Wayne State University, Michigan
flowchart I[Wayne State University, Michigan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (107)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (29)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Discordancy Between Short-Term Sedimentation Rate Using Pb-210, Cs-137 and Pu and Long-Term Sedimentation Rate Using C-14
- Sediment Accumulation and Mixing Rates in Clinton River and Lake St.Clair using Excess Pb-210 and Cs-137
- Combined geophysical and geochemical tracer techniques to assess rates and impact of submarine groundwater discharge into Tampa Bay, Florida
- Constraining the Time-Scale of Interaction of Sea Ice Sediments and Surface Sea Water in the Arctic Ocean Using Short-Lived Radionuclide Tracers
- Evaluating Multiple Hypotheses for Contaminant Source and Hydrostratigraphic Architecture in a Heterogeneous Glacial Aquifer System
- The Effects of Insect Outbreak Disturbances on the North American Carbon Cycle: A Review
- A Review of Carbon Cycle Impacts of Biotic Disturbances in North American Forests
- Comprehensive glacial sediment characterization and correlation with natural gamma log response to identify hydrostratigraphic units in a rotosonic well core
- Fire and Carbon Cycling for the Yellowstone National Park Landscape (Invited)
- Use of Cokriging to Improve Spatial Resolution of Ambient Airborne Contaminant Concentration Estimates in Detroit and Windsor
- High Performance, Low Cost and Compact Accelerometers/Seismometer Based on Asymmetrically Gapped Cantilever
- 210-Po and 210-Pb along North Atlantic US GEOTRACES sections to assess bio-active and particle-active scavenging and export rates
- Predicted velocity and density structure of the exhuming Papua New Guinea (PNG) ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane
- Radon Emanation from Zircon as a Function of Grain Size, Temperature and Fission Track Density
- Urban Environmental Excursions: Designing field trips to demonstrate sustainable connections between natural and engineered systems in urban environments
- <SUP>210</SUP>Po and <SUP>210</SUP>Pb as Tracers of Particle Cycling and Resuspension in a Dynamic Freshwater System: Case Study from the Clinton River, Southeast Michigan
- Investigating the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and other rock magnetic properties of the Beaver River Diabase in northeastern Minnesota
- Radon loss from zircon: emanation and diffusion as a function of grain size, temperature and fission track density
- Recent Changes in the Biogeochemistry of the Great Lakes System (BOGLS)
- Seismic anisotropy and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in the Pelona-Orocopia-Rand schist in the Mojave region of southern California
- Seismic signatures of a hydrated mantle wedge from antigorite crystal-preferred orientation (CPO) (Invited)
- Self Attenuation of Gamma Rays in Titanite, Zircon and Apatite
- Verification of capillary functions and relative permeability equations for gas production from hydrate bearing sediments
- Contrasting Scavenging Intensities of <SUP>210</SUP>Po and <SUP>210</SUP>Pb at Key Interfaces of the East Pacific Zonal Transect, GEOTRACES
- Elemental geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprinting of sediments in monsoon dominated river systems along the west coast of India.
- Inferring the oriented elasticity tensor in the crust across the Western US using surface wave data
- Seismic Anisotropy of the Pelona-Orocopia-Rand Schist beneath the Mojave Block, Southern California
- Tracing the Depositional Fluxes of Po-210 and Pb-210 As a Tool for Sediment Resuspension Study in a Shallow Water System in Southeast Michigan
- Identification and influence of spatial outliers in air quality measurements
- Magnitude and symmetry of seismic anisotropy as a constraint on crustal composition and structure
- Characterizing mineral crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) along the Eastern North American Margin in the southern Appalachians: Implications for middle and lower crustal seismic anisotropy
- Expression of Lithospheric Shear Zones in Rock Elasticity Tensors and in Anisotropic Receiver Functions and Inferences on the Roots of Faults and Lower Crustal Deformation
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopes In The Molopo Farms Complex May Shed Light On Mechanisms Of Mineralization In The Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Seismic anisotropy as a function of mineralogy and rock type in the Chester gneiss dome, southeast Vermont
- Variations in crustal thickness and seismic anisotropy in the northeastern United States from receiver function analyses
- Anisotropic structure of the Inner Core and its uncertainty from transdimensional body-wave tomography
- Comparing anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) tensors with deformation fabric and elastic tensors in the Chester gneiss dome, southeast Vermont
- Macro-scale Tectonics of the Eastern North American Shield: Insights from a new Absolute P-wave Tomographic Model for North America.
- Mobility of <SUP>137</SUP>Cs in a Freshwater Lake using Mass Balance and Diffusion Studies: Implications to its Utility as a Tracer and Chronometer
- Modeling the effects of structure on seismic anisotropy in the Chester gneiss dome, southeast Vermont
- Seismic anisotropy in the continental crust: Using rock elastic tensors to inform seismic inversion
- Center for Leadership in Environmental Awareness and Research (CLEAR): Bridging the elements of ecology, health, education, and outreach in an urban context
- Characterizing Meltwater Within a Firn Aquifer on the Greenland Ice Sheet using Active Source Seismology
- Ecohydrology of Green Infrastructure Retrofitting for Stormwater Management: A Case Study in Detroit, MI
- Evaluating the Function and Filtration Capabilities of a Retrofitted Parking Lot Bioswale in Detroit, MI
- Improving the precision and accuracy of ion counter TIMS and MC-ICPMS measurements using a hierarchical Bayesian approach: Beam interpolation revisited
- Michigan Clean Diesel Collaborative: Improving air quality through community driven initiatives in Southwest Detroit
- Modeling the Geophysical Signatures of Gneiss Dome Exhumation in the Northeast United States
- The internal structure of the African superplume; insights from body-wave seismic tomography and converted phases
- Transdimensional receiver function waveform inversion
- Assessing lake noise characteristics and the potential for shallow crustal imaging in the Great Lakes region
- Bioswales and Bone char: Improving Infiltration Rates and Contaminant Sorption Properties of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Detroit, MI
- Conceptual Modeling of Shallow Urban Groundwater in the Detroit Region
- Developing Tools to Assess the Long-Term and Multifunctional Performance of Green Infrastructure: A Case Study in Detroit, Michigan
- Effects of sediment sample packing and radon loss on the precise measurement of gamma-ray emitting environmental short-lived radionuclides
- Mechanisms of Sediment Incorporation into Lake Ice Using <SUP>7</SUP>Be, <SUP>210</SUP>Po and <SUP>210</SUP>Pb as Tracers
- Natural Asymmetric 4 and 6-cycle Seismic Observables from Transverse Isotropic (TI) Media: the Role of the Fifth TI Parameter for Future Seismic Analysis Methods
- Patterns in Crustal Anisotropy and Rock Elasticity from the Chester and Pelham Gneiss Domes
- Toward Improving Linkages between Climatology, Urban Fluxes, and Greenspaces in Shrinking Cities
- Transdimensional Bayesian Receiver Function Migration for 3-D TTI Structure
- Using an urban water budget to understand urban shallow groundwater processes for sustainable neighborhood development.
- Water and Health Infrastructure Resilience and Learning (WHIRL): Case Studies of Drinking Water Disasters
- Air Quality and Human Health Effects of Global Gasoline and Diesel Sectors
- Assessing the water chemistry of tributaries in the Mahoning River Watershed, Youngstown, Ohio
- CO2 in the Shrinking City: The Role of Vegetation Phenology In Carbon Dynamics of Post-Industrial Urban Detroit
- Comparison of Field and Laboratory Measurements of Schist Anisotropy, Chester Dome, Vermont
- Groundwater governance in Southeast Michigan: social and political challenges for remediation
- Lowering the Access Threshold to 3-dimensional Visualization and Programming Benchmarks via an Interactive Web Tool: Tensor Visualization Guide (TVguide) for Elasticity Tensor and Seismic Anisotropy Analysis
- Novel Fe and Mn oxide catchbasin filter media to improve the quality of runoff water and its application to extract isotopic tracers
- Rift Related Structure Near the Keweenaw Peninsula from a Novel Trans-dimensional Bayesian Inversion of Gravity and Structural Data
- Smart Fabrics Prevent Water Flooding
- Temporary decline in atmospheric carbon dioxide in Detroit, MI due to the Covid-19 pandemic
- The usage of Bonechar as a potential sorbent in green stormwater infrastructure to enhance metal removal in Detroit, MI
- Toward Understanding the Impact of Urban Decline on Local Climatology
- Toward improved use of aboveground plant material to monitor belowground contaminants and their movement in urban environments
- A Trans-dimensional Bayesian Approach to the Inversion of Gravitational and Structural Data
- Assessing Bus Stop Infrastructure and Needs in Detroit, Michigan
- Characterization of critical elements in a unique waste material from a plasma extraction technique
- Ecohydrology in the City: Impact of Urban Shrinkage on Water, Carbon and Energy Cycling and Implications for Management
- Estimating the amount of hydration of the subducting oceanic mantle using receiver function data
- Evaluating volatile organic compound exposure pathways and risk in a variably-saturated, urban landscape
- Evaluations of Model Simulated Ozone and its Precursors in MUSICA-V0 Against In-situ and Airborne Measurements over the Continental US
- Extraction and recovery of rare earth elements from coal fly ash: Role of solution chemistry
- From field to model: a unified approach to introducing modeling practice in the hydrology discipline
- Geochemistry of Coal Fly Ash After Acidic Rare Earth Element Recovery
- Global Intercomparisons of Emissions, Air Quality and Human Health Impacts from CEDS, ECLIPSEv6b and EDGARv5
- Impact of NORM resulting from Oil and Gas Activities on Human Health in Southern Pennsylvania
- Impacts of BTEX exposure on global neonatal preterm births
- Long-term Trends of Impacts of Global Gasoline and Diesel Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health for 2000-2019
- Mantle Structure and Uncertainty from Transdimensional Bayesian P-wave Tomography in Alaska
- Novel low-cost phosphate adsorbents for water treatment: Iron oxide coated waste nut shells
- Relative Timing of Flows in the North Shore Volcanic Group in northern Minnesota using Paleomagnetic Measurements
- Sociotechnical utility-based framework for prioritization of water infrastructure decision-making
- Spatial Variation in Aerosolized Microcystin Exposure from a Harmful Algal Bloom Event
- The Mantle Seismic Structure below Canada and Alaska Constrained by a New Absolute P-wavespeed Tomographic Model
- The Role of Heterogeneity in Reconciling Laboratory and Shallow Refraction Measurements of Anisotropy
- When is anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) a useful proxy for seismic anisotropy?
- A Probabilistic Model of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities from Auto-picked Precursor Data
- Anisotropy of the Mantle Lid of the Subducting Juan de Fuca Plate (Cascadia) Inferred from Receiver Functions: A Proxy for Slab Hydration?
- Detection of Aerosolized Anabaenopeptin Emitted from a Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Bloom
- Elucidating the Summertime Ozone Air Pollution during the Michigan-Ontario Ozone Source Experiment (MOOSE) Field Campaign in 2021
- Evaluation of Model Simulated Ozone and its Precursors Using High-Resolution Model Simulations during the Michigan-Ontario Ozone Source Experiment (MOOSE)
- Global Trends in Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions and Associated Health Burdens for 2000-2019
- Isotopic investigation of NOx and Ozone chemistry in Southeast Michigan under the influence of lake-land air recirculation
- Joint, Probabilistic Gravity and Magnetic Inversions for Planetary Exploration
- Leaking Underground Storage Tanks in Wayne County, MI: Exploring Environmental Remediation
- Long-term Trends of Impacts of Global Solid Biofuel Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health during 2000-2019
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Boyce
- Alex B. Hill
- Andrew P. Ault
- B. F. O'Leary
- B. M. Lerner
- D. Schutt
- F. A. Darbyshire
- Huiting Mao
- I. D. Bastow
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Kyotaek Hwang
- L. K. Emmons
- M. Baskaran
- M. G. Bostock
- Mei Lü
- Meredith G. Hastings
- N. C. Schmerr
- Pascal Audet
- Philippe Lognonné
- R. C. Aster
- S. A. Papuga
- Sanne Cottaar
- Stephen Pugh
- Steve Smith
- Tara I. Yacovitch
- Wasja Bloch
- William D. Shuster
- Xiong Ying
- Yaoxian Huang