U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado
flowchart I[U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (106)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Altitude-Time Development of Sprites
- Defining Structure in Tongues of Ionization
- Ionospheric Heating Rates Associated with Solar Wind Forcing: Ejecta flow, High Speed Flow and Slow Flow
- Test of Complexity in the Magnetospheric System Via Auroral Observations
- Analysis of Joule heating parameterizations
- Dipole Tilt Angle Effects on Joule and Particle Heating in the Ionosphere
- Exospheric temperature formulation for use in atmospheric density models based on new data and proxies
- Ionospheric Geo-effectiveness of Magnetic Clouds
- Solar Wind Driving of the Stormtime Ring Current
- The Paleoclimate Of The Dead Sea Basin From The Last Glacial Maximum To The Holocene
- Auroral Energy and Energy Flux Measurements using GUVI
- Introducing Space Weather to High School Students, Undergraduates and the General Public
- Ionospheric Research with Miniaturized Plasma Sensors Aboard FalconSAT-3
- Masses and Energetics of CMEs Observed by SOHO/LASCO
- The Effect of Joule Heating on Neutral Density
- Estimating Neutral Densities from Energy Sources Using Multiple Linear Regression
- Geomagnetic Heating Modifications to Neutral Atmospheric Density Models
- Satellite Drag and Space Weather Simulations for Undergraduates
- Sprite Spectra at 1000 fps
- Geoeffectiveness of Magnetic Storms Driven by Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) and Ejecta-Related Events
- Geomagnetic Heating Effects in the Thermosphere from HASDM Models using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
- High Speed Imagery of Elves and Halos
- Improvements in modeling thermospheric densities using a new Schumann-Runge Continuum index
- Lab-scale Investigation of Degradation Product Partitioning in Source Zones Containing Chlorinated Solvents
- Streamer formation in sprites
- Using Satellite Drag to Teach About the Near-Space Environment
- Building the Undergraduate Knowledge Base in Observing, Modeling and Forecasting Space Weather
- Electrochemistry of Sprite Streamers
- Energy Transfer and Geoeffectiveness in CIR-Driven and Ejecta-Driven Magnetic Storms
- Evaluation of Current Thermospheric Neutral Density Models
- Exploring the Influence of Bioremediation on Dissolution in DNAPL Source Zones
- Integrated Multi-Point Space Plasma Measurements With Four Ionospheric Satellites
- Modeling and Interpreting the Interplay Between Dissolution and Degradation Rates in Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL)-Contaminated Domains
- Modeling the Semiannual Variation of Thermospheric Neutral Density
- Streamer Development in Sprites
- The Air Force Academy Small Satellite Program—Using Space Physics to Educate the Next Generation of Space Professionals
- The Air Force Space Command's Thermospheric Density Modeling for Accurate Satellite Tracking
- Variability of the Satellite Drag Environments of Earth, Mars and Venus due to Rotation of the Sun
- Modeling cis-Dichloroethene Partitioning in Tetrachloroethene-NAPL Using Intra-aggregate Diffusion Sorption Models
- Strengthening Environmental Engineering Education in Afghanistan through Cooperating Military Academies
- Thermospheric Neutral Density Cooling Determined from a 40-Year Satellite Drag Database
- Comparison of acceleration, expansion and brightness of sprite streamers obtained from modeling and high-speed video observations
- Sprite Spectra at 10,000 fps
- Streamer Splitting in Sprites
- An Enhanced Magnetometer Network in the United States for Magnetoseismic Research
- Evaluating the Relationship Between Source Zone Metrics and Down-Gradient Plume Response as a Function of Mixed DNAPL Mass Removal
- Flickering aurora studies using high speed cameras
- High-speed Camera Observations of a Negative Ground Flash with 15-microsecond Resolution
- In Situ Measurement of Ionospheric Plasma Density Irregularities with the Plasma Local Anomalous Noise Experiment (PLANE) aboard FalconSAT-3
- Investigating the influence of DNAPL spill characteristics on source zone architecture and mass removal in pool-dominated source zones
- Satellites Probing the Alfvénic Resonator Cavity Experiment : SPARC-E
- Small Sensors for Space Weather: CubeSat Missions
- A Two-dimensional Magnetoseismic Network in the United States
- Air Flow Path Dynamics In The Vadose Zone Under Various Land Surface Climate Boundary Conditions
- Correlated High Speed Video, Medium Range Electric-Field, and Magnetic-field observations of Sprites
- Digisonde Observation of April and August 2010 Magnetic Storm Effects on the Ionosphere over Ilorin, Nigeria
- High Speed Telescopic Imaging of Sprites
- Mapping the Ionosphere with Multiple Low-Cost Sensors
- Triangulation of Sprite Features
- A Fundamental Study of Vapor Generation from Nonaqeuous Phase Liquid Sources as a Function of Soil Moisture
- Comparisons of Two Plasma Instruments on the International Space Station
- High time resolution luminosity profiles of Jellyfish (Super) Sprites
- MISSE-7 MESA Miniaturized Electrostatic Analyzer - Ion Spectra Analysis Preliminary Results
- FalconSat-7: Imaging the Sun with a A Low Cost Deployable Membrane Telescope from a 3U CubeSat
- High-speed observations of flicker and break-up aurora
- Monitoring of the Geospace Environment by Ground-based McMAC and Falcon Magnetometers
- Streamer velocity and diameter observed in sprites and laboratory discharges
- A Low-Cost CubeSat Mission for Space Weather Forecasting
- Comparisons of the low-cost in-situ MESA plasma sensor with C/NOFS and GAIM plasma density/temperature data
- Investigation of the Electron-Ion Hybrid Instability in a Collisional Environment
- Laboratory Validation of a Screening Model: Exploring the Interplay between Dissolution and Degradation Rates in Ganglia-Dominated Source Zones
- Mechanism of Column and Carrot Sprites Derived from Optical and Radio Observations (Invited)
- A Statistical Survey of Sprite Streamer Splitting
- Beads: Long Lasting Stationary Optical Features in Sprites
- Effects of Phosphor Persistence on High-Speed Imaging of Transient Luminous Events
- GREECE Sounding Rocket Mission Overview
- Initiation of Sprite Streamers from Natural Mesospheric Structures
- Laboratory Assessment of a Screening Model: Exploring the Coupling between Dissolution and Degradation Rates in Ganglia-Dominated Source Zones
- Spectral Observations of Upward Propagating Streamers
- LEO Plasma Modeling Augmented with in-situ measurements
- Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps
- Statistical Analysis of Sprite Streamer Splitting via High-Speed Observations
- Atmospheric Response to an Open-Ocean Polynya in a High-Resolution Climate Model
- In-situ Satellite Based Ion Density Measurements at an Altitude of 500 Kilometers
- Investigating middle-atmospheric gravity waves associated with a sprite-producing mesoscale convective event
- Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps
- Measurements of Ionospheric Density, Temperature, and Spacecraft Charging in a Space Weather Constellation
- Comparison of Satellite based Ion Density Measurements with Digisonde electron density measurements
- Flickering aurora observations at 500 frames per second
- Lightning Step Leader and Return Stroke Spectra at 100,000 fps
- Lightning-channel conditioning
- Sprites and mesospheric gravity waves during a summertime mesoscale convective event
- Fast Spectroscopy and Interferometry of a Lightning Flash
- Sprite streamer response to multi-stroke lightning flash
- Statistical Analysis of Sprite Streamer Splitting: A Ten Year Survey
- TOTO-Cheyenne: ionizing radiation from thunderstorms on Cheyenne Mountain
- Comparing Sprite Currents with High-Speed Video Measurements
- How Lessons from an Evolving Comprehensive Approach for Water and Sanitation Initiatives Can Improve Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Environmental Initiatives
- Sprite Streamer Interactions at 100,000 Frames per Second
- TOTO-Cheyenne 2019: Ionizing Radiation from Thunderstorms on Cheyenne Mountain
- The Procedures and Lessons Learned from On-Orbit Calibration of iMESA-R on STPSat-3
- Analysis and modeling of sprite green ghosts
- Analysis of Polarity Asymmetry Characteristics in Cloud to Ground Lightning
- Falcon Neuro—Neuromorphic Cameras for sprite and lightning detection on the International Space Station
- Integrating scientific and local knowledge to enhance remediation efficacy using community-informed conceptual site models
- The Ground Imaging to Rocket investigation of Auroral Fast Features (GIRAFF) sounding rocket mission