UMass Boston
flowchart I[UMass Boston] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (192)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (20)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Geochemical Fingerprinting of the World Trade Center Attack in New York Harbor Sediments
- Mesoscale Bio-acoustic Surveys in the Northern California Current System
- Spatial Distributions of Iodine-131 and the Geochemical "Fingerprint" from the World Trade Center Terrorist Attack in New York Harbor Sediments
- Temporal Movement of the Geochemical "Fingerprint" of the World Trade Center Terrorist Attack in New York Harbor Sediments
- Dissolved Organic Matter in the Hudson River Plume
- Engaging Ocean Science Researchers and Middle School Teachers in Excellent Ocean Science Curriculum Development: Ocean Science Education Institute (OSEI)
- Trace Metals and Nutrients in the Hudson River Buoyant Plume
- Robust remediation design of a groundwater model with variable hydrstratigraphic units and spatial uncertainty
- The Waves and Tsunamis Project
- Fluorescence Intercalibration Experiment: a Multi-laboratory Comparison of Correction Procedures for Fluorescence Analysis of Dissolved Organic Matter
- Using Web Camera Images as Data for Science and Education
- Medium-term sediment accumulation in the urbanized lower Hudson River estuary
- Windows Into the Real World From a Virtual Globe
- Experimental Study of the Kinetics of the Reaction of Acetic Acid with Hydroxyl Radicals From 255 to 355 K
- Influences of Climatic Variability on the Water Resources of Lebanon, Mediterranean Basin
- Monitoring the restoration of Red Brook, a small coastal stream in southeastern Massachusetts
- Preliminary Analysis of Changes in the Lower Souhegan River, New Hampshire due to Removal of Merrimack Village Dam
- Small-Scale Turbulent Mixing in Southern Drake Passage
- Use of linked models to describe transport and distribution of trace metals in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay
- Assessing land-use change using the trace element chemistry of human bones (Invited)
- Comparison of transect sampling and object-oriented image classification methods of urbanizing catchments
- Contextualizing Earth Science Professional Development Courses for Geoscience Teachers in Boston
- Economic Efficiency and Equity in Dams Removal: Case studies in Northeastern Massachusetts Doina Oglavie, Ellen Douglas, David Terkla
- Filtered Push: Annotating Distributed Data for Quality Control and Fitness for Use Analysis
- Moderate Resolution Remote Sensing of Surface Moisture Conditions in Urbanizing Landscapes
- Patterns of Oversubscribed Water Services: Implications for Groundwater
- Platinum group element incorporation into human bones resulting from increased anthropogenic utilization
- Predicting Dissolved Organic Matter Transport In the Neponset River Watershed
- Pressure Dependence of the Reaction Rate of Acetic Acid with Hydroxyl Radical
- Shell chemistry used to identify essential habitat for Bay Scallops in Nantucket, MA
- Teaching science to science teachers: Lessons taught and lessons learned
- The Boston-Area Climate Experiment: Initial responses of plant growth and soil respiration to twelve combinations of warming and altered precipitation
- The Role of Backbarrier Filling in the Evolution of a Barrier Island System
- Title: The validation of Cryogenic Laser Ablation ICP-MS (CLA-ICP-MS) methods by comparison to laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS and solution based ICP-MS methods, for the analysis of metals in biological tissues
- Whale baleen trace element signatures: a predictor of environmental life history?
- Anthropogenic Influences on Estuarine Sedimentation in Salem Sound, MA
- Determining Environmental Impacts of Large Scale Irrigation in Turkey
- Is precipitation in northern New England becoming more extreme?
- Shallow Sediment Trace Metal Concentrations and Short-Term Accumulation Rates in the Neponset River Estuary, Massachusetts, USA
- The MMI Device Ontology: Enabling Sensor Integration
- Absolute Rate Constants for the Reaction of OH with [|#11#|]Cyclopentane and Cycloheptane from 230-350 K
- Broadening Participation in the Coastal Environmental Sciences
- Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning - Efforts to Bring Law and Order to Ocean Areas
- Elevated surface temperature depresses survival of banner-tailed kangaroo rats: will climate change cook a desert icon?
- High Resolution Monitoring of Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in the Neponset River Watershed, Massachusetts, USA
- Linear Scour Depressions or Bedforms? Using Interferometric Sonar to Investigate Nearshore Sediment Transport
- Understanding and assessing the feasibility of ocean iron fertilization to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide
- 30-m Land Surface Albedo by Integrating Landsat directional reflectance and MODIS anisotropic information
- A Dual Wavelength Echidna® Lidar (DWEL) for Forest Structure Retrieval
- Characterization of urban methane emissions in Boston, Massachusetts using an observational network and inverse modeling framework
- Coastal Climate Change and Urban Infrastructure Management
- Cool Science: Engaging Adult and K-16 Audiences in Climate Change Science
- Daily Operational MODIS BRDF, Albedo and Nadir Reflectance Products (V006)
- FTIR Analysis of Functional Groups in Aerosol Particles
- Further Studies of Forest Structure Parameter Retrievals Using the Echidna® Ground-Based Lidar
- Monitoring Vegetation Phenology and Snow Free Periods with the Daily MODIS BRDF/albedo Product
- Researching Carbon Fluxes from the Land into the River in an Urbanized Watershed Using Model Simulated and Field Measured Data
- Surface Albedo Darkening from Wildfires in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa
- Using Voxelized Point-Cloud Forest Reconstructions from Ground-Based Full-Waveform Lidar to Retrieve Leaf Area Index and Foliage Profiles
- Validation of GEOLAND-2 Spot/vgt Albedo Products by Using Ceos Olive Methodology
- Automating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) through Python for the Hydrological Sciences
- Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL) Acquisitions at NEON and TERN Forest Sites
- Coastal Applications of the Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL)
- Evaluating local and regional scales of environmental change from sediment characteristics of a tributary of the upper Chesapeake Bay: a geospatial approach to understanding the role of humans on elemental transport and fate
- Field Deployments of DWEL, A Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidar
- Focused vs 'unlimited' spectral bands for aquatic remote sensing: potentials and limitations (Invited)
- Future scenarios of urbanization and its effects on water quantity and quality in three New England watersheds
- Global Albedo and Radiative Cooling from Anthropogenic Land-cover Change, 1700 to 2005
- Improvements to the MODIS Land Products in Collection Version 6
- Land Surface 30-m Albedo product by Integrating Landsat & LDCM directional reflectance with MODIS anisotropic information
- Land and Cryosphere Products from Suomi NPP VIIRS: Overview and Status
- NEON Collaborative Data Collection Campaign at Pacific South West Site in California
- Quantifying the Attenuation Due to Geometry Interactions in Waveform Lidar Signals
- Retrieving Leaf Area Index and Foliage Profiles Through Voxelized 3-D Forest Reconstruction Using Terrestrial Full-Waveform and Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidars
- Science Express: Out-of-Home-Media to Communicate Climate Change (Invited)
- Sensitivity analysis and simulation for DOC concentration and flux in the stream in the regional hydro-ecological simulation system (RHESSys)
- Separating Leaves from Trunks and Branches with Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar Scanning: Improving Canopy Structure Characterization in 3-D Space
- Shrub Abundance Mapping in Arctic Tundra with Misr
- Subpixel variability of MODIS albedo retrievals and its importance for ice sheet surface melting in southwestern Greenland's ablation zone
- Sulfide isotope ratios as a method for examining environmental conditions leading up to the Permian-Triassic extinction
- The Geochemistry of a Newly Discovered Permo-Triassic Section in Serbia: A Tale of Catastrophic Events
- The Great End Permian Tsunamis: Recognition, Extent and Generation
- The Near-Earth Flyby of Asteroid 2012 DA14 (Invited)
- Utilizing pyritic δ<SUP>34</SUP>S to characterize the depositional conditions of the Neo-Tethys in the Late Permian
- Accelerated Rates of Nitrogen Cycling and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production in Salt Marsh Sediments due to Long-Term Fertilization
- Assessing Phenological Controls on Carbon and Water Fluxes Using a Process-based Ecohydrological Model Incorporating Field Observations and Remote Sensing Data
- Assessment of VIIRS daily BRDF/Albedo product using in situ measurement of SURFRAD sites and MODIS V006 daily BRDF/Albedo product
- Cool Science: Year 2 of Using Children's Artwork about Climate Change to Engage Riders on Mass Transit
- Equatorial Pacific Coral Geochemical Records Show Recent Weakening of the Walker Circulation
- Evaluation of MODIS and VIIRS Albedo Products Using Ground and Airborne Measurements and Development of Ceos/Wgcv/Lpv Albedo Ecv Protocols
- Sciencetogo.Org: Using Humor to Engage a Public Audience with the Serious Issue of Climate Change
- Seasonal and Diurnal Tropical Forest Greenness Observed and Modeled Using MODIS Terra and Aqua Sensors
- Structure Measurements of Leaf and Woody Components of Forests with Dual-Wavelength Lidar Scanning Data
- Studying dissolved organic carbon export from the Penobscot Watershed in to Gulf of Maine using Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys)
- Surface Reflectance in the Visible for Improved Satellite Measurements of Near-surface Ozone
- The role of stakeholders in Murray-Darling Basin water management: How do irrigators make water use decisions and how can this influence water policy?
- Using the Rapid-Scanning, Ultra-Portable, Canopy Biomass Lidar (CBL) Alone and In Tandem with the Full-Waveform Dual-Wavelength Echidna<SUP>®</SUP> Lidar (DWEL) to Establish Forest Structure and Biomass Estimates in a Variety of Ecosystems
- A New Method of Providing Communities With High-Resolution Maps of Present and Future Inundation Pathways: Two Examples From Massachusetts
- A probabilistic approach for assessing the vulnerability of transportation infrastructure to flooding from sea level rise and storm surge.
- Cool Science: K-12 Climate Change Art Displayed on Buses
- Crowdsourcing a Spatial Temporal Study of Low Frequency (LF) Propagation Effects Due to a Total Solar Eclipse: Engaging Students and Citizens in STEM
- Developing a Validated Long-Term Satellite-Based Albedo Record in the Central Alaska Range to Improve Regional Hydroclimate Reconstructions
- Developing a global mixed-canopy, height-variable vegetation structure dataset for estimating global vegetation albedo and biomass in the NASA Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model and GISS GCM
- Exploring the properties of Solar Prominence Tornados
- Flux tower in a mixed forest: spatial representativeness of seasonal footprints and the influence of land cover variability on the flux measurement
- Identification of Radar Facies and Linked Process-Based Palaeo-environmental Interpretations, Cooloola Sand Mass, Queensland, Australia
- Improving Canopy Vertical Structure Measurements with Dual-Wavelength Laser Scanning
- Mitigating Uncertainty from Vegetation Spatial Complexity with Highly Portable Lidar
- Phenological monitoring of Acadia National Park using Landsat, MODIS and VIIRS observations and fused data
- Quantifying Ecosystem Structural Components with Highly Portable Lidar
- Satellite estimates of trends in magnitude and timing of phytoplankton pigments, primary production and export production in the Arctic Ocean
- Satellite observations of the role and impacts of dry season climate limitations on tropical forest fates
- Using 'Ozzie the Ostrich' to Build Local Partnerships around Climate Change Learning
- Stratigraphic Architecture of a Former Lowland Kauri Swamp in Ruakaka, North Island, New Zealand.
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- The climate of the Last Glacial Maximum in south-eastern Australia
- the Role of Species, Structure, and Biochemical Traits in the Spatial Distribution of a Woodland Community
- Albedo and its Relationship to Land Cover and the Urban Heat Island in the Boston Metropolitan Region
- An Assessment of Differences in Tree Cover Measurements between Landsat and Lidar-derived Products
- Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities of Food Distribution Center Sites in Greater Boston and Their Regional Implications: Climate Adaptation Planning in Practice
- Assessing hydrological changes due to the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid infestation in New England using field measurements and ecohydrological modeling
- Characterizing Magnetic Properties in Belize Corals
- Climate Change Impacts on Transportation; Groundwater Elevation, Road Performance, and Robust Adaptation
- Insights into historical and current sediment transport pathways from quantitative sediment budgets
- Isotopic and Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Groundwater quality of Punjab and Haryana, India.
- Leveraging Available Technologies for Improved Interoperability and Visualization of Remote Sensing and In-situ Oceanographic data at the PO.DAAC
- MALIBU: A High Spatial Resolution Multi-Angle Imaging Unmanned Airborne System to Validate Satellite-derived BRDF/Albedo Products
- Minimizing the regrets of long-term urban floodplain management decisions under deeply uncertain climate change
- Optimal Grid Size for Inter-Comparability of MODIS And VIIRS Vegetation Indices at Level 2G or Higher
- Potential Long-Term Records of Surface Albedo at Fine Spatiotemporal Resolution from Landsat/Sentinle-2A Surface Reflectance and MODIS/VIIRS BRDF
- Precise U/Pb zircons dates of bentonites in Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian reference sections in North America and Britain.
- Quantifying Vegetation Structure with Lightweight, Rapid-Scanning Terrestrial Lidar
- Quantifying the effects of spring freeze-thaw transitions and snowpack dynamics on surface albedo change using satellite optical and microwave remote sensing
- Readings from Visibility Meters: Do They Really Mean the Maximum Distance of Observing A Black Object?
- Using X-Ray Fluorescence Technique to Quantify Metal Concentration in Coral Cores from Belize
- VIS and NIR land surface albedo sensitivity of the Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model to forcing leaf area index
- Validation of VIIRS Land Surface Phenology using Field Observations, PhenoCam Imagery, and Landsat data
- EclipseMob: Results from a nation-wide citizen science experiment on the effects of the 2017 Solar Eclipse on Low-frequency (LF) Radio Propagation
- Evaluation and application of new AVIRIS data for the study of coral reefs in Hawaiian Islands
- Floating Forests: Validation of a Citizen Science Effort to Answer Global Ecological Questions
- Generation and Evaluation of a Global Land Surface Phenology Product from Suomi-NPP VIIRS Observations
- Geospatial Analysis of Low-frequency Radio Signals Collected During the 2017 Solar Eclipse
- Integrated Visualization of Multi-sensor Ocean Data across the Web
- Modeling the Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Groundwater Levels in Coastal New Hampshire
- Opposing effects of fire severity on climate feedbacks in Siberian larch forests
- Progressive Decline in Photosynthetic Uptake Capacity in a Hemlock Stand Infested by Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
- Shallow Water Habitat Mapping in Cape Cod National Seashore: A Post-Hurricane Sandy Study
- Snow driven Radiative Forcing in High Latitude Areas of Disturbance Using Higher Resolution Albedo Products from Landsat and Sentinel-2
- Tracking Reactive Nitrogen Sources, Chemistry and Deposition in Urban Environments Using Stable Isotopes
- Understanding the drivers of post-fire albedo and radiative forcing across Alaska and Canada: implications for management.
- Using Eco-hydrologic modeling in the Penobscot River Watershed to explore the role of climate and land use change on DOC concentration and flux
- Using Online Citizen Science to Assess Giant Kelp Abundances Across the Globe with Satellite Imagery
- EclipseMob 2020/2024 Bluetooth-Based Kit for Crowdsourced Ionospheric Measurements
- Evaluation of satellite-derived land surface albedo products and development of CEOS/WGCV/LPV albedo protocol
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Optically Shallow Waters: Radiometric Challenges and Strategies
- Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density in a High-Elevation Subalpine Conifer Forest
- Quantifying the imprint of atmospheric transport on total column-averaged CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from OCO-2
- Satellite monitoring of hurricane disaster recovery reveals inequalities in energy access
- Shallow Water Seafloor and Habitat Mapping in Cape Cod National Seashore: A Post-Hurricane Sandy Study
- Simulating carbon flux over the Arctic tundra by incorporating remote-sensing data into a plant-level process-based model
- Spatially-Explicit Climate Forcings from Wildfire in Boreal North America
- The Gap between Understanding and Governing our Shifting Coastlines : A Cape Cod Story
- Tools & Services for Integrated Oceanographic Data Access: The Oceanographic In situ data Interoperability project (OIIP)
- Transformative Tuna: How Electronic Animal Tags Improved Rosetta for Everyone.
- Albedo-Driven Radiative Forcing Dynamics from Seasonal Melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Mapping Irrigated Croplands Using HLS Time Series Data
- Phenological control on the high Arctic ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange
- Potential for the Detection of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation from Space
- Radiative Forcing implications of boreal forest disturbances characterized with multi-source, higher resolution albedo from Landsat and Sentinel-2
- Two Decades of MODIS Daily Albedo, NBAR, and BRDF products
- Vector Sensor Simulation and Processing of Auroral Radio Emissions
- Advancing Biodiversity Monitoring by Directly Integrating Remote Sensing Data with Citizen Science Platforms
- Battling COVID-19 from Space: Cross-Scale Changes in Urban Activity Captured by NASA's Black Marble Product Suite
- Dynamics Underlying Self-Organization of Littoral Cells along a Glaciated Passive Coast
- EclipseMob 2.0: Developing a Distributed Support Model for a Build-Your-Own Instrument Citizen Science Experiment
- EclipseMob 2.0: Receiver Design for Low-Frequency RF Data Collection During the 2024 Solar Eclipse
- Forest Aboveground Biomass in the Southwestern U.S. from a MISR Multi-Angle Index, 2000 - 2015
- Geochemical controls on mobilization and transport of tungsten in sediments from Fallon, Nevada: The importance of a possible anthropogenic tungsten source
- Kelp from Space: A Citizen Science Powered Classroom Experience
- Modeling VIIRS Brightness Temperature for Improving Nighttime Cloud Detection
- Tracking Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic using NASA's Black Marble Product Suite
- Using System Dynamics Modeling to Understand how Environmental Changes Impact a Combined Human and Natural Salt Marsh System
- Advancing greenup and snowmelt: Their implications on the carbon cycle of Alaskan tundra ecosystems
- Can Social Safety Nets Prevent Climate-Related Conflict? Evidence from Ethiopia
- EclipseMob 2.0: Updated Plans to Engage Citizen Scientists in a Crowdsourced Experiment During the 2024 Eclipse to Answer Fundamental Questions about the Ionosphere
- Kelp from Space: A Citizen Science Powered Classroom Experience
- Advancing Biodiversity Monitoring by Directly Integrating Remote Sensing Data with Citizen Science Platforms
- Data Quality Assurance in Hydrological Programs Based on Citizen Science: Practices and Opportunities
- Evaluation of Lidar Data Collected from Different Platforms and Spatial Scales for Use in the Measurement of Forest Structure
- First Validation of Earth Reflector Type Index (p) Parameter from DSCOVR EPIC VESDR Data Product Using Australian Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network Observing Sites
- Quantifying the Impact of Time-Dependent VSWIR Spectroscopy: Early Analyses from the SBG High-Frequency Time Series
- The shoreline is not the storyline: Apparent disparities between onshore and offshore sediment transport along a moderate energy coast
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexander Marshak
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bill Liles
- C. M. Gough
- Charles E. Miller
- David R. Thompson
- Ewan S. Douglas
- Frank D. Lind
- Jan Písek
- JiHyun Kim
- Katherine A. Castagno
- Kelly Luis
- Kerry Cawse‐Nicholson
- Kimberley Miner
- Laura Lukes
- Philip G. Brodrick
- R. D. Stevenson
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Yeonjoo Kim
- Yuri Knyazikhin