Indiana University of Pennsylvania
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Earth Tidal Controls on Basal Dynamics and Hydrology
- Heat Flow on the Incoming Plate Offshore Nicoya, Costa Rica margin: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation and the Thermal State of the Subducting Plate
- Improved Age-Depth Profiles for Neogene Red Clay Cores from the Subtropical North Pacific Ocean
- Sedimentation Rates in the Central North Pacific Pelagic Clay Province Using Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy
- Chemical Identification of Source Regions in the Operationally-Defined Eolian Dust Component of Central Pacific Sediment
- Downcore Contrasts in the Provenance of Cenozoic Pelagic and Hemipelagic Sediment, Central North Pacific: Deep Ocean vs. Near-Continental Margin Sites
- Emplacement of a Layered Mafic Intrusion in the Shimanto Accretionary Complex of Southwest Japan: Evidence From Paleomagnetic and Magnetic Fabric Analysis
- Provenance of Pelagic clay in the Eastern Pacific: Dating the downcore Cenozoic dust record.
- Soil Geochemical Control Over Nematode Populations in Bull Pass, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- The South Pacific Bare Zone
- Tooth Enamel Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Variations in Modern Central Asian Horses: Development of a Calibration Database for the Interpretation of Stable Isotope Signals Preserved in Fossil Horse Remains from Archaeological Sites
- Co-seismic ground slips deduced from sub-pixel correlation of aerial photos: a case of 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake (Mw 7.6) at Tsaotun in Central Taiwan
- Lake Sediment Records of Late Holocene Climate Change in the Khanuy Valley, Arkhangai Aimag, North-Central Mongolia and Implications for Local Bronze and Iron Age Cultural Histories
- Coseismic ground displacements from sub-pixel correlation for the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan, China
- Deformation-induced dehydration structures in the Nankai accretionary prism
- Seasonal Patterns of Flood, Wind, and Wave Coherence Along the US West Coast: Implications for Sediment Dispersal and Deposition.
- Subhorizontal Extension of the Upper Plate at NantroSEIZE Sites C0001 and C0002
- Crustal extrusion of the hangingwall at the southwestern termination of the Taiwan orogen: Constraints from seismogenic strain inversions
- Fault Geometry based on Coseismic Ground Displacements from Satellite Images for the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Sichuan, China
- Temperature Gradient Reconstructions from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue
- Cooling Subsurface Temperatures in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific during the Pliocene and Linkages to Global Cooling
- Seismogenic Fault Geometry of 2010 Mw 7.1 Solomon Islands Earthquake
- Strain Partitioning at the Huatung Ridge, Offshore Southeast Taiwan: Evidence from Seismotectonics
- Teaching Marine Geoscience at Sea: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program's School of Rock Explores Cascadia Subduction Zone - Cores, Logs, and ACORKs
- Transient Upper Crustal Tear Illuminated by the Chi Chi Earthquake: Results from Strain Inversions in the Luliao Region, Taiwan
- Assessing the Impacts of the First Five Years of School of Rock On-Board and On-Shore Professional Development Program for Educators: Lessons for Other Teacher Professional Development Programs
- Slip Partitioning Offshore Southeast Taiwan and Southward Propagation of the Longitudinal Valley Fault: Evidence from Preferred Nodal Plane Slip Vectors
- Upper Plate Control of Crustal Architecture in Southeast Taiwan: Evidence from Strain Inversions of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
- New constraints on the early Paleozoic history of Arctic Alaska and its bearing on Arctic tectonic reconstructions
- Sediments on the Line Islands Ridge Provides a Suitable Archive for Paleoceanographic Research
- Accommodation by Varying Strain Regimes along the Northern Luzon Arc (Coastal Range, Taiwan) - Insights from Focal Mechanism Strain Inversions
- An Evaluation of Previously Recognized Transfer Fault Zones in Taiwan's Western Foothills Based on Earthquake Distributions and Focal Mechanisms
- Investigating the origins of observed variability of slow slip events with fault slip simulations
- Reevaluation on the fault geometry and segmentation of the Longmen Shan fault zone by the co-seismic horizontal displacements given by the SPOT imagery for 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- The Role of Upper Plate Slivering in Burial of the Luzon Forearc in Taiwan
- Active Subhorizontal NE-SW Stretching Across the Eastern Margin of the Southern Central Range of Taiwan at ~23.1°N
- Characterization of the spatial distribution of porosity in the eogenetic karst Miami Limestone using ground penetrating radar
- Estimating Carbon Stocks Along Depressional Wetlands Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in the Disney Wilderness Preserve (Orlando, Florida)
- Record of Earliest West Antarctic Ice Sheet Beneath Ross Sea?
- Remote characterization of dominant wavelengths of surface folds on lava flows using Lidar and Discrete Fourier Transform analyses
- A Sharp Edge of the Cratonic Lithosphere of North America
- A role for pre-collision processes in the origin of the aseismic zone of the southern Taiwan Central Range
- High Resolution ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements at the laboratory scale to model porosity and permeability in the Miami Limestone in South Florida.
- Implications of topographic relief on the brittle-to-plastic boundary beneath the southern Central Range, Taiwan
- Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision.
- The Seismically Slow Feature in the Asthenosphere Beneath Southern New England is Small and Intense
- Application of Ground Penetrating Radar to Investigate Methane and Soil Carbon Dynamics at the Weyandt Environmental Monitoring Site in Western Pennsylvania
- Characterizing Subsurface Lithology and Hydrological Processes at the Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO Using Multi-scale Near-surface Geophysical Measurements
- Initial Results from the STEM Student Experiences Aboard Ships (STEMSEAS) Program
- Middle Cambrian extensional tectonism in Yukon, Canada: New age constraints and lithogeochemistry from the Dempster volcanics of the Ogilvie Mountains
- Quantifying the spatial variability in critical zone architecture through surface mapping and near-surface geophysics
- Reprocessing COCORP Seismic Reflection Data to Image Deep Crustal Structure in the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming
- The Contribution of NE-SW Stretching To Exhumation of the Metamorphic Core of the Southern Central Range of Taiwan: Constraints from a Peak Temperature Proxy
- The Longitudinal and Vertical Distribution of Brittle Deformation in the Southern Central Range Taiwan: Constraints From Earthquakes and Mesoscale Faults
- The Northern Appalachian Anomaly is a Modern Asthenospheric Upwelling
- Constraints on paleo-stress magnitude from triaxial test results and stress inversion analysis of Nankai accretionry prism sediments
- Crustal Seismicity and Geomorphic Observations of the Chiripa-Haciendas Fault System: The Guanacaste Volcanic Arc Sliver of Western Costa Rica
- Examining Heavy Metals in Acid Mine Drainage Wetlands in Western Pennsylvania through the use of Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Drone Aerial Photography.
- Identifying and Further Understanding the Role of Bacteria and Archaea in a Basic Mine Drainage Remediation Site in Tanoma, PA
- Imaging Preferential Flow Pathways of Contaminants from Passive Acid Mine Drainage Mitigation Sites Using Electrical Resistivity
- Investigation of Methane and Soil Carbon Dynamics Using Near Surface Geophysical Methods at the Tanoma Educational Wetland Site, Tanoma, Pennsylvania
- Near Surface Geophysical Investigations of Potential Direct Recharge Zones in the Biscayne Aquifer within Everglades National Park, Florida.
- Subsurface Hydrologic Processes Revealed by Time-lapse GPR in Two Contrasting Soils in the Shale Hills CZO
- Workshop initial report: Expanding the geoscience pipeline by connecting educators with early career IODP scientists
- A-STEP to Understanding Science: IODP School of Rock and Ambassadors for STEM Education to Enhance Participation
- Characterizing the subsurface of the Critical Zone in the Garner Run Catchment at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory using Electrical Resistivity
- Chemical vs physical influences on weathering at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone: Preliminary Results from a 3D seismic imaging experiment
- Contaminant Source Characterization in the Huff Run Watershed: Resistivity Imaging of a Contaminant Flow Path in a Passive Acid Mine Drainage Treatment System
- Expanding Geoscience On-ramps with Innovative Professional Development Models: IODP School of Rock
- Geometry and kinematics of last-stage structures in the exhumation of young blueschists in the Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Grain-size and Componentry Analysis of Multiple Vents in 2010 from Submarine Volcano NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc
- Hydrogeophysical Characterization of Karstic Limestone Within the Valley and Ridge Province at the Dickinson College Farm
- Imaging the critical zone structure using seismic refraction in Garner Run at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Investigation of Ozone Production from Natural Gas and Oil Well Methane Emissions with Three Mobile Atmospheric Sampling Platforms
- Methane and Ozone Concentrations from a Plugged Abandon Gas Well in Western Pennsylvania
- Near-surface Geophysical Characterization of Cole Farms in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Rapid Exhumation of the Eastern Central Range of Taiwan: Constraints from Brittle Deformation Patterns.
- STEMSEAS: An Innovative Approach to Filling the Exposure Gap for Students from Diverse Communities
- Stormwater Runoff at the White Township Recreation Complex in Indiana County, Pennsylvania : a look into a Government - Academic Partnership for Undergraduate Education
- Structural Analysis of Bending Fold and Sub-Horizontal Foliation in the Eastern Central Range of Taiwan and Its Tectonic Implications
- Teaching near-surface geophysics in the critical zone: examples from a field-based multi-method jigsaw
- The Record of Terrigenous Glacial/Interglacial Variability in Core KN223-10LC2 Along the Western Flanks of the Mid Atlantic Ridge.
- Using a Near Surface Geophysics and Critical Zone Science Field Experience to Broaden the Participation of Underrepresented Minorities in the Geosciences
- Using capacitively coupled resistivity and ground penetrating radar to investigate limestone bedrock heterogeneities under different subtropical wetland communities in Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida
- 2D seismic imaging in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: New constraints on subsurface structure and weathering
- A Comprehensive Numerical Analysis of Wave Transmission in Submerged Breakwaters
- Broadening Participation and Engagement of Underrepresented Minorities in the Geosciences Through a Near Surface Geophysics Field Experience
- Determining a Water Budget for a Suburban Headwater Stream: McCarthy Run, Indiana, PA
- Imaging the structure of solifluction lobes in the Garner Run Subcatchment of the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory using 2D Seismic Refraction Tomography
- Increasing the Educational Impacts of Undergraduate Research With Community-Focused Projects
- Investigating the effects of salinization in peat soils of the southwestern Everglades: implications for carbon fluxes and soil collapse during sea level rise
- Investigating the hydrologic impact of relic terraces using near-surface geophysics in intensively managed critical zones
- Land use versus climate controls on erosion at a farmed headwater catchment in central Pennsylvania
- Late-stage Deformation and Exhumation of the Blueschist-Facies Yuli Belt in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision
- Reconstructing the exhumation of Taiwan's metamorphic core using brittle structures and earthquake focal mechanisms.
- STEMSEAS: A Vehicle for Broadening Participation in the Emerging STEM Ecosystem
- Synorogenic extension: gravitational collapse or extrusion in southern Taiwan
- The Transition from Plastic to Brittle Strain in the Tananao Complex of Taiwan
- The Use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to Image Solifluction Lobes in the Garner Run Subcatchment of The Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- The use of ERI and Seismic refraction to constrain soil depth and geologic structure at Cole Farms Agricultural Site in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Using IODP Data to Enhance K-12, Undergraduate and Informal Science Education
- Water Quality of Marsh Run, a Small-town Urban Stream in Indiana Borough, Pennsylvania.
- A wide distributed high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of the Central Range, Taiwan: A possible Plio-Pleistocene transform fault
- Compositional effects on crystallization in reheated tephra through simple crystallization experiments
- Expanding undergraduate access to hands-on geophysics: Connecting Near-Surface Geophysics and Education
- Geophysical investigation of fens in south-central Oregon: implications for stratigraphic controls on groundwater dependence
- Identifying Best Practices for an Impactful Twitter Platform: Examples from the International Ocean Discovery Program
- Promoting Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Through a Seagoing GEO-STEM Learning Ecosystem: the STEM Student Experiences Aboard Ships (STEMSEAS) Project
- Understanding peat soil deformation and biogenic gas dynamics across a salinity gradient in the southwestern Everglades
- A State System-wide Approach to Geologic Field Camp: Collaborating Across Pennsylvania
- A diatom-based reconstruction of the MPT and MIS-31 from the Southern Ocean's Iceberg Alley
- Alliance Building Offshore to Advance Resilience and Diversity: the All-ABOARD model
- Assessing a 3.0 1.7 Ma Scotia Sea relative paleointensity record and its potential to constrain the chronology of Antarctic dynamics during the intensification of bipolar glaciation
- How Do Scotia Sea Diatoms Relate To Climate During The Last 30,000 Years?
- Lots of Lemonade: Pivoting from At-Sea to Virtual Learning Experiences for students and educators during the pandemic
- Scientific Ocean Drilling IMPACT Workshop Series: Results from the Public Engagement Workshop
- The IODP IMPACT workshop series: envisioning the future for communicating scientific ocean drilling
- COSEA: A New Community of Practice to Change the Culture of Coastal and Ocean Sciences
- The STEM Student Experiences Aboard Ships (STEMSEAS) Program: Working to diversify the culture and open minds and hearts aboard U.S. research vessels
- Understanding the Subsurface of Garner Run and Bear Meadows through the eyes of Ground Penetrating Radar