College of Charleston, South Carolina
flowchart I[College of Charleston, South Carolina] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (166)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- On the Relationship Between Diffusive Mass Transfer and Scale of Experiment in Fractured Media
- Sharing Planetary Science on a Regional Scale
- Comparison of Historical and Recent Shoreline Change Rates to Shoreface and Lower Coastal Plain Geomorphology: Geologic Framework Influences on Shoreline Evolution in South Carolina
- Geologic Development and Sand Accumulation Within a Northeastern South Carolina Spit
- Investigation of the Geologic Framework of the Grand Strand Coast in South Carolina
- To Plume or Not To Plume: SC Mesozoic Diabase Dike Orientations, Stress Fields During the Break-up of Pangea, and the Feasibility of a Causal Plume.
- Space Science IS Accessible to Students with Exceptional Needs: Results from Exceptional Needs Workshops
- Tactile Approaches for Teaching Blind and Visually-Impaired Students in the Geosciences
- Transform Control on Ridge Propagation and Hotspot Formation
- AGU Committee on Education and Human Resources Sub-Committee on Diversity Program for the term 2004-2006
- Long-term estimates of geostrophic transport in the Gulf Stream
- Rift Geometry and Evolution Associated with the Break-up of Pangea
- Scientists as Communicators: Inclusion of a Science/Education Liaison on Research Expeditions
- Southeast Regional Clearinghouse(SERCH)Mini-grants:Big Impacts on Future Explorers
- Duration and Eruptive Chronology of CAMP: Implications for Central Atlantic Rifting and the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
- Sharing Ideas: Making Earth and Space Science Accessible
- The Transect Program: Undergraduate Research at Sea and in the Laboratory
- Direct Effect of Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Phytoplankton Community Structure in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Sonar Seafloor Exploration within the Central South Atlantic Bight
- Tectonically Induced Lateral Pressure Gradients Under Africa, Uplift and Mid-plate Volcanism
- Characterizing Storm Event Dynamics of a Forested Watershed in the Lower Atlantic Coastal Plain, South Carolina USA
- Is Input From the Deep Mantle Needed to Feed the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge System?
- Modeling Watershed Hydrologic Water Balance Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Lower Coastal Plain, South Carolina USA
- Satellite-based Morphotectonics of the Tibesti Lineament and its Relationship to Volcanism, Tibesti Massif, Chad
- The Beginning of the Wilson Cycle, a Result of an Inherent Instability in Supercontinents Caused by the Lithosphere-Mantle System?
- Ground penetrating radar study of a strand shoreline in northeastern South Carolina.
- Magmatic Rifting of Pangaea Linked to Onset of South American Plate Motion
- Maintenance of along-axis rift segmentation by stress concentration in magma intrusion zones
- Muddy Waters: Earth System Science Education Alliance Wetlands Degradation Module
- Scientists Engage South Carolina Community in Earthquake Education and Preparedness
- Undergraduates at Sea and in the Laboratory Conducting Habitat Mapping Using Multibeam and Sidescan Sonar
- Automating U-Pb IDTIMS data reduction and reporting: Cyberinfrastructure meets geochronology
- Challenging the Non-Science Majors with Inquiry-based Laboratory Environmental Geoscience Courses
- Chemical Indicators of Groundwater-Stream Water Interactions in a Forested, Wetland-Dominated Watershed within the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain
- Development of the EarthChem Geochronology and Thermochronology database: Collaboration of the EarthChem and EARTHTIME efforts
- Earth System Science Education Modules
- Hidden in Plain Sight: Spinel-Rich Deposits on the Central Nearside of the Moon
- Igneous Intrusion Control on Stress in Continental Rift Zones and the Impact on Rift Evolution
- Lunar Magma Ocean Bedrock Anorthosites Detected at Orientale Basin by M3
- New Mg-Spinel Rock-Type on the Lunar Farside and Implications for Lunar Crustal Evolution (Invited)
- Seeing the Moon In a New Light: Educational Resources Developed in Association with M3
- Spectroscopic Character and Spatial Distribution of Hydroxyl and Water Absorption Features Measured on the Lunar Surface by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
- Using statistics and software to maximize precision and accuracy in U-Pb geochronological measurements
- Engaging Non-Science Majors Through Citizen Science Projects In Inquiry-Based Introductory Geoscience Laboratory Courses
- Engaging Undergraduates in Methods of Communicating Global Climate Change
- Formation and Stability of Magmatic Segments in the Main Ethiopian Rift (Invited)
- Learning to Characterize Submarine Lava Flow Morphology at Seamounts and Spreading Centers using High Definition Video and Photomosaics
- Shipboard magnetic field data trace magnetic sources in marine sediments: Geophysical studies of the Stono and North Edisto Inlets near Charleston, South Carolina
- Video Tutorials and Interactive Online Resources for Multibeam Sonar Software Training
- Collaboration of EarthChem and EARTHTIME to Develop a Geochronology and Thermochronology Database
- Detecting ecological change on coral reefs
- From the Moon: Bringing Space Science to Diverse Audiences
- Sorption and Transport of Pharmaceutical chemicals in Organic- and Mineral-rich Soils
- Stratal architecture of inland dunes along the Pee Dee River, South Carolina
- Telepresence and real-time data transmission from Axial Seamount: implications for education and community engagement utilizing the OOI-RSN cabled observatory
- Application of bilinear factor models to determine water quality parameters in the optically complex waters of the Western Basin of Lake Erie using first-derivative VIS/NiR hyperspectral data
- Emiliania huxleyi Goes Viral: Dynamic Variation of Intact Polar Lipids and Alkenones
- Exploring The Moon through a 21st Century Learning Environment of Interactive Whiteboards
- Fluorescence spectroscopy and biogeochemical analyses suggest chemosynthetically produced supply of reactive DOM to Lake Bonney
- Palmetto Academy: Undergraduates Exploring and Communicating the Multidisciplinary Nature of STEM
- VISIONS At-Sea Telepresence (VAST): Educating in Real Time, Seafloor to Shore
- 1-,2-,3-e - Engaging All Exceptional Students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Automated sinkhole detection using a DEM subsetting technique and fill tools at Mammoth Cave National Park
- Evaluating bio-optical models to determine chlorophyll a from hyper spectral data in the turbid coastal waters of South Carolina
- Evidence for Hydrous Metasomatism and Slab Melting in the Tabar-Lihir-Tanga-Feni Island Arc, Papua New Guinea
- Exploring Water Resources as a Study Abroad Experience in Northern India
- Groundwater dynamics and water budget analysis at a wetland-dominated forested floodplain
- Modeling Recent Subsidence of Mars' Olympus Mons Using Lava Flows as Paleo-Slope Indicators
- Multivariate approach for chlorophyll-a and suspended matter retrievals in Case II waters using hyperspectral data
- Predicting the Presence of Large Fish through Benthic Geomorphic Features
- Sorption and Transport of Diphenhydramine in Natural Soils
- Sorption and Transport of Ranitidine in Natural Soils
- The Multi-Stage History of Mt. Sharp
- Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Models to Determine Phytoplankton Density in the Coastal Waters of Long Bay, South Carolina
- Virtual Investigations of an Active Deep Sea Volcano
- Application of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Techniques to Evaluate Water Quality in Turbid Coastal Waters of South Carolina.
- Building Interactive Visualizations for Geochronological Data
- Chroni - an Android Application for Geochronologists to Access Archived Sample Analyses from the NSF-Funded Geochron.Org Data Repository.
- Confirmation of the Existence of Super-Terminal Raindrops
- Divergent Ridge Features on the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges
- Investigating the Dependence of Fractal Dimension on Raindrop Size for Drop Arrival Times As Measured By a Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer
- Modelling the soil-atmosphere exchange of POPs: Long-term steady state and diurnal fluctuations
- Self-Consistency of Rain Event Definitions
- A Study of Realistic Sampling-Variability Effects on Precipitation Measurements
- Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Geochronology as a Collaborative Endeavor: A Decade of Progress, A Decade of Plans
- Fish Lake, Utah - a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone
- Fish Lake, Utah - shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben
- Full STEAM Ahead: From Earth to Ploonoids
- Geochemical Fate and Transport of Diphenhydramine and Cetirizine in Soil
- Geochemical Fate and Transport of Sildenafil and Vardenafil
- Geomorphology of the Southwest Coast of County Cork, Ireland: A Look into the Rocks, Folds, and Glacial Scours
- Melt Inclusion Evidence for Subduction-modified Mantle Beneath the Woodlark Spreading Center, Solomon Islands
- Monitoring the effect of watershed development and climate on coral reefs in the U.S. Virgin Islands using satellite based sensors
- Needles in the blue Sea: Sub-species specificity by targeted metaproteomics of the vast oceanic microbial metaproteome
- Novel Insights from Studying Raindrop Arrivals on Sub-Second Timescales
- Sorption, Photodegradation, and Chemical Transformation of Naproxen and Ibuprofen in Soils and Water
- Diversity and commonalities in Antarctic subglacial microbial communities
- Geochemical Fate and Transport of Sildenafil in Natural Soils
- Interactions Between Pinus taeda (loblolly) Fine Roots and Soil Fungi: Impacts of Elevated CO2, N Availability, and Spatial Distribution of Fungi on Fine Root Persistence and Turnover
- Metadata, Identifiers, and Physical Samples
- New Developments in ET_Redux Algorithms and Software for LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology
- Analysis of interarrival times of aerosol particles as measured by an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer
- Fracture Patterns Revealed in the Mariana Trough
- Getting a Feel for Eclipses: A Tactile Discovery of an Awe-inspiring Celestial Event
- Go Dark Charleston 2017: Preparing the Lowcountry of Charleston, SC for a Unique Celestial Event
- Impact of Hurricane Irma in the post-recovery of Matthew in South Carolina, the South Atlantic Bight (Western Atlantic)
- Measurements of Forbush decreases at Mars: both by MSL on ground and by MAVEN in orbit
- Misalignment of Lava Flows from Topographic Slope Directions Reveals Late Amazonian Deformation at Arsia Mons, Mars
- Outer Continental Shelf Stratigraphic Development and Sand Resource Potential: Integration of New and Legacy Geologic Datasets
- Paleocene Picrites of Davis Strait: Products of a Plume or Plates?
- Removal of Atmospheric Ethanol by Wet Deposition: A Global Flux Estimate
- The Roles of the Yellowstone Hotspot and Crustal Assimilation in Generating Pleistocene-Holocene Basalts on the Eastern Snake River Plain
- Undergraduates Conducting Research Using High-Resolution Multibeam and Sidescan Sonar to Map and Characterize the Seabed: the BEAMS Program
- A Multimodal Approach to Identifying Stormwater Pollutant Hotspots in a Coastal Urban Watershed
- A New Tectonic Model for the Gulf of Mexico 230 Ma-180 Ma Based on Stress Map Analysis
- Bathymetric Processing and ROV Livestream Integration for Public Outreach
- Characterization of Five Geologic Zones within the Northern Mariana Subduction Region
- Characterization of an Anomaly in 2-Dimensional Video Disdrometer Data
- Communication, Collaboration and Teamwork: Keys to Integrating Science and Engineering in the Classroom
- Current and Future Health Effects Associated with Wildfire Smoke Exposure in the Western United States
- Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Coastal Waters of the U.S. Virgin Islands using NASA's New Generation Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Sensor
- Evaluating novel approaches to monitor water quality in large stormwater ponds of coastal Charleston, SC
- From Seafloor to Shining Shore: Distribution of Iron-Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria in the Charleston area Shoreline and Rivers
- Geochemical Niche Partitioning and Biogeography of Marine Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
- Geomorphological Analysis of Complex Sediment Wave Bedforms off the Southeast Coast of Ireland
- Hands-on Spectroscopy Experiments for Advanced High School Students
- Magmatic Evolution of Taos Plateau Volcanic Field Lavas and the Role of Crustal Assimilation
- Mapping Changes in Thickness and Loss Properties of the Medusae Fossae Formation with SHARAD
- Melt Inclusion Evidence for Arc Mantle and Melts Beneath the Woodlark Spreading Center, Solomon Islands
- Production of ice nucleating particles in a marine aerosol reference tank by the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii
- Society and our coasts: The role of coastal wetlands in reducing disaster impacts and promoting human health
- Two Extinct Spreading Centers in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico from Integrated Geophysical Analysis
- Utilization of Global Bathymetric Data to Characterize Large-Scale Bedforms in Atlantic Submarine Basins
- What If Your Institution Forgets Your Role During A Hazard Event?
- Wildfire Smoke PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and ICU admissions in the United States, 2006-2015.
- Assessing the utility of using current generation high resolution satellites (Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8) to monitor large water supply Dam systems in South Africa.
- Exploring the Moon and Solar System Through One's Senses
- Integrating Parcel Scale Tidal and Rainfall Runoff Modeling for Municipal and County Planning in Charleston, South Carolina
- New airborne magnetic and radiometric data over the Charleston, South Carolina, area reveal subsurface structures and variations in Quaternary sedimentary processes
- Replumbing coastal regions: use of engineered ponds to manage stormwater in the southeastern U.S. coastal plain
- Thallium Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Late Devonian Marine Anoxia
- The Effect Of Additional Celestial Bodies On Tidal Ratchet of the Lithosphere
- The Flood Disruption Scale: Communicating High Resolution Flood Hazard Modeling and Mapping in the Charleston South Carolina Region
- Using High Resolution Bathymetry as a Habitat and Biodiversity Conservation Tool
- Using IODP Data to Enhance K-12, Undergraduate and Informal Science Education
- Utilizing Available Bathymetric Data To Create A Geomorphologic Classification Scheme In Understudied Regions Of The Southern Atlantic Ocean
- Cardiorespiratory health impacts of wildfire smoke in Alaska
- Exploring the Possible Physical Origins of Raindrops falling at Non-Terminal Fallspeeds
- Identification and Characterization of Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) Habitats with Bathymetric Data Supplemented with Seafloor Video Observations
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- Quantification of Uncertainty in Experimentally Determined Heterogeneous Nucleation Rates
- Application of an Augmented ANN-PLS Model for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a Concentration from Hyperspectral Data in Case 2 Waters
- Barrier island stability and segmentation in micro-tidal environments
- Exploring the 2023 and 2024 eclipses through accessible resources.
- Modelling Harmful Algal Blooms in Saginaw Bay using Sentinel-2 MSI Data
- Multiple fluctuations in marine oxygen associated with the Late Ordovician mass extinction
- Temporal variations in magmatic regime during the opening of the Gulf of Mexico
- Time and Tide: Hydrology, Biogeochemistry and Water Quality in an Estuary Headwaters
- Tracing nitrate sources to Saginaw Bay using environmental isotopes (15N and 18O) implication for Harmful Algal Blooms
- Are Cloud Droplet Sizes Gamma Distributed at Centimeter scales?
- Community-driven Action Plan for the Hydrology Section to Improve DEI(Justice)
- Freezing Temperatures of Lab-Simulated and Real Rainwater Samples
- Measuring Late Amazonian Topographic Deformation with Paleo-slope Indicators near Arsia Mons, Mars
- Mercury cycling since 90 ka recorded in lacustrine sediments from SE Europe
- Understanding Eclipses Using Innovative Resources
- Using Community-Based Geospatial Information to Enhance Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity and Flooding-Related Advocacy in Environmental Justice Communities