University of Cambridge, Department of Earth Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Active tectonics of the South Caspian Basin
- Actively Meandering Bedrock Rivers
- Application of Foraminiferal Calcium Carbonate Chemistry to Proxy Past Ocean Conditions: key roles of Biomineral Formation and Dissolution
- Astronomically Calibrated Ages for Geomagnetic Reversals Within the Matuyama Chron
- Asymmetric Upper-crustal Construction Beneath Overlapping Ridge Segments: Implications for Upper-crustal Evolution with Results from Seismic Tomography
- Catchment-Scale Himalayan Weathering Rates, and the Ganges Basin Context
- Contribution of Pyroxenite-Derived Melts to Baikal Rift-Related Magmatism
- Core-top Calibrations of Foraminiferal Mg/Ca From a North Atlantic Transect: Refining Mg/Ca Paleothermometry
- Decoding Marine Water Properties and Vertical Water Mass Structure at Millennial Time Scale. A Geochemical Approach of Multi-Foraminifer Species from the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Demonstrable Dirt, Diagenesis and Dissolution in Foraminiferal Chemistry. An SEM and Sequential Leaching Study of Orbulina universa
- Dissolution-induced Changes in Planktic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca Records from the Western Equatorial Pacific: Implications for Phase Relationships Between Temperature and Ice Volume
- Dynamic Uplift of the Indian Peninsula and the Réunion Plume.
- Eruptive Products and Processes: Mt. Etna, Sicily, 2001
- Holocene Long-Term Cooling of UK'37 Sea Surface Temperatures in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea
- Hydrological Changes in the Indian Ocean Around the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation
- Investigation of shell mass of planktonic foraminifera from water column and core tops in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Isotope Geochemistry of Low Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids from Upwelling Sites on the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank.
- Linking Observations and Physics of Fluvial Bedrock Erosion in an Active Mountain Belt, East Central Taiwan
- Lithospheric Structure of the Siberian Shield from Surface Wave Tomography
- Magnitude and Frequency of Sediment Transport During Earthquake and Typhoon Events in Taiwan
- Milankovitch in the Miocene
- Minor-element variations in lacustrine tufa, Miocene Barstow Formation, California
- Modelling Fine Sediment Suspension Patterns
- Numerical modelling of rift-related magmatism and melt chemistry at passive margins
- Offset on the Main Recent Fault of NW Iran and implications for the late Cenozoic tectonics of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone
- Ophiolites as Indicators of Rapid Global Tectonic Change
- Orientational order-disorder phase transition in buddingtonite (NH<SUB>4</SUB>AlSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB>)
- Paleo-Erosion Rates From in Situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Middle European River Terrace Sediments
- Partitioned Waveform Tomography of the Middle East
- Processes and Controls of the Himalayan Erosion
- Ridge-Flank Hydrothermal Circulation is not a Cure for the Imbalance in Oceanic Sr-Isotope Budgets
- Seasonality of Volcanic Eruptions
- Sediment Trap Time-Series Study of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, {δ }<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ <SUP>13</SUP>C in Planktonic Foraminifera From Sargasso Sea
- Single Phase <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of Rajahmundry Trap Basalts Contemporaneous With Late Stage Deccan Trap Volcanism
- Source Parameters of the Bhuj Mainshock and Larger Aftershocks from Modeling of Broadband Teleseismic and Regional Waveform data
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Melting Within the Lithosphere Above the East African Mantle Plume - Evidence from the Mt. Meru/Mt. Kilimanjaro Region, N. Tanzania
- Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath the Canadian High Arctic From Analysis of Broadband Teleseismic Waveforms.
- Superelastic Softening of Perovskites at Seismic Frequencies
- Surface expression of blind thrust faulting in eastern Iran
- The Continuity of Active Fault Systems in Greece
- The Thick Early Archean Crust - Teleseismic Results from Dharwar Craton
- Thermohaline Forcing and the Response of Western European Ice Sheets During the Last Deglaciation
- Using Surface Observations to Constrain the Dynamics of Western North America
- A 1D Full Waveform Time Domain Magnetotelluric Inversion
- A Detailed Receiver Fuction Study of the Hawaiian Plume Conduit
- A New Approach For Reference Concentration
- A Re-Assessment of the Structure of the Southern Caspian Region From Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- A laboratory experiment simulating the dynamics of topographic relief: methodology and results
- A new approach to thermodynamic modelling of peridotite melting in synthetic and natural systems
- Active Tectonics of Eastern Iran
- Active Tectonics of the Iran Plateau and South Caspian Basin
- An Integrated Approach to Understanding the Driving Forces of Deforming Western North America
- Analysis and Modelling of Tornillo Parameters Beneath Tongariro Volcano, New Zealand
- Anelasticity of Perovskite at Seismic Frequencies: DMA Measurement of Twin Wall Internal Friction in LaAlO<SUB>3</SUB>
- Aseismic slip on a shallow thrust imaged by SAR interferometry: the Shahdad thrust, SE Iran
- Changes in Southern Ocean Circulation Across the Oligocene-Miocene Boundary
- Climatic and Tectonic Controls on Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Sediment Production in Taiwan
- Disaggregation of Partially-Molten Materials
- Dynamics of Climatically Perturbed Geomorphic Systems: a Numerical Study Using a Surface Process Model Driven by Stochastic Runoff Events
- Estimating T<SUB>e</SUB> in the presence of internal loads
- Evolution of Himalayan Metamorphism and the Genesis of Inverted Metamorphic Gradients: Evidence From the Sutlej Valley, NW India
- Geochemical Precursors to a Minor Explosive Eruption at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- High-Resolution Records of Southern Hemisphere Variability During the Past 340 kyr and Interhemispheric Linkage: IMAGES Core MD97-2120, Chatham Rise (SW Pacific)
- Insights into Analogue Perovskite Solid Solutions from High-Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction
- Integrating Three-Dimensional Mantle Convection Models with Lithospheric Dynamic Models
- Investigating the Relationship Between Dynamic Topography and Sediment Flux in Africa
- Middle Eocene Equatorial Pacific Paleoceanography: Insights From Bulk Sediment Geochemistry, ODP Site 1218
- New Sedimentary Constraints for Changes in Conveyor Overturning Rates and Their Role in Millennial Scale Climate Events of the Middle and Late Pleistocene
- Orbital Tuning and re-Tuning; Art and Science
- Palaeocurrent Reconstruction of the Deep Pacific Inflow During the Middle Miocene
- Passive Acoustic Sensing of Fluvial Bedload Transport: A Flume Study
- Post-Glacial Topographic Evolution of a U-Shaped Valley: A Stochastic Model
- Preferential Weathering of Calcic Plagioclase
- Records of planktonic foraminiferal shell weight provide insight into the controls on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> variability
- Seismic Structure of the Middle East.
- Structure and Kinematics of the Central Zagros (Iran)
- The Shape of the Initiating Iceland Plume
- Upper Mantle Sv-Wavespeed Heterogeneity Beneath the North Atlantic
- Volatiles in the Icelandic Mantle: Constraints from Primitive Melt Inclusions
- Weathering Processes: The Uranium Paradox of Nepales Rivers
- iSIMM (Integrated Seismic Imaging and Modelling of Margins): Seismic Acquisition on the Faroes Shelf, Hatton Bank and adjacent Continental Margins
- 3D Velocity and Hypocentre Distribution About a Cone-Volcano: Mt Taranaki, New Zealand
- A Quantitative Analysis of Rift Processes in the Northern North Sea and Central Greece.
- A Wide-Angle Survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 5° South
- A statistical model for the timing of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions influenced by periodic processes
- Anomalous Deep Moho and Low S-velocities in the Lower Crust of an Early Archaean Greenstone Belt: Western Dharwar Craton, South Indian Shield
- Comparing the Hazards From Large Volcanic Eruptions and Impacting Asteroids
- Constraining Hydrothermal Fluxes: Insights From the Northern Oman Ophiolite
- Constraining the Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Mantle Plumes Using the Stratigraphic Record
- Convergence in a Model Viscous Lower Crust and its Surface Topographic Expression
- Core-Top Calibration of Temperature Dependent Calcium Isotope Fractionation for ten Species of Planktonic Foraminifera
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, North Island, New Zealand.
- Deep Seismic Imaging of an Active Foreland Basin: Implications for Flexural Models
- Diatom Production of Opal and the Evolution of Nitrate to Silicic Acid Ratios in the Ocean
- Digital Mapping as a Tool for Quantification of Textures in Thin Sections
- Drainage Development in a Submarine Setting, Offshore Eastern Taiwan
- Dynamics of the Central Mediterranean Region
- Earthquake Focal Depths and Crustal Structure of Northern India: Implications for Crustal Rheology
- Enhanced Imaging of an Active Collision Zone: The South Falkland Basin
- Fluvial Bedrock Incision Rates in Taroko Gorge (Taiwan) From in Situ-Produced Cosmogenic Nuclides
- Implications From a new Continuous Astronomically Calibrated Geological Time Scale Back to ∼ 42 Myrs
- Increased sediment delivery from an active mountain belt caused by earthquake and typhoon disturbance
- Lateral propagation of folding and thrust faulting at Mahan, S.E. Iran
- Links between erosion, runoff variability, and seismicity in the Taiwan orogen
- Liquid Water from Linear-Scaling First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
- Local Earthquake Tomography at the Active Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand
- Mega-14C Plateau Provides Global Age Tie Point for Pre-Boelling DO Event 1
- Metamorphism, Metastability, Mechanical Strength, and the Support of Mountain Belts
- Micro-earthquake seismicity of the Mid-Atlantic ridge at 5° S: a different style of tectonic extension
- Mineral Surfaces From First principles: Structure, Adsorption and Hydration
- North Atlantic Rifted Margin Crustal Thickness and Crustal Thinning from Satellite Gravity Data
- Observing the Interaction Between Magnetic and Chemical Microstructures at the Nanometer Scale Using Electron Holography
- Precise Hypocenter Relocation of Microearthquakes in the Torfajökull Volcanic System, Iceland
- Rates of Fault Growth and Landscape Development in Central Otago, New Zealand
- Rob Hargraves and the External Force in Lamellar Magnetism
- Runoff Variability and Erosional Landscape Evolution: Insights from Numerical Modeling
- Seismic Structure of India from Regional Waveform Matching
- Seismic Structure of the African Upper Mantle Determined from Multi-Mode Rayleigh Waveform Inversion
- Stress Magnitudes in Asia and North America: Implications for Strength Profiles
- The Chemistry of Tropospheric Volcanic Plumes
- The Influence of Loads Without Topographic Expression and Edge Effects on Estimates of the Elastic Thickness of Continents
- The Upper Mantle Under the South Pacific Super-Swell from Multimode Surface Waveform Tomography
- The Volcanic Contribution to the Global Atmospheric Mercury Cycle
- Three-dimensional Reflectivity Images of Moho and Melt Sills beneath the 9 03' N Overlapping Spreading Centre at the East Pacific Rise
- U-Th-Pa Constraints on Melting Beneath Theistareykir, Northern Iceland
- Variability of Shell Mass, δ <SUP>18</SUP>O and Mg/Ca in Planktonic Foraminifera: From Production to Preservation
- Windows Into an Open-System Magma Chamber: Cognate Xenoliths From the Kameni Islands, Santorini, Greece
- A Method For Measuring Shear Wave Splitting With S Phases Independently Of Source Side Splitting, With Application To Southern California Seismic Network Stations
- A Reassessment of the Thermal Plate Model for the Ocean Basins
- Amagmatic Extension and Thick Oceanic Crust in the Eastern Black Sea.
- An estimate of the Germanium isotopic composition of the Ocean.
- Broadband Seismic Imaging of Western Himalaya, Ladakh and Karakoram
- Building on Current Space-Based Geodesy to Infer Long-Term Tectonic Reduction in Continental Area
- Constraining Lithospheric Stress on Mars From Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Topography, Gravity, and Crustal Thickness
- Controls on <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th in the Indian Ocean: Circulation or Productivity?
- Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles in Marine Isotope Stages 3 and 6
- Entrenched, Transverse Rivers as Geomorphic Strain Markers: Insights From South-Eastern Taiwan
- Erosion of the Alborz Mountains Constrained by River Gauging
- Evidence for Ancient Equatorial Ice Sheets on Mars?
- Experimental Channel Response to Tectonic Uplift
- Explaining Topography of the 410-km Discontinuity: Chemical vs Thermal Heterogeneity in the Mantle
- Geomorphology of the Newly Identified Jid Strike-Slip Fault in the Altay Mountains, Western Mongolia
- Global upper mantle azimuthal anisotropy and the peculiar behavior of the Australian plate
- Gravitational Potential Energy of the Tibetan Plateau and the Role of Mantle Circulation in Driving the Indian Plate
- Gulf Stream Salinity Variation During MIS 3 and its Link to D-O Cycles
- Impact of ice sheet glaciation on the late Neogene exhumation of East Greenland
- Inverse Modelling of Continental Margins and Sedimentary Basins
- Is a pyrolitic adiabatic mantle compatible with seismic data?
- Isotopic Constraints on the Neogene Flow of Northern Component Water
- Lamellar Magnetism: A New Magnetic Substructure?
- MIS 11 and the mid-Brunhes Dissolution Interval
- Magnetism and Microscopy: Applications to mineral magnetism at the nanometre scale
- Mantle Plume Temperature Variations Immediately Following Continental Breakup of the Northern North Atlantic
- Mountain river meanders and typhoon strike frequency in the western Pacific
- New Insights into Inferring Climate Variability from Records of Planktonic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca, Oxygen Isotope and Shell Weight in the Southern Ocean
- Planktonic Foraminifera Study at Site ODP 999A (Caribbean Sea): Insights into Oceanic Exchange and Paleocirculation During the last 450 Kyrs.
- Pleistocene Glacial Terminations
- Sea-surface and deep-sea temperatures and seawater d18O in the Southern Ocean over the last 440,000 years
- Seismic Attenuation Structure of India Using Lg Coda Q Measurements
- Seismic Characteristics of the Pan-African Granulite Terranes of Southern Gondwanaland
- Seismic Imaging of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current near Drake Passage
- Seismic imaging of thermohaline circulation: observations from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Strongly localized near-coastal generation areas for ∼4 s microseismic noise in the North-East Atlantic
- Surface Wave Tomography of India
- Surface displacements and source parameters of the 2003 Bam (Iran) earthquake from Envisat ASAR imagery
- The 22 June 2002 Changureh (Avaj) Earthquake in Qazvin Province, NW Iran: Epicentral Re-location, Source Parameters, Surface Deformation and Geomorphology.
- The Dissolved Ca Isotope Composition of Himalayan-Tibetan Waters
- The Role of Garnet Pyroxenite in High-Fe Mantle Melt Generation: High Pressure Melting Experiments
- Timing and Duration of Terrestrial Interglacials in SW Portugal: Direct Land-Sea Comparisons
- Vertical Motions and Drainage Evolution in the Congo River Catchment
- A 3-Dimensional Image of the Moho beneath the Shillong Plateau
- A Germanium Isotope Record From Diatom Opal
- B/Ca in Foraminiferal Calcium Carbonate and its Potential as a Paleo-pH Proxy
- Configuration of the Indian Moho Beneath the NW Himalaya and Ladakh
- Constraining Pre-Eruptive Storage Conditions at Nea Kameni, Santorini
- Constraining the Shear Wave Speed Structure Beneath NE India From the Eastern Bengal Basin to the Himalaya
- Constraints on Paleocene and Eocene Tropical Sea-Surface Temperatures and Meridional Temperature Gradients From Mg/Ca and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Foraminifera in Sediments Recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Deer-Water Temperature Variability During MIS 3: Unravelling the 'Greenland' and 'Antarctic' Signals in Northeast Atlantic d18O
- Early Cenozoic Southern Hemisphere Cooling and Establishment of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Equatorial Pacific ``stable isotope reference curve'' for the Oligocene
- Exchange coupling, antiphase boundaries, and the origin of self-reversed thermoremanent magnetization
- Extensional Strain Partitioning in the Eastern Black Sea From Wide-Angle Seismic Data and Subsidence Analysis
- Gas Flow in Volcanic Rocks: Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of Porosity-Permeability Relationships
- Global tomography of the upper mantle and transition zone
- High resolution Nd isotope evidence for variations in NADW circulation during interstadial intervals and Heinrich Events
- Hydration effects on molar volume and compressibility of olivine
- Intergrowths in Multidomain Hematite: Source of High NRM Intensities and Coercivity?
- Investigating the Asymmetry of Northern North Atlantic Volcanic Continental Margins
- Isolating the effects of regeneration on nutrient-based ocean circulation proxies using Nd isotopes
- Magnesium Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Microbial Dolomite Precipitation in the Geological Record.
- Melt extraction in the Earth's mantle: Constraints from U-Th-Pa-Ra studies in oceanic basalts
- Millennial-scale Variability in NADW Strength During the Last Glacial: A Multi-Proxy Comparison Between the North and South Atlantic.
- New results from ODP and IODP on the greenhouse-icehouse transition: Evidence for early (Eocene) bipolar glaciation associated with global carbon cycle changes
- New seismic constraints on the 660 km discontinuity at the base of the transition zone
- Ocean Climate Variability in the Eastern North Atlantic During Interglacial MIS 11: A Partial Analogue to the Holocene?
- Opposing Deep Water Flow Trends in the Holocene North Atlantic
- Phase Equilibria Experiments on Nisyros, Greece:``the Right Stuff" in -``the Right Stuff" out
- Phase transitions, domain wall relaxation, and anelastic response in perovskite.
- Preliminary Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring Interpretation on 2-D Seismic Reflection Profiles From R/V Maurice Ewing 2005 Survey.
- Quantitative Flow Morphology, Recent Volcanic Evolution and Future Activity of the Kameni Islands, Santorini, Greece
- Quantitative imaging of magnetic nanoparticles using off-axis electron holography
- Rapid North Atlantic Salinity Oscillations Across Dansgaard-Oeschger Transitions
- Relationships between Deep Ocean Circulation and Carbonate Preservation in the South Atlantic
- Relocation and Assessment of Seismicity in the Iran Region
- Remote control of tropical Indian Ocean paleohydrography
- Repeating Earthquakes in the Outer Rise Offshore Southern Chile
- Riverine Particulate Organic Carbon From a Pristine, Active Mountain Belt: The Importance of Vegetation and Landslides
- Rock Magnetic Properties of Samples From El Laco Magnetite Flow, High Andes, Chile, With Particular Attention to High Coercivity Materials
- Seismic Structure of the Eastern Black Sea Basin
- Seismic imaging of a subducted ridge, southern Chile
- Seismicity, Structure, and Rheology of the Lithosphere in the Lake Baikal Region
- Shear-wave structure of the south Indian lithosphere from Rayleigh wave phase velocity measurements
- Sniffing for Clues to the Dinosaurs Demise: Measurement of Osmium Isotope Compositions and Platinum Group Element Abundances in Volcanic Emissions
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of Vertical Motions in the Congo River Catchment
- Strike-slip faulting, rotation, and along-strike extension in the Kopeh Dagh mountains, NE Iran
- Structure and Local Seismicity From the Incoming Nazca Plate in the Southern Chile Subduction Zone
- The Effects of Nanoscale Exsolution on Magnetic Properties: Insights From FORC Diagrams
- The Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Near-source Volcanic Sulfate Aerosol and Implications for its Origin
- The cover effect in bedrock abrasion: Implications for fluvial dynamics and river morphology
- The effects of nanometer-scale mineral structures on the magnetic remanence of silicate-hosted titanomagnetite inclusions: an electron holography study
- The nature of the Lehmann discontinuity in subcontinental mantle
- The three dimensional Vs-wavespeed and lithospheric structure of the East Asian mantle
- Three Dimensional Modeling of Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics Elucidating Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling
- Variation of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion in Iran and the surrounding region
- A Global Model of Mantle Melting and Lithospheric Permeability Constrained by Seamounts
- A Global Study of Mantle Discontinuities Using Receiver Functions
- An Assessment of the Accuracy of Admittance and Coherence Estimates Using Synthetic Data
- Anleasticity of Phase Interfaces and Phase Transitions
- Antarctic Control of Flow Speed Variation During MIS 3 in the Deep Western North Atlantic
- Autogenic generation of experimental cut terraces
- Automated Volcanic Plume Tomography
- Bangladesh-Burma Accretionary Prism: Evolution and Provenance
- Changes in Antarctic Intermediate Water Revealed by Trace Metal Analysis of Benthic Foraminifera
- Crustal Structure Across the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
- Detailed seafloor morphology in the epicentral region of the Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from the compilation of 2005-2006 French and British swath bathymetric data
- Effect of Continental Keels on the Lithospheric Deviatoric Stress Field
- Enigmatic Late-Stage Textures In Mafic Cumulates: Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland.
- Experimental study of magnetic interactions between individual biogenic magnetite nanocrystals
- Fate of fine basaltic ash from subplinian eruptions of Fuego, Guatemala 1973- 74
- First Results From the SAGER-OBS Deep Seismic Cruise (July/August 2006) Offshore Sumatra
- First results from a combined marine and land passive seismic network near Simeulue island
- Flow and temperature changes in Faroe-Shetland Channel, 16 ka to present
- Geomagnetic Paleointensity from Exsolved Oxide Inclusions in Silicates: Examples from the 2.06 Ga Bushveld Complex, South Africa
- Geomorphology of the Doruneh Left-Lateral Strike-Slip Fault in Eastern Iran
- Giant exchange bias in nanoscale ilmenite-hematite intergrowths: new insights through the application of atomistic Monte Carlo simulations
- Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Flow Vigour of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Scotia Sea
- Ice-rafted Debris in Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Sediments from the Greenland Sea
- Infiltration Metasomatism of Cumulates: Isle of Rum, Scotland
- Influence of Defects on the Twin-Wall Structure of Perovskite from Molecular Dynamics
- Insights From Magnesium Isotopic Compositions on the Oceanic Hydrothermal Circulation: Is Seamount Weathering the Solution?
- Interpreting the Calcium Isotopic Composition of Seawater Through the Neogene and Quaternary
- Left-Lateral Strike-Slip Faulting in the East Alborz, NE Iran
- MARs Tools for Interactive ANalysis (MARTIAN): Google Maps Tools for Visual Exploration of Geophysical Modeling on Mars
- Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath Northwestern Himalaya and Ladakh
- Modeling Volcanic Halogen-Induced Ozone Loss in the Stratosphere: Hekla Eruption, Iceland, 2000
- Models of Crustal Flow in the India-Asia Collision Zone
- Multi-proxy Evidence for Rapid Palaeocenographic Reorganisations Over the Past 12 ka From the South Iceland Rise
- Nature's engineering: Giant magnetic exchange bias > 1T in a natural mineral
- Opening History of the Eastern Black Sea From Wide-angle Seismic Refraction Data and Subsidence Analysis
- Paleoclimatic Perspectives on Climate Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide
- Plate Motions, Lithospheric Stress Field and Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling
- Radiocarbon variability in Northeast Atlantic surface- and deep-waters: Separating chronostratigraphic and hydrographic controls
- Reanalysis of the Pyroclastic Fall Deposit from the 18 May 1980 Eruption of Mount Saint Helens, USA
- Rhyolites From the September 2005 Da'Ure (Dabbahu) Eruption, Afar, Ethiopia
- Schlumberger seismic vessel Geco Searcher provides unprecedented images of the Great Andaman Sumatra earthquake megathrust rupture plane
- Seasonal mass transport in a proglacial stream, the Urumqi river (Chinese Tianshan)
- Seismic Constraints on a Propagating Ridge System
- Seismic constraints on inner core structure from normal mode data, and comparison with mineral physics
- Seismic constraints on the 660 km discontinuity and its mineral physical and geodynamical interpretation
- Seismic reflection images of the Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake rupture: from source to surface
- Semantic Interoperability for Computational Mineralogy: Experiences of the eMinerals Consortium
- Studying the 2003 Siberian Altai Earthquakes With InSAR and Seismology - Dextral Strike-Slip and Anticlockwise Rotations in the Northern India-Eurasia Collision Zone.
- Subduction of Young Oceanic Lithosphere in the Vicinity of the Chile Triple Junction - Little Influence of the Age of the Subducting Plate on the Overriding Plate
- Superattenuation of Acoustic Resonances and Non-linear Elasticity Associated With the Cubic-Rhombohedral Phase Transition in LaAlO3 Perovskite
- The Erosion of Particulate Organic Carbon From a Small Mountain River: Carbon Transfer Between Atmosphere and Rock
- The formation and destruction of cratons
- The formation and fate of fine volcanic ash
- The south-Indian Granite-Granulite terranes and their seismic characteristics
- Thermal Structure and Seismicity of Subducting Lithosphere
- Thin Sheet Modeling for the Seismogenic Crust of Western North America: How Strong is the top Slice of "Sandwich Bread" Above the "Jelly"?
- Towards a general atomistic model of cation ordering in end-member 2-3 spinels: a Monte Carlo assessment of the O'Neill-Navrotsky model
- Towards mantle rheology from the atomic scale simulation of defects
- Validity of the Thin-Sheet and Flexure Approximations for Layered Lithospheric Geometries With Marked Contrasts in Viscosity or Effective Elastic Rigidity.
- Variation of Fundamental Mode Surface Wave Group Velocity Dispersion in Iran and the Surrounding Region
- Variations in Near-Bottom Flow Speeds of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water During the Last Two Centuries
- A Best-fit Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling Model Constrained by Plate Motions and the Velocity Gradient Tensor Field in the Plate Boundary Zones
- Abundance, degassing and chemistry of halogens at Kilauea Volcano
- Active Tectonics of Western Turkmenistan; Implications for the Onset of South Caspian Subduction
- Amagmatic Extension and Thick Oceanic Crust in the Eastern Black Sea.
- An 800 kyr Record of Weddell Sea Paleochemistry from Trace Metal Foraminiferal Proxies
- An improved algorithm for calculating first-order reversal curve (FORC) distributions using locally-weighted regression smoothing
- Anelasticity Arising From Intra-crystalline Cation Exchange in Spinel
- Automated Generation of 3D Volcanic Gas Plume Models for Geobrowsers
- Candidate Mud Volcanoes in the Northern Plains of Mars
- Change of ocean surface circulation at 5-6 ka BP in the northeastern North Atlantic
- Controls on the uptake of magnesium, other trace metals and stable isotopes in foraminiferal calcite from a seasonal sea-ice environment
- Crust And Upper Mantle Structure Of The Bengal Basin And Bay Of Bengal From Surface Wave Group Velocity Dispersion Studies
- Deep Structure of the NE Tibetan Plateau: An Introduction to Project INDEPTH, Phase IV
- Depletion of the Continental Lithosphere
- Early Himalayan Erosion: Constraints to Models of Crustal Deformation, Changes in Ocean Geochemistry and Global Climate
- Effects of Temperature on Ilmenite-Hematite: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties in the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia
- Electron Holography and Magnetic Properties of Exsolved Synthetic Titanomagnetites
- Evaluation of the Multispecimen Parallel Differential pTRM Method: A Test on Historical Lavas From Iceland and Mexico
- Evidence for Early Cenozoic glaciation from a record of seawater δ18O at ODP Site 1209: Exploring the paradigm of an 'ice-free' Middle Eocene
- Evidence for Material Removal and/or Subsidence of the Martian Lithosphere from a Global Dataset of Surface Faults.
- Heterogeneity in Inner Core Anisotropy
- High-resolution P and S-wave Velocity Structures from Elastic Full Waveform Inversion of Multi-Component Ocean Bottom Cable Seismic Data
- Icelandic Rift Relocations: Melting Models and Geochemical Observations
- Imaging the Asymmetric Chicxulub Impact Crater and Plans for Drilling
- In-situ TEM observation of the interaction between magnetic domain walls and twin domain walls below the Verwey transition in magnetite
- Inferring gas transport mechanisms through volcanic gas measurements
- Is the Chicxulub Crater Asymmetry due to Target Asymmetry or Oblique Impact? Insight From Numerical Modeling
- Monoclinic c-axis selection at the Verwey transition: new insights from off-axis electron holography and the delta-ratio magnetosome detection method
- Normal mode constraints on shear and compressional wave velocity of the Earth's inner core
- Observations of Frequency-Dependent Sn Blockage in Northern Tibet
- Quantification of the Gas Mass Emitted During a Single Explosion on Stromboli with the SO2 Camera
- Quantitative Textural Analysis of Packings of Elongate Crystals
- Seismic Anisotropy In India: Lithospheric vs Asthenospheric Origin
- Seismic observations of mantle discontinuities, and their mineral physical interpretation
- Shear Wave Splitting Observations Beneath the Iranian Plateau
- Silicate Particles in the Mt Etna and Masaya Plumes
- Small Scale Heterogeneity in the Uppermost Mantle and the Dynamic Topography on the West Coast of Africa
- Structural Properties of MgSiO3 Perovskite, Twin Walls and Their Binding to Oxygen Vacancies at High Pressures from Force Field Simulations
- Structure Of The Elevated Precambrian Terranes Rising Above The Brahmaputra Plains In Northeastern India.
- Synthetic clay-magnetite aggregates designed for controlled deposition experiments
- The Acceleration Gradient Tensor Field in Southern California Estimated using Continuous SCIGN GPS Data
- The African Lithosphere
- The Erosion of the Terrestrial Biosphere from Mountain Catchments and its Transfer as Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) to the Deep Ocean.
- The Evolution of Surface and Deep Water Circulation in the Northern North Atlantic Over the Last 21,000 Years.
- The Magnesium isotopic composition of the ocean and its consequences on chemical geodynamics
- The Search for Eight Glacial Cycles of Deep-Water Temperatures and Global ice Volume From the Southern Hemisphere
- The role of transformation twins on enhanced diffusion in minerals.
- The upper mantle Sv wave speed structure beneath Tibet
- Three-component Seismic Observations Within the INDEPTH IV Transect: NE Tibetan Plateau to Qaidam Basin
- Triggering the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum: the Kilda Capacitor Hypothesis
- Variable discharge controls on channel width and sinuosity in mixed bedrock-alluvial river channels: a combined field, remote-sensing, and modeling study
- Variation in crustal structure in Iran and the surrounding region
- Variation of Rayleigh and Love Wave Fundamental Mode Group Velocity Dispersion Across India and Surrounding Regions
- Vertical axis rotations and gravity-driven flow in southeastern Tibet
- Volcanic Degassing of Halogens and Trace Metals at Mt Etna, Sicily - A Melt Inclusion Investigation
- Volcanic halogen emissions: sources and consequences
- Wide Angle Converted Shear Wave Analysis of North Atlantic Volcanic Rifted Continental Margins
- Wide angle seismic refraction imaging of the Northern Sumatra Subduction Zone
- 3-D Seismic Refraction Tomography in Sumatra Subduction Zone
- A Calcium Isotope Record Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary From an Isolated Carbonate Platform in South China
- A Lower Threshold for North Atlantic ice Rafting in the Late Pliocene Than the Late Pleistocene in Response to Low-slung Slippery ice Sheets?
- A Textural Record of Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland.
- Active gas Venting at the Landward Limit of Hydrate Stability Offshore Svalbard
- Age-Depth Analysis of Heavily Sedimented Old Ocean Floor
- Altered Circulations: Contrasts Between Modern and Glacial N. Atlantic and S.W. Pacific.
- An atmosphere-ocean GCM modelling study of the climate response to changing Arctic seaways in the early Cenozoic.
- Application of Frequency-dependent Multi-Channel Wiener Filters to Event Detection in 2D Three-component Arrays
- Benthic Foraminifer Nd Isotopes and Radiocarbon: a Preliminary Study
- Calcium Isotope Geochemistry: Research Horizons and Nanoscale Fractionation Processes
- Chemical Evolution of Intercumulus Liquid, as Seen in Plagioclase Overgrowth Rims from the Skaergaard Intrusion
- Concurrent mixing and cooling of melts under Iceland
- Constraints from normal modes and exotic body waves on the radial structure of the Earth's inner core
- Crustal Buoyancies Dominate over Plate Boundary Effects in the U.S. Basin and Range: The Requirement of Weak Faults
- Crystal Packing in a Mush - the Role of Grain Shape
- Deep ocean carbonate ion proxies and application to the North Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Basin reconstructions
- Degassing of Volatiles and Transport of Semi-Volatile Trace Metals at Piton de la Fournaise - 2007.
- Dependence of bedrock river meandering on typhoon rainfall, flood magnitude and rock strength
- Did the Galápagos plume influence the ancient EPR? : A geochemical study of basaltic rocks from Hole 1256D
- Dynamic Uplift and Drainage of Africa
- Dynamical Modeling for Generally Shaped, Layered Lithospheric Geometries Using Continuous Field Variables
- Dynamics of Polygonal Terrain in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- ENSO-Like Variability in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific at Orbital and Millennial Time- Scales: High-low Latitude Teleconnections
- Electron Holography of Oxy-Exsolution Microstructures in Synthetic Titanomagnetites
- Erosion of the terrestrial biosphere from mountains driven by tropical cyclones
- Evidence for three-dimensional melt migration at volcanic rifted margins
- Hemispherical structures in inner core anisotropy
- Holocene Oscillations in the Temperature and Salinity of the Surface Subpolar North Atlantic
- Improving constraints on Earth's long period internal structure using normal mode measurements for recent large earthquakes
- Interpreting the signal of mantle heterogeneity in Icelandic basalts
- Inversion of Long Period Waveforms and SS Precursor Data for Thermal and Compositional Models of the Upper Mantle.
- Is the Low-Temperature Isotope Geochemistry of Mg Driven by Biology?
- Isotopic Evidence for N-limitation of a Tropical Forest in a Rapidly Eroding Mountain Landscape
- Large Variations in Ice Volume During the Middle Eocene "Doubthouse"
- Linking Upper Mantle Processes and Long-wavelength Topographic Swells in Cenozoic Africa
- Lithosphere-mantle coupling: constraints from the World Stress Map
- Mg/Ca Paleothermometry In High Salinity Environments
- Mid- to Late Holocene (5-3 ka) Origin of the Modern Tonle Sap Lake System, Cambodia
- Modelled reconstructions of the oceanic carbonate system for different histories of atmospheric carbon dioxide during the last 20 million years
- Modelling dislocation cores in Forsterite
- Modelling dislocation cores in Mg2SiO4 wadsleyite at 15 GPa: Comparison with TEM observations
- New constraints on the hydraulics of the final Lake Agassiz drainage event
- North Atlantic Climate Variability During the Late Holocene Recorded in Biochemical Varves in Diss Mere, Norfolk, UK?
- North Atlantic Volcanic Rifted Continental Margins: Further insight from S- waves.
- Oroclinal bending, distributed thrust and strike-slip faulting, and the accomodation of Arabia-Eurasia convergence in NE Iran since the Oligocene
- Outflow From the Amazon: Late Quaternary Changes in the Dynamics of the Surface Water Currents of the Western Equatorial Atlantic
- Oxygen isotopes of detrital carbonate in Heinrich Layers: Implications for reconstructing surface water δ18O
- Probing the Causes of Epeirogenic Uplift Beneath NW Europe
- Reconstruction of Pleistocene Climate for the Past Million Years From Benthic Foraminiferal Deep-sea Proxy Records From the Southern Ocean
- S40RTS a new degree-40 shear velocity model of the mantle
- Seismic Imaging Of The South Atlantic Ocean
- Seismically Induced Erosion and the Mass Balance of a Large Earthquake
- Seismicity of the West Sumatran Subduction Zone as Revealed by Local Seismicity
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Indian Shield From Surface Wave Tomography and Receiver Function Inversion
- Simulations of electron holographic observations of magnetic microstructure in exsolved titanomagnetites
- Splitting of the 520 and 660 km discontinuities in receiver functions and implications for mantle dynamics
- Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene
- Structural and Physical Controls on Segmentation and Earthquake Rupture of the Sumatran Subduction Zone
- Suitability of chondrules for studying the magnetic field of the early solar system: an examination of synthetically produced dusty olivine
- Tectonics and Tsunami Hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean Inferred From the AD 365 Earthquake
- The Effect of Nanoscale Intergrowths on Palaeomagnetic Interpretations
- The Environmental Impact of the Chaiten Eruption on Argentina: Results From Air, Vegetation and Water Sampling
- The Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition in the Southern Hemisphere: Evidences From ODP Site 1123
- The Relationship Between Lithospheric Thickness and Tectonic Subsidence in Mildly- Extended Intra-Cratonic Basins
- The Tectono-metamorphic Evolution of the Eclogite Zone, Tauern Window, Austria.
- The updip seismic/aseismic transition as seen by aftershocks of the 28 March 2005 Nias and 26 December 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquakes
- Thick lithospheric root beneath the Zagros Mountains of Iran
- Three-Dimensional Melt Distribution in Partially Molten Rocks
- Tomographic inversion of Sg arrivals reveals the upper crustal S-velocity structure beneath the INDEPTH IV Transect: NE Tibetan Plateau to Qaidam Basin
- Topographic site effects and the location of earthquake induced landslides
- Transport and deposition of distal ash following the May 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano, Chile
- Tropics-to-High latitude tele-connections during past rapid climate changes: the seasonality paradox
- Uncertainty analysis of climate sensitivity using a novel spatial reconstruction of sea- surface temperature over the past 500,000 years
- Variation in lithospheric thickness and azimuthal anisotropy in Eastern Asia
- Variation of Moho depth in the Central Alborz Mountains, Northern Iran
- Ventilation change in the deep Southern Ocean: a possible solution to the de-glacial radiocarbon 'mystery'?
- Vertical Expressions of Horizontal Flows: Stratigraphic Manifestation of Transient Asthenospheric Flow
- 3-D Seismic Tomographic Inversion to Image Segmentation of the Sumatra Subduction Zone near Simeulue Island
- A comparison of surface wave tomography in the Atlantic Ocean with the plate model: mismatches and implications for the lithosphere-asthenosphere system
- A paleothermometer based on abundances of 13C-18O bonds in bioapatite: Calibration and reconstruction of the body temperatures of extinct Cenozoic mammals and Mesozoic dinosaurs
- Active tectonics of the Qom region, Central Iran
- Activity-composition relationships in the forward modelling of metamorphic phase equilibria (Invited)
- Anelastic loss mechanisms associated with phase transitions in perovskites
- Anelasticity maps for acoustic dissipation mechanisms in minerals
- Automatic Detection Aftershocks of Spitsbergen Event at ARCES in 2008 using the multi-channel Wiener filter
- CMAS pyroxenes coexisting with mafic melts: new activity-composition models for THERMOCALC
- Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Hydrothermal Systems
- Calculated metamorphic phase equilibria. Applications and strategies for equilibria in high pressure rocks. (Invited)
- Clustering of deep focus earthquakes in the southwest Pacific
- Compound Specific δD Values Across a Tropical Precipitation Gradient: Implications for Low-latitude Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- Constraining the Thickness of the Crystal Mush in Layered Mafic Intrusions
- Coupled calcium and carbon isotopes in the aftermath of the Permo-Triassic Extinction
- Crustal structure of the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya
- Cycling of Volatiles and Stable Isotopes During High-P Subduction Dehydration of Serpentinite
- Deep and bottom water renewal from southern sources on glacial to interglacial time scales (Invited)
- Degassing pathways through the shallow magmatic-hydrothermal system of Poás Volcano (Costa Rica)
- Earthquake deformation in the Zagros Simply Folded Belt (Iran) from radar interferometry and local seismic data
- Earthquake depth distributions in the lithosphere: a summary
- Electron holography of oxy-exsolution microstructures in synthetic titanomagnetites
- Eocene climate and Arctic paleobathymetry: A tectonic sensitivity study using GISS ModelE-R
- Garnet-chloritoid-kyanite parageneses: a key constraint on subduction dynamics
- Glacial to Holocene detrital flux and sediment provenance variations in the South Atlantic Southern Ocean
- Holocene Oscillations in Temperature and Salinity of the Subpolar North Atlantic: Underlying Mechanisms and Their Link to North Pacific Climate (Invited)
- Holocene slip-rate of the Gowk strike-slip fault and implications for constancy of slip-rate on the faults of eastern Iran
- Interpreting Nd isotope and 231Pa/230Th records in the deep Western North Atlantic
- Magma crystallisation on a steep side-wall: Physical behaviour of the crystal mush
- Meltwater Input and Abrupt Deglacial Climate Change in the North Atlantic
- Mineral Magnetism of Dusty Olivine: A Potential Carrier of Pre-Accretionary Remanence?
- Mixing of mantle melts recorded in Icelandic phenocrysts: The significance of clinopyroxene stability in depleted compositions
- Modelling degree-one velocity structure in Earth's inner core using normal modes
- Nd and Pb isotope evolution of the Indian Ocean during Termination 1
- Old versus new: comparing paleotemperature estimates from stable isotopes of freshwater mollusks and mosses from the Pliocene Arctic with ‘clumped isotope’ thermometry
- P'P' and PP precursor studies of the mantle transition zone
- Plume chemistry and potential impacts of the plume from the recent activity at Halema’uma’u, Kilauea, USA
- Reconstructing deglacial Atlantic deep water circulation using the Nd isotopic composition of Fe-Mn oxide coatings from planktonic foraminfera
- Response of seawater Sr/Ca to changes in shelf-deep sea carbonate deposition during the past 160,000 years
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: A Review of The ASCENT Seismic Experiment (Invited)
- Seismicity Within the West Sumatra Subduction Zone
- Size-resolved chemistry of aerosols produced by Halema'uma'u eruption 2008-2009, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Structure and Lateral Variation of the West Sumatran Subduction Zone as Revealed by Local Seismicity
- Surface wave tomography of the European upper mantle and its relationship to tectonics
- Testing North Atlantic relative paleointensity correlations for the Brunhes Chron with oxygen isotope data and markers for (Heinrich-type) detrital layers (Invited)
- The Origin of Pb Isotopic Variations in Icelandic Melt Inclusions
- The Relation of the 30 September 2009 Mw 7.6 Earthquake to the Structure of the West Sumatran Subduction Zone
- The Shillong Plateau Uplift
- The influence of magmatism on extensional deformation: an example from the eastern Black Sea (Invited)
- Trends in glacial and interglacial intermediate and deep ocean sedimentary CaCO3 records over the last 150,000 years
- Upper mantle shear wave structure of the North American mantle and its control on continental deformation
- Using lower crustal earthquakes below Askja volcano, central Iceland to map melt movements and plumbing geometry
- Variability in the oxygen isotope composition of sulfate in the modern open ocean (Invited)
- Volatiles in Melt Inclusions from Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i: Implications for Eruption Mechanisms and Source Heterogeneity
- Volatiles in gases and melt inclusions erupted during the 2008-9 Halema`uma`u eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- A Precise Linear Sampler of Convective Circulation: New Images of V-shaped Ridges South of Iceland
- A stratified layer of light elements at the top of the outer core
- Abrupt climate change during the Last Ice Age from the perspective of 17oN, 90oW (Invited)
- Ambient noise tomography of the Kumaon Himalaya
- An Experimental Study of Germanium Sorption on Organic Matter and its Implications for Ge/Si Ratios in Natural Waters
- Apparent topography on the 660km seismic discontinuity: Implications for chemical heterogeneity at the base of the mantle transition zone
- Asymmetry in plume-ridge interaction generated by spreading ridge geometry
- Calculating lithosphere thickness from the subsidence record of an extensional sedimentary basin, Western Australia
- Compaction and Crystallisation in Magma Chambers: Towards a Model of the Skaergaard Intrusion
- Compositional and isotopic diversity in MORB crystal cargoes: the differing influence of crustal and mantle processes on separate phase populations
- Contribution of Deep Groundwater to Weathering Budget in a Rapidly Eroding Mountain Belt, Taiwan
- Decoding low dihedral angles in gabbroic layered intrusions
- Deep Ocean Temperature and Ice Volume since the mid Pleistocene Transition: a Southern Ocean perspective of interglacials (Invited)
- Early core formation in Earth aided by shear deformation
- Earthquake depth distributions in central Asia, and their relations with lithosphere thickness, shortening and extension
- Effect of Cyclonal Precipitations on the Long-term dissolved and particulate fluxes of river in Taiwan (Invited)
- Efficient transport of fossil organic carbon to the ocean by steep mountain rivers: Retaining carbon in the lithosphere
- Elastic anomalies and acoustic dissipation associated with spin state transitions in LnCoO3 (Ln=La, Nd, Gd) and Co3O4: analogue behaviour for spin state transitions in minerals
- Geochemical and Geophysical Estimates of Lithospheric Thickness Variation Beneath Galápagos
- Geochemical and petrological observations of gas transport at arc volcanoes
- Harvesting organic carbon by landslides in mountain forest: Establishing decadal rates of carbon transfer and the role of extreme events (Invited)
- Hybridisation during magma ascent at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Imaging Lower Crustal Intrusion in Iceland using Microseismics
- Melt production and mantle refertilisation above a subduction zone: Direct constraints from Antarctic Peninsula spinel-peridotite xenoliths
- Microstructural evidence of melting in crustal rocks (Invited)
- Microstructure, shear modulus and attenuation in igneous rocks approaching melting at seismic frequencies
- Moderation of Neogene Deep-Water Overflow at the Greenland-Scotland Ridge by the Icelandic Plume
- Molecular Radiocarbon Dating of Tropical Lake Sediments: Insights into the Chronology of Leaf Wax Stable Isotope Records
- Mush Development and Disaggregation in Basaltic Plumbing Systems: Evidence from Large Icelandic Fissure Eruptions
- New Joint Geochemical-Geophysical Record of Time-Dependent Mantle Convection South of Iceland
- New insights on the Neogene erosion regime of the Himalaya: a Pb-Nd isotopic study of deep-sea fan sediments (ODP Leg 116)
- Origin of Lamellar Magnetism (Invited)
- Overturning Circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean During Marine Isotope Stage 11c
- Paleotemperature Estimation by Tandem δ18O Measurement of Biogenic Carbonate and Gypsum Hydration Water
- Pn tomography of eastern Tibet
- Rapid Reoccurrence of Large Earthquakes due to Depth Segmentation of the Seismogenic Crust
- Reconciling Earth's inner core hemispherical structure with its super-rotation
- Reconciling astrochronological and 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary and late Matuyama Chron
- Reconstructing the Growth History of Bubbles in Magma from Preserved Volatile Concentrations in Glass
- Regional variation of inner core anisotropy from seismic normal mode observations
- Renewed melting at the abandoned Skagi rift, northern Iceland: control by plume pulsing?
- Revised reconstruction of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last deglaciation: a multi-proxy study
- Sedimentary talc in Neoproterozoic carbonate successions
- Significant Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Northeastern Tibet: Implications for Continuous Deformation processes of eastern Tibet
- State of the Tibetan upper mantle
- Strain partioning in Sumatra: the Sumatra fault revealed by local seismicity
- Subducted seafloor relief stops rupture in South American great earthquakes: Implications for rupture behaviour in the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake
- The 2010 MW 6.9 Yushu (Qinghai, China) earthquake: constraints from InSAR, bodywave modeling and satellite imagery
- The May 29 2008 earthquake aftershock sequence within the South Iceland Seismic Zone: Fault locations and source parameters of aftershocks
- The Role of Volatiles During Historical Eruptions of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i: Constraints on Source to Surface Processes Using Melt Inclusions
- The age, extent, and origin of Quaternary uplift of the Atlantic coast of Morocco
- The deep ocean carbonate over glacial CO2 cycles and the glacial-interglacial CCD seasaw
- The geochemical constraints on Earth's accretion and core formation (Invited)
- The thermal structure of Tibetan crust and upper mantle (Invited)
- Three dimensional Rayleigh wave velocity model using multimode surface wave tomography of Eastern Asia
- Tracking the seismicity preceding and during the March 2010 Fimmvörduháls fissure eruption and April 2010 summit eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- Transient convective uplift of an ancient buried landscape
- Tropical-Subpolar Linkages in the North Atlantic during the last Glacial Period
- Uplift Histories From River Profiles: Examples From Africa
- Uplift Histories From River Profiles: Examples From Africa and the Colorado Plateau (Invited)
- Upper Mantle Structure of South America from Surface Wave Tomography
- Using crystal zoning to track crystal mush differentiation (Invited)
- Variation in OMI SO2 measurements between extrusive and non-extrusive periods of Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat
- Velocity heterogeneities in Earth's inner core
- 40 Million Years of the Iceland Plume
- A Holocene climate record from palaeolakes in NW India
- A double surge of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during Heinrich Stadial 1
- A possible outburst flood early during the last interglacial (MIS 5e) recorded in sediments on Orphan Knoll and Eirik Drift, Labrador Sea
- Analytical and experimental multiphase models of CO<SUB>2</SUB> spreading
- Antarctic ice-sheet and oceanographic response to eccentricity forcing during the late Oligocene and early Miocene
- Arc-scale observations of volcanic SO2: a case study from Papua New Guinea
- Atlantic forcing of Amazonian climates in the last ice age
- Bryophytes as Climate Indicators: moss and liverwort photosynthetic limitations and carbon isotope signals in organic material and peat deposits
- CO2-brine-mineral Reactions in Geological Carbon Storage: Results from an EOR Experiment
- Cooling Rate Controls Dihedral Angles in Dolerite Sills
- Correlation of Brunhes detrital-layer stratigraphy into the North Atlantic from Orphan Knoll (Labrador Sea)
- Crystal-melt relationships in the AD 1783 Laki fissure eruption, Iceland and the record of lower crustal crystallisation
- Decarbonation efficiency in modern subduction zones and the source of high Cretaceous pCO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Deep ocean circulation through the Icehouse World
- Earth's core: Temporal variations using body waves, and implications for fast differential rotation of the inner core
- Earth's inner core: hemispheres, anisotropy and rotation
- Earthquakes in stable continental regions: Lithosphere thickness, radiogenic heat production and seismogenic thickness
- Effects of Exsolution Lamellae on Magnetic Properties of Crustal Rocks and Contributions to Remanent Magnetic Anomalies
- Efficiency of compaction and compositional convection during mafic crystal mush solidification: The Sept Iles layered intrusion, Canada
- Fault plane orientations of deep earthquakes in the Izu-Bonin-Marianas subduction zone system
- Forests, rain and runoff: riverine particulate organic matter in the Pacific North-West and its impact on the Earth's thermostat
- Full Waveform 2.5D Teleseismic Surface Wave Tomography with Application to the Tien Shan
- Generation and disaggregation of magmatic mush in the premonitory stages of the AD 1783 Laki eruption
- Global Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy
- High resolution 3D Sv wave velocity model of China and surrounding area
- Impact of the Himalayan Orogeny on Global Climate
- Liquid immiscibility and solvus closure in evolved tholeiitic basalts
- Long-term impacts of ocean acidification on parent sea urchins and subsequent recruitment
- Low-frequency high-temperature behaviour of Fe-Ni alloys and octahedrite meteorite at the bcc-fcc transition
- Mafic enclave diversity at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Mapping the source of strong earthquakes by use of the regional distribution of the co-seismic landslides
- Mass balance of large earthquakes: Example of the Chi-Chi earthquake.
- Mineral Magnetism of Dusty Olivine: A Credible Recorder of Pre-Accretionary Remanence
- Modeling major element variation in primary melts from a two-component mantle: application to the E-MORB and N-MORB relationship at the EPR
- New observations of deep earthquakes from Tibet: Implications for lithospheric rheology
- ODP Site 1063 (Bermuda Rise) revisited: Oxygen isotopes, excursions and paleointensity in the Brunhes Chron
- P- and S-wave tomographic structure of NE Tibet
- Processes affecting remanence in oxy-exsolved titanomagnetite: the role of pseudo-single domain grains and interaction coupling
- Reading the record of mantle melt mixing in Icelandic phenocryst compositions
- Renewed activity beneath Nea Kameni, Santorini volcano (Greece), identified from deformation and soil gas CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux measurements
- Rock magnetic properties of dusty olivine: a potential carrier of pre-accretionary remanence in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites
- Slip in the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquakes, New Zealand and implications for future seismic hazard in Christchurch
- Some Speculations Concerning The Abitibi Greenstone Belt As A Possible Analog To The Early Martian Crust
- Sourcing Marine Sulfate: Isotope evidence for secondary sulfide precipitation in the Marsyandi River, Nepal, Himalaya
- Sr-isotopic constraints on brine-mineral reactions in Geological Carbon Storage: Results from an EOR Experiment
- Temporal and Spatial Scales of Sub-Continental Mantle Convection: Comparison of Modern and Geological Observations of Dynamic Support
- The 27 February 1997 Sibi double-earthquake (Mw 6.9, 6.7) in the Sulaiman range of Pakistan - implications for the tectonics of fold-and-thrust belts and for earthquake triggering mechanisms
- The Si Isotopic Composition of the Ganges and Related Rivers
- The eukaryotic fossil record in deep time
- The thermal structure and composition of the Tibetan crust and upper mantle
- Time varying velocity structures in Earth's outer core: Constraints from exotic P-waves
- Towards regional tomography of Earth's inner core
- Two Phases of Sulphide Saturation in Reunion Magmas: Evidence from Cumulates
- Using the Abitibi Greenstone Belt to understand Martian hydrothermal systems and the potential for biosignature preservation in high temperature aqueous environments
- Vertical Stratification Changes During the Last Deglaciation Based on Foraminiferal Neodymium and Carbon Isotopes
- What A Single Celled Organism Can Tell Us About Climate History: A Status Report On Paleocean Proxies With Examples
- A culture study with benthic foraminifers at different [Mg2+]: Implications for biomineralization and proxies
- Abrupt climate change and the decline of Indus urbanism
- An Assessment of Mode-Coupling Effects in Surface Wave Tomography
- An integrated study of SO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing from Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Attenuation anisotropy in the Earth's inner core revealed by normal mode splitting function observations
- Caught in the Act: A Hot Mantle Pulse beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Combined hydrogen and carbon isotopes of plant waxes as an indicator of drought impacts on ancient Maya agriculture
- Constraints on D" structure from seismic observations of CMB Stoneley modes
- Constraints on mantle compressional velocity from new normal mode splitting function measurements
- Controls on the growth of mountain ranges revealed by the evolution of eastern Tibet
- Critical evaluation of current cleaning protocols for foraminiferal trace metal analyses using single shell Laser-Ablation -ICP measurements
- Distinguishing sources of diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions using <SUP>222</SUP>Rn-δ<SUP>13</SUP>C systematics at Santorini Volcano, Greece
- Dynamic Topography in the Oceanic Realm of West Africa, India, and the Gulf of Mexico
- Episodic variation of eruption rate caused by downward-propagating decompression of the magmatic plumbing system
- Episodicity of Melt Intrusion in the Crust: Comparison of Laboratory Data, Field Observations and Numerical Modelling
- Evolution of Neogene Dynamic Topography in Madagascar
- Flexural bending and the evolution of melt ponds on sea ice
- Foraminiferal Stable Isotope Geochemistry At The Micrometer Scale: Is It A Dream Or Reality?
- Geochemical evidence for relict degassing pathways preserved in andesite
- Geochemical provincialism in ocean islands: Unlinking the leaden double chain on Iceland
- Holocene dynamics of North Atlantic Deep Water Masses
- IODP Site U1385 ('Shackleton site'): A reference section for marine-terrestrial correlations
- Improving tomographic maps using surface waves-polarisation measurements
- Inner core velocity and anisotropy structure from combined body wave and normal mode tomography
- Insights into topographic evolution and the timings of deformation phases in large mountain ranges
- Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Group Velocities from the MANAS data set to Determine Custal Thickness Variations in theTien Shan
- Laboratory constraints on the stability of oxygen isotopes in sulfate
- Landslide-induced weathering: insight from a deep bedrock tunnel in Taiwan and implications for the carbon cycle
- Lithospheric Flexure in the Sichuan Basin and Longmen Shan at the Eastern Edge of Tibet Estimated from Gravity
- Lithospheric thickening and thinning beneath central and eastern Asia
- Magnetic signatures of North Atlantic climate in Cores MD01-2443 and -2444 from the Southwest Iberian Margin (0-400 ka)
- Mapping the continental lithosphere
- Melt generation and supply at a magmatic rift zone in Afar
- Melt-crystal interactions during crystal mush compaction (Rum layered intrusion, Scotland)
- On the nature and origin of highly-refractory Archean lithosphere: Petrological and geophysical constraints from the Tanzanian craton
- Past earthquakes, fault slip-rates, and mountain building in Kazakhstan and Mongolia
- Petrological constraints on deep degassing prior to large basaltic fissure eruptions: CO2 in Laki melt inclusions
- Petrological constraints on the crustal structure under rift zones
- Progress Report on Accurate Measurement of Dynamic Topography in the Oceanic and Continental Realms
- Recognising mush disaggregation in basaltic systems: The distribution of olivine compositions in Icelandic basalts and picrites
- Regional tomography of Earth's inner core
- Rock magnetic properties of dusty olivine: comparison and calibration of non-heating paleointensity methods
- Seismic Imaging of Thermohaline Circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Seismic monitoring of catchment activity: tracking short time-scale variability in landscape dynamics
- Seismic-frequency anelasticity of quartz through the α-β phase transition
- Short Length Scale Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath Iceland Probed by Glacial Modulation of Melting
- Slab bending and its effect on the distributions and focal mechanisms of deep-focus earthquakes
- Solubility and Diffusivity of Water in Basic Silicate Melts at Low pH<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Spatially resolved NRM of the Bishunpur LL3.1 chondrite measured by scanning SQUID microscopy: implications for chondrule formation
- Sulfate-oxygen isotope insight into anaerobic methane oxidation in estuarine sediments
- Syn-Uralian orogenic heavy mineral provenance analysis from southeastern Taimyr, Arctic Russia
- Testing the preservation potential of Carbonate-Associated Sulfate in modern marine sediments
- The consequences of mixing for the geochemical systematics of oceanic basalts
- The dissolution effect on the B/Ca ratio of planktic foraminifers: a potential bias for paleo-pH reconstructions
- The physical behaviour of gabbroic crystal mush
- The relationship between seismic velocity and attenuation in Earth's upper inner core
- The seismicity of the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its long-offset transforms
- The signature of devolatisation: excess <SUP>40</SUP>Ar in high pressure rocks
- The use of direct shear waves in quantifying seismic anisotropy: Reference station technique applied on the Northeastern Tibet
- Thermal and tectonic consequences of India underthrusting Tibet
- Uplift rate history of western North America from inversion of longitudinal river profiles
- Velocity structure of the NE Tibetan Plateau: P and S body wave tomographic model of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its margins with additional constraints from surface wave tomography
- Active-source 3-D tomography near Nias and Batu Islands, offshore central Sumatra
- Anelastic attenuation in cubic and hexagonal iron alloys: implications for the core
- Anisotropy of intrinsic attenuation in the Earth's inner core: quantitative models from normal mode splitting function coefficients
- Bookshelf faulting and transform motion between rift segments of the Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland
- Bulk and compound-specific isotope analysis of long-chain n-alkanes from a 85,000 year sediment core from Lake Peten Petén Itzá, Guatemala
- Carbonate reactions in a natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoir, Green River, Utah, USA
- Causes of atmospheric CO2 variations over the last glacial-interglacial cycle
- Cement paragenesis in septarian concretions: Evidence from clumped isotopes and microscopic examination
- Chemical weathering within high mountain depositional structures
- Controls on chemical weathering kinetics: Implications from modelling of stable isotope fractionations
- Convective shutdown of CO2 in saline aquifers
- Crustal Heterogeneity and Stratigraphy on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16°-17°N
- Depth segmentation of fault slip: deep rupture in the 2011 Van Earthquake leaves shallow hazard
- Disaggregation of primitive cumulates in the Skuggafjöll eruption, Iceland
- Estimating the elastic thickness T_e of the lithosphere from GOCE data (Invited)
- Geochemical Processes During Geological Carbon Storage: Lessons from Natural Analogues and Field Experiments (Invited)
- Global horizontal shear velocity structure
- Ice-Sheet Dynamics and Millennial-Scale Climate Variability in the North Atlantic across the Middle Pleistocene Transition (Invited)
- Icequakes! Microseismic ';Sticky Spots' in Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Insights into eruption style using remote sensing and petrology at Mt Etna, Sicily
- Insights into fault behaviour and landscape evolution from InSAR observations of the seismic cycle in east Iran
- Investigating non-double-couple source mechanisms in the Krafla geothermal region, Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland
- Investigating the Lithospheric Structure of Southern Madagascar
- Long Term Trends and Abrupt Perturbations in the late Quaternary Atmospheric Methane Budget (Invited)
- Long wavelength structure of Earth's lowermost mantle from normal mode splitting function inversions
- Magma Plumbing beneath Askja Volcano, Iceland
- Magnetic Properties of High Ti Titanomagnetite Under Pressure
- Melt-band formation with two-phase damage
- Millennial-scale variability in dust deposition, marine export production, and nutrient consumption in the glacial subantarctic ocean (Invited)
- Mode Coupling in Surface Wave Tomography
- New estimates of tropical temperature and precipitation changes during the last 42ka
- Numerical and analogue modelling of the propagation and dissolution of CO2 into reservoir brines: implications for CO2 sequestration
- Perspectives on the Dynamics of Subduction and Trench Rollback: From the Birth of Subduction to Global Plate Motions (Invited)
- Quantifying the lithological and thermal properties of the mantle using basalt chemistry
- Quantifying tomographic model resolution using higher-order adjoint methods
- Quantitative Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: preliminary results from the IODP Site U1385 (Exp 339), the Shackleton Site
- Reactive fluid transport in CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoir caprocks: constraints from scientific drilling of a natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoir
- Sedimentation rate tests tectonic models of oceanic detachment faulting at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 16.5°N
- Seismicity and the deformation of oceanic lithosphere at the outer rise
- Shear Banding in a Partially Molten Mantle
- Source Parameters of the 2013 May 1, m<SUB>b</SUB> 5.7 Kashmir Earthquake: Implications for Seismic Hazard
- Spreading Rate versus Magma Supply in the Region of Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16.5° N
- Sulfur Dioxide Degassing at the Soufrière Hills Volcano
- Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Minerals and Fluids in a Natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoir, Green River, Utah
- Synchrotron X-ray imaging of nanomagnetism in meteoritic metal (Invited)
- The Dzhungarian fault: late Quaternary tectonics and slip-rate of a major right-lateral strike-slip fault in the northern Tien Shan region
- The Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle in Western Tibet from the Analysis of Fundamental Mode Rayleigh Waves Recorded by a Local Network
- The deep structure of the Iranian Plateau
- The influence of seawater Li and Ca concentrations on shell Li/Ca in the benthic foraminifer Amphistegina lessonii (d'Orbigny, 1826)
- The role of magma mixing in Hawaiian fountaining eruptions
- Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigations of Domain Wall and Dislocation Interactions
- Vegetation and Fire Activity Changes in Southwestern Europe during Contrasting Interglacials Before and after the Middle Pleistocene Transition (mpt)
- Volcanic unrest in Kenya: geological history from a satellite perspective
- Wich Parameter of the Carbonate System Influences the Boron Isotopic Composition and the Boron Calcium Ratio in Foraminiferal Tests?
- a New Model for Biomineralization and Trace-Element Signatures of Foraminifera Tests
- A New Approach for Modelling Post-Glacial Sea Level
- A unique isotopic fingerprint during sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane
- Building the Crust through Melt Intrusions, Askja, Iceland
- Evolution and Dynamics of a Fold-Thrust Belt: The Sulaiman Range of Pakistan
- Freshening of the Dead Sea during the Last Glacial Revealed By Porewater Composition in ICDP Dead Sea Deep-Drill
- Geochemical Evidence of Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Salt Marsh Sediments
- Great Earthquakes in Low-Strain-Rate Continental Interiors: An Example from SE Kazakhstan
- Monitoring Hurricanes with a Dense Seismic Array: Joint Inversion of Seismic and Barometric Data for Surface-Pressure Source
- Organic Proxy Disturbance in the Dead Sea Basin at the Beginning of the Holocene
- Submicron Measurements of Mg Isotopes in Biogenic Carbonates Using Laser Ablation-MC-ICPMS: New Window into Biomineralisation
- The Effect of Wavefront Healing on Estimates of S-Wave and P-Wave Heterogeneity in D"
- The Sulfur Isotope Composition of the Pyrite Burial Flux in the Modern Ocean
- Thermal Expansion of Fluorapatite-Chlorapatite Solid Solutions
- Transition Zone Structures beneath Hawaii Imaged with SS precursors
- <p>The Tasmantid Seamounts: A window into the structural inheritance of ocean floor fabric
- A Cenozoic Record of Uplift, Erosion and Dynamic Support: Examples from Madagascar
- Abrupt Atmospheric Methane Increases Associated With Hudson Strait Heinrich Events
- Ambient Noise Surface Wave Tomography of the volcanic systems of eastern Iceland
- Compositionally Controlled Volatile Content of Nominally Volatile-Free Minerals in the Continental Upper Mantle of Southern Gondwana (Patagonia & W. Antarctica)
- Detailed Segmentation and Episodic Propagation of the 2014 Bárðarbunga Dike Intrusion and Seismicity Accompanying the Sustained Holuhraun Eruption, Central Icleand
- Determining the imprint of Heinrich Stadial 4 on the latitudinal distribution of methane sources using the inter-polar methane difference from the WAIS Divide and GISP2 ice-cores
- Dike Propagation Mechanisms from Seismicity Accompanying the 2014 Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun Fissure Eruption, Iceland
- Effects of a Regional Aquifer on the Evolution of a Dense CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Charged Brine
- Geodetically constrained slip on the Main Himalayan Thrust fault from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- Imaging Magma Plumbing Beneath Askja Volcano, Iceland
- Kinematics of the Hellenic Trench System from Earthquake Seismology and Field Observations
- Landscape evolution of Peninsular India in response to Cenozoic epeirogeny
- Lithology and temperature: How key mantle variables control rift volcanism
- Mantle plume capture, anchoring and outflow during ridge interaction
- Microbial cycling, oxidative weathering, and the triple oxygen isotope consequences for marine sulfate
- Searching for the signal of the Iceland plume: Seismic observations of mantle discontinuities
- Seismic Study of the Velocity Structure and Earthquake FocalMechanisms beneath the Krafla Central Volcano, NE Iceland
- Sounds of the deep: Passive microseismic monitoring of the base of ice streams.
- Super-rotation, Translation and Growth of the Inner Core: A Step Towards a Coherent Model of Seismic Structures
- The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake: Constraining the Geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust from Space Geodesy
- The East Australian, Tasmantid, and Lord Howe Volcanic Chains: Possible mechanisms behind a trio of hotspot trails
- The Temperature of the Icelandic Mantle Plume from Aluminium-in-Olivine Thermometry
- Triggering of the Largest Deccan Eruptions by the Chicxulub Impact
- Volumetric Measurements of a Thin CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Saturated Layer Through Time at the Sleipner Field, North Sea
- Why is Extension in the Northern Rift Zone of Iceland Accompanied Predominantly by Strike-slip Seismicity?
- A combined study of gas geochemistry, petrology, and lava effusion at Bagana, a unique persistently active lava cone in Papua New Guinea
- A first step to compare geodynamical models and seismic observations of the inner core
- A magmatic probe linking mantle temperature and dynamic topography beneath western North America
- A preliminary study of the fabrics in the Skaergaard Layered Series and implications for the significance of compaction
- Abrupt changes in atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide during Heinrich Stadials from very high resolution ice core data
- Aligning petrology with geophysics: the Father's Day intrusion and eruption, Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- AxiSEM3D: a new fast method for global wave propagation in 3-D Earth models with undulating discontinuities
- Can carbonate hardground cements allow us to reconstruct the evolution of pore water chemistry?
- Constraining the timescale of magmatic ascent prior to the Skuggafjöll eruption, Iceland
- Deserpentinization and the Generation of Highly Oxidizing Fluids in Subduction Zones
- Detailed Mapping of Historical and Preinstrumental Earthquake Ruptures in Central Asia Using Multi-Scale, Multi-Platform Photogrammetry
- Disequilibrium Vapor Bubble Formation in Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions: How Much CO<SUB>2</SUB> is Really in There?
- Dynamic modeling of the Mw, 7.8 Gorkha earthquake
- Dynamics of the 2014-15 Bardarbunga-Holuhraun magma propagation
- Estimating Aquifer Properties from High-resolution, Time-lapse Fluid Thickness Measurements at the Sleipner Carbon Capture and Storage Project, North Sea
- FORCinel Version 3.0: An Integrated Environment for Processing, Analysis and Simulation of First-Order Reversal Curve Diagrams
- Forward and Inverse Modelling of Post-Seismic and Post-Glacial Deformation
- Geochemistry of Peralkaline Melts at Kone Volcanic Complex, Main Ethiopian Rift
- Geological carbon budget of the Mackenzie River Basin: New insight from the oxidation of rock-derived organic carbon
- How long does it take to assemble the magmas that feed large basaltic fissure eruptions?
- Kinematic Rupture Process of the 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence from Joint Inversion of Strong Motion, Teleseismic and Geodetic Observations
- Lithium and Magnesium isotopic composition of Himalayan Rivers: The mechanisms and controls of silicate weathering
- Magma Transport from Deep to Shallow Crust and Eruption
- Magmatism and Dynamic Topography of Libya and Tibesti, North Africa
- Microstructural Indicators Of Convection In Sills And Dykes
- Multi-Scale and Multi-Dimensional Mineralogical Mapping using Machine Learning
- Oceanic Residual Depth Anomalies Maintained by a Shallow Asthenospheric Channel
- Paleomagnetic and compositional insight into the formation and impact history of the IAB parent body
- Paleomagnetism of Hadean and Archean Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Pallasite Paleomagnetism: Quiescence of a Core Dynamo
- Regional Cenozoic Uplift of Europe from Linear Inverse Modelling of Longitudinal River Profiles
- Relative Seismic Velocity Variations Correlate with Deformation at Kīlauea Volcano.
- Research strategies and quantitative methods in environmental magnetism
- Residual Topography at the Edges of the Icelandic Plume
- Resolving the Mantle Plume Heat Transfer Discrepancy
- Searching for structure in the mid-mantle: Observations of converted phases beneath Iceland and Europe
- Seawater Chemistry Across Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
- Spectral Discrepancies between Observations and Predictions of Global Dynamic Topography
- Surface Response to Regional Uplift of Madagascar Reveals Short Wavelength Dynamic Topography
- Suspended sediment chemistry from large Himalayan Rivers
- The Behaviour of Fe Stable Isotopes Accompanying Fluid Migration in Subducted Serpentinite from the Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite of the Swiss Alps
- The Extent of the Locked Zone in the Jammu and Kashmir Himalaya as observed from Microearthquake Study.
- The February 2008 Methoni earthquake sequence, Greece: subduction earthquakes, afterslip and deformation in the overriding plate
- The Role and Behavior of Exsolved Volatiles in Magma Reservoirs
- The calcium isotope evolution of Lake Lisan, the Dead Sea glacial precursor
- The isotopic composition of hydration water in biogenic silica: towards a new climate proxy for opal-rich sediment
- The role microbial sulfate reduction in the direct mediation of sedimentary authigenic carbonate precipitation
- The solid Earth's involvement in oxygen cycling: Observations and theory
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Thermohaline Circulation on North Atlantic Margins
- Tidal Tomography: New Insights into Long Wavelength Deep Mantle Buoyancy Structure
- Tracing fluid transfer across subduction zones using iron and zinc stable isotopes
- Triggered earthquakes suppressed by an evolving stress shadow from a propagating dyke; Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland
- Triple Oxygen and Deuterium Isotopes in Gypsum Hydration Water for Quantitative Paleo-humidity Reconstructions
- Using Calcium Isotopic Composition of Calcium Carbonate Veins to Assess the Roles of Vein Formation and Seafloor Alteration in Regulation of the Carbon Cycle
- Using Gypsum Hydration Water to Quantitatively Estimate the Intensity of the Terminal Classic Drought in the Maya Lowlands
- Volcanic Metal Emissions and Implications for Geochemical Cycling and Mineralization
- What does it mean to be pseudo single domain? Demystifying the PSD state
- 50 Myr of pulsed mafic magmatism in the High Arctic Large Igneous Province
- Adjoint-Based Sensitivity Kernels for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in a Laterally Varying Earth
- Assessing Deep Ocean Carbon Storage Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- AxiSEM3D: broadband seismic wavefields in 3-D aspherical Earth models
- Changes in biogenic and detrital fluxes across the last two glacial terminations at the Shatsky Rise
- Characterizing and quantifying superparamagnetic magnetite particles in serpentinized mantle peridotite observed in continental ophiolite complexes.
- Constraining LLSVP Buoyancy With Tidal Tomography
- Crustal formation in a plume-ridge setting: Seismic imaging of the Icelandic crust
- Crustal structure beneath Nepal using Bayesian inversion of receiver functions and surface-wave dispersions
- Decoding Dynamic Topography: Geologic and Thermochronologic Constraints From Madagascar
- Deep ocean ventilation in the Central Fram Strait during the past 35 kyr
- Do Splitting Functions Constrain Earth's Density Structure?
- Effects of Glaciation and Deglaciation on Mantle Melting beneath Iceland.
- Estimating reservoir permeability from gravity current modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flow at Sleipner storage project, North Sea
- Evolution of Parnaíba Cratonic Basin, Northeast Brazil
- Fault Mechanics and Post-seismic Deformation at Bam, SE Iran
- Generation and Scaling of the African Landscape.
- Germanium Isotopes - the Global Budget and Paleoceanographic Potential
- Influences of sediment redistribution on sea-level changes along the U.S. Atlantic margin since the mid-Pliocene
- Modeling SST gradient changes, the hydrological cycle response, and deep water formation in the North Pacific
- Modelling Laccoliths: Fluid-Driven Fracturing in the Lab
- Neogene Uplift and Magmatism of Anatolia: New Insights from Drainage Analysis and Basalt Geochemistry
- New Proxies for Climate change parameters: Foram Culturing and Pteropod Potentials
- Olivine-hosted melt inclusions record efficient mixing of mantle melts in continental flood basalt provinces
- On mass transport in magmatic porosity waves
- On the use of UAVs at active volcanoes: a case study from Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala
- Precursory tremor of the Askja Caldera landslide, July 2014 - seismic signal analysis and numerical modelling
- Properties of the subglacial till inferred from supraglacial lake drainage
- Pulse-Like Partial Ruptures and High-Frequency Radiation at Creeping-Locked Transition during Megathrust Earthquakes
- Reconciling Long-Wavelength Dynamic Topography, Geoid Anomalies and Mass Distribution on Earth
- Resolving Discrepancies Between Observed and Predicted Dynamic Topography on Earth
- Revealing the sub-nanometere three-dimensional microscture of a metallic meteorite
- Seismic and Aseismic Slip on the Cascadia Megathrust
- Seismicity and seismic hazard in Sabah, East Malaysia from earthquake and geodetic data
- Stable Isotope Evidence for North Pacific Deep Water Formation during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- Strain Variation in Accretionary Prisms Across Space and Time: Insights from the Makran Subduction Zone
- Subsidence and Seismicity in the Groningen Region, North-East Netherlands.
- The Formation of Laurentia: Evidence from Shear Wave Splitting and Seismic Tomography
- The origin and evolution of silicic magmas during continental rifting: new constraints from trace elements and oxygen isotopes from Ethiopian volcanoes
- The thermochemical, two-phase dynamics of subduction zones: results from new, fully coupled models
- Timing and magnitude of Last Interglacial ocean warming
- Timing magma migration through the Icelandic Crust: from the Moho to the surface
- Transdimensional, hierarchical, Bayesian inversion of ambient seismic noise: Australia
- Volcanic sulfur degassing and the role of sulfides in controlling volcanic metal emissions
- Water storage in marine sediment and implications for inferences of past global ice volume
- Weak overturning circulation and increased iron fertilization maximized carbon storage in the glacial ocean
- Weathering and carbon fluxes of the Irrawaddy-Salween-Mekong river system
- Weathering in Monsoonal Rivers : The Mekong
- "Dragon Eggs" - drone deployed autonomous volcanic sensing networks
- A Model for the Density of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-NaCl Fluids Based on High-Pressure Experimental Data to 800 K and 1500 bars
- A Pliocene perspective on ocean circulation and nutrients: the role of Pacific overturning on Earth system timescales
- A view from the North Pacific: seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and B/Ca records over the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Ancient transient landscapes: expressions of dynamic topography within the stratigraphic record?
- Causes and Consequences of Neogene Dynamic Uplift of Madagascar
- Changes in North Atlantic Deep-Water Oxygen across the Middle Pleistocene Transition
- Channelized melt extraction: physical controls on the formation of dunite channels
- Controls on the geometry and evolution of fold-thrust belts: applications to the Makran accretionary prism and Indo-Burman Ranges
- Delivery of deep-sourced, volatile-rich plume material to the global ridge system
- Determining the 3D Structure of Volcanic Plumes using UAS Imagery
- Early Deccan Traps CO<SUB>2</SUB> Budget & Degassing History Constrained from Melt Inclusions
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the long-term evolution of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Exploring Deformation Mechanisms at the Base of the Earth's Mantle with Combined Constraints from Geodynamics, Mineral Physics and Seismic Anisotropy.
- First Images Of Magnetite In Jack Hills Zircon - Are They Primary Inclusions?
- Fragmentation in crystal-rich basaltic systems: Ash generation at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala
- Ge/Si Biogeochemistry in North Pacific Sediments
- Gender inequity in speaking opportunities at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
- Generation and Scaling of Fluvial Channels
- Getting Good Palaeoflow Data From Bad Sediments: E & W of Greenland
- Hydrogen isotopes of the hydroxyl group in clays: a new paleohydrologic proxy applied to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Joint inversion of high-frequency receiver functions and surface-wave dispersion for sedimentary structure: Case study in the Parnaíba Basin of NE Brazil
- Large-Scale Tectonic Forcing of the African Landscape Revealed by Drainage Analysis.
- Lunar crust formation from a slushy magma ocean
- Millennial storage of near-Moho magma
- Neogene atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstructions from haptophyte algae: methods, calibration, and application
- North American Landscape Evolution: Insights from Stratigraphy, Thermochronology and Geomorphology
- On the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geochemically Distinct Lavas in the Deccan Large Igneous Province
- P and S wave travel-time tomography of SE Asia-Australia collision zone
- Post-subduction tectonics in North Borneo: constraints from P receiver functions
- Punctuated or sustained? Estimates of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> output of explosive volcanic eruptions
- Quantifying Relationships Between Magmatism, Asthenospheric Temperature and Dynamic Support: An African Case Study
- Reassessing the Thermal Evolution of Oceanic Lithosphere Using Updated Basement Depth and Heat Flow Measurements
- Reflection seismic imaging under the Parnaíba basin (NE Brazil) with ambient seismic noise
- Remote Sensing & Identification of Volcanic Plumes with Fixed-Wing UAS over Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala
- Revisiting the Evidence for a Hadean-Eoarchean Dynamo
- Scales of Similarity and Disparity Between Fluvial Channels
- Seismic observations of Hawaii's compositionally heterogeneous plume
- Seismological explorations of Earth's outer core
- Sensitivity kernels for geodynamic surface observables based on adjoint methods
- Short timescale degassing dynamics in a very young plume revealed by proximal Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) measurements at Volcán Villarrica, Chile
- Size-resolved chemistry of volcanic aerosol from the 2018 Kīlauea Lower East Rift Zone eruption, traced from source to exposed communities
- Slice and view of magnetic mineralogy in oxides and silicates
- Strain accumulation and historic earthquakes from the Main Kopet Dagh Fault,Turkmenistan.
- Suspended Sediment Composition of the Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers: Grain-size Dependence and Spatiotemporal Variations
- The 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun magmatic rifting event: A seismic study
- The Goldilocks Zone: How Cooling Rate Controls the Ability of Iron Meteorites to Record Ancient Magnetic Fields
- The History of Deep Carbon Science
- The True Nature of Remanence Carriers Revealed: High-resolution Tomography for Single-Crystal Rock Magnetic Applications
- The Vortex State in Magnetic Minerals Revealed by FIB Nanotomography and Micromagnetic Modeling
- The carbon budget and carbon isotope composition of flood basalt magmas
- The internal structure of the African superplume; insights from body-wave seismic tomography and converted phases
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Meso- and Fine-Scale Motions in Faroe-Shetland Channel
- Timescales of Magma Rise and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Transfer in Basaltic Systems: Integrating FENS Diffusion Chronometry, Melt Inclusions and Petrological Barometry for Icelandic Eruptions
- Unmixing mineral phases, connecting measurements: Using machine learning to understand natural process heterogeneity
- Velocity structure of the Sea of Marmara region from ambient noise and receiver function imaging
- Waveform tomography the Eastern Mediterranean
- A Multi-Proxy Approach to Understanding Continental-scale Landscape Evolution: A North American Example
- A large ultra-low velocity zone at the potential base of the Galapagos plume
- A new P-wave mantle tomographic model for Africa and a receiver function study of the Ethiopian plateau
- Caldera Seismicity Associated with the 1998 Inflation of the Shallow Crustal Magma Chamber beneath the Grímsvötn Hotspot Volcano, Iceland
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Subaerial Volcanic Regions
- Characterising Complex Subduction Zone Interaction Beneath Northern Sulawesi
- Collaboration between Geoscience and Religious Communities in Low Income Countries: A Case Study from the 2010 Haiti Earthquake.
- Constraining Continental Dynamic Topography
- Constraining Earth's Multi-scale Topographic Response to Global Mantle Flow
- Constraints on the distances and timing of solid migration in the early solar system from meteorite paleomagnetism
- Contextualising Paleomagnetic Records with Multiscale Microscopy, Microanalytics and Machine Learning
- Depth Constraints on Seismic Anisotropy in Iceland from Shear Wave Splitting Measurements
- Detailed seismic mapping of core-mantle boundary structure beneath Hawaii
- Disentangling Interglacial Sea Level and Dynamic Topography: Analysis of Madagascar
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the stability of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Emerging Views of Earth's Core - an E' Layer at the Top of the Outer Core?
- Equilibrium between river water chemistry and the sediment exchange pool in some of the world's largest rivers?
- Exploring the Influence of Dynamic Topography on Passive Margin Escarpment Evolution: A Global Perspective
- Extending the Ice-Age Sea-Level Equation: Water Flux Across Sills
- Geochemical and geophysical constraints on the volatile inventory of Earth's lithospheric mantle
- High primitive magma fO<SUB>2</SUB> estimates recorded by Cr-rich spinels hosted in olivines link OIB oxidation state and volatile enrichment at El Hierro (Western Canary Islands)
- High-frequency Shear Wave Diffraction at Hawaii ULVZ
- High-frequency full-wavefield assessment of ultra-low velocity zone scattering
- Hints of an Eoarchean magnetic field from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Greenland
- How Representative are Estimates of Fast Melt Ascent Velocity under Iceland following its Deglaciation?
- Iron Isotopes Trace Primordial Magma Ocean Cumulates in the Earth's Deep Mantle
- Joint inversion of P and S wave arrival times for Vp/Vs ratio in SE Asia
- Li Isotopes in the Waters and Suspended Matters of the Mekong and Salween Basins
- Lithospheric and asthenospheric controls on the evolution of intracratonic basins: comparing Congo, Taoudeni and Parnaiba
- Local seismicity near the actively deforming Corbetti volcano in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Mantle Transition Zone Topography Beneath the Parnaíba Basin of NE Brazil: New Constraints on Deep Mantle Dynamics
- Measurements of Early Magnetic Fields in the Innermost and Outer Solar System from CO Chondrites
- Mechanisms for Dynamic Support in Northeast Brazil and Southwest Africa
- Melt Inclusion Constraints on Mantle Carbon Heterogeneity at the Global and Regional Scales
- Metasomatic controls on hydrogen and fluorine contents of nominally volatile-free minerals in the sub-cratonic mantle
- Multi-proxy evidence for the evolution of Indo-Pacific Warm Pool temperature since the Pliocene
- Narrowing the Gap Between Early Deccan Traps CO2 Outgassing and pre-KPB Global Climate
- New insights into the nature of plume-ridge interaction and the implications for mantle degassing at plume-influenced MORBs
- Observations of the X-discontinuity - at 280-350 km depth - beneath hotspot locations
- Post-Subduction Tectonics in North Borneo: Constraints on Crustal and Mantle Structure from Receiver Functions
- Probabilistic forecasting of induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field
- QuakeMigrate: a Modular, Open-Source Python Package for Earthquake Detection and Location
- Quantifying the impact of sulfuric acid weathering on the carbon budgets of the Irrawaddy and Salween rivers in Myanmar
- Reconciling the formation of shear-induced melt bands in numerical and laboratory experiments: The effects of surface tension and a porosity-weakening bulk viscosity
- Reduced-Order Modelling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dissolution Trapping Rates and Plume Propagation in Heterogenous Porous Media
- Sedimentary layering in mafic intrusions: the Skaergaard trough bands
- Simulation of remanent, transient, and induced first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams
- Simultaneous orthogonal shortening in the Afghan-Tajik Depression
- Slab Stagnation in Australasia, and Why Convecting Material Becomes Trapped in the Mid Mantle
- Stirring Things Up - Productivity Boost or Just a Drain? Nutrient Sensitivity to Meridional Overturning in the Pliocene
- Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakes
- Surface expressions of spoke pattern convection in the Earth's mantle
- Tectonic drivers of the planetary carbon cycle
- The Effect of Mantle Volatile Heterogeneity on Trace-element Variability of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
- The Pseudo-Single Domain FORC Signature Explained
- The Variable Seismic Signatures of Upwellings in the Transition Zone and Mid-mantle beneath Africa
- The early thermal evolution of planetesimals during accretion and differentiation and its consequences for dynamo generation by thermally-driven convection.
- The formation and evolution of alkaline-carbonatite magmatic systems, as modeled with rhyolite-MELTS
- The impact of glacial lake outburst flood events on mineral weathering in a high arctic watershed
- The influence of crystal-rich magma on Strombolian activity: insights from Yasur Volcano
- The morphology, evolution and seismic visibility of partial melt at the core-mantle boundary: Implications for ULVZs
- The shallow poroelastic aquifer: river response to solid Earth tidal forcing
- Tidal Grounding Line Migration Modulated by Subglacial Hydrology
- Tracking Subsurface Melt Movement through the Crust in Iceland using Seismology
- Tracking sulfur and its chalcophile allies at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii: A story of sulfide saturation, sulfide resorption and magmatic degassing
- UAV-based Measurements of the High-Altitude Plume of Manam Volcano
- Updatable, high-resolution seismic velocity models of the Australian lithosphere
- Using Calibrated Anelasticity Parameterisations to the Infer the Physical State of the Upper Mantle
- A long-lived planetesimal dynamo powered by core crystallization
- Analysis of teleseismic shear-wave splitting in the post-subduction environment of Sabah, Borneo
- Bayesian imaging of the Hawaiian ULVZ from Sdiff postcursors
- Deep Earth Explorers: High school teaching resources to promote understanding of and diversity within Geosciences
- Deep Mantle Contributions to African Volcanism Revealed by Absolute P-wave Tomography and Transition-Zone Receiver Functions
- Deep Ocean storage of heat and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Arctic Mediterranean during the last glacial period
- Evaluating possible sources for phosphine on Venus
- Evidence of recycled basalt in mantle plumes: Receiver function observations of the X-discontinuity beneath hotspots
- Experimental investigation of the nonlinear viscoelasticity of olivine single crystals
- Forward, Inverse and Spectral Analyses of Drainage Networks and Landscapes Reveal Dominance of Regional Tectonics and Mantle Dynamics
- Give Them What They Want: Exciting and educating the public about deep Earth research with the Deep Earth Explorers
- Glacial and Holocene Middle East Stalagmite Proxies Interpreted Using GCM Simulations and Karst Environment Numerical Modeling
- Global Systematics of Copper in Arc Magmas Using a Big Data Approach
- Global observations of mantle discontinuities from ScS reverberations
- Heterogeneity of subducting Indian oceanic plate and its implication to Sunda-arc magmas geochemical systematics
- High resolution seismic imaging of the Hawaiian ULVZ: A large-scale layer of varying topography
- Imaging 3D mantle viscosity beneath Greenland using relative sea level and GNSS observations with an adjoint approach: A test of discordant GIA uplift models.
- Kilometer-scale imaging on the core-mantle boundary at the source of the Hawaiian mantle plume
- Layering in the uppermost outer core? Constraints from body waves and normal modes
- MC-ICP-MS measurements of sulfur isotopes in ice cores to reconstruct sea ice extent around the Antarctic Peninsula
- Mantle Sources of Icelandic Flank and Rift Zone Magmas: Forward Modelling of a Heterogeneous Mantle to Recreate Trace Element Signatures
- New constraints on seismicity in Eastern Sabah, Malaysia
- Pressure-dependent rheology and the Lunar crustal dichotomy
- Reconciling observations of volcanic deformation and degassing from basaltic volcanoes
- Reconstructing Magma Storage Depths for the 2018 Kīlauean Eruption from Melt Inclusion CO<SUB>2</SUB> Contents: The Importance of Vapor Bubbles
- Redox of Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth Carbonate Depositional Environments
- Seismic Structure and Tectonic Evolution of Borneo and Sulawesi
- Steady state large magnitude explosive volcanism for the last five hundred thousand years
- The Controls on Earthquake Ground Motion in Foreland-Basin Settings: The Effects of Basin and Source Geometry
- The Dynamics of Ice Age Megafloods: Insights from an Extended Sea-Level Equation
- The Gas Factory: segregated exsolved volatiles derived from unerupted magmas fuel arc eruptions and persistent degassing
- The effect of uncertainties in seismic source parameters on (waveform) tomography
- The influence of mantle melt flux on the physiochemical characteristics of magma storage
- The resolving power of Antarctic GNSS observations
- Towards 3D Multiscale Adjoint Waveform Tomography of the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath Southeast Asia
- Towards Toroidal Mode Constraints on Large-Scale Mantle Anisotropy
- Using P2KP Diffracted Phases and High Frequency Synthetic Seismograms to Interrogate Core Mantle Boundary Structure
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Volatile metal emissions from volcanic degassing and lava-seawater interactions at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- What Ice Age Data Can - and Cannot - Tell Us About the Deep Mantle
- X Marks the Spot: Seismic Signals of Silica and Hidden Hawaiian Heterogeneities
- Effects of subduction termination processes on continental lithosphere
- Weaker AMOC at the Last Glacial Maximum
- The North Borneo Puzzle: Detailed seismic imaging of a complex post-subduction tectonic setting