Indiana University, Department of Geological Sciences
flowchart I[Indiana University, Department of Geological Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (390)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A nitrogen and sulfur isotope investigation of redox conditions occurring in a shallow outwash aquifer.
- Assessing the Heterogeneity of Snow-Water Equivalent During the Snowmelt Season: Spatial Variability and its Controlling Factors in an Alpine Setting
- Dissolution and Replacement Creep:A Significant Deformation Mechanism in Mid-crustal Rocks
- Forest Canopy Uptake of Atmospheric Nitrogen at a Midwestern U.S. Mixed Hardwood Site: Implications for Carbon Storage
- GPS Measurement of Crustal Deformation associated with the 2001 eruptions of Mayon Volcano, Philippines
- Glacial/interglacial productivity in the Subantarctic Southern Ocean: ODP Site 1089 vs. Site 1171
- Location of Magnetic Dipoles in Chongcho Lake, Republic of Korea
- Measurement and Interpretation of High Strain Rates Near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- Methane-Derived Hydrogen in Lipids Produced by Aerobic Methanotrophs
- Productivity Variations Across the Polar Front Zone in the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean
- Time-varying deformation recorded by continuous GPS networks on Taal Volcano, Philippines
- "Excess" Plagioclase and Augite in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: An Observational and Experimental Study
- Applications of General Three-Dimensional Geographical Curve-Linear Library in Computational Seismology
- Assessing Spatial and Temporal Variability and Source Attribution of Ammonia during Pacific 2001
- Direct Imaging of the Coda of Teleseismic P waves
- Interactive Geophysical Mapping on the Web
- Location of Magnetic Dipoles with Arbitrary Directions of Magnetization in Chongcho Lake, Republic of Korea
- Molecular Proxies for Cyanobacterial Production during OAE 1a and for Cooler Waters during the Late Valanginian at Shatsky Rise
- Rocks Whose Compositions are Determined by Flow Differentiation of Olivine- and Sulfide Droplet-Laden Magma: the Jinchuan Story
- Seismotectonic Setting of the June 18, 2002, Evansville, Indiana Earthquake: Or What's a Nice Earthquake Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
- The U.S. Educational Seismology Network (USESN)
- The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars
- A Comparison of Multiple-Event Location Methods
- Array Averaged Particle Motion and Polarization for Southern California
- Can Chabazite Account for the Water Observed on the Equator of Mars?
- Depths of Earthquakes in the Central Tien Shan
- Experimental Study of the Effects of Dissolved Sulfur on Olivine-Liquid Ni Partitioning Behavior
- Geoclimate: The Study of Earth's Deep-Time Climate
- Location of Earthquakes in Three-dimensional Media Using Repeated, Multiple-Event Locations Over Spatial Grids of Control Points
- Mg-Sulfate Salts as Possible Water Reservoirs in Martian Regolith
- Microbial Diversity Associated With Geochemical Changes in a Deep Subsurface Aquifer
- Modeling Urban Surface-Atmosphere Sensible Heat Exchanges
- Multiparameter Inversion of Forward Scattered Teleseismic Data Using an Inverse Scattering Series Method
- Oxygen isotopic signature of mantle xenoliths from the Patagonia region, Argentina
- Seasonal Wildfires as a Mechanism for Long-distance Transportation of Leaf Waxes and Pyrolytic Hydrocarbons in the Aptian-Albian Scisti a Fucoidi, Italian Appenines
- Spectral Analysis of Broadband Seismic Array Data, Tien Shan
- Sulfur Isotopic Analysis of Water and Sediment From Lake Hoare, Antarctica
- Teleseismic Tomographic Images of the Central Tien Shan
- Chironomid δ ^{18}O and \delta$D as Paleoclimate Proxies: Progress and Puzzles
- Crustal Deformation of Luzon Island, Philippines from GPS-based Geodynamic Models and Structural Analyses of Satellite Imagery
- High SiO<SUB>2</SUB> (Rhyolitic) Melt Inclusions in Augite Phenocrysts from an Aleutian High Alumina Basalt: Evidence for a Magmatic Component or a Petrologic Process?
- High-resolution C-N-S-Fe isotope chemostratigraphy of the terminal Proterozoic Huqf Supergroup, Sultanate of Oman: reorganization of global biogeochemical cycles and the progressive oxygenation of the ocean
- Holocene Climate History of North Central Minnesota, Interpreted From δ D and δ \<SUP>18</SUP>O of Lake Sediments
- Marcasite in Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks - Conundrum and Opportunity
- Modeling the Impact of Forest and Peat Fires on Carbon-Isotopic Compositions of Cretaceous Atmosphere and Vegetation
- Relocation of a Cluster of Earthquakes in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone
- Salt Attack on Rocks and Expansion of Soils on Mars
- Seismic Sensors to Supercomputers: Internet Mapping and Computational Tools for Teaching and Learning about Earthquakes and the Structure of the Earth from Seismology
- The U.S. Educational Seismology Network (USESN)
- Volcano-Tectonic Deformation at Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Voyager Interactive Web Interface to EarthScope
- Cooling Cycles Linked to Carbon Isotopic Shifts During the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Distribution and Diversity of Microorganisms of Deep, Subpermafrost Brine in the Canadian Arctic
- Evidence of Possible Induced Seismicity in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone from Improved Microearthquake Locations
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Developing a More Continuous Composite Section from Overlapping Cores
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Preliminary Results and Implications
- Fractionation of Stable Si Isotopes During in-situ Dissolution of Feldspars and Formation of Secondary Clay Minerals
- Impact of Atmosphere-sea Exchange on the Isotopic Expression of Carbon Excursions: Observations and Modeling of OAE-1a
- Kinematics of fibrous vein growth: insights from stable isotopes and trace element data
- Mechanics of Afterslip Following the 2002 Denali and 2004 Parkfield Earthquakes
- Melt Weakening in Crustal-Scale Tectonic Wedging, Southern New England
- Microbial Adaptations to Biosustainabilitiy in Deep-Subsurface Environments on Earth
- Microbial community composition and respiratory potential of deep, subpermafrost brine in the Canadian Arctic
- Mid-Tertiary transition from plate-like to continuous deformation in NE Tibet
- Miocene Uplift and Northeast Propagation of the Qilian Shan, Gansu Province, China
- Multiple Reaction Pathways during Radiolytic Oxidation of Pyrite
- Qimen Tagh Uplift Constrained From Tectonostratigraphy of Southwest Qaidam Basin, Northern Tibet Plateau, China.
- Reconstruction of Sea Surface Temperatures During Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events Using Archaeal Paleothermometry
- Sector and/or Concentric Zoned Augite Phenocryts in Mafic Arc Lavas: Evidence for Decompression Induced Crystallization With Implications for the Mechanism of Andesite Fractionation
- A composite dislocation model for strain build-up and release at a collision zone
- Can Peat Fires Produce a Globally Significant Carbon-Isotope Excursion in the Sedimentary Record?
- Challenges facing missions by drilling into permafrost on Mars
- Crustal Thickness Variations Along the Southeastern Caribbean Plate Boundary From Teleseismic and Active Source Seismic Data
- Elemental Enrichment in Sediments Corresponding to the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event at Shatsky Rise (Site 1207)
- Molecular Fossil Evidence of Archaea and a Deep Biosphere during the Late Archean
- Numerical models of carbonate hosted gold mineralization, Great Basin Nevada
- Oceanic Anoxic Events in the Early Cretaceous Pacific Ocean: Unique Records From the Calera Limestone of Central California
- Strain Partitioning and Oblique Convergence Along the Philippine Fault and Northern Philippine Trench
- Structural, Paleogeographic and Topographic Evolution of the Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Temporal Variation in Cenozoic Structural Style Along the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- The National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program
- The St. Elias orogen as an early stage in the development of indentor corners: Initial results from the STEEP project
- A project-based geoscience curriculum: select examples
- Analysis of Regionally Detected Icequakes Using the STEEP Network, South-Central AK
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (ASM) as a powerful tool to study sedimentary process in continental basin
- Array Processing of Teleseismic Body Wave Phases Recorded by the Transportable Array
- CheMin: A Definitive Mineralogy Instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL '09) Rover
- Chemical Structures of Kerogen and Their Changes During Thermal Evolution Investigated by Advanced Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy
- Community Models of Mantle P-wave Heterogeneity Beneath North America From Multiscale Travel-time Tomography Using Transportable Array Data
- Controls on the Solubility of Sulfur in Anhydrous and Hydrous Silicate Melts Saturated with Sulfide Liquid, Pyrrhotite or Anhydrite: Empirical Models and Applications
- Coso Hot Springs: A Condensate Fed Geothermal Feature
- Crustal Thickness Estimates for the Chugach-St. Elias, Alaska, Region From Receiver Functions
- Extending Molecular Signatures of Climatic and Environmental Change to the Mesozoic
- Ground-Penetrating Radar Studies of Late Pleistocene-Holocene Lacustrine Deltas in Lower Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Implications for Lake History
- Growth of Fault-cored Anticlines by combined Mechanisms of Fault Slip and Buckling
- Imaging the Southeast Caribbean Plate Margin with Teleseismic P-wave Tomography
- Insights Into Caribbean Lithospheric Structure From S Wave Receiver Functions
- Is There a Connection Between Seismicity and Deformation in the New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic zones?
- Modeling the Philippine Mobile Belt: Tectonic blocks in a deforming plate boundary zone
- Novel Penta-Unsaturated Alkenones From Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
- Rare Earth Element (REE)- SiO2 Variations in Intra-oceanic arc Felsic Liquids Generated by Basalt Fractionation and Amphibolite Melting: A Potential test for Discrimination
- Seismological Detection and Analysis of Recent Landslides in Alaska and the Yukon
- Stable Isotopic Constraints on Climatic and Topographic Development Along the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- The Distributed Thermal Perturbation Sensor: A New Tool for In Situ Estimation of Formation Thermal Properties and Geothermal Heat Flux
- Thermal Modeling as a Test for Internal Consistency Between Thermo- and Geochronology and Thermobarometry: Application to the Acadian Orogeny in SE Vermont.
- Trends in US Surface Winds Over the Last Quarter of the 20C: Observations and Model Results
- Basin-Scale Hydrologic Impacts of CO2 Sequestration within the Mt Simon Formation, Illinois Basin; Scaling Calculations using Sharp-Interface Theory
- Biogeochemical evidence for environmental constraints on cyanobacterial populations during an Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Effects of Initial Conditions on Inversions of Geodetic Data Using Rate-State Friction Models of Afterslip
- Geodetic Observations From the Region Surrounding the M 5.2 Mt. Carmel, Illinois Earthquake
- Insights into active tectonics of eastern Taiwan from analyses of geodetics and geologic data
- Microbial biosynthesis of wax esters during desiccation: an adaptation for colonization of the earliest terrestrial environments?
- New Constraints On The Caribbean-South America Plate Boundary From S Wave Receiver Functions
- New insights on the Frasnian/Famennian mass extinction: a role for soil erosion?
- Particle Nucleation Over and in a Forest: How Important is the Canopy?
- Particle Nucleation and Growth During the NIFTy Experiment
- Pleistocene Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Atlantic Continental Shelf, New England: The Role of Ice Sheets
- Preliminary Analysis of Wind Speed Simulations over the US Produced by Regional Climate Models
- Seismicity of Southeast Alaska: Links Between Fault Geometry and Glaciers
- Seismicity of the Bering Glacier Region: Inferences from Relocations Using Data from STEEP
- Solution Creep as a Deformation and Softening Mechanism in the Mid- and Lower- Crust
- Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of Late Pleistocene Moraine at the Mouth of Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Implications for the Melting History of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Deglaciation
- Sulfate Hydration States in Interpretation of Martian Mineral Assemblages
- Sulfuric acid and OH in a deciduous forest
- Temporal Variations in the Structural Evolution of the St. Elias Orogen: Long term variations driven by dramatic exhumation vs short term uncertaintie
- Trends in wind climates over the contiguous US: Implications for the wind energy resource
- Coupled Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Injection in Mt. Simon Sandstone Formation, Midwest USA
- Denali Fault Earthquake Postseismic Deformation Models (Invited)
- Development of a deformation transient detection algorithm using a particle-based online filter (Invited)
- Estimation of Fault Slip Rates in the Vicinity of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Using Viscoelastic Earthquake Cycle Models, GPS Data, and Geologic Uplift Rates
- Frictional Models of Transient Creep on the southern Hayward Fault, San Francisco Bay, California
- Geodetic Observations and Numerical Models of Magmatic Activity at Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Groundwater-silicates Reaction Kinetics in the Navajo Sandstone Aquifer, Black Mesa, Arizona (Invited)
- How Well Can We Model Water-rock-CO2 Interaction for CCS?
- Hypocentral Relocations of the 2008 Mt. Carmel, Illinois Aftershock Sequence
- Investigation of the influence of laterally varying lithospheric properties on asymmetric strain accumulation across strike-slip faults
- Mars Rover Proposed for 2018 to Seek Signs of Life and to Cache Samples for Potential Return to Earth
- Mineralogical Capabilities of the CheMin XRD/XRF instrument on Mars Science Laboratory (MSL ’11)
- Mixed linear-nonlinear fault slip inversion: Bayesian inference of model, weighting, and smoothing parameters
- Moment accumulation rate on faults in California inferred from viscoelastic earthquake cycle models (Invited)
- Present-day Crustal Deformation of Taiwan
- Sandstone/Shale-Brine-CO2 interactions: Implications for Geological Carbon Sequestration
- Slip rates and interseismic locking depths of southern California faults inferred from viscoelastic earthquake cycle models
- Stable Isotopes of CH4 and H2S as Potential Biomarkers in Clathrates
- Super-heavy pyrite (δ34Spyr > δ34SCAS) in the terminal Proterozoic Nama Group, Southern Namibia: Implications for atmospheric oxygen and seawater sulfate at the dawn of animal life
- Weathering and hydrothermal alteration of basalts in Iceland: mineralogy from VNIR, TIR, XRD, and implications for Mars
- A Decade of Shear-Wave Splitting Observations in Alaska
- A joint inversion of focal mechanisms and GPS displacements for absolute crustal stress and coseismic fault slip using data from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake
- Analysis of Oblique Plate Convergence along the Manila Trench and the Philippine Trench
- Appraising the Reliability of Scattered Wave Imaging: Application to the 410 km and 660 km discontinuities
- Biomarkers as Paleoenvironmental Proxies
- Carbon mineralization: insights from field observations, experiments and modeling of accelerated weathering in mine tailings (Invited)
- Chemical and microbial analysis of a talik in western Greenland
- EXAFS Reveals the Mechanism of U Isotope Fractionation During Adsorption to Mn Oxyhydroxide
- EarthScope in Midcontinent North America: Investigating the Architecture and Tectonic History of Cratonic-Platform Lithosphere
- Flume studies of mud deposition: Implications for shallow marine mud deposition and the stratigraphic record (Invited)
- Frictional properties of the Chihshang fault, eastern Taiwan, inferred from postseismic slip following the 2003 Mw 6.8 Chengkung earthquake
- Ice-Sheet Aquifer Interactions within the midcontinent, USA: Implications for CO2 Sequestration (Invited)
- Introducing Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) to Undergraduate Geology Curricula: Insights from the Indiana University G429 Field Course, Summer 2010
- Joint coseismic and postseismic kinematic slip inversions in a Bayesian framework (Invited)
- Jules Verne Voyager, Jr: An Interactive Map Tool for Teaching Plate Tectonics
- LGM Snow-Line Elevations In The Western Tropical Pacific- Exposure Ages On Moraines From Mt. Giluwe, Papua New Guinea
- Mechanical constraints on inversion of co-seismic geodetic data for fault slip and geometry
- Mobilization of H2O by humidity-dependent solid-state mineral transformations under Mars-like conditions
- Models of Active Mountain Building in Taiwan Constrained by GPS, Leveling, Geologic and Stress Observations (Invited)
- Muddy tempestites: Flume analogs vs. ancient and modern examples
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Banded Iron Formation Precipitation
- Nonlinear geochemical dynamics and petrography: Burial dolomitization (Invited)
- REE-SIO2 Systematics in Mor Gabbros and Associated Plagiogranites from the Fournier Oceanic Fragment, New Brunswick, Canada
- Strain accumulation across strike-slip faults: Investigation of the influence of laterally varying lithospheric properties
- Sulfide weathering in the Werenskioldbreen, Spitsbergen - A polar terrestrial analogue for gypsum deposition in the North Polar Region of Mars
- The impact of wakes on power output at large offshore wind farms
- What is the Geometry of the Juan de Fuca/Farallon Slab? New constraints from a Synthesis of Wavefield Imaging, Tomography, and Tectonic Reconstructions
- Zinc Finger Takes on a Whole New Meaning: Reducing and Monitoring Zinc Blanks in the Isotope Lab
- A SAFT Equation of State for the Quaternary H2S-CO2-H2O-NaCl system
- Analysis of Blood Gadolinium in an Isotope Geochemist Following Contrast MRI
- Analysis of Mineral Assemblages Containing Unstable Hydrous Phases
- Analysis of wind climates based on output from NARCCAP
- Appraising the Reliability of Scattered Wavefield Imaging: Application to the 410 km Discontinuity
- Assessing the impact of the expanding continuous measurement network in North America on carbon budgeting with an atmospheric inversion
- Bioprospecting of Evaporative Lakes for Development of a Novel Paleo-aridity Metric
- Deformation of Anatolian Plate: Constraints form GPS and Geological Data Mehmet Kokum and Kaj Johnson
- Flume Experiments on the Co-Deposition of Organic Matter and Clays in Muddy Flows
- Grain Size Distribution in Mudstones: A Question of Nature vs. Nurture
- Initial Results from the Ozark-Illinois-Indiana-Northern Kentucky (OIINK!) EarthScope Project in North America's Midcontinent Cratonic Platform
- Low-temperature stability of Mg-sulfate minerals in the presence of smectites: Implications for tracing the water cycle of Mars
- Lower Greenschist Facies Oscillations Across the Brittle-Ductile Transition Induced by Alternating Reaction Softening and Hardening Events
- Millennial-scale surface water mass radiocarbon reservoir age changes recorded on the California Margin
- Mixed-Layered Clays as Evidence for Widespread Diagenesis on Mars
- Moho Depth of the Yakutat Terrane, Southern Alaska
- Monitoring Near-Surface Thermal Properties in Conjunction with Energy and Moisture Budgets to Facilitate the Optimization of Ground-Source Heat Pumps in the Glaciated Midwest
- Multi-Layer, Sharp-Interface Models of Pore Pressure Buildup within the Illinois Basin due to Basin-Wide CO2 Injection
- Origin of lithological zoning in Alaskan-type complexes: Studies from the Duke Island and Annette Island Complexes in southeastern Alaska
- Phyllosilicate analysis capabilities of the CheMin mineralogical instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL '11) Curiosity Rover
- Planktonic foraminiferal shell weight reflects sea surface temperature over the past 150 years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Present-day mountain building in Taiwan: whole-crustal thickening
- Rare Earth Element - SiO2 systematics of island arc lower crust amphibolite migmatite from Yakuno Ophiolite, SW Japan: a field evaluation of some model predictions
- Shallow borehole array for measuring fluxes of reduced trace gases in Greenland as an analogue for volatile emission on Mars
- Spectral Properties of Natural and Synthetic Allophanes, Imogolites, Hydrated Silica and Phyllosilicates and Applications to Mars
- Spontaneous transition of replacive to displacive growth of dolomite in burial dolomitization, and of serpentine in serpentinization
- Testing the applicability of linear Maxwell mantle flow models for interseismic deformation
- Upper Mantle Structure of Southeast Alaska Revealed by Teleseismic P-waves
- Variations in Paleotemperatures and Paleoenvironmental Proxies associated with OAE1a
- Weak Japan forearc crust revealed by coseismic stress change and aftershock mechanisms from M9 Tohoku-Oki megathrust earthquake
- Analysis of methanogenic and methanotrophic activity at the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Best-fit analysis for future coral reef survivors on Bonaire: A lifeline to the reefs' future in the region
- Constraining Interseismic Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using a Viscoelastic Earthquake Cycle Model
- Constraining Potential Locking Area on the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Deep Structure of the Yakutat Terrane, Southern Alaska
- Expanding afterslip on the Chihshang fault, eastern Taiwan, inferred from postseismic GPS displacements following the 2003 Mw 6.8 Chengkung earthquake
- Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP
- Freezing Level Height in the Western Equatorial Pacific over the Last 200 Years: Glacier Evidence from Mt. Jayawijaya, Papua Province, Indonesia
- Frictional parameters on the creeping San Andreas Fault inferred from the 1983 Coalinga-Nuñez and 2004 Parkfield earthquakes
- GPR Profiles of Stratified Deposits in Eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Permafrost Periglacial or Glacial?
- Geochemical and isotopic time series of oil deposited in Barataria Bay and on Grand Isle, Louisiana, after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- How comparable are size-resolved particle number concentrations from different instruments?
- Is Hazardous Waste Injection into Basal Aquifers a Good Idea?
- Linking foraminiferal proxy records to the instrumental temperature record over the last 200 years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Logistic Regression for Seismically Induced Landslide Predictions: Using Uniform Hazard and Geophysical Layers as Predictor Variables
- Marked variation in aqueous chemistry and methane concentrations in small thermokarst lakes in western Greenland
- Methane Gradients Associated With a Small, Deep Lake on the Ice-Free Margin of Western Greenland
- Modes of Organic Matter Burial in Mudstones - Observations from Flume Experiments
- On the Possible Role of Bedload Transport of Mud for the Infilling of Epicontinental Basins
- Quantifying the Influence of Near-Surface Water-Energy Budgets on Soil Thermal Properties Using a Network of Coupled Meteorological and Vadose Zone Instrument Arrays in Indiana, USA
- Recent Seismicity in Southern Illinois and Southern Missouri: Initial Results from the EarthScope OIINK Flexible Array Experiment
- Records of transient avulsion-related river patterns in ancient deposits: evidence for different styles of channel-floodplain coupling
- Reducing Uncertainties in Model Predictions via History Matching of CO2 Plume Migration at the Sleipner Project, Norwegian North Sea
- Reorganization of North Pacific Ocean Circulation at ~1300 AD during the Terminal American SW Drought of the Medieval Climate Anomaly
- Scars of the Farallon Plate in the High Plains Revealed by 3D Wavefield Imaging with the Earthscope Transportable Array
- Self-organized geodynamics of karst limestone landscapes and coupled terra rossa/bauxite formation
- Soluble Salt Accumulations in Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Implications for Paleolakes and Ross Sea Ice Sheet Dynamics
- Sources of Sulfate Found in Mounds and Lakes at the Lewis Cliffs Ice Tongue, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica and Inferred Sub-glacial Microbial Environments
- Sulfate sulfur isotope stratigraphy reveals a record of ocean ventilation during the Latest Ordovician
- The Behavior of Hydrated Na-Mg Sulfate Phases Under Mars-Relevant Conditions
- a Temporal Limit on the Alkenone Paleotemperature Proxy
- 19th-20th century rainfall patterns reconstructed from sediment provenance in a Santa Barbara Basin box core
- 3D Wind: Quantifying wind speed and turbulence intensity
- A New Model of Present-day Deformation of the Philippine Mobile Belt based on GPS and Seismological Data
- A mechanical model of afterslip following the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- A new look at vertical motion around the San Andreas Fault in the Southern California from Integrated GPS and InSAR measurements
- A theoretical and field-based study on the formation and shape of fluvial levees
- Accentuation of Subtle Rock-density Differences by Aeolian Erosion
- Array-based, Generalized Iterative Deconvolution of Passive Seismic Array Data
- Assessment of GDGTs as paleotemperature proxies in a series of lacustrine sediments from southwestern Greenland
- Bifurcations and delta planform stability: the role of substrate cohesion
- Cadmium isotope fractionation during adsorption to Mn-oxyhydroxide
- Carbon and hydrogen isotopic systematics of dissolved methane in small seasonally ice-covered lakes near the margin of the Greenland ice sheet
- Characterizing decadal transient deformation and aseismic fault slip in the northeastern Japan subduction zone prior to the 2011 M 9 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Ozark Plateau and Illinois Basin using the OIINK Flexible Array
- Fault coupling and potential for earthquakes on the creeping section of the Central San Andreas Fault
- Geomorphic mapping of floodplain accessory channels with implications for floodplain morphodynamics
- High-resolution passive sampling of dissolved methane in the water column of lakes in Greenland
- How do hydrologic projections for the western United States change with the new CMIP5 models?
- Ideal vegetation height maximizes sedimentation in freshwater deltaic marshes during flood
- Imaging the Lithosphere under Southern Illinois Basin based on Ozark-Illinois-INdiana-Kentucky (OIINK) Flexible Array Experiment
- Influence of gas-particle partitioning on ammonia and nitric acid fluxes above a deciduous forest in the Midwestern USA
- Innovations in making EarthScope science and data accessible (Invited)
- Kinetic-rheological insights uncovered by the self-accelerating brucite-for-periclase replacement - but only if adjusted on volume. The blind spot of geochemists
- Lithospheric structure of the Illinois Basin from teleseismic P-wave tomography
- Modeling Water Flux at the Base of the Rooting Zone for Soils with Varying Glacial Parent Materials
- Numerical modeling of solid state diffusion controlled trace element uptake in liquid during partial melting with application to lower crustal amphibolite melting
- Observed and Aogcm Simulated Relationships Between us Wind Speeds and Large Scale Modes of Climate Variability
- Optimization of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers Using Water-Alternating Gas (WAG) Scheme - Case Study for Utsira Formation
- Overlapping Afterslip and Coseismic Slip on the Northern Japan Subduction Interface Inferred from Physical Models of Slip and GPS Time Series from 2003-2011
- Seismophotos: Images of a Natural Disaster
- Stable Ni Isotope Fractionation In Systems Relevant To Banded Iron-Formations
- Terrestrial Analogs for Clay Minerals at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Testing marine shales' ability to generate catalytic gas at low temperature
- The origin of jarosite associated with a gossan on Archean gneiss in Southwest Greenland
- Three dimensional numerical modeling of shallow jets: importance of frictional effects on the morphodynamics of river mouth bars and levees
- Three-dimensional Structure of the Transition Zone Revealed by Converted Wave Imaging with the Earthscope Transportable Array
- Toward a Global Model for Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslides in Near-Real Time
- Understanding Spatiotemporal Variability of Fine Particulate Matter in an Urban Environment Using Combined Fixed and Mobile Measurements
- Validation of a Parcel-Based Reduced-Complexity Model for River Delta Formation (Invited)
- What can simulated convective storms tell us about thunderstorm behavior under climate change?
- Zinc isotope fractionation during adsorption on calcite
- Zn isotope fractionation during adsorption on birnessite
- A Tool to Estimate the Palmer Drought Severity Index Using Penman-Monteith Potential Evapotranspiration at Any Spatial Scale
- Constraints on Subduction Zone Coupling along the Philippine and Manila Trenches based on GPS and Seismological Data
- Coupling Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope with Carbonate Carbon Isotope Excursion Across the Early Mississippian Kinderhookian-Osagean Boundary in Great Basin, Western USA
- Crustal structure across a continental suture zone: a zone of focused crustal thickening, diffuse seismicity, and epiorogenic features in the mid continent of North America
- Flux Chamber Measurements of Methane Emissions and Stable Isotope Composition from an Arctic Wetland Using Field-Deployed Real-Time CRDS Vs Lab Measurements
- GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI): Undergraduate curricular modules that feature geodetic data applied to critical social topics
- Is there a zone of weakness beneath the New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Zones?
- Microbial Sulfate Reduction at Cold Seeps Based on Analysis of Carbonate Associated Sulfate
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability During the Past 2000 Years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- The role of vegetation in the development and resiliency of the coastal freshwater deltaic system of Wax Lake Delta
- Triple-oxygen and sulfur isotopic evidence for diagenetic overprinting of carbonate-associated sulfate in Neoproterozoic samples from a drill core
- Boundary Element Modeling of Fault Cored Anticlines and Associated Blind Thrust Faults in Central California
- Developing a Truly Global Delta Database to Assess Delta Morphology and Morphodynamics
- Geometry of the Farallon Slab Revealed by Joint Interpretation of Wavefield Imaging and Tomography Results from the Earthscope Transportable Array
- Lithospheric Discontinuities in Illinois Basin and Their Tectonic Implications: Results from the EarthScope OIINK Experiment
- Measuring Delta Progradation Using Delta Front Flow Patterns: A New Method of Remote Imagery Analysis on the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, U.S.A.
- Morphodynamics of Floodplain Chute Channels
- Moving beyond the Galloway diagrams for delta classification: Connecting morphodynamic and sediment-mechanistic properties with metrics of delta channel network topology and dynamics
- Practical Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Intensity
- Roughness of the Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Revealed by High Resolution Wavefield Imaging with the Earthscope Transportable Array
- Surface Manifestation of the Ste. Genevieve Fault Zone, Missouri: Polyphase Kinematics, and Landscape Rejuvenation, along the Ozark Plateau / Illinois Basin Boundary
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion teaching resources for undergraduate field education courses
- The role of relative floodplain width in forming anabranching rivers
- Towards a Millennial Time-scale Vertical Deformation Field in Taiwan
- Undergraduate teaching modules featuring geodesy data applied to critical social topics (GETSI: GEodetic Tools for Societal Issues)
- Avulsion flow-path selection on rivers in foreland basins
- Biogeochemical Proxies of Climatic and Environmental Change from the Sedimentary Record of Paleolake Olduvai ( 1.80 - 1.88 Ma)
- Connectivity of Secondary Channels in the Floodplain of a Low-Gradient Midwestern U.S. Agricultural River
- Effects of Crystallinity on Zn Isotope Fractionation during Adsorption onto Silica Surfaces
- Estimating Site Effect in the Central U.S. Using Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios from Broadband Recordings of Earthquake and Blast Shear Waves and Ambient Noise
- Experimental Constraints on Reconstruction of Archean Seawater Ni Isotopic Composition from Banded Iron Formations
- Hydrogen Isotopes in Amino Acids and Soils Offer New Potential to Study Complex Processes
- Impact of Wind Driven Pond Expansion on Landloss in the Mississippi River Delta Plain
- Large-Scale Control of the Lower Stratosphere on Intensity of Intense Tropical Cyclones
- Measuring delta volumetric change and composition using a streakline-based method on the Wax Lake Delta
- Modeling Reef Island Morphodynamics in Profile and Plan View
- Monitoring and Detecting Transient Deformation in Taiwan Using Dense GPS Arrays and the Network Strain Filter
- Moon Connection with MEGA and Giant Earthquakes in Subduction Zones during One Solar Cycle
- Ni Isotope Signatures in Banded Iron Formations Before, During, and After the Great Oxidation Event
- Observations of Near-Surface Scattering with a Dense Profile of Shots Recorded by an Underground Array
- Search for Long Period Solar Normal Modes in Ambient Seismic Noise
- Societal challenges-oriented data-rich undergraduate teaching resources for geoscience classrooms and field courses
- Teaching Structure from Motion to Undergraduates: New Learning Module for Field Geoscience Courses
- The mechanics and rate of headcut growth on floodplains: Implications for the formation of channel networks
- Three-dimensional Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone Revealed by High Resolution Wavefield Imaging
- A High Resolution (4 km) WRF Regional Climate Simulation for Indiana Climate Change Impact Assessment: Model Evaluation and Statistical Bias Correction
- Activities, Animations, and Online Tools to Enable Undergraduate Student Learning of Geohazards, Climate Change, and Water Resources
- Advances in understanding the tectonic evolution of the Santa Rosalia Basin and its stratiform ore deposits: Results of the Baja Basins Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Attenuation Model Using the Large-N Array from the Source Physics Experiment
- Characterization of Stream Channel Evolution Due to Extensional Tectonics Along the Western Margin of North Boulder Basin (Bull Mountain), SW Montana with the Use of Geologic Mapping and Thermochronologic (U-Th/He) Dating.
- Constraints on the Geometry of the Farallon Slab from the Joint Interpretation of All Available Imaging Results from the Earthscope USArray Deployment in the Lower 48 States
- Crustal layering and gravity highs in the Midcontinent of North America - implications for the formation of the Illinois Basin
- Detection of very long period solar free oscillations in ambient seismic array noise
- Determining Vertical Soil-Water Flux in Glaciated Terrains Using a Convective Heat Flux Model and Measured Transient Soil Thermal Properties
- Heterogeneous distribution of water in the mantle transition zone beneath United States inferred from seismic observations
- Hydrodynamic and sedimentological controls governing formation of fluvial levees
- Mechanics and rate of headcut growth on shallow sloped floodplains: Implications for floodplain channel network development
- Moho Depth and Geometry in the Illinois Basin Region Based on Gravity and Seismic Data from an EarthScope FlexArray Experiment
- Spatially varying stress state in the central U.S. from joint inversion of focal mechanism and maximum horizontal stress data
- Teaching Resources and Instructor Professional Development for Integrating Laser Scanning, Structure from Motion, and GPS Surveying into Undergraduate Field Courses
- The Dandridge-Vonore Fault Zone in the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone (and Rejuvenation of the Smokies?)
- The influence of vegetation on the transport pathways and residence time of surface water on the deltaic islands of Wax Lake Delta, LA
- Unravelling the Drivers of Chute Cutoff and the Commonality of Oxbow Production
- A Look at the Statistical Relationship between the Large-Scale Tropospheric Stratification and the Hurricane Maximum Intensity
- Analysis of Morphological Evolution of an Incipient Chute Cutoff using UAS and LIDAR
- Building Science Advocacy from the Grass Roots: Success Stories from the Heartland
- Consumption of Volatile Organic Compounds in Caves
- Data-rich Societally-situated Undergraduate Teaching Resources and Instructor Professional Development for Geoscience Classrooms and Field Courses
- Deposition and Erosion Potential of Sediment in a Channelized Floodplain
- Expanded record of East African Pleistocene orbital pacing from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Integrating High Resolution Topography Methods into Undergraduate Field Courses
- Ocean redox conditions during the Cryogenian interglacial period controlled by continental weathering
- On The Upper Limit Of The Global Number Of Tropical Cyclones
- The Role of Topographic Variability on River-Floodplain Connectivity across Several Floodplains
- Title: Dynamics of Sediment Transport Through a River Bifurcation
- What controls sediment retention in a prograding river delta?
- Along-Strike Changes in Foreland Basin Responses to Tectonics and Eustasy in the Magallanes-Austral Basin, Patagonia Revealed from Basin Modeling and Geothermochronology
- Biogeochemical evidence for Pleistocene environmental changes in lacustrine sediments from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Designing Data-rich Undergraduate Teaching Materials That Get Used
- Differential Tectonic Uplift of the Watersheds in the Santa Rosalia Basin, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
- Differentiating Hydroclimates Using Alluvial Fan Geochronology in the Vizcaino Desert, Central Baja California, Mexico
- If a tree falls in the forest, can a drone detect it?: Mapping tree uprooting on hillslopes in Southern Indiana, USA with UAV-based LiDAR
- Improving estimates of the likelihood of seismically induced landslides in near real-time
- Increasing Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Extremes along the Southeast Atlantic Coast over the Last 350 Years
- Morphology and Distribution of Pedogenic Carbonate in Quaternary Fluvial and Marine Terraces, Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
- Nitrate Removal Across Ecogeomorphic Zones in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana (USA)
- Preliminary investigation of fire response to precessional oscillations in climate and vegetation in Pleistocene East Africa
- Quantifying erosion caused by catastrophic outburst floods: Channeled Scablands, eastern Washington, USA
- Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks to a geoengineered climate
- The Push and Pull of Alluvial Ridges: Implications for Avulsing Rivers and Alluvial Stratigraphy
- 500 Years of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Variability Along the Gulf Coast: Multidecadal Patterns, Trends, and Climate Connections
- A comprehensive catalog of coseismic landslides in Costa Rica: Toward the development of an empirical landslide hazard model.
- A high-resolution globally applicable model for near-real-time estimation of earthquake-induced landslides
- Application of Scenario Earthquakes for Assessment of Coseismic Landslide Hazard: A Case Study in Costa Rica
- Assessing the influence of background state and model bias on weather extremes using initialized ensembles in a climate model
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the second phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Conditions for tropical cyclone rapid intensification onset
- Cosmogenic Erosion Rates and Calibrated Incision Models in the Northern U.S. Cordillera Reveal the Progression and Drivers of Landscape Transience
- Discharge dependent bifurcation asymmetry alters flow and sediment pathways through deltas
- Escaping the infinite modelling maze: useful decision pathways to follow when exploring and interpreting thermal history models using QTQt.
- MsPASS: A Parallel Processing Framework for Seismology
- Plant hydraulics: A theory-rich but data-poor field
- Preliminary findings from a low temperature thermochronometry survey of the Salmon River Mountains, Idaho.
- Quantifying Landslide Activity in Response to Anthropogenic Drainage Reorganization in a Steep Mountain Basin, Dump Creek, Idaho, USA.
- Rapid Eocene Exhumation in the Southern Patagonian Andes and Implications for Regional Tectonics
- Sedimentation Potential in the Mississippi Delta Without Human Influences
- Simulating Galloway's famous triangle: Testing the hypothesis that rivers, waves, and tides control delta morphology
- Six Forward and Inverse Models in HeFTy Everyone Should Perform Before Interpreting Real Cooling Ages
- The 2020 Edenville and Sanford, MI Dam Failures: Geomorphic Change in Response to Catastrophic Flooding
- The Ongoing Need for High-Resolution Regional Climate Models: Process Understanding and Stakeholder Information
- The Relationship between Delta form and Nitrate Removal Function Revealed by Numerical Modeling Experiments
- Uncertainty in Current and Projected Atmospheric Rivers: A Call for Process-Oriented Constraints on AR Detection