Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of Re-Os Isotopes and Abundances of Highly Siderophile Elements in Chondritic Meteorites: Constraints on Terrestrial Late Accretion
- A Search for Temporal Variations in Wave-Propagation Characteristics Associated with the 1993 Parkfield Aseismic Transient
- Constraints on the Depth of Andesitic Magma Storage Beneath Mt. Mazama from Infrared Spectroscopy and Experimental Petrology
- Coseismic Displacement Field of the June 23, 2001 Peru Earthquake
- Crustal Thickness Variations and Internal Structure of the Galápagos Archipelago
- Diffusion of magnesium and oxygen in MgO at lower mantle conditions
- Dynamo processes in a thin shell geometry
- Geochemical and Geophysical Constraints on Diamond Formation and Lithospheric Mantle Evolution Beneath Southern Africa.
- Implications for Crustal Formation of the Kaapvaal Craton From High-resolution Broadband Array Studies
- Insights into the tectonics of the British Isles from seismic tomography
- Iron Isotopes in Meteorites
- Isotopic and Elemental Signatures of the Forearc, and Impacts on Subduction Recycling: Evidence from the Marianas
- Joint inversion of different seismic data types for upper mantle structure beneath southern Africa
- Magmatic Processes at Loihi Seamount Inferred From 226Ra-230Th-234U-238U Disequilibria
- Mantle Transition-zone Structure beneath the South Pacific Superswell and Evidence for a Mantle Plume underlying the Society Hotspot
- Meteorite - Impact Melt Mixing: PGE and Re-Os Evidence from the Morokweng Impact, South Africa
- New and Anomalous Western U.S. SKS Splitting Measurements
- Old Faults Never Die: An Explanation for Intermediate-Focus Seismicity
- SKS/SKKS Splitting Parameters Beneath GSN Stations: A Web-based Database
- Seismic Tomographic Images of the Cratonic Upper Mantle Beneath the Canadian Western Superior Province: a Remnant Archean Slab?
- Stress diffusion from the 1891 Nobi and 1944 Tonankai earthquakes; implications for future failure of the Tokai fault
- Temperature Distribution in Multi-Anvil Assemblies Derived From Spinel Layer Growth
- The Effects of Melt Depletion and Temperature on the Densities and Seismic Velocities of Garnet Lherzolite
- Trace Element and Os-Hf-Nd-Sr Isotope Systematics of Pervasively Metasomatised Ancient Lithospheric Mantle at the Southeastern rim of the Siberian Craton
- Transition Zone Structure beneath the Galápagos Archipelago from Receiver Function Analysis.
- Transition zone thickness beneath the South Pacific Superswell as inferred from the ScS reverberation and PS-converted waves
- Undersaturated Volatile Contents in MORB, Evidence for Re-Melting Episodes
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Galápagos Archipelago From Body Wave Data
- Using Surface Observations to Constrain the Direction and Magnitude of Mantle Flow Beneath Western North America
- Varying the Shell Geometry in Planetary Dynamo Models
- Volatile, Halogen and Light-Element Systematics of On- and Off-Axis Basalts From the EPR ( ~9° 30\'{}N)
- Why do Some Mantle Peridotites Contain Little Osmium and Iridium?
- A New Model for U-Series Isotope Fractionation During Igneous Processes, With Finite Diffusion and Multiple Solid Phases
- An Alternative Hypothesis for the Origin of the High 226Ra excess in MORBs
- Analysis of Mantle Flow Beneath the India-Eurasia Collision Zone Using Seismic Anisotropy and Surface Deformation Measurements
- Archean cratons aren't forever: Os isotope evidence for two periods of mantle lithosphere replacement beneath the North China craton
- Broadband Observations of Plate Boundary Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Changes in Continental Area Inferred From Space Geodesy
- Communication Between Volcanoes: a Possible Path
- Cycling of Volatiles at Mid-ocean Ridges: Magma-Seawater Interactions at Three Regions of the Northern EPR (8-10°N, 12-14°N and 15-18°N)
- Earthquake Catalog Completeness
- Effect of the Galapagos Hotspot on Seamount Formation along the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Effects of Subduction Angle Changes on Tectonics and Volcanism
- Evidence for a Thinned Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Azores Hotspot
- Experiments on Turbulent Viscosity in Earth's Core
- Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot: Plume or Not?
- Heat Flow, Lower Crustal Thermochronology, and Transient Geotherms in the Mesozoic Southern African Continental Lithosphere
- Implementation and compatibility of a North American Volcanic and Plutonic rock database (NAVDAT)
- Is Southern African Off-craton Lithospheric Mantle Warm Because of Steady State Conduction or a Mesozoic Thermal Disturbance?
- Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling Inferred From Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Measurements and Surface Deformation Rates
- Mars and the Mind of Don
- Observations and Interpretation of Strain Changes Caused by Volcanic Activity: Significance for Earthscope
- Observations of Large-Scale Decadal Variations in Stress Along the San Andreas Fault System
- Os Isotope Bimodality of Alkalic Lavas from the Siberian Flood Basalt Province
- Progressive Melting of the Hawaiian Plume Inferred From the U-series Isotope Disequilibria of Puu Oo Lavas
- Seismic Evidence for a Plume Beneath the Galápagos Hotspot
- Shear-Wave Anisotropy at the Yellowstone Hotspot
- Small Scale Variations in Seismic Anisotropy Near Kimberley, South Africa
- The Cobb Hotspot: A Fixed Mantle Plume With MORB Geochemical Characteristics
- The Role of the Ion Microprobe in Solid-Earth Geochemistry
- The Seismogenic Properties of Subducted and Unsubducted Oceanic Lithosphere
- Vapor Undersaturation in Primitive MORBs and the Volatile Content of the Earth's Upper Mantle
- Volatiles in the Icelandic Mantle: Constraints from Primitive Melt Inclusions
- What seismic measurements really tell us about the composition of the lower crust
- Who Needs Uranium? Pb-Pb Dating of (and Temporal Resolution in) Zircon
- A Comparative Study of Photochemistry in the Atmospheres of an Extrasolar
- Application of the Rhenium-Osmium Isotopes to the Geochronology of Diamonds
- Borehole Strainmeters on Montserrat: the CALIPSO Project and the July 2003 Eruption.
- Boron Isotope Compositions of Selected Fresh MORB Glasses From the Northern EPR (8-10° N): Implications for MORB Magma Contamination
- Broadband Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area Measured at Mini-PBO Stations: Implications for PBO
- CALIPSO Borehole Instrumentation Project at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Data Acquisition, Telemetry, Integration, and Archival Systems
- CALIPSO Borehole Instrumentation Project at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Overview and Prospects
- CALIPSO Borehole Station Observations Before and During the July 2003 Montserrat Eruption
- Changes in Continental Area Inferred from Space Geodesy
- Comparison of S-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Kaapvaal Craton From Surface-Wave Inversion With Predictions From Mantle Xenoliths
- Constraining the Vertical Coherence of Deformation in Central Asia Using GPS, Geologic, and Shear-Wave Splitting Data
- Deformation Kinematics and Dynamics in the Philippine Sea - Eurasia Plate Collision Zone in the Taiwan Island Determined From Recent GPS Data
- Developing a methodology for imaging stress transients at seismogenic depth
- Dynamics of the Central Mediterranean Region
- Evidence for Upper Mantle Flow Associated with the African Superplume
- Extrasolar Planets
- Formation and Evolution of Cratons: Insights from the Kaapvaal Project of Southern Africa
- Global Dispersal of Dust Following Impact Cratering Events on Mars
- Helium Variations in Mineral Separates from Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua: Assessing Short Time-Scale Variations
- High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Dates as Benchmarks in Absolute Time
- Highly Siderophile Element Partitioning in Partial Melting Residues : a Case Study in Some Pyrenean Harzburgites (France).
- ID-TIMS Geochronology of ca 1 Ma leucogranites from the core of Nanga Parbat
- Linking Surface Activity to the Deep Volcanic Plumbing System: the CALIPSO Borehole Observatory Project on Montserrat
- Long Valley Deep Hole Geophysical Observatory --- Strain Instrumentation and Installation.
- Mantle Anisotropy, Collisional Rifts and the Magmatic Evolution of Southern Africa: Old (Mantle) Fabric Never Dies.
- Mantle Melting as a Function of Water Content in Arcs
- Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath Southern Africa
- Mantle Structure Beneath Central South America
- On Planetary Evolution and the Evolution of Planetary Science During the Career of Don Anderson
- Seismic activity in the Japan Trench forearc from network observation in the seafloor
- Seismo-acoustics, VLP and ULP signals, and other comparisons of surface broadband and CALIPSO borehole data at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, B.W.I.
- Sharing Planetary Exploration: The Education and Public Outreach Program for the NASA MESSENGER Mission to Orbit Mercury
- Spatial variations in crustal thickness and V<SUB>P/V_S</SUB> ratio in southern Africa and their geological implications
- Stress Magnitudes in Asia and North America: Implications for Strength Profiles
- The Role of Flat Subduction in Andean Evolution
- Timing of Magmatism and Metamorphism in the Lower Crust Beneath the Colorado Plateau From Coupled U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Analysis of Zircon From Xenoliths
- Towards a Precise and Accurate Estimate of the Platinum Group Element Composition of the Primitive Upper Mantle
- A search for temporal variations in the scattered wavefield associated with the 1993 Parkfield aseismic transient event: a calibration between borehole and surface instruments
- Accurate measurement of P and S wave travel times under controlled laboratory conditions over long time scales
- Atmospheric Circulation of the Extrasolar Giant Planet HD209458b Under Diababtic Heating
- Building on Current Space-Based Geodesy to Infer Long-Term Tectonic Reduction in Continental Area
- Building the EarthChem System for Advanced Data Management in Igneous Geochemistry
- CALIPSO Borehole Monitoring Project at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI: Overview, and Response of Magma Reservoir to Prodigious Dome Collapse
- Deformation along The Cordillera Blanca Fault System inferred from GPS observations
- Detection of Subsurface Stress/Strain Changes with Active Source Monitoring at the Parkfield SAFOD Drill Site
- Developing a Methodology for Measuring Stress Transients at Seismogenic Depth
- Diffusive Fractionation of U-Series Nuclides During MORB Production
- Dynamic Weakening of the San Andreas Fault by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- Estimating Temperatures and Dissolved H<SUB>2</SUB>O Contents of Arc Andesite and Basalt Magmas
- Gravitational Potential Energy of the Tibetan Plateau and the Role of Mantle Circulation in Driving the Indian Plate
- High water contents in basaltic melt inclusions from Arenal volcano, Costa Rica
- Hydrous Synthesis of Aluminum Bearing Silicate Perovskite: Implications for Hydrogen Storage in the Lower Mantle
- In-situ boron isotopic analysis of modern and ancient marine carbonates by LA ICP-MS
- Influence of magma injection on faulting and topography at mid-ocean ridges
- Kinematic Deformation of the Interior Western U.S. Extensional Regime with Mantle Flow
- MESSENGER: The Discovery Mission to Mercury
- Magma dynamics and volcano geodesy in Iceland
- Measurement of Differential Rupture Durations as Constraints on Source Finiteness of Deep-Focus Tonga Earthquakes
- Melt Inclusion Evidence for Both Water-Fluxed and Decompression Melting at Galunggung, Indonesia
- New Search for 142Nd Anomaly in Kimberlites and Carbonatites
- Numerical modeling of noble gas recycling into the mantle
- Petrochemical Results for Volcanic Rocks recovered from SHINKAI 6500 diving on the Bonin Ridge (27°15'N-28°25'N): submarine extension of Ogasawara forearc volcanism
- Pyroclastic Flow Generated Tsunami Waves Detected by CALIPSO Borehole Strainmeters at Soufriere Hills, Montserrat During Massive Dome Collapse: Numerical Simulations and Observations
- Scattered Wavefield Within the San Andreas Fault System, California
- Shear Wave Splitting Beneath the Galapagos Archipelago
- Shear Wave Splitting and Seismic Anisotropy in the Chile Ridge Subduction Region
- The MESSENGER Payload
- The Role of Plate Boundaries in Degassing: Dynamic Mantle Models
- The Subducted Chile Ridge Imaged with Teleseismic Travel-time Inversion
- The subduction zone flow field from seismic anisotropy: A global view
- Trace Element and Isotopic (Re-Os, O) Systematics of Roberts Victor Eclogites: Evidence for 3 Ga Subduction-Incorporation of Archean Oceanic Lithosphere into the South African Kaapvaal Craton Keel
- Trace and Rare Earth Elements in Microbial Deposits of Upper Jurassic Coral and Sponge reefs: Palaeoenvironmental Implications
- Trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge: insights from integrating seismology and 3D subduction zone modeling
- U-series Isotopic Evidence for Remelting of Kilauea Volcano's Mantle Source Region During the Puu Oo Eruption
- Understanding the Mechanism of Deep Earthquakes: A new System for Detecting Acoustic Emissions in Multianvil Experiments
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Galápagos Hotspot from Surface Wave Tomography
- Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Seismic Velocity Structure Beneath Ethiopia
- Volatile Contents in Mafic Magmas from two Aleutian volcanoes: Augustine and Makushin
- Water Partition Coefficients Between Nominally Anhydrous Minerals and Basaltic Melts: Implication on Mantle Melting
- 3.2 to 3.5 Ga Re-Os Model Ages for Detrital Chromite from Jack Hills, Western Australia: Implications for Pilbara and Yilgarn Craton Evolution
- A Simultaneous Imaging Method of Multiple Scattering Modes for Detecting a Fault-Zone Heterogeneous Structure of the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield, California
- A Two-Layer Model of Deformation Along the San Andreas Fault System: Evidence from Shear-Wave Splitting, GPS, and Geologic Data
- Behavior of Fluid Mobile Elements Across hot Subduction Zone: Insights from Along-Strike B, As, Sb and Cs Systematics in Mafic Lavas from the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, Northern Cascadia Subduction System.
- Chemical Evolution of Dynamic Mantle Models with Strong, Mobile Lithosphere.
- Compositional Structure of Earth's Interior: The Importance of Early Terrestrial Differentiation
- Constraints of the Style of Tibetan Lithospheric Deformation and their Consequences for Resolving the Orogeny Paradox.
- Constraints on the Physical Mechanism of Deep Earthquakes from Observations of Source Finiteness
- Craton Formation Via Thrust Stacking: Constraints on Proto-Cratonic Lithosphere From Geodynamics, Seismology, and Geochemistry
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau and Yunnan Province Using Teleseismic Data
- Detecting Acoustic Emissions With/Without Dehydration of Serpentine Outside P-T Field of Conventional Brittle Failure
- Developing a Methodology for Observing Stress-Induced Temporal Variations in Travel Time: A Progress Report
- Distribution of Water in Earth's Mantle - Implications from Samoan Submarine Lavas
- Do Old Faults Ever Die? Fault-Plane Orientations of Intraslab Earthquakes in the Tonga-Kermadec Subduction Zone
- EarthChem: International Collaboration for Solid Earth Geochemistry in Geoinformatics
- Effects of 3D Velocity and Attenuation in the Tonga-Fiji Subduction Zone
- Geodetic constraints on the magma chamber of the Hekla volcano, Iceland
- Interaction Between Downwelling Flow and the Laterally-Varying Thickness of the North American Lithosphere Inferred from Seismic Anisotropy
- Lithium Isotopic Compositions of Lavas From Samoan and Austral Volcanic Chains: Constraints on the Source Components of Mantle Reservoirs
- Lithospheric Deformation Beneath the Ethiopian Plateau
- MHD Shallow-Water Turbulence on the Sphere
- Mercury's Magnetic Field: Active, Thermoelectric, or Decaying Dynamo or Crustal Remanence? - The MESSENGER Magnetic Field Investigation
- On the Red Edge an Optical Biomarker for Detecting Extrateresstrial Plants
- Recycling volatiles and attaining a geochemical and fluid dynamically consistent model of mantle convection
- Repeat microearthquakes observed in western Nagano, Japan and implications to rupture dynamics
- Roberts Victor Eclogites: The MacGregor Legacy of Archean Oceanic Lithosphere Subduction and its Role in Craton Formation
- S-wave Velocity Structure, Mantle Xenoliths, and the Upper Mantle Beneath the Kaapvaal Craton
- Seismic attenuation and velocity constraints on the formation of oceanic lithosphere and the origin of the low-velocity zone
- The 226Ra-230Th-238U disequilibria of enigmatic magmas from Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, Reunion Island (1950-1998)
- The Explosion of March 2004 at Montserrat: Constraints From Borehole Strain Data
- The Ins and Outs of Water in the Earth's Mantle
- The MESSENGER Earth Flyby: Results from the Mercury Dual Imaging System
- The MESSENGER mission to Mercury: Status after the first planetary flyby
- Tracing slab inputs along the Izu-Bonin-Marianas subduction zone: results from volatile emissions
- Triggering of Great Earthquakes: Seasonal Variation.
- Upper mantle anisotropy and shear wave velocity structure beneath the Slave craton inferred from Rayleigh waves
- Using Ancient Earth Climates as a Model for Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets
- 3-D Joint Regional Inversion of Teleseismic Body Waves and Rayleigh Waves
- A Chemical Comparison of STARDUST Organics with Insoluble Organic Matter in Chondritic Meteorites
- Ancient mantle trapped in the Mariana arc-basin system: Insights from the platinum group elements and Os isotopes
- Bathroom Buddies: Countering your Clockwise Rotation
- Combining the evidence: Crustal and upper mantle structure above the flat slab in central Chile and Argentina
- Constraining Upper Plate Deformation in Nicaragua Through Delineation of the August 3, 2005 Mw 6.3 Strike Slip Earthquake Fault Plane
- Constraints on the Origin of the Haxby Cross-Grain Gravity Lineations in the Pacific from the GLIMPSE and MELT Experiments
- Continuous in-situ measurement of stress-induced travel time variation at Parkfield
- Contrasting the CO2-He Isotope and Relative Abundance Systematics of the Central American and IBM Arcs
- Decompression Melting beneath the Indonesian Volcanic Front
- Deep Earthquake Mechanics and Deformation in the Tonga and Middle America Subduction Zones
- Direct Detection of Temporal Variations in Seismic Scatterers at Seismogenic Depth Attributed to the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Distribution of Water Across the Subduction Zone Mantle Wedge
- Effects of continental insulation and the partitioning of heat producing elements on the Earth's heat loss
- Evidence From Gravity and Topography That Actively Forming Coronae in the Beta-Atla- Themis Region of Venus are Underlain by Transient Mantle Plumes
- Evidence for Mechanically-Coupled Asian Lithosphere from the Joint Analysis of Surface Deformation and Seismic Anisotropy Data
- Evolution of Subducted Oceanic Crust in Dynamic Mantle Models
- Geology and Rheology of Intraplate Continental Volcanic Conduits: San Rafael Subvolcanic Field, Utah
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment on Rotating 3-D Earth Models
- Global Mantle Flow and the Development of Asthenospheric Anisotropy: Differences Between the Oceanic and Continental Upper Mantle
- Improved Constraints and Resolution Assessment of Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure in the Western United States
- Infrared Spectroscopy of an Extrasolar Planet
- Intermediate Depth Earthquakes in Middle America: Fault Reactivation or Formation?
- Intermittent Plate Tectonics
- Investigating the Processes of Crust Formation and Intraplate Continental Volcanism in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Isotopic Constraints on Processes of Mantle Recycling (Subduction?) in the Hadean and Archean
- Li isotope recycling: insights from the sub-arc mantle
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Plumes and the Distribution of Lithium Isotopes Among Earth's Reservoirs
- Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions From Fernandina Lavas: the Volatile Content of the Galapagos Plume and Evidence for Melt Interaction With Plagioclase-rich Cumulate
- On the Formation and Long Term Stability of Earth-like Planets in Binary Star Systems
- Prediction of Arc Magma Water Contents via Measurement of H2O in Clinopyroxene
- Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Structure of the Mariana Mantle Wedge From an Ocean Bottom Seismograph Deployment
- S-Wave Velocity Structure of the High Lava Plains, Oregon, from Rayleigh-Wave Inversion
- Sediment dynamics and the changing nature of the subduction component beneath the Kurile volcanic Arc
- Shear wave splitting intensity tomography: theory, application, and coupling with geodynamical models
- Slow Earthquakes Triggered by Typhoons
- The Augustine Basalt
- The Geological Grading Scale: Every million Points Counts!
- The Hawaiian PLUME Project Successfully Completes its First Deployment
- The High Lava Plains Broadband Seismic Experiment: Objectives, Status and Preliminary Results
- The MESSENGER Venus Flybys: Opportunities for Synergy with Venus Express
- The effect of minor elements on H incorporation in MgSiO3 perovskite
- True Polar Wander of Bodies with Elastic Lithospheres: the Role of Elastic Energy in the Lithosphere
- Volatile Contents of NW Rota Melt Inclusions: Insight to Explosive Submarine Arc Volcanism
- Volatile Sources and Fluxes Through the Central American and Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction Factories
- Volcanic Activity Triggering due to Induced Pressure Changes in Magma Chambers.9
- 142Nd-182W record of terrestrial samples: Implications for Early Earth evolution
- A depleted and destabilized continental lithosphere near the Rio Grande Rift
- Body-wave tomography at Hawaii from the first PLUME deployment of ocean-bottom seismometers
- Broadband Ocean Bottom Instruments Record Earth's Free Oscillations during the Hawaiian PLUME Experiment
- Can we go From Tomographically Determined Seismic Velocities to Composition? Amplitude Resolution Issues in Local Earthquake Tomography
- Characterizing Offshore Earthquakes at Hawaii Recorded by the First PLUME Temporary Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Network
- Continuous Crosswell Seismic Measurement: Applications to Monitoring of Stress and CO2
- Detection of Subsurface Stress/Strain Changes with Active Source Monitoring at the Parkfield SAFOD Drill Site
- Does the mantle control the maximum thickness of cratons?
- Dynamic Weakening of the San Andreas Fault by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- Earth's deep H cycle: H isotope evidence from the Manus Basin for complementary recycled reservoirs
- Elemental Composition of 433 Eros: New Calibration of the NEAR-Shoemaker XRS Data
- Evolution of Photoevaporating Protoplanetary Disks
- Formation and Evolution of the Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Perspectives From Radiogenic Isotopes of Silicate and Sulfide Inclusions in Macrodiamonds
- Geochemical studies of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction system: highlights, progress and future directions
- High-Ca Boninites From the Modern Tonga Arc
- High-precision relative earthquake locations in the Tonga-Kermadec subduction zone and implications for the mechanisms of deep-focus earthquakes
- In Search of the Continental Mantle End Member
- Investigation on the rupture behavior of the 2001 Kunlun and 1997 Manyi, China, earthquakes: constraints from near field geological data and regional surface wave
- Is new Plinian Eruption Imminent at Colima Volcano in Mexico? Insights From Mineral Chemistry, Melt Inclusion Volatiles and Bulk Rock B-Li-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Systematics
- MDIS Observations from the Second MESSENGER Venus Flyby
- MESSENGER and Venus Express Observations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus: A Dual Spacecraft Study
- MESSENGER's Venus Flyby: An Overview of Early Results
- Magma Intrusion, Deformation: the Importance of Crustal Layering.
- Mapping Lateral Heterogeneity with Wavefront Modeling of Rayleigh Waves in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Modeling of the Interaction Between the Induced Magnetosphere of Venus and the Solar Wind During the MESSENGER Flyby.
- Phase Transition Evolution and Convection Style in the Martian Mantle
- Plate tectonics, ancient crust, and the geochemical evolution of the mantle
- Precursors to Great Earthquakes Along the Nankai Trough; Slow Earthquakes, Non-volcanic Deep Tremor and Slow Slip
- Ranging to the Venus Atmosphere With the Mercury Laser Altimeter
- Rupture kinematics of Mw8.4 South Pagai Earthquake, Sumatra, from joint inversion of seismic and geodetic data
- S-wave crustal structure in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications
- Seismic Anisotropy as a Constraint on Global Mantle Flow and Plate Motions
- Seismic Expression of Flood-Basalt Lithospheric Refertilization
- Seismic and aseismic processes on the Psathopyrgos normal fault, western rift of Corinth, Greece.
- Seismic imaging of scatterer migration using waveform data of repeating earthquakes
- Shear Wave Splitting and Seismic Anisotropy in the Chile Ridge Subduction Region
- Shear wave splitting intensity tomography beneath southwestern Japan and coupling with numerical flow models
- Shear-wave splitting and seismic anisotropy in Oregon's High Lava Plains
- Solubility of Hydrogen in Olivine as a Function of Pressure and Oxygen Fugacity
- Strain Changes and Constraints on Magma Reservoir Incompressibility: Co-eruptive Examples From Hekla and Montserrat
- Surface Wave Data Collected During the First Hawaiian PLUME OBS Deployment
- Tectonic Patterns of Reoriented and Despun Planetary Bodies: Application to Enceladus
- Temperature Versus Buoyant Mantle Heterogeneities, Evaluating the Origin of OIB Using the Galapagos Archipelago
- The Composition of Water-Rich Components in the Sources of Back Arc and Arc Magmas
- The Subducted Chile Ridge Imaged with Teleseismic Travel-time Inversion
- The Venus Express VIRTIS and MESSENGER teams
- The subduction zone flow field from seismic anisotropy: A global view
- Tidal Variation in Non Volcanic Seismic Tremor Activity at the Chile Triple Junction
- Trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge: insights from integrating seismology and 3D subduction zone modeling
- Varying rates of mantle convection in the early Earth
- Volatiles in Basalts From Intra-Transform Spreading Centers: Implications for Melt Migration Models
- Volatiles in the Lunar Volcanic Glasses, Evidence for the Presence of Indigenous Water in the Moon's Interior
- What Comes Around Goes Around: Mantle Convection and the Meaning of Mantle Isochrons
- Why do magmas stall? Insights from petrologic and geodetic data
- A New Global Mosaic of Mercury
- Amplitude Ratios of Reflected Phases: Implications for the Aluminum Content of the Mantle at the 660 km Discontinuity
- An Overview of Ultraviolet Through Infrared Reflectance Observations of Mercury during the Second Messenger Flyby.
- Compositions of HIMU, EM1, and EM2 from Global Trends between Radiogenic Isotopes and Major Elements in Ocean Island Basalts
- Constraints from Magmas on the Upper Mantle beneath the Western US
- Constraints on Mercury's radius and limb topography from MESSENGER flyby images
- Cratering on Mercury Interpreted from MESSENGER's First Two Flybys
- Energetic Particles in Mercury's Magnetosphere During MESSENGER's Second Flyby
- Evaluating Subduction Initiation Potential on the Present-Day Earth
- Evidence for a heterogeneous astenosphere from intra-transform and seamount lavas
- Evidence for the Magnetic Trapping of Solar-Flare Ions from 1-8-MeV Solar Neutrons Detected with the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer
- Explosive Volcanic Eruptions on Mercury: Eruption Conditions, Magma Volatile Content, and Implications for Mantle Volatile Abundances
- Extended Inner Heliospheric Source of Pickup Ions
- Frequency Dependent Shear Wave Splitting Beneath Japan and Implications for the Mantle Wedge
- Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Measurements at Mercury during MESSENGER's First Two Flybys
- Global systematics of major elements in OIBs - the relative contribution of source heterogeneity and conditions of melting
- H Isotopes as Tracers for Earth's Deep Water Cycle: a Model for Exchange of Water Between the Mantle and its Exospheric Reservoirs
- Imaging During MESSENGER's Second Flyby of Mercury
- Insights into the Ion Composition and Plasma Environment of Planet Mercury from MESSENGER
- Kinetic simulation of Mercury's magnetosphere compared with observations during MESSENGER's first Mercury flybys on 14 January and 6 October 2008
- Lateral Viscosity Variations and the Contractional History of Mercury
- Lithium isotope variations in lavas and olivine phenocrysts from the Cook-Austral Islands: Constraints on sample alteration and the true Li-isotope signature of HIMU mantle
- Low-Reflectance Material in Mercury's Crust
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and its Effects on Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Observations during the Second Mercury Flyby
- MESSENGER's Second Flyby of Mercury: A Scientific Overview
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Hawaiian Islands from Measurements of Shear-wave Splitting: Results from the PLUME Ocean-Bottom and Land Seismograph Deployments
- Mantle flow beneath subducting slabs and implications for mantle dynamics
- Mercury Core Properties from the Rotation State
- Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field: Modeling Core Fields with Smooth Inversions
- Mercury's Smooth Plains: Distribution, Origin, and Significance
- Mercury's internal magnetic field: Constraints on fields of crustal origin
- Microstructural and rheological evolution in naturally deformed peridotite mylonites
- NanoSIMS Analysis of Sulfur Isotopes in Sulfides from ca. 2.7 Ga BIFs and Cherts as Tracers of Microbial Activity
- Narrow-Band Ultra-Low-Frequency Wave Observations During the October 6, 2008, Flyby of Mercury.
- New Insights into Cascadia Slow Slip Events Using Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Strainmeters
- Numerical models of the transition from zonal flow to dynamo action in Jupiter and Saturn
- On the Causes of Continental Intraplate Volcanism: An Example From the High Lava Plains of Eastern Oregon
- Overview of magnetosphere and magnetic field observations from MESSENGER's second flyby of Mercury
- Pit-floor Craters on Mercury: Characteristics and Distribution From the First and Second MESSENGER Flyby
- Pressure Oscillation in Magma Chamber due to Replenishment During Volcanic Eruptions
- Primitive Subduction Zone Magmatism at Mt. Shasta, California: Geochemical and Petrologic Characteristics of Hydrous Mantle Derived Melts
- Probing Upper Mantle Heterogeneity: Os and Pb Isotopic Compositions of Individual Sulfide Grains in Abyssal Peridotites
- Repeating earthquakes in the southwest Pacific subduction zone and temporal change of the properties of the Earth's core
- Rupture Characters of the 2008 Mw=7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Revealed From Empirical Green's Function Deconvolution
- S-wave tomographic imaging of the mantle beneath the Hawaiian Islands from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- Sacks-Evertson Borehole Strainmeters: New Designs, Volcanic Activity and Slow Earthquakes
- Seismic Evidence for Remote Triggering of Fault-Strength Changes on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield
- Seismic Imaging of Multi-Scale Thermal and Chemical Complexities in Earth's Convecting Mantle
- Seismic Imaging of Stress Transient
- Shear wave splitting, mantle flow, and young tectonomagmatism in the High Lava Plains of Oregon
- Solubility of Water in Basaltic Melt at Upper Mantle Conditions: a new Experimental Approach
- Subducting slab ultra-slow velocity layer coincident with silent earthquakes in southern Mexico
- Surface Wave Tomography for the Hawaiian PLUME Project and the Seismic Structure of the Hawaiian Swell
- The Birth, Life, and Death of the Oceanic Asthensphere from Seismic Anisotropy
- The Global Tectonics of Mercury
- The Influence of Volatiles on Trace Element Systematics of Back-arc Basin Magmas and Sources
- The Mercury Gravity Field: MESSENGER Observations
- The Montserrat Soufriere Hills Explosion of March 2004: Magma Geometry and Incompressibility From Borehole Strain Data
- The Space Environment of Mercury: Solar Wind and IMF Modeling of Upstream Conditions
- Timescales for Reequilibration of Major Elements in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Titanium, tantalum, and niobium (TITAN) enrichment in high 3He/4He ocean island basalts.
- Topography of Equatorial Mercury from MESSENGER Flybys 1 and 2
- Turn the heat up - A first look at MESSENGER's near-infrared spectra of Mercury using new high-temperature emissivity measurements
- Two Distinct Sets of Magma Sources in Cretaceous Rocks From Magnet Cove, Prairie Creek, and Other Igneous Centers of the Arkansas Alkaline Province, USA
- Understanding Vulcanian Explosions at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, using Dilatometer Data
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure From Wavefield Migration of Precursors to SS and PP
- Upper Mantle Velocity Structure of the Cascadian Back-arc and Implications for the Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Volcanic Activity Triggering due to Earthquakes and Dome Collapses.
- Volcanism on Mercury: Characteristics and Distribution from the First MESSENGER Flyby
- Water, Melting, and Convection in the Martian Mantle
- Water/Cerium as a Proxy for Slab Fluid Temperature
- Which Came First, the Tremor or the Slip, and is There Slip-Free Tremor in Cascadia?
- A Missing Link in Understanding Mantle Wedge Melting, Higashi-akaishi Peridotite, Japan
- A Spectrum of EM-Type Mantle Endmembers (Invited)
- A Strain Event Related to Aftershock Activity Following the 2003 Tokachi-oki (M8.0) Earthquake
- A link between Interstellar Formaldehyde and Chondritic and Cometary Organic Solids
- A ‘heavy’ noble gas framework for understanding mantle volatile origin and evolution (Invited)
- AcquiTools: A new Software Toolkit for the Efficient Preparation of DMC-Ready Waveform Data
- Assessing the role of fluids in episodic tremor and slip events using active seismic sources: results from a prototype experiment in Cascadia (Invited)
- Automated SIMS Isotopic Analysis Of Small Dust Particles
- Causes and Consequences of Mantle Heterogeneity From Observations of Abyssal Peridotites (Invited)
- Characterization of Contractional Deformation Features on Mercury from Finite Element Modeling and Altimetric Profiles from MESSENGER’s Flybys
- Chemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Cenozoic Pacific Northwest Volcanism
- Combining MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer Data from Mercury Flybys 1 and 3: Estimates of the Global Concentration of Neutron-absorbing Elements on Mercury’s Surface
- Compositional units on Mercury from principal component and clustering analyses of MESSENGER spectrometer observations
- Conduit dynamics for Vulcanian explosions at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from strainmeter data
- Conduit evacuation dynamics for Vulcanian explosions
- Crosswell CASSM(Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring): Recent Developments (Invited)
- Crustal Seismic Velocities and Anisotropy in the Chile Ridge Subduction Region from Seismic Noise Cross-Correlation analysis
- Crustal thickness and composition beneath the High Lava Plains of Eastern Oregon from teleseismic receiver functions
- Deep Earthquake Mechanics and Slab Deformation in the Tonga, Middle America, and South America Subduction Zones
- Detailed 3-D S-wave velocity beneath the High Lava Plains, Oregon, from 2-plane-wave Rayleigh wave inversions
- Detection of Upper Mantle Reflectors at 50-150 km Depth From SS and PP Precursors: The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary?
- Dynamic Topography at Earth's Surface: Fact or Fiction? (Invited)
- Evidence for Hot Material Subducted beneath the Kurile Slab
- Exploring Mercury’s Surface-bound Exosphere with the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer: An Overview of Observations during the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Formation of Mars
- Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Measurements at Mercury During the MESSENGER Flybys
- Generation of mantle heterogeneity by oceanic crust recycling: how well can we match geochemical and geophysical observations? (Invited)
- Geophysics of Mercury: The MESSENGER View (Invited)
- High-Precision Stable Isotope Analyses with the NanoSIMS 50L (Invited)
- Implications of the Nuvvuagittuq “faux-amphibolite” for the formation of Earth’s early crust
- In-situ Pb isotopic analysis of sulfides in abyssal peridotites from ultraslow spreading ridges: new insights into heterogeneity and evolution of the oceanic upper mantle
- Incompressibility of Magma in a Volcanic Reservoir from Strain Changes Immediately Before Eruption
- Initiation of Magma Fragmentation Leading to Vulcanian Explosions
- Inverting Ion Microprobe Analyses of Clinopyroxene Phenocrysts to Determine Pre-eruptive Magmatic Water Content - A New Model for Partitioning of Water between Clinopyroxene and Melt
- Isotopically Anomalous Carbonaceous Nanoglobules in Meteorites and Comets
- Joint analysis of GPS and shear-wave splitting data to understand large-scale continental deformation in the India-Eurasia Collision zone (Invited)
- Linearity of Mid-Continent Kimberlite-Carbonatite Magmatism, USA: Slab-Edge Focus as Alternative to Hot-Spot Track
- MESSENGER Observations of the Plasma Environment near Mercury
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer and Energetic Particle Spectrometer Observations of Energetic Electrons during the Mercury Flybys
- MESSENGER multispectral observations of Mercury (Invited)
- MHD modeling of the interaction of the magnetosphere of Mercury with the solar wind during the MESSENGER flybys
- Magnetospheric feedback effects on Mercury’s internal dynamo
- Mantle shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- Measurements of Calcium in Mercury’s Exosphere During MESSENGER’s Three Flybys
- Melt Inclusions from the Galápagos Plume: Clues to the Origin of ‘Ghost Plagioclase’
- Mercury after the Third MESSENGER Flyby
- Mercury's Bright Crater-Floor Deposits: Morphology, Distribution, and Spectral Properties
- Mercury's magnetosphere-solar wind interaction under northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field during the MESSENGER flybys
- Mercury’s atmosphere and magnetosphere: MESSENGER third flyby observations (Invited)
- Near Global Mosaic of Mercury
- Numerical models of zonal flow and dynamo action in Jupiter and Saturn (Invited)
- Observations of Metallic Species in Mercury’s Exosphere During the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Osmium isotopic evidence for recycled oceanic crust in East African Rift Volcanism
- Overview of magnetic field observations from MESSENGER’s third flyby of Mercury
- Particle Transport and Acceleration in Mercury’s Magnetosphere during the MESSENGER Flybys
- Primitive Mantle Nitrogen Revealed by SIMS in 3.5 Ga Harzburgitic Diamonds
- Re-Os and PGE Systematics of Neoarchean Websterite Xenoliths and Diamondiferous Lamprophyres of the Wawa Area, Superior Province, Canada
- Remote Triggering of Fault-Strength Changes on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield (Invited)
- S-velocity mantle structure at the subducting Chile Ridge
- Seismicity and strain transients in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece)
- Shear wave splitting beneath the High Lava Plains of Oregon: Linking upper mantle dynamics to surface tectonomagmatism
- Sodium and magnesium neutral and ion species at Mercury: Simulations and comparison to MESSENGER observations
- State of stress and age offsets at oceanic fracture zones and implications for subduction initiation
- Subduction and the mantle flow field (Invited)
- The Influence of Water on Mantle Melting and Crystallization in Back-arc Basin Systems
- The Rationale for a New High-resolution Imaging Radar Mission to Venus
- The SH-1 Reference Model for Shear Wave Splitting Observations in Western North America
- The Space Environment of Mercury at the Time of the Third MESSENGER Flyby: Solar Wind and IMF Modeling of Upstream Conditions
- The enigmatic high 3He/4He mantle: Characteristics and Origins. (Invited)
- Time dependent post-seismic processes associated with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman and 2005 Nias earthquakes
- Ultra-Low-Frequency Wave Observations at Mercury during the 29 September 2009 MESSENGER Flyby
- Very Little Crustal Anisotropy in Eastern Tibet from Regional S phases, the Game's Over
- Volatile abundances in OIBs hosting a recycled sediment signature: Evidence from Samoa
- A glimpse of Earth's primordial crust: The Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt as a vestige of mafic Hadean oceanic crust
- AcquiControl: Seismic Data Logger Control via iPhone
- Array-conditioned deconvolution of multiple-component teleseismic recordings
- Borehole Strain Measurements on Volcanoes: Insights from Montserrat and Hekla
- Comparative compressibility of hydrous wadsleyite
- Constraints on Solar Coronal Abundances from MESSENGER X-ray Solar Monitor Data
- Crustal structure beneath the Galápagos Archipelago from ambient noise tomography and its implications for plume-lithosphere interactions (Invited)
- Direct Observations of Lateral Variation at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Earth Formation and Initial Differentiation (Invited)
- Effect of water on mantle melting and magma differentiation, as modeled using Adiabat_1ph 3.0
- Evidence for Sulfur Degassing in Oceanic Basalts
- Excesses of Seawater-Derived 234U in Volcanic Glasses from Loihi Seamount due to Crustal Contamination
- Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for Melting and Erosion of Wyoming Craton Mantle Lithosphere Prior to 48 Ma
- Google Mercury: The Launch of a New Planet
- How MESSENGER Meshes Simulations and Games with Citizen Science
- In situ analysis of carbon isotopes in North American diamonds
- Influence of the Samoan Plume in the Northwestern Lau Back-arc Basin
- Juvenile water in the Moon's interior: new constraints from Apollo 15 lunar volcanic glasses
- MESSENGER Education and Public Outreach Arranges a Ride to the Innermost Planet
- MESSENGER Plasma Wave Observations in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Magnetospheric Feedback Effects on Mercury's Dynamo
- Mantle P-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Hawaiian Hotspot
- Modeling of Mercury's pick-up ion dynamics and its response to changes in IMF conditions
- Mosaic Postcards from Mercury
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Energetic Particle Events from 0.3 to 1.0 AU: Measurements by MESSENGER, STEREO, and ACE
- Opportunities and Challenges for the Precise Chronology of Solar System Formation (Invited)
- Probing Mantle Transition Zone Heterogeneity with Topside Reflected SH Seismic Energy (Invited)
- Rapid Gas Transport from Deep Magma Chambers. (Invited)
- Re-Os-PGE constraints on continental lithosphere assembly: a case study in eastern Russia
- Reconstruction of propagating Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Mercury's magnetopause
- Rehydration of the Deep Earth Indicated by Sediment Recycling (Invited)
- Secular Changes in Lithospheric Diamonds from the Archean to the Proterozoic
- Seismic Constraints on the Formation of the Galápagos and Iceland Platforms
- Seismic Evidence for Melt at the Base of the Lithosphere Beneath Hotspots
- Seismic Evidence for the Influence of Subduction and Slab Fragmentation on Flood Volcanism in the Cascadian Backarc and on the Snake River Plain/Yellowstone Hotspot Track
- Slow Slip Following the 2003 Tokachi-oki M8 Earthquake off Hokkaido
- Sources of volatiles in basalts from the Galapagos Archipelago: deep and shallow evidence
- Strain variation from borehole strainmeter and GPS array in eastern Taiwan
- Sub-arc Mantle Reservoirs Through Time in Cascadia
- Temporal seismic velocity changes in the deep crust driven by aseismic afterslip of the great Sumatra earthquakes
- The Exploration of Mercury by MESSENGER: Looking Ahead to Orbital Observations
- The X Discontinuity: A Probe of Upper Mantle Heterogeneity
- The dynamical structure of giant planets
- The use of deep moonquakes for constraining the internal structure of the Moon
- Thermochemical plume models can reconcile upper-mantle seismic velocity structure beneath Hawaii
- Upper mantle structure beneath the Galápagos Archipelago from joint inversion of body and surface waves (Invited)
- Using MHD modeling to specify inner heliosphere conditions during the three MESSENGER Mercury flybys
- Volatile Loss from Melt Inclusions in Clasts of Differing Sizes
- Water and carbon heterogeneity in MORB mantle sources (Invited)
- Water concentrations in mantle peridotite minerals
- A geochemical comparison of alkalic lavas in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, peninsular Baja California and intraplate volcanoes in the eastern Pacific
- A search for a crustal magnetization signature of variations in insolation at Mercury
- Analysis of Surface Volcanism on Mercury
- Assessing the Crustal Stratigraphy of Mercury: Results from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Changes in the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, magma system 2003 - 2010
- Characterizing the geomorphology of fresh impact craters on Mercury
- Compactional shear bands in dilational sands and soils
- Concept study for a Venus Lander Mission to Analyze Atmospheric and Surface Composition
- Constraining the Timescale of Aqueous Alteration in the CM Carbonaceous Chondrites using Mn-Cr determinations of Carbonates and Ar-Ar dating of Phyllosilicates
- Crater Floor Slope as a Measure of Long-wavelength Changes in Topography on Mercury
- Crustal and upper mantle 3D shear wave velocity structure of the High Lava Plains, Oregon, determined from ambient noise tomography
- D" structure beneath Alaska, more evidence for (Mg,Fe)O phase
- D/H Ratios of the Lunar Volcanic Glasses
- Detection of energetic electrons in Mercury's magnetosphere with the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
- Distribution of ~1 Hz ULF Waves in Mercury's Inner Magnetosphere
- Double layering of thermochemical-plume material can reconcile upper-mantle seismic velocity structure beneath Hawaii
- Dynamics and evolution of Mercury's interior as constrained by MESSENGER observations
- EarthScope's Education, Outreach, and Communications: Using Social Media from Continental to Global Scales
- EarthScope: Earth Science Education and Outreach on a Continental Scale
- Elasticity of Hydrous Ringwoodite in Earth's Transition Zone
- Erosion during accretion: Consequences for planetary iron-silicate ratios and tungsten isotope anomalies
- Experimental Evidence for a High Temperature Iron Isotope Fractionation
- Exploring Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere: An Overview of Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Fault Simulator with Dilatant Effects Used to Investigate Statistics of Foreshocks/Aftershocks, Including Magnitude Dependent Seismic Quiescence
- Global Controlled Mosaic of Mercury from MESSENGER Orbital Images
- Global Simulations of Mercury's Quasi-Trapped Particle Population
- Global distribution of Na, Ca, and Mg in Mercury's exosphere from MESSENGER measurements
- Graben on the Floors of Mercury's Medium-Sized Impact Basins: Extension from Cooling
- Heating and Cooling of Early-Accreting Planetesimals and Effects on Dynamo Generation
- High-temperature laboratory measurements in support of a statistical analysis of spectral data from MESSENGER
- Internal structure of Mercury: Constraints from MESSENGER
- Intraplate EQ placeholder
- Intraplate EQ placeholder
- Joint inversion of teleseismic S-wave relative arrival times and Rayleigh wave phase and amplitude deviations in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Laser Altimetry by MESSENGER over Lobate Scarps Reveals the Lithospheric Structure of Mercury
- Lava erosion on Mercury: Model results using new observations from MESSENGER
- MESSENGER Educator Fellows Taking the Nation on a Ride to the Innermost Planet
- MESSENGER Magnetometer Observations of the Plasma Distribution in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- MESSENGER Measurements of Radioactive Elements on Mercury: Implications for the Planet's Formation and Evolution
- MESSENGER Observations and Kinetic Simulations of Quasi-Trapped Ion and Electron Populations at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Flux Transfer Events at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Internal and External Magnetic Fields at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of the Distribution of Planetary Ions Near Mercury
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Detection of Electron-induced X-ray Fluorescence from Mercury's Surface
- MESSENGER observations of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at Mercury's magnetopause
- MESSENGER observations of magnetopause structure at Mercury
- MESSENGER observations of plasma ion composition at Mercury through the first 150 days of orbital observations
- MESSENGER: Exploring the Innermost Planet
- Magnetic fields of the solar system: A comparative planetology toolkit
- Major-element composition of Mercury's surface from MESSENGER X-ray Spectrometry
- Mantle dynamics beneath the Pacific Northwest and the generation of post-20 Ma volcanism
- Measurements of Mercury's spin state and inferences about its interior
- Mid-year Status of MESSENGER SciBox Science Planning and Commanding
- Minerals as mantle fingerprints: Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf in clinopyroxene and He in olivine distinguish an unusual ancient mantle lithosphere beneath the East African Rift System
- Modeling of Mercury tides for recovery of gravity field and interior properties
- Observations of Mercury's Northern Cusp Region with MESSENGER's Magnetometer
- Observations of interstellar helium pickup ions in the inner heliosphere
- On the Origin of the High Lava Plains Volcanic Track: A Detailed Tomographic Study and Multidisciplinary Interpretation
- Orbital Normalization of MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Data
- Origins of apparent conglomerates of the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt (Nunavik, Québec): Sulfur and oxygen isotope evidence and chronological implications
- Predicting solar wind forcing at Mercury: WSA-ENLIL model results
- Ratios of Impact Crater Depth to Diameter in Mercury's North Polar Region from MESSENGER Laser Altimeter Observations
- Reflectance of Immature Materials on Mercury and the Moon
- Regional Study of the Archean to Proterozoic Crust at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO+), Ontario: Predicting the Geoneutrino Flux
- S and P-wave velocity structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- Seismic tremor and gravity measurements at Inferno Crater Lake, Waimangu Geothermal Field, New Zealand
- Spatial variations in stress from shear-wave splitting analysis at Hekla Volcano, Iceland
- State Space Approach to Extraction of Genuine Strain Signal
- Structure of Mercury's Global Magnetic Field Determined from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Structure of Mercury's magnetosphere during MESSENGER's first three months in orbit
- Subcontinental mantle evidence for the onset of plate tectonics at 3 Ga in relation to Earth's thermal evolution
- The Chronology of Basin Formation and Subsequent Volcanism on the Moon and Mercury
- The Mercury Surface Interactive: Exploring MESSENGER data and images from orbit
- The National Science Foundation CAREER Award: A Unique Solution to the Challenges of the Tenure Process
- The Tectonics of Mercury: The View from Orbit
- The effects of differentiated heat production on the stability of deep dense pools at the core-mantle boundary
- The role of plains volcanism in the formation of Mercury's crust
- The shape of Mercury's south-polar region
- Three-Dimensional Geophysical Structure of the Yellowstone / Snake River Plain Hotspot System: Is a Deep Mantle Plume Required?
- Tracing the sublithospheric sources of continental flood basalts: multi-elemental isotopic studies on the recently found ferropicrites and meimechites from the Karoo large igneous province
- Transient Bursts of Energetic Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere Observed by MESSENGER
- Upper mantle low-velocity layers beneath the High Lava Plains imaged by scattered-wavefield migration
- Volatile Content of the Mid-ocean Ridge Mantle Inferred from Off-axis Seamounts and Intra-transform Lavas
- Waveform modeling the deep slab beneath northernmost Nevada
- Widespread and voluminous flood volcanism in the northern high latitudes of Mercury revealed by MESSENGER: Relation to global volcanic processes
- A billion years of crustal evolution recorded in the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt: Pb-Hf evidence for Eoarchean TTGs produced from melting of Hadean mafic crust
- A strain behavior before and after the 2009 Suruga-Bay earthquake (M6.5) in Tokai, Japan
- Abundance of Iron on Mercury's Surface from MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Data
- An Explanation for the Observed Frequency Drift of Coherent ~1 Hz waves in Mercury's Inner Magnetosphere
- Combining MESSENGER Data in Production and Analysis of Digital Elevation Models
- Consequences of Electron Precipitation at Mercury: X-ray Aurorae and Heavy Ion Production
- Constraining the dynamic response of subcontinental lithospheric mantle to rifting using Re-Os model ages in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Crustal Thickness Estimates at Mercury from MESSENGER Line-of-sight Gravity
- Determining the origin of slab-derived fluids beneath back-arc spreading centers
- Discerning Primary and Secondary Processes in the Volatile Geochemistry of Submarine Basalts
- Diverging behavior of chalcophile elements during petrogenesis of MORB and backarc basin magmas
- Dynamics of Kilauea's Magmatic System Imaged Using a Joint Analysis of Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Education and Outreach at the Earthscope National Office: 2012 Update on Activities and Broader Impacts
- Effect of dissipation on Mercury's spin
- Elemental composition of the surface of Mercury from the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
- Eruptive cycles at Icelandic volcanoes: Constraints on inflation/deflation patterns from geodetic measurements and modeling
- Evaluating 1d Seismic Models of the Lunar Interior
- Evaluation of Ages in the Lunar Highlands with Implications for the Evolution of the Moon
- Experimental determination of carbon partitioning between upper mantle minerals and silicate melts: initial results and comparison to trace element partitioning (Nb, Rb, Ba, U, Th, K)
- Experimental study of Gas Phase Formation and Evolution in Low fO2 Planetary Basalts.
- Helium Isotope Variations in the Northern Lau and North Fiji Basins
- How has magmatism in the northwest United States affected the lithosphere? Insights from Sp Receiver Functions
- Hydration of mantle olivine under variable water and oxygen fugacity conditions: a combined SIMS and FTIR study
- Intermediate-term seismic precursors to the 2007 Father's Day intrusion and eruption at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Liquidus and sub-liquidus phase equilibria for an Archaean tonalite: matching experimental data to models of TTG genesis
- Lithium isotope systematics of volcanic glasses from ridge axes and off-axis seamounts in the northern EPR (10-15°N)
- Lithospheric Instabilities within the Northern Basin and Range Province
- Long-Term Variability of Precipitation of Charged Particles on Mercury's Surface
- Long-wavelength Folding on Mercury: Lithospheric Boudinage in the Caloris Basin?
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Detection of Electron-induced X-ray Fluorescence from Mercury's Surface
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's magnetosphere under extreme solar wind conditions
- Mass Distribution in Plumes: constraints from gravity waves
- Mercury's Sodium Exosphere: Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Mercury: A Synthesis from MESSENGER's Extended Mission
- Modeling the atmospheric effects of the eruption of the Siberian Traps
- NanoSIMS results from olivine-hosted melt embayments: Modeling ascent rate in explosive basaltic eruptions
- Observations from Integrated Ground Motion Using EarthScope's USArray Transportable Array
- Older Smooth Plains on Mercury Obscured by Impact Features
- Pairing Geochemistry with Geophysical Models to Constrain the Petrogenesis of Age-Progressive Rhyolites from the High Lava Plains and Northwest Basin and Range, Oregon
- Petrologic Advances in the Study of Continental Lithospheric Mantle Diamonds, Eclogites and Peridotites: Implications for Geophysical Studies of Cratons
- Platinum Group Elements, 187OS/188OS and 87SR/86SR Isotope Systematics in Depleted Fluid-Modified Mariana Fore-Arc Peridotites
- Reconciling geophysical and geochemical observations to understand craton lithosphere architecture
- Seasonal Variability and Local Time Dependence of Mercury's Dayside Magnesium Exosphere
- Seismic Evidence for Lithospheric Modification Beneath the Mojave Neovolcanic Province, Southern California
- Slab-controlled Tectonomagmatism of the Pacific Northwest: A Holistic view of Columbia River, High Lava Plains, and Snake River Plain/Yellowstone Volcanism
- Sound Velocities of the Transition Zone Minerals
- Spatially Variable Stress in the Earth's Crust: Addressing Key Modeling Issues
- Subduction disfigured mantle plumes: Plumes that are not plumes?
- The 1986 Eruption of Miharayama, Izu-Oshima, Japan: Constraints on the Magmatic System by Combining Strain, Tilt and Level Line Data
- The Role of the Mantle Lithosphere in Continent Stability
- The Siberian Flood Basalts: Connecting the Mantle, the Continental Crust, and the Atmosphere
- The Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath the Central Andes from Ambient Noise Tomography: Imaging the Neogene to Modern Batholith
- Time Variability of Energetic Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere Documented with the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
- Unraveling the effect of primary versus secondary processes on the volatile content of MORB glasses: an example from the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Viewing Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere from Orbit: Eighteen Months of Observations by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer aboard the MESSENGER Spacecraft
- Volcanic stratigraphy, <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology and Geochemistry of Hangay Dome Volcanic Rocks, Central Mongolia
- Vulcanian explosions: precursory and eruptive signatures from a multiparameteric perspective
- A plate-driven model for enigmatic volcanic history of the Cascades-Yellowstone System
- A potential link between magmatic volatiles and mantle source lithology in the Hawaiian Plume: a view from olivine-hosted melt inclusions and osmium isotopes
- A variety of strain changes in the anticipated Tokai earthquake area
- Acid rain, ozone depletion, and the climate response to pulsed Siberian Traps magmatism
- Building early Archean cratons from recycled Hadean crust
- Bulk Chemical and Hf/W Isotopic Consequences of Lossy Accretion
- Chemical Differentiation of Earth Before and After Earth Formation (Invited)
- Comparing eruptions of varying intensity at Kilauea via melt inclusion analysis
- Compositional variability across Mercury's surface revealed by MESSENGER measurements of variations in thermal neutron count rates
- Depths and Temperatures of Mantle Melt Extraction in the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone (Invited)
- Earth's Mantle as the Product of Magma Ocean Solidification (Invited)
- EarthScope National Office Education and Outreach Program: 2013 Update on Activities and Outcomes
- Engaging the Public in the MESSENGER Spacecraft's Confirmation of Water Ice on Mercury by Using Actual Data
- Evidence for post-100 Ma deposition, erosion and vertical motion of North American interior regions lacking preserved Cretaceous cover (Invited)
- Field-aligned Currents at Mercury and Implications for Crustal Electrical Conductivity
- Flood volcanism on a contracting planet: Insights from Mercury and the Moon
- Geochemistry and geochronology of Hangay Dome volcanic rocks: exploring the source of high topography and volcanism in an intracontinental setting
- Geological Evidence that Mercury Contracted by More than Previously Recognized
- IR Absorption Coefficients for the Quantification of Water in Majoritic Garnet
- Investigating the Tectonics of Mare Crisium with Topographic Data
- Ion composition and kinetics in Mercury's magnetotail (Invited)
- Light element controlled iron isotope fractionation in planetary cores
- Linking early Earth magma ocean crystallization and overturn with observed large low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVPs) and short-lived radioisotopic measurements in Archean rocks
- Local Seismic Event Detection Using Image Processing Techniques
- Local perturbations in the western rift of Corinth (Greece) caused by the 2011 Mw 9 Tohoku earthquake: joint observation of strain, water-level and seismic signals
- Magma formation in hot-slab subduction zones: Insights from hydrogen isotopes in Cascade Arc melt inclusions
- Mantle flow, volatiles, slab-surface temperatures and melting dynamics in the north Tonga Arc - Lau Backarc Basin
- Mantle heterogeneities as revealed by along-axis variations in MORB volatile concentrations
- Mapping the Composition of the Caloris Basin with MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Data
- Mercury's High-Latitude Sodium Exosphere: Observations During MESSENGER's Orbital Phase
- Multidimensional High Spatiotemporal Resolution InSAR Time Series Assist Interdisciplinary Space- And Ground-Based Monitoring To Reveal Pre-Eruptive Signals At Nyamulagira Volcano (North Kivu, D.R.C.)
- Plasma Depletion in a Low-Alfvénic-Mach-Number Magnetosheath: Observations at Mercury
- Plasma distribution in Mercury's magnetosphere inferred from MESSENGER Magnetometer and Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer observations
- Re-Os systematics of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Western Ross Sea area, Antarctica: depletion ages and dynamic response during rifting
- Returning from the deep: Archean atmospheric fingerprints in modern hotspot lavas (Invited)
- Rotation of a Moonless Earth
- Seismic Imaging of Flat Slab Subduction: Examples from the Pampean Flat Slab Region (Invited)
- Seismicity in the Triassic Deep River Basin, North Carolina
- Short-term seismic quiescence immediately preceding explosions during the 2011 eruption of Telica Volcano, Nicaragua
- Subduction-modified oceanic crust in the sources of continental picrite dikes from the Karoo LIP?
- The Near-Earth Flyby of Asteroid 2012 DA14 (Invited)
- The intracrustal structure beneath the Owyhee Plateau, Oregon, from receiver function analysis
- The prospect of diking on the Moon and Mercury (Invited)
- Timescales of magma ascent recorded by H2O zonation in clinopyroxene
- Tracing the origins of back-arc basin slab-derived fluids
- U-Th and Os isotopes trace lower crustal interaction in magmas erupted during the build-up to the 7.7 ka climactic eruption of Mount Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Using the U-Pb system's dual decay scheme towards reconstructing the thermal histories and origins of ordinary chondrites (Invited)
- Volatile (H<SUB>2</SUB>O, CO<SUB>2</SUB>) and Halogen (Cl) Systematics of SMAR MORB (44-52.5 ° S)
- WSA-ENLIL Cone Extension: Improving Solar Wind Forcing Parameter Estimates at Mercury
- What Happened to the High-Energy (> 100 keV) Particles at Mercury?
- Workshops without Walls: Sharing Scientific Research through Educator Professional Development
- 3-D Crustal Velocity Structure of Central Idaho/ Eastern Oregon from Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Group and Phase Velocities Derived from Ambient Seismic Noise: Newest Results from the IDOR Project
- 3D Lithospheric Structure in an Arc-Continent Collisional Setting: Results from the EarthScope IDOR Passive Seismic Receiver Functions
- Ascent Rates from Melt Embayments: Insights into the Eruption Dynamics of Arc Volcanoes
- Constraining the Lithospheric Structure of the Central Andes Using P- and S- wave Receiver Functions
- Deformation Sources in Kīlauea's Southwest Rift Zone Inferred from the Modeling of Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Imaging Lithospheric-scale Structure Beneath Northern Altiplano in Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia
- Imaging a Precambrian Mantle Suture in the Subandean Lithosphere by Surface Wave Tomography
- In situ Analysis of North American Diamond: Implications for Diamond Growth Modeling
- Mantle anisotropy in the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the southeastern United States
- Outstanding challenges in the seismological study of volcanic processes: Results from recent U.S. and European community-wide discussion workshops
- P-to-S Receiver Function Constraints on Crustal Structure and Rift Magmatism in the Southeastern United States
- The BENTO Box: Development and field-testing of a new satellite-linked data collection system for multiparameter volcano monitoring
- The Fidelity of Xenoliths in Recording Mantle Water Concentrations
- Water in Olivine and its High-Pressure Polymorphs
- Where is basalt in river sediments, and why does it matter?
- Causes of <SUP>142</SUP>Nd Variation in Earth
- Experimental Determination of the H<SUB>2</SUB>O-undersaturated Peridotite Solidus
- Geochronology and Geochemistry of Lower Crustal Xenoliths: Exploring the Formation of the Lower Crust Beneath Central Mongolia
- How Recycling of Sediments and Oceanic Crust Have Changed the Nd-Hf Isotopic Composition of the Mantle through Time
- Jupiter's Migration and the Hydration of the Early Inner Solar System
- Locations and focal mechanisms of deep long period events beneath Aleutian Arc volcanoes using back projection methods
- Magma-tectonic interactions in Kīlauea's Southwest Rift Zone in 2006 through coupled geodetic/seismological analysis
- Magmatic Degassing and the Volatile Depletion of the Moon
- Memories of Earth Formation in the Modern Mantle: W Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Lavas
- The Seismic Properties of the Southeastern U.S. Asthenosphere
- Upper-Mantle Seismic Structure Beneath the Western Cordillera in Oregon and Idaho: Preliminary Results from EarthScope IDOR Teleseismic Travel Time Tomography
- Xenon isotopic constraints on the timing of atmospheric volatile recycling
- <SUP>182</SUP>W evidence from flood basalt lavas for the long-term survival of primordial mantle
- Building Archean Cratons From Hadean Crust
- Early Earth differentiation processes investigated through the short-lived <SUP>146</SUP>Sm-<SUP>142</SUP>Nd and <SUP>182</SUP>Hf-<SUP>182</SUP>W isotope systems
- Forecasting volcanic explosions based on seismic quiescence
- From the Slab to the Surface: Origin, Storage, Ascent, and Eruption of Volatile-Bearing Magmas in the Aleutian arc
- Lithospheric Delamination or Relict Slab Beneath the Former North American Cratonic Margin in Idaho and Oregon? New Constraints From Seismic Tomography.
- Magmatic plumbing system of Kilauea Volcano: Insights from Petrologic and Geochemical Monitoring
- Multidisciplinary Studies of the 2015-2016 Eruption of Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua
- The Birth of a Cratonic Core: Petrologic Evolution of the Hadean-Eoarchean Acasta Gneiss Complex
- The Deflection Question
- The Evolution of Water in Martian Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Cryosphere: Insights from Hydrogen Isotopes
- The disruption of H and L ordinary chondrite parent bodies at 60 Ma
- Water Solubility in the Proto-Lunar Disk
- A Tractable Disequilbrium Framework for Integrating Computational Thermodynamics and Geodynamics
- A combined geodynamical-geochemical modelling approach to investigating the Lu-Hf isotopic evolution of the terrestrial mantle and crust
- A focus on melt focusing
- Block Tectonic Motion on Venus
- Evaluating the cause(s) of Ti, Ta, and Nb (TITAN) enrichment in ocean island basalts using LA-ICP-MS
- Hadean silicate differentiation revealed by anomalous <SUP>142</SUP>Nd in the Réunion hotspot source
- Impact-induced melting and heating of planetary interiors - implications for the thermo-chemical evolution of planets and crystallization of magma oceans
- Influence of Melting and Hydrothermal Alteration on Lead in Abyssal Peridotites
- Interaction of ultra-depleted MORBs with plagioclase: implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB>/Ba ratios
- On the origin of cratonic `high-mu' isotopic signatures
- Seismological Constraints on Lithospheric Evolution in the Appalachian Orogen
- The Tectonic Evolution of the Central Andean Plateau and Geodynamic Implications for the Growth of Plateaus
- Volatiles in off-axial mid-ocean ridge basalts and the role of the metasomatized oceanic mantle lithosphere
- Water-in-Olivine Magma Ascent Chronometry: Every Crystal is a Clock
- What Happens Where the Water and the Rock Touch in Small Space Bodies
- Where do arc magmas differentiate? A seismic and geochemical search for active, deep crustal MASH zones
- The Carnegie Quick Deploy Box (QDB) for use with broadband and intermediate period sensors
- A framework for efficient chemical separation of tungsten and other trace elements using organic acids for high-precision mass spectrometry
- Analysis of Seismo-Gravity Signals Associated with Volcanic Explosions Recorded at Stromboli, Italy in May 2018
- Constraints on the rheology and texture development of Earth's inner core from high-pressure diffusion experiments
- D/H in Photochemically Produced Organic Dust Analogs
- Damage modeling at Piton de la Fournaise: linking seismicity and deformation patterns leading to eruptions
- Digitization of Carnegie Analog Broadband Seismograph Tapes
- Examination of Interplanetary Dust Particles Collected from Antarctic Air
- Explosion volume flux comparison using seismically derived tilt, infrasound, and gas data at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Global Composition of Dust at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Measured by the COSIMA/Rosetta Mass Spectrometer
- How Slab Depth is Reflected in Aleutian Arc Magmas
- Influence of short-term static and dynamic stress perturbations on the occurrence of a shallow, slow slip event, in eastern Taiwan.
- Isotopic Anomalies in Short-lived Systems: The Plot Thickens
- Magmatic Water Content Controls Magma Storage Depth
- Nitrogen systematics in thermally altered insoluble organic matter: An experimental study
- Paleomagnetic Biases Inferred from Numerical Dynamos and the Search for Geodynamo Evolution
- Pushing beyond current limits on Nd-isotope ratio measurement precision
- Receiver function imaging of magmatic- and subduction-related structures beneath arc volcanoes: A case study at Cleveland Volcano, Alaska
- Retained Nanoparticle Populations in Insoluble Organic Matter in Murchison and ALH 77307 as Potential Indicators of the Earliest Stages of Asteroidal Alteration
- Searching for Contextual Clues of Presolar Nanodiamond Formation in Primitive Meteorites
- Sulfur isotopes of sulfide inclusions in diamonds: a tool to unravel craton geodynamics
- The D/H ratio in the dust of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko measured by Rosetta/COSIMA
- The Peruvian Flat Slab Sag: Constraints from the Pucallpa Seismic Nest
- The Transition from Reworking of Hadean Crust to Generation of New Archean Crust: The Slave Craton Perspective
- Thermal Conductivity at the Base of the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Transition from shallow- to deep-seated melting and inception of mobile lid tectonics at 3.6 Ga in the Acasta Gneiss Complex
- Variation of volatile contents in melt inclusions from Central Andean Volcanic Zone
- Variations in Mantle Anisotropy from Lithosphere to Asthenosphere beneath the Eastern U.S.
- Volcanic Explosion Backazimuth from Near-Surface Seismo-Acoustic Coupling Minimization
- Automatic weak imposition of free slip boundary conditions via Nitsche's method using FEniCS-X: Application to a nonlinear numerical model of magma shearband formation
- Carbon in the Convecting Mantle
- Complex shear-wave splitting implies simple anisotropy in the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the eastern U.S.
- Connecting mantle convection and geochemistry through geodynamic and box models
- Connecting the deep Earth volatile cycles
- Consequences of Time-varying Subduction Geometry beneath Colombia
- Constraining Earth's Multi-scale Topographic Response to Global Mantle Flow
- Constraining the temperature conditions of paleo-subduction plate interfaces, Part I: Petrologic case study of the Rio San Juan Complex (Dominican Republic)
- Constraining the temperature conditions of paleo-subduction plate interfaces, Part II: Geodynamic modeling
- Coordinated Rapid Response to the 2015-16 Eruption of Volcan Momotombo, Nicaragua
- Deep Focus Earthquakes, Deep Slab Fluids, and Superdeep Diamonds
- End of Eruption: Using Machine Learning to Identify Transitions in Volcanic Time Series Data
- Experimental and Theoretical Exploration of Titan's Ocean Chemistry
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- Geophysical and geochemical models help constrain the relative importance of oceanic and continental crust recycling
- Hydrogen and Triple Oxygen Stable Isotope Composition of Water in Hydrated Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Imaging Trans-Crustal Magmatic Systems with Receiver Functions - A Path Towards Linking Tectonic and Eruptive Processes
- Insights Into the Electrification of Volcanic Plumes from Lightning and Infrasound
- Integrating U-Th-He and K-Ar geochemistry with mantle convection models to investigate the geochemical structure of the mantle
- Magmatic Water Content Controls Magma Storage Depth
- Moment Tensors of Small Vulcanian Explosions at Mount Cleveland, Alaska
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke (Kuril Islands) and Ulawun (Papua New Guinea) volcanoes using remote techniques
- Multiplet and particle motion analysis of very-long-period (VLP) events at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, during a period of low surface activity in 2018
- Natural kind clustering of presolar silicon carbides and its astrophysical implications
- Re-accelerating deformation at Laguna del Maule volcanic field, Southern Andes
- Recent advances in cavity-thermal ionization mass spectrometry for high-precision isotope analysis
- Relating Deep Earth Structures to Geochemical Data
- Significance of Upper-Mantle Geochemical Signals of the Picture Gorge Basalt (PGM) Member in Light of an Extended Distribution and New Age Data Placing PGB at Onset of Columbia River Basalt Group Eruptions
- Slow slip events detected by borehole strainmeters in the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan
- Superimposed Signatures of Ancient Heterogeneity and Long-term Volatile Transport from Noble Gases
- Tectonic and compositional controls on magma storage depths globally: Results from CIDER 2019
- The CAVA (Carnegie Ambrym Volcano Analysis) Project - a Multidisciplinary Characterization of the Structure and Dynamics of Ambrym Volcano, Vanuatu
- The Challenge of Providing Safe Water to All in a World of Climate Change
- The coupled effects of rehydration and rheology on fluid migration in subduction zones
- The effects of hydration and silica enrichment on the seismic velocity structure of the continental mantle lithosphere
- The role of crustal recycling: Coevolution of deep-mantle structure and geochemical heterogeneity
- VT fault-plane solution orientations as a precursory indicator of lava bulk viscosity during the May 2018 Leilani Estates eruption at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Zircon Hf isotope evidence for a global transition between stagnant- and mobile-lid tectonics
- Constraints on Olivine Deformation Mechanisms from SKS Shear-Wave Splitting beneath the High Lava Plains and Northern Basin and Range
- Earthquakes indicated lava viscosity during the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Effects of depth-dependent conductivity on the geodynamo
- Insights into the 2020 Earthquake Swarm at Makushin Volcano, Alaska from Relative Relocations and Focal Mechanisms
- Mesoarchean deposition age for diamond-bearing metasediment of the northwestern Slave craton, Nunavut Territory (Canada)
- Multi-Disciplinary Evidence for a Large, Previously Unrecognized Caldera in the Islands of Four Mountains, Central Aleutian Arc, Alaska
- Seismic Imaging of the Magma Plumbing System Beneath Mount Cleveland Volcano, Alaska