Duke University, Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences
flowchart I[Duke University, Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (626)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (13)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A 160,000-Year Record of Tropical Climate Variability From Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- A Kolmogoroff-type Scaling for the Fine Structure of Drainage Basins
- A Long Record of Tropical Glaciation and Climate Change in Drill Cores From Lake Titicaca
- A New View of Nearshore Sediment Sorting: the Self-Organization of Rippled Scour Depressions
- An Overview of the Lost City Vent Field: An Extensive Off-Axis, Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal Field, 30° N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Carbon Dioxide Effects on Soil-Chemical Weathering: Laboratory Column Studies with Saprolite Materials
- Climatic Significance of Large Lakes on the Altiplano of South America
- Coastal Paleoclimate: Unraveling Temperature and Salinity History Using Ostracode Shell Chemistry
- Ecology of the Ostracode Loxoconcha in Chesapeake Bay: Application to Shell Chemistry Calibration
- Estimating predictability using nonlinear time series analysis
- Filling of a Salt-withdrawal Minibasin on the Continental Slope by Turbidity Currents: Experimental study
- Geologic Setting of the Lost City Vent Field, Off-Axis, Serpentinite-Hosted Vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 30 <SUP>o</SUP>N Latitude
- Holocene Climate and Landscape Interactions in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru
- Hydrothermal Alteration, Serpentinization and Carbonate Precipitation at the Lost City Vent Field (30N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
- Interaction effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and nutrient supplies on water use in a pine forest
- Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age, and 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Climate Variability From Chesapeake Bay
- New Seafloor Maps and Samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30N Oceanic Core Complex
- Predicting Seismic Velocities in Marine Sesiments Using Clay Content
- Responses of Simulated and Natural Shorelines to High-Angle Waves: Perturbation Growth and Long-Range Interactions
- Stochastic forcing of Pleistocene ice sheets: Implications for the origin of Millennial--Scale Climate Oscillations
- Synthesizing the Global Biogeochemical Cycle of Boron
- Textural Evidence for Compaction in the Lower Zone of the Bushveld Complex, Republic of South Africa
- What caused the Little Ice Age?
- "Excess" Plagioclase and Augite in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: An Observational and Experimental Study
- A >100 kyr Record of Glaciation from the Southern Tropical Andes
- A Coral-based Climate Record from the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- An Open-Ocean Wide Analysis of the Slope of the Continental Slope and Internal Tides
- Are There Connections Between Erosional Hot Spots and Alongshore Sediment Transport Along the North Carolina Outer Banks?
- Climate Radiative Forcing Changes Over the Last 4000 Years
- Constraints on Permeability of the Upper Crust
- Erosion rates on central Appalachian upland bedrock surfaces deduced from in-situ 10Be: Evidence for increasing relief?
- Filling of a Salt-withdrawal Minibasin on the Continental Slope by Turbidity Currents: Futher Research and Results
- Formation of Rip Currents due to Wave-Current Interactions
- Geochemical and Diatom Records of Hydrologic Variability in the Tropical Andes During the Late Quaternary From Drill Cores of Lake Titicaca
- Human Appropriation of Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration
- Modeling Irrigation's Effect on Precipitation using RAMS
- Partitioning Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange into Two Causes -- Climatic Variability and Functional Change: Method Development with Datasets from Duke Forest
- Possible Solar-Linked Climate Controls on Recurring Dispersal of Sediment-Bearing Sea Ice During the Holocene
- Proterozoic Blueschist-Bearing Melange in the Anti-Atlas Mountains, Morocco: Implications for Pan-African Subduction
- Quantitative Modeling of Melt Infiltration in Porous Rock
- Quaternary Sedimentary and Geomorphic History of River Valleys in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru and Bolivia
- Record of Late Pleistocene Through Holocene Climate Change in a Regional Lake System: Flathead Lake Basin, Northwestern Montana.
- Rip Currents and Rip Channels on non-barred beaches: A Secondary Morphodynamic Feedback? Field Evidence and Model Results
- Segmentation Control on Crustal Accretion: Insights From the Chile Ridge
- Self-Organized Evolution of Sandy Coastline Shapes: Connections with Shoreline Erosion Problems
- The Big Chills
- The Ultramafic-Hosted Lost City Hydrothermal Field: Clues in the Search for Life Elsewhere in the Solar System?
- Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Inverse Modeling Using Assimilated Meteorology
- Validation of Coral Temperature Calibrations by Cyclostationary Methods
- A 3D Ecomorphodynamic Model of Tidal Marsh Development
- A University Consortium for the Advancement of Hydrologic Research
- Along-Axis Geochemical Variations in Basaltic Glasses From the Incipient Rift Adjacent to the East Pacific Rise at 2<SUP>o</SUP>40'N
- An Ice--Free Siberia: A Clue to Carboniferous CO2 Levels
- Arid Climate Landscape Evolution and the Pediment Problem
- CALIPSO Borehole Instrumentation Project at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Data Acquisition, Telemetry, Integration, and Archival Systems
- CALIPSO Borehole Instrumentation Project at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Overview and Prospects
- Chemistry of a serpentinization-controlled hydrothermal system at the Lost City hydrothermal vent field
- Compaction in the Bushveld Complex
- Continental-Margin Response to Sea Level: Theory and Experiment
- Cross-Section of the Atlantis Massif --- Geologic Framework for the Lost City Hydrothermal Vent Field
- Discovering New Mantle-Hosted Submarine Ecosytems: The Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Ecohydrology and Woody Plant Encroachment: a Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Landscape Consequences
- Estimating climate sensitivity from paleo-data.
- Hydrologic Observatories: Design, Operation, and the Neuse Basin Prototype
- Identification of a Possible Second, Large Propagator North of the Hess Deep Rift
- Implementing a Network of Hydrologic Observatories
- Interannual Variation in the Response of Forest Productivity to Elevated Carbon Dioxide
- Late Quaternary Paleoclimatic History of Tropical South America From Drilling Lake Titicaca and the Salar de Uyuni
- Linking Surface Activity to the Deep Volcanic Plumbing System: the CALIPSO Borehole Observatory Project on Montserrat
- Long-Lived Serpentinization and Carbonate Precipitation at the Lost City Hydrothermal Vent Field
- Modeling Irrigation's Influence on Precipitation in Texas
- Nonlinear dynamics of alongshore shoreline position change: observations and modeling
- Seismo-acoustics, VLP and ULP signals, and other comparisons of surface broadband and CALIPSO borehole data at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, B.W.I.
- Simulating the Last Half-Millennium
- Soil Carbon Sequestration After Six Years of Experimental CO2 Enrichment at the Duke Forest
- Strategies of Plant Water Use under Stochastic Hydrologic Conditions
- Surface water, groundwater, and social science measurements in a prototype hydrologic observatory
- The 1810s as an ideal test of climate model skill in predictability
- The History of Land-Use Change in the South Florida Ecosystem: Paleoecologic Data as a Guide for Restoration
- Unconformities in Slow-Spread Oceanic Crust: Implications for Spreading Processes and Dismembered Ophiolites
- Vapor Separation and Migration in a Solidifying and Compacting Crystal Pile
- A High-Resolution Biogenic Silica Record From Lake Titicaca, Peru-Bolivia: South American Millennial-Scale Climate Variability From 18-60 Kya
- A coral record from the West Pacific Warm Pool (New Georgia)
- Alongshore coastline instability: wave climate analysis and comparisons to nature
- Autocyclic Behavior of Experimental Turbidity Currents
- Bracketing the Warm Peak Phases of the Middle Pliocene Climate
- Changes in the Density Field of the North Atlantic Over the Past Fifty Years
- Constraining Night Time Ecosystem Respiration by Inverse Approaches
- Deep Borehole Receiver Functions in Long Valley Caldera, California
- Detailed investigation of the overlapping spreading center and 9 degrees north on the East Pacific Rise: overview of the Medusa 2007 cruise activities
- Diffusion-Reaction Between Basaltic Andesite and Gabbro at 0.5 GPa: an Explanation for Anorthitic Plagioclase?
- Drilling an Active Pahoehoe Lava Flow
- Experiencing Geoscience: A Unique Graduate Student Role in Undergraduate Education
- Fault-hosted hydrothermal breccia at 22\deg40' N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- High-Resolution Imaging of the San Andreas Fault from Fault-Zone Trapped Waves Recorded at the SAFOD Borehole Seismograph and Surface Array
- Intensified North Atlantic Deep Water During Middle Pliocene Warm Period?
- Inverse Modeling of Tropospheric CO Using Satellite Measurements
- Pyroclastic Flow Generated Tsunami Waves Detected by CALIPSO Borehole Strainmeters at Soufriere Hills, Montserrat During Massive Dome Collapse: Numerical Simulations and Observations
- Regional and Local Flexure Zones in Iceland: Upper Crustal Structures in Magmatically Robust Spreading Systems
- Regional and global CO and aerosol correlations: An integrated approach of surface, satellite, and aircraft measurements and model simulations
- Regolith Thickness Instability and the Formation of Tors in Arid, Granitic Environments
- SAFOD Site Characterization using the Pilot Hole Seismic Array
- Seismic Anisotropy at the Krafla Geothermal Field in Northern Iceland
- Seismic and Magnetotelluric Interpretation Near Parkfield, California: Testing a Joint Inversion of Independent Data Sets.
- Spatial and Geochemical Variations of Lavas Exposed Along a Crustal Section in the Blanco Transform: Insights into Accretion of the Upper Oceanic Crust at the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Surprising Long Range Effects of Local Shoreline Stabilization in a Large-Scale Coastline Model
- The Advective Nutricline: The Impact of Subtropical Mode Water on the North Atlantic Subsurface Nutrient Gradient and Primary Productivity
- The Biogeochemistry of Soil Fe-Redox Cycling: Is Mottling the Visible End Member of Series of Ubiquitous Organo-Fe Reactions?
- The Interplay Between the Carbon and Water Cycles Along a Successional Gradient in the Southeastern US
- The Terrestrial Paleoclimatic Record of the Late Quaternary as Revealed by Drilling Lake Titicaca, Peru/Bolivia
- Upper mantle structure beneath Ethiopia from a joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion
- A new 1500-year climate reconstruction: enhanced low-frequency variability and the fingerprint of anthropogenic warming
- Alvin, Jason II, DSL-120 Investigation of Super-Fast EPR Crust Exposed at the Pito Deep Rift, Easter Microplate, SE Pacific
- Analysis of Factors Controlling Interannual Variations in Atmospheric CO2 During 1997-2004
- Breakdown of Sr/Ca Paleothermometer in a coral record from New Georgia, West Pacific Warm Pool
- Chemical and Isotopic Variations with Depth: a Detailed Saturated Zone Profile of a 140m Thick Coastal Aquifer
- Climatic, Tectonic, and Lithologic Sensitivity of Pediment, Piedmont Junction, and Tor Development
- Constraining Mid Pliocene North Atlantic Warming Using a Multiproxy Approach
- Crystallization and Degassing in the Ferrar Sills, Antartica
- Detachment Shear Zone of the Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex
- Digital Image Mosaics of the Oceanic Crust Exposed at the Pito Deep: Mesoscopic Perspectives on Structure and Deformation.
- Evidence for Endothermy in Pterosaurs Based on Flight Capability Analyses
- Faulting and Focused Fluid Flow in Superfast, EPR Crust Near Pito Deep.
- Geochemical Variability of Dikes and Lavas Exposed in the Pito Deep
- Glaciation and Hydrologic Variability in Tropical South America During the Last 400,000 Years
- High-resolution simulation of the global climate and Asian monsoon at 6000 years BP
- Insights Into Peridotite-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems From Petrological and Geochemical Studies of the Lost City Hydrothermal System
- Inter-annual variation in the response of Pinus taeda tree growth to long term Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE)
- Internal Structure of Basaltic Lavas and Sheeted Dikes in 3 Ma Super-Fast EPR Crust Exposed at Pito Deep
- Internal Structure of the Upper Oceanic Crust Generated at Fast to Intermediate Rates: The View From Tectonic Windows in the Pacific
- Mass Transfer and Fluid Flow During Detachment Faulting and Development of an Oceanic Core Complex, Atlantis Massif
- Millennial Climate Variability in Tropical South America
- Multi-Decadal to Millennial Scale Holocene Hydrologic Variation in the Southern Hemisphere Tropics of South America
- Multi-year Inverse Modeling of Global CO Biomass Burning Emissions Using MOPITT Measurements
- Natural-derived contaminants and their resolution in transboundary water resources in the Middle East
- Observing the San Andreas Fault at Depth
- On the Physical Significance of Statistically Significant Millennial Peaks in Late Pleistocene Glacial Intervals of Marine Sediment Cores.
- Origin of Mafic Pegmatoids in the Dais Intrusion, Wright Valley, Antarctica
- Overpressure Generation by Migrating Clinoforms
- Precipitation variability inferred from the annual growth and isotopic composition of tropical trees
- Quantifying Coastal Change Patterns Using LIDAR
- San Andreas Fault Branching at SAFOD From Fault Guided Wave Mapping and P-wave Tomography
- Sensitivity of Top-Down Estimates of CO Sources to GCTM Transport
- Structural constraints on the evolution of Atlantis Massif based on results from IODP Expedition 304/305
- The influence of organic carbon flux on benthic foraminiferal proxies
- Towards a Bottom-Up Scaling Strategy for Regional Carbon and Water Cycling - Field Testing Simple Models for Ecosystem Assimilation and Transpiration
- Vegetative controls on coupled ecosystem water and carbon fluxes on hourly to successional temporal scales
- Wave-Dominated Delta Evolution: New Insights From One-Line Numerical Simulations
- A First Observation of Fault Guided PSV-Waves at SAFOD and its Implications for Fault Characteristics
- Climate mediated nitrogen and carbon dynamics in a tropical watershed
- Coasts in Motion: Preliminary Results of a Summer 2006 LIDAR survey of the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Consistency between Surface, Aircraft, and Remote Sensing Measurements of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide: Implications for Inverse Modeling
- Distributed Extension at the Galapagos Triple Junction
- Geochemistry of Dikes and Lavas in Ocean Crust: Implications for Dike Intrusion and Eruption at Fast to Superfast Spreading Centers
- Granular Mechanisms for Faulting in Nature and the Laboratory
- High Resolution Simulations of Synoptic Scale Meteorology for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
- Holocene Multi-Decadal to Millennial-Scale Hydrologic Variability on the South American Altiplano
- Investigating Coastal Processes Responsible for Large-Scale Shoreline Responses to Human Shoreline Stabilization
- Low-Velocity Zone on the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield, and its Co-seismic Damage and Post-mainshock Healing in the 2004 M6 Earthquake
- Margin Shape Response to Changes in Submarine Turbiditic Systems Along the NE Iberian Margin, NW Mediterranean Basin
- Mid-Pliocene Sea Surface Temperature Estimation Using Multiple Proxies
- North Atlantic Deep Ocean Temperature Variability During Middle Pliocene (3-3.3Ma) Warm Period
- Observations of Nutrients During Active Convection in the North Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water Formation Region
- Past Glaciations as a Consraint on Phanerozoic CO2 Levels.
- Present day Climate Forcing and Response from Black Carbon in Snow
- Processes Influencing the Warming and Salinification of the Mediterranean Overflow Waters
- Quantifying the Role of Alongshore Sediment-Transport Processes in Regional Patterns of Shoreline Change
- Radium Isotopes as a Proxy for Groundwater Discharge and Residence Time in a Fresh Water Lake: Case Study From the Sea of Galilee, Israel
- Recent increases in fire emissions from South America derived from a combination of surface and atmospheric satellite observations
- Reconstructing Paleovegetation in mid-Miocene Tropical South America: An Analysis of Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopes
- Reconstruction of Pacific Decadal Oscillation index using Pacific coral records since 1650
- Rift-Parallel Strike Slip Faulting in the Karahnjukar area of Eastern Iceland
- Seasonality of Primary Productivity Influences Deep-sea Biodiversity
- Structure of Hole 1256D: The role of mechanical deformation in superfast-spread crust
- The Integrated Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Sea Surface Chlorophyll in the North Atlantic
- The effect of land cover on growing-season convective precipitation
- Was there a 1.5-k.y. cycle in hematite stained grains during the penultimate glaciation (MIS 6)?
- A 2000-year record of temperature and salinity variation in Chesapeake Bay
- Attribution of the Regional Patterns of North American Climate Trends
- Detailed investigation of the overlapping spreading center and 9 degrees north on the East Pacific Rise: overview of the Medusa 2007 cruise activities
- Evolution of Texture and Layering in Layered Intrusions - A Review
- Exploring Morphological Process Indicators in Regional Patterns of Shoreline Change
- From Basalt to Dacite: Examining Magmatic Evolution at the 9° 03'N Overlapping Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise
- High-Resolution Imaging of the San Andreas Fault from Fault-Zone Trapped Waves Recorded at the SAFOD Borehole Seismograph and Surface Array
- Mounting Mid-Pliocene Paradoxes, Mounting Concern About Climate Sensitivity
- New Approach to Estimate Daytime Ecosystem Respiration From Conventional Eddy Covariance Data Using Conditional Sampling Methods
- Ostracode Mg/Ca Paleothermometry: Applications and Complications
- PRISM3 Global Paleoclimate Reconstruction: A Global Warming Data Set
- Propagating Water Quality Analysis Uncertainty Into Resource Management Decisions Through Probabilistic Modeling
- Questioning the Sedimentary Paradigm for Granites
- Seismic Documentation for Rock Damage and Heal on the San Andreas Fault Involved in the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Significant differences between the millennial variability in IRD of the last and penultimate glaciations in the North Atlantic
- Stability of Pacific Decadal Oscillation over the last 270 years
- Sulfide Minerals in the Bushveld Complex
- Synthesizing Earth's geochemical data for hydrogeochemical analysis
- The Mg/Ca-Temperature Relationship of Benthic Foraminiferal Calcite: New Core-top Calibrations in the <4°C Temperature Range
- Vegetation, sea level rise, and the morphological stability of wetland landscapes.
- What do the towers see at night? An exploration of nocturnal eddy covariance evapotranspiration fluxes from three adjacent ecosystems in the Southeastern U.S.
- When Might Barrier Island Chains 'Collapse'? An Initial Model Investigation
- Alternative Filament Loading Solution for Accurate Analysis of Boron Isotopes by Negative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Correlation of Seafloor Surface Features and Underlying Melt Bodies at the 9° N Overlapping Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise
- Cutting Through the Plate: Rift Interaction North of the Galapagos Triple Junction
- Evolution of Magmatic Processes at Superfast-Spreading Centers: Insights from Spatial Variations in Upper Crustal Composition at the Pito Deep Rift
- Exploring the Relationship Between Large-Scale Shoreline Change and Wave Climate
- From Pillow Mound to Lava Pond: Identifying Modes of Volcanic Emplacement by Terrain Modeling the 9 North Overlapping Spreading Centers on the East Pacific Rise
- Investigation Into Causes for Recent Fluctuations in Atmospheric Methane Growth Rate Using Stable Isotopes and a Chemical Transport Model
- Numerical Modeling of Large-Scale Rocky Coastline Evolution
- Origin of Dacites on Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Oxygen Isotopes in Tree Rings: A 345 Year Record of Precipitation in Amazonia
- Quaternary Fluvial History of the Lake Qinghai Basin, Northeastern Tibet
- Rainsplash as a Stochastic Advection-Dispersion Process Affecting Desert Plant-Soil Interactions
- Satellite Carbon Monoxide Measurements as Top-Down Constraints on Fire Trace Gas Emissions
- Simulating the Effect of Alternative Climate Change Scenarios on Pollutant Loading Reduction Requirements for Meeting Water Quality Standards Under USEPA's Total Maximum Daily Load Program
- pyLIDEM: A Python-Based Tool to Delineate Coastal Watersheds Using LIDAR Data
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling Approach to Predicting Flow in Ungauged Basins
- A Monte Carlo Method for Projecting Uncertainty in 2D Lagrangian Trajectories
- A Parsimonious Model for Transport of Fine Sediments and Sediment-Bound Contaminants in Rivers (Invited)
- A new impulse-response method for estimating the distribution of global OH using satellite measurements of CO, a multi-year time series of fire emissions, and a chemical transport model
- A simple linear catchment-response model for investigating sediment efflux associated with climate and land use change in Goodwin Creek, MS
- Bias and Random Error Estimates of SMAP Radiometric Soil Moisture Measurements
- Carbon and water use efficiencies vary across time scales in a mature broadleaf forest
- Catchment-scale biogeochemical filtering: A preliminary evaluation of chemical export in four Experimental Watersheds. (Invited)
- Compaction in Igneous Rocks (Invited)
- Modeling Coastline Response to Changing Storm Climate
- Nitrogen deposition in tropical forests from deforestation and savanna fires
- Numerical Modeling of Geomorphic Change on Sandy Coasts as a Function of Changing Wave Climate
- Optimal Leaf Water Use Drives Ecosystem Water and Carbon Fluxes in a Changing Environment (Invited)
- Predicting Seasonal Evapotranspiration and Net Ecosystem Exchange: Comparative Hydrology across FLUXNET Sites (Invited)
- Recent Shifts in Shoreline Orientation along a Cuspate Coast Potentially Linked to Climate Change, North Carolina Outer Banks, USA (Invited)
- Short- and Long-term Perspectives of Soil Change: Interactions between Capacity and Intensity (Invited)
- Spatial organization of vegetation arising from non-local excitation with local inhibition in forests
- Teasing out the role volatile fluids play in the crystallization of layered intrusions (Invited)
- The growth of headlands in a simple model of rocky coastline evolution
- Towards a quantitative and independent reconstruction of Holocene temperature and precipitation in Northern Great Plains using novel organic proxies
- Unexpected emergent behavior in a coupled economic and coastline model for stabilized shorelines
- A Stochastic-Dynamical Approach to Snow Accumulation-Melting in a Changing Climate
- A geochemical approach for the evaluation of water availability and salinity in closed basins: the Draa Basin, Morocco
- A probabilistic definition of the bedload sediment flux: Experiments
- Annual Shoreline Dynamics of the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Anthropogenic Signatures in Nutrient Loads Exported from Managed Catchments: Emergence of Effective Biogeochemical Stationarity
- Complex relationships between surficial geology, rock geochemistry and subsurface melt bodies at the 9N Overlapping Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise
- Constraining the North Pacific carbon sink: biological and physical processes
- Convection-driven pattern formation in grass (Invited)
- Emergent Dynamics of Sustainability and Resource Equity in Coupled Human Coastline Systems
- Extreme Drought Events Revealed in Amazon Tree Ring Records
- Forests tend to cool the land surface in the temperate zone: An analysis of the mechanisms controlling radiometric surface temperature change in managed temperate ecosystems
- Historical Reconstruction of Regime Shifts in Amazon Oxbow Lakes - A Remote Sensing Approach
- Hydrological - pathological interactions: disease susceptibility, tree decline and ecohydrology
- Large-Scale, Complex Shaped Coastline Responses to Different Forms of Local Shoreline Stabilization and Climate Change
- Late Quaternary paleohydrology deduced from new marine sediment cores taken on the proximal Amazon continental margin
- Long-term trends and interannual variability of fires in South America during 2001-2009
- Mechanistic models of plant seed dispersal by wind in heterogeneous landscapes
- Modeling rocky coastline evolution and equilibrium
- New insights into deglacial climate variability in tropical South America from molecular fossil and isotopic indicators in Lake Titicaca
- Processes influencing model-data mismatch in drought-stressed, fire-disturbed eddy flux sites
- Public Health Hotspots Of Exposure To Air Pollution From Biomass Burning In Southeast Asia
- Real-Time Implementation of the Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Modeling System: The Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Reconstructing paleo-precipitation amounts using a terrestrial hydrologic model: Lake Titicaca and the Salar de Uyuni, Peru and Bolivia
- Role of overland flow in the formation of spatial vegetation patterns
- Shallow Seabed `Sortodynamics': Bedforms Driven by a Sediment-Sorting Instability—Robust Emergent Properties, and Depositional Patterns (Invited)
- The Effects of Elevated CO2 on Soil Respiration, Cation Exchange, and Mineral Dissolution (Invited)
- Using T-RFLP data on denitrifier community composition to inform understanding of denitrification in stream sediments (Invited)
- Watershed reanalysis: data assimilation from strip charts to embedded sensor networks (Invited)
- What controls the variability of the South American summer monsoon on paleoclimate timescales? (Invited)
- 'age' of water: a physics based, fully coupled, distributed model for watershed assessment
- A Model-Data Integration Framework for Interpreting Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements on Complex Terrain Covered by a Tall Canopy
- A quantitative history of precipitation and hydrologic variability for the last 45 ka: Lake Titicaca, Salar de Coipasa and Salar de Uyuni, Peru and Bolivia
- Can contrast in soil permeability between soil and vegetation lead to sufficient lateral redistribution of rainfall to sustain life in arid ecosystems?
- Designer ecosystems, capitalism, and boom-bust economic cycles: linking political economy and hydroecology
- ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole signatures in the history of Indian-Pakistani severe floods
- Effect of land surface-convective precipitation feedbacks on drought sensitivity of patterned vegetation
- Effects of river geomorphology on the spatial importance of aquatic energy flows into terrestrial food webs
- Global relationships between phosphorus and chlorophyll-a in oxbow lakes
- How well do stomatal conductance models perform on closing plant carbon budgets? A test using seedlings grown under current and elevated air temperatures
- Hydraulic Limits on Maximum Plant Transpiration
- Hydrologic and temperature variability at Lake Titicaca over the past 50,000 years
- Hyporheic Zone Study at Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Impact of the North Atlantic Subtropical High Variation on the Southeastern U.S. Summer Precipitation Extremes
- Legacies and Trajectories of Hormone Export from Agricultural Catchments Under Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers
- Modeling the Large-Scale Structure and Long-Term Evolution of a Barchan Dune Field
- Multi-model estimates of fire emissions and air quality degradation in Southeast Asia
- Near-Surface Transport Pathways in the North Atlantic Ocean: Looking for Throughput from the Subtropical to the Subpolar Gyre
- Nonlinear and Threshold Responses of Grassland Productivity and Species Composition to Increased CO<SUB>2</SUB> Vary with Soil Type
- Optimizing Leaf Stomatal Conductance for Maximum Carbon Gain Under Salt Stressed and Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Conditions
- Outgassing from the Congo River Basin: a Major Source of Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Paleohydrology of tropical South America and paleoceanography of the tropical Atlantic as deduced from two new sediment cores on the Brazilian continental slope
- Relationship between the interannual variability of satellite-observed fires and sea surface temperature anomalies
- Retaining STEM women with community-based mentoring
- Spatial and temporal variability of soil CO2 efflux in southeastern forests
- The Race to Nourish: Exploring resource equity in a coupled human coastline model
- The equilibrium cross-shore amplitude of lithologically diverse rocky coastlines
- The mean velocity profile in a sheared and thermally stratified atmospheric boundary layer
- A Hierarchical Approach Embedding Hydrologic and Population Modeling for a West Nile Virus Vector Prediction
- A Simple Framework To Estimate Distributed Soil Temperature From Discrete Air Temperature Measurements At High Temporal And Spatial Resolutions In Complex Terrain
- Alternative Methodology for Boron Isotopic Analysis of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> by Negative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- An ecological mechanism to create regular patterns of surface dissolution in a low-relief carbonate landscape
- Annual Shoreline Dynamics along the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Assessing plant hydraulic architecture with ultrasonic acoustic emission techniques
- Channel Bed Response to an Increased Sediment Supply
- Constraining Gas Diffusivity-Soil Water Content Relationships in Forest Soils Using Surface Chamber Fluxes and Depth Profiles of Multiple Trace Gases
- Deciphering relationships between in-stream travel times, nutrient concentrations, and uptake through analysis of hysteretic and non-hysteretic kinetic behavior
- Driving the Landscape
- Estimation of ecohydrological properties from inverse modeling of vegetation distributions
- Examining microbial community response to a strong chemical gradient: the effects of surface coal mining on stream bacteria
- Geochemical Evidence for Possible Natural Migration of Marcellus Formation Brine to Shallow Aquifers in Pennsylvania
- High-temperature carbonates in the Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA
- Hydrologic and biologic influences on stream network nutrient concentrations: Interactions of hydrologic turnover and concentration-dependent nutrient uptake
- Hysteresis in catchment storage - discharge relationships: Implications for interpreting catchment biogeochemical fluxes
- Improved wave transformation in a large-scale coastline model to explore the role of wave climate change in driving coastal erosion
- Is Long-Term Coastline Evolution Independent of Large-Scale Cross-Shore Transport?
- Lagrangian pathways connecting the subtropical to the subpolar gyre in the North Atlantic
- Lidar Estimation of Aboveground Biomass in a Tropical Coastal Forest of Gabon
- Looking for Radiation Optimality on Snow Covered Forest Floor
- Mean Flow near Forest Edges and Cavities inside Forested Canopies: Turbulent and Turbulently Inviscid Flow Regimes
- Methane source identification in Boston, Massachusetts using isotopic and ethane measurements
- Model Assessment and Optimization Using a Flow Time Transformation
- Modelling sediment transport in shallow microtidal basins: comparison with point observations and satellite images
- Modelling the Holderness coast, eastern England: Past, present and future
- Multiple Processes and Multiple Parameters: Applications of In Situ UV Spectroscopy for Aquatic Ecosystems
- Neural network-based estimates of Southern Ocean net community production from in-situ and satellite observation: A methodological study
- Ocean-atmosphere forcing of South American tropical paleoclimate, LGM to present
- Opportunities and challenges to conserve water on the landscape in snow-dominated forests: The quest for the radiative minima and more...
- Past Unforced Surface Temperature Variability and its Implication on Contemporary Climate Change
- Possible dynamics of technological metals in the Anthropocene
- Responses of arctic and alpine ecosystems to altered seasonality under climate change
- Role of microtopographic variation in altering soil water stress experienced by dryland vegetation
- Sea surface temperatures and terrestrial water storage provide early warning information about fire season severity in the Amazon
- Soil Carbon Transformation in Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks
- Spatial and temporal variability in forest soil CO2 flux among stands and under elevated [CO2] and fertilization
- Stream characteristics determine the importance of transient storage processes
- The Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED4) Burned Area Data Set
- The combined effects of topography and vegetation on catchment connectivity
- The economics of leaf-gas exchange in a fluctuating environment and their upscaling to the canopy-level using turbulent transport theories
- Trace gas fluxes in complex terrain: The space-time dynamics of soil methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide
- Transport and Purpose in the Anthropocene
- Ultrafine particle deposition to vegetation branches: wind tunnel investigation of the effect of canopy medium and particle size and charge
- An assessment of factors controlling spatial and temporal patterns of stream discharge in forested mountain watersheds
- Are Hydrologic Model Parameters Scalable? An Investigation into the Catchment Connectivity Model
- Assessing Mountain Pine Beetle infestation patterns in space and time using high resolution QuickBird imagery and LiDAR
- CO2-induced decrease of canopy stomatal conductance of mature conifer and broadleaved trees
- Carbon monitoring of tree encroachment in Argentine savanna
- Comparing wave shoaling methods used in large-scale coastal evolution modeling
- Demography and species contribution to carbon sink in eastern US forests
- Direct and indirect effects of fires on the carbon balance of tropical forest ecosystems (Invited)
- Ecosystem loss of soil inorganic carbon from agricultural conversion of native grasslands and woodlands
- Footprint estimation of water vapor and CO2 sources and sinks in screenhouse-protected agro-systems using a Superstatistical Lagrangian model
- Global Temperature Change Associated with Unforced Top-of-Atmosphere Net Radiation Variability
- Harvesting Duke FACE: improving estimates of productivity and biomass under elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Effects on the Spatial and Temporal Variability of the δ13C of Soil CO2 and CO2 Efflux in Complex Terrain
- Katabatic flows over steep alpine slopes covered with short vegetation
- Land Use Change and Hydrologic Processes in High-Elevation Tropical Watersheds of the Northern Andes
- Landscape heterogeneity modulates forest sensitivity to climate
- Modeling physiological responses of soil microbes to drought (Invited)
- Modes of embayed beach dynamics: analysis reveals emergent timescales
- Optimal plant water use across temporal scales: bridging eco-hydrological theories and plant eco-physiological responses
- Ostracode Mg/Ca Ratios from Quaternary Sediments of the Arctic Ocean
- Political and Economic Geomorphology: The Effect of Market Forces on Stream Restoration Designs
- Potential Cascading Failures of Long-term Shoreline Stabilization in a Coupled Morphoeconomic Coastline Evolution Model
- Pre- and post- restoration assessment of hyporheic exchange rates and streambed geochemistry
- Predicting the dry deposition of atmospheric aerosol particles onto forests using a size-resolved multi-layer second-order closure model
- Remote sensing retrieval of water constituents in shallow coastal waters with applications to the Venice lagoon
- Reservoir Characterization using geostatistical and numerical modeling in GIS with noble gas geochemistry
- Separating local topography from snow effects on momentum roughness in mountain regions
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks (Invited)
- Stomatal conductance at Duke FACE: Leveraging the lessons from 11 years of scaled sap flux measurements for region-wide analyses
- Sulfides in the sulfur-poor zones of the Stillwater Complex, Montana
- Sustainable Systems Analysis of Production and Transportation Scenarios for Conventional and Bio-based Energy Commodities
- The Effect of Variable Greenschist Alteration on the Offset Zone of the Lac Des Iles Pd Deposit, Ontario, Canada
- The effects of climate variability on the rainfall runoff response of catchments from monthly to annual timescales
- The impacts of land cover change to savannah on the convective rainfall in the southeastern Burkina Faso
- The influence of a lake-wetland complex on catchment nutrient flux and speciation
- Thermodynamic and dynamic causes of regional precipitation variance change in a warming climate: focus on the Southeastern United States
- Understanding Uncertainty in the Characterization of Transient Storage Zone Processes in Rivers (Invited)
- Understanding the effects of bathymetry, wave climate, and coastline shape on wave energy delivery to rocky coastlines using machine learning
- Using Forest Radiation Model (FoRM) to Quantify the Role of Canopy Coverage on Net Snow Cover Radiation
- Using a sediment budget to understand geomorphic response following dam removal
- Water and Social Justice in Bangladesh: A Transdisciplinary and Intercultural Approach
- Watershed scale soil biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas fluxes: Space-time dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O
- Wind Induced Turbulence in Static Water without and with the Presence of Protruded Flexible Oscillating Vegetation
- A Template for an Intensive Ecohydrology Field Course
- An analytical model of the free H<SUB>2</SUB> produced by serpentinization within oceanic lithosphere
- Assessment of Hydrologic Impacts of Snowdrift in a Snow Dominated Watershed
- Carbon Metabolism, Uptake Kinetics, and Export: how Watershed Form Influences Carbon Mobilization and In-Stream Transformations in Headwater Catchments
- Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Marsh Survival Mediated by Vegetation-Geomorphology Feedbacks
- Contemporary Subsoil Carbon Accumulation During Reforestation is Conditioned by Long-term, Coupled C-Fe Cycling in Upland Soils
- Continuous monitoring of watershed signals: Disentangling compounded processes
- Contribution of the North Atlantic Subtropical High to Regional Climate Model (RCM) Skill in Simulating Southeastern United States Summer Precipitation
- Diagnosing the regional sensitivity of a process-based hydrologic model
- From process complexity to communication effectiveness: A challenge to those within and outside of the environmental sciences
- Impacts of Near-term Climate Change on Surface Water - Groundwater Availability in the Nueces River basin, TX
- Incorporating landscape heterogeneity to understand patterns of stream discharge across spatial and temporal scales in forested mountain watersheds
- Landscape analysis of methane flux across complex terrain
- Length Scales of Magmatic Segments at Intermediate and Fast Spreading Ridges
- On the role of spatial patterns of watershed storage in observed storage-discharge relationships
- Ordering interfluves: a simple proposal for understanding critical zone evolution and function
- Parsing the Sources of Gross Gains in Stream Flow Based on Mass Recovery of Concurrent Instantaneous and Constant-Rate Tracer Releases Over Multi-Scaled Reaches
- Physical and biological controls on reach to catchment scale nutrient retention and streamwater composition
- Refining process representation in high-resolution models of headwater catchments using internal catchment diagnostics
- Restoring hydrological and biogeochemical ecosystem services in streams: how can science inform practice?
- Shallow groundwater dynamics across complex terrain: Influences of landscape position and climate
- Space-time Variability of Baseflow in Headwater Streams of the Southern Appalachians
- Spatial patterns of catchment water redistribution: The intersection of topography and vegetation structure
- Tectonic, Magmatic and Geochemical Segmentation of the Global Ocean Ridge System: A Synthesis of Observations
- The Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory: understanding the evolution of the critical zone after centuries of anthropogenic degradation
- The Importance of Submesoscale Versus Basin-scale Processes in Driving the Subpolar Spring Phytoplankton Bloom.
- The Roles of Groundwater Flowpaths and Stream Network Expansion in Landscape Connectivity and Resulting Runoff and Solute Dynamics in an Ephemeral Piedmont Catchment
- Time for Ecosystem and Geoscientists to Hybridize their Sciences
- Typecasting catchments: Universal donors and acceptors
- Understanding Broadscale Drivers of Coastal Wetland Extent
- Understanding the Role of Controls on the Timing of Daily Streamflow Peak and its Seasonal Variation
- Understanding the Variations in Flood Responses to Tropical-Storms and Hurricanes
- Using remote sensing to study mangroves spatial dynamics under increased nitrogen availability and lower salinity conditions
- Vapor Pressure Deficit, Soil Moisture, and Stream Flow Relationships to Land-Atmosphere Fluxes of Water and Carbon.
- Amplified subtropical stationary waves in boreal summer and their implications for regional water extremes
- Attributing the effects of climate on phenology change suggests high sensitivity in coastal zones
- CZO perspective in Central Africa : The Lopé watershed, Lopé National Park, Ogooué River basin, Gabon.
- Ephemeral streamflow generation and its influence on downstream perennial watershed observations
- Flood Dynamics in the Sacramento Valley over the Last 30 Years: When and Where Were the Rest Stops for Shorebirds during Spring Migration?
- From points to patterns - Transferring point scale groundwater measurements to catchment scale response patterns using time series modeling
- Geophysical and Chemical Weathering Signatures Across the Deep Weathered-Unweathered Granite Boundary of the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- How Much Water Trees Access and How It Determines Forest Response to Drought
- Importance of temporal resolution of meteorological forcings for physics-based snow modeling
- Improving predictive certainty and system understanding with watershed hydrology models
- Linkages between hillslopes, riparian settings, and streamflow: a multi-year, multi-site characterization of spatio-temporal variability in Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest
- Linking Pattern Formation and Alternative Stable States: Ecohydrologic Thresholds and Critical Transitions in the Everglades Peatlands
- Microbial community dynamics and methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrous oxide concentrations in upland forest and riparian soils across a seasonal gradient of fully saturated soils to completely dried soils
- Oil Palm expansion over Southeast Asia: land use change and air quality
- Optimal groundwater and soil moisture sensor placement for estimation of event streamflow
- Ordering Interfluves: a Simple Proposal for Understanding Critical Zone Evolution and Function
- Quantifying the spatio-temporal variability of shallow subsurface flow across three hillslopes in a semi-arid, sub alpine watershed
- Role of Meteorological Controls on the Inter-annual Groundwater Dynamics of Wetlands in a Southeastern US Watershed
- The Dependence on Topography of the Influence of Soil Erosion and Deposition on the Carbon Cycle at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- The Influence of SW-GW Exchange on Whole Stream Metabolism Estimates
- The Morphology of Streams Restored for Market and Nonmarket Purposes: Insights From a Mixed Natural-Social Science Approach
- The Relationship between Vegetation and Topographic Patterns in Coastal Dunes from LiDAR and Optical Remote Sensing
- Time Domain Transformations to Improve Hydrologic Model Consistency: Parameterization in Flow-Corrected Time
- Towards an International Network of Critical Zone Observatories
- Understanding the Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow: Human-Feedback Analysis on Downstream Impacts and Relevance to Reservoir Management
- Understanding the variations in the timing of daily streamflow peak during melt season
- Watershed Ecohydrology: How Do Vegetation Patterns and Climate Affect Watershed Storage and Connectivity?
- Weathering, Fractures and Water in the deep Critical Zone: Geophysical investigations in the U.S. Critical Zone Observatories
- What are the Historical and Future Impacts of Temperature Variability on Thermoelectric Power Plant Performance?
- When Everything Changes: Mountaintop Mining Effects on Watershed Hydrology
- Are Process Consistent Models Attainable? Reconciling Model Assumptions With the Reality of Observations
- Exploring the Relative Influence of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Drivers on Carbon and Nitrogen Uptake Across Two Contrasting Headwater Streams
- Fine spatial scale soil water content and CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux variability through a growing season.
- From Points to Patterns - Functional Relations between Groundwater Connectivity and Catchment-scale Streamflow Response
- Global salinity predictors of western United States precipitation
- How fine is a fine model scale for process-based snow modeling?
- Impact of Deforestation and Recovery on Streamflow Recession Statistics
- Impact of Gullying on Hillslope Hydrology at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- Increasing atmospheric humidity and CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration alleviate forest hydraulic failure risk
- Local biogeomorphic feedbacks and macroscale drivers shape coastal wetland distributions
- Long term effect of a modified hydrodynamic at a lagoon inlet on the salt marsh ability to keep pace with sea level rise.
- Mapping Active Stream Lengths as a Tool for Understanding Spatial Variations in Runoff Generation
- Melting mountains of Appalachia: exceptionally high weathering rates in mined watersheds
- Mountaintop Removal Mining: From Ephemeral to Perennial Streams.
- Old Mountains, New Nutrients: Mountaintop Mining's Impact on Watershed Scale Nitrogen Export
- Projecting Soil Feedbacks to Atmospheric CO2 Following Erosion and Deposition on Centennial Timescales in Two Contrasting Forests: A Study of Critical Zone-Atmosphere Exchange
- Rainfall Predictions From Global Salinity Anomalies
- Rapid Turnover and Minimal Accretion of Mineral Soil Carbon During 60-Years of Pine Forest Growth on Previously Cultivated Land
- Role of Temporal Resolution of Meteorological Forcing on Snow Model Errors
- Shallow and Deep Groundwater Contributions to Ephemeral Streamflow Generation
- Stream Width Dynamics in a Small Headwater Catchment
- Subsurface and terrain controls on runoff generation in deep soil landscapes
- Temperature Dynamics in Very Shallow Water Bodies: the Role of Heat Fluxes at the Soil-Water Interface
- The Importance of Accurate Dating and Multiproxy Analyses in Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions: A Case Study from Cocha Cashu, Peru
- The necessity of cloud feedback for a basin-scale Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- Three Decades of Landsat-derived Spring Surface Water Dynamics in an Agricultural Wetland Mosaic; Implications for Migratory Shorebirds
- Using Paleocurrents for Basin-Scale Hydrological Analysis: an Example from the Amazon Basin
- Varying influence of environmental gradients on vegetation patterns across biomes
- When brain neuroscience meets hydrology: timeseries analysis methods for capturing structural and functional aspects of hydrologic connectivity
- A Layered Past: the Transformation and Development of Legacy Sediments as Alluvial Soils
- A Revised Similarity Law in Botanic Describes the Genesis of the Vulnerability Curve Shape in Vascular Plants
- Agricultural response to changes in water availability and temperature in the coterminous U.S.
- Autogenic and Allogenic: Emergent Coastline Patterns Interact With Forcing Variations
- Built-up resilience to climate change in peatlands
- Can terraced pond wetland systems improve urban watershed water quality?
- Contribution of Black Carbon Aerosol to Drying of the Mediterranean
- Decoding the Secrets of Carbon Preservation and GHG Flux in Lower-Latitude Peatlands
- Deconstructing the deconstruction of Appalachia: Mountaintop mining effects on hydrology across temporal and spatial scales
- Detection of early warning signals of forest mortality in California
- Estimating the Longwave Radiation Underneath the Forest Canopy in Snow-dominated Setting
- Estimation of soil respiration rates and soil gas isotopic composition for the different land use of Ultisols from Calhoun CZO.
- Feedbacks stablizing wetland geometry on a pattened landscape
- Gilbert's soil production paradigm applied to a critical zone's fractionation of particle sizes
- Global latitudinal trends in peat recalcitrance quantified with calibrated FTIR spectroscopy
- Human-Climate Interactions Drive Loss of Isolated Wetlands
- Hydrologic Drivers of Soil Organic Carbon Erosion and Burial: Insights from a Spatially-explicit Model of a Degraded Landscape at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- Insights into the base of the critical zone from geophysical logging and groundwater flow testing at U.S. Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) and critical zone study sites (CZs)
- Intercomparing model configurations with varied erosion, deposition and transport representations for simulating sediment yield
- Landuse legacies of old-field succession and soil structure at the Calhoun Criticl Zone Observatory in SC, USA.
- Lateral, vertical, and longitudinal connectivity of runoff source areas drive stream hydro-biogeochemical signals across a low relief drainage network
- Modelling Watershed and Estuarine Controls on Salt Marsh Distributions
- New Insights About Large-Scale Delta Morphodynamics from a Coupled Model of Fluvial-Coastal Processes
- On the effectiveness of recession analysis methods for capturing the characteristic storage-discharge relation: An intercomparison study
- Patterns in Soil Electrical Resistivity Across Land Uses in the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory Landscape
- Physical and biological influences on coupled C and N cycling and fluxes in headwater streams
- Producing custom regional climate data sets for impact assessment with xarray
- Sea surface salinity and temperature-based predictive modeling of southwestern US winter precipitation: improvements, errors, and potential mechanisms
- Soil moisture extremes drive tree canopy death in 2011 Texas drought: multispectral (Landsat, NAIP) and L-band passive microwave remote sensing (SMOS-IC)
- Soil weathering agents are limited where deep tree roots are removed, even after decades of forest regeneration
- Spatiotemporal streamflow generation processes in a low relief ephemeral-to-perennial drainage network
- Stochastic Dynamics of Clay Translocation and Formation of Argillic Horizons
- Stream Response to an Extreme Defoliation Event
- Temporal Resolution of Wave Conditions Required for Coastline Evolution Modeling
- Terrain and subsurface influences on runoff generation in a steep, deep, highly weathered system
- The Hydrothermal System of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - An Analog for Subduction Zone Hydrothermal Systems
- The Influence of Shoreline Curvature on Rates of Shoreline Change on Sandy Coasts
- The Relationship Between Emissions and Economic Growth for SO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and BC
- The Role of Low-severity Fire and Thermal Alteration of Soil Organic Matter in Carbon Preservation and GHG Flux From Global Peatlands
- The potential for iron reduction in upland soils in Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- Underwater Light Regimes in Rivers from Multiple Measurement Approaches
- Using Water Depth Sensors and High-resolution Topographic Mapping to Inform Wetland Management at a Globally Important Stopover Site for Migratory Shorebirds
- Variability in isotopic composition of baseflow in two headwater streams of the southern Appalachians
- Yesterday's forest, tomorrow's savannah? Legacies in the man-made hills of Appalachia
- A closer look at AMOC and its role in North Atlantic Climate Variability
- A dynamic optimality principle for water use strategies explains isohydric to anisohydric plant responses
- A ground-breaking method to map peat thickness and detect the carbon pool of Indonesian peatlands.
- A network model links wood anatomy to xylem tissue hydraulic behavior and vulnerability to cavitation
- Carbon isotopes reveal signals of the Anthropocene in soil carbon pools deep within the critical zone
- Comparison of Respiratory Health of Children from Four Chinese Cities between Two Cross-sectional Studies Over Two Decades
- Developing Long-Term Predictions of Precipitation in the US using Sea Surface Salinity and Sea Surface Temperature and Understanding Their Relative Contributions to Skill
- Drone Imagery Enhances Classification Workflow of High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Track Habitat Change in an Estuarine Environment
- Dynamic Vegetation in Delta Modeling: Effects on Plan-View Morphology, Channel Network Behaviors, and Elevation Distributions
- Earth Operating System 5.0: Law as a Geological Process in the Anthropocene
- Global Burden of Dementia Attributable to PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Exposure
- Improving Human Health in China through Alternative Energy
- Improving process representations in models: An exercise in scientific exploration or a societal need?
- Influence of plant hydraulics on evapotranspiration across climate and land cover types
- Lentic Rivers, Dark Energy, and Dead Zones: Emerging Insights into Southeastern River Networks in the Anthropocene.
- Modeling river delta evolution under different wave climates
- Peatland Carbon Farming in the Southeastern USA: A New ACR Approved Protocol Based on Long-term C Sequestration and GHG flux Measurements in Coastal Pocosins.
- Potential impacts of climate change on tree mortality risk: Do plant hydraulic traits matter?
- Predictability of North Atlantic Ocean Temperatures in observations and CMIP5 models
- Shorecasts: a novel approach to shoreline prediction and modelling
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- Synergistic data analytics and physical modeling for improved understanding of vegetation dynamics under climatological stress: a key uncertainty in ecosystem management
- Terrain and subsurface influences on runoff generation and storage dynamics in a steep, deep, highly weathered landscape
- The abundance, size, and spacing of lakes within river networks
- The long-term relationship between sectoral emissions and economic growth for SO<SUB>2</SUB>,CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and BC
- The water cycle in the subtropical North Atlantic, sea surface salinity, and its implication for extreme precipitation events in the US Midwest
- Time-series measurements of deep soil profile O<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, soil moisture, and aboveground precipitation highlight differential rooting across landuse history treatments at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- Tree carbon investments and soil phosphorus dividends: How do rooting systems maximize P acquisition while being thrifty with their carbon?
- Anthropogenic Declines in Deep Roots Constrain Deep Soil Organic Carbon Forms and Fluxes
- Biogeochemical legacies of a century of Eastern US reforestation
- Biological Cycling of Potassium by Roots as a Control on Mixed-layer Clays
- Bridging stomatal kinetics and plant water use strategies using a dynamic optimality principle
- Catchment critical zone controls on groundwater contributions to surface water chemistry variability
- Co-occurrence of four oxyanion forming elements in groundwater from the North Carolina Piedmont
- Controls of iron abundance and crystallinity on organomineral associations under contrasting long-term land use
- Detecting Climate-Stress Induced Forest Mortality Before the Canonical Symptoms Appear
- Distinct Turbulence Structures in Stably Stratified Boundary Layers with Weak and Strong Surface Shear
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Effects of Gentle Topography on Gas Fluxes Emitted within Forests
- Effects of green spaces on urban climate and hydrology from global to local scales
- Evaluating forest spatiotemporal trends of self-thinning trajectories and its implications on carbon storage
- Forgotten Interactions: Missing Link in the Ecohydrologic Prediction Puzzle
- Heat-Related Mortality Across the Entire Contiguous U.S. under Future Climate Change Scenarios
- How to Estimate Statistically Detectable Trends in a Time Series: A Study of Soil Carbon and Nutrient Concentrations at the Calhoun LTSE
- Income-driven and policy-intervened energy transitions in rural residential energy sector in India, and their roles to the achievement of its NAAQS
- Large Eddies Regulate Turbulent Flux Gradients in Coupled Stable Boundary Layers
- Lead isotopes in coal combustion residuals from the United States: Characterization and environmental application
- Linking Momentum and Scalar Roughness Lengths of Urban Surfaces at the Macro and Micro-scales
- Mg/Ca Ratios in Ostracode Genera Sarsicytheridea and Paracyprideis: A Potential Paleotemperature Proxy for Arctic and Sub-Arctic Continental Shelf and Slope Waters
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> pollution induced morbidity burdens and the associated economic costs in Asian countries
- Plant Hydraulics Enhances Atmospheric Moisture Stress but Mutes Soil Moisture Stress on Transpiration
- Rethinking the Development of the Piedmont Uplands of Southeastern North America: Pleistocene Age Colluvium and Organic-Rich Sediments Dating from Early MIS 3 to MIS 5
- Self-organization of biogeomorphic patterning of limestone depressions in a low-relief karst landscape
- Socio-environmental extremes: rethinking extraordinary events as outcomes of interacting biophysical and social systems
- Storage volume and depth drives runoff generation in a deep and highly weathered headwater watershed
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: A decade of research and education on coupled carbon and water cycles in snow-dominated watersheds
- The Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory: historic hydrologic research in a complex socio-environmental context reinvigorated and expanded by critical zone science
- The Role of South Atlantic Ocean in the Tropical South America Hydrological Cycle Over Past 1.7ka.
- Tracing unmonitored coal ash spills in the environment
- Understanding microbial respiration and energy flow in seasonally hypoxic streams via in situ and in silico experimentation
- Water quality as a limiting factor for sustainable utilization of groundwater in Northwestern India
- What is soil? An integrative exploration of a Critical material
- Where past is still present: widespread legacy sediment storage in Piedmont floodplains
- A Bayesian formulation of the Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution accounting for rainfall interannual variability
- A Network Model for Stemflow Solute Transport
- A coupled model framework for simulating barrier island and coastline response to climate change and land use
- A random sweeping decorrelation hypothesis explains the high-order moments of the longitudinal velocity in turbulent boundary layers
- Air quality response in China linked to the 2019 novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) mitigation
- Characterizing methane flux hotspots over boreal wetlands using surface renewal theory
- Concentrated animal feeding operation liquid manure application patterns: Insights from remote sensing
- Direct Partitioning of Eddy-Covariance Water Vapor and Carbon Fluxes into Surface and Plant Components
- Dynamic responses of ground beetles to climate change and habitat characteristics
- Elliptic approximation of the space-time temperature correlation function thaws turbulence with random sweeps
- Freshening and Salinization are Important Factors Controlling Concentrations of Boron and Uranium in NW Indian Groundwater
- Geochemical and Multi-Isotope Tracing the Origin and Modification of Oilfield Waters from Jiuquan Basin, Northwestern China
- Global air quality responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
- High frequency population ecology using pairs of chlorophyll a sensors on a Great Plains river
- Long run water pricing strategy to optimize return and minimize affordability risk: Application of the Kelly Criterion to water utility revenues
- Multiscale analysis of evapotranspiration and carbon assimilation for a long time series of micrometeorological observation in a typical semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystem
- Multiscale legacy responses of soil gas concentrations to soil moisture and temperature fluctuations
- North American Wildfires are Changing the Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Seasonal Cycle
- Parameterizing the Variance of Temperature Fluctuations Over Heterogeneous Landscapes for Surface Boundary Conditions in Atmospheric Models
- Peak grain forecasts in the U.S. High Plains amid withering waters
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- Plant canopy influences on local temperature regimes: radiometric to kinetic considerations across spatial scales
- Plant hydraulics: a key for appropriate accounting of evapotranspiration in a warmer world
- Response of forest soil carbon and nutrients to reforestation and ecological succession at the Calhoun Long-Term Soil-Ecosystem Experiment (LTSE)
- Revisiting exposure-response functions for six morbidity endpoints associated with short-term PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposures and an application of the cost-and-benefit of air pollution control in Asia using an integrated assessment framework
- Semi-coupling of a Field-scale Resolving Land-surface Model and WRF-LES to Investigate the Influence of Land-surface Heterogeneity on PBL Development
- The Effect of Xylem on Sucrose Transport in the Phloem: Hydraulic Connectivity or Isolation?
- The Momentum Flux Budget in the Roughness Sublayer Closed by Turbulent Structural Models
- The intensifying role of high wind speeds on gas transfer velocities and air-sea carbon dioxide fluxes
- Uncertainty distribution of air-pollution damages, and its convolution with climate change damages
- Understanding Spatial Variations in Maximum Stomatal Conductance
- Universal formula for incipient sediment motion in turbulent flows
- Using high spatiotemporal nitrate measurements to assess nutrient transport and transformations at the terrestrial-marine interface of a tidal watershed
- Using microwave remote sensing of vegetation water content to understand ecosystem-scale responses to drought
- Using trace elements and radionuclides distributions in soils to detect the possible presence of legacy coal combustion residuals disposal in North Carolina
- Velocity and Temperature Dissimilarity in the Surface Layer Uncovered by the Telegraph Approximation
- Walker and Syers in the critical zone: Integrating successional dynamics and soil development
- What information from reach-scale tracer experiments can be effectively upscaled to represent longer study reaches?
- Collaborative Role of Warm Pool Edge and Ocean Heat Content in the Development of Extreme El Niño
- Deciphering the climate effects of autumn-winter Tibetan Plateau snow cover: distinct role of snow albedo versus water equivalent changes
- Mechanisms of Enhanced Historical Indian Ocean Warming: Insights from the CESM1 Large-Ensemble Coupled Simulations
- Observed Impacts of Western Pacific Westerly Wind Bursts on Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity: Spatial Dependence and the Role of Background State
- Spatial and seasonal variations of sea surface temperature threshold for tropical convection
- Uncovering the Archetypical cross-Pacific Atmospheric River Main Routes
- Using stable metal isotopes and other techniques to understand cycling of urban pollutants
- Wind Driven Ocean Redistribution of Heat Leads to Increased Anthropogenic Surface Warming over 1979-2014 in CESM2