University of Melbourne, Australia
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- University of Melbourne, Department of Earth Sciences
- University of Melbourne, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Better use Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture to Initialize Soil Moisture in Global Climate Models
- Continental-scale Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Snow Observations
- Initialization of Soil Moisture in a Global Climate Model: A North American Case Study
- Soil Moisture Intialization for Climate Predictions: Assimilating SMMR into a Land Surface Model
- Water isotope modelling with General Circulation Models: From the interannual time scale to glacial-interglacial cycles
- Watershed Complexity Impacts on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
- AMSR-E Soil Moisture Validation Efforts in the Australian Arid Zone
- Thickness distribution scaling in large scale sea ice mechanics
- Brightness Temperature Versus Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation
- Impact of Interdecadal Hydroclimatic Variability on the Management of Water Supply for Melbourne, Australia
- Modelling of Sub-daily Hydrological Processes Using Daily Time-Step Models: A Distribution Function Approach to Temporal Scaling
- SWING - The Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group
- Volatile contents of komatiite magmas and the Archaean mantle: Insights from melt inclusions in komatiites
- Impacts of anthropogenic flow regime changes on the floodplain building processes of an alluvial river in West Gippsland, Australia.
- Leaf morphological effects predict effective path length and enrichment of 18O in leaf water of different Eucalyptus species
- The Murrumbidgee Monitoring Network: Supporting CEOP, GEWEX and Hydrological Research in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- Implications of in-canopy sources and concentration profiles for Lagrangian turbulence statistics.
- Methane uptake in forest and agro-ecosystems in Australia
- Physiological, anatomical and leaf hydraulic effects on leaf water δ18O enrichment in different plant species
- Quantification of nitrous oxide emissions from nitrification and denitrification based on intramolecular site preference measurements
- A Stochastic Model of Surface Runoff and Pollutant Connectivity Between Hillslopes and Streams
- Can the ASAR Global Monitoring Mode Product Adequately Capture Spatial Soil Moisture Variability?
- Comparing field, LiDAR, and spectral measures of percentage tree canopy cover in a mixed conifer forest
- Crystals size and surface chemistry dependent phase diagram for nanocrystals of rutile and anatase: Experimental studies and computer modeling
- Developing a Perceptual Model of Streamflow Generation From Spatially-Distributed Soil Moisture Data: Experiences in an Experimental NZ Catchment
- Dimension-Dependent Stability of an Ultra-high Pressure TiO2 Phase in Rutile Matrix
- Multiple Hydrological Attractors and the Probability of Threshold Crossing
- Multiple Stable States in Hydrological Models: An Eco-hydrological Example
- Paired Watershed Projects in Australia: Long-Term Studies and Short-Term Politics
- Phosphorus and Nitrogen Generation Processes and Stream Loadings Following Wildfire
- The Development of Terrestrial Water Cycle Applications for SMAP Soil Moisture Data Products
- The Impact of Standing Water and Irrigation on AMSR-E Sensitivity to Soil Moisture over the NAFE'06 Experiment Area
- The Juno Synchrotron Emission Investigation
- Variability of oxygen isotopes in water vapor, soil and leaf water and leaf cellulose along a steep environmental gradient in Hawaii
- Improving Catchment-Scale Rainfall Accumulation Using Satellite Retrievals of Soil Moisture
- Keto-Enol Tautomerizations Catalyzed by Water and Carboxylic Acids
- Major new sources of biological ice nuclei
- MoistureMap: A soil moisture monitoring, prediction and reporting system for sustainable land and water management
- Observation of Jupiter's Electron Radiation Belts Dynamics on Time-Scales of Days
- Observation of solid precipitation using satellite gravity
- The environmental signals that CAN and CANNOT be inferred from δ18O signals in plant cellulose
- Weather and fire behaviour during the Victorian bushfires of 7 February 2009
- Abrupt changes in soil water content variability for various time scales and at different depths at the catchment scale
- Applications of active remote sensing of CO2 to atmospheric studies of regional greenhouse gas sources and sinks (Invited)
- Eastern Australian Examples of River Bank Soil Reinforcement by Tree Roots (Invited)
- Leaf wax lipid D/H ratios of a single species along an environmental gradient on the Big Island of Hawai'i - lessons for the paleorecord (Invited)
- Microbially-mediated thiocyanate oxidation and manganese cycling control arsenic mobility in groundwater at an Australian gold mine
- Network Type and Complexity Determine Population Response to Disturbance in Connected Landscapes
- Response of Jupiter's Electron Belt to a Comet-like Impact
- SPECIAL - The Savanna Patterns of Energy and Carbon Integrated Across the Landscape campaign
- Satellite Observations of the Drought Factor and Their Applications to Bushfire Risk Assessment
- The Interplay Between Soil Moisture and Water Repellency as a Control on the Temporal Trends in Infiltration Properties of Burnt Forest Soils, south-east Australia
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments (SMAPEx) for SMAP Algorithm Development (Invited)
- Uncertainty analysis in RECCAP
- A stochastic germ-grain model to estimate wildfire induced debris flow risks in a changing climate
- A study of nutrient generation in headwater watersheds in Southeastern Australia
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Inversion Error Analyses for Future Active Space CO<SUB>2</SUB> Missions like ASCENDS
- Correcting Errors in Catchment-Scale Satellite Rainfall Accumulation Using Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture Products
- Depth-dependent erodibility: representing burnt soils as a two-layered cohesive/non-cohesive system
- Evidence for Complex Early Holocene Climate Variability in the Northern Mediterranean Region from Stalagmite SV1, Savi Cave (ne Italy)
- How Do Deep Saline Aquifer Microbial Communities Respond to Supercritical CO2 Injection?
- Hydrologic scaling on burnt hillslopes; the role of spatial variability, connectivity, and landscape sensitivity.
- Impact of urban cover fraction on SMOS and SMAP surface soil moisture retrieval
- Leaf wax n-alkane δD values reflect the evaporative deuterium enrichment of leaf water
- Numerical Representation of Hydrological Connectivity and Erosion at Hillslope Scale
- Orbital- and Millennial-Scale Changes in the Australasian Monsoon over the Last 470,000 Years
- Pleistocene sector collapse of Volcán Barú and the evolution of the southeastern termination of the Fila Costeña Thrust Belt in western Panama
- Post Wildfire Changes in Plant Functioning and Vegetation Dynamics: Implications for Water Fluxes in Re-sprouting Forests
- Prediction, Time Variance, and Classification of Hydraulic Response to Recharge in Two Karst Aquifers
- Quantifying sources of fine sediment supplied to post-fire debris flows using fallout radionuclide tracers
- Soil respiration dynamics under reduced rainfall in a eucalypt forest ecosystem in SE-Australia
- Soil-atmosphere greenhouse-gas exchange in a bioretention system
- The role of DOM in the methylation of mercury by sulfate-reducing bacteria
- Towards an annually-resolved reconstruction of Indo-Pacific hydrology over the past 2,000 years
- ACES: The ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator
- Atmospheric Chemistry of the Carbon Capture Solvent Monoethanolamine (MEA): A Theoretical Study
- Conditional Uncertainty in Anthropogenic Global Climate Change
- Core Formation in Planetesimals: Textural Analyses From 3D Synchrotron Imaging and Complex Systems Modeling
- Denudation history of the Akaishi Range, central Japan, and its tectonic implications: Constraints from low-temperature thermochronology
- Detailed Debunking of Denial
- Do multiple hydrological steady states exist and emerge under stochastic daily forcing?
- Effects of Inter-Decadal Climate Variability on Rainfall-Runoff Relationships in Australian Catchments
- Evidence for Shifts in Indo-Pacific Hydrology over the Last Two Millennia from Indonesian Speleothems
- Identifying remote paleoclimate proxies with potential for inferring long-term hydroclimatic variability
- Inter-comparison of microwave satellite soil moisture retrievals over Australia
- Leaf wax n-alkane δD values as ecohydrological proxies that reflect the δD values of precipitation and leaf water evaporative deuterium enrichment
- Mass Distribution in Plumes: constraints from gravity waves
- Multiscale characterisation of geological materials through complex systems
- Offsetting Ongoing Methane Emissions --- An Alternative to Emission Equivalence Metrics
- Orbital- and Millennial-Scale Changes in the Australasian Monsoon Through the Late Pleistocene
- Palaeoclimatic significance of Phosphorus variability in Tropical and SubTropical speleothems revealed by high-resolution synchrotron micro XRF mapping
- Separating Pumping and Other Influences on Groundwater Head Variation
- Towards fully predictive large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer
- Understanding the Limitations of in situ Data to Better Evaluate and Improve Land Cover Products
- A reassessment of isotopic equilibrium (Δ47 and δ18O) in the Laghetto Basso pool carbonates
- Application of LiDAR to hydrologic flux estimation in Australian eucalypt forests (Invited)
- Centennial-scale coupling of the Indo-Australian and Asian summer monsoon systems during the Younger Dryas
- Conditional dependence of evaporative fraction on surface and root-zone soil moisture and its application to soil moisture retrieval
- Developing a Continuous Hemispheric View of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The GeoCARB Mission
- Fires, storms, and water supplies: a case of compound extremes?
- Fission track length distributions in multi-system thermochronology (Invited)
- Geomorphology, active duplexing, and earthquakes within the Central Himalayan seismic gap
- Observing System Simulations for ASCENDS: Synthesizing Science Measurement Requirements (Invited)
- Rainfall Reduction Increases Soil Methane Uptake in Broadleaf Evergreen Eucalypt Forest - a Negative Feedback to Climate Change
- Recovery dynamics of evapotranspiration, flow, sediment and nutrients following severe wildfire in eucalypt forests
- Search for U-Th and U-Pb concordance in Quaternary-aged speleothems using combined disequilibrium methods (Invited)
- Sensitivity of Active Remotely Sensed Total Column Observations to Atmospheric State Estimation Errors
- Sensitivity of simulated CO2 concentration to spatial aggregation and temporal structure in fossil fuel CO2 emissions generated by FFDAS
- Subglacial biochemical weathering and transport drove fertilization in the Southern Ocean during Antarctic temperature maxima and NH Heinrich events
- Technology advancement for the ASCENDS mission using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator (ACES)
- Towards integrated error estimation and lag-aware data assimilation for operational streamflow forecasting
- Tree ecophysiological traits related to tree drought mortality are linked to the aridity of the environment in eucalypts
- Tropospheric entrainment as a source of ground level aerosols within the polar Antarctic cell
- 3D Geodynamic Modelling Reveals Stress and Strain Partitioning within Continental Rifting
- 3D numerical modelling of the steady-state thermal regime constrained by surface heat flow data: a Monte Carlo approach
- A global analysis of island pyrogeography
- A new source of Southern Ocean and Antarctic aerosol from tropospheric polar cell chemistry of sea ice emissions
- A soil water balance shift is driving directional change in northern forests
- An Integrated Systems Approach to Designing Climate Change Adaptation Policy in Water Resources
- Application of Microanalytical Techniques to an Extremely Slow Growing Speleothem: a Pilot Study Covering the Last Glacial Period
- Approximating within-GCM uncertainty for hydrologic climate change impact assessments
- Changes in the Spatial Distribution of Jupiter's Synchrotron Radiation in Response to External Influences during the Cassini Flyby of Jupiter
- Climate-Informed Multi-Scale Stochastic (CIMSS) Hydrological Modeling: Incorporating Decadal-Scale Variability Using Paleo Data
- Constraining the age of Liuqu Conglomerate, southern Tibet: Implications for tectonic evolution of the Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone
- Experiments in Advective and Turbulent Hyporheic Pumping
- Field-testing competing runoff source and hydrochemical conceptualisations
- Global Weirding? - Using Very Large Ensembles and Extreme Value Theory to assess Changes in Extreme Weather Events Today
- Impact of Rescaling Anomaly and Seasonal Components of Soil Moisture on Hydrologic Data Assimilation
- Improving Flood Prediction By the Assimilation of Satellite Soil Moisture in Poorly Monitored Catchments.
- Inter-Annual Variability of Soil Moisture Stress Function in the Wheat Field
- Modeling Leaf Area Index Variation for Cropland, Pasture and Tree in Response to Climatic Variation in the Goulburn-Broken Catchment, Australia
- Morphology and Dynamics of Lithospheric Body Force Instabilities: Sheets, Drips and In-Between
- Multi - Region Analysis of a New Climate Extremes Index
- Multi-scale analysis framework for bias characterisation, bias correction and de-noising
- Neogene Extension and Exhumation in NW Sulawesi
- New Constraints on the Geometry and Kinematics of Active Faults in the Hinterland of the Northwest Himalaya
- On the Ability of Ascends to Constrain Fossil Fuel, Ocean and High Latitude Emissions: Flux Estimation Experiments
- Overriding Plate Controls on Subduction Zone Evolution
- Predicting the Spatial Variability of Fuel Moisture Content in Mountainous Eucalyptus Forests
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Global and North American Regional Climate Change Projections using the Multi-Thousand Member Global Climate Model Perturbed Physics Ensemble
- Resilience of a thinned Eucalyptus regnans forest to long-term drought
- Sediment budgeting and restoration planning in a heterogeneous landscape, the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota.
- Sensitivity of simulated CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration to sub-annual variations in fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- Stalagmite Survival: 500kyr of Cyclical Growth and Natural Attrition of Stalagmites in Sulawesi
- Temporal Evolution of the Mariana Arc: Mantle Wedge and Subducted Slab Controls Revealed with a Tephra Perspective
- The Amplification of Australian Heatwave Characteristics in a Large Single-Model Ensemble.
- The Geomorphic Role of Large Woody Debris in River Avulsions
- The Influence of Wildfire on Hillslope Geometry
- The Onset of a Novel Environmental Offset: A case study for diverse pollutant scheme in Australia.
- The Potential for High-Resolution Palaeoclimate Records of the Pliocene from Speleothems
- The Potential of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture Retrievals in Calibrating Land Surface Models
- The Reconstruction Potential of a 350 year-long, Mid-Elevation Proxy for PDSI in a Tree-Ring Record from Tropical North Queensland, Australia.
- The Record of Collision and Accretion in the History of a Convergent Margin
- The Wide Bay Canyon system: A case study of canyon morphology on the east Australian continental margin
- The impact of deep overshooting convection on the water vapour and trace gas distribution in the TTL and lower stratosphere
- Thermocline Feedback Influence on Indian Ocean Dipole Skewness
- Water contamination risks associated with a combination of planned and unplanned fire in south eastern Australia
- When Boundary Layers Collide: Plumes v. Subduction Zones
- Why Do Some Estuaries Close: A Model of Estuary Entrance Morphodynamics.
- Why We Don't Collaborate in Response to Climate Change: The Knowledge Deficit, Co-Production, and the Future of the IPCC.
- 16,000 Years of Tropical Eastern Ocean Climate Variability Recorded in a Speleothem From Sumatra, Indonesia
- A Bat's-Eye View of Holocene Climate Change in the Southwest: Resolving Ambiguities in Cave Isotopic Records
- Along-strike Variations in Active Strain Accumulation in the Northwest Himalaya
- An evaluation of soil water outlooks for winter wheat in south-eastern Australia
- Attribution of the record warm 2014 in Central England and the time of emergence of a warming signal
- Biodegradation Of Thiocyanate Using Microbial Consortia Cultured From Gold Mine Tailings
- Biodegradation of thiocyanate in mining-contaminated groundwater
- Characterization, Validation and Intercomparison of Clumping Index Maps from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR Satellite Data Over Reference Sites
- Deep aquifer prokaryotic community responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> geosequestration
- Effect of non-homogeneity in flux footprint on the interpretation of seasonal, annual, and interannual ecosystem carbon exchange
- Exploring Links Between Global Climate and Explosive Arc Volcanism in Tephra-Rich Quaternary Sediments: A Pilot Study from IODP Expedition 350 Site 1437B, Izu Bonin Rear-Arc Region
- Forecasting Juno Microwave Radiometer Observations of Jupiter's Synchrotron Emission from Data Reconstruction Methods and Theoretical Model
- Hydrological Influence on the Dead Carbon Fraction in a Tropical Speleothem During the Younger Dryas and the Last Millennium
- Intercomparison of AMSR2 and AMSR-E Soil Moisture Retrievals with MERRA-L data set over Australia
- Land Use Change In Australia's Tropical Savanna Woodlands: Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Deforestation And Conversion To Agriculture
- Longitude-resolved VLA Radio Maps of Jupiter
- Low-temperature thermochronometric data from the Japanese Islands and preliminary report on (U-Th)/He ages across NE Japan Arc
- Mercury Methylation and Detoxification by Novel Microorganisms in Mercury Enriched Mesothermal Springs
- Miocene Onset of Extension in the Turkana Depression, Kenya: Implications for the Geodynamic Evolution of the East African Rift System
- Neogene Tectonic History of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California Revealed by Careful Pairing of Cosmogenic Sampling with Topographic Analysis
- OCO-2 Column Carbon Dioxide and Biometric Data Jointly Constrain Parameterization and Projection of a Global Land Model
- Progress in the identification of catchments with co-existent multiple steady states and finite resilience
- Quantifying Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Space: Fossil Fuel Data Assimilation System and Global Urban Emissions
- Runoff Scale-dependency in Burned Dry Eucalyptus
- Sediment fingerprinting with long- and short-lived radionuclide tracers in the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Atmospheric-Methane-Oxidizing Bacterial Community Structure and Activity in an Alpine Glacier Forefield
- State-wide space-time water table mapping: cautionary tales, tribulations and resolution
- Subsurface Barrier Formation as a CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage Mitigation Technology
- Temporal Changes in Land-Surface Coupling Strength: an Example in a Semi-Arid Region of Australia
- The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project
- The GeoCARB Mission
- The Glacial-Interglacial Monsoon Recorded by Speleothems from Sulawesi, Indonesia
- The Relationship Between Soil Air Filled Porosity and Soil Methane Oxidation is Almost Identical in Both Dry and Wet Temperate Eucalypt Forests
- The Role of Thaumarchaeota in N2O generation in an unconfined basalt-sandstone aquifer system, Western Victoria (Australia)
- The impact of CO<SUB>2</SUB> impurities (SO<SUB>2</SUB>, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, O<SUB>2</SUB>) on mineral dissolution/precipitation processes in a CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage reservoir - Field-based results from the CO2CRC Otway Project site
- The role of anthropogenic climate change in recent Australian climate extremes
- The role of organics in the oxidative release of Cr(VI) from Cr(OH)<SUB>3</SUB> by δ-MnO<SUB>2</SUB>
- The value of electricity storage in energy-only electricity markets
- Thermotectonic Evolution of the Archean Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: Insights into Gondwana Amalgmation and Breakup
- Three Millennia of Drought in the Southwest: New Results from Trace Element Analysis of Speleothems
- Using high resolution aridity and drainage position data to better predict rainfall-runoff relationships in complex upland topography
- VEGNET - a novel terrestrial laser scanner for daily monitoring of forest canopy dynamics
- "Cryptic" Diagenesis in Speleothems and Implications for U-series Dating
- 3D Numerical Modeling of Thermal Convection in Multiple Fractures
- An evaluation of meteorological drought in CMIP5 model simulations
- Calibration of the Landsliding Numerical Model SLIPOS and Prediction of the Seismically Induced Erosion for Several Large Earthquakes Scenarios in New-Zealand
- Carbon and water fluxes in semi-arid ecosystems of central Australia
- Composite δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and petrographic 195-355 ka record from Frasassi cave (central Italy) stalagmites: investigating drivers of speleothem calcite carbon isotope signals.
- Death of an anabranch: Reconstruction of a Holocene avulsion
- Diurnal and MJO-scale variations in rain-rate in the Maritime Continent: Modelled and observed
- Eco-hydrological Controls on Litter Moisture Dynamics in Complex Terrain: Implications for Fuel Moisture and Fire Regimes in Temperate Forests
- Evaluating the Potential Usefulness of the C20C+ Detection and Attribution Archive
- Global Gross Primary Productivity for 2015 Inferred from OCO-2 SIF and a Carbon-Cycle Data Assimilation System
- High severity fires, positive fire feedbacks and alternative stable states in Athrotaxis rainforest ecosystems in western Tasmania.
- Hydro-climatic Investigation of Lake Urmia Shrinkage using Remote Sensing
- Impact of Temperature Anomalies Associated with El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole Events on Wine Grape Maturity in Australia
- Indo-Pacific hydroclimate over the past millennium and links with global climate variabilty
- Indonesian Throughflow drove Australian climate from humid Pliocene to arid Pleistocene
- Investigating the effect of plate-mantle interaction in basin creation and associated drainage systems: insights from the North West Shelf of Australia
- Laboratory Studies of Sea-Ice-Wave Interactions
- Late Pleistocene Leeuwin Current Variability: Multi-Species Foraminiferal Isotope Records from IODP Site U1460, SW Australian Shelf
- Linking changes in Indonesian Throughflow dynamics with the Middle Pleistocene Transition
- Mid-Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sea surface temperature history of the NW Australian Shelf
- Middle-late Miocene siliciclastic influx on the Australian Northwest Shelf: origins and potential links to global events
- Mineral Carbonation Feasibility, an Economic Approach.
- Miocene Wet and Extreme Arid Climatic Conditions in the Southeast Indian Ocean off Western Australia Revealed by the Lithology of Roebuck and Perth Basins
- Model calibration for changing climates: lessons from Australian droughts.
- Multiple Speleothem Record of Orbital to Millennial-scale Climate Variability During MIS 21 to MIS 26
- Multivariate analysis of water quality and environmental variables in the Great Barrier Reef catchments
- New VLA Data Reconcile Galileo Probe and Ground-based Radio Observations of Ammonia in Jupiter's Atmosphere
- On the Origin of High Shear Wave Velocities in the Deep Roots of Cratons
- Palaeobathymetric Interpretations using Foraminiferal Data from the North-west Continental Shelf off Western Australia, IODP Expedition 356
- Parameterization and model structures cause uncertainty in soil carbon dynamics
- Predicting the Rate of River Bank Erosion Caused by Large Wood Log
- Progress toward an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG<SUP>3</SUP>IS)
- Q<SUB>critical</SUB> as a Geomorphically and Biologically Relevant Flow Threshold for Stormwater Management and Catchment-scale Stream Restoration
- Quasi- Resonant Amplification of Planetary Waves - in Observations, Models and Projections
- Raising Virtual Laboratories in Australia onto global platforms
- Stable Vanadium Isotopes as a Redox Proxy at High Temperatures?
- The Forgotten Legacy: Sediment From Historical Gold Mining Greatly Exceeds all Other Anthropogenic Sources in SE Australian Rivers
- The critical role of fire in catchment coevolution in South Eastern Australia
- The oldest Quaternary ooids and young reefs in the eastern Indian Ocean, evidence from the Northwest Shelf of Australia, IODP Expedition 356.
- Thermal modelling approaches to enable mitigation measures implementation for salmonid gravel stages in hydropeaking rivers
- Timing and pacing of Pliocene climate and paleoenvironmental change in southwestern Australia (IODP Exp. 356, Site U1459).
- To what extent can green infrastructure mitigate downstream flooding in a peri-urban catchment?
- Towards the Relationship Between Surface Roughness in Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
- Untangling the tropical tropopause layer with an idealized moist model: Tropical vs. extratropical control
- Using a Data-Driven Approach to Understand the Interaction between Catchment Characteristics and Water Quality Responses
- Using low temperature thermochronology to decipher the surface history of the Superior craton and test geodynamic models
- Volcanic Cyclicities in the Pacific Northwest: Insights from the Marine Tephra Record from IODP Expedition 350, Izu Bonin Arc
- Western USA Groundwater Regulation and Infrastructure for Irrigated Agriculture
- Why can postwildfire runoff and erosion vary from negligible to extreme?
- 3D Thermomechanical Modeling of Rifted Margins with Coupled Surface Processes: the North West Shelf, Australia
- A Continuous Holocene Record of Hydroclimate from Kartchner Cavern, AZ, Supported by Multiyear Dripwater Monitoring
- Are erosion regimes in SE Australian forests responding to anthropogenic climate change?
- Australian Northwest Shelf: a Late Neogene Reversible Tectonic Event
- Bit-Grooming: Shave Your Bits with Razor-sharp Precision
- Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of Northeast China and Surrounding Areas Reproduced by Slab Subduction Models
- Changes in precipitation-streamflow transformation around the world: interdecadal variability and trends.
- Climate Variability and Siliciclastic Deposition on a Carbonate Margin - Neogene of the Northwest Shelf of Australia
- Comparing VLA Maps of the Giant Planets Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune
- Congested subduction in New Zealand driving plate boundary reogranisation and accretion
- Coupling intensity and isostatic competition between subducting slab and overriding plate control trench motions and tectonics of the overriding plate
- Crustal Density Variation Along the San Andreas Fault Controls Its Secondary Faults Distribution and Dip Direction
- Did the onset of high amplitude glacio-eustatic cycles trigger mass-transport processes on the Northwest Shelf of Australia? Insights from IODP expedition 356
- Do Groundwater Management Plans Work? A statistical evaluation of the effectiveness of groundwater management plans towards achieving water supply and environmental objectives under a changing climate.
- Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Landscape Evolution Modelling
- Equifinality and process-based modelling
- Evapotranspiration patterns in complex upland forests reveal contrasting topographic thresholds of non-linearity
- Evolution of the societal value of water resources for economic development versus environmental sustainability in Australia from 1843 to 2011
- Foraminiferal signatures of mass transport from the North-West Continental Shelf off Western Australia, IODP Expedition 356
- Formation of cratonic lithosphere during the initiation of plate tectonics
- Glacial-interglacial contourite dynamics on the Irish margin over the last 340,000 years: a new biostratigraphy and reinterpretation for IODP Site U1318 on the Porcupine Seabight
- Hydrological drought in southeast Australia over the last five centuries: new insights from a multi-archive palaeoclimate streamflow reconstruction
- Influence of Flow Sequencing Attributed to Climate Change and Climate Variability on the Assessment of Water-dependent Ecosystem Outcomes
- Irrigation Induced Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks and Their Impacts on Indian Summer Monsoon
- Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene climate evolution controlled by sea-level change, Leeuwin Current, and Australian Monsoon in the Northwestern Australia
- Late Pleistocene Age Model for Site U1460, Perth Basin, SW Australian Shelf: Implications for Leeuwin Current History
- Linking Incoming Plate Faulting and Intermediate Depth Seismicity
- Linking craton stability and deep earth processes using thermochronology; a case study in the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield.
- Linking erosion history and mantle processes in southern Africa
- Long-term River Trajectories to Enhance Restoration Efficiency and Sustainability on the Upper Rhine: an Interdisciplinary Study (Rohrschollen Island, France)
- Mid-Pliocene to Early Pleistocene land and sea surface temperature history of NW Australia based on organic geochemical proxies
- Mistletoe infection alters the transpiration flow path and suppresses water regulation of host trees during extreme events
- Pleistocene Arid and Wet Climatic Variability: Imprint of Glacial Climate, Tectonics and Oceanographic Events in the Sediments of the se Indian Ocean, Western Australia
- Sea level rise under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)
- Seismogenic landscape evolution in the Bhutan Himalaya
- Southern Arizona hydroclimate over the last 3000 years: a comparison of speleothem elemental data and climate model simulations
- Spectral modelling of ice-induced wave decay: implementation of a new viscoelastic theory in WAVEWATCH III
- Tectonic evolution of the Mexico flat slab and patterns of intraslab seismicity.
- The AGU Hydrology Student Subcommittee (H3S) - fostering the Fall Meeting experience for young hydrologists
- The Effect of Slab Holes on the Surrounding Mantle Flow Field and the Surface from a Multi-Disciplinary Approach
- The Role of a Weak Layer at the Base of an Oceanic Plate on Subduction Dynamics
- Tracking forest canopy dynamics from an automated proximal hyperspectral monitoring system: linking remote sensing observations to leaf level photosynthetic processes
- Transport of sediment through a channel network during a post-fire debris flow
- Tropical rainforests dominate multi-decadal variability of the global carbon cycle
- Uncertainty quantification of crustal scale thermo-chemical properties in Southeast Australia
- Underworld - Bringing a Research Code to the Classroom
- Wildfire in the Critical Zone: Pyro-Geomorphic Feedbacks in Upland Forests
- 2000 Years of Southern Hemisphere Climate Variability: King Billy Pine and the Southern Annular Mode
- A Data-driven Understanding of the Key Spatial Controls on Riverine Water Quality
- A Weaker Asthenospheric Sub-Layer at Convergent Margins: Implication for the Evolution of a Congested Subduction Zone.
- A data-driven understanding of the key temporal controls on event mean concentration of water quality constituents in the Great Barrier Reef catchments
- A trapdoor mechanism for slab tearing and melt generation in the northern Andes
- Anomaly Detection in Hydro-climatic Time Series of Lake Urmia
- Beyond the Water Cooler: Networking Lessons Learned by the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S)
- Building a Community of Practice: HEPEX's 15 years of successful collaboration to advance ensemble streamflow forecasting for risk-based decision-making in water management
- Building a multipurpose Geoscience Virtual Research Environment to cater for multiple use cases, a range of scales and diverse skill sets.
- Can a subducted sedimentary layer survive into the deep mantle? Maybe, if it is strong or thin.
- Catchment-scale effects of stormwater control measures on urban streamflow regimes
- Classifying degrees of geological-control on reef, shore platform and perched beach morphodynamics
- Contemporaneous VLA and ALMA observations of Jupiter during the Juno mission
- Country nitrogen footprints: Comparisons, drivers, and opportunities for reduction
- Deeper Search Capabilities to Permit Interdisciplinary Data Access and Research
- Earth and Environment Science Information Partners: ESIP & E2SIP parallel pathways on opposite sides of the globe
- East Asian Monsoon History and Paleoceanography of the Japan Sea Over the Last 460,000 Years
- Effects of multi-constituent tides on a subterranean estuary
- Evolution of Australia's climate and flora through the Cenozoic
- Fire-induced Compound Disturbance - Species Replacement and Ecohydrologic Response in South East Australian Forests
- Groundwater stress from non-sustainable food production: a global assessment
- Harnessing forecast skill from SubX and the MJO for sub-seasonal prediction of North American climate
- Higher Snowfall Intensity Reduces Warming Impacts on Mid-Winter Snow Ablation and Accumulation
- Impact of Large Scale Climate on Developing and Non-developing Tropical Depressions
- Integrated modelling of spatio-temporal variability in stream water quality across Victorian catchments
- Key Factors Affecting Temporal Variability in Stream Water Quality
- Mass Determination of (101955) Bennu and Related OSIRIS-REx Gravity Science
- Modeling the Effects of Turbulence on Hyporheic Exchange and Local-to-Global Nutrient Processing in Streams
- Modelling the climate resilience of water infrastructure for improved health outcomes
- Most Earth-surface Calcites Precipitate Out of Isotopic Equilibrium
- Nitrogen assessment for securing the Great Barrier Reef: sources, effects and policy perspectives
- Organized Tropical Convective Systems in RCE - What are the Roles of Cold Pools?
- Photogrammetric considerations for SfM-based topographic modelling using UAVs
- Plant Wax n-Alkanes Record Late Pliocene C4 Vegetation Expansion in Australia
- Quantification of modeled atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>uncertainty from various sources using ACT-America aircraft data
- Regional Inverse Modelling for the Estimation of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Fluxes in Australia using Satellite Observations from The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
- Regionalization of stream discharge in Australian catchments using multiple linear regression
- Relative roles of flow and sediment supply in driving urban stream degradation and limiting recovery
- Rural Water for Thirsty Cities: Indicators, Tools and Applications of the Global Reallocation Database
- Sub-daily precipitation classification for Australia and its implications for future IDF curves
- Surface Lineaments and Large-Scale Mass Movement on Bennu
- The Geodynamics of Making Cratons: Where are We Now?
- The Role of Bending in Slab Stress and Seismicity
- The Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders >10 m on Asteroid 101955 Bennu: landing safety and scientific return.
- The Underworld renovation project using PETScDS
- The influence compound river channel morphology on sediment sources in a semi-tropical river.
- The interactions between atmospheric large-scale regimes and tropical convection properties using radar data from 1998 to 2017 in Darwin, Australia.
- Towards Networks of Trusted Virtual Domain Repositories that are connected to Networks of Persistent Physical Repositories
- Towards Refining U.S. Ammonia Emissions with CrIS Observations through Four-dimensional Variational Assimilation
- Using historical temperature indices to predict future rainfall extremes
- Variations in wave climate as a driver of shoreline change in southeast Queensland, Australia
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- Young Hydrologic Society (YHS): vision, mission, and strategy
- A PhD Students' Perspective on the Suitability of Jupyter Notebook as a Tool to Facilitate Learning, Improve Research Collaborations, Support Feedback and Encourage Reproducibility
- A Research and teaching worflow for the development of geodynamic numerical models with Jupyter
- A radiometric constraint on sea level at the end of the Younger Dryas based on a submerged speleothem from New Caledonia
- Australia's Resources of Critical Minerals: A World First National Assessment
- Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate: From LES to Simple Models
- Chronostratigraphy of long lacustrine sedimentary records from Tasmania, Australia
- Constraining Geothermal Heat Flux Beneath Ice Sheets Using Thermal Isostasy
- Constraining plateau development in southern Africa by combining thermochronology, sediment flux, topography, and landscape evolution modeling
- Coupled influence of tectonics and surface processes on the drainage evolution in collisional orogens: an example from the three rivers region in Southeast Tibet
- Credit System to Solve Agriculture Induced Nitrogen Pollution Globally
- Data infrastructure is the "ocular lens" to Australia'a Downward Looking Telescope.
- Digital Thesis: Leveraging Modern Tools for Collaboration, Reproduction, Education, and Outreach.
- Do catchments recover from droughts?: A statistical analysis of hydrological resilience throughout Victoria, Australia
- Effect of anthropogenic aerosols on wheat production in the eastern Indo Gangetic Plain
- Effects of an Explosive Polar Cyclone Crossing the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone
- Embedding trend into GCM seasonal temperature forecasts through statistical calibration
- Engineers or Opportunists? Examining the role that Australian native plants play in constructing fluvial landforms in subtropical river corridors
- Evidence for Projectile Tunneling at Small Craters on Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Explaining the shifts in hydrological response due to multiyear drought and subsequent recovery or non-recovery
- Exploring landuse change and water harvesting impacts on runoff from the state of Victoria, Australia since European colonisation
- Fault spacing in continental strike-slip shear zones: Southern California, New Zealand, and Central Tibet
- First results of the AIRBOX Antarctic campaign on the RSV Aurora Australis during 2018/2019 resupply season
- Flux Mapping: a new approach to evaluate process-based models and generate model-based hypotheses
- Future Changes in the Occurrence of Hybrid Cyclones and Associated Weather Extremes in Australia: a Physically-Based Approach.
- Higher snowfall intensity reduces warming impacts on winter snow ablation: an update to an OSPA-winning presentation
- How do hydroclimatic relationships change over time across Australia?
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Canopy Nitrogen Concentration in Ryegrass using a Partial Least Square Regression Model
- Incorporating water contamination risk from wildfire ash into the decision-making process: a new online tool for researchers and end-users
- Joint VLA-Juno retrieval of ammonia abundances in the turbulent weather layer of Jupiter
- Landscape Response to a Developing Plate Boundary Fault: Hope-Kelly-Alpine Fault Interaction Zone, South Island, New Zealand
- Linkages Between Changed Streamflow Response and Weather Types in Victoria, Australia
- Megathrust Seismotectonics of the Southeast Asian Convergent Margin: Insights from Three-Dimensional Spherical Geodynamic Modelling
- Nitrogen budgets and farm size effects on agricultural nitrogen cycle in China
- Organization and Scaling Behavior of Turbulent Structures in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Paleotemperatures over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles from a subaqueous speleothem
- Perceptions and impacts of gender inequality in the geosciences
- Pre-Arc, Near-Trench, Magmatism During Subduction Initiation at the Young (< 2 Ma) Matthew and Hunter Subduction Zone
- Precipitation forecasts for Australia - from numerical weather prediction outputs to well calibrated ensembles
- Quantifying Cenozoic Tectonics in the Gippsland Basin, SE Australia, Using Growth Strata
- Quantifying conceptual model structure uncertainty and assessing relative model performance: findings from a 36-model, 559-catchment comparison study
- Recipe for a happy river: Improving the geomorphic design of mining river relocation channels in the Pilbara, Western Australia
- Research Driven Educational Tools with Jupyter notebooks and Juptyerhub
- Rhenium: A detailed study of mines and mineral resources
- Scaling with Curvature in Spherical Convection: Results from a Very Large Parameter Sweep.
- Slab-wedge Coupling Promotes Deep Subduction of Sediment: Geodynamic Insights to Mantle Geochemical Heterogeneity
- Spatial and Crop-wise Distribution of Reactive Nitrogen Loss Intensity for Global Croplands
- Statistical analysis of vegetation response to the Millennium drought in Southeast Australia
- Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition is dependent on substrate availability across a productivity gradient in Australian eucalypt forests
- The Global Consequences of a Weak Upper Asthenosphere on Subduction Dynamics
- The Structure of Neptune's Upper Atmosphere from Coordinated Multi-Wavelength Imaging
- The cyclic response of flexural isostasy to sea-level changes on continental-scale deltas
- The role of trait plasticity in tree drought mortality
- Thermomechanical models with surface processes: Low-Temperature Thermochronology predictions for model calibration
- Three Simultaneous and Distinct Across-Arc Magma Types in the <7 Ma Izu-Bonin Subduction Zone and Implications for Arc Crustal Growth
- Towards Refining Ammonia Emissions with CrIS Observations through Python-based Four-dimensional Variational Assimilation and CMAQ
- Towards Satellite Altimetry-Based Hydrological Modelling in Ungauged Catchments - A Water-Level Based Calibration of Rainfall-Runoff Models
- Towards linking long-term denudation and modern fluvial dynamics in the Pilbara, Western Australia
- Uncertainty in Carbon and Water Budgets Due to Processing and Partitioning Choices.
- Understanding the Seasonal and Growth-Stage Dependence of Remotely Sensed Vegetation Canopy Nitrogen Indices over Pasture
- What is the relationship between carbon emissions and city size? A long-term trend study of 100 cities.
- A Global Analysis of Streamflow in a Changing World
- A Last Interglacial cooling event in New Zealand and its regional teleconnections
- A review of climate change impacts on design rainfalls
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Atmospheric Perspectives on the Carbon Cycle: A Historical Perspective
- Attribution of the health outcomes of heatwave to climate change
- Auto-Oxidation Mechanisms of Volatile Silicon Compounds in the Atmosphere
- Deep Learning Algorithms to Detect and Remove Sun Glint from High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
- Deep reverse faulting beneath the Kuril trench
- Dynamics of Arc-continent Collision: The Role of Crustal-mantle Dynamics on Controlling the Evolution of Stress Regime
- Errors in Retrieved Gases and Inferred Fluxes Arising from Non-uniform Scene Illumination: A Case Study for the GeoCarb Mission
- Evaluating a Framework for Refining Ammonia Emissions Estimates with Satellite-based Observations with Regional Air Quality Modeling
- Evaluating the dendroclimatological potential of Blue Intensity on multiple conifer species from Australasia
- Exploring the timing and impacts of the 8.2 ka event in Europe: a comparison between proxy data and model outputs
- Extremes in a Tree-ring Drought Reconstruction for Australia's Monsoonal North are Modulated by Central Pacific Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures
- Free Evaluation System Framework - New Aspects and Features
- Frequency-Dependent Covariance of Warm- and Cool-Season Temperature Reconstructions for Southern Australia over the Last Five Centuries.
- How a Very Thin and Weak Sub-Lithospheric Layer Drives Mantle Flow Around the Subduction Zone: Insight Into the Evolution of Congested Subduction Zones.
- How confident are we with the global groundwater recharge estimates under climate change?
- Impact of swell on wind and turbulence in the wave boundary layer
- Importance of Cold Pools and Sea Breeze in Sub-Kilometer Scale Convection-Permitting Simulations with the Unified Model and WRF
- Improving the spatio-temporal characterization of grass flowering in Australian rainfed grasslands using digital time-lapse photography and landscape phenology from Sentinel-2 and MODIS.
- Indonesian Throughflow and Leeuwin Current dynamics in the Plio-Pleistocene
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Mapping Canopy Nitrogen Concentration across Ryegrass and Barley Crop using Random Forest Regression
- Multi-year drought probability
- Nonlocal Carbon-Water Interactions in Australia: Going with the Flow
- Quantification of regional methane emissions in Australia to inform and validate long-term climate policy
- The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network
- The Bushfire Crisis: Implications for Australia's Unique Mountain Ecosystems
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The Sensitivity of Atmospheric River Identification to Integrated Water Vapour Transport Threshold, Resolution, and Regridding Method
- The ever-changing planet. Atmospheric variations in the Jovian atmosphere as seen by radio observations with Juno and the VLA.
- The provision of seasonal outlooks with and without skill masks
- Understanding the synergy between LST, NDVI, and solar radiation to evaluate root zone soil moisture dynamics in the forested area
- Urban Stream Assessment Frameworks: Stream Flow Impacts, Geomorphic Responses, and Stream Values
- Using tree-rings to inform the reliability of hydropower generation for Australia
- Wave attenuation in landfast sea ice in Svalbard
- pyrolite: Tools for Data Driven Geochemistry
- A comparison of observed and simulated multi-layer mixed-phase clouds over the Southern Ocean
- Advances in incorporating wildfire ash into post-fire erosion and water quality modelling
- An overlooked impact of groundwater depletion: groundwater wells running dry
- Assimilating the Southern Annular Mode over the Common Era using Drought Atlases and a Global Proxy Network
- AuScope Virtual Research Environments: Building a Data and Analytical Framework to Support a Decadal Plan for a Downward Looking Telescope.
- Australasia Carbon Budget for 2010-2019
- Australasian Carbon budget for 2010-2019
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- CFD analysis on dispersion relationship under a consolidated elastic ice cover
- Chapter 1: Framing, context, and methods
- Cloud microphysics and precipitation processes over the high-latitude Southern Ocean: A case study from CAPRICORN 2018
- Flood Timing in a Changing World
- From User-Defined Emission Scenarios to Spatially Resolved Warming Projections with a Chain of Computationally Efficient Emulators: MAGICC MESMER Coupling
- Geomagnetic field changes in southwest Australia over the last 4200 years from stalagmites
- Hydrology and society: Phenomena emerging from the interactions and feedbacks between human and water systems
- Improving thermal properties estimates of the Antarctic crust and their uncertainties
- Increased Importance of Earth System Model Emulators in the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report Working Group 1
- Large-scale farming offsets inequality of nitrogen use efficiency caused by climate change in global croplands
- Multi-site synthesis of eddy covariance flux observations from 17 Australian wooded ecosystems reveals that thermal optima of Gross Primary Productivity are closely aligned with daytime air temperature
- New generation nitrogen fertilisers: Improving nitrogen use efficiency and environmental quality
- Precipitation Occurrence Frequency, Intensity, and Synoptic Regime Projection over Macquarie Island
- Pursuing sustainable nitrogen management following the 5 Ps principles: Production, People, Planet, Policy and Partnerships
- Quantifying anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to the observed intensification of extreme precipitation
- Quantifying changes in groundwater storage of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia using GRACE satellite observations
- Refining Ammonia Emissions Estimates with Satellite-based Observations Using a Novel Framework and an Air Quality Model
- Reidentifying the Sources of Tephra in the Izu-Bonin Arc: Recognizing Rear Arc (RASC-type) Volcanism from 1.1 2.7 Ma.
- Scale-dependent friction factor in rivers: implications for modelling flood risk and geomorphic processes
- Sediment-organism interaction as a control on hyporheic exchange flows: effect of body size of the organisms
- Sensitivity Analysis of APSIM Wheat Yield Predictions
- The diurnal cycle of rainfall and cloud properties from Himawari-8 during the austral summer (2016-2020).
- The role of oblique arc-continent collision on the spatio-temporal evolution of stress in accretionary continental margins
- Towards adjoint automation with the Implicit Ensemble Tangent Linear Model (IETLM)
- Utility-based energy consumption to improve Megacity building-scale CO2 emissions
- Why is it so difficult to fit a consistent atmosphere on Jupiter?
- Why is spatial reduction important for fast flood inundation modeling using deep neural networks?
- Wildfire Extremes in Australia and Their impacts to Local Infrastructure and Economies
- A Rapid Analytical Method to Assess Water Availability of Carry-over Reservoirs Accounting for Environmental Flow Requirements Under the Changing Climate.
- Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
- Challenging the Status Quo: What Databases/Data Compilations are You Using for Your Data-Driven Geochemical Research? Will they still be accessible in 2030? Are your data compilations ethical?
- Climate Change Aware Calibration of Seasonal Forecasts from the North America Multi-Model Ensemble
- Clumped Isotope Analysis of Central Australian Carbonates: A Potential Palaeoclimate Proxy for Australia's Arid Interior
- Eddy freshwater interaction in the Bay of Bengal
- Estimating Daily Precipitation Climatology by Post-processing High-resolution Reanalysis Data
- How can we use comprehensive ensembles to improve regional carbon flux estimation?
- Insights into the Nature of Climate Variability During the Last Interglacial: A High-Resolution Multi-Proxy Record from the Fucino Basin, Central Italy.
- Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models Toolbox (MARRMoT) v2.1: a better, faster and more accessible tool for reproducible watershed modelling.
- Non-stationary extreme rainfall frequency analysis: the impact of separating storm intensities and arrival rate
- On the need for non-stationarity in operational estimates of Probable Maximum Precipitation
- Regional Methane Emission Estimates for Melbourne, Australia, using Inversion and in situ Measurements
- Selecting Regional Climate Models Based on Their Skill Could Give more Reliable Projections over the Complex Southeast Asia Region
- Simulating Tropical Cyclones: past, present and future
- Slab segmentation, tearing, and the development of anomalous arc magmatism
- Spatial Mode-based Calibration (SMoC) of Forecast Precipitation Fields from Numerical Weather Prediction Models
- The Atmosphere and Rings of Uranus at 25 mas Resolution with ALMA
- The Biogeochemical Model Database bgc_md2, a Python Package for Fast Comparison and Benchmarking of Element Cycling Models
- The Incorporation of Large Wood into Channels Following Major Forest Blowdown
- Timing of slip across the South Tibetan detachment system andYadong-Gulu graben, Eastern Himalaya
- Towards reducing uncertainty in land carbon predictions through the Global Matrix MIP traceability framework
- Upskilling Low-Fidelity Hydrodynamic Models of Flood Inundation Through Spatial Analysis and Gaussian Process Learning
- Using Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts to Improve Seasonal Outlooks of Water Allocation
- Using SEAS5 Seasonal Weather Forecasts for Regional Crop Yield Prediction in a Land Surface Modelling Approach
- Was the Last Glacial Maximum 'Dry'? Questioning the Glacial Aridity Paradigm Using Speleothem Palynology in the Southern Hemisphere Subtropics
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Schuh
- A. M. Fridlind
- Agathe Lisé-Pronovost
- Aimée B. A. Slangen
- Alain Protat
- Alexander Nauels
- Alexander Prent
- Alexander V. Babanin
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amy Hessl
- Andrew W. Western
- Aneesh Kumar Chandel
- Anne Griebel
- Anne‐Marie Tréguier
- Ashish Sharma
- B. H. Samset
- B. J. Butler
- B. L. Konecky
- Baojing Gu
- Belén Martrat
- Benjamin J. Henley
- Bishakhdatta Gayen
- C. M. Trudinger
- Camilo Montes
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Carole Roberts
- Chris Moeckel
- Christopher J. Smith
- Conrad Wasko
- Cristina Santín
- Cuijuan Liao
- D. K. Henze
- D. L. Adams
- Dan Sandiford
- Daniel Wesloh
- Debasis Sengupta
- Declan O’Shea
- Derek W.T. Jackson
- Derrick Hasterok
- Diana Vieira
- Dongryeol Ryu
- E. Dotto
- Edward Molter
- Elisa Savelli
- Elise Pendall
- Ellen Wohl
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Eric Villard
- Estefania Montoya Duque
- Florian Pappenberger
- Gary Sheridan
- Geoffrey Roest
- Gideon Rosenbaum
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Hans W. Linderholm
- Harrie‐Jan Hendricks Franssen
- Harry Vereecken
- Helen McGregor
- Heye Bogena
- Holger Metzler
- I. N. Razlivanov
- Ian T. Baker
- Imke de Pater
- J. B. Visser
- J. M. Kale Sniderman
- J. R. Brucato
- J. S. Famiglietti
- Jan Jacob Keizer
- Jens Klump
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- Joeri Rogelj
- John D. King
- John K. Hillier
- Jon M. Wells
- Jung‐Eun Chu
- Junjie Liu
- Jürgen Knauer
- K. R. Gurney
- Karin van der Wiel
- Kathryn Allen
- Keirnan Fowler
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kerstin Lehnert
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyle P. Larson
- L. J. Crossey
- Lea Beusch
- Leigh N. Fletcher
- Lesley Wyborn
- Li Xu
- Lifen Jiang
- Lisa V. Alexander
- Louis Moresi
- Luca Trotter
- Lucia Profeta
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- Lukas Jonkers
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Pajola
- Maisa Rojas
- Margarita Saft
- Margot Bador
- Marlies Barendrecht
- Marthe Klöcking
- McKenna W. Stanford
- Michael T. Roman
- Murray C. Peel
- Neng Lu
- Nihar Paul
- Nikita Kaushal
- P. J. Rayner
- Pauline Rivoire
- Pavel Golodoniuc
- Peizhen Ren
- Pengcheng Zhao
- Phuong‐Loan Nguyen
- Pieter van Oel
- QJ Wang
- R. I. Trindade
- Rebecca Farrington
- Robert Kopp
- Rory Nathan
- S. E. Mikaloff Fletcher
- Sara Morón
- Sebastian Milinski
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Sha Feng
- Shannon L. Capps
- Shirui Hao
- Shivansh Shrivastava
- Sina Khatami
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Sophie Szopa
- Susanne M. Straub
- T. Oda
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Tobias Stål
- Todd P. Lane
- Verónika Ceballos-Núñez
- Vincent J. Fazio
- William Collins
- Wouter Knoben
- Xiuming Zhang
- Yang Li
- Yiliang Du
- Yu Zhou
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Yuerong Zhou
- Z. Barkley
- Zebedee Nicholls
- Zhiyu Yi