Wright State University, Ohio
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Facilitation of the ESSEA On-Line Course for Middle School Teachers: A Key to Retention and Learning
- Initial Results of Martian Electron Distribution Calculations Including a Nonuniform Magnetic Field
- Inverse Modeling of Spatial Correlation of Permeability in Sediments with Hierarchical Organization
- Magnetic Field Variation Effects on Electron Distributions at Mars: Comparisons of Theory and Data
- The Impact of the ESSEA On-Line Courses for Classroom Teachers on the Science Curricula in a Rural Ohio K-12 School District
- Calibration and inverse modelling of multicomponent reactive transport in single and dual porosity media
- The Effects of Enhanced Fluxes of Soft Xrays on the Ionospheres and Thermospheres of Venus and Mars
- Using AN Essea Earth Systems Science Course in a Web-Enhanced Setting for Pre-Service Middle School Teachers
- An aid to making subsurface hydrology predictive
- Forecasting Shoreline Position
- Forest Fire Burn Areas Modeled as Self-Similar Criticality
- Global Temperature Fluctuations Regulate El Nino Frequency
- Mars Atmospheric Evolution : What Can Dynamical Simulations Tell Us?
- Teaching with Games: Online Resources and Examples for Entry Level Courses
- The Role of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Coupling Processes in the Escape of Species from Mars
- Assisting the US Bureau of Reclamation with Evapotranspiration Estimation from Remote Sensing; Field Work Planning to Implementation
- Dune Retreat and Shoreline Change on the Outer Banks of North Carolina
- K distributions in variably saturated anisotropic media
- Quantifying Coastal Change Patterns Using LIDAR
- Scaling Analysis of Tide Gauge Data from the East Coast of the United States
- Scaling Analysis of Water Level Records from the North American Great Lakes
- The Near Terminator Ionospheres of Mars and Venus: How Chapman-esque?
- A Hierarchical Transition Probability Model and Its Application for Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Sediments
- Alignment of Content and Pedagogy in an Earth Systems Course for Pre-Service Middle School Teachers
- Characterization and Modeling of the Alluvium Beneath Fortymile Wash, Nevada
- Coasts in Motion: Preliminary Results of a Summer 2006 LIDAR survey of the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Darcy's Public Fountains of the City of Dijon, Past and Present
- Forecasting Extreme Landfall Hurricane Wind Speeds for the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Coasts of the United States
- Saturation-dependent anisotropy in the Hanford subsurface hydraulic conductivity
- Scale effects on the (pore scale) electrical conductivity as a function of saturation in anisotropic media
- Scaling of Properties of Rock Fractures: A Review
- Self-Similar Criticality: A Link Between Fractal Geometry and Geophysical Observations
- The Near and Post-terminator Ionosphere of Mars
- Why Did Sudicky (1986) Find an Exponential-Like Spatial Correlation Structure for Hydraulic Conductivity at the Borden Research Site?
- A new theoretical treatment of dispersion (in absence of diffusion) using percolation theory.
- Analysis and Forecasting of Shoreline Position
- Annual shoreline change between 2006 and 2007 of the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Does small variance of ln K (~0.3) represent less geologic heterogeneity? A recent lithofacies study at the Borden aquifer
- Eliminating kinetic effects on the pore size distribution as determined from water-retention curves
- Experimental Study and Modeling of the Stream-Subsurface Exchange of p,p'-DDE in the Presence of Naturally Occurring Fine Particles
- How Fractal are Coastlines Really? Observation and Theory
- Solar control of the Martian Ionosphere as Detected by MARSIS Active Ionospheric Sounder
- Stochastic Simulation of the Effects of Physical and Chemical Heterogeneities on Solute Transport in an Alluvial Aquifer
- Three sciences- Two Years- One Solution- Using the Earth System Science Education Alliance On-line Course to build K-12 Teacher Earth System Science Content and Pedagogical Knowledge
- Water Level Dynamics in the Great Lakes of North America
- An Automated Method of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) Data Analysis and Reactive Site Tracking for Mineral-Water Interface Reactions Observed at the Nanometer Scale
- Analysis of Water Level Dynamics in the Great Lakes of North America
- Exploring the Relationship Between Large-Scale Shoreline Change and Wave Climate
- Generating hydraulic properties from non-equilibrium water-retention curves
- Isotope Effects on the Photochemical Escape of O from Mars
- Multi-scale Modeling of Energy Balance Fluxes in a Dense Tamarisk Riparian Forest
- Non-Linear Time Series Analysis of Dissolved Oxygen in Five Diverse Aquatic Environments
- Scaling Analysis of Tide Gauge Data from the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Coasts of the United States
- Semantic Sensor Web
- Shoreline change and beach dynamics between June 2006 and June 2007 of the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Spatial distribution of solute particles in longitudinal dispersion due to advection
- Team-Based Learning and Open-Book Quizzes: Determining What Works in an Introductory Geoscience Course
- The Effect of Supersaturation on the Ca and Sr Composition in Synthetic Barite Precipitated From Seawater
- Using ESSEA Modules, Local Event Studies and Personal Learning Experiences in an Earth Systems Science Course for Preservice Middle School Teachers
- A Method to Accurately Generate Synthetic Self-affine Time Series for -1 < β < 3
- Analysis and Interpretation of Mars Dayglow Altitude Profiles
- Bode Analysis and Modeling of Water Level Change in the Great Lakes
- Inclusion of Asymptotic Effects of Diffusion on Dispersion by Advection
- Inelastic Caterpillar-like Deformational Wave as a Trigger of Tremors, Very-low-frequency Earthquakes and Slow Slip Events
- Meeting the Vision of the National Science Education Standards for K-12 Teacher Professional Development: Journeys through Space and Time. (Invited)
- Photochemical Escape of Atomic Carbon from Mars
- Shoreline Dynamics: Measurement, Analysis, and Forecasting
- Using the Geoscience Concept Inventory to Understand how Students Learn about Geologic Time
- Annual Shoreline Dynamics of the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Biogeochemistry of a mesotrophic lake and it's carbon isotope geochemistry
- Creating Synthetic Water Level Time Series from the Scaling Exponents of Water Level Records from Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Coastal Stations and the North American Great Lakes
- Don't Upscale the Coastline: Scales of Cumulative Change Emerge
- Enabling the measurement of in-situ, atomic scale mineral transformation rates in supercritical CO2 through development of a high pressure AFM
- Estimating Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Comparison of Percolation Theory with Parallel Tubes Approach
- Estimation of Evapotraspiration of Tamarisk using Energy Balance Models with High Resolution Airborne Imagery and LIDAR Data
- Extended Quaternary Record of Sea-Ice Conditions and Glacierization in the Western Arctic Ocean
- Forecasting Shoreline Position: A Method Based on Nonlinear Shoreline Dynamics
- Fractal Analysis of the Polarity Reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field and the Rikitake Self-Reversing Dynamo Model
- Multiproxy, Cross-Biome Analysis Of Ecosystem Dynamics During Late-Glacial And Holocene Climatic Change In North-Central North America
- New Analysis of the Paleoclimate Temperature Signal from Ice Cores
- Organic Chemical Sorption Heterogeneity in a Sedimentary Framework
- Solute-controlled dissolution thresholding at near-equilibrium calcite-water interfaces
- The Effect of Groundwater Availability and Quality on Water Consumption of Tamarisk
- A Paleo Perspective on the Role of Pacific Water in the Arctic Ocean System
- Estimating Evapotranspiration over Heterogeneously Vegetated Surfaces using Large Aperture Scintillometer, LiDAR, and Airborne Multispectral Imagery
- Hydrocarbon ions in the Lower Ionosphere of Saturn
- Modeling coupled element cycles in coastal plain wetlands subject to saltwater intrusion - linking sulfur dynamics with carbon and nitrogen cycling
- Nitrous oxide fluxes in an ecosystem context
- Paleo-circulation patterns in the western Arctic Ocean as inferred from Quaternary sediment distribution
- Photochemical Escape of O, C and N from Mars
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Water Heights and Life Loss in Japan for the 3/11/2011 Great Tsunami
- Project STONE: A Partnership Between Academia, Business and Government to Build a Pathway to STEM Careers for K-12 Students
- Quantifying Water Level Change Through Time in the North American Great Lakes
- Reconstruction of Marine Isotope Stages 12/14 Paleoceanography in Western Central Arctic Sediments
- Rock-Magnetic Method for Post Nuclear Detonation Diagnostics
- Scaling Properties of Shoreline Change: Process Implications
- Tortuosity Model in Porous Media
- Transition from Static to Dynamic Macroscopic Friction in the Framework of the Frenkel-Kontorova Model (aplication to Crustal Earthquake)
- When the entire landscape is riparian: the challenges to understanding and modeling ecosystem dynamics in lowland headwaters
- Which Scales of Stratal Architecture are Relevant to Hyporheic-Zone Processes?
- Annual Shoreline Dynamics along the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Is deep non-volcanic tremor just a swarm of low frequency earthquakes?
- Modeling Second-Order Chemical Reactions using Cellular Automata
- Piecewise Saturation-Dependent Capillary Pressure and Hydraulic Conductivity Models
- Shoreline Position Dynamics: Measurement and Analysis
- Spectral Analysis of Unevenly Sampled Data via Uniform Resampling
- The Influence of Multi-Scale Stratal Architecture on Multi-Phase Flow
- The Ionospheric Source of the Red and Green lines in the Venus Nightglow
- Escape of Oxygen from Mars: Monte Carlo Calculations Using Energy Dependent Cross Sections and including both O(3P) and O(1D) as energetic O atoms
- Influence of Purple Sulfur Bacteria on the biogeochemistry of Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes in Crystal Lake, OH
- K-12 Students, Teachers, Parents, Administrators and Higher Education Faculty: Partners Helping Rural Disadvantaged Students Stay on the Pathway to a Geoscience Career
- Leveraging Crowdsourcing and Linked Open Data for Geoscience Data Sharing and Discovery
- Pore Accessibility and Molecular Size: A Percolation Approach
- Temporal and spatial variation of surface reaction rates in porous media: Applications to silicate weathering
- Two Power Scaling Regimes in the Distribution of Arctic Ice-Floe Areas
- Distribution of mercury species across a zonal section of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (2013 U.S. GEOTRACES)
- Extending the Pathway: Building on a National Science Foundation Workforce Development Project for Underserved k-12 Students
- How does the connectivity of open-framework conglomerates within multi-scale hierarchical fluvial architecture affect oil sweep efficiency in waterflooding?
- Model of Deep Non-Volcanic Tremor in Episodic Tremor and Slip Events
- Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN: A Link to the Extended Exosphere of Mars
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Life and Economic Losses due to Natural Disasters
- Provenance Usage in the OceanLink Project
- Relating Reactive Transport to Hierarchical Sedimentary Architecture. Part 2. Lagrangian-Based Transport Models
- The OceanLink Project
- Understanding the effects of permeability heterogeneity and connectivity on surface water-groundwater exchange using multiscale models
- Using Linked Open Data and Semantic Integration to Search Across Geoscience Repositories
- A Cloud Based Framework For Monitoring And Predicting Subsurface System Behaviour
- Application of Alignment Methodologies to Spatial Ontologies in the Hydro Domain
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapping in Reservoirs with Fluvial Architecture: Sensitivity to Heterogeneity and Hysteresis in Characteristic Relationships for Different Rock Types
- EarthCube GeoLink: Semantics and Linked Data for the Geosciences
- Interactive client side data visualization with d3.js
- Linked Data: Forming Partnerships at the Data Layer
- Observations of the Martian ionosphere by the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer During the First Year of the MAVEN Mission
- Partners in Earth System Science: a Field, Laboratory and Classroom Based Professional Development Program for K-12 Teachers Designed to Build Scientific and Pedagogical Understandings of Teaching Climate Change.
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN
- Radiation Efficiency of Parametric Antenna in the Ionospheric Plasma
- Recent Advances in Characterizing Depositional Facies and Pore Network Modeling in Context of Carbon Capture Storage: An Example from the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone in the Illinois Basin
- Scaling relationships for soil formation and edaphic controls on vegetation growth
- Structure and Composition of the Neutral Upper Atmosphere of Mars from the MAVEN NGIMS Investigation
- The impact of model complexity on CO<SUB>2</SUB> saturation and mass balance
- Water and Water Ions in the Martian Thermosphere/Ionosphere
- Dependence of Photochemical Escape of Oxygen at Mars on Solar Radiation and Solar Wind Interaction
- Isotope Fractionation in O Escape due to Dissociative Recombination on Mars
- On Complex Water Conflicts: Role of Enabling Conditions for Pragmatic Resolution
- Percolation transport theory and relevance to soil formation, vegetation growth, and productivity
- Persistent Identifiers for Improved Accessibility for Linked Data Querying
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from Mars: constraints from MAVEN in situ measurements
- Power Scaling and Seasonal Evolution of Floe Areas in the Arctic East Siberian Sea
- Power Scaling of the Size Distribution of Economic Loss and Fatalities due to Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, and Floods in the USA
- Power scaling of ammonitic suture patterns from the suborder Ancyloceratina
- Revealing Precambrian Seismic Character Below West-Central Indiana
- Scaling of plant size and age emerges from linked aboveground and belowground transport network properties
- Spectroscopic Methodologies for Characterizing the Adsorption Behavior and Distribution of Silver Nanoparticles to Hydrated Mineral Surfaces
- 2-D Fractal Carpet Antenna Design and Performance
- 2-D Fractal Wire Antenna Design and Performance
- Baculite 3D Modeling: a New Method for Computing Buoyancy, Stability, and Orientation with Implications for Ectocochleate Cephalopod Hydrostatics
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- Mercury genomics in the Arctic Ocean
- Power Scaling of Petroleum Field Sizes and Movie Box Office Earnings.
- Power Scaling of the Mainland Shoreline of the Atlantic Coast of the United States
- The Density Profiles of O in the Lower Martian Thermosphere/ionosphere
- The earliest Permian shark fossils from Texas and their implications for later marine faunas
- Detection of O II 247 nm Airglow at Mars by MAVEN/IUVS
- Fractal Wire Monopole Antennas: Design and Performance
- Multi-site critical zone process understanding through standardized and automated data ingestion and model-data coupling
- Ontogenetic Changes in the Hydrostatic Properties of the Heteromorphic Ammonite, Didymoceras
- Permian Eugeneodont "Shark" distributions in North America
- Shoreline Roughness and Glacial Isostatic Shifts in Shoreline Position along the Atlantic Coast of the United States
- Telescoping in a Cephalopod Assemblage from the Maquoketa Formation (Ordovician)
- Testing of the Sortable Silt Hypothesis: Preliminary Experimental Results
- The Chemistry of Hydrogen in the Martian Thermosphere/ionosphere
- Toward Real Time Monitoring and Predicting Hydrobiogeochamical Impacts of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions: Applications to CV Theis Groundwater Observatory
- <SUB>Watershed process understanding through automated multi source data ingestion and model-data coupling</SUB>
- Chemistry of Odd Nitrogen in the Martian Thermosphere/ionosphere
- Parametric Interaction of VLF and ELF Waves in the Ionosphere
- Power Scaling and Seasonal Evolution of Sea-Ice Floe Area Distribution in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
- Scaling and Forecasting of Human Stampede and Crush Fatalities
- 3-D Monte Carlo Simulation of Bedrock Geology and Discrete Fracture Networks in Crystalline Bedrock Beneath the Mirror Lake Watershed, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, Woodstock, NH
- Human Stampede and Crush Fatalities: Size Scaling and Prediction
- Multiscale, Nonlinear Space Physics `In the Wild': From Fundamental Physics to Quantifying Risk
- Parametric Interaction Between ELF and VLF Waves
- Principles Governing the Food-Energy-Water Nexus as Revealed by Accurate Prediction of the Water Balance
- The future of hydrology education: Opportunities for state-of-the-art colloquium
- 3-D Stochastic Modeling of the Geology, Discrete Fracture Networks, and Groundwater Hydrology in Crystalline Bedrock, Mirror Lake Watershed, Woodstock, New Hampshire
- Direct Inversion Method of Fault Slip Analysis in Bedrock Exposures to Reconstruct the Chronology for Tectonic Events in the Southwestern White Mountain Region of New Hampshire, USA
- Power Scaling of Ice Floe Sizes in the western Weddell Sea, Antarctic Ocean
- Groundwater Flow Simulation in Discrete Fracture Networks in Bedrock Beneath the Mirror Lake Watershed, Woodstock, New Hampshire
- Infrastructure for 21st century science: Towards a Heliophysics knowledge commons
- Scaling and Other Properties of Individual Fractures and Networks of Fractures in Crystalline Bedrock Underlying the Mirror Lake Watershed, Woodstock, NH, USA