Southern Illinois University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Estimating Carbon Losses through Combustion during Peatland Wildfires.
- Lake Ecosystem Response to Climate Change: A Multi-proxy Geochemical Approach
- A Satellite Derived Climatology of Radiation Fog in Central California Using GOES Infrared Imagery and the Nighttime Fog Product
- Boreal Peatland Response to Fire: An Example in Western Canadian Bogs
- Flow and kinematics of partially molten continental crust measured by both low- and high-field AMS
- Selenium Removal and Mass Balance in a Constructed Flow-through Wetland System
- A Benthic Foraminiferal Assessment of Holocene Oceanographic Change: Northern Antarctic Peninsula Margin
- A Time-Integrated Geospatial Database of 20th Century Modifications of the Mississippi River System
- Enhanced N Deposition and Peatland Carbon Stocks in Boreal Alberta
- High-Altitude Magnetic Survey Over the United States
- Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Mejillones Peninsula, Northern Chile
- The History of Land-Use Change in the South Florida Ecosystem: Paleoecologic Data as a Guide for Restoration
- The magnetic anisotropy of mantle peridotites
- Toward the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map (WDMAM)
- Anatomy of an oceanic mantle shear zone deduced from high-field magnetic anisotropy: the Humboldt corridor, New Caledonia
- Close encounters of CHAMP, Oerested, and SAC-C satellites
- Hiring and Retention: Key Factors in Increasing Gender Diversity in the Geosciences
- Jun Jaegyu Volcano: A Recently Discovered Alkali Basalt Volcano in Antarctic Sound, Antarctica
- Magnetic Depth Estimates and Their Potential for Constraining Crustal Composition and Heat Flow in Antarctica
- Magnetic anisotropy at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary: preliminary results from the Ronda peridotite, Spain
- Magnetic properties of natural and synthetic olivines: high-field measurements
- Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic investigation of the high magnetic remanence in fault pseudotachylites
- Seismicity without a fault ? Structural evidence from pseudotachylites in the UHP Dora Maira Massif
- The peridotitic laterites of New Caledonia: a possible analogue for the Martian regolith ?
- Assessment of Ecosystem Change Using Benthic Foraminiferal Data From Three Nearshore Cores, Biscayne Bay, Florida
- Automatic Calibration of a Semi-Distributed Hydrologic Model Using Particle Swarm Optimization
- Biogenic and Stable Isotopic Evidence for Holocene Stability of the Larsen-B Ice Shelf
- California Margin Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Paleoproductivity Records at ODP Site 1012
- Chemotrophic Ecosystem Beneath the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Crustal Anisotropy of the Archean Continental Lithosphere in the Minnesota River Valley Subprovince
- Geochemical and rock-magnetic analyses of kasten cores from the Joinville-d'Urville Trough, Northeastern Antarctic Peninsula: Results and correlation with the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Himalayan-style escape tectonics vs late-orogenic extension in the Variscan Belt of Western Europe
- Magnetic anisotropy of the subcontinental mantle: a proxy for seismic anisotropy?
- Merging airborne, marine and ground-based magnetic anomaly maps with satellite derived lithospheric field models
- Mid Holocene Warmth in the Antarctic Peninsula: evidence from the Vega Drift
- Non-uniqueness of the Modeled Magnetization Vectors Used in Determining Paleopoles on Mars
- Paleomagnetism of the mid-Paleoproterozoic Bushveld Complex Alkaline Granites, South Africa
- What Lay Beneath the Larsen B Ice Shelf: Results of the First Survey of a Large Modern Sub Ice Shelf Deposystem
- A near-surface geomagnetic field model to spherical harmonic degree 720
- Determining Oxidation Rates in Multi-component Organic Aerosols
- Geochemical Investigation of Early Cretaceous Amber, Isle of Wight, England
- Perceptions of Wood in Rivers and Challenges for Stream Restoration: an International Study of Students and River Managers
- Saucer morphologies of magmatic intrusions and sand injectites
- Slowdown of Pliocene-Pleistocene Cooling and Associated Oceanic Changes at 2.1 Ma
- Uncertainty in magnetization directions derived from planetary magnetic anomalies in view of numerical experiments with coalesced anomalies from Earth
- Anaerobic Nitrate-Dependent Metal Bio-Oxidation
- Bioelectrical Perchlorate Remediation
- Characterization of orogenic remagnetizations within various fold geometries in Carboniferous carbonates from thin skinned fold and thrust belts, SW Alberta and NW Montana
- Crustal anisotropy in the Archean Minnesota River Valley Subprovince and its significance
- Effects of Fire on Boreal Bogs and Implications of Climate Change
- Magmatic Processes and Emplacement Dynamics in Layered Mafic Intrusions: Insights From Magnetic Fabric Studies
- Magnetic fabric of saucer-shaped sills in the Karoo Large Igneous Province
- New Results and Future IPY Investigations in Hektoria Trough, Inner Larsen-B Embayment, Antarctic Peninsula
- Quantifying Strain in the Mantle Across a Paleotransform Fault, Bogota Peninsula, New Caledonia
- Spatial Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibility in the Mt. Barcroft Granodiorite, White Mountains, California: Implications for Arc Magmatic Processes
- Static vs dynamic processes in mafic magma chambers: AMS and image analysis in the Stillwater Complex, Montana
- The Diverse Microbiology of Anaerobic Fe(II) Oxidation
- The Magnetic Stratification of Mafic Magma Chambers: Natural Examples and Numerical Models
- Theory and Practice in Determining the Long-Term Spatial Productivity of Drylands: A California Blue Oak Case Study
- Antarctic Seasonality and Living Benthic Foraminiferal Carbon Isotopes: Applications for Assessments of Paleoenvironmental Change
- Bacteriophage Infection of Model Metal Reducing Bacteria
- Basis for Stream Classification Using Bed Material Median Grain Size
- Fe-Ti oxide inclusions in natural and synthetic (Fex, Mg1-x)2 SiO4 olivines
- Foraminiferal Record From Drillcore AND-2A, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.
- Geobiological Association of Cold (Methane) Seeps and Ancient to Modern Glacial Marine Sequences
- Late Miocene to early Pliocene planktonic foraminiferal sea surface temperature estimates from DSDP Site 103 (northern Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge) based upon the Modern Analog Technique
- Magma Flow Sense in Mafic Dikes: is Grain-Size Dependence an Alternative to the "Imbrication Fabric" model?
- Magnetic stratification and the internal structure of layered intrusions
- Origin of the variations in magnetic susceptibility with depth in the Barcroft granodiorite pluton, White Mountains, California
- Quantifying Strain Across a Paleotransform Fault in the Mantle Section of an Ophiolite, New Caledonia
- Tectonic Significance of Magnetic Fabrics in the Serpentinized Lherzolite of the Ronda Massif, Spain
- Effects of Bark Beetle Infestation on Secondary Organic Aerosol Precursors in the Western United States
- Fabrics, internal zonation and magma flow in small gabbroic sills, Karoo, South Africa
- Magma Flow Pattern Inferred from Magnetic Fabrics in a 100 km-long Dolerite Dike, Karoo LIP, South Africa
- Magma flow pattern in a giant dolerite sill and implications for the Karoo mantle plume hypothesis
- Magnetic evaluation of the thermal history of the Karoo Basin, South Africa
- Magnetism of Mantle Xenoliths: Potential Clues on Tectonic Setting and Extraction Processes
- Preliminary Analysis of Bankfull Width and Its Relationship to Drainage Area and Precipitation
- Preliminary examination of microearthquake activity along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and southern Lau Basin
- Regional stress and basement structure controls on dike orientation in the Karoo Basin
- The L-SCAN Experiment: Mapping the Axial Magma Chamber Beneath the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- The L-SCAN Seismic Tomography and Geophysical Mapping Experiment
- The Zooniverse
- Acoustic Transmission Loss and Prolonged Coda Durations of Seismic Airgunning at Intermediate Ranges in the Lau Back-Arc Basin
- Behaviors and Motivations observed in the Zooniverse
- Benthic foraminifer paleoenvironmental record for AND-2A, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Can Decommissioned Oil Pads in Boreal Alberta BE Reclaimed to Carbon Accumulating Peatlands?
- Challenges and Methodological Development for Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Quality: application to military land management
- Environmental Magnetism Survey of a Late Holocene Sedimentary Record from Barilari Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Ferromagnetic minerals in peridotite xenoliths and possible implications for fO2 in the lithospheric mantle
- High-temperature flow and dynamics of an anatectic migmatite dome: example from Naxos, Greece
- Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Seismic and Volcanic Activity within the Lau Basin (Invited)
- Impact of Oils Sands Mining on Nitrogen-Limited Peatland Ecosystems in Alberta Canada
- Improving intraplate seismicity detection through lake-deployed hydrophones
- Inputs of Nitrogen to Bogs of Alberta, Canada: the Importance of Biological Nitrogen Fixation VS. Atmospheric Deposition from Oil Sands Mining
- Microseismicity along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center as determined from the L-SCAN experiment
- Mid-Pliocene Sea Surface Temperature of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
- Monitoring Of Volcanic Processes Through Analysis Of Hydroacoustic Signals Originating From Monowai Seamount
- Moon Zoo: Educating side-by-side with Doing Science (Invited)
- Normal and anomalous AMS fabrics in gabbroic sills: examples from the Karoo Large Igneous Province
- Paleomagnetism of Gabbroic Sills Forming the Floor of the Early Jurassic Karoo Large Igneous Province, South Africa
- Rebuilding Peatlands on Mineral Soils Utilizing Lessons Learned from Past Peatland Initiation
- Recent nanoplate creation in the central Lau basin
- Relationships between NEP and water table position in a western Canadian poor fen during a wet and a dry year
- Structure, magnetic and crystallographic fabrics of columnar lava flows from the French Massif Central (France)
- The Puzzle of Large, Low-Slope Sand-Bed Rivers: How Can They Be So Deep? (Invited)
- Bog Plant Tissue Chemistry as Indicators of Regionally Elevated Atmospheric N and S Deposition in the Alberta Oil Sands Region
- Holocene climatic and oceanographic change of the western Antarctic Peninsula: expanding the paleo-record to the open shelf
- Hyporheic exchange in geomorphically distinct sections of the Truckee River, NV
- LARISSA: Benthic Foraminiferal Analysis from Barilari Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula margin
- Magmatic and tectonic processes along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Maximizing the science return from 3.3 g of martian meteorite: A consortium study of olivine-phyric shergottite NorthWest Africa 6234
- a Comparison of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Anisotropy of Anhysteretic Remanence Data from the Early Jurassic Basal Karoo Igneous Series, South Africa
- A Dendrochronological Analysis of Mississippi River Flood Events
- Assessment of chevron dikes for the enhancement of physical-aquatic habitat within the Middle Mississippi River, USA
- Climate Change, Hydrology and Landscapes of America's Heartland: A Coupled Natural-Human System
- Continental-Scale View of Bankfull Width Versus Drainage Area Relationship
- Controls on net carbon accumulation in North American peatlands: Insights from <SUP>210</SUP>Pb dated cores
- Crustal Construction and Magma Chamber Properties along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Eight good reasons why the uppermost mantle could be magnetic
- Imaging Mantle Melting Beneath Island Arcs and Backarc Spreading Centers
- Impact Assessment of Large Scale Floods Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Isotopic measurements of N2O in a hypersaline pond
- Locating Background Intraplate Microseismicity in Southern Illinois from a Small, Short Duration, Seismograph Array
- Magnetic properties of the upper mantle beneath the continental United States
- Oceanic isostasy and intraplate stresses
- Peak temperature in intracratonic basins constrained by magnetic studies:Example of the Illinois Basin
- Physical and biological N retention in two transient storage zones of the lower Truckee River, NV
- Recognizing Non-Stationary Climate Response in Tree Growth for Southern Coastal Alaska, USA
- Remanent magnetization in fresh xenolith derived from combined demagnetization experiments: magnetic mineralogy, origin and significance
- Shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of oceanic gabbros at IODP Hole 1256D: Implications for magmatic processes
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Tonga Arc and Lau Backarc Basin from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Strain distribution across the Greater Himalayan Sequence, Annapurna-Dhaulagiri, Nepal
- Thermochemical Constraints For the Formation Conditions of the Hydrothermal Alteration Mineralogy of Home Plate and Columbia Hills
- Upper mantle shear velocity structure beneath Eastern Lau back-arc Spreading Center from ambient noise tomography of ocean bottom seismometer data
- 3-D Distribution of Partial Melt beneath the Lau Backarc Basin from Seismic Attenuation Tomography
- Bog Plant Tissue Chemistry and N and S Accumulation in Peat are Influenced by Elevated N and S Deposition from Alberta Oil Sands Development
- Cataclastic flow kinematics inferred from magnetic fabrics at the Heart Mountain Detachment, Wyoming
- Collaboration in teacher workshops and citizen science
- Connectivity of the Tisza River System: trace element and isotopic constraints
- Constraints on Magmatic Diversity on Venus from Terrestrial Analog Crystallization Experiments with Data Implications for Future Missions
- Fault pseudotachylyte: a coseismic lightning rod
- Geology Field Camp at Southern Illinois University: Six weeks exploring four tectonic regimes
- IODP Expedition 345: Paleomagnetism and physical properties of primitive lower crustal rocks recovered from the Hess Deep Rift
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene Fire History of the California Islands
- Mantle Metasomatism under Island Arcs, Magnetic Implications
- Mapping of Soil Properties Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Nitrous oxide emissions in giant cane in the Cache River watershed, southern Illinois
- Observed and Aogcm Simulated Relationships Between us Wind Speeds and Large Scale Modes of Climate Variability
- Relative Influence of Hyporheic and Surface Transient Storage on Total N Uptake Kinetics
- Seismic Anisotropy Indicates Ridge-parallel Asthenospheric Flow Beneath the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Spatio-temporal distribution of microseismicity along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center, Lau Basin, SW Pacific
- The Lacustrine Upper Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation, Four Corners Region, Usa: a Lithological and Mineralogical Terrestrial Analog for Gale Crater, Mars
- The acoustic response of submarine volcanoes in the Tofua Arc and northern Lau Basin following two great earthquakes in Samoa and Chile
- A Study of Regional Wave Source Time Functions of Central Asian Earthquakes
- Biological activity at the limits of life: Microbial cycling of C, S and N in cold, permanently stratified, hypersaline Lake Vanda, Antarctica.
- Consequences of 3-D flow on crustal production along the Lau back-arc spreading center
- Continued Evidence for Input of Chlorine into the Martian Crust from Degassing of Chlorine-Rich Martian Magmas with Implications for Potential Habitability
- Diagenetic Iron Cycling in Ancient Alkaline Saline Lacustrine Sedimentary Rocks: A Case Study on the Jurassic Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation, Colorado Plateau, USA
- Earthquake Parameters Inferred from the Hoping River Pseudotachylyte, Taiwan
- Effect of Cl on Near-Liquidus Crystallization of Olivine-Phyric Shergottite NWA 6234: Implication for Volatile-Induced Melting of the Martian Mantle
- Geothermal Modeling of the Karoo Basin, South Africa, using Rock Magnetic Methods
- Impact of Climate Change on Mercury Transport along the Carson River-Lahontan Reservoir System
- Insights into Oceanic Crust Accretion from a Comparison of Rock Magnetic and Silicate Fabrics from Lower Crustal Gabbros from Hess Deep Rift
- Magnetic Investigations in the J-M Reef Section of the Stillwater Complex, Montana
- Magnetic Properties of the Lower Oceanic Crust from Hess Deep (IODP Expedition 345)
- Magnetite Nucleation in Mantle Xenoliths During Quasi-Adiabatic Ascent
- Microseismicity and b-values of the Wabash Valley Intraplate Seismic Zone from short-period phased arrays
- Multipolarity Remanences in Lower Oceanic Crustal Gabbros Recovered By Drilling at Hess Deep (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 345)
- Rock Magnetic Mineral Assemblage in Mineral Separates from Xenoliths of Continental Lithospheric Mantle
- Seismic structure of the Tonga Arc and Lau Backarc Spreading Center from joint inversion of local and teleseismic body wave arrivals
- Tracking Stress and Hydrothermal Activity Along Oceanic Spreading Centers Using Tomographic Images of Seismic Anisotropy
- Understanding the links between humans, climate change, water and carbon and in a Corn Belt Watershed
- A complex deglacial retreat history of the Anvers Island Trough paleo-ice stream
- An Analysis of the Climate Change Mitigation Potential through Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in a Corn Belt Watershed
- An Application of Advanced Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Methods to Assess Potential Impacts of the 2015 - 2016 ENSO Event over the Colorado River Basin
- Automated Quality Control of in Situ Soil Moisture from the North American Soil Moisture Database Using NLDAS-2 Products
- Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates
- Comparison of Multiple Satellite Soil Moisture Products Using In-Situ Soil Moisture Observations Over the Continental United States
- Deep crust vs shallow mantle: sources of long wavelength magnetic anomalies
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Earthquakes in the Mantle? Insights from Ultramafic Pseudotachylytes
- Evaluating Land-Atmosphere Interactions with the North American Soil Moisture Database
- Evaluating Streamflow Changes in Continental U.S. Using Wavelet Transformation
- Evaluation of NLDAS-2 Simulated Daily Soil Moisture
- Formation Conditions of Basalts at Gale Crater, Mars from ChemCam Analyses
- From Parched to Pouring: Can the 2015 - 2016 El Niño Event Bring Drought Relief to California and the Western U.S.
- Implications of Dynamic Loading and Changing Climate on Mercury Bioaccumulation in a Planktivorous Fish (Orthodon microlepidotus)
- Investigating the Connection between hgcA and Mercury Methylation Rates in the Environment
- Meso- and microscale structures related to post-magmatic deformation of the outer Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc system: preliminary results from IODP Expedition 352
- Modelling Of The Contribution Of Upper Mantle Magnetism To The Magnetic Anomaly Map Observed On Earth's Surface: Analysis Of Different Tectonic Settings
- On the Utility of In-Situ Soil Moisture Observations for Flash Drought Early Warning in the Central United States
- Preliminary Results of Crustal Structure beneath the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone Using Teleseismic Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Tomography
- Rainfall Runoff Modelling for Cedar Creek using HEC-HMS model
- Sources of Melt beneath the Lau Back Spreading Center and Tonga Arc as Indicated by Local and Teleseismic Bodywave Tomography
- Strategic Floodplain Reconnection Along the Lower Tisza and Lower Illinois Rivers: Identifying Opportunities, Tradeoffs, and Limitations
- Study of Climate Change to Hydrologic Processes in a Snow-dominant Area
- Tectonic evolution of the outer Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc system: initial results from IODP Expedition 352
- Using 1D2D Hydrodynamic Modeling to Inform Restoration Planning in the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana
- Using SST, PDO and SOI for Streamflow Reconstruction
- δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Analysis in Tree Rings of Pterocarpus angolensis Growing in Zimbabwe
- 2015-16 ENSO, Precipitation, and the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge
- Analyzing long-term seasonal changes in hydrologic variables in the Midwest
- Anisotropic Structure of the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone and Illinois Basin
- Assessing Equivalent Temperature Trends in the Eastern United States
- Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change Effects on Urban Stormwater Infrastructure in City of Las Vegas, NV
- Biosynthesis of 3-methylhopanoids by purple non-sulfur anoxygenic phototrophs
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Camera, Software, and User Interface
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Image Calibration, Intensity Calibration, and Drift Scan
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Optics and Focus Strategy
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: Science goals and student training for 2017
- CATE 2016 Indonesia: normalized radial graded filtering, site-to-site image registration, and preliminary results
- Changing characteristics of streamflow in the Midwest and its relation to oceanic-atmospheric oscillations
- CosmoQuest: Building a Community of Skilled Citizen Science Contributors
- CosmoQuest: Creative Engagement & Citizen Science Ignite Authentic Science
- CosmoQuest: Educating the Public (and Ourselves) With CosmoAcademy Online Classes
- CosmoQuest: Exploring the Needs of Current & Future Citizen Scientists
- CosmoQuest: Galvanizing a Dynamic, Inclusive Professional Learning Network
- CosmoQuest: Supporting Subject Matter Experts in Broadening the Impacts of their Work beyond their Institutional Walls.
- CosmoQuest: Training Students, Teachers and the Public to do NASA Science
- CosmoQuest:Using Data Validation for More Than Just Data Validation
- Could the Mantle Under Island Arcs Contribute to Long Wavelength Magnetic Anomalies?
- Coupled Metagenomic and Chemical Analyses of Degrading Fungal Necromass and Implications for Fungal contributions to Stable Soil Organic Carbon
- Declining Arctic Sea Ice and North-Central US Summer Hydroclimatology
- Evaluation of the Ability of S2S and NMME Models to Predict Heat Waves Following Drought Events in the United States
- Forward Modelling of Long-wavelength Magnetic Anomaly Contributions from the Upper Mantle
- Imaging the crustal structure of the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone using ambient noise tomography and receiver functions
- Improving the Accuracy of Mapping Urban Vegetation Carbon Density by Combining Shadow Remove, Spectral Unmixing Analysis and Spatial Modeling
- Insights into Along Strike Variability in the Lau Back Spreading Center and Tonga Arc from Bodywave Tomography
- Microstructural and Magnetic Investigations of Pseudotachylyte and Ultracataclasite in the Hoping River, Tananao Complex, Eastern Taiwan
- Recent changes in United States heat wave characteristics derived from multiple reanalyses
- The 2015-2016 El Niño and Alabama-Mississippi Hydrologic Response
- The 2015-2016 El Niño: Impacts to the Lower Colorado River Basin
- Trends and shift changes in the SWE in the western US
- Wavelet Coherency Analysis of Western US Streamflow and Pacific Ocean Climate Variability
- A System Dynamics Modeling of Water Supply and Demand in Las Vegas Valley
- Analyzing Future Flooding under Climate Change Scenario using CMIP5 Streamflow Data
- Assessment of Methods to Determine Tree Ring Response to Large Magnitude Mississippi River Floods
- Climatic and anthropogenic controls on Mississippi River floods: a multi-proxy palaeoflood approach
- Coseismic flow of frictional melts: insights from mini-AMS measurements on pseudotachylyte
- Crustal Structure beneath the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone: Implications for the Intracontinental Seismicity
- Drought impact on vegetation growth and mortality
- Effective Stress Law in Unconventional Reservoirs under Different Boundary Conditions
- Evaluation of Heat Wave Forecasts Seamlessly Across S2S Time Scales: Skill Attribution and the Role of Land-Atmosphere Interactions
- Geophysical character of the intraplate Wabash Fault System from the Wabash EarthScope FlexArray
- Investigating Soil Moisture-Convective Precipitation Feedbacks Using In Situ Soil Moisture in the Central United States
- Investigating Soil Moisture-Convective Precipitation Feedbacks with Soil Moisture - Active Passive Mission
- Leveraging CosmoQuest: Quantitative Analysis of Audience Interests and Behaviors
- Long wavelength magnetic anomalies over continental rifts in cratonic region
- Magnetic insights on seismogenic processes from scientific drilling of fault
- PaleoClim: new datasets to quantify the impact of past climate changes on modern biodiversity
- Paleocurrents of the Middle-Upper Jurassic strata in the Paradox Basin, Colorado, inferred from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS)
- Sedimentation within the batture lands of the middle Mississippi River, USA
- Snow Water Equivalent Variations across the western United States and its relation to of El Niño Southern Oscillation
- Spatial patterns of drought persistence in East China
- Teleconnection between Oceanic-atmospheric Parameters and Western US Snowpack
- Time Lapse Electrical Resistivity to Connect Evapotranspiration and Groundwater Fluxes in the Critical Zone
- Timing the oxidation of Earth's crust: Evidence from big data records of manganese mineralization
- Using Hydraulic Modeling to Evaluate Lateral Connectivity Improvements under Alternative Restoration Scenarios in the Atchafalaya River Basin
- Why Citizen Science Without Usability Testing Will Underperform
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- ARIMA Modeling of GRACE Derived Groundwater Level in Colorado River Basin
- Assessing uncertainty in hydrological models within the Maumee River Watershed: are parameters or farm management assumptions the primary drivers?
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part I: Evaluating the National Water Model's baseflow and deep percolation estimation in the Northern High Plains
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part II: Alternative Non-Linear Reservoir Functions for Improving Hydrograph Forecasts
- Celebrating Fifty Years of Apollo Science - With the World
- Characterizing the Seasonal Isotopic Signature of Daily Precipitation Events in Southern Illinois, USA and Potential Contributions of Soil Moisture
- Citizen Science - Unearthing Hidden Interests
- Citizen Science Motivations
- Citizen Science Online Behaviors
- Connections Between Increased Incidence of US Summer Heat Waves and Sea Ice Decline in Hudson Bay
- CosmoQuest's Citizen Science Builder v4.0: The Python Migration
- Developing National Soil Moisture Products Using In Situ, Satellite and Model-derived Data
- Effects of Sea Level Rise on Groundwater Level of Coastal Areas
- Global Earth Mineral Inventory : A DCO Data Legacy
- Informed Consent and Citizen Science
- Innovative approaches to improving watershed models for management decisions and policy applications
- International Observe the Moon Night - Nine Years of Engaging Visitors in Lunar and Planetary Exploration
- Jurassic paleosols of the Paradox Basin, Colorado and paleoclimatic implications: insights from geochemistry and rock magnetism
- Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Subseasonal Heat Wave Forecasts from a Suite of Climate Forecast Models
- Putting the focus on science: Astrometry and Photometry with Transient Tracker
- Seismic rupture kinematics along the crust-mantle boundary of a subducted slab: insights from ultramafic pseudotachylytes in Corsica
- Streamflow Forecast Using CMIP5 Projections in SWAT
- Utilizing "Big Data" visualization techniques to identify spatial and mineralogical relationships in clay-bearing deposits
- Alberta Bog and Poor Fen Responses to Experimental Nitrogen Addition Lead to New Conceptual Frameworks of N Cycling
- Assessing the Crop, Energy and Water Nexus in the Central Valley California Using Remote Sensing Products
- Creating, Managing and Evaluating Data Legacies : Updates on the Global Earth Mineral Inventory.
- Evaluating changes in coupled carbon, energy and water budgets during the 2012 flash drought event in Kansas using a land-surface hydrology model with predictive phenology
- Experimental loose one-way coupling of TOPMODEL with NWM to substitute runoff processes in a headwater catchment
- Exploring carbon mineralogy and mineral evolution through deep time with advanced analytics and visualization
- How Often Do Statistical Drought Indices Concur With Tangible Drought Impacts?
- Interactive, Web-based Visualizations for Hierarchical Information and Knowledge in Geosciences: An Implementation on the Dana Classification and its Applications
- Large river floodplain surface water-groundwater interactions: Insights from the 2019 Midwest Flood
- North American Heat Wave Predictability: Skill Attribution and Land Surface Initialization in Medium-Range Forecast Models
- Operational Soil Moisture Mapping in South Central United States by blending In-situ, Modeled and Remote Sensing Data
- Role of 3-Methylhopanoids in Environmental Hot Spring Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria
- The roles of uncertainty in hydrological models: identifying the sources and impacts in a SWAT model of the Maumee River Watershed
- Uncertainty in critical source area predictions from watershed-scale hydrologic models
- Along Strike Variations in Structure and Melt Production in the Lau Back Arc Spreading Center from Body-wave Tomography
- DAVINCI+ Answers Long-Standing and Emerging Questions About the Venus Atmosphere
- DAVINCI+: Opening the History Book of Venus and Connecting Analog Exoplanets
- Deep Atmosphere of Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus (DAVINCI+): Discovering a New Venus via a Flyby, Probe, Orbiter Mission
- Enhancing Drainage Delineation Using High-resolution Terrain Data Model and Geospatial Artificial Intelligence
- Magma production beneath mid-ocean ridges: Using numerical models to evaluate the solidus
- The influence of hydrological coupling method experimented with one-way loose coupling of TOPMODEL and NWM
- Evaluation of Agricultural Water Footprints under the Scenarios of Climate Change and Conservation Practices: A Case Study in Central Nebraska
- Magma production beneath subduction zones: Using numerical models to evaluate melt production
- Mapping hydrologic transport of nutrients through wetlands of the middle Mississippi River valley
- Mercury Contamination in an Acid Mine Drainage Site in Southern Illinois, USA
- Numerical Modeling of Lithospheric Drip and Associated Melts at the East African Rift
- Oceanic Isostasy as Facilitator for Seafloor Spreading
- The interplay of hydraulics, morphology, sedimentation, and nutrients within the middle Mississippi River batture
- A Cross-Comparison of Sediment Incubation Methods to Elucidate Denitrification Rates with Natural Waters from Middle Mississippi River Floodplain Wetlands of Southern Illinois
- An Active Role for the Ocean in Seafloor Spreading
- Building Large-Scale Public Engagement Activities around the October 14, 2023 Annular and April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipses
- Challenges and corresponding solutions of optical remote sensing for monitoring the dynamics of forest carbon density
- Changes in Watershed-Scale Mean and Extreme Precipitation in the United States
- Collaboration to Support a Climate-Resilient Midwest Specialty Crop Sector
- Denitrification Rates Relative to Sand Content and Nitrate Enrichment among Middle Mississippi River Floodplain Wetlands along the Dogtooth Bend in Southern Illinois
- Dynamic Eclipse Broadcast Initiative
- Evaluating LiDAR-based Elevation-derived Hydrography in Low-lying Agricultural Landscapes
- Evaluation of the nitrate reduction capacities of riparian wetlands with Dogtooth Bend of the Mississippi River
- Exploring Olivine in Astromaterials: Classification of Chondritic Components based on Major/Minor Oxides and Oxygen Isotopes.
- Identification and Evaluation of Novel Soil Bacteria Associated with Denitrification within the Mississippi River Floodplain in Southernmost Illinois
- Integrating manure management with sustainable intensification of no-till corn silage systems for sequestering soil carbon.
- Is Ephemeral Surface Water Essential to Modeling Groundwater of a Leveed River Floodplain?
- Large Scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Sub-Daily Extreme Precipitation in Illinois
- Magma production beneath subduction zones: Using numerical models to evaluate melt production under batch and fractional melt conditions
- Mapping and Dynamic Monitoring of Military Training Induced Vegetation Cover Loss Using Satellite Images
- New Microbial Sources of 2- and 3-Methylhopanoids in Modern Anoxic, Acidic Hydrothermal Springs
- Observed Spatiotemporal Variation of Freeze Events Across the Midwestern and Northeastern United States
- Observed and Projected Changes in Precipitation Extremes and Variability in the Midwestern United States
- Oxidative Hydrothermal Dissolution: A Novel Method to Sequester Indirectly Captured Atmospheric Carbon in the Deep Subsurface
- Spatiotemporal Variations in Warm Seasons Heat Stress in the Midwestern United States,1950-2020.
- The Unintentional Reconnection of the Mississippi River to the Dogtooth Bend Floodplain - Assessment of Changes in Connectivity, Sedimentation, Flood Risk and Nutrient Processing
- Understanding how Changes in Water Table Affect Mineralogy and Diagenesis: The Lower Carmel Formation as an Analog for Evaporitic Lakes on Mars
- Using Multispectral Aerial Platforms to Manage Soybean Cyst Nematode Disease
- What Factors Drive Public Attitudes towards Energy Transition? A Case Study in Illinois, Texas, and Vermont