University of Bristol, UK
flowchart I[University of Bristol, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1116)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (358)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Bristol, School of Chemistry
- University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences
- University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences
- University of Bristol, School of Mathematics
- University of Bristol, School of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Evidence for the Co-Ignimbrite Origin of the 15 June 1991 Mt. Pinatubo Climactic Eruption Ashcloud.
- Experiments on Gas-Fluidized Granular Flows: Implications for Pyroclastic Flow Mobility
- Paleomagnetism of Dike Swarms and Cone-sheets in the Isle of Skye, British Tertiary Igneous Province.
- Testing the Pleistocene Tropical Rainforest Refugia Hypothesis: Glacial Tropical Aridity and Vegetation Dynamics in the Amazon Basin
- Mass balance of Svalbard Glaciers and ice Caps from Repeat Airborne Lidar
- Progressive thinning of the Larsen Ice Shelf
- Reconstruction of River Outflow, Vegetation Dymanics and Fire History of the Amazon Basin for the Last 40ka.
- Sedimentation from wind-advected strong volcanic plumes
- The ACE (Antarctic Climate Evolution) Research Initiative
- A modeling experiment on the grounding of an ice shelf in the central Arctic Ocean during MIS 6
- Compositional Effects of Trace Element Partitioning Between Mg-Silicate Perovskite and Silicate Melt
- Devolatilization Induced Crystallization Experiments of Hydrous Basaltic Magma, Implications for Lava Flow Emplacement
- Insolation-Driven Changes in Aridity Within the Amazon Basin Over the Last 40,000 Years
- Linking Surface Activity to the Deep Volcanic Plumbing System: the CALIPSO Borehole Observatory Project on Montserrat
- Noble Gas Partitioning Behaviour During Mantle Melting: A Possible Explanation for 'The He Paradox'?
- Pliocene Warming, Contribution of Atmosphere, Oceans and Cryosphere
- Time-lapse monitoring of subglacial drainage conditions using borehole electrical surveying
- Tracer Dispersion Within an Urban Environment.
- U-series Isotopes and the Time Scales of Magmatic Processes
- A Global Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System (CCDAS) to Infer Atmosphere-Biosphere CO2 Exchanges and Their Uncertainties
- A Statistical Approach to Estimating the Contribution of Glaciers to Future Sea-level Rise.
- A revised inventory of Antarctic subglacial lakes
- Assimilation of remote observations of surface water into large-scale hydraulic models
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Cape Verde Islands From Teleseismic Receiver Functions.
- EARTH SYSTEM ATLAS: A Platform for Access to Peer-Reviewed Information about process and change in the Earth System
- Influence of Sea-ice on Inter-Annual Climate Variability in Coupled Ocean-Sea-ice-Atmosphere Simulations
- Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell at the Advanced Light Source
- Molecular Investigation of the Short-term Sequestration of Natural Abundance <SUP>13</SUP>C -labelled Cow Dung in the Surface Horizons of a Temperate Grassland Soil
- Probing the Activities of Soil Invertebrates Using Stable Isotope Approaches
- Pyroclastic Flow Generated Tsunami Waves Detected by CALIPSO Borehole Strainmeters at Soufriere Hills, Montserrat During Massive Dome Collapse: Numerical Simulations and Observations
- SWING - The Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group
- The Role of Global Palaeodata Syntheses in Benchmarking Climate Model Simulations
- Use of carbon isotopes to identify and characterize microbial signatures in hydrothermal settings
- Using Multiproxy Influx Data to Clarify the Origin of Carbon-Isotope Signals in Organic Matter from Late Quaternary Lake Sediments: Application to an Altitudinal Transect of Lakes on Mt. Kenya, East Africa
- Utility of different data types for calibrating flood inundation models within a GLUE framework
- Virtual mission stage I: Implications of a spaceborne surface water mission
- A Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Model Designed for Coupling With a GCM.
- An Experimental Investigation of Sill Formation and Propagation in Layered Elastic Media
- Challenges Projecting Polar Ozone Depletion
- Gas Segregation in Dykes and Sills
- High-Resolution Seismic Constraints on Oceanic Crust and Sediment Subduction
- How can the water concentrations in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs) from mantle xenoliths be used to learn about the distribution of water in the mantle?
- Integration of Passive and Active Source Seismology: Mapping Lithospheric Structure Beneath Scotland
- Investigating the dynamics of Vulcanian explosions using scaled laboratory experiments
- Modelling the coupled evolution of the ice shelf/stream flow system and the oceanic circulation in the ice-shelf cavity
- Sensitivity of Predicted Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy to LPO and Finite Strain Modelling Techniques
- Spatial Variations in Lithospheric Structure and Anisotropy Across the Northern Main Ethiopian Rift
- Tracer dispersion experiments carried out in London during 2003 and 2004 as part of the DAPPLE project
- Vegetation Cover in a Warmer World Simulated using a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model for the mid Pliocene
- A Permanent El Nino-Like State During the Pliocene?
- A net source of ocean mass from Antarctica
- An interdisciplinary network for young scientists in Earth System Science: building bridges between human and environmental sciences
- Deformation paths and strain localization patterns in the continental crust: outcrop analogues to aid the interpretation of seismic anisotropy in mountain belts
- Development of an Ultra-Violet Digital Camera for Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide Imaging
- Exploring the Potential for Long-term Storage of Depleted Peridotite in the Mantle
- Frequency-dependent shear-wave splitting and the detection of melt-induced anisotropy
- Global Measurements of Atmospheric Sulfuryl Fluoride
- Global Paleofire History Since the Last Glacial Maximum: Syntheses and Data-Model Comparisons
- North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago
- Observations of sulphur dioxide plumes using novel, ground-based uv imagery
- Reticulite, Scoria and Lava: Foam Formation in Hawaiian Fire Fountain Eruptions
- Rhyolites From the September 2005 Da'Ure (Dabbahu) Eruption, Afar, Ethiopia
- Serendipity, International Cooperation and Navigational Aids: A History of Radio Echo Sounding (RES) Technologies, 1958-1979
- Short-Term Dynamic Processes at the Restless Nisyros Caldera, Greece: Insights from Joint and Simultaneous Potential Field, Geodetic and Seismic Records
- Simulating Younger Dryas and Deglacial Changes in Atmospheric Radiocarbon and Marine Reservoir Ages Using the GENIE Earth System Model
- Storage and Release of Subglacial Water at an Outlet Glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Hudson Bay Lithospheric Experiment
- Uncertainty Analysis of the Ensemble Hydrological Forecasts in the Coupled Meteorological-Hydrological Modelling Environment
- A Three-Dimensional, First-Order Model of ice Flow: Numerical Implementation, Validation, and Initial Application to Iceland and Greenland
- An Inter-Laboratory Assessment of the Th Isotopic Composition of Synthetic and Rock Standards.
- An interdisciplinary network for young scholars in Earth System Science: building bridges between developing and developed countries
- Assessing Climate Change Risks Using a Multi-Model Approach
- Benchmark Experiments for Higher-Order and Full Stokes Ice Sheet Models
- Br/Cl Partitioning in Halite and Hydrohalite on Mars
- Constraints on Melting Beneath the Slow-Spreading Kolbeinsey Ridge from 238U, 230Th, and 231Pa Excesses
- Detection of Microbial Life in Glacial Samples - Laboratories Studies and Development for Field use
- Examining the Recent Peripheral Thinning of the Greenland Ice Sheet Using PARCA Laser Altimetry Data
- Geoscientific Model Development: A new EGU Journal for Descriptions of Numerical Models of the Earth System and its components
- How Sensitive is the Asian Monsoon System to Remote Forcing?: A Perspective from the late Quaternary Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea Regions
- In Situ ATP Bioluminescent Measurements in Subglacial Environments - The Engabreen Glacier in the Norwegian Arctic
- Kimberlite eruptive frequency and major low latitude glaciation through the Phanerozoic
- Melt CO2 Enrichment by Permeable Flow and Resorption
- Modelling Pliocene Warmth: Contribution of Atmosphere, Oceans and Cryosphere Revisited
- Primary Ca-rich Carbonate Melts in the Transition Zone
- Probing two low velocity regions with PKP b-caustic amplitudes and scattering
- Satellite Interferometry and Antarctic Ice Thickness Estimation
- Seasonal Acceleration of Inland ice via Along-Flow Coupling to Marginal ice
- Shear wave anisotropy beneath the Sierra Nevada range: Implications for lithospheric foundering and upper mantle flow
- The marine geological record of industrialization
- The mid Pliocene Warm Period: A Test-bed for Integrating Data and Models
- The role of gas percolation in quiescent degassing of persistently active basaltic volcanoes
- 3-D Seismic Velocity Tomography of Montserrat From the SEA-CALIPSO Offshore/Onshore Experiment.
- Active gas Venting at the Landward Limit of Hydrate Stability Offshore Svalbard
- An Earth System Model Ensemble Assessment of Potential Liquefied CO2 injection Sites in the Deep Ocean
- Ascent and Compaction of Gas-rich Magma, Effects on Eruption Dynamics
- Assessing ice-sheet and sea-level changes: Implementing dynamic subglacial processes in a high-order ice sheet model
- Chemical, Physical and Biological Influences on Trace Gases in the Tropics: First Two Years of Results From the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory
- Effects of Host Rock Stratigraphy on the Formation of Ring-Faults and the Initiation of Caldera Collapse
- Effects of deliquescent salts in soils of polar Mars on the flow of the Northern Ice Cap
- El Niño-like conditions, decreased ocean productivity and ice decay during the Pliocene warmth
- Evaluating Vegetation Feedbacks at 6kyBP Across Northern Africa in a GCM.
- Gas Loss and Resorption beneath Mount St. Helens, 1980-1986
- Generation and Reworking of Archaean and Hadean Crust
- Insights Into the Magmatic System and Crustal Structure at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat (Lesser Antilles) From Plutonic Nodules
- Insights into noble gas incorporation in silicates from atomistic and ab-initio simulations
- Mantle Xenoliths from the Calatrava Volcanic Province, Spain - Evidence for Carbonatite- Silicate Interaction in the Upper Mantle.
- Melt Distribution in the Ethiopian Rift System: Constraints From Seismic Observations and Finite-Frequency Modelling
- Onset of submarine debris flow deposition far away from original giant landslide
- Organic and inorganic proxies for changes in the East African hydrological regime at the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Preservation of Age Peaks in the Continental Record
- Rapid Reactivation of Rhyolite Magma at Tarawera Volcano: Insights From Quartz Cathodoluminescence, Chemistry and Melt Inclusions
- Reassessment of the potential contribution to sea level from a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Satellite-Retrieved Size and Mass Distribution of Soil-Derived Mineral Aerosol for 2001
- Seismic Observations From the Afar Rift Dynamics Project: Preliminary Results
- Simulation Study to Monitor and Model Individual Sources of Mass Distribution and Transport in the Earth System by Means of Satellites
- Spaceborne and field-based observations of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka from 2000- 2008
- The Nd-Isotopic Composition of Late Cretaceous Bathyal-Abyssal Seawater From Fossil Fish Skeletal Debris
- The Origin and Evolution of Kimberlite Melts: Stabilizing Phlogopite in the CMAS-CO2- H2O-K2O System
- The Role of Sulfur Oxidation in Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution Within Sulfidic Hot Springs
- Timing and Significance of a Global Deep-sea Dissolution Event during the Eocene- Oligocene Transition
- Tropospheric N2O Isotopic Composition: Instrumentation Development and Initial Data for Reducing N2O Source and Sink Uncertainties
- Application of a higher-order flow model to Greenland outlet glacier dynamics
- Bubble expansion, gas percolation and preservation of pyroclasts (Invited)
- Conduit evacuation dynamics for Vulcanian explosions
- Direct evidence for an efficient, variable-pressure, channelised drainage system at the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- E-tracers: A New Technique for Wireless Sensing Under Ice Sheets
- Evaluating the Terrestrial Hydrology Component of the LPX Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
- Experimental and computational study of trace element distribution between orthopyroxene and anhydrous silicate melt: substitution mechanisms and the effect of iron
- Gas-melt ratios: a framework for interpreting melt inclusion CO2-H2O data (Invited)
- How Uncertain Is The Uncertainty In (Paleocene-Eocene) Climate Sensitivity? (Invited)
- Hydrochemistry of ice stream beds - evaporitic or microbial effects?
- Implementation of dynamic subglacial processes in a high-order ice sheet model
- Investigation of the influence of mechanical stiffness on caldera deformation: results from generic case analyses and implications for the 1971-1984 uplift at Rabaul (Papua New Guinea)
- Modelling West Antarctic Ice Sheet ice flow dynamics using a higher order, high resolution ice sheet model
- Non-Potassic Melts In CMAS-CO2-H2O-K2O Model Peridotite
- Oxygen fugacity determined from iron oxidation state in natural (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase: new insights for lower mantle diamond formation
- Rise, transport, and storage of magma during continental rupture: Constraints from the Afar rifting episode (Invited)
- Subglacial topography inferred from ice surface terrain analysis reveals a large un-surveyed basin below sea level in East Antarctica. (Invited)
- The forensics of sub-surface processes on island volcanoes from integrated geodetic observations: results from Tenerife and Montserrat (Invited)
- The sea level fingerprint of 21st Century ice mass loss and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- Towards resolving recent Greenland mass loss (Invited)
- A 125 year long record of DOC flux from a major temperate catchment: land-use vs. climate control?
- A decadal view of magma fragmentation
- A new, multi-resolution bedrock elevation map of the Greenland ice sheet
- A virtual observatory in a real world: building capacity for an uncertain future - the UK pVO
- An estimate for committed sea-level rise during the next century resulting from Greenland ice sheet dynamics during the past decade (Invited)
- Constraining carbon input for early-middle Eocene 'hyperthermals'
- Deep Water Cycle: its Role in Earth's Thermal Evolution and Plate Tectonics
- Future Global Water Resources with respect to Climate Change and Water Withdrawals
- Gas expansion and migration through a viscous liquid
- Hydrological Evaluation of the LPX Dynamic Global Vegetation Model for Small River Catchments in the UK
- Insights from comparison of bubbles in gas-liquid and fluidized gas-solid particle flows
- Inverse modelling estimates of N2O surface emissions and stratospheric losses using a global dataset
- Large methane reserves beneath Antarctica?
- Large-scale Estimation of River Discharge from SWOT Satellite Observations: A Fraternal Twin Data Assimilation Experiment
- Modelling Changes in the Global Methane Hydrate Inventory
- Multiparametric Geophysical Signature of Vulcanian Explosions
- Nitrate trends in United Kingdom watersheds since 1868: can we reverse the trend?
- Non-stationarity in long hydrological time series: a new theoretical technique for detecting multiple changes in mean and variance
- Orbital pacing of methane hydrate destabilization during the Palaeogene
- Pliocene climate variability and tipping points
- Rapid Mantle Ascent Rates Beneath Brazil: Diamond Bullets from a Smoking Plume?
- Rheology of Pure Glasses and Crystal Bearing Melts: from the Newtonian Field to the Brittle Onset
- Sections of Intact Polar Diacylglycerolipids in the South Atlantic Reflect Dissolved Phosphorus and Nitrogen Distributions
- Temperature Reconstruction and Biomarker Variation across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary, Mid-Waipara River, New Zealand
- The Great Escape? Assessing the efficiency of the sedimentary AOM barrier and its implications for past climate change
- The Hf isotope ratios of new continental crust and Hf model ages
- The geomicrobiology of the Greenland Ice Sheet: impact on DOC export (Invited)
- The global carbon budget and its operationalization
- The magma-assisted removal of Arabia in Afar: evidence from dike injection in the Afar depression
- The terrestrial nitrogen budget of the United Kingdom
- The use of perturbed physics ensembles and emulation in palaeoclimate reconstruction (Invited)
- The use of very long term water quality records from the UK: gaining perspective on problems of nitrate and DOC (Invited)
- Unveiling Turrialba (Costa Rica) volcano's latest geological evolution through new 40Ar/39Ar, ages
- Antarctic subglacial water flow routes: a geostatistical approach
- BISICLES: A High-performance Adaptive Ice Sheet Model
- Climate and carbon accumulation in northern peatlands during the last 1000 years
- Diagenetic processes in the plant-soil system and their implications for palaeo-reconstruction
- Electrical self-potential (SP) signatures of melt-water flow in snow: theory, numerical modelling and laboratory experiments
- Evaluating acoustic methods for wireless sensing in ice sheets
- Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Beneath the Pacific Using SS Waveform Modeling
- Inferring subglacial drainage evolution beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet using artificial tracer techniques
- Is upper water column productivity reflected in marine sediments? A biomarker perspective
- Multi-decadal dynamic thinning on the northwest margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Nitrate concentrations and fluxes in the River Thames, London UK 1868 to 2008: catchment-scale modelling of diffuse agricultural sources and groundwater response using the world's longest water quality time series
- Rapid dynamic thinning events during 1985-2010 on Upernavik Isstrøm, West Greenland
- Regional patterns of ocean mass change from GRACE satellite data
- Seismically Imaging the Destruction of Continental Lithosphere beneath Afar
- Simulating nitrogen fluxes and isotopes in the Cretaceous ocean
- Stress control of the depth of magma reservoirs of arc volcanoes revealed by ALOS PALSAR
- The geological record of ocean acidification
- Uncertainties in the relationship between temperature and sea level over the past 10-50 Ma
- Visualising probabilistic flood forecast information: expert preferences and perceptions of best practice in uncertainty communication
- 2D subglacial drainage system model applied to a catchment of the Greenland ice sheet
- A Critical Evaluation of Modern and Paleogene GDGT Distributions : Implications for the Application of the TEX86 Paleothermometer
- Airborne geophysical investigation of basal conditions at flow transitions of 16 Greenland Ice Sheet outlet glaciers
- An organic geochemical multi-proxy study of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Evidence from northern Spain
- Catchments as filters: Understanding catchment processes through annual duration curves
- Climate change adaptation: Comparing climate model projections of flooding against flood estimation by continuous simulation
- Comparing and contrasting characteristics of cinder cone tephra deposits
- Constraining ice sheet mass balance trends using Cryosat-2 and laser altimetry
- Crustal differentiation
- Degassing-induced crystallization in basalts: direct experimental observations
- Developing a novel UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) helicopter platform for very high resolution environmental monitoring of catchment processes
- Electrical Properties Of Volcanic Ash Samples From Grímsvötn
- Ice flow in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica as elucidated by radar-imaged internal layering
- Ice shelves record the history of channelised water flow beneath the Antarctic ice sheet
- Identification of Functional Catchment Similarity
- Imaging active granitic magma ascent structures in the Andean crust
- Large-Scale Features of Pliocene Climate: Results from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project
- Magma intrusion and accumulation in the southern Altiplano: Structural observations from the PLUTONS project
- Microbial carbon and nitrogen fixation on the surface of glaciers and ice sheets
- Modelling the impact of aircraft emissions on atmospheric composition
- Multi-model terrestrial and oceanic carbon exchange estimates from data assimilation in GEOCARBON
- Non-stationarity in long hydrological time series: cumulative sums, autocorrelation and temporal scale-shifting
- North Atlantic Oscillation drives double orographic enhancement of precipitation and river flow in upland Britain
- Novel wireless sensing methods for sub-ice applications
- Organic carbon export from the Greenland Ice Sheet: sources, sinks and downstream fluxes
- Projected 21st century regional sea-level rise for scenarios of land-based ice melt from the ICE2SEA project
- Receiver function imaging of the onset of melting, implications for volcanism beneath the Afar Rift in contrast to hotspot environments
- Satellite-driven predictions of animal migrations in response to short and long-term environmental change
- Seismological Insights into the Structure of the Lesser Antilles
- Sensitivity of Greenland ice sheet projections to model formulations
- Testing the realism of model structures to identify karst system processes using water quality and quantity signatures
- The MOZART Project - MOZAmbique Rift Tomography
- The ice core record of atmospheric methane: chemistry-climate interactions on tens to thousands of years
- The impact of uncertain precipitation data on an insurance flood catastrophe model
- Tomographic study of the East African Rift in Mozambique - Initial results
- Trading Space for Time in Bayesian Framework
- Virus activity on the surface of glaciers and ice sheets
- When does model parameter non-stationarity matter? Insights from the applications of a novel trading space-for-time framework across the US and South Africa
- Assessing Pyroclastic Density Current Hazard in Caldera Settings: The Example of Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) (Invited)
- Benchmarking observational uncertainties for hydrology (Invited)
- Bubble Rise and Break-Up in Volcanic Conduits
- Canopy interception's effects on the water cycle and energy budget
- Climate-vegetation-soil interactions and long-term hydrologic partitioning: Signatures of catchment co-evolution (Invited)
- Communicating more effectively with public audiences (Invited)
- Considering uncertainty in climate change projections through a new decision-centric approach to global change impact assessment on water resources tested in a Pennsylvania watershed
- Controls of spatial structural variability on lateral and vertical flow dynamics at the soil-bedrock interface in a karst system
- Controls on hydrologic partitioning: A comparative hydrology study across sub-catchments in a mountain headwater basin
- Correcting for initial Th in speleothems to obtain the age of calcite nucleation after a growth hiatus
- Destabilization of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Detecting change in long hydrological time series: moving on from double-mass curves
- Earthquakes induced by fluid injection: Implications for secure CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage
- Emergent structures and understanding from a comparative uncertainty analysis of the FUSE rainfall-runoff modelling platform for >1,100 catchments
- Estimates of surface methane emissions over Europe using observed surface concentrations and the FLEXPART trajectory model
- Estimating the Climate Response at River Basin Scales to Changes in Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Patterns
- Estimating uncertainty and change in flood frequency for an urban Swedish catchment
- Fast flow of Jakobshavn Isbræ and its subglacial drainage system
- First Global Climate Model Simulations of the M2 Pliocene Glacial
- Flood risk projection for large river basins with delta in Southeast Asia
- From maps to movies: High resolution time-varying sensitivity analysis for spatially distributed watershed models
- How good do seasonal streamflow forecasts need to be to improve reservoir operation?
- Impact of melt migration on the evolution of major and trace element composition in a crystalline mush: Implications for chemical differentiation in the continental crust
- Large sample hydrology in NZ: Spatial organisation in process diagnostics
- Major strike-slip faulting along the tectonic boundary between East and West Antarctica: implications for early Gondwana break-up and Jurassic granitic magma emplacement
- Mantle structure beneath the Afar triple junction derived from surface wave tomography
- Mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Little Ice Age, implications on sea level
- Mass-dependent U isotopic variations in altered oceanic crust and volcanic arc magmas
- Mesoproterozoic Australo-Antarctic tectonics; a new model from ICECAP data
- Methane emission estimates in East Asia from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- Miniaturised 'lab-on-a-chip' nitrate analyser applied to high resolution in situ analysis of glacial meltwater
- Modeling subglacial hydrology and what that may tell us about erosion (Invited)
- Modeling the Uptake of Scientific Information by the Public and Opinion Flow in Society (Invited)
- Modelled Insights into Climate Dynamics of the Cretaceous and Paleogene Greenhouse
- Models and past ocean de-oxygenation: ';nice' is not a statistical measure of understanding (Invited)
- New insights to the middle Miocene pCO<SUB>2</SUB> problem (Invited)
- Observed and NWP simulated rainfall uncertainty cascading into rainfall-runoff and flood inundation impact models
- Phase Relations In The System MgO-SiO2-H2O At Lower Mantle Conditions
- Radio-echo sounding of 'active' Antarctic subglacial lakes
- Representing channel uncertainty in regional scale inundation models
- Resolving Trends in Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Loss and Glacio-isostatic Adjustment Through Spatio-temporal Source-separation
- Shear wave splitting hints at dynamical features of mantle convection: a global study of homogeneously processed source and receiver side upper mantle anisotropy
- Spatial pattern of mass loss processes across the Greenland Ice Sheet from the Little Ice Age to 2010
- Subglacial sedimentary basin characterization of Wilkes Land, East Antarctica via applied aerogeophysical inverse methods
- Terrestrial teleconnections link global rivers
- The Importance of Consensus Information in Acceptance of Climate Change (Invited)
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Budyko Hypothesis for Water Balance (Invited)
- The challenge of predicting karst water resources in a changing world (Invited)
- The influence of volatiles on the interaction of mafic and felsic magmas
- The modeled relationship between sea level and atmospheric CO2 on geological timescales
- The role of palaeogeography in controlling Pliocene climate and climate variability. (Invited)
- The value of regionalised information for hydrological modelling
- Three dimensional coupled model approaches to terrestrial methane cycling during Paleogene greenhouse climates
- Trends in climate and vegetation through the Cretaceous - a modelling study
- Understanding Uncertainty in the Characterization of Transient Storage Zone Processes in Rivers (Invited)
- Understanding and projecting sea level change: improvements and uncertainties (Invited)
- Understanding the fluvial loss of carbon from UK watersheds - implications for terrestrial carbon; greenhouse gases and water quality
- Use of Archival Sources to Improve Water-Related Hazard Assessments at Volcán de Agua, Guatemala
- a Workflow for the Application of Sensitivity Analysis to Earth System Models
- A Theory for How Global Warming Mechanistically Depends on Cumulative Carbon Emissions Over Time
- A coupled hydrothermal and mechanical model for estimating thermo-poroelastic deformation, gravity and magnetic changes in calderas
- Abundances of C<SUB>3</SUB>H<SUB>x</SUB> Hydrocarbons in Titan's Stratosphere from Cassini CIRS
- Age and weathering rate of sediments in small catchments: the role of hillslope erosion
- Alteration of Mean Streamflow and Evaporation Under Snow Loss
- Amazon Rainforests May Be More Resilient to Atmospheric Warming Than We Thought: A Cross-Site Analysis of Eddy Flux Data from Natural Forests and an Artificially Warmed Forest
- Anelasticity of the HCP Metal Zinc: a Key to Understanding the Dynamics of Earth's Core
- Anisotropy in the lowermost mantle beneath the circum-Pacific: observations and modelling
- Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment from an inversion of satellite and in-situ observations
- Antarctic ice sheet mass loss, glacio-isostatic adjustment and surface processes from ENVISAT, ICESat, CryoSat-2, GRACE and GPS.
- Apatite as a Tool for Tracking Magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Contents
- Biogeochemial Cycling and Ocean Climate in the Maastrichtian: a Coupled Ecosystem-Physical Climate Simulation Study
- Characterizing magma storage at Aira caldera and Sakurajima volcano (Japan) from geodetic inversions
- Circum-Antarctic Nd isotope variability during the last 30 kyrs
- Circum-Slab Mantle Deformation: Insights from Finite Strain and Seismic Anisotropy
- Clumped Isotope Composition of Cold-Water Corals: A Role for Vital Effects?
- Constraints on the rate of carbon injection across the PETM - towards a theoretical framework for hyperthermals
- Crustal Structure of the Gulf of Aden Continental Margins, from Afar to Oman, by Ambient Noise Seismic Tomography
- Crustal and Mantle Structure of the West African Craton Beneath SW Niger
- Deciphering Complex Carbon Cycle Changes Across the K-Pg Boundary Using Compound-Specific Carbon Isotopic Analyses
- Deep Bed in the Vicinity of the Grounding Line of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica
- Deep Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Circulation over the Last 25,000 Years - Insights from <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th, <SUP>14</SUP>C and Sortable Silt Grain Size
- Deformation at Lava Lake Volcanoes: Lessons from Karthala
- Deglacial Atlantic Radiocarbon: A Southern Ocean Perspective
- Dynamics of the Active Altiplano Puna Magmatic Body: Large-Scale Melt Transport and Buoyant Upwelling
- Effect of light elements (S, Si, C, O) on liquid iron alloys structural properties under high pressure studied by XRD, XANES and molecular dynamics
- Effect on Groundwater Quality from Proximal Surface Water Bodies and Effect on Arsenic Distribution in Bangladesh: Geochemical Controls
- Electrification of Ash in Icelandic Volcanic Plumes
- Enhanced weathering strategies for cooling the planet and saving coral reefs
- Environmental modeling in data-sparse regions: Mozambique demonstrator case
- Estimating National-scale Emissions using Dense Monitoring Networks
- Evolution of the South-East Monsoon System - An Investigation of the Dynamical Controls on the Monsoon System Over Geologic Time Scales.
- Experimental evidence that microbial activity lowers the albedo of glacier surfaces: the cryoconite casserole experiment.
- Glacial to Interglacial Climate and Sea Level Changes Recorded in Submerged Speleothems, Argentarola, Italy
- Global Sensitivity Analysis of Environmental Models: Convergence, Robustness and Accuracy Analysis
- Global climate and monsoons response to orbital forcing in the Late Miocene
- Global sensitivity analysis using a new approach based on cumulative distribution functions
- Gravity Change at the Summit of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaíi, during 2012-2014
- High but not Super High Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> During the Early Cenozoic
- High-resolution methane emission estimates using the InTEM inversion system
- How Warming and Steric Sea Level Rise Relate to Cumulative Carbon Emissions After Many Centuries
- How did the North American ice Saddle Collapse impact the climate 14,500 years ago?
- How much did the N. American ice sheet contribute to the Meltwater Pulse 1a sea level rise event ?
- Hydrous upwelling across the mantle transition zone beneath the Afar Triple Junction
- Identification of Regime Transitions in Umbrella Cloud Growth for Short- and Long-Lived Eruptions
- Improving the Operability of the Cosmic-ray Neutron Soil Moisture Method: Estimation of Soil Calibration Parameters Using Global Datasets
- Increased Fluvial Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes over 130 Years of Land-Use Change in the Thames Basin
- Insights into Carbonate Formation through the Incorporation of Trace Metals into Ooids
- Integrating remote sensing, field studies and CO<SUB>2</SUB> surveys to unravel structural controls on fluid pathways at a young rift volcano
- Investigating the long-term geodetic response to magmatic intrusions at volcanoes in northern California
- Investigating the sources and sinks of water of Congo's wetlands
- Late Glacial and Holocene Flow Dynamics of the Denmark Strait Overflow Water
- Latest updates in global flood modelling: channel bifurcation and global river width database
- Lava Flow Interactions with Topographic Obstacles: Morphologic Analysis, Analogue Modeling, and Molten Basalt Experiments
- Legacy Contaminantion in UK catchments since the mid-19th century
- Legacy phosphorus accumulation and management in the global context: insights from long-term analysis of major river basins
- Lithium Isotope Evidence for Cryogenian Post-Glaciation Enhanced Weathering and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Drawdown
- Long-Term Water Quality Studies in a Eutrophic Lake Catchment: Slapton Ley, SW England
- Magma Pulsing and Internal Structure of the Torres del Paine Laccolith (Patagonia) Constrained by High Precision Zircon U-Pb Dating, and Thermal and Crystal Size Modeling of its Contact Aureole.
- Mapping Antarctic grounding lines from Cryosat-2
- Melting Relations in the MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> and CaO-MgO-SiO<SUB>2 </SUB>Systems at the Earth's Lower Mantle Conditions: New Methodological Approach and Preliminary Results
- Modeling Melting Ages and Pseudo-Isochron-Ages in Whole Mantle Convection
- Modelling Glacier Retreat after Ice Shelf Collapse
- Modelling Martian surface channel dynamics
- Multi-Species Temperature and Proxy Reconstructions of the Tropical Pacific Mean State across Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Multiparametric Study of Wind and Atmosphere Effect on Explosive Eruptive Style
- Non-Chondritic Stable Strontium (δ<SUP>88</SUP>Sr vs. δ<SUP>84</SUP>Sr) in the Earth, the Moon and Some Differentiated Asteroids
- Observations and models of ground deformation from the PLUTONS Project: Lazufre and Uturuncu, Central Andes
- Observations of D" anisotropy from P and S-wave reflectivity
- Open-Source Data Assimilation for Land Models and Multiscale Observations.
- Opportunities for Hydrologic Research in the Congo Basin
- P-wave travel-time tomography reveals multiple mantle upwellings beneath the northern East-Africa Rift
- Passive optical remote sensing of Congo River bathymetry using Landsat
- Physically Consistent Ice-Sheet--Climate Coupling for the UK Met Office Unified Model and UKESM1
- Potential of Higher Moments of the Radar Doppler Spectrum for Studying Ice Clouds
- Preparing for Routine Satellite Global Volcano Deformation Observations: The Volcano Deformation Database Task Force
- Progress on the calibration of channel geometry and friction parameters of the LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model using time series of SAR flood images
- Pronounced Climatic and Environmental Changes in the South West Pacific Ocean Following the End-Cretaceous Extinction Event
- Proposed Design of the Third Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Exercise
- Proxy Applications of Pa/Th Investigated with Scavenging Chemistry in the North Atlantic
- Quantifying the relative importance of climate-forced and land-use forced land cover changes in the representative concentration pathways
- Radiogenic Isotopes As Paleoceanographic Tracers in Deep-Sea Corals: Advances in TIMS Measurements of Pb Isotopes and Application to Southern Ocean Corals
- Recent global methane trends: an investigation using hierarchical Bayesian methods
- Refining process representation in high-resolution models of headwater catchments using internal catchment diagnostics
- Regional glacial isostatic adjustment in Antarctica estimated from GRACE, Enivsat/ICESat and GPS observations (ESA-STSE project REGINA).
- Remote characterization of dominant wavelengths of surface folds on lava flows using Lidar and Discrete Fourier Transform analyses
- Response and Recovery of Surface Ocean Carbonate Chemistry in the Mid-latitude North Atlantic During the PETM
- Response of the Antarctic ice sheet to ocean forcing using the POPSICLES coupled ice sheet-ocean model
- Retroactions Between Basal Hydrology and Basal Sliding from Numerical Experiments
- Risk of Sea Level Rise from Antarctic Ice Sheet Instability
- Rupture Events Inferred from the Injection Induced Seismicity at Castor UGS, offshore Castellón, Spain
- Seismology in Ryukyu arc, Japan reveals the distribution and orientation of serpentine minerals suggesting convection and low viscosity of forearc mantle
- Setting up a model intercomparison project for the last deglaciation
- Simplicity of Monthly Climate and Its Implications for Hydrologic Signatures at Various Time-Scales
- Simulating subsurface heterogeneity improves large-scale water resources predictions
- Single Crystal Elasticity of Majoritic Garnets: Stagnant Slabs and Thermal Anomalies at the Base of the Transition Zone
- Southern Ocean and Antarctic Peninsula Temperatures During Critical Climate Transitions of the Cenozoic Constrained by Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Stow or Blow: The Perspective from Global Satellite Observations of Deformation.
- Systematic satellite observations of the impact of aerosols from passive volcanic degassing on local cloud properties
- The Earth-Lunar Disk Connection: Favorable Aspects of a High-Angular Momentum Giant Impact
- The Efficiency of the Biological Pump in the Southern Ocean over the Past 40,000 Years As Evidenced from Deep-Sea Corals
- The First Simultaneous Airborne Measurements of BrO, BrCl HOBr in the Tropics: An Assessment on the HO<SUB>x</SUB> Budget and O<SUB>3</SUB> Depletion
- The Marine Carbon Cycle After the Extinction at the End of the Cretaceous
- The Photographic History of Greenland's Glaciers - and how the historical data plays an important role in today's glacier research
- The Role of Convective Instabilities from Ash Clouds in Proximal Deposition of Fine Ash
- The Sentinel-1 Constellation - A new era of operational InSAR
- The Stability of Hydrous Silicates in Earth's Lower Mantle: Experimental constraints from the System MgO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- The dependence structure of daily hydrological processes
- The eastern Tropical Pacific hydroclimate over the last 120kyr: a perspective from HadCM3.
- The melting curve of Ni to 125 GPa: implications for Earth's Fe rich core alloy
- Thin-skinned Mass-wasting Responsible for Rapid, Edifice-wide Deformation at Arenal Volcano
- Translating above-ground cosmic-ray neutron intensity to high-frequency soil moisture profile at sub-kilometer scale
- Two dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of a high latitude braided river
- Uncertainty assessment in the regionalisation of hydrological signatures
- Understanding How Snowmelt Manifests in Streamflow
- Understanding the Fluvial Loss of Carbon from UK Watersheds - Implications for Terrestrial Carbon; Greenhouse Gases and Water Quality.
- Using Hydrogeophysical Methods to Understand the Spatial Distribution of the Bedrock-regolith Interface in the Rio Icacos Watershed (Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico).
- Using Uranium-Series Isotopes to Quantify Volcanic Soil Formation Rates Under a Tropical Climate: Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe
- Using geomorphology to map plant community distribution in complex polygonal tundra landscapes
- Validation of a Global Hydrodynamic Flood Inundation Model
- What Caused the 2001-2002 Unrest at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador? Insights from a Finite Element Based Geodetic Inversion
- What Controls the Hydrodynamics of the Central Congo River?
- When, not if: The inescapability of an uncertain future
- Why Bother and Calibrate? Model Consistency and the Value of Prior Information.
- Zn and Ni Isotope Systematics in the Black Sea, an Analogue for Past Ocean Anoxia
- A Decade of Elevation and Mass Changes of the North Atlantic Glaciers and Ice Caps
- A Transdimensional, Hierarchical Bayesian Inversion Framework for Estimating Regional Trace Gas Emissions
- A global vegetation corrected SRTM DEM for use in hazard modelling
- A method to calibrate channel friction and bathymetry parameters of a Sub-Grid hydraulic model using SAR flood images
- A national-scale analysis of the impacts of drought on water quality in UK rivers
- A novel approach to improving the reconstruction of bed elevation with special consideration of bathymetry at the ice/ocean interface of the Greenland ice sheet
- An evaluation of Dynamic TOPMODEL for low flow simulation
- Antarctic ice sheet mass loss, glacio-isostatic adjustment and surface processes from a Bayesian combination of gravimetry, altimetry and GPS data
- Application of the<SUP> 138</SUP>La-<SUP>138</SUP>Ce systematics as tracer of recycled sediment in the mantle
- Assessing the value of the ATL13 inland water level product for the Global Flood Partnership
- Assessment of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Greenland using GPS
- Assimilation of Spatio-Temporal Cosmic-Ray Neutron Data to Improve Hydrological Model Performance
- Benchmarking Computational Fluid Dynamics Models for Application to Lava Flow Simulations and Hazard Assessment
- Biomarker Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Estimations Through the Cenozoic - Recent Developments and Future Directions
- By land, sea and air (and space): Verifying UK methane emissions at a range of scales by integrating multiple measurement platforms
- Can we use ground-based measurements of HCFCs and HFCs to derive their emissions, lifetimes, and the global OH abundance?
- Challenges faced when using radiocarbon measurements to estimate fossil fuel emissions in the UK.
- Characteristics of seismicity in Eritrea (2011-2012): Implications for rifting dynamics
- Clean hot water drilling for exploration of the Antarctic deep subglacial environment
- Condensing the Moon from a MAD Earth
- Constraining methane emissions from the Indo-Gangetic Plains and South Asia using combined surface and satellite data
- Controls on the Mobilization and Transport of Hfse in Ore-Forming Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
- Crustal-scale degassing and igneous mush re-organisation: a generic concept applied to episodic volcanism at the Soufrière Hills Volcano Montserrat
- Decadal-Scale Response of the Antarctic Ice sheet to a Warming Ocean using the POPSICLES Coupled Ice Sheet-Ocean model
- Does the relative impact of climate and land use changes on groundwater recharge vary depending on the degree of subsurface heterogeneity?
- Dynamic coupling of bulk chemistry, trace elements and mantle flow
- Efficient Calibration of Distributed Catchment Models Using Perceptual Understanding and Hydrologic Signatures
- Environmental Changes in the pre-Messinian Mediterranean Region
- Estimation of river bathymetry and implications for regional scale flood inundation simulation on the Inner Niger Delta
- Estimation of surface water storage in the Congo Basin
- Evaluating Observational Constraints on N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emissions via Information Content Analysis Using GEOS-Chem and its Adjoint
- Evaluating the construction and evolution of upper crustal reservoirs with coupled U/Pb zircon geochronology and thermal modeling: A case study from the Mt. Capanne pluton (Elba, Italy)
- Evolution of Root Zone Storage after Land Use Change
- Exploring the effects of temperature and grain size on plumes associated with PDCs through analogue experimentation
- Freshwater fluxes into the subpolar North Atlantic from secular trends in Arctic land ice mass balance
- Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in-situ melt segregation from crystal mushes
- Handling Unquantifiable Uncertainties in Landslide Modelling
- How Population Growth and Land-Use Change Increased Fluvial Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes over 130 Years in the Thames Basin (UK)
- How water storage controls hydrologic extremes among catchments with diverse physiography and climate
- Impacts of Dust on Tropical Volcanic Soil Formation: Insights from Strontium and Uranium-Series Isotopes in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe
- Improving hydrologic model hypothesis testing by accounting for rainfall and discharge uncertainties
- Increased influence of nitrogen limitation on CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from future land use and land-use change
- Inferring global and regional methane sources and sinks using isotopic observations and atmospheric chemical transport models
- Insights into Mercury's Core Evolution from the Thermodynamic Properties of Fe-S-Si
- International Database of Volcanic Ash Impacts
- Interpolation and Inversion - New Features in the Matlab Sesimic Anisotropy Toolbox
- Investigating the Feedbacks between Land Surface Cover and North Atlantic Climate Variability in the HadCM3 Coupled Climate Model
- Isotope and methane dynamics above and below the Trade Wind Inversion at Ascension Island using UAVs
- Linking space observations to volcano observatories in Latin America: Results from the CEOS DRM Volcano Pilot
- Looking Beyond the Old Water Paradox: Does New Water Dominate Quick Hydrographs where Surface Flowpaths Prevail? - A Meta-Analysis of Field Evidence from Small, Forested Catchments
- Magmatic Plumbing at an Incipient Oceanic Spreading Centre: Evidence From Local Earthquake Data in Northern Afar
- Magnesium isotope compositions of Solar System materials determined by double spiking
- Maximising the value of computer experiments using multi-method global sensitivity analysis
- Multi-sensor geophysical constraints on crustal melt in the central Andes: the PLUTONS project
- Novel in situ chemical sensing technologies for deep sub-ice exploration
- On the Fate of Debris Associated with the Disappearance of Flight MH370: a Dynamical System Perspective
- On the Value of Effective Parameters Obtained Under Reduced Spatial Scale Mismatch to Represent Soil Moisture - Evapotranspiration Interactions in Land Surface Models.
- Os isotope evidence for a differentiated plume head reservoir for the Ontong Java Nui source
- Predicting the impacts of fishing canals on Floodplain Dynamics in Northern Cameroon using a small-scale sub-grid hydraulic model
- Progress towards regional flash flood modelling
- Radar-Inference of the Basal Properties and Englacial Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Scheduling whole-air samples above the Trade Wind Inversion from SUAS using real-time sensors
- Seeking GUTH, the Grand Unified Theory of Hillslopes: Linking Weathering, Erosion and Landscapes
- Seismic monitoring results from the first 6 months of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection at the Aquistore geological storage site, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Slow and Steady Drop of the Atacama Water Table from ~15 Ma Constrained by (U-Th)/He Dating of Hematite
- Stress controlled magma-earthquake interaction during unrest at Chiles-Cerro Negro Volcanoes (Ecuador-Colombian border)
- The Affect of Pre and Syn-Ascent Crystallization on Vesiculation Kinetics and Permeability Development in Low Viscosity Magmas
- The Effects of Spatial Resolution and Dimensionality on Modeling Braided River Hydraulics
- The GOCE User Toolbox (GUT) and Tutorial
- The Impact of Rainfall Uncertainty on Flood Simulations
- The Land of the Summer People, a multidisciplinary educational experiment in flooding
- The Photographic History of Greenland's Glaciers - and how the historical data plays an important role in today's glacier research
- The distribution of trace elements in a range of deep-sea sulphide ore deposits and their impact on seafloor mining
- The lifecycle of caldera-forming volcanoes in the Main Ethiopian Rift: insights from Aluto volcano
- Touching the Earth: the Role of Art in Scientific Thinking
- Towards an Improved Understanding of the Signal Generated by an Underground Explosion:Case Study - Wookey Hole Caves, Somerset, UK
- Tuning climate models with Palaeoclimate Data
- Understanding the Miocene-Pliocene - The Mediterranean Point of View
- Understanding the architecture of the deep critical zone in the Rio Icacos watershed (Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico) using a combination of hydrogeophysical methods.
- Understanding the time-varying importance of different uncertainty sources in hydrological modeling using sensitivity analysis
- Uplift and Deformation of the Western Andean Slope, Northernmost Chile: Insights from Deformed Early Miocene Ignimbrites
- Use of UAVs for greenhouse gas monitoring at hotspot emissions zones
- Using box models to quantify zonal distributions and emissions of halocarbons in the background atmosphere.
- Volatile Exsolution Experiments: Sampling Exsolved Magmatic Fluids
- Volcanic hazards at distant critical infrastructure: A method for bespoke, multi-disciplinary assessment
- What Controls the Sizes and Shapes of Volcanic Ash? Integrating Morphological, Textural and Geochemical Ash Properties to Decipher Eruptive Processes
- <SUP>230</SUP>Thand <SUP>231</SUP>Pa in Seawater Sinking Particles from the North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect
- A Step towards a Sharable Community Knowledge Base for WRF Settings -Developing a WRF Setting Methodology based on a case study in a Torrential Rainfall Event
- A new bed topography dataset for Greenland out to the continental shelf
- Abundance and Temperature Variations in Titan's Atmosphere as Revealed by ALMA
- Accounting for Parameter Uncertainty in Complex Atmospheric Models, With an Application to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Evaluation
- Accretion of the Moon after a High-Energy, High-Angular Momentum Giant Impact
- An integrated approach for estimating global glacio isostatic adjustment, land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends within a complete coupled Earth system framework
- Antarctic Last Interglacial Isotope Peak in Response to Sea Ice Retreat not Ice Sheet Collapse
- Assessing the Role of Climate Variability on Liver Fluke Risk in the UK Through Mechanistic Hydro-Epidemiological Modelling
- Assessment of C-band Polarimetric Radar Rainfall Measurements During Strong Attenuation.
- Automated Identification of Landsat 8 Scenes for Glacier Change Mapping in Greenland and Antarctica
- Biodiversity of Terrestrial Vegetation during Past Warm Periods
- BurnMan: Towards a multidisciplinary toolkit for reproducible deep Earth science
- Cataloging Hydrologic Theory
- Causes and implications of suppressed vesiculation and crystallization in phenocryst embayments
- Comparing the geological and geodetic perspectives on lateral interactions between magmatic systems
- Comparisons of Wind Field Effects on Radar Rainfall Adjustments
- Complex patterns of 21<SUP>st</SUP> century Greenland outlet glacier change
- Connecting the U-Th and U-Pb Chronometers: New Algorithms and Applications
- Constraining Future Sea Level Rise Estimates from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica
- Continental temperatures through the early Eocene in western central Europe
- Contortionist bubbles in andesitic enclaves: implications for gas migration and phase segregation in crystal-rich magmas.
- DART: A Community Facility Providing State-of-the-Art, Efficient Ensemble Data Assimilation for Large (Coupled) Geophysical Models
- Development, Interaction and Linkage of Normal Fault Segments along the 100-km Bilila-Mtakataka Fault, Malawi
- Emerging Impact of Greenland Meltwater on Deepwater Formation in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Evidence that Tropical Forest Photosynthesis is Not Directly Limited by High Temperatures
- Evolution and Termination of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: Testing the impact of organic matter sulfurization on benthic-pelagic coupling during OAE2
- Flood Downscaler on Google Earth Engine
- Geophysical observations on the inter-relationships between magmatism, faulting and hydrological processes at a large rift caldera
- Go_LIVE! - Global Near-real-time Land Ice Velocity data from Landsat 8 at NSIDC
- Ice algae sun-screening: feedbacks between irradiance and algal productivity and pigmentation on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Ice sheets as a missing component of the global silicon cycle
- Interpreting Pyroclast Textures: Re-Evaluating Crystal Size Distributions in the Context of New Views of Magmatic Systems
- Investigating the Role of Buoyancy in Tidewater Glacier Iceberg Calving Dynamics
- Investigating the thermal and dynamic state of Mars using seismic data from the upcoming InSight Mission
- Investigating thresholds in the retreat and regrowth of the West Antarctic ice sheet
- Iron Redox Dynamics From Surface to Bedrock in a Deep Tropical Forest Soil: a New Conceptual Model
- Is East Antarctica gaining more mass than West Antarctica is losing?
- Is the Climatic Impact of Solar Luminosity Change Fortuitously Balanced by Paleogeographic Change over the last 300 million years?
- Large-scale assessment of present day and future groundwater recharge and its sensitivity to climate variability in Europe's karst regions
- Leveraging Field Trips in Higher Education for Local Engagement and Impact: An Example from Guatemala
- Long-term monitoring of UK river basins: the disconnections between the timescales of hydrological processes and watershed management planning
- Long-term monitoring of river basins: strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- Mapping Anisotropy in the Lowermost Mantle: Towards Understanding Its Cause
- Mass-dependent Mo isotope variations in oceanic basalts - a new tracer for mantle recycling processes
- Millennial-scale Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to localized subshelf warm-water forcing.
- Modelling the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Mid-Pliocene using the Adaptive Mesh Resolution Model, BISICLES
- Monitoring Induced Seismicity; Discrepancies in the Local Magnitude Scale and Implications for the UK Traffic Light Scheme
- Multipathing within LLSVPs in models of thermal and thermochemical mantle convection
- Multiple Reaction Geobarometry for Gabbroic Rocks
- On the renewed growth of atmospheric methane: implications for the oxidative capacity of the troposphere
- Opportunities for Hydrologic Research in the Congo Basin
- Optimal Estimation of Sulfuryl Fluoride Emissions on Regional and Global Scales Using Advanced 3D Inverse Modeling and AGAGE Observations
- Paired Catchment Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Hydrological Drought around the World
- Paleogeographic Control on Climate Sensitivity of the Cretaceous-Palaeogene-Eocene.
- Perspectives on planetary evolution from minor isotopes of major elements
- Physical Controls on the Presence of Dark Ice on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Quenchable water-rich, aluminous post-stishovite: implications for seismic anomalies in the mid-mantle
- Raw Material for Azotosomes: ALMA Detection, Mapping, and Modeling of Vinyl Cyanide on Titan
- Re-assessment of the mass balance of the Abbot and Getz sectors of West Antarctica
- Reanalysing the deglaciation with models and data
- Recent changes in extreme floods across multiple continents
- Regional Landslide Hazard Assessment Considering Potential Climate Change
- Representing groundwater dynamics in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES)
- Requirements for a next generation global flood inundation models
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Scaling arctic tundra vegetation from plot to the landscape across the North Slope of Alaska, U.S.A
- Sensitivity of the marine carbon cycle to mechanistic uncertainties in the biological pump
- Short-term ensemble radar rainfall forecasts for hydrological applications
- Similarities between Last Glacial Maximum and present-day mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet
- Soil Methane uptake Model (MeMo): a process based model for global methane consumption by soils
- Source-Specific Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Ireland and UK from New Isotopically Resolved Measurements and Models
- Southern Hemisphere Climate Variability Forced by Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet Topography
- Spatial velocity response of Helheim Glacier to the presence of a firn aquifer
- Spatio-temporal Bivariate Statistical Models for Atmospheric Trace-gas Inversion
- Strontium stable isotope behaviour accompanying basalt weathering
- Systematic assessment of atmospheric uncertainties for InSAR data at volcanic arcs using large-scale atmospheric models: Application to the Cascade volcanoes, United States
- Teaching Monte Carlo Strategies for Earth System Modelling using a Guided Group-Learning Approach in the Classroom
- The Relationship Between Eocene and Modern Climate Sensitivity - is the PETM a Good Analogue for Future Warming?
- The geometry and volume of melt beneath Ethiopia
- The geomorphic signature of present ice-sheet flow in the radar-sounded subglacial record: Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica
- To what extent do preferential flow pathways alter the impact of climate and land cover change on groundwater recharge?
- Tracing Magmatic Degassing Timescales at Soufrière Hills Volcano using Short-Lived Uranium Series Isotopes
- Understanding the fluvial loss of carbon from the UK - implications for terrestrial carbon, greenhouse gases and water quality.
- Uneven onset and pace of ice drawdown from the glaciers in the Amundsen Sea Sector, West Antarctica
- Using Global Sensitivity Analysis to Understand the Implications of Epistemic Uncertainty in Earth Systems Modelling
- Visualizing Earth Materials
- Why don't Practitioners use Reservoir Optimization Methods? Results from a Survey of UK Water Managers
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- A Mechanism for Planetesimal Mass-loss and Volatile Depletion
- A Model for Generating Multi-hazard Scenarios
- A novel approach for runoff modelling in ungauged catchments by Catchment Morphing
- A stepwise approach for introducing numerical modeling in Environmental Engineering MSc unit: The impact of clear assessment criteria and detailed feedback
- A subsurface Fe-silicate weathering microbiome
- AGU Student and Early Career Leadership
- Amazon floodplain channels regulate channel-floodplain water exchange
- Assessing uncertainty in SRTM elevations for global flood modelling
- Assimilation of flood extent data with 2D flood inundation models for localised intense rainfall events
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Challenges in Locating Microseismic Events Using Distributed Acoustic Sensors
- Changes in precipitation-streamflow transformation around the world: interdecadal variability and trends.
- Comparison of a Conceptual Groundwater Model and Physically Based Groundwater Mode
- Constraining Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition Using a Multi-Proxy-Multi-Model Comparison
- Constraining ice sheet history in the Weddell Sea, West Antarctica, using ice fabric at Korff Ice Rise
- Cosmic-ray thermal neutron detection for environmental purposes
- Data Assimilation of AirSWOT and Synthetically Derived SWOT Observations of Water Surface Elevation in a Multichannel River
- Decoupling of stream and vegetation solutes during the late stages of weathering: insights from elemental and Mg isotope trends at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico
- Deep-sea coral evidence for millennial and centennial scale changes in Southern Ocean carbon chemistry
- Evaluating the UK's carbon budget using a dense network of tall-tower observations
- Evaluation of 14 global GIA forward models using a novel GPS dataset and GRACE
- Evolution of Pine Island Glacier subglacial conditions in response to 18 years of ice flow acceleration
- Explore the advantage of High-frequency Water Quality Data in Urban Surface Water: A Case Study in Bristol, UK
- Forced Climate Changes in West Antarctica and the Indo-Pacific by Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet Topography
- Formation of an Oceanic Transform Fault During Continental Rifting
- GLOFRIM - A globally applicable framework for integrated hydrologic-hydrodynamic inundation modelling
- Gaussian copula as a likelihood function for environmental models
- Holocene lowering of the Laurentide ice sheet affects North Atlantic gyre circulation and climate
- How can sensitivity analysis improve the robustness of mathematical models utilized by the re/insurance industry?
- How do Changes in Hydro-Climate Conditions Alter the Risk of Infection With Fasciolosis?
- How should epistemic uncertainty in modelling water resources management problems shape evaluations of their operations?
- Hydrological Climate Classification: Can We Improve on Köppen-Geiger?
- Imaging rifting at the lithospheric scale in the northern East African Rift using S-to-P receiver functions
- Impact of Cloud Phase Composition on the Climate Response to Orbital Forcing via High-latitude Cloud Feedback
- Incorporating remotely sensed local flood records into a global flood modelling framework
- Integrated indicators are important metrics of catchment biogeochemical function
- Investigating the Impact of Ecological Succession on Fluxes of Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (HVOCs) from Retreating Glacier Forefields
- Large Scale Flood Risk Analysis using a New Hyper-resolution Population Dataset
- Legacy effects of nitrogen and phosphorus in a eutrophic lake catchment: Slapton Ley, SW England
- MERIT DEM: A new high-accuracy global digital elevation model and its merit to global hydrodynamic modeling
- Magma-Tectonic Interactions in the Main Ethiopian Rift; Insights into Rifting Processes
- Mapping the mantle transition zone beneath the central Mid-Atlantic Ridge using Ps receiver functions.
- Marine Geophysical Characterization of the Chain Fracture Zone in the Equatorial Atlantic
- Measurements of Short Lived Gas Phase Pollutants during AN Anthropogenic Biomass Burning Event during Winter in Manchester, UK Using a Tof-Cims
- Modeling Gas Slug Break-up in the Lava Lake at Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
- Multi-decadal Arctic sea ice roughness.
- Multi-wavelength search for complex molecules in Titan's Atmosphere
- Nowcasting, forecasting and hindcasting Harvey and Irma inundation in near-real time using a continental 2D hydrodynamic model
- On the use of UAVs at active volcanoes: a case study from Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala
- Quantification of Urban Environment's Role in Slope Stability for Landslide Events.
- Rapid increase in Chloroform (CHCl<SUB>3</SUB>) emissions in China
- Rate Coefficient for the OH + HONO<SUB>2</SUB> reaction as a function of temperature and pressure
- Role of ice sheet dynamics in the collapse of the early-Holocene Laurentide Ice Sheet
- S-to-P receiver function imaging of young oceanic lithosphere at the mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Scale and legacy controls on catchment nutrient export regimes
- Sea ice roughness: the key for predicting Arctic summer ice albedo
- Sea level change since 2005: importance of salinity
- Seismic Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Using S-to-P Receiver Functions: Insights From VoiLA
- Seismic anisotropy in deforming salt bodies
- Sensitivity analyses of a global flood model in different geoclimatic regions
- Sharing tools and best practice in Global Sensitivity Analysis within academia and with industry
- Silicon Isotopes of Marine Pore Water: Tracking the Destiny of Marine Biogenic Opal
- Southern Ocean Circulation: a High Resolution Examination of the Last Deglaciation from Deep-Sea Corals
- Stability of oxidized iron species and the redox budget of slab-derived fluids
- Static Corrections to Improve Seismic Monitoring of the North Korean Nuclear Test Site with Regional Arrays
- Strange Floods: The Upper Tail of Flood Peaks in the US
- Stress Testing Water Resource Systems at Regional and National Scales with Synthetic Drought Event Sets
- Structure in the lowermost mantle from seismic anisotropy
- Surface wave imaging of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere system beneath 0-80 My seafloor of the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge from the PI-LAB Experiment
- The AGU Hydrology Student Subcommittee (H3S) - fostering the Fall Meeting experience for young hydrologists
- The Hollin Hill Landslide Observatory - a decade of geophysical characterization and monitoring
- The Impact of Continental Configuration on Global Response to Large Igneous Province Eruptions
- The VoiLA ocean bottom seismic array: First insights into the intermediate depth seismicity distribution in the Lesser Antilles
- The effect of sudden ice sheet melt on ocean circulation and surface climate
- The influence of inherited structures on magmatic and amagmatic processes in the East African Rift.
- The role of pCO2 in astronomically-paced climate and carbon cycle variations in the Middle Miocene
- Three-Dimensional Raindrop Size Distribution Retrieval on Radar Rainfall Adjustments
- Time-lapse Seismic Refraction Monitoring of an Active Landslide in Lias Group Mudrocks, North Yorkshire, UK
- Tomographic imaging of the mantle and the crust beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, with direct sparse algorithms and OBS data collected during the PILAB experiment.
- Towards Hydrological Applications of Stationary and Roving Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors in the Light of Spatial Sensitivity
- Towards a geophysical decision-support system for monitoring and managing unstable slopes
- Towards a more efficient and robust representation of subsurface hydrological processes in Earth System Models
- Towards an integrated model of floodplain hydrology representing feedbacks and anthropogenic effects
- Trends in ice sheet mass balance, 1992 to 2017
- Using LiCSAR as a fast-response system for the detection and the monitoring of volcanic unrest
- Using high-resolution satellite radar to measure lava flow morphology, rheology, effusion rate and subsidence at El Reventador Volcano, Ecuador.
- Validation of a 30m resolution flood hazard model of the conterminous United States
- VoiLA: A multidisciplinary study of Volatile recycling in the Lesser Antilles Arc
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- "Dragon Eggs" - drone deployed autonomous volcanic sensing networks
- 3D Monte Carlo body wave tomography for mining induced seismicity in New Ollerton, UK
- A 10-Year (2006-2015) Radar Rainfall Reanalysis Over The UK For Hydrological Applications
- A Compendium of Existing Vulnerability and Fragility Relationships for Flood
- Air quality modelling with WRF-Chem v3.8.1 across London: comparability with observational data from the "ClearfLo" project
- Assessing the Impact of Explicit Representation of Groundwater on the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES)
- Assessment of the storm sewer network complexity on urban flood simulations
- Benefits of parsimonious representations of hydrological processes in Earth System Models
- Biosilicification Drives a Decline of Dissolved SI in the Oceans Through Geologic Time
- Characterising magmatic domains from a synthesis of global satellite radar measurements
- Characterizing isotopic source signatures of wetland methane emissions to better interpret changes in the atmosphere
- Characterizing rooting depth distribution and nitrogen acquisition by dominant tundra plant species
- Climate Change Adaptation to ManagE the Risks of Extreme HydrologicaL and Weather Events for Food Security in Vulnerable West Nile Delta (CAMEL)
- Collision Course: Accurate and precise measurements of stable and radiogenic calcium isotopes using the collision cell MC-ICPMS, Proteus.
- Compressing Earth science datasets with quantum-assisted machine learning algorithms
- Configuration of the cGENIE Model with Marine Biogeochemical Silicon Cycling
- Conservation to Avoid Projected Development Provides Cost-Effective Flood Damage Reduction in the Coterminous United States.
- Contrasting impacts of methane from anthropogenic and natural sources in meeting the Paris Climate Agreement.
- Controls of Crystal Shape on Degassing Mechanisms in Crystal-Rich Magmas with Rhyolitic Groundmass Melts
- Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Sensors: From stations to mobile platforms
- Criegee Intermediate-Carboxylic Acid Reactions, A Potential Source for Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere
- Crunchy, small and plentiful: A role for calcareous nannoplankton in carbon-cycle recovery from the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum?
- Crystal-scale Records of the Gakkel Ridge Magma Plumbing System
- Crystallisation in Basaltic Magmas Revealed via In Situ 4D X-ray Microtomography and Implications for Lava Flows
- Data mining a large ensemble of groundwater recharge projections under climate and land use changes across Europe
- Decision support for infrastructure planning in different hazard regions
- Detecting Biosignatures on Weakly Oxygenated Terrestrial Exoplanets: The Importance of UV Imaging Capabilities of Next Generation Telescopes
- Determining the 3D Structure of Volcanic Plumes using UAS Imagery
- Distributed Faulting in the Early Stages of Continental Rifting: New Evidence from the Zomba Graben in Southern Malawi
- Dual control of fault intersections on stop-start rupture in the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence
- Dust input since the last glacial maximum along the low-latitude Atlantic
- Enrichment of heavy nitrogen in Titan's HC3N detected using ALMA
- Estimating the ice thickness and bed topography of the Northern Patagonian Icefield
- Exploration of drought propagation mechanisms and controls for the 2014-2017 Southeast Brazil drought
- Exploring the potential of seasonal hydrological forecasts to improve operational decisions for water supply in the UK
- Extreme Li and Mg Isotope Fractionation During Tropical Weathering:From Dust to Minerals (and Everything in Between)
- First observations of Arctic summer sea ice thickness from Cryosat-2
- Flooding Impact on Bridges: an Integrated Hydro-Transport Model
- Following the Phytoplankton: Tracking Ocean Ecosystem Recovery From the K/Pg Mass Extinction.
- Foraminiferal reaction to changes in Pliocene Climate
- Fragmentation in crystal-rich basaltic systems: Ash generation at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala
- From Hot to Warm: Long-Term Evolution of Terrestrial Temperatures Across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
- Global Patterns in Wetland Biomarker Stable Carbon Isotopic Compositions and Implications for Past Reconstructions of Methane Cycling
- Global and regional methane emissions for 2000-2017 estimated from CTE-CH<SUB>4</SUB> - contribution to GCP methane
- Global flood risk: are our current models right?
- Greenland Monthly Mass Trends Determined Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling Approach
- Holocene strengthening of the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre reconstructed from deep-sea coral nitrogen isotopes
- Holocene temperature trends in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes - model-data comparisons
- Implications of Critical Flow Phenomena for Estimating Lava Flux During Recent Activity at Kīlauea Volcano
- Improving the Coastal Mean Dynamic Topography by Combining the Geodetic Approach from GNSS at Tide Gauges and Satellite Altimetry
- Improving the Understanding of Subglacial Weathering Using Variations in Silicon Isotope Composition.
- Increasing Mitigation Ambition to Meet the Paris Agreement Goal Significantly Reduces Heat-related Mortality in Key U.S. Cities
- Induced seismicity due to hydraulic fracturing: how far from faults?
- Insensitivity of alkenone carbon isotopes to CO<SUB>2</SUB> at low to moderate atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> levels
- Integrative vs. derivative indicators: which should we use to detect water quality improvements?
- Investigating biotic uptake of organic nitrogen in a riverine system using stable-isotope probing.
- K/Pg Mass Extinction: Recovery of Planktonic Foraminifera Size and Diversity
- Large-scale mechanistic modelling of hydro-epidemiological processes under climate change
- Lithospheric scattering and structure beneath seismic arrays from teleseismic P waveforms
- Looking Beyond Data: Information-theory based criteria to evaluate different machine-learning approaches for hydrological problems
- Magmatic Intrusion and Its Interaction with a Volcano Centre in Main Ethiopian Rift
- Magnesium isotope evidence that accretional vapour loss shapes planetary compositions
- Mapping the Structure and Evolution of Titan's Northern Polar Vortex
- Melt topology from quantitative interpretation of multi-parameter geophysical inversion at active volcanoes
- Modelling the Climate History of the Phanerozoic
- Modelling the impact on economic welfare of cooling water shortages during in extreme droughts
- Off-fault deformation and shallow slip deficit in the 2016 Norcia, Italy earthquake captured by differential terrestrial laser scanning and structure-from-motion
- Overview and experimental design for the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Parameterizing the radar-scale roughness of snow on sea ice: a wavelet-based approach
- Performance Evaluation of HadGEM2-ES and MIROC5 Downscaled Rainfall Simulations over Brazil
- Proxy Evidence for Enhanced Methane Cycling during Greenhouse Climates
- Punctuated or sustained? Estimates of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> output of explosive volcanic eruptions
- Quantifying methane-induced warming during the Pliocene
- Reactive Melt Flow in Mush Reservoirs: A Key Process Controlling Storage and Differentiation of Magma in the Continental Crust
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Recycling Bromine in subduction zones: New insights from X-ray absorption measurements on fluids, melts and glasses
- Remote Sensing & Identification of Volcanic Plumes with Fixed-Wing UAS over Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala
- Reversibility of the Marine Ice Sheet Instability
- Revisiting Antarctic ice loss due to marine ice cliff instability
- Rise and Burst of Overpressured Bubbles in a Particle-Rich Suspension: Consequences for Interpretation of Normal Activity at Stromboli Volcano, Italy.
- Satellite observations of volcanoes in the Asia-Pacific region and their potential for use in parametric insurance
- Shoaling of the deep chlorophyll maximum during Early Eocene hyperthermals
- Short timescale degassing dynamics in a very young plume revealed by proximal Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) measurements at Volcán Villarrica, Chile
- Soil Moisture Thresholds for Landslide Occurrence Based on Hydrological Model Simulation
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ocean Iron Fertilization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> drawdown during the Last Glacial Termination
- Testing the Fidelity of Peridotite Xenoliths as Records of Water in the Lithospheric Mantle
- The EUROCOM project: A collaborative reanalysis of European CO2 fluxes over the period 2006-2015
- The anatomy of an ocean transform fault rupture: the 2016 M7.1 Romanche earthquake in the Mid-Atlantic from high-resolution local seismic and bathymetry data recorded with the PI-LAB experiment
- The application of remotely sensed soil moisture for landslide hazard early warnings
- The intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation ( 2.7 Myr) coincided with dramatic changes in (deep) North Atlantic Ocean circulation and oxygenation
- The potential role of Criegee Intermediate + ROOH reactions on secondary organic aerosol formation
- The role of the terrestrial biosphere in climate change mitigation
- Time Scavengers: A Website to Disseminate Climate Change and Evolutionary Principles to Increase Public Literacy
- Time-series Transects of Deglacial Circulation Changes in the Deep North Atlantic Ocean
- Toward a Phanerozoic History of Earth's Surface Temperature: The Oxygen Isotope Record of the Paleozoic to Early Cretaceous Time Slice (PalECTS)
- Towards a further understanding of the magnitude and underlying cause for the recent increase in global CFC-11 emission
- Towards the Automatic Detection of Volcanic Unrest using Sentinel-1 InSAR data and Machine Learning
- Two decades of coastal oceanic nitrous oxide emissions inferred from atmospheric measurements and high-resolution inverse modelling
- UAV-based Measurements of Solar Induced Fluorescence to Gain Insight Into Canopy-level Photosynthesis Under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Using a Climate Emulator to Investigate Orbital Forcing and Climatic Changes During the Pleistocene
- Using an Earth system model to quantify the changes in carbon storage and ocean circulation encoded in benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C patterns across the deglaciation
- Utilising Wireless Sensor Technologies in Glaciology
- Water Quality Observation Using Hyperspectral Camera in Urban Area, A Pilot Project in Bristol, UK
- Water concentrations and dissolution mechanisms in mineral inclusions in diamonds: implications for diamond forming fluids and mantle volatiles through Earth history.
- What Influences Flood Generating Processes Around the World?
- Young Hydrologic Society (YHS): vision, mission, and strategy
- <SUP>Unprecedented Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet</SUP>
- A Climate 'Atlas' for the EECO, PETM and Latest Paleocene
- A Flood Early Warning System Based on an Integrated Precipitation Forecasting with Global Datasets for Adapting Weather Extremes in Data-scarce Nile Delta
- A HUb for Greenhouse gas data Science (HUGS)
- A Space Computer Named In Sight Landed on the Red World Last Year and Here is What We Found So Far
- A new dataset of eruption source parameters devoted to eruptive column model evaluation.
- A tale of two lakes - contrasting weathering regimes in proximal subglacial Antarctic systems
- A validated numerical model for the growth and resorption of bubbles in magma
- AMOC changes over the last 25,000 years - insights from compilation of <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th records
- Accommodation of African Rifting across the Turkana Depression and adjacent rift segments
- Accounting for Intercatchment Groundwater Flow in Karst Regions and Beyond
- An assessment of the nitrogen effects on the future terrestrial carbon cycle: state-of-the-art and future perspectives
- An extended PlioSeaNZ continuous shallow marine record of sea-level change (3.3-1.7 Ma)
- Anthropogenic methane emissions in China estimated from GOSAT satellite observations
- Atmospheric measurements of CFC-11 through most of 2019: Are global CFC-11 emissions back on the decline?
- Automated methods for detecting volcanic deformation using Sentinel-1 InSAR time series
- Bare-earth DEM Generation in Urban Areas Based on a Machine Learning Method
- Breadcrust Blocks Sample the Pre-eruptive Conduit in Vulcanian to Subplinian Eruptions
- Breaking the ice: major Laurentide ice sheet control on ocean circulation and climate during the last 21 ka
- Capturing the strain migration process through rift evolution in the Turkana Depression, East Africa
- Characterization of the InSight Landing Site Near Surface Properties Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe (HP<SUP>3</SUP>) Mole as a Seismic Source
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 1: The Site Dynamics on Elysium Planitia
- Comodulation Analysis of Atmospheric Energy Injection into the Ground Motion at InSight Part 2: Environmental Sensitivity of SEIS and Quake Detection
- Constraining Mars Crust and Mantle Structure From Multi-mode Surface Wave Measurements: Blind Test Results
- Contributions of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption to volcanology: A 40-year perspective
- Conventional Filtering and Picking Methodologies Applied to DAS Microseismic Data
- Coupled oscillations of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and AMOC during the last deglaciation
- Deccan Traps, Asteroids and Planktonic Foraminifera
- Developing probabilistic tephra fallout hazard maps for Cotopaxi and Guagua Pichincha volcanoes, Ecuador, with uncertainty quantification
- Disentangling Interglacial Sea Level and Dynamic Topography: Analysis of Madagascar
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- Evaluating Simulation-Based Earthquake Forecasts with Examples from UCERF3-ETAS
- Evaluating the role of eruptive processes in the source of the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami
- Experiments on the Effect of Particle Concentration and Size on Settling-Driven Gravitational Instabilities Associated with Volcanic Clouds
- Explosive uncertainties: Forensic Analysis of Past Volcanic Eruptions in the Caribbean
- Freezing-Level Estimation with a C-band Dual-Polarization Weather Radar
- Global tropospheric OH concentrations in the past four decades inferred from surface network and satellite trace gas observations
- Half a Mars Year of Atmospheric Results from InSight
- Highly Explosive Basaltic Eruptions: Magma Fragmentation Induced by Rapid Crystallisation
- Hydrological signatures describing the translation of climate seasonality into streamflow seasonality
- Imaging the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Implications of single-hazard mitigation strategies in a multihazard environment: a case study in China
- In a Warming World, Is Snowmelt Rate Slower or Faster?
- Increased CFC-11 Emissions from China: Recent Developments and the Search for Source Processes
- Instrumental, Lander, and Geophysical Resonances from the InSight Seismometer on Mars
- Interplay Between Shear at the Base of Volcanic Clouds and Ash Sedimentation
- Is the Sequence of Quakes on Mars Poissonian?
- Landslide Susceptibility and Vulnerability Assessment: A Case Study in Emilia-Romagna ,Italy
- Landslide predictions using modified Antecedent Precipitation Index
- Lava effusion rates and channel dynamics during the 2018 Kilauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Long-term monitoring in the UK River Thames Catchment: 150 years of land use and water quality
- Machine Learning Techniques for Detecting Slow, Sustained Deformation in InSAR Time Series.
- Machine learning approaches to microseismic event detection in Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) fibre-optic data
- Nitrogen use efficiencies in a grassland ecosystem using <SUP>15</SUP>N-stable isotope probing approaches
- Operational earthquake forecasting during the M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest sequence using the UCERF3-ETAS model—evaluation and lessons learned
- Overview of observed seismic signals on Mars
- Pause in Dynamic Thinning on Jakobshavn Isbrae Triggered by Reduced Surface Melt and a Cool Ocean
- Petrologic advances fueled by the recent eruptions of Mount St. Helens
- Probabilistic quantification of chlorofluorocarbons banked in equipment and their contributions to emissions: results from a Bayesian assessment
- Probabilistic reconstruction (or forecasting) of distal runouts of large magnitude ignimbrite PDC flows sensitive to topography using mass-dependent inversion models.
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Pseudo-prospective Evaluation of Aftershock Forecasts during the Ridgecrest sequence
- Quantifying conceptual model structure uncertainty and assessing relative model performance: findings from a 36-model, 559-catchment comparison study
- Re-evaluating the crustal contribution to volcanism along the Izu-Bonin arc: a geospatial and geochemical approach
- Reassessing long-term exhumation rates in magmatic terranes: An example from the Central Andes
- Results of the ISMIP6 Standalone Greenland Ice Sheet Projections
- Role of Land Use Land Cover Changes on the hydrological regime of a flood prone river basin in India
- Rootless Cones and Tree-Root Lava: Recognizing Lava-Water Interactions Remotely
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Sea ice topography from NASA's Operation IceBridge and ICESat-2
- Searching for seismic sources around the InSight landing site: focus on the sol 173 and sol 235 events
- Seismic Evaluation of Excavated Rock Slopes at Hinkley Point C, UK
- Seismic Isotropy and Anisotropy Tomography of Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Seismic activity level of Mars estimated from 300 Sols of InSight data
- Seismicity of Mars
- Showcasing the life of scientists at sea through social media: Challenges and methods of connecting the public with off-shore scientists
- Stochastic simulation of climate and climate change near the land surface
- Stream Water Quality in the Slapton Catchments: Analysis of Key Trends since 1970
- Stream Water Quality in the Slapton catchments the value of long-term monitoring
- Structural inheritance and strain in the amagmatic southern Malawi rift
- The 1883 and 2018 Krakatau tsunamis -new marine geophysical and sediment core evidence on their generation
- The Impact of Dams on Design Floods in the Conterminous US
- The Last Deglaciation Meltwater Paradox
- The Marsquake Service for InSight: the first year of operations
- The Spatial Dependence of Flood Hazard and Risk in the United States and its potential for change
- The Usage of Smart Water Quality Monitoring System on Water Quality Hazards
- The anisotropic seismic signature of plate formation at a slow spreading center
- The bridge to benzene: searching for C4 and C5 molecules in Titan's atmosphere
- The deflection of lava flows around obstacles and topography
- The dynamic assessment of city resilience against natural hazards through a scenario-based modelling analysis in Zhejiang, China
- The effects of topographic uncertainty on lahar flow dynamics: modelling uncertain topographic data and strategies to improve quantitative lahar hazard assessments
- The magma plumbing system of the Gakkel Ridge: petrological constraints
- The power and limitations of analogue experiments of pyroclast fluidization and segregation: applications to ash venting and secondary pyroclastic eruptions
- Thermal Histories of Crystals Formed in Crustal Magma Reservoirs
- Transfer Learning for Automated Seismic Phase Arrival Detection on Local or Temporary Volcano-Seismic Networks with Limited Seismic Catalogue
- UAV-based Measurements of the High-Altitude Plume of Manam Volcano
- Understanding the long-term concentration, flux, composition and processing of dissolved organic carbon in UK rivers
- Using Comparative Hydrology to Understand Process Controls on the Spatial Variability of Groundwater Recharge across Africa.
- Using GRACE ocean mass to close the sea level budget at varying spatial scales
- Using Gaussian Process Emulation to Quantify the Global Methane Budget
- Using the Heterogeneity of Fault Structures and Earthquake Sources to Improve the Performance of Physics-based Earthquake Forecasts
- Water cycle modifications and Earth System resilience: roadmap to a new water planetary boundary
- A new framework to quantify carbon cycle perturbations using trace metal isotopes
- Absolute mid- and high latitude temperature seasonality during greenhouse climates: Agreement between climate models and clumped isotope analysis in bivalve shells
- Advancements in distributed near surface imaging, an application of multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Along-axis variations in magma plumbing system of the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- Another Surprising Turn in the Global Emission of CFC-11
- Biodiversity and climate during Cenozoic Himalaya formation: A case study at Lühe Basin in Yunnan Province
- Bringing forecast-based real-time reservoir operation into practice using interactive Jupyter Notebooks
- Carbon Dioxide and Tectonic Controls on Antarctic Climate and Ice-Sheet Evolution in the Mid-Miocene: a model-data integration
- Contaminated High-Frequency Data in Borehole Geophones from Induced Seismicity in the UK
- Detecting Ground Deformation in the Built Environment using Sparse Satellite InSAR data with a Convolutional Neural Network
- Direction of Change: a Simple Approach to Support the Diagnostic Evaluation of Hydrologic Models
- Dissecting a Zombie: Shallow Volcanic Structure Revealed by Multiple Geophysical Data Sets at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Dynamics of the `Green' Sahara and its termination in an ensemble of transient Holocene model simulations
- EarthArt - an initiative to promote collaborations between artists and earth scientists
- Enhancing Arctic sea surface height and sea ice freeboard mapping with off-track leads
- Exploration on the Applicability of Different Rainfall Products for Hydrological Simulations
- Exploring Variability in a Global Compilation of Aseismic Afterslip Estimates
- Exploring the role of hydrological pathways in modulating North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) teleconnection periodicities from rainfall to streamflow
- Extraction of River Planforms from Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery using Generalised Gamma Superpixel Classification
- Gas slug ascent in bidirectional conduit flow
- Glacial Retreat Enhances Geochemical Weathering-Driven CO<SUB>2</SUB> Production in a Proglacial Indicator River (Huascarán National Park, Peru)
- Greenland's committed sea-level contribution calibrated by altimetry observations
- How can flood data be more useful?
- Hydrological responses to various land use, soil, and meteorological inputs in a large-scale river basin in India
- Improved polar ocean surface wave height and surface elevation data from CryoSat-2 using a semi-analytical physical retracker
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- Incorporating geologic and geodetic data into probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of infrequent large magnitude earthquakes: insights from southern Malawi
- Inferring Lifetimes, Banks and Unexpected Emissions of CFC-11, 12 and 113
- Inferring London's Methane Emissions from a New Urban Measurement Network
- Integrating Human Knowledge into Data Mining through interactive Decision Trees
- Interrogating the cryosphere using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS): examples of active and passive surveys in West Antarctica
- Is the GIA signal in GRACE being treated correctly?
- Large silicic magma bodies and very large magnitude explosive eruptions.
- Large source of mercury from the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Laser Altimetry Reveals Hemispherical Shape Differences of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Laugh Tests for Land Models
- Leveraging earth observation and inundation models to map frequent to rare flood hazards
- Linking Watershed Characteristics to Runoff Generation Processes over Large Scales
- Listening for a Landing: the seismic detectability of Mars 2020's arrival by the InSight lander
- Magma fragmentation - the complications of crystals, bubbles and external water
- Modelling the spatial structure of flood events in ungauged basins
- NW Iberia speleothems, a bridge to understand past high latitude to tropical teleconnections
- Observed winter Arctic sea ice volume budget decomposition over the Cryosat-2 period
- Ongoing shape modification of Bennu by terracing.
- Optimal spin-up time exploration of the WRF model by using various hydrometeor species as the initial conditions
- Pathogen-specific Climatic Drivers and their Interactions with Landscape Processes Control Disease Transmission Patterns in Time and Space
- Polarized ambient noise on Mars
- Probing the atmosphere-driven ground motion through comodulation at InSight, Mars
- Process oriented insights from interpretable machine learning - what influences flood generating processes?
- Recent estimates of changes in the emissions of CFC-11 and related ozone-depleting substances from eastern China
- Revealing the subsurface structure of deep-water volcanoes using 3D seismic reflection data
- Scrutinising Volcanic Grain Size Distributions - The Influence of Particle Shape, Density and Number
- Silicic Eruption Transitions in the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Complex, Chile
- Simulating Miocene warmth: insights from an opportunistic Multi-Model ensemble (MioMIP1)
- Steady state large magnitude explosive volcanism for the last five hundred thousand years
- Stress Drops of Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Microseismicity in the Horn River Basin: Challenges at High Frequencies Recorded by Borehole Geophones
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- The Gas Factory: segregated exsolved volatiles derived from unerupted magmas fuel arc eruptions and persistent degassing
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The changing ice cover of the Beaufort Sea and the impact of recent extreme events
- The importance of ignimbrite armor on mountain range evolution
- The relationships between large tectonic earthquakes and explosive volcanic eruptions
- The seismic moment and seismic efficiency of small impacts on Mars
- Three-Dimensional Fissure Eruption Geometries in the San Rafael (Utah) Subvolcanic Field Revealed by Nonlinear Inversion of Magnetic Anomaly Data
- Titanium isotope and trace element insights into the redox evolution of the Oman ophiolite mantle sources and melts
- Towards long-term SWE and snow melt trends for Europe
- Triggering explosive lava-water interactions: where, when and why do they occur?
- Uncertainty in Estimates of Extreme Flood Magnitudes for Large-Scale Flood Hazard Mapping
- Using TanDEM-X Satellite Interferometry for Measuring Pyroclastic Flow Processes: Bulking and Run-out During the 2018 Eruption of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- WOMBAT: A fully Bayesian global flux-inversion framework
- Water solubility in mantle Ca-silicate phases - A high-pressure experimental and first-principles calculations study
- A 3-D, Technicolor Zombie: Joint Analysis of Multidisciplinary Geophysical and Geochemical Data at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia Reveals Active Hydrothermal System and Possible Sulfide Deposition
- A Bayesian approach for regional moment tensor inversion using ocean bottom seismograms in the Lesser Antilles and the implications for regional stress field
- A Global Assessment of Heat Stress-related Mortality
- A Global, Simultaneous Inversion for the Components of the Sea Level Budget, 2003-2020.
- A New Antarctica Grounding Zone Product and Assessment of Grounding Zone Changes from ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry
- A Paleogeographic Atlas of Oxygen Isotope Localities
- A Test of the Earthquake Gap Hypothesis in Mexico
- Anabranching prevalence and intensity along the world's 20 largest rivers
- Biomass burning aerosols from African Wildfires: Assessing aerosol emissions, properties and ageing process
- Broad-scale controls on large river anabranching from remote sensing
- Can Hydrological Models Be Used to Characterise Spatial Dependency in Global Stochastic Flood Modelling?
- Catchment characteristics and seasonality influence the composition of microbial assemblages exported from three outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Challenges and opportunities in modelling water balance partitioning in East African drylands
- Challenges and opportunities of COSMOS networks for continental scale moisture and drought monitoring
- Chemical weathering in the tropics: insights from novel geochemical tracers and a critical zone approach
- Clouds aware flood extent segmentation for emergency response services
- Collaborative Computational Resource Development around ICESat-2 Data: the icepyx Community and Library
- Contrasting volcanic activity across Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa with multi-parameter satellite monitoring data: The CEOS Volcano Demonstrator
- Does Abundant Afterslip mean Productive Aftershock Sequences?
- Dramatic perturbations in wetland methane cycling during transient warming events
- Drivers of Toxicity in Glacierised Catchments of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru: a Geochemical Study of Two Contrasting Catchments
- Effect of modality on the seasonal cycle of the ITCZ across climates and models
- Evidence that apparent Temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration has not reached maximum under global warming
- Examining the Role of Environmental Memory in Carbon and Water Fluxes across Australian Ecosystems
- Examining the diverse values of remotely sensed observations for assisting flood disaster management : the 2021 European floods example
- Exploring Sea Level Change in the Northwest Atlantic Coastal Zone with Sentinel-3A SRAL
- First observations of gas-phase urea in the atmosphere
- Functionalized Hydroperoxide Formation from the Reaction of Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediates with Formic Acid: Experiment and Theory
- Geophysical mapping of badger tunnels in levees
- Global records of magmatic processes from automatically processed satellite radar
- High Precision In-situ Rb-Sr Dating Using the Thermo Scientific Vienna MC-ICP-MS/MS
- Holocene Hydroclimate: Multi Millennial-Scale Trends in Proxies and Models
- Holocene Temperature: A Spatial and Temporal Reconstruction using Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- Holocene temperature evolution consistent with early land-use in transient climate model simulations
- Hydraulic and photosynthetic plant traits variation along a rainfall gradient: a multiscale perspective
- If You Cant Measure It, You Cant Improve It: How Research Community Can Efficiently Support GHG Inventories under the Paris Agreement
- Implications of Increasing Model Vertical Resolution on Extreme Event Attribution
- Increasing Multiyear Ice Melt in the Beaufort Sea: A New Export Pathway for the Diminishing Multiyear Ice Cover of the Arctic Ocean
- Interrogating Core Mantle Boundary Structure Using P2KP Diffracted Phases and High Frequency Synthetic Seismograms
- Investigating Magma Reservoir Failure in a Thermo-Viscoelastic Crust
- Limits to adaptation? The combined effects of new strategic water supply options across all of England and Wales
- Long-Lasting Impacts of a 20th Century Glacial Lake Outburst Flood on the Hydrology of a Patagonian Fjord-River System (Pascua River)
- Measuring and understanding the biogeochemical impact of Greenland ice sheet melt
- Mechanism and timescale of eruptible magma mobilisation prior to Central Andean supereruptions
- Methane emission fluxes from Zambian tropical wetlands
- Now you see me... no you dont! Quick assessment of seismic network capability to detect magma migration.
- Opening Pandora's box: How to constrain regional projections of the carbon cycle
- Organic Matter Source Across the KPg Boundary Event at Mid-Waipara River Section, (New Zealand)
- Quantifying Arctic methane emissions from Alaskas North Slope and Northeast Siberia from 2010-2020 using high-frequency atmospheric measurements
- Quantifying the carbon sequestration potential of pan-tropical recovering degraded forest
- Receiver Function Imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath Eastern North America
- Refractive index of black carbon (BC) and brown carbon (BrC) particles using aerodynamic aerosol classification
- Science and Governance Implications of Low Environmental Impact Outdoors Solar Geoengineering Experiments
- Segmentation of Common Conversion Point Stacks using a Neural Network
- Seismic Evidence for Hot Mantle Southeast of Hawaii
- Seismoacoustics in the South Pacific: Exploring the MERMAID Data Set and its Availability
- Stealth Magma Recharge at High-Prominence Volcanoes: Insights from Erciyes Dag Volcano (Turkey)
- Subduction History of the Caribbean from Upper-Mantle Seismic Imaging and Plate Reconstruction
- Ten years of Arctic summer sea ice thickness from CryoSat-2
- The 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake as Seen by MERMAID Seismometers in the South Pacific Ocean
- The Dispersive Velocity of Compressional Waves in Magmatic Suspensions
- The Earths energy budget, climate feedbacks, and climate sensitivity
- The January 2021 Sudden Stratospheric Warming in Aeolus and MLS observations
- The Morphology, Evolution and Seismic Visibility of Partial Melt at the Core-Mantle Boundary: Implications for ULVZs
- The Phanerozoic Technique Averaged Surface Temperature Integrated Curve: A record of Phanerozoic global mean surface temperature using data assimilation
- The Role of Mush Reservoir Processes on the Source, Size and Frequency of Large-Scale Silicic Eruptions.
- The Seismicity on Mars as recorded by InSights' Marsquake Service
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The relationship between earthquake size distributions and laboratory measured frictional stability parameters from induced seismicity on faults during fluid injection
- Translating Seasonal Climate Forecasts Into Decision-Relevant Water Security Forecasts For The Greater Horn of Africa
- Two different types of internal microtextures cause pumice clasts to float
- Uncertainty Assessment of Radar-raingauge Merged Rainfall Estimates in River Discharge Simulations
- Using machine learning to predict the ground motion from atmospheric data at InSight, Mars
- Velocity Field and Strain Rate Distribution in the Main Ethiopian Rift from InSAR and GNSS
- Volcanic precursors at Mt. Ruapehu (New Zealand): a numerical modelling approach
- A 2D Global Atmospheric Model and Inverse Method to Estimate Emissions of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases and Ozone Depleting Substances
- A Year-Round Satellite Sea Ice Thickness Record from CryoSat-2
- A catastrophe risk model for current and future flooding in the UK
- A comparison of inverse methods and basal sliding laws applied to a hindcast model of Jakobshavn Isbræ from 2009 to 2018.
- A data-agnostic method to investigate dominant controls across Earth system observations and models
- A global framework for SWOT discharge with examples from the Ohio River
- A model-data comparison of the hydrological response to Miocene warmth: leveraging the MioMIP1 opportunistic multi-model ensemble
- Aiming the firehose of data at the fire: Optimizing international satellite SAR observations for volcano hazards with the CEOS volcano demonstrator project
- An Overview of Asian Mega-Deltas: Forcing Factors, Responses, and Evolutions
- Annual Precipitation Explains Variability in Dryland Vegetation Greenness Globally but not Locally
- Anticipated Continental-Scale River Gas Exchange Dynamics: How will SWOT Inform River CO2 Modeling?
- Assessment of a deep learning model in rainfall nowcasting using synthetic rainfall scenarios
- Biogeochemical Timescales of Climate Change Onset and Recovery in the North Atlantic Interior Under Rapid Atmospheric CO2 Forcing
- Combined field and novel laboratory constraints on river bedrock erodibility
- Constraining Seismic Anisotropy on Mars: New Challenges and First Detection
- Constraining rock uplift histories and ignimbrite volumes from buried volcanic landscapes
- Constraining the Intermittency of Flow and Sediment Transport in the Geological Past
- Constraining the amplitude of Antarctic Ice Sheet change during warm intervals of the Pliocene
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Data-model comparison of paleodust during the last climate cycle
- Deep Sea Coral Skeleton-Bound δ15N as a Proxy for Late Holocene variability in the Subpolar North Atlantic hydrography
- Developing a Parsimonious Distributed Land Surface-Subsurface Hydrological Model
- Dynamics of Magma Formation, Storage, Differentiation and Transfer in Vertically Extensive Systems
- Ecosystem-scale downregulation on biochemical process outweighs biophysical process in response to soil water stress
- Evaluating the Plausible Range of N2O Biosignatures on ExoEarths: Flux-Abundance Relationships and Simulated Spectra for FGKM Main Sequence Stars
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Explosive sequence of La Soufrière St Vincent April 2021: insights into drivers and consequences via eruptive products
- First Observations of Titan with the James Webb Space Telescope
- First observations of seismic waves travelling through the Martian core
- Flood Defense Standard Estimation Using Machine Learning and Its Representation in Large-Scale Flood Hazard Modeling
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Global Synthesis of Regional Holocene Hydroclimate Variability Using Proxy and Model Data
- Global coastal groundwater fluxes across spatial and temporal scales in the context of global change
- Halogenated Greenhouse Gas Observations for Tracking Sources and Emissions in the Netherlands
- Hourly Historical and Near-Future Weather and Climate Variables for Energy System Modelling
- Impacts of Aerosols on Seasonal Precipitation and Extreme Events over the UK based on WRF-Chem Simulations
- Implementing flood protection schemes in a global river model
- Improving Predictions of Surface Water and Carbon Fluxes by Combining Flux Towers and Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors Globally
- Increase in global and East Asia Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) emissions inferred from atmospheric observations
- Information Content and Transmission of Catchment Hydrologic System
- Intercomparing Arctic winter radar and laser freeboards obtained from CryoSat-2, AltiKa and ICESat-2 over the common mission period October 2018 - April 2021
- Internal Resistive Heating Techniques for Studies of High Pressure-Temperature Material Properties in Solid and Liquid States
- Internal-stress superplasticity: A new mechanism for inner-core dissipation?
- Investigating Titan's Stratospheric Methane Distribution with ALMA
- Investigating the Trends, Ozone Formation Potential and Sources of Ambient VOCs at an Urban Site in the UK from 1997-2019
- Last Millennium Seawater Temperature of the Subpolar North Atlantic: Insights from Cold-water Coral Records
- Location of Meteoroid Impacts on Mars Using Seismic and Acoustic Waves Data From InSight
- Metal-Rich Brines and Where to Find Them: Using Seismic Attenuation to Image and Identify Fluids Beneath Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Modelling 540 million years of dust emission with GCM and dust model
- New Constraints on the Martian Crustal Structure and Seismic Anisotropy near the Dichotomy Revealed by the Largest Marsquake Ever Recorded
- Northern Hemisphere SWE Time Series based on In-Situ Observations of Snow Depth: Investigating Changing Snowmelt Rates
- Oceanographic Variability in the Rapidly Warming Coastal Mid-Atlantic (USA) over the last 200 years: Insights from Shell-Based Geochemistry and Growth Histories
- On the Performance of Global Climate Models in Reproducing the Catchment Rainfall Within-Storm Variability
- Projections of Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica melting based on CMIP6 Scenarios.
- Quantifying the relationship between co-occurring flood and wind damage over North-West Europe, in a present and future climate.
- Recent Developments and Future Directions in Phytoplankton-based Records of Cenozoic pCO2
- Reconstructing Herbivore Diets: A Multivariate Statistical Approach to Interpreting Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotope Values
- Reconstructing Holocene temperatures - Using data assimilation to explore Holocene climate in space and time
- Regional Tomography of Mantle Plumes by Full Waveform Inversion: Targeting French Polynesia
- Robust Future Changes in Meteorological Drought in CMIP6 Projections Despite Uncertainty in Precipitation
- Second Seismic Anchor Point of the Martian Crustal Structure Away from the InSight Landing Site
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- Seismic evidence for a 1000-km mantle discontinuity under the Pacific
- Seismo-Tectonic Context of Cerberus Fossae, Mars.
- Shallow or deep? Belowground nitrogen acquisition strategies of dominant tundra plant species
- Simultaneous Measurement of Attenuation and Velocity Anisotropy as a Probe for Mantle Melt
- Slab to back-arc to arc: fluid and melt pathways through the mantle wedge beneath the Lesser Antilles from seismic attenuation tomography
- Temperature and pH Effects on Growth of Four Commercially-Important Bivalve Species
- The Effect of Pre-impact Surface Conditions on the Efficiency of Atmospheric and Ocean Loss in Giant Impacts
- The Explosive Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruption as Heard by an Array of Hydroacoustic MERMAID Floats
- The Urgent Need to Protect the World's Poor from Landslides
- The core-mantle boundary illuminated by PKKP diffracted waves
- The hydrological cycle and ocean circulation of the Maritime Continent in the mid-Pliocene: results from PlioMIP2
- The influence of glaciers on iron cycling and export across a latitudinal gradient in Chilean Patagonian
- The state of global carbon cycle in 2020 and 2021
- Topographical and geological control on biocrust microbiomes
- U.S. non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions for 2007 - 2020 derived from atmospheric observations
- Using Electrical Resistivity to Develop Ground Models for Levees: Exploring the Effects of Topography
- Using satellite data to calibrate large-scale hydrological models in poorly-gauged and heavily-regulated basins
- We won't be fooled again
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Andrews
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Mittelholz
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adrià Fontrodona-Bach
- Agatha M. de Boer
- Akihiko Ito
- Alan D. Wanamaker
- Albert J. Kettner
- Alek Petty
- Alex Farnsworth
- Alice Marzocchi
- Alison Rust
- Allen Husker
- Amy Styring
- Ana M. Vicedo‐Cabrera
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrew Walker
- Andy Ridgwell
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Anita L. Ganesan
- Ann Pearson
- Anna Horleston
- Anna M. Ukkola
- Anna Ruth W. Halberstadt
- Anrijs Abele
- Antoine Lucas
- Aoibheann Brady
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Augusto Getirana
- B. Banerdt
- B. David A. Naafs
- B. Williams
- Benedict J. Heinen
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benoît Taisne
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bo Wang
- Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma
- Brian T. Huber
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- C. A. Nixon
- C. D. Nevison
- C. J. Gleason
- C. Keegan
- C. M. Dundas
- C. Perrin
- C. Rychert
- Caitlyn Witkowski
- Caroline Beghein
- Carène Larmat
- Catherine Chauvel
- Cecilia Durán
- Changhui Peng
- Chloé Michaut
- Christian France‐Lanord
- Christopher J. Smith
- Christopher Y. S. Bull
- Chunna Yu
- Colleen M. Iversen
- Colm Sweeney
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Corinna Rebmann
- Corwin J. Wright
- Craig A. Taatjes
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Cédric H. David
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniel Sanchez-Rivas
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Dann Mitchell
- David G. Babb
- David K. Hutchinson
- David L. Osborn
- David Lowry
- David Mimoun
- David Pollard
- Dawei Han
- Denis‐Didier Rousseau
- Doyeon Kim
- E. G. Nisbet
- E. J. Dlugokencky
- E. P. Turtle
- Edisson Quichimbo Miguitama
- Edna W Dualeh
- Edward Molter
- Edward W. Schwieterman
- Elizabeth Eiden
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Elizabeth Hajek
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- F. Albino
- F. Chevallier
- F. J. Simons
- F. Nimmo
- Fee Arens
- Florian Pappenberger
- Foivos Karakostas
- Fortunat Joos
- France Lagroix
- Francesca Pianosi
- Francisco Delgado
- Frederik J. Simons
- Gab Abramowitz
- Gabriele Villarini
- Gaia Olcese
- Gang Zhao
- George H. Allen
- Guy Schumann
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. Zhang
- Hannah Bloomfield
- Hanqin Tian
- Harald Stark
- Harry Heorton
- Harry Vereecken
- Henri Samuel
- Heye Bogena
- Holly A. Michael
- Hong Chin Ng
- Hua Zhang
- Hugh Coe
- I. J. Daubar
- I. J. Hamling
- Isaac Vimont
- Isobel Lawrence
- J. B. Miller
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. D. Allan
- J.‐M. Kendall
- Jack Landy
- Jacob Shaw
- Jaime S. Crouse
- James Boyd
- Jean–Paul Montagner
- Jeffrey Neal
- Jenny Collier
- Jens Mühle
- Jeroen van Hunen
- Jerry Tjiputra
- Jesse Farmer
- Jesse Zondervan
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jiaqi Li
- Jim J. Lin
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Joachim Gottsmann
- Joel A. Thornton
- John K. Hillier
- John Wheeler
- Jonathan Bamber
- Jonathan Chambers
- Jonathan Weiss
- Joseph Asplet
- Joseph Pitt
- Juliane Dannberg
- Julie Prytulak
- Juliet Biggs
- Junjie Liu
- K. W. Bowman
- Katerina Michaelides
- Katharine R Hendry
- Katharine V. Cashman
- Kelsey Bisson
- Kenneth Hurst
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kristen E. Fauria
- Kyle C. Armour
- L. Bruhwiler
- L. C. Smith
- Lauren Gregoire
- Lina Teckentrup
- Linda E. Sohl
- Loïc Piret
- Luciana Fenoglio-Marc
- Lucy J. Carpenter
- Luis Gómez-Chova
- Léo Martire
- M. C. Daly
- M. C. Malin
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. Banks
- M. E. Pritchard
- M. Golombek
- M. H. Hecht
- M. P. Panning
- M. R. Head
- Marcus P. S. Badger
- Marta Marcos
- Martin Cordiner
- Martin G. De Kauwe
- Martin Janssens
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin Schrön
- Martin Wild
- Martin van Driel
- Martyn Unsworth
- María Chapela Lara
- Masahiro Watanabe
- Masayuki Obayashi
- Mathias Goeckede
- Mathurin Dongmo Wamba
- Matthew Huber
- Matthew Rigby
- Matthieu Plasman
- Max Collinet
- Maximilian J. Werner
- Maël Es-Sayeh
- Michael Bliss Singer
- Michael Durand
- Michael F. Vansco
- Michael J. Allen
- Michael P. Erb
- Michael P. Poland
- Michel Tsamados
- Michelle Cain
- Mickey Hong Yi Chen
- Miguel A. Rico‐Ramirez
- Mikhaïl Karpytchev
- Milan Lázecký
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Mohammad J. Tourian
- Mostaquimur Rahman
- Mélanie Becker
- N. C. Schmerr
- Nantheera Anantrasirichai
- Naomi Rowe-Gurney
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathan J. Steiger
- Neil P. Hindley
- Nicholas Harmon
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nienke Brinkman
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Nils Moosdorf
- Ning Zeng
- Nobuaki Fuji
- O. T. Lord
- Oliver Wing
- Ori Adam
- P. J. Polissar
- P. Lognonné
- Patricia MacQueen
- Paul Bates
- Paul J. Valdes
- Pete Smith
- Peter Lehmann
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Phil DeCola
- Philip J. Ward
- Philippe Lognonné
- Pierre Gentine
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qiuan Zhu
- Quancheng Huang
- R. K. Achterberg
- R. M. Churchill
- R. P. Acosta
- RJ Dawson
- Rafael Rosolem
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Raphaël Grandin
- Ray F. Weiss
- Raúl Loayza‐Muro
- Rebecca L. Caravan
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Robert Constantinescu
- Robert D. Reinecke
- Robert M. DeConto
- Robert W. Allen
- Robert W. Dudley
- Ronald G. Prinn
- Ross Maguire
- Ross Woods
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- Ruza Ivanovic
- S. A. Margulis
- S. A. Montzka
- S. J. Lock
- S. J. Mitchell
- S. K. Ebmeier
- S. P. Coss
- S. P. Hicks
- S. Rodríguez
- S. Rondenay
- S. S. Wei
- S. T. Henderson
- S. T. Stewart
- S. Tharimena
- Sabrina Ménina
- Sacha Lapins
- Safat Sikder
- Sam Royston
- Sanne Cottaar
- Sara Navarro
- Sarwar Hossain
- Saskia Goes
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott D. King
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sean Crowell
- Sebastián Carrasco
- Sergio Ibarra
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shaoda Liu
- Simon A. Hunt
- Simon C. Stähler
- Sourish Basu
- Stefan Metzger
- Stefano Galelli
- Stephen Chuter
- Stephen E. L. Howell
- Sylvia Dee
- Sébastien Bertrand
- T. Cornet
- T. Henstock
- T. Pavelsky
- Thanh Duc Dang
- Thomas Hudson
- Thomas J. Bannan
- Thorsten Wagener
- Tilman Spohn
- Tim M. Conway
- Timothy P. Banyard
- Tobias Borsdorff
- Tobias P. Fischer
- Tom Pike
- Tony Payne
- Uğur Öztürk
- V. G. Salmon
- Valérie Clouard
- Wei Ji Leong
- William Collins
- William H. McDowell
- William J. M. Seviour
- William J. Riley
- Willy Aspinall
- Xiangyu Liu
- Xiao Yang
- Xin Ren
- Y. T. Eunice Lo
- Yadvinder Malhi
- Yannick Donnadieu
- Yige Zhang
- Ying Liu
- Yosuke Aoki
- Yu Morishita
- Zhendong Zhang
- Zongbo Xu
- Åke Fagereng
- É. Beucler
- É. Stutzmann