Appalachian State University, North Carolina
flowchart I[Appalachian State University, North Carolina] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (253)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (57)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Consistent Melt Production From a Weak but Stable Galapagos Plume; Inferences From Fernandina Volcano
- Elastic Wave Velocity Measurements on Mantle Peridotite at High Pressure and Temperature
- Orbital and Sub-orbital Periodicities in East Greenland Ice-rafting Since 630 ka
- Glacial Advances and Retreats in Tectonic Southeast Alaska During the Little Ice Age and Last Glacial Maximum: Preliminary Results from EW0408
- Grain Size Dependent, Short Time Scale Watershed Terrain Evolution Model Using a Path Sampling Monte Carlo Method
- High-Resolution Holocene Records of Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Variability from the Southern Alaskan Continental Margin
- High-resolution seismic images of southeast Alaskan glacial fjords and continental shelf: Is the present the key to the past?
- Multiple Glacial Advance and Retreat Cycles Preserved in Yakutat Bay, Southern Alaska: Potential for Constraining Cordilleran Ice Sheet and Southern Alaskan Climate Histories
- A Marine Record of the Largest Jokulhlaup's in Recorded History: an Analogy for Subglacial Outburst Flooding
- High-Resolution Glacial Discharge Records From Deep-Water Tidal Rhythmites in an Alaskan Fjord
- Integration of a Simple Bimodal Bedload Transport Law for Nearshore Morphodynamics
- Polarimetric Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Corona from 400 to 2000 nm during the Total Solar Eclipse of 29 March 2006
- Regional Gradients in Shortening and Rates in a Foreland Basin due to Oblique Collision: Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Northwest Tarim Basin, Western China
- Volatile Abundances and Magma Geochemistry of Recent (2006) Through Ancient Eruptions (Less Than 2100 aBP) of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- What are we Dating? An Evaluation of Chemical Pretreatment Methods for AMS 14C Dating of Peat
- Correlating tidewater glacial meltwater discharge with El Niño-Southern Oscillation in Southern Alaska
- Diurnal Hysteresis Between Soil CO2 and Soil Temperature is Controlled by Soil Water Content
- Expanding Ice Sheets on the Antarctic Peninsula during the Plio/Pleistocene Recorded in Continental Rise Sediment Drifts
- Four Summers of Ozone Profiles Over Beltsville, MD: A Study of Free-Tropospheric and Boundary Layer Ozone
- Fractal Interpolation and Monte Carlo Simulations to Address Aliasing in Well Hydrographs
- NATIVE Column Ozone Measurements Over Richland, WA During INTEX-B and Comparisons With OMI Satellite Retrievals
- Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Forested Montane Watershed: Trends and Trials in Complex Terrain.
- Preliminary analysis of an ozonesonde data from Panama as part of TC-4
- Species Effects on Stand-Level Nutrient Economy of a Costa Rican Rain Forest
- Theory and Practice in Determining the Long-Term Spatial Productivity of Drylands: A California Blue Oak Case Study
- Comparison of High-Resolution Depositional Records of Hillslope and Fluvial-Dominated Catchments, San Gabriel Mountains, CA
- Convective and Wave Signatures in Ozone Profiles in Equatorial Americas: Views from TC4 and SHADOZ
- Effects of Spatially Heterogeneous Vegetation Water Stress on Hydrological Processes within a Forested, Mountain Watershed
- Geologic Slip Rates and Interseismic Deformation in the Ventura Region, Southern California
- Kinematically Coupled Strike-Slip and Normal Faults in the Lake Mead Strike-Slip Fault System, Southeast Nevada
- Paleoclimatic and Faunal Significance of (Pliocene) Zoophycos in ANDRILL 1B
- The Role of Heavy Ions as Coronal Diagnostics: Recent Results from Total Solar Eclipse Observations
- Towards Predicting Sheet Flow Sediment Transport as a Diffusive Process
- Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing in the Southern Appalachian Mountains: Initial Results from the Appalachian Atmospheric Interdisciplinary Research (AppalAIR) Facility
- Complex stormflow behavior in hillslopes - temporal and spatial attributes (Invited)
- Connectivity Dynamics in Hillslope Soil Moisture Flow
- Inferring Glacial Dynamics From Temperate Glacimarine Grounding-Line Deposits
- Interpreting the propagation and filtering of hydrological and biogeochemical signals in forested watersheds through the intersection of vegetation organization and topography (Invited)
- Joint topographic and vegetation controls on hillslope water table dynamics in a forested, northern Rocky Mountain watershed
- Secular Stress Accumulation, Coulomb Stress Changes, and Clock Changes on Los Angeles Regional Faults: Preliminary Results
- Sedimentological evidence for a deforming bed in a late Pleistocene glacial sequence from ANDRILL AND-1B, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Simulation of land-atmosphere gaseous exchange using a coupled land surface-biogeochemical model
- Statistics of Long Paleoearthquake Records: Comparison of San Andreas Fault and Dead Sea Fault Behavior
- The Frazier Mountain Paleoseismic Site on the Big Bend Portion of the San Andreas Fault, A.D. 1480 to Present
- The Role of Spatially Variable Soil Moisture in Modeling Landscape-Scale Soil Respiration
- The effect of bank storage on baseflow temperatures in urbanized streams
- A New Correlation of Large Earthquakes Along the Southern San Andreas Fault
- A parsimonious, process-based hydrological model for headwater catchments
- Bank storage as a thermal sink of temperature surges in urbanized streams
- Field-mapping and petrographic analysis of volcanoes surrounding the Lake Natron Homo sapiens footprint site, northern Tanzania
- Integrating Ground Penetrating Radar, Electrical Resistivity, Seismic Refraction, and Borehole Data to Image an Alluvial Aquifer in Three Dimensions
- Quasi-Periodic Recurrence of Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault (Invited)
- Rates and environmental controls of sediment N and S cycles in diverse aquatic ecosystems
- Rates of soil-litter mixing beneath and between shrub canopies in a semiarid shrubland: Combined effects of aeolian/fluvial redistribution
- Seamless Provenance Representation and Use in Collaborative Science Scenarios
- Spatial Variations in Slip on Corrugated Reverse Fault Surfaces
- Structure and Earthquakes at the Frazier Mountain Paleoseismic Site on the San Andreas Fault since A.D. 1000
- The Ups and Downs of Geodetically-Derived Deformation Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges Region, CA
- Timing of the End-Triassic Extinctions on Land: the Moenave Formation on the Southern Colorado Plateau, USA
- Vegetation influences on hillslope-stream connectivity in a forested northern Rocku Mountain watershed
- A Measurement-Based Climatology of Aerosol Radiative Properties and Direct Radiative Forcing in the Southeastern U.S.-Initial Results from a Regionally-Representative Site
- Alkyl Nitrates and Oxidized Volatile Organic Compounds during NACHTT: Influence on Reactive Chlorine Activation
- Bank storage influence on riparian hot spots and hot moments: A modeling study
- Biogenic Contributions to Aromatic Hydrocarbon Production over Continental North America
- CAN-DOO: The Climate Action Network through Direct Observations and Outreach
- Characterization of Nonmethane Hydrocarbons during the NACHTT Campaign at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory
- Earthquake ages and displacements, Frazier Mountain paleoseismic site
- Importance of nitryl chloride to the radical budget in a continental region
- Measurements of Acetic Acid and its Relationships with Trace Gases on Appledore Island, ME during the ICARTT Campaign
- Measurements of Halocarbons at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory during NACHTT 2011
- Short and long-term sea-level controls on coastal peat/gravel barrier systems
- Static Stress Changes due to the 1994 M6.7 Northridge Earthquake and the Potential for Triggered Slip on the San Andreas Fault
- Surface Deformation and Slip Distribution of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake Determined from InSAR
- Tectonic, Seasonal, and Anthropogenic Deformation Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, California from the San Andreas to the Santa Barbara Channel
- Vegetation Structure and Function along Ephemeral Streams in the Sonoran Desert
- A Multi-Year Study of Aerosol Loading, Optical Properties, and Direct Radiative Effects from Four U.S. Regions
- An audit of the global carbon budget: identifying and reducing sources of uncertainty
- Atmospheric Research and Public Outreach Activities at Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina
- Earthquake Cycle Deformation and GPS: A Quantitative Computer-Based Activity for Undergraduate Students
- Exploratory Water Budget Analysis of A Transitional Premontane Cloud Forest in Costa Rica Through Undergraduate Research
- Impacts of Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Production on Regional Air Quality
- Microscale Throughfall and Precipitation Heterogeneity in a Transitional Cloud Forest
- Modeling and experiments for sheet flow transport with bimodal size distributions
- Multi-scale dependence of Soil N2O emissions on soil moisture, soil temperature, and fertilization rates
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Strain Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, California
- Along strike variation in fault creep on the active Alto Tiberina low angle normal fault inferred from GPS geodesy
- Dissolved Organic Carbon In Precipitation At A Coastal Rural Site
- Early Pleistocene to Holocene glacial activity along the southern Alaska continental shelf inferred from the sedimentary record in the northern Gulf of Alaska - preliminary results
- Estimates of carbon cycle surface fluxes from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project
- Identifying Anthropogenic Emissions of Atmospheric Mercury and Methane in Urban Houston Using Measurements from A Mobile Laboratory
- Illumina sequencing of fungi associated with manganese oxide deposits in cave systems
- Influence of elevated NOx levels on the oxidation capacity of the atmospheric boundary layer in Barrow, Alaska
- Interplay between climatic and tectonic processes in the St. Elias foreland, southern Alaska: Evolution of a glaciated convergent margin since the mid-Pleistocene
- Late Devonian Anoxia Events in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: a Global Phenomenon
- Meteorological Influences on SE U.S. Background Aerosol Variability: Multi-Year Measurements from the Appalachian Atmospheric Interdisciplinary Research Facility (AppalAIR)
- Neogene marine sedimentary record of the Gulf of Alaska: from the glaciers to the distal submarine fan systems
- Observations and Estimates of Secondary Organic Aerosol Production in Western North Carolina
- Potential links between onshore tectonics and terrestrial organic carbon delivery to distal submarine fan environments: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Propagated Uncertainty in Scattering in Humidified Nephelometers
- Resolution and Uncertainty in Spatial CO2 Emissions Estimates
- Southern Alaska glaciations recorded in deep-sea diamicts: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 341 (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of Pleistocene biogenic sediment accumulation in the Gulf of Alaska
- The provenance of clasts deposited on the Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska: First results of IODP Expedition 341
- A Study of Aerosol Optical and Chemical Properties from the Perspectives of Source Region, Local, and Synoptic Meteorology During Summer 2013 at a Southeast US Regionally Representative Site
- Biozone Characterization of Foraminifera in Upper Pleistocene through Recent Shelf and Slope Sediments, Northern Gulf of Alaska: Integration of SHE-diversity and Polytopic Vector Analyses
- Evaluation of Land-Surface Models with GOSAT Carbon Dioxide Measurements
- Fast Horizontal Contraction without Vertical Strain: Puzzling Interseismic Geodetic Measurements in the Ventura Basin, CA
- Fresh Insights into the Sources and Distribution of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) from New In Situ and Satellite Observations
- Geospatial Characterization of Fluvial Wood Arrangement in a Semi-confined Alluvial River
- Goldstone and Arecibo Radar Imaging of Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 HQ124
- InSAR Measurements of Non-Tectonic Deformation Patterns in the Western Transverse Ranges, CA
- Late Pleistocene biogenic sedimentation in the Gulf of Alaska: A biogeochemical perspective from IODP Expedition 341
- PAN Among the Peaks: A preliminary analysis of new peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) measurements in Rocky Mountain National Park
- Petrogenesis of Garnet-bearing Rocks in the Grandfather Mountain Window, Blue Ridge Province, Western North Carolina
- Quantifying Walker River stream temperature variability using distributed temperature sensing data
- Summertime Relationships Between NO<SUB>x</SUB>, NO<SUB>y</SUB>, and O<SUB>3</SUB> in the Denver-Julesburg Basin
- Systematic Relationships among Background SE U.S. Aerosol Optical, Micro-physical, and Chemical Properties-Development of an Optically-based Aerosol Characterization
- The Distribution of Fault Slip Rates and Oblique Slip Patterns in the Greater Los Angeles, CA Region
- The Ring System Discovered Around the Centaur Object (10199) Chariklo
- Using vegetation structure estimates derived from multi-source remote sensing to predict dynamics of a semi-arid ecosystem in the western US
- A Comparison of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics and Observations from Multiple Networks and Videos during the 31 May 2013 El Reno, OK Tornadic Supercell Storm
- Background Southeast United States Aerosol Optical Properties and Their Dependence Upon Meteorology
- Climate-Ice Sheet Interactions through the Plio-Pleistocene: Preliminary Results from IODP 341 Expedition (Gulf of Alaska).
- Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Models to Estimate Leaf Area Index of Dryland Shrubs.
- Crustal Anisotropy in the Cascadia Subduction Zone - Evidence from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- High Resolution Geodetic Measurements of Interseismic Deformation Across the Ventura Basin, CA
- Lagrangian Measurements, Simulation, and Theory for Incipient Motion in Oscillatory Flows
- Modeling Releasing Steps of Strike-Slip Fault Systems: Implications for Conflicting Estimates of Long-Term Slip Rates
- Rate and Velocity of Climate Change Caused by Cumulative Carbon Emissions
- Seasonal Variations in Subsurface Electrical Resistivity in a Floodplain Aquifer
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Seasonal and Anthropogenic Ground Movements Recorded by Continuous GPS in Southern California
- Summer-winter differences in the relationships among background southeastern U.S. aerosol optical, micro-physical, and chemical properties
- The State of the Carbon Cycle: Ten Years On
- Exploring the chemical composition of pelagic tar collected in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift and Valles Caldera Area, New Mexico
- Imaging a Fault Boundary System Using Controlled-Source Data Recorded on a Large-N Seismic Array
- Investigating Segmentation in Cascadia: Anisotropic Crustal Structure and Mantle Wedge Serpentinization
- The Distribution of Fault Slip Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, CA: Evidence from Mechanical Models and Geodesy
- <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr Across the Devonian-Carboniferous Transition Within the Pho Han Formation, Cat Ba Island, Vietnam: New Data Outside of an Old Orogeny
- A Geothermochronologic Investigation of the Coyote Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex (AZ)
- Changes in the Mechanisms behind Rapid Drought Cessation in the Southeastern U.S.
- Correspondence between North Pacific Ocean ventilation, Cordilleran Ice Sheet variations, and North Atlantic Heinrich Events
- Deposition Velocities of C<SUB>1 </SUB>- C<SUB>5</SUB> Alkyl Nitrates at a Northern Colorado Site
- Detecting Below-Ground Processes, Diversity, and Ecosystem Function in a Savanna Ecosystem Using Spectroscopy Across Different Vegetation Layers
- Development of a Low Cost Microcontroller-Enabled Handheld Sunphotometer and Comparison with NASA AERONET and MODIS
- Hydro-sliding and the Springtime Dynamical Evolution of Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- Looking for the Kellwasser Event in all the wrong places: a multiproxy study of island arc paleoenvironments in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Modeling Air Temperature/Water Temperature Relations Along a Small Mountain Stream Under Increasing Urban Influence
- Multi-core, multi-constraint chronostratigraphic framework over past 50,000 years places high-resolution Gulf of Alaska ocean-ice-sediment history into a global framework
- No Solutions: Resisting Certainty in Water Supply Management
- Observations of volatile organic compounds over the North Atlantic Ocean: relationships to dominant cyanobacterial populations.
- Optimizing Weather Research and Forecasting model parameterizations for boundary-layer turbulence production and dissipation over the Southern Appalachians
- Peeking out of the basins: looking for the Late Devonian Kellwasser Event in the open ocean in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, southwestern Mongolia
- Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Production and Uses of Multi-Decade Geodetic Earth Science Data Records
- Remote Sensing of a Manipulated Prairie Grassland Experiment to Predict Belowground Processes
- Synchronous partial melting, deformation, and magmatism: evidence from in an exhumed Proterozoic orogen
- The Development and Application of Spatiotemporal Metrics for the Characterization of Point Source FFCO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions and Dispersion
- Timing of dome formation using muscovite <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar thermochronology: Tallulah Falls Dome, NE Georgia
- Twitter Analytics: Are the U.S. Coastal Regions Prepared for Climate Change in 2017?
- Analysis of Proglacial Lake Change Across Northwestern North America Utilizing Remotely Sensed Data
- Automated Extraction of Alaskan Proglacial Lake Growth Trends Using an Object-based Image Processing Routine
- Effects of Low Impact Development on Stormwater Runoff and Salt Contamination
- Establishing the Last Glacial Maximum-To Spatial Patterns of Glacial Erosion in the Bering-Bagley Glacial System, Gulf of Alaska, from Iodp Expedition 341 Site U1421
- Establishment of the North America and sub-Saharan Africa Mountain Aerosol Network (NASA MAN) of Handheld Sunphotometers for Air Quality Studies and Validation of Satellite-Retrieved Aerosol Products
- Future Exposure to Heat Stress in Countries Bordering the Great Lakes of Africa: Climate Change and Human Population Growth
- Optimizing Spatio-temporal Collocation of Satellite and Ground-measured Aerosol Optical Depth Above Mountainous U.S. Sites
- Rapid-Scan Mobile Radar Observations of Tornadogenesis
- Reconstructing the Deep Time Critical Zone of the Miocene fossil site of Loperot, Kenya: Paleosol geochemistry and stable isotopic results
- Relationships Between Biogenic and Aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds and Phytoplankton Communities in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Remote sensing of canopy nitrogen content in drylands: challenges and solution
- Storm-Scale Variations of Water Isotopes in the Tropical High Andes
- Streambank Salt Plume Intrusion, Concentration, and Residence Times Along a Dynamic, Urban Headwater Stream: Investigation of Development and Remediation Mechanisms
- Tectonic and Climate Influences on Spatial and Temporal Variations of Subglacial Erosion; Bering Glacier, Alaska
- The response of soil temperatures to vegetation cover changes in the southern Appalachians, North Carolina, USA
- The role of subsurface freeze and thaw on groundwater storage and connectivity in a variably saturated upland Arctic hillslope
- The role of volcanism in triggering the Hangenberg anoxia event: New (and better!) data across the Devonian-Carboniferous transition in the Pho Han Formation, Cat Ba Island, Vietnam
- The use of gridded fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions inventory for climate mitigation applications: Errors, uncertainties, and current and future challenges
- A half-century of dynamical change at Athabasca Glacier, Canada
- Analysis of Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry Waveform Retracking Algorithms for Deriving Temporally Consistent Water Levels over Inland Lakes
- Automated Delineation of Proglacial Lakes At Large Scale Utilizing Google Earth Engine Maximum-Likelihood Land Cover Classification
- Automatic Weather Stations at Extreme Elevations on Mt. Everest: Initial Observations and Applications
- Climatic, Glaciologic, and Geomorphic Controls on Northwestern North America Proglacial Lake Area Change Between 1984 - 2018
- Comparative Ecophysiology of Two Southern Appalachian Conifers: The Importance of Winter
- Did Taconic orogenesis drive the Ordovician greenhouse-icehouse transition?
- Ecological Impacts of an Extreme Flood: Implications for Changing Disturbance Regimes
- Expressions of Late Devonian bioevents in the CAOB - new data from the Samnuuruul Formation, southwestern Mongolia
- From the Equator to the Pole: How Latitude Affects Incident Shortwave Radiation on Supraglacial Ice Cliffs
- Increasing Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Extremes along the Southeast Atlantic Coast over the Last 350 Years
- Low Cost Air Quality Sensing for Studies in African Cities
- Meteorological Analysis of High Altitude Automatic Weather Station Data from the Everest Region
- New Heights in Glacier-Climate Research: Initial Insights From the Highest Weather Stations on Earth
- Ocean Chemistry Constraints on the Eve of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
- On the use of Constructed Wetlands to Mitigate Road-Salt Contamination in Urban Streams
- Potential mechanistic causes of increased baseflow across northern Eurasia rivers underlain by permafrost
- Remotely detected plant function in two midwestern prairie grassland experiments reveals belowground processes
- The Nature, History, and Future of the CDIAC dataset on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion and Cement Manufacture: 1750 - 2016
- Tracing unmonitored coal ash spills in the environment
- Using the CESM to Evaluate Land Carbon Mitigation Potentials of Global Reforestation and Afforestation
- Are Water Tracks Wetting or Drying as Arctic Permafrost Thaws?
- Assessing climate change and glacier status in the high Andes of central Chile
- Can groundwater fluxes mitigate changing thermal habitat in southern Appalachian fens?
- Daily to multi-decadal velocity variations at Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada
- Decadal changes in fluvial suspended sediment concentrations in glacierized systems from large scale remote sensing
- Developing Map-Based Web Interfaces to Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Community Models
- Evidence of subduction-related fluid circulation along the active Altotiberina low-angle normal fault
- Ice-marginal Lake Evolution in Alaska (1970 to 2019) and Associated Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Hazard
- Maximizing the Potential of K12 Outreach as a Launchpad for Inclusivity In the Geosciences
- Modeling the Evolution of Basal Sliding Rates on the Athabasca Glacier
- Natural and human contributions to pre-monsoon snow and stream chemistry in the Khumbu/Mt. Everest region, Nepal
- Records of engagement and decision making for environmental and socio-ecological challenges
- Revealing ice shelf fracture morphology using ICESat-2 measurements
- Sub-Annual to Annual Dynamics of Alaskan Ice-Marginal Lakes from Automated Image Classification Using Google Earth Engine
- Transport and Impacts of the June 2020 Saharan Dust Event on the Continental US
- Using mechanical models, interseismic focal mechanisms, GPS velocities, and long-term slip rates to constrain the geometry of the southern Big Bend of San Andreas fault, California
- Where Does the World's Highest Glacier Get Its Moisture?
- Achieving "Permanence" with Short-Term, High-Magnitude Carbon Sequestration in Forests
- Contribution of glacier runoff during heat waves in the Nooksack River Basin USA and potential impact on Salmon
- Deforestation Outpaces Climate Change in a Biodiversity Hotspot
- Dynamics and stability of Alaskas lake-terminating glaciers
- Evidence of deep, external fluids along epidetachment normal faults and their implications for slip along the Altotiberina fault system
- Ground Control Point Survey Strategy for Snow Depth Retrieval Using Drone-based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
- Ice-dammed lake drainage events in Alaska between 1985 and 2020 using Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery
- Insights from a new high altitude meteorological network in the vulnerable southern Andes water tower
- Middle and Late Miocene paleoclimates from clumped isotopes of soil carbonates, Turkana Basin, East Africa
- Modeling the Evolution of Basal Motion on Athabasca Glacier
- New weather observations from Mt. Everest reveal widespread winter melting and intense sublimation
- Numerical modeling of epidetachment faults in the hanging-wall of the Altotiberina low-angle normal fault, Italy
- Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount Everest Region in 20202021
- Quantifying Changes in Suspended Sediment Concentration in Glacier-fed Streams Using Large Scale Remote Sensing
- SIDEx Observations of Sea Ice Stress-Strain-Fracture Fields
- Vegetation greening and winter ground temperature decoupling across the Canadian Arctic
- Acute Health Effects of Exposure to Wildfire Smoke: A Case-Crossover Study of the 2016 Great Smoky Mountain Wildfires
- Additional evidence from Kenya to indicate a short reversal within the upper Olduvai Subchron
- Alaska's Changing Proglacial River Systems: Trends and Potential Mechanisms
- Apatite in eclogite record phosphorous mobility during metamorphic reactions in the slab-mantle interface
- Borehole Instrument Design for Deployment on the Athabasca Glacier
- Calcium Isotope Constraints on Diagenetic Effects in Carbon Isotope (δ13C) Data: A Case Study from Middle Ordovician Carbonate Strata at Meiklejohn Peak, Nevada.
- Decreasing Hazards from Ice-dammed Lakes in Alaska since the 1960s
- Ecohydrologic controls on groundwater-surface water interactions along a non-perennial mountain stream
- Exploring the role of the Pacific Ocean and Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Late Pleistocene global climate
- Fault Healing, Fluid Flow, and Seismicity Distributions Along the Altotiberina Low-Angle Normal Fault, Central Italy
- Global Distribution of Small Seamounts from Satellite Gravity and Ship Soundings
- Heterogeneous Hydroclimate and Vegetation in the Middle Miocene East African Rift Valley
- Investigating Drivers of Changes in Proglacial Stream Suspended Sediment Concentration Using Large-Scale Remote Sensing
- Potential Talik Development Along Continuous Permafrost Hillslopes On The North Slope Of Alaska, USA
- Rates and Potential Controls on the Retreat of Alaska's Lake-Terminating Glaciers
- Saturation Dynamics Along Thawing Continuous Permafrost Hillslopes
- Saturation Patterns of Water Track-thermoerosional Gully Complexes Situated on Hillslopes Underlain by Continuous Permafrost
- The importance of evolving basal motion for long-term projections of glacier change
- Unlocking the Universe: OpenSpace Software at Informal Science Institutions
- Using subseasonal climate variability at the community-level to advance place-based early warning systems in West Africa
- Vertical profiling of atmospheric hydrocarbons using uncrewed aerial systems to quantify emissions from natural oil seeps.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Springmann
- Alan C Mix
- Alexei A. Pevtsov
- Andreas Schmittner
- B. T. Crosby
- Brian A. Haley
- Brianna Rick
- Chris Polashenski
- Christopher J. Lepre
- Daniel McGrath
- Daniel R. Green
- David T. Sandwell
- Donald K. Perovich
- E. A. Cherrington
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- Esteban Gazel
- Ethan G. Hyland
- F. Vachier
- G. E. Flowers
- G. J. Husak
- Gifford H. Miller
- H. Harper
- I. Overeem
- Ian Raphael
- J. R. Kuhn
- J. S. Stoner
- Jay R. Alder
- Kevin T. Uno
- L. Baker Perry
- M. C. Nolan
- M. N. Gooseff
- Mae Saslaw
- Martha K. Raynolds
- Martin Truffer
- Matthew Parno
- Maureen H. Walczak
- Nicholas Wright
- Onja H. Razafindratsima
- P. Elósegui
- Patrick A. Taylor
- Paul Andrew Mayewski
- Paul Wessel
- Robert S. Anderson
- S. T. Marshall
- S. W. McCoy
- Sarah E. Crump
- Sarah G. Evans
- Sarah K. Newcomb
- Seung‐Sep Kim
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- Shichang Kang
- Stewart Fallon
- Toni Lyn Morelli
- V. D. Ivanov
- Walter H. F. Smith
- William H. Armstrong
- Yoseph Adiatma