University College of Bangor, UK
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Long-Term (103 -104 years) Seasonal Stratification Dynamics: A Review of the NW European Shelf Seas
- The Effect of Grain Shape on the Magnetic Properties of Magnetite: A Finite Element Approach
- The Potential of Ikaite to Record the Oceanic Evolution of ?18O
- Cretaceous Anoxic Event 1a Linked with Submarine Plateau Volcanism: Geochemical Evidence from Marine Sedimentary Sections
- Oceanic Anoxic Events in the Early Cretaceous Pacific Ocean: Unique Records From the Calera Limestone of Central California
- Suspended and bedload dynamics in a tidally influenced river: the river Dyfi, Wales, UK.
- The Cretaceous OAE1a-Submarine Plateau Link: Additional Geochemical Evidence from Marine Sedimentary Sections
- The Influence of Sea-Level Rise on Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Over the Last Deglacial Transition
- Compilation of Marine Radiocarbon Bomb-Pulse from the Temperate North Atlantic Using Annually-Resolved Time-Series From Arctica islandica
- Multi-centennial Arctica islandica Master Chronology From the Irish Sea: Radiocarbon Reservoir Corrections, Suess Effect, Stratification Dynamics and Volcanic Eruptions
- Observations of Ekman Currents in the Southern Ocean
- Observations of Internal Waves in the Isolated Seasonally Stratified Region of the Western Irish Sea
- Precipitation of ikaite crystals in Antarctic marine sediments: implications from pore water geochemistry
- Processes influencing the modification of the East Siberian Arctic boundary current
- Reconstructing Paleo-seasonality and Ocean Climate From the Geochemistry of Bivalve Shells: A Case Study From the Gulf of Maine, USA
- Reconstructing Radiocarbon Reservoir Ages North of Iceland During the Last Millennium: Implications for Ocean Circulation and Climate Change
- Variability in the volume scattering function (VSF) in the Irish Sea
- Lateral variation of Moho discontinuity beneath the Yellow Sea region
- Quantifying the contribution of sea ice and polynyas to global carbon flux
- The rapidly thinning margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (Invited)
- Time-lapse Characterization of Soil Moisture---A First Step towards Linking Soil and Vegetation Heterogeneity
- A hydrological study of Waen y Griafolen blanket bog, North Wales
- Carbon Dioxide Transfer Through Sea Ice: Modelling Flux in Brine Channels
- Modelling larval transport in a axial convergence front
- Near-bed environmental conditions influencing cold-water coral growth on Viosca Knoll, Gulf of Mexico
- An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula
- Coherent hydrographic changes in the North Atlantic during the last millennium: insights from marine radiocarbon reservoir ages
- Long-term impacts of ocean acidification on parent sea urchins and subsequent recruitment
- Long-term monitoring reveals cold-water corals in extreme conditions off the southeast US coast
- Mooring-based observations of the double-diffusive staircases over the Laptev Sea slope, Arctic Ocean
- Prediction and inter-dependence of stock and change of soil quality, function and diversity at a national scale and implications for ecosystem services
- The climatic sensitivity of river temperature regimes in England and Wales
- Using tropical archives of precipitation isotopic composition to assess the credibility of projected regional precipitation changes
- A Composite Approach to Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperatures in the NE North Atlantic Ocean
- Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Lipid Biosynthesis of Piezophilic Bacteria - Implications for Studying Microbial Metabolism and Carbon Cycle in Deep Biosphere
- Internal Tidal bores and Turbulent Mixing at the Celtic Sea Shelf Break
- A multiproxy reconstruction of Hebridean Shelf Sea spring sea surface temperatures from 1805-2010 (Invited)
- Climatic sensitivity of river temperature regimes within England and Wales (Invited)
- First Annually Resolved Marine Temperature Series For The Last 1000 Years From The North Atlantic
- Has the Sun Significantly Impacted Recent Voyager Observations?
- Multi-scale Analysis of the Fluxes Between Terrestrial Water Storage, Groundwater, and Stream Discharge in the Columbia River Basin
- Rising susceptibility of freshwater DOC inputs to extreme events? The implications of underlying changes in atmospheric deposition and land-management. (Invited)
- Tephra constraints on rapid climatic events (TRACE): new results from the Greenland ice-cores between 25 and 45 ka b2k
- The decomposition of vegetation and soil in marginal peat-forming landscapes: climate simulations to quantify gaseous and dissolved carbon fluxes and the effects on peat accumulation and drinking water treatment
- A Combined Monitoring and Modelling Approach to Maximise Environmental, Social and Economic Outcomes from Agri-environment Subsidies at a National Scale
- Distinct Benthic Community Trends Driven by Particle Transport and Deposition in Mid-Atlantic Bight Canyons, NW Atlantic
- Hydrodynamic impacts on biogenic stabilisation and the fate of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in mixed sediment bedforms.
- Insights into ice stream dynamics through modelling their response to tidal forcing
- Tephra constraints on Rapid Climate Events (TRACE): precise correlation of marine and ice-core records during the last glacial period in the North Atlantic region
- The Effects Of Physical And Biological Cohesion On Bedforms
- The roles of physical mixing and biochemical composition on the depositional characteristics of flocculated suspended sediment in the Eden estuary, Scotland
- BRITICE-CHRONO: The project and highlights so far
- Changes in the Coupling of C, N and P Cycles During River Transport from Source to Sea.
- Climate Change Will Affect Nutrient Dispersal In UK Estuaries
- Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
- Coupled C, N and P Controls on Photosynthesis, Primary Production and Decomposition across a Land Use Intensification Gradient and Implications for Land Atmosphere C Exchange
- Lower Velocity Sites Improve the Tidal-Stream Energy Resource
- Predicting bedforms and primary current stratification in cohesive mixtures of mud and sand
- TRACEing Last Glacial Period (25-80 ka b2k) tephra horizons within North Atlantic marine cores and exploring links to the Greenland ice-cores
- The Eurasian and Makarov Basins target changes in the Arctic Ocean
- The Multi-Scale Response of Water Quality, Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration to Coupled Macronutrient Cycling from Source to Sea: TURF2SURF
- A Fully Quantified Hiding-Exposure Effect for Different Sand-Gravel Mixtures Reflective Of Coastal And Shelf Sea Environments.
- Designing Resilient and Productive Grasses with Plasticity to Extreme Weather Events
- Drivers of the cyclic ice flow dynamics of a palaeo- marine-based grounded ice stream during rapid retreat.
- Grounding-Zone Wedges on the Porcupine Bank Offshore Western Ireland: Sedimentology, Age and Paleoglaciological Implications
- Higher stability in forest-atmosphere exchange observed in a structurally diverse forest.
- How are grassland ecosystem functions impacted by flood or drought and how do they recover following single or multiple extreme stress events?
- Improving Nitrous Oxide Reporting In Agricultural Inventories of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A UK Case Study
- (How) Can We Use Satellite Data to Estimate Effects of Extreme Drought on Photosynthesis?
- Biological and climate controls on North Atlantic marine carbon dynamics over the last millennium: Insights from an absolutely-dated shell based record from the North Icelandic Shelf
- A stratigraphic investigation of the Celtic Sea megaridges based on seismic and core data from the Irish-UK sectors
- Investigating biotic uptake of organic nitrogen in a riverine system using stable-isotope probing.
- Microbiological mechanism of DOC release from peatlands during recovery from acidification
- Reconstruction of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) recruitment in the North Sea for the past 455 years based on the δ<SUP>13</SUP>C from annual shell increments of Arctica islandica
- The Importance of Organic Matter Content to Fractal Particle Properties in Estuarine Surface Waters as Constrained by Floc Excess Density, Floc Apparent Density, and Primary Particle Bulk Density: Insights from Video Settling, LISST, and Pump Sampling
- Tides on ancient Venus and applications to similar exoplanets
- Wave Ripple Development on Mixed Clay-sand Substrates: Effects of Clay Winnowing and Armouring
- Exploring the ecosystem functional role of DOM in freshwaters - novel approaches and new insights from the NERC DOMAINE programme
- Global Analysis of the Relationship Between Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) and Gross Primary Production (GPP)
- Insights into Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Compositional Shifts in Response to High Flow Events Across a Land Cover and Soil C:N Gradient.
- Nitrogen use efficiencies in a grassland ecosystem using <SUP>15</SUP>N-stable isotope probing approaches
- Stripping back the Modern to reveal Cretaceous climate underneath
- The influence of cohesive clay on near-bed sediment transport
- Assessment of Microplastic in the Western Irish Sea Gyre: From Surface to Sediment
- Can tidal-stream turbines power the Blue Economy?
- Earth's next supercontinent climate: how tectonics, rotation rate, and insolation affect climate
- Orbital stability of compact four-planet systems
- Recirculating flume tank experiments reconstructed in TELEMAC3D-GAIA to model flow and sediment transport processes around an object in sand and gravel mixtures.
- The Importance of Organic Content to Fractal Floc Properties in Estuarine Surface Waters: Insights from Video, LISST, and Pump Sampling
- The role of physical cohesion on ripple dynamics under combined wave and current flow
- Tighten the Bolts and Nuts on GPP Estimations from Sites to the Globe: An Assessment of LUE Models and Supporting Data Fields
- Turbulent-laminar transitions in flows laden with cohesive sediment
- Underexplored Territory: Viromics Reveals the Diversity, Spatial Heterogeneity and Potential Ecosystem Impacts of RNA Viruses in Soils
- Enhanced Vertical Mixing in the Glacial Ocean Inferred From Sedimentary Carbon Isotopes
- Flow adaptation to velocity changes in transitional clay flows
- Generation Characteristics of Run-Of-River Hydropower Schemes in the UK and Ireland Under Future Climate Change
- Investigation for Micrometeorites in Urban Environments
- Investigation into the Effects of Wildfires and Prescribed Burns on Soil Composition and Aboreal Biomass in the Black Hills of South Dakota
- Starting Longitudes and the Lifetimes of Closely Spaced Four-Planet Systems
- Abstraction Licence Impacts on Optimal Streamflow Utilization by Run-of-River Hydropower in the UK and Ireland
- Estimating Changes in ESV in Response to Land Use Land Cover Change Dynamics in 48 African Countries
- Improving optical environment of China's lakes
- Lakes in a changing climate: physical responses and ecological consequences
- Numerical Simulation of Thermal Stratification in Lake Qiandaohu Using an Improved WRF-Lake Model
- Warmth from below: a meeting of ice and ocean.