Durham University, UK
flowchart I[Durham University, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (893)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (119)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Deformation Partitioning Processes in a Mid-crustal Detachment System, the Ketilidian Orogen, South Greenland
- Investigating Earthquakes by Radar Interferometry
- Isotopic Constraints (U, Th, Pb, Sr, Ar) on the Timing of Magma Generation, Storage and Eruption of a Late-Pleistocene Subvolcanic Granite, Alid Volcanic Center, Eritrea
- Mafic Clasts with Unusual REE Patterns in Felsic Volcanic Rocks: Evidence of Subsolidus Alteration of Mafic Rocks from Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean
- Modeling GPS Observations of the 3D Crustal Deformation Field in Fennoscandia
- The Remote Detection of Incipient Catastrophic Failure in Large Landslides
- The fate of nitrate in riparian wetlands: results from a pan-European study
- 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria at Cotopaxi volcano, NVZ, Ecuador
- <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th Disequilibrium in Zircon and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr Variations in Plagioclase as Recorders of Magmatic Processes in a High-Silica Rhyolite: Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
- Cross-slope Movement Patterns in Landslides
- Crystal textures as recorders of magmatic processes: Ngauruhoe Volcano, New Zealand
- Cyclicity of Crustal Accretion at the Reykjanes Ridge
- Holocene land- and sea-level changes in Great Britain
- How do Your Flood Basalts Grow? Facies Architecture of Large Igneous Provinces
- Integrating isotopic fingerprinting with petrology: how do igneous rocks evolve?
- Investigation for Anomalous Focal Mechanisms: Bárdarbunga Volcano, Iceland Events
- Monitoring Movement Patterns on a Large Landslide Using Remote Methods.
- Novel Proxies Approach to Characterise Ice Rafting Events in the North Atlantic
- Quaternary River Systems of the Eastern English Channel: Infilled Sediment Bodies Identified From High Resolution Shallow Seismic Reflection Profiling and Borehole Data.
- Rates, Mechanisms, and Implications of Crustal Assimilation in Continental Arcs
- SAR Interferometry in Landslide Monitoring
- Terrestrial Biosphere Dynamics in the Climate System: Past and Future
- The Melt Anomaly at the Iceland Volcanic Province can be Explained by Mantle Fertility in the Caledonian Suture
- Using Accurate Hypocenter Locations to Understand Volcanic Earthquake Mechanisms
- "Hotspots" and the opening and closure of oceans
- A critical examination of the Emperor and Hawaiian volcanic chains
- Diatom-based elevation transfer function along the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkadio, northern Japan - an aid in paleo-seismic study along the coasts near Kurile subduction zone
- Enhanced Imaging of an Active Collision Zone: The South Falkland Basin
- Four-dimensional tomography reveals changes in structure 1996 - 2002 at the Coso geothermal area, California
- Insights into the dynamics and timing of crustal contamination of Kerguelen plume magmas using "Crystal Stratigraphy".
- Origin Of Extreme <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He Signatures In Icelandic Lavas: Insights From Melt Inclusion Studies
- Recurrent Coastal Uplift Events in Eastern Hokkaido, along Kuril Subduction Zone, as Inferred from Litho- and Biostratigraphy
- Relative land/sea-level movements and great Holocene earthquakes, Alaska
- Spatial Heterogeneity of Overland Flow in Semi-arid and Humid Climates and its Implications for Vegetation Growth and Landform Evolution
- Controls on DOC Concentrations in Peatlands During Droughts
- Glacio-isostatic Uplift Rates in Antarctica: do Field and Modeling Agree ?
- Large Igneous Provinces, Mantle Plumes and Uplift: A Sedimentological perspective
- Linking Hydrology and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes
- The mantle potential temperature anomaly beneath Iceland is insufficient for a thermal plume.
- The neoglacial mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet inferred from sea level observations: reconciling observations and models over different timescales
- Controls on helium solubility in olivine at low pressures
- Crystalline Debris, Not Phenocrysts: Mineralogical Evidence for Partial Assimilative Recycling of the Mafic-Ultramafic Plutonic Roots of a Continental Arc
- Holocene sea levels and palaeoenvironments, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia: Application of mangrove palynology and the transfer function approach.
- Modelling Near-Field Antarctic Sea-Level Data to Explore the Possibility of a Dominant Antarctic Contribution to Meltwater Pulse IA.
- Modelling the coupled evolution of the ice shelf/stream flow system and the oceanic circulation in the ice-shelf cavity
- Putting the geology back into Earth models
- Rapid Sea-Level Rise, Outer Banks, North Carolina: A Multiproxy Transfer Function Approach
- Refractory Garnet Peridotite Origin by Extreme High Temperature (>1800 °C) and Pressure (>8 GPa) Melting
- Structure of the NE-Rockall Trough from Wide-Angle Seismic Data Modelling: The Role of Pre-break-up Extension on the Formation of Continental Margins
- Subglacial Processes and Flow Dynamics of Former Antarctic Ice Streams Reconstructed From Marine Geology and Geophysics
- The Role of Continental Lithospheric Mantle in Earth Evolution
- Three-Dimensional Brittle Shear Fracturing by Tensile Crack Interaction
- What Lay Beneath the Larsen B Ice Shelf: Results of the First Survey of a Large Modern Sub Ice Shelf Deposystem
- A Distributed Model for Mountain Climate and Glacier mass Balance
- Detailed seafloor morphology in the epicentral region of the Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from the compilation of 2005-2006 French and British swath bathymetric data
- Dimensional scaling relationships of tabular igneous intrusions and their implications for a size, depth and compositionally dependent spectrum of emplacement processes in the crust
- First Results From the SAGER-OBS Deep Seismic Cruise (July/August 2006) Offshore Sumatra
- High Resolution Modeling of Sediment Transport Over a Natural Gravel Bed
- Magnitude-frequency relations and the morphology of debris-flow fans
- New Estimates of Three-dimensional Crustal Motions in the British Isles from Continuous GPS, Geological Evidence and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models
- On the Development of Deep-Seated Landslides
- Post Glacial Rebound Models and Relative Sea-level Observations from East Greenland
- Spatial Variation in Fine Sediment Transfer and the Impact on Biodiversity: The River Esk, North Yorkshire UK.
- Tackling Over-Prediction in GIS-Based Slope Stability Models.
- The Flux of Dissolved Organic Carbon From UK Rivers
- Towards a complete DOC budget for peat-covered catchments - accounting for upscaling and in-stream processes
- Tropical and High-latitude Surface Ocean Circulation Across The Mid-Pleistocene Transition: Teleconnections And Impacts For Ice-sheet Growth And Environmental Change Onshore
- Aperiodic recurrence of Holocene tsunamis in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Can Anything be Done to Improve the Geomorphological Value of off-the-Shelf DEM Products?
- Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface: the role of near-bed turbulence and influence of Reynolds number
- Constraining the Response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Climate Change During the Past 150 Years Using Measurements of Sea-Level Change
- Flow Structure in a Bifurcation: CFD modeling and Validation
- Flow structures and controls at river bifurcations: a laboratory flume experiment
- Fluid flow at active oceanic core complexes, 13°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Image processing and form recognition applied to the quantitative visualisation of coherent flow structures.
- Late Holocene Sea-levels, Climate and Ice Sheet Dynamics in West Greenland
- Magma Starvation, Extensive Development of Oceanic Core Complexes, and Evidence of High Degrees of Melting in a Region of Low Magmatic Production on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 13¡ã-14¡ãN
- Mapping the course of an englacial channel using ground-penetrating radar at Hansbreen, Svalbard
- Modelling the behaviour of Greenland outlet glaciers
- Non-hotspot volcano chains originating from small-scale sublithospheric convection
- Quantifying Fault Attributes at the Outcrop Scale: a Fault Network Model of Sub-Seismic Normal Faults in a Thinly-Bedded Reservoir Sequence
- Runoff generation in SE Spain
- Sea-Level and Ice Sheet History of West Greenland During the Last Millenia
- Seasonal Snow Cover in Tundra Environments:Patterns, Processes and Scaling.
- Seismic Characterisation of Hydraulic Stimulation Tests at the Coso Geothermal Area, California
- Silicate Particles in the Mt Etna and Masaya Plumes
- Spatially based management of agricultural phosphorus pollution from diffuse sources: the SCIMAP risk based approach
- The Control of Salmonid Populations by Hydrological Connectivity: an Analysis at the Local, Reach and Watershed scales
- The European Cenozoic Volcanic Province: The Type Example of an Implausible Plume (IMP)?
- The Impact of Heterogeneous Snow Cover On Simulated Northern Hemisphere Carbon, Water and Heat Exchange
- The Sensitivity of Coastal Cliffs to Changes in Sea Level
- The links between flow structure and suspended sediment over sand dunes revealed using phase coherence wavelet analysis
- The prognosis for carbon storage in northern peatlands - evidence from peatlands in the UK
- The use of remote sensing for landslide hazard management in the aftermath of the Kashmir earthquake
- Time-dependent Seismic Tomography of the Coso Geothermal Area, 1996-2006
- Active faults and surface rupture in the 12 May 2008 Sichuan earthquake
- Assessing ice-sheet and sea-level changes: Implementing dynamic subglacial processes in a high-order ice sheet model
- Calibrating a Glaciological Model of the Greenland Ice Sheet From the Last Glacial Maximum to Present-day Using Field Observations of Relative sea Level and ice Extent
- Can the transition zone test the Plate and Plume hypotheses?
- Combining textural and micro-geochemical analysis in igneous rocks: A Santorini case study.
- Development and Preliminary Application of High-Resolution Endoscopic Piv for Quantification of Flow Structure Within a Pore Space
- Does the Earth's Mantle pulse? Mixture Models and Model Ages
- Estimation of climate change impacts on river flow and catchment hydrological connectivity incorporating uncertainty from multiple climate models, stochastic downscaling and hydrological model parameterisation error sources
- Fault Heating and Lubrication During Earthquakes: Experimental Constraints
- Further evidence of a global carbon cycle disturbance at the Silurian-Devonian boundary: A study of the δ13C record in the eastern-most Central Appalachian Basin (Ulster County, New York)
- Holocene Sea-level Change in south-central Alaska: Integrating Tectonics, Geomorphology and Quaternary Stratigraphy
- Impacts of Bank Protection Measures on the Morphological Response of an Upland Gravel-Bed River in the UK
- Landscape Response to Fault Array Evolution
- Linking Surface Morphological Change to Subsurface Fluvial Architecture: What Imprints do big Floods Leave?
- Lithosphere-Mantle Interactions at Continental Rifts
- Long-Term Changes In The Behaviour Of Jakobshavns Isbrae, West Greenland During The Late Quaternary-Holocene
- Modelling Shallow Landslides: the Importance of Lateral Reinforcement and Hydrological Controls
- Modelling the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment of Greenland on Millennial to Decadal Timescales
- Numerical modelling of interaction between ice shelf calving and dynamics of Crane Glacier, a former tributary of the Larsen-B ice shelf, Antarctic Peninsula.
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Velocity Models using Bayesian Methods
- Reconstructing the contribution of the Weddell Sea sector, Antarctica, to sea level rise since the last glacial maximum, using numerical modelling constrained by field evidence.
- Searching for catastrophic mantle-melting events in an imperfect geologic record
- Stream Nitrate Concentrations in a Small Catchment in South West England over a Period of 35 Years (1970-2005)
- Temporal Variations in the Structural Evolution of the St. Elias Orogen: Long term variations driven by dramatic exhumation vs short term uncertaintie
- The Multi-annual carbon budget of a peat-covered catchment
- The effectiveness of nitrate vulnerable zones for limiting surface water nitrate concentrations - the failure of nutrient input management.
- Utilizing remote sensing to supplement ground monitoring of Diorhabda elongata as a control agent for Tamarix ramosissima in Dinosaur National Monument
- A combined Lagrangian-Eulerian approach to understand the kinematic and dynamic properties of coherent flow structures over a gravel bed
- A quantitative analysis of rock cliff erosion environments
- Analogue modelling of slope deformation patterns prior to failure
- Autogenic controls on the depositional architecture of big multi-channel rivers: the Rio Paraná, Argentina
- Continental basement inheritance and multiscale rifted ocean margin architectures: case studies from the N Atlantic-Greenland region (Invited)
- Controls on the spatial distribution of landslide hazards triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan Province, China
- Dynamically Weak Faults During Earthquakes (Invited)
- Energy Delivery to Cliffs from Waves, Tides and Storms
- Estimating the longevity of the LUSI mud volcano, East Java
- Evidence of long-term change in fluvial DOC composition - why is fluvial DOC increasing and is it having more impact on the atmosphere?
- Ice sheet extent and early deglacial history of the southwestern sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Implementation of dynamic subglacial processes in a high-order ice sheet model
- Inspiration & Insight - a tribute to Niels Reeh
- Interaction between subsurface ocean waters and calving of Jakobshavn Isbrae during the late Holocene
- Interplay Between High And Low Latitude Climate Variability: New Records From The Aegean Sea
- Investigating the structure of turbulent flows in porous media: an endoscopic particle image velocimetry (E-PIV) approach
- Late Quaternary relative sea level change in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
- Making Riverscapes Real (Invited)
- Modelling West Antarctic Ice Sheet ice flow dynamics using a higher order, high resolution ice sheet model
- On the development of an underground geoscience laboratory at Boulby in NE England (Invited)
- Quantifying the impacts of landslides on society
- Remotely Sensed, catchment scale, estimations of flow resistance
- Role of ice-ocean interaction on glacier instability: Results from numerical modeling applied to Petermann Glacier (Invited)
- SCIMAP: Modelling Diffuse Pollution in Large River Basins
- Simulating the Spatial Distribution of Hydrological Connectivity Under Possible Future Climates - Impacts on River Flow Dynamics and Non-Point Source Pollution
- Small scale convection at the edge of the Colorado Plateau: Implications for topography, magmatism, and evolution of Proterozoic lithosphere
- Spatial and Temporal Influences on Hydrologic Connectivity: A Mathematical Formalization
- Subglacial bedforms and water distribution beneath Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica (Invited)
- Subglacial topography inferred from ice surface terrain analysis reveals a large un-surveyed basin below sea level in East Antarctica. (Invited)
- Symptoms of change in multi-scale observations of arctic ecosystem carbon cycling
- The Boulby Geoscience Project Underground Research Laboratory: Initial Results of a Rock Mechanics Laboratory Testing Programme
- The Fluvial Information System
- The Sub-Arctic Carbon Cycle: Assimilating Multi-Scale Chamber, Tower and Aircraft Flux Observations into Ecological Models
- The dynamics of coherent flow structures within a submerged permeable bed
- The fluid dynamics of confluent meander bends and some implications for their planform stability
- The role of sublithospheric gravitational instability on oceanic intraplate volcanism
- The terrestrial nitrogen budget of the United Kingdom
- Towards minimum information requirements for representing hydrological connectivity at the landscape scale (Invited)
- Understanding dynamic changes of marine terminating outlet glaciers through combining observations and numerical modelling, the case of Crane Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Variations Of Surface Deformation And Lateral Extent Of Ruptures In Sequential Earthquake Deformation Cycles, South Central Alaska
- What is the prognosis of nitrogen losses from UK soils?
- A 125 year long record of DOC flux from a major temperate catchment: land-use vs. climate control?
- A Newly Reanalyzed Dataset of GPS-determined Antarctic Vertical Rates
- A new Glacial Isostatic Adjustment model for Antarctica (Invited)
- A pilot Virtual Observatory (pVO) for integrated catchment science - Demonstration of national scale modelling of hydrology and biogeochemistry (Invited)
- An experimental and numerical study into the effect of submerged vegetation on the generation of turbulent flow structures
- Applying a Computational Fluid Dynamics model to understand flow structures in a large river: the Rio Paraná
- Century-Scale Relative Sea-Level Changes in West Greenland - Unravelling the Contributions from the Cryosphere and the Ocean
- Chilean Segment Boundary Persistence over the Late Holocene
- Combining tide gauge and geological records of 200 years of British sea level change
- Constraining Martian Water Abundance via Combination of MONS and CRISM data
- Continental collision and slab break-off: 3-D modelling results and implications for the Mediterranean
- Continuous Particle Size Mapping of Alluvial Fan Material in Mojave Crater from HiRISE Imagery
- Contrasting Patterns of Fine Fluvial Sediment Delivery in Two Adjacent Upland Catchments
- Effect of Cyclonal Precipitations on the Long-term dissolved and particulate fluxes of river in Taiwan (Invited)
- Effects of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake on the Min River, Sichuan, China
- Efficient transport of fossil organic carbon to the ocean by steep mountain rivers: Retaining carbon in the lithosphere
- Extension of Greenland Ice Sheet outlets to the shelf edge bordering Baffin Bay during the last glacial cycle
- Fault Segmentation and Earthquake Generation in the Transition from Strike-slip to Subduction Plate Motion, Saint Elias Orogen, Alaska and Yukon (Invited)
- Flow structure and mixing at the confluence of unequal density rivers (Invited)
- Footwall Structure of Oceanic Core Complexes: New Insights from Geophysical Data for Footwall Capture of Ascending Melt
- From pore-scale flow measurements towards a Computational Fluid Dynamics prediction of momentum exchange across river bed interface
- Geological constraints on the last glacial maximum extent, flow and subsequent retreat history of the Belgica Trough palaeo-ice stream, Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica
- Geomorphic assessment of habitat suitability in large rivers from satellite remote sensing: a case study from the Ganga river system, India
- Geomorphic signature of an Antarctic palaeo-ice stream: implications for understanding subglacial processes and grounding line retreat
- Greenland Ice Sheet Retreat from the Central West Greenland Shelf during the Last Deglaciation and the early Holocene (Invited)
- Harvesting organic carbon by landslides in mountain forest: Establishing decadal rates of carbon transfer and the role of extreme events (Invited)
- Influence of preparation methods on C and N concentrations and δ13C composition of terrestrial and aquatic organic materials
- Interactions between bedforms, turbulence and pore flow
- Inverse modelling of diffuse pollution risks in agricultural catchments
- Investigating role of ice-ocean interaction on glacier dynamic: Results from numerical modeling applied to Petermann Glacier
- Late Holocene spatial patterns of coseismic land level changes and earthquake rupture areas, south-central Alaska
- Lithospheric delamination during rifting
- Mechanisms of turbulence production and dissipation within an idealised permeable bed revealed using endoscopic PIV
- Mid-Holocene variability of the East Asian monsoon based on bulk organic δ13C and C/N records from the Pearl River estuary, southern China
- Modelling the dynamics of palaeo ice-stream retreat in Marguerite Bay, Antarctica
- New Reconstructed Antarctic Palaeotopography for the Eocene-Oligocene Climate Transition
- New evidence on past ice flow and iceberg activity on the southern Yermak Plateau
- Nitrate trends in United Kingdom watersheds since 1868: can we reverse the trend?
- Non-stationarity in long hydrological time series: a new theoretical technique for detecting multiple changes in mean and variance
- Optimal sampling of soil depth variability for the prediction of hydrological response
- Rapid thinning and retreat of the Marguerite Trough Ice Stream, western Antarctic Peninsula in the Early Holocene
- Reconstructing Former Sea Cliff Chronologies using Cosmogenic 10Be Concentrations
- Relative Sea-Level Change in Western Iceland during the Last Half-Millennium and its Relation to Global Sea Level Patterns
- Science in the clouds: UAVs and cloud computing methods for spatial diffuse pollution risk assessment (Invited)
- Sediment signatures of the 2010 Chile Mw 8.8 earthquake
- Spatial and temporal variability of ice streaming during deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (Invited)
- Testing models of Jakobshavn ice stream mass changes during the last 800 years using relative sea-level data
- Testing the instability hypothesis for the formation of drumlins
- The Demonstration Test Catchment Approach to Land and Water Management in the river Eden Watershed, UK. (Invited)
- The Dynamics of Coarse Sediment Transfer in an Upland Bedrock River
- The Future of Carbon Storage in Upland Blanket - the Case of the English Peak District
- The generation of coherent flow structures in a gravel bed river
- The preservation potential of tsunami and post-tsunami sedimentation - Chile 2010
- The terrestrial nitrogen budget of the United Kingdom
- The transport of manufactured nanoparticles in the hyporheic zone
- The use of very long term water quality records from the UK: gaining perspective on problems of nitrate and DOC (Invited)
- Uncertainties in the Holocene evolution of the Greenland ice sheet: Implications for interpreting far-field sea-level records and present-day geodetic observations
- A 10 Myrs long record of mantle exhumation at the eastern Southwest Indian Ridge
- A framework to understand spatial and temporal connectivity dynamics at hill slope and catchment scales.
- Acid treatment biasing to C/N, δ13C and δ15N of organic matter: A Molecular insight
- Assessing How Marine-Terminating Glacier Geometry Controls Dynamic Sensitivity to Calving Using a Numerical Ice Flow Model
- Assessing modes of North Atlantic sea-level change during the last two millennia
- Bayesian Palaeoclimate Reconstruction with Marginal Mixture Posteriors and Predictive Processes
- Compression of low energy intertidal sediments: controls, effects and solutions
- DOC fluxes from the UK - up to 194 monitoring sites over 125 years and from 0.1 km2 to 10000 km2
- Deep-tow magnetic survey above large exhumed mantle domains of the eastern Southwest Indian ridge
- Density and orientation of upland open drains: critical determinants of downstream flood risk?
- Erosion and deposition on a debris-flow fan
- Extracting Ice Sheet History from Internal Ice Layer Architecture - a Modelling Approach
- Gpgpu Accelerated Landscape-Evolution Modelling
- Greenhouse to Icehouse Landscape Evolution Revealed in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica
- Influence of microseismicity on the evolution of rock mass strength
- Interaction between ocean circulation and ice margin dynamics in central west Greenland during the Holocene
- Isorenieratene: Biomarker for Photic Layer Anoxia?
- Landslide disturbance: implications for chemical weathering, vegetation and carbon cycling
- Limits on the Abundance and Burial Depth of Lunar Polar Ice
- Local response to warm Antarctic terrestrial temperatures in the Eocene: evidence from terrestrial biomarkers
- Mantle exhumation at the Southwest Indian Ridge; preliminary results of the SMOOTHSEAFLOOR cruise
- Marine and Lacustrine Organic-rich Sedimentary Unit Time Markers: Implications from Rhenium-Osmium Geochronology
- Mass flux from Kangerlussuaq Glacier, East Greenland, modeled in a 200-year perspective
- Mid-late Holocene sea-level changes in the central Indian Ocean
- Models for the volume of earliest Oligocene Antarctic ice on reconstructed Antarctic topography
- Natural Slip Surfaces in Fault Cores of Seismogenic Carbonate Faults
- Nitrate concentrations and fluxes in the River Thames, London UK 1868 to 2008: catchment-scale modelling of diffuse agricultural sources and groundwater response using the world's longest water quality time series
- Obtaining diverse behaviors in a climate model without the use of flux adjustment
- Response of major Greenland outlet glaciers to oceanic and atmospheric forcing: Results from numerical modeling on Petermann, Jakobshavn and Helheim Glacier.
- Sea surface temperatures from the southern Benguela region from the Pliocene and Pleistocene: tracking Agulhas Current input into the SE Atlantic
- Sensitivity of palaeo-ice-stream retreat patterns to ice-ocean interactions and topography: a test of the marine ice sheet instability hypothesis
- Smoking guns: Polar ice sheets as potential drivers of late Holocene sea-level change?
- Spatiotemporal ecohydrological patterns and processes in temperate uplands: linking field observations and model results
- The Efficacy of Riverbank Infiltration (RBF) on the Attenuation of Contamination at a Site Riverbank Filtration
- The power law relationship for landslide fatality data
- The terrestrial nitrogen budget of the Thames catchment, UK
- The total nitrogen budget of the UK- amounts, controls and prognosis
- Topographic Structure from Motion
- Understanding marine outlet glacier dynamics and calving from combining modelling and observations of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland
- Understanding nutrient connectivity at the landscape scale: The use of the SCIMAP approach in the UK and Ireland
- A GPU accelerated, discrete time random walk model for simulating reactive transport in porous media using colocation probability function based reaction methods
- A group intercomparison of GRACE Antarctic and Greenland ice loss estimates, as part of the Ice Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE)
- A lower Antarctic sea level contribution estimated from GRACE using a new glacial isostatic adjustment model
- A reduced complexity discrete particle model for understanding the sediment dynamics of steep upland river confluences
- Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Ice Sheet Mass Balance using GRACE: A Report from the Ice-sheet Mass Balance Exercise (IMBIE)
- Basin-averaged erosion rates from the uplifting Siwalik Hills in northwest India
- Changes in nitrate concentrations and loads in United Kingdom watersheds since 1868: Evidence for land use change as a dominant driver and ineffective mitigation
- Cloud-enabled Web Applications for Environmental Modelling
- Debris-flow fans as recorders of past flow magnitudes
- Evidence for the Mechanism Behind the Biasing of Organic Matter's Isotopic Carbon Signal during Pre-preparation Removal of Inorganic Carbonate
- Growth and Stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Recorded in the Landscape of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains
- High Sensitivity of Tidewater Glacier Dynamics to Shape
- High resolution remote sensing of water surface patterns
- High-Precision Reconstructions of Relative Sea-Level Changes in the NW Atlantic Ocean during the Last 500 Years
- Hydrological models as web services: Experiences from the Environmental Virtual Observatory project
- Ice sheet-ocean interactions on the central West Greenland margin during the Last Deglaciation and the early Holocene
- Improving National Capability in Biogeochemical Flux Modelling: the UK Environmental Virtual Observatory (EVOp)
- Investigating the nature and dominance of feedback mechanisms within vegetated channel flows: a high-resolution numerical modelling approach
- Lagrangian coherent structures in the solar magnetoconvective turbulence
- Linking sediment transport and channel roughness in bedrock rivers
- Living on the Edge: Resilience and Change in Drylands
- Long-term evolution of valley-side slopes: a comparison of simulation results and field evidence
- Mid-Holocene variability of the East Asian monsoon based on bulk organic δ13C and C/N records from the Pearl River estuary, southern China
- Modeling the Effect of Basal Ice Accretion Growth and Decay on Ice Sheet Isochrone Architecture
- Modelling the post-glacial evolution of the Foundation Ice Stream, Weddell Sea embayment, Antarctica
- Monitoring Fluvial Topography at Hyperspatial Resolutions with UAS imagery and Structure from Motion
- New datasets for quantifying snow-vegetation-atmosphere interactions in boreal birch and conifer forests
- Non-stationarity in long hydrological time series: cumulative sums, autocorrelation and temporal scale-shifting
- North Atlantic Oscillation drives double orographic enhancement of precipitation and river flow in upland Britain
- Peatlands, methane cycling and hyperthermals on the East Antarctic continent in the early Eocene.
- Post-glacial thinning history of the Foundation Ice Stream, Weddell Sea embayment, Antarctica
- Progressive Shear Surface Development in Cohesive Materials under Elevated Pore Pressure Conditions - Implications for Understanding Landslide Behaviour
- Relative contributions to microseismic ground motion of coastal cliffs, implications for erosion, and future responses to climate
- Sedimentary Record and Morphological Effects of a Landslide-Generated Tsunami in a Polar Region: The 2000 AD Tsunami in Vaigat Strait, West Greenland
- Tephrochronology and the chronology of past climate change in the Gulf of California
- The Geology and Volcanic Evolution of the Hjorliefshofthi Outlier, Iceland: A 3D exposure of a Surtseyan Volcano?
- The course of water in Archean subduction systems
- The frictional properties of carbonate gouges during the seismic cycle
- The identification of a Pliocene time slice(s) for data/model comparison
- The last ice-sheet advance and retreat across the Antarctic continental shelf: Synchrony or diachrony?
- The loss of DOC in transit through river catchments - impact on the atmosphere and understanding trends
- The use of very long term water quality records from the UK: new insights and new methods
- Thresholds for grain entrainment and deposition on bedrock river beds
- Understanding multiple element budgets of peatlands - a role for simple stoichiometry?
- Understanding the main uncertainties in hydrological impact ensembles of Regional Climate Models predictions for large catchments in the UK
- Upscaling from Particle to Catchment: Marker-in-Cell Approaches to Modelling Soil Erosion
- Using Multi-Resolution and Multi-Temporal Imagery to Validate Tropical Forest Degradation
- Using Particle Imaging Velocimetry and Radio Frequency Identification to gain insights into erosion processes
- Assessing the Impact of Extreme Precipitation Changes on Shallow Landslide Location and Size
- Assessing the use of small scale experimental flume models to study debris flow dynamics
- Breakdown of hydrous minerals during lithospheric removal as a magmatic trigger beneath the Bolivian Altiplano
- Carbonate chemistry of intermediate waters in the Southwest Pacific Ocean since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Changes in ocean circulation in the South-east Atlantic Ocean during the Pliocene
- Characterising flow-vegetation interactions in open channel flows across a range of plant forms
- Coevolving Semiarid Landform Vegetation Patterns: the effect of plant traits, structural vegetation attributes on surface water connectivity and erosion
- Constraining the Source Distribution of MWP-1A using Near- and Far-Field Data and Modelling Constraints
- Detecting change in long hydrological time series: moving on from double-mass curves
- Development of a mobile sensor for robust assessment of river bed grain forces
- Emergent structures and understanding from a comparative uncertainty analysis of the FUSE rainfall-runoff modelling platform for >1,100 catchments
- Flow Structures over Fixed 2D Bedforms in Transient States
- From the Tachocline Into the Heliosphere: Coupling a 3D kinematic dynamo to a Non-Linear Coronal Evolution Model
- High temporal resolution water chemistry information for catchment understanding and management
- Improving peatland erosion rate measurements through the use of terrestrial laser scanning
- Insights into rock slope failure from a decade of high-resolution monitoring of actively failing coastal cliffs (Invited)
- Is there a geochemical link between volcanic and plutonic rocks in the Organ Mountains caldera?
- Links between river incision, landslide activity, organic material erosion, and plant species diversity in an Andean Valley
- Making Mountains out of Molehills: Sediment Transport by the European Mole (Talpa europaea)
- Mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Little Ice Age, implications on sea level
- Mountain respiration: Rates and patterns of fossil organic carbon oxidation revealed using the trace element rhenium
- New observations on relative sea-level change since the late Glacial from the British and Irish continental shelf and their implications for understanding earth-ice-ocean interactions
- On the role of slab de- and re-hydration and temperature on magmas genesis
- Physical erosion and nitrogen export from mountain forests: Isotopic insight on nutrient loss (Invited)
- Post-glacial sea-level history for NE Ireland (Belfast Lough) based on offshore evidence
- Post-glacial sea-level history for SW Ireland (Bantry Bay) based on offshore evidence
- Potential links between onshore tectonics and terrestrial organic carbon delivery to distal submarine fan environments: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Quantifying Riverscape Connectivity with Graph Theory
- Radiocarbon dating of marine material: mollusc versus foraminifera ages
- Rapid bedrock uplift in the Antarctic Peninsula explained by viscoelastic response to recent ice unloading
- Risks from earthquake-induced landslides in the Himalayan Arc (Invited)
- Seismic signatures of iceberg failure, collapse and rolls
- Spatial Distribution of Landslides Triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake: Implications for Landslide Fluvial Mobilization and Earthquake Source Mechanism
- Spatial pattern of mass loss processes across the Greenland Ice Sheet from the Little Ice Age to 2010
- The Importance of Simulating Changes in Topography in Process-based Soil Erosion Modelling: Implications for Landscape-Evolution Modelling
- The Lusi mud eruption was not triggered by an earthquake
- The Vaigat Rock Avalanche Laboratory, west-central Greenland
- The dependence of rockfall runout on shape
- The effects of wave phasing on coseismic landslide displacement
- The production and erosion of sediment cover on bedrock surfaces
- The record of iceberg roll generated waves from sediments and seismics
- The use of remote sensing for rapid post-disaster assessment - an example from Kedarnath, Uttarakhand, north India (Invited)
- Trans-lithospheric scheme of arc magma transfer and evolution (Invited)
- Uncertainty in Greenland glacial isostatic adjustment (Invited)
- Understanding fine sediment and phosphorous delivery in upland catchments
- Understanding the fluvial loss of carbon from UK watersheds - implications for terrestrial carbon; greenhouse gases and water quality
- Where is the Total Nitrogen accumulating in the Thames catchment (UK)?
- 4D Analysis of Slope Monitoring Data from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- A 5 Year Study of Carbon Fluxes from a Restored English Blanket Bog
- A 665 year record of Coulomb stress changes on active faults in the central Apennines, Italy.
- A Freshwater Starvation Mechanism for Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles
- A Sequential Dynamic Bayesian Network for Pore Pressure Prediction and Quantification of Uncertainty.
- A Zinc Isotope Perspective on Fluid/Mantle Interactions and Recycling During Subduction
- Apatite as a Tool for Tracking Magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Contents
- Aquatic carbon and GHG export from a permafrost catchment; identifying source areas and primary flow paths.
- Assessing Vegetation Structure and Dynamics in a Chihuahuan Grassland-Shrubland Ecotone Using the Relationship Between Remote-Sensed Vegetation Phenology and Precipitation
- Bubble-crystal aggregates promote magma chamber overturn in arc crust
- Ca Isotope Evidence for Changes in the Carbonate Geochemistry of Seawater Across OAE 2
- Can grain size sensitive creep lubricate faults during earthquake propagation?
- Carbon Flux in Drylands: The Forgotten Dimensions?
- Climate Regime Controls Fluvial Evacuation of Sediment Mobilized by Large Earthquakes
- Climate-Ice Sheet Interactions through the Pliocene-Pleistocene: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 341 (Gulf of Alaska)
- Constraining the Conditions Required for the Delamination of Subducting Crust
- Controls on Shallow Landslide Area, Depth, and Shape
- Crustal Structure and Flexural Characteristics of the Louisville Ridge and Tonga-Kermadec Subduction System
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of the Louisville Ridge Seamount Chain at Its Intersection with the Tonga-Kermadec Subduction Zone
- Deep water recycling through time
- Deep-water carbonate ion shifts during the last glacial termination in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
- Designing Schemes to Mitigate Non-Point Source Water Pollution from Agriculture: The Value of High-Resolution Hydrochemical and Hydrophysical Data
- Dynamic Activation of a Marine-terminating Arctic Ice Cap
- Dynamic Connectivity in the Middle Ganga Reaches Impacted by Human Disturbance
- Dynamic Rupture Processes during Laboratory Earthquakes
- Dynamics of Bedload Transport in a Bedrock-Alluvial River
- Earthquake rupture in shallow, unconsolidated sediment
- Ecohydrologic coevolution in drylands: relative roles of vegetation, soil depth and runoff connectivity on ecosystem shifts.
- Effect of partial melting on small scale convection atop a mantle plume
- Effects of Fertile Mantle Compositional Variation and Spreading Rate Variation on the Working of Global Ocean Ridges
- Evolution of δ<SUP> 56</SUP>Fe in serpentinites during subduction: example in the Western Alps.
- Fluorine and Chlorine in mantle: are they useful volatile tracers?
- Geomorphic Controls on Aquifer Geometry in Northwestern India
- Helicopter, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Ground Based Photogrammetric Monitoring of Mass Movements in Deglaciating Landscapes
- High Precision Ti stable Isotope Measurement of Terrestrial Rocks
- Hotspots in Hindsight
- Ice Stream Dynamics during Deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- In Situ Sensing Guided Geotechnical Modelling of Subglacial Deformation
- InSAR Observations and Finite Element Modeling of Crustal Deformation Around a Surging Glacier, Iceland
- Increased Fluvial Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes over 130 Years of Land-Use Change in the Thames Basin
- Investigating the Benthic Foraminiferal Stilostomellid Extinction and Mid Pleistocene Phytoplankton Evolution
- Iron Stable Isotopes, Magmatic Differentiation and the Oxidation State of Mariana Arc Magmas
- Legacy Contaminantion in UK catchments since the mid-19th century
- Legacy phosphorus accumulation and management in the global context: insights from long-term analysis of major river basins
- Linking Historical Earthquake Records to Long Term Fault Slip Rates Using Cosmogenic 36Cl: Evidence for Migrating Earthquake Activity on a Millenial Timescale Across the Central Italian Apennines
- Long-Term Water Quality Studies in a Eutrophic Lake Catchment: Slapton Ley, SW England
- Long-wave emission from trees in snow-covered Arctic boreal forests: measurement and modelling
- Low Post-Glacial Rebound Rates in the Weddell Sea Due to Late Holocene Ice-Sheet Readvance
- Magmatic Processes and Systems Deduced from Single Crystals
- Magnitude, Rates and Sources of Sea-level Rise Associated with Past Polar Ice-sheet Retreat
- Melting Processes and Mantle Heterogeneity Recorded by Individual Phases from Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
- Minutes to Millennia: Diffusion Methods in Subduction-Related Volcanism
- Modelling 50,000 Years of Landscape Evolution in the Upper Thames Valley, UK: Preliminary Results from PARALLEM
- Molybdenum isotope fractionation in the critical zone
- Neutron Diffraction of Aqueous Tetramethylammonium Chloride (TMA) Solutions and TMA Intercalated Swelling Clays Under Burial Conditions
- New Perspectives on Long Run-out Rock Avalanches: A Dynamic Analysis of 20 Events in the Vaigat Strait, West Greenland
- Non-Chondritic Stable Strontium (δ<SUP>88</SUP>Sr vs. δ<SUP>84</SUP>Sr) in the Earth, the Moon and Some Differentiated Asteroids
- On the Quality of Point-Clouds Derived from Sfm-Photogrammetry Applied to UAS Imagery
- On the Viability of Slab Melting
- Orographic Precipitation Changes and Shallow Landslide-Derived Sediment in Steep Landscapes
- Palaeoenvironmental conditions in the Gulf of Alaska (NE Pacific) during the Mid Pleistocene Transition
- Paleoceanography and Ice Sheet-Ocean Interactions on the Central West Greenland Margin, LGM through Deglaciation
- Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Results From the Chenaillet Ophiolite (French/Italian Alps) and its Interpretation as a Former Oceanic Core Complex
- Pan-Arctic Controls on the Rapid Retreat of Marine-Terminating Arctic Outlet Glaciers
- Pliocene Warm Period Upwelling in the Southern Benguela Region
- Pliocene-Pleistocene Surface and Intermediate Water Hydrography of the South Pacific Ocean
- Precursory Processes during Stick-Slip Experiments on Crustal Rocks
- Salt Marshes as Monitors of Late Holocene Outlet Glacier Retreat
- Sediment transport in the aftermath of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: constraints from landslide mapping, photo-sieving and reservoir accumulation
- Simulation of three component two phase flow in porous media using method of lines.
- Smart Dynamic Monitoring and Tracking of Individual Sediment Grains: Design Framework and Experimental Evaluation.
- Sources and Relative Timing of Groundwater Recharge in Northwest India Using Environmental Isotopes
- Spatio-temporal Variations in Groundwater Levels in Northwest India and Implications for Future Groundwater Management
- Strength of Calcite-Bearing Faults in Fluid Pressure-Controlled Experiments
- The Davie Ridge: a Marginal Transform Ridge not Formed During Continental Breakup
- The Devil is in the Details: Using X-Ray Computed Tomography to Develop Accurate 3D Grain Characteristics and Bed Structure Metrics for Gravel Bed Rivers
- The Effect of Authigenic Phyllosilicate Growth on the Mechanical Behaviour of Upper Crustal Faults
- The Lower Murray River's Mannum Muds: A Holocene Age Lacustrine Deposit In A Bedrock Gorge
- The Nucleation and Dynamic Rupture of Laboratory Earthquakes
- The dependence structure of daily hydrological processes
- The effect of metastable pyroxene on the slab dynamics
- The evolution of slip surface roughness during earthquake propagation in carbonate faults
- The role of clay content during earthquake propagation in carbonate-hosted faults
- Towards Better Calibration of Modern Palynological Data against Climate: A Case Study in Osaka Bay, Japan
- Typhoon-Mediated Organic Carbon Export in the Western Pacific: The Role of Steep Mountainous Rivers
- Understanding the Fluvial Loss of Carbon from UK Watersheds - Implications for Terrestrial Carbon; Greenhouse Gases and Water Quality.
- Utilising conservative tracers and spatial surveys to identify controls on pathways and DOC exports in an Arctic catchment.
- Water Quality Measurements from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: The Case of the River Ganga
- Water and Slabs in the Transition Zone - Hydrous Ringwoodite in Diamond
- "Frictional processes" in carbonate-bearing rocks at seismic deformation conditions
- <p>The Tasmantid Seamounts: A window into the structural inheritance of ocean floor fabric
- A New Look at the Bathymetric and Potential-Field Structure of the Cayman Trough via CaySEIS
- A Newton-Euler Description for Sediment Movement.
- A Partial Late Veneer for the Source of 3.8 Ga Isua Rocks: Evidence from Highly Siderophile Elements and <SUP>182</SUP>W
- An Empirically-based Steady-state Friction Law and its Implications for Fault Stability
- An experimental study into the influence of aquatic plant motion characteristics on the generation of a fluvial turbulent flow field
- BRITICE-CHRONO: The project and highlights so far
- Benthic Records of Seawater Carbonate Ion and Temperature for the Past 30,000 Years in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
- Biofilm-flow interactions in aquatic environments
- Braiding, Turbulent 3D Reconnection and Impulsive Heating of the Magnetically Closed Corona
- Changes in solute chemistry of Yangtze headwaters following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: Does seismicity influence silicate weathering fluxes?
- Characterizing Landslide and River Bed Sediments Grain Size after a Large Earthquake with Insight into Post-earthquake Sediment Dynamics
- Clean hot water drilling for exploration of the Antarctic deep subglacial environment
- Climate-Ice Sheet Interactions through the Plio-Pleistocene: Preliminary Results from IODP 341 Expedition (Gulf of Alaska).
- Combined Whole-Rock to Nano-Scale Investigations Reveal Contrasting Response of Pt-Os and Re-Os Isotope Systematics During Magmatic and Post-Magmatic Processes
- Combining local lithofacies and global geochemical signals to test the acidification hypothesis for the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the U.S. Western Interior Basin
- Constraining Slab Breakoff Induced Magmatism through Numerical Modelling
- Coulomb stress changes over a 660-year period in central Italy: Implications for understanding fault interactions and earthquake occurrence
- Deep-sea coral record of human impact on watershed quality in the Mississippi River Basin
- Deformation of slopes damaged during the 2015 Nepal earthquake sequence
- Development of a Landslide Monitoring System using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Difficulties in Forecasting Flow Paths During the 2014-2015 Lava Flow Crisis at Kīlauea Volcano (Hawaíi)
- Drivers of sea-level change - using relative sea level records from the North and South Atlantic to fingerprint sources of mid-Holocene ice melt
- Early Mantle Evolution and the Late Veneer - New Perspectives from Highly Siderophile Elements
- Earthquake-triggered increase in biospheric carbon export from a mountain belt: Insight from the 2008 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Enhanced oxidative weathering in glaciated mountain catchments: A stabilising feedback on atmospheric carbon dioxide?
- Erosion of Organic Carbon from Permafrost Zones in the Arctic as a Geological Carbon Dioxide Sink
- Evidence for Global Biogeochemical Changes During the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Evolution of Surface Water Conditions in the Gulf of California During the Past 2000 years: Implications for the North American Monsoon
- Examining Solar Flare Spectral Parameter Evolution to Probe the Development of the Electon Beam
- Exploring controls on ice stream destabilisation during the LGM/Holocene transition in West Greenland
- Exploring the Relationship Between Hydrograph Characteristics and the Time Evolution of Sand Bed Morphology
- First High-Resolution Record of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, Revealed by Multi-proxy Analysis of Drift Sediments
- Flow around an individual morphologically complex plant: investigating the role of plant aspect in the numerical prediction of complex river flow
- Fluvial fan evolution during Late Quaternary climate changes: field and chronological constraints from the Indo-Gangetic basin
- Frictional melting experiments investigate coseismic behaviour of pseudotachylyte-bearing faults in the Outer Hebrides Fault Zone, UK.
- GPS-derived Horizontal Velocities Constrain Viscosity Contrast Beneath the Transantarctic Mountains
- High Arctic Coasts At Risk - The Impact of Coastal Hazards on Scientific and Community Infrastructure in Svalbard
- High-Velocity Frictional Properties of Westerly Granite and the Role of Thermal Cracking on Gouge Production
- How Population Growth and Land-Use Change Increased Fluvial Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes over 130 Years in the Thames Basin (UK)
- Identifying Mantle Carbonatite Metasomatism through Os-Sr-Mg Isotopes in Tibetan Ultrapotassic Rocks
- Insights into the movements of landslides from combinations of field monitoring and novel direct shear testing
- Inter-Granular Relationships and Characterization of Bed Structures for Fluvial Sediment in Gravel-Bed Rivers Using Computed Tomography
- Investigating the possibility of East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS-derived observations of horizontal motion
- Late Cenozoic Himalayan Erosion Rates Revealed by Cosmogenic Isotopes in Foreland Sediments, Northern India
- Local slope, hillslope length and upslope unstable area as 1<SUP>st</SUP> order controls on co-seismic landslide hazard.
- Madagascar's Escape from Africa: New Constraints and Understanding for Plate Tectonic Reconstructions
- Millennial strain partitioning and fault interaction revealed by <SUP>36</SUP>Cl cosmogenic nuclide datasets from Abruzzo, Central Italy
- Multi-proxy study of Ocean Anoxic Event 2 (Cenomanian-Turonian) yields new perspective on the drivers for Mesozoic anoxic events
- Muon Tomography for Geological Repositories.
- New Insights into Trace Element Partitioning in Amphibole from Multiple Regression Analysis, with Application to the Magma Plumbing System of Mt. Lamington (Papua New Guinea)
- Numerical Models of Indian Plate Underthrusting After Slab Break-off: Controls on Himalayan-Tibetan Tectonics
- Petrology and Rock Magnetism of the peridotites of Pindos Ophiolite (Greece), insights into the serpentinization process
- Quantifying Tectonic and Erosion-Driven Uplift in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains of East Antarctica
- Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Drag within an Aquatic Vegetation Canopy
- Reconstructing Final H<SUB>2</SUB>O Contents of Hydrated Rhyolitic Glasses: Insights into H<SUB>2</SUB>O Degassing and Eruptive Style of Silicic Submarine Volcanoes
- Rupture processes inferred from laboratory earthquakes
- Seismic refraction data constrain along-axis structure of the Mid-Cayman spreading center
- Seismic structure of oceanic crust at ODP borehole 504B: Investigating anisotropy and layer 2 characteristics
- Seismic structure of ultra-slow spreading crust formed at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, Caribbean Sea
- Shallow Landslides Hazards in a Changing Climate
- Short Term Patterns of Landslides Causing Death in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Sources and Residence Times of Exported Organic Carbon From High-standing Tropical Island
- The Architecture and Frictional Properties of Faults in Shale
- The Delamination and Underplating of the Subducting Crust, and Slow Subduction
- The East Australian, Tasmantid, and Lord Howe Volcanic Chains: Possible mechanisms behind a trio of hotspot trails
- The Effects of Differing Sequences of Earthquake Ground-Shaking on Coseismic Slope Stability
- The Global Record of the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event: Perspectives from the Eastern Panthalassic Ocean
- The Influence of Ephemeral Beaches on Alongshore Variability of Hard-rock Cliff Erosion
- The behaviour of copper isotopes during igneous processes
- The frictional properties and deformation mechanisms of faults in near-surface, poorly lithified sediments: implications for rupture propagation in the shallow crust
- The frictional properties of faults at shallow depths: implications for rupture propagation.
- The influence of three dimensional dunes on river flows and fluxes
- Towards inclusion of dynamic slip features in stochastic models for probabilistic (tsunami) hazard analysis.
- Unravelling the magmatic processes behind zoned fall units on Ascension Island, South Atlantic
- Wide-Angle Refraction Tomographic Inversion of Mid Cayman Spreading Center and its Oceanic Core Complex, CaySEIS Experiment
- 3D crustal structure beneath the Costa Rica Rift from seismic tomography: insight into magmatic activity
- A New Approach To Soil Sampling For Risk Assessment Of Nutrient Mobilisation.
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- Abrupt Climate Events in Britain and the North Atlantic during Marine Isotope Stage 11
- An Assessment of Magma-Hydrothermal Heat Output at the Costa Rica Rift
- An experimental investigation of earthquake rupture in granite at hydrothermal temperatures (20-160<SUP>o</SUP>C)
- An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
- Analysis of a Conductive Heat Flow Profile in the Ecuador Fracture Zone
- Assessing fugitive emissions of CH<SUB>4</SUB> from high-pressure gas pipelines in the UK
- Changes in ice dynamics along the northern Antarctic Peninsula
- Characterising the evolution of transform continental margins - a geophysical study of the Swan Island transform margin-Cayman Trough intersection, Caribbean Sea
- Debris Flows in a Changing Climate: Experimental and Field Investigations of the Influence of Changes in Moisture on Matrix Properties, Interparticle Interactions, and Subsequent Debris Flow Behaviors
- Detachment Fault Behavior Revealed by Micro-Seismicity at 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Dynamics of Debris Supply and Removal from Coastal Cliffs
- Dynamics, rate and nature of retreat of the British Irish Ice-Sheet offshore of NW Ireland following the Last Glacial Maximum
- Early Earth slab stagnation
- Earthquake rupture dynamics in shallow, poorly lithified sediments
- Earthquake-driven erosion of organic carbon at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS observations of horizontal bedrock motion
- Effects of biofilm on flow over and through a permeable bed
- Examining the impact of ambient flow on biofilm and its feedback on the flow structure through a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) solver
- Experimental Constraints on the Respiratory Health Hazard Posed by Crystalline Silica-bearing Volcanic Ash
- Experimental insights into organic carbon oxidation potential during fluvial transport without floodplain storage
- Extensive decarbonation of continuously hydrated subducting slabs
- Flow-structure interaction between a model biofilm streamer and water flow: an experimental study
- Frictional instability of rough faults in granite
- Geological carbon budget of the Mackenzie River Basin: New insight from the oxidation of rock-derived organic carbon
- Geophysical Investigations of Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of Oceanic Intraplate Volcanoes (OIVs)
- Glacial-Geomorphological Evidence for Past Ice Cover in the Western Amundsen Sea Embayment of Antarctica
- Glacimarine Sedimentary Processes and Deposits at Fjord-Terminating Tidewater Glacier Margins
- Global perspectives on oxidative weathering of organic carbon in sedimentary rocks
- Grounding-Zone Wedges on the Porcupine Bank Offshore Western Ireland: Sedimentology, Age and Paleoglaciological Implications
- High-resolution record of the deglaciation of the British-Irish Ice Sheet from North Atlantic deep-sea sediments.
- Hot and Steamy Fractures in the Philippines: The Geological Characterization and Permeability Evaluation of Fractures in the Southern Negros Geothermal Field, Philippines
- Incorporation of friction laws valid at seismic slip rates in numerical simulations of tsunamigenic earthquakes
- Increased Drake Passage through-flow triggered abrupt re-invigoration of Atlantic Overturning Circulation during the last deglaciation
- Insights into accumulation variability over the last 2000 years at James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula
- Investigating the Impact of Solar Wind Model Boundary Conditions on Model Verification Metrics
- Investigating the origins of rhythmic major-element zoning in HP/LT garnets from worldwide subduction mélanges
- Lake Sediments show the Frequency of 21st Century Extreme Flooding in the UK is Unprecedented
- Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flow fields over three- dimensional alluvial dunes
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene phytoplankton productivity in the Gulf of Alaska, IODP Site U1419
- Long-term monitoring of UK river basins: the disconnections between the timescales of hydrological processes and watershed management planning
- Long-term monitoring of river basins: strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- Mitigating Agricultural Diffuse Pollution: Learning from The River Eden Demonstration Test Catchment Experiments
- Model for the Evolution of an Oceanic Core Complex and its Hydrothermal Vent on the Ultraslow-Spreading Mid Cayman Spreading Center
- Modelling Waterfall Retreat in Heterogenous Bedrock
- Near-Bottom High Resolution Magnetic Observations Over and Around an Active Oceanic Core Complex, MAR 13°N
- New Marine Heat Flow measurements at the Costa Rica Rift, Panama Basin
- Nucleation process of M 2 earthquakes on the San Andreas fault predicted by rate-and-state fault models with SAFOD drill-core data
- Numerical Modelling of Trace Elements Behaviour in Deep Magmatic Processes
- Offshore-onshore correlations refining the glacial history of western Ireland
- Past Penguin Colony Linkages to Climate Change and Catastrophic Volcanism on the Northern Antarctic Peninsula
- Past and present stability of the Weddell Sea sector of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Patch-scale Representation of Vegetation within Hydraulic Models
- Plutonic Xenoliths from Martinique and Statia: A Record of Differentiation Within the Plumbing Systems of the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc.
- Quantifying isostatic responses to Cenozoic incision in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains and the Recovery catchment sectors of East Antarctica
- Rapid Ice Unloading in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula and its Effect on Bedrock Uplift Rates
- Reconstruction of the Final Phases of Activity and Retreat of the North Sea Lobe Ice Stream during the Late Devensian
- Sediment Source Connectivity, Torrent Erosion and Sediment Delivery during a Record-breaking UK Flood
- Sediment Transport Dynamics and Bedform Evolution During Unsteady Flows
- Seismic Reflection Imaging of Detachment Faulting at 13°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Spatio-temporal dynamics in phytobenthos structural properties reveal insights into agricultural catchment dynamics and nutrient fluxes
- Spatio-temporal evolution of alluvial sand beds under unsteady flow
- Stable Vanadium Isotopes as a Redox Proxy at High Temperatures?
- Structure and Evolution of the Forearc-Arc Crust Along the Tonga-Kermadec Subduction System from Integrated Geophysical Data
- Subducting-slab transition-zone interaction: stagnation, penetration and mode switches
- Subglacial Bedform Development Explored with a Reduced Complexity Model
- Tectonic Control of the Acid and Alkalinity Budgets of Chemical Weathering
- Temporal dynamics and projected future changes in the nitrate leaching in a small river catchment dominated by under-drained clay soil grasslands: analysis of high-frequency monitoring data
- The Deep Crust Magmatic Refinery, Part 1: A Coupled Thermodynamic and Two-phase Flow Model
- The Deep Crust Magmatic Refinery, Part 2 : The Magmatic Output of Numerical Models.
- The Dynamics of Flow and Three-dimensional Motion Around a Morphologically Complex Aquatic Plant
- The Flavour of Slab Fluids
- The Patterned Topography of Ice Stream Beds; Insight from the Spatial Frequency of Mega-Scale Glacial Lineations
- The Thermal Structure of Slabs: Insight From Geochemical Data and Geodynamic Models
- The Treatment Train approach to reducing non-point source pollution from agriculture
- The Underthrusting of the Continental Lithosphere After Slab Break-off
- The global landslide distribution in the 2015-16 El Nino event
- The importance of considering lateral variations in mantle rheology when investigating past and present Antarctic Ice Sheet change
- The role of detachment faulting in slow seafloor spreading: First results from cruise JC132 to the MAR at 13N
- Tracing Altiplano-Puna plateau surface uplift via radiogenic isotope composition of Andean arc lavas
- Tracing Anthropogenic Osmium around Japan using the Osmium Isotopic Composition of Macroalgae
- Tracing fluid transfer across subduction zones using iron and zinc stable isotopes
- Tracing oxidative weathering from the Andes to the lowland Amazon Basin using dissoved rhenium
- Un-roofing of mantle at the ultra-slow Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, Caribbean Sea: constraints from wide-angle data and Vp/Vs ratios
- Understanding the fluvial loss of carbon from the UK - implications for terrestrial carbon, greenhouse gases and water quality.
- Variations in Grain-Scale Sediment Structure in a Gravel-Bed Channel as a Function of Fine Sediment Content and Morphological Location
- Viscous Flow Causes Weakening in Calcite Nanogouges Sheared at Seismic Velocity
- Volcanoes Distribution in Linear Segmentation of Mariana Arc
- Weakness of serpentine minerals revealed by friction experiments under low and high temperature conditions.
- Weathering Feedbacks and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> during a Silurian Icehouse World: Insights from Os and Li Isotopes
- What controls the location of sediment cover in bedrock-alluvial channels?
- What is the earthquake fracture energy?
- A High-Resolution Reconstruction of Late-Holocene Relative Sea Level in Rhode Island, USA
- A Process-Based Transport-Distance Model of Aeolian Transport
- A generalised model of secondary circulation for a wide range of geophysical flows from direct observations of natural turbidity currents
- Andean surface uplift constrained by radiogenic isotopes of arc lavas
- Assessing the competing roles of model resolution and meteorological forcing fidelity in hyperresolution simulations of snowpack and streamflow in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Axial crustal structure of the Costa Rica Rift: Implications for along-axis hydrothermal circulation
- Biofilm Effect on Flow Structure over a Permeable Bed
- Breaking barriers and halting rupture: the 2016 Amatrice-Visso-Castelluccio earthquake sequence, central Italy
- Commercial helium reserves, continental rifting and volcanism
- Controls on sediment cover in bedrock-alluvial channels of the Henry Mountains, Utah
- Controls on sediment entrainment shear stress determined from X-Ray CT scans and a 3D moment-balance model
- Detailed seismic velocity structure of the ultra-slow spread crust at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center from travel-time tomography and synthetic seismograms
- Direct sampling during multiple sediment density flows reveals dynamic sediment transport and depositional environment in Monterey submarine canyon
- Distribution of magmatism in numerical models of delamination during continental collision
- Earthquake Nucleation Size: Evidence of Loading Rate Dependence in Laboratory Faults
- Earthquake rupture dynamics in poorly lithified sediments
- Establishing effective sentinels - Setting the baseline for shale gas
- Evidence for the Magnetic Breakout Model in AN Equatorial Coronal-Hole Jet
- Exploring the effect of East Antarctic ice mass loss on GIA-induced horizontal bedrock motions
- Extensive Holocene ice sheet grounding line retreat and uplift-driven readvance in West Antarctica
- First direct observations linking confined supercritical turbidity currents to their depositional architecture and facies characteristics
- Geomodels of coseismic landslides environments in Central Chile.
- Geothermal Heat Flux and Upper Mantle Viscosity across West Antarctica: Insights from the UKANET and POLENET Seismic Networks
- Go big or die out: Bifurcation and bimodality in submarine sediment flow behaviour
- High resolution shallow co-seismic and post-seismic slip from the 2016 central Italy earthquake sequence captured using terrestrial laser scanning, structure from motion and low-cost near-field GNSS
- How well do basic models describe the turbidity currents coming down Monterey and Congo Canyon?
- Igneous Sheet Intrusions as a Record of Paleostress States
- Insights from field observations into controls on flow front speed in submarine sediment flows
- Insights into organic carbon oxidation potential during fluvial transport from laboratory and field experiments
- Integrated indicators are important metrics of catchment biogeochemical function
- Investigating A Unique Open Ocean Geochemical Record Of the End Triassic Mass Extinction from Panthalassa
- Is the S-Web the Secret to Observed Heliospheric Particle Distributions?
- Landslide and Tsunami in Karrat Fjord, Greenland, 2017; the Event, the Response and the Future
- Landslide size distributions controlled by landscape evolution to a critical state (landscape criticality) and by spacing of low-strength patches (landscape connectivity)
- Landslides and Landscape Evolution
- Legacy effects of nitrogen and phosphorus in a eutrophic lake catchment: Slapton Ley, SW England
- Linking turbidity current triggers to flow power, frequency and runout distances
- Lithospheric Controls on the Distribution of Volcanoes in Mariana Arc
- Localization, Weakening and Fluid-rock Coupling Mechanisms in Gypsum: Development and Initial Data From a New, Combined, Rotary Shear and Acoustic Emission Apparatus.
- Masuda's Sandstone Core Hydrate Dissociation Experiment Revisited
- Mechanisms controlling rock coast evolution in paraglacial landscapes - examples from Arctic, Antarctic and Scandinavian regions
- Monitoring of well-controlled turbidity currents using the latest technology and a dredger
- Morphodynamic Model of Submarine Canyon Incision by Sandblasting
- New marine geophysical and sediment record of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream.
- Not Just Rough Around the Edges: Fractal Properties of Exhumed Fault Surfaces in the Italian Apennines
- Novel Quantification of Sediment Concentration in Turbidity Currents Through in-situ Measurements of Conductivity and Temperature
- Organic Carbon Mobilisation Mechanisms: Evidence from Globally Distributed Stalagmite Records
- Predicting tidal marsh survival or submergence to sea-level rise using Holocene data
- Quantifying the Journey of a Turbidity Current: How Water and Sediment Discharges Vary with Distance in Monterey Canyon
- Quivering on the brink: Common observations of turbidity current frequency and triggering in disparate settings
- Rapid Holocene thinning of outlet glaciers followed by readvance in the western Ross Embayment, Antarctica
- Saltmarsh record of post Little Ice Age mass balance changes in Southeast Greenland
- Scale and legacy controls on catchment nutrient export regimes
- Spatio-temporal variation in groundwater head affected by stratigraphic heterogeneity of the alluvial aquifer in Northwest India
- Subduction of the Louisville Ridge Seamount Chain
- Tacking Flood Risk from Watersheds using a Natural Flood Risk Management Toolkit
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 4 Updates: Merging Toward Capabilities of the National Water Model
- The Role of Rapid Glacier Retreat and Paraglacial Landscape Transformation in Controlling the Evolution of High Arctic Coastal Systems
- The Sensitivity of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in West Antarctica to Lateral Variations in Earth Structure
- The Stratigraphic Incompleteness of Submarine Channels
- The composition and character of DOM from an upland peat catchment - sources, roles and fate
- The down canyon evolution of submarine sediment density flows
- The impact of shrubbification on soil organic matter accumulation
- The impact of structural development on near bed flow dynamics in gravel bed rivers: coupling flume experiments with numerical modelling
- The size, location and persistence of co-seismic loess landslide scars and their implications for landslide hazard
- Topological data analyses and machine learning for detection, classification and characterization of atmospheric rivers
- Tracking Early Jurassic marine (de)oxygenation
- Trends in ice sheet mass balance, 1992 to 2017
- Unravelling the Mysteries of Slip Histories, Validating Cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl Derived Slip Rates on Normal Faults
- Unravelling the Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Track Position since the Little Ice Age
- Weathering and carbon fluxes of the Irrawaddy-Salween-Mekong river system
- A Tribal College Experience - Growing a Native Environmental Scientist at Northwest Indian College
- A stratigraphic investigation of the Celtic Sea megaridges based on seismic and core data from the Irish-UK sectors
- Active tectonics of the Nantinghe fault in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Arctic rocky coastal zone responses under a rapidly changing climate
- Continental lithosphere - a complicated birth
- Crystallisation in Basaltic Magmas Revealed via In Situ 4D X-ray Microtomography and Implications for Lava Flows
- Dual control of fault intersections on stop-start rupture in the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence
- Evolution of Heat Flow, Hydrothermal Circulation and Permeability with Age on the Southern Flank of the Costa Rica Rift
- Fault reactivation in thick fault zones: a laboratory perspective
- Fluctuating pressure and fluid fluxing during subduction: records from rhythmically zoned high pressure/low temperature garnets
- Groundwater recharge sources inferred from stable isotopes and electrical conductivity in aquifers of the Ghaggar River Basin in northwestern India
- Improving confidence and revealing fault complexity using multiple sampling sites in <SUP>36</SUP>Cl Quaternary slip rate studies
- Integrative vs. derivative indicators: which should we use to detect water quality improvements?
- Inter Tropical Convergence Zone Dynamics of the Neotropics During the Common Era
- Linking Bedrock Topography to Grain Entrainment in Bedrock-Alluvial Channels
- Long term measurements of impact of precipitation on fixed radio links in the millimeter wave band.
- MHD modelling of coronal jets generated by small-scale filament eruptions
- Mechanisms of late Holocene relative sea-level variability in the Chesapeake Bay
- Multiwavelength Study of 24 Equatorial Coronal-Hole Jets
- New Insight on the Rotation and Deep Crustal Structure of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands Based on Arc Volcano Distribution
- Off-fault deformation and shallow slip deficit in the 2016 Norcia, Italy earthquake captured by differential terrestrial laser scanning and structure-from-motion
- On the applicability of simplified models to assess pressure evolution during CO2 injection into multiple site systems
- Organic carbon sorting by turbidity currents: a Bouma Sequence for geochemists
- Post-seismic evolution of organic carbon mobilised by landsliding
- Post-seismic sediment evacuation: from single landslide removal towards mountain range and global fluxes
- Rayleigh Wave Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone
- Serpentinized mantle exhumation versus magmatic accretion at ultraslow spreading rates: constraints from seismic data and Vp/Vs ratios, Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, Caribbean Sea
- Simple rules versus hazard maps: what is lost or gained?
- Slow fault unlocking: where is the threshold between fault weakening and fault healing?
- Sulphur constraints on peatland carbon cycle
- Suspended Sediment Composition of the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers: Grain-size Dependence and Spatiotemporal Variations
- The Decoupling Depth and Slab Thermal Structure
- The Importance of Volunteered Geographic Information for the Validation of Flood Inundation Models
- The architecture of seismic faults in poorly lithified sediments: implications for the energy budget of earthquake surface-rupture.
- The fate of organic carbon during lowland river transport and transient floodplain storage
- The inception of the Anthropocene as revealed by proxy sea-level records
- The role of subduction velocity in slab dehydration and arc magmatism
- The use of scenario ensembles for deriving seismic risk
- Utilizing GPS to investigate past ice mass change in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- Velocity response of Petermann Glacier, northwest Greenland to past and future ice tongue loss
- What controlled Sediment Transport across the Shelf Edge during the Last Glacial Maximum? A Case Study from the Southern African Continental Margin
- What's Cooking in Antarctica? A modeling study of Cook Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- What's rate got to do with it?: Oceanic core complex evolution and serpentinized mantle exhumation at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center
- 100 years of magma evolution at Sakurajima volcano, Japan
- 5000-year records of relative sea-level change from Florida and the northwest Atlantic
- A validated numerical model for the growth and resorption of bubbles in magma
- Ageing and Evolution of Oceanic Crust Formed by Magma-Rich and Magma-Poor Spreading
- Applications, Advantages and Pitfalls of Coupling Physical and Numerical Models
- Arc Lithosphere Structure Influenced Caldera formation at Toba, Sumatra
- Assessing Along-Axis Continuity of Oceanic Detachment Faults using microearthquakes near 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Automated landslide detection out-performs manual mapping for research and response
- Better, faster landslide detection from optical and radar satellite data
- Beyond empiricism: Quantitative models for the permeability of heterogeneous magmas
- Catchment scale flood management through spatial targeting: a case study of the East Rapti catchment, Nepal
- Characterizing sea cliff response to wave action and identifying potential rock damage processes using seismic methods
- Climate variability may delay post-fire recovery of boreal forest in southern Siberia: modelling with Landsat-derived time series data
- Concentration-discharge relationships of dissolved rhenium in Alpine catchments reveal its use as a tracer of oxidative weathering
- Drivers of Centennial-Scale Pulses of Outlet Glacier Thinning in East Antarctica
- ExaSeis: A dynamically adaptive discontinuous Galerkin framework for the simulation of earthquakes with mesh generation avoiding schemes.
- First Detection of Plasmoids from Breakout Reconnection
- From Jets to CMEs: Observations of the Breakout Continuum
- Geophysical Investigation of the Tonga-Kermadec Subduction System: Do Inherited and Seamount Subduction-Influenced Lateral Variations Control Long-Term Crustal Structure?
- High temperature beneath Marie Byrd Land is not compatible with very low mantle viscosity and rapid crustal motion
- Highly Explosive Basaltic Eruptions: Magma Fragmentation Induced by Rapid Crystallisation
- Imaging UK railway tunnels using a mobile muon tomography system
- Increases in the frequency and severity of fires is putting the southern boreal forest at risk
- Insights into the rates and nature of long-term erosion of rocky coasts from CRN exposure dating
- Is Turbidity Current Activity Predictable?
- Isolating climatic and glacial impacts on river morphology: a paired-catchment study in the upper Mississippi River watershed
- LSDTopoTools: open-source software for topographic analysis
- Linking tectonics and topography along the San Andreas Fault
- Links Between Calving Dynamics, Ice Velocity and Grounding Line Retreat of Denman Glacier, East Antarctica 1962-2018
- Long-term monitoring in the UK River Thames Catchment: 150 years of land use and water quality
- Mapping wood deposits across the Mackenzie River Delta: Towards an understanding of delta-scale transport processes
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Insights into the Origin and Evolution of West Qinling Melilititic Magmatism
- Origin of the three-type postcollisional magmatism in southern Tibet
- P- and S-Wave Velocity Structure of Oceanic Core Complexes of the 13°N Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Peering beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet with recent aerogeophysical imaging: the hidden secrets of the Pensacola Pole Basin and its basement disclosed
- Photic Zone Euxinia in North-east England Through the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
- Plume formation across scales: The influence of subducted slabs, chemical heterogeneities and a partially molten boundary layer
- Processing out sideswipe - a case study from the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 13° N
- Rainfall and snow statistics in the UK
- Rapid Detection of Earthquake-triggered Landslides with Satellite Radar Coherence
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> scavenging potential of fractured permeable rhyolitic domes
- Sea-level scenarios for evaluating coastal impacts and adaptation responses
- Stream Water Quality in the Slapton Catchments: Analysis of Key Trends since 1970
- Stream Water Quality in the Slapton catchments the value of long-term monitoring
- Subduction sustaining subduction-transform-edge-propagator (STEP)-fault activity controls back-arc ridge jumps
- Temperature and hydrological controls on carbon dioxide release from weathering of sedimentary rocks
- The Greenland-Iceland Ridge is Continental
- The Inception of Modern Rates of Sea-Level Rise as Revealed by a Global Database of Sea-Level Records
- The birth of bubbles by spinodal decomposition: Solving the tiny bubble paradox
- The break-up of low viscosity melts
- The decisive role of irregular continental margins on ophiolite creation and peridotite exhumation
- They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore
- Towards a global atlas of Holocene sea levels: leveraging decades of legacy efforts
- Tracing oxidative weathering of rock organic carbon in the Mackenzie River using rhenium isotopes
- Tracing rhenium in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Insights on understanding rock organic carbon weathering
- Turbidity current evolution in Bute Inlet, British Colombia, Canada
- Understanding Earthquake Risk Management in the Context of Wider Transformational Change: The Case of Nepal
- Understanding the long-term concentration, flux, composition and processing of dissolved organic carbon in UK rivers
- Validating Modelled Post-Earthquake Landslide Runout Using Timeseries Landslide Inventories: Nepal 2015
- What controls slope angles adjacent to the Alpine Fault, New Zealand: strength, anisotropy, tectonics or a combination?
- What is the contribution (if any) of off-fault damage to the earthquake energy budget?
- 10-year global evaluation of tropospheric noise corrections derived from routinely leveraged weather models
- Carbon Stored as Large Wood in the Mackenzie River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Common Era Sea-level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast
- Controls on Mid-Holocene Thinning along David Glacier, Antarctica
- Early- to mid-Holocene ice sheet thinning in the Pine Island-Thwaites Glacier catchment of West Antarctica: glacial-geological observations and modeling
- Elevation Changes of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Interior During the Last Deglaciation
- Equilibrium Transition Metal Stable Isotope Fractionation observed in the Boggy Plain Pluton, SE Australia
- How to Survive a Volcanic Eruption - How 3D Printing can Help Introduce Students to Hazard Mapping
- Inverting the magnitude and sources of Meltwater Pulse 1A by fingerprinting sea-level constraints
- Investigating the influence of mid- to late-Holocene loading on horizontal ANET GPS motions in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
- Modelling Sub-canopy Longwave Radiation in Snow-covered Deciduous and Needleleaf Boreal Forests
- Monsoon-driven Incision and Exhumation of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Plumelets: Dynamic Filamentary Structures in Solar Plumes
- Rapid healing of crystal-rich granular materials in volcanic and high-temperature upper-crustal environments: implications for fluid flow and deformation
- Review and assessment of remote mapping methods of fluvial terraces: Whitewater River, Minnesota.
- Signatures of glaciation on river channel long profiles: changes in slope and concavity
- Stable Titanium Isotopic Fractionation During Subduction Initiation of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Tectonic strain rates across the central Alpine-Himalayan Belt from Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS observations, and implications for seismic hazard
- Temporal and spatial exhumation variations across the Talesh-Alborz Belt, Iran, reveal different responses to the Arabia-Eurasia collision
- The Nature of Solar Flare Reconnection
- The importance of monitoring interval for rockfall magnitude-frequency and sequence characterisation
- The triggers of the disintegration of Voyeykov Ice Shelf (2007), Wilkes Land, East Antarctica, and its subsequent evolution
- UKANET: Logistical Challenges and Preliminary Results from a Geodetic Network Recording Crustal Deformation in Antarctica
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Vesicularity, crystallinity, and implications for rheology of the Kīlauea 2018 Lava Flows
- 300 years on: long-lived lava flow subsidence at Timanfaya, Lanzarote, from InSAR time series analysis
- A Global Model of Rock Organic Carbon Weathering and CO2 Emission
- A rigorous approach to magma permeability
- An Unsupervised Anomaly Detector of Deformation in InSAR Time-Series
- Analyzing the Multi-scale Heterogeneity of Wood Depositional Environments in the Mackenzie River Delta
- Are all crystal-bearing magmas actually Newtonian?
- Can solar coronal plumelets precondition switchback events in the wind?
- Carbon Fluxes in the Weathering Zone: Investigating the Role of Microbial Communities
- Climate Sensitivity and Ecoclimate Sensitivity from the LGM to Present: Theory, Usage, and Implications for 21st-Century Biospheric Responses
- Climate-driven global mean sea-level changes over the Common Era
- Continental fragment formation by rifting of orogenic belts
- Controls on post-seismic landslide behaviour in brittle rocks
- Correlation of Calculated Cooling Rates with Textural Variations of the Fissure 8 Flow Field, Kilauea 2018: A method for determination of primary and secondary textures
- Detailed analysis of turbidity current front shape from direct measurements in the deep sea Congo Canyon
- Evaluation of Bulk Rheology Assumptions in the Interior of Dam-break Flows
- Evolution of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Porous Rocks from a Granular to a Non-Granular State
- Exploring patterns in seismic attenuation on rocky coasts to assess the potential for active rock damage processes and erosion
- How strongly do plumes influence Pacific seamount distribution?
- Icelandia
- Impact of Anomalous Active Regions on the Large Scale Magnetic Fields of the Solar Cycle
- Interparticle Forces Between Suspended Platinum Group Element Particles in Silicate Melts
- Late Holocene relative sea-level changes in the tropical western Pacific Ocean: implications for geophysics and archaeology
- Linking 5000 years of stratigraphic data in New Jersey to sea level
- Magma Reservoir Evolution: a Dynamically Changing System with a Constant Influx
- Mantle Transition Zone Beneath the Lesser Antilles
- Modeling the properties of melts along calc-alkaline and alkaline magmatic differentiation trends using deep learning
- Path dependency in change along rocky coastlines
- Quantifying the impact of sediment loading on relative sea-level change along the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Re-assessment of Arctic gas hydrate dissociation mechanisms
- Rheological Evolution of the Ahuailaau Fissure lavas during the 2018 Kilauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Rheological controls on the self-consistent formation of Archean cratons in global convection models
- Salt Marsh Response to Rapid Sea Level Rise after Barrier Breach
- Simple rules to minimize exposure to rainfall triggered landslide hazard
- Subduction History of the Caribbean from Upper-Mantle Seismic Imaging and Plate Reconstruction
- The influence of crystallinity on hightemperature syneruptive gas uptake by volcanic ash
- The relationship between earthquake size distributions and laboratory measured frictional stability parameters from induced seismicity on faults during fluid injection
- The rhenium isotopic composition of rivers: The first measurements of 187Re and their implications for tracking oxidative weathering processes
- Three-dimensional modelling of dike-induced graben formation
- Two Years Rainfall Statistics for 5G mmWaves Rain Attenuation Prediction in Durham, England
- Two millennia of changing predictability of seasonal rainfall and repercussions for societies in the Neotropics
- Utilizing ArcGIS Pro for the Analysis of Source-to-Sink Sediment Flux during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Vanadium isotope constraints on the cosmolocation of the CAI factory
- Variation of Crustal Thickness and Seismic Structure in Borneo
- Volcanica: an open science testbed for volcanology
- What can halogen degassing at active volcanoes tell us about underlying magmatic processes? A machine learning approach to predict F, Cl and Br fluid/melt partitioning
- When Life Gives You Lemons, Make a Pi: DIY Your Own Raspberry Pi Monitor to Listen to Rivers.
- White Water, Not Only for Kayaking In: How Boulders Influence its Creation and How it Can Be Utilised.
- Younger Dryas and Early Holocene Climate in South Greenland Inferred from Chironomid, Moss, and Cellulose Oxygen Isotopes at Lake N14
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach to understanding concentration, flux and processing of fluvial in UK rivers
- A comparison of foraminiferal and diatom-based transfer function estimates of coseismic subsidence during the 1700 CE earthquake along the Oregon and California coasts
- A deep-learning based glacial isostatic adjustment emulator
- Aero-geophysical constraints on the crustal structure of the western margin of the Aurora Subglacial Basin, East Antarctica
- Biomineralization of Iron Sulfide via Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Loch Duart (NW Scotland) Driven by Competing Forces: Post-glacial Eustatic Rise and Isostatic Rebound
- Breakout Reconnection and Eruption in a Double Null-point Topology
- Can a 3D GIA Model Explain GPS Uplift Rates in the Southern Antarctic Peninsula?
- Constraining the carbon budget of peat ecosystems: application of stoichiometry and enthalpy balances.
- Flare Ribbon Signatures of Reconnection Plasmoids
- High-Resolution Seasonal Climate Variation in Equatorial Africa Revealed by Modern and Fossil Primate Teeth
- Hot volcanic ash filters eruptive SO2 within 100 seconds of transport: A predictive model with implications for the climate impacts of volcanic eruptions
- Human-Induced Earthquakes: The Performance of Questionnaire Schemes
- Impacts of the 2020 Elliot Creek Outburst Flood on Sea Surface Turbidity
- Influence of ice loading and earth properties on horizontal GPS motions in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- Plasmoids, flows, and Jets During Magnetic Reconnection in a Failed Filament Eruption
- Predicting Coastal Responses to a Changing Greenland Ice Sheet
- Quantifying the Influence of Sediment Compaction on a 5000-year Salt Marsh Sea-level Reconstruction
- Relative Sea-Level Data Preclude Major Late Holocene Ice-Mass Change in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica
- Relative sea level response to mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediment loading along the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Rock and fault rheology explain differences between on fault and distributed seismicity
- Slab to back-arc to arc: fluid and melt pathways through the mantle wedge beneath the Lesser Antilles from seismic attenuation tomography
- Sustained long-term collapse of Conger-Glenzer ice shelf, East Antarctica
- The Magmatic Record of Subduction Initiation: An Iron Isotope Perspective
- The Mechanical Mysteries of Lithospheric Thickness
- The Presence and Fate of Rock Organic Carbon in the Critical Zone
- The Preservation of Hurricane Irma's Overwash Deposit in Mangrove Forests from Southern Florida, USA: Implications for Paleo-storm Reconstructions
- The role of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in controlling ice mass change across West Antarctica
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. G. Whittington
- Adam D. Switzer
- Adam Hepburn
- Adam P. Young
- Adrian Hornby
- Alexander L. Peace
- Amy Gilligan
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- B. K. Holtzman
- Benoît Taisne
- Brent M. Goehring
- Brian Yellen
- Bryan Riel
- C. C. Walker
- C. Havlin
- C. Rychert
- C. S. Siddoway
- Charitra Jain
- Christian J. Sanders
- Claire Masteller
- Cristiano Collettini
- D. D. Blankenship
- D. F. Porter
- Dan H. Shugar
- Daniel R. Green
- Daniel R. Neuville
- Daniel R. Parsons
- David M. Pyle
- David Milledge
- David V. Bekaert
- Derek W.T. Jackson
- Dibyendu Nandy
- Diego Melgar
- Donald B. Dingwell
- Edward W. Llewellin
- Einat Lev
- Elisa Tinti
- Ellen Wohl
- Eric Kendrick
- F. O. Nitsche
- Fabian B. Wadsworth
- Fabio Trippetta
- Fiona D. Hibbert
- Fiona J. Clubb
- Florian Pappenberger
- Fred Worrall
- Guy J. G. Paxman
- H. C. P. Lau
- H. R. Dietterich
- Hannah Baranes
- Harvey M. Kelsey
- Ian Giesbrecht
- Ian S. Williams
- J. N. McElwaine
- J.‐M. Kendall
- Jamie Farquharson
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Janine Birnbaum
- Jennifer Walker
- Jenny Collier
- Jeroen van Hunen
- Jesse Zondervan
- Jody M. Webster
- Joel Dahlin
- John R. Elliott
- John W. Williams
- Jonathan Kingslake
- Julie Prytulak
- Jérémie Vasseur
- K. E. Grant
- Karl B. Zinglersen
- M. R. Osburn
- Matthew J. Brain
- Matthieu Cartigny
- Michael Cassidy
- Michael G. Bevis
- Michael Heap
- Michael J. Allen
- Michael J. Bentley
- N. E. Raouafi
- Natalie Kramer
- Nicholas Harmon
- Nicholas Rawlinson
- Nick Rosser
- P. M. Chadwick
- Peter J. Clarke
- Pippa L. Whitehouse
- R. J. Walters
- R. N. Pysklywec
- Rebecca Hodge
- Robert C. Witter
- Robert Kopp
- Robert W. Allen
- S. K. Antiochos
- S. K. Ebmeier
- S. P. Hicks
- S. S. Wei
- Sana Salous
- Saskia Goes
- Scott Braddock
- Shuai Yan
- Simone Pilia
- Soumyaranjan Dash
- Stephen M. Hubbard
- Stephen Pansino
- Sushant S. Mahajan
- T. A. Minshull
- T. D. van Ommen
- T. Henstock
- Tanghua Li
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- V. M. Uritsky
- V. R. Eke
- Valier Galy
- W. Rockwell Geyer
- Weiwei Ding
- Wm. Alexander Osborne
- Wouter van der Wal
- Yu Morishita