Case Western Reserve University, Ohio
flowchart I[Case Western Reserve University, Ohio] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (181)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (30)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Case Western Reserve University, Department of Astronomy
- Case Western Reserve University, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Driving Regional Scale Groundwater Flow in the Deep Michigan Basin: Glacial Loading vs. Variable Density Flow
- A New Model for U-Series Isotope Fractionation During Igneous Processes, With Finite Diffusion and Multiple Solid Phases
- An Alternative Hypothesis for the Origin of the High 226Ra excess in MORBs
- Does Diffusion Sequester Heavy Metals in Old Contamination Soils?
- Extension of (Mg<SUB>0.64</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.36</SUB>)O Ferropericlase Equation of State Measurements to 25 GPa and 2173 K
- ICESat Observations of Southern Alaska Glaciers
- Dependence of Water Solubility in Mantle Olivine on the Silica Activity
- Diffusion in Zinc at High Pressure and Rheology of the Earth's Inner Core
- Diffusive Fractionation of U-Series Nuclides During MORB Production
- Experimental constraints on silicon in the Earth's core
- Interdiffusion of Iron and Nickel at High Pressure
- Results Of A Pilot Study To Investigate The Feasibility Of Using New Experimental Techniques To Measure Sliding Resistance At Seismic Slip Rates
- 7Be/210Pbxs Ratio as an Indicator of Suspended Sediment Age or Fraction New Sediment in Suspension
- Characterization of an Antarctic Mars Analog Soil and Implications for Martian Weathering Processes
- Crustal and Lithospheric Structure at Isidis Planitia, Mars
- Determining Relative Contributions of Eroded Landscape Sediment and Bank Sediment to the Suspended Load of Streams and Wetlands Using 7Be and 210Pbxs
- Sediment budget for Murder Creek, Georgia, USA, from Pu239+240 - determined soil erosion rates
- SiC as an energetic particle detector
- Sulfur's impact on core evolution and magnetic field generation on Ganymede
- Suspended Sediment Transport Distance in Watersheds
- Diffusion of Trivalent Cations in MgO at 1 atm and High Temperature (1473-1775 K)
- Effects of Local Farming and Deforestation on Sediment Discharge Inferred From Sediment Accumulation Rates and Patterns in Lake Core Records From Coastal Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
- Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Melts in the MgO-CaO-SiO2 System at High Pressures
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- Tephrochronology of the Western Margin, Gona, Ethiopia
- Defect Interaction and Diffusion in Periclase (MgO)
- Effect of pressure on the melting behavior of the Fe-S system at moderate pressures: Insight into the state of Mercury's core
- Geometric Scaling of Step-pool Channels
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Isotope Fractionation in a Temperature Gradient
- Volatiles in the Lunar Volcanic Glasses, Evidence for the Presence of Indigenous Water in the Moon's Interior
- Connecting Spacecraft Observations to Planetary Evolution
- Laboratory Investigations of the Origin of Pulverized Rocks
- Lateral Viscosity Variations and the Contractional History of Mercury
- Miocene Surface Temperature Estimates of the Southern Altiplano and Their Implications for Surface Uplift
- Prospects for the Representation of Geophysical Fields from MESSENGER Observations of Mercury Using Harmonic Radial Bases
- The Effect of Iron "Snow" Layers on Magnetic Field Generation in Mercury
- The Global Tectonics of Mercury
- The Mercury Gravity Field: MESSENGER Observations
- Topography of Equatorial Mercury from MESSENGER Flybys 1 and 2
- CO2 Solubility at High Pressures: Understanding Immobilization Techniques for Carbon Sequestration
- Dynamo Models Incorporating Iron "Snow Zones" Consistent with Mercury's Weak Observed Magnetic Field
- Geophysics of Mercury: The MESSENGER View (Invited)
- Noble Gas Partitioning Between Olivine and Melt to 2 GPa
- Oxygen and sulfur isotope composition of sulfate-rich evaporite mounds at the Lewis Cliffs Ice Tongue, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- Testing models of dike intrusion during rifting episodes: The role of heating in triggering earthquakes in Afar
- Controls on cation diffusion in periclase (Invited)
- Electrical Conductivity of Al3+-doped MgO
- Influence of electronic structure on diffusion of Mn, Co, Ni, and Fe in periclase
- Juvenile water in the Moon's interior: new constraints from Apollo 15 lunar volcanic glasses
- Pressure induced spin transition and its effects on diffusion of Fe2+ in ferropericlase
- C Diffusion in Fe: Isotope Effects and Other Complexities
- Core petrology: Implications for the dynamics and evolution of planetary interiors
- Crater Floor Slope as a Measure of Long-wavelength Changes in Topography on Mercury
- D/H Ratios of the Lunar Volcanic Glasses
- Dynamics and evolution of Mercury's interior as constrained by MESSENGER observations
- Implications of the MESSENGER Discovery of High Sulfur Abundance on the Surface of Mercury
- Internal structure of Mercury: Constraints from MESSENGER
- Laser Altimetry by MESSENGER over Lobate Scarps Reveals the Lithospheric Structure of Mercury
- MESSENGER Measurements of Radioactive Elements on Mercury: Implications for the Planet's Formation and Evolution
- Mercury Lithosphere and Crustal Properties from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Mercury's Gravity Field After The First Months Of MESSENGER'S Orbital Phase
- Middle to late Miocene Plant Respiration Rates from the Southern Altiplano Indicate Increasing Aridity during Surface Uplift
- Modeling of Mercury tides for recovery of gravity field and interior properties
- Modeling trace element partitioning in multi-component iron alloy systems
- Secondary fracture arrays provide insight into coseismic friction along faults in crystalline rocks
- TASTER: Trojan ASteroid Tour, Exploration and Rendezvous, a NASA Planetary Science Summer School Mission Design Exercise
- The Geophysics of Mercury: Shape, Interior Structure and Thermal Evolution from MESSENGER
- The shape of Mercury's south-polar region
- A New Search for Lunar Mascon Basins using Detrended Kaguya (SELENE) Gravity: Implications for GRAIL
- Assessing the Ability of the Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM) to Reproduce Great Lakes Water Temperature
- Crustal Thickness Estimates at Mercury from MESSENGER Line-of-sight Gravity
- Effect of dissipation on Mercury's spin
- Future Climate Scenarios in a Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM) of the Great Lakes Basin
- Impact Velocity as a Source of Variations in Crater Depth on Mercury
- Improved parameterization for the vertical flux of dust aerosols emitted by an eroding soil
- Mercury's Time-Averaged and Induced Magnetic Fields from MESSENGER Observations
- Sources of Sulfate Found in Mounds and Lakes at the Lewis Cliffs Ice Tongue, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica and Inferred Sub-glacial Microbial Environments
- The Effects of Spin Transition on Iron Diffusion in Ferropericlase
- Toward Development of a Coupled Human-Natural Systems Model to Understand Climate Impacts on the Lake Erie Ecosystem
- Geological Evidence that Mercury Contracted by More than Previously Recognized
- Influence of the Interior Properties of Mercury on Its Tidal Response (Invited)
- Pressure coupling at Mercury's core-mantle boundary ensures determination of interior structure
- The critical slip weakening distance in granitoid rocks: Evidence from geology and laboratory experiments
- Trace element partitioning in Fe-P-O-S alloy systems
- Beyond the Big Leaf: Quantifying Interactions between Canopy Structure and Canopy Photosynthesis Using Isotopic Partitioning of Net Ecosystem-Atmosphere Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a Temperate Forest
- Constraints on Mercury's Core-Mantle Boundary Region
- Crystallization Processes in Mercury's Core Inferred from In-situ High-Pressure Melting Experiments in the Fe-S-Si-C System
- Diffusion kinetics of geochronologically relevant species in baddeleyite
- Effect of an Ellipsoidal Solid Inner Core on Mercury's Obliquity
- Fe3+ partitioning during basalt differentiation on Mars: insights into the oxygen fugacity of the shergottite mantle source(s).
- Global Volcanism on Mercury at About 3.8 Ga
- High-Energy Solar Gamma-Ray-Flares
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Results from MESSENGER's Low-altitude Campaign
- Modified Torsional Kolsky Bar Experiments Elucidate the Relationship Between Work and Velocity Weakening Behavior of Westerly Granite and SAFOD Gouges
- Sound Velocities of Fe-C and Fe-Si alloying liquids at high pressures
- The influence of carbon, sulfur, and silicon on trace element partitioning in iron alloys
- Water in the Lunar Interior: Truth and Consequences
- In-situ Density and Thermal Expansion Measurements of Fe and Fe-S Alloying Liquids Under Planetary Core Conditions
- Investigation of Fe-X (X=S, Si, C) Alloys Phase Diagrams at High Pressure and High Temperature using Ultrasonic Interferometry
- Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER.
- Mercury's global evolution: New views from MESSENGER
- Modeling closure of the Pd-Ag system in iron meteorites
- The Low-Degree Shape of Mercury
- Uncertainty Quantification for the OCO-2 Mission: A Monte Carlo Framework Using a Surrogate Model
- Understanding the Interior Evolution of Mercury from Its Tectonic History
- Elasticity and elastic anisotropy of antigorite at high pressure and high temperature conditions
- Experimental evidence supports mantle partial melting in the asthenosphere
- Experimental investigation on the thermodynamic properties of liquid Fe-light element alloys and the solidification of molten metallic cores
- Rhyolitic tephra record of the Gona region, southern Afar Rift, Ethiopia: Characteristics correlation and chronology
- Self-diffusion anisotropy in Zn at high pressure
- Sound velocity of iron-phosphorus liquids under planetary core conditions
- Two-Oxide Disequilibrium: A New Geospeedometer Based on Diffusion in Ilmenite
- Acoustic Velocities Across the Olivine - Wadsleyite - Ringwoodite Transitions and the Seismic Signature of the 410 km Mantle Discontinuity
- Compressible Convection Experiment using Xenon Gas in a Centrifuge
- Density of jadeite melt under upper mantle conditions from in-situ X-ray micro-tomography measurements
- Earth's inner core nucleation paradox
- Meteorite Fall Detection and Analysis via Weather Radar: Worldwide Potential for Citizen Science
- Modeling (Mg,Fe)O creep at Lowermost Mantle conditions
- Reproducible and Verifiable Equations of State Using Microfabricated Materials
- The Influence of Oxygen and Sulfur on Uranium Partitioning Into the Core
- Ultrasonic Sound Velocity of Diopside Liquid Under High Pressure and High Temperature Conditions
- What Happens Where the Water and the Rock Touch in Small Space Bodies
- Constraining viscosity of bridgmanite under lower mantle conditions
- Constraints on the rheology and texture development of Earth's inner core from high-pressure diffusion experiments
- Elasticity and equation of state of dolomite and decomposed dolomite at high pressure and high temperature conditions
- Hierachical Bayesian models and sparsity: L<SUB>2</SUB>-magic
- How to begin to make the most inner hard ball of a world?
- Implications of the Homogeneous Nucleation Barrier for Top-Down Crystallization in Mercury's Core
- Limited Prospect for Geological Activity at the Seafloors of Europa, Titan, and Ganymede; Enceladus OK
- Modeling Strain Rates and Viscosity of (Mg,Fe)O at Lowermost Mantle Conditions
- Reconstruction Holocene climate oscillations recorded in Lake Erie sediment: A multiproxy approach
- Sound Velocity and Compressibility of Liquids at High Pressures from in-situ Ultrasonic Measurements
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Human Health
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mantle Plumes Observed Spatially (TEMPOS)
- Ultrasonic Sound Velocity of Carbonate Liquids at High Pressure and Temperature
- A Low-Cost HamSCI Citizen Science HF Doppler Receiver for Measuring Ionospheric Variability
- Acoustic velocity and compressibility in the molten hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)-diopside(CaMgSi2O6) join at high pressures
- Burning River: The influence of wildfire on sediment and carbon dynamics within Rocky Mountain floodplains
- Correcting Errors in Error Propagation for REDD+ Carbon Accounting
- Lithospheric Xenoliths Record Thermal and Magmatic Signature of Rift Development Beneath Ross Island, Antarctica
- Platforms for Diversity: Providing a platform for scientists to communicate their science and encourage diversity in STEM among high school students
- Proline and Isoleucine: Indicators of Metabolic Flux and NADPH Balance
- Recent Structure and Physical Properties Studies of Silicate Melts in a Large Volume Press Utilizing Synchrotron X-ray at GSECARS
- Streamflow response and recovery after forest disturbance in different climates
- Uncertainty in Measurements of Trees in the US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program.
- Watershed Studies at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: New Lines of Investigation Stemming from a Rich Legacy of Research
- δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H of Amino Acids in Escherichia coli (E. coli) Altered by Catabolic Enzyme Knockouts
- A wet basin during dry times: a new Pliocene lake record from the Afar region, Ethiopia
- Floodplain hydrogeomorphic connectivity of abandoned channels regulates the content and diversity of dissolved organic matter within sediment
- Geochronology and Stratigraphy of the Ekitale Basin, Turkana County, Kenya
- HamSCI: Measurement and Analysis of Low and High Frequency Radio Propagation for Study of Ionospheric Physics
- Mercury Lander: A Planetary Mission Concept Study for the 2023-2032 Decadal Survey
- Science, Culture, and Celebration in the Shadow of 2024 Totality
- The Contributions of Shear and Turbulence to Cloud Overlap for Cumulus Clouds
- The June 2020 Eclipse Festival of Frequency Measurement
- The Role of Water in the Melting of Bridgmanite Under Shallow Lower Mantle Conditions
- The Role of the Nucleation Barrier on Lunar Geodynamo Evolution
- U-Pb Dating of Oligocene-Miocene Petrified Wood Carbonates from the Turkana Basin, Kenya
- Vertical Zooplankton Distribution on Continental Slope off Oregon Coast
- Carbonate Paragenesis in the Afar rift system, Ethiopia: insights from clumped isotope thermometry
- Construction and Operation of a HamSCI Grape Version 1 Personal Space Weather Station: A Citizen Scientists Perspective
- Data Analysis Pipeline for Distributed Doppler Measurements Using Citizen Science Datasets From 2020 and 2021 Eclipse Festival Campaigns
- Experimental and Computational Methods to Analyze Complex Doppler Behavior of Ionospherically Induced Doppler Shifts on HF Signals
- HF Doppler Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in the WWV Signal Received with a Network of Low-Cost HamSCI Personal Space Weather Stations
- Prospects for Ionospheric Model Validation Using Citizen Science Datasets
- Solidification Models of a Supercooled Lunar Core: Crystallization Modulated by the Nucleation Barrier
- The fate of banded iron formations in the deep mantle: Iron oxide reduction kinetics at high temperatures and pressures
- Vegetation Dynamics vs. Sediment Supply During the Late Quaternary: Paradigm of Sea Level Change and Two Distinct Time-Bound Stages of the Niger Delta Coastal Evolution
- Coupled Evolution of Earth's Hydrogen Distribution and Thermal History
- Crowdsourced Doppler Measurements of Time Standard Stations Demonstrating Ionospheric Variability
- Detection and attribution of rising evapotranspiration in a New England mixed hardwood forest
- Determining Climate Change's Effects on Carbon, Water, and Heat Cycles During the Winter-to-Spring Transition at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
- Faunal Stable Isotopes Describe Eastern African Hydroclimate Across the Afro-Eurasian Collision
- Geochronology of Ardipithecus Ramidus Fossil Sites at Gona, Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Intersectionality of disciplines and diversity retention in climate science: A focus for the global socioeconomic and infrastructural sustainability
- Kinetics of Wüstite Reduction in Deeply Subducted Banded Iron Formations
- Measuring Characteristics of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed with a Network of Low Cost HamSCI Personal Space Weather Stations
- Nutrients Come and Go, but C:N Ratios are Forever: A Continental Scale Perspective on Changing C:N Ratios From Land to Water
- Observed Changes in Skywave HF Doppler Shifts as Cycle 25 Ramps Up
- Periclase is Stronger than Bridgmanite Under Lower Mantle Pressures, Temperatures and Strain-rates
- Temperature-induced densification in compressed basaltic glass revealed by in-situ ultrasonic measurements
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- B. A. Buffett
- Bill Liles
- Bradford J. Foley
- Daniel J. Peppe
- Daniel R. Green
- David Kazdan
- E. Mazarico
- G. W. Perry
- H. C. Watson
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jie Li
- Kevin T. Uno
- Kristina Collins
- Laura Schaefer
- Man Xu
- Matthew Route
- N. A. Frissell
- Naomi E. Levin
- Olivier Castelnau
- Patrick Cordier
- S A Cerwin
- S. Vance
- Scott V. Ollinger
- Steven A. Hauck
- Tony Yu
- Tushar Mittal
- W. M. Wollheim
- Yanbin Wang
- Young Jay Ryu
- Zhi-Cheng Jing