The Ohio State University
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- The Ohio State University, Department of Astronomy
- The Ohio State University, Department of Physics
- The Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of two methods of gravity inversion and their impact on predictions of Ice Mass Balance
- Biometric and Eddy-covariance Based Estimates of Ecosystem Carbon Storage in Five Eastern North American Deciduous Forests.
- Carbon and Energy Fluxes Over two Mid-Latitude Deciduous Forests: Interannual and Latitudinal Variations
- Characterization of Particles Recovered From a 4 Km Ice Core Above Lake Vostok, Antarctica
- Evaluation of Three Bed Load Transport Models
- Forest Canopy Uptake of Atmospheric Nitrogen at a Midwestern U.S. Mixed Hardwood Site: Implications for Carbon Storage
- Glacier Dynamics of Antarctic Ice Streams From Radarsat Interferometry
- High Resolution Climate Histories from Greenland Ice Cores: Placing 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Changes in a Longer Perspective
- Holocene Changes in Terrigenous Provenance and Biological Export Production: initial data from Edward VIII Gulf, East Antarctic Margin
- Is the NAO Inseparable From the Arctic Oscillation?
- Model-Data Comparisons of Velocity and Suspended Sediment
- New Constraints on the Origin and Emplacement of Granitoid Magmas in the Waldoboro Pluton Complex, Maine
- Partitioning the Components of Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Physical Record of Milankovitch Cycles from Variations in Sea Level and Ice Sheet Extent on the Antarctic Continent 24 Ma ago
- Preliminary Report on Cruise NBP01-01, East Antarctic Margin
- Study of Surface Structure of Particles by Broad-Band Sum Frequency Generation
- The ABYSS Mission: Satellite Altimetry Optimized for Seafloor Geophysics
- The Modeling of Flow Around a Cylinder and Scour Hole
- Tropical Ice Core Records: Evidence for Asynchronous Glaciation on Milankovitch Time Scales
- Understanding Heterogeneous Chemistry at the Molecular-Level using Broadband Nonlinear Technologies: Application to Atmospheric Aerosol Growth and Chemistry
- Video-based Observations of Surface Currents in the Surf Zone
- A CFD Model for Wave Transformation and Breaking in the Surf Zone
- A Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
- Alkalic Lavas From Nintoku Seamount, Emperor Seamount Chain: Geochemistry of Hawaiian Post-Shield Magmatism at 55 Ma
- Antarctica and IGY: New Frontiers in "A Continent for Science"
- Canopy Quantum Efficiency in a Northern Hardwood Forest: the contributing roles of direct and diffuse PAR
- Comparison of P-Wave and S-Wave Reflection Surveying Effectiveness for Detection of Mine-Related Subsidence Activity Beneath a Heavily Traveled Roadway
- Data Fusion for the Discovery of Scientific Impacts in the Hydrologic Research
- Ecosystem Respiration in a Northern Mixed Hardwood Forest: Source Dynamics and Interannual Variation
- Field Evidence for Plug Flow
- Greenland ice sheet ablation modeling using a high resolution atmospheric model
- Ground Image Based High Precision Mars Rover Localization and Landing Site Mapping
- High-resolution Polar Ice Cores Provide a Multi-century Perspective on 20th Century Climate Changes and 'Global Warming'
- Ice Core Evidence of Past Changes in the Hydrological Cycle of the Tropics and Subtropics
- Iterated Application of a Linear Inverse Temperature Model to Lake Michigan SSTs Generated by CH3D
- Land Cover and Land Use Changes and Their Impacts on Groundwater Resources and Carbon Cycling in SW Egypt
- Linking Seasonal Variability in the Chemistry of Urban Streams to the Loading of NOMs and PAHs Through Storm Runoff
- Long-Term Variability in Arctic-Atlantic Interactions as Reflected in Holocene Dinocyst Records From the Barents Sea
- Modeling Soil Aquifer Treatment for Artificial Recharge for Sustainable Wastewater Reuse
- Modelling Time and Length Scales of Scour Around a Pipeline
- Observations of Mean and Oscillatory Surface Flow in the Surf Zone
- Radar Altimeter Absolute Calibration Using GPS Buoy and Tide Gauges
- Rates of Sedimentation in the Central Arctic Ocean
- Relative Orientation Techniques to Stabilize Aerial Video Data for Morphological Observation
- Ross Tide Modeling Using INSAR and Radar Altimetry
- Sediment Transport Predictions Using a Coupled Modeling System
- Spatial variation of near bed concentrations
- Synthesis and characterization using neutron diffraction of the first examples of high-pressure stabilized A- and B-site ordered perovskites
- The Controversy Over Economic Development Within The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)
- The Large-Scale Hydro-Climatology of the Terrestrial Arctic Drainage System
- Three Stage Ice Sheet Recession as Recorded by Swath Bathymetry in the Mertz Trough: East Antarctica
- Tropical Modulation of Low Frequency Precipitation Variability in the Western US During the Past 1200 Years
- Tropical and Subtropical Ice Core Climate Records of the Last Two Millennia
- Understanding Time-varying Map Data Using Spatio-Temporal Clustering
- What can crustal motion determined from ocean height measurements tell us about mantle structure?
- Absolute Height of Sea Surface by Trajectory of GPS Antennae Over Submerged Pressure Gauges
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping of the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica: New Means to Map Structure of Volcanic Cinder Cones and Volcanic Alignments
- An Investigation of Black Carbon Degradation Potential in a Forest Soil Environment
- Channel Morphology and Sediment Transport Associated with St. John's Dam Removal
- Complex Dispersion in Simple Fractured Media
- Composition of Olivine, Melt Redox State, and Oxygen Fugacity
- Conceptions About Standards-Based Lunar Concepts
- Contribution of Climatic variables to Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange at Eight AmeriFlux Forest Sites
- Effects of Cover Crops to Offset Soil Carbon Changes Under No-till on an Ohio farm when Biomass is Harvested
- Evaluation of PROPHET and Ameri-Flux Measurements Obtained Over the Period 1998 to 2003 for Evidence of Ozone Effects on CO2 and Isoprene Fluxes
- Greenland: A Geophysical Target for the International Polar Year?
- ICESat Calibration-Validation and Mass Balance Studies in Antarctica
- Impacts of Forest Management, Climate, and Productivity on Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux from Loblolly Pine (Pinus Taeda L.) Stands Located on the Virginia piedmont and the South Carolina coastal plain
- Mawson Formation at Allan Hills, Antarctica: Evidence for a Large-scale Phreatomagmatic Caldera
- Measuring Fault Slip - Why and How?
- Methanol Reaction With Sulfuric Acid: Implications for Organo-Sulfate Aerosol Chemistry in the Middle and Upper Troposphere
- Olivines in the Egersund Dikes (SW Norway): Evidence for the Evolutionary History of Neoproterozoic Tholeiitic Magmas.
- Orbital and Sub-orbital Periodicities in East Greenland Ice-rafting Since 630 ka
- Photochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic Surface Waters
- Polar MM5 Simulations of the Winter Climate of the Laurentide Ice Sheet During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Polar Regions: Natural Laboratories for Understanding the Dynamic Lithosphere-Cryosphere-Climate System
- Polar Science and Fast Ice Sheet Drilling - the FASTDRILL Perspective
- Putative Mineral-Specific Proteins Synthesized by the Metal Reducing Bacterium Shewanella oneidensis
- Recent Increase in Flow Rates of the the Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland
- Seafloor Surveys Provide Circum-Basin Evidence for Thick Pleistocene Ice in the Arctic Ocean
- Source Contributions to the Carbon Isotopic Signature of Ecosystem Respiration in a Northern Deciduous Forest Ecosystem
- Static and time-variable Earth gravity fields from CHAMP and GRACE
- The Effects of Residue Management on Soil Carbon Sequestration in the U.S. Cropland
- Vibrational Spectroscopy of Sodium Halide and Hydrogen Halide Aqueous Solutions: Application to Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry
- What can Subglacial Sediment Tell us About the Underlying Geology and the Dynamic of the West-Antarctic Ice Sheet?
- 10Be dating of late-glacial moraines near the Cordillera Vilcanota and the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
- 1500 Years of Annual Climate and Environmental Variability as Recorded in Bona-Churchill (Alaska) Ice Cores
- A High Resolution Ice Core Record from the Puruogangri Ice Field, Tibetan Plateau
- A Holocene Record of Climate Change from the Sierra Nevada, CA, USA: A Paleolimnological Perspective of California Drought
- A Moored Airborne Video System with Nearshore Applications
- A New View of Amazon Floodplain Inundation Hydraulics
- A Virtual Surface Water Satellite Mission: Identifying Key Science Issues
- Absolute local sea surface in the Vanuatu Archipelago from GPS, satellite altimetry and pressure gauge data
- Adaptive Fusion of Stochastic Information for Imaging Fractured Vadose Zones
- Analysis of Surface Roughness Derived from Airborne Laser Altimetry on the Greenland Ice Sheet and Comparison with Stratigraphic Records
- Assessing Carbon Storage and Flux in Agricultural Soils
- Assessment of GRACE Time-Variable Gravity Observables: A New Filtering Technique to Enhance Signal Spatial Resolutions
- Bringing Polar Research to the Classroom
- Building an Integrated View of Antarctica Using Products from the Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project
- Climatological, hydrological and vegetation change for the past 15,000 years based upon a new network of high resolution lake sites in the Sierra Nevada and Unita Mountains
- Comparison of TEC Measurements from Dual-Frequency Space Geodetic Techniques
- Crustal Magnetization Model of Maud Rise in the Southwest Indian Ocean
- Determination of Snow and Ice Surface Roughness and its Importance for Ablation
- Does the PDO Affect the Climate over Greenland and Complicate the Reconstruction of NAO Variability from Ice Core Records?
- Estimating Antarctic near-surface magnetic anomalies from Oersted and CHAMP satellite magnetometer observations
- Evaluation of Wave-Current Bottom Boundary Layer Models
- Evidence From Tibetan Ice Core Records Concerning Climatic Influences on the Asian Monsoon During the 19th Century
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Reaction-Coupled Flow and Transport in Porous Media
- Fault Patterns Within the Eastern Terror Rift, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Franklin Volcanic Field: Characteristics of a Submarine Volcanic Province in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- GPS Measurement of Neotectonic Motions in the Antarctic Interior
- Geochronology of Tropical Alpine Glaciations From the Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru
- Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance sensitivity
- High Resolution Magnetic Anomaly Imaging of Southern McMurdo Sound (Antarctica)
- High-resolution regional recovery and validation of GRACE hydrological signals
- Ice Core Evidence of Recent Changes in Summer Melt Intensity of the Southern Greenland Ice Sheet
- Impact of Retreating Glaciers in an Intermontane Andean Watershed: Hydrochemical Analysis From the Callejon de Huaylas, Perú
- Impact of vegetation cover and stand age on scaling carbon fluxes in the upper Midwest: a multiple eddy flux site study
- Investigating the subglacial environment and geology of Antarctica and Greenland by direct means
- LGM Summer Climate on the Southern Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Wet or Dry?
- Low-latitude mountain glacier evidence for abrupt climate changes
- Microbiological and Biogeochemical Investigations of the Accreted Ice Above Subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica
- Modelling the Turbulent Processes Around a 3-D Cylinder
- Neogene-Quaternary Volcanic Alignments in the Transantarctic Mountains and West Antarctic Rift System of Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Neotectonic Structure of Terror Rift, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica: Initial Interpretations of New Geophysical Data
- Neotectonics of the McMurdo Sound Region, Antarctica Interpreted From Multibeam Data
- Numerical Investigation of Multiple-, Interacting-Scale Variable-Density Ground Water Flow Systems
- Overview of the Proposed Mississippi Headwaters - Red River Hydrologic Observatory
- Photogrammetry for Glaciology
- RADARSAT Antarctic Mapping System 2 - System Overview
- Recent Climate Change as Documented by Ice Core Evidence, Glacier Retreat, and Borehole Temperatures for the Gregoriev Ice Cap, Central Asia
- Scour and Burial of Submerged Mines in Wave Conditions
- Seismic Stratigraphy of the Terror Rift, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Soil Carbon Turnover and the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance of a Northern Hardwood Forest, Michigan, USA
- Soils, Permafrost, Fires and Climate Change Impacts
- Study of Ice Sheet Basal Processes With Visible Light Images Acquired from a Borehole Probe
- The North Slope of Alaska and Tourism: Potential Impacts on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)
- The Role of Local Cyclone Activity in Spitsbergen Winter Temperatures and Fram Strait Sea Ice Export
- The White River Ash: New Evidence From the Bona-Churchill Ice Core Record
- Thirty-year Records Of Glacier Melting In The Nepal Himalayas
- Ultra Wideband Radar Mapping of Near Surface Internal Layers: Systems, Results and Analysis
- Vertical Phase Variation in Mean and Oscillatory Surf Zone Currents
- Virtual mission stage I: Implications of a spaceborne surface water mission
- Wave Induced Sediment Transport over Flat Beds
- Wind Patterns at the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Sites Inferred from Mars Express HRSC and MER Images
- 400 ka Eccentricity Cycle Modulation of the SPICE Carbon Isotope Excursion on Both Sides of the Cambrian Earth
- A Discordancy Between Short-Term Sedimentation Rate Using Pb-210, Cs-137 and Pu and Long-Term Sedimentation Rate Using C-14
- A Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance uncertainty model
- A study on the water storage changes using GRACE and TRMM data in the Amazon Basin
- Calibration and Natural Variability of Skeletal Stable Isotopes and Sr/Ca in two species of Pacific sclerosponges (Acanthocheatetes wellsi and Astroclera welleyana)
- Complications in Determining Oxygen Fugacities From Olivine-Melt Equilibrium Illustrated by the Pu'u'O'o Lavas, Hawaii
- Enabling space-based (GRACE) model assessment by linking hydrologic and geophysical models to forward model gravitational anomalies associated with geophysical masses
- Estimating river discharge estimation through assimilation of remotely-sensed altimetry into a raster-based hydraulics model
- Evaluating spherical Earth gravity tensor gradients by Gauss-Legendre quadrature integration
- Fallout Radionuclides as Tracers in Southern Alps Sediment Studies
- Fault Architecture Within the Eastern Terror Rift, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Forest Carbon Storage in the Northern Midwest, USA: A Bottom-Up Scaling Approach Combining Local Meteorological and Biometric Data With Regional Forest Inventories
- Fusion of Multiple Levels of Subsurface Information for Imaging and Hydrologic Analysis
- GPR Response to the Introduction of LNAPL in the Vadose Zone
- GRACE Observed Ocean Tides Underneath Large Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Generalization of Farrell's loading theory: Applications to mass flux measurement using geodetic tequniques
- Geochemical Fluxes and Weathering on High Standing Islands: Taranaki and Manawatu-Wanganui Regions, New Zealand
- Geographic Variations in Chilled Margin Chemistry of Jurassic Dolerite Intrusions in the Dry Valley Region of South Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Glacial erosion, deep exhumation and the development of high topography along the Kongur detachment, Pamir Mountains, Western China
- Glaciers and Ice Sheets Mapping Orbiter
- Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of the Movement of Ice Streams
- High-Resolution Isotope Records of the Late Ordovician and Late Carboniferous: A Comparative Perspective on Glacial Carbon and Sulfur Cycles
- Human Health Impact of Fluoride in Groundwater in the Chiang Mai Basin
- Innovation in Hydrology: Lessons from the Business World
- Interferometric SAR Coherence Variations With Amazon Floodplain and Lake Vegetation
- Intermittent Thinning of Jakobshavns Isbrae Since the Little Ice Age, Reconstructed From Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Glacial Geologic Evidence
- Investigation of Molecular Marker Lipids in Alpine Ice Cores Via Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction
- Lavas and Sills in the Ferrar Large Igneous Province: Field and Geochemical Evidence for the Order of Emplacement.
- Magnetic Anisotropy in Ferrar Sills from the Upper Taylor Glacier Region, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Modeling Antarctic magnetic crustal thickness using Oersted, CHAMP and ADMAP data.
- Multisensor Fusion for Change Detection
- Natural variability of coral Cd/Ca using a novel isotope dilution ICP-MS method
- Particle Aggregation During Fe(III) Bioreduction in Nontronite
- Precipitable Water Vapor from GPS in Antarctica: Opportunities from the TAMDEF GPS Network, Victoria Land.
- Profiles of 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd as Indicators of Magma Dynamics in the Ferrar Dolerite Magmatic System, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Regional high-resolution spatio-temporal gravity modeling from GRACE data using spherical wavelets
- Regional recovery of temporal gravity fields from GRACE
- Removing short term surface height variability from ICESat thickness change data over the Greenland ice sheet using Polar MM5
- SRTM C and X Band Measurements of Water Elevations in Ohio and the Amazon
- Slow earthquakes on the flank of Kilauea volcano, Hawai'i
- Spherical Spline Interpolation for Geopotential Reconstruction
- Sulzberger Ice Shelf Tidal Signal Reconstruction Using InSAR
- Tectonic Analysis of Northwestern South America from Satellite and Surface Magnetic Data
- The B4 Project: Scanning the San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault Zones
- The Microcosm of Scientific Knowledge: Sceintists are Talking but Mostly to Each Other
- The legacy of forest harvest and burning on ecosystem carbon storage in the northern midwest, USA
- Thickness, Composition and Physical Properties of Crust in Iceland's Neovolcanic Zone
- Three Dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain Modeling of Ground Penetrating Radar with an Efficient and Robust Algorithm to Define and Predict Hydrologic Properties in the Subsurface
- Time series analysis of ice-rafted debris accumulation in the Irminger basin, 0-630 ka
- Toward a Testable Theory of Large, Lowland Floodplain Inundation
- Trans-Arctic Coring Expedition Results
- WatER: The proposed Water Elevation Recovery satellite mission
- Water Resources in a Peruvian Mountain Watershed: Hydrochemical Tracing of Groundwater and Glacier Meltwater Impact on Streamflow
- West Greenland ice sheet melt lake observations and modeling
- AIRS total precipitable water over high latitudes
- Airborne Radar Demonstrator for Imaging of Ice-Bed Interface
- An Efficient LEO Precision Orbit Determination For GPS Meteorology
- An Embedded Sensor Network for Measuring Elevation Effects on Temperature, Humidity, and Evapotranspiration Within a Tropical Alpine Valley
- An Investigation Into the use of Calcite Fossils as Alpha Thermochronometers
- Analytical Solutions for the Vertical Structure of Mean Flow in the Surf Zone
- Assessing the Impact of Retreating Glaciers on Dry-Season Discharge in a Tropical Andean Watershed
- Assessment of the Relationship between Andean Ice Core Precipitation Indicators and Amazon River Discharge
- Basin-Scale Freshwater Storage Trends from GRACE
- Bedrock Motions From a Decade of GPS Measurements in Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica.
- Characrterizing frozen ground with multisensor remote sensing
- Clastic Sediment Flux to Tropical Andean Lakes: Records of Glaciation and Soil Erosion
- Coarse Woody Debris and Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics in a North Temperate Forest
- Coastline Detection Using Cross-interferometric Coherence of ERS and ENVISAT SAR images
- Disseminated Museum Displays and Participation of Students from Underrepresented Populations in Polar Research: Education and Outreach for Joint Projects in GPS and Seismology Solid Earth Science Community
- Disturbance, Succession, and Forest Carbon Dynamics: a Large-Scale Manipulation at the University of Michigan Biological Station
- ENSO-Based Index Insurance: Approach and Peru Flood Risk Management Application
- Electromagnetic Scattering Model Performance Assessment of the Global Ice Sheet Mapping Orbiter Concept
- Estimating Water Slope in Amazon River Tributaries Using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model
- Geochronology and Equilibrium Line Altitudes of LLGM through Holocene Glaciations from the Tropical Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru
- Glaciological Evidence of Temporal and Spatial Tropical Climate Variability
- Greenland Ice Sheet melt observed with ERS and QuikScat scatterometers
- Halogens in the Dry Valleys Lakes, Antarctica: dynamic cycling between water, sediment, and cryogenic evaporites
- High Resolution Analysis of Sub-fossil Midges from the Great Basin, United States Provides Evidence of 20th Century Warming
- Holocene Paleoceanography of the Chukchi Sea / Alaskan Margin, Western Arctic Ocean
- Horizontal Motions of Faulting Dictate the 26 December 2004 Tsunami Genesis
- Landscape of a Glaciated Rift Flank: Structure of the Transantarctic Mountains From the Royal Society Range to the Churchill Mountains
- Long-term change detection from historical photography
- Magnetic Correlation and Chronology of Sediment-cores (HOTRAX) From the Alpha Ridge and Lomonosov Ridge; Preliminary Results and Some Questions
- Microbial Metabolic Activity and Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Matter Under the Impact of Intense UV Radiation in Pony Lake, Antarctica
- Non Oscillatory Central Schemes for Ripple Morphological Calculations with Dune2d
- Numerical Investigation of Field-Scale Convective Mixing Processes in Heterogeneous, Variable-Density Flow Systems Using High-Resolution Adaptive Mesh Refinement Methods
- Oxidation of oleic acid monolayers at air/liquid interfaces
- PIV observations of the wave bottom boundary layer over full-scale movable ripples
- Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Phase Transitions in Silica
- Quaternary Inferences on Central Arctic Ocean Circulation and Sediment Provenance Based on Diffuse Spectral Reflectance Analysis
- Reconstructing Holocene Glacier Changes in West Greenland From Multispectral ASTER Imagery
- Sediment Records From the Alaskan/Chukchi Slope Suggest High Meltwater Inputs From the Northern Laurentide Margin During the Last Deglaciation
- Shaping the seafloor by glacial ice and deep ocean currents; morphology along the HOTRAX 2005 transect
- Spatial Variations in CO2 Mixing Ratios Over a Heterogenous Landscape - Linking Airborne Measurements With Remote Sensing Derived Biophysical Parameters
- Stable Carbon Isotope Discrimination by Form IC Rubisco Enzymes of the Extremely Metabolically Versatile Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Ralstonia eutropha}
- Structural Geodesy: Active Deformation of the Barrancas Anticline, Mendoza, Argentina
- Structural Model of Endurance Crater for Rover-Based Exploration of Crater Rims
- Study of High Robust Three Dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Modeling of Ground Penetrating Radar for a Heterogeneous Environment
- Subglacial topographic effects on the geothermal heat flux of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Ice-bed Interface
- Tectonic geomorphology and earthquake geology of the 1857 reach of the San Andreas Fault: a new look from Airborne Laser Swath Mapping
- The Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of Cryoconite Holes in Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Evolution Over an Ablation Season
- The Nitrogen Budget of a Northern Hardwood Forest: Sources and net Primary Productivity Requirements
- Thorium-230 Stratigraphy of Alpha Ridge Sediment (Arctic Ocean)
- Tropical Cyclones and Ice Cores: Developing a Long Term Perspective
- Twentieth Century Warming Recorded in Low-Latitude Ice Cores and GISS ModelE
- Uptake and diffusion of short chain alcohols into sulfuric acid and ammonium bisulfate solutions: considering the role of water in secondary organic aerosol formation.
- A Climatic Trigger for Enhanced Late Cenozoic Exhumation of the Chinese Pamir?
- A High-Resolution Late Pleistocene Sediment Record From the Central Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- A Landscape Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Flux Drivers Using a Geostatistical Regression at Various Temporal Scales
- An Investigation of the Impacts of Climate and Environmental Change on Alpine Lakes in the Uinta Mountains, Utah
- Analysis of micro-fabricated, controlled geometry samples for determination of material transport properties of core materials
- Application of Foraminiferal Stable Isotopy to Quaternary Stratigraphy and Paleoceanography of the Central Arctic Ocean
- Arctic Ocean: Glacial History From Multibeam Mapping and Coring During the HOTRAX (2005) and LOMROG (2007) Expeditions.
- Array Processing for Radar Clutter Reduction and Imaging of Ice-Bed Interface
- Climatic Forcings of the Last Major Glacial Inception: A GCM Simulation of 115.5 Ka
- Deep Electromagnetic Imaging(EMI) Simulations for Realistic Heterogeneous Earth Models
- Distribution of clay minerals on the Alaskan margin near Barrow Canyon revealed by Diffuse Spectral Reflectance measurements
- Drainage Analysis and Fluvial Terrace Reconstruction: Assessing Blind Thrust Hazards, Montecitos Anticline, Mendoza, Argentina
- Earth Observations from Space: The First 50 Years of Scientific Achievements
- Evidence of Regional Warming during the 20th Century in Alpine and Subalpine Lakes in the Western United States
- Fusing measurements statistically: combining aerosol data from MISR and MODIS
- High Resolution Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Records From the Alaskan/Chukchi Sea Borderland
- High-Resolution LiDAR Topography of the Plate-Boundary Faults in Northern California
- Ice Core Evidence for Amplification of the Recent Warming at High Elevations in the Tropics and the Likely Regional Impacts
- Ice-core Evidence of Holocene Climatic and Environmental Variations Across Tibet
- Is the Relationship Between Peak Runoff Discharge and Land-Use Pattern Convex? A Numerical Experiment with the IHLUO Model
- Kinematic GPS positioning of an aircraft and the vertical structure of atmospheric refractivity
- Laboratory Measurement of the Gas-Phase Rate Constant for Formation of Nitric Acid from the Reaction of OH and NO2
- Late Pleistocene biomarker records from the central Arctic Ocean (ACEX Hole M0004C and HOTRAX HLY0503-08JPC)
- Late Pleistocene sediment provenance on the Mendeleev Ridge, Arctic Ocean, from XRF Elemental Analysis and Diffuse Spectral Reflectance measurements
- Low elevation hydrogeological features in the McMurdo Dry Valleys as analogs to recent Mars
- Mapping East Antarctic Snow Accumulation at High Resolution From Space
- Molecular Markers in the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru Describe 20th Century Biomass Burning Variability
- Multi-year Measurements of Stomatal and Non-stomatal Fluxes of Ozone to a Northern Mixed Hardwood Forest
- Natural Terrestrial Sequestration Potential of Highplains Prairie to Subalpine Forest and Mined-Lands Soils Derived from Weathering of Tertiary Volcanics
- Observing Seasonal and Diurnal Hydrometeorological Variability Within a Tropical Alpine Valley: Implications for Evapotranspiration
- Radiogenic and U-series isotopes in very low sedimentation rate sediments from Mendeleev Ridge (Arctic Ocean): sources, mineral carriers and stratigraphic implications
- Rigorous Photogrammetric Processing of HiRISE Stereo Images for Topographic and Geomorphologic Analysis at MER landing sites
- Survey-scale airborne lidar error analysis from parallel swath comparison
- Temperate Ice Depth Sounding Radar (TIDSoR)
- The Presence and Export of Labile Dissolved Organic Matter from Glacier Systems
- Toward estimating sea level rise contribution from the observed Greenland Ice Sheet volume changes
- Tsunami Hazard for the Bay of Honduras Posed by Roatan Island Faulting
- A Meta-analysis of Timber Harvest and Site Preparation Effects on Soil Carbon Storage
- A Synthesis of Arctic Weather and Climate
- A new high-resolution assessment of Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance: 1957- 2008
- Accelerating Uplift Rate and Non-uniform Inheritance: Cosmogenic Be10 Depth Profiles from the Montecito Anticline, Mendoza, Argentina
- Active Earth Display: Using Real-Time Data, Interactivity, and Storylines to Engage the Public in Polar Awareness
- Advances in Remote Autonomous Geodetic GPS Data Acquisition in the International Polar Year
- Application of Radar Altimetry Methods to Monitoring of Parasitic Disease Transmission: Schistosomiasis in Poyang Lake, China
- Arctic Ocean's freshwater budget estimate: planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca and Ba/Ca approach
- Arctic terrestrial water storage changes from GRACE satellite estimates and a land surface hydrology model
- Brittle fractures in AND-1B core, McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica: A record of Neogene rifting or glaciotectonic deformation?
- Changes in terrestrial organic matter input to the Mendeleev Ridge, western Arctic Ocean, during the Late Quaternary
- Climatic and Tectonic Controls on ELA and Glacial Characteristics in the King Ata Tagh Range, Western China: Testing the Glacial Buzzsaw Hypothesis
- Concentration and 14C Content of Total Organic Carbon and Black Carbon in Small (<100 ug C) Samples from Low-Latitude Alpine Ice Cores
- Constraints on Aeolian Degradation Rates on Mars from Erasure of Rover Tracks
- Controls on Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity to Climate Forcing: A Comparative Approach
- Diversity of Soil Textures Along Spirit's Traverse in Gusev Crater
- Evaluating Boy Scout Geology Education, A Pilot Study
- Glacier Change Investigation for Early Elementary Students
- Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIIPSY): Goals and Accomplishment
- Global atmosphere/ocean structures associated with the African monsoon droughts
- Global atmosphere/ocean structures associated with the Indian monsoon droughts
- Global atmosphere/ocean structures associated with the South American monsoon droughts
- Greenland Ice Sheet Annually-resolved Accumulation Rates (1958-2007), a Spatially Calibrated Model
- Greenland Surface Melt Trends From SSM/I And QuikSCAT Data
- High-resolution Paleolimnological Evidence of Climate Variability in the Central Canadian Arctic During the Past 2000 Years
- How accurately will SWOT measurements be able to characterize river discharge?
- Hydrologic Transformation from Glacier Volume Loss in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Ice Sheet Roughness Estimation Based on Impulse Responses Acquired in the Global Ice Sheet Mapping Orbiter Mission
- Ice Stream Shear Margin Basal Melting, West Antarctica
- Impact of Upwind Land Cover Change on Mount Kilimanjaro
- Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland: DEMs, orthophotos, surface velocities, and ice loss derived from photogrammetric re-analysis of July 1985 repeat aerial photography
- Laurentide ice sheet discharge linked to North Atlantic deep water reduction 10,200 years ago
- Magma Chamber Depths at Kverkfjoll volcanic system, Iceland and Connections to Recent Dyke Injection at Mt. Upptyppingar, Iceland.
- Mapping Global CO2: Geostatistical Gap Filling and Uncertainty Assessment for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory
- Metal Concentrations and Hydrochemical Dynamics in a Tropical-Glacier Watershed
- On the Mechanism of Glacial Inception: Relative Impacts of Atmospheric Circulation, Insolation Greenhouse Gases and Topographic Forcing
- Origin of Apparent Magnetic Excursions in Arctic Deep-sea Sediments
- POLENET Seismic and GPS Network in West Antarctica
- Petrological Constraints on Magma Chamber Depths, Magma Plumbing Systems, and Crustal Thickness along the Reykjanes Ridge, North Atlantic
- Projecting Carbon Cycling Trajectories in Forests of the Upper Midwest, USA: Has Carbon Storage Peaked?
- Quantifying the impact of model errors on river discharge retrievals through assimilation of SWOT-observed water surface elevations
- Radiance assimilation shows promise for snowpack characterization: a 1-d case study
- Rapid Response of Sediment Plumes to Greenland Ice-Sheet Surface Melt
- Reconstructing the history of major Greenland glaciers since the Little Ice Age
- Response of Antarctic Peninsula Mesoscale Cyclones to the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode: Potential Linkages to Climate Change
- Sequence stratigraphy of the ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) project drillcore, Antarctica: an expanded, near-field record of Antarctic Early to Middle Miocene climate and relative sea-level change
- Shelf and Slope Sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean: Comparison of the Alaskan Margin with Deep-Sea Sediments; Drift Deposits and the Role of Sea Ice
- Snow and Soil Improvements to the Noah Land Surface Model for use in the Arctic System Reanalysis
- Some aspects of the variability in the Indian Ocean Monsoon from marine sediment of the Bay of Bengal
- Spatio-temporal Error on the Discharge Estimates for the SWOT Mission
- Surface Complexation Modeling of Dual-Mode Adsorption of Organic Acids
- Surface Ocean Circulation and Dynamics in the Philippine Archipelago Region
- Surface and Mid-tropospheric Climate Change in Antarctica
- Temporal Decorrelation and Topographic Layover Impact on Ka-band Swath Altimetry for Surface Water Hydrology
- The Late Cambrian SPICE Event: A Global Carbon Cycle Perturbation
- The coupling between outlet glaciers and their catchments
- Tibetan Glaciers as Integrators and Sentinels of Climate Change
- Tropical Glaciers: Recorders and Indicators of Climate Change
- Tropical intraseasonal variability in global climate models
- What Will SWOT Measurements and Products Look Like?
- Whole-Ecosystem Labile Carbon Production in a North Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Windows into the solid-state viscosity and seismic anisotropy of Earth's inner core inferred from experiments on micro-fabricated, controlled-geometry samples
- A 1200-Year Record of Rapid Climate Changes Across the Tropical Americas Identified from Lake Sediments (Invited)
- A survey of the sensitivity of Greenland outlet-glacier discharge to ice front changes
- An interpretation of large-scale GRACE observations of terrestrial water storage over the Amazon
- Application of a Bayesian snow water equivalent reconstruction technique to a mountainous basin in the Sierra Nevada
- Automated Glacier Surface Velocity using Multi-Image/Multi-Chip (MIMC) Feature Tracking
- Constraining and Improving Models of Glacier Dynamics Using Time Lapse Camera Observations
- Crust and Upper Mantle Shear Wave Structure of Antarctica From Seismic Ambient Noise
- Debris Field of the July 19, 2009, Impact in Jupiter and Its Long-term Evolution
- Development of NASA’s integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from Spaceborne Platforms (ISSARS)
- Discharge of the Congo River Estimated from Satellite Measurements
- Dissolved Organic Carbon and Natural Terrestrial Sequestration Potential in Volcanic Terrain, San Juan Mountains, Colorado
- Employing native shrubs to improve agricultural potential of arid lands: Drawing on plants to draw water (Invited)
- Equation of state of Fe64Ni36 alloy by synchrotron radiation and applications to Earth’s inner core
- Estuary sediment plume response to surface melting and supraglacial lake drainages on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Examination of the implications of snow model complexity, stratigraphy and grain-size representation on SWE estimation via passive microwave radiance data assimilation (Invited)
- Examining Spatio-Temporal Relationships between Supra-Glacial Lake Distribution and Surface Velocity Fields in Western Greenland
- Examining the scale dependence of the statistical relationship between snow depth and microwave radiance (Invited)
- Fast-flow of Greenland outlet glaciers: Does water matter? (Invited)
- Geological Carbon Sequestration in the Ohio River Valley: An Evaluation of Possible Target Formations
- Geomagnetic Field Variability in the Western Canadian Arctic Since the Last Deglaciation
- Geostatistical Data Fusion for Remote Sensing Applications
- Glacial asymmetry in response to tectonic and climate gradients in the Pamir Mountains, Western China
- Greenland GPS Network: Uplift rates compared with predicted elastic response obtained from GRACE mass loss
- HYPERS: First Ever Multi-Dimensional Asynchronous Hybrid Simulations
- High-Resolution ∂18O record of middle-late Holocene hydrologic variability from the central Peruvian Andes (Invited)
- Improving a modelling of the Ob river, in western Siberia, by assimilating wide swath altimetry data
- Initial Results of 3D Topographic Mapping Using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Stereo Imagery
- Integrating GRACE measured water storage change observations into the Hillslope River Routing (HRR) in the Amazon and Congo River Basins
- Intercomparison of algorithms to estimate river depth from SWOT observations of slope and width
- LRO Camera Imaging of Constellation Sites
- Late Quaternary Ostracodes and Paleoceanography from HOTRAX core HLY0503-18, Lomonosov Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean
- Mechanisms For Sustained Carbon Storage In Old Forests: Early Results From The Forest Accelerated Succession ExperimenT (FASET)
- Melt Water Export from the Greenland Inland Ice Investigated with Stream Observation and a Linear Reservoir Network Model
- Miocene depositional history, sequences and chronostratigraphy of the ANDRILL AND-2A drillcore, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica
- Morphodynamics of Rippled Beds
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of the 2009 Jupiter impact debris field: Constraints on particle composition, size and vertical distribution
- Neoglaciation and climate change recorded in sediments from Lake Lutacocha in the Cordillera Raura, Peru
- Patterns of CO2 and radiocarbon across high northern latitudes during IPY 2008
- Potential Monitoring of the Atlantic Meridional Overtuning Circulation Using Contemporary Satellite Observations
- Proglacial hydrology in the tropical Andes: lessons from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru (Invited)
- Reconstruction of Greenland Ice Sheet Changes from Laser Altimetry Measurements
- Relative Magnitude and Timing of Mass Change Mechanisms on the Greenland Ice Sheet from GRACE and Surface Mass Balance Models
- Role of ice-ocean interaction on glacier instability: Results from numerical modeling applied to Petermann Glacier (Invited)
- SWOT, The Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite Mission (Invited)
- South American summer monsoon variability during the Holocene: Evidence for precipitation partitioning between the Andes and the Amazon basin
- Spatial variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the ARCTAS-CARB 2008 Summer Campaign
- Surface mass balance of Greenland mountain glaciers and ice caps
- Swath Measurements of Ice Sheet Bottom Topography and Radar Reflectivity
- Syntectonic fluid flux during rift faulting: Record from the MIS core, Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica
- Temperature Dependence of Anomalous Paramagnetically Shifted Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Peaks in Iron-Bearing Pyrope and Rare Earth Element Orthophosphates
- Terrestrial Water Dynamics in the Congo Basin Using Satellite Radar Altimetry and GRACE
- The 2009 Samoa Tsunami and Its Formation Mechanism Replicated from Satellite Altimeters and Tide Gauges
- The Changing Albedo of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Extreme Ice Survey: Capturing and Conveying Glacial Processes Through Time-Lapse Imagery and Narration
- The phenology of roughness length - long term analysis from a Michigan mixed forest
- Thermal Evolution and Composition of the July 2009 Jupiter Impact Site from 7-25 Micron Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Thermal and Near-Infrared Structural Evolution of the 2009 Wesley Jupiter Impact from 1.5-24.5 Micron Imaging
- Transferring ANDRILL Research on Antarctic Cenozoic Climate Change into the Classroom: Teaching Exercises that build Student Skills and Content Knowledge
- Upper Ocean Processes Under the Stratus Cloud Deck in the Southeast Pacific Ocean
- Variability in North Atlantic Bottom Water nutrients and carbonate ion during the last 467,000 years BP
- Ventilation of Animal Shelters in Wildland Fire Scenarios
- Visualization of eastern Pacific atmospheric dynamics during the record flood of 1996 in Oregon using global reconstructed datasets
- West Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity (2000-2009)
- A 1700-year Record of Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures and High-altitude Andean Climate Derived from the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru (Invited)
- A 6000 year, quantitative reconstruction of precipitation variability in central Washington from lake sediment oxygen isotopes and predictive models
- A Bayesian Approach to Evaluating Consistency between Climate Model Output and Observations
- A Bayesian approach to estimating snow depth from passive microwave measurements using a multi-layer model and minimal prior information (Invited)
- A Global Unified View of ENSO Modulation of Tropical Cyclones
- A Proposed Framework for Synthesis Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- A Software Prototype For Accessing Large Climate Simulation Data Through Digital Globe Interface
- A hypothesis for the evolution of the structure of Earth's inner core
- A new deposit with mummified plant material on Ellesmere Island, Canada
- A ~20,000 year history of glacial variability in the tropical Andes recorded in lake sediments from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Airborne-Radar Images of the Bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Applications of TEX86 and MBT/CBT indices to paleotemperature estimations in Holocene sediments from the Chuktchi Shelf
- Arctic Circle Traverse 2010 (ACT-10): South East Greenland snow accumulation variability from firn coring and ice sounding radar
- Arctic Sea-Ice Decline: A Paleoclimatic Perspective (Invited)
- Assessing Geometric Controls on Tidewater Glacier Sensitivity to Frontal Perturbations Using a Numerical Ice Flow Model
- Assessing the effects of hydrodynamic stresses on photosynthesis with natural and modified canopy structures (Invited)
- Assessment of dynamic and surface-forced mass losses at Columbia Glacier Alaska USA
- Borehole breakout analysis: results from the AnDrill-2A well
- Bruce Plateau, Antarctic Peninsula: Ice-Core Site Characterization
- Changes in the marine-terminating glaciers of the Geikie Plateau and Blosseville Coast Region, East Greenland, 2000-2009
- Characteristics and applications of UV/controlled-release H2O2 for urban runoff treatment
- Characterization of Terrestrial Water Dynamics in the Congo Basin using GRACE and Satellite Radar Altimetry
- Depth and Pressures of Crystallization of Magma Chambers beneath Hawai'ian Volcanoes
- Determination of atmospheric trace elements in Kilimanjaro ice to reconstruct regional African aerosol history
- Dynamic evapotranspiration in tree-resolving LES - The ED2RAFLES model
- Earth's Elastic Response to Seasonal Cycles in Surface Loading in Greenland and Antarctica
- Educational and Community Outreach Efforts by the United States Polar Rock Repository during the International Polar Year
- Estimating River Baseflow Depth from Swath Altimetry: Initial Results
- Estimating Vegetation Height and Bare-Earth Topography from SRTM Data using Fourier Spectral Decomposition
- Estimating bathymetry and river depth in the Ohio River using simultaneous state-parameter estimation with an Ensemble Kalman filter
- Estimating snow accumulation in the percolation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet using satellite radar scatterometry
- Exchange of Mg-Fe2+ Between Olivine and Melt: Revisited
- Exploring tidewater glacier retreat using past and current observations at Columbia Glacier, Alaska. (Invited)
- Extended Quaternary Record of Sea-Ice Conditions and Glacierization in the Western Arctic Ocean
- Extreme Short-term Variability in Southeast Greenland Outlet Glacier Dynamics
- Flow dynamics of a soft-bedded glacier in southeast Iceland during basal sliding events
- Geophysical Causes Contributing to Present-Day Sea Level Rise
- Greenland Ice Margin Processes Inferred from Terrestrial River Discharge
- High rates of carbon storage in old deciduous forests: Emerging mechanisms from the Forest Accelerated Succession ExperimenT (FASET)
- How Vulnerable is Perennial Sea Ice? Insights from Earth's Late Cenozoic Natural Experiments (Invited)
- Hydrologic Science and Satellite Measurements of Surface Water (Invited)
- Ice Core Records of Past Climate and Evidence for Present and Future Glacier Loss across the Third Pole
- Ionospheric Effects of Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Large-scale Estimation of River Discharge from SWOT Satellite Observations: A Fraternal Twin Data Assimilation Experiment
- Magnetic properties and origin of magnetic remanence in sediments from Lomonosov Ridge and Yermak Plateau, eastern Arctic Ocean
- Modeling the Climatic Controls and Topographic Form of Modern and Late Pleistocene Tropical Peruvian Glaciers
- NASA's integrated Instrument Simulator Suite for Atmospheric Remote Sensing from spaceborne platform (ISSARS) and its role for the GPM mission
- Neogene Fault and Feeder Dike Patterns in the Western Ross Sea
- Neogene deformation in the West Antarctic Rift in the McMurdo Sound region from studies of the ANDRILL and Cape Roberts drill cores
- On the similarity between pre-seismic locking and coseismic slip during the 2010 Maule earthquake (Invited)
- Origin of the F-Layer by ``Snowfall'' in the Earth's Core
- Parallel Event-Driven Global Magnetospheric Hybrid Simulations
- Past and Contemporary Climate Change: Evidence From Earth's Ice Cover (Invited)
- Past fire reconstructions in the EPICA ice core through the determination of specific molecular markers
- Peatland Distribution and Characterization in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska
- Piecing together the past: Statistical insights into paleoclimatic reconstructions
- Pressures of Partial Crystallization of Magmas from the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Implications for Crustal Accretion
- Primary Productivity in the High Arctic: Measurements and Predictions for Climate Change
- Proglacial hydrology in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Rapid GNSS and Data Communication System Deployments In Chile and Argentina Following the M8.8 Maule Earthquake
- Recent to contemporary stress of the West Antarctic Rift from drill core and volcanic alignment studies (Invited)
- Reconstructing 2000 years of Indian summer monsoon variability from high-resolution Tibetan lake sediments, eastern Himalaya
- Relative importance of CH4, CO2 and insolation in Laurentide Ice Sheet inception at 115 kyr BP
- Revised reconstruction of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last deglaciation: a multi-proxy study
- Role of Cryosphere in Present-Day Sea-Level Rise
- Sea Surface Temperature Biases under the Stratus Cloud Deck in the Southeast Pacific Ocean in 19 IPCC AR4 Coupled GCMs
- Seasonal water storage on the Amazon floodplain: a comparison between satellite measurement and model simulation
- Something for Everyone: Quantifying Evolving (Glacial) Landscapes with Your Camera
- Sources and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Headwater Streams Draining Watersheds with Different Land Uses in the York River Estuary
- Spatial interpolation of carbon dioxide using Fixed Rank Kriging
- Stream Gauges and Satellite Measurements
- Sub- and Inter-annual Variability in Flow Speed of Outlet Glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica since 1999
- Teaching About CO2 as a Climate Regulator During the Phanerozoic and Today
- Temporal dynamics and spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture in a northern temperate deciduous forest
- The Antarctic POLENET Project: Status, Initial Results, Future Challenges
- The Arctic System Reanalysis for 2007 and 2008
- The Extreme Ice Survey: Capturing and Conveying Glacial Processes Through Time-Lapse Imagery and Narration
- The LARsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica, LARISSA a Model for Antarctic Integrated System Science (AISS) Investigations using Marine Platforms
- The Rapid Ice Sheet Change Observatory (RISCO)
- Towards an understanding of the source of protein-like fluorescence in glacially exported organic matter. (Invited)
- Validating the Moisture Analyses and Predictions of AMPS Using Ground-based GPS Measurements of Precipitable Water
- Validation of a Bayesian reconstruction approach to estimate snow water equivalent via assimilation of MODIS fractional SCA data
- 'Micro-hole' optical dating of quartz from HOTRAX-05 Arctic Ocean cores
- 'Wind Glaze' Characteristics and Extent on the East Antarctic Plateau
- A Paleo Perspective on the Role of Pacific Water in the Arctic Ocean System
- A century of Amazon burning driven by Atlantic climate
- A likelihood-based comparison of CMIP5 decadal experiment runs with observations from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- A moderate resolution inventory of small glaciers and ice caps surrounding Greenland and the Antarctic peninsula
- An ensemble-based reanalysis approach for estimating river bathymetry from the upcoming SWOT mission
- Assessing post-depositional alteration and the integrity of ice core nitrate-N and -O isotopic records at the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
- Carbon-14 as a Tracer of Land-to-Ocean Organic Carbon Transfers in Eight Northeastern US Rivers
- Controls on Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff from a Land Terminating Glacier
- DEM Extraction from High-Resolution Stereoscopic Worldview 1 & 2 Imagery of Polar Outlet Glaciers
- Decadal Scale Changes in Ice Sheet Elevation - South Central Greenland Ice Sheet
- Detection of Seismic Sources Associated with Ice Movement in Antarctica using POLENET Seismic Array, AGAP Seismic Array, and GSN Seismic Stations
- Disturbance and decoupling of belowground carbon and nitrogen cycles in a northern temperate forest
- Divergent Radiocarbon Age Distributions of Carbon Pools in a Major Temperate River: Implications for Sources, Reactivity, and Land-Ocean Exchanges
- Effects of cloud optical thickness on net ecosystem exchange in a Northern U.S. temperate forest
- Enhanced light use efficiency as a mechanism for forest carbon storage resilience following disturbance
- Evaluation of Quaternary paleo-circulation in the western Arctic Ocean based on radiogenic isotopes in sediments from the Northwind Ridge
- Flood inundation mapping in the Logone floodplain from multi temporal Landsat ETM+ imagery
- Future Science Opportunities in Antarctica: a Report from the National Academy of Sciences
- Geothermal modeling by Gauss-Legendre quadrature integration
- Glacial isostatic crustal uplift in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, from geologic and geodetic records
- Graphical interactive generation of gravity and magnetic fields
- Greenhouse gases emission and carbon sequestration in agro-ecosystems under long-term no-till: implications for global warming mitigation
- Greenland ice sheet mass balance; past, present, and future
- Hg Isotopes as Indicators of Paleoceanographic Change in the Arctic Ocean (55 Ma to Present)
- High-pressure, high-temperature diffusion measurements in iron-nickel alloys to 65 GPa
- Holocene biomass burning recorded in polar and low-latitude ice cores
- Hydrologic controls on coastal suspended sediment plumes around the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Ionospheric disturbances locate the 2009 North Korean underground nuclear test
- Lacustrine records of late Holocene climate change in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Nyainqentanglha Mountains: Initial sedimentology and chronology results
- Large-Eddy Simulations os PM Dispersion to Quantify the Effects of Windbreaks on Air Quality around CAFOs
- Mechanisms maintaining productivity in old forests of the upper Great Lakes
- Merging Tsunamis of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Observed from Space
- Molecular-Scale Characterization of Natural Organic Matter From A Uranium Contaminated Aquifer and its Utilization by Native Microbial Communities
- Multi-scale characterization of sub-pixel effects for microwave remote sensing of snow
- Natural sources of atmospheric trace elements across the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau from a unique set of ice cores: initial results
- Near surface water layer discovered within the Greenland Ice Sheet during winter conditions from firn cores, ground based radar, and Operation IceBridge radars
- Novel Monitoring of Ice Shelf and Shelf Cavity Temperatures and Melt Rates
- Oceanic mechanical forcing of the dynamics of a marine-terminating Greenland glacier by ice mélange removal and ocean tides
- Paleo-circulation patterns in the western Arctic Ocean as inferred from Quaternary sediment distribution
- Preliminary determinations of Rare Earth Elements in ice cores to characterize the aeolian dust across the Tibetan Plateau ("Third Pole")
- Preserving Geological Samples and Metadata from Polar Regions
- Rapidice Viewer: a Web Application to Observe Near Real-Time Changes in Polar Ice Sheets and Glaciers with a Multi-Sensor Multi-Temporal Approach
- Receiver functions from west Antarctica; crust and mantle properties from POLENET
- Reconstructing Fault History from Fault Rocks and Travertine Deposits, Rock Canyon Fault, Utah
- Reconstruction of Marine Isotope Stages 12/14 Paleoceanography in Western Central Arctic Sediments
- Regional shifts in Greenland outlet glacier acceleration
- Remote Sensing of Surface Water and Recent Developments in the SWOT Mission
- Seasonal and inter-annual mass variability in Antarctica from GRACE
- Sensitivity of the Ice Sheet System Model to direct surface mass balance forcing over the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Short-term calving processes and ocean-ice interactions at Breidamerkurjökull Glacier, Southeast Iceland
- Snow accumulation rate retrieval across the Greenland ice facies using SeaWinds on QuikSCAT
- Soil moisture retrieval using the time-series L-band radar observation over pasture fields through the inversion of radar scattering models
- Spatio-temporal data fusion for remote sensing applications
- Statistical Approach to Combining Models and Observations
- Structure and Thermodynamics of Carbon Dioxide Sorption in Silica Pores from Experiments and Computer Models
- Study on the influence of monsoon, westerly and snow cover on the dust concentration in snow in the Himalaya as reflected by the Dasuopu ice core record
- Temporal Dynamics of Methane Fluxes in Temperate Urban Wetlands
- Terminus dynamics of a soft-bedded glacier during variations in basal motion
- The Effects of Fine-scale Soil Moisture and Canopy Heterogeneities on Energy and Soil Water Fluxes in a Temperate Mixed Deciduous Forest
- The Vertical Datum Offset in South Korea and Possible Biases Between GPS/Leveling Data Sets
- Third Pole Environment (TPE) program: a new base for the study of "water-ice-air-ecosystem-human" interactions on the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas
- Third Pole Glaciers and Ice Core Records of Past, Present and Future Climate
- Thresholds of glacier hydrologic change and emergent vulnerabilities in a tropical Andean waterscape
- Towards modeling hydrodynamic stress limitations on transpiration
- Tropical Glaciers in the Common Era: Papua, Indonesia, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru and Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath West Antarctica from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of POLENET/ANET Data
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Whitmore Mountains, West Antarctic Rift System, and Marie Byrd Land from Body-Wave Tomography
- Use of Data Mining and Computer Vision Algorithms in Studies of Magnetic Reconnection
- Use of GNSS data for Hydrology: Applications of the method PPP (Precise Point Positioning) with integer ambiguities fixing for hydrological studies in the Amazon basin
- Was the September 3 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield, New Zealand Earthquake Triggered by the 2009 July 15 MW 7.8 Dusky Sound, New Zealand Earthquake, 500 km Away?
- A framework for incorporating the effects of hydrodynamic stresses on forest photosynthesis and evaporation
- A new high altitude paleoclimate record from the first ice core drilled in the eastern European Alps: preliminary results
- Amounts, isotopic character and ages of organic and inorganic carbon exported from rivers to ocean margins: Assessment of natural and anthropogenic controls
- Arctic Forecasts Available from Polar Bear Exhibit as an Example of Formal/Informal Collaboration
- Assessing volume change of tropical Peruvian glaciers from multi-temporal digital elevation models (DEMs)
- Assessment of modeled albedo and bare ice extent (2001-present) in the regional climate model MAR using satellite data
- Belowground adaptation and resilience to drought conditions
- Beneficial Hydrologic Relations Between Evergreen Woody Shrubs and Food Crops In the Peanut Basin, Senegal
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Bringing a Global Issue Closer to Home: The OSU Climate Change Webinar Series
- Capacity of US Forests to Maintain Existing Carbon Sequestration will be affected by Changes in Forest Disturbances and to a greater extent, the Economic and Societal Influences on Forest Management and Land Use
- Causes of Greenland temperature variability over the past 4000 years
- Changing Hydrology in Glacier-fed High Altitude Andean Peatbogs
- Coherent lake growth on the central Tibetan Plateau since the 1970s: characterization and attribution
- Continuous monitoring of Antarctic sub-ice shelf dynamics and ocean column temperatures
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of Antarctica from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Crustal Motion Geodesy, PGR and Sea Level Rise: Eliminating Reference Frame Effects
- Crustal Thickness across West Antarctica from Polenet
- Decadal-scale sensitivity of Northeast Greenland ice flow to errors in surface mass balance using ISSM
- Defying the decline: Carbon storage resistance to moderate disturbance in a temperate forest
- Determining the meteorological forcing that affect seasonal and diurnal dynamics of respiration and GPP in a constructed urban wetland in Ohio
- Development of a coupled framework for simulating interactive effects of soil thermal and hydrological dynamics in landscapes underlain by permafrost
- Effect of restoration on carbon fluxes in urban temperate wetlands
- Effects of Watershed Land Use on Sources and Diagenetic Status of Particulate Organic Matter in Temperate Headwater Streams
- Elevation change in Greenland over two decades from cross-platform LiDAR analysis
- Evidence for Pacific Climate Regime Shifts as Preserved in a Southeast Alaska Ice Core
- Evidence of Meltwater Retention within the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Experiences & Tools from Modeling Instruction Applied to Earth Sciences
- Exploring SWOT discharge algorithm accuracy on the Sacramento River
- Factors Influencing Microbial Carbon Emission Potential from Wetland Sediments and its Relation to Surface- and Plot-Scale Measurements
- From the Cordillera Blanca to the Pacific Ocean: hydrological changes and consequences across the Rio Santa watershed
- Geodetic observations of accelerating ice loss in Greenland
- Glacier Retreat and the Potential for Increased Water Resources Vulnerability at Volcán Chimborazo, Ecuador
- Global Coherent Meridional Propagation of Interannual Fluctuations in Atmospheric Angular Momentum: A Focused Study OF High-Latitude and Polar Region Variability Using GRACE and Multidisciplinary Observations and Models
- Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback: mass balance implications
- Greenland snow accumulation rates estimated by the retracking of percolation facies from airborne radar
- Groundwater-surface water interactions in a glacierized catchment and their influence on proglacial water supply
- High Sensitivity of Tidewater Glacier Dynamics to Shape
- How sea level rise and storm climate impact the looming morpho-economic bubble in coastal property value.
- Hydrodynamic Model of Inundation Event at Confluence of Ohio and Mississippi Rivers
- Increasing carbon sequestration in the northeastern US over the past two decades
- Inner-core anisotropy: Bridging our understanding between seismology and mineral physics
- Interdependence of climate, soil, and vegetation as constrained by the Budyko curve
- Inversion of Airborne Passive Microwave Data for Snow Properties using the Metropolis Algorithm
- Joint GPS and radio astronomical observations of underground nuclear explosions
- Large Eddy Simulations of Volume Restriction Effects on Canopy-Induced Increased-Uplift Regions
- Long-distance relationship between large-scale tropical SSTs and ice core-derived oxygen isotopic records in the Third Pole Region
- Long-term and abrupt Holocene climate change on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau from a decadally resolved lake sediment record
- Machine Learning based Compiler Optimization
- Measurements of snow accumulation rates and depth to the perennial firn aquifer in south east Greenland from the Arctic Circle Traverse 2010 and 2011.
- Measuring and modeling disturbance-induced changes to flux dynamics in increasingly heterogeneous canopy environments
- Measuring the Impact of Convenient Water Supply on Household Time Use in Rural Ethiopia
- Microbial Community Shifts due to Hydrofracking: Observations from Field-Scale Observations and Laboratory-Scale Incubations
- Multi-frequency characterization of radar backscatter and the formation of ice layers in the southeast percolation area of the Greenland ice sheet
- Multiproxy records of Holocene climate and glacier variability from sediment cores in the Cordillera Vilcabamba of southern Peru
- New, High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Accumulation Rate Measurements and Their Validation of Climate Models and Implication for the Recent Sea-Level Contribution from West Antarctica
- Nomads, No Moisture, No More Sumerian: The 4.2 Ka Climate Anomaly and the Death Of a Language
- Observations of a rapidly flowing and significantly retreated Jakobshavn Isbrae and the proglacial ice mélange from a ground based radar interferometer
- On the relation between postseismic afterslip and aftershock seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake, central Chile
- Panoramic Imaging Spectroscopy with the Ultra Compact Imaging Spectrometer (UCIS)
- Passive microwave remote sensing of snow: Several recent advances and the role of modeling
- Pressure of Partial Crystallization of Katla Magmas: Implications for Magma Chamber Depth and for the Magma Plumbing System
- Proglacial Groundwater Flux and Storage in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Radiometric Approach for Estimating Relative Changes in Intra-Glacier Average Temperature
- Recent Arctic Atmospheric Circulation Change in the Fall Analyzed via the Arctic System Reanalysis
- Recent Hydrologic Developments in the SWOT Mission
- Relationships between plate convergence, the earthquake cycle, and long-term accumulation of net tectonic deformation at island arcs; not so simple as it seems
- Role of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Process in the Present-Day Sea-Level Budget Closure
- Roughness Length as a Measure of the Effects of a Vegetative Windbreak
- Satellite-driven predictions of animal migrations in response to short and long-term environmental change
- Sensitivity of Microwave Backscatter to Soil Moisture under Bare Soil Conditions
- Simulation of absolute water surface elevations in a global river model: a case study in the Amazon River
- Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Cycling during Successional Change in a Northern Temperate Forest
- Spatio-Temporal Process Variability in Watershed Scale Wetland Restoration Planning
- Spatiotemporal resolution enhancement of SWOT based on the optimal interpolation
- Spectral analysis of impact of Quasi Biennial Oscillation on Antarctica net precipitation using global reanalysis data sets
- Subglacial volcanic seismicity in Marie Byrd Land detected by the POLENET/ANET seismic deployment
- Sulfate sulfur isotope stratigraphy reveals a record of ocean ventilation during the Latest Ordovician
- The effect of acidified sample storage time on the determination of trace element concentration in ice cores by ICP-SFMS
- The impact of roots on soil organic carbon dynamics in annual and perennial agricultural systems
- The perennial firn aquifer as a storage mechanism on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Toward Development of a Coupled Human-Natural Systems Model to Understand Climate Impacts on the Lake Erie Ecosystem
- Understanding the effects of intermediate disturbances on evapotranspiration in the upper Midwest
- Using Neutron Scattering to Understand How Porosity opens in Weathering Rocks to Form Regolith
- Widespread wind-scour sites reduce total surface mass balance of East Antarctica
- A Tibetan Lake Sediment Record of Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon Variability
- A high altitude paleoclimate record from an ice core retrieved at the northern margin of the Mediterranean basin
- A high-resolution, time-variable afterslip model for the 2010 Maule Mw=8.8, Chile megathrust earthquake
- A new trace element record from the Himalayan Dasuopu Ice core covering the past 2 centuries: preliminary results
- Aged Carbon in the Mississippi and Six Other Major Global Rivers: Implications for Global Carbon Budgets
- An Improved Mass Budget for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Assessing pan-Andean glacier response to climate changes since 1979
- Assessing the Global Extent of Rivers Observable by SWOT
- Belowground Controls on the Dynamics of Plant Communities
- Belowground processes regulate ecosystem nitrogen retention during a multi-year forest dieback event
- CO2 environments under extreme mineral confinement: Simulation challenges, molecular-based insights, and implications on macroscopic modeling
- Centennial-scale dynamics of glacier changes and stream flow in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Characterizing the SWOT discharge error budget on the Sacramento River, CA
- Climate Variability in the Antarctic Peninsula: Insights from the 2010 Bruce Plateau Ice Core
- Climate-related changes in lead isotopes over the past 800,000 years in the EPICA Dome C Antarctic ice core
- Complexity of Himalayan Glacier Response Today and in the Past (Invited)
- Constraining the recent mass balance of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, West Antarctica with airborne observations of snow accumulation (Invited)
- Crop Water Stress Reduction Due to The Effects of Native Woody Shrubs in the Peanut Basin, Senegal
- Destabilization of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Detailed history of atmospheric trace elements from the Quelccaya ice core (Southern Peru) during the last 1200 years
- Development and application of the High resolution VOC Atmospheric Chemistry in Canopies (Hi-VACC) model
- Development and sustainability of NSF-funded climate change education efforts: lessons learned and strategies used to develop the Reconstructing Earth's Climate History (REaCH) curriculum (Invited)
- Discharge estimates on a small braided river based on synthetic SWOT measurements
- Distributions and Transformations of Natural Abundance 14C and 13C in Dissolved and Particulate Lipids in a Major Temperate Estuary
- Effects of Environmental Conditions on an Urban Wetland's Methane Fluxes
- Effects of Maize Residue Removal and Tillage on Soil Erosion, Carbon, and Macronutrient Dynamics
- Enhanced Spatial & Temporal Sampling of Air/Sea Interaction with the NASA CYGNSS MicroSat Constellation
- Environmental Drivers Influence Carbon Emissions and Storage of a Freshwater Lake
- Evaluating the Effect of Alternative Spatial Arraignments of Wetlands at the Watershed Scale
- Evaluating the Impact of Glacier Shrinkage on Water Supply at Volcán Chimborazo, Ecuador
- Exploring canopy structure and function as a potential mechanism of sustain carbon sequestration in aging forests
- From grass to forest biomass: uncertainty estimates with lidar remote sensing (Invited)
- GEROS-ISS: Innovative GNSS reflectometry/occultation payload onboard the International Space Station for the Global Geodetic Observing System
- Global Monitoring of Mountain Glaciers Using High-Resolution Spotlight Imaging from the International Space Station
- Greenland Ice sheet mass balance from satellite and airborne altimetry
- Groundwater, springs, and stream flow generation in an alpine meadow of a tropical glacierized catchment
- Heteroaggregation of Silver Nanoparticles with Clay Minerals in Aqueous System
- High-resolution photogrammetric surface extraction over glaciated regions from WorldView stereo pairs
- Impact of Stratospheric Ozone on Cross Shelf Exchange around the Antarctica
- In-situ temperature measurement of the McMurdo Ice Shelf and ice shelf cavity using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing
- Increased carbon uptake in the eastern US due to warming induced changes in phenology
- Integrated lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of Quaternary sediments from the intermediate and deep Arctic Ocean
- Intrusion of warm surface water beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Large Scale Modeling of Floodplain Inundation; Calibration and Forecast Based on Lisflood-FP Model and Remotely Sensed Data
- Long-term increase in forest water-use efficiency observed across ecosystem carbon flux networks (Invited)
- Melt trends above the equilibrium line of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the period of 2003-2012 (Invited)
- Modeling SAM's Modulation of the ENSO Teleconnection to Antarctica (Invited)
- Modeling the impact of disturbances on the carbon cycle of a mixed-deciduous forest in the upper Midwest
- Monitoring vegetation responses to drought -- linking Remotely-sensed Drought Indices with Meteorological drought indices
- Multi-Fluid Geothermal Energy Systems: Using CO2 for Dispatchable Renewable Power Generation and Grid Stabilization
- Multi-site model-observations comparison shows the diurnal effects of hydrodynamic stress on evapotranspiration
- Multi-year observations of a glacier in southeastern Iceland with Terrestrial Radar Interferometry
- Novel biogeochemical fingerprinting approaches to sediment source apportionment in catchments (Invited)
- Orbit and clock determination of BDS regional navigation satellite system based on IGS M-GEX and WHU BETS tracking network
- Ostracode Mg/Ca Ratios from Quaternary Sediments of the Arctic Ocean
- Oxidation Potential, Not Crystal Structure, Controls the Oxidation State of Iron in Perovskite
- Potential transition from seasonal to ephemeral snow in Great Lakes watersheds in a warming climate
- Preliminary Black Carbon Record (1805 - 1943 AD) from the High Altitude Dasuopu Ice Core (7200 m) in the Central Himalaya
- Pressures of Partial Crystallization along the East Pacific Rise: Preliminary Results and Evidence for Deep Crustal Chambers?
- Proglacial lake sediments, cosmogenic ages and stable isotopes reveal Holocene climate changes in the Peruvian Andes
- Propagation of the MIS4 Eurasian Meltwater Event in the Arctic Ocean
- Providing Interactive Access to Cave Geology for All Students, Regardless of Physical Ability
- Recent Increase in Elemental Carbon Concentration and Deposition in a Svalbard Ice Core
- Recent glacier retreat and lake formation in the Querecocha watershed, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Reducing scatter in displacement time series by stabilizing your reference frame: An approach using generalized station trajectory models (Invited)
- Refined Petrological Constraints on Magma Plumbing Systems along the Reykjanes Ridge
- Regional climate variability and patterns of urban development - Impacts on the urban water cycle and nutrient export (Invited)
- Remote sensing of debris-covered glaciers: Change detection and analysis using multiple sensors
- Revised paradigms of forest production over stand development: Why does carbon storage increase as trees die in aging mixed temperate forests?
- Sea surface temperature and salinity patterns in the northern North Atlantic and the Arctic during interglacial MIS 11c: Implications for oceanic circulation reconstruction
- Sequestration of Soil Carbon as Secondary Carbonates (Invited)
- Storm tracks in Arctic System Reanalysis - new view of polar cyclone activity
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Relative Contributions of Recirculated Seawater and Subsurface Glacial Freshwater
- The Budyko and complementary relationships in the large-scale coupled land-atmosphere system
- The Downstream Fate of Glacial Runoff and Groundwater in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- The Holocene Records of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers From the Northern Chukchi Sea
- The Impact of Diffuse Light on Terrestrial Carbon Uptake
- The RISCO RapidIce Viewer: An application for monitoring the polar ice sheets with multi-resolution, multi-temporal, multi-sensor satellite imagery
- The application of Splitting Ageostrophic Diagnostic Method to a sudden heavy rainfall intensification caused by tropical storm Bilis(2006) after its landing
- Three dimensional crust and upper mantle velocity structure of Antarctica from seismic noise correlation (Invited)
- Tomographic evidence for recent extension in the Bentley Subglacial Trench and a hotspot beneath Marie Byrd Land
- Transport of terrestrially-derived nutrients across the continental shelf of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Anvers Island
- Tree Death Leading To Ecosystem Renewal? Forecasting Carbon Storage As Eastern Forests Age
- Two Extreme Climate Events of the Last 1000 Years Recorded in Himalayan and Andean Ice Cores: Impacts on Humans
- A Numerical Study of Tidal Impacts on Denitrification and Redox Zonation in Coastal Sediments
- A Science-Faith Partnership to Provide Education and Facilitate Action on Climate Change and Energy Use
- Adaptive Multi-sensor Data Fusion Model for In-situ Exploration of Mars
- An Evaluation of Vegetation Filtering Algorithms for Improved Snow Depth Estimation from Point Cloud Observations in Mountain Environments
- Anaerobic Biodegradation of Ethylene Glycol within Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid
- Applications of Subspace Seismicity Detection in Antarctica
- Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Fire-Affected Pinus Palustris Forests
- Assessing the Relative Mobility of Submarine Landslides from Deposit Morphology and Physical Properties: an Example from Nankai Trough, Offshore Japan
- Assimilating Spaceborne Passive Microwave Measurements into a Land Surface Model to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in the Yampa River Basin
- Biological and Physical Drivers of Coarse Woody Debris Respiration Following Moderate Forest Disturbance
- Catching the Wave: Observing the Inland Propagation of Dynamic Thinning in Greenland
- Characterization of atmospheric trace elements in the Puruogangri ice core: a preliminary account of Tibetan Plateau environmental and contamination histories
- Characterizing the Role of Lake Storage Dynamics in the Congo River Basin
- Chemical Composition of Fresh and Aged Biochars
- Climate Inferences from Geothermal Measurements in South America
- Climate, ENSO and 'Black Swans' over the Last Millennium
- Climatic Teleconnections Recorded By Tropical Mountain Glaciers
- Comparison of Microphysics Schemes for Simulation of Snow Cover Fraction in the Sierra Nevada
- Conjugate Magnetic Observations in the Polar Environments by PRIMO and AUTUMNX
- Consequences and Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt
- Controls on Flow Permanence in Temporary Rivers: A Framework of Hydrogeomorphic Processes Across Space and Time.
- Crustal Deformation Analysis at CGPS Sites Spanning Mexico
- Crustal Structure in West Antarctica from Regional Waveform Modeling
- Dust Records in Ice Cores from the Tibetan Plateau
- Ecological and Environmental Controls over Fifteen-Year Forest Net Ecosystem Production at the University of Michigan Biological Station
- Effect of Atmospheric Forcing Resolution on Delivery of Ocean Heat to the Antarctic Floating Ice Shelves
- Establishing an association between BSRs and gas hydrate accumulations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Evaluating glacier volume changes since the Little Ice Age maximum and consequences for stream flow by integrating models of glacier flow and hydrology in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Event-Based Runoff Across Changing Land Covers in the Panama Canal Watershed: A Synthesis of Hydrophysical Measurements and Hydrochemical Tracers Using Hydrograph Separation
- Evidence from P-wave receiver functions for lower mantle plumes and mantle transition zone water beneath West Antarctica
- Firn and percolation conditions in the vicinity of recently formed high elevation supra-glacial lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet assessed by airborne radar
- Forest Carbon Cycling Across Gradients of Disturbance Severity: Patterns and Underlying Mechanisms
- From the Exoplanetary Bestiary to the Exoplanetary Zoo
- GPS Measurements of Crustal Motion Indicate 3D GIA Models are Needed to Understand Antarctic Ice Mass Change
- Geodetic observations of megathrust earthquakes and backarc wedge deformation across the central Andes
- Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Leakage Potential and Policy Implications
- Geological Hypothesis Testing and Investigations of Coupling with Transient Electromagnetics (TEM)
- Global Climate Change: Valuable Insights from Concordant and Discordant Ice Core Histories
- Global Urbanization Modeling Supported by Remote Sensing
- Gravitational signature and apparent mass changes in Amundsen Embayment caused by low viscosity GIA model constrained by rapid bedrock displacement
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Natural and Restored Wetland before and after Hurricane Sandy
- Greenland's Elastic and Viscoelastic Adjustments to Ice Mass Changes
- High Resolution Greenland Ice-Sheet Interannual Mass Balance Estimates Combining GRACE Gravimetry and Envisat Altimetry
- High-Pressure, High-Temperature Equations of State Using Fabricated Controlled-Geometry Ni/SiO<SUB>2 </SUB>Double Hot-Plate Samples
- Hourly Precipitation Downscaling With Empirical Statistical Methods: Case Study near the US Eastern Coast
- How CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage May Impact the Role of Geologic Carbon Storage in Climate Mitigation
- Ice Sheet Thermomety Using Wideband Radiometry
- Influence of Concentration and Salinity on the Biodegradability of Organic Additives in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid
- Inter-annual variability of carbon fluxes in temperate forest ecosystems: effects of biotic and abiotic factors
- Investigating Sea Ice Regimes and Glacial Cycles of the Early Pleistocene in a Sediment Record from the Northwind Ridge, Western Arctic Ocean
- Investigating the Crust and Upper Mantle of Antarctica based on S-Wave Receiver Functions Deployed in Ice Stations
- Investigating the sources and sinks of water of Congo's wetlands
- Lake sediment records of Indian summer monsoon variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice: Support for a late Holocene pluvial event on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Large wood dynamics in central Appalachian hemlock headwater ravines
- Large-eddy simulations with a dynamic explicit vegetation model
- Late Holocene South American and Indian summer monsoon variability: Assessing the regional significance of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Meltwaters in Antarctica: Delineating and Quantifying Sources of Freshwater along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Microbial metabolism fuels ecosystem-scale organic matter transformations: an integrated biological and chemical perspective
- Mineral dust archive in Taylor Dome ice core as evidence for shifting coastal east Antarctic climate during the LGM-Holocene transition
- Monitoring seasonal basal melting of ice shelves using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing
- Multi-Fluid Geo-Energy Systems for Bulk and Thermal Energy Storage and Dispatchable Renewable and Low-Carbon Electricity
- Multi-Resolution Assimilative Analysis of High-Latitude Ionospheric Convection in both Hemispheres
- Net Carbon Uptake Has Increased through Warming-Induced Changes in Temperate Forest Phenology
- Net Ecosystem Production of Polar Desert and Wetland Landscapes in the Rapidly Changing Canadian High Arctic
- Nondestructive X-Ray Computed Tomography Analysis of Sediment Cores: A Case Study from the Arctic Ocean
- Observations and Modeling the Advection of Carbon from an Inland Lake Surrounded By a Forest
- Opportunities for Hydrologic Research in the Congo Basin
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Bench Sediments in Self-Formed Agricultural Drainage Channels
- Physical properties of southern Alaska margin sediments in the context of global convergent margins
- Process Domains in Synthetic Landscapes: Slope-Area Relationships in the Mountaintop Mining Region of Central Appalachia.
- Proposed Hydrodynamic Model Increases the Ability of Land-Surface Models to Capture Intra-Daily Dynamics of Transpiration and Canopy Structure Effects
- Quantification of Gravel Rural Road Sediment Production
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise At The Regional Scale: The Bangladesh Sea-Level Project (BanD-AID)
- Quantifying the dynamic coupling of hydrologic and biogeochemical processes in stream ecosystems: examples from streams in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Quelccaya Ice Core Evidence of Widespread Atmospheric Pollution from Colonial Metallurgy after the Spanish Conquest of South America (1532 AD)
- Reclamation Strategies and Geomorphic Outcomes in Coal Surface Mines of Eastern Ohio
- Representing Sub-Plot Canopy Heterogeneity Improves Model Prediction of Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Mixed-Deciduous Forest
- Soil Modification by Native Shrubs Boosts Crop Productivity in Sudano-Sahelian Agroforestry System
- Spatial Pattern of the Glacier Shrinkages over the Tibetan Plateau since the Little Ice Age and the Role of the Summer Freezing Level
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Urbanization in China: Historical and Future
- Strong Seismic Scatterers Near the Core-Mantle Boundary North of Pacific Anomaly From PKP Precursors Recorded by Antarctica Arrays
- Temporal Changes in Microbial Metagenomic Signatures and Lipid Profiles After Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale
- Temporal Variability and Environmental Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Western Lake Erie
- The AUTUMNX Magnetometer Network in Quebec and its Antarctic Conjugate Network PRIMO
- The Effect of Disorder on Hydrous Mineral Stability at High Pressure
- The Joint Fire Science Program Fire Exchange Network: Facilitating Knowledge Exchange About Wildland Fire Science Across the U.S.
- The McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems responding to climatic events that enhance hydrologic transport acress the landscape
- The NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS): A Constellation of Bi-static Ocean Scatterometer Microsatellites to Probe the Inner Core of Hurricanes
- The POLENET-ANET integrated GPS and seismology approach to understanding glacial isostatic adjustment and ice mass change in Antarctica
- The role of advanced reactive surface area characterization in improving predictions of mineral reaction rates
- The sensitivity of modeled evapotranspiration to rooting parameters during interstorm periods
- Tiny Fossils, Big Impact: Sedimentology of a Foraminifera-Enriched Detachment Horizon of a Large Retrogressive Submarine Landslide in the Gulf of Mexico
- Towards the Improved Estimates of Mountain Snow Water Equivalent Using Space-borne Passive Microwave Measurements: an Ensemble Kalman Batch Reanalysis over the Upper Kern Basin, Sierra Nevada, USA
- Trace Element Determination from the Guliya Ice Core to Characterize Aerosol Deposition over the Western Tibetan Plateau during the Last 500 Years
- Transformation of Chlorpyrifos and Chlorpyrifos-Methyl in Prairie Pothole Porewaters
- Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Approach for Improved Stomatal Conductance Parameterization
- Two Centuries of Trace Element Deposition at the Top of the Himalaya: Natural Background vs. Anthropogenic Pollution.
- Viral Predation and Host Immunity Structure Microbial Communities in a Terrestrial Deep Subsurface, Hydraulically Fractured Shale System
- Viscoelastic Deformation Due to Sediment Loading in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta and in the Bay of Bengal.
- Water Partitioning at the Base of the Transition Zone: No Need for a Lower Mantle Water Filter?
- What Controls Runoff Ratios in the Congo Basin?
- 2500 high-quality genomes reveal that the biogeochemical cycles of C, N, S and H are cross-linked by metabolic handoffs in the terrestrial subsurface
- A 3000 year lake sediment record of local and synoptic Indian summer monsoon variability from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- A Bayesian Retrieval of Greenland Ice Sheet Internal Temperature from Ultra-wideband Software-defined Microwave Radiometer (UWBRAD) Measurements
- A Consistent Radar Altimetry Dataset for Major World Rivers: Extraction Methods and Preliminary Data Products
- A Numerical Model of Deuterium and Oxygen-18 Diffusion in the Confined Lower Wilcox Aquifer of the Lower Mississippi Valley (USA)
- A downscaled 1 km dataset of daily Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance components (1958-2014)
- A global vegetation corrected SRTM DEM for use in hazard modelling
- A tale of two interfaces: Dynamic nitrate removal in the hyporheic zone of a tidal fresh river
- Analysis of passive microwave signatures over snow-covered mountainous area
- Annual Variations in GPS-measured Loading Deformation near Upernavik Isstrøms, Greenland
- Application of a tree-level hydrodynamic model to simulate plot-level transpiration in the upland oak/pine forest in New Jersey
- Applications of sample nanofabrication in diamond-anvil cell experiments
- Are existing snow microwave emission models so different ?
- Asia High Mountain Glacier Mass Balance
- Assessment of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Greenland using GPS
- Biogeochemical and biophysical climate regulation services from converting native grassland to bioenergy production in the US Midwest
- Changes in Peat Humification due to Permafrost Thaw and Plant Succession
- Climatic Forcing of Glacier Surface Mass Balance Changes Along North-Central Peru: A Modeling Perspective
- Combining eddy-covariance and chamber measurements to determine the methane budget from a small, heterogeneous urban wetland park
- Comparing Event-Based Storage across Tropical Land-Cover Gradients in the Panama Canal Watershed
- Comparison of Interpolation Techniques and Model Simulations of Snow Water Equivalent in the Sierra Nevada
- Comparison of wet/dry mapping and electrical resistivity sensors to characterize patterns of intermittency
- Compensatory Root Water Uptake of Overlapping Root Systems
- Constraining Subsurface Structure and Composition Using Seismic Refraction Surveys of Proglacial Valleys in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Constraints on water cycling in a deep mountain valley from stable water isotope and sap flux measurements
- Continuous measurements of water surface height and width along a 6.5km river reach for discharge algorithm development
- Coupled Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Microbial Community Ecology, Biogeochemistry, and Hydrologic Mixing
- Crop modeling: Studying the effect of water stress on the driving forces governing plant water potential
- Detectability of Water Level along Yaluzangbu River Demonstrated by Envisat, Jason-2, and SARAL/AltiKa
- Drinking From the Same Straw: Crop Growth and Evidence of Water Transfer from Native Shrubs to Millet in a Sahelian Agro-Ecosystem
- Elevation change estimates of the Barnes Ice Cap from combined CryoSat-2 altimetry measurements and high resolution stereo-photogrammetric DEM
- Environmental controls of energy and trace gas exchanges at the water-air interface: Global synthesis of eddy fluxes over inland waters
- Estimating Heat Transfer at Glacier Margins using Ground-Based Infrared Imagery
- Evaluation of Advanced Reactive Surface Area Estimates for Improved Prediction of Mineral Reaction Rates in Porous Media
- Extracting the Weather Response from Long-Term Hourly Electricity Load Data in an Eastern Region of the United States
- Forest carbon uptake in North America's aging temperate deciduous forests: A data-theory-model mismatch?
- From the Nano- to the Formation Scale: Accessible Reactive Surface Area in a CO<SUB>2</SUB> Saline Reservoir
- Future Climate Impacts on Harmful Algal Blooms in an Agriculturally Dominated Ecosystem
- GPS-derived Horizontal Velocities Constrain Viscosity Contrast Beneath the Transantarctic Mountains
- Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling in the Simulation of Field-Scale Uranium Bioremediation
- Glacier loss and emerging hydrologic vulnerabilities in the Peruvian Andes
- Gravitational signature and apparent mass changes in Amundsen Embayment caused by low viscosity GIA model constrained by rapid bedrock displacement
- Greenhouse Gas Balance in a Restored and Natural Wetland
- Groundwater-Surface Water Mixing Shifts Ecological Assembly Processes and Stimulates Organic Carbon Turnover
- High CO2 subsurface environment enriches for novel microbial lineages capable of autotrophic carbon fixation
- High-amplitude, centennial-scale climate oscillations during the last glacial in the western Third Pole as recorded in the Guliya ice cap
- How much of the streamflow in the U.S. originates as snow?
- How well Can We Classify SWOT-derived Water Surface Profiles?
- Hydroecological Connections: Hyporheic Zone Weathering of Silicate Minerals Controls Diatom Biodiversity in Microbial Mats in Glacial Meltwater Streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Ice flow velocity, elevation change and discharge variation in Novaya Zemlya using SAR and Landsat offset-tracking and radar altimetry
- Impact of Spatial Permeability Distribution Characteristics on Hyporheic Flow Using a Physical System and Simulations
- Improving the Representation of Near Source and Downwind Smoke Plume Chemistry in Regional and Global Air Quality Models
- Infrared Imaging and Modeling of Proglacial Stream Temperature in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Integrated Optical and SAR Imagery with DEM to Quantify Glacier Water Storage Change in Upper Mekong River Basin
- Interseismic, coseismic, postseismic, and slow slip event deformation above a shallow subduction thrust in the western Solomon Islands
- Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls - geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer
- Investigating the possibility of East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS-derived observations of horizontal motion
- Large-eddy simulations of surface-induced turbulence and its implications to the interpretation of eddy-covariance measurements in heterogeneous landscapes
- Linking Sediment Microbial Communities to Carbon Cycling in High-Latitude Lakes
- Links and Feedbacks between Salt Diapirs, Hydrates, and Submarine Landslides: Example from Cape Fear, offshore North Carolina, U.S.A.
- Local subbasin characteristics are determinants of streamflow intermittency in the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona, USA
- Magma evolution along the East Pacific Rise between 11⁰N and 15⁰N
- Mapping Glacier Dynamics and Proglacial Wetlands with a Multispectral UAV at 5000m in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Measurements of Refractory Black Carbon (rBC) Aerosols in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Modeling annual flooding in the Logone floodplain in Cameroon
- Modeling the Effects of Multi-layer Surface Roughness on 0.5 -2 GHz Passive Microwave Observations of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
- Modification of Fracture Apertures by Reactive Multiphase Flow
- Monitoring Coastal Embankment Subsidence and Relative Sea Level Rise in Coastal Bangladesh Using Satellite Geodetic Data
- Monitoring agricultural drought with climate-based drought indices in China
- Narco-scapes: Cocaine Trafficking and Deforestation in Central America
- Neogene Development of the Terror Rift, western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Nitrogen removal and production within transient storage zones in a freshwater tidal environment, Delaware, U.S.A.
- Noble gas and hydrocarbon tracers in multiphase unconventional hydrocarbon systems: Toward integrated advanced reservoir simulators
- Non-destructive X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) Analysis of Sediment Variance in Marine Cores
- Nuclear Well Log Properties of Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs
- On the Development of an Integrated Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and Inverse Modeling Approach for Estimating Discharges and Water Depths for Ungauged Rivers from Space
- Optimal Management of Geothermal Heat Extraction
- Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle
- Pore Size Distribution and Methane Equilibrium Conditions at Walker Ridge Block 313, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Predicting the impacts of fishing canals on Floodplain Dynamics in Northern Cameroon using a small-scale sub-grid hydraulic model
- Proposed Hydrodynamic Model Improves Resolution of Species-Specific Responses to Drought and Disturbance
- Quantifying groundwater-surface water interactions using a stream energy balance model and dye tracing in a proglacial valley of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Relative sea-level rise hazards: The case of Bangladesh Delta
- Rifting and Calving Event in 2015 at Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Associated with Frontal and Basal processes
- Role of native shrubs of the Sahel in mitigating water and nutrient stresses of agricultural crops
- Seasonal Hydrologic Controls on Uranium and Iron Biogeochemistry in a Riparian Aquifer
- Seasonal and Short-Term Load Deformation at Antarctic GPS Stations
- Several firn core records suggest relatively stable accumulation rates during the past two centuries over the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica
- Short-Term Weather Variability is an Important Control of Interannual Variability in Carbon and Water Fluxes in Temperate Forests
- Simulating Arctic clouds during Arctic Radiation- IceBridge Sea and Ice Experiment (ARISE)
- Slow rupture and slip to the trench during the 2015, Mw8.3 Illapel, Chile earthquake
- Something new from something old? Fracking stimulated microbial processes
- Spatial Pattern of the Glacier Shrinkages over the Tibetan Plateau since the Little Ice Age and the Role of the Summer Freezing Level
- Spatiotemporal variability and differentiation between anthropogenic and natural contamination of heavy metals of surface water: a case study in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Structural and Chemical Flexibility of Hydrous Phases D and H
- Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity of C-O-H Fluids in Nanoporous Regimes Relevant to Unconventional Reservoirs
- Study of the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Permafrost Active Layer Depth Rate Using Satellite Geodetic Observations
- Supraglacial Lakes in the Percolation Zone of the Western Greenland Ice Sheet: Formation and Development using Operation IceBridge Snow Radar and ATM (2009-2014)
- Taking the Firn into Account: Elevation Change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to Surface Mass Balance and Firn Processes, 1960-2014
- Testing Earth System Model Assumptions of Photosynthetic Parameters with in situ Leaf Measurements from a Temperate Zone Forest.
- The "pressures" of being a ridge
- The Efficacy and Potential of Renewable Energy from Carbon Dioxide that is Sequestered in Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Resources
- The Impact of Land Use Change on Primary Stream Organic and Inorganic Carbon Export
- The Past as a Window to the Future - What Does Long Term Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Tell Us About the Trajectory of Polar Ecosystems?
- The Role of Bottom Simulating Reflectors in Gas Hydrate Assessment
- The Undiscovered Country: Can We Estimate the Likelihood of Extrasolar Planetary Habitability?
- Time-lapse and UAV Thermal Imaging of Glacial and Periglacial Environments in the Peruvian Andes (Cordillera Blanca, Peru)
- Ultra-wideband Radiometry for Internal Ice Sheet Temperature Measurements: Modeling and Experiments
- Unraveling Tropical Mountain Hydroclimatology by Coupling Autonomous Sensor Observations and Climate Modeling: Llanganuco Valley, Cordillera Blanca, Peru.
- Using GPS and Absolute Gravity Observations to Separate the Effects of Present-day and Pleistocene Ice-mass Changes in South East Greenland
- Using Noble Gas Geochemistry to Determine the Source and Mechanism of Natural Gas Leakage into Shallow Aquifers Near Unconventional Drilling
- Vapor pressure deficit is as important as soil moisture in determining limitations to evapotranspiration during drought
- Variability of Root Exudate δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Fluxes in Relation to Environmental Conditions and Plant Characteristics in a Bottomland Temperate Forest
- Virtual array beamforming of GPS TEC observations of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances near the Geomagnetic South Pole triggered by teleseismic megathrusts
- Zenith Delay Data as a Constraint on the State of the Atmosphere above the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A Graph Theoretic Approach for Hydraulic Fracturing and Wellbore Leakage Risk Modeling
- A Perspective on the Unprecedented Impact of the 2015/16 El Niño on the Tropical Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru from Four Decades of Surface Sampling and Deep Drilling
- A new estimate of the volume and distribution of gas hydrate in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- A reference model for crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica
- Agricultural Carbon Sinks
- An Active Englacial Hydrological System in a Cold Glacier: Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Bangladesh Delta: Assessment of the Causes of Sea-level Rise Hazards and Integrated Development of Predictive Modeling Towards Mitigation and Adaptation (BanD-AID)
- By Inferno's Light: Characterizing TESS Object of Interest Host Stars for Prioritizing Our Search for Habitable Planets
- Canopy complexity's role in (re)shaping carbon cycling following disturbance and with age: Do new observations support old theories?
- Carbon fluxes in a heterogeneous estuarine wetland in Northern Ohio. Comparing eddy covariance and chamber measurements
- Catchment-scale snow depth monitoring with balloon photogrammetry
- Characteristics and performance of L-band radar-based soil moisture retrievals using Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) synthetic aperture radar observations
- Characterizing AirSWOT water elevation accuracy on the Willamette River
- Characterizing L-band Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) Using SMAP Microwave Radiometer Data
- Characterizing Snowpack Drought and Drought Recovery in the Sierra Nevada (USA)
- Cleaning the IceMole: collection of englacial samples from Blood Falls, Antarctica
- Climate Changes Documented in Ice Core Records from Third Pole Glaciers, with Emphasis on the Guliya Ice Cap in the Western Kunlun Mountains over the Last 100 Years
- Climate in the glaciated central Peruvian Andes observed since 1921: Trends in maximum, minimum, mean and DTR surface air temperature
- Combined Neutron and X-Ray Radiographic/Tomographic Analysis of Dissolution Limestones under Acidic Conditions
- Comparison of Three Methods for Vertical Interpolation of Soil Moisture
- Comparison of soil moisture interpolation methods at regional scale -Case study in Oklahoma
- Constraints on Lunar Structure from Combined Geochemical, Mineralogical, and Geophysical modeling
- Crustal motion measurements from the POLENET Antarctic Network: comparisons with glacial isostatic adjustment models
- Crustal structure beneath seismic stations deployed on rock in West Antarctica: New constrains on crustal shear wave velocities, Poisson's ratios and Moho depths
- Detection of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) from various man-made sources using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
- Developing a Global Network of River Reaches in Preparation of SWOT
- Diversity and commonalities in Antarctic subglacial microbial communities
- Does NASA SMAP Improve the Accuracy of Power Outage Models?
- Earth Battery: An Approach for Reducing the Carbon and Water Intensity of Energy
- East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS observations of horizontal bedrock motion
- Effects of structural complexity on within-canopy light environments and leaf traits in a northern mixed deciduous forest
- Estimation of Glacier Surface Elevation from Cross-Path Images of USGS Landsat images
- Evaluation of Long-term Soil Moisture Proxies in the U.S. Great Plains
- Evolutions in Water Withdrawal and Consumption Factors for Thermoelectric Power Plants in the United States
- Examining Dynamical Processes of Tropical Mountain Hydroclimate, Particularly During the Wet Season, Through Integration of Autonomous Sensor Observations and Climate Modeling
- Forest Canopy Water Cycling Responses to an Intermediate Disturbance Revealed Through Stable Water Vapor Isotopes
- Forest disturbance spurs growth of modeling and technology
- Forward to the Future: Estimating River Discharge with McFLI
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- Geomorphic Response to Two Lowhead Dam Removals in a Mid-Sized Urban River System, Columbus, Ohio, USA: Export of Impounded Reservoir Sediments Results in Upstream Coarsening and Moderate Increases in Downstream Bathymetric Heterogeneity
- Global Hydrological Drought and Teleconnections from GRACE and Sea Surface Temperature Products
- Harnessing long-term flux records to better understand ecosystem response to drought
- High-resolution Body Wave Tomography of the Ross Sea Embayment, Antarctica
- Hydrogen mobility in transition zone silicates
- Hydrologic Transformation of the Glacierized Watersheds in Peruvian Andes: From Glaciers to Groundwater
- Identifying Predictors of Arsenic Bioavailability in Low-Sulfide, Quartz-Hosted Gold Deposits: Case Study at the Empire Mine State Historic Park, CA, USA
- Impact of Canopy Structure on Top-of-Canopy SIF Observations
- Impacts of river segmentation strategies on reach-averaged product uncertainties for the upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission
- Including stage-dependent roughness coefficient in algorithms to estimate river discharge from remotely sensed water elevation, width, and slope
- Integrating Multiple Geophysical Methods to Quantify Alpine Groundwater- Surface Water Interactions: Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Terrestrial Structure from Motion Photogrammetry for Assessing High Mountain Glacier Change, Huaytapallana, Peru
- Integrating lateral contributions along river reaches to improve SWOT discharge estimates
- Investigate the impact of climate change on daily extreme precipitation in the eastern U.S.
- Investigating the Local Forcing Effect of Soil Moisture on Precipitation and Temperature in Oklahoma
- Investigating the relationship between peat biogeochemistry and above-ground plant phenology with remote sensing along a gradient of permafrost thaw.
- Large-scale Watershed Modeling: NHDPlus Resolution with Achievable Conservation Scenarios in the Western Lake Erie Basin
- Mapping Greenland's Firn Aquifer using L-band Microwave Radiometry
- Mapping Water Level Dynamics over Central Congo River Using PALSAR Images, Envisat Altimetry, and Landsat NDVI Data
- Microbial community recovery post-fire in a high elevation mixed conifer catchment in response to varied precipitation regime.
- Multi-Decadal and High-Resolution Observations of Greenland Outlet Glacier Dynamics from the Greenland Ice Mapping Project (GIMP)
- Multi-model data assimilation for subsurface infiltration
- Multifrequency airborne passive microwave assimilation to estimate snow water equivalent: a particle filter approach
- Neotectonic Controls on Upper Mantle Viscosity: Insights from GPS Geodesy and Implications for GIA Modelling and GRACE
- Nitrogen biogeochemistry in the stream and transient storage zones of a freshwater tidal ecosystem, Delaware, U.S.A.
- Non-radiative processes dominate land surface signals in the climate system
- Non-viable Microbial Community Structure and Geochemistry of Deep Subsurface Shales at Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory
- Novel AirSWOT Measurements of River Height and Slope, Tanana River, AK
- Nutrient Application and Algal Blooms: Farmer Decisions Regarding the Use of Best Management Practices in Lake Erie's Maumee River Watershed
- Nutrient Removal Benefits of Two-Stage Ditches
- Observing the 2013 and other anomalies in the deglaciation of Greenland by GRACE and GNET GPS.
- Opportunities for Hydrologic Research in the Congo Basin
- Participatory Systems Modeling to Explore Sustainable Solutions: Triple-Value Simulation Modeling Cases Tackle Nutrient and Watershed Management from a Socio-Ecological Systems (ses) Perspective
- Permanently Intermittent Streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica - Extreme Stream Ecosystems Responding to Annual and Intra-seasonal Intermittency
- Petrologic Constraints on Magma Plumbing Systems Beneath Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Plant hydraulic strategies and their variability at high latitudes: insights from a southern Canadian boreal forest site
- Plant hydrodynamics help govern forest water cycling response to intermediate severity disturbance
- Predicting the Effects of Man-Made Fishing Canals on Floodplain Inundation - A Modelling Study
- Quantifying Hemispheric Asymmetry of Auroral Currents by Polar Region Interhemispheric Magnetic Observatories (PRIMO)
- Quenchable water-rich, aluminous post-stishovite: implications for seismic anomalies in the mid-mantle
- Reducing Lake Erie's Harmful Algal Blooms: Projection and Adoption of Management Plans
- Regional Climate Model Simulations Suggest Global Products Fail to Capture Mountain Snow
- Relative Sea Level Trends Along the Coast of the Bay of Bengal
- Robust Pressure Management Strategies for CO2Sequestration
- Root water uptake and lateral interactions among root systems in a temperate forest
- Sediment Volume Record of Paleogene-Neogene Transantarctic Mountains Erosion and Landscape Modification, McMurdo Sound Region, Antarctica
- Sensitivity of modeled rapid bedrock displacement in the Amundsen Embayment sector
- Similarities between Last Glacial Maximum and present-day mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet
- Simulating the Cranfield Geological Carbon Sequestration Project with High-Resolution Static Models and an Accurate Equation of State
- Simultaneous estimation of inflow discharge, river bathymetry and friction from synthetic SWOT data using variational data assimilation
- Spatial Variations in Drought Persistence in the South-Central U.S.
- Study of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Permafrost Active Layer Thickening Rate Using ALOS-1/-2 Interferometric SAR Data
- Subsidence due to Holocene Sediment Load in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta: Effect of Plate Boundaries
- Temporal and Spatial Separation of Water Use Averts Competition for Soil Water Resources in a Sahelian Agroforestry System
- Thawing Permafrost in Arctic Peatlands Leads to Changing Vegetation Composition, Decline in Plant Biodiversity, but Little Change in Biomass
- The ARM West Antarctic Radiation Experiment (AWARE)
- The Cubesat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation (CubeRRT) Mission
- The Effect of Water on Seismic Wave Speeds of the Martian Mantle.
- The Effect of fluid buoyancy and fracture orientation on CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> Formation in a Fracture
- The Importance of Land Management Assumptions on Nutrient Hotspots and Scenario Effectiveness
- The NASA CYGNSS Satellite Constellation for Tropical Cyclone Observations
- The Potential for Plate Tectonics about Sun-like Stars in the Galaxy as Controlled by Composition
- The Value of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Geothermal Bulk Energy Storage to Reducing CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Compared to Conventional Bulk Energy Storage Technologies
- Thousands of Viral Populations Recovered from Peatland Soil Metagenomes Reveal Viral Impacts on Carbon Cycling in Thawing Permafrost
- Timing of suspended sediment loads in a partially glaciated mountain watershed, the Sauk River, Washington, USA
- Towards optimized methods to study viral impacts on soil microbial carbon cycling
- Trace and Ultra-trace Elements in the Deepest Part of the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica: Geochemical Characterization of the Sub-glacial Lake Environment
- Tree to plot scaling - how individual properties and species specific traits add up to describe a forest
- Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Approach for Modeling Aboveground Water Storage and Stomatal Conductance Highlights the Effects of Tree Hydraulic Strategy
- Unsteady Flows Control Hydrologic Turnover Rates in Antarctic Hyporheic Zones
- Using Remote Sensing Technologies to Quantify the Effects of Beech Bark Disease on the Structure, Composition, and Function of a Late-Successional Forest
- Utilizing patch and site level greenhouse-gas concentration measurements in tandem with the prognostic model, ecosys
- Water Storage Changes using Floodplain Bathymetry from InSAR and satellite altimetry in the Congo River Basin
- a Bayesian retrieval of Greenland ice sheet internal temperature from ultra-wideband software-defined microwave radiometer (UWBRAD) measurements
- "Rapid Revisit" Measurements of Sea Surface Winds Using CYGNSS
- A Bayesian Retrieval of Greenland Ice Sheet Internal Temperature from Ultra-wideband Software-defined Microwave Radiometer (UWBRAD) Measurements
- A Decade of Transient Motion Measured by the Continuous GPS Network in Chile
- A High Resolution Tropical Cyclone Power Outage Forecasting Model for the Continental United States
- A Paleo Perspective on Arctic and Mid-latitude Linkages from a Southeast Alaska Ice Core
- A Tensile Origin for Pulverized Fault Zone Rock
- A reassessment of North American river basin water balances in light of new estimates of mountain snow accumulation
- ADMAP-2: The second generation Antarctic crustal magnetic anomaly map.
- Acceleration of Humboldt glacier, north Greenland
- Acoustic Monitoring of Gravity-Driven Controls on CaCO3 Precipitates in a Fracture
- ArcticDEM Validation and Accuracy Assessment
- ArcticDEM Year 3; Improving Coverage, Repetition and Resolution
- Atmospheric Depositions of Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols on the Guliya Ice Cap (Northwestern Tibetan Plateau) during the last 340 years
- Building an archive of Arctic-Boreal animal movements and links to remote sensing data
- Can introduction of hydraulic fracturing fluids induce biogenic methanogenesis in the shale reservoirs?
- Central Tibetan Plateau atmospheric trace metals contamination: a 500-year record from the Puruogangri ice core
- Channel Storage change: a new remote sensed surface water measurement
- Characterizing the Chemical and Physical Signature of the 2015-16 El Niño in the Quelccaya Ice Cap Snow and Ice to Calibrate Past ENSO Reconstructions.
- Coastal Sea Level and Estuary Tide Modeling in Bangladesh Using SAR, Radar and GNSS-R Altimetry
- Coastal Sediment Distribution Patterns Following Category 5 Hurricanes (Irma and Maria): Pre and Post Hurricane High Resolution Multibeam Surveys of Eastern St. John, US Virgin Islands
- Comparison of Three Soil Moisture Sensor Types Under Field Conditions Based on the Marena, Oklahoma, In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST)
- Continuous Monthly Observations of Greenland Ice Sheet Discharge via Improved Multi-Decadal Flux Reconstructions of all Major Outlet Glaciers
- Controls on Methanogenesis in Organic-Rich Anaerobic Environments
- Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation Following the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake and its Mw 7.9 Aftershock: Searching for Fault-localized Relaxation of Coseismic Stress Increments
- Decadal to centennial-scale climate changes over the last millennium recorded in Third Pole glaciers, with emphasis on new ice core records from the Guliya ice cap
- Deglobalization and Its Discontents in Interconnected Regional Food, Energy, and Water Systems
- Determination of Oxygen Fugacity using Olivine-Melt Equilibrium: Implications for the Redox States of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt, Ocean Island Basalt, and Island Arc Basalt Mantle Source Regions
- Discharge estimation in ungauged basins through variational data assimilation : The potential of the SWOT mission.
- Dynamic surface water-groundwater exchange and nitrogen transport in the riparian aquifer of a tidal river
- Ebullition, Plant-Mediated Transport, and Subsurface Horizontal Water Flow Dominate Methane Transport in an Arctic Sphagnum Bog
- Ecohydrologic Changes due to Tree Expansion into Tundra in the Polar Urals, Russia
- Eddy-Covariance Observations and Large-Eddy-Simulations of Near-Shore Fluxes from Water Bodies
- Ensemble Simulation of Sierra Nevada Snowmelt Runoff Using a Regional Climate Modeling Approach
- Evaluating GPS Station Trajectory Models for Postseismic Transient Deformation: Logarithmic Versus Exponential Forms
- Expected Performance of the Upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission Measurements of River Height, Width, and Slope
- Exploring the effect of East Antarctic ice mass loss on GIA-induced horizontal bedrock motions
- Fe-Mg partitioning in Al-bridgmanite and ferropericlase and deviations from exchange equilibrium
- Flood Extent Delineation by Thresholding Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery Based on Ancillary Land Cover Information
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- Geothermal Heat Flux and Upper Mantle Viscosity across West Antarctica: Insights from the UKANET and POLENET Seismic Networks
- Global latitudinal trends in peat recalcitrance quantified with calibrated FTIR spectroscopy
- Greenland GPS network: Measurements and Models of 3D Elastic deformation
- Hydrate-bearing Submarine Landslides in the Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- Hydrodynamic Modeling to Assess the Impact of Man-Made Fishing Canals on Floodplain Dynamics: A Case Study in the Logone Floodplain
- Hydrodynamic Trait Coordination and Cost-Benefit Tradeoffs throughout the Isohydric-Anisohydric Continuum in Trees
- Iceberg and meltwater discharge events in the western Arctic Ocean since MIS 5: a comparison of sediment cores off the East Siberian and Chukchi margins
- Identifying the role of plant-microbial interactions in driving Arctic carbon cycle changes using a 13C isotope tracer
- Impact of the CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation (CubeRRT) mission on future resource-constrained science missions
- Improving Baseline Model Assumptions: Evaluating the Impacts of Typical Methodological Approaches in Watershed Models
- Integration of GRACE and GNET GPS in modeling the deglaciation of Greenland
- Inter-annual Variations in Snow/Firn Density over the Greenland Ice Sheet by Combining GRACE gravimetry and Envisat Altimetry
- Investigating Soil Moisture-Convective Precipitation Feedbacks Using In Situ Soil Moisture in the Central United States
- Investigating Soil Moisture-Convective Precipitation Feedbacks with Soil Moisture - Active Passive Mission
- January 2016 West Antarctic Melt Event: Large Scale Forcing and Local Processes
- Just Around the Riverbend: Seasonal hydrologic controls on dynamic hyporheic zone redox biogeochemistry
- Large temporal scale and capacity subsurface bulk energy storage with CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Lessons Learned from Stakeholder-Driven Modeling in the Western Lake Erie Basin
- Long-Term Changes in Chemical Weathering in the Himalayan Region from Indus Fan Sediments
- Low flows and water temperature risks to Asian coal power plants in a warming world
- Low latitude ice core evidence for dust deposition on high altitude glaciers
- Mapping Solid and Liquid Meltwater Retention on the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets from Space
- Measuring Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon Precipitation through Lake Sedimentary Proxies, Eastern Tibet
- Members of the Candidate Phyla Radiation are functionally differentiated by carbon and nitrogen cycling capabilities.
- Mercury and Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics During Snowmelt in the Upper Provo River, Utah, USA
- Microbial Insights into Shifting Methane Production Potential in Thawing Permafrost
- Mineral Precipitation in Fractures: Multiscale Imaging and Geochemical Modeling
- Mineralogy of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediment in Green Canyon Block 955 Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Model-based approaches to quantify groundwater flows from land to sea
- Modeling Climate and Societal Resilience in the Mediterranean During the Last Millennium
- Multi-temporal AirSWOT elevations on the Willamette river: error characterization and algorithm testing
- Multiplatform Mission Planning and Operations Simulation Environment for Adaptive Remote Sensors
- NASA CYGNSS Mission Overview
- Nano- to Formation-Scale Estimates of Mineral-Specific Reactive Surface Area
- Nanoscale Pore Features and Associated Fluid Behavior in Shale
- Non-Destructive X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) of Gas Hydrate Bearing Fractures in Marine Sediment
- Observing and modeling the Antarctic planetary boundary layer
- Organic aerosol evaporation and formation in biomass-burning plumes: The competition between dilution and chemistry
- P and S Body Wave Tomography of the West Antarctic Rift System: Evidence for Recent Cenozoic Rifting
- Patterns of in-soil methane production and atmospheric emission among different land covers of a Lake Erie estuarine wetland
- Phase Behavior and Equations of State of the Actinide Oxides
- Postseismic deformation following the 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.8 Maule and 2014 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.1 Pisagua megathrust earthquakes in Chile
- Potential Repercussions Associated with Halanaerobium Colonization of Hydraulically Fractured Shales
- Preliminary results on the current tectonic setting of South Georgia Island from GPS geodetic data.
- Pressures of Partial Crystallization along the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise in The Deltaic Regions
- Radiative transfer modeling of the brightness temperature signatures of firn aquifers
- Reconstruction of Plio-Pleistocene paleoceanographic conditions in the western Arctic Ocean based on a Northwind Ridge sediment record.
- Recovery and Lithologic Analysis of Sediment from Hole UT-GOM2-1-H002, Green Canyon 955, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Remotely-sensed and in-situ observations of Greenland firn aquifers
- Reproducible and Verifiable Equations of State Using Microfabricated Materials
- Resolving the potential mantle reservoirs that influence volcanism in the West Antarctic Rift System
- Scaling isotopic emissions and microbes across a permafrost thaw landscape
- Seismic Structure of the Antarctic Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Unearthed by Full Waveform Adjoint Tomography
- Seismic and thermal structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica from inversion of multiple seismic datasets
- Snowpack modeling in the context of radiance assimilation for snow water equivalent mapping
- Snowpack redistribution, vegetation feedbacks, and advective heat transport controls on ground thermal regimes and hydrologic response in zero-order hillslope drainage features
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Carbon Fluxes in Glacial Meltwater Streams, Antarctica
- Stability and Solid Solutions of Hydrous Alumino-Silicates in the Earth's Mantle
- Structure, energetics, and elasticity of phase Egg: insights from theory and experiments
- Studying the Effects of Amazonian Land Cover Change on Glacier Mass Balance in the Tropical Andes
- Subarctic Lake Sediment Microbial Community Contributions to Methane Emission Patterns
- Submarine Landslide Hazards Offshore Southern Alaska: Seismic Strengthening Versus Rapid Sedimentation
- Temporal and spatial variabilities of Antarctic ice mass changes inferred by GRACE in a Bayesian framework
- The Effect of Experimental Weathering on the Multiscale Pore Structure of Granites: A (U)SANS, Imaging Analysis
- The LUVOIR Decadal Mission Concept
- The Role of Different Plant Soil-Water Feedbacks in Models of Dryland Vegetation Patterns
- The Urban Watershed as a Transformer of DOM Chemistry
- The performance of the new enhanced-resolution satellite passive microwave dataset applied for snow water equivalent estimation
- Threatened by: An audiovisual experience inspired by scientific data about glaciers and climate change
- Transport of Perfluorocarbon Tracers in the Cranfield Geological Carbon Sequestration Project
- Tsunami Stratigraphy in a Coastal Salt Pond, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
- Ultra-Wideband Radiometry Remote Sensing of Polar Ice Sheet Temperature Profile, Sea Ice and Terrestrial Snow Thickness: Forward Modeling and Data Analysis
- Updated Estimates of Glacier Mass Change for Western North America
- Using Watershed Models and Human Behavioral Analyses to identify Management Options to Reduce Lake Erie's Harmful Algal Blooms
- Utilizing Objective Drought Thresholds to Improve Drought Monitoring with the SPI
- Viral impacts on microbial carbon cycling in thawing permafrost soils
- 7000 year of aerosol deposition to the Alps from the Ortles ice core
- A Detailed and Extended Climate Archive from the Mt Ortles Ice Cores (Eastern Alps, South Tyrol, Italy)
- A Framework for Charting Water-Energy-Land Nexus Solutions for the Indus Basin
- A Modified Seasonal Cycle During MIS31 Superinterglacial Favors Stronger ENSO
- A cursory conceptual sustainability paradigm model of the urbanizing food-water-energy system
- A first estimate of the expected distribution of SWOT river discharge accuracy
- A hybrid root-zone soil moisture product based on in-situ measurements and remote sensing data
- A multidisciplinary assessment of heat flux at the core mantle boundary
- A new velocity-based method to estimate glacier thickness
- A simple discharge algorithm integrator and its application on the Ohio River system
- Alcohol Cycling Supports High Rates of Metabolic Activity in Prairie Pothole Wetland Sediments
- An Assessment of Polar WRF Microphysics and Boundary Layer Schemes using Data from the Norwegian Young Sea Ice Experiment
- Analysis of Present-Day Horizontal Crustal Motions in West Antarctica
- Anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 fluxes in the Boston urban region
- Anticipated improvements to in-river DEMs from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission
- Assessing the Dendroclimatological Potential of Polylepis rodolfo-vasquezii in the Tropical Peruvian Andes
- Assessing uncertainty in hydrological models within the Maumee River Watershed: are parameters or farm management assumptions the primary drivers?
- Baseline Methane Concentrations using Eddy Covariance Methods near a Hydraulic Fracturing Site
- Black carbon redistribution in seasonal snowpacks on two glaciers in High Mountain Asia
- Changes in Surface Processes Due to Tree Expansion into Tundra, Polar Urals, Russia
- Climatic and Environmental Linkages Between the Third Pole and the Tropical Andes of South America over the Last 10,000 Years
- Combining UAV and Surface Observations for Rapid Discharge Estimation and SWOT Validation in Remote Areas
- Comprehensive Modeling of Structural, Solubility, and Chemical Trapping of Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Deep Brine Formations
- Continental Scale Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy from more than a Decade of Shear Wave Splitting Measurements in Antarctica
- Coral physiology and microbiome dynamics under combined warming and ocean acidification
- Critical evaluation of SWAT model nutrient simulations using soil test phosphorus data
- Deformation of the oceanic asthenosphere and mantle wedge following the 2010 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.8 Maule earthquake
- Developing National Soil Moisture Products Using In Situ, Satellite and Model-derived Data
- Developing a Winter Storm Power Outage Impact Model for a Midwestern Utility
- Development of a flexible modeling framework for representing soil-plant continuum in the E3SM global land model
- Earth Battery: Storing Excess Electricity and Heat for Dispatching Low-Carbon Electricity
- Edge effects: Insights gained from a decade of interdisciplinary modeling projects in Lake Erie
- Enhancing the SWOT A Priori Global River Database
- Estimating daily surface water fraction by using regression tree and MODIS derived water indices
- Examining the Relationship between Antecedent Soil Moisture and Monthly Temperatures Using SMERGE
- Examining the role of Arctic clouds in sea ice volume loss using satellite observational and modeled data
- Exploring Coastal Sustainability using Attractor Reconstruction
- Exploring the <SUP>182</SUP>W Metal-Silicate Partitioning Parameter Space with the Chimera Software Package
- Extreme Measures: The Pressure and Temperature Phase Space of Rocky Super-Earths
- Fieldwork as a rite of passage: Its implications for diversity in the geosciences
- Fluid Earth Viewer: An Engaging and Interactive Educational Web Tool for Exploring Earth's Global and Polar Atmospheric and Oceanographic Phenomena.
- Gas Hydrate Accumulations in Thin Sands.
- Gas Hydrate Occurrence and Saturation in the Barents and Norwegian Sea Using Industry Well Logs and Seismic Data
- General Seasonal Phase-Locking and Persistence Barrier: Application to Tropical Pacific, North Pacific and Global Ocean.
- Geophysical Constraints on Planetary Interiors from High-Precision Equations of State
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Patagonia: A Rapid Interaction of Climate and Tectonics.
- Global estimates of submarine groundwater discharge reveal heightened threat of saltwater intrusion to mid-latitude aquifers
- Global surface water storage dynamics using satellite remote sensing
- Greenland-wide Glacier Response to Runoff and Retreat: Evaluating Outlet Glacier Changes on Monthly to Multi-year Scales
- High Resolution Arctic Coastline from Satellite Imagery
- High Resolution Inter-annual Mass Anomalies of the Antarctic Ice Sheet by Combining GRACE Gravimetry and Envisat Altimetry
- High-Resolution Airborne Turbulence Measurements in the Marine Surface Layer Under Different Ducting Conditions
- How Well Will the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission Measure Water Surface Heights and Slopes in Complex Terrain?
- Hydrogeologic controls of nitrogen dynamics along flow paths within a tidal freshwater zone
- Ice Flow Variations at Polar Record Glacier, East Antarctica
- Impacts of Soil Moisture Initializations on WRF-Simulated North American Monsoon System
- Improving forest ecosystem characterization to advance water quality modeling at the watershed scale
- Information Embedded in the Finely Resolved UWBRAD Tb Spectra of Polar Ice Sheets
- Inland dynamic changes of Zachariæ Isstrøm, Northeast Greenland
- Innovative approaches to improving watershed models for management decisions and policy applications
- Integrated Modeling of Hydro-Geomorphic Hazards: Floods, Landslides and Sediment
- Integrating Microbial and Isotopic Observations to Characterize Methane Emissions from Global High-Latitude Peatlands
- Investigation of Ocean Surface Wind and Wave Coupling Using CYGNSS Observations
- Large-Scale Synchrony and Climate Drivers of Barrenground Caribou Migration across North America
- Lead Contamination of the European Atmosphere over the Last 7000 Years, insights from the Ortles, Eastern European Alps (Italy), Ice Cores
- Magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 displays magnetic field dependent growth
- Making the qualitative-to-quantitative transition in ice core nanoparticle studies: a case study from Mt. Ortles in the Italian Alps
- Mantle transition zone beneath West Antarctica: Expanded mapping in previously unstudied region
- Measurement of Ice Sheet Internal Temperature Profiles with Ultra-Wideband Microwave Radiometry
- Metabolic and Physiological Responses of Halanaerobium Growth and Persistence in Hydraulically-Fractured Shale Ecosystems
- Mining information from collections of papers:Illustrative analysis of groundwater and disease
- Modeling Seasonal Surface Water-Groundwater Mixing Controls on Organic Carbon Processing in Hyporheic Zones
- Modeling nutrient runoff given the Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast (RRAF) in the Great Lakes Region
- Modeling phosphorus loss reduction strategies from the international St. Clair-Detroit River system watershed
- Monitoring Water Level Variations over the Great Lakes Using Contemporary Satellite Geodetic Observations
- New insights on Antarctic ice shelf basal channels from Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) digital elevation models
- Parameter Optimization for Real World ENSO Forecastin an Intermediate Coupled Model
- Partitioning sources of methane emissions near a hydraulic fracturing field in West Virginia using stable isotopes
- Patterns of porewater methane concentration and atmospheric emissions within different sites of a peat bog in Ohio
- Persistent Mixed-Phase Cloud at Temperatures Below -30°C Observed Over McMurdo Station, Antarctica
- Planetary Interiors As a Control for Habitability
- Quantifying interactions between smart irrigation technologies and energy transformation in the Indus Basin
- Real-time Neutron Radiographic and X-Ray Tomographic Analysis of Acid Dissolution of Limestone
- Relationship between methane flux and carbon uptake in three cosmopolitan wetland plant genera
- Relationships Between the Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, and Ecosystem Characteristics of Urban Headwater Streams in Central Ohio
- Remote Responses of Atmospheric and Oceanic Heat Transports to Climate Forcing: Compensation Mode and Collaboration Mode
- Responses of Atmospheric and Oceanic Heat Transports to Climate Forcing: Compensation versus Collaboration
- Revisiting the giant Ruatoria Debris Flow on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: results from IODP Expeditions 372 and 375, Site U1520.
- River Channel Storage Change: a Critical Component of Terrestrial Water Storage in Major World Rivers
- Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research - International Leadership for the 'Continent for Science'
- Seasonal water level strongly affects CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions in a natural estuarine wetland: Current and future predictions using a mechanistic model
- Sediment Supply to the South China Sea as Recorded by Sand Composition at IODP Expedition 367/368 Sites U1499 and U1500
- Seismicity in Central West Antarctica Revealed by POLENET Seismic Stations
- Semi-periodic Dynamic Thickening of a Tidewater Glacier in Koge Bugt, Greenland
- Shearing in a Warmer Climate: Insights from Observations and Modeling on Hydrologic Perturbations of an Outlet Glacier
- Signature of spatiotemporal dynamics of encroaching vegetation in timberline ecotone of the Polar Urals region
- Simultaneous neutron and X-ray time resolved tomography of water and reacting flows in geological materials
- Soil biogeochemistry and microbial community recovery post-wildfire in a mixed conifer forest in northern New Mexico
- Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence exhibits a nearly universal relationship with terrestrial photosynthesis across a wide variety of biomes
- Spatio-temporal Hydroclimatic Variability in Ohio
- Stochastic filtering for determining spatiotemporal gravity variations from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On observations
- Strategies for promoting the consistency and usability of geometrical reference frames
- Stream-centric methods for determining groundwater contributions in karst mountain watersheds
- Study of Ducted EM Propagation over the Gulf Stream from Measured Data and Numerical Simulations
- Synthesis and Laser-Heating of Microfabricated Iron Samples
- Temporal Gravity Field Recovery Using The Swarm Mission Constellation High-Low GPS Tracking Data And Energy Balance Approach
- The Closer, the Better? Untangling Scientist-Practitioner Engagement, Interaction, and Knowledge Use
- The Dynamic Regional Food, Energy, Water Systems Framework for Investigating Effects of Deglobalization
- The Influence of Streambed Heterogeneity on Reactive Solute Transport in Gravelly Rivers
- The Role of Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Interactions in Drought
- The Role of Wetland Processes in the Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Change
- The role of glacial history on the structure and functioning of ecological communities in the Shackleton Glacier region of the Transantarctic Mountains
- The significance of local climate conditions on tree ring d<SUP>18</SUP>O cellulose
- Toward spatiotemporally continuous global discharge estimation by synthesizing SWOT-like observations, high-resolution terrain analysis, and hydrologic modeling
- Towards an operational network for continuous measurements of Surface Mass Balance and related firn processes over the interior of Greenland and Antarctica
- Tree-Level Recovery from Hydraulic Stress: Insights from Experiments and Hydrodynamic Models
- Trends and Triggers of Glacier Change: Using Satellite Observations to Understand Monthly to Decadal Variability of Greenland's Glaciers
- Tundra Fires in Alaska: A Weather Perspective
- UAV-borne remote sensing platforms for glacier-related hazard monitoring in high-mountain environments
- Underexplored gas hydrate reservoirs associated with salt diapirism and turbidite deposition in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Upper Mantle Heterogeneity Revealed in Central and Eastern West Antarctica from P and S Body Wave Tomography
- Using AVIRIS-NG Imagery to Map Agricultural Systems with Binary Classifiers and Limited Field Data
- Using ICESat-1/-2 and Optical Imageries to Improved Water Storage Quantification in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin
- Using Terrestrial LiDAR to Examine Forest Structural Complexity Following Disturbance
- Using X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) to Estimate Hydrate Saturation in Sediment Cores from Green Canyon 955, Gulf of Mexico
- Utilizing GPS to investigate past ice mass change in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- Validation of WRF-Hydro simulated soil moisture at the watershed scale
- Viral Predation Drives Carbon Cycling in Deep Fractured Shales
- a Bayesian retrieval of Greenland ice sheet internal temperature from ultra-wideband software-defined microwave radiometer (UWBRAD) measurements
- 25 years of airborne radar sounding: Insights into the time varying changes in Greenland glacial hydrology
- A Higher-Order Finite Element Reactive Transport Model for Unstructured and Fractured Grids - Benchmark Studies, Electrochemical Migration, and Applications to CO2 Sequestration
- A Probabilistic Modeling Framework Utilizing Ocean Drilling Data to Forecast Current and Future Thermodynamic Conditions On and Below the Seafloor
- A Spatial-Temporal Classification Method Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Markov Random Field
- A Tale of Many Fractured Shales: Environmental Conditions Shape the Taxonomic and Functional Biogeography Across 9 Geologically Distinct Shale Formations
- A Theory for Seasonal Predictability Barrier:Threshold, Timing and Intensity
- A tale of two lakes - contrasting weathering regimes in proximal subglacial Antarctic systems
- Active subglacial water storage detected at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland, through detailed elevation reconstruction
- Agricultural vulnerability to changing snowmelt
- An Assessment of the Capabilities of GNSS Reflectometry for Dynamic Monitoring of Wetlands and Inundations
- Aquifer recharge in an urban stream during storm events: implications for green infrastructure and downstream water quality
- Assessing Vulnerability of Tropical Watershed Erosion and Coastal Deposition with a Simple, Open-Source, GIS-Based Method
- Assessing the Ability of Zonal d<SUP>18</SUP>O Contrast in Benthic Foraminifera to Reconstruct Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Assessing the potential of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission for Reservoir Bathymetry Estimation
- Automated drone validation of satellite-based detection of water-based indicators of infectious disease
- Beavers as Ecosystem Restoration Engineers in a Legacy Mined Landscape
- Carbon Accumulation, Flux, and Fate in Stordalen Mire
- Characteristics and mechanisms of decadal to centennial megadrought events over the eastern Asia during the Holocene
- Characterizing Hydraulic Controls on River Channel Storage with Multi-Source Remote Sensing
- Coherence of Pan-American Precipitation and Tree Growth Extremes from 1772-2016
- Combined active and passive Ultra-wide band remote sensing of Polar ice sheet temperature profiles
- Comparing Precipitation Seasonality During the Last Deglaciation from Speleothem Records and Isotope-enabled Model Simulations
- Conceptualizing uncertainty in multidisciplinary modeling of harmful algal blooms under climate change: Takeaways for ecosystem services planning in Western Lake Erie.
- Constraints on shallow subglacial structure beneath Thwaites Glacier from joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave data
- Continuously Abrupt Change Detection with Landsat Time Series by Exploiting Spatio-temporal Information
- Controls on organic matter degradation in thawing permafrost peatlands and subsequent greenhouse gas emissions
- Core Isotopes Without Core Siderophiles
- Could viral-encoded CAZymes play a role in the global carbon cycle?
- Coupling of Snow and Freeze-Thaw Processes to Model Permafrost State in a Timberline Ecotone
- Creating new pathways to geosciences and relieving bottlenecks in mathematics by teaching College Algebra in a geoscience context
- Data-driven prediction of global river width
- Developing Coseismic Deformation Models for Geodetic Applications
- Diffusion Behaviors of Na in Natural Porous Media
- Diversifying the Geoscience Field: Promoting Awareness and Recruitment in a Science Club for Middle School Students
- Do the Compositions of Rocky Exoplanets Reflect their Star's Refractory Abundances?
- Drivers, priorities, and best practices for maintenance and expansion of the global network of GNSS stations co-located with tide gauges
- Dynamic Effect of Ice Sheet Topography on East Asian Summer Monsoon during the Last Deglaciation
- Dynamic ice losses from the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by sustained glacier retreat in extended 1984-2018 record
- ENSO signal stability and La Niña bias in North American tree rings
- Early Anthropogenic Impact on Tropical Climate: Validation of Ruddiman's Hypothesis
- Ecosystem response to the removal of two large dams in the Pacific Northwest
- Enhanced building damage assessment with deep learning: a case of Hurricane Michael
- Estimate GPS-inferred Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in Taiwan with Two Inversion Strategies: Tikhonov Regularization and Truncated Singular Value Decomposition
- Evaluating Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Broomfield, Colorado Before and During Oil and Natural Gas Drilling
- Evaluating the Solar Zenith Angle Effect on Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in the Continental United States
- Evaluation of Downscaled Earth System Models at High Horizontal Resolution to Represent Climate Extremes in Brazil
- Evaluation of inter-annual to decadal changes in tropical Andean stream chemistry below debris-covered glaciers
- Evolution of Basal Channels in West Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Expected contribution of SWOT to estimates of global river discharge
- Expected performance of the upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission measurements of river height, width, slope, cross-sectional area change, and discharge on Sacramento River
- Feasibility of Estimating Ice Sheet Internal Temperatures Using Ultra-Wideband Radiometric Measurements
- Food, Energy, and Water: Resilience and the Governance in Multi-Scale, Multi-Region, Multi-Actor Settings
- From "valley of the dead" to "vibrant ecosystem" - the evolution of our understanding of life at the edge
- Fusion of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Imagery via Deep Learning
- GPS Virtual Array Beamforming of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Disturbances Associated with Solar Eclipses
- Gas Hydrate Systems: A Statistical and Geospatial Approach Using Industry Well Log Data
- Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water: Something Fishy in the Ice Age North Atlantic
- Guiding nutrient application timing using the NOAA-NWS Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast tool: A case study of water quality impacts in western Lake Erie basin, USA
- Heterogeneity in hyporheic flow, pore water chemistry, and microbial community composition in an alpine streambed
- Heterogeneous Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath Central and Eastern West Antarctica
- High temperature beneath Marie Byrd Land is not compatible with very low mantle viscosity and rapid crustal motion
- High-Precision Equation of State Measurements Using Microfabricated Materials
- High-Resolution Simulations for Understanding the Climate of Southwest North America at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Hourly to decadal patterns of mountain temperature variability from embedded sensors spanning 2000m in Great Basin National Park, 2006-2018
- How Well Can We Estimate River Discharge Based on the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission Observations? The Ungaged Basin Scenario.
- Impacts of Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Interactions on Drought over CONUS
- Integrating machine learning and geostatistics to estimate bare-earth DEM and CHM from ArcticDEM in Alaska with different vegetation and topography conditions
- Interannual Rock Glacier Surface Elevation Changes using UAS in Great Basin National Park, Nevada.
- Inverse Modeling For Calibration And Uncertainty Analysis Of The DNDC Model
- Investigating inter-annual Variations in Snow/Firn Density over the Greenland Ice Sheet by combining geodetic satellite measurements
- Isotopic Fingerprints of Last Millennium Volcanic Eruptions
- Just Around the Riverbend: Hyporheic heterogeneity controls microbial ecology and metabolism
- Large scale impacts of surface melt on ice sheet dynamics: Empirical evidence of outlet glacier sensitivity to late-season melt events in Greenland
- Lessons from a 15-year eddy-covariance dataset: could changing soil water content tip the temperate forest carbon balance?
- Measurement of River Widths and Heights from ArcticDEM and High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Measuring Landslides and Volcanic Eruptions with ArcticDEM
- Mercury isotopic constraints on mercury cycling across a permafrost thaw gradient in Stordalen Mire, Sweden
- Methane Migration Mechanisms and Hydrate Formation at GC955, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Modelled and observed changes of the northeast Greenland Ice stream (NEGIS) Greenland
- Multi-decadal Climate Variability Observed in a Pacific Basin-wide Ice Core Collection
- Multi-decadal changes in wet season precipitation totals over the eastern Amazon
- NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System: From Characterization of GPS EIRP to Physical Oceanography
- New Insights into Microbial Ecosystems in Antarctic Subglacial Lake Environments
- Nitrate Removal Across Ecogeomorphic Zones in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana (USA)
- Nitrate Removal Within Heterogeneous Fluvial Sediments Under Tidal Influence
- Operational Soil Moisture Mapping in South Central United States by blending In-situ, Modeled and Remote Sensing Data
- Paleoenvironmental Information from the Geochemistry of Aeolian Mineral Particles Deposited on Guliya Ice Cap: A Preliminary Study
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products
- Physiological Ecology of Microbial Communities in Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments
- Quantifying Stability in Socio-Environmental Systems Subject to Natural Hazards
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise in The Deltaic Regions
- Quantifying impact of Native Shrub Distribution on Deep Moisture Dynamics in the Sahel Under Variable Precipitation Regimes
- Quantitatively Isolating the Extratropical Atmospheric Impact on Tropical Pacific in Coupled Climate Model
- Reimagining the Program Application Process as a Recruitment Strategy for Geoscience Research and Career Opportunities
- Remote Sensing of Ice Sheet Internal Temperatures Using Ultra-Wideband Microwave Radiometry
- Remote Sensing of Ocean Surface Winds and Waves Using NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System
- Remotely sensed discharge and sediment flux of the Sagavanirktok River
- Response of Microbial Growth and Carbon Use Efficiency to Crop Rotational Diversity Across a Soil-Climate Gradient
- Retrieval of Wind Speed Measurements Over the Great Lakes Using Satellite Radar Altimetry
- SALSA: An Integrated Program Focusing on Carbon Transformations in Mercer Subglacial Lake located 1100 m beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Seasonal ice velocity changes of Greenlandic glaciers: insights from new and dense remote sensing observations and hydrological modeling
- Sediment Physical Properties at Cape Fear and Currituck Landslides: prestack waveform inversion velocity analysis
- Simulating characteristics of oxygen isotope in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Small ripples can result in big tides: viral impacts on carbon and nitrogen transformations in Columbia River sediments
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Exploring Variability and Uncertainty in Modeled SWE Estimates Using an Ensemble-based Approach
- Snow Masks for Identifying Accurate Snow Information Worldwide
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation in Sparsely Gauged Zambezi River Basin Using Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine
- Statistical Estimation of Vegetation Production in the Northern High Latitude Region based on Satellite Image Time Series
- Statistical Thermodynamic Approach to Nanoparticle Heteroaggregation Modeling
- Steady GeV-TeV solar gamma-ray emission reveal surprises about cosmic-ray transport in the heliosphere
- Superfloods in the Western US
- The EASM-EAWM relation at different timescales and the driving mechanisms during the Holocene
- The National Soil Moisture Network: Building a strategy from the ground up
- The roles of uncertainty in hydrological models: identifying the sources and impacts in a SWAT model of the Maumee River Watershed
- The transient response of atmospheric and oceanic heat transports to anthropogenic warming
- Tides and Sea-Levels Around Puerto Rico: Assessing Regional Changes Over the Past Two Decades Using Satellite Altimetry
- Tree-level hydraulic stress: insights from long-term measurements of sap-flow and tree-water storage
- Uncertainty in critical source area predictions from watershed-scale hydrologic models
- Unmixing mixtures of carbon for accurate ages of ice-proximal glaciomarine continental margin sediments
- Unsupervised Change Detection Using Convex Relaxation and Dynamic Threshold Selection in Remotely Sensed Images
- Upscaling Gross Primary Production in Corn-Soybean Rotation Systems in the Midwest
- Using Coexisting Olivine-Melt Pairs to Evaluate Equilibrium at Known Temperature and Oxygen Fugacity
- Using X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) to Estimate Hydrate Saturation in Sediment Cores from UT-GOM2-1 H005, Green Canyon 955
- Using a New Ice Core Timescale from the Northwestern Third Pole to Refine Regional Climate History
- Vertical Structure and Air-Sea Interaction over the Gulf Stream and its Implication on Electromagnetic (EM) Waves Propagation
- Viral Diversity and Potential Carbon Cycling Impacts Across Four Soils
- Virtual Reality Exploration of Earth's Cryosphere
- Viruses don't breathe: Understanding ecosystem effects of viruses in marine oxygen minimum zones
- Was the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Preceded by a Massive Slab Deformation Event?
- Wetland plant phenology and the consequences to methane emissions at a Lake Erie estuarine mineral-soil marsh
- Wildfire-driven Changes in the Abundance of Gas Phase Pollutants in the City of Boise, ID during summer 2018
- A comprehensive comparison of seasonal to multidecadal drivers of outlet glacier mass loss in Greenland
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- A mixed-methods approach to assessing sub-seasonal retreat rates of retrogressive thaw slumps in the Eureka Area, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- A multidimensional framework enhances interpretation of carbon (C) cycling stability following disturbance
- Air Quality, Health, Climate, and Cost Implications of Clean Heating Options in Northern China
- An Absence of Early Interglacial Warmth in Global Mean Annual Temperature Reconstructions
- Analysis of Various Post-Depositional Effects as Possible Causes of Inconsistencies Between Stable Isotopes Ice Core Records and Air Temperature During 1940s and the 2003 Heat Wave from the Ortles Glacier, Italian Alps
- Antarctic Network - Polar Earth Observing Network: Achievements from Ten Years of Autonomous Measurements
- Assessing Extratropical Impact on Observed Tropical Climate Variability
- Assessing the potential capability of reconstructing glacial Atlantic water masses and AMOC using multiple proxies in CESM
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Production in Sterile Solutions of D-galacturonic acid, Sodium Glutamate, and L-aspartic Acid: Evidence for Low Temperature Abiotic Decarboxylation
- Characterizing Contemporary Solid-Earth Deformation in West Antarctica Using High-Resolution Mass Load Changes
- Climatic, physiographic, and anthropogenic factors controlling spatial and temporal variability of water balance within the Budyko framework
- Combined influences from internal variability and external forcings on megadrought events over the eastern China
- Comparing flow laws for remote sensing of discharge: Tanana River Alaska
- Comparing flow predictions of five multi-scale hydrologic models with edge-of-field data in western Lake Erie basin, USA
- Complex Patterns of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Change Resolved by Time-dependent Rate Modeling of GRACE and GRACE Follow-On Observations
- Constraining Ice Shelf Basal Channel Melt Rates and Evolution
- Continental-scale and decadal patterns in animal phenology discovered using the Arctic Animal Movement Archive
- Developing and Using a Public-Private Partnership to Locate Legacy Phosphorus Fields for Implementation and Testing of Management Practices within the Lake Erie Basin
- Diurnal Cycle in Sea Spray Aerosols Amount
- Dynamic mechanisms support forest carbon cycling stability following disturbance
- Elemental composition and number concentration of individual nano- and micro- dust particles measured by single particle-ICPMS in East Antarctic ice during the last climatic cycle
- Environmental thresholds for phytoplankton group dynamics in the Western Lake Erie
- Establishing a database for volcanic eruptions and landslides using ArcticDEM
- Estimation of Microplastic Sticking Coefficient and Enthalpy of Bonding Using Atomic Force Microscopy
- Evaluating the applicability of SWOT discharge inversion algorithms in multichannel rivers using satellite imagery-derived timeseries of water surface height, slope, and river width
- Evaluation of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence as a Prediction of Gross Primary Production using Multiple Eddy Covariance Sites
- Evolutions in Food, Energy, and Water Sytems at the Intersection of Sustainability and Trade
- Exploring the relationship between key soil health indicators and nematode community composition in agroecosystems
- Formulation of a consistent multi-species canopy description for hydrodynamic models in mixed-forests
- Glacial Heinrich events mute water isotope records at Greenland due to sea ice
- Global Intermediate Water Evolution during the Last Deglaciation in C-iTRACE
- Global Survey of Oxygen Minimum Zones Reveals Endemism and Functional Redundancy in Viral Communities
- Global and Regional Drivers of Land-Use Emissions
- Historical Trends in snowmelt-dependent irrigation
- Humics in the City: Dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a signal of altered biogeochemistry in urban waterways
- Hydroclimate Footprint Accompanying Asian Monsoon Water Isotope during Last Deglaciation
- Ice Nucleation Insights: Interfacial Electric Fields and Fatty Alcohol and Acid Hydration
- Impacts of the COVID-19 Shutdown on California's Air Quality
- Improving Estimates of Horizontal Crustal Motions in Polar Environments
- Incorporating non-stationarity in normalized meteorological drought indices with Bayesian splines
- Instream Processes Alter the Bioavailability of Phosphorus Exports From Agricultural Watersheds During High Flow Events
- Investigating the influence of mid- to late-Holocene loading on horizontal ANET GPS motions in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Signatures Of Winter Snow-Covered Sea Ice: Observations from the 2019-2020 MOSAiC International Arctic Drift Expedition
- Local Adaptation and Unintended Coastal Vulnerability
- Low input, long-read viromics reveals previously hidden abundant viruses and their genomic islands in soil and sea samples
- Mechanisms modulating warm Atlantic Water temperatures and inflow toward Helheim Glacier in southeastern Greenland
- Methane Diffusion and Ebullition From Ecohydrological Patches in a Freshwater Estuarine Marsh: Underscoring the Spatial Heterogeneity of Methane Fluxes Within Wetland Ecosystems
- Methane Migration Mechanisms for the GC955 Gas Hydrate Reservoir, Northern Gulf of Mexico.
- Modeling and Analysis of GNSS-R Measurements in Wetland Areas
- Modes and drivers of nonuniform outlet glacier response to seasonal meltwater forcing in Greenland
- Monthly Surface Elevation Changes over the Greenland Ice Sheet from 2003 to 2020 by Merging Multi-Mission Observations
- Multi-annual measures of rock glacier-wide volume change and surface kinematics in Great Basin National Park
- Observed Influence of Soil Moisture on the North American Monsoon: An Assessment Using SGEFA
- Observing Rivers with Varying Spatial Scales
- Physically Based Hydrology Model in a Snowmelt-Dominant Watershed
- Polar Literacy: Conducting Professional Development for Early Career Polar Researchers during a Pandemic
- Polar Literacy: Maintaining and Innovating Youth STEM Outreach Programs during a Pandemic
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Projections of 21st century sea-level rise from Humboldt Glacier, north Greenland
- Quantification of methane emissions from different land-cover patches in a heterogeneous wetland
- Quantifying the role of biomass burning in black carbon deposition on Andean glaciers.
- Reevaluating the Elastic Response to Ice Mass Change in Antarctica
- Remote Sensing of Sea Ice on the MOSAiC Ice Floe
- Response of Vegetation to Hydroclimate Variability and Wildfire during the late Holocene in the Mountains of the central Great Basin, Nevada, USA.
- Review of water quality models simulating in-stream nutrient dynamics
- SWORD: A Foundation for SWOT Vector Products
- Shape, Size, and Elemental Composition of Individual Aeolian Nano- and Micro-particles Within the Horizontal Ice Core from Taylor Glacier, East Antarctica, During the Last Climatic Cycle
- Silica Nanopores: Density and Thickness of the adsorbed water films and uptake of salt solutions
- Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Suspended Micro- and Nanoparticle Number Concentration and Elemental Composition Measurement with Application to Ice Cores
- Snowpack remote sensing using Ultra-Wideband Software-Defined Radiometer (UWBRAD) and the Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometer (WiBAR)
- Spatiotemporal Characterization of Tree Encroachment Process at Timberline Ecotone
- Studying the Vibrational Signatures of Ice Templating Processes at Sea Spray Aerosols Interfaces via Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
- Synergistic use of SMAP and OCO-2 data in assessing the responses of ecosystem productivity to the 2018 U.S. drought
- Temperature Lapse Rate and Freezing Level Variability in the Peruvian Andes
- Testing boundary layer and cloud parameterizations in the Polar Weather Research and Forecasting model using data from the Norwegian Young Sea ICE (N-ICE2015) cruise
- The ERA5 Global Reanalysis: a Detailed Record of the Global Weather and Climate from 1950 onward.
- The Ocean's Elevator: Evolution of interfacial water structure during a marine algal bloom
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable knowledge-generation from big geospatial data
- The Relationship between Delta form and Nitrate Removal Function Revealed by Numerical Modeling Experiments
- The Role of Viruses in the Carbon Cycle Along a Permafrost Thaw Gradient
- The new Kr-86 excess ice core proxy for synoptic activity: West Antarctic storminess possibly linked to ITCZ movement through the last deglaciation
- The tale of a microbial community and its infective agents: Microbial and viral interactions fuel carbon and nitrogen cycling in the hyporheic zone of the Columbia River
- Toward a discrimination between anthropogenic and natural nanoparticles of atmospheric origin entrapped in ancient glacier ice
- Towards Standards in Viromics: in silico Evaluation of Viral Identification, Taxonomy, and Auxiliary Metabolic Genes (AMGs) Curation
- Tracing Past and Present Air Pollution Sources Using Ice Core Records from High-Mountain Glaciers
- Typology of Food-Energy-Water Systems in the United States
- UKANET: Logistical Challenges and Preliminary Results from a Geodetic Network Recording Crustal Deformation in Antarctica
- USING The Simulation Toolset for Adaptive Remote Sensing (STARS) TO EXPLORE A TRADESPACE OF New observing strategies
- Uncertainty in Global Drought Severity
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy of Antarctica from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Using GNSS Reflectometry Measurements Over the Everglades to Identify Variations in Wetland Inundation Extent Beneath Vegetation
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Utilizing Remote Sensing and Climate Predicted Precipitation Patterns to Drive Water Resource Infrastructure Investment Decisions: Marwa, Tanzania
- Virtual Reality Exploration of Earth's Cryosphere
- Wetland water level projected to control 21<SUP>st</SUP> century carbon and warming source/sink behavior at a temperate wetland
- Wideband Microwave Radiometry for the Retrieval of Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties in the MOSAiC Campaign
- 33 Years of Inter-Annual Changes in Dry-Season Alpine Lake Surface Area Across the Cordillera Blanca, Peru Derived from Multi-Sensor Remote Datasets using Machine Learning
- A Deep, Diverse Reservoir of Methane-Cycling Microorganisms Resists Hydrologic Perturbation to Sustain Metabolic Activity in Freshwater Wetland Soils
- A Global Reanalysis of the Thermal Equation of State of hcp-Fe
- A Roadmap to Illuminating Genes-to-Ecosystems-to-Genes Feedbacks in Thawing Permafrost
- A novel approach to tap the underexploited potential of elastic deformation for constraining ice mass change in Antarctica
- A recent assessment of variability in rigid melange coverage and the associated impacts at highly dynamic calving fronts in Greenland
- A zonal dipole across the tropical Indian Ocean governed precipitation during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Accessing Extratropical Influence on the Equatorial Atlantic Zonal Bias with Regional Data Assimilation
- Achieving "Permanence" with Short-Term, High-Magnitude Carbon Sequestration in Forests
- Advanced Numerical Modeling of CO2 Storage in a Challenging Reef System
- An Integrated Radar-Radiometer System for Probing Englacial Temperature
- Assembly of Microbial Communities in Thawing Permafrost
- Assessing and correcting estimated fCO2 from carbonate chemistry models of the northeastern US
- Assessing decadal to centennial scale nonstationary variability of meteorological drought trends
- Assessing inter-mission biases between ICESat-2 and CryoSat-2 missions over the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets
- Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Antarctic Upper Mantle
- Characterization of the Magma Plumbing Systems at Fuego and Pacaya Volcanoes (Guatemala) Using Petrologic and Geochemical Methods
- Characterizing Climate Impacts on Crop Yield by Integrating Radiative Transfer and Photosynthesis Processes into Agricultural System Models
- Characterizing Logjams as Drivers of Transient Storage at Different Discharges in a Flume
- Chlorine-36 Surface Exposure Dating and Glacial Sensitivity Analysis of late-Holocene Moraines, South-Central Chilean Andes (38S)
- Combining satellite imagery and flow laws to evaluate discharge accuracy
- Community Engagement in Measuring Extreme Flow Events
- Complex Patterns of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Mass Changes Resolved by Time-dependent Rate Modeling of GRACE and GRACE Follow-On Observations
- Complexity in floodplain flows, Congaree River, South Carolina, USA
- Connecting the dots between agriculturally derived nutrients and Uranium in surface waters- Disentangling geogenic sources from anthropogenic inputs
- Coseismic Fault Damage Zone Development by Dynamic Tensile Loading
- Coupling Vegetation Biophysics and Ecohydraulics for Improved Simulation of Land-Atmosphere Carbon-Water-Energy Exchange
- Data Mining on Collection of Papers: Recognizing the Emerging Issues in Water and Infectious Disease
- Decision Support Tools for Wildlife and Land Management Through a Shared Platform for Animal-Borne Sensor Data
- Deep Learning of River Width Changes from Ultra-High-Resolution Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Deglacial trends in Indo-Pacific Warm Pool hydroclimate in an isotopeenabled Earth system model and implications for isotope-based paleoclimate reconstructions
- Deglacial variability of South China hydroclimate heavily contributed by autumn rainfall
- Detection, Mapping and Tracking Monsoon Dynamics Using CYGNSS Level-1 Coherence Detections
- Developing a Machine learning Regional watershed model from individual Soil and Water Assessment Tool models for western Lake Erie
- Developing a Public-Private Partnership to Identify and Manage Legacy Phosphorus Fields in Western Lake Erie Basin
- Direct Air CO2 Capture with Geothermal Energy Production from the Extracted and Geologically Stored CO2
- Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nutrient Export from Irish Peatlands During Winter Floods
- Distributed Space Telescopes Enabled by Constellation of Small Satellites
- Early to middle Miocene ice-sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea: west to east regional correlations
- Earth Information System (EIS) -Freshwater: A cloud-based open system for integrated hydrological cycle studies
- Economic and Energetic Evaluation of Phosphorus Filters and Constructed Wetlands
- Elevated risk of tropical cyclone precipitation and pluvial flood in Houston under global warming
- Elucidating diverse climate change impacts to food security through international peer-to-peer student innovation and citizen-science
- Elucidating the ecological dynamics of microbial systems in freshwater wetlands with an integrative omics approach across time and space
- Emplacement of the Marysvale Gravity Slide Complex Aided by Thermal Pressurization of Shear Zone Fluids
- Estimating Ice Discharge at Greenland's Three Largest Outlet Glaciers Using Local Bedrock Uplift
- Evaluating Latest Holocene Glacier Variability in the South-Central Chilean Andes using the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM)
- Evapotranspiration frequently increases during droughts, especially mild ones
- Examining the relationships between basal channels and ice shelf structural evolution with repeat, high-resolution elevation models and altimetry
- Experiences of the LGBTQIA+ Community in the Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Exploring Ecometabolomics and Metabolomic Diversity in Response to Permafrost Thaw in Northern Sweden
- Firn Aquifer-Induced Disintegration of Antarctic Ice Shelves
- First Observations of Solar Disk Gamma Rays over a Full Solar Cycle
- Flavors of Antarctic atmospheric rivers and the modes of variability that matter
- Flow Permanence Along Ephemeral Streams in the Huachuca Sky Island, Arizona and its Consequences for Vegetation Distribution
- Functional-type modeling approach and data-driven parameterization of methane emissions in wetlands
- Geomorphology and Inundation Continuum of the Congaree River floodplain
- Growth of Two Aquatic Macrophyte Species in Artificial Floating Islands in an Ohio Wetland: Potential for Nutrient Sequestration
- High performance computing for high-resolution snow modeling
- High resolution imagery to train and validate deep learning models of inundation extent for multiple satellite sensors
- How elevation influences carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from tidal fresh and saltwater wetlands
- Identifying trends and extremes from sub-hourly weather and water discharge observations from 2004-2020 in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Improving and testing in-stream phosphorus cycling in SWAT+
- Incorporating Heterogenous Estuaries into SWAT+ to Inform Climate Adaptation Strategies
- Influence of Species-Specific Hydraulic Traits on Stomatal Response to Water Stress: Insights from a Tree-Level Hydrodynamic Model (FETCH3)
- Integrating Microbial, Isotopic and Landscape-Scale Observations to Quantify Methane Emissions and Isotopic Fluxes from Global High-Latitude Ecosystems
- Inverse Modeling of Early Holocene Glaciers in the Queshque Valley, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Investigating orographic snowfall processing over complex terrain on the DPR domain
- Iron Weathering and Organic Speciation in Ice-Free Antarctic Meltwater Streams and Implications for Bioavailable Iron Flux to the Southern Ocean
- Lessons learned from NASA SnowEx Hackweek 2021 for fostering open science communities
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of CO2-enabled Sedimentary Basin Geothermal
- Long-term deformation and short-term transients at Erebus volcano, Antarctica, from 20+ years of GNSS observations
- Mapping 30m Boreal Forest Heights by Coupling ICESat-2 with Landsat and Sentinel Data
- Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Using ArcticDEM and Machine Learning
- Mapping Vertical Ice Sheet Melt Profiles using Spaceborne Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometry
- Mapping the Severity of Ice Sheet Melt by applying a Geophysical Model Based Algorithm using SMAP L-band Microwave Radiometry
- Microscale imaging of pseudotachylyte-bearing fault surface topography
- Modeling the Marine Barium Cycle: Reevaluation of a Two-Box Model and Implications for Barite as a Paleoproductivity Proxy
- Multi-Geodetic Sensor Monitoring of Coastal Land Motion and Relative Sea Level Change
- NEON Mobile Deployment Platform (MDP) A Deployable Asset for the Research Community
- Natural gas hydrate is pervasive on continental margins
- Observing Dynamic Flooding on Short Timescales by Combining GNSS-R and Height Above Nearest Drainage
- Observing the Very-High-Energy Sun in TeV Gamma rays with HAWC
- Olivine-Melt Equilibrium and Oxygen Fugacity of Icelandic Magmas: Insight from Fe K-Edge -XANES Spectroscopy
- Opportunities and Challenges in Integrating Scientists and Stakeholders in FEWs Studies
- Permafrost Degradation Partially Explains Variability of Vegetation Spring Phenology over Northern Permafrost Regions
- Permafrost fate in Northwestern Siberia under projected climate change during 21st century
- Polar Science Data Jam: Building Data Literacy through Creative Engagement with Scientific Data
- Potential Influences of Rising Non-linearity in Catchment Storage-Discharge Relationships as the Extent of Frozen Ground Decreases
- Predicting surface density using snow models and assimilation for wildlife applications
- Process-level controls on snow microstructure spatial variability from the SnowEx 2020 Grand Mesa dataset
- Public Drinking Water Access in Texas Communities during the Winter Storm of 2021
- Quantifying the contribution of biomass burning in black carbon deposition on Andean glaciers and its potential climate implications
- Reactive Transport Modeling of Multiphase Brine-CO2-Rock Systems Using Higher-Order Finite Element Methods
- Recent Tropical Andean Glacier Retreat Unprecedented in the Holocene
- Remineralization dominating the 13C decrease in the mid-depth Atlantic during the last deglaciation
- Remotely-sensed reduced ecosystem resilience reveals large variations of drought-mortality relations driven by fine-scale ecosystem heterogeneity in tropical dry forests
- Roads, Deforestation, and the Evolution of a Narco-Trafficking Economy in Eastern Honduras
- Role of Confinement in Coseismic Pulverization of Sediments: Testing the Rock Record of Rupture Directivity on the San Jacinto Fault
- Satellite Formation Flying for Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Mapping: The Distributed Aperture Radar Tomographic Sensors (DARTS)
- Sedimentary Basin CO2-Driven Geothermal Utilization Systems: the Impact of the Geological Heterogenity
- Sediments in man-made reservoirs of western India preserve records of regional rainfall variability
- Shallowing Glacial Antarctic Intermediate Water by Changes in Sea Ice and Hydrological Cycle
- Simulating the Water Quality Impacts of Nutrient Application Timing based on Risk of Rainfall Events in Western Lake Erie Basin, USA
- Spatial and Spectral Harmonization of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of solute mixing and redox dynamics in riparian floodplains
- Spectral Scaling Transfer Function Method for Scenario Ground Motion Simulation with Application to the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Stable Isotope Labelling to Trace Litter Degradation Pathways: A View Into the Carbon Cycling Processes Occurring in a Peat Bog
- Strategic placement of wetlands mitigate surplus nutrient losses in tile-drained agricultural landscapes
- Structural and Geochemical Constraints on Regional and Local Stress Fields During Growth and Collapse of the Marysvale Volcanic Field, Southwest Utah
- Tectonic Setting of the 2021 Earthquake Doublet in the South Sandwich-South America Convergent Plate Boundary System
- Temperature and Lapse Rate Sensitivity of Modeled Neoglacial Ice Extent in Queshque Velley, Peru ( 10S)
- Temporal and spatial variability in Ku- and Ka-band radar interactions with snow-covered sea ice from MOSAiC: KuKa data and implications for interpretation of satellite radar altimetry data
- The (not-so) great outdoors: Highlighting altruism in geoscience careers better aligns with diverse US student ideals
- The EMERGE Fieldwork Safety & Logistics Handbook: An intentional approach to promote inclusive fieldwork experiences
- The Future of Coral Reefs
- The Influence of Urbanization and Agriculture on the Geochemistry of the Scioto River, Ohio
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway
- The Role of Heterogeneity on Dynamic Weakening and Strengthening Mechanisms during Transport of the Mega-Scale Marysvale Gravity Slide Complex
- The ferric-ity ferrous wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- The multifaceted impact of glacier retreat on water resources
- The potential contribution of Humboldt Glacier, North Greenland, to 21st century sea-level rise
- Tile drainage increases stream discharge and phosphorus export during wet years in the Western Lake Erie Basin
- Understanding hydrological and ecological controls on methane flux in Lake Erie estuarine mineral-soil marsh
- Utilizing Antecedent Soil Moisture to Improve Monthly Temperature Forecasts
- Variations in Stability of Socio-Economic Systems Subject to Natural Disasters
- Velocity Recovery of Damaged Sedimentary Rocks during Creep Experiments and Comparison with Field Scale Observations
- Virtual Field-Meets-Lab Experiences: Using VFEs to Showcase Organic Geochemistry and Paleoclimate Research
- Wildfire risk in the expanding Wildland-Urban Interface in Alaska
- A Comparison of Constrained Least Squares Adjustment and Non-Linear Solvers to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent from Regional Climate Models and Remote Sensing Observations
- A Hybrid Analog Offline EnKF for Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- A Reanalysis of the Equation of State for (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Post-Perovskite and the Heat Flux Across the Core-Mantle Boundary
- A global framework for SWOT discharge with examples from the Ohio River
- A retrospective analysis of the impacts of land management and climate drivers on nutrient contributions to freshwater sources: a Maumee River case study
- Advancing the Compact Hyperspectral Prism Spectrometer Airborne Demonstrator for Future Science Campaigns
- An Improved X and Ku Band SWE Retrieval Algorithm and Validation Analysis Using Airborne Data
- An Investigation of δ44Ca in Ordovician Carbonate Strata From Eastern Laurentia and Baltica That Preserve a Global Shift In δ13C (MDICE)
- Analysis of Airborne and Tower-Based Cross-Polarization Backscatter Data at X- and Ku- Bands for SWE Retrieval Algorithms.
- Analysis of Remotely Sensed Channel Width Observations Using High-Accuracy Shoreline Tracking on Alaskan Rivers
- Application and Analysis of a Parametric Rainfall Model in a Hurricane Storm Surge Model
- Assessing the Impacts of Forest Loss on Local Climate across the Conterminous United States
- Atlantic Water intrusion triggers sudden and rapid retreat of K.I.V Steenstrups Nordre Bræ following long-term stability
- Automated Functional Group Analysis of Mass Spectrometry via Machine Learning
- Biogeochemical consequences of snowmelt and seasonally-driven microbial trade-offs in an alpine forest
- Biogeochemistry of ice-marginal Lake Tininnilik following rapid drainage
- Calcium Isotope Constraints on Diagenetic Effects in Carbon Isotope (δ13C) Data: A Case Study from Middle Ordovician Carbonate Strata at Meiklejohn Peak, Nevada.
- Calculating the Surface Deformation in Response to Atmospheric Pressure Loading
- Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C-CIES): Building Inclusive Excellence, Diversity, Equity, and Community into Earthquake Science
- Challenges and Opportunities for Monitoring and Modeling Wetland Management as a Nature-based Climate Solution.
- Changes in substance use-related emergency department visits during and following Hurricane Harvey using remotely sensed estimates of exposure to floodwaters
- Classification and Characterization of BSRs in Different Geological Settings of the Gulf of Mexico
- Combining sediment fingerprinting, geomorphic assessment, and fallout radionuclides to quantify sediment and phosphorus abundance and longevity in the upper Maumee River and tributaries and headwaters of western Lake Erie
- Comparing Textural and Roughness Statistics for Drone-Based Grain Size Estimation in Rivers
- Comparison of snow water equivalent estimates from merging remote sensing observations with inputs from different weather and land simulation models
- Complex Seasonal and Secular Signals in Antarctic GNSS Time Series
- Connecting Youth to the Arctic Through Mystery-Themed Activities
- Constraining the Capabilities and Limitations of Existing Satellite Observations in Resolving Subglacial Meltwater Impacts on Outlet Glacier Dynamics.
- Constraints on Frictional Properties of the Brian Head Formation: Towards Understanding Landslide Initiation in the Marysvale Gravity Slide Complex, Utah
- Controls on Calcium Isotopes in a Cold Seep Barite Sample from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope.
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy of Antarctica from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Data-model Synthesis of Tropical Hydroclimate Change During the Last Deglaciation
- DeepSlide: Self-supervised learning on SAR data for change detection
- Determining Crop Coefficients Using Remote Sensing for the Maipo River Valley Basin in Chile
- Development and application of a multidimensional hydrodynamic model and supporting mesh generation tool
- Development of Avalanche Photodiodes with High Operating Temperatures to Enable Short-Wavelength Infrared Remote Sensing Applications
- Dipole Response of Millennial Variability in Tropical South American Precipitation and d18Op During the Last Deglaciation
- Early career DEI resources from the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (AGU-H3S)
- Earth Services in Support of Flexible Geoenergy Systems
- Enhancing existing environmental management tools to simulate watershed-coastal systems in a single framework
- Evaluating middle Miocene eastern equatorial Pacific organic carbon export using marine pelagic barite and extraterrestrial 3He
- Evapotranspiration frequently increases during droughts
- Examining species-specific hydraulic traits using multi-scale measurements and the hydrodynamic canopy transpiration model FETCH3.14
- Exposed Vegetation Documents Quelccaya Ice Cap Margin Fluctuations
- Extension and Climate Services for the Central U.S.
- First Results From the Rongowai Airborne GNSS-R mission
- Galactic Cosmic-Ray Propagation in the Inner Heliosphere: Improved Force-Field Model
- Generating High Resolution Daily Soil Moisture by Applying Downscaling Techniques
- Geochemical approach to determine the source of methane in gas hydrate from Green Canyon Block 955 in the Gulf of Mexico
- Geodesy as the Sentinel for Climate-induced Hazards Monitoring and Response
- Global NISAR Soil Moisture Retrievals using a Time-Series Ratio Algorithm
- Global warming or global cooling in the last 10,000 years?- the Holocene temperature conundrum
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Long-Term Nutrient Sequestration in a Temperate Lake-Coastal Wetland Are Determined by Long- and Short-Term Hydrological Changes and Vegetation Patch Types
- H2OvalNet: Detecting Fairy Circles from Sentinel-2 Imagery in Australia
- High Latitude Atmospheric Rivers: Teleconnections and Impacts
- High-resolution spatial and temporal snow distribution trends over CONUS (1990-2021)
- Icepyx as an Icebreaker: Starting Conversations and Building Competencies in Open Science
- Identifying Hotspots of Drought Classification Bias in the United States
- Imaging Grounding Line Change using Repeat, High-resolution DEMs
- Impact of Vegetation Change on Surface Energy Budget during Growing Seasons in the Arctic
- Impact of the Miocene Carbonate Crash (13-8 Ma) on Bulk Carbonate d44/40Ca in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Improving simulation of subsurface dissolved phosphorus in the SWAT model
- Improving wetland model realism: Activating and parametrizing sub-grid level wetland land-unit in the E3SM land model (ELM)
- Increasing Nitrate Loads Reduces Carbon Sequestration, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Accumulation on a Freshwater, Estuarine Marsh
- Influence of Precipitation Forcing in Hydrological Simulation over Monsoon Asia
- Influence of ice loading and earth properties on horizontal GPS motions in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- Initial Field Testing of a Multi-frequency Ice-Penetrating Radar-Radiometer Optimized for Studying Ice-Sheet Basal Conditions
- Introducing the Level 1 Data Product of Rongowai - A New Airborne GNSS-R Mission
- Inundation Caused by Rising Water Levels in the Great Lakes Drives Hydraulic Dysfunction in Coastal Trees
- Inventory of Federal Climate Engagement and Capacity-building Programs
- LIDAR-derived 3D vegetation structure drives multiple dimensions of avian diversity
- Land Surface Roughness Investigations Using Airborne Lidar and Stereo Photogrammetry
- Landcover Classification Using Radar Observations from the SMEX02 Campaign
- Large divergence of projected Arctic plant composition and productivity due to functional trait uncertainty
- Lessons Learned from SnowEx 2022 Hackweek for Fostering Open Science Communities
- Magma Mixing triggers eruptions at at Fuego and Pacaya (Guatemala)?
- Making Bayesian Optimization Accessible: Using Bayesian Optimization for Anything (BOA) to Minimize Canopy Resistance in an LES Model
- Making Climate Resilience Accessible to Youth - An Activity Book Inspiring Action
- Mass Balance Modeling and Sediment Records of the Last Glacial Cycle in the Tropical Central Andes of Peru
- Mechanisms of Adaptation to Climate Change by Indigenous Nenets Reindeer herders in Northern Siberia
- Methylotrophic Metabolism in the Mire: Unearthing Direct and Indirect Routes for Methane Production in a Model Permafrost Thaw Peatland
- Mission Ready - Global Snow Water Equivalent from Space
- Modeling Proposed Deep Slab-Deformation Processes Behind Potential Precursory Signals Preceding Large Subduction Zone Earthquakes Using Finite Elements
- Multi-centennial Trends in North American Meteorological Drought and Pluvials by Merging Paleoclimate, Observations, and Future Projections
- Multivariate Flood Fragility Models for Homogeneous Earthen USACE Levees
- Natural Gas Hydrate Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico
- Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Urban Critical Zone
- Noise-insensitive Phase Unwrapping for GNSS-R Phase Altimetry
- Numerical studies on polysulfur in Venus' atmosphere and sensitivity to poorly constrained reaction kinetics
- Observational Covariance Estimation Based on VCE and Its Implementation on GRACE Processing
- Off-Fault Deformation Along the Superstition Hills and Elsinore Faults: A Moment-Dependent Bifurcation in Off-Fault Energy Dissipation Processes?
- Olivine-Melt Equilibrium and Oxygen Fugacity of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
- On The Applications of Coherence Detection For Inland Water Sensing Using CYGNSS Level-1 Measurements
- On the inversion of Terrestrial Water Storage Variations over the United States using GNSS: Resolution and Bias
- Pan-India Land Use Land Cover Deep Learning Aided Classification Using NICFI Products
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway - Big geospatial data creation and discovery
- Pervasive Loss of Arctic-Boreal Vegetation Resilience from Climate Change and Disturbance
- Plant-Mediated Gas Transport as Consequential but Little-Understood Process Governing Methane Emissions in both Tropical Forests and Thawing Permafrost Arctic Wetlands
- Polar Firn Properties : Models, Measurements and Effects on Microwave Brightness Temperatures
- Polar Literacy: Scientist Professional Development
- Potential Deployment of Direct Air CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage (DACCUS) in the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Preliminary Analyses of Trace Elements in Single Particles from Surface Snow Deposited in the Urban Environment of Columbus, Ohio
- Quantifying species-habitat associations using data pooled across studies and collection methods
- Quantifying the Influence of Soil moisture on Convection Initiation in the Central United States
- Recent Atlantic Multidecadal Climate and Hurricane Activity Driven by External Forcing
- Redox-Driven Shifts in Methane Oxidizing Bacteria Control Methane Oxidation Rates in Thawing Permafrost Peatlands
- Reduction of Leakage Effect in the Estimation of Continental US Terrestrial Water Storage Changes Using GNSS Coordinate Time Series Based on the Slepian Function Formulation
- Regional and Seasonal Differences in Nitrate-N (NO3-N) Load in U.S. Agroecosystems Instrumented with Water Quality Conservation Practices
- Relationship between SMAP L-band Microwave Measurements and Physical Properties of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Repeating Glacial Seismicity at the Foundation Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Satellite Altimetry Applications on Land Subsidence
- Satellite Remote Sensing-Based Environmental Monitoring of Inland Water and Natural Hazards Towards Forest Sustainability over India
- Shear Strength Development During Early Burial on Seismically Active Margins: A Geotechnical Investigation into Seismic Strengthening
- Simulating the Effects of Behavioral and Physical Heterogeneity on Phosphorus Loads
- Spatiotemporal Variations in Precipitation Isotopes and Hydroclimate Across Africa Since the Last Glacial Maximum: A Data-Model Synthesis
- Stable Water Isotopes Show Irish River Response to Droughts and Floods
- Storm Surge Hindcasting Studies Using CYGNSS
- Strong Sensitivity of Wetland CH4 emissions to Genome-inferred Microbial Trait Distribution
- Summer Internships as a Pathway to Increase STEM Access for Underserved Youth
- Super-Resolution Deep Neural Networks for Water Classification at 2-m Resolution from Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
- Surface Constraints On The Strength And Structure Of The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation In Coupled Climate Models
- The Biogeochemistry of Intact, Degraded, and Afforested Irish Blanket Bog
- The Climate Consensus Network - Creating Capacity for Climate Outreach Within our Universities
- The Nominal Range of Rocky Planet Masses, Radii, Surface Gravities and Bulk Densities
- The Polar Rock Repository: a Free Earth and Polar Science Resource
- The impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on Antarctic ice loss and global sea levels in the coming centuries
- The use of harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 datasets toward estimating spatio-temporal behavior of Chlorophyll-a over inland lakes in Ohio
- Thermal Pressurization Within an Evolving Basal Zone During Emplacement of the Long Runout Sevier Gravity Slide, Utah
- Time-varying Surface Elevation Changes at Major Glaciers of Greenland Ice Sheet by Integrating Multiple Satellite Radar and Laser Altimetry Data Sets
- Two decades of global water cycle variability - non-stationarity assessed by land data assimilation
- Uncertainties in hyporheic zone solute transport estimated from electrical resistivity inversions: A numerical study
- Understanding and (potentially) mitigating the impacts of tile drainage
- Upper Mantle Attenuation and Velocity Anomalies beneath Antarctica Constrained by Teleseismic Body Waves
- Use of an environmental filtering parameterization of stomatal conductance in the Catchment-CN land surface model
- Using a crown Hydrodynamics model (FETCH3) to simulate transpiration rates in anisohydric and isohydric species under water limited conditions.
- Using earthquake science concepts to guide problem-solving and science identity development in undergraduate pre-calculus courses
- Viscosification of CO2 by Effective Functional Molecules to Improve Storage - A Modeling Study
- Vulcan: Exploring Tidal Heating & Extreme Volcanism at Io
- Vulnerability of soil moisture and ground water stocks to meteorological droughts from anthropogenic influences
- Water Table Dynamics in Coastal Aquifer Sediments Mobilize Carbon and Alter Nitrogen Fate: Observations From Soil Column Experiments
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A Geruo
- A. A. Arendt
- A. A. Velasco
- A. C. Clement
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. Kavner
- A. Nyblade
- A. Rius
- Aaron B. Wilson
- Abigail Enders
- Adina Paytan
- Adnan Rajib
- Adrienne B. Narrowe
- Ahmed A. Zayed
- Aleksey Y. Sheshukov
- Alexander Volkovitskiy
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Alexandros Savvaidis
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Aleš Bezděk
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison M. Chartrand
- Amanda H. Schmidt
- Amber E. Budden
- Ana P. Barros
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew F. Thompson
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrew L. Gorin
- Andréa G. Grottoli
- Andy Aschwanden
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Ann E. Cook
- Anna L. Broome
- Anna Marshall
- Ashley M. Matheny
- Audrey H. Sawyer
- Augusto Getirana
- Avni Malhotra
- B. A. Forman
- B. D. Loomis
- Balaji Ramesh
- Barry A. Klinger
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benjamin D. Goffin
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin M. Sleeter
- Beth Tellman
- Betsy Farris
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Bidhyananda Yadav
- Brandi Downs
- Brent M. Goehring
- Brice Noël
- Bridget B McGivern
- Brooke Medley
- Bruce Chapman
- Bryan G. Mark
- Byron D Tapley
- C. D. Parkinson
- C. J. Gleason
- C. K. McCalley
- C. K. Shum
- C. M. Gough
- Camille L. Stagg
- Carl Schmitt
- Cayman T. Unterborn
- Chance Muscarella
- Chengfei He
- Christine A. Shields
- Christopher A. Shuman
- Christopher B. Gardner
- Christopher S. Lowry
- Christopher S. Ruf
- Cinzia Zuffada
- Clare Webster
- Clarice R. Perryman
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Cédric H. David
- D. Drewry
- D. Gómez
- D. L. Karwan
- D. M. Rabin
- D. Medvigy
- D. R. Roman
- Dai Chang-lei
- Daniel T. Myers
- Daniela Krampe
- Dar A. Roberts
- Dara Entekhabi
- David Bonan
- Delia W Oppo
- Deon Knights
- Derek E. Sawyer
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Douglas D. Smith
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E X Bonilla
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. R. Newsom
- E. Viparelli
- Edoardo Daly
- Edward J. O’Loughlin
- Edward Kim
- Ehsan Forootan
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Ellen Mosley‐Thompson
- Ellen Stuart-Haëntjens
- Ellen Wohl
- Emilio Mateo
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eric J. Ward
- Eric Kendrick
- Erica M. Lucas
- Eryn Cangi
- Esther C. Brady
- Fausto Machado‐Silva
- Feng Dong
- Fernando Aristizabal
- Franklin P. Mills
- Freddie Kalaitzis
- Gabriel G. Katul
- George H. Allen
- Gil Bohrer
- Gisela Winckler
- Guido Grosse
- Hannah Holland‐Moritz
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Heather E. Golden
- Himanshu Save
- Hiroki Sone
- I. M. Howat
- Ioannis Prapas
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. E. C. Scully
- J. F. Beacom
- J. G. Sample
- J. P. O’Donnell
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. T. Freymueller
- J. Zhang
- J.A. Caggiano
- Jack Tarricone
- James H. Stagge
- James L. Garrison
- James T. Haber
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jeff Dozier
- Jeffrey M. Bielicki
- Jeffrey M. McKenzie
- Jeffrey P. Chanton
- Jennifer S. Powers
- Jeremy D. Shakun
- Jessica D. Lundquist
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica Scheick
- Jiazheng Li
- Jing Han
- Joachim Meyer
- Joachim Moortgat
- Joel T. Johnson
- John C. Stella
- John Fieberg
- John P. Ziker
- John S. Kimball
- Jon Chorover
- Jonas Haldemann
- Jonathan Wang
- Joost van Haren
- Jordan M. Bretzfelder
- Jorge A. Villa
- Julia S. Reece
- Julian D. Olden
- Julianne J. Miller
- Justine Missik
- K. A. Semmens
- K. L. Pankow
- Kamini Singha
- Kelsey Bisson
- Ken W. Krauss
- Kenneth D. Mankoff
- Kenny C. Y. Ng
- Kenton A. Rod
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kevin D. Kroeger
- Kim Locke
- Kristel Chanard
- Kristi R. Arsenault
- Kristin L. Jaeger
- Kristine M. Larson
- Kuang‐Yu Chang
- Kyungmin Sung
- L. C. Bowling
- L. T. Berner
- Laiyin Zhu
- Lara F. Pérez
- Laura M. Hinkelman
- Laëtitia Bréchet
- Liang Ning
- Liesl Hotaling
- Lili Lei
- Lingwei Li
- Lisa N. Murphy
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Lonnie G. Thompson
- Lori Abendroth
- Luciana Fenoglio-Marc
- M. J. Brodzik
- M. S. Bramble
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. S. Torn
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Marc Macias‐Fauria
- Marc Oggier
- Marcela Silva
- Mark A. Cane
- Mark R. Drinkwater
- Mark Wahl
- Martin Schneebeli
- Martin Truffer
- Martina Leveni
- Matthew B. Jones
- Matthew J. Hoffman
- Matthew Rodell
- Matthew Sturm
- Melisa A. Diaz
- Melissa K. Ward Jones
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Michael A. Goldstein
- Michael Bliss Singer
- Michael Durand
- Michael G. Bevis
- Michael N. Weintraub
- Michalea D. King
- Michel Tsamados
- Minha Choi
- Modi ZHU
- Mohamad Reza Soltanian
- Mohammad J. Tourian
- Mohammad Mousavi
- Morgan L. Cable
- N. J. Accardo
- Nathan D. Stansell
- Nicholas D. Ward
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Norman B. Wood
- Oguz Demir
- Ozeas S. Costa
- P. D. Brooks
- P. M. Bremner
- Patrick Crill
- Paul Bates
- Phillip G Resor
- Pippa L. Whitehouse
- Polona Itkin
- Qing Zhu
- Qiusheng Wu
- R. C. Aster
- R. F. Grant
- R. H. Levy
- R. K. Varner
- Rachel E. Gallery
- Rachel M. Wilson
- Rashmi Shah
- Raúl Ramos-Pollán
- Rebecca Logsdon Muenich
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Riley Culberg
- Robert D Larter
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert Hellström
- Robert McKay
- Robert Ricker
- Robert Smalley
- Robert W. Dudley
- Roland Bürgmann
- Romy Sabathier
- Ronni Grapenthin
- Roy L. Rich
- S. A. Margulis
- S. Ahmad
- S. Garelick
- S. L. Bilek
- S. P. Coss
- S. T. Henderson
- Safat Sikder
- Samuel A. Miller
- Sara R. Kimmig
- Sarah C. Davidson
- Scott C. Neubauer
- Scott J. Goetz
- Shaun A. Marcott
- Shawn J. Marshall
- Shfaqat Abbas Khan
- Shujie Wang
- Siddha Ganju
- Sifan Gu
- Sonali McDermid
- Stefan Hendricks
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Stephanie Schollaert Uz
- Stephen C. Phillips
- Stephen J. Vavrus
- Stephen Price
- Steve W. Lyon
- Steven M. Quiring
- Steven Pestana
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta
- Surendra Adhikari
- Sushant Mehan
- T. A. Scambos
- T. Pavelsky
- Tanja N. Williamson
- Taryn Black
- Theresia Yazbeck
- Thomas H. Heaton
- Thomas Holmes
- Thomas R. Chudley
- Tianlin Wang
- Tianqi Zhang
- Tiegan Hobbs
- Tim Linden
- Tim M. Conway
- Timothy H. Morin
- Tongxi Hu
- Trent W. Ford
- Trista J. Vick‐Majors
- Tyler M. Fenske
- Upmanu Lall
- V. I. Rich
- V. Lakshmi
- V. Y. Ivanov
- Valier Galy
- Vanessa Bailey
- Vanessa Böhm
- Vishnu Nandan
- Viviana Freire-Zapata
- W. A. Griffith
- W. Lei
- Wanshu Nie
- Wei Ji Leong
- Weiqiang Li
- William Colgan
- William J. Riley
- Wouter van der Wal
- Xiaolang Zhang
- Yanlan Liu
- Yoseph Adiatma
- Zachary D. Smith
- Zachary Fair
- Zhaohui Aleck Wang
- Zhengyu Liu
- Zhigang Peng
- Zhiliang Zhu