Duke University, Pratt School of Engineering
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Electric and Magnetic Signature of a Dust Devil from the MATADOR Campaign
- Graphical Domain Modeling Concept for Solving the Two-Dimensional Advection Dispersion Equation
- Mesoscale Modeling of Vegetation-Atmosphere Feedbacks
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture and Relations to Monsoon Precipitation
- Threshold charge moment changes for sprite initiation and lightning-to-sprite delays
- Electromagnetic signatures of the Puerto Rico blue jet and its parent thunderstorm
- Interaction Between Vegetation Length Scales and Atmospheric Properties
- Investigations of Sprites During the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study
- Large Eddy Simulation of Coupled Water and Carbon Exchange and Transport Through and Above Forest Canopies
- Magnetospheric Radio Tomography Experiments using IMAGE, WIND, and Cluster
- Modeling Ecosystem Respiration Over an Evolving Successional Landscape
- Modeling Irrigation's Effect on Precipitation using RAMS
- On The Temporal Dynamics Of Coupled Water And Carbon Exchange: Implications For Predictions Over Meteorological And Climate Time Scales.
- The Sensitivity of Simulated Central U.S. Summer Precipitation and Atmospheric Moisture Budget to Both the Spatial Distribution and the Amount of Initial Soil Moisture
- Assessing the Spatial Scales of Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
- Hydrological and Petrophysical Properties of Unconsolidated sediments from Spectral Electrical Response Measurements.
- Large Eddy Simulation over Heterogeneous Terrain with Remotely Sensed Land Surface Conditions
- Measurements of Continuing Currents in Lightning using ULF Magnetic Fields
- Modeling Irrigation's Influence on Precipitation in Texas
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Soil Moisture and Mineral Nitrogen
- Ongoing Studies of the Characteristics of Storms and Lightning Discharges Which Do and Do Not Produce Sprites
- Scalar Profile Assimilation Into a Multi-Layer Model of Canopy-Atmosphere Exchange: Toward Optimal Estimation of Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Strategies of Plant Water Use under Stochastic Hydrologic Conditions
- Teleconnections Between Tropical Deforestation and Midlatitude Precipitation
- The Radiative and Hydrologic Response of Tropical Areas to Local Deforestation
- Use of azimuthal resistivity survey in mapping subsurface fractures and assessing their hydraulic properties in crystalline rocks in Ghana.
- A Regional Scale Coupled Atmosphere-Ecosystem Model: Formulation and Results
- Can Large Windfarms Affect Local Meteorology?
- Contaminant Transport Hydrology Of Surface/Ground Water Interactions
- Diagnosing Model Errors in Canopy-Atmosphere Exchange Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions
- Estimating Scalar Fluxes in Tropical Forests from Concentration/Temperature Profile Measurements
- Geomorphic controls on chemical weathering rates in the High Himalayas of Nepal
- Hydraulic Units Associated with Unconsolidated Sediments and Spectral Electrical Response Measurements.
- Hydroclimate Scenarios of Amazon Deforestation
- Magnetospheric Radio Tomography: Theory and CLUSTER Experiments
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms: I. Storm Electric Fields and Electron Dissociative Attachment
- The Impact of Surface/Ground Water Interactions on Wetland Hydrology
- What Controls Evapotranspiration in the Amazon Basin
- A Three-Dimensional Stochastic Model of DSD Evolution in Warm Rain
- Application of an Orbital GPR Model to Detecting Ground Ice and Deep Liquid Water Under the Mars Polar Cap
- Bedrock and soil contribution to the runoff formation in a headwater catchment: experimental observations and simulation using the hydrological distributed model GEOtop
- Characterizing the Linkages Between landform and Precipitation Regime in the Sierra Madre Meridional and in the Andes
- How Many Realizations Are Needed to Detect a Significant Change in Simulations of the Global Climate?
- Impact of watershed geomorphic characteristics on the energy and water budgets
- Impacts of Land Use and Land-Cover Change in Amazonia on the Regional and Global Water Cycle
- Infrared Imaging of Transient Luminous Events (1 - 1.5 micron) Over the Mid-Western US and Comparison With Their Visible Wavelength Signatures
- Martian dust devil and storm electric fields: The formation of an O- plasma and new local chemistry
- Measurements of Current and Charge Transfer in Lightning Associated with RHESSI-Detected Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes
- Oscillations of Raindrops Captured by High-speed Imaging
- Stochastic Models of Pulse-Reserve Dynamics in Water-Limited Ecosystems
- Submillisecond Video and Electromagnetic Observations of Sprite Development and Structure
- Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes: Statistical and Individual Properties from RHESSI
- The Effect of Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks on the Spatial Structure of Land Surface Fluxes over Complex Terrain
- The effect of land cover change on the convective precipitation during the growing season in the Southeastern United States
- Trading water for carbon with biological carbon sequestration
- A New Concept for Representing Trees in LES Simulations
- Analysis of the First Gigantic Jet Recorded From the Continental United States
- Does Land-Surface Heterogeneity Affect the Evolution of Hurricanes after their Landfall in the Eastern US - A Numerical Study with the Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Model (OLAM)
- Effects of land surface heterogeneity on second order scalar statistics in the surface boundary layer above a Mediterranean ecosystem
- Equifinality and Uncertainty in Models of Canopy-Atmosphere Exchange
- Evolution of the vertical structure of warm rain with detailed microphysics: Comparison against laboratory and field data from a vertically pointing radar
- Geophysical Signature of the Lake Bosumtwi Impact Crater from Pre-drilling Site Surveys
- Groundwater control on soil moisture at continental scales
- Investigating Sprite Halo Optical Signatures and Associated Lightning Characteristics over South America
- Lightning Processes And Dynamics Of Large Scale Optical Emissions In Long Delayed Sprites
- Nitrate contamination in groundwater at farmlands in Nsawam, Ghana: The role of fractures from azimuthal resistivity surveys
- On the Probabilistic Characterization of Base Flows in River Basins
- Simultaneous Electric and Magnetic Field Measurements of Lightning Strokes With Continuing Current Signatures
- Status of RHESSI Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Subsurface Soil CO2 Concentration Dynamics: Data Analysis and Stochastic Modeling
- Surface Characterization for Land-Atmosphere Studies of CLASIC
- The Climate Effects of Deforestation the Amazon Rainforest under Global Warming Conditions
- The Duke University Helicopter Observation Platform (HOP) for Environmental and Earth Science Studies
- The Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Model (OLAM): A new Generation of Earth System Model
- The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Precipitation in the Western United States
- The effect of land cover on growing-season convective precipitation
- The role of groundwater reservoir in continental water cycle: Observations and modeling
- Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit due to CG Lightning
- VLF-Inferred Characteristics of Lightning Associated with Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes
- An Explicit Microphysical Model for the Transient Evolution of the Vertical Structure of Warm Stratiform Rain: Application to Rainfall Radar Estimation
- Charge Transfer Characteristics and Initiation Mechanisms of Long Delayed Sprites
- Ecohydrological Fingerprinting of Land-Falling Hurricanes in the Southeastern United States - Eloise as a Prototype
- Electromagnetical, Visual and Meteorological Analyses of two Gigantic Jets Observed Over Missouri, USA
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Forest Canopy Micro-Scale Structural Heterogeneity Effects on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Measurements of Boundary Layer Structure at Fort Cobb During CLASIC, June 2007
- Mechanistic model for light-controlled leaf phenology in the Amazon rainforests
- Pathways of soil moisture controls on boundary layer dynamics
- Prototyping and Testing a Wireless Sensor Network to Retrieve SWE at High Spatial Resolution
- Regional Carbon Fluxes and Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics in the Southern Great Plains during the 2007 CLASIC intensive
- Regional Modeling Applications of a Global Climate Model Using Local Mesh Refinement
- Representing Hurricanes with a Nested Global Forecast Model
- Sprite Halos and Associated Lightning Characteristics over South America
- Stoichiometric and Climatic Controls on Litter Nitrogen Mineralization
- Temporal Dynamics of the Spatial Variance of Sub-Grid Soil Moisture: A Look at Scaling Implications
- Tracking the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Convective Instabilities in AMIP Simulations
- Using large eddy simulation to evaluate source area contributions from aircraft flux measurements over heterogeneous land cover
- Very Active Sprite-Producing Thunderstorms Observed Over Argentina and Brazil
- A Versatile Software Program for Sampling Sferics and More
- Characterizing Lightning-Driven Negative Transient Luminous Events Over an Intense South American Storm
- Ecohydrological characterization of flow duration curves and annual minima in river basins
- Electromagnetic Signatures of a Negative Sprite and a Gigantic Jet Observed in the Southeastern U.S.
- Flux Contribution of Large-Scale Coherent Structures within Canopy Sub-layer
- Investigation of thermodynamic properties of ambient and laboratory-generated multi- component organic aerosols
- Linear Theory of Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics: Implications in Modeling Soil Respiration and Carbon Sequestration
- Measurements of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer with the Duke University Helicopter Observation Platform (HOP) and the University of Iowa Lidar
- Modeling Plant-Atmosphere Carbon and Water Fluxes Along a CO2 Gradient
- On the Diurnal Cycle of Summertime Rainfall and Boundary Layer Conditions in the Great Smoky Mountains - The 2008 IOP at Purchase Knob Research Station
- Practical challenges on the estimation of universal multifractal parameters of rainfall observations
- Regional and Global Land-Atmosphere Teleconnections
- Remote sensing, field measurements and large eddy simulation: Tools for investigating evaporation and land-atmosphere dynamics
- Soil moisture feedbacks on convection triggers: the role of soil-plant hydrodynamics
- Sprites over Africa During the AMMA with Multiple Electromagnetic Detections of Their Parent Lightning Flashes
- Stabilization of Nanoparticulate HgS by Thiols and Humic Substances During HgS Precipitation
- The Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Model (OLAM): A Formulation for High Resolution Weather and Climate Simulation
- The spectral dependence of TGFs on source distance
- Carbon, oxygen and nitrogen dynamics in a soil profile: Model development and application
- Causality in Rainfall Cascades
- Characterization of Geotechnical Parameters Affecting Stability of Unconsolidated Materials from Electrical Measurements
- Classification and implications of sferics associated with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- Estimation of Electric Charge in Sprites
- Evaluating the Effects of Land-Surface Heterogeneity at Various Scales on Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes
- First results from the Airborne Detector for Energetic Lightning Emissions (ADELE) (Invited)
- Hydrology-Vegetation Interactions Under Climate and Population Pressures: Bridging Ecology, Turbulence, and Water Resources (Invited)
- Rainfall is a Transient - Shattering Bubbles and Other Myths, or the Importance of Comprehensive Observations and Synthesis from the Laboratory to the Storm Environment (Invited)
- The Role of Landform, Land-Use and Land-Cover in the Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall (Invited)
- The Vertical Mixing in Wetlands Caused by Wind Waving Vegetation
- Vegetation Dynamics and Soil Water Balance Interactions in a Water-limited Mediterranean Ecosystem on Sardinia Under Climate Change Scenarios
- A Stochastic-Dynamical Approach to Snow Accumulation-Melting in a Changing Climate
- Abiotic and biotic effects on the biogenetic production and emissions of carbon and nitrous oxides in variably saturated soils
- An Evaluation of Land-Surface Heterogeneity Effects on Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes at Various Scales
- An Observing System Simulator for GPM Precipitation Products in Regions of Complex Terrain: Initial development and QPE Applications in the Southern Appalachians
- An evaluation of the transferability of a coupled snow hydrology and microwave emission model for data-sparse regions
- Characterizing lightning processes associated with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (Invited)
- Comparing Helicopter-based Eddy Flux Measurements with Highly Resolved Bottom-up Land Surface Model Predictions
- Correlated High Speed Video, Medium Range Electric-Field, and Magnetic-field observations of Sprites
- Design and testing of a plot scale rainfall simulator in Sardina, Italy for calibration of a distributed hydrologic model
- Development and evaluation of a soil erosion module for the GEOTOP distributed hydrological model
- Dynamical Downscaling of Tropical Storm Ivan in the Southern Appalachians
- Ecohydrology and biogeochemistry of seasonally-dry ecosystems
- Elucidating the Spatial Scaling Behavior of Cloud Embedded Convection and Rainfall Patterns in Complex Terrain Using Idealized WRF Simulations
- Experimental determination of kinetic constraints in gas/aerosol partitioning of ambient organic aerosol
- Exploring the Potential of Large Scale Distributed Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melt on GPUs
- Interannual rainfall variability, vegetation dynamics, and runoff controls in Mediterranean climates
- New Particle Formation Events at Duke Forest, North Carolina: Relation to Meteorological and Chemical Conditions
- Rare TGFs and common glows: a systematic survey of data from the first flights of ADELE
- Role of Residual Layer in Controlling Diurnal ABL Evolution
- Soil- and plant- water uptake in saline environments and their consequences to plant adaptation in fluctuating climates
- Stepped leaders observed in ground operations of ADELE
- The energy-water quality nexus: insights from the 2008 coal ash spill in Tennessee
- Tibetan Plateau Soil moisture products Intercomparison and the field observations
- A Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Approach to Forecast Future Climate - Blending Regional Climate Model Predictions for the American Southwest
- Charge moment change and lightning-driven electric field associated with negative sprites
- Drought-induced mortality of a Bornean tropical rainforest amplified by climate change: stochastic ecohydrological modelling
- ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole signatures in the history of Indian-Pakistani severe floods
- Hydraulic Limits on Maximum Plant Transpiration
- Impact of successive lightning strokes on the initiation and propagation of sprite streamers
- Implementing New Quality Control and Processing Systems for Hourly Precipitation Data
- Kinetic and equilibrium properties of laboratory and ambient semi-volatile organic aerosols
- Land-atmosphere interactions over complex terrain in South America and the impact of tree line shifts
- Landform Modulation of Atmospheric Moisture - Emergent Pathways of Hydrometeorological Predictability
- Multicolor photometric observation of lightning from space: Comparison with radio measurements
- Observations of a Naturally-Triggered Upward-Initiated Positive CG Lightning Flash
- On the estimation of the design flood of the Rio Mogoro dam in Sardinia (Italy)
- Optimizing Leaf Stomatal Conductance for Maximum Carbon Gain Under Salt Stressed and Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Conditions
- Probabilistic Description of the Hydrologic Risk in Agriculture
- Radar Analysis of Storms Producing a Gigantic Jet
- Soil Water Balance and Vegetation Dynamics in two Contrasting Water-limited Mediterranean Ecosystems on Sardinia, Italy
- Statistical characteristics of topographic surfaces and dynamic smoothing of landscapes
- System-level Auditing of Hydrometeorological Vulnerabilities in the SE US
- The role of spatially variable terrain slope and compaction processes on snow avalanche occurrence statistics
- A High-Resolution Hydrometeorological Forcing and Landscape Attributes Data Set for Hydrological Applications over the Southeastern United States
- ADELE sensitivity to high-energy radiation from transient luminous events during the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinels campaigns
- Assessment of the impacts of dynamic soil properties and vegetation cover on soil erosion using distributed hydrological model
- Changes in rainfall seasonality in the tropics
- Coincident observation of lightning using spaceborne spectrophotometer and ground-level electromagnetic sensors
- Evaluation of flow direction methods against field observations of overland flow dispersion
- Methane source identification in Boston, Massachusetts using isotopic and ethane measurements
- Modeling analysis of the benefits of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) for sustainable agriculture in arid regions
- Modeling and observations of the radio frequency emissions from terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
- On the Use of an Explicit Microphysical Model to Investigate the Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Rainfall Microphysics in Different Storm Environments
- Role of microtopographic variation in altering soil water stress experienced by dryland vegetation
- The Climatology of Meteorological Conditions Favorable for the Production of Large Impulse Charge Moment Changes
- The contribution of evapotranspiration to the seasonal and intraseasonal variability of regional moisture transport along the eastern flanks of the Andes
- Turbulent Dispersion of Pathogenic Spores Within and Above Plant Canopies: Field Experiments and Lagrangian Modeling
- Adele Results from the HS3 Mission
- Altitude Measurements and Measurement-Driven Modeling of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Analysis of precipitation seasonality in two gridded datasets and comparison with coupled climate model simulations
- Deciphering and modeling interconnections in ecohydrology: The role of scale, thresholds and stochastic storage processes
- Development of Standardized Mobile Tracer Correlation Approach for Large Area Emission Measurements (DRAFT UNDER EPA REVIEW)
- Effects of shifting seasonal rainfall patterns on net primary productivity and carbon storage in tropical seasonally dry ecosystems
- Further insights into interaction of lightning electromagnetic pulse with the ionosphere
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Impact of rainfall interception on hydrologic partitioning and soil erosion in natural and managed seasonally dry ecosystems
- Mechanism of Column and Carrot Sprites Derived from Optical and Radio Observations (Invited)
- Modeling physiological responses of soil microbes to drought (Invited)
- Observations of Seven Blue/Gigantic Jets above One Storm over the Atlantic Ocean
- Optimal plant water use across temporal scales: bridging eco-hydrological theories and plant eco-physiological responses
- Remote sensing retrieval of water constituents in shallow coastal waters with applications to the Venice lagoon
- Results from the Third RHESSI Catalog of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Sensitive Measurements of Lightning Current and Charge Motion from Coherently Averaged Low Frequency Magnetic Field Observations
- The hysteretic evapotranspiration - vapor pressure deficit relation
- Two phenomenological constants explain similarity laws in stably stratified turbulence
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling Scheme for Estimating Erosion Rates Under Current Climate Conditions
- A Comparison of Sprite Locations to Flash Structure
- An NLDN-Based Search for Observationally Dim Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes Using Low Frequency Radio Sensors and Fermi's GBM
- Constraints on a priori assumptions and microphysical properties in precipitation from in situ measurements in GPM-GV field campaigns: regime dependence and impact on retrievals
- Development and Application of a Low Frequency Near-Field Interferometric-TOA 3D Lightning Mapping Array
- Development of Satellite-based Climatology of Low-level Cloud and Fog in Mountain Terrain
- Effects of Phosphor Persistence on High-Speed Imaging of Transient Luminous Events
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- High precision lightning measurements using coherent averaging of long-distance magnetic fields
- IPHEx 2014: Observations of Orographic Precipitation Processes in the Southern Appalachians
- Lightning Leader Progression and Source Altitudes in Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes
- Mapping Water Resources, Allocation and Consumption in the Mills River Basin
- Observations and Modeling of the Near Surface Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere in the Southern Appalachians during the Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) Extended Observing Period
- SPECT Imaging as a Tool for Testing and Challenging Assumptions About Transport in Porous Media
- The GPM GV Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) in the Southern Appalachians- Focus on Water Cycle Processes
- The transient behavior of scaling in the atmosphere: stratiform/convective transition and applications to sub-grid scale statistics
- Uncertainty Quantification of a Distributed Hydrology Model Using Bayesian Framework Across a Heterogeneous Watershed
- A numerical study of negative sprites observed over two Florida storms
- An Analysis of Two Thunderstorms Producing Five Negative Sprites on 12 September 2014
- An Investigation of Topography Modulated Low Level Moisture Convergence Patterns in the Southern Appalachians Using WRF
- Beyond the SCS curve number: A new stochastic spatial runoff approach
- Contribution of Brown Carbon to Total Aerosol Absorption in Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Cu Binding to Iron Oxide-Organic Matter Coprecipitates in Solid and Dissolved Phases
- How tropical cyclone inter-annual timing and trajectory control gross primary productivity in the SE US at seasonal and annual timescales and impacts on mountain forest eco-hydrology
- Insights into High Peak Current In-cloud Lightning Events during Thunderstorms
- Investigating the Seasonal and Diurnal Evolution of Fog and its Effect on the Hydrometeorological Regime in the Southern Appalachian Mountains Using a Mobile Observing Platform
- Irreversible soil degradation due to soil salinity and sodicity, and the role of reduced hydraulic conductivity feedback
- Multiscale Precipitation Processes Over Mountain Terrain - Landform and Vegetation Controls of Microphysics and Convection in Complex Terrain
- Science-Grade Observing Systems as Process Observatories: Mapping and Understanding Nonlinearity and Multiscale Memory with Models and Observations
- SeepC: Preliminary Characterization of Atlantic Margin Seep Ecosystems from Norfolk Canyon to New England Seep Sites.
- Sub-ionospheric Propagation of Preliminary Breakdown Pulses Preceding Negative Cloud-to Ground Lightning Discharges
- Subcritical crack propagation due to chemical rock weakening: macroscale chemo-plasticity and chemo-elasticity modeling
- The sequence of events in a lightning stroke: terrestrial gamma ray flash, radio signal and optical lightning.
- A mean field approach to the watershed response under stochastic seasonal forcing
- A terrestrial gamma-ray flash viewed from below in the eyewall of Hurricane Patricia
- Assessment of the High-Energy Spectral Component of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Biomass Burning Emissions and Transport of Black Carbon (BC) to the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) in 2013
- Decadal Climate Variability and the Spatial Organization of Deep Drought
- Ecohydrology of the different photosynthetic pathways and implication for sustainable agriculture
- Ground Detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from Distant Radio Signals
- Increasing atmospheric humidity and CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration alleviate forest hydraulic failure risk
- Modeling Transport and Processing of Light Absorbing Aerosols Deposited on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- On the Phenomenology of Negative Polarity Energetic In-Cloud Lightning Events during Thunderstorms
- Optimal Management of Water, Nutrient and Carbon Cycles of Green Urban Spaces
- Optimal traits of plant hydraulic capacitance as an adaptation to hydroclimatic variability
- Predicting Phenologic Response to Water Stress and Implications for Carbon Uptake across the Southeast U.S.
- Propagation of hydroclimatic variability through the critical zone
- SAGE: Attribution of Biomass Burning Tracers sampled on the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2013
- Sferics of Multipulse Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- Spectral characteristics of VLF sferics associated with TGFs
- Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland Ice Sheet Experiment (SAGE) - Tracing black carbon from emissions to deposition
- TGF Ground Observations from a Winter Thunderstorm in Japan: First Ground Observation of a Multipulse TGF & Evidence of Neutron Production from a TGF
- The dynamical system of weathering: deterministic and stochastic analysis
- Time-Aligned Averaging and Comparison of Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Produced by In-Cloud Lightning Discharges
- To Catch a Cloud - Multiscale Precipitation Processes in the Andes and in the Himalayas
- Uncertainty Propagation in Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Coupled System: A Stochastic Study on Hurricane Earl (2010)
- A multi-pulse, downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash from a winter thunderstorm in Japan
- Accounting for Landscape Heterogeneity Improves Spatial Predictions of Tree Vulnerability to Drought
- Broadband VHF Interferometer Observations of an Energetic In-cloud Pulse (EIP)
- Characterizing the physical-basis of orographic rainfall retrieval errors due to terrain artifacts on GPM-DPR reflectivity profiles
- Contraction and Expansion of the Upper Zambezi Wetlands in Response to Precipitation Regime Changes and Impacts on Carbon, Energy and Water Fluxes
- Detection of early warning signals of forest mortality in California
- Elucidating Inherent Uncertainties in Data Assimilation for Predictions Incorporating Non-stationary Processes - Focus on Predictive Phenology
- Impact of Seasonal Variability in Water, Plant and Soil Nutrient Dynamics in Agroecosystems
- Lightning Step Leader and Return Stroke Spectra at 100,000 fps
- Rainfall-runoff response informed by exact solutions of Boussinesq equation on hillslopes
- Stochastic Dynamics of Clay Translocation and Formation of Argillic Horizons
- Suction and cohesion demise in desaturating granular medium
- Terrestrial gamma ray flashes observed by Fermi, lightning mapping arrays and distant ground based radio sensors
- The Connection Between Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Energetic In-Cloud Lightning Pulses
- The Photo-3 model: A Python-based model for C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis coupled with environmental conditions
- Transient behavior of vertical scaling of mesoscale winds in the light of atmospheric turbulence transfer in and between synoptic and mesoscales
- Understanding aerosol-cloud interactions in the development of orographic cumulus congestus during IPHEx
- Verification of a Schumann Resonance Inversion Method for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units
- Video, LMA and ULF observations of a negative gigantic jet in North Texas
- A New Numerical Model for Radio Atmospherics Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide Based on Layered gyrotropic anisotropic Green's Functions
- A Study of Consecutive Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes using the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- Agricultural risk management under climate variability: the role of crop diversification
- Comparison of observations of thunderstorms from the ASIM optical module and from ground-based instrumentation.
- Comparison of the performances of visco-plastic and Cosserat THM numerical models for describing faults behavior
- Contact phase-field modeling for geomaterials, a questioning on far-from-equilibrium dynamic processes based on contact thermodynamics and the maximum dissipation principle
- Crop failure risk under deterministic and stochastic irrigation controls
- Diurnal Cycle of Orographic Precipitation In the Central Andes
- Evaluating the role of fire disturbances in coupled carbon-energy-water cycles for the Southeast U.S. with a predictive phenology model
- Fast 3D Volume Integral Equation Domain Decomposition Method for Electromagnetic Scattering by Complex Inhomogeneous Objects in Multiple Layers
- Investigating Vertical Profile of Horizontal Wind and Energy Transport Mechanism between Planetary Boundary Layer and Cloud Level
- Multifractal Metrics of Inter-annual and Decadal Variability in Global Precipitation
- New insight into an EIP event from detailed interferometric imaging
- Observations of red sprites from space in the vicinity of lightning mapping networks
- On the Behavior of Thermally Driven Creeping Landslides
- Open Energy Infrastructure Data Through Automated Assessment Using Satellite Imagery
- Propagating mineralising fluids through chemical shear zones
- Propagation of Precipitation and Wind Forcing Uncertainty in a Coupled Snow Hydrology-Radiative Transfer Model
- Risk Trade-offs Between Climate Change, Mitigation, and Solar Radiation Management
- Risk sharing agreements and geo-engineering governance
- Scalable Inverse Estimation with Variational Inference
- Simulating reservoir leakage across reactivated impermeable faults
- Snow Depth Changes Over the Alps Using Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Quantification of snow water equivalent uncertainty across North America via ensemble-based land surface modeling
- Sprite streamer response to multi-stroke lightning flash
- Systematic Characterization of Orographic Precipitation Microphysics to improve GPM-DPR retrievals
- The ecohydrological cost of lawns
- The energy side of Budyko
- The resolution to the paradox of the sprite polarity
- Toward Optimum Orographic QPE - Learning from Error during IPHEx and Beyond
- Uncertainty Quantification and Reduced-Order Error Modeling for Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow
- A solution to the eight year-long controversy on the high-energy spectral component of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- An Energy Based Constitutive framework for Multiphysics Geomechanics
- Analysis of blue discharges detected by ASIM-MMIA with indication of their source altitudes and electromagnetic signatures
- Bayesian estimation of a parsimonious wetland hydrology model with remote sensing data
- Constraining source properties using TGF-associated radio emissions
- Contact Phase-Field Modeling for Chemo-Mechanical Degradation Processes in Geomaterials: Focus on Pressure Solution Creep
- Digital Image Correlation and numerical simulations to study the influence of grain size distribution on strain localization
- Drying-Cracking of Soils as Inter-Scale Instability
- Fire-induced canopy changes alter plant water, energy and carbon relations for Coastal Plains Forests in the Southeast U.S.
- Flood Ready and Extremely Prepared - Multiscale Predictability of Hydrometeorological Extremes, Inventorying and Monitoring Systemic Risk, and Adaptation
- Forgotten Interactions: Missing Link in the Ecohydrologic Prediction Puzzle
- High Elevation Precipitation Processes in the Central Andes of Peru
- Mesoscale Predictability of Wind and Moisture Fields during Cold Air Intrusions and Role of Vegetation
- Micro- and macro-eddy models for gas transfer velocities across air-water interfaces
- Monitoring Long-term Variability in Land Cover and Forest Canopy Using a Recurrent Neural Network that Incorporates Spectral and Temporal Context
- Needles and Lightning Leader Dynamics Imaged with 200 MHz Broadband VHF Interferometry
- On the high population of negative sprite-producing lightning strokes produced by oceanic thunderstorms
- One TGF and two elves produced by the same thunderstorm system.
- Prioritizing Actions to Adapt America's Infrastructure for Climate Change
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Exploring Variability and Uncertainty in Modeled SWE Estimates Using an Ensemble-based Approach
- The Economic Value of Environmental Amenities in Zillow Neighborhoods
- Toward Optimal Rainfall - Using Hydrologic Dynamics to Unravel the Space-Time Structure of QPE Error
- Towards a physically-based orographic precipitation retrieval correction algorithm for GPM-DPR using Numerical Weather Prediction Model simulations and ground-based observations
- Uncertainty Propagation of Snowfall and Atmospheric Forcings in Modeled Seasonal Snowpack Evolution during SnowEx 2017 — Implications for Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow and Data Assimilation
- Weak phases production controls fault friction and heat generated during seismic slip
- a Multi-Phenomenon Scenario for Soil Desiccation Cracking
- A High Peak Current, Negative Polarity Lightning Process Possibly Associated with TGFs
- Analysis of Horizontal Shear and Mixing at a Range of Length Scales Using Filtered Large-Eddy Simulation of a Flow over Complex Terrain
- Assessing the effects of land surface heterogeneity on planetary boundary layer characteristics in E3SM
- Assessing the integrated ecohydrological changes in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park surrounding the 2016 fire season
- Broadband Positive Breakdown Characteristics of Natural Positive Lightning Leaders
- Characterizing the signature of topographic controls of seasonal SWE on the microwave behavior of mountain snowpacks
- Deforestation Impact on Orographic Precipitation in the Tropical Andes
- Hyper-resolution land surface modeling enables hydrologically consistent 30-m SMAP-based soil moisture retrievals over continental scales
- Idealized studies of local controls of aerosol-cloud-rainfall interactions in multilayer precipitating systems
- Impact of dilatant strengthening on fault slip stability
- Lightning Initiation from Fast Negative Breakdown is Led by Positive Polarity Dominated Streamers
- Modeling scale variant stratified three-dimensional turbulent fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer
- Modelling stomatal behavior under soil moisture, light, temperature, and humidity conditions of a Montane Cloud Forest Environment
- Natural Upward Negative Leaders Triggered by In-cloud Activity of a Nearby Negative Cloud-to-ground Flash
- Response of a seasonally dry tropical forest to interannual rainfall variability
- Semi-coupling of a Field-scale Resolving Land-surface Model and WRF-LES to Investigate the Influence of Land-surface Heterogeneity on PBL Development
- Sub-Grid Scale Variability of Snow Grain Size and Snow Wetness in the ABoVE Region
- TGF and elves produced by the same thunderstorm system
- Two-way coupling between sub-grid river networks and the land surface in Earth system models
- Uphill From Discharge to Spatial Rainfall - Toward a Generalized Topology of Physically-Based Orographic QPE Corrections
- Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS land surface temperature to parameterize sub-grid tiling schemes and enable tile-level calibration of land surface models
- Using Unsupervised Learning to Determine the Optimal Number of Sub-Grid Tiles in Land Surface Models over the Contiguous United States
- Wind Resource Assessment over the Columbia River Gorge using a Three-Dimensional Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization