University of Birmingham, UK
flowchart I[University of Birmingham, UK] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (250)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (114)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Birmingham, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- University of Birmingham, School of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Stellar Variability Studies with SMEI
- ASTERICS (= Geophysical Studies near the Ascension Transform: Evolution of Ridge Segmentation and Crustal Structure) - Segment A3
- A 1000 Year Multiproxy Holocene Climate Record for Northwest Scotland
- Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in two Suburban Catchments in NE England
- Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Surrogate for BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) in Water Quality Testing: an Example From Fresh Waters and Sewage Effluents From SW England.
- Assessing Raw and Treated Water Quality Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Changes in River Organic Matter Through Time.
- Mineral Lamination Development in Layered Gabbros of the British Paleogene Igneous Province: A Combined Magnetic Fabric, Textural and Geochemical Study
- Mirror Imaging of the Storegga Slide Using Seismic Data Recorded With Sparse Ocean Bottom Stations
- Water Quality Monitoring Using Tryptophan-like Fluorescence.
- ASTERICS (= Geophysical Studies near the Ascension Transform: Evolution of Ridge Segmentation and Crustal Structure) - Segment A3
- Assessment of the Relative Importance of Atmospheric Aging on CCN Activity Derived from Field Observations
- Biochemical composition of organic matter in UK Midlands catchments: implications for drinking water treatment
- Combining Electrical Techniques to map a Till Aquitard for Quantifying Lateral Flows and Improved Recharge Estimation
- Lateral emplacement of the Western Mourne granite, N. Ireland, from AMS fabric data
- The potential of Lake Karakul in the eastern Pamirs as a long-term climate archive
- New Joint Geochemical-Geophysical Record of Time-Dependent Mantle Convection South of Iceland
- New high-resolution topographic model for the Pliocene Greenland-Scotland Ridge
- Reconciling flow and chemical transport evidence for surface water - groundwater mixing in a strongly gaining reach of the urban River Tame, UK
- SENSE IT: Student Enabled Network of Sensors for the Environment using Innovative Technology
- The transport of manufactured nanoparticles in the hyporheic zone
- Are there more TGFs in the RHESSI data?
- Early Planetesimals: Making Models to Match Meteorites
- Communicating Experience and Ideas to the General Public
- Initial Look at 3d Seismic Data Acquired Over the Galicia Margin
- Nitrogen Accumulation and Partitioning in High Arctic Tundra from Extreme Atmospheric N Deposition Events
- The dominating impact of small-scale streambed structural heterogeneity on hyporheic exchange and biogeochemical hotspots in lowland rivers
- Trade cumulus clouds embedded in a deep regional haze: Results from Indian Ocean CARDEX experiment
- Two- and three-dimensional flow measurements within the pore spaces of a packed bed underlying a turbulent flow
- Water, Resilience and the Law: From General Concepts and Governance Design Principles to Actionable Mechanisms
- A Climate Reconstruction for 1750-1850 A.D. Using Data Assimilation
- After the flood: consistency in DOM response to the 2010/2011 Australian floods
- Alkenones and hydrogen isotopic composition of n-alkanes as indicators of past temperature and hydrological variability using lacustrine sediments from Lake Toyoni (Japan).
- Contourite Deposition in the North Atlantic Ocean Moderated By Mantle Plume Activity: Evidence from Seismic Reflection Images
- Effects of fire on soil CO<SUB>2 - </SUB>Implications for karst processes
- HF Propagation Effects Caused by an Artificial Plasma Cloud in the Ionosphere
- Inter-Annual Variability in Tropical Cirrus Extent Simulated with a Global Chemistry Transport Model
- Long-Term Measurements of Volatile Organic Compound Fluxes and Concentrations By Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry from an Amazonian Terra Firme Ecosystem (CLAIRE-UK)
- Orbitally Forced Climatic Fluctuations in Snowball Earth: Compelling Evidence from a Data-Model Study
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Hyporheic Respiration Under Variable Discharge Conditions
- Thermal and Chemical Gradients Along the Slab Interface Control Across-Arc Patterns in Compositions of Primitive Arc Magmas
- Uncertainties in Projected Runoff over the Central United States
- Unraveling the Drivers of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Biogeochemical Cycling at Aquifer-River Interfaces - The LEVERHULME Hyporheic Zone Research Network
- Using GC×GC-ToF-MS to characterise SVOC from diesel exhaust emissions
- 60 years of visibility data in the UK - how does visibility vary with meteorological and pollutant parameters?
- A scrutiny of heterogeneity at the TCE Source Area BioREmediation (SABRE) test site
- Active Distributed Temperature Sensing to Characterise Soil Moisture and Heat Dynamics of a Vegetated Hillslope.
- Assimilating Continental Mean Temperatures to Reconstruct the Climate of the Late Pre-industrial Period
- Atmospheric delivery of anthropogenic bioavailable iron from mineral dust to the ocean
- BIFoR FACE: A ten-year Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Experiment in Old Growth Deciduous English Woodland
- Biofilm-flow interactions in aquatic environments
- Bioirrigation impacts on sediment respiration and microbial metabolic activity
- Cave Monitoring to Determine the Controls on δ<SUP>18</SUP>O From a Modern Speleothem Record in Semi-arid SE Australia.
- Challenges in Ecohydrological Monitoring at Soil-Vegetation Interfaces: Exploiting the Potential for Fibre Optic Technologies
- Deep structure of Porcupine Basin and nature of the Porcupine Median Ridge from seismic refraction tomography
- Direct Measurements of the Local Ozone Production Rate in the Pollution Outflow from a Megacity
- Does Increasing Complexity Improve the Performance of Groundwater-Surface Water Models?
- Drivers of River Water Temperature Space-time Variability in Northeast Greenland
- Empirical relationships between instrumental ground motions and observed intensities for two great Chilean subduction zone earthquakes
- Evolution of North Atlantic Passive Margins Controlled by the Iceland Mantle Plume
- Groundwater Variability in a Sandstone Catchment and Linkages with Large-scale Climatic Circulatio
- Hydrology of paraglacial catchments: preferential flow sustaining biodiversity hotspots in a changing climate
- Igniting the Secret Wildfires of the Past: Searching for Wildfire Records in Caves to Unravel Hidden Paleo-fire Records
- Improved Large-Eddy Simulation Using a Stochastic Backscatter Model: Application to the Neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Urban Street Canyon Flow
- Improving Shade Modelling in a Regional River Temperature Model Using Fine-Scale LIDAR Data
- Indus-wide C<SUB>4</SUB> expansion between 7-6 Ma: an IODP Expedition 355 discovery
- Late Oligocene to Late Miocene Antarctic Climate Reconstructions Using Molecular and Isotopic Biomarker Proxies
- Lateral magma flow in sill-complexes: towards a paradigm shift in volcanology
- Light absorption, optical and microphysical properties of trajectory-clustered aerosols at two AERONET sites in West Africa
- Nature of the uppermost mantle below the Porcupine Basin, offshore Ireland: new insights from seismic refraction and gravity data modeling
- Posttranslational modification of Birch and Ragweed allergen proteins by common gas phase pollutants, NO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB>
- Roles of Transpiration, Forest Bioproductivity and Fire on a Long-Term Dripwater Hydrochemistry Dataset from Golgotha Cave, SW Australia
- Seafloor surface processes and subsurface paleo-channel unconformities mapped using multi-channel seismic and multi-beam sonar data from the Galicia 3D seismic experiment.
- Sedimentology of a Tidally-Influenced Fluvial Zone (TIFZ): Columbia River, USA
- Solar Subsurface Flows During Solar Cycle 24
- Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology
- Streambed sediment controls on hyporheic greenhouse gas production - a microcosm experiment
- Summer 2015 measurements of total OH reactivity at a UK coastal site
- Superior Ambulance Call Out Rate Forecasting Using Meteorological Data
- Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
- The Morphology and Sedimentology of Fluvial Megascours
- The Role of Riparian Vegetation Density, Channel Orientation and Water Velocity in Determining River Water Temperature Dynamics
- The magmatic and eruptive response of arc volcanoes to deglaciation: insights from southern Chile
- The mid-Holocene to present large-scale morphodynamic and coupled fluvial-tidal sedimentologic evolution of the Lower Columbia River, WA/OR, USA
- Trends and Drivers of European-Scale Drought
- Understanding and Predicting Spatio-Temporal Variability of Temperature in Scotland's Rivers: Implications for Riparian Land Management
- Wildfire on Karst: an Overview
- 3D imaging of the rifting and breakup west of Spain and the nature of the S detachment
- 4D ERT Monitoring of Subsurface Water Pipe Leakage During a Controlled Field Experiment
- A Lattice-Boltzmann model for simulating bedform-induced hyporheic exchange
- Carbon Dioxide Removal and the futures market
- Community-based Monitoring of Water Resources in Remote Mountain Regions
- Corrugations on the S Reflector West of Spain: Kinematic Implications
- Designing for knowledge: bridging socio-hydrological monitoring and beyond
- Detachment Fault Behavior Revealed by Micro-Seismicity at 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Effects of biofilm on flow over and through a permeable bed
- Evaluation of the Added Value from Increasing RCM Spatial Resolution and Quantile Mapping Bias Correction to Simulate Climate and Hydrology: A Case Study in an Upland Catchment Using an Euro-CORDEX RCM Ensemble
- Examining the impact of ambient flow on biofilm and its feedback on the flow structure through a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) solver
- Extreme Events in Urban Streams Leading to Extreme Temperatures in Birmingham, UK
- Extreme groundwater flooding stimulates microbialmetabolic activity and biogeochemical turnover in a major UK aquifer
- Fault evolution in a hyperextended zone
- Faults control the flux of water into the Earth during continental breakup
- Flow-structure interaction between a model biofilm streamer and water flow: an experimental study
- Future sea-level rise from tidewater and ice-shelf tributary glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula
- Geoengineering and the blockchain: a near-complete solution to greenhouse emissions?
- High-Resolution Monitoring of Soil Water Dynamics in a Vegetated Hillslope by Active Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Impacts of Freshets on Hyporheic Exchange Flow under Gaining and Losing Conditions
- Impacts of Freshets on Hyporheic Exchange Flow under Neutral Conditions
- Impacts of Water Level on Metabolism and Transient Storage in Vegetated Lowland Rivers - Insights from a Mesocosm Study
- Investigation of Fault Systems Controlling Breakup and Deposition in the Galicia Rift Margin
- Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Study
- Late Miocene Hydrological Change in the Indus River Catchment
- Measurement of HONO Production From Traffic in a UK Road Tunnel
- Near-Bottom High Resolution Magnetic Observations Over and Around an Active Oceanic Core Complex, MAR 13°N
- Novel High Resolution Nitrate Isotope Method for Determination of Nutrient Fate in Aquatic Systems
- Objective Tracking of Tropical Cyclones in the North-West Pacific Basin Based on Wind Field Information only
- Paired Catchment Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Hydrological Drought around the World
- Resilience canvas: a heuristic tool for socio-hydrological management under change
- Temperature and organic matter controls on hyporheic greenhouse gas production
- The Development of Web-GIS to support Resort Based Management for Conservation and Biodiversity in Indonesia
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Interacting Physical, Biogeochemical and Biolological Controls of Nutrient Cycling at Ecohydrological Interfaces
- UK Earth System Model (UKESM1) - Recent Developments in Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling
- A new approach for estimating projected future changes in extreme rainfall over East Asia and its uncertainties including information about model performance on different scales
- Biofilm Effect on Flow Structure over a Permeable Bed
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Characterising Event-Based DOM Inputs to an Urban Watershed
- Climate and CO<SUB>2</SUB> coupling in the early Cenozoic Greenhouse
- Drivers and seasonal predictability of extreme wind speeds in the ECMWF System 4 and a statistical model
- European Wintertime Windstorms and its Links to Large-Scale Variability Modes
- Finding Infrastructure with Non-Destructive Imaging Technologies (FINDIT)
- In-situ Fluorometers Reveal High Frequency Dynamics In Dissolved Organic Matter For Urban Rivers
- Measurements of the potential ozone production rate in a forest
- Modeling and measuring the relationships between sediment transport processes, alluvial bedforms and channel-scale morphodynamics in sandy braided rivers.
- Modelling of surface-air temperature relationships in urban environments
- Multi-pollutant interactions in hyporheic zones
- Organic Carbon Mobilisation Mechanisms: Evidence from Globally Distributed Stalagmite Records
- Quantifying the Extremity of Windstorms for Regions Featuring Infrequent Events
- Testing the role of bedforms as controls on the morphodynamics of sandy braided rivers with CFD
- The complex emplacement dynamics and tsunami genesis of the 1888 Ritter Island sector collapse from 3D seismic data
- The potential of quantum technology gravity sensors in civil engineering
- Using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) For Upper Atmospheric Modelling
- Varve-based Reconstruction of Seasonal Hydroclimate from Nar Gölü, Turkey over the last 2.6 ka BP
- Airborne Fine-scale Mapping of Urban Meteorology using Fast-response Sensor Packs Mounted on Avian Species
- High-resolution coccolith geochemistry through the late Pliocene Discoaster extinctions
- Historical visibility trends in Africa: a proxy for PM pollution
- How do evapotranspiration-driven discharge fluctuations alter reach-scale ecosystem function?
- Human or climate control of Holocene sediment flux? A test using lake varves from central Anatolia
- Low-Latitude Calcareous Nannofossil Palaeoecology across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Scintillation using a Physics-Based Data Assimilation Model
- Quantum Technology Gravity Gradiometers for Common Infrastructure Challenges
- Scaling Pattern of Emitted Energy across Cities in the UK
- Soil Noise on Quantum Technology Gravity Gradiometers
- Spatial and temporal relationships between hydrologic forcing, geologic setting, and river corridor exchange in a mountain stream network
- The first palaeoclimate time-series based on compound specific analyses of fatty acid biomarkers from a speleothem.
- UAV-based Measurements of Solar Induced Fluorescence to Gain Insight Into Canopy-level Photosynthesis Under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A machine learning approach to GDGT-based palaeothermometry
- A sub-decadal record of East Antarctic biological productivity, and ocean-ice interactions over the Holocene from an ultra-expanded continental shelf sediment drift.
- Advancing knowledge of river temperature sensitivity to climate and other drivers of change
- BIFoR - Combining sensor network innovations with adaptive modelling approaches for identifying non-linear dynamics in hydrological and biogeochemical responses to global environmental change at the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research
- Distribution of microplastics in streambed sediments downstream of a point source within a geomorphically altered stream
- High-Resolution Coccolith Geochemistry Through The Late Pliocene Discoaster Extinctions
- Highly Explosive Basaltic Eruptions: Magma Fragmentation Induced by Rapid Crystallisation
- Influence of N.P.K. Fertilizer and Rhamnolipids on the Growth of Chrypsopogon zizanioides During Phytoremediation of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil.
- Landslide EVO: Monitoring landslides in remote western Nepal by leveraging technological advances and citizen science
- Microbial nitrate reduction to nitrite drives large HONO emissions at high soil moisture
- Processing out sideswipe - a case study from the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 13° N
- River corridors are global hotspots of microplastic pollution, exceeding the amount of plastics found in the world's oceans
- Seasonal variability of tree methane emissions in the Central Amazon floodplain
- The break-up of low viscosity melts
- Chemical and mineralogical composition of Icelandic Dust: Implications for the climate
- Data Assimilation Modelling of the Thermosphere (without any Thermospheric Observations)
- Evaluating the sensitivity of radical chemistry and ozone formation to ambient VOCs and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in Beijing
- Impact of HO<SUB>2</SUB> Heterogeneous Aerosol Uptake on Ozone Formation During Haze Events in Central Beijing
- Mapping the Application Usability Level Framework to the Technology Readiness Levels and Other Readiness Levels
- Minimum Detectable Radar Cross Sections in a Multistatic OTHR Architecture
- Ocean acidification at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: volcanic driver or tipping point event?
- Physical, Biogeochemical and Hydrological Controls of Streambed Nutrient Cycling and Greenhouse Gas Production
- The quest for understanding the organisational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling across scales
- The role of Amazonian wetland trees in atmospheric methane emissions
- Towards a consistent global picture of tree mortality trends and drivers
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- A Framework for Improving Methods for Inverse Modeling of Streambed Fluxes and Thermal Diffusivity Using Temperature Time Series
- A Study of Flares in the Ultra-Cool Regime from SPECULOOS-South
- A stalagmite record (4-45 kyr BP) of fall/winter monsoon variability from central Vietnam
- An Alternative Analysis of the Risk Posed by Typhoons and its Application in the Context of Parametric Insurance
- An Updated Assimilative CHAIM for Near-Real-Time Ionospheric Specification: Assessing its Real-World Performance
- Assessing seasonal forecast skill of dynamical and physical factors and their influence on winter windstorm predictions
- Calibration of Bacterial 3-HYDROXY Fatty Acid-Based Paleoclimate Proxies in Global Soils, Marine & Lake Sediments and Cultures.
- Can We Build Useful Statistical Model for Extreme Mei-yu Rainfall Prediction Based on the Causal Relations with Known Large-scale Modes?
- Changes in the Morphology of Combined-Flow Dunes as a Function of Water Depth: Links to the Sedimentology of Larger-Scale Barforms
- Conservation of tropical peatlands provides avoided emissions but may not provide CO2 sequestration
- Exploring continental-scale relationships between stream temperature signatures and watershed characteristics
- Finding Argoland
- Geological Architecture and History of the Antigua Volcano and Carbonate Platform: was there an Oligo-Miocene Lull in Lesser Antilles Arc Magmatism?
- High-resolution records of dust and productivity from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean across Termination III
- Holocene temperature evolution consistent with early land-use in transient climate model simulations
- How will increases in temperature and nutrient loading impact greenhouse gas fluxes and nitrogen processing in salt marsh soils across a climatic gradient?
- Humans asymmetrically amplify and homogenise forest disturbance rates across biomes
- Hydrological projections of floods and droughts under climate change in the Volta River basin in West Africa
- Impacts of Auroral Precipitation on HF Propagation: A Hypothetical Over-the-Horizon Radar Case Study
- Ionospheric Profile Retrievals using 1D-Var with COSMIC-2 Bending Angles
- Measuring the effect of anthropogenic stressors on microplastic abundance A case study of Boulder Creek, Colorado, USA
- Mesocosm experiments aid in the study of the transport of polyamide fibres and fragments at the sediment-water interface
- Mid to Late Holocene (5.5 ka to Present) Oceanographic Changes in the Adelie Basin, East Antarctica: Ultra-High Resolution Foraminiferal and Stable Isotope (13C and 18O) Records from IODP Expedition 318 Site U1357
- On the Validity of Flux Estimates using Semi-Infinite Domains.Comparing Flux Estimates from Semi-Infinite and Bounded Domains using the LPMLEn - a Multi Frequency, Multi Sensor Method to Estimate Vertical Streambed Fluxes and Sediment Thermal Properties.
- Pathogen transport distances and residence times in benthic sediments during dynamic flows in an intermittent urban stream
- The Future of Groundwater-Surface Water Interface Research
- The Global 100 Plastic Rivers project: Investigating microplastic contamination in river systems around the world.
- The evolution of water quality and pollution along the Ganga (Ganges) River
- Tree Growth in an Oak Woodland Exposed to Elevated Atmospheric CO2
- iFlow: a new graphical user interface to quantify thermal properties and advection from temperature time-series analysis
- 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acid-Based Palaeothermometry in Lacustrine Environments
- A-CHAIM: Using a Particle Filter for Near-Real-Time Ionospheric Modelling
- Are we timing it right? Snapshot versus high-frequency microplastic sampling in river water
- Assessing the effect of instream wood restoration on transient storage by means of a before-after-control-impact field experiment
- Can the depth-dependent characteristics of sedimentary CaCO3 preservation help constrain past pCO2?
- Carbon Isotopic Composition of Leaf Wax n-Alkanes Under Elevated CO2
- Dunes, Microplastics and Time: Distribution of Microplastics in Sediments of the River Waal (Rhine), Netherlands
- Estimates of future new particle formation under different emission scenarios in Beijing
- Evaluating nature-based solutions for water security at the catchment scale
- Experimental chemical budgets of OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals in rural air in Western Germany during the JULIAC campaign 2019
- Flood Classification Based on Hydrograph Characteristics
- Global river water pollution: exploring current challenges and future prospects
- Improving the Topside Ionosphere Electron Density Modelling through Radio Occultation Observations
- Influence of Land Use Change, Climate and Management on Historical Simulated Yields of Wheat, Maize and Rice
- Ionospheric Electron Density Over Resolute Bay According to E-CHAIM Model and RISR Radar Measurements
- Make your own OSSEs with the Advanced Ionospheric Data Assimilation (AIDA) Model
- Microanalysis of aerosol particles in Arctic air during summertime
- Modelling Extreme Mei-yu Rainfall Over China Using Causal-Physical Drivers
- Morphological Response of the Yamuna River to Changes in the Hydrological Regime
- NO2 exposure reduction inside different vehicle cabins with activated carbon filters and their efficiency vs duration of use
- Neutral densities from Two Line Elements: An operational tool for LEO density derivation.
- New Features for the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM) v4.0.0
- New theory to improve estimates of emerging contaminant exposure times
- Northern Hemisphere SWE Time Series based on In-Situ Observations of Snow Depth: Investigating Changing Snowmelt Rates
- Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Generated by Sources in the Upper and Lower Atmosphere
- Predicting Microplastic Migration in Streams through Dynamic Flow Hydrologic Modeling and Direct Measurements of Accumulation Patterns, Deposition and Resuspension Rates
- Quantifying the Ecohydrological Controls exerted by the Near-Surface Sphagnum Peat layers overlying the Degraded Peat layer
- Recent Increase in Water Deficit in Central Brazil is Recorded in the Oxygen Isotopes of Dry-forest Tree Species
- Refining the alkenone-pCO2 method: constraining algal physiology using Bayesian inference
- Seasonal Forecast Skill of Extreme European Winter Windstorm Characteristics and their Connection to Large-Scale Modes and Dynamical Forcing Factors
- Testing the Relationship Between North Atlantic Igneous Province Initiation and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- The Plastic Beneath our Feet - Relevance and Magnitude of Microplastics in Groundwater Systems
- The Response of the Northern Hemisphere Midlatitude Jet and Atmospheric Waves to Arctic Amplification in Idealised General Circulation Model Experiments
- The importance of understanding river temperatures in a human-dominated world
- Understanding changes to West African monsoon precipitation in response to increased CO2
- Using Juliusruh Ionosonde f0F2 to Validate TDIM Ionospheric Simulations Driven By a GNSS TEC-Servo
- Using Non-realised Physical-consistent Storms from Ensemble Predictions for Parametric Typhoon Insurance - A Conceptual Approach
- Validation of Ionosphere Data Assimilation Systems using GNSS Positioning Algorithms
- Variability in microplastic sediment concentrations in the Upper Okavango Delta
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Turetcaia
- A. V. Koustov
- Abinesh Ganapathy
- Adam A. Scaife
- Adam S. Ward
- Adrià Fontrodona-Bach
- Alessio Pignalberi
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Andy Ridgwell
- Ankit Agarwal
- Ankur R. Desai
- Anna Kukkola
- Astrid Kiendler‐Scharr
- B. F. Ochoa‐Tocachi
- Benjamin Reid
- Benjamin V. Rackham
- Bruno Barçante Ladvocat Cintra
- C. R. Riesselman
- Camille L. Stagg
- Carolina Mayoral
- Charles H. Luce
- Chia-hung Chen
- Chris Watson
- Christian Anibas
- Christopher M. Taylor
- Christopher W. Kinsley
- D. Queloz
- Daniel R. Parsons
- Daniele Tonina
- Darren L. Ficklin
- David M. Hannah
- David McGee
- David R. Themens
- Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen
- E. K. Sutton
- E. Prokocki
- Eldert L. Advokaat
- Elsa Ducrot
- Elvira Astafyeva
- F. J. Pozuelos
- Fabián Drenkhan
- Gail L. Chmura
- Geoffrey K. Vallis
- Gerd Vandersteen
- Gisela Winckler
- Gregor C. Leckebusch
- Hendrik Fuchs
- J. J. Sojka
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Ruck
- James A. Screen
- James Bendle
- James L. Best
- Jaroslav Chum
- Jennifer Drummond
- Jennifer L. Middleton
- Jiuhou Lei
- Jordan T. Abell
- Josep Barba
- Julian Klaus
- K. R. Johnson
- Kelvin S. Ng
- Kevin Roche
- Lionel Garcia
- M. van Berkel
- Marco Dentz
- Marco Maffione
- Mariem Saavedra‐Pellitero
- Martha E. Crockatt
- Matthew Collins
- Matthew H. Kaufman
- Matthew K. Brown
- Michael Angus
- Michael L. Griffiths
- Michael Pezzopane
- Moctar Dembélé
- N. M. Pedatella
- Natalie Ceperley
- Nezha Acil
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- Niko Wanders
- P. Prikryl
- Paul J. Valdes
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Philip E. Bett
- Philippe Münch
- Pierdavide Coïsson
- Pierre Camps
- R. G. Gillies
- R. Howe
- R. Schumer
- R.J.R. van Kampen
- Ricardo González‐Pinzón
- Richard Boothroyd
- Robert L. Runkel
- Robert McKay
- Robin Chadwick
- Ross Woods
- S. M. Jones
- Sarah E. Greene
- Sean Elvidge
- Shibaji Chakraborty
- Shuang Zhang
- Sophie Comer‐Warner
- Sumit Sen
- T.A.G.P. van Dijk
- Timothy Kodikara
- Tom Dunkley Jones
- Tomoko Matsuo
- Tomás Aquino
- Uwe Schneidewind
- Weijun Li
- Wouter Buytaert
- Yige Zhang