University of Brighton, UK
flowchart I[University of Brighton, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (41)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (9)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Microbial Abundance and Diversity at 0.8 to 3.6 Kilometers Beneath the Surface in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Subaerial Chalk Cliff Failures on the English Channel Coast, Based on Field Data From Recent Collapses
- The nature of a serpentinite-hosted detachment fault underlying the Cretaceous proto-Atlantic: Evidence from the Iberia non-volcanic rifted margin.
- Linking Surface Morphological Change to Subsurface Fluvial Architecture: What Imprints do big Floods Leave?
- Autogenic controls on the depositional architecture of big multi-channel rivers: the Rio Paraná, Argentina
- Applying a Computational Fluid Dynamics model to understand flow structures in a large river: the Rio Paraná
- Developing Meaningful Measures and Guidelines for Particulates in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Quantifying the process-product relationship in the large sandy Rio Paraná
- Anabranching and Braided Rivers Large and Small: Flood Magnitude-Frequency Morphology and Depositional Product
- Bar morphodynamics in the fluvial-tidal zone
- Bedform morphology across the fluvio-tidal transition, Columbia River, USA
- Contrasting dynamics of suspended particulate matter in different freshwater ecosystems: Implications for water quality management
- Linking water quality guidelines to the natural characteristics of catchments in order to support distinct aquatic ecosystems: Water quality guidelines for suspended particulate matter
- Modelling depth-averaged flow in the fluvial-tidal zone: the spatio-temporal interaction of river discharge and tidal cycle
- Flow Fields Over Unsteady Three Dimensional Dunes
- Flow Structures over Fixed 2D Bedforms in Transient States
- Remote Sensing Constrained Predictions of Forest Ecosystem Dynamics (Invited)
- Estimation of canopy height using lidar and radar interferometry: an assessment of combination methods and sensitivity to instrument, terrain and canopy height profile
- Prediction of River Flooding using Geospatial and Statistical Analysis in New York, USA and Kent, UK
- Characterizing the differences in bankfull channel geometry across the tidal-fluvial zone of micro- to macro- tidal fluvial systems: Lower Trinity River, TX, USA vs Chehalis River, WA, USA
- Exploring the Relationship Between Hydrograph Characteristics and the Time Evolution of Sand Bed Morphology
- Sedimentology of a Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ): Columbia River, USA
- The influence of three dimensional dunes on river flows and fluxes
- The mid-Holocene to present large-scale morphodynamic and coupled fluvial-tidal sedimentologic evolution of the Lower Columbia River, WA/OR, USA
- Evaluating the use of augmented reality to support undergraduate student learning in geomorphology
- Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flow fields over three- dimensional alluvial dunes
- Sediment Transport Dynamics and Bedform Evolution During Unsteady Flows
- Spatio-temporal evolution of alluvial sand beds under unsteady flow
- Using the Landsat Archive to Monitor Gully Erosion Development, in SE Nigeria, as a Response to Land-use Classification and Environmental Variability.
- Application of ELJ to create and maintain side channels in a dynamic gravel bed river
- Modeling and measuring the relationships between sediment transport processes, alluvial bedforms and channel-scale morphodynamics in sandy braided rivers.
- Testing the role of bedforms as controls on the morphodynamics of sandy braided rivers with CFD
- The impact of engineered log jams on bed morphology, flow characteristics and habitat diversity under low flow
- The impact of structural development on near bed flow dynamics in gravel bed rivers: coupling flume experiments with numerical modelling
- Bedrock landsliding and fluvial landscape evolution: the Quebrada Arcas alluvial fan system, Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
- The Charlie - Gibbs Fracture Zone: Tectonic, Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes in a Chain of Giant Oceanic Core Complexes
- Set up for failure. High sedimentation rates, earthquakes and the Tuaheni Landslide Complex.
- Changes in the Morphology of Combined-Flow Dunes as a Function of Water Depth: Links to the Sedimentology of Larger-Scale Barforms
- Modelling Coupled Channel-Floodplain Response to Dam Construction in Tropical Rivers
- Near the Brink: An Example of a Weak Layer in the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Modeling the Geomorphic Response of Rivers to Dam Construction in the Amazon River Basin