Queens University Belfast, Ireland
flowchart I[Queens University Belfast, Ireland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (101)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (33)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Interhemispheric Variation in the Response to Solar Forcing Over the Past 1000 Years
- IntCal04: A New Consensus Radiocarbon Calibration Dataset from 0-26 ka BP
- Time-lapse monitoring of subglacial drainage conditions using borehole electrical surveying
- Annual Methyl Halides Fluxes and Isotopic Signatures of Methyl Chloride from Irish Soil Ecosystems
- Applied Dual-gas Tracing of a Fissured Sandstone Aquifer
- Dramatic <SUP>13</SUP>C-depletion in the plant methoxyl pool and its global biogeochemical implications
- Evaluation of Stable Isotope Analysis as a Tool to Determine Nitrate Sources in Irish Groundwaters
- Stable carbon isotope signatures of chloromethane in emissions from decaying organic matter and its implications for constraining the atmospheric chloromethane budget
- Present day and Allerod - Younger Dryas marine 14C reservoir ages of surface waters in the North Atlantic-Norwegian Sea
- Problems With Identifying the `8,200 Year Event' in Terrestrial Records of the Atlantic Seaboard: a Case Study From Dooagh, Achill Island, Ireland.
- Large Variations of Atmospheric 14C Associated With Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles 10- 13
- P-wave anisotropic seismic inversion using a Monte Carlo Multigrid approach, and application to multi-frequency cross-borehole seismic data collected at Glacier de Tsanfleuron, Switzerland
- Paleoenvironmental Proxies and Carbon Accumulation Sensitivity, Great Vasyugan Bog, West Siberia
- Electrical potential source mechanisms in microbial induced sulfate reducing environments
- Electrical potentials associated with Microbial Activity in a Winogradsky Column
- Novel Stable Isotope Methods for Assessing Changes in Seasonality of Precipitation from Sediments of Ombrotrophic Peatlands
- Pore-scale Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) signatures associated with FeS biomineral transformations
- Sediments Exposed by Drainage of a Collapsing Glacier-Dammed Lake Show That Contemporary Summer Temperatures and Glacier Retreat Exceed the Medieval Warm Period in Southern Alaska
- Self Potential as a method of monitoring the effectiveness of insitu remediation technologies
- The Impact of Invasive Earthworm Activity on Biopolymer Character of ýDecayed Litter ý
- A New Micro-Analytical Technique for the Identification of Tephra Layers in Sediments
- Environmental Forensics : Compound Specific Isotope Analysis Of PAHs. Study Of A Former Coal Tar Plant.
- Half-precessional climate forcing of Indian Ocean monsoon dynamics on the East African equator
- High Arctic Archives of Terrestrial Change in Svalbard Wetlands
- Lake Challa (Mt. Kilimanjaro) sediments as recorder of present and past seasonality in equatorial East Africa
- Late Glacial Tropical Savannas in Sundaland Inferred From Stable Carbon Isotope Records of Cave Guano
- Characterization of the effect of dyke swarms on groundwater flow in a sedimentary coastal aquifer by combined geophysical and hydrogeological modelling
- Contribution of geophysical methods at catchment-scale to validate and refine hydrogeological conceptual models of Irish complex hard rock aquifers
- Evaluation of the Steel Lake chronology and the uncertainty in timing of major pollen transitions in the north-central US
- Testing teleconnections - chronological uncertainties of independently dated and tuned past climate events (Invited)
- ``Recycling'' Geophysics: Monitoring and Isotopic Analysis of Engineered Biological Systems
- Climate and carbon accumulation in northern peatlands during the last 1000 years
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene climate and seasonality in North Africa from the stable isotope analysis of marine and terrestrial mollusc shells (Haua Fteah, Libya)
- Monitoring and modelling the zone of influence of an air sparge system using self potential
- Sedimentation rates in eastern North America reveal strong links between regional climate, depositional environments, and sediment accumulation
- Tephrochronological Investigation of Mid- to Late Holocene Acid Signals in Greenland Ice Cores
- Under the Weather? A Critique of Environmental Deterministic Theories of Peatland Activity in Ireland
- Variations of glass composition in the Holocene tephra of Shiveluch volcano (Kamchatka): applications for magmatic history and tephrochronology
- An integrated groundwater and surface water approach to quantifying the contribution of hydrological pathways to streamflow
- Dynamics of connectivity and diffuse pollution transfers in agricultural catchments
- Intercontinental Distribution of an Alaskan Volcanic Ash
- A sedimentologic and 14C dating study of five eastern Australian upper continental slope submarine landslides
- Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): Observations of the Dust Grains from SOFIA and of the Atomic Gas from NSO Dunn and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes (Invited)
- Holocene carbon dynamics and climate forcing of two subarctic minerotrophic fens
- Hydroclimatic changes during the 8.2 ka event inferred from Irish subfossil pines
- Stochastic Analysis of Saltwater Intrusion in Heterogeneous Coastal Aquifers
- The hydrological response of the Indian Ocean during the LGM and deglaciation (Invited)
- What caused terrestrial dust loading and climate downturns between 533 and 540 A.D.?
- 2D Time-lapse Resistivity Monitoring of an Organic Produced Gas Plume in a Landfill using ERT.
- Dealing with Uncertainties in Analyzing Holocene Northern Peatland Carbon Dynamics
- Exceptionally Long Distance Transport of Volcanic Ash: Implications for Stratigraphy, Hazards and the Sourcing of Distal Tephra Deposits
- Experimental illustrations of seismic-wave properties of interest for hydrogeological studies
- Linking watershed terrain and hydrology to soil chemical properties, microbial communities and impacts on soil organic C in a humid mid-latitude forested watershed
- Reconstruction of a Palaeo-Subglacial Lake Network in Alberta, Canada
- The Enigma of the Origin of Round, Deep, Rimed Lakes in the Russian Heartland-Was Lake Smerdyachie Formed During the Impact of an Extraterrestrial Body?
- The Glacier Peak Tephra: A Continental-Scale Latest Pleistocene Time Horizon
- Time-lapse Monitoring of Geotechnical Properties of Heritage Earthworks by Means of Near-Surface Seismic Techniques
- Carbon cycling in a complex lake: a novel use of Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C
- Experimental illustrations of seismic-wave properties of interest for hydrogeological studies
- Colours of the Outer Solar System Origins Survey (Col-OSSOS): New Insights into Kuiper belt Surfaces
- Laboratory meter-scale seismic monitoring of varying water levels in granular media
- Rapid biodegradation of plastics by mealworms (larvae of Tenebrio molitor) brings hope to solve wasteplastic pollution
- Suppression of Hydrogen Emission in a White-light Solar Flare
- Biochar as enhancement material in natural attenuation systems
- Hα and Hβ emission in a C3.3 solar flare: comparison between observations and simulations
- Modelling of Electron and Proton Beams in a White-light Solar Flare
- New Insights on 216 Kleopatra Based on Images Collected with the SPHERE Extreme AO System
- Prehistoric Human-environment Interactions and Their Impact on Aquatic Ecosystems
- The significance of volcanic ash in Greenland ice cores during the Common Era
- Changes in Habitat Quality Accompany Improvements in Nutrient Retention in a Restored Stream
- Large-scale mechanistic modelling of hydro-epidemiological processes under climate change
- Surface Wave Imaging and Monitoring for Improving Earthwork Asset Management
- We Mind the Gap: An Example from European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Women in Geoscience and Engineering (WGE) Special Interest Community (SIC)
- Chronostratigraphy of long lacustrine sedimentary records from Tasmania, Australia
- Identifying Drilling Hazards Using High Resolution 3D Seismic Data to Aid Site Selection for IODP Proposal 909
- Rule of Plum: Comparison of lead-210 dates derived from Bayesian analysis and the Constant Rate of Supply model using simulated and real datasets
- Seismic geomorphology in northeast Baffin Bay: reconstructing the Pleistocene evolution of the northwest Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Effect of Glaciation on Shallow Gas and Hydrates, Offshore NW Greenland
- Towards an improved geotechnical understanding of landslide hazard and slope stability from ground-based geophysical survey and monitoring
- Ultrafine magnetic particles characterization as a proxy of biogeochemical processes at a brownfield site
- 3D seismic geomorphology offshore northwest Greenland
- An assessment of landslide risk using 4-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography for monitoring an unstable slope that affects transport infrastructure in British Columbia, Canada
- Pathogen-specific Climatic Drivers and their Interactions with Landscape Processes Control Disease Transmission Patterns in Time and Space
- Resolving Long-Standing E-Region Data/Model Discrepancies
- Sunquake Signatures in SDO/AIA Data
- The August 2019 eruption of Volcano 0403-091: pumice-raft formation and dispersion eruption
- A Novel Integral Field Spectrograph Design for taking High-Cadence Spectral Solar Images: SNIFS
- Ambipolar Diffusion in the Lower Solar Atmosphere: MHD Simulations of a Sunspot
- Investigating the Neupert Effect with New EUV Measurements
- Laboratory Scale Demonstration of Self Potential as a Saline Intrusion Early Warning System
- Persistent, three-fold higher black carbon concentrations over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean following late 13th C Maori settlement of New Zealand
- Resolving E-region data/model discrepancies: The role of high-resolution cross sections and photoionization rates
- Revisting the Orrall-Zirker Effect: Identifying the suprathermal proton distribution during solar flares from Lyman line emission
- Self Potential Monitoring of Induced Saline Intrusion in a Beach Aquifer
- Chromospheric Horizontal Propagating Waves Revealed by Fast-Cadence Imaging in Ca II K with DKIST's Visible Broadband Imager
- Flare and Filament Observations in Lyman-Alpha
- Small-scale, internetwork magnetism in the quiet Sun: first look using the Visible Spectropolarimeter at DKIST
- Spicule-Like Activity in the Upper Chromosphere: Statistics from MgII Observations
- Stable Water Isotopes Show Irish River Response to Droughts and Floods
- The Biogeochemistry of Intact, Degraded, and Afforested Irish Blanket Bog
- Using High-Resolution Photoionization Cross Sections and Solar Irradiance to Resolve E-region Data/Model Discrepancies
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrian P. Butler
- Conor D. MacBride
- D. B. Jess
- D. J. Christian
- David Kuridze
- Douglas D. Smith
- E. Khomenko
- E. Thiemann
- Emmaris Soto
- Erdal Yiğit
- F. Eparvier
- F. Zuccarello
- G. Cauzzi
- H. S. Hudson
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- J. R. McConnell
- J. Scott Evans
- M. J. Lehner
- Marie Dominique
- Md Nazmus Sakib
- Michele Bannister
- N. Peixinho
- Nathan Chellman
- P. Romano
- Peter H. Keys
- Phillip C. Chamberlin
- Qian Gong
- Robert Mulvaney
- Ryan O. Milligan
- Sabine Eckhardt
- Susan Benecchi
- V. Knoer
- W. T. Reach