Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
flowchart I[Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (227)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (25)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Observation of Volatile and Non-volatile Particulates in High Altitude Rocket Plumes
- Thermal Discrimination Technique for Airborne Measurement of Sulfuric Acid on Atmospheric Aerosol: Calibration and Performance
- Effect of Hydrocarbon Biodegradation on the Low-Frequency Electrical Properties of Unconsolidated Sediments
- Hydrogeophysical Investigation at Luxor Archaeological Site, Southern Egypt
- In-Situ Stratospheric Observations of a Volatile Component in Rocket Exhaust Aerosol Particles.
- 2003-2004 Campaign GPS Geodetic Monitoring of Surface Deformation Proximal to Volcanic Centers, Commonwealth of Dominica, Lesser Antilles.
- Tectonic Implications of Recent Campaign GPS Measurements Along the Central Region of the Lesser Antilles arc: Results from Dominica 2001-2004
- Volcanic Deformation Interpretations From Campaign-Mode GPS Measurements of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Lesser Antilles, 2001-2003 Epoch I Data
- Rheological Studies of Komatiite Liquids by In-Situ Falling Sphere Viscometry
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath China: Measurements and Implications
- River Incision and Pulsed Growth of Ethiopian Plateau from Integrated GIS and Digital Elevation Models
- 3D Radial and Azimuthal Anisotropic Structure in North America
- Characteristics of mantle fabrics beneath the southern-central United States: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements
- Gas and Particulate Aircraft Emissions Measurements: Impacts on local air quality.
- Paleoclimatic impact on vertebrate activities: a speleothem record from Power Mill Creek Cave, Missouri
- Reconstruction of Centennial and Millennial-scale Climate and Environmental Variability during the Holocene in the Central Canadian Arctic
- Shear Wave Splitting Beneath the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Adjacent Areas
- A Cubic B-Spline Approach for Inter-Transformation Between Potential Field and Gradient Data
- Improvements of the Simplex Optimum Method for Seismic Location
- Apparent Weekly and Daily Earthquake Periodicities in the Western United States
- Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio variations beneath the Colorado Plateau
- Receiver function study of the rifted margin of the Gulf Coast Plain: A Pilot Project
- Spatial & Temporal Geophysical Monitoring of Microbial Growth and Biofilm Formation
- Crustal Anisotropy and Moho Depth in Intersection Zone of Zhangjiakou-Bohai Seismic Belt and Shanxi Seismic Belt in China
- Estimation of the Depth of Anisotropy Using Spatial Coherency of Shear-Wave Splitting Parameters
- NA-SWS-2.1: An Updated Uniform Database of Teleseismic Shear-wave Splitting Measurements for North America
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Flow Beneath Northeastern Africa and Arabia
- The Complementary Nature of Seismic and Infrasound Technologies in Regional Monitoring (Invited)
- Characterization of entrapment of supercritical CO2 at the pore scale
- Cyclostratigraphy of Uppermost Carboniferous-to-Lower Triassic Terrestrial Deposits in Bogda Mountains, NW China - A Potential Astrostratigraphic Proxy Section
- Intense weathering of Archean basement associated with acid saline lakes in Western Australia
- Studying Crust and Upper Mantle Structure in Eastern Canada with High-Resolution Teleseismic Receiver Function Analysis
- Characterization of geologic media using Minkowski functionals and applying pore connectivity as an extra ruling factor when estimating permeability
- Complex seismic anisotropy beneath Turkey
- Crustal and mantle structure and anisotropy beneath the incipient segments of the East African Rift System: Preliminary results from the ongoing SAFARI
- First-order characteristics of shear-wave splitting parameters beneath the contiguous United States
- Imaging mantle discontinuities beneath the USArray using multiply-reflected P-to-S conversions
- Receiver function constraints on crustal seismic velocities and partial melting in the Red Sea Rift, Central Afar
- Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath the northern Great Plains of North America
- Small-scale lithospheric foundering beneath the Peruvian Altiplano: evidence from back arc potassic volcanic rocks and lower crustal and mantle xenoliths
- Systematic performance comparison of the transverse minimization and splitting intensity methods for measuring shear-wave splitting parameters
- A Receiver Function Study of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Egypt and Saudi Arabia
- A Uniform Shear-Wave Splitting Database for Africa and Arabia
- Crustal Anisotropy and Lower Crustal Flow beneath the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by P-to-S Conversions from the Moho
- Evolution of the Red Sea Continental Margin from Integrated Analyses of Gravity, Magnetic, and Receiver Function Observations
- Exploring Crustal Structure and Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Associated with the Incipient Southern and Southwestern Branches of the East African Rift System
- Fractures Sets Associated to Buckle Folds
- Investigations of Libyan Upper Mantle Anisotropy and Crustal Structure Using Shear Wave Splitting and Receiver Function Analyses
- Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath the Contiguous United States
- Modelling Study at Kutlular Copper FIELD with Spat This Study, Evaluation Steps of Copper Mine Field SP Data Are Shown How to Reach More Accurate Results for SP Inversion Method.
- Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Eastern Himalayas and Adjacent Areas
- Shear Wave Splitting and Mantle Deformation beneath Eastern Eurasia and Indo-Australia
- Simultaneous Characterization of Crustal and Sedimentary Layers Using Receiver Functions
- Teleseismic Body-Wave Attenuation beneath the Western and Central United States
- Applicability of the Multiple-event Stacking Technique for Shear-wave Splitting Analysis
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Luangwa Rift, Zambia: Constraints from Potential Field Data
- Crustal and mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the 'Great Lakes Mantle Divot' and adjacent areas: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements
- Determining Crustal Structure beneath the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Adjacent Areas: Application of a Reverberation-removal Filter
- Development and Deployment of an Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) Compliant Measurement System for nvPM Certification Measurements of Aircraft Engines - Current Status.
- Dual Transport Process for Targeted Delivery in Porous Media
- Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath Alaska
- Performance of a Line Loss Correction Method for Gas Turbine Emission Measurements
- Preliminary Observations of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath South America from Non-Plane Wave Stacking of P-to-S Receiver Functions
- Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Northeast China Revealed by Shear-wave Splitting Analyses
- Seismic anisotropy and mantle dynamics beneath the southeastern United States inferred from shear-wave splitting analysis
- Seismological Investigations of Crustal and Mantle Structure and Dynamics beneath North-central Africa
- Seismological Investigations of Crustal and Mantle Structures Beneath the Incipient Okavango Rift
- Statistical Analysis of Sprite Streamer Splitting via High-Speed Observations
- Teleseismic Investigations of the Malawi and Luangwa Rift Zones: Ongoing Observations From the SAFARI Experiment
- Crustal Structure beneath the Eastern Tibetan Plateau from Receiver Functions
- Crustal and Mantle Anisotropy beneath Alaska Inferred from Shear-Wave Splitting Analysis
- Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs measurements using receiver functions: A global review
- Data integration of Soil Survey Geographic Database data with layers of The National Map and data from archived geologic maps.
- Effect of Rock-Fluid Temperature Difference on Asperity Damage in Single Fracture for Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Inferences of Complex Anisotropic Layering and Mantle Flow Beneath the Malawi Rift Zone from Shear-Wave Splitting
- Lithospheric Layering beneath Southern Africa Constrained by S-to-P Receiver Functions
- Relationships Between Magnetic Susceptibility and Sedimentary Facies Along AL Qahmah, Southern Red Sea Coast
- Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves to Detect Buried Concrete Conduits
- Stratification of Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy: Preliminary Results from the Contiguous United States
- Using Monte Carlo Simulation to Prioritize Key Maritime Environmental Impacts of Port Infrastructure
- A Reactive Transport Model for Marcellus Shale Weathering
- Azimuthal Anisotropy beneath the Contiguous United States Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting
- Crustal Structure and Subsidence of the Williston Basin: Evidence from Receiver Function Stacking and Gravity Modeling
- Crustal and Mantle Structure beneath the Okavango and Malawi Rifts and Its Geodynamic Implications
- Crustal structure beneath the Malawi and Luangwa rift zones and adjacent areas using ambient noise tomography
- Crustal thickness and V<SUB>p</SUB>/V<SUB>s</SUB> beneath the southeastern United States: Constraints from receiver function stacking
- Failure of Sierra White granite under general states of stress
- Impact of Unconventional Energy Development using Hydraulic Fracturing on Louisiana Water Resources Availability.
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Seismic Mobilization of Residual Oil in Sandstone
- Lithospheric Layering beneath the Contiguous United States Constrained by S-to-P Receiver Functions
- Mantle transition zone topography and structure beneath the Indochina Peninsula: Implications for slab window and mantle upwelling
- Possible Links Among Iron Reduction, Silicate Weathering, and Arsenic Mobility in the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer in Louisiana
- Prediction of Magnesite Dissolution Rate in Heterogeneous Porous Media Using a Numerical Approach
- Receiver function imaging of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Tanzania Craton and the Eastern and Western Branches of the East African Rift System
- Seismic Anisotropy beneath Alaska Constrained by Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Seismic anisotropy beneath the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions revealed by shear-wave splitting analyses
- Teleseismic P-wave Attenuation beneath the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Thermal Effect on Fracture Integrity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- V/Sc in olivine as a proxy for magma redox conditions
- Variable Flow Pathways and Geochemical History of Seepage Under Mississippi River Levees: 2011, 2015, and 2016 Floods
- A 3-D Shear Wave Velocity Model of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath Southern Africa by Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Dispersion and Receiver Functions
- A constitutive law of sediment transport: Experimental validation conducted in water and aeolian environments
- Absence of Thermal Influence from the African Superswell and Cratonic Keels on the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Southern Africa: Evidence from Receiver Function Imaging
- Crustal Structure and Evolution beneath the Mid-Continent Rift Constrained by Receiver Function and Gravity Analyses
- Developing a Novel Technique for Assessing Watershed Susceptibility using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Weighted Overlay Method
- Experimental Validation for Mobilization of Trapped Non-wetting Droplets From Pore Constrictions Based on the Theoretical Model
- Experimental study of the resonance of nonwetting droplet in constricted capillary tubes
- Ground-based In-situ PM Emissions Characterization during NASA's ND-MAX Campaign Using SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice.
- How Pervasive of Complex Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Beneath Continents
- Imaging Crustal Structure Beneath the Southeastern United States Using Receiver Functions
- Influence of Essential Nutrient Component Distribution on Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation Distribution
- Mantle Flow Induced by Slab Subduction and Rollback Beneath the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis and Adjacent Areas
- Monitoring of the enzyme induced calcite precipitates simultaneously with spectral induced polarization and bender elementtechnique
- NASA/DLR Measurements from the DC8 of Aircraft Emissions and Contrails at Cruise
- Receiver Function Imaging of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath the Tibetan Plateau and Adjacent Areas
- Receiver Function Imaging of the 410 and 660 km Discontinuities Beneath the Australian Continent
- Recent Eutrophication and Heavy Metal Contamination in Lake Izabal, Guatemala: Preliminary Study of a Short Sediment Core
- Ruthenium in Chromite as Indicator for Magmatic Sulfide Liquid Equilibration in Mafic-Ultramafic Systems
- Shear Wave Splitting and Mantle Flow in the Vicinity of the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary in Central America
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Upper Crustal Anisotropy Along the San Jacinto Fault Zone in Southern California: Constraints from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- The application of a new electromagnetic method for imaging karst features
- Upper Mantle P wave Attenuation Tomography Beneath the Southeastern United States
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy as a Constraint for Mantle Flow and Continental Dynamics of the North American Plate
- 100 Years of Computational Technologies Have Enabled Advances in Earth and Space Sciences
- A Bayesian framework to unravel food, groundwater and climate linkages
- A Mission to the Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions: Polar Ice Prospecting Explorer for Lunar No-light Environments (PIPELiNE)
- A Special Type of Dolomite Precipitated in A Mantle-Derived Hydrothermal-Volcanic System in A Permian Lacustrine Rift Basin-A Possible Forming Mechanism for Primary Dolomite
- Advancing the Use of InSAR Data through Integration with Geophysical Data
- Analysis of Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy for Lithospheric Structure and Dynamics near the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Assessing the Influence of Crop Type and Drainage Tile Spacing on Claypan Soil Moisture Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Assessment of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) in Addressing Water Management and Flood Mitigation Needs: A Case Study from Southwest Louisiana
- Causes of groundwater patterns over multi-decadal scales: Climate or Agriculture?
- Comparison of Aircraft Engine Particle Emissions at Cruise Altitude and at the Ground: Observations from ACCESS and ECLIF-II / ND-MAX
- Comparison of Pedotransfer Functions for High-resolution Mapping of Hydraulic Conductivity in Agricultural Soils using GPR
- Determining the controls on faecal stanol concentrations and ratios in tropical lake sediments
- Fracture and Regional Stress Related Upper Crustal Azimuthal Anisotropy in the Vicinity of the 2016 M5.1 Fairview, Oklahoma, Earthquake
- Imaging the Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Iceland Using Receiver Functions: Evidence for Hydrous Upwelling
- Investigating Seismic Anisotropy below the Central Midwest by Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Lithospheric Layering Model of the United States: Constraints From Sp Receiver Function Images
- Mantle Flow Systems Associated with Slab Subduction and Absolute Plate Motion in Alaska: Constraints from Shear Wave Splitting Analyses
- Preliminary evaluation of landslide hazards in the Cape Girardeau area of the New Madrid Seismic Zone, SE Missouri.
- Receiver Function Investigation of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Central America
- Receiver Function and Surface Wave Dispersion Constraints on Crustal Structure of the Afar Depression and Main Ethiopian Rift
- Remote Sensing of Sub-field Water Stress Using NDWI, ET and SAR Data
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Flow beneath the Western Yangtze Craton
- Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Analysis Beneath the Yellowknife Region, Canada
- Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Beneath the USArray and Other Broadband Seismic Stations in the Contiguous United States and Alaska: Implications for Mantle Dynamics
- Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy and Mantle Flow beneath Australia Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting Analyses
- Seismic anisotropy and 3-D mantle flow in the Sumatra subduction zone: Constraints from shear wave splitting and receiver function investigations
- Shear Wave Splitting Analysis in the Eastern Caribbean Plate and its Implications for Mantle Dynamics
- Topography of the 410 and 660 km Discontinuities Beneath the United States and its Geodynamic Implications
- Upper Mantle P-wave Attenuation beneath the Malawi Rift Zone, East Africa
- Upper mantle and mantle transition zone thermal and water content anomalies beneath NE Asia: Constraints from receiver function imaging of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities
- 10-year global evaluation of tropospheric noise corrections derived from routinely leveraged weather models
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Uniform Database of Shear Wave Splitting Measurements for the Tanzania Craton and the Adjacent Segments of the East African Rift System and Its Tectonic Implications
- Assessment of Drainage Tile Efficacy for Common Row Crops Using Vegetation Indices Measured with UAVs
- Crustal and Mantle Anisotropy of the Hoggar Swell, Northwest Africa
- Fabrication and Verification of a Glass-Silicon-Glass Micro-/Nanofluidic Model for Investigating Multi-phase Flow in Shale-like Unconventional Dual-porosity Tight Porous Media
- Geodetic slip inversion for the 2017/18 SSE and associated earthquakes near Guerrero, Mexico
- How does compaction affect aquifer response to pumping? The impact of temporally variable specific storage on current and future water availability
- InSAR Time-Series Analysis of Progressive Land Subsidence Caused by Groundwater Pumping in Parowan, Utah
- Integrating Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Groundwater Withdrawal Estimation in Arizona
- Lithospheric structure beneath the southeastern United States: Constraints from joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion
- Long-range transport patterns into the tropical northwest Pacific during the CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex aircraft campaign: chemical composition, size distributions, and the impact of convection
- Long-term relief construction and destruction in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes constrained by 3D thermo-kinematic modeling
- Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Tibetan Plateau and Adjacent Regions
- Mesozoic Decratonization of the North China Craton Triggered by Dehydration of the Pacifc Slab
- Multiscale Analysis of Fracture Deformation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems due to Thermal Cooling Effect
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Seismic Anisotropy Layering Beneath the Northwestern United States Revealed by Shear Wave Splitting and Receiver Function Analyses
- Seismic Anisotropy Layering Beneath the South Tibet
- Shear wave velocity structure beneath the Tanzania Craton and adjacent areas from a Bayesian Monte-Carlo joint inversion of surface wave dispersion and receiver functions
- Statistical Observations of Water Stress in Kansas Winter Wheat and Corn from Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration
- Understanding the Link Between Changing Head Levels and Land Subsidence: A Field Experiment in California's San Joaquin Valley
- Use Machine Learning to Remove Reverberations on Receiver Functions Caused by a Low-velocity Sedimentary Layer
- A Convolutional Neural Network Based Teleseismic Shear-wave Splitting Measurements Auto-picking Method
- Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Mechanisms of Land Subsidence in the Parowan Valley, Utah
- Constraining the Temporal Scale of n-Alkanoic Acid Transport and Integration in a Tropical Lake Basin Using Compound Specific Radiocarbon Analysis
- Crustal deformation in Hispaniola from geodetic measurements
- Development of an adaptive framework to measure near-field coseismic and rapid postseismic deformation using SAR satellite data during Mw 7.2 Haiti earthquake
- High-Resolution Global Inland Surface Water Monitoring using PlanetScope Data and Supervised Learning with Bootstrapped Noisy Labels
- Imaging Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath the South Central United States from a Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion
- Land Subsidence in Californias San Joaquin Valley Set to Continue for Decades
- Life Cycle Assessment of Tellurium Recovered as a Byproduct of Copper Production
- Mapping Global Land Subsidence Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
- Maximum Supersaturation in Marine Boundary Layer Clouds: Seasonal Variation and Influences of Aerosol Concentration and Synoptic Condition
- Modeling Coseismic Slip of the 2021 Mw 7.2 Nippes (Haiti) Earthquake
- Modeling Hydrogeologic Fluxes and Their Impact on Natural and Human Systems
- Piercing Point Dependent Seismic Azimuthal Anisotropy Observed in Central China and Its Geodynamic Implications
- Present-day InSAR Geodetic Constraints on the Crustal Deformation in Hispaniola
- RAiDER: Raytracing Atmospheric Delay Estimation for RADAR
- Receiver Function Imaging of the 410 and 660 km Discontinuities beneath Southern Mexico: Implications for Slab Tears and Mantle Upwelling
- Refractive index of black carbon (BC) and brown carbon (BrC) particles using aerodynamic aerosol classification
- Robust determination of geodetic strain rates and their uncertainties through geostatistical methods and multiple modeling techniques
- Shear Wave Splitting in the Vicinity of the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake
- Surrogate-Assisted Optimization of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Operation under Uncertainty
- Topography of the Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Central and Western Mongolia and Its Geodynamic Implications
- Using Geostatistical Analysis and Machine Learning to Improve Tropospheric Correction for InSAR
- Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Estimate Groundwater Use in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- A Possible Lithospheric Drip underneath the East Sayan Mountains in Central Asia
- A geochemical and geophysical analysis of paleoseismicity and extreme weather events spanning 1700 years, Lake Chichój, Guatemala
- A receiver function investigation of mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath the Juan de Fuca Plate and adjacent areas
- A short-period seismic array in southeast Missouri
- Convolutional Neural Network Classification of Earthquakes, Mine Collapses and Explosions
- Coseismic and early postseismic fault slip in the 14 August Haiti earthquake derived from InSAR and pixel offsets
- Crustal deformation in Hispaniola from geodetic measurements
- Earth, Fire, Water, Waste: Using Multiple Lipid Biomarkers to Unravel Complex Environmental Histories in the Maya Lowlands
- Evaluating confined aquifer storage loss using geodesy, in-situ data and models
- Exploring functional controls on the delayed response of deformation to changes in groundwater levels
- Fully-Kinetic Particle Simulations of Plasma Charging at Lunar Craters under Average and Severe Solar Wind Conditions
- InSAR Derived Slip-rates on the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone in Haiti from 5 Years of Sentinel-1 Acquisition
- Integration of UAV and Ground-based Geophysical Methods for Estimation of Soil Properties
- Late Holocene Midcontinental Hydroclimate Variability from a 1,500-yr Wisconsin Lake Sediment Record
- Linking Subsidence and Groundwater Storage Loss: Investigating Drivers and Trends Using Big Data
- Milankovitch paleoclimatic signals in late Permian-Early Triassic fluvial-lacustrine records, Bogda Mountains, NW China
- Mitigating Nonpoint Source Nutrient Pollution in Urban Runoff with Floating Treatment Wetlands
- Paleoseismic Trenching of the 1976 Guatemalan Earthquake Rupture of the Motagua Fault Along the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary at the Gualan site
- Promoting Geoscience to High School Students through Interdisciplinary Field Experiences
- Seismic Anisotropy Associated with the 2018 Kilauea, Hawaii, Volcanic Eruptions
- Seismic Anisotropy Layering Beneath the South-central Tibetan Plateau Constrained by Shear Wave Splitting and Receiver Function Analyses
- Sinkhole Susceptibility Modeling using Frequency Ratio (FR) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Greene County, Missouri
- Title: Creeping seismic gap between 2010 and 2021 Haiti earthquakes
- Towards Generalizable Groundwater Withdrawal Predictions: How Much Data Do We Need?
- Towed Time-domain EM for Aquifer Characterization in a Subsidence Area
- Using Numerical Weather Model to Predict Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) with Machine learning and Improve Tropospheric Correction for InSAR
- Using Sediment Accumulation Rates in Floodplain Paleochannel Lakes to reconstruct Climate-Flood Relationships on the Lower Ohio River
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- B. D. Hamlington
- Broxton W. Bird
- Byron A. Steinman
- Chunna Yu
- David Bekaert
- Frank T.-C. Tsai
- Hugh Coe
- Ian L. Millar
- J. D. Allan
- J. L. Wilson
- J. Maurer
- James J. Butler
- Jiawei Li
- Kathryn Materna
- Kelly H. Liu
- Lin Liu
- Ling Chen
- M. Lees
- Michael A. Shook
- Rishabh Dutta
- Ryan G. Smith
- Sayantan Majumdar
- Stephen S. Gao
- Tuo Wang
- V. Lakshmi