University of Missouri, Kansas City
flowchart I[University of Missouri, Kansas City] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (86)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Relationships Between Electrical, Lithological and Hydraulic Properties of Unconsolidated Sediments
- Geophysical Evidence for Lithologic and Hydrogeological Controls on Vegetation Communities in a Large Northern Peatland
- Jan Hospers' development of the geocentric axial dipole hypothesis and defense of field reversals
- LiDAR Imagery of the San Andreas Fault Zone at the Vedanta and Olema Ridge Paleoseismic Trench Sites, Pt. Reyes, CA
- Noncharacteristic Slip on the Northern San Andreas Fault at the Vedanta Marsh, Marin County, CA
- Is There a Human Effect on the Climate System?
- Geoscience Education Opportunities: Partnerships to Advance TeacHing and Scholarship (GEOPATHS) in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area
- New insight into Bottom Morphology and active faults of the Northern Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba mapped from multi-beam sonar data
- Paucity of Historical Earthquakes South of the Dead Sea: Is it Real?
- An integrative approach to groundwater recharge estimation: Application to Jeju Island, Korea
- Ground-Level Ozone Pollution: An Example of A Scientific Data-Rich Laboratory Activity to Enhance Deep Learning
- Health Impacts from Human Interaction with the Environment
- Hydrogen Gas from Serpentinite, Ophiolites and the Modern Ocean Floor as a Source of Green Energy
- A field-based investigation of hydrogeologic impacts on the Lake Chad basin
- Comprehensive Assessment of Water Quality in the Lake Chad Basin in Northern Nigeria
- Dune Activity as a Record of Holocene environmental change in the Al-Azraq basin, Jordan
- Geoscience Education Opportunities: Partnerships to Advance TeacHing and Scholarship (GEOPATHS): A Kansas City Minority Student Recruitment Initiative
- Investigation of soil properties for identifying recharge characteristics in the Lake Chad Basin
- Organic Geochemistry study in Al-Azraq basin, Jordan: interpretation of paleoenvironment and paleoclimate using bulk organic matter analyses
- Teleseismic P-wave Tomography Image for Northeastern Tibet
- Understanding and Managing Natural and Human-Induced Pressures on Ecosystem Health and Environmental Sustainability in the Lake Chad Basin (LCB)
- Variable earthquake recurrence on the Northern San Andreas fault over the past 3,000 years at the Vedanta marsh site, Olema, CA (Invited)
- Effects of climate variability on the land cover change and groundwater flow in the Lake Chad Basin
- Understanding the Environmental and Climate Impacts of biomass burning in Northern sub-Saharan Africa
- Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use Dynamics Using a Fully Coupled Hydrologic Feedback Model between Surface and Subsurface Systems
- Analyses of Projected Changes in Climate for Sub-Saharan Africa Using a Variable-Resolution Atmospheric Model
- Defense of GAD during the 1950s and early 1960s
- Dynamics of groundwater in response to the change of land cover and rainfall in the Lake Chad Basin
- Possible Links Between Biomass Burning And The Water Cycle In Northern Sub-Saharan Africa
- Teaching Sustainability as a Large Format Environmental Science Elective
- Effects of Land Cover / Land Use, Soil Texture, and Vegetation on the Water Balance of Lake Chad Basin
- Groundwater storage change in the Ngadda Catchment of the Lake Chad Basin using GRACE and ground truth data
- High Resolution Simulations of Future Climate in West Africa Using a Variable-Resolution Atmospheric Model
- E-DECIDER Disaster Response and Decision Support Cyberinfrastructure: Technology and Challenges
- E-DECIDER Rapid Response to the M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Effects Of Evaporation Rate of Some Common Organic Contaminants on Hydraulic Conductivity of Aquifer Sand
- Fire-Induced Variation of Essential Climate Variables in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa
- Geostatistical Analysis of Population Density and the Change of Land Cover and Land Use in the Komadugu-Yobe River Basin in Nigeria
- Hydrogeologic Aspects of GRACE Modeling: A Case Study of the Upper Mississippi Basin
- Ted Irving's legacy: recent developments on his pioneering work in paleomagnetism
- The Impact of Biomass Burning on Air Quality and Climate over Northern Sub-Saharan Africa (NSSA)
- Development of a Micro-UAV Hyperspectral Imaging Platform for Assessing Hydrogeological Hazards
- Disaster Response Tools for Decision Support and Data Discovery - E-DECIDER and GeoGateway
- Effects of Earthquake and Human Migration on Land Cover Change and Mass Wasting from the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
- Efforts to Unravel the Cause of Shrinkage of Lake Chad: Development of Hydrologic Real-time Observatory Network in the Lake Chad Basin
- Biomass burning and its relationship with water cycle dynamics of the Chari-Logone catchment of Lake Chad Basin
- Compositional and Textural Analysis of Maar-Diatreme Volcanic Deposits at Hopi Buttes Volcanic Field (AZ) Using GigaPan Panoramic and Thermal Infrared Imagery
- Development of Multivariate Regression Model for the Hydrologic System of Chari-Logone Catchment of the Lake Chad Basin.
- Investigating the Controls on the Growth of Mississippi Valley-Type Zn-Pb Deposits in the U.S. Mid-Continent from Fluid Inclusion and Isotopic Analyses of Trace Occurrences of Mineralization
- Advances in understanding the tectonic evolution of the Santa Rosalia Basin and its stratiform ore deposits: Results of the Baja Basins Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Biophysical constraints to sustainable agricultural intensification in West African drylands: an example of the WASCAL Research Action Plan (WRAP 2.0) Flagship Strategy
- Deep Learning of Post-Wildfire Vegetation Loss using Bitemporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
- Depositional setting and extension of the evaporitic units in the Neogene Santa Rosalía basin, Baja California Sur, México
- Detrital zircon U-Pb Geochronology of the Boleo Formation of Santa RosalÍa Basin, Baja California Sur, México
- Geochemical Insights into the Volcano Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of California near Mulegé, Baja California Sur, México
- Remote Sensing and GIS as Tools for Identifying Risk for Phreatomagmatic Eruptions in the Bishoftu Volcanic Field, Ethiopia
- Syntectonic Deposition of Plio-Quaternary Sediments in the Santa Rosalia Basin of Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Using Drone Imagery and Photogrammetry to Map Basin Stratigraphy and Structures Exposed in Mine, Road, and Arroyo Outcrops, Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Volcanic and Tectonic Evolution of The Gulf of California Near Mulege, Baja California Sur: Results From Baja Basins NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
- Field observations on sediment-magma mingling textures at 71 Gulch inform analog experiments using remolten basalt
- Global groundwater storage estimates through assimilation of GRACE data into a land surface model
- Insights into volcanic crater morphology and proximal deposits from multi-blast large scale experiments at University at Buffalo NSF Collaborative Blast Workshop
- Investigating Climate Impacts of Urbanization and the Potential for Cool Roofs to Mitigate Future Climate Change in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area
- Meter-Scale Experiments on Magma-Water Interaction
- Sensitivity of physical parameterizations on high-resolution simulation of 2012 summer heat wave in Missouri using WRF model
- 71 Gulch subsurface and eruptive deposits record variations in sediment-magma mingling
- A Textural Analysis of the 1961 Askja, Iceland Lava Flow for Martian Analog Studies
- Advancing Access to Global Flood Modeling and Alerting using the PDC DisasterAWARE Platform and Remote Sensing Technologies
- Assessment of WRF Sensitivity to Physical Parameterizations for a Heat Wave Simulation in Kansas City Metro Area
- Combined Approach to Destroying Legacy AFFF and Concentrated Waste Streams of PFAS
- Deep learning of Tornado Disaster Scenes using Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle (UAV) Images
- Differential Tectonic Uplift of the Watersheds in the Santa Rosalia Basin, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
- Geometry and Time Dependencies of Intense Magma-Water Interaction Experiments on Decimeter and Meter Scale
- Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on the Groundwater Resource in Niger
- Lateral migration of explosion locations in phreatomagmatic dominated volcanic constructs constrained from global shape analysis of maar craters
- Morphology and Distribution of Pedogenic Carbonate in Quaternary Fluvial and Marine Terraces, Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
- The case for more intense Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones arriving into southwestern North America during the Late Pleistocene: new geochronological and sedimentological evidence from central Baja California.
- The record of magma storage conditions in phenocrysts below a glacial to ice-free Askja Volcano, Iceland
- Urban Heat Island Mitigation in Kansas City: The Impact of Widespread Deployment of Cool and Green Roofs
- Earth Observation (EO) based critical infrastructure exposure models and flood forecasting techniques for risk monitoring and management for the city of Vadodara, India
- Investigating the Impacts of Anthropogenic Warming on Extreme Precipitation Events Over Kansas City
- Rapid Flood Severity Classification and Alerting for the Spring 2020 Africa Floods: A Case Study
- Climate Change Projections in Missouri from High-resolution Dynamically Downscaled Simulations
- Experiments on Multiblast Craters: Probing Transient Crater Depths in Multi-Explosion Events
- Paleoseismic Trenching of the 1976 Guatemalan Earthquake Rupture of the Motagua Fault Along the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary at the Gualan site
- Resilience Assessment of Urban Road Network with Flood Damage using Remote Sensing Data