Inter American University of Puerto Rico
flowchart I[Inter American University of Puerto Rico] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (24)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Development of and Initial Results From Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Measurement Systems at Tromsø, Norway
- Effects of Water Vapor on the Data Quality of the Stable Oxygen Isotopic Ratio of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
- Application of radio phase modes to modification and remote sensing of the atmosphere and space
- CINEMA (Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields)
- Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar (SPEAR induced modifications of the high latitude (78°N) ionosphere observed by both coherent and incoherent radars (Invited)
- An Analysis of NSF Geosciences Research Experience for Undergraduate Site Programs from 2009 through 2011
- Cavitating Langmuir Turbulence in the Terrestrial Aurora
- An Analysis of NSF Geosciences Research Experience for Undergraduate Site Programs from 2009 to 2012
- Calculation and measurement of terahertz radio emissions from a thin plasma filament in the tropospheric air
- Development of Space Weather Monitoring System and Statistical Study of GPS Scintillations
- Experimental investigation of the ionospheric hysteresis effect on the threshold excitation level of the Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission (SEE) during heating at the second electron gyro-harmonic frequency
- Stereo ENA Imaging of the Ring Current and Multi-point Measurements of Suprathermal Particles and Magnetic Fields by TRIO-CINEMA
- Naturally-enhanced Electrostatic Modes and Cavitating Turbulence in the Ionosphere
- Mid-latitude Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions (NSEE): New Observations and Modeling
- Radio Observations of the Ionosphere From an Imaging Array and a CubeSat
- A Review of MS PHD'S Impact on Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences
- BioPro Solutions: a model for integrated science education, engagement and discovery at the InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico - Aguadilla
- Building Digital Infrastructure and Communities to Assess Risk of Drinking Water Hazards Caused by Hurricanes Maria and Florence
- N Isotopes Suggest Agriculture is not a Significant Source of NOx Emissions in the Central Valley of California
- Observations of Second Harmonic Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Generation during Ionospheric Heating
- Putting Professional Development into Practice: Successful Climate Course Offerings at Two Island-Based Minority-Serving Institutions following AMS Climate Studies Diversity Project Participation
- An MF/HF Antenna Array for Radio and Radar Imaging of the Ionosphere
- Correlation between mass, size, and preservation of fossil Cibicidoides shells from the Atlantic and Pacific
- Magnetic Field Measurement Suite for CubeSat Applications