Hanscom Air Force Research Laboratory, Massachusetts
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Approaches to Measuring CO<SUB>2</SUB>(ν <SUB>2</SUB>)-O Vibrational Energy Transfer
- CRRES Electric Field Power Spectral Distributions
- Data Driven High Latitude Ionospheric Specification
- Downstream Forecasting of Ionospheric Scintillation Based on Trajectory Modeling of In-situ Measurements
- Equatorial Ionospheric Modeling and Forecasting for the C/NOFS Program
- Estimation of Ionospheric S4 Scintillation Indices from GPS Differential TEC Measurements Using a Discretized Phase Screen Approach
- Evaluating new thermospheric neutral density models with a 30-year satellite drag database
- Evaluating solar flux proxies for thermospheric neutral density variability with a 30-year satellite drag database
- Evaluation of Metrics for Ambient Ionospheric Specification
- Forecasting Spacecraft Frame Charging at Geosynchronous Altitude with the MSFM
- Future Directions in Ionospheric Space Weather Application
- Global Ionospheric/Magnetospheric Response to the Bastille Day Storm
- Guiding-Center Simulations of Stormtime Ring Current Electrons
- Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During the 1995-1996 Solar Minimum
- Improved Modeling of Thermospheric Density Perturbations With Application to Satellite Ephemeris Prediction
- Influence of O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O-NO Vibrational Energy Transfer on Thermospheric Density and Satellite Drag Predictions
- Interhemispheric Conjugacy of High-Latitude Ionospheric Convection Determined From DMSP IMF-Dependent Models
- Langmuir and Lower Hybrid Wave Bursts in a Laboratory Model of Ionospheric Modification
- Local Heliospheric Current Sheet Structure From Two-Point Measurements
- Model of Odd N in the Terrestrial Thermosphere: 1. A First Principles Calculation of the NO<SUB>2</SUB> Potential Energy Surfaces Relevant to the Production of NO via the N(<SUP>2</SUP>D)+O<SUB>2</SUB> Reaction.
- Modeling the Ionization Yield in Solar Panel Discharges
- New Results for the Self-Consistent Parallel E-Field and Particle Distributions in the Auroral Return Current Region
- On the Possibility of Dual Mesospheric Bores
- Operational Single-Frequency GPS Error Maps
- Polar Observations of the Temporal/Spatial Evolution of Merging at the Dayside Magnetopause and Comparison to MHD Simulation Results
- Predicting Propagation Timing Delays in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Response of the Equatorial Ionosphere to Major Magnetic Storms During the Current Solar Maximum Phase
- Solar Energetic Particle Events: Flares and CME-Driven Shock Waves
- Stimulated Emissions and Radar Scatter from Pulsed RF-Ionosphere Interactions at HAARP
- Stormtime Pc5 Hydromagnetic Waves in the Middle Magnetosphere: Modulation of Pc1 Ion Cyclotron Waves and the Role of Medium Energy Ions
- Structure in Middle and Upper Atmospheric Infrared Radiance
- Study of the Latitudinal Coherence of Neutral Wind and Plasma Irregularity Drift Coupling in the Nighttime F Region Ionosphere
- Temperature-Dependent Vibrational Relaxation of NO(v=1) by O Atoms
- The Earth's Rotation as an Energy Source for Auroral Arcs
- The Levels of Equatorial Spread F, From Bottomside Spread F to Equatorial Bubbles: Their Increase With E x B Drift Velocity, and Their Suppression With Geomagnetic Activity
- The Semiannual Variation of Great Geomagnetic Storms
- Three-dimensional theory of magnetostatic structures in the solar corona
- An Overview and Science Results from the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Satellite
- Analysis of the April 2002 Geomagnetic Storm Effect on Global CO<SUB>2</SUB> Infrared Limb Emission as Observed by TIMED/SABER.
- Charging of Mirrors in Space : A Proposed Cause of Satellite Solar Panel Anomalies
- Comparisons of SABER Temperature Profiles With Rocket, Groundbased, and Satellite Measurements
- Dayside optical observations of high latitude plasma structures
- Derivation of Mesospheric Ozone From SABER/TIMED Measurements of the O<SUB>2</SUB> Infrared Atmospheric Band Emission in the Dayglow
- Electrodynamics of the Duskside Aurora
- Energy Balance in the Sun-Earth System During the Solar Storm Events of April 2002
- Estimating Equatorial Electron Radiation Belt Fluxes in the Outer-Zone Using Navstar 10 BBDI Data
- Evidence for a Dominant Russell-McPherron/Rosenberg-Coleman Origin of the Semiannual Variation of Geomagnetic Activity in 1954 and 1996
- Evidence for an OH(v) Excitation Mechanism from CO<SUB>2</SUB> 4.3-μm Nighttime Measurements Taken by the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Mission
- Exospheric temperature formulation for use in atmospheric density models based on new data and proxies
- Extremely Low Ionospheric Densities Observed During April 2002 Storm
- From Supernovae To Equatorial Ionosphere, Following a Tortuous Path Through Computer Sciences, Oceanography, and Much, Much More
- Global Ionospheric Response to the April 2002 Storm: Tracing the Energy Flow
- Guiding-Center Simulations of Stormtime Ring Current Electrons
- HNO<SUB>3</SUB> Condensation on Ice in the Upper Troposphere: Comparing Laboratory, Atmospheric and Theoretical Data
- How Magnetically Open are Magnetic Clouds Beyond 1 AU?
- Infrared Backgrounds from Rotational Non-Equilibrium Processes in the Upper Atmosphere
- Intense Flares Without Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Ionospheric Response to the Recurrent Geomagnetic Activity of April 02: Total Electron Content and GPS/UHF Scintillation Variations From the Magnetic Pole to the Equator
- MHD Shock Fitting Algorithm
- Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX): Analysis of Radiometric and Spectral Measurements of Infrared Limb Radiance
- Observational search for magnetosheath merging
- Optical Turbulence Forecasting
- Outer Zone Electron Spectra from CEASE/TSX5
- Overview of One Aspect of the Sun-Earth Connection during the April 2002 Events: the "Magnetospheric Driver" Chain
- Penetration Electric Fields and Magnetospheric Convection During the April 2002 Storm
- Physics-Based Kalman Filters for Neutral Density Specification and Forecasts
- Polar Cap Observations From DMSP During the April 2002 Magnetic Storms
- Predicting Equatorial Spread-F with First-Principles Ionospheric Models
- Results from the Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor (CEASE) on TSX-5
- Rise Times of Solar Energetic Particle Events and Speeds of CMEs
- Simultaneous Retrieval of Temperature and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Abundance in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere From SABER Observations of Infrared Limb Emission
- Solar Cycle Variations of the F Corona Brightness Resulting from the Interaction of Dust Grains with CMEs
- Sources of 5.3 μm emission from NO observed by SABER
- Spacecraft Charging at Geosynchronous Altitude: Application Development
- Spacecraft Charging in Sunlight: Theory and Observations
- Stimulated Emissions and Radar Scatter from Pulsed and ELF Modulated RF-Ionosphere Interactions at HAARP
- Testing the Potential Saturation Predictions of the Hill Model Using Observations From the March 31, 2001 Storm
- The Breakdown of MHD in the Auroral Region and the Generation of Parallel Electric Fields
- The Equatorial Anomaly and Equatorial Spread F: Their Joint Dependence on Maximum Pre-reversal Drift Velocity Measured During Solar Maximum
- The Global Distribution of Limb Radiance Measured by the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX)
- The Global Ionosphere During the April 17 to 20, 2002 Magnetic Storm
- Wave Structures Within Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams during the November 6, 2001 magnetic storm
- A Sequential Sounding Rocket Flight Through Nighttime Midlatitude Plasma Layers
- An Overview Of The SABER Experiment And Science Results
- Analysis of the Energy Input and Loss in the Thermosphere During the Auroral Events Using SABER Infrared Limb Emission and GUVI Limb Emission
- Artificial Depletion of the Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt
- CLUSTER observations of lower hybrid waves excited at high altitudes by electromagnetic whistler mode signals from HAARP
- Combined Sounding Rocket and SuperDarn/EISCAT Radar Observations of Plasma Convection, Shear, Irregularities and other Phenomena in the Cusp and Boundary Layer during IMF Bz Negative and By Negative Conditions
- Comparison of DMSP SSIES Density and Temperature Measurements With Ground-Based Incoherent Scatter Radar Data
- Conjugate Point Equatorial Experiments in Brazil: Preliminary results on Space Weather Related Variabilities in Spread F and Ionization Anomaly.
- Critical Temperature for the Onset of Spacecraft Charging, An Update
- Detection of Long-Term Variations in Neutral Thermospheric Density
- Determination of Density and Temperature at High Altitudes using Raleigh and Raman Scattering of Solar radiation
- Determination of the Short- and Long-Range Parallel Potential in the Downward Auroral-Current Region From FAST Satellite Data and Theory
- Dynamics of the Local E-Region Neutral Winds at Midlatitudes Observed With a Sequence of Chemical Tracer Releases During Sporadic E Conditions
- Elements of the energy budget of the mesosphere as revealed by the SABER experiment
- Forecasting of Ionospheric Scintillation Based on Satellite In-situ Measurements
- High resolution three-dimensional simulations of structuring of polar cap patches
- Impact of SABER-Observed CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations on SABER-CSU Lidar Mesospheric Temperature Comparisons at Fort Collins, Colorado.
- L-Band TEC Measurements and Lower Frequency Scintillation
- Laboratory Studies of CO<SUB>2</SUB>(ν <SUB>2</SUB>)-O Vibrational Energy Transfer
- Large-Scale Magnetic Field Inversions at Sector Boundaries and Their Relation to Coronal Mass Ejections
- Local Time Dependence of CO<SUB>2</SUB> LWIR Emission in the Lower Thermosphere from SABER: Implications for Atmospheric Cooling
- Magnetic field line curvature induced pitch angle diffusion in the radiation belts
- Mapping the Field-Aligned Currents During a Superstorm
- Multi-station Scintillation Observations at Spitzbergen During the NASA Cusp Rocket Campaign
- New Geomagnetic Index (idv) Measuring Magnitude of Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Oblique Alfven Waves as a Source for Stable Auroral Arcs
- Observation and Modeling of Mesospheric Frontal Events, Bores, and Nonlinear Waves
- Observing the Storm Time Ring Current from Low Earth Orbit
- Origins of Coronal Shock Waves Revisited
- Predicting Equatorial Spread-F with First-Principles Ionospheric Models
- Quasilinear Diffusion Coefficients for Chorus Waves in a Low Density Plasma
- Radiation Belt Modeling: Implementation Issues When Solving Three-dimensional Diffusion Equations
- Reassessment of Calibrations of Precipitating Particle Sensors on DMSP Spacecraft
- Return Current Region Aurora: Dayside Parameterization of Ion Conics and BBELF Activity at FAST Altitudes
- SABER Observations of Polar Summer/Winter Mesospheric and Lower Thermospheric Temperatures and Comparisons With Correlative Measurements Taken During the MaCWAVE Campaign
- SMEI: First Results and Future Capabilities
- Slow, Fast and Mixed Compressible Modes near the Magnetopause
- Solar Fast-Wind Regions as Sources of Shock Energetic Particle Production
- Spacecraft Charging Specification Using Model Environments
- Spatial Intensity Gradients of Impulsive Particle Events and Supradiffusive Magnetic Fields
- Spatial Structure in Clear-Air Water Vapor
- Specifying and Predicting Ionospheric Disturbances with C/NOFS
- Stellar Variability Studies with SMEI
- Stimulated Emission and Radar Observations of RF-Ionosphere Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- Stormtime Ionospheric Irregularities in SAPS-Related Troughs: Causes of GPS Scintillations at Mid Latitudes
- Stormtime Redistribution of the Low-Latitude Ionosphere and the Formation of the Plasmaspheric Bulge
- The Effect of Joule Heating on Neutral Density
- The Linear Dependence of the Post-sunset Equatorial Anomaly Electron Density on Solar Flux, and its Relation to the Linear Dependence of the Maximum Pre-reversal ExB Drift Velocity on Solar Flux.
- The O+ Density Trough at 5000 km Altitude in the Polar Cap
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI)
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) Mission
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) and Related Remote-Sensing Heliospheric Observations
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager: Early Results and Prospects for Space Weather Forecasts
- Total Electron Content in Nighttime Equatorial Ionosphere: Theoretical Calculations and Comparisons With Data
- Transient Sheets of Field-Aligned Currents Observed During a Superstorm
- Wave Contributions to Coupling Between the Ring Current/Plasmasphere and Subauroral Ionosphere
- A Comparison of Coronal Magnetic Field and Heliospheric Current Sheet Derived From the MAS and WSA Models
- Accelerometer and Orbital Drag Thermospheric Density Inter-comparisons
- Analysis of the SABER 4.3-μ m Nighttime Radiance and Implications for the Temperature and CO<SUB>2</SUB> vmr Retrieval
- Automated Detection and Tracking of Equatorial Plasma Depletions Using Ground-Based Optical Imagers
- CRRES and DMSP Observations of Wave and Plasma Disturbances Associated with the Stormtime Ring Current in the Plasmasphere and Topside Ionosphere
- Comet Tail Disconnections Observed by SMEI
- Comparison of MeV Electron Response During the October-November 2003 and July 2004 Storm Intervals
- Critical Temperature for the Onset of Spacecraft Charging at Geosynchronous Altitudes in a `Cut-Off' Maxwellian Space Plasma
- Determination of high-altitude atomic oxygen density and temperature by a Raman LIDAR
- Electrodynamics of M-I Coupling during the Main Phase of Superstorms
- Extraordinarily High Electron Densities Observed in the Crest of the Post-sunset Equatorial Anomaly, Their Persistence with Solar Rotation and the Evidence of an Enhancement of Maximum Pre-reversal ExB Drift Velocity
- Global Occurrence Statistics of Mesospheric Inversion Layers Obtained From SABER Temperature Profiles
- Heliospheric Imagers for Tracking Coronal Mass Ejections: Lessons Learned from the Solar Mass Ejection Imager
- Hemispheric Differences and Evolution of the Cold Summer Mesopause Observed by the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Satellite
- High-Latitude Joule Heating Compared With Observed Global Neutral Density Response
- Imaging of Interplanetary Disturbances Causing Forbush Decreases
- Impact of E-Region Ion-Neutral Chemistry on SABER Measurements of 4.3 um Emission and the Retrieval of Kinetic Temperature and Carbon Dioxide
- Ionospheric Observations Made During Major Storms by DMSP and Champ
- Ionospheric Tomography Application to Model Validation at High Latitude: A Trough Study
- Magnetic field line curvature induced pitch angle diffusion in the radiation belts
- Modeling Low Latitude Ion Densities During Magnetic Storms
- Multi-Instrument Mapping of the Small-Scale Flow Dynamics Related to a Cusp Auroral Transient
- Multi-instrument Observations of the Development of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly and Links to Scintillation
- Near Synchronous Plasma Structuring in the Middle and Equatorial Ionosphere During Intense Magnetic Storms
- Near-Relativistic Electron 1/V Onset Plots
- Parallel Electric Fields and Double Layers in Downward Auroral-Current Regions from Theory and Satellite Data
- Polar cap Artificial Auroras
- Power Spectra and Geophysical Variations in the Auroral Hemispheric Power
- Propagation of the 12 May 1997 ICME in Evolving Solar Wind Structures
- Properties of magnetic merging at the magnetopause inferred from dayside 557.7-nm all-sky images
- Redistribution of the Stormtime Ionosphere and the Formation of a Plasmaspheric Bulge
- Semiannual Variation of Geomagnetic Activity: Protons or Photons?
- Space Weather Aspects of the STEREO Mission
- The Transpolar Potential During the November 2003 Magnetic Storm
- Theoretical Plasma Density Distribution at low Latitudes: Comparison of Neutral Wind Models
- Transforming Away the Cross Term in Quasilinear Diffusion
- Using global MHD simulations to relate the Three-Part Structure of CMEs to in situ observations
- Wind/WAVES and SMEI Observations of ICMEs
- Working with the photospheric magnetic field observations from Mount Wilson, Wilcox, and Kitt Solar Observatories
- A Four-Year Data Study of CEASE as Compared to the GOES Satellite at Geosynchronous Altitude
- A Potential Remote Sensing Technique for Thermospheric Temperature with Ground-Based Resonant Atomic Oxygen Raman Lidar
- A Proposed SolarWind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Model
- A Statistical Study of Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Disturbances Coincident with Large Tropospheric Storms
- Anti-critical Temperature for Spacecraft Charging
- Comparing Relativistic Electron Prediction Models at Geosynchronous
- Comparison of Global Electromagnetic and Particle Energy Flux Distributions in the High-Latitude Ionosphere
- Comparison of Optical and Total Electron Content (TEC) Measurements in Polar Cap Patches
- Contribution of Enhanced Radial Transport to the Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Coronal Radio Observations of Inferred Solar Near-Relativistic Electron Injections
- Direct Sampling of a 35 Hour Old Volcanic Cloud From Hekla Volcano (Iceland)
- Effects of Electromagnetic Energy Dissipation in the Ionosphere
- Empirical Determination of a Detector's Geometric Factor Through Intercomparison of Coincident Measurements on Two Different Spacecraft
- Equatorial Plasma Bubble Detection and Scintillation Specification by the Thermal Plasma Sensor (TPS) on NPOESS
- First Satellite Observation Results of Equatorial Convective Velocity in the Inner Magnetosphere in Association with Plasmaspheric Plume
- Global statistics of OH layer heights and double layers from SABER limb measurements of OH Meinel emission at 1.6 and 2.0 μm.
- IMF Control of High Latitude Electromagnetic Energy Flux
- Investigation of the PFSS and Schatten Current Sheet Interface in the WSA Model
- Laboratory Measurements of Ozone - M Vibrational Energy Transfer
- MHD simulations of the transpolar potential response to solar wind density variations
- Metrics Studies of the Center for Integrated Spaceweather Modeling Solar Wind Models: An Eight Year Comparison of CORHEL and WSA Predictions with Wind and ACE Observations
- Modeling Tidal Influences on CO2 15 μm Radiance Structure Above the Mesopause; Comparisons with SABER Data
- Modeling the Relativistic Electron Belt During the July and November 2004 Storms
- Near Simultaneous Observations of the Aurora From FUV, Particle and Photometric Instruments on DMSP-F16, TIMED, and IMAGE
- Observations and comparisons of storm enhanced density (SED) over northern Europe and American longitude sectors
- Obtaining Networked Scintillation and Total Electron Content Data Across Africa and Asia: Partnering with the IHY/UNBSSI Developing Nations Program
- On the Closure Relations for Multimoment Fluid Models of the Long-Range Potential in Downward Auroral Current Regions
- Performance of Thermosphere Climatology Models Relative to the HASDM 2001 Data
- Pitch Angle and L Dependence of Radial Diffusion Coefficients in a Compressed Dipole
- Plasma Structuring at Mid-Latitudes during Super-Storms and their Impact on GPS-Based Navigation Systems
- Predicting Equatorial Ionospheric Densities and Scintillation -- a Challenging Aeronomy Frontier
- Predicting the Ambient Solar Wind Emerging from Sources Near Active Regions
- Prompt Thermospheric Response to the Onset of the November 6, 2001 Magnetic Storm
- Quasi-linear Diffusion of Radiation Belt Electrons in 2D and 3D
- Quasi-periodic Variations of 2 to 4 Days in the Electron Density of the Post Sunset Equatorial Anomaly Observed to be Synchronous on a Planetary Sale.
- Quenching of CO2(ν2) by O: New Results and Analysis
- Resonant Wave-particle Interactions in the Radiation Belts
- Science Considerations for the NPOESS Low Energy Particle Sensor (LEPS)
- Science Considerations for the NPOESS Medium Energy Particle Sensor (MEPS)
- Scintillation Forecasting Using NPOESS Data
- Spacecraft Surface Charging Application Development for Geosynchronous Orbit
- Statistical Characterization of Storm Enhanced Density based on GPS TEC Observations
- Testing Auroral Far Ultraviolet (FUV) Remote Sensing Techniques Using Coincident FUV and Particle Data From the DMSP F16 Satellite
- The 20 January 2005 Energetic Particle Event as a Test of Current Models
- The Inertial Range "Outer Scale" and Optical Turbulence
- The Operational Utility of Space Environmental Measurements From Polar-Orbiting, Sun-Synchronous Satellites in AFWA Models and Applications
- The Radiation Dose at Commercial Aircraft Altitudes During the January 2005 High-Energy Solar Cosmic ray Event and the Effects of the Solar Cosmic ray Anisotropy
- The Space Environment Sensor Suite for NPOESS
- Wave Contributions of the Stormtime Ring Current to Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- A Campaign Study of Ionospheric Scintillations Using Simultaneous Formosat-3/COSMIC Radio Occultation Observations and AFRL SCINDA Ground Scintillation Measurements
- A Nearly Universal Solar-Wind Magnetosphere Coupling Function Inferred from Ten Magnetospheric State Variables
- A Real-Time Nowcast/Forecast System for Radar Electrojet Clutter Driven by Global Assimilative Models of the Ionosphere
- An Empirical Description of Zodiacal Light as Measured by SMEI
- Atmospheric Sensitivity to Spectral Top-of-Atmosphere Solar Irradiance Perturbations, Using MODTRAN-5 Radiative Transfer Algorithm
- CEASE Space Radiation Environment Monitor On-Board TSX-5
- Coronal Mass Ejection Evolution in the Inner Heliosphere Geometry and Speed
- Effect of Topside Plasma Density Profiles on VLF Transmitted Power Distribution and Energetic Particle Diffusion in the Plasmasphere
- Energetic Proton Maps for the South Atlantic Anomaly
- Enhanced Real-Time Regional Scintillation Specifications with SCINDA
- Evaluation of Current Thermospheric Neutral Density Models
- First Results for the TBB/CERTO Beacon Experiment on FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- Interannual Behavior of the OH Meinel Emission Profiles Determined From SABER Limb Measurements at 1.6- and 2.0-Microns
- LRO Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER): Instrument Overviw and Computer Simulations of Detector Response to SEPs and GCRs
- MHD Models of the Ambient Solar Wind Constrained by the Wang-Sheeley-Arge and Fisk Models
- Modeling of Equatorial Anomaly Development and Collapse at Dusk Observed by TIMED/GUVI
- Multidimensional Diffusion of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Near-Resonant Vibration-to-Vibration Energy Transfer in the NO+-N2 Collisions
- Nighttime Ground and Space Based Ionospheric Measurements in Support of FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- On Predicting VLF Triggering in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Optimal Estimation Retrieval of Cloud Ice Particle Size Distributions
- Parallel Electric Fields in Birkeland Current Sheets
- Penetration Electric Field Driving Main-Phase Dst
- Power Spectra of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Gravity Waves
- Predicting Solar Wind Structures in the Inner Heliosphere
- Properties of Open Fields in Magnetic Clouds at 1 AU and Implications for Patterns of Interchange Reconnection at the Sun
- Radar Ionospheric Impact Mitigation
- Radiation belt modeling of the Oct. 2001 storm
- Radiative Forcing by Boreal Forest Fire Smoke over Barrow, Alaska: A Closure Experiment
- Reconnection Signatures in Auroral Ion Precipitation
- Results from the AFRL Solar Mass Ejection Imager Mission - Four Years of Operation
- SMEI Observations and Space Weather Forecasting
- Severe Pn Attenuation under Tibetan Plateau And Practical And Scientific Implications
- Shock Versus Solar Flare Production of Heliospheric Relativistic Electron Events
- Simultaneous ground and satellite observations of an isolated proton arc at subauroral latitudes
- Solar and Heliospheric Modeling Activities at the CCMC
- Surface Charging Application Tests for Geosynchronous Spacecraft
- TIMED/SABER Observations of Thermospheric 4.3 um Limb Emission: A Novel Perspective on Ionospheric E-Region Chemistry, Energetics, and Radiation Transfer for Solar-Geomagnetic Storm Periods
- The Climatological Response of Thermospheric Density to Solar Irradiance Variations: Improving Empirical Representations
- The Disappearance of Large, Fe-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events in the Declining Phase of Cycle 23: Implications for the Role of Flares
- The Electric Field Wave Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probe Mission
- The Evolution of Comets in the Heliosphere as Observed by SMEI
- The Magnetosphere Under Weak Solar Wind Forcing
- Toward Routine Simulations of Heliospheric Transient Disturbances
- Triple-Root Jump in the Potential of a Spacecraft in a Triple-Maxwellian Space Plasma
- Unfolding Charged Particle Energy Spectra From Space Radiation Instrument Measurements: Application of a Bayesian-based Technique to Derive Trapped Electron Spectra From Particle Telescope Measurements
- Using ACE Data to Separate Region-1 and Region-2 Generated Equatorial Electric Fields from the Disturbance Dynamo Electric Fields
- Using Solar and In Situ Observations to Improve and Constrain Corona & Solar Wind Models
- Validation of the 3D MHD Solar Wind Model Results with Voyager and Pioneer Data
- Validation of the Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM) Model
- 3D Simulations of Quasilinear Diffusion in the Radiation Belts
- A Prediction Model for Solar-Driven Ionospheric Electric Fields at Arbitrary Locations
- Analysis, Modeling and Comparison of Nitric Oxide Emissions in the Thermosphere Measured by MIPAS and SABER
- CME Evolution Characteristics in the Inner Heliosphere Observed Using SMEI and STEREO/SECCHI/HI Data
- Comparison of Model VLF Power Distributions with IMAGE and OGO Satellite Data
- Consequences for Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs) from a Reduced Heliomagnetic Field
- Contribution of the Overtone Vibration-Rotation Emissions From Chemiluminescent NO to Storm-time Thermospheric Energy Budget
- Effects of off-diagonal terms and oblique wave propagation on calculations of radiation belt electron fluxes
- Electromagnetic Energy Deposition and Transport during the November 2004 Storm
- Equatorial measurement of SAID electric fields and relation with the plasmapause location
- Evaluation of Trends in a CHAMP 2001-2005 Density Database
- Interaction of the Bow Shock with a Tangential Discontinuity and Solar-Wind Density Decrease: Observations of Predicted Fast Mode Waves and Magnetosheath Merging
- Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on GPS
- Laboratory Measurement of CO2(ν2) + O Temperature-Dependent Vibrational Energy Transfer
- Laboratory Measurement of O3(v) + O Vibrational Energy Transfer
- Lateral Variations of 1 Hz Crustal Lg Q In Eastern Eurasia Mapped Using A Two-step Tomographic Procedure
- Lg and Pg Attenuation in the Middle East
- Linear Theory of Waves in Space Plasmas Modeled by Lorentzian (Kappa) Distribution
- MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere's Response to Solar Wind Tangential Discontinuities With Dynamic Pressure Changes
- Magnetopause Shape and Polar Cap Potential Under Large Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Modeling the Climatology of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Observed by DMSP Satellites
- Modeling the Loss of Energetic Ions and Electrons by EMIC Waves
- On the Anti-critical Temperature for Spacecraft Charging
- Origins of the Wolf Sunspot Number Series: Geomagnetic Underpinning
- Pairs of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Functions: Combining a Merging Term with a Pressure Term Works Best
- Probability Distributions of Electron Precipitation at High Magnetic Latitudes
- Relation between the variations of the solar wind and the noon-time equatorial ionospheric electric fields
- Simulation of Radiation Belt Diffusion Using SDE (Stochastic Differential Equation) Methods
- Solar Wind Structure at Solar Minimum: 3D MHD Solar Wind Model Results Compared with STEREO and ACE Observations
- Some Consequences of Penetration Electric Fields
- Surface Charging Application Tests for Geosynchronous Spacecraft
- TIMED/SABER Observations of the Storm-Time E-Region: Morphology, Chemistry, and Energetics
- Thermospheric Neutral Density Cooling Determined from a 40-Year Satellite Drag Database
- Validating the Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) algorithms using data from the COSMIC campaigns
- What Supports Parallel Electric Fields in Birkeland Current Regions?
- Winter Upper Mesosphere Interannual Variability Determined from TIMED/SABER Measurements
- 3D Diffusion Analysis of Outer Radiation Belt Electrons During the October 9, 1990 Magnetic Storm
- Analysis of Co-located Ground- and Space-based Infrared Atmospheric Measurements: AERI, AIRS, CERES, MODIS
- C/NOFS Early Results
- C/NOFS Validation Study: Comparison of In-Situ CORISS and PLP Electron Density Measurements
- Challenges of Validating Global Assimilative Models of the Ionosphere
- Community Access to the C/NOFS Satellite Data -- Facilitating New Opportunities for Space Weather Research
- Comparisons of Space-based GPS Occultation Ionospheric Scintillation Measurements with Ground-based VHF Measurements
- Correlation of In-Situ Plasma Irregularities with Ground-Based Scintillation Measurements
- DEMETER Observations of Equatorial Plasma Depletions and Related Ionospheric Phenomena
- Dawn-dusk asymmetry in ionospheric return flows: relationship between flows and Birkeland currents
- Electron Maps for LEO using CEASE/TSX-5 electron data
- Equatorial Electrojet Observations in the African Continent
- Field-Line Dispersal and the Death of Lyapunov Exponents
- Forecasting Frontiers Part I: Solar Drivers of Space Weather Observations
- Ground-based optical observations in conjunction with the C/NOFS satellite
- High-Latitude Active Region Associations of CMEs During the Cycle 23 Rise Phase
- Initial Modeling Studies of C/NOFS Observations
- Initial Results from the Vector Electric Field Investigation on the C/NOFS Satellite
- Landau Damping and Growth of Proton-Cyclotron Turbulence by the Electron Distribution Function in Downward Auroral-Current Regions
- Multisensor observations of low latitude irregularity development
- New Applications for the Jacchia 77 Model
- Numerical modeling of radiation belt diffusion equations using layer methods
- On the Robust Estimate of Lg Source Spectral Parameters
- Overview and Status of the Space Weather System-Impact Products for the SSA Environmental Effects Fusion System (SEEFS)
- Post-Midnight Density Irregularities Observed by the Planar Langmuir Probe on C/NOFS
- Proton Spectra in the Inner Magnetosphere: Measurements from the TSX-5, HEO-1, HEO- 3 and ICO Satellites
- Proton Spectrometer Belt Research (PSBR)
- Radiation belt energy and pitch angle distributions resulting from shock-drift injections
- Research to Operations: Maintaining US Space Weather Capability after DMSP
- Response of the convection electric field on southward turning of the IMF
- Results from a Comprehensive Rocket Investigation of Mid-Latitude Spread F
- Simultaneous Density Depletions Observed on C/NOFS and DMSP
- Solar Wind and Global Electron Hemispheric Power in Solar Minimum Intervals
- Space-based Scintillation Nowcasting with the Communications/Navigation Outage Forecast System
- Specification of the Earth's Plasmasphere with Data Assimilation
- Statistical Study of the Response of the Transpolar Potential to Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fronts as a Function of their Pressure Change and Accompanying IMF
- Stormtime Dynamics of the Global Thermosphere and Equatorial Ionosphere
- The Electric Field and Waves (EFW) Instrument on the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Mission: Investigating the Physical Mechanisms of Energetic Particle Acceleration in the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Importance of Secondary Electron and Backscattered Electron Emissions in Spacecraft Charging
- The Vector Electric Field Investigation on the C/NOFS Satellite
- The coupling of tail fast flows to ionospheric flow signatures and their relationship to substorm onset
- Thermospheric Neutral Density Cooling Trends: 1962-2008
- Towards a Consensus View of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field Strength Since 1900
- Transfer of Vibrational Energy From O2 to Symmetric Stretch of CO2
- Transverse ion heating, field-aligned electron acceleration, and parallel electric fields in the auroral acceleration region: Modeling several FAST events
- Using Heliospheric Imaging for Storm Forecasting - SMEI CME Observations as a Tool for Operational Forecasting at AFWA
- Validating the SWAGE (Solar Wind Acting on the Geophysical Environment) Model Using Ground-based and Satellite Data
- What Supports the Parallel Electric Field in the Birkeland (Field-Aligned) Current Regions of the Earth's Magnetosphere?
- 3D Spectrum of Equatorial Density Irregularities Generated from Observed 1D Spectra
- Analysis of High Latitude Neutral Density Variations
- Assimilative Modeling of Large-Scale Equatorial Plasma Trenches Observed by C/NOFS
- Auroral poleward boundary intensifications, their associated tail dynamics and ionospheric flows (Invited)
- C/NOFS Morning Observations of Ion Density Depletions and Vertical Plasma Drifts - Role of the Sunrise Terminator in the Formation and Evolution of Morning Depletions
- C/NOFS Observations of Plasma Density and Electric Field Responses to High Speed Streams in the Solar Wind
- CORISS Observations of Ionospheric Scintillation
- Coincident Precipitation of ring current ions and radiation belt electrons by EMIC waves
- Comments on Rising Electron Flux during Rising Electron Temperature in Spacecraft Charging
- Comparing Equatorial Electric Fields Using the Tsyganenko R1 and R2 Models and the Hill-Siscoe Polar Cap Potential
- Comparison of dayside and nightside ionospheric convection changes following sudden enhancements in solar wind dynamic pressure
- Comparisons of COSMIC and C/NOFS GPS Occultation Ionospheric Scintillation Measurements with Ground-based Radar and VHF Measurements
- Conjugate Studies of Pc3-5 ULF Waves Using SAMBA, MEASURE, and McMAC Magnetometer Chains
- Development of a Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for Measuring Upper Atmospheric Winds
- Diffusion by Coherent Wave-Particle Interactions and Quasilinear Theory
- Discrete Aurora, Ionospheric Feedback Instability, and Substorm Development
- Distributed ground-based optical observations of polar cap patches
- Dst Estimates from DMSP Magnetic Field Measurements
- Effect of Field-Aligned Potentials on Magnetospheric Dynamics at Jupiter and Saturn
- Effects of Ionospheric Gradients and Irregularities on Radio Frequency Systems (Invited)
- Energetic Electron Probes of Magnetic Cloud Topology
- Equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics observations in the African and American longitudinal sectors
- Equatorial ionospheric plasma structures observed with the C/NOFS satellite and multiple ground-based diagnostics in October 2008
- Ground- and Space-Based Observations of Ionospheric Irregularities over Nigeria during Solar Minimum
- High-resolution Attenuation Tomography of Pg, Lg, and Sn in the Northern Middle East
- Hydromagnetic waves and instabilities in kappa-distribution plasma
- Impact of Upward Propagating Kelvin Waves on the Thermosphere During Solar Minimum
- Laboratory Measurement of CO2(ν2) + O Temperature-Dependent Vibrational Energy Transfer
- Low and Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularities Studies Using TEC and Radio Scintillation Data from the CITRIS Radio Beacon Receiver in Low-Earth-Orbit
- Magnetic conjugate point observations of kilometer and hundred meter-scale irregularities and zonal drifts
- Measurements of the ionospheric reaction to exhaust from dedicated burns of the space shuttle’s orbital maneuvering system engines over Kwajalein
- Moment Calculations for Low Energy Ions in Jupiter's Magnetotail from NASA’s NEW HORIZONS Misson
- Nitric Oxide Emissions in the Thermosphere during the January 2005 Solar Storm
- On the Relative Utilities of Data Types for Assimilation by Global Ionospheric Models
- Optical ring formation by refraction from artificially produced density enhancements in HF heating experiments at HAARP
- Plasma Observations of Magnetopause Crossings along Jupiter’s Distant Dusk-side Flank from ~ 1650 to 2550 RJ
- Remote Sensing of Neutral Temperatures in Earth’s Thermosphere Using the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Bands of N2: Comparisons with Satellite Drag Data
- SABER Mesosphere Radiative Cooling Results from Solar Max to Solar Min
- Solar Wind Effects on Post-Midnight Plasma Depletions Observed by C/NOFS
- Space- and Ground-Based Observations of Solar Cycle and Local Time Dependence of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Activity
- Specifying the Earth's Plasmasphere With Data Assimilation of Ground-Based Field-Line Resonance Measurements
- Statistical Properties of Broad Plasma Decreases
- Structured DC Electric Fields With and Without Associated Plasma Density Gradients Observed with the C/NOFS Satellite
- Temporary and Spatial Variations of Ionospheric Flow Signatures Associated with PBIs and Substorms
- The Thermosphere at Solar Minimum
- Type III-L Solar Radio Bursts and their Associations with Solar Energetic Proton Events
- Validation and Implementation of Neutral Density Models for Space Weather Forecast Laboratory
- A Satellite Mission Concept to Study Thermosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- AF-GEOSpace Version 2.5: Space Environment Software
- Active Volcano Monitoring using a Space-based Hyperspectral Imager
- Altitude Dependence of Neutral Density Geomagnetic Storm Response
- An Ensemble Forecast for Geosynchronous Radiation Belt Fluxes
- Artificial Ducts and Ion Outflows in the Topside Ionosphere at HAARP
- Artificial Ionospheric Layer Production at Higher Gyroharmonics (Invited)
- Assessing Diurnal Contributions of Data Sets Assimilated by Global Ionospheric Models
- CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for Systematic Assessment of Ionospheric Models
- COSMIC observations of dayside TEC enhancements in response to a moderate disturbance in the solar wind
- Calculation of Quasilinear Diffusion Coefficients Using Test Particle Simulations
- Characterization of radiation belt electron energy spectra from CRRES observations
- Comparisons Between In-Situ Plasma Fluctuation and Radio Occultation Based Measures of Ionospheric Scintillation
- Dawn Sector Plasma Density Observations from DMSP
- Diffusion-Advection Modeling of Quasilinear and Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions
- Distributed ground-based optical observations of polar cap patches
- Effect of solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements on dayside and nightside ionospheric convection and the polar cap boundary location
- Electrodynamics and temporal characteristics of the East African ionosphere inferred from ground-based observations (Invited)
- Electron transport across magnetic field in ExB radio blackout communication system
- End-to-End Observations and Modeling of the 17-21 January 2010 CME/ICME
- Enhanced Specification of the Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillation Environment with Satellite Radio Beacons
- Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations)
- First Measurements of Simulated Upper Atmospheric Winds Using a Monolithic Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) Interferometer
- Forecasting Earth Arrivals of CMEs with Heliospheric Imagers (Invited)
- Generation and evolution of equatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles measured by the C/NOFS satellite during deep solar minimum
- Ground Detection of Gyro Resonant Plasma Waves During High Power Radio Waves Experiments at HAARP (Invited)
- Interannual Comparison of Mesospheric Responses to Stratospheric Sudden Warmings, as Seen in SABER Data, 2002-2010
- Investigating Magnetic Field Line Lengths in Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Using Energetic Electron Events
- Ion-cyclotron Instability in Current-carrying Maxwellian and Lorentzian (Kappa) Plasma with Anisotropic Temperatures: A Comparative Numerical Study
- Ionospheric Flow Shear Associated with Poleward Boundary Intensification (PBI)
- Long-term Scintillations in the Dayside Cusp and Polar Cap Locations and its Impact on Trans-ionospheric Satellite Communication Links at VHF
- Loss time scales of plasma sheet electrons in the morning side: Analysis based on THEMIS observations
- Modeling Field Line Resonances in the Inner Plasmasphere with the Field Line Interhemispheric Plasma Model
- Modeling the Climatology of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles at Solar Minimum Using Plasma Drifts Observed by C/NOFS
- Neutral Density and Wind Enhancements in the Polar Cap
- Observational Evidence of Wave Turbulence That Can Support Field-Aligned Electric Fields in the Downward Birkeland Current Region
- Observations and simulation of equatorial irregularities at solar min
- On Equatorial Spread F During the Solstices Under Solar Minimum Conditions
- Persistent Longitudinal Variations of Plasma Density and DC Electric Fields in the Low Latitude Ionosphere Observed with Probes on the C/NOFS Satellite
- Physics-Based Model Driven by Plasma Drifts Obtained From the C/NOFS Satellite
- Post-midnight low-latitude ionospheric irregularities during solar minimum observed simultaneously with probes on the C/NOFS satellite and the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar
- Predicting the Global Average Temperature of the Thermosphere From an Empirical Model of the Polar Poynting Flux
- Radiation belt diffusion via non-resonant interactions with spatially confined magnetosonic waves
- Radio Scintillation over Africa (Invited)
- Real-Time Data Use for Operational Space Weather Products
- Relaxation of vibrationally excited NO by collisions with O2
- Remote sensing of the Ionosphere over the Murchison Radio Observatory, Western Australia, Leading to an Understanding of Fine Scale Behaviour
- Remote sensing of the plasmasphere mass density using conjugate magnetometer chains SAMBA, MEASURE, and McMAC
- SAID: A turbulent plasmaspheric boundary layer (Invited)
- SWAGE and the Transpolar Potential as Related to Solar Wind Structure During 1998-2005
- Simulation of Radiation Belt Wave-Particle Interactions Using MHD-SDE Methods
- Solar Wind Effects on Plasma Density Depletions: C/NOFS Results with Related Observations from DMSP
- Specification of the Occurrence of Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillations During the Main Phase of the Early Magnetic Storms Within Solar Cycle 24
- Studing Regional Wave Source Time Functions Using A Massive Automated EGF Deconvolution Procedure
- Temperature and velocity structure functions in the upper troposhere and lower stratosphere from aircraft measurements (Invited)
- The Longitudinal Variation of Equatorial Electrodynamics Observations
- The Night the Ionosphere Blew Away
- The Role of Ionosondes in Global Ionospheric Modeling
- The Role of Short-Term Precursors in a Hybrid CME Forecast
- The South American Meridional B-field Array (SAMBA) and Pc4-5 Wave Studies
- Theory and Observations of Plasma Waves Excited Space Shuttle OMS Burns in the Ionosphere
- Thermospheric Density Minimum at the South Pole in June
- Tidal structures in the equatorial ionosphere
- Two Comments in Deep Dielectric Charging
- Using Satellite Aerodynamics to Sense Thermospheric Winds
- VHF Scintillation Measurements from Cape Verde and Ascension Island During the Current Deep Solar Minimum Including Impact of a Geomagnetic Storm in August 2010 from Space and Ground
- Wave Activity in the Thermosphere from Solar Maximum through Minimum
- What Supports the Parallel Electric Field in the Turbulent Birkeland Current Regions of the Earth's Magnetosphere? A New Paradigm
- C/NOFS Magnetic Field Measurements in the Low-latitude Ionosphere during Magnetic Storms
- Field Line Resonance conjugate studies in the dayside inner magnetosphere using SAMBA antarctic magnetometers and THEMIS mission probes
- Modeled Compostion of the Thermosphere at Solar Minimum using CHAMP and GRACE
- Multi-Perspective Comprehensive Experiments on ELF/VLF Wave Generation via HF Heating
- Solar Energetic Events and the Statistics of the Most Extreme Space Weather
- Spatio - Temporal Variation of TEC Derived From Some GPS Stations in Nigeria and Comparison with the IRI
- Statistical comparison of the ionospheric energy deposition before and after sudden enhancements in solar wind dynamic pressure using AMIE output
- The Effects of Coronal Holes on the Time Profiles of Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Electric Fields and Waves Instrument on the RBSP Spacecraft: Investigating the Dynamic of the Inner Magnetosphere
- Magnetospheric ULF wave studies in the frame of the Swarm mission
- Multi-spacecraft observations of ULF waves during the Halloween storm
- Detection of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Induced by 2010 Mindanao Earthquakes
- Investigations of calcium carbonate mineral precipitation using 3D-printed micromodels