University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Aerospace and Engineering
flowchart I[University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Aerospace and Engineering] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (408)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (12)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Co\-located intercomparison of radar and optical wind and temperature measurements in the mesosphere
- Estimating Synthetic Temperature Profiles from Altimetry in the Intra-Americas Sea
- Improved Modeling of Thermospheric Density Perturbations With Application to Satellite Ephemeris Prediction
- Integer Ambiguity Resolution for Low Earth Orbiting Spacecraft
- The Upper Atmospheric Wave Structure of Mars as Determined by Mars Global Surveyor
- Transient fault slip in Guerrero, southern Mexico
- A Network of Ground-Based Radar Measurements Supporting CEDAR/TIMED
- Gravity Fields from CHAMP Mission Data
- LTCS High Latitude Lower Thermospheric Wind Climatology
- Mesosphere and Lower-Thermosphere Wind Observations from a New South Pole Meteor Radar
- New Large Aseismic Slow Slip Event in Guerrero, Mexico
- SNR-Based Multipath Corrections to GPS Phase Measurements: Improving the Accuracy of Permanent GPS Stations
- Thermospheric Density Response to Solar Disturbances During April 15-24,2002: CHAMP/STAR Accelerometer Measurements
- A New Meteor Radar System in Barrow Alaska
- Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) Product Overview
- Aseismic Slip and Stress Transfer in Guerrero, Southern Mexico
- Forecast and Specification of Radiation Belt Electrons Based on Solar Wind Measurements
- Gravity models from CHAMP and other satellite data
- High-Rate GPS Applications for Seismology: What Next?
- Interplate Coupling and a Recent Aseismic Slow Slip Event in the Guerrero Seismic gap of the Mexican Subduction Zone, as Deduced From GPS Data Inversion Using ABIC
- Linked space physics models for operational ionospheric forecasting
- Measuring Seismic Surface Waves with 1-Hz GPS
- Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric Tidal Variability and Modulation in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- On the use of Hough Mode Extensions (HMEs) to fit Tidal Structures From SABER and TIDI Measurements
- Reassessment of the 2001-2002 Aseismic Slow Slip Event in Mexico
- The Common Phenomenon of Transient-Triggered Seismicity
- An investigation of thermospheric neutral density vs.O/N<SUB>2</SUB> during the Oct-Nov 2003 magnetic storms
- Co-seismic slip history and early afterslip of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake
- Coordinated Ground and Space Based Observations of the Quasi Two-Day Wave in January 2004
- Field and numerical study of entrainment laws for surface mixed layer
- GPS Measurement Corrections for Geophysicists: A Calibration Experiment for C/A-P Code Biases
- Mesosphere-Thermosphere Coupling
- New Perspectives on Atmospheric Tides and Planetary Waves From the TIMED Mission
- Techniques for Reducing Spatially-Correlated Errors in High-Rate GPS Positioning
- The Stress/Strain/Fault Slip Cycle in Guerrero, Southern Mexico
- The rupture process of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake using 1-Hz GPS data and its afterslip history inferred from GPS data.
- Using Digital Imagery from a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to Estimate Arctic Melt Pond Coverage on Sea Ice
- Cooperative Mobile Sensing Systems for In Situ Measurements in Hazardous Environments
- Coordinated Lidar and TIMED observations of the quasi two-day wave during August 2002-2004 and possible quasi-biennial oscillation influence
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Evolution of Melt Pond Cover in the Beaufort/Chukchi Sea Region During Summer 2004
- Polar IT Science and its Coupling: A Broad Perspective from a Narrow View
- Recovering Absolute Seismic Displacements Through Combined Use of 1 Hz GPS and Strong Motion Accereometers
- Rising through the Stack: Assessing the Scientific Value of High-Rate GPS
- Rupture Characteristics of the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake from Surface Waves Observed at Regional Distances by 1-Hz GPS
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Atmospheric Tides Observed over South Pole
- The Impact of Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature on Storm Intensity in the Western Arctic
- Thermosphere Response to Solar Disturbances From CHAMP and GRACE Accelerometer Measurements
- Thermospheric Response to Geomagnetic Storms Observed With Accelerometers
- Thermospheric Response to the Geomagnetic Storms of November 6-12, 2004
- Troposphere-Thermosphere Planetary Wave Coupling During the 2002 Southern Hemisphere Pre-Stratwarm Period
- A Low Speed Maneuvering Technology for Docking of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
- Assessment of GPS errors from 0.01 to 10 Hz
- Characteristics of Large- and Medium-Scale Density Structures from CHAMP Accelerometer Measurements
- Gravity and GPS measurements in Greenland and their Interpretation
- Initial Mars Upper Atmospheric Structure Results from the Accelerometer Science Experiment aboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Mapping Ageostrophic Ekman Currents with Imagery and Altimetry
- Mapping the GPS Multipath Environment using SNR Data
- Mass Changes in Earth's Global Water Reservoirs from GRACE
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Operational sea ice charts: An integrated data product suitable for observing long-term changes in Arctic sea ice?
- Performance Simulations for a GRACE Follow-On Mission Using a Masscon Approach
- Re-advance of the Qassimiut Lobe
- Seismotectonics of Central Mexico Subduction Zone From Crustal Deformation Studies
- Sensitivity of Earthquake Fault Slip Reconstructions to Errors in Seismic Displacement Records
- Studies of Alternative Mission Architectures for Future Satellite Gravity Missions
- The Madrigal Virtual Observatory - a Fabric for Serving Both Incoherent Scatter and MST Radar Data to the CAWSES Science Community
- Upward Propagating Tidal Effects Across the E- and F-Regions of the Ionosphere
- Variability of the Satellite Drag Environments of Earth, Mars and Venus due to Rotation of the Sun
- A Comparative Planetary Study: Exosphere Temperature Responses of Earth and Mars to Long-Term Solar Change
- CHAMP Density Dependence on Geomagnetic Indices
- Consistent Satellite and Ground Based Observations and Model Simulations of Tides - CAWSES Global Tidal Campaign Results
- Elastic and viscoelastic crustal deformations in Greenland due to ice mass changes
- GPS Seismology Results from the 2002 M=7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- High-Rate GPS Data - When are They Useful?
- Impact ionization mass spectrometer instrument development for cosmic dust particles
- Lidar Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds in Conjunction with an AIM Overflight
- Mesospheric Joule Heating During the 2003 Halloween Superstorm
- Nucleation of afterslip following the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake
- On the Existence and Excitation of Eastward Propagating Quasi-Two Day Waves in the MLT
- Polar E-Region Thermospheric Properties from Ion Motion Characteristics
- Probing the auroral acceleration region through ISR inversion
- Seasonal variations of mesospheric Fe layers at Rothera and comparisons to the South Pole results
- Seasonal variations of stratospheric gravity waves in Antarctica and correlations to polar mesospheric cloud brightness in summer
- The Importance of Data Equalization for Reducing 'Repeatable' Errors in High-Rate GPS Positions
- The Variability of Cosmic Dust Influx as Seen by the AIM Satellite
- Thermospheric Winds in an Intense Auroral Substorm: The HEX-2 Sounding Rocket Missions
- A New Solar-Terrestrial Connection: Multi-Day Oscillations in Thermosphere and Ionosphere Properties
- Connection of the mountain clouds on Mars with the local dynamics using a Mars GCM
- Emerging Trends in Terrestrial and Global Water Storage from GRACE
- Longitudinal variability in PMC structures observed from the CIPS experiment on the AIM spacecraft: Impact on PMC occurrence frequency and brightness.
- Longitudinal variability of Polar Mesospheric Cloud (PMC) albedo and frequency from the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment: Comparison of the 2007 and 2008 Northern Hemisphere cloud seasons
- New Atmospheric Observations from the Airborne GNSS Instrument System for Multistatic and Occultation Sensing (GISMOS)
- Nonmigrating Tides in Exosphere Temperature From CHAMP and GRACE Accelerometer Measurements
- Nonvolcanic Tremor Activity is Highly Correlated With Slow Slip Events, Mexico
- Periodic Modulations in Thermospheric Composition by Solar Wind High Speed Streams
- Principal Modes of Thermospheric Density Variability: Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis of CHAMP 2001-2007 Data
- Properties of Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances (TADs) Inferred From CHAMP and GRACE Accelerometer Observations
- Response of the Mars Thermosphere to Dynamical Effects
- Thermosphere Density Response to High Speed Solar Wind Streams
- Three-Dimensional Ionospheric Electron Density Structure of the Weddell Sea Anomaly
- Understanding Short Term Variations of the Migrating Diurnal Tide
- Anomalous Behavior of the Thermosphere During the Solar Minimum
- Climatology of ionospheric high transition height derived from COSMIC satellites during the solar minimum of 2008
- CubeSat: Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment
- DANDE: A Nanosatellite for Measuring Thermospheric Wind and Density
- Development of Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent Earth System Data Records (Invited)
- Dual GRACE-type Mission Architectures for Temporal Gravity Recovery
- Enhanced Electron Temperatures in the Polar D region
- Enhanced Thermospheric Density: The Roles of East-West and Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Estimating Snow Depth Using GPS
- GPS Can't Do That, Can It? (Invited)
- Gravity wave effects on polar mesospheric clouds: A comparison of numerical simulations from CARMA 2D model with AIM observations
- Ice Surface Roughness from GRS and ATM Data for Validation of Satellite Altimeter Data and Environmental Change Detection
- Impact Generated Plasmas on the Lunar Surface
- Impact of CIR Storms on Thermosphere Density Variability during the Current Solar Minimum
- Impact of Upward Propagating Kelvin Waves on the Thermosphere During Solar Minimum
- Ionosphere response to recurrent geomagnetic activity: local time dependency
- Ionospheric response to the initial phase of geomagnetic storms: Dependence on storm onset time
- Non-Migrating Tidal Effects on the Upper Atmosphere: New Tropospheric Forcing
- Performance assessment of a small LIDAR altimeter deployed on unmanned aircraft for glacier and sea ice surface topography profiling
- Periodic oscillations in the ionosphere associated with recurrent geomagnetic activity during the solar minimum of 2007-2008
- Rio Grande Rift GPS Measurements 2006-2009
- Spatio-temporal evolution of the June 2007 intrusion and concurrent slow-slip event at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Terminator Wave in the Atmospheres of Mars and Earth
- The Plate Boundary Observatory as a Network for Water Cycle Studies
- Tracking the Evolution of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo
- Trends in River Basin, Groundwater and Global Water Storage from GRACE (Invited)
- Wave Coupling Between the Lower Atmosphere and Thermosphere: Solar Cycle Influences (Invited)
- Wave interactions in the atmosphere of Mars
- Web Tools and Services For Subsetting and Visualizing Swath Data
- CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for Systematic Assessment of Ionospheric Models
- Changing dynamics in the Arctic sea ice system
- Characteristics of Antarctic gravity waves in the lower atmosphere and their long-term variations at McMurdo and the South Pole
- Climatology of Upper Stratospheric Lower Mesospheric Disturbances in the Polar Winter
- Common-volume observations of sporadic Fe and Na layers and a potential overturning event by resonance lidars at Boulder (40.13N, 105.24W)
- Comparative study of stratopause at the South Pole and Rothera
- Comparison of CICE/CCSM simulated snow cover overlying the Arctic sea ice to in situ measurements
- Data assimilation applied to Mars Climate Sounder observations
- Development of passive microwave cryospheric climate data records (Invited)
- Effect of wind turbine wakes on cropland surface fluxes in the US Great Plains during a Nocturnal Low Level Jet
- GPS Ground Networks As Remote Sensing Tools (Invited)
- GPS Seismology: Using Precise Point Positioning for Resolving Surface Wave Displacements from Large Earthquakes
- GPS interferometric reflectometry: Forward and inverse modeling of GPS signal strength data applied to remote sensing of snow
- Increased Spatial and Temporal Resolution in Recovering Hydrology Using Two Pairs of GRACE-like Satellites
- Initial Results of Na Density and Temperature Measurements by a STAR Na Lidar at Boulder
- Ion - Neutral Interactions in the Polar E-region
- Measurements of Ocean Surface Waves Using Airborne GNSS Multistatic Radar
- Nonlinear Interaction Between the Migrating Diurnal Tide and the Quasi-Two Day Wave
- Observing Supercells with Unmanned Aircraft: Results from the UAS Component of VORTEX-2
- Ocean Calibration Approach to Analysis of GRACE-Type Data
- Performance of a wind-profiling LIDAR in the region of wind turbine rotor disks
- Polarization Lidar for Shallow Water Supraglacial Lake Depth Measurement
- Seasonal and longitudinal variations of the solar quiet current system during solar minimum determined by CHAMP satellite magnetic field observations
- Seismology on a small body: expected results for the BASiX Discovery Mission proposal
- The Global Implications and Grand Challenge of Neutral-Ion Interactions in the Polar Regions (Invited)
- Wave-Driven Longitudinal and Local Time Variability in the Itm: what Contributes to the "WAVE-4"?
- Wind and flux measurements in a windfarm co-located with agricultural production (Invited)
- Advances of Lidar Investigation of Middle and Upper Atmosphere from McMurdo, Antarctica
- An Investigation of Dynamical Mechanisms Associated with Planetary Wave Disturbances of the Winter Polar Middle Atmosphere
- Building a Digital Meteor Radar for Aeronomic Research
- Climate Data Records (CDRs) for Ice Motion and Ice Age
- Climatology and Inter-annual Variability of Thermospheric Tidal Winds
- Comparative effects of meteorological and in-situ forcing in the Earth's upper atmosphere
- Comparison of Different Global Mean Sea Level Time Series Derived from Altimetry
- Connections between the nonmigrating semidiurnal tide over the South Pole and stationary planetary waves in the northern hemisphere
- Cryo-Hydrologic Warming Explains Increased Ice Velocities on Sermeq Avannarleq, West Greenland
- Data and Model Views of Energy Input to the Dayside Thermosphere When the East-West Interplanetary Magnetic Field Is Large
- Demonstration of novel polarization lidar technique for identifying horizontally oriented ice crystals
- Effect of wind turbine wakes on summer-time wind profiles in the US Great Plains
- Electrodynamic Response of the Ionosphere to High-Speed Solar-Wind Streams
- Equatorial thermosphere anomaly: Observations and simulations
- GPS interferometric reflectometry for ground-based remote sensing of snow depth and density
- Implications of Meteoritic Dust In The Upper Stratosphere
- Middle Thermosphere Response to Tidal Forcing from Below
- Modeling the Effects of Soil Moisture at a GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry Station
- Relative Density Anomalies Below 200 km as Observed by Aerodynamic Drag on Orbiting Rocket Bodies
- Simulation study on gravity waves in the Martian atmosphere
- Snow Depth with GPS: Case Study from Minnesota 2010-2011
- Studying 'cold pole' problem in WACCM and comparisons to lidar temperature morphology
- Survey of Thermosphere Joule Heating Locations and Magnetic Disturbance Conditions
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during the 2006 AGU Storm
- The Development of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
- The GPS Tide Gauge Problem Revisited
- The Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space (GRASP) - A Mission to Enhance the Terrestrial Reference Frame
- The Relation between Dayside Local Poynting Flux Enhancement and Cusp Reconnection
- The influence of ENSO on global surface water storage using GRACE
- Understanding 1D Electrostatic Dust Levitation
- Using GRACE to Understand Recent Changes in the Earth's Oblateness
- Analysis of Preferred Directions in Phase Space for Tidal Measurements at Europa
- Asteroid Geophysics through a Tidal-BYORP Equilibrium
- CWEX-10/11: Overview of Results From the First Two Crop/Wind-Energy Experiments
- Channel electron multiplier operated on a sounding rocket without a cryogenic vacuum pump from 120 - 75 km altitude
- Cryospheric Lidar Remote Sensing of Surface Depolarization and Depth in Semitransparent Media
- Energy extraction from ocean currents and waves: Mapping the most promising locations
- Extracting Ocean Surface Currents from SAR: MCC and Doppler Centroid Tracking
- First Results from Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE): Differential Flux Measurements of Energetic Particles in a Highly Inclined Low Earth Orbit
- High-Resolution Satellite Observations of the Summer Evolution of Land-fast Sea Ice Near Barrow, Alaska
- Horizontal and Vertical Velocities across the Rio Grande Rift and Southern Rocky Mountains
- Hurricane-related air-sea interactions, circulation modifications, and coastal impacts on the eastern Louisiana coastline
- Impact of Tropospherically-Generated Tides on the Mean State of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Increased Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide Negligibly Impacts Stratospheric Aerosol Compared to Moderate Volcanoes during the decade 2000-2010
- Initial results on the variability of sea surface salinity from Aquarius/SAC-D in the Gulf of Mexico
- Ionospheric Poynting Flux Response to Sudden Enhancements in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Is There a 60-Year Oscillation in Global Mean Sea Level?
- Lidar Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds, Fe Layers, and Their Interactions at McMurdo, Antarctica (77.8°S, 166.7°E)
- Near Real Time Data Uses and Space Weather Applications of Space-based Magnetometer Data
- PBO-H2O: GPS Sensing of Snow Depth in the Western United States
- Pacific Decadal Sea Level Change Patterns associated with a Warming Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- Polar Winter Middle Atmosphere Gravity Wave Generation and Mesosphere Cooling
- Preliminary results from the retrieval and assimilation of GPS radio occultation refractivity observations during tropical storm development
- Progression of the 2011-2012 Surge of Bering Glacier and Bagley Ice Field, Alaska
- Sea Level Records from Geodetic GPS Receivers: a New Coastal Sea Level Dataset
- Sensing Vegetation Growth and Senescence with Reflected GPS Signals
- Solar Effects on the Mesospheric Iron Chemistry Observed by Lidar at McMurdo (77.8 deg S, 166.7 deg E), Antarctica
- Study of In-situ Gravity Wave Sources at High Latitude using High-Resolution Model
- The Accidental Tide Gauge: A Case Study from Kachemak Bay, Alaska
- The Effect of Vegetation on Soil Moisture Retrievals from GPS Signal-to-Noise Ratio Data
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- The Statistics of Topside Poynting flux and its Comparison to Precipitating Electron Energy flux
- The Strength of Rubble Pile Asteroids
- Thermosphere Winds from Champ Neutral and Plasma Density Measurements
- Thermospheric Geo-effectiveness of Solar Wind Disturbances Monitored with Low Earth Orbit Measurements of Magnetic Perturbations and Poynting Flux
- UAV Deployed Sensor System for Arctic Ocean Remote Sensing
- UNAVCO Enhanced data products for the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, COCONet, and other regional networks
- Upper Troposphere Front-like Behavior in the Stratosphere
- A Large Aperture Lidar Observatory for Exploring the Interaction of Our Atmosphere with Space (Invited)
- Composition change and its effect on mass density response during geomagnetic storm
- Disturbances of the Wintertime Polar Upper Stratosphere and Lower Mesosphere: Observations, Modeling, and Mechanisms
- Evaluation of SNODAS snow depth and GPS-measured snow depth in the Western United States
- Extending the record of time-variable gravity from GRACE and conventional tracking data
- Forthcoming Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Earth System Data Records
- Geospace Response to a Slow Moving Unipolar Magnetic Cloud
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- Investigating Land Surface Phenology Derived from Satellite and GPS Network Microwave Remote Sensing
- Local Effects of Ice Floes on Skin Sea Surface Temperature in the Marginal Ice Zone from UAVs
- Mechanisms driving the global and seasonal structure of the 16-day planetary wave
- Modeling the Electrical Characteristics of the Global Electric Circuit
- Regional Sea Level Variation: California Coastal Subsidence (Invited)
- Remote Sensing of PMCs with the Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere (PoSSUM) Lidar
- Seasonal and magnetic variability in thermospheric neutral potassium layers over Arecibo
- Signatures of the Seasonal Variations in Thermospheric Density
- The Role of Preconditioning on Thermosphere Mass Density (Invited)
- Tools, Resources, and Innovations for Active Learning of Solar and Geospace Environment Content in the Undergraduate Classrooms
- UAS Observations of Polynya Wave Height and Surface Temperature During the September 2012 Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica Field Campaign
- Using GPS to estimate vegetation water content in non-forested ecosystems
- Wave Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System (Invited)
- A Neural-Network-Based Semi-Automated Geospatial Classification Tool
- A Smallsat Multi-pair GRACE-like Mission: Concept and Simulated Performance
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Earth System Data Records of Mass Transport from Time-Variable Gravity Data
- Evaluating the Impact of Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding on NASA Centers and Facilities by Implementing Terrestrial Laser Scanning Surveys to Improve Coastal Digital Elevation and Inundation Models
- Uncovering an anthropogenic sea-level rise signal in the Pacific Ocean
- Using Sea Level Change as a Climate Indicator
- An updated study of the O<SUP>+</SUP> - O collision frequency using corresponding FPI and ISR thermospheric wind experiments at Millstone Hill.
- Bridging the Potential Gap in Polar Ice Sheet Melt Estimates between GRACE and GRACE Follow-On Using SLR/DORIS Data
- Development of a GNSS Volcano Ash Plume Detector
- Global occurrence of Elves and lightning-induced heating of the ionosphere from ground-based observations
- Novel Polarization Techniques and Instrumentation for Glacial Melt Pond Laser Bathymetry
- Sea Level Variability in the Coastal Ocean Induced by Atmospheric Forcing for the Period 1871-2012
- The Influence of Atmospheric Modeling Errors on GRACE Estimates of Mass Loss in Greenland and Antarctica
- Understanding Kaula's Rule for Small Bodies
- Using the GPS SNR Technique to Detect Volcanic Plumes
- A New Type of Transient Luminous Events Produced by Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Analyzing mass balance estimates of global continental discharge from remote sensing and reanalysis
- Exploring Data Combination of GRACE, Altimetry, and GNSS Vertical Motion for Improved Estimates of Antarctic Mass Balance
- Extending the record of terrestrial water storage (TWS) in major continental basins from time-variable gravity
- Finite Difference modeling of VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide
- Frequency-Based Precursory Acoustic Emission Failure Sequences In Sedimentary And Igneous Rocks Under Uniaxial Compression
- Has the Rate of Sea Level Rise Accelerated During the Altimeter Era?
- Measurements of Simulated Micrometeoroids in the Laboratory
- PFISR GPS tracking mode for researching high-latitude ionospheric electron density gradients associated with GPS scintillation
- The Thermosphere Fights Back: Sources of Nitric Oxide Overcooling During Geomagnetic Storms
- Towards data-driven regional sea level projections
- A SmallSat constellation mission architecture for a GRACE-type mission design
- Atmospheric Signatures and Effects of Space-based Relativistic Electron Beam Injection
- Challenges and Solutions for GNSS Receivers onboard LEO Satellites Traveling through the Ionosphere during Space Weather Events
- Comparisons of Measurements and Modeling of Solar Eclipse Effects on VLF Transmissions
- Ducting of the Whistler-Mode Waves by Magnetic Field-Aligned Density Enhancements in the Radiation Belt
- Effects of Space Weather on Geosynchronous Electromagnetic Spacecraft Perturbations Using Statistical Fluxes
- High resolution atmospheric lidar using time-correlated single photon counting principles
- Jupiter's non-auroral Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Methods for Combination of GRACE Gravimetry and ICESat Altimetry over Antarctica on Monthly Timescales
- Modeling and Analysis of the D-region Response to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Modeling ionospheric pre-reversal enhancement and plasma bubble growth rate using data assimilation
- The Earth Gravitational Observatory (EGO): Nanosat Constellations For Advanced Gravity Mapping
- Understanding and Forecasting Upper Atmosphere Nitric Oxide Through Data Mining Analysis of TIMED/SABER Data
- Understanding the Acceleration of Sea Level Rise During the Altimeter Era
- Upper Thermosphere Vertical Circulations as Inferred from Helium Behavior
- ARM research using Unmanned Systems: Science, Operations, and Findings
- An Emergent Pattern of Forced Sea Level Rise in the Satellite Altimeter Record and Implications for the Future
- Applications of inertia integrals to dynamical modelling of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) target (65803) Didymos
- Assessing possible mutual orbit period change by shape deformation of Didymos after a kinetic impact in the NASA-led Double Asteroid Redirection Test
- Characteristics of Energetic Electron Precipitation Estimated from Simulated Bremsstrahlung X-ray Distributions
- Combination of ICESat and GRACE to Obtain High Resolution Mass Variation in the Antarctic Ice Sheet at Monthly Timescales
- Combining high-resolution topography and Sentinel-1A/B radar observations for the study of coastal megacities
- Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay (CRAND) as a source of inner belt electrons: Energy spectrum study and long-term variation
- Design For A Permanent Earth Gravitational Observatory
- Designing a GRACE-type satellite constellation for hydrologic science
- Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of Monthly GRACE Solutions in Antarctica with ICESat and other Geodetic Observations
- Fast Time Integration and Performance Portability
- Inference of thermospheric temperature profiles from GOLD disk images and applications for tracking Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances
- Initial Perspectives on Surface Geology of (101955) Bennu including Comparisons to (162173) Ryugu
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Machine Learning for GNSS Ionospheric Scintillation Detection and Characterization
- Mass Determination of (101955) Bennu and Related OSIRIS-REx Gravity Science
- Novel Dual Aperture Design for Soft X-Ray Solar Spectrometer: Design and Calibrations
- Novel Dual Aperture Design for Soft X-ray Solar Spectrometer: Measurements from June 2018 Sounding Rocket
- OSIRIS-REx Approach Phase Astronomical Observations of Asteroid Bennu: Searches for Hazards and Lightcurve, Color and Phase Function Photometry
- OSIRIS-REx Encounters Bennu: Initial Assessment from the Approach Phase
- Quantifying the uncertainty in GNSS-R sea level measurements
- Reconstruction the Ionospheric Responses to the October-November 2003 Halloween Super Storm: A Data Assimilation Approach
- Seasonality of global land and ocean mass as a metric of global water cycle variability
- Simulating a VLF Radio Network for Spatial Estimates of D-region Enhancement from Energetic Precipitation Events
- Simulations of the Pre- and Post-impact System Dynamics of the DART Mission Target Binary Asteroid 65803 Didymos
- Spectral analysis of individual Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes using Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor data and lightning leader models
- The GPS Tide Gauge: Precision and Accuracy of Water Levels Measured from Reflected GPS Signals
- The High Altitude Lidar Observatory (HALO): A multi-function lidar and technology testbed for airborne and space-based measurements of water vapor and methane
- The Shape of Bennu.
- The Solar Polar Constellation (SPOC) Mission: Combining Operational Full-Sun Magnetic Field Measurements with Polar Exploration
- Uncovering Long-term Regional Trends in the Satellite Altimeter Record
- Using Satellite Measurements to Improve Regional Estimates of the Impacts of Sea Level Change
- A Fourier-series modeling approach to develop corrections to atmospheric density and drag coefficient in orbit
- Airborne Lidar Observations of Water Vapor, Methane, and Aerosol/Cloud Profiles with the High Altitude Lidar Observatory
- An improved method of determining meteor plasma density from head echo data: A critical step toward determining meteoroid masses
- Assimilative analysis of equatorial ionospheric electrodynamics using a coupled thermosphere-ionosphere model during a moderate storm period
- Coherent GNSS-R signal processing to retrieve water level in coastal and in-land water areas
- Comparison of Remote Sensing Techniques for Determining Mean Sea Level near Coastal Megacities and its Impact on the Effects of Sea Level Change
- Compton Scattering Effects on the Spectral and Temporal Properties of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Constraining source properties using TGF-associated radio emissions
- Drivers of the Altimeter-Era Forced Response in Regional Sea Level and Consequences for the Coming Decades
- Energetic Intra-Cloud Lightning in the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Extrapolating Satellite Data Records for Short-Term Regional Sea Level Projections: Understanding the contributions of forcing agents
- Imaging Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation from Low-Earth Orbit via Bremsstrahlung X-ray Emissions
- In Situ Sensing in Tornadic Supercells Using Small UAS
- Laboratory Dust Ablation Experiments to Characterize Meteoric Luminous Efficiencies
- Land/Ocean Water Exchange - Impacts on the Global Hydrologic and Sea Level Budget
- Lightning Observations During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Modeling bremsstrahlung X-ray signatures of Lightning-induced electron precipitation in the upper atmosphere
- Near Surface Turbulence Observed from sUAS during the POPEYE Campaign on the North Slope of Alaska during the Boreal Summer
- Negribreen, Svalbard: Surge in an Arctic Glacier or Disintegration of an Entire Glacier System?
- OSIRIS-REx Precision Orbit Determination
- Observatory- and model-based efforts to understand the influence of cloud-nucleating particles on clouds in Arctic Alaska
- Possible Substorm Triggering by Magnetosheath Jets During Northward and Radial IMF: 14 Spacecraft Observations, MHD Simulations and Ground Based and Auroral Signatures
- Quantifying radiation belt dropouts and enhancements with multi-point observations from GPS, Van Allen Probes, and POES
- Radiation belt dropouts and enhancements during storm-time periods
- Refining the mechanisms of dust detection by antenna instruments
- Reliable Wind Vector Estimation for Scientific Analysis of Atmospheric Measurements by Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Serendipitous Geodesy from Bennu's Short-Lived Moonlets
- Shape, spin, and stability of Bennu
- Sources of day-to-day variability of equatorial electrojet (EEJ) currents
- Space Environment and Effects: an Undergraduate Course for both Potential Space Scientists and Casual Space Enthusiasts
- Space- and Ground-based Measurements of Radiation Belt Precipitation: Extending the Capabilities of CubeSats and Radars
- The Induced Libration of Didymos B Resulting from the DART Impact
- The Near-Surface Gravity of Bennu from Osiris-Rex Data
- The NightFOX project: a small UAS system for wildfire observations
- The Solar Polar Observing Constellation (SPOC) Mission: research and operational monitoring of space weather from polar heliocentric orbits
- The dynamical and chemical influences of thermospheric composition
- University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center (SWx TREC): An academic center of excellence to accelerate research to operations and operations to research transitions
- Using "Deep Learning" and Physically Constrained Neural Networks to Derive Complex Glaciological Change Processes from Modern Satellite Imagery
- Very High Resolution Topography of Coastal Megacities for Testing Inundation Scenarios.
- A Coastal Mean Sea Level and Sea Level Rise Product Derived from ICESat(-2) Laser Altimetry
- A Generalized Method for Calculating Atmospheric Ionization by Energetic Electron Precipitation
- Analysis of a Decade of PMC Observations by Fe Boltzmann Lidar at McMurdo, Antarctica
- Antarctic Quasi-10 Day Wave Activity Prior to the 2019 Southern sudden stratospheric warming
- Backpropagation Filter for GNSS Cycle Slip Mitigation and Ionosphere Monitoring
- Bridge to the stars: A mission concept to an interstellar object
- Coherence Analysis of CYGNSS Land Reflections and Potential Application to Inland Water and Wetlands Remote Sensing
- Combining Geodetic Techniques to Predict Tidal Inundation at Coastal Megacities.
- Design of future Earth observing mass change constellations using small satellites.
- Detection of Organic Molecules and D-H Ratios in Laboratory Mass-Spectra of Hypervelocity Dust Impacts Into Ice
- Development of drag-coefficient models for more accurate orbit prediction and thermospheric density estimation
- Dimorphos' orbital perturbation induced by shape modification of Didymos after the DART impact
- Drivers of Coastal United States Relative Sea-Level Trends During the Satellite Altimeter-Era
- Dust detection by antenna instruments: the effect of impact location
- Effects of CICERO Receiver Characteristics on the Quality of Radio Occultation Data
- Electrostatic Dust Analyzer (EDA) for Characterizing Dust Transport on the Lunar Surface
- Error Analysis of Empirical Sea State Bias Models for Pulse-limited and SAR Altimetry
- Globally distributed mass movement towards the equator on asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Helium's Departure from Diffusive Equilibrium in the Thermosphere
- Investigating the Effect of Size Sorting on the Vertical Variation of Rain Drop Size Distributions Using A Collocated FMCW Profiling Radar and Parsivel Disdrometer During VORTEX-SE
- Janus: A NASA SIMPLEx mission to explore two NEO Binary Asteroids
- Lightning Characteristics and Storm Kinematics during the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Lightning Geolocation and Classification During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Meteoroid mass estimation based on single-frequency radar cross section measurements
- Modeling Equatorial Magnetic Perturbation Using the 3D Electrodynamo model: A case study in March 2009
- Observations of Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer with Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for MOSAiC
- Observing the Marine Boundary Layer During ATOMIC/EUREC4A Using the RAAVEN Remotely Piloted Aircraft System
- Ongoing shape modification of Bennu by terracing.
- Overcoming Technical Challenges Related to Collecting Atmospheric Data with RPAS in the High Arctic During MOSAiC
- Prevalence and distribution of ducted vs. non-ducted whistlers in the magnetosphere
- QBO modulation of gravity wave potential energy and propagation in the Northern-Hemisphere high-latitude stratosphere and mesosphere
- Seasonal Reynolds stress components, winds and tides in the Southern hemisphere mesosphere/lower thermosphere in 2019
- Seismic Waves in the Asteroid Environment
- Sending Tiny Life Forms to Space.
- Simultaneous estimation of density and Fourier drag-coefficient
- Spatiotemporal Deep Learning Network for High-latitude Ionospheric Scintillation Forecasting
- The AEPEX Mission: Atmospheric Effects of Precipitation through Energetic X-rays
- The CubeSat Imaging X-ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS)
- The Emergence of the Forced Response of Climate Change in the Altimeter Sea Level Record
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The Mapping of IonoSpheric Turbulence and Irregularities (MISTI) CubeSat Constellation
- The Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX): A New NSF Supported CubeSat Project
- Thermospheric Neutral Density Specification and Forecasting via Driver Estimation and Assimilation of COSMIC Radio Occultation Data
- Time Lags between Ionospheric Scintillation Detection and Geomagnetic Storms at Auroral Latitudes
- Unmanned aerial systems measurements in the Arctic during the MOSAiC campaign: Observations of the boundary layer and surface albedo during the melting season
- Using NASA Airborne HIWRAP Observations to Study the Impact of Precipitation Variability on Path Integrated Attenuation and Near-Surface Reflectivity
- Utilizing high-rate GNSS radio occultation open loop tracking records from commercial small satellites for ionosphere TEC estimation and scintillation monitoring