Pomona College
flowchart I[Pomona College] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (113)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (13)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Seismic Refraction Surveys in Devils Lane and Cyclone Grabens, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- The Lunar Crash of 1953: A Crater is Identified
- "Recent" Mars Polar Resurfacing Event Suggested by Small Impact Cratering Record
- Research and Research-Type Experiences Throughout an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Curriculum
- Geomorphology of the Newly Identified Jid Strike-Slip Fault in the Altay Mountains, Western Mongolia
- Implications of the Anomalous Cratering Record of the South Layered Deposits
- Lineaments in Northern Martian Polar Layered Deposits: Recent Faulting?
- The Amphibole-Bearing Chondrite Meteorite LAP04840: Metamorphism and `Tectonics' in a Hydrous Asteroid
- The Importance of Gravitational Loading in Elastic Models of Magma Reservoir Failure on the Terrestrial Planets
- Assessment of the Role Played by Neutral Buoyancy on the Failure of Shallow Magma Reservoirs
- Dynamic Models of Earthquakes and Tsunamis
- Inquiry-Based Learning in an Intermediate-Level Undergraduate Neotectonics Course
- Using Oxygen Isotopes of Zircon to Evaluate Magmatic Evolution and Crustal Contamination in the Halifax Pluton, Nova Scotia
- From data to synthesis on the cheap: the Western Basin and Range Community Seismic Velocity Model
- Geophysical Study of Cyclone Canyon Graben, Canyonlands National Park, Utah: Sediment Depth and Structural Implications
- Modeling the Effect of Layered Volcanic Material on Magma Reservoir Failure and Associated Deformation
- Numerical Models for Exploration and Visualization of Complex Geological Phenomena in an Undergraduate Structural Geology Course
- Oxygen Isotope Perspectives on Magma Sources and Pluton Assembly in Convergent Margin Batholiths
- The Occurrence and Climatic Implications of a Rapid Regression of Lake Elsinore, CA, During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Transpression-Induced Structural Deformation in the Southern Mecca Hills, California
- AMS Constraints on Initial Magma Flow in Sills: An Icelandic Analog For Crustal Accretion At Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Evolution of Large Venusian Volcanoes: Insights from Coupled Models of Lithospheric Flexure and Magma Reservoir Pressurization
- Experimental study of sediment-CO2 reactions with application to changes in groundwater quality due to leakage of sequestered CO2
- ExploreNEOs: The Warm Spitzer NEO survey
- Microbial reduction of structurally-coordinated iron in common clay minerals
- Thermal models, stable isotopes and cooling ages from the incrementally constructed Tuolumne batholith, Sierra Nevada: why large chambers did exist
- Toward a Comprehensive View of Seafloor Spreading: What’s Happening Under the R2K Study Areas?
- Eruption dynamics of the 7.7 ka Driftwood pumice-fall suggest mafic injection is a common eruption mechanism for Makushin Volcano, Alaska
- Flexural Stresses and Reservoir Stability: Implications for Magma Propagation in the Lithosphere and the Formation of Giant Radial Dike Swarms on Venus
- Hydraulic features of Engineered Log Jams (ELJs) and their influence on salmonid behavior
- Magma, Magma, Quite Contaminated, How Does Your Garnet Grow?
- Rheological controls on roof failure in large caldera-forming eruptions
- SHRIMP Ti-in-zircon thermometry of the Empire quartz diorite, southern Sierra Nevada: implications for skarn formation in the Mineral King pendant
- Subsidence and basaltic caldera formation during crustal construction in Iceland
- Thermobarometry, argon dating and oxygen isotope geochemistry of the Pleistocene Pt. Tebenkof ignimbrite, Makushin Volcano, AK
- Ancient and modern rhyolite: Using zircon trace element compositions to examine the origin of volcanic rocks
- Dining Dovekies Demand, "When, Where and What's for Dinner?" The Impact of Seasonal Changes in Snow Melt and the Development of the Arctic Marine Food Web on Seabirds.
- Geochronologic, Isotopic, and Trace Element Constraints on Zircon Recycling in Sierra Crest Intrusive Suites, Sierra Nevada Batholith, USA
- Geology in the news: Incorporating research on the Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake into an intermediate-level undergraduate Neotectonics course
- Paleomagnetic Analysis of Block Rotations in the Wake of the Migrating Tjörnes Transform Zone in Northern Iceland
- Prolonged volcanic history for the Curaçao Lava Formation inferred from new <SUP>40</SUP>Ar-<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages and trace phase geochemistry
- The influence of normal fault geometry on porous sandstone deformation: Insights from mechanical models into conditions leading to Coulomb failure and shear-enhanced compaction
- Thermal-mechanics of roof failure and caldera formation in large silicic systems
- Evidence for microbial liberation of structurally-coordinated iron in clay minerals as a nutrient source in the world ocean
- Mapping the edge of the Cerros del Rio volcanic field, New Mexico: a piece of the puzzle to understanding a potential geothermal resource
- Pliocene Cinder Cone Chains Adjacent to the Main Ethiopian Rift: Precursors to Rift-based Quaternary Zones of Focused Magmatic Intrusion?
- The riftward migration of focused magmatism in Central Ethiopia: Geochemical evidence of magmatic processes within the Galema Ridge
- Experimental Constraints on Microbial Liberation of Structural Iron from Common Clay Minerals in Marine Sediments
- Filling a gap: Public talks about earthquake preparation and the 'Big One'
- Flowing and growing: a microanalytical and isotopic investigation of a large volume rhyolite lava flow at Yellowstone
- Improving Mechanical Insight into Ring Fault Initiation and Caldera Formation via Elastic Models of Magma Reservoir Inflation (Invited)
- Kinetics of hydroperoxy radical reactions with acetone/HO2 adduct and with acetonylperoxy radical
- Revisiting Emplacement Depths of the Fine Gold Intrusive Suite, West-Central Sierra Nevada
- A Combined Molecular and Isotopic Study of Anoxygenic Photosynthesis in Meromictic Lakes of the Northwestern United States
- Carbon associated nitrate (CAN) in the Ediacaran Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, California and links to the Shuram negative carbon isotope excursion
- Determination of the Temperature Dependence of the Rate Constants for HO<SUB>2</SUB>/Acetonylperoxy Reaction and Acetonylperoxy Self-Reaction
- Geomorphic evidence of active tectonics in the San Gorgonio Pass region of the San Andreas Fault system: an example of discovery-based research in undergraduate teaching
- Keck Geology Consortium Lava Project: Undergraduate Research Linking Natural and Experimental Basaltic Lava Flows
- Oxygen Isotope Zoning in Skarn Garnets: Evidence for Spatial and Temporal Fluid Source Variability in the Sierra Nevada and Mojave
- The Efficiency of the Biological Pump in the Southern Ocean over the Past 40,000 Years As Evidenced from Deep-Sea Corals
- Thermomechanics of Triggering the Eruption of Large Magma Reservoirs: The Effects of Buoyancy and Magma Recharge
- Undergraduate Research in Earth Science Classes: Engaging Students in the First Two Years
- Zircon trace element, and O and Hf isotopic records of magma sources and pluton assembly in the Sierra Crest intrusions (Sierra Nevada batholith, USA)
- A Method for Constraining Glacial Boulder Exposure Ages with Bedrock Erosion Rates Utilizing Cosmogenic Ne-21 from the Central Transantarctic Mountains
- Effects of an extensional tectonic stress on magmatic reservoir failure and magma propagation within the Venusian lithosphere
- Erosion in the Mecca Hills: using GIS to investigate potential erosion factors along the southern San Andreas Fault.
- Improving Undergraduate Research Experiences With An Intentional Mentoring Program: Lessons Learned Through Assessment of Keck Geology Consortium Programs
- Insights into Magma Evolution in the Islands of the Four Mountains, Alaska
- Primary Ediacaran Ooid Formation Texture Changes as an Indicator of Shifts in Local Shallow-Sea Chemistry: Exploring Diagenetic Effects on Preservation of Carbonate Associated Nitrate in the Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, California
- Zircon Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Evolution of the Mount Givens Pluton, Central Sierra Nevada Batholith
- Improving Spatiotemporal Representations of Extremes in High-Resolution Gridded Daily Precipitation Products
- Response of High Latitude Coralline Algae to pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and Thermal Stress
- Spatial Variability in Alkyl Nitrates and Ozone Impacts in the San Joaquin Valley and Los Angeles Basin
- The nitrogen cycle under changing redox conditions during late Neoproterozoic: the Ediacaran nitrate revolution?
- Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotope Zoning of the Sidewinder Skarn
- U-Pb Geochronology of Grandite Skarn Garnet: Case Studies From Jurassic Skarns of California
- Variations in Textural Banding of Oӧids Across the Johnnie Oӧlite: Valuable Petrographic Indicators of Depositional Conditions or Vestiges of Diagenetic Activity?
- An Undergraduate Research Experience that Integrates Traditional Field Mapping, LiDAR, and 3D Numerical Modeling: Applying Lessons from a Recent Report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in an Intermediate-Level Tectonic Landscapes Course
- High Accuracy Ground-based near-Earth-asteroid Astrometry using Synthetic Tracking
- Impacts of continental arcs on global carbon cycling and climate
- The Morphological Characteristics and Mechanical Formation of Giant Radial Dike Swarms on Venus: An Overview Emphasizing Recent Numerical Modeling Insights
- The pH Dependence of Brown Carbon Formation in Maillard Chemistry
- An investigation of the Catalina garnet-blueschist: Major and trace element composition and zoning in garnet and lawsonite from a multiply subducted block
- Characterization of Flank Eruptions using Paleo-stress Fields: Akaroa, New Zealand
- Ductile Deformation in the Lower Crust and Upper Mantle: An Evaluation of Six Waxes for use in Room Temperature Deformation Experiments
- Engaging and empowering students historically underrepresented in geoscience through an introductory-level community-centered writing assignment
- Holocene strengthening of the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre reconstructed from deep-sea coral nitrogen isotopes
- Major and Trace Element Zoning in Garnets of Unusual Size from Blocks Hosted by Ultramafic Mélange, Santa Catalina Island, California
- Major and trace element analysis of garnet crystals from a hornblendeite block and rind on Santa Catalina Island, CA: Insights into metasomatic processes in subduction mélange
- Quantifying the shallow crustal contribution to continental arc CO<SUB>2</SUB> production
- Uncovering the Origin of Magnetism in Early Proterozoic Rocks from Lake Superior: A False Positive Test for Magnetofossils
- Acetonylperoxy and HO<SUB>2</SUB> radical reaction kinetics from the perspective of the product hydroxyl radical
- Living Spaces: Quantifying Morphological Differences in Acropora spp. Corals Using 3D Photogrammetry
- Phase-equilibria Evidence for the Bachmann-Bergantz Model of Granitic Melt Segregation: Tests from the Guadalupe Igneous Complex, California
- Using Deep-Sea Scleractinian Corals to Understand Nutrient Distribution in the Deglacial Northwest Atlantic Ocean
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Large scale field demonstrations to test the carbon sequestration potential of enhanced weathering in working lands
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Past and future drivers of surface water-groundwater interactions in the Kansas River Alluvial Aquifer
- Spatial and temporal variability in organic carbon sources and storage in an oceanic mangrove system adjacent to shrimp aquaculture
- Temperature-Dependent Kinetics, Mechanisms, and Chaperone Enhancements for the Acetonyl Peroxy and Hydro Peroxy Self- and Cross- Reactions
- A multi-UAS-platform approach to evaluating lake breeze impact on shoreline ozone during WiscoDISCO-21
- Air Pollution from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations in the USA: A Case for Regulation
- Comparative Study of 13C in Ooids vs. Matrix of Ediacaran Johnny Oolite, Death Valley, CA
- Evaluating the proxy system modeling approach to high-resolution marine calcifiers across Phyla and environments
- Oxygen Isotope Zoning in Subduction Garnet as a Monitor of Fluid Environment: a Global Review
- Survey of Adirondack Metamorphic Temperatures Using Quantitative EDS Mapping
- Deep Sea Coral Skeleton-Bound δ15N as a Proxy for Late Holocene variability in the Subpolar North Atlantic hydrography
- Indirect effects of phenological shifts on pollinator communities in northern Michigan
- Last Millennium Seawater Temperature of the Subpolar North Atlantic: Insights from Cold-water Coral Records
- Measuring Late Amazonian Topographic Deformation with Paleo-slope Indicators near Arsia Mons, Mars
- Refining the Use of Cold-Water Corals as a Proxy for Marine Nitrogen Cycling: Comparison of the δ15N of Diet, Tissue, and Skeleton of Balanophyllia elegans
- Visualising Organics and Trace Elements in Scleractinian Cold-water Corals through Isotope Labelling Culture Experiments