Carnegie Institution of Washington, Geophysical Laboratory
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Diamond anvil cell investigation of lattice strains and preferred orientation in iron at high pressure and temperature.
- Diffusion of magnesium and oxygen in MgO at lower mantle conditions
- Experimental Mineralogy and the Origin of Life
- Experimental study on the lattice dynamics of iron at high pressures and high temperatures
- Generation of Mid-ocean Ridge Basalts at Pressures From 1 to 7 GPa
- In Situ X-ray Diffraction Measurements of the Postspinel Transition in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>
- Influence of magnetism on spectroscopic and elastic properties of hcp iron
- Inner core elasticity and temperature from first principles
- Oxygen Isotopes and the Cooling History of the Mount Barcroft Area, Central White Mountains, Easternmost California
- Phase Relations in the System Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>- MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> at 22 GPa
- Potassium Partitioning Between Iron Sulfide and Peridotite Melt at 2.0 GPa
- Structure and Bonding in Transition Metal Sulfides: Merging Experiment and Theory
- Temperature Distribution in Multi-Anvil Assemblies Derived From Spinel Layer Growth
- Temperature and Compositional Dependence of Hydroxyl Solubility in Coesite
- The CaCl<SUB>2</SUB> transition in Stishovite
- The diamond anvil cell as a deformation apparatus for investigating the rheology of the deep Earth
- X-ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy of SrGeO<SUB>3</SUB> at High Pressure
- X-ray Spectroscopy at Ultra-High Pressure: Present and Future
- Advancing in the Extremes of Pressure and Temperature: New Generation of Experimental Studies of Earth and Planetary Interiors
- Biomarkers: d13C and d15N Distribution Tightly Coupled to Nutrient Dynamics and Viral Lysing in a Microbial Mat From Death Valley, California
- Catastrophic Ecosystem Collapse in Pleistocene Australia
- Constraining the equation of state of fluid H<SUB>2</SUB>O to 60 GPa using the melting curve of Ice VII and the formation of Mg(OH)<SUB>2</SUB> in the MgO-H<SUB>2</SUB>O system.
- Constraints on the Composition of the Outer Core From the Equations of State and Other Properties of Liquid Fe,S,Si-alloys.
- Crystal chemistry and mineral physics of silicate perovskite in the Earth's lower mantle
- Deformation of silicate perovskite aggregates up to 30 GPa
- Diamond-Anvil Cell Research Facility at the X17B Beamline of National Synchrotron Light Source
- Diffusion of Siderophile Elements in Fe-Ni Alloys at High Temperature and 10GPa
- Direct Observations Of Microbial Activity At Extreme Pressures
- Elasticity of Antiferromagnetic hcp Iron
- Eleven Years of CHiPR [1991-2002] and Its Legacy
- High Pressure Structural Properties of FeAlO<SUB>3</SUB>
- High-Pressure Hydrothermal Processing in Large Icy Satellites
- High-pressure Polybaric Fractionation and Spinel-Garnet-Liquid Reactions in Garnet-bearing Xenoliths from Oahu: Evidence from CMAS
- Hydrogen Storage in Clathrate Hydrate
- In-situ Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction on Hydrogen Related High-Pressure Compounds at High-Pressure
- Iron-Nickel Phosphides at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Large S-33 Anomalies in Late Archean Carbonacous Shales
- Layer Shift Phase Transitions in the Kaolin Polytypes
- MIF in Archean Rocks: An Evidence of S8 Aerosols in the Archean Atmosphere?
- Magnesiowüstite (Mg<SUB>0.64</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.36</SUB>)O Thermal Equation of State to 25 GPa and 2073 K
- Mid-Infrared Radiation, Electric Charges, and Acoustic Emission During Rock Deformation
- Neutron Diffraction Study of Silicate Perovskites
- New results on H<SUB>2</SUB>O Ice VI. Phase equilibria, elasticity, molecular geometry and proton disorder.
- Osmium Isotopes from Appalachian Ophiolite Chromites
- Phonon Density of States and Elasticity of Iron-Based Materials at High Pressures
- Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy of OH-chondrodite and OH-clinohumite at high pressure
- The Minimum Potential Temperature of the Hawaiian Mantle is About 1420°C
- The Nature of Polymerization in Silicate Glasses and Melts: Solid State NMR, Modeling and Qauntum Chemicial Calculations.
- The Seismogenic Properties of Subducted and Unsubducted Oceanic Lithosphere
- X17C - The Superconducting Wiggler Beamline Dedicated for Diamond Cell Research
- A Radioactive Heat Source in Planetary Cores: Experimental Evidence for Potassium
- Atomistic Simulations of PbTiO<SUB>3</SUB>, PMN, and PMN-PT: using shell model potentials fitted to first principles results
- Chemical Order in Silicate Melts: Implications for Microscopic Origins of Mantle Melting Behavior
- Comparison of gold and MgO pressure scales at 22-56 GPa and 300-1150 K and its implications for mantle models
- Electronic spin state of iron in lower mantle perovskite
- Equation of State of (Mg<SUB>0.92</SUB>, Fe<SUB>0.08</SUB>)SiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite from Shock Wave Study and its Geophysical Implications
- Estimating peak last-interglacial warmth in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Examination of an Oligocene Lacustrine Ecosystem Using C and N Stable Isotopes
- Extension of (Mg<SUB>0.64</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.36</SUB>)O Ferropericlase Equation of State Measurements to 25 GPa and 2173 K
- Finite-temperature Properties of bcc Fe
- Frontiers of High-Pressure Research: Next Generation Large Volume Gem Anvil Devices
- Frontiers of High-Pressure Research: Synchrotron Infrared Spectroscopy
- High Pressure Elasticity of Iron Alloys From Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering and X-ray Diffraction
- High-pressure and High-temperature Studies With Nuclear Resonant Scattering
- In Situ High P-T Raman Spectroscopy and Laser Heating: Applications to Volatiles Under Deep Earth Conditions
- In Situ High Pressure Angle Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Experiments:With Sagittally-Bent Double Laue Monochomator
- In Situ Observation of Anisotropy Development With Pressure to 50 GPa in Olivine, Ringwoodite, Magnesiowuestite and Silicate Perovskite
- Layer shift phase transition in kaolins by computer
- Magnetic and structural transition in Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S at high pressures
- Microstructural Study of Synthetic Sintered Diamond and Comparison with Carbonado, a Natural Polycrystalline Diamond
- Monitoring the Evolution of Electronic Band Gaps in Simple Molecules at High Temperature and Pressure
- Neighborite Under High Pressure: In Situ Angle Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Study Using Synchrotron Radiation
- New Non-local Density Functionals for More Accurate First-principles Calculations
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Ocean Island Lavas: Garnet Clinopyroxenite or CO2-bearing Mantle Lherzolite?
- Origin and Evolution of Mantle Lithosphere
- P-V-T Equation of State of Al-bearing Silicate Perovskite and its Implications for Mantle Composition Models
- P-V-T equation of state of ɛ -FeSi
- Phase Transformation of Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> Under High Pressure and High Temperature and its Effect on Ruby Pressure Scale
- Role of Impact-Induced, Vapor-Phase Deposition in the Lunar Regolith Formation: Clues from the New Mineral, Hapkeite
- Stability and P-V-T Equations of State of High-Pressure Iron-Sulfur Compounds
- Stability of Perovskite under Lower Mantle Pressure and Temperature Conditions
- Stable Isotope Analyses of Phosphate Oxygen From Micro-samples of Biological Apatite: A new Routine Procedure for Silverphosphate Micro-precipitation and the Removal of Organic Contamination
- Structures and Properties of Silicate Glasses and Melts at High Pressure: Multi-nuclear 2 Dimensional Solid State NMR and Statistical Mechanical Modeling
- Study of Sound Velocities of Iron With Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Under High Pressure and Temperature
- The Effect of Pressure on Diffusion of Au, Pd, and Re in Fe-Ni Alloys
- The Future of Computational Mineral Physics
- The Implications of Different Geotherms for the Generation of Carbonatites, Kimberlites and Melilitites
- Tracking Urban Air Deterioration in San Francisco: Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Study of Weedy Plants.
- Ultrasonic Shear Waves in the Diamond-Anvil Cell and Shear-Mode Softening in (Mg,Fe)O
- Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure beneath East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
- X-Ray Microdiffraction at Megabar Pressures
- A Primitive Achondrite With Oxygen Isotopic Affinities to CV Chondrites: Implications for Differentiation and Size of the CV Parent Body
- Crystal Chemistry of Transition Metal Arsenides and the High Pressure Behavior of CoAs
- Deformation Experiments at High Pressures in Diamond Anvil Cells: Texture Development in MgSiO3 Perovskite
- Deformation of polycrystalline Ca-Perovskite up to 50 GPa
- Dependence of Water Solubility in Mantle Olivine on the Silica Activity
- Elastic Properties of Zinc Ferrite and Aluminate Spinels
- Elastic Versus Non-Elastic Co-Seismic Strain Response at the Trizonia Borehole Sacks Evertson Dilatometer in the Rift of Corinth, Greece, for a Local, Moderate Earthquake.
- Elasticity and stability of FeSi at high pressures
- Experimental Partitioning of U Between Liquid Iron Sulfide and Liquid Silicate: Implications for Radioactivity in the Core
- Experimental constraints on silicon in the Earth's core
- Ferromagnesian Post-Perovskite Silicates in the D" Conditions
- Generation of Methane Via High Pressure Carbonate Reduction
- Generation of Primary Kilauea Magmas: Constraints on Pressure, Temperature and Composition of Melts
- High Pressure IR And XRD Studies For Hydrous Minerals
- High pressure NMR spectroscopy of clathrate hydrates
- High-pressure elasticity of Fo90 hydrous ringwoodite
- Hot Hawaii, Cold Ridges, Mantle Heterogeneity, and Plumes
- Hydrous Synthesis of Aluminum Bearing Silicate Perovskite: Implications for Hydrogen Storage in the Lower Mantle
- In situ X-ray diffraction and X-ray emission study of magnesiowustite in Earth's lower mantle conditions: implications to the geophysics and geochemistry of the lower mantle
- Investigation on cell assemblies for mantle rheology
- Length-Scales of Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Argon Isotope Exchange During UHP Metamorphism: an Example From the Qinglongshan UHP Eclogites (Sulu Terrain, China)
- Liquidus Phase Relations in Pyrolite at Pressures of the Transition Zone
- Minor and Trace Element Partitioning Among α -, β - and γ -(Mg,Fe)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> in Fertile Peridotite KLB-1: a High Pressure Experimental Study
- Na- and Zn- bearing (Mg,Fe)Al2O4 spinel exsolution from ilmenite and magnetite of eclogite in the CCSD Main Hole
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering Studies Under High Pressure and HighTtemperature
- P-V-T equations of state of lower mantle minerals: Constraints on mantle composition models
- Path Integral Simulations of Hydrogen Melting at High Pressures
- Phase stability of CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite at high pressure
- Post-Perovskite Phase in Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> and Implications for the Lower Mantle
- Potassium as a Radioactive Heat Source in the Core? A High Pressure Experimental Study
- Second Critical Endpoint in Peridotite-H2O System and its Bearing on the Magmatism in Subduction Zones
- Study of sound velocities of hcp-Fe with nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in a laser-heated diamond cell
- Teaching optical mineralogy as a skill for mineral physics
- The Oxygen Isotope Composition of Earth and the Terrestrial Fractionation Line (TFL)
- Trace Element Partitioning Between Metal and Melt at High Pressure
- Understanding the Mechanism of Deep Earthquakes: A new System for Detecting Acoustic Emissions in Multianvil Experiments
- Valence state of iron in mantle phases at high pressures and high temperatures
- δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and δ <SUP>15</SUP>N Values of Soil Organic Matter Over Drought and Non-drought Affected Elevation Gradients in Ethiopia: Calibrating for Environmental Reconstruction
- Acoustic wave propagation at a cobalt/helium interface - high pressure elasticity of hexagonal metals.
- Aggregate Elastic Moduli and Equation of State of B2 Phase of NaCl to 73 GPa by Simultaneous Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Brillouin Scattering Measurements.
- Atomistic and Nanoscale Origins of Macroscopic Properties of Silicate Melts at High-Pressure: Spectroscopy & Quantum Chemical Calculations
- Chemistry of Xenon With Earth's Materials.
- Chemolithoautotrophy and its Relation to Magnetism and Biomineralization in Marine Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Comparison of Quantum and Classical Monte Carlo on a Simple Model Phase Transition
- Constraining Rates of Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes at Steep Concentration Gradients Using Stable Carbon Isotopes
- Detecting Acoustic Emissions With/Without Dehydration of Serpentine Outside P-T Field of Conventional Brittle Failure
- Effect of chemistry on the physical properties of perovskite and post-perovskite (Mg,Fe,Al)(Al,Si)O3
- Effects of the Spin Transition of Iron in Magnesiowuestite
- Effects of water on the behavior of MgSiO3-clinoenstatite at high pressure
- Elastic moduli and equation of state of NaCl to 30 GPa by simultaneous x-ray density and Brillouin sound velocity measurements
- Elastic properties of dense oxide minerals and other applications of GHz-ultrasonic interferometry
- Element partitioning during core-mantle differentiation in a magma ocean: New high-pressure data on CI- and EH-chondrite model compositions
- First-principles thermoelasticity of hexagonal-close-packed iron at high pressures
- Garnet-melt partitioning at 10 GPa in the CMAS-CO2 system: a link between CO2-rich melts and majoritic-garnets in diamonds from the mantle?
- H2O under Extreme Conditions
- High-Temperature Fractionation of Iron Isotopes During Metal Segregation From a Silicate Melt: Experimental Study of Kinetic and Equilibrium Fractionation
- High-pressure elasticity of perovskite and post-perovskite (Mg,Fe,Al)(Al,Si)O3
- High-pressure synchrotron-IR studies of hydrous transition zone and lower-mantle minerals in the laser-heated diamond cell
- High-pressure vibrational study of dense hydrous magnesium silicate 10A Phase
- Hydrogen Solubility in Al-bearing Perovskite
- In-situ Sound Velocity Measurements on bcc and hcp Phases of Fe
- Integrated in-situ probes for structural and dynamic properties of geological materials at ultrahigh pressures and temperatures
- Magmatic Ultramafic Rock in Sulu Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphic Belt: Depleted Oxygen isotope Evidence From Main Hole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project
- Majoritic garnet-silicate melt partitioning of trace elements between 10 and 17 GPa in an anhydrous fertile mantle composition
- Na8-Fe8-Depth Systematics of MORBs: Implications for Melting Models, Temperature, and Mantle Heterogeneity
- New Experimental Setup for High-Pressure High-Temperature Gigahertz Ultrasonic Interferometry
- Physics and chemistry of ferromagnesian silicate post perovskite
- Plastic deformation of MgGeO3 post-perovskite beyond 100 GPa
- Second critical endpoint in the basalt-H2O system
- SiO2 Solubility in Rutile at High Pressure and Temperature
- Spin Transition in (Mg,Fe)O at High Pressure
- Stable Isotopes, Multidisciplinary Studies, and the Leadership of J.G. Liou in UHP Metamorphism
- Structural refinement for NaMgF3 perovskite under high pressure
- Structure and Transport Properties of Hydrogen Filled Ices (H2O:1/6H2 and H2O:H2) at Pressures to 4 GPa by Solid State Diamond-Anvil-Cell NMR
- The Effect of Composition on Diffusion of Au in Fe and Fe-Ni Alloys
- The Experimental Degradation of Microorganisms Exposed to Mn(II) and SiO2 Over Time
- The Heterogeneous Hawaiian Lithosphere: New Isotope Data From Kauai and Oahu Peridotites
- Unique Angrite NWA 2999: The Case For Samples From Mercury
- A Chemical Comparison of STARDUST Organics with Insoluble Organic Matter in Chondritic Meteorites
- A Fresh Plutonic Igneous Angrite Containing Grain Boundary Glass From Tamassint, Northwest Africa
- An Experimental Investigation of Melting Relations in the Fe-C System at High Pressure and Temperature
- Anomalously low pressure of rutile-CaCl2 phase transition in aluminous hydrogen- bearing stishovite.
- Biogeochemical Carbon Cycling in Ultrabasic Reducing Springs in Sonoma County, CA
- Challenges to Determining Metal-Silicate Element Partition Coefficients Under Extreme P-T Conditions
- Conduction in the Lower Mantle: Optical Absorption Spectra of Iron-Bearing Magnesium Silicate Perovskite at Lower Mantle Pressures
- Detection of Cellulose and Comparative Biopolymeric Analyses of low pH, Sub-aerial Biofilms of the Richmond Mine, Iron Mountain California
- Direct Shock Loading of Pre-synthesized MgSiO3-perovskite Sample to the Earth`s Lower Mantle Conditions and Its Geophysical Implications
- Dissolved Carbon Species in Diffuse and Focused Flow Hydrothermal Vents at the Main Endeavour Field, Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Dynamic mean-field theory study of FeO
- Effect of the FCC to HCP Phase Transition on Trace Element Partitioning Between Metal and Sulfide Melt
- Elasticity of iron-rich silicate in Earth's D" layer
- Evidence for a Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Body With Near-TFL Oxygen Isotopes From Unique Metachondrite Northwest Africa 2788
- Experimental Abiogenic Synthesis and Stable Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Values of Gaseous Hydrocarbons and the Implications for Identifying Biosignatures
- Experimental determination of elasticity of iron at high pressure
- High Pressure Calibration at High Temperatures in the Diamond Anvil Cell Using Cubic Boron Nitride
- High Pressure Infrared Spectra of Talc and Lawsonite
- High-Pressure High-Temperature Raman Spectroscopy of San Carlos Olivine
- In-situ X-ray Diffraction Measurements of Ferropericlase up to 110 GPa and 2000 K
- Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures Biosignatures Rising From Biotic-Physical Interaction in Siliciclastic Tidal Flats
- Microscopic Origins of Configurational Thermodynamic Properties of Silicate Melts at Ambient and High Pressure
- Multiscale Modeling of Iron at high temperatures and pressures
- NaCl and Neon as Pressure Standards and Media
- Neutron and x-ray scattering studies for Fe1-xO
- Oscillation Laue Analysis (OLA) - A new crystal structure determination method for mineral physics
- Polycrystalline and Intracrystalline Growth of Akimotoite in Clinoenstatite of the L-6 Tenham Chondrite
- Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Phase Transitions in Silica
- Raman and infrared spectra of stibnite, Sb2S3
- Redox and pH Evolution of the Subseafloor Hydrothermal System at the Main Endeavour Field, JDF: Constraints From Time Series Measurement Using In-Situ Chemical Sensors
- Self Consistent Equation of State for Dense Argon
- Simulations of Silica Phases Beyond the Generalized-Gradient Approximation
- Sound Velocities and Spin States of Magnesiowustite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Sound Velocities at the Spin Crossover in (Mg0.75Fe0.25)O Ferropericlase
- Sound Velocities for Ferrous Periclase Through the High Spin - Low Spin Transition
- Sound velocity of MgSiO3 post-perovskite phase: Constraints on the D" discontinuity
- Structure of Oxide Glass and Melts at High-Pressure: A View from Inelastic X-ray Scattering and 2D Solid-State NMR
- Synchrotron x-ray scattering studies for minerals under high pressure
- Synthesis and high-pressure synchrotron-infrared studies of OH-bearing silicate perovskite in the laser-heated diamond cell
- The effect of minor elements on H incorporation in MgSiO3 perovskite
- Theoretical and Experimental Raman Study of Spinel
- Thermal densification of GeO2 glass under high pressure
- Ultrabasic Spring Geomicrobiology of the Cedars Peridotite
- Viscosity of liquid iron derived from the liquid structure data at high pressures
- Assessing the Habitability and the Biogeochemical Output of Subsurface Biomes
- Biogeochemistry and nitrogen cycling in an Arctic, volcanic ecosystem
- CO2 Laser Heating System at GSECARS
- Compressibility and phase transition studies for amorphous materials under high pressure: Approach combined of synchrotron high energy x-ray diffraction and micro tomography techniques using diamond anvil cell
- Effect of alloying elements on the magnetic transitions in iron-rich alloys
- Field Study of Mars Analog Materials in Spitsbergen (Norway) Using a Portable X-ray Diffraction Instrument
- High-Accuracy Pressure Scale Computed With Quantum Monte Carlo
- High-Pressure Raman Spectroscopy of Protonic Diffusion in ice VII
- Material Yield Strength and Anisotropy in the Nonhydrostatic Diamond Anvil Cell: Implications for Mantle and Core Minerals
- Melting behavior of (Mg,Fe)O solid solutions at high pressure
- New Constraints on the Pyrolitic Model: In Situ X-ray Diffraction Measurements on KLB-1 Peridotite Under the Lower Mantle Conditions
- New Experimental Method for In Situ Determination of Material Textures at Simultaneous High-Pressure and -Temperature by Means of Radial Diffraction in the Diamond Anvil Cell.
- Phase relations of iron determined by in-situ x-ray diffraction in an internally-heated diamond anvil cell
- Pressure-Induced Changes in Crystal-Melt Partitiong Coefficient between Silicate Melts and Crystals: A View from Solid-State NMR
- Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions In Gadolinium Iron Borate
- Progress in Life Marker Chip Technology for Detection of Life on Mars
- Quantum Monte Carlo Computations for Equations of State, Phase Transitions, and Elasticity of Silica
- Quantum Monte Carlo Study of the Elastic Instability of Stishovite Under Pressure
- Reduced Seismic Anomalies in the Lower Mantle: Role of the High-Spin to Low-Spin Electronic Transition
- Simple Molecular Systems Under Simultaneous Conditions of High Pressure and Temperature
- Spin Transition Zone (STZ) in the Lower Mantle
- Spin Transition and Equation of State of Ferropericlase at High Temperature: Implications for Density Model of the Lower Mantle
- Structure and Properties of Amorphous MgSiO3 in Earth's Mantle: A View from Synchrotron Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Subduction of Continental Crust into Earth's Transition Zone: an Experimental Investigation with Implications for the Fate of Continental Subduction
- Sugar-Mineral Interactions and the Origins of Life
- Synchrotron Infrared Reflectivity of Iron at High Pressure
- Synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies for zincite and ceria under high pressure conditions
- The Electronic Structure of Iron in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite and Post-Perovskite Under Megabar Pressures
- The High Pressure Synergetic Center at the Advanced Photon Source
- The equation of state and structure stability of elemental metal vanadium under high pressure -from experiments to theories
- Toward a self-consistent pressure scale: elastic moduli and equation of state of MgO by simultaneous x-ray density and Brillouin sound velocity measurements at high-pressure high-temperature conditions
- Towards Determining the Upper Temperature Limit to Life
- Water at the Bottom of Upper Mantle: A Key to Reconcile Mineral Physics Composition Model with Seismic Wave Velocity Jump at 410-km Discontinuity
- X-ray induced dissociation of H2O and formation of an O2- H2 compound at high pressure
- Adsorption of Aspartic Acid onto Rutile: Implications for Biochirality
- An Archean Terrestrial Fractionation Line for Oxygen Isotopes
- Atomistic Origins of Densification in Oxide Melts in Earth's Mantle: Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Raman Scattering
- Clathrates from Carbonates: New In-Situ Observations of Carbonate-Derived Methane at Mantle Pressures
- Deformation of MgSiO3 perovskite at high pressure using diamond anvil cells and in- situ radial diffraction
- Detailed structure of the carbonated peridotite solidus ledge in the system CaO-MgO- Al2O3-SiO2-CO2
- Distinguishing Multiple Surface Species of Glutamate on Hydrous Ferric Oxide (HFO)
- Do Secular Trends in the Nickel Content of Banded Iron Formation Record a Methanogen Famine?
- Effect of Water on topography of 660 km Seismic Discontinuity: Experimental View
- Experimental Survey of Microbial Survival at High Pressure
- Geochemical and Biochemical Co-Evolution of Uranium and Thorium Minerals
- HCP vs. FCC vs. BCC iron phases in the Earth' s inner core
- High Temperature Theory of Iron and Iron-Nickel from Surface to Core
- High-pressure behavior of iron-nickel-cobalt phosphides and its implications for meteorites and planetary cores
- High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study on Super Fluorous Phase B up to 7.4 GPa
- In Situ Determination of BCC-, FCC- and HPC-Iron Textures at Simultaneous High- Pressure and -Temperature by Means of the Resistive Heated Radial Diffraction Diamond Anvil Cell (RH-RD-DAC): Implications for the iron core.
- In Situ Thermal Diffusivity Measurements Of MgSiO3 Perovskite At Lower Mantle Pressures
- Infrared Spectroscopic Evidence of Surface Speciation of Amino Acids on Titanium Dioxide
- Kinetic Studies of Amino Acid Adsorption on Rutile
- Kinetics of H2-O2 Redox Equilibria and Metastable Formation of H2O2 Under low Temperature Hydrothermal Conditions
- Magnetism in Metal Oxides Under Pressure
- Melting at High Pressures
- Melting in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-FeO-Cr2O3 spanning the plagioclase-spinel lherzolite transition at 7 to 10 kbar: experiments versus thermodynamics
- Mixed Spin State of Iron in a New Post-Perovskite Silicate at Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
- MoS2 and ReS2 Stabilities as Indicators of the Oxidation State on the Early Earth
- NanoSIMS Analysis of Sulfur Isotopes in Sulfides from ca. 2.7 Ga BIFs and Cherts as Tracers of Microbial Activity
- On the Evolution of Mineral Biosignatures
- P-V-T Equation of State of (Al,Fe)-bearing Mantle Perovskite and its Implications for Mantle Models
- Partitioning Behavior of Oxygen Between Fe-S Alloy and Silicate
- Phase relations in the peridotite-carbonate-chloride system at 7.0-16.5 GPa and the role of chlorides in mantle dynamics
- Predominant Intermediate-Spin Ferrous Iron in Lowermost Mantle Post-Perovskite and Perovskite
- Preferential Treatment: Interaction Between Amino Acids and Minerals
- Probing and Modeling of Pressure-induced Structural Transformation in Oxide Melts at High Pressure
- Producing Martian Lithologies with Geophysically-Constrained Martian Mantle Compositions
- Quantum Monte Carlo Computations for Minerals at High Pressures
- Redetermination of Post-Perovskite Structure of (Mg,Fe)SiO3
- Searching for the Origins of Extraterrestrial Matter
- Spin Crossover and Thermal Conductivity in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Spin state and valence state of iron in Earth's lower mantle from synchrotron Mössbauer spectra of perovskite and post-perovskite up to 1.5 Mbar
- Structure and Compressibility of Iron- and Aluminum-bearing Phase D
- Structure of interatomic Fe-B compounds at high pressures and temperatures
- The Oxygen Isotope Composition of PO4 Extracted From Lost City Hydrothermal Vents -- a Potential Biosignature for Vent Hosted Microbial Ecosystems
- The behavior of iron in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 post-perovskite at megabar pressures
- Tracing the origin of carbonaceous matter and apatite in Neoarchean banded iron formations from Abitibi
- Water-rich carbonatites at low pressures and kimberlites at high pressures
- 2009 Arctic Mars Analogue Svalbard Expedition (AMASE) Evolved Gas Studies
- A link between Interstellar Formaldehyde and Chondritic and Cometary Organic Solids
- Advances in understanding of electronic transitions in FeO under compression
- Astrobiology, Evolution, and Society: Public Engagement Insights
- Clumped-isotope thermometry of speleothems: understanding and correcting for large kinetic fractionation induced by CO2 degassing
- Comparison of the Organic Composition of Cometary Samples with Residues Formed from the UV Irradiation of Astrophysical Ice Analogs
- Constraints on the Nature of Hydrothermal Magmatic Fluids that can produce Sulfate-rich Alteration Assemblages on Mars
- Crossover from Melting to Dissociation in Carbon Dioxide at 35 GPa
- Direct density measurements under mantle and core conditions and chemical characterization of high-PT samples (Invited)
- Effect of silicon on the equation of state and crystal chemistry of hcp iron up to 150 GPa and 2500 K
- Evolution of uranium and thorium minerals
- Fenton Oxidation of H2O2 under Low Temperature Hydrothermal Conditions: Implications for Organics on Mars
- Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Formation of Mars
- High-Precision Stable Isotope Analyses with the NanoSIMS 50L (Invited)
- Hydrogen solubility in omphacite up to 10 GPa and implications for water transportation in subduction zone
- Hydrous Ringwoodite: Clarifying Defect Mechanisms Through Combined Single-Crystal Refinement, Compressibility, and IR Spectroscopy
- Improving EPMA Standards and Standards Measurement by Updating Correction Parameters, Refining Measurement Procedures, and Accounting for Surface Coatings (Invited)
- In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of chromite
- Interactions between glycine derivatives and mineral surfaces: Implications for the origins of life on planetary surfaces
- Isotopically Anomalous Carbonaceous Nanoglobules in Meteorites and Comets
- Measurement of thermal conductivity of Mg0.9Fe0.1SiO3 perovskite at high pressure and temperature
- Mechanisms for “Vital Effects” in Biogenic Carbonates: New Perspectives Based on Abundances of 13C-18O Bonds
- Molecular Insights into Plant-Microbial Processes and Carbon Storage in Mangrove Ecosystems
- Multiple Accelerating Potential SEM Microanalysis of Individual Atmospheric Particles (Invited)
- Nanoscale diffraction and imaging techniques for high pressure sciences
- Novel Pressure-Induced Magnetic Transition in Magnetite (Fe3O4)
- Phase relations and density of iron at the Earth’s core conditions
- Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry of the Centennial Re-survey of the San Jacinto Mountains, CA
- Structure transition of Fe3-xTixO4 solid solution under pressures
- Synthesis of Coesite Nanocrystals from Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas (PMOs) at High Pressure and Temperature
- The Adsorption of Short Single-Stranded DNA Oligomers on Mineral Surfaces
- Ultrastability and Size-dependent High Pressure Behavior in Nanoscale Y2O3
- Weathering in the late Archean and perturbations by oxygenic photosynthesis (Invited)
- A High-Pressure Study of the NH3-H2 System
- Beyond Band Theory for Minerals at High Pressures (Invited)
- Carbon Cycle in the Subduction Zone and Deep Mantle: Constraints from Equilibrium Experiments at High Pressure and Temperature (Invited)
- Carbonate melts in the Earth's mantle
- Climate of Australia over the past 100 ka inferred from stable isotopes in avian eggshells (Invited)
- Comparative compressibility of hydrous wadsleyite
- Complexity of Arsenate Adsorption at Iron and Aluminum Oxide-Water Interfaces
- Constraints on the Composition of the Earth's Liquid Outer Core from Shock Wave Density and Sound Velocity Measurements
- Crystal chemistry of Fe(III)-bearing magnesium silicate perovskite
- Cubic silicon carbide and boron nitride as possible primary pressure calibrants for high pressure and temperature scale
- Effects of Fe-Enrichment on the Equation of State and Stability of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite and Post-Perovskite
- Elastic isotropy of iron under core conditions and other recent advances (Invited)
- Elasticity of cubic boron nitride under ambient condition
- Energy-Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Investigation of Amorphous Lithium Borate Structure: A Demonstration of the Paris-Edinburgh Cell Setup at 16BM-B at the APS
- Equilibrium between solid and liquid iron: The Fe-Si-O system at high pressures
- Experimental evidence for iron enrichment in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 post-perovskite relative to perovskite
- Factors affecting the hydrogen isotopic composition of dissolved organic matter along a salinity gradient
- Hemispherical Anisotropic Patterns of the Earth's Inner Core
- High pressure synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectroscopy study on brucite
- High-pressure Raman spectroscopic study of magnetite Fe3O4
- High-pressure polymorphs of iron-rich (Mg, Fe)SiO3 and FeGeO3 perovskite and post-perovskite. Takamitsu Yamanaka1, Wendy L. Mao2, P. Ganesh1, Luke Shulenburger1, Ho-kwang Mao1 and Russell J. Hemley1 1Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, D.C. 20015 2 Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
- Influence of speciation of C-O-H-N volatiles in silicate melts and coexisting fluids on C and N solubility in melts and on C and N isotope fractionation between melt and coexisting fluid to upper mantle pressure and temperature as a function of redox conditions
- Isotope fractionation during core formation (Invited)
- Life detection at a Mars analogue site of present-day serpentinization in the Tablelands Ophiolite of Newfoundland (Invited)
- Molybdenite Mineral Evolution: A Study Of Trace Elements Through Time
- New Capabilities and Challenges for Mineral Microanalysis using Large Area Silicon-Drift Detectors on Field Emission SEM's and Electron Microprobes
- Nitrate isotope fractionations during biological nitrate reduction: Insights from first principles theoretical modeling
- Oxygen and silicon partitioning between molten iron and silicate melts
- Phase equilibria in the FeO-Fe2O3-NiO-H2S-H2O-HCl system: An experimental study with implications for the stability of Ni-bearing phases at ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems
- Quantitative Investigation of Post-Burial H Isotope Exchanges in Organic Molecules
- Solution behavior of C-O-H volatiles in silicate melts under upper mantle pressures and temperatures as a function of redox conditions
- Solution of helium in SiO2 glass and its effect on the glass structure at high pressure
- Strength of diamond at high pressure from shock wave experiments
- The effect of temperature and pressure on optical absorption spectra of transition zone minerals - Implications for the radiative conductivity of the Earth's interior
- Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Periclase (MgO) at High Pressure and Temperature using Time Domain Thermoreflectance
- Thermal Conductivity of Argon at High Pressures and High Temperatures
- Tracking the Evolution of FE-,TI-OXIDE Phase Changes in Microbial Fossilization Experiments: Understanding the Role of Microbes in Diagenesis
- Using Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Ratios as Paleoclimate Proxies in Baffin Island Lakes
- Visualizing Earth's Core-Mantle Interactions using Nanoscale X-ray Tomography
- Water-CO2 Mixtures Under Extreme Conditions
- <SUP>2</SUP>H and <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR study on hydrogen isotope effects in silicate glasses
- Algal pigments record shifts in dominant primary productivity through the Holocene in an arctic lake
- Biosynthesis and Isotopic Composition of Bacteriochlorophyll a and Okenone in Purple Sulfur Bacteria
- Brillouin Scattering and X-ray Diffraction of Argon to 65 GPa and 800 K
- COMPRES X-ray beamlines (X17B3 and X17C) for the diamond anvil cell at the National Synchrotron Light Source
- Carbon Speciation and Precipitation in C-O-H System at High Temperature and Pressure
- Carbon-bearing silicate melts in the deep Earth
- Complementary Vibrational Spectroscopy Investigations of Iron and Iron-Bearing Minerals (Invited)
- D/H isotopic fractionation effects in the H<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O system: An in-situ experimental study at supercritical water conditions
- Density and structure of jadeite melt at high pressure and high temperature
- Development on novel high pressure synchrotron radiation techniques at HPSynC
- Dynamic melting of metals in the diamond cell: Clues for melt viscosity?
- Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Iron and Iron-Silicon Alloy at High Pressures
- Electrical resistivity of iron at high pressure and high temperature
- Electronic Spin Transition of Iron in Dense Hydrous Magnesium Silicate Phase D at High Pressure
- Experimental Evidence for a High Temperature Iron Isotope Fractionation
- Experimental evidence for Nd-Sr decoupling during low-temperature (20-170<SUP>o</SUP>C) hydrothermal alteration of olivine and clinopyroxene
- Experimental pressure enhancement of the rate of homogenous methanogenesis: implications for abiotic methane yields in terrestrial and planetary environments
- First-principles calculation of lattice thermal conductivity of (MgxFe1-xO)ferropericlase at lower mantle conditions
- High P-T Thermal Conductivity of Periclase using an Ultrafast Pump-Probe Method
- High pressure constraints core formation from x-ray nanoscale tomography
- Hydrogen isotope analysis of amino acids and whole cells reflects biosynthetic processing of nutrient- and water-derived hydrogen
- Internally consistent pressure scale for Au, Pt, Mo, MgO, NaCl and Ne to 2.5 Mbar
- Low voltage and low overvoltage x-ray nanoanalysis with field emission electron microprobes and SEMs: Problems in quantitation for first-row transition elements
- Mercury (Hg) mineral evolution: Supercontinent assembly, ocean geochemistry and the terrestrial biosphere
- Microbial Ecology at an Arctic Geothermal Spring
- Microbial Nitrogen and Sulfur Cycles at the Playa and Playa-lake Deposits of White Sands National Monument, New Mexico
- Partitioning of Nb Between Rutile and Aqueous Fluid at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Petrological and experimental study of the effect of Fe on the stability of dolomite and magenesite in subduction zone
- Phase relations in chromite+SiO<SUB>2</SUB> system at high pressure and high temperature and implication for the origin of coesite bearing chromite
- Photosynthesis within Mars' volcanic craters?: Insights from Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Pressure-induced phase transitions and electron spin state changes in iron-bearing spinels
- Quantum Monte Carlo Computations of Phase Stability, Equations of State, and Elasticity of High-Pressure Silica
- Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Water-Carbon Dioxide Mixtures at High Pressure
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction of Forsterite to 90 GPa
- Sound velocity measurements of hcp-Fe at high pressure and high temperature: assessing the limits of the Birch's law
- Temperature Dependent Mössbauer Spectra of Aluminous Perovskite and Implications for the Earth's Lower Mantle
- The co-evolution of Fe-,Ti-oxides and other microbially induced mineral precipitates in sandy sediments: understanding the role of microbes in diagenesis
- The effects of iron and water on elastic properties of ringwoodite from theory and experiment: Constraint on chemical and thermal variations in the transition zone
- The formation of organic molecules in solar system environments: The Miller-Urey Experiment in Space preflight overview
- The phase relations in Earth's mid-lower mantle: constraints from in-situ XRD and quantitative chemical analysis
- Thermal equation of state of Fe(III) and Al-bearing magnesium silicate perovskite
- Time-Domain X-ray Diffraction in the Pulsed Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
- Tracing bacterial metabolism using multi-nuclear (1H, 2H, and 13C) Solid State NMR: Realizing an Idea Initiated by James Scott
- Tracing the Origins of Organic Matter in the Ice of Svalbard, Norway
- View planetary differentiation process through high-resolution 3D imaging
- Visible and near-infrared reflectivity of solid and liquid methane: application to spectroscopy of Titan's hydrocarbon lakes
- An integral approach to investigate planetary cores
- Bridging the gap between static and dynamic compression: an inertial confinement approach to laser heating experiments in the diamond-anvil cell
- Bulk Earth carbon and its isotopic value
- Carbon diffusion in solid iron as function of pressure and temperature
- Combustion of organic matter in Mars analogs using SAM-like techniques
- Could borate have played a role in the RNA World?
- Density comparison between liquid and solid phases in the Fe-FeS system by the sink/float method: Implications for the structural evolution of the cores
- Development for sound velocity and density measurements of liquid metal at high pressures
- Elasticity and structure of sodium disilicate glass at high pressures and high temperatures
- Electron spin transition causing structure transformations of earth's interiors under high pressure
- Experimental determination of carbon partitioning between upper mantle minerals and silicate melts: initial results and comparison to trace element partitioning (Nb, Rb, Ba, U, Th, K)
- Formation of iron melt channels in silicate perovskite at Earth's lower mantle conditions
- High Resolution Quantitative Microbeam Analysis of Ir-coated Geological Specimens Using Conventionally Coated Standards
- Hydrogen isotope fractionation between C-H-O species in magmatic fluids
- In situ Raman study of dissolved CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> minerals under subduction zone conditions
- In-situ single-crystal structural determination of individual grains of high pressure phases in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 at deep lower mantle conditions
- In-situ, high pressure and temperature experimental determination of hydrogen isotope fractionation between coexisting hydrous melt and silicate-saturated aqueous fluid
- Microbes: Agents of Isotopic Change
- Microbial Cycling of Nitrogen and Carbon in AN Arctic Travertine Spring (jotun Spring, Svalbard Archipelago)
- Mineral evolution of redox-sensitive elements
- Origin of Metallization of FeO at High Temperatures and Pressures from First-principles DFT-DMFT Computations
- Pallasites as a proxy for understanding core-mantle partitioning
- Phase diagram of methane at high pressures and temperatures
- Phase relations and sound velocity measurements of iron-sulfur systems at high pressure: implications for the Earth's inner core
- Radiative Heat Transfer in a Hydrous Transition Zone
- SAM-like Evolved Gas Analysis of Mars Analog Samples from the Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory
- Solubility and solution mechanisms of chlorine in aluminosilicate melts at high pressure and high temperature
- Sound velocity measurements on iron at high pressure and high temperature: an experimental test of the Birch's law
- Stable isotope fractionation at a glacial hydrothermal field: implications for biogeochemistry and biosignatures on Mars
- Strain and composition distribution study under high pressure at nanoscale
- Structure and Crystal Chemistry of FeAlO<SUB>3</SUB> at High Pressure
- Structure evolution of HoMnO3 under pressure
- Structure stability of iron phosphides and metal/silicate partition coefficient for phosphorus in early Mars
- Structure-property relationships of (C-O-H)-saturated silicate melt coexisting with silicate-saturated C-O-H fluid at high temperature and pressure and with variable redox conditions
- Synchrotron Mössbauer study of Fe-bearing pyrope at high pressures and temperatures
- Synthesis of a new high-pressure and high-temperature iron oxide, Fe<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>, a plausible key player in deep subduction processes
- The Effect of Si on the Melting Temperature of Iron up to 24 GPa
- The Effects of Spin Transition on Iron Diffusion in Ferropericlase
- The solubility of Nb-bearing rutile in aqueous fluids containing Albite, NaCl and NaF from 1-5 GPa and 300-600oC
- Warming Alters the Routing of Labile and Slower-Turnover Carbon Through Distinct Microbial Groups in Boreal Forest Organic Soils
- A new high-pressure phase of Fe2SiO4 and the relationship between spin and structural transitions
- Back-Transformation kinetics in the MgSiO3 system at upper mantle conditions
- Biogeochemistry of the sulfur oxidizer Thiomicrospira thermophila
- Complementary Vibrational Spectroscopy Investigations of Iron and Iron-Bearing Minerals (Invited)
- Constraints on the Properties of the Moon's Outer Core from High-Pressure Sound Velocity Measurements on Fe-S Liquids
- Data-Driven Abductive Discovery in the Earth Sciences (Invited)
- Disproportionation of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 into MgSiO3 perovskite and an Fe-rich hexagonal silicate in the deep lower mantle
- Ecologically and Geologically Relevant Isotope Signatures of C, N, and S in Okenone Producing Purple Sulfur Bacteria
- Effects of Pressure on the Short-range Structure and Speciation of Fluid phases in Silicate Melts: Insights from Multi-nuclear NMR and X-ray Raman Scattering
- High pressure and temperature electrical resistivity of iron and implications for planetary cores (Invited)
- High-Temperature Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation of Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes: Experiments, Theory, and Applications (Invited)
- Hydrogen in Earths Lowermost Mantle
- In situ X-ray observations of the melting relations in the Fe-S-H system under high pressure and high temperature
- Interaction of ribonucleotides with oxide and silicate minerals under varying environmental conditions
- Isotopic signatures associated with growth and metabolic activities of chemosynthetic nitrate-reducing microbes from deep-sea hydrothermal vents
- Light element controlled iron isotope fractionation in planetary cores
- Low viscosity of carbonate melts determined by falling sphere viscometry using ultrafast x-ray imaging at high pressures up to 6 GPa
- Mass Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes Preserved in the Precambrian
- Melting and chemical reactivity of hydrocarbons under high pressure and temperature
- Methane and ethane at high pressures: structure and stability
- Mineralogical Evidence for Subsurface Oxygenation Following the Great Oxidation Event
- Nanoscale Origin of the Dichotimous Viscosity-Pressure Behavior in Silicate Melts
- New Developments for Synchrotron High-PT XRD Studies using Laser-heated DAC at 16IDB HPCAT
- Non-Cubic Power-law Scaling of Density in Metallic Glasses (Invited)
- Pressure effect on the elasticity and structure of Na- silicate glasses
- Probing the Hydrogen Sublattice of FeHx with High-Pressure Neutron Diffraction
- Rapid carbon-carbon bond formation and cleavage revealed by carbon isotope exchange between the carboxyl carbon and inorganic carbon in hydrothermal fluids
- Sound velocity of ? iron at Moon's core conditions
- Strategies for Analyzing Sub-Micrometer Features with the FE-EPMA
- Stress- and pressure-induced iron spin-state crossover in lower mantle minerals
- The effect of temperature and surface area on Sr, Ba and REE fractionation during low temperature serpentinization
- Thermal Equation of State of Iron: Constraint on the Density Deficit of Earth's Core
- Tourmaline in the 3.7-3.8 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt, West Greenland - A window to Boron Concentrations in the Eoarchean Eon
- Toward comprehensive studies of liquids at high pressures and high temperatures: Integration of structure and property measurements in a Paris-Edinburgh cell (Invited)
- Toward measurements of volatile behavior at realistic pressure and temperature conditions in planetary deep interiors. (Invited)
- Trace element partitioning in Fe-P-O-S alloy systems
- Vibrational, elastic, and structural properties of cubic silicon carbide under pressure up to 75 GPa and temperature up to 773K: implication for a primary pressure scale
- "Invar"-like behavior in compressed Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB> with implication for deep carbon cycle
- Application of multigrain crystallography to mineralogy of the deep Earth
- Can Suspended Iron-Alloy Droplets Explain the Origin, Composition and Properties of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces?
- Consequences and Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt
- Crystal Structure of Calcium Silicate Perovskite Synthesized under Water Saturated Conditions at Mantle Related Pressure-Temperature
- Disproportionation of (Mg,Fe)SiO<SUB>3 </SUB>Perovskite and its Implications to the Deep Earth
- Effects of chemical composition on the environments of D<SUP>+</SUP> and H<SUP>+</SUP> in alkali silicate glasses: with implications for D/H fractionation in magmatic processes
- Elasticity and Anelasticity of Materials from Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction
- Growth Kinetics of a Reaction Rim Between Iron and Graphite/Diamond and the Carbon Diffusion Mechanism at High Pressure and Temperature
- How is Mercury's dynamo powered?
- In-situ measurements of D/H fractionation between melt and coexisting aqueous fluids in the Na<SUB>2</SUB>O-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O system
- Sulfur isotopic fractionation during planetary differentiation
- Water in Al-free Stishovite up to 65 GPa and 2000 K
- Alternative hypothese for the origin of the ultra-low velocity zones
- Apparatus and Techniques for Time-resolved Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction using Diamond Anvil Cells
- Applications of sample nanofabrication in diamond-anvil cell experiments
- Behavior of basalt-carbonate melts at high pressures
- Crystal Structure of Pure and Aluminous Calcium Silicate Perovskites at Mantle Related Pressure and Temperature
- Equations of state and phase transitions in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite and post-perovskites, position of the phase boundary and its double crossing, by Quantum Monte Carlo
- High-pressure thermal properties of liquid, solid and amorphous H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Low Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in Bridgmanite and Possible Existence of an Oxidizing Layer in the Mid Mantle
- Magnetic phase diagrams and thermal equations of state of Fe<SUB>7</SUB>C<SUB>3</SUB> and Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C up to the pressure-temperature conditions of Earth's core
- Probing iron spin state by optical absorption in laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- Stable Isotope Evidence for Planetary Differentiation
- Synthesis of Xenon and Iron/Nickel Intermetallic Compounds Under the Thermodynamic Conditions of the Earth's Core.
- Viscosity and mixing between K and alkaline-earth silicate melts
- Viscosity of liquids sulfur and selenium at high pressures and high temperatures and their correlations with liquid structure
- Advanced Synchrotron Technique for Synthesis and Analysis of Polyhydrides in the Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
- Direct thermal conductivity measurements on metals at high pressure and temperature: from the usual to the unusual
- Discrete stages of core formation survive the Moon-forming impact
- Early geodynamo powered by magnesium exsolution?
- Effects of Pressure and Temperature on the Kinetics of Iron-magnesite Redox Reaction: Implication for the Genesis of Ultradeep Diamonds
- Experimental investigation of Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>- rich majoritic garnet and improvement of the majorite geobarometer
- Experimental observations of a<SUB>TiO2</SUB> in rutile-undersaturated silicate melts and implications for estimating a<SUB>TiO2</SUB> in natural systems
- Is the Silicate Perovskite to Post-Perovskite Transition Boundary Consistent with Earth's D'' Discontinuity?
- Mechanism and thermodynamics of the high- to low-spin transition in (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase: An experimental null result
- Metastability of Subducted Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone: A Collaborative Geodynamic, Petrologic, and Seismological Approach
- Mg-carbonate interaction with metallic iron in the lower mantle and at the core-mantle boundary
- New FeO<SUB>2</SUB> phase and the origins of ultralow-velocity zones at the core-mantle boundary
- Noble Gas Recycling: Experimental Constraints on Ar, Kr, and Xe Solubility in Serpentinite
- Noble Gases Trace Earth's Subducted Water Flux
- On the Origin of High Shear Wave Velocities in the Deep Roots of Cratons
- Plate Tectonic Cycling and Whole Mantle Convection Modulate Earth's <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>22</SUP>Ne Ratio
- Radiative conductivity and abundance of post-perovskite in D''
- Synthesis of FeO<SUB>2</SUB> and the Fe-O-H system in the deep Earth
- The Effect of Carbon on the Dihedral Angle of Metallic Melt with Implications for the Timing and Efficiency of Core Formation
- The Influence of Wavelength-Dependent Absorption and Temperature Gradients on Temperature Determination in Laser-Heated Diamond-Anvil Cells
- Ultrahigh-pressure structure of GeO<SUB>2</SUB> glass with coordination number >6: implications for structure of magma at the core-mantle boundary
- Cristobalite X-I: A bridge between low and high density silica polymorphs
- Curiosity and the Four Seasons: In Situ Measurements of the Atmospheric Composition over Three Mars Years
- Data-driven exploration of copper mineralogy and its application to Earth's near-surface oxidation
- Detecting Kerogen as a Biosignature Using Co-located UV Time-Gated Raman and Fuorescence Spectroscopy
- Electron Density Distribution Changes of Magnesiowüstite With Pressure
- Experimental Evidence of Low Density Liquid Water under Decompression
- Experimental evidence of body centered cubic iron in Earth's core
- Experimental study and thermodynamic modeling of the phase relation in the Fe-S-Si system with implications for the distribution of S and Si in a partially solidified core
- Five Years of Analyses of Volatiles, Isotopes and Organics in Gale Crater Materials
- Geochemical Characterization Of Cherts From The 3.46Ga Apex Basalt To Assess The Origins Of Possible Biosignatures
- Hydrothermal Signatures at Gale Crater, Mars, and Possible In-Situ Formation of Tridymite
- Is Mars Dead and Does it Matter: The Crucial Scientific Importance of a Lifeless Mars
- Linking paleointensities and exsolution-driven dynamo
- Mars Methane at Gale Crater Shows Strong Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Na, Rb and Cs partitioning between metal, silicate and sulfide: Implications for volatile depletion in terrestrial planets
- Network Analysis of Earth's Co-Evolving Geosphere and Biosphere
- Nitrogen and Martian Habitability: Insights from Five Years of Curiosity Measurements
- No Radiative Heat Transport Through Pyrolitic Lower Mantle
- Origin of the Lower-Mantle Heterogeneities - Importance of the Crystal Chemistry of Bridgmanite
- Pulsed Laser Techniques to Determine Lattice and Radiative Thermal Conductivity of Deep Planetary Materials at Extreme Pressure-Temperature Conditions
- Rapid reduction of MORB glass in piston cylinder experiments with graphite capsule - a XANES study
- Recent select Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Testbed analog results
- Rutilated quartz: combining Ti-in-quartz thermometry and lattice diffusion
- SHERLOC on Mars 2020
- Sequestration of nitrogen in the core during accretion
- The Rise of Oxygen in the Earth's Atmosphere Controlled by the Efficient Subduction of Organic Carbon
- The Solidus of Mar
- Timing the oxidation of Earth's crust: Evidence from big data records of manganese mineralization
- Visualizing Complex Environments in the Geo- and BioSciences
- A new high speed and large capacity centrifuge for experimental petrology study at high pressure and temperature
- Characterizing X-ray Amorphous Phases through Diffraction Profile Modeling: Understanding Weathering and Diagenesis in Gale Crater
- Constraining elemental trends in Raman spectra of terrestrial and extraterrestrial insoluble organic matter samples
- Data-Driven Discovery and the Rise of the Collaborative Culture of Data Sharing
- Direct measurements of thermal conductivity of deep Earth materials via pulsed laser techniques in a laser heated diamond anvil cell
- Early episodes of high-pressure core formation preserved in plume mantle
- Evaporation induced Cu isotope fractionation during tektite formation
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- Global Earth Mineral Inventory : A DCO Data Legacy
- Interstitial Carbon in Solid Fe at High Pressures: Implication to Carbon Content in the Earth's Inner Core
- Mobility of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> in Subduction Zones
- Multi-Technique Analysis of "Synthetic" Extraterrestrial Analogs as Test-bed for Detection of Molecular Biomarkers in Planetary Contexts
- New Bond-Valence Parameters for Inferring the Oxidation State of Transition Metals in Sulfide and Sulfosalt Minerals.
- Nitrogen systematics in thermally altered insoluble organic matter: An experimental study
- Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale crater, Mars with Label Distribution Learning
- Refractive Index Measurements of a Solar System Organic Analog
- Reworking and Diagenesis of Martian Soil: Pathway to Murray Formation Sediments?
- SAM and the organic matter in Gale Crater, Mars - Inventory and implications
- Silicon Abundance in the Earth's Core Constrained by a Multi-Technique Approach
- Strain-rate and temperature effects on kinetics of phase transitions in albite
- Structural measurement on 60 mol% Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> - 40 mol% SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass up to 131 GPa
- Temperature-induced amorphization in CaCO<SUB>3 at high pressure</SUB>: Implication for recycled CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> in the transition zone
- The Deep Carbon Observatory: The Carnegie Institution for Science as a Global Center for Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Research
- The Mineralogical Record of Redox at Gale Crater
- Thermal Conductivity at the Base of the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Thermal conductivity of iron in Earth's core is low enough to support thermal convection
- Transport Properties of Fe at Earth's Core Conditions: Agreement between Experiment and Theory
- Unfinished Business: Constraints on Evolution of the Lunar Crust
- Calcite Phase Transitions and Melting Under Shock Loading and Release Using Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction
- Carbon Isotope Fractionation between CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Carbonate Melt, an Experimental Approach
- Copper and Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Due to Partial Vaporization of Rhyolitic and Basaltic Melts
- Creating, Managing and Evaluating Data Legacies : Updates on the Global Earth Mineral Inventory.
- Data-driven discovery in mineralogy: Insights from natural kind clustering
- Deep Focus Earthquakes, Deep Slab Fluids, and Superdeep Diamonds
- Density of Hydrous Silicate Melts in the Transition Zone
- Excess oxygen in ferric oxide and unexpected chemistry of mantle oxygen
- Exploring carbon mineralogy and mineral evolution through deep time with advanced analytics and visualization
- Formation of akaganeite in Gale crater, Mars
- Glen Torridon: Chemical Relationship to Members of the Murray Formation (Gale Crater, Mars)
- Hydrogen isotope fractionation within silicate melts - First experimental results on the pressure and temperature dependency of D/H molar volume isotope effects
- In-Situ Alteration of Organic Biosignatures in Perchlorate-Spiked Martian Regolith Analog
- Interactive, Web-based Visualizations for Hierarchical Information and Knowledge in Geosciences: An Implementation on the Dana Classification and its Applications
- Melting above the mantle transition zone beneath the Pacific margins
- Mineral evolution, natural kinds, and the origins of life
- Mineralogical evidence for water-rock interactions in ancient Gale crater, Mars from the CheMin instrument on the Curiosity rover
- Natural clustering of pyrite with implications for its formational environment
- Natural kind clustering of presolar silicon carbides and its astrophysical implications
- Novel experimental approach to thermal conductivity measurements of materials using continuous and pulsed laser system with Pockels cell
- Open science at AGU Publications: an update on open access, preprints, and FAIR data developments
- Predicting unknown mineral localities based on mineral associations
- Pressure effect on the oxidation state of a terrestrial magma ocean, from experimental perspective
- Pulsed electrical melting of transition metals in diamond anvil cells: a new probe to determine the Earth's core temperature
- Stress induced interconnection of core-forming melt in a bridgmanite matrix
- Synthesizing carbon mineralogy: Insights on forms, quantities, and origins
- The Clay Minerals of Glen Torridon
- The Deep Carbon Observatory: An Interdisciplinary Quest to Study Carbon in Earth
- The effects of hydration and silica enrichment on the seismic velocity structure of the continental mantle lithosphere
- The redox boundaries and volatiles cycle of Earth's interior through space and time
- Tracking the evolution of our planet using large scale geochemistry and metagenomic data
- Transfer of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> from the core to the mantle and its fate in the Earth in early and present times
- Wet and Deep vs. Dry and Shallow: Global Fractionation Conditions in Volcanic Arcs
- A machine learning geobarometer for diamond-hosted majoritic garnet inclusions
- Electrical resistivity measurement of pure iron in the multi-anvil press: discussions on different techniques.
- New method to investigate interconnection of core-forming metallic melt in a solid silicate matrix
- Quantifying the water content in dense SiO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Sample Chemistry Revealed by TMAH-Evolved Gas Analysis: Results from the First In Situ Thermochemolysis Experiment at Gale Crater, Mars
- The IRH-DAC: Resistive Heating of Non-Metallic Samples to 3000 K at 50 GPa in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earths secular cooling
- X-ray imaging to study compaction under high pressures
- A Novel Framework for Assessing Semantic Information in Planetary Atmospheres for Habitability and Biosignatures
- Can we use network science to identify planetary biosignatures?
- New Estimates of Nitrogen Fixation on Early Earth
- Predicting Nitrogen Isotope Evolution on Mars