University of Cagliari, Italy
flowchart I[University of Cagliari, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (65)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Explosive Volcanism: Understanding the Transition between Plinian and Phreatomagmatic Activity in the 79 AD Vesuvius Eruption, Italy
- Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation From ASAR Imagery for Root Zone Moisture Predictions at Basin Scale
- Evaluation of Uncertainty in Nested Flood Forecasts by Coupling a Multifractal Precipitation Downscaling Model and a Fully-Distributed Hydrological Model
- Temporal Dynamics of the Spatial Variance of Sub-Grid Soil Moisture: A Look at Scaling Implications
- The Rheological Behaviour of Vesuvius Magmas
- Vegetation Dynamics and Soil Water Balance in a Water-limited Mediterranean Ecosystem on Sardinia, Italy
- 40Ar/39Ar ages of the older eruptive units of Somma-Vesuvius volcano, Italy
- Downscaling Satellite Soil Moisture Estimates in the Southern Great Plains through a Calibrated Multifractal Model for Land Surface Applications
- Hydrology-Vegetation Interactions Under Climate and Population Pressures: Bridging Ecology, Turbulence, and Water Resources (Invited)
- Modeling plant competition for soil water balance in Water-limited Mediterranean Ecosystems
- Oxygen isotope composition of mafic magmas at Vesuvius
- The on-demand DInSAR-GPOD processing system based on the SBAS algorithm: the case study of the L'Aquila earthquake
- Vegetation Dynamics and Soil Water Balance Interactions in a Water-limited Mediterranean Ecosystem on Sardinia Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Design and testing of a plot scale rainfall simulator in Sardina, Italy for calibration of a distributed hydrologic model
- Interannual rainfall variability, vegetation dynamics, and runoff controls in Mediterranean climates
- Monitoring the Eyjafjalljokull ash eruption with a near-source Infrasonic Array
- The role of the vegetation on the water balance in Water-limited Mediterranean ecosystems
- Towards an Efficient and Global Downscaling Methodology Based on Multifractal Models for Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Estimates
- On the estimation of the design flood of the Rio Mogoro dam in Sardinia (Italy)
- Soil Water Balance and Vegetation Dynamics in two Contrasting Water-limited Mediterranean Ecosystems on Sardinia, Italy
- Caldera structure, amount of collapse and erupted volumes: the case of Bolsena Caldera, Italy
- New Environmentalconditions Responsible for the amount of mg Incorporated in Biogenic Carbonates
- Utility of Coarse and Disaggregated Soil Moisture Observations for High-Resolution Hydrological Simulations
- Geophysical characterization of crude-oil contamination: the example of the Trecate site (Italy). (Invited)
- Quantifying the impacts of climate change in a sparsely-monitored basin in Sardinia, Italy, through distributed hydrologic simulations and hydrometeorological downscaling
- Dynamics of Wind-Affected Volcanic Plumes: The Example of the 2011 Cordon Caulle Eruption, Chile
- Environmental impacts on the evapotranspiration of an water limited and heterogeneous Mediterranean ecosystem.
- Historical Climate Change of the Sardinian hydrology: The dramatic runoff decrease in the last three decades.
- The Hydrologic regime over the last 90 years in the Flumendosa basin, Sardinia: the effect of climate change.
- The Way the Wind Blows Matters to Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency
- An examination of reductions in precipitation and runoff on Sardinia, with a focus on large scale controls.
- Historical Climate Change in Sardinia (Italy): The dramatic runoff decrease in the last three decades and the effect of atmospheric circulation.
- Multi-frequency inversion of FDEM data for the study of ancient meandering channels in tidal landscapes
- Soil Moisture Mapping from ASAR Imagery of the Mulargia basin
- Soil Water Balance and Vegetation Dynamics in two Water-limited Mediterranean Ecosystem on Sardinia under past and future climate change
- Soil moisture and wild olive tree transpiration relationship in a water-limited Mediterranean ecosystem.
- Exchange of soil moisture between patches of wild-olive and pasture sustains evapotranspiration of a Mediterranean ecosystem in both wet and dry seasons
- Hydrological changes impacts on annual runoff distribution in seasonally dry basins
- Insensitivity of evapotranspiration to seasonal rainfall distribution directs climate change impacts at water yield
- On the coupled use of eddy covariance, sap flow sensors and remote sensing information for Evapotranspiration estimates in a typical heterogeneous Mediterranean ecosystem.
- Potential links between the North Atlantic Oscillation and decreasing precipitation and runoff on Sardinia
- Salinity controls on plant transpiration and soil water balance
- The effects of salinity in the soil water balance: A Budyko's approach
- Using coastal lagoons to better constrain the isostatic signal in the western Mediterranean Sea
- Evaluation of Precipitation From EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Simulations in a Small-Scale Mediterranean Site
- A Model for Basaltic Magma Jet Fragmentation
- Investigating daily categorized rainfall at global scale
- Real-time assessment of particle size distribution in volcanic jet by thermal monitoring : potential and limitations of a low cost and fast processing method
- Rock Water as a Key Resource for Ecosystems with Thin Soils: Digging Deep Trees Subsidize Patches of Surficial Grasses
- The change of seasonal rainfall distribution with future climate impacts evapotranspiration and water yield in a Mediterranean forest.
- Unsupervised learning exposes magma dynamics during the 2014-2015 Holuhraun-Bardarbunga eruption (Iceland)
- Investigating trend detection capabilities on worldwide extreme rainfall occurrences
- Multiscale analysis of evapotranspiration and carbon assimilation for a long time series of micrometeorological observation in a typical semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystem
- The impact of climate change decrease of winter precipitation on the water use efficiency and sustainability of a Mediterranean forest.
- The role of rock moisture in supporting the evapotranspiration under different climatic conditions
- Climate Change Impact on Water Resources and Tree Sustainability in the Marganai Forest
- Forest Degradation Assessment Based on Trend Analysis of MOD44B Tree Cover and of Historical Climate Data: A Case Study In The Mediterranean Basin
- Multi scale assimilation of grass and tree NDVI data for LAI predicitons in heterogenous ecosystems
- On the estimate of soil moisture in a grass field using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 observations and data assimilation.
- Rethinking the role of city rooftops: large scale installation of blue-green solutions for pluvial flood mitigation
- Supporting a Sustainable Multi-Energy Planning: The Case Study of Sulcis Iglesiente Province in Italy
- The importance of the management strategy to maximize the potential benefits of multilayer blue-green roofs
- How climate change will impact on water resources and forest sustainability of two Sardinian basins
- Large-scale application of a statistically rigorous and user unbiased algorithmic approach for reduction of leakages in the water distribution networks
- Multi-Scale Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data for Soil Moisture and Leaf Area Index Predictions Using an Ensemble-Kalman-Filter-Based Assimilation Approach in a Mediterranean Heterogeneous Ecosystem