Tufts University, Massachusetts
flowchart I[Tufts University, Massachusetts] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (289)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (72)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Water Quality Loads: An Uncertainty Framework
- Modeling One-Dimensional Transport of Arsenate Through Iron Oxide-Coated Sands
- The MECA payload on the 2007 Phoenix Mars Scout mission
- Three-dimensional Liquefaction Susceptibility Using Geostatistics
- Earthquake Source Scaling and Wave Propagation in Eastern North America: The Au Sable Forks, NY, Earthquake
- Lab-scale Investigation of Degradation Product Partitioning in Source Zones Containing Chlorinated Solvents
- A Multi-stage Spatial Sampling Strategy With Multiple Criteria for the Quantification of Contaminant Mass Discharge Uncertainty
- An Index Earthquake Frequency Distribution
- Evaluation of the Potential for DNAPL Mobilization During the Delivery of Partitioning Alcohol for in situ Density Conversion
- Exploring the Impact of Wettability on Dynamic Capillary Pressure Effects
- Exploring the Influence of Bioremediation on Dissolution in DNAPL Source Zones
- Opportunities and Challenges in Using Hydrologic Information and Decision Support Tools to Improve Livelihoods in Burkina Faso, West Africa
- Simulation of Low Interfacial Tension DNAPL Mobilization in Porous Media Using the Total Trapping Number Approach
- Aqueous Solution Chemistry on Mars
- Development and Assessment of Oil-in-Water Emulsions for Encapsulation of Reactive Iron Particles for Subsurface Delivery
- Forward modeling of a transect of ground motion recordings of the 3 September 2000 M5.0 Napa/Yountville earthquake
- Investigation of n-C60 Nanoparticle Transport and Retention in Saturated Porous Media
- Dam Dynamics in the Colonial Northeast and Chesapeake: Hydrologic Implications
- Discovery of Perchlorate at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Effects of deliquescent salts in soils of polar Mars on the flow of the Northern Ice Cap
- Estimation Of Leaf Area Index From Landsat Imagery For Texas High Plains Using Support Vector Machines
- Evolution of Hydro-systems: The 500-Year Challenge
- Modeling of the Transport and Retention of Fullerene C60 Aggregates in Porous Media
- Nitrogen Cascade: An Opportunity to Integrate Biogeochemistry and Policy
- Physical and Thermodynamical Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
- Possible Segregated Ice at the Phoenix Landing Site: Was Liquid Water Involved?
- Preliminary identification of minerals at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- Quantitative Uncertainty Analysis of Multiphase flow in Non-stationary Heterogeneous Porous Media
- The Aqueous Chemistry of the Soils at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Transport and Retention of Fullerene Nanoparticles in Porous Media
- Transport and retention of fullerene (C60) nanoparticles in natural soils
- Trichloroethene Reduction within a Nonaqueous Phase Liquid using Zero Valent Iron
- Validating Habitability Assessment of Mars Soils: Life at the Soil-Ice Boundary in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Voltammetric and Chronopotentiometric Soil Analysis at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Wet Chemical Analysis of Antarctica Dry Valley Soils
- A Geohydrologic Modeling Study of Faults and Large-Scale Multiphase Flow and Heat Transport in the Los Angeles Basin, California
- Coupling Socioeconomic and Hydrologic Models to Improve Understanding of Human-Natural Systems Linkages in a Water-Rich Environment
- Minor Element Substitution in Olivine: An Experimental Study
- Modeling Degradation Product Partitioning in Chlorinated-DNAPL Source Zones
- Permeability of the South Ellwood Fault, Offshore Santa Barbara, California
- Scalable robust solvers for unstructured FE geodynamic models, with an application to geoid calculations from high resolution tomography models in a subduction setting
- The influence of wettability variations on dynamic effects in capillary pressure
- Analytical Determinations of the Phenolic Content of Dissolved Organic Matter
- Anthropogenic Nutrient Loading in the Northeastern US 1920-2000
- Changing Flow Patterns In The Ganges And Brahmaputra Basins: Evidence Of Regional Climate Warming In The Eastern Himalayas?
- Evaluation of the Quick Urban and Industrial Complex (QUIC) Modeling System to Predict Ultrafine Particle Levels in an Urban Neighborhood near a Highway
- Hydrology and Human Health: Predicting Cholera Outbreaks using Remote Sensing Data
- Mega-scale Groundwater Flow in the Submarine Plover Aquifer, Continental Shelf of Northern Australia
- Understanding the linkages and feedbacks in human-water systems: development of an integrated systems framework
- Water Quality Loading: Trends in the Northeastern Corridor of US During the 20th Century
- Yungay Atacama, Chile, and University Valley, Antarctica, as Mars analogs, based on aridity as indicated by soil salt profiles and other characteristics
- A Regional Water Resource Planning Model to Explore the Water-Energy Nexus in the American Southwest
- Evaluation of metal oxide and carbonate nanoparticle stability in soybean oil: Implications for controlled release of alkalinity during subsurface remediation
- Influencing Hydrologic Data Search Design by Visualizing Hydrologic Metadata Patterns
- Large-Scale Multiphase Flow Modeling of Hydrocarbon Migration and Fluid Sequestration in Faulted Cenozoic Sedimentary Basins, Southern California
- Mathematical Modeling of the Subsurface Behavior of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles in the Presence of Stabilizing Polymers
- Modeling the simultaneous transport of silver nanoparticles and dissolved silver ions in water-saturated sand columns
- Satellite Water Impurity Marker (SWIM) for predicting seasonal cholera outbreaks
- Satellite based Estimation of Evapotranspiration for All Sky Conditions
- Streamflow Recession Analysis Incorporating Human Water Use
- The Influence of Hydrophilic Interactions on the Sorption and Mobility of Naproxen at Environmentally-Relevant Concentrations
- Vertical Changes in Formation Water Composition in Arkosic California Basins: Implications for Types of Water-Rock interaction and Fluid transfer
- Water Diplomacy: A Synthesis of Explicit and Tacit Water Information to Create Actionable Knowledge
- Water Quality vs. Sanitation Accessibility: What is the most effective intervention point for preventing cholera in Dhaka, Bangladesh?
- Water, Power, and Stress: Impacts of Thermoelectric Power Generation on Water Basins in the Coterminous U.S
- A post-Kyoto partner: Considering the Montreal Protocol as a tool to manage nitrous oxide
- An EarthCube Roadmap for Cross-Domain Interoperability in the Geosciences: Governance Aspects
- Characterization of DNAPL Source Zone Architecture and Prediction of Associated Plume Response: Progress and Perspectives
- Coupled Complex Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Push-Pull Tracer Test
- Effects of Faults on Petroleum Fluid Dynamics, Borderland Basins of Southern California
- Geospatial and temporal patterns of annual cholera outbreaks in Matlab, Bangladesh
- Hydrologic, Ecologic and Livelihood Impact Assessment of a System of Small Reservoirs in Ghana
- Identity of the Perchlorate Parent Salt(s) at the Phoenix Mars Landing Site Based on Reanalysis of the Calcium Sensor Response
- Modeling the influence of aggregation on nanoparticle transport and retention in porous media
- Providing Data Access for Interdisciplinary Research
- Synchronizing the North American Varve Chronology with Greenland ice core records using meteoric 10Be flux
- The CUAHSI Water Data Center: Empowering scientists to discover, use, store, and share water data
- Water-borne Infections, Weather Variability and Climate Change in Eastern Russia
- Accounting for Water Insecurity in Modeling Domestic Water Demand
- Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of Push-Pull Partitioning Tracer Test Data for DNAPL Saturation Estimation
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (Invited)
- Comparison of He isotopes in Tertiary basins of Southern California: evidence of fault related mantle helium
- Confronting Oahu's Water Woes: Identifying Scenarios for a Robust Evaluation of Policy Alternatives
- Effects of Composition on Fe XANES Redox Calibrations in Glasses
- Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes from the us Atlantic Coast
- HydroShare: An online, collaborative environment for the sharing of hydrologic data and models (Invited)
- HydroShare: Applying professional software engineering to a new NSF-funded large software project
- Inventorying and Assessing Cyberinfrastructure Readiness for Cross-Domain Information Re-use in the Geosciences: a Perspective from Hydrology (Invited)
- Mineralization and Convective Mixing in Geological CO2 storage
- Modeling Chlorinated Solvent Persistence Due to Back Diffusion from Low-permeability Strata in Heterogeneous Aquifers
- Perchlorate Formation on Mineral Surfaces under Ambient Mars Conditions
- Reconciling Scale Mismatch in Water Governance, Hydro-climatic Processes and Infrastructure Systems of Water Supply in Las Vegas
- Remote sensing from the desktop up, a students's personal stairway to space (Invited)
- Revision of Ernst Antevs' New England Varve Chronology: A Record of Meltwater Production and Southeastern LIS Recession: 18.2-12.5 kyr BP (Invited)
- Sea-level variability in tide-gauge and geological records: An empirical Bayesian analysis (Invited)
- Size distribution effects on the fate and transport of nanoparticles in porous media
- Spatial and temporal variability of late Holocene sea-level changes in the North Atlantic (Invited)
- Statistical modelling of sea level rates ensuring the appropriate inclusion of uncertainties
- The uncertainty of future water supply adequacy in megacities: Effects of population growth and climate change
- Tidal Fluctuations in a Deep Fault Extending Under the Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Variable land-level changes at a non-persistent megathrust rupture boundary, Sitkinak Island, Alaska
- Accounting for Multiple Sources of Uncertainty in the Statistical Analysis of Holocene Sea Levels
- An Analysis of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones and Their Impacts on Coastal Inundation in New York and New Jersey during the Last Millennium
- Assessing Source Zone Mass Depletion in Heterogeneous Media: Application of a Multi-Rate-Mass-Transfer Approach Based on a Geostatistical Medium Description
- Common Era Sea-Level Change
- Effect of Aseismic Ridge Subduction on Volcanism in the NE Lesser Antilles Arc
- Effects of Perchlorate on Organic Molecules under Simulated Mars Conditions
- Enceladus Environmental Explorer (EVE): A Mission Concept
- Ferric Iron Concentrations in Silicate Glasses: a Mössbauer and XAS Study
- Geofluid Dynamics of Faulted Sedimentary Basins
- Gravity Currents with Convective Mixing: High-resolution Numerical Simulations
- Interdisciplinary Research to Elucidate Mechanisms Governing Silver Nanoparticle Fate and Transport in Porous Media
- Laboratory Assessment of a Screening Model: Exploring the Coupling between Dissolution and Degradation Rates in Ganglia-Dominated Source Zones
- Land Use Change Impacts to Flows and Hydropower at the Southern Fringe of the Brazilian Amazon: A Regional, Empirical Study of Land-Water-Energy Nexus Dynamics
- Marsh Equilibrium Theory: A Paleo Perspective
- Multi-decadal forcing of precipitation along the southeastern USA during the late Holocene
- Redox State of Iron in Lunar Glasses using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis
- Sociohydrology of an Arid City: Development of a Coupled Model of Water Management in Las Vegas
- The Resilience and Recovery of Salt Marshes to Landfalling Storms and Sea-Level Rise, New Jersey, USA
- Using Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Identify Cryptotephra Layers
- Water under a Changing and Uncertain Climate: Lessons from Climate Model Ensembles
- A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Reconstructing Sea Level from the Common Era: From Raw Data to Rates of Change
- Automation of Endmember Pixel Selection in SEBAL/METRIC Model
- Chemotaxis Increases the Residence Time Distribution of Bacteria in Granular Media Containing Distributed Contaminant Sources
- Examining the Secondary Impacts of Biostimulation on Water Quality and Sustained Bioremediation
- Impacts of Climate Trends and Variability on Livestock Production in Brazil
- Interdisciplinary Research to Elucidate Mechanisms Governing Silver Nanoparticle Fate and Transport in Porous Media
- Machine Learning in Ionospheric Phenomena Detection Using Passive Radar
- Past, Present, and Future Threat of Tropical Cyclones and Coastal Flooding in New York City
- Reassessing Site Effects in Idaho National Laboratory in Light of New Data
- Reconstructing Late Holocene Relative Sea-level Changes on the Gulf Coast of Florida
- The Impact of Buried Horizons and Deep Soil Pedogenesis on Soil Carbon Content and Vertical Distribution
- The Probability Distribution of Daily Streamflow
- The Quantification and Identification of Land Use Change Impacts to Hydrology in Brazil from Headwater to Large Basin Scales
- Water stress as a trigger of demand change: exploring the implications for drought planning
- A Flood Forecasting Scheme for Large Rivers with Requisite Simplicity
- An Organochronology and Deep History of a North Carolina Tidal Marsh
- Analytical Solution for Transport with Bimolecular Reactions in Fracture-Matrix Systems with Application to In-Situ Chemical Oxidation
- Constraints on Fault Permeability from Helium and Heat Flow in the Los Angeles Basin
- Data and Models as Social Objects in the HydroShare System for Collaboration in the Hydrology Community and Beyond
- Exploration of the influence of coupled mass transfer processes on chlorinated solvent plume persistence in heterogeneous source zones
- Exploring Mass Flux Response to Local Source Zone Properties Using a Coupled-Process Adjoint Sensitivity Method
- Global and regional sea level proxy-model consistency over the Common Era
- Impact of Extreme Streamflows on Brook Trout Young-of-Year Abundance
- Linking Field and Satellite Observations to Reveal Differences in Single vs. Double-Cropped Soybean Yields in Central Brazil
- Low-Temperature Heating to Enhance the Performance of Organohalide-Respiring Bacteria
- Modelling Per Capita Water Demand Change to Support System Planning
- On Complex Water Conflicts: Role of Enabling Conditions for Pragmatic Resolution
- Reactive Hydrothermal Flow Model for Mid-Oceanic Ridges
- Seasonal Variability of Salt Marsh Foraminifera at the Narrow River, Rhode Island, USA
- The pace of arc volcanism
- Understanding Transitions Toward Sustainable Urban Water Management: Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles
- Unraveling the history of complex zoned garnets from the North Motagua Mélange (Guatemala)
- A High-Resolution Reconstruction of Late-Holocene Relative Sea Level in Rhode Island, USA
- A Mid-Holocene Relative Sea-Level Stack, New Jersey, USA
- Advances in high-resolution synchrotron micro-XANES for constraining the redox evolution of terrestrial and extraterrestrial magma
- Aircraft Observations of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) in the San Joaquin Valley of California
- Brazilian Soybean Yields and Yield Gaps Vary with Farm Size
- Climate risks to agriculture in Amazon arc-of-deforestation create incentives to conserve local forests
- Data-driven fault mechanics: Inferring fault hydro-mechanical properties from in situ observations of injection-induced aseismic slip
- Deriving and Constraining 3D CME Kinematic Parameters from Multi-Viewpoint Coronagraph Images
- Discriminative Random Field Models for Subsurface Contamination Uncertainty Quantification
- Effect of Hydration State of Martian Perchlorate Salts on their Decomposition Temperatures during Thermal Extraction
- Evidence and Options for Informed Decision-Making to Achive Arctic Sustainability
- Holocene sea level, a semi-empirical contemplation
- HydroShare: A Platform for Collaborative Data and Model Sharing in Hydrology
- Let's Talk About Water: Film as a Resource to Engage Audiences Around Earth Science Issues
- Mapping Relative Sea Level Influences of the Cape Fear Arch in southern North Carolina
- ODM2 Admin Pilot Project- a Data Management Application for Observations of the Critical Zone.
- Relative Sea Level, Tidal Range, and Extreme Water Levels in Boston Harbor from 1825 to 2016
- Sea-level variability in the Common Era along the Atlantic coast of North America
- Sedimentary and Vegetative Impacts of Hurricane Irma to Coastal Wetland Ecosystems across Southwest Florida
- Tapping the deglacial secrets of Lake Oneida sediments: Establishing a connection between radiocarbon and paleomagnetics in Fish Creek sediments
- The HydroShare Collaborative Repository for the Hydrology Community
- Understanding the Unusual 2017 Monsoon and Floods in South Asia
- Updating estimates of low streamflow statistics to account for possible trends
- Variability in soybean yield in Brazil stemming from the interaction of heterogeneous management and climate variability
- Water stress, water salience, and the implications for water supply planning
- Advanced ecosystem accounting for state to country-level forest sector net emissions that account for biogenic, pryogenic, and anthropogenic emissions
- Compiling a training data set for rapid detection of earthquake-induced building collapse using satellite imagery
- Drivers of rapid global and regional sea level change in the Common Era
- Effect of UV Radiation and Shock Pressures on the Fate of Bio-organic Molecules in the Presence and Absence of Martian Analogue Minerals: Gözen Ertem, Chris McKay, Samuel Kounaves and Robert M. Hazen
- Effects of Human Influences and Natural Persistence on Low Streamflow Changes in the United States
- Estimating soybean plant and harvest dates in Brazil
- Evaluating the Robustness of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Using Integrated Climate and Socio-Economic Scenarios
- Forecasting agricultural losses from biogeophysical climate change
- Hydro-seismology: Monitoring groundwater with changes in seismic velocity
- HydroShare tools and recommended practices for sharing and publishing data and models in support of collaborative reproducible research
- Increasing our understanding of perchlorate salts during thermal decomposition and their implications for life detection on Mars
- Mechanisms of late Holocene relative sea-level variability in the Chesapeake Bay
- Origin of spatial variation in United States East Coast sea level trends during 1900-2017
- Pathways to the Paris Agreement targets are narrow and rapidly closing
- Properties of Magnetic Reconnection and Hard X-ray Energetics in Two-ribbon Flares
- Reachability Analysis as a Design Tool for Stormwater Systems: Towards Planning in the Presence of Stochastic Surface Runoff
- Reconstructing global and regional sea-level trends during the Common Era
- Reservoirs in Hydrological Models: Is There a Pilot on Board?
- River-discharge effects on United States Atlantic and Gulf coast sea-level changes
- Science Diplomacy: The Next Ten Years
- The 2017 Floods in South Asia: The State of Prediction, and Potential of a Requisitely Simple Forecast Model
- The inception of the Anthropocene as revealed by proxy sea-level records
- 5000-year records of relative sea-level change from Florida and the northwest Atlantic
- Advances in the HydroShare Community Platform Enabling the Integration of Water Data in Support of Hydrologic Research
- Application of a New Eu-in-Plagioclase-Melt Oxybarometer to MORBs and Arc Magmas
- CyberWater—An open and sustainable framework for diverse data and model integration
- Detecting earthquake-induced liquefaction using VHR satellite and aerial imageries fused with geospatial data
- Estimating future sea-level rise by 2100 and 2300 AD from expert assessment
- Flood nonstationarity across the US: Detection, attribution, and adjustment
- How sociohydrology can help address the global water crisis
- The Lunar Volatiles Orbiter: A Discovery mission proposal to determine the history and dynamics of solar system volatiles through observations of the Moon
- The inherent costs and uncertainties of water scarcity in a changing world
- Towards Creating an Environment of Cooperation between Water, Energy, and Food Stakeholders in San Antonio
- Animal Occurrence Probability and Power Outage Risk in ISO New England
- Applications of Modern Portfolio Theory Risk Metrics to the Electrical Grid
- Climate Change and Collective Violence
- Comparative Study of the Ability of Three Martian Simulants to Support Bacterial Growth
- Critical Risk Indicators (CRIs) for the electric power grid: A survey and discussion of interconnected effects
- Deforestation associated with seasonal rainfall intensity, frequency, and clustering in the Amazon-Cerrado transition zone
- Developing a new biodiversity risk indicator based on finance metrics
- Evaluation of Agricultural Waste Repurposing using Ion Exchanged Potassium Clinoptilolite
- Exploiting the Redundancy in ICESat-2 Geolocated Photon Data (ATL03), a Multiscale Data Reduction Approach
- Exploring the benefits of integrated energy-water management in reducing economic and ecological tradeoffs
- Geochemical Consequences of Pressure and Temperature in Arc Magma Formation: Modeled Partitioning of Sr/Y and La/Yb in Primary Arc Magmas.
- Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists
- Identifying Driving Factors of Extinction and Body Size for Molluscs During the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction
- Improved estimators of model goodness-of-fit
- MICA: Microfluidic Icy-World Chemistry Analyzer
- Mid-Crustal Magmatic Assimilation In Arc Magmas: their effect on Sr/Y and La/Yb ratio in different P and T conditions
- Multi-objective Research on Meeting Sustainable Development Goals
- Phytoplankton composition and ocean color optical relationships on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
- Projected carbon emissions from North American boreal forest wildfires and the climate mitigation potential of fire management
- Quantitative Assessment of International Collaboration on Reaching the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
- Squids, Snails, and Shellfish: How Oxygen Affected Molluscan Body Size in the Ordovician
- Testing the Relationship of Brachiopod Body Size and Oxygen Levels during the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction
- Testing the Relationship of Brachiopoda Generic Richness, Origination, and Body Size During the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
- The Failure Forecast Method applied to the GPS and seismic data collected in the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) in 2011-2020.
- The Future of Forest Ecosystem Benefits: Science-Based Management in the Anthropocene
- Understanding the multiscale impacts of responses to water scarcity and land use change
- A Parsimonious Stochastic Watershed Model for Risk-based Decision Making
- A low-temperature hydrothermal cutoff: Plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex
- Analysis of Flood Risk Changes in Semarang, Indonesia
- Approaches to International Water Allocation: Introducing the Typology for Transboundary Water Allocation
- Aspirations for, and Realities of, Publishing and Sharing Water Information in HydroShare
- Bayesian optimization framework for forecasting electric power outages
- Climate-driven global mean sea-level changes over the Common Era
- Comparing Extinction Rate and Threat of Molluscs During the Cambrian and Ordovician Periods to the Modern Day with Respect to Body Size and Ecology
- Considering Uncertainty in Historical Ice Jam Floods to Constrain Uncertainty in Future Flood Probabilities
- Do Winter Storms Pose Hidden Risks for Offshore Wind and the New England Grid?
- Effect of Aerobic Biosurfactant Producing Soil Bacteria on the Transport and Retention of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Water-Saturated Quartz Sand
- Evaluating Federal Allocation for Flood Mitigation Funding in the United States
- Exploring the benefits of integrated energy-water management in reducing economic and ecological tradeoffs
- Flow channelization in stressed rough fractures and the evolution of the transport regime
- Geology and geomorphology based f0 models of New England
- Greedy Multiscale Surrogates for Uncertainty Quantification
- Identifying Drivers of Future Water Scarcity in Latin America and the Caribbean Using a Scenario Discovery Approach
- Impact of temperature and precipitation on water fetching time in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Implications of Global Agricultural Trade Uncertainty for Latin Americas Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems
- Increasing the Accessibility of Solar Science through Interactive Demonstration
- Initial Soil Conditions Outweigh Management in a Cool-Season Dairy Farms Carbon Sequestration Potential
- Investigating the Relationship between Metabolic Rate and Extinction Probability for Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Echinodermata, and Mollusca Phyla during the Cenozoic Era
- Late Holocene relative sea-level changes in the tropical western Pacific Ocean: implications for geophysics and archaeology
- Nucleation and arrest of aseismic fault slip, during and after fluid pressurization
- Predicting Ungauged, Human-Altered Streamflow with Theory-Guided Machine Learning
- Pricing carbon reduces global health risks and inequities from air pollution exposure
- Robust assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of land scarcity
- Role of Hydroelectric Power on Electricity Price and Storage Capacity for the Independent System Operator in New England
- Scenario Discovery Analysis of Drivers of Solar and Wind Energy Transitions through 2050
- Self-similar fault slip in response to fluid injection
- The Costs and Benefits of Fire Management in Alaska Through 2100
- The Influence of Climate Change on Vibriosis in the United States: Projected Health and Economic Impacts for the 21st Century
- The abuse of popular performance metrics in hydrologic modeling
- The nature of the Mush Zone beneath fast-spreading ocean ridges: insights from the lower crust of the Oman ophiolite
- Using Machine Learning Models and Logistic Regression Analyses to Develop a Comprehensive Understanding of Extinction Risk For Marine Animal Phyla Across the Paleozoic
- A new scenario framework for the Multi-Sector Dynamics and related communities
- Cataloging Jovian Vortices: A Crowd-Sourced Deep Learning approach
- Characterizing and Modeling Non-stationary Errors in Stochastic Watershed Models (SWM)
- DIYnamics: An Active Learning, Scalable Climate Sciences Teaching Platform
- Discovering Human and Earth System Drivers of Global Peak Water Limits
- Exploring sustainable energy pathways for a South American sub-region
- Independent, identically distributed residual errors of watershed models enable uncertainty evaluation and risk-based management
- Near-Term Predictability Lowers Long-Term Adaptation Costs
- Pricing carbon emissions reduces health inequities from air pollution exposure
- Process Based Modeling of Denitrification Stimulated and Sustained with Emulsified Vegetable Oil
- Role of hydropower, wind, and solar in the evolution of global energy under different demand and technological growth scenarios
- The Future Global Water Savings Potential of Agricultural Market Integration
- Tool and Asset Development for Occultation Visualization within OpenSpace Planetarium Software
- Uncertainty, Error and Anomalies in ML models of Remote Sensing Data
- Unintended Consequences of Cimate Change Mitigation for African River Basins
- Within-city variation in ambient carbon monoxide concentrations: Leveraging low-cost monitors in a spatiotemporal modeling framework
- Wormhole Formation in a Porous Medium: A Three-Dimensional Study of Its Length Scaling and Effect on Permeability
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Abigail Birnbaum
- Adarsh Ambati
- Afm Kamal Chowdhury
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Andrea Castelletti
- Ankit Barik
- Anthony M. Castronova
- Antoine B. Jacquey
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian C. O’Neill
- Chaopeng Shen
- Christian Möstl
- Claudia Tebaldi
- Daniel P. Ames
- David G. Tarboton
- Dawn Woodard
- Gregory W. Characklis
- Guoqiang Tang
- J. D. Smith
- J. M. Aurnou
- Jacob Wessel
- James Doss‐Gollin
- James E. Neumann
- Jeffery S. Horsburgh
- Jianzhao Bi
- Jonathan R. Lamontagne
- Jordan Kern
- Juan M. Lora
- Julianne Quinn
- Katherine A. Muller
- Katherine Calvin
- Kathryn Lawson
- Kerem Ziya Akdemir
- Kevin M. Smith
- Kevin Shook
- Klaus Keller
- Kyle A. Arndt
- Laura Read
- Lianne Sheppard
- M. H. Hecht
- Magaly Koch
- Martyn P. Clark
- Matteo Giuliani
- Mengqi Zhao
- Michael Kolian
- Molly Elder
- Muhammad Hassan Khan Niazi
- Natalie L. Cápiro
- Neal Graham
- Patrick M. Reed
- Paul H. Whitfield
- Pedro M. Monarrez
- Prashant Shekhar
- R. K. Varner
- Ramanakumar Sankar
- Robert C. Viesca
- Robert Kopp
- Rosa I. Cuppari
- S. Papalexiou
- Shaowen Wang
- Shawn Brueshaber
- Shervan Gharari
- Simona Denaro
- Siwa Msangi
- Susan Hill
- Upmanu Lall
- Vivek Srikrishnan
- Wei Li
- William Farmer
- Wouter Knoben
- Zachary Paul Brodeur