Heriot Watt University, UK
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- New Observations and Theory of Single-Domain Magnetic Moments and Their Implications
- Subduction-stage P-T path of eclogite from the Sambagawa belt: Prophetic record for oceanic-ridge subduction
- Dramatical Impact Of Low Amounts of Swelling Clays On The Rheology Of Alpine Debris Flows
- Mathematical Modelling of Hydraulic Permeability Evolution in the Damage Zone Surrounding Geological Faults
- Modelling the Hydrological Performance of Stormwater Management Retention Ponds in Scotland
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of Chemical Water Quality in a Contour Canal.
- Uncertainty Quantification Bayesian Framework for Porous Media Flows
- Can a sub-seafloor dike injection generate a mega-plume?
- Modeling multiphase flow of H2O-NaCl fluids in volcano-hydrothermal systems by combining CSP5.0 with SoWat2.0
- Modelling Spatial and Temporal Fault Zone Evolution in Basement Rocks
- Three-phase flow simulations in discrete fracture networks
- Upscaling permeability in natural analogues of highly heterogeneous hydrocarbon reservoirs: Variations in solute transport behavior.
- Analysis of High-Resolution OBS/H and MCS Data Across the Termination of a BSR in Lima Basin, Peru Margin - Velocity Structure and Paleo-BSRs
- Can the Continuous Time Random Walk method be used to improve the upscaling of heterogeneous permeability fields for reservoir simulations?
- Estimates of Vertical Methane Fluxes in Porangahau Ridge Sediment on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- High-resolution 3D models of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems: The relative importance of axial versus cross-axial flow.
- New capillary interface conditions for three-phase flow in fractured rock masses
- Pore-scale modelling of two-phase and three-phase fracture-matrix interface conditions
- An overview of the latest results of cold seep research along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Focused Fluid Flow and its Relation to Gas Hydrate Distribution on the Outer Accretionary Wedge, Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: Evidence from Seismic Data
- Gas Hydrate Distribution From Seismic and Controlled Source Electromagnetic Data at Porangahau Ridge, Southern Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- Simulation of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: I. A P-H-X-based formulation for multiphase flow of H2O-NaCl fluids by a combined FE-FV scheme
- Tectonic Variations Along the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand, and Relationships to Fluid Flow and Cold Seep Sites
- The Significance of Methane Carbon to Bulk Sedimentary Organic and Inorganic Carbon Pools Across the Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand
- The transient nature of heat and fluid flux on the Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand
- Assessing submarine gas hydrate at active seeps on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, using controlled source electromagnetic data with constraints from seismic, geochemistry, and heatflow data
- Comparison of Seismic Data with Shallow Resistivity Structure at Porangahau Ridge, Southern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand: Evidence for Gas Hydrate Distribution and Fluid Flow
- New Insights into the Gas Hydrate System on the Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand (Invited)
- Non-Fourier heat transport in fractured porous media
- Upscaling solute transport in naturally fractured porous media using the Continuous Time Random Walk Method
- A first approximation of sand distribution and provenance on the Canterbury Shelf, New Zealand - implications for across shelf vs. along shelf transport based on sediment cores recovered during IODP Expedition 317
- Discrepancies in thermal gradients from BSR depth and seafloor thermometry on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand - possible implications for gas hydrate formation and subduction-zone processes
- Heat transfer in fractured geothermal reservoirs and continuous time random walks (Invited)
- Near-bed environmental conditions influencing cold-water coral growth on Viosca Knoll, Gulf of Mexico
- Predicting heat and mass transfer in fractured porous media (Invited)
- The Askja volcano eruption in 1875 - where did all the water come from? (Invited)
- Nonlinear Fluid Migration Patterns in Fractured Reservoirs due to Stress-Pressure Coupling induced Changes in Reservoir Permeabilities
- Study of CO2 bubble dynamics in seawater from QICS field Experiment
- Benchmark initiative on coupled multiphase flow and geomechanical processes during CO2 injection
- Development of a flow history correction factor for sediment entrainment thresholds
- High Resolution Modelling of Anomalous Transport of Carbon Dioxide in Fracture Networks
- Assessing the implications of baseline climate uncertainty on simulated water yield within the Himalayan Beas river basin in NW India
- Brownfield site investigation: a new technology for the detection of large objects based on passive seismic monitoring
- Effects of Maize Residue Removal and Tillage on Soil Erosion, Carbon, and Macronutrient Dynamics
- Examining Changes in Radioxenon Isotope Activity Ratios during Subsurface Transport
- Implications of changing water cycle for the performance and yield characteristics of the multi-purpose Beas Reservoir in India
- Numerically modelling the sea-water and bubble plume dynamics found from the QICS project in Ardmucknish Bay
- Particulate removal processes and hydraulics of porous gravel media filters
- Quantification of uncertainty in irrigation scheduling and crop growth simulations using neural network based inflow forecast models
- Quantitative Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: preliminary results from the IODP Site U1385 (Exp 339), the Shackleton Site
- Structure and Variability of Mediterranean Outflow Water Flow Recorded in Contourite Sedimentation in the Gulf of Cadiz and west of Portugal
- Study of CO2 bubble dynamics in seawater from QICS field Experiment
- Vegetation and Fire Activity Changes in Southwestern Europe during Contrasting Interglacials Before and after the Middle Pleistocene Transition (mpt)
- A multi-layer vertically integrated model with vertical dynamics and heterogeneity for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- Aquatic carbon and GHG export from a permafrost catchment; identifying source areas and primary flow paths.
- Climate Change Impacts on Water and Crop Yields in the Glacial Dominated Beas River Basin in India
- Functional Error Models to Accelerate Nested Sampling
- Implications of Snowpack Data Uncertainties for Hydrological Modelling of Climate Change Impacts in Northern India
- Investigating the Potential for Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Shale Gas Formations
- Methane Emissions are Predominantly Derived from Contemporary Carbon from a Thawing Permafrost Peatland in Canada
- The impact of fluid topology on residual saturations - A pore-network model study
- Two-Phase Fluid Leakage through Faults Using a Multi-Scale Analytical-Numerical Modeling Approach
- Utilising conservative tracers and spatial surveys to identify controls on pathways and DOC exports in an Arctic catchment.
- Winter Insulation By Snow Accumulation in a Subarctic Treeline Ecosystem Increases Summer Carbon Cycling Rates
- Earthquake-triggered fluid release at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
- Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and west Portugal contourite depositional system: tectonic, sedimentary and paleoceanographic implications from IODP Expedition 339
- Imbibition in multiple continuum representations of fractured porous media: Early and late time behaviour
- Investigating the Fate of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid in Shale Gas Formations Through Two-Phase Numerical Modelling of Fluid Injection
- Sketch-based geologic modeling
- Triggering proccesses in fracture and compaction experiments: On the importance of large-scale heterogeneities
- Assessment of Fractured Reservoirs as Potential Candidates for Geological Storage of CO2.
- Comparison of flow and transport experiments on 3D printed 'rocks' with direct numerical simulations
- Constitutive Relations for Reactive Transport Modeling: Effects of Chemical Reactions on Multi-Phase Flow Properties
- Past and Present Weathering Recorded in Cretaceous Shale Samples from Colombia - Implications for Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions
- Rapid advance and retreat of a major Greenland tidewater glacier: demonstrating extreme sensitivity of terminus stability to climate change
- Relating triggering processes in lab experiments with earthquakes.
- Two-phase numerical modeling of hydraulic fracturing fluid injection in shale gas formations
- A Simplified Model for Multiphase Leakage through Faults with Applications for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage
- Accounting for model error in Bayesian solutions to hydrogeophysical inverse problems using a local basis approach
- Chemical Controls of Ozone Dry Deposition to the Sea Surface Microlayer
- Delayed inflation triggerd by regional earthquakes at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy.
- Hydrodynamic Influences on Multiproxy-based Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Marine Sediments
- Porosity Gradient at the Surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Water Travel Time Distributions in Permafrost-affected Catchments: Challenges, Progress and Implications
- Comparing 3D Printed Porous Models of Different Materials and Systems Using Imaging Technique.
- Crunchy, small and plentiful: A role for calcareous nannoplankton in carbon-cycle recovery from the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum?
- EGU's Early Career Scientists Network
- Immiscible fluid displacement and trapping during a drainage-imbibition cycle in porous carbonate rock imaged by synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography
- Preliminary Investigation on the Use of 3D Printed Micromodels to Investigate Multiphase Flow Processes in Visualisation Experiments
- Turbidites of the Indus Fan, Laxmi Basin, NW Indian Ocean: IODP Expedition 355
- 3D-Stress Controls on the Permeability of Un-propped Hydraulically Induced Fractures
- A global perspective of riverine dissolved organic matter flux, composition and fate
- Assessing the association between oil and gas well attributes and the occurrence for fugitive gas migration in British Columbia, Canada
- Defining eruption source parameters using an operational record of explosive volcanism
- Hydrodynamic Influences on Proxy Records in Marine Sediment Drifts: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstruction
- Investigations of calcium carbonate mineral precipitation using 3D-printed micromodels
- Significance of Water Leached Organic Matter from Shaly Source Rocks in Geochemical Studies
- Temporal Changes of River Surface Microlayer Characteristics during Dry to Wet Season Transition in Tropical rainforest of Guyana
- The importance of invisible DOM in Scottish rivers - from headwaters to the coast
- Upscaling the porosity-permeability relationship of a microporous carbonate to the Darcy scale using Darcy-Stokes-Brinkman-informed multivariate structural regression.
- Channeling: A New Pore-Scale Dissolution Regime for Complex Porous Media
- Identifying The Drivers Of Vegetation Change On The Chinese Loess Plateau Over The Last 200,000 Years
- Investigations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> gas dissolution during flow using 3D printed micromodels and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Microfracture network evolution leading to catastrophic failure: hearing and seeing.
- Seeing and Hearing Precursory Damage Localisation and Catastrophic Failure in a Sandstone
- Silica Nanopores: Density and Thickness of the adsorbed water films and uptake of salt solutions
- Changes in ocean oxygenation: insights from benthic foraminiferal proxies.
- Channelling: A new class of dissolution for upscaling reaction in complex porous media
- Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide via Ambient Alkaline Oxide Looping
- Measuring and understanding the biogeochemical impact of Greenland ice sheet melt
- North Sea mercury evidence of a volcanic trigger for Paleocene/Eocene carbon feedbacks
- Rheological Investigations of Volcaniclastic Debris Flows from Campania Plain (southern Italy).
- Sediment Profile Imaging: Laboratory and in-situ study into sediment smearing.
- Preliminary Assessment of Biomarkers in Sediments from the Transkei Basin (IODP Site U1581)
- Recent Advances in Reactive Interface Treatment for Micro-continuum Models