Cardiff University, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Seismic Evidence for Propagation Mechanism in Igneous Sill Complexes
- Apparent Discrepancy Between Observed and Calculated Mass Excess of the Subducted Slab Under the Central Andes
- B-DEOS: British Dynamics of Earth and Ocean systems- new approaches for a multidisciplinary ocean observing system in the Atlantic and S Ocean
- Contrasting Geochemistry of on- and off-axis Magmatism, 26° S Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Geological Constraints on Ocean-Floor Detachment Faulting (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone)
- Hf Isotopic Variations in Volcanic Rocks From the Caribbean Large Igneous Province and Cocos Ridge (Central East Pacific)
- High Field Strength Element Indicators of Temperature at the Subducted Slab - Mantle Wedge Interface
- Initiation of Subduction Zones: A Consequence of Lateral Compositional Buoyancy Contrast Within the Lithosphere
- Marine-terrestrial Correlations From a Million-year Record of Pollen in the Southwest Pacific
- Melt Movement Beneath the East Pacific Rise Constrained by Uranium-Series Disequilibrium Studies of Off-Axis Basalts
- Ophiolites as Indicators of Rapid Global Tectonic Change
- Orbital-tuning of Marine Cyclic Sediments - Examples from the Neogene and Jurassic
- Periodic and Aperiodic Variability of Temperature, Chemistry and Flow Rate at Areas of Diffuse Venting, Main Endeavour Field
- Preliminary Report on Cruise NBP01-01, East Antarctic Margin
- Susceptibility of Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanic Islands to Landsliding
- Temporal Evolution of the Mantle Wedge in the SW Pacific: Hf-Nd-Pb Isotopes
- The Development of Intersection Geometries in Sill Complexes
- The Effect Of Aldehydic Carbonyls On Iron Sulfide Biomineral Formation
- A 1D Full Waveform Time Domain Magnetotelluric Inversion
- An Overview of the Southern Mariana Subduction Factory: Arc, Cross-Chains, and Back-Arc Basin
- Assimilation at Intermediate- and Fast-Spreading Ridges
- Centennial-Scale Record of Iceland Scotland Overflow Water During the Holocene
- Eocene Plate Reorganisation and Subduction Initiation in the Western Pacific: What the Rocks can Tell us
- European Mountain Permafrost: Geothermal Change and Associated Geomorphological Impacts
- High-Resolution Records of Southern Hemisphere Variability During the Past 340 kyr and Interhemispheric Linkage: IMAGES Core MD97-2120, Chatham Rise (SW Pacific)
- Late Quaternary Palaeoceanography of the Falkland Trough, SW Atlantic: Evidence of Rapid Changes in Ocean Conditions
- Long-Term Monitoring at Hydrothermal Sites of Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Ogasawara Arc, Western Pacific
- Mantle Plumes are NOT From Ancient Oceanic Crust
- New Sedimentary Constraints for Changes in Conveyor Overturning Rates and Their Role in Millennial Scale Climate Events of the Middle and Late Pleistocene
- Palaeocurrent Reconstruction of the Deep Pacific Inflow During the Middle Miocene
- Records of planktonic foraminiferal shell weight provide insight into the controls on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> variability
- Significance of mafic hornblende pegmatites intruding ultramafic rocks of the accreted oceanic plateau in Colombia: Ar-Ar and radiogenic isotope constraints
- Simple Poroelastic Models for the Tidal Modulation of Hydrothermal Systems
- A Polygenetic Origin for some Oceanic Lithosphere: Evidence from Forearc, Continental Margin and Ophiolite Mantle Sequences
- Covariation of δ <SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca and pH in Ocean Surface Waters during the Neogene
- De-coupled upwelling, productivity, surface water pCO2 of the Benguela Current System During the Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation.
- European Mountain Permafrost: Recent Near Surface Thermal Responses
- Expression of Heinrich Events in the Southern Ocean
- Form of Submarine Erosion From Confluences in mid-Atlantic USA Continental Slope Canyons
- The Green Bar: a 2.8 Ga Ultramafic Exhalative or Impactite?
- The precise and accurate isotopic measurement of sub-nanogram samples of foraminiferal hosted boron by Total Evaporation N-TIMS; applications to paleoceanography
- Vertical Motions and Lithosphere Rheology at Ascension Island
- A Non-Linear Inversion for the Global 3-D Electrical Conductivity Distribution in the Upper to Mid-Mantle
- Dendritic lava flows, landslides and terraces around the central Azores islands
- Describing the development of submarine canyons using stream-power erosion laws
- High Resolution Visualizations of Lake Floor Structures in Lake Superior.
- Inferring Paleoenvironments Using Seasonal Isotope and Trace-Metal Profiles of Serially-Sampled Gastropods
- Late Quaternary Biosiliceous Laminated Marine Sediments From Antarctica: Seasonality During a Period of Rapid Climate Change
- Medusa-Isosampler: A modular, network-based observatory system for combined physical, chemical and microbiological monitoring, sampling and incubation of hydrothermal and cold seep fluids
- New Insights into Inferring Climate Variability from Records of Planktonic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca, Oxygen Isotope and Shell Weight in the Southern Ocean
- Non-paragenesis of Authigenic Sulfide Minerals: Mackinawite and Greigite are Not Precursors of Sedimentary Pyrite
- Oligocene Climate Forcing and Palaeoceanography of the Equatorial Pacific
- Patchy deposits of Cenozoic pelagic sediments in the central Pacific
- Relatively high sea levels of the last million years
- Sea-surface and deep-sea temperatures and seawater d18O in the Southern Ocean over the last 440,000 years
- Timing and Nature of the Deepening of the Tasmanian Gateway
- Comparative Reconstruction of North Atlantic Deep Water Variability During MIS 12-10
- Equatorial Pacific ``stable isotope reference curve'' for the Oligocene
- Fluid flow rate, temperature and heat flux at Mohns Ridge vent fields: evidence from isosampler measurements for phase separated hydrothermal circulation along the arctic ridge system
- Geochemical Fingerprinting of `LIP Ophiolites' in the Geologic Record: Theory and Practice
- High Resolution Multi Proxy Deep-Sea Records of Eocene/Oligocene Climate Change From the Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Meltwater Forcing of Surface and Deep Ocean Change During the Cold Climate Event 8,200 Years ago
- Multi-Proxy Approach to the Atlantic-Indian Water Interchange Along the Last Three Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- Structure and Deformation Conditions at the 15deg 45N Oceanic Core Complex, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Temperature and [CO3 ] Effects on Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in the Benthic Foraminifera Species of Hoeglundina Elegans and Cibicidoides
- The Expert System Approach to Fingerprinting Past Tectonic Settings
- The Pole-to-Equator Paleoecological Signature of Dinoflagellate Cysts during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- The Role of Diatoms in Export Flux
- Adaptive Finite Element Methods in Geodynamics
- Deep Water Radiocarbon Budgets for the Deglacial Mystery Interval
- Geomorphology of continental slope canyons
- Imaging Paleo-Iceberg Scour in Western Lake Superior With a 28 kHz Echosounder.
- Miocene Indian Ocean Circulation: A High-Resolution Multivariate Analysis of Interbasinal Records
- Nd isotope calibration of core top sediments along the South African Margin
- Oceanic Core Complexes and Crustal Accretion at Slow-Spreading Ridges. Indications From IODP Expeditions 304-305 and Previous Ocean Drilling Results
- Solifluction Processes in Arctic Permafrost: Results of Laboratory and Field Experiments
- Splash Plumes
- Submarine lava flows around the coasts of Pico Island, Azores
- Temperature and Carbonate Ion Effects on Elemental Ratios in Benthic Foraminifera
- Uplift Correction of MIS 11 Shorelines Show Sea-Level Close to Present: Data and Implications
- Variations in Near-Bottom Flow Speeds of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water During the Last Two Centuries
- A Trace-Element and Radiogenic-Isotopic Pattern of Oceanic Arc Inception, Maturity, Demise, and Rejuvenation: Viti Levu, Fiji
- Black Smoker Vents and Oceanic Detachment Faults
- Long term adjustment of canopy root depth and strength: Implications catchment hydrology and slope stability
- Pole-to-pole sea surface temperatures from the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum using organic and inorganic paleothermometers: the ultimate test case for climate models
- Saucer-Shaped Sandstone Intrusions: Facts, Inferences and Unknowns
- Saucer-shaped Clastic Intrusions and Associated Injectites in the Westerm San Joaquin Valley
- Solifluction Processes in Seasonally Frozen Ground, Dovrefjell, Norway
- A New Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th Record From the South Atlantic: Further Insight Into Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) Through the Last 45 kyr
- A comparison of Nd isotopes in seawater and authigenic sediments from the South African Margin
- Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate Following the Middle Miocene Expansion of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Evidence for Footwall Rotation in an Oceanic Core Complex From IODP Core Samples Reoriented Using Borehole Wall Imagery
- Geochemical Tracing of Asthenosphere Flow
- Influence of Agulhas Leakage on the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC): Insights From Paired Planktonic and Benthic Foraminifera Stable Isotope and Trace Metal Analyses Over the Last 345 kyr
- Is the interior of Venus dry due to a Mega-collision?
- Life Cycle of Oceanic Core Complexes
- Magma source evolution beneath the Caribbean oceanic plateau: New insights from elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic studies of ODP Leg 165, Site 1001 basalts
- Morphotectonics of Hess Deep: Preliminary Results of RRS James Cook Cruise JC21
- Multi-Proxy Records for Testing the Role of Indian-Atlantic Gateway Circulation and Inter- Ocean Exchanges in Modulating the Atlantic MOC
- Organic and inorganic proxies for changes in the East African hydrological regime at the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene
- Testing Mantle Circulation Models
- Thermally-Driven Mantle Plumes Reconcile Hot-spot Observations
- Time Dependent Layering in Earth's Mantle: Mantle Avalanches and Thermal Pulses
- Timing and Significance of a Global Deep-sea Dissolution Event during the Eocene- Oligocene Transition
- Cenozoic analogues support a plate tectonic origin for the Earth’s earliest continental crust
- Changes in Holocene to LGM water mass stratification near Southern Africa inferred from Nd isotopes
- Experimental Study of Copper Isotope Fractionation During the Formation of Cu and Cu-Fe Sulfides in Aqueous Solutions at 40-200 °C
- Fe isotope fractionation in the Fe-S system at low temperature
- Geochemistry and geochronology of Tobago Island: a preliminary re-appraisal
- Holocene Oscillations in Temperature and Salinity of the Subpolar North Atlantic: Underlying Mechanisms and Their Link to North Pacific Climate (Invited)
- Internal structure of multiple Eocene climatic warming events from Demerara Rise
- Mantle plume or slab window?: Physical and geochemical constraints on the origin of the Caribbean oceanic plateau (Invited)
- Melting the Hydrothermally Altered Sheeted Dike Complex: Experiments and Chemical Compositions
- Nanoparticulate mackinawite formation; a stopped and continuous flow XANES and EXAFS investigation
- Palaeostress reconstruction using polygonal faults (Invited)
- Prediction of the Spatio-Temporal Extent of Groundwater Flooding in Chalk Catchments using Lumped Parameter Models
- Rapid Changes in North Atlantic Deep Ocean Circulation During the MIS 5a/4 Glacial Inception
- Seal Bypass Systems (Invited)
- The Nature and Origin of the ~1.88 Ga Circum-Superior Large Igneous Province
- The Siquisique basalts and gabbros, Los Algodones, Venezuela: late Cretaceous oceanic plateau formed within the proto-Caribbean plate?
- Cenozoic Seawater Sr/Ca ratios: Implications for coral reef development through ocean de-acidification
- Characterization of the in situ magnetic and lithologic architecture of Hess Deep using near-bottom vector magnetic data
- Comparison of high precision U-Pb zircon geochronology from the East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Coupling Geophysical, Geotechnical and Stratigraphic Data to Interpret the Genesis of Mega-Scale-Glacial-Lineations on the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean
- Melt inclusion evidence for the relative timing of assimilation and crystallisation in high MgO lavas, Mull, Scotland
- Re-Assessment of the Eocene-Oligocene Age Model of ODP Hole 647A, with Implications for Correlation of Paleoceanographic Events from Very High to Low Latitudes
- Sea surface temperatures in the subpolar North Atlantic over the last 230 years and their relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation and great salinity anomalies
- Utilizing Thermal & Thermo-Chemical Mantle Circulation Models to Constrain the Origin of Earth's Lower Mantle Seismic Signature
- A Revised Estimate of Earth's Surface Heat Flux: 47TW ± 2TW
- A regional perspective on the timing of ventilation of the Arctic Ocean: Did it occur in the late Eocene or early Miocene?
- Assessing the preservation of stable isotope values in benthic foraminiferal calcite
- Evolution of Tectono-sedimentary Systems in the Nankai Forearc off Kii Peninsula, Japan
- Fast Spreading Mid Ocean Ridge Magma Chamber Processes: New Constraints from Hess Deep
- Fault Zone Architecture and Permeability-Structure Evolution in Basalts: the Generation of Fluid-Flow Pathways in low Permeability Rocks
- Ground-truthing Coral Chemo-geodesy: Insight into Past Earthquakes
- Hidden tectonics at slow-spreading ridges: distinguishing magmatic from tectonic spreading
- Identification And Interpretation Of Eclogite Protoliths Using Immobile Element Geochemistry: Some New Methodologies
- Is Regional Root Reinforcement Controlled by Soil Moisture Variability?
- Kinematic Indicators of strike-slip faults in 3D seismic data: Implications for fault propagation
- Last Glacial-magnitude Ice-Rafted Debris Deposition and its Provenance in the Earliest Pleistocene Sub-Polar North Atlantic Ocean
- Late Holocene (0-1.2 ka BP) centennial to decadal time scales surface and deep water variability in the North Atlantic
- Mississippi freshwater discharge and terrigenous sediment supply into the northern Gulf of Mexico and Loop Current dynamics over glacial/interglacial changes
- Nd and Si isotope evidence for increased Antarctic Intermediate Water ventilation in western tropical Atlantic: evidence for silica leakage
- OmanDB: The Role of Water in Axial Lavas And Dykes From The Oman Ophiolite And Geochemical Segmentation Of The Palaeo-Spreading Ridge
- Pervasive Reactive Melt Migration Through the Lower Oceanic Crust
- Pleistocene atmospheric CO2 change linked to Southern Ocean nutrient utilization
- Rapid Changes in North Atlantic Deep Ocean Circulation During the MIS 5a/4 Glacial Inception
- Reconciling Dynamic and Seismic Mantle Models: The Role of Chemical Heterogeneity
- Swath-bathymetric Mapping of Glacial Landforms in the Central Pine Island Trough, West Antarctica
- The Climate Change Consortium of Wales (C3W)
- Torque balance evolution of Eurasia since the Miocene
- U-Pb dating of gabbro crystallization and hydrothermal metamorphism during lower crustal accretion, Vema lithospheric section, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Uncertainties in the relationship between temperature and sea level over the past 10-50 Ma
- Using high-resolution global mantle circulation models to understand fast seismic velocity anomalies
- Variation in silicate weathering across the Oligocene-Miocene boundary: evidence from lithium and neodymium isotopes
- Why the South matters for global climate variability on millennial to orbital timescales
- A barrier to Antarctic circumpolar flow until the mid-Miocene?
- Detachment Fault Initiation and Control by Partially Molten Zones in the Lower Ocean Crust
- Fault-related Franklin Dike Emplacement, South Minto Inlet, Victoria Island, Canadian Arctic
- Global Warmth, Ice Volume and Ocean Acidity Change across the Late Eocene - Early Oligocene Transition
- Incorporating history dependence and texture in models of mantle convection
- Increased oceanic organic carbon burial potentially induced by phosphorus fertilization from middle Miocene volcanism
- Internal waves and modern and ancient hiatuses in pelagic caps of Pacific guyots and seamounts
- Investigating the relationship between the mantle transition zone and the fate of subducted slabs: an adaptative-mesh numerical approach
- Limited Agulhas Leakage as a potential trigger for reduced AMOC intensity before the onset of Heinrich events
- Liquidation sales: Land speculation and landscape change
- New insights into middle Eocene greenhouse climate stability from IODP Site U1333, equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Quantifying planktic foraminiferal responses to Paleogene global warming events
- Sea Surface Temperature Seesaw between the Subpolar North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea during the Late Holocene
- Sedimentation in an oceanic desert: the South Pacific Gyre
- Temperature controls on sediment production in the Oregon Coast Range - abiotic frost-cracking processes vs. biotic-dominated processes over the last 40 ka
- The influence of cooling on the advance of lava flows: insights from analogue experiments on the feedbacks between flow dynamics and thermal structure
- Why are Channels Sinuous?
- Analogue experiments as benchmarks for models of lava flow emplacement
- Bottom water changes in the subtropical North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean associated to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Contrasting MORB-Boninite melt reaction trends in IBM forearc moho transition zone
- First Annually Resolved Marine Temperature Series For The Last 1000 Years From The North Atlantic
- Increased carbonate ion saturation in shallow deep waters at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
- Is there anything special about terminal oscillations of the bipolar seesaw?
- Mantle flow, volatiles, slab-surface temperatures and melting dynamics in the north Tonga Arc - Lau Backarc Basin
- Mid-ocean ridge basalt trace element evolution controlled by melt-rock reaction in the lower oceanic crust
- Middle Eocene climate instability in the equatorial oceans
- Millennial-scale climate variability through the Mid to Late Pleistocene
- Modeling melting with particles in whole mantle convection
- New insights to the middle Miocene pCO<SUB>2</SUB> problem (Invited)
- Tephra constraints on rapid climatic events (TRACE): new results from the Greenland ice-cores between 25 and 45 ka b2k
- The role of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in modulating Miocene climate and ice volume (Invited)
- A Dual-Porosity, In Situ Crystallisation Model For Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Chambers Based Upon Direct Observation From Hess Deep
- Does Temperature (Rather than Precipitation) Dictate the Geomorphic Legacy of Glacial Intervals in Unglaciated Mid-Latitude Terrains?
- High but not Super High Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> During the Early Cenozoic
- How Long Is a Hillslope?
- Response and Recovery of Surface Ocean Carbonate Chemistry in the Mid-latitude North Atlantic During the PETM
- The Oman Ophiolite as a Record of Subduction Initiation
- The Paradox of the Axial Melt Lens: Petrology and Geochemistry of the Upper Plutonics at Hess Deep
- Bulk rheology and simulated episodic tremor and slip within a numerically-modeled block-dominated subduction melange
- Dynamic, Large-Magnitude CCD Changes in the Atlantic During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Geochemical and isotopic perspectives on the origin and evolution of the Siletzia Terrane.
- Geology of the Tremor Source: What are the Active Processes?
- Precipitation and soil accumulation history modifies future landslide hazard
- Sediment driven meander migration in the Amazon Basin
- The axial melt lens as a processor of evolved melts at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges
- A holistic model for the role of the axial melt lens at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges
- Climate-driven reduction in soil loss due to the dynamic role of vegetation
- Constraining the thickness of tectonic tremor source region on the basis of seismological and geological observations in southwest Japan
- Continuous, Pulsed Export of Methane-Supersaturated Meltwaters from the Bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Contrasting Modes of Detachment Faulting at Slower-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Controls on cutoff formation along a tropical meandering river in the Amazon Basin
- Coupling Fluid Flow and Mechanics of the Hikurangi Subduction Zone Through Numerical Modeling
- Detachment Fault Behavior Revealed by Micro-Seismicity at 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Development, Interaction and Linkage of Normal Fault Segments along the 100-km Bilila-Mtakataka Fault, Malawi
- Does Slow Slip and Tremor Require High Fluid Pressure? Thoughts From Observations in Retrograde Faults
- Geological perspectives of shallow slow earthquakes: insights from exhumed accretionary complexes in southwest Japan and New Zealand
- How do Colluvial Hollows Fill?
- IODP Exp 362T: Additional Coring and Remediation in Hole U1473A - Continuing the Journey to the Moho
- Igneous stratigraphy and rock-types from a deep transect of the gabbroic lower crust of the Atlantis Bank core complex (SW Indian Ridge): preliminary results from IODP Expedition 360
- Intensified coastal development in beach-nourishment zones
- Lateral Variability of the Lower Ocean Crust at Atlantis Bank, SW Indian Ridge, Results of IODP Expedition 360
- Magnetic fabrics in gabbros of the Oman ophiolite and their implications for magmatic processes during crustal accretion
- Modification of river meandering caused by tropical deforestation along the Kinabatangan River, Borneo.
- Near-Bottom High Resolution Magnetic Observations Over and Around an Active Oceanic Core Complex, MAR 13°N
- Regional scale classification of landforms and understanding their surface processes using digital elevation model-derived thematic maps in Arctic landscapes
- Seismic Reflection Imaging of Detachment Faulting at 13°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Shallow plumbing systems inferred from spatial analysis of pockmark arrays
- The role of detachment faulting in slow seafloor spreading: First results from cruise JC132 to the MAR at 13N
- Unusual very positive enrichment of <SUP>13</SUP>C in carbonate sediments deposited in modern hypersaline environment, Lagoa Salgada, Brazil: Indicator of salinity controlled metabolic processes
- Velocity structure of the crust at 13°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: implications for crustal accretion and oceanic core complex formation
- Volatile transport in subvolcanic magma reservoirs
- 1.5 My benthic foraminiferal B/Ca record of carbonate chemistry in the deep Atlantic: Implications for ocean alkalinity and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A Skilful Marine Sclerochronological Network Based Reconstruction of North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Dynamics
- An objective frequency domain method for subsurface characterisation using Earth and atmospheric tides
- Bayesian Approaches for Model and Multi-mission Satellites Data Fusion
- Biogeochemical Cycling and Sea Ice Dynamics in the Bering Sea across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Biological and climate controls on North Atlantic marine carbon dynamics over the last millennium: Insights from an absolutely-dated shell based record from the North Icelandic Shelf
- Deportment of PGE and semimetals in the Volspruit deposit: the most ultramafic PGE horizon of the Bushveld Complex
- Enhanced sediment loading facilitates point bar growth and accelerates bank erosion along a modelled meander bend on the Sacramento River, USA
- Fault-scale controls on rift geometry: the Bilila-Mtakataka Fault, Malawi
- Geochemical and Mineralogical Profiles Across the Listvenite- Metamorphic Transition in the Basal Megathrust of the Oman Ophiolite: First Results from Drilling at Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B
- Hydrologic and Agent-based Modelling of Hydro-refugia in East Africa, Insights into the Importance of Water Resources in Hominin Evolution and Dispersal
- Investigating melting induced mantle heterogeneities in plate driven mantle convection models
- Lowering the barriers to computational modeling of Earth's surface: coupling Jupyter Notebooks with Landlab, HydroShare, and CyberGIS for research and education.
- Meridional contrasts in productivity changes driven by the Cenozoic opening of Drake Passage
- Northward expansion of Tibet beyond the Altyn Tagh Fault
- Reducing uncertainty in dust monitoring to detect aeolian sediment transport responses to land cover change
- Reduction in Surface Ocean Carbon Storage across the Middle Miocene
- Sedimentary and structural evolution of the Eastern South Korea Plateau (ESKP), East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of global scale climate-groundwater interactions
- Study of Extreme Weather Hazards Using GRACE
- Subduction Initiation Existed Along the Ancient Continent Margins? Evidence of U-Pb ages of zircons from the Bonin Trench, Japan
- Terrigenous provenance follows climate variability at IODP Site U1474, southwestern Indian Ocean
- The influence of inherited structures on magmatic and amagmatic processes in the East African Rift.
- Varying Influence of Different Forcings on the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool Climate
- A five-million-year long eolian dust record from the Mozambique Channel - IODP Site U1476
- A large impact crater beneath the ice in northwest Greenland
- Biomarker Records of Late Pliocene Aridity from Southeastern Africa
- Bottom water temperatures and sedimentary redox chemistry in the Bering Sea across the Mid-Pleistocene transition - implications for continental ice volume and North Pacific oceanography
- Bringing the boron proxy pieces together to solve the ocean carbonate system puzzle: Miocene Monterey excursion and PETM case studies
- Brittle-Ductile Deformation and Fault Slip Behavior of a Shallow Subduction Thrust, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Climate-groundwater relationships revealed by multi-decadal groundwater level observations across tropical Africa
- Climatic Controls on River Longitudinal Profiles Globally
- Climatic Signatures Within the World's Rivers
- Compactive deformation in the incoming sedimentary section of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand: Constraints from seismic reflection data and IODP cores
- Constraining the Evolution of Neogene Ocean Carbonate Chemistry Using the Boron Isotope pH Proxy
- Constraining the global water budget: Understanding the deep water cycle using 3D mantle convection models
- Deep water variability on the Southern Agulhas Plateau over the past 1.5 Ma
- Deformation of metabasalts in megathrust shear zones exposed on Kyushu Island, Japan.
- Deformation of serpentinised mantle of the Southern Troodos Transform Fault Zone, Cyprus: Implications for slip behaviour of oceanic transform faults
- Distributed Faulting in the Early Stages of Continental Rifting: New Evidence from the Zomba Graben in Southern Malawi
- Distribution and Preservation of Mg in Ostracod Shells: Implications for Mg/Ca-based Palaeotemperature Reconstructions in Marginal-Marine Environments
- Effects of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2 </SUB>mixtures on eruption cycles in shallow magma reservoirs
- Effects of volatile exsolution on the long-term growth and stability of magma chambers
- Examining the Role of Chemical Heterogeneity on the Deep Mantle Seismic Signature Using 3D Thermo-chemical Mantle Modelling
- Exceptional Changes in the AMOC During the Industrial Era
- Exploring Hydrological Partitioning Under Climate Change with a Stochastic Rainstorm Model
- Externally Forced North Atlantic Variability Over The Past 1000 Years
- Fracture and Flow in Retrograde Viscous Shear Zones: Evidence for Weakening and Strain Localisation in the Mid- to Lower Crust
- High-resolution Records of Major Element Ratios for the Plio-/Pleistocene at the Agulhas Plateau: Implications for Orbital Variations in Sediment Provenance, the Formation of Seismic Reflectors and Deep Water Flow Changes
- Highly Resolved Temperature and Carbon Cycle Dynamics in the Indian Ocean across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Ice-Rafted Debris Variability from the Agulhas Plateau over the past 1.5 Ma
- Jamming and mixed brittle-viscous deformation of subduction zone mélange
- K/Pg Mass Extinction: Recovery of Planktonic Foraminifera Size and Diversity
- Lithification of Volcaniclastic Deposits in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone: Preliminary Characterization of Fluid Circulation in the Incoming Plate, and Volatiles Entering the Trench
- Low-angle brittle thrusting, localized viscous shear, and metasomatic reactions recorded in subduction mélanges: Implications for slow earthquakes in subduction zones
- Mantle Heterogeneity Revealed in the Lower Oceanic Crust.
- Oblique rifting under low effective stresses or orthogonal rifting from stress rotations: how do faults reactivate in southern Malawi?
- Oceanographic variability across the mid-Pleistocene Transition at the Agulhas Plateau
- Pure, but not Simple (Shear): Structural Characterization of the gabbroic crust and crust-mantle transition in the Wadi Tayin Massif of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman (Oman Drilling Project Holes CM1A, CM2B, GT1A & GT2A)
- Quantifying the factors controlling stream-aquifer interactions of ephemeral stream systems and implications for dryland water resource estimation
- Reconstructing Atlantic Climate Variability over the Last Millennium
- Review of rates, capacities and costs of carbon mineralization in peridotite
- Subduction-Related Strain in a Calcareous-Pelagic Shear Zone: Insights on Deformation at the Hikurangi Margin Plate Interface from the Input Sequence at Site U1520 and the Llanddwyn Island Shear Zone, Anglesey, U.K
- The Geodynamics of Making Cratons: Where are We Now?
- Timescale of Paleoceanographic History at Iodp Site U1474, Natal Valley, Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Transition of eruptive style: pumice raft to dome-forming eruption at the Havre submarine volcano
- What does a tremorgenic rock look like?
- A framework for linking hillslope-channel connectivity to the development of the channel longitudinal profile
- Assessing the Role of Crustal Components in the Geochemical Evolution of Arc Magmatism across Eastern Panama and the Colombian Arc
- Cyclic climate change and its implications for paleoenvironments in the Turkana Basin, Kenya from 1.9 to 1.4 Ma
- Development of a hydrological model for assessing drought and water balance changes in data-poor dryland regions
- Discovery of giant submarine canyons on the Davie Ridge (western Indian Ocean): timing of formation and significance.
- Dynamic rheology of subduction zone melange undergoing semi-brittle deformation
- Establishing terrestrial paleoclimate interpretive framework for modern biogenic carbonate from Ethiopia and the East African Rift System
- Evidence for Rainfall Variations Through the Last Two Glacial Cycles in the Agulhas Current Region of Southern Africa
- Global cooling controlled open ocean carbon cycling and biological evolution in the twilight zone
- Heterogeneous plate interface deformation in an exhumed sediment-starved subgreenschist mélange
- How does structural and rheological evolution influence the seismicity of oceanic transform faults?
- Icebergs at the Agulhas Plateau through the Pleistocene: Accumulation, Provenance, and Interpretation of Ice-Rafted Debris
- In-situ analyses of foraminiferal microstructure: a silver bullet for interpreting altered climate records?
- Intermediate Water Dynamics at the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway During the Pliocene Inferred from Opal Accumulation and Diatom Assemblages at IODP Site U1475
- Investigating Pb Isotope Systematics Using 3D Geodynamic Models.
- Investigating the role of single and dual inward dipping subduction in weakening a craton through numerical modelling
- Large-scale scours formed by supercritical turbidity currents along the full length of a submarine canyon, northeast South China Sea
- Latitudinal Migrations of the Subtropical Front at the Agulhas Plateau across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Long fault, narrow damage: the Bilila-Mtakataka fault, Malawi
- Mid-Pleistocene Hydroclimate of Southern Africa Inferred From Terrigenous Marine Sediment Geochemistry
- Mozambique Channel Throughflow over the last 7 million years
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke (Kuril Islands) and Ulawun (Papua New Guinea) volcanoes using remote techniques
- Onset and Propagation of the 2012-2016 Drought in Southern California
- Paleo-Pacific Terrane Assembly and Late Mesozoic-Paleogene Tectono-stratigraphy of S-Central America
- Seismic Interpretation: Can a machine mimic human brain?
- Slow slip along subduction megathrust controlled by metasomatism-enhanced viscous shear
- Stochastic simulation of climate and climate change near the land surface
- Surface and deep-water variability on the southern Agulhas Plateau: Interhemispheric links over the past 2 Ma
- The Influence of Geomorphic Setting on the Frequency Distribution of Energy Delivered to Steep Coastal Cliffs from Environmental Forcings
- The Role of Fluids at the Boundaries of the Subduction Thrust Seismogenic Zone: What do the Rocks Tell Us?
- The greening and browning of the Arizona desert in response to climate-controlled water availability
- The influence of subduction zone geodynamics on interface stress state
- Transient switching between creep and fracture at and below the base of the megathrust seismogenic zone.
- Blueschist facies deformation mechanisms, rheology, and fault slip styles: preliminary observations on an exhumed subduction complex (Ishigaki-jima, SW Japan)
- Can the Cenozoic marine micropaleontological record be used to predict extinction?
- Cascading Tipping Elements at Earth's Greenhouse-Icehouse Transition
- Changes in deep Southern Ocean circulation during the onset of the last glacial period linked to Antarctic climate
- Continental and ecoregion-specific drivers of atmospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> and NH<SUB>3</SUB> seasonality over Africa revealed by satellite observations
- Deep ocean δ<SUP>18</SUP>O seawater values in the middle Miocene: a new paradox?
- Deglacial CO<SUB>2</SUB> release and ventilation in the Indian Ocean sector attributed to a Southern Ocean deep gateway effect
- Early de-coupling of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and ice volume from insolation during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Exploring the role of hydrological pathways in modulating North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) teleconnection periodicities from rainfall to streamflow
- Fossil Groundwaters: Relict of Past Climates or Flow System Size?
- Geological constraints on the mechanisms of slow earthquakes
- Glacial Overturning Circulation Structure in the Cape Basin from Neodymium Isotope Measurements
- Human-ignited fires spread faster and kill more trees in Californian forests
- Incorporating geologic and geodetic data into probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of infrequent large magnitude earthquakes: insights from southern Malawi
- Increasing Situational Awareness Through Real-Time Classification of Amazon Fire Events
- Indo-Pacific climate variability across the Middle Miocene
- Insights into incipient rifting in thick lithosphere from a GNSS survey of the southern Malawi Rift
- Interplay between subduction megathrust seismicity and long-term stress state
- Measuring Atmospheric CO2 Enhancements from Wildfires with a Pulsed IPDA Lidar
- Metamorphic Controls on Brittle Fracturing in Ductile Shear Zones along the Subduction Interface - Perspectives from the Rock-Record and Phase Equilibrium Models
- On Relations Between Fault Zone Heterogeneity, Strength, and Fault Slip Style
- Penrose on a diet: magma-lite crustal accretion at Masirah, a slow-spread, `true' MOR-ophiolite in southeast Oman
- Simulating Miocene warmth: insights from an opportunistic Multi-Model ensemble (MioMIP1)
- The Fate of Sediment After a Large Earthquake
- The Role of Debris Flow Grain Size in the Post-Earthquake Sediment Cascade, Wenchuan, China