Lehigh University, Pennsylvania
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Compaction-Corrected Inclination for the Middle Cretaceous Valle Group in Vizcaino Terrane, Baja California, Mexico: Preliminary Results
- Bedload Component of Glacially Discharged Sediment: Insights From the Matanuska Glacier
- Effects of Nonionic Surfactants on Bacterial Transport Through Porous Media
- Five 'Supercool' Icelandic Glaciers
- Flume Study Investigating the Effects of AMS and AAR Fabric on Paleomagnetic Results
- Geomorphic Evidence for the Style of Quaternary Uplift and an Orogenic Standing Wave, Apennines, Italy.
- Magnetic Anisotropy of Nanaimo Group Sedimentary Rocks From Hornby Island, Revisited Again.
- Nitrogen Geochemistry of Subducting Sediments: New Results from the Western Pacific
- Quantitative Testing of Bedrock Incision Models, Clearwater River, WA
- Record in Metamorphic Tourmalines of Subduction-Zone Devolatilization and Boron Cycling
- Relief and Drainage Integration as Geomorphic Expressions of Regional Uplift and Local Footwall Flexure in a Portion of Sila Massif, Southern Apennines (Calabria, Italy)
- The Importance of Lithology in the Interpretation of Apatite U-Th/He Ages
- Tritium - Helium-3 Dating of Basal ice of the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- AMS Fabric of a CRM in Hematite-Bearing Samples: Evidence of DRMs in Natural Red Beds
- An Innovative Technique for Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Track Ice-Flow Velocities at Depth, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Biodegradation of PAHs and PCBs in Soils and Sludges
- Characterization of Martian Rock Shape for MER Airbag Drop Tests
- Contractional Growth Structures Along the San Andreas Fault Borderland, Offshore Northern California
- Evolution of Shallow Isotherms Under Dynamic 3D Topography and Sampling Strategies for U-Th/He Dating: Examples From the Appalachian Blue Ridge and Southeastern Tibet
- Geologic Evolution of the Gyala Peri Massif, Southeastern Tibet
- Graded glaciers?: Supercooling Controls on Deepening of Subglacial Troughs
- Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging of Glaciotectonic Sediment Deformation in an Ice-Cored Moraine Generated by Movement of the Buried Ice During a Re-advance of the Active Ice, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Lithospheric Structure and Dynamics: Insights Facilitated by the IRIS/PASSCAL Facility
- Overdeepenings And The Sedimentological Record
- Process studies in modern glacial environments: An innovative method and tool for subsurface site characterization at U.S. Army Alaska installations
- Carbon and Nitrogen Input Fluxes in Subducting Sediments at the Izu-Bonin and Central America Convergent Margins
- Crustal Seismic Anisotropy: Implications for Understanding Crustal Dynamics
- Field Observations of Crustal Seismic Anisotropy: Implications for Mapping Tectonic Structure in Metamorphic Terranes
- Geochemical and Geochronologic Constraints on the Tectonic Evolution of Southeastern Tibet
- Glaciogeophysics at Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Magnetic Mineral Concentrations of Recent Lake Sediments as Recorders of Climate Variations
- Outburst Flooding and Surge Initiation
- Preliminary Identification of Major Faults in the Namche Barwa: Results from a NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM Calibrated With Field Mapping and Seismicity
- Rapid Erosion at the Tsangpo Knickpoint and Exhumation of Southeastern Tibet
- Rheological Consequences of Rapid Erosion in Active Orogens
- Spatial Pattern of Rapid Climatic Oscillations and Vegetation Response During the Last Deglaciation in Northeastern North America
- Tectonic Surfing: Evidence of Rapid Landward Transport in the Cascadia Subduction Wedge, NW Washington State
- The Eastern Syntaxis Seismic Experiment
- Using Digital Topography to Differentiate Erosionally Exhumed and Tectonically Active Mountains Fronts
- Anomalously Shallow Paleomagnetic Inclinations of the mid-Turonian Turbidites From Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Characterizing Sedimentary Carbon and Nitrogen Subduction Fluxes in the Central America Convergent Margin (ODP Legs 170, 205)
- Crustal Deformation and Mantle Flow: The Eastern Syntaxis Seismic Experiment
- EARTH SYSTEM ATLAS: A Platform for Access to Peer-Reviewed Information about process and change in the Earth System
- Geochronology of Tropical Alpine Glaciations From the Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru
- Geophysical Imaging of Active Tectonics: A Case Study From the Inter Andean Valley, Ecuador
- High-Precision Isotopic Analysis of Nanomole Quantities of Silicate Nitrogen
- Insight into the lithospheric structure and deformation in Eastern Tibet from splitting and traveltime variations of core phases.
- Lithospheric structure of the Eastern Syntaxis of Tibet using receiver functions
- Magnetic Anisotropy as an aid to Identifying CRM and DRM in Red Sedimentary Rocks
- Metadata Database at Lehigh Earth Observatory
- Metasomatic Mechanisms for Fractionation of Slab-Derived B Isotope Signatures Within the Mantle Wedge: Evidence From HP-Metasomatized Peridotites
- Predicting Tectonics From Topography: Case Study Using SRTM Data From the Namche Barwa Region, Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, Tibet
- Quantifying the distribution of bubble sizes in volcanic rocks: Generalized statistical formulation and application to vesicular lavas
- A Paleomagnetic and Magnetic Anisotropy Study of the Carboniferous Shepody Formation, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Canada: Possible Evidence for Inclination Shallowing in Continental Red Beds.
- Above the glacier: non-glacial erosion rates and processes feeding the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Assessing the Practicality and Viability of Basalt Vesicle Paleoaltimetry in Solving Regional Tectonic Problems in the Basin and Range
- Boundary Conditions for the Geodynamic Evolution of Southeastern Tibet
- Clockwise Rotation of Upper-Mantle Strain and Crust-Mantle Coupling Beneath the Eastern Syntaxis Tibet
- Complex Ice-flow Directions in the Gateway to the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Crustal Inputs, Metamorphic Processing, and Fluid Flow Architecture in the Catalina Schist Subduction Complex: Constraints From Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages and Pb-B Isotope Systematics of Melange Zones
- Erosional Fluxes of the Cascadia Forearc High
- Geologic Influences on Downstream Fining in the Clearwater River Basin, Western Washington State: Implications for Transient Landscapes
- High-Resolution Paleotempestology: Proxy Models for Reconstructing Interannual-Decadal Variations in Pre-Historic Tropical Cyclone Frequency and Intensity
- Hydrous Phase and Carbonate-bearing Peridotites from the Sulu UHP Terrane, China: An Excellent Record of Mantle Metasomatism and Subduction Zone UHP Metamorphism
- Identification of a large-scale, N-S extensional feature in southeastern Tibet, using NASA SRTM data
- Interpretation of ICESat-Derived Elevation Change on the Malaspina-Seward Glacier
- Lithologic and Mineral Magnetic Evidence for Holocene Millennial-scale Lake-level Fluctuations in the Northeastern United States
- Measurements of crustal thickness and Poisson's ratio in southeastern Tibet from receiver functions
- Milankovitch Modulated Eocene Growth Strata From the Jaca Piggyback Basin, Spanish Pyrenees
- New Hypothesis for the Assembly of the Catalina Schist
- New acquisition techniques and statistical analysis of bubble size distributions
- Nitrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from Central America: Implications for Subduction-zone N Cycling
- P-wave velocity variation in the upper mantle beneath Tibetan Plateau
- Paleoelevation Measurement Proxies: A Combined Approach
- Passive microwave detected snowmelt and streamflow responses, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska: 1995-2004
- Subduction Input Flux of Nitrogen in Altered Oceanic Basalt
- Topographic Expression of Crustal Velocity Curls: An Example from Eastern Himalaya to Burma
- Variations in Lithospheric Thickness Across the Superior Province, Ontario, Canada: Evidence from Tomography and Shear-Wave Splitting
- AMSR-E Algorithm for Snowmelt Onset Detection in Subarctic Heterogeneous Terrain
- Active uplift and erosion of the Namche Barwa-Gyala Peri massif
- Adaptations of Phytoplankton to Sunlight and Other Optical Properties of Aquatic Ecosystem Particles Detected With a Portable Integrating Sphere Version of QFT
- An anisotropy- based inclination shallowing correction of the Shepody Fm. of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and the Deer Lake Group of Newfoundland, Canada.
- Bubble size distributions across some basaltic lava flows with simple vesiculation
- Controls on Flux Rates of Dissolved Gaseous Mercury Emitted from an Estuarine Water Column to the Atmosphere in Eastern New Jersey.
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Southeastern Tibet from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography and Surface Wave Two-Station Analysis
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Tibet and SW China From Seismic Tomography and Array Analysis
- Detrital Record of Rapid Neogene Exhumation in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia
- Environmental remediation through sequestration of airfall-derived metals contamination by selective revegetation strategies
- Fission-track Evidence for the Source of Brahmaputra River Sands Within the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: a Large Flux from a Tiny Source
- Fluvial Response to Hydrologic Variability in the Pelly River, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Geochronological Evidence for the Tectonic and Topographic Evolution of SE Tibet
- Geochronology and Equilibrium Line Altitudes of LLGM through Holocene Glaciations from the Tropical Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru
- Holocene Paleohydrological Changes in Northern Michigan: Interpretations of Biomarker Distributions and Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis from Peatlands
- Importance of Dissolved Organic Carbon Optical Properties, Iron, and Ultraviolet Radiation for the Production of Dissolved Gaseous Mercury in Freshwater Systems
- Late Holocene Drought Variability in Eastern North America: Evidence From the Peatland Archive
- Links Between Lithospheric Structure and Topography SE Tibet
- Risk, Scientific Uncertainty, and Policy Implications of Global Climate Change Models
- Rivers Draining Eastern Tibet: Geomorphologic Description and Inferences
- Seismicity and Active Deformation in Southeastern Tibet
- Strain History of a Regional-Scale Decollement Fold, Northeast Mexico
- Stress-Activated Electronic Charge Carriers in Igneous Rocks
- Structural and Tectonic Geology of the Namche Barwa-Gyala Peri Antiform, Southeastern Tibet
- The Mantle Structure beneath SE Asia from P-wave Tomograpy
- The Metamorphic Forest and Trees of Subducted MORB to 3GPa: Evidence from UHP Eclogites at Lago di Cignana
- The Nature of Crustal Seismic Anisotropy: Constraints From Field and Rock Physics Observations
- The Spatial Variation of Modern and LLGM Reconstructed ELAs in the Cordilleras Raura and Huayhuash, Peru
- The lithospheric architecture of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis from 3-D teleseismic receiver function imaging
- The use of Sphagnum cellulose oxygen isotope ratios in ombrotrophic peatlands as a proxy for paleoclimate.
- Using Anisotropy of Remanence to Decompact Sedimentary Strata for Basin Analysis and Cyclostratigraphic Studies: A New Technique
- Using Peatland Archives to Assess Climate Forcing of Holocene Vegetational Changes: Case Studies From the Great Lakes Region
- Using the 10-Be Grain Size Dependency in Alluvial Sediments to Investigate Hillslope and Channel Processes
- Vegetation Response to Transient Drought Events in the Upper Midwest
- Vorticity, Erosion, and Crust:Mantle Coupling at Plate Corners in South East Alaska and South East Tibet
- Changes in the kinematics of deformation and lithospheric structure revealed from seismic anisotropy in southeastern Tibetan plateau
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Tibet and SW China From Seismic Tomography and Array Analysis
- Deformation Rates From Climate Cycles in Marine Synorogenic Turbidites, Jaca Basin, Spanish Pyrenees
- Detrital zircon fission track analysis reveals the thermotectonic history of ice-covered rocks of the Chugach-St. Elias orogen, SE-Alaska
- Diminished Mercury Emission From Water Surfaces by Duckweed (Lemna minor)
- Direct measurement of hematite individual particle anisotropy: implications for inclination shallowing in red bed DRMs.
- Dome surges, long period earthquake generation, and pyroclastic eruptions at Santiaguito Dome, Guatemala
- Earth System Atlas: citable publication and visualization of datasets
- Erosional Reduction of an Orogenic Wedge: Structural Response to Neogene Climate Change within the St. Elias Orogen, Alaska
- Evaluating Paleoecological Patterns Using Paleoenvironmental Proxies: The Promise and the Peril
- Evidence for Multiple Late Quaternary Glaciations in the Southernmost Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Geologic Hazards Associated With a Proposed Dam on the Yarlung-Tsangpo River in SE Tibet
- Glacial and Periglacial Geology of the Egiin Davaa Region, Hangay Nuruu, Mongolia
- Glaciohydraulic Supercooling and Basal Ice Formation at Outlet Glaciers of Vatnajökull and Oraefajokull, Iceland
- Holocene Moisture Variations and Atmospheric Circulation Controls in the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China
- Late Holocene Climate Changes Derived From Multi-proxy Lake Sediment Records in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau and Possible Solar Forcing
- Late Holocene Decline of Beech Populations in the Central Great Lakes Region: Drought- Induced Vegetation Change in a Humid Region.
- Measuring the Erosion of River Channel Widths Impacted by Watershed Urbanization Using Historic Aerial Photographs and Modern Surveys
- Mercury Emission to the Atmosphere from Experimental Manipulation of DOC and UVR in Mesoscale Field Chambers in a Freshwater Lake
- Metamorphism and deformation of the lower crust and crust-mantle interface at the eastern syntaxis of Tibet derived from converted seismic waves
- Novel Stable Isotope Methods for Assessing Changes in Seasonality of Precipitation from Sediments of Ombrotrophic Peatlands
- On 3D reconstruction of bubbles in volcanic ash particles
- Rock Magnetic Detection of Two Coercivity Components of Magnetosomes in Lake Ely Sediments
- Seismicity in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
- Shear Velocity Structure and Anisotropy in the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath SE Tibet From Ambient Noise and Teleseismic Surface Wave Array Tomography
- Towards predicting streamflow based on SWE, melt timing, and topography in subarctic heterogeneous terrain
- A simplified Red Bed Inclination Correction: Case Study from the Permian Esterel Group of France.
- Abrupt onset of widespread drought at the mid-Holocene transition observed from New England through Eastern Michigan
- Airfall of metals from the Palmerton, PA, zinc plant: Distribution and preservation
- Comparison of emission from the water column and wetland plants at the Berry's Creek estuary, Hackensack Meadowlands, New Jersey.
- Contrasting Moisture Shifts at Low- and High-Elevations Inferred from Annual-to- Centennial Resolution Fossil Pollen Data from the Qaidam Basin, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Depth-resolved water column spectral absorption of sunlight by phytoplankon during the Southern Ocean Gas Exchange (SOGasEx) Lagrangian tracer experiments
- Detecting Magnetosomes in Freshwater Lakes and Lake Sediments: A comparison of techniques
- Detecting Surface Melt on the Southern Patagonian Icefield using AMSR-E
- Determination of Bubble Sizes in Volcanic Melts by Confocal Microscopy and Subsequent 3D Image Analysis
- Evaluation of the Holocene Peat Model with Data from Boreal and Subarctic Peatlands of the James Bay Lowlands, Quebec, Canada
- Expanding Sloping bog Systems Under a Continental Climate in South-Central Alaska: Possible Causes and Carbon-Cycle Implications
- Fluvial-Deltaic Strata as a High-Resolution Recorder of Fold Growth and Fault Slip
- Is plant migration restrained by available nitrogen supply in high latitudes?
- Leveraging Educational, Research and Facility Expertise to Improve Global Seismic Monitoring: Preparing a Guide on Sustainable Networks
- Linking International Development Actors to Geophysical Infrastructure: Exploring an IRIS Community Role in Bridging a Communications Gap
- Mercury Emission From Phragmites in a Contaminated Wetland
- Metamorphic Perspectives of Subduction Zone Volatiles Cycling
- Modeling of High Latitude Spring Freshet from AMSR-E Passive Microwave Observations: Potential for Gauged and Ungauged Basins
- Nascent Development of Focused Rock Uplift and Erosion in the St. Elias Orogen, Alaska
- Nitrogen Limitation Means More Runoff in an Elevated-CO2 World
- Possible Evidence for Enhanced Seasonality During the Little Ice Age Indicated by Multiple Isotopes from Kepler Lake, South-Central Alaska
- Reconstructing Subduction-Zone Devolatilization History of Italian Alps HP/UHP Metasedimentary Suites
- Recycling of nitrogen during subduction of oceanic crust: insights from high-pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks
- Repeated aggradation and degradation of Holocene permafrost peatland: controlled by climate or autogenic processes?
- Resolution of the master structures partitioning shortening and extension in the northern Apennines, Italy
- Stable isotope evidence for multidecadal climate variations in the northeastern United States during the past 250 years
- Surface Wave Velocity Structure of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis
- Temporal Variations in the Structural Evolution of the St. Elias Orogen: Long term variations driven by dramatic exhumation vs short term uncertaintie
- The role of photochemical reactions of suspended particulate matter on mercury cycling in aquatic systems
- Unintended Environmental Consequences of a Global Biofuels Program
- Was there a Greater Asia before India-Asia collision?
- Comparison of mercury emission flux from the land surface to the atmosphere via water column, vegetative, and sediment column pathways
- Dynamic uplift of the Colorado Rockies and western Colorado Plateau in the last 6 Ma driven by mantle flow and buoyancy: Evidence from the Colorado River region
- Exploring the potential of whole rock shale (U-Th)/He thermochronometry
- Flat-slab subduction and continental deformation: an integrated geophysical and geological investigation of basement uplifts within the eastern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
- Have Indirect Emissions from Biofuels Been Exaggerated?
- High-resolution Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy in an Eocene Flysch, Spanish Pyrenees
- Holocene Vegetation and Climate History on the Zoige Plateau in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Horizontal and Vertical Distributions of Metals in Soils in Southeastern PA: Impact of 20th Century Zinc Smelting Operations
- Incorporating plant migration constraints into the NCAR CLM-DGVM model: Projections of future vegetation distribution in high latitudes
- Last Major Ice Collapse (17ka - 16ka) of the Anchorage Lowland, Alaska
- Magnetic fabric and inclination shallowing studies: depositional and post-depositional processes in hematite- and magnetite-bearing rocks
- Milankovitch orbital cycles encoded by diagenetic iron sulfides in Neogene sediments, Stirone River section, Northern Apennines, Italy
- Natural Attenuation of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Zinc Using Hydrograph Separation
- Optical Measurements Reveal Interplay Between Surface and Bottom Processes Involving Phytoplankton, Organic Carbon, Iron, Light, and Oxygen in Two Stratified Mesotrophic Lakes
- Paleomagnetism and Magnetic Anisotropy of Neogene Red Beds from Tarim Basin, NW China
- Plant Physiological Effects on Summer Drought in the Western U.S
- Synthesis of Coesite Nanocrystals from Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas (PMOs) at High Pressure and Temperature
- Textures from magmatic vesiculation: Statistical characterization from Monte Carlo simulations of brittle fragmentation and formation of fine ash
- The active deep mountain front of Northern Apennines (Italy): seismicity and geomorphology
- The fluxes and transport mechanisms of groundwater and surface water contaminants (Cd, Zn, Pb, As, and Cr) into a fluvial system: Palmerton, PA
- Timing and duration of the Last Glacial Maximum and Termination in the western United States and Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Using an Isotope enabled coupled atmosphere-ocean model to understand variations in isotope records from peatlands
- 3D reconstruction of volcanic ash particles using Stereo-SEM: two study cases from 200 Ky ash-rich eruptions
- A critical review of recent paleomagnetic studies in the Lhasa block, Tibetan plateau: implications for the initial collision age between India and Asia and the amount of crustal shortening
- A new inclination shallowing correction of the Mauch Chunk Formation of Pennsylvania, based on high field-AIR results: Implications for the Carboniferous North American APW path and Pangea reconstructions
- Abrupt Nonlinear Shifts in Arctic Climate since the Holocene Thermal Maximum Recorded in Otter Lake, South-Central Alaska
- Carbon-Water Coupling in Forests, Grasslands, and Shrublands in the Arid Western U.S
- Deformation Processes In SE Tibet: How Coupled Are The Surface And The Deeper Lithosphere? (Invited)
- Delineating Glacial Till Bed Kinematics using AMS and Pebble Fabrics
- Determining Magma Ascent Rates From Overprinted Amphibole Breakdown Textures: The Soufrière Hills 2003 Lava Dome
- Early snow melt anomalies: their influence on peak discharge timing and use as an indicator of climate change in high latitude freshwater systems
- Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbance on Long-term Carbon Storage and Productivity in the U.S. Eastern Temperate Forest
- Evidence for Medieval droughts in Maine and potential linkages to the coupled ocean-atmosphere system
- Functional Stereology for 3D Particle Size Distributions from 2D Observations: a Practical Approach
- Global Milankovitch Cycles Recorded by Rock Magnetism in the Shallow Marine Cretaceous Cupido Formation, NE Mexico (Invited)
- Hydraulic features of Engineered Log Jams (ELJs) and their influence on salmonid behavior
- Hydrologic Perturbation as an Indicator of Metal Attenuation
- IRIS Community Response to the Great Chile Earthquake of 2010
- Inclination Correction for the Moenave Formation and Wingate Sandstone: Implications for North America's Apparent Polar Wander Path and Colorado Plateau Rotation
- Integrated Mineralogic, Magnetic, Geochemical, and Isotopic Tracers of Sediment Provenance for the Circum-Antarctic Margin (Invited)
- Late-Holocene climate change derived from a high-resolution pollen record from varved sediments at Sugan Lake in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Lithium as a tracer of fluid and metasomatic processes in subduction zone mélanges: Evidence from the Catalina Schist (Invited)
- Long term landscape evolution within central Apennines (Italy): Marsica and Peligna region morphotectonics and surface processes
- Mass Balance of the Patagonian Icefields from Satellite Remote Sensing
- Peatland Distribution and Characterization in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska
- Pulse-like channelled long-distance fluid flow in subducting slabs (Invited)
- Rapid Carbon Accumulation Associated With Warm Medieval Climate in Peatlands of a Glaciated Valley in Southcentral Alaska
- Reconstructing Pre-Fragmentation Bubble Size Distributions from Volcanic Ash using Stereo SEM Analysis
- Retention of Metasedimentary Carbon during Subduction through Forearcs: Evidence from HP/UHP Rocks
- Subduction-zone cycling of nitrogen in serpentinized mantle rocks
- The Effect of Temporal Density of Pollen Sampling on Detection and Age-Estimation of Rapid Changes
- The Influence of Landscape Morphology on Peatland Dynamics and Carbon Accumulation Inferred from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Peat Core Analysis
- Thrust-fold activity at the mountain front of the Northern Apennines (Italy) from quantitative landscape analysis
- Unsteady rock uplift and erosion in a decaying orogen in response to surface and dynamic mantle processes (Invited)
- 2010 Eruptive Events at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: Effects of Vesiculation Dynamics on Surge Behavior
- A stacked record of late-Holocene moisture variability from three raised bogs in Maine
- Capacity Building for Sustainable Seismological Networks in the Americas: A Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on New Frontiers in Seismological Research
- Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water Response to Land Use and Management Decisions under a Changing Climate in Pennsylvania during the 21st Century
- Climate and carbon accumulation in northern peatlands during the last 1000 years
- Computing Evaporation Using Meteorological Data for Hydrological Budget of Lake Wapalanne in NJ School of Conservation
- Determining the age and lability of dissolved organic carbon in headwater streams: A multiple land use study
- Devolatilization History and Trace Element Mobility in Deeply Subducted Sedimentary Rocks: SIMS Evidence from Western Alps HP/UHP Suites
- Earthquake location, active faulting, and P-wave velocity structure near a metamorphic massif in the eastern syntaxis of the Tibetan Plateau
- Evaluation of CLM4-CN with nitrogen limitation in leaf-level using observed carbon and water fluxes
- Factors influencing mercury photoreactions in fresh waters: An experimental approach manipulating light and DOC
- Influence of Topographic and Climatic Variability on Peatland Carbon Accumulation Over the Last 1,200 Years in a Glaciated Valley in Southcentral Alaska
- Intensified Millennial Climatic Variability since 6000BP on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Investigating Climate Change Issues With Web-Based Geospatial Inquiry Activities
- Milankovitch time-scale record of unsteady fault slip, Salsomaggiore thrust, Northern Apennines, Italy
- Mineral, Virginia earthquake illustrates seismicity of a passive-aggressive margin
- Multi-stage uplift of the Rocky Mountains: new age constraints on the Telluride Conglomerate and regional compilation of apatite fission track ages
- Nonlinear Shifts in Arctic Climate since the Holocene Thermal Maximum Recorded in a New High-Resolution Proxy Record from Otter Lake, South-Central Alaska
- North American ultra-distal tephrochronology
- Observations of Debris Impact on Buildings and Infrastructure after the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
- On the 3D shape of Volcanic Ash
- Reaction Rind Formation in Mèlange in the Catalina Schist, California
- Receiver Function Migration of Broadband Seismograms recorded by the International Maule Aftershock Deployment (IMAD) in Central Chile
- Recent Acceleration of Carbon Accumulation Rates in Wet Boreal Peatlands
- Resolving the Latemar Controversy: a new magnetostratigraphy at Rio Sacuz
- Response of Peatland Carbon Accumulation to Postglacial Climate Changes on the Seward Peninsula, Western Alaska
- Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy and Magnetostratigraphy of the Rainstorm Member of the Neoproterozoic Johnnie Formation indicate a 2.5 Myr Duration for the Negative <SUP>13</SUP>C Isotopic Anomaly
- Satellite Observations of Mass Changes and Glacier Motions at the Patagonian Icefields, South America
- Sensitivity of Peatland Carbon Balance to Holocene Warm Climates and Climate Seasonality: A Circum-Arctic Approach
- Snowmelt timing (onset and melt-refreeze) trends in the Yukon River basin determined from passive microwave brightness temperatures
- Storage of Nitrogen in the Cyclosilicates Beryl and Cordierite: Nitrogen Cycling, Isotope Fractionation, and Fluid-Rock Interactions
- Teasing out an unsteady past in the southern Appalachians using apatite U-Th/He thermochronology
- Testate Amoebae as Paleohydrological Proxies in the Florida Everglades
- The Effectiveness of a Geospatial Technologies-Integrated Curriculum to Promote Climate Literacy
- The Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake aftershock sequence, event catalog and locations
- The Thermochronologist's Progress
- Thrusting Rates in the Early Eocene from the Sevier Hinterland, Idaho, USA
- Understanding the relation between pre-eruptive bubble size distribution and observed ash particle sizes
- Unsteady deformation along the southwest Spanish Pyrenean thrust front
- Volcanic Stratigraphy and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology of Hangay Dome Basalts, Central Mongolia
- Assessing Climate Misconceptions of Middle School Learners and Teachers
- Carbon Retention and Isotopic Evolution in Deeply Subducted Sediments: Evidence from the Italian Alps
- Climate Control of Carbon Sequestration in Peatlands Mediated by Local-Scale Ecohydrological Feedbacks
- Determining melt regime patterns and changing melt dynamics for Alaskan glaciers and icefields using passive microwave brightness temperatures
- Determining the causes of fault slip rate variability for Northern Apennine thrusts on intermediate timescales
- Evidence for persistent faulting consistent with the 23 August, 2011 Louisa County, VA earthquake
- Exploring the Terrestrial Ecosystem Response to Extreme Weather Events using Multiple Land Surface Models
- Fluid-Rock Interaction and Carbon Retention in Deeply Subducted Basalts
- Glacier surface melt characterization and trend analysis (1992-2011) in the Russian High Arctic from combined resolution-enhanced scatterometer and passive microwave data
- Holocene vegetation and climate histories in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: controls by insolation-driven temperature or monsoon-derived precipitation changes?
- How reliable are stable isotope records of climate from Sphagnum cellulose?
- Ice-Mass Loss And Glacier Motions At The Patagonian Icefields, South America
- Impact Forces from Tsunami-Driven Debris
- Intercalibration of multiple thermochonometric systems at the Little Devil's Postpile contact aureole
- Intracontinental Deformation and Surface Uplift - Geodynamic Evolution of the Hangay Dome, Mongolia Central Asia
- Iron transfer and temporal variation in the Soufriere Hills lavas (1995-2007)
- Limitations of Discrete Stereology: Steps Toward a More Functional Approach
- Magnetic Orbital and Reversal Stratigraphy of the Johnnie Formation, Death Valley region, with implications for the Shuram Carbon Isotope Excursion
- Metasomatic Evolution in Tectonically Mixed Zones (Mélange) and Significance for Geochemical Evolution of the Slab-Mantle Interface
- Metasomatism of gabbroic and dioritic clasts in lawsonite blueschist facies metaconglomerates of the Catalina Schist, CA
- Multimodel Comparison of Projected Regional Climate Change-Induced Ecologic and Hydrologic Impacts in the U.S
- Peatland Carbon Accumulation in Southern Alaska During the Past 1000 Years: A Comparative Study of Hydrology and Carbon Accumulation in Four Peatlands
- Projected 21st Century Precipitation Increases in Eastern Pennsylvania and the Need for Adaptive Floodplain Management
- Quantifying the role of land use change and land management in ecosystem function for the U.S. using the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Relation Between Glacier Velocity, SAR Glacier Zones, and the Timing of Melting in the Southern Patagonia Icefield
- Schistes Lustrés-Lago di Cignana HP/UHP Metasedimentary Rocks as a Reference Suite for Study of Chemical Cycling in Subducting Sediments
- Seismotectonic Framework of the Feb 27, 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake Sequence
- Signal and Noise in the Evolution of the Continental Lithosphere: Lessons from the Himalayan Syntaxes
- Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Composition of Diamond-Grade MORB
- Teaching And Learning Tectonics With Web-GIS
- The Role of the Mantle Lithosphere in Continent Stability
- The use of PARAFAC components in studying headwater catchments: a stream and soil study
- Time-Correlative Recovery of Milankovitch-Scale Cyclicity From An Eocene Fluvial-Deltaic System, Southern Pyrenees, Spain
- Tracking Magma Degassing and Changes in Magma Rheology Between Major Dome Collapse Events
- Volcanic stratigraphy, <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology and Geochemistry of Hangay Dome Volcanic Rocks, Central Mongolia
- What's happening inside the subduction factory?
- Atmospheric fate and transport of fine volcanic ash: Does particle shape matter?
- Boulders moved by tsunamis and storms: Insights from a new equation of motion
- Carbon Dynamics of Natural Disturbance (Storms and Fire) in the Eastern U.S. Temperate Forests
- Coupling the multi-layer land surface model ACASA with a biogeochemical model TEM to better represent carbon and nitrogen dynamics
- Crustal and upper mantle structure of the Hangay Dome, central Mongolia
- Drenching the Northeast with Great Plains irrigation?
- Exploring Best Practices for Research Data Management in Earth Science through Collaborating with University Libraries
- Geochemistry and geochronology of Hangay Dome volcanic rocks: exploring the source of high topography and volcanism in an intracontinental setting
- High resolution satellite microwave record of Russian High Arctic snowmelt timing, duration, and relation to late summer sea ice extent (Invited)
- High-Resolution Thrust Front Reconstruction Using Terrestrial Growth Strata, Pyrenees, Spain
- Holocene Carbon Accumulation and Soil Properties in Northern Peatlands: A Circum-Arctic Synthesis (Invited)
- Holocene Peatland Carbon Dynamics in Kamchatka, Far East Russia
- Holocene climate change and peatland dynamics in the Altai Mountains in Northwest China
- Impact of the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Little Ice Age, and Recent Warming on Hydrology and Carbon Accumulation in the James Bay Lowland
- Long-term landscape evolution in the Hangay Dome, Mongolia
- Low temperature thermochronometric constraints on exhumation and landscape evolution of the eastern Lhasa block, southern Tibet
- Multi-Model Investigation of Ecological Response to Extreme Events
- Outlet Glacier Thickness and Velocity Changes in Response to the Destruction of the Matsuevich Ice Shelf, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic
- Peatland Carbon Dynamics in Alaska During Past Warm Climates
- Quantifying Tectonic Controls on Regional Cenozoic Surface Evolution in the Eastern Lhasa Block
- Rates and controls on N accumulation in peatlands
- Responses of Regional Vegetation and Peatland Ecosystems to Climate Change Over the Last Millennium in the Western Lowlands of Kamchatka, Russia
- Rock Magnetic Fabrics, Paleomagnetic Vectors, and Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy of the Marcellus FM, Sunbury PA
- Sediment and Crustal Shear Velocity Structure offshore New Zealand from Seafloor Compliance, Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Dispersion
- Seismic Attenuation in the Rupture Zone of the 2010 Maule, Chile, Earthquake: Two Spectral Ratio Methods
- Slab, drip, or peeling lithosphere: Teleseismic P-wave tomography and the Isabella anomaly of the southwestern Sierra Nevada, California
- Soil and vegetation parameter uncertainty on future terrestrial carbon sinks
- Subduction-Zone Metamorphic Pathway for Deep Carbon Cycling: Evidence from the Italian Alps and the Tianshan
- Summer moisture balance from peatland water table reconstructions for the last 1100 years from North America and Europe
- Teaching Tectonics to Undergraduates with Web GIS
- Using Landsat imagery and GIS to constrain late Miocene paleorelief and rates of erosion in the Hangay Dome, Mongolia
- Validation of In-Situ Iron-Manganese Oxide Coated Stream Pebbles as Sensors for Arsenic Source Monitoring
- Advancing Water Science through Data Visualization
- Assessment of the Initial Response from Tsunami Monitoring Services Provided to the Northeastern Caribbean
- Characterization of High Velocity Layer in the Lower Crust of Southern Tibet
- Constraining Sources of Subducted and Recycled Carbon Along the Sunda Arc
- Dealing with Uncertainties in Analyzing Holocene Northern Peatland Carbon Dynamics
- Deformation and Metasomatic Evolution at the Subduction Plate Interface As Viewed from Study of HP/UHP Metamorphic Rocks
- Developmental History of an Intriguing Peat-Forming Community Along the West Antarctic Peninsula
- Differential Unroofing Across Southeastern Tibet: Geodynamic Links Between Plateau-Scale Tectonics and Landscape Evolution
- Ductile Gap between the Wenchuan and Lushan Earthquakes Revealed from the Two-dimensional Pg Seismic Tomography
- Dynamic base level and deterministic climate forcing as a possible explanation for transience in bedrock river incision rates
- Ecosystem Resiliency Study under Extreme Droughts using Multi-Land Surface Models
- Effects of Climate Extremes on the Groundwater Recharge of the Ogallala Aquifer, USA 1950-1999
- Exceptionally Long Distance Transport of Volcanic Ash: Implications for Stratigraphy, Hazards and the Sourcing of Distal Tephra Deposits
- Field Calibration Studies of Continuous Thermal Histories Derived From Multiple Diffusion Domain (MDD) Modeling of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar K-feldspar Analyses at the Grayback and Gold Butte Normal Fault Blocks, U.S. Basin and Range
- Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Lower Crust Beneath Central Mongolia
- Geomorphic and Fish Genetics Constraints on Late Cenozoic Long Wavelength Topographic Evolution of the Hangay Mountains, Central Mongolia
- Glacier Changes in the Russian High Arctic.
- Glacier Melting Effect on the Earth's Rotation - Revisited
- Holocene n-Fatty Acid Δd Records from Lake Hurleg, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Importance of Past Human and Natural Disturbance in Present-Day Net Ecosystem Productivity
- Improved Estimates Show Large Circumpolar Stocks of Permafrost Carbon While Quantifying Substantial Uncertainty Ranges and Identifying Remaining Data Gaps
- Lithium Behavior during Growth of Metasedimentary Garnets from the Cignana UHP Locality, Italy
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Hangay Dome, Central Mongolia
- Long-Term Perspectives of Shrub Expansions and Peat Initiation in Arctic Tundra on the North Slope of Alaska
- Magma storage and evolution of the Central Plateau Member Rhyolites, Yellowstone caldera, USA
- Magnetic Susceptibility Cyclostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Wonoka Formation, South Australia, from a Portable Susceptibility Meter
- Modeling floods in large river basins: Model resolution and storm patterns
- Mongolian Hangay Uplift Recorded in Vesicular Basalts
- New Paleoclimate Records from the Russian Far East: Carbon Accumulation Rates and Ecological Change Over the Last 13,000 Years from Western and Central Kamchatka
- Pedogenesis and Stability of Two Late Cenozoic Paleosols Developed on Alluvium in East-Central Pennsylvania
- Quantifying the Distribution and Influence of Non-Uniform Bed Properties on Spatial Patterns of Turbidity in Shallow Coastal Bays
- Response of Peat-forming Ecosystems of the Western Antarctic Peninsula to Recent Climate Change
- Scaling of Viscous Shear Zones with Depth Dependent Viscosity and Power Law Stress-strain Rate Dependence
- The Hangay Dome, central Mongolia: A relict Mesozoic landscape
- The Impact of Climate and Its Variability on Crop Yield and Irrigation
- Transformation of Peat-Forming Ecosystems in a Changing Climate and Landscape on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Unsteadiness of Deformation in Growth Strata From Magnetostratigraphy and Cyclostratigraphy, SE Pyrenees, Spain
- A National Water Network for Future Impacts Analysis
- A New Classifier for Flood Hazard Mapping over Large Regions
- An integrated statistical - physical modeling approach for multivariate flood risk assessment
- Betwixt and Between: Structure and Evolution of Central Mongolia
- Boulder Dislodgement by Tsunamis and Storms: Version 2.0
- Carbonation of Subduction Interface Ultramafic Rocks and Implications for Deep Carbon Cycling: Evidence from Hybrid Serpentinite-Marble in the Voltri Massif, Italy
- Characterization of Intraplate Seismicity in the Mid-Atlantic US
- Characterization of helium diffusion behavior from continuous heating experiments: Sample screening and identification of multiple <SUP>4</SUP>He components
- Characterizing the Lower Crust in Southern Tibet by a New Layer-stripping Method
- Characterizing tradeoffs between water and food under different climate regimes across the United States
- Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A 'Middle Tail' Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities
- Consolidating and updating estimates of northern peatland extents and carbon stocks
- Creepy landscapes : river sediment entrainment develops granular flow rheology on creeping bed.
- Empirical Succession Mapping and Data Assimilation to Constrain Demographic Processes in an Ecosystem Model
- Fusing data and models to forecast disturbance impacts on ecosystems: past, present, and future
- Geochronology and Geochemistry of Lower Crustal Xenoliths: Exploring the Formation of the Lower Crust Beneath Central Mongolia
- Incremental Folding Rates Determined With 10<SUP>4-5 </SUP>Year Time Resolutions Along The Pyrenean Thrust Front, Spain
- Lateral variations in lithospheric and landscape evolution at both ends of the Himalaya-Tibet orogen
- Lithospheric Shear Velocity Structure of South Island, New Zealand from Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Amphibious Array Data
- Multi-scale hydroclimate reconstruction using co-located lake and bog records from Maine and comparison with other records from the Northeast US
- Predictability of Extreme Precipitations Over the Conterminous us, 1949-2010
- Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy of the Edicaran Doushantuo Formation, South China: Determining the Duration of the Shuram Carbon Isotope Excursion
- Streambed Structure, Stream Power, and Bedload Transport: A Unified Outlook for Gravel-bed and Bedrock Streams
- The Characteristic Precipitation and Land Surface Conditions that Lead to Flooding over Different Basin Sizes
- The Climatology of Climate Extremes in the World's Major Growing Regions
- The Effect of Contrasting Wet and Dry Extreme Precipitation on Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes and Water Use Efficiency in the Southern Great Plains, United States
- The Himalaya-Tibet System: A Natural laboratory for continental collision and seismogenesis
- The Neotoma Paleoecology Database
- The Origin of River Meanders
- Use of a Modified Quadrant Analysis for the Prediction of Grain Entrainment
- Virtual groundwater transfers from overexploited aquifers in the United States
- A Road Map for America's Water for the Next 20 Years
- Analyzing the Propagation of Human Impacts Through Fluvial Systems Using Computational Model Experimentation
- Apatite U-Th/He Evidence for Late Oligocene or Earliest Miocene Initiation of Exhumation in the Gobi Altai, Mongolia
- Assessing the Influence of Climate Variables on the Past Floods in Continental USA
- Bryophyte Tissue-specific Carbon Isotope Record from Galindez Island, Argentine Islands, Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Carbon Mobility at Subduction Interfaces via Deformation-Enhanced Fluid Infiltration: Evidence from the Swiss/Italian Alps
- Cellulose and Lignin Carbon Isotope Signatures in Sphagnum Moss Reveal Complementary Environmental Properties
- Constraining spatiotemporal patterns in exhumation across the southern Tibetan plateau from inversion of low-temperature thermochronometric data
- Contrasts in Lower Crustal Structure and Evolution Between the Northern and Southern Rocky Mountains From Xenoliths and Seismic Data
- Detailed Spatio-temporal Distribution of the 16 April 2016 M7.8 Pedernales Ecuador Aftershock Sequence
- Dynamic response of peatbank moss communities to hydroclimate over the last 2000 years in the western Antarctic Peninsula
- Eruption Energetics from Ash Morphology
- Evaluation of Historical and Projected Agricultural Climate Risk Over the Continental US
- Glacier Melt Detection in Complex Terrain Using New AMSR-E Calibrated Enhanced Daily EASE-Grid 2.0 Brightness Temperature (CETB) Earth System Data Record
- Hazards posed by distal ash transport and sedimentation from extreme volcanic eruptions
- Holocene climate controls on water isotopic variations on thenortheastern Tibetan Plateau
- How Conjunctive Use of Surface and Ground Water could Increase Resiliency in US?
- Ins and outs of a complex subduction zone: C cycling along the Sunda margin, Indonesia
- International postseismic response after the Mw=7.8 April 16, 2016 Pedernales Earthquake in Ecuador
- Linking big models to big data: efficient ecosystem model calibration through Bayesian model emulation
- MODFLOW-OWHM for Simulation and Analysis of the Water Cycle across the United States
- Multi-Land Surface Models Sensitivity Study on Ecosystem Responses to Enhanced and Extended Drought Conditions
- On blockage effects for a marine hydrokinetic turbine in free surface proximity
- Past Peatland Distribution as an Indicator of Hydroclimate and Temperature
- Rapid Collapse of the Vavilov Ice Cap, Russian High Arctic.
- Seismicity in the Wake of the April 2016 Pedernales Earthquake
- Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Intraplate Seismicity in the Mid-Atlantic US
- Structure of the Upper Mantle and Mantle Transition Zone in Central Mongolia
- Subduction Top to Bottom: A Brief History of an Idea and Publication Concept
- The Seismic Sequence of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador Sarthquake
- Unusual Metasomatic Rocks Associated With Subducted Mantle Peridotite in the Orocopia Schist at Cemetery Ridge, Southwest Arizona
- Upper Mantle Fabrics of the Mongolian Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Observations and Inferences from Shear Wave Splitting Intensity Measurements
- Aftershock Analysis of the 2016 Mw7.8 Pedernales (Ecuador) Earthquake: Seismotectonics, Seismicity Distribution and Relationship with Coseismic Slip Distribution
- Aftershock Distribution of the M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.8 April 16, 2016 Pedernales Ecuador Subduction Earthquake: Constraints from 3D Earthquake Locations
- Ambient noise tomography of Ecuador: Fore- and back-arc velocity structure and radial anisotropy
- An Overview of Seismic Observations Along the Pacific Margin of South America: Opportunities for the SZ4D Initiative
- Are signals of westerly wind strength and hydroclimate change during the late Holocene preserved in Antarctic peatbanks?
- Bubbles and Dust: Dissolution Rates of Unhydrated Volcanic Ash as a Function of Morphology, Composition, and Particle Size
- Characterization of the Goethite-Hematite ratio in Modern and Ancient Soils in the mid-Atlantic Region as a Paleoprecipitation Proxy
- Commonalities and Differences in Flood-Generating Processes across the US
- Comparing and improving reconstruction methods for proxies based on compositional data
- Conflicting hydropower development and aquatic ecosystem conservation in Bhutan
- Crustal Structure of Khövsgöl, Mongolia
- Debris-dependent Rheological Heterogeneity within Stratified Basal Ice
- Distributions of high-velocity lower crust and seismic anisotropy across the continental U.S.: Integration of seismic, xenolith, and surface geologic data to address lithospheric dynamics and history
- Evaluation of Projected Agricultural Climate Risk over the Contiguous US
- Fate of Subducting Organic Carbon: Evidence from HP/UHP Metasedimentary Suites
- Glacial Boundary Features Delineated Using Enhanced-resolution Passive-microwave Data to Determine Melt Season Variation of the Vatnajokull Ice Cap, Iceland
- Intrinsic And Extrinsic Controls On Unsteady Deformation Rates, Northern Apennine Mountains, Italy
- Late-Holocene hydroclimate and atmospheric circulation variability in southern Patagonia: insights from triple stable isotopes (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C, δD) of peat bog Sphagnum moss
- National Earthquake Information Center Seismic Event Detections on Multiple Scales
- New insights on co- and post-seismic deformation and slip behavior associated with the Mw7.8 2016 Pedernales, Ecuador earthquake and its aftershock sequence
- On the Fundamental Cause of River Meanders
- Paleointensity of the 1.3 Ga Gardar Basalts, Southern Greenland
- Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Study of Oligocene-Holocene Sedimentary Rocks from Northern Dominican Republic: Evidence of Vertical Axis Rotations
- Panta Rhei-Everything flows: Global Hotspots of Human-Water Interactions
- Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Colorado Watersheds Using Calibrated, Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperatures (CETB) from AMSR-E and SSM/I for Estimation of Snowmelt Timing
- Pre-Alpine Tectonic and Geochemical History of the Schistes Lustrés: Stable Isotope Evolution of Accreted and Subducted Marine Sediments
- Quantifying Flood Seasonality and its Determining Factors over the Continental USA
- Quantifying human behavior uncertainties in a coupled agent-based model for water resources management
- Simulating Groundwater Dynamics across the Contiguous United States Using MODFLOW-OWHM
- Structure of Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Discontinuities beneath Central Mongolia from Receiver Functions
- Testate amoebae communities sensitive to surface moisture conditions in Patagonian peatlands
- Testing Snow Melt Algorithms in High Relief Topography Using Calibrated Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperatures, Hunza River Basin, Pakistan
- The 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador earthquake: Minimum 1D Velocity Model and Regional Moment Tensors Based on the Aftershock Sequence
- The Contribution to High Asia Runoff from Ice and Snow (CHARIS): Understanding the source and trends of cryospheric contributions to the water balance
- The Influence of Climate Change on Irrigated Water Demands and Surface Water Availability of the Yellow River Basin
- The Role of Model Fidelity in Understanding the Food-Energy-Water Nexus at the Asset Level
- Using weather data to determine dry and wet periods relative to ethnographic records
- A Design Partnership for Socio-Environmental Science Investigations
- A constitutive law of sediment transport: Experimental validation conducted in water and aeolian environments
- Aftershocks of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Ecuador Earthquake Reveal Earthquake Cycle is Controlled by Long-Lived Structures
- Ambient noise tomography across Ecuador: Upper-plate structure coincident with the Carnegie Ridge and the southernmost extent of mega-thrust earthquakes
- Anisotropy Of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) Constrains On Uplift Kinematics Of The Sierra Nevada Culmination During Plio-Pleistocene, Betic Cordillera, Spain
- Application of novel isotopic tools and thermodynamics to elucidate the origins of organic-rich hydrothermal vent fluids
- Assessing Energy-Water Dynamics with Scalable Agent-Based Modeling Approaches
- Calculating Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI) in real time during an eruption
- Characterizing ash-atmosphere interactions for better hazard prediction from explosive volcanic eruptions
- Chemical controls on volcanic ash morphology: Magmatic heterogeneities or evolving energetics?
- Comparing the economic and environmental effects of different water management schemes using a coupled agent-hydrologic model
- Coupled stability and change in hydrothermal fluid chemistry during a quarter century at 9°50'N East Pacific Rise
- Crustal Structure of the Ecuadorian Forearc from the Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Dispersion Data
- Developing An Immersive Virtual Reality Environment to Explore the Lehigh Gap
- Erosion at the base of a gravel embedded vertical retaining wall
- Evaluate the Influence of Green Infrastructure with Agent-based Model in Upper Huron River Watershed
- Exploiting High Resolution CETB Statistics to Detect and Characterize Dynamic Surfaces
- Exploring the Depth-differentiation Hypothesis for the Deep-water Coral Callogorgia delta in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Incorporating stakeholder's interaction and negotiation processes into water management decisions using a coupled agent-based modeling approach
- Insoluble Minerals for Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater: Contributions to an Enhanced Process Sustainability
- Interdisciplinary Capstone Projects Provide Authentic Career Experience During Socio-Environmental Science Investigations (SESI) Using a Geospatial Curriculum Approach
- Intracontinental Deformation and Crustal Structure: Hangay Dome, Central Mongolia
- Mapping modification of deep crustal structure in the Wyoming province using xenoliths, crystalline basement exposures, and receiver functions
- Near Wake Measurements of a Scaled Tidal Stream Turbine in a Turbulent Inflow
- Overwhelming impact of climate change rather than humans on long-term vegetation change on the Tibetan Plateau
- Paired δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Analysis of Distichia muscoides from High Andean Peatlands in Colombia to Constrain Climate Change Since the Little Ice Age
- Performance Characterization of a Self-Reacting Point Absorber with Hydraulic Pto System Under AN Irregular Wave Spectrum
- Probabilistic Streamflow Simulations Considering Human-Water Interactions
- Quantifying Surface Water and Groundwater Budgets Across the United States
- Quantifying the Relative Importance of Flood Mechanisms across the US
- Reconciling Records of Forearc Dynamics and Fluid Generation with Estimates of Carbon Output in Forearc Springs and Arc Volcanic Gases
- Reconciling Sinuosity Changes in Ancient Mississippi River Meanders in the Context of Late-Pleistocene and Holocene Active Faults
- Reconstructing Forest Composition in the Northeastern United States from Fossil Pollen Data during the Common Era
- Relationship Between Peatland Microtopography and Carbon Dynamics Over the Holocene in Karukinka Park, Tierra Del Fuego, Chile
- River Meanders: Initial Experimental and Observational Results of a Fundamental Instability
- Six Degrees of Connection from Global to Local - Using Science on a Sphere and Art to Understand Earth Systems Interconnections
- Snowmelt Detection Using Calibrated, Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperatures (CETB) Across Conterminous US (CONUS)
- Testing the canonical process geomorphology model of climate-driven sedimentation in the building of basin stratigraphy
- The effect of local bed geometry on threshold motion conditions in aeolian sediment transport
- Transfer of Organic Carbon Through Forearcs: Record in HP/UHP Metamorphic Rocks and Bearing on Estimates of the Sources of Arc Volcanic Gases
- Trends and Challenges in Biogeosciences
- Twenty Years of Subduction Zone Science: Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2)
- Using Knickpoints as Geomorphic Markers of Crustal Deformation in a Seismically Active Intraplate Setting
- Using geospatial technologies inside and outside the high school classroom to enhance understanding of socio-environmental concepts in an urban environment
- Utilizing Data Fusion to Understand and Visualize the U.S. Food, Energy, Water Nexus at the Mesocale: the FEWSION 1.0 Data Product
- Variable Slip Modes in Postseismic Deformation North of the April 16, 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador Megathrust Earthquake
- Wake Characterization of a Tidal Stream Turbine under Yaw
- 3D seismic tomography in the rupture area of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador, earthquake: Imaging seismic properties along the subduction zone interface
- An Experimental Approach to Evaluate River Meander Response to Gradient Change
- An Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Game to Explore the Lehigh River Watershed, PA
- Banded together, an integrated look at water-microbe-rock interactions in an archean banded iron formation
- Distribution and redistribution of Mo and Tl in high pressure-low temperature metamorphic rocks
- Environmental controls on the carbon and water (H and O) isotopes in peatland Sphagnum mosses
- Estimating pressure and temperature conditions of hydrothermal vent fluid formation: Historic and recent observations at the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N
- Evidence of subduction zone segmentation: Finite-difference tomography and earthquake relocation along the Java margin
- Exploring FEW security at city scale: An Agent-Based Modeling approach for the City of Cape Town
- Holocene peatland palaeo-DWT response to the ENSO-related Asian monsoon precipitation changes in the middle Yangtze Valley
- Insights into the controls on acid sulfate fluid geochemistry at arc and back arc systems from Brothers volcano
- Late Holocene Accumulation and Environmental Controls of Distichia muscoides Peatlands in the Andes of Colombia
- Novel Application Of The Anisotropy Of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) In Cenozoic Strata Across The Central Italian Apennines As A Paleogeodetic Measure Of Strain And The Eastward March Of Extension Above A Foreland Dipping Detachment
- Paleomagnetism and rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China
- Quantifying the Scales of Water Management to Inform Allocation Strategies, Infrastructure Development, Low Flow Policies or Transitioning to Renewable Energies: an Illustration for New York State
- Reconciling Independent Chronologies of Lake Sediments in the Baza Paleolake, Southern Spain
- Repeating Aftershocks of the 16<SUP>th</SUP> April 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales (Ecuador) Earthquake Underline the Interplay Between Afterslip and Seismicity
- Rethinking the Water Cycle in the Anthropocene
- Rivers and other meandering systems: Natural examples and laboratory results
- Structural Controls on Postseismic Deformation Following the M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador Megathrust Earthquake: Insights from Joint Tomographic Inversion and Aftershock Relocation
- Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2): The Concept and Progress on a Major Publication Venture
- The birth of bubbles by spinodal decomposition: Solving the tiny bubble paradox
- Tracking Volatiles Cycling at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, North Island, New Zealand: An Integrated Geologic, Petrologic and Isotopic Approach
- Using Continuous Ramped Heating to Assess (U-Th)/He Age Dispersion: A Case Study in Transantarctic Mountains
- Water cycle modifications and Earth System resilience: roadmap to a new water planetary boundary
- A Community Resource for Rapid Response to Geohazards
- A High Reversal Rate (10 reversals/Ma) Observed in the Ediacaran Rainstorm member of the Johnnie Formation Calibrated by Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy
- Abundance, Textures, and O-C Isotope Compositions of Carbonate in HP-Metamorphosed Pillow-Basalt Breccias in the Western Alps: Implications for Deep-Earth Carbon Cycling
- Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of the Schistes Lustrés: Closed vs. Open System Behavior and Fluid Sources in Deeply Underplated Sediments
- Chemical Alteration and Nitrogenous Biogeochemical Signatures in Altered Volcanic Glasses as Astrobiologically Relevant Targets for Mars Sample-Return
- Exogenic Forcing Encoded in the Lithostratigraphy of Sand-Quarry Deltas
- Geologic Evolution Of The Peña Flexure, Southwestern Pyrenees Mountain Front, Spain
- Getting to the Root of River Meanders
- Investigating the Impact of Banded Iron Formations on Subsurface Lithotrophy
- Land Surface Temperature Mapping and Analysis of Moss Banks on the Western Antarctic Peninsula using a multi-sensor UAV
- Multidisciplinary assessment of volatile release beneath North Island, New Zealand: geologic, geochemical, and thermodynamic forward modeling approach
- Multiple dating techniques to determine transient knickpoint propagation, terrace formation, and incision of the Allegheny Plateau, Youghiogheny River, Ohiopyle, PA.
- Near-Wake Measurements of a Yawed Tidal Turbine
- Observed Patterns in Stream Temperature and Flow in United States Rivers
- On the Effectiveness of Pylon Fairing Profiles in Minimizing Inflow Disturbance for a Downstream Tidal Turbine Rotor
- Policy exploration for Food-Energy-Water security at a city-regional level: an example in Cape Town, South Africa
- Reconstructing Forearc Migration Geodynamics by Inverting River Long Profiles: the Case Study of the Calabrian Forearc (Central Mediterranean)
- Role of Precipitation Patterns on the Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry of Alluvial Channels
- Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2): A Major Publication Venture Celebrating Twenty Years of Subduction Zone Science
- The social-ecological hotspots of changing global freshwater availability
- A Comparison of Turbulent Inflow Statistics at Six Tidal Energy Sites
- COVID-19 and Exacerbated Impacts of Air Pollution and Social Inequities on Public Health: A Case Study of the Lehigh Valley
- Central Anomaly Magnetization High and Crustal Accretion at the East Pacific Rise, 950N
- Changes in hydrothermal fluid origin conditions approaching the next eruption at 9 50N East Pacific Rise
- Climate Change Denial, COVID-19, and the Evolving Politics of Gender
- Distinguishing multi-decadal, quasi-periodic autogenic processes from external forcings in deltaic stratigraphy
- Ecological Response of a High-Elevation Peatland to Late Holocene Climate Change on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China
- Effect of land use legacy on the future carbon sink for the conterminous U.S
- Experimental Constraints on the Density Sorting and Melange Melting in Subduction Zones
- Exploring human impacts on water scarcity uncertainty in a non-stationary environment: A Colorado River Basin case study
- High Resolution Paleomagnetic and Cyclostratigraphic Late Cenozoic Age Model for a Mid-Atlantic Coastal Sediment Core (Qj32-27 from ODP Leg 174AX) Providing Constraints on Dynamic Uplift of Eastern North America Mid-Atlantic Region.
- Humans, Parasites, Mosquitoes - A Mathematical Study of their Interaction Dynamics to Unravel the Complexities that Enable Malaria Parasite Transmission Success in a Human-Mosquito Built Environment
- Identifying the drivers of redox reactions in habitable and uninhabitable seafloor hydrothermal environments
- Internal and External Modulation of Folding Rates with 104 TO 105 Year Time Resolutions from Growth Strata, Pico del Aguila, Spain
- Microbial carbon cycling in deep anoxic brines
- Paleomagnetism of the Glen Mountains Layered Complex: Dipolar Field Behavior Records Change in Plate Kinematics at 530 Ma
- Potential Energy Sources for the Deep Terrestrial Biosphere in Isolated Anoxic Brines
- Repeating earthquakes cluster at the edges of the afterslip in the aftermath of the 16th April 2016 M7.8 Pedernales earthquake in Ecuador
- Role of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Carbon Storage in the Lehigh Valley
- Sizing up the 2005-2006 volcanic eruption near 950N, East Pacific Rise, using repeat near-bottom surveys
- Sphagnum peat-patch expansion on the North Slope of Alaska.
- Time-series Monitoring of Hydrothermal Processes During the Run-up to the Next Volcanic Eruption at the East Pacific Rise 9 50N
- Trace metal controls in high temperature hydrothermal fluids leading up to the next eruption at 950N East Pacific Rise
- Tracking Changes in Hydrothermal Vent Temperatures and Crustal Permeability During Seafloor Eruptions at the East Pacific Rise, 9 50'N
- Uncertainty decomposition of coupled natural human systems with differing model parameter complexity
- (In)stability of the Laurentian Surface from Multisystem Thermochronometry
- Analyzing the Role of Socioeconomic Factors in Water Quality Management through Agent-Based Modeling-Susquehanna River Basin, US
- Continuous Improvements to Calibrated, Enhanced-Resolution Brightness Temperatures (CETBs) for Near Real-Time Cryospheric Applications
- Effect of land use legacy and future land use on the future carbon sink for the conterminous U.S
- Exploring Signal Shredding by Landslides and Fluvial Processes in a Dynamic Numerically Modeled Steady State Landscape
- Investigate the Public's Attitude Toward Green Infrastructure Implementation
- NSF SAGE Facility Finalizing New Rapid-Response Equipment Pool
- New paleomagnetic and rock magnetic cyclostratigraphy for a part of the Calvert Cliffs (Miocene) passive margin deposits
- Potential use of Pele's tears and spheres as an indicator of lava fountain height in Hawaiian volcanoes
- Precipitation seasonality, climate change, and late Neogene uplift in northern Central Asia
- Sediment Provenance and Encoding of Geomorphic Processes in a Pleistocene Fan-Delta Driven by Periodic Exogenic Forcings
- Surface Soil Stocks: Peat Development and Soil Carbon Storage on South Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada
- Thermodynamic and Volcanic Gas Geochemical Insights into Volatile Release During Subduction Along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- To Meander or Not to Meander: That is the Question. Rod-Chain Models May Hold the Answer.
- Using a Coupled Agent-based Modeling for Stormwater Management
- Vegetation Shift From Forest to Shrublands or Grasslands In the Western U.S. Due to Warming, Droughts, and Fire.
- Where in the World Do We Find In-situ Snow Wetness Data? Results of Literature Review and Community Survey
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Galvé
- B. S. Felzer
- Benjamin Campforts
- Benjamin Z. Klein
- Brandy M. Toner
- C. Brenhin Keller
- Cara M. Santelli
- Caroline Chalumeau
- Chia-Min Lin
- Cody S. Sheik
- Dork Sahagian
- Ethan Yang
- F. Rolandone
- Fengwei Hung
- Hans Agurto‐Detzel
- Harriet Zoe Yin
- J. A. Tarduno
- Jean‐Mathieu Nocquet
- Jeremy K. Caves Rugenstein
- Julianne J. Miller
- Julie Loisel
- Kalin T. McDannell
- Karl W. Wegmann
- Katharina Methner
- Kenneth P. Kodama
- Linda A. Hinnov
- Louis De Barros
- M. D. Behn
- M. J. Brodzik
- Mario Ruiz
- Maurice A. Tivey
- Nathan J. Lyons
- Panayiotis Diplas
- Peter K. Zeitler
- Ross Parnell‐Turner
- Thibaut Barreyre
- Tyler Kukla
- V. Le Roux
- Walter N. Meier
- William R. Guenthner
- Zhengyu Xia
- Zicheng Yu