Northern Illinois University
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Physical Record of Milankovitch Cycles from Variations in Sea Level and Ice Sheet Extent on the Antarctic Continent 24 Ma ago
- Sediment Production and Storage Through a Glacial-Interglacial Cycle on a Cool-Temperate Glaciated Margin
- Siliceous Microfossils and Sediment Chemistry Yield Data on Ross Sea (Antarctica) Glacial History.
- Why Barclay Kamb Developed an Interest in Tiny Fossils
- Multiyear Estimates of Evaporation from a Watershed
- New Mechanism for Tropical Ocean Influence on the Marine Carbon Cycle and atmospheric CO2
- Reconstructing Open Ocean Calcite Fluxes for the Eastern Equatorial Pacific [EEP]: LGM to Present
- Shelf-Slope Sedimentation on a Cool-Temperate Glaciated Collisional Margin
- The ANDRILL Initiative: Stratigraphic Drilling for Climatic and Tectonic History in Antarctica.
- Benzene and MTBE Sorption in Fine Grain Sediments
- Comparison of gold and MgO pressure scales at 22-56 GPa and 300-1150 K and its implications for mantle models
- Determining the Incorporation of NaCl into Ice VII by Raman Spectroscopy
- Extension of (Mg<SUB>0.64</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.36</SUB>)O Ferropericlase Equation of State Measurements to 25 GPa and 2173 K
- Helium Variations in Mineral Separates from Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua: Assessing Short Time-Scale Variations
- Impact Craters as Indicators of Tectonic Activity in the Beta-Atla-Themis Region, Venus
- Normalization for Sediment Redistribution Yields Entirely Different Biogenic Fluxes for the LGM to Present in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific.
- P-V-T equation of state of ɛ -FeSi
- Polar Science and Fast Ice Sheet Drilling - the FASTDRILL Perspective
- Stability and P-V-T Equations of State of High-Pressure Iron-Sulfur Compounds
- Submarine Melting at Temperate Tidewater Glacier Termini: How Significant is it?
- Testing Methods for Reconstruction of Degree of Calcite Saturation/Changes in Carbonate Ion Concentration in the Deep Sea Over the Last 25000 Years
- The Effect of Lake Michigan on the Sustanence of Mesoscale Convective Systems. Part I: Short-Term Climatology
- What explains the sulfur isotope fractionation observed in the aquifer system of Puebla Valley, Mexico?
- Deciphering Neogene Antarctic climate history is certainly important, but documenting Pleistocene events may be more relevant to prediction
- Does the Rain Ratio Reign in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific? In Search of the Ideal Carbonate Dissolution Index and Changes in Bottom Water Carbonate Ion Saturation over the Last 25,000 Years
- Experimental Study of "Dirty" Ice Systems: Implications for Ganymede and Callisto
- Frequency Content of Ambient Seismic Noise in North-Central Illinois
- Glacial Advances and Retreats in Tectonic Southeast Alaska During the Little Ice Age and Last Glacial Maximum: Preliminary Results from EW0408
- High-Resolution Holocene Records of Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Variability from the Southern Alaskan Continental Margin
- Investigating the subglacial environment and geology of Antarctica and Greenland by direct means
- Light Elements Across the Central American Arc, SE Guatemala
- P-V-T equations of state of lower mantle minerals: Constraints on mantle composition models
- Synchrotron Radiation Study of the Kinetics of Dehydration of Chrysotile Fiber
- Venus' Atla and Beta Regiones: Formation of Chasmata and Coronae
- Gravity Maps of the Weaubleau Quadrangle, South Central Missouri
- High-resolution seismic images of southeast Alaskan glacial fjords and continental shelf: Is the present the key to the past?
- How far did the ice melt? Deciphering the minimum extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the last interglacial from a subglacial carbonate record.
- Implications of 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology for Fluid Transfer and Magma Generation Across Southeastern Guatemala
- Integrating Antarctic Near Shore and Deep Sea Records of Warm Interglacials
- Kinematics of fibrous vein growth: insights from stable isotopes and trace element data
- Magnetic Anomaly Map of the Weaubleau Quadrangle, South Central Missouri
- Multiple Glacial Advance and Retreat Cycles Preserved in Yakutat Bay, Southern Alaska: Potential for Constraining Cordilleran Ice Sheet and Southern Alaskan Climate Histories
- Role of Coccolithophores During a ``Warm Pulse'' in the Atlantic Antarctic Sector: The MIS 31 in ODP Site 1094
- Sediment Yields Of Quaternary Advancing and Retreating Temperate Tidewater Glaciers with an Example of how these may Constrain Continental Landscape Evolution
- The Svalbard REU Program: A High-Latitude Undergraduate Research Program in Glacial, Fluvial and Marine Processes Relevant to Arctic Climate Change
- Uranium-Thorium Isotopic Analyses of Basalts From Behind the Volcanic Front, Southeastern Guatemala
- Venus' Atla and Beta Regiones: Coronae, Craters and Chasmata
- A Marine Record of the Largest Jokulhlaup's in Recorded History: an Analogy for Subglacial Outburst Flooding
- Comparison of Topographic Profiles Across Venus' Coronae and Craters: Implications for Corona Origin Hypothesis
- Contrasting the CO2-He Isotope and Relative Abundance Systematics of the Central American and IBM Arcs
- Effects of Variable Fault-Dip on Curvature and Strain in Basement-Involved Fault-Related Folds: Results from Physical Modeling
- Glacial climate driven sedimentation overwhelms tectonics in the battle for control of margin architecture: Southeast Alaska, St. Elias Orogeny
- Gold, Copper, and Iron Partitioning in Sulfur-Bearing Vapor-Brine-Melt Systems at 800°C and 100 MPa.
- High-Resolution Glacial Discharge Records From Deep-Water Tidal Rhythmites in an Alaskan Fjord
- MARS Valley Networks Project: Martian Valley Network Analysis Run-off or Sapping? - A WebGIS approach
- NaCl and Neon as Pressure Standards and Media
- Room Temperature Equation of State for Fe3P-Schreibersite
- The Nature of Lightning Augmentation Within Urbanized Areas
- Topographically Derived Maps of Valley Networks and Drainage Density in the Mare Tyrrhenum Quadrangle on Mars
- Venus Topography in 3D: Imaging of Coronae and Chasmata
- A Reevaluation of the DeKalb Mounds of Northern Illinois
- Antarctic Climate-Cryosphere Response to Extreme Orbital Forcing During Marine Isotope Stage 31
- CH3OH in High-Pressure Phases of H2O: Implications for Ice-Rich Planets
- Chemistry of an Antarctic Subglacial Environment - The role of subglacial geochemical processes in global biogeochemical cycles and quantifying subglacial hydrological processes
- Chronostratigraphic constraints on Pliocene warmth and Pleistocene cooling in the ANDRILL-1B drillcore from beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
- Comparative light element - Li isotope systematics of arc volcanic rocks from the TMVB to Guatemala: Roles for the slab, crust, and mantle in magma genesis
- Correlating tidewater glacial meltwater discharge with El Niño-Southern Oscillation in Southern Alaska
- Deglacial sea surface and deep chlorophyll maximum temperature variations in the eastern equatorial Pacific: implications for regional palaeoceanography
- Early Pliocene diatom record from the ANDRILL Mc Murdo Ice Shelf Core AND-1 with correlation to other sites within the Mc Murdo Sound and Ross Sea region
- Europan Cycloidal Rift Densities and Io Volcano Distribution: Implications for Tidal Activity
- Glacier Dominated Shelf Stratigraphy Interpreted From High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiles Within the Yakutat Sea Valley Region, Gulf of Alaska
- Gravity and Magnetic Surveys of the Weaubleau Quadrangle, South Central Missouri: Implications for an Impact Origin of the Weaubleau - Osceola Structure
- High-Pressure Stability and Equations of State in the Fe-P System: Implications for Iron Meteorites and Planetary Cores
- Identification of Geologic Contrasts from Landscape Dissection Pattern: an Application to Cascade Range, Oregon
- Insolation driven ice sheet changes in the early Pleistocene
- Investigation Into the Origin of Submarine Channelized Deposits Found on the Continental Shelf of Southern Alaska
- Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) Improves Students' Performance in Classes - My adaptation of JiTT in 4 Geography Courses
- Large floods and rapid deglaciation of the Lake Michigan Lobe and environs, ca. 19 to 18 ka
- Quantifying Element Mass Transfer at Subduction Zone Conditions by using the Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell and in-situ X-Ray Fluorescence
- Quantitative Analysis of Circular Symmetry of Venus Coronae and Craters
- Serpentine dehydration kinetics up to 1023 K and 4 GPa
- Upper Pliocene Diatom Record From Northern Basin, Ross Sea; Potential Correlation to Other Antarctic Continental Shelf Records
- ANDRILL Borehole AND-1B: Well Log Analysis of Lithofacies and Glacimarine Cycles.
- Cataloging of Craters on Enceladus
- Clathrates from Carbonates: New In-Situ Observations of Carbonate-Derived Methane at Mantle Pressures
- Dating Antarctic climatic and tectonic events of the Neogene - Age models from the ANDRILL 1B and 2A cores
- Delineating Urban-enhanced Lightning Production: An approach using Flash-defined Thunderstorm Tracks.
- Dolomite highlights glacial to interglacial transitions in Ross Sea deposits investigated in AND-1B core, Antarctica
- Enhancing Diversity In The Geosciences; Intensive Field Experience In USA And Mexico For Middle And High School Teachers Serving Large Hispanic Populations.
- Evolution of a Temperate Glaciated Shelf: Insights From the Bering Trough Region, Gulf of Alaska
- GeoBrain Data Access and Analysis For Earth Science Education and Research
- Geochemical And Hydrodynamic Behavior Of The Karstic Aquifer System In The Portion Between Akumal And Boca Paila, In The South Eastern Coast Of The Yucatan Peninsula.
- High temperature potassic alteration in magmatic hydrothermal systems
- Inquiry into the Explosive-Effusive Transition at Cinder Cones in Southeastern Guatemala
- Measuring fluorite solubility in situ by using a hydrothermal diamond anvil cell
- Modeling Water and Carbon Budgets in Current and Future Agricultural Land Use
- Neogene ice sheet, paleoclimatic and geological history of the McMurdo Sound region, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica: overview of ANDRILL's first two drilling projects
- Plio-Pleistocene evolution and variability and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from the ANDRILL, AND-1B geological record
- Quantification of Glacimarine Sediment Yields Using Multibeam Sonar in Alaskan Fjords
- Quantitative Biostratigraphic Age Control of Glacimarine Sediments, ANDRILL 1B Drillcore, McMurdo Ice Shelf
- Serpentine dehydration kinetics
- Structural and δ13C Analyses of Bacterial Phospholipids in Marine Sediments Beneath the Ross Ice Sheet, Antarctica
- The early-mid Pliocene Marine Environment from McMurdo Sound Antarctica as recorded in the ANDRILL AND-1B Core.
- The ice VII-ice X phase transition with implications for planetary interiors
- Transient Establishment of a Seasonal Sea-Ice Regime in the Late Pliocene, McMurdo Embayment, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Venus' Chasmata and Earth's Spreading Centers: A Topographic Comparison
- An Over-Sea-Ice High Resolution Seismic Reflection Survey to Image Holocene Aged Pelagic Sediment, MacKay Sea Valley , Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Fjord floor landforms and processes at the termini of Kongsvegen and Kronebreen Glaciers, Svalbard
- Fluid circulation and structural discontinuities on the Santa Maria - Cerro Quemado - Zunil volcanic complex (Guatemala)
- Hafnium Isotopic Compositions of Central American Lavas
- Inferring Glacial Dynamics From Temperate Glacimarine Grounding-Line Deposits
- Instrument developments for chemical and physical characterization, mapping and sampling of extreme environments (Antarctic sub ice environment)
- Investigating Grounding Zones by RAGEing WISSARDs
- Magnitude and timing of orbitally paced Antarctic ice sheet variations through the Pliocene and Pleistocene
- Restructuring of surface and deep water exchange in the South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans during Glacials
- Sedimentological evidence for a deforming bed in a late Pleistocene glacial sequence from ANDRILL AND-1B, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Topographic Comparisons of Uplift Features on Venus and Earth
- Using Cyclic Variations Of Early Pliocene Diatom Assemblages To Determine Sediment Accumulation Rates In The ANDRILL AND-1B Core
- Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD): Integrative Study of Marine Ice Sheet Stability and Subglacial Life Habitats (Invited)
- A Southern Ocean Diatom Record of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition from the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
- Antarctic paleoclimatic and paleoglacial history: building on programs, operations and results from IPY (Invited)
- Composition and volatile contents of melt inclusions from Mayon Volcano, Philippines
- Downhole logs of natural gamma radiation and magnetic susceptibility and their use in interpreting lithostratigraphy in AND-1B, Antarctica
- Electrical Conductivity of Al3+-doped MgO
- Estimating Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Under Selected Agriculture Residue and Fertilizer Management Practices with the Community Land Model
- Hafnium Isotopic Output and Input Along and Across the Central American Subduction Zone
- Hotspots on Venus and Earth: Topographic Comparisons
- Integrating stations from the National Gravity Database into a local GPS-based land gravity survey
- Late Pliocene cooling, sea ice and the establishment of a Ross Sea polynya: Geochemical and diatom assemblage constraints from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Midwest Heavy Snowstorms and Their Related Impacts (Invited)
- Modeling the Influence of Vegetation Root Distribution for a Changed Climate
- Pliocene Antarctic sea-ice reconstruction based on the diatom record the ANDRILL 1B core
- Room-Temperature Equation of State for CO2-I
- The Role of Antarctica in Global Late Pliocene Cooling Scenarios - Insights from AND-1B
- Yttrium Behavior in Aqueous Fluid At High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Cold Subduction Zones
- Early to Mid-Pleistocene Warm Events at the Antarctic Margin
- Fate of Drilling Fluids during the South McMurdo Sound Project (SMS) of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL)
- Global Oceanic Rainfall Extremes of Intense Tropical Cyclones' Inner Regions from the TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) Data
- High Plains Aquifer as Megafans? - Perspective from Spatial Distribution of Hydraulic Conductivity
- Partitioning of Nb Between Rutile and Aqueous Fluid at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Rapid, dynamic segregation of core forming melts: Results from in-situ High Pressure- High Temperature X-ray Tomography
- Weekend-weekday lightning variability for an urban region
- A Framework for Describing Uncertainties in Climate Projections
- A Vibroseis Seismic Source for Climate, Ice Sheet and Tectonic Studies in Antarctica
- Amphibole stability using new thermobarometric formulations on calc-alkaline magmas of Volcán Doña Inés, Chile
- Constraining the dynamic response of subcontinental lithospheric mantle to rifting using Re-Os model ages in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Finding Nothing: Algorithms to search for circular features across geospatially integrated datasets
- The effect of shear deformation on planetesimal core segregation: Results from in-situ X-ray microtomography
- Utilizing a Single Three-Component Geophone to Detect Near-Surface Seismic Sources for Military, Energy Exploration, and Engineering Applications
- Variations in groundwater availability during the past 9,000 years in the Atacama Desert, Chile: A subannual record of oxygen isotope values from Prosopis tamarugo tree rings
- A Progressive Black Top Hat Transformation Algorithm for Estimating Valley Volumes from DEM Data
- A Sled-Mounted Vibroseis Seismic Source for Geological Studies in Antarctica
- Iodp Exp 345: Orthopyroxene Omnipresent in Layered Gabbros from the Hess Deep, EPR
- Lake and Bog Sediment Records of Holocene Climate and Glacier Variability in the Cordillera Vilcabamba of Southern Peru
- Multiple glacial culminations from the Lateglacial to the late Holocene in central and southern Peru (Invited)
- Physical and chemical characteristics of the Subglacial Lake Whillans sediment cores, Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Principal Component Analyses of Topographic Profiles of Terrestrial and Venusian Uplifts
- Proglacial lake sediments, cosmogenic ages and stable isotopes reveal Holocene climate changes in the Peruvian Andes
- Re-Os systematics of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Western Ross Sea area, Antarctica: depletion ages and dynamic response during rifting
- Using Dry Erasable Globes in Earth and Space Science Classes
- Web-based Interactive Landform Simulation Model - Grand Canyon
- Combining numerical modeling and stable isotope values to quantify groundwater recharge from the Chilean Andes to the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin, Atacama Desert, northern Chile
- Groundwater flow within a sub-aerial orogenic wedge subject to depth-dependent permeability structure
- Interannual Variability of Middle and Upper Tropospheric Dry Air and Its Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Atlantic Basin
- Investigation of SMOS Sea Ice Thickness Retrieval with respect to the Ice Temperature Gradient within an Ice Layer
- NAGT-GER: A Community of Practice to Support the Emerging Field of Geoscience Education Research
- Physiology and phylogeny of the candidate phylum "Atribacteria" (formerly OP9/JS1) inferred from single-cell genomics and metagenomics
- Potassium-Rich Ices at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Rapid changes in diatom silica surface charge density, silanol abundance, and oxygen isotope values elucidate silica maturation processes in biogenic silica
- The Nature of CME-flare Associated Coronal Dimming
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) Project - Did the Ross Ice Shelf Collapse During MIS 5e?
- Uplifts on Venus and Earth: A Principal Component Analysis
- WISSARD at Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica:scientific operations and initial observations
- Assessing groundwater recharge mechanisms in the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin of northern Chile's Atacama Desert
- Environment at the Grounding Zone of the Whillans Ice Stream-Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- Geo-Needs: Investigating Models for Improved Access to Geosciences at Two-Year and Minority-Serving Colleges
- Geological and paleontological results from the WISSARD (Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling) Project
- Grounding Zones, Subglacial Lakes, and Dynamics of an Antarctic Ice Stream: The WISSARD Glaciological Experiment
- Model based paleoclimate interpretations of Holocene oxygen isotope records from the Pacific Northwest
- Moisture and Precipitation Evolution during Tropical Cyclone Formation as Revealed by SSMI/SSMIS
- Oxygen isotope values of tree ring α-cellulose as a proxy of hydroclimate variability in arid regions
- PIXELS: Using field-based learning to investigate students' concepts of pixels and sense of scale
- Principal Component Analysis of Terrestrial and Venusian Topography
- Spatial and temporal variation in tree-ring α-cellulose oxygen and hydrogen isotope values as a record of water availability in the Atacama Desert
- Striking Local Distinctions in Basaltic Melts within Nicaraguan Cross-arc Lineaments
- The ENGAGE Workshop: Encouraging Networks between Geoscientists and Geoscience Education Researchers
- Till Provenance for Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica: from Upstream B, Subglacial Lake Whillans, and the Grounding Zone
- Volume of Valley Networks on Mars and Its Hydrologic Implications
- WAIS-ting Away Again in East Antarctica: Sirius-ly Searching for that Lost Shaker of Diatoms
- Whillans Ice Stream from UpB to WGZ: Siliceous Microfossils, Palynomorphs, and Biomarker Evidence of Sub-glacial Processes and Ice Stream History
- An Improved Spatial Association Estimator under the Geographical Detector Model Using Monte Carlo Simulation
- Diagenetic alteration of biogenic silica oxygen isotope values: implications for use as a paleoenvironmental proxy
- Earth surface modeling for education: How effective is it? Latest classroom tests with Web-based Interactive Landform Simulation Model - Grand Canyon (WILSIM-GC)
- Examining Basin-Scale Water and Climate Relations across the Pampa del Tamarugal, Atacama Desert through Spatial Analysis of Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Tree Rings
- Late Holocene Hydroclimate Variability of West-Central Guatemala Driven by NAO and ENSO
- Quantitative Comparison of Mountain Belt Topographic Profiles on Earth and Venus
- The ocean exchange with the Ross Ice Shelf grounding zone, Antarctica
- Understanding Transitions Toward Sustainable Urban Water Management: Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles
- A Glacial Perspective on the Impact of Heinrich Stadials on North Atlantic Climate
- A Pliocene marine diatom δ<SUP>18</SUP>O record of terrestrial-marine feedbacks and orbitally-paced cryogenic brine formation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- An experimental study of Pb and Zn as a function of HCl at 300 and 500°C
- Copper and Gold Partitioning Between Brine and Vapor as a Function of Reduced Sulfur
- Extensive Holocene ice sheet grounding line retreat and uplift-driven readvance in West Antarctica
- Microbial processes at the beds of glaciers and ice sheets: a look at life below the Whillans Ice Stream
- Ocean stratification reduces melt rates at the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- Platinum and Palladium Exsolution Textures in Quenched Sulfide Melts
- The Effects of Redox Reactions on Sulfur Isotopes in Sulfide Melts at 1200 °C: Implications for <SUP>34</SUP>S Enrichment in Magmas
- The Holocene Minimum of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Radiocarbon Model Ages for Subglacial Sediments
- Use of geophysical methods to characterize groundwater in karstic rocks near Puerto Morelos, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- Atmospheric Variability Over the Holocene Recorded in High-Resolution Tree Ring Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Series from the Atacama Desert
- Dating Holocene ice-sheet advance in West Antarctica using englacial radio-stratigraphy and sea-level records (Invited)
- Early to middle Miocene oceanographic conditions in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Initial XRF results from IODP Site U1521
- Geophysical characterization of a karst area: the case of Akumal
- Lacustrine Records of Late Holocene Hydroclimate Variability and Paleoseismic Events from Laguna Chichoj, West-Central Guatemala Highlands
- Rapid Ross Sea Deglaciation as captured in the RICE Ice Core
- Using the Augmented Reality Sandbox to Improve Topographic Map Skill
- A 2600 year BP Lacustrine Record of Seismic Events and Hydroclimate Variability from Lake Chichój, Central Guatemala based on Sediment Core Analysis and Carbonate Isotopes
- A physical record of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) outflow in the Ross Sea from the late Pliocene (3.3 Ma) through present
- A synthesis of tropical American proxy records of hydroclimate variability over the last millennium
- Analysis of Synthetic Seismograms for Titan and Comparison Moonquakes and Terrestrial Icequakes
- Application of a coupled hydrologic and isotope mass-balance model to the quantitative interpretation of lacustrine sediment oxygen isotope records of hydroclimatic change
- Coulomb Static Stress Transfer of the Pohang, South Korea Enhanced Geothermal Injection-Induced Earthquakes
- Fracture Characterization and Determination of Groundwater and Halocline Levels from Geophysical Surveys on Karst Systems in Northeast Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
- Intermediate Water Dynamics at the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway During the Pliocene Inferred from Opal Accumulation and Diatom Assemblages at IODP Site U1475
- Investigating the Source of Springs in Arequipa, Peru
- Model-based estimates of the timing of brine water flux into the Victoria Land Basin from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Monitoring Groundwater Levels in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico Using Data Loggers and Geophysical Methods
- Ocean properties and Antarctic cryosphere dynamics during the early and middle Miocene: results from the IODP Expedition 374 (Ross Sea)
- Orbital-scale record of Ross Sea ocean temperatures across the Miocene Climatic Optimum and Middle Miocene Climate Transition
- Oxygen isotope values of biogenic silica: Diagenesis and utility as a paleoenvironmental proxy
- Stable Isotope, Pollen and Charcoal Records of Middle-to-Late Holocene Hydroclimate Variability from Lake Kail in the Western Guatemala Highlands
- Estimating Paleotemperatures in the Amundsen Sea for the Last 620,000 Years Through Diatom Morphometrics (iodp Expedition 379)
- Hack's law of Mars Valley Networks
- Microfabric Analysis of Upper Pliocene Amundsen Sea Interglacial Sediments (IODP Exp. 379) Demonstrate a Link Between Iceberg Melt and Diatom Productivity
- Mid-Holocene Retreat and Late Holocene Re-advance of the Grounding Line in the Ross Sea Sector
- Alteration Reactions in a Hornblende-Biotite-Anthophyllite-Fluid System: Implications for Cu-Au Ore Deposits
- Biogenic Silica Analysis of Upper Pliocene Interglacial Sediments [IODP379] Strengthens the Link Between Iceberg Melt and Diatom Productivity in Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
- Can an Emerging Geo-STEM Learning Ecosystem Broaden the Reach of Critical Zone Science?
- Chlorine-36 Surface Exposure Dating and Glacial Sensitivity Analysis of late-Holocene Moraines, South-Central Chilean Andes (38S)
- Cobalt Partitioning and Solubility in Carbonate-Hydrothermal Systems: Tracing the Genesis of a Critical Resource
- Coupling Pore Pressure and Poroelastic Stress and its Implications for Induced Seismicity
- Deforestation Outpaces Climate Change in a Biodiversity Hotspot
- Did the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse during MIS-5e? A Paleotemperature Analysis Using the Morphometrics of Southern Ocean Diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis.
- Emplacement and evolution of a fault-controlled rhyolite series: the Obsidian Creek and Roaring Mountain members of Yellowstone. Insights from major and trace element and Pb isotope geochemistry.
- Evaluating Latest Holocene Glacier Variability in the South-Central Chilean Andes using the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM)
- Geodetic techniques applied towards understanding induced earthquakes in Raton Basin, Colorado & New Mexico
- Hydrogeochemistry in the Yucatan Peninsula: The Impacts of Cenotes on Groundwater Flow and Water Resources
- Impacts of Prairie Restoration on Geochemistry and Microbial Communities in Groundwater
- Improving karst vulnerability methods (EPIK 2.0) in Riviera Maya, Mexico
- Induced Seismicity Coulomb Static Stress Transfer in Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico
- Inverse Modeling of Early Holocene Glaciers in the Queshque Valley, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Karst Conduits Identification using Geophysical Surveys in Northeast Yucatan, Mexico
- Land-Use Impact on Surface Water Quality Within the Upper South Branch of the Kishwaukee River Watershed.
- Microplastics in a karst ecosystem: Riviera Maya, Mexico.
- Pore Pressure Perturbation and Early-Stage Seismicity: A Case Study of Induced Seismicity of the Raton Basin
- Presentation Title: Antibiotics in Tourist Swimming Sinkholes (Cenotes) in the Riviera Maya, Mexico and the Effects After and Before COVID-19
- Sunscreen Contaminants in the Riviera Maya During COVID-19
- Temperature and Lapse Rate Sensitivity of Modeled Neoglacial Ice Extent in Queshque Velley, Peru ( 10S)
- Temporal Variations in Nutrient Concentration and Speciation in Cenotes of the Northeastern Yucatan Peninsula
- Water Quality in Public Water System and Related to Concerns to Human Health in Tourist and Non-tourist Areas Riviera Maya, Mexico.
- What Employers Want
- A geochemical and geophysical analysis of paleoseismicity and extreme weather events spanning 1700 years, Lake Chichój, Guatemala
- Analysis of Sunscreens and Antibiotics in Groundwater During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Riviera Maya, Mexico.
- Antarctic Ice Sheet growth during the Miocene Climatic Optimum
- Contaminants of emerging concern: a spatial analysis of antibiotic prevalence in cenotes of Yucatan Mexico
- Cu and Au Transportation in a Magmatic Volatile Phase with Implications for Porphyry Ore Formation
- Determining Small-Scale Fracture Patterns and their Directionality Using Azimuthal Resistivity and 2D Resistivity Profiles in the Yucatán Peninsula
- Does Theory Support Measurement? Determining the Freshwater/Saltwater Interface at a Cenote (Sinkhole) in the Yucatán Peninsula
- Doing my Homework: How an Inclusive Geoscience Classroom and Community Begins with Me
- Geochemical Characterization of Eutrophication within a Cenote (Sinkhole) in the Yucatán Peninsula
- Groundwater Level Mapping and Deployment of CHIRP in Coastal Cenotes in the Yucatán Peninsula
- Groundwater Quality of Downtown and Suburb Areas in Yangon, Myanmar and Future Challenges
- Groundwater flow and developing methodologies for CHIRP in Holbox sinkholes in the Yucatán Peninsula.
- Mass Balance Modeling and Sediment Records of the Last Glacial Cycle in the Tropical Central Andes of Peru
- Meteorological Effect and PM2.5 Concentration in the Most Populous Cities in Myanmar: Current Challenge and Future Actions on Air Quality
- Morphometric Analysis of the Diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis as a Proxy for Sea Surface Temperature in the Late Pleistocene Southern Ocean
- Multiple Ways of Knowing: Using Mixed Methods to Investigate an Emerging Geo-STEM Learning Ecosystem
- Oxygen and silicon isotope variations during opal diagenesis: Implications for biogenic silica and chert proxies from marine sediment archives
- Spatiotemporal Pattern of Landslide Erosion in Taiwan over the Last Two Decades - Implications of Climate Change on Landslide Hazards
- Temporal Fluctuation of Sunscreen From Tourism in the Groundwater of Yucatán Peninsula
- Towards the Development of a Hydrogeology Concept Inventory: Item Development and Analysis
- Transformational Geoscience Education Research using Social Science Theory and Methods
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. F. Sheehan
- Amy Leventer
- Bryan G. Mark
- Byron A. Steinman
- Cheryl Manning
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Donald M. Reeves
- Heather L. Petcovic
- I. M. Browne
- J. P. Dodd
- Jorge Adrián Perera-Burgos
- K. F. Tiampo
- M. R. M. Brown
- Nathan D. Stansell
- Nicole LaDue
- Onja H. Razafindratsima
- R. H. Levy
- R. Mark Leckie
- Robert McKay
- Shemin Ge
- Toni Lyn Morelli
- Zhengyu Liu