Industrial Period
- Sources and assembly of diverse rhyolitic magmas in a hotspot environment inferred from microanalysis of zircon isotopes
- The Birth of a Cratonic Core: Petrologic Evolution of the Hadean-Eoarchean Acasta Gneiss Complex
- The High Arctic's Only Great Lake Is Succumbing To Climate Warming
- The quest to understand Pb loss in baddeleyite
- 50 Myr of pulsed mafic magmatism in the High Arctic Large Igneous Province
- Geophysical Investigations of Hypersaline Subglacial Water Systems in the Canadian Arctic: A Planetary Analog
- Learnings from Opportunistic Wetlands: The Role of Substrate and Landscape Position on Reconstructed Landforms in a Sub-humid Climate
- Magnetotelluric imaging of the crustal structure of the Great Slave Lake shear zone in Northwest Alberta
- Relationship Between Central East Antarctica, Australia and Laurentia in the Columbia and Rodinia Supercontinents: Proterozoic Crustal Linkages from Age and Isotopic Compositions of Glacial Igneous Clasts
- Threshold responses in runoff from sub-humid heterogeneous low relief regions
- A late-Holocene record of winter temperatures derived from ice-wedge water isotopes in the Mackenzie Delta region, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Chemistry at the surface of titanium-containing minerals: implications for air quality and aerosol composition
- Contaminant Transport in the Athabasca Oil Sands Before, During, and After the 2016 Fort McMurray Wildfire
- Continental lithosphere - a complicated birth
- Detecting biodiversity with multiscale imaging spectrometry in prairie ecosystems
- Firn densification in the accumulation zone of Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Investigating the influence of BRDF on airborne Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) retrieval
- Kinetic Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in Reduced, Dry Basaltic Melt
- Late Miocene-Pliocene paleo-elevations in southern Alaska constrained by precipitation isotopes archived in fossil leaf waxes and hydrated volcanic glass shards
- New insights from an airborne geophysical survey over the hypersaline subglacial lakes beneath Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic
- The Effect of Black Carbon Deposition on the Albedo Change of the Columbia Icefield, 2000-2016
- The Nebraska SIF Campaign - a Multi-Scale Field Experiment
- Transition from shallow- to deep-seated melting and inception of mobile lid tectonics at 3.6 Ga in the Acasta Gneiss Complex
- A Holocene record of winter temperatures from ice wedges in the northwestern Canadian Arctic
- Bacterial community composition changes independently of soil edaphic parameters with anthropogenic permafrost thaw
- DOM Composition and Biodegradation from Diverse Permafrost End-members
- Deep Focus Earthquakes, Deep Slab Fluids, and Superdeep Diamonds
- Developing a watershed-scale organic carbon simulation module in SWAT by integrating soil and in-stream carbon cycle processes
- Exploring Volcano-Tectonic Connections in the Pacific Northwest with Tephra and Seismoturbidite Deposits —Temporal Linkages between Cascades Volcanic Eruptions and Cascadia Megathrust Earthquakes
- Exploring biomarkers in Beringian Loess as an archive of orbital-scale Pleistocene climate change
- Forest Stand Complexity Controls Ecosystem-Scale Evapotranspiration Dynamics: Implications for Landscape Flux Simulations
- Groundwater Connection and DOC Transport in the Yukon River Basin Inferred from Uranium and Strontium Isotopes in Permafrost Catchments
- Heat Production of the Slave Craton Lower Crust: Evidence from Xenoliths in the Diavik A-154 Kimberlite
- Isoscapes As Tools To Understand And Predict The Source And Distribution Of Surface Casing Vent Flow n-Alkanes And Carbon Dioxide Gases Of The Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
- Late Miocene to late Pleistocene temperature trends inferred from precipitation isotopes in hydrated volcanic glass shards in central Alaska and Yukon.
- Long-Term Local Ecological Change in the Klondike Exposed with Permafrost eDNA.
- Memories of Ash: The May 18th 1980 Mount St. Helens Eruption North of the Border
- Metasomatic and metamorphic overprints on the Archean Ulamertoq ultramafic body in the southern West Greenland
- Remotely detected plant function in two midwestern prairie grassland experiments reveals belowground processes
- The Effect of Permafrost Thaw on the Controls and Pathways of Decomposition that Regulate the Carbon Balance of Boreal Peatlands
- The Isotopic Composition Of Fugitive Greenhouse Gases From Energy Wells Of The Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
- The cascade of uncertainties in agro-hydrological model projections: implications for future water-food nexus in snow-dominated regions
- The geodynamic view offered by diamonds: a unique record of plate tectonic recycling
- They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore
- Zircon Hf isotope evidence for a global transition between stagnant- and mobile-lid tectonics
- #GeoHackeo, the GeoLatinas hackathon - Testing our Digital Literacy toolkit
- A Unified Vegetation Index for Quantifying the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Deposition of Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants and Plasticizers to High Arctic Ice Fields
- Evidence for multi-stage metasomatism and metamorphism of the Mesoarchean Ulamertoq ultramafic body in southern West Greenland
- Geolatinas Digital Literacy Toolkit: A Diverse Community Developing Coding Skills for the Open Source World.
- High-resolution Monitoring and Modeling of Meltwater Sources and Contaminant Fluxes from the Athabasca Glacier, Canada
- Impacts of glacier melt on stream temperature in a cold region watershed: coupling the glacier melt model with hydrological model
- Marine Aerosol Contribution to Ice-Wedge Geochemistry: Potential for Paleo-Sea Ice and Paleogeography Reconstructions in the Canadian Arctic
- Mesoarchean deposition age for diamond-bearing metasediment of the northwestern Slave craton, Nunavut Territory (Canada)
- Modeling the regional water storage for geographically isolated wetlands
- On the performance and uncertainty of regional snow depth modelling across landscapes in northern latitudes
- Regional Isotopic Fingerprinting of Methane and Ethane from the Fourth largest Hydrocarbon Producer Worldwide: Ethane as a Source-Specific Emissions Indicator
- Revised Chronology of Northwest Laurentide Ice-Sheet Deglaciation from Beryllium-10 Exposure-Dated Erratics on the Western Canadian Shield
- Secondary metabolites and natural rock substrate alteration as biosignatures in microbe-mineral alterationA Case Study of Lichens-Rock Surfaces interaction in Hasan Beg and Grdmandil mountains, Kurdistan, Iraq
- Sustainable solutions to water-food security through virtual water trade!
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- The atmospheric deposition of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS ) in Canada across five (5) different latitudes.
- The biogeochemistry of subglacial systems
- The timing of Cordilleran-Laurentide ice-sheet separation and meltwater pulse 1A
- Towards Linking Permafrost History to DOM Composition and Biodegradation across the Western Canadian Arctic
- Tracing the Origin and Evolution of the Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the Fijian Archipelago — Insights from Koro Island Peridotite Xenoliths
- Uncertainties in Assessing the Effects of Changing Climate and Management Factors on the Non-stationary Response of Spring-wheat Yield
- Weathering of mineralogically complex materials and its implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB> mineralization
- Zircon U-Pb dating of Pleistocene tephra beds in northwestern North America
- Sulfur Isotope Systematics of Island Arc Cumulates: Polaris Alaskan-type Ultramafic-Mafic Intrusion, North American Cordillera