University of California, Berkeley, Department of Physics
flowchart I[University of California, Berkeley, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (80)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Equation of State of Transformed Natural Peridotite at Lower Mantle Pressures
- Extraterrestrial Accretion From the GISP2 Ice Core
- Warming at 140 ka: Causality Problem for Milankovitch?
- Water in Planets: Dissociation of H<SUB>2</SUB>O at High Pressures and Temperatures to a New Form of Oxygen
- A New Analysis of the Cloud - Cosmic Ray Connection
- Age Control on Middle Pleistocene Sea Level Changes by use of Coastal Aggradational Stratigraphy and High-Resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology
- Astronomical Tuning: Successes, Failures, Virtues and Limitations
- Avalanches at the Core-Mantle Boundary: Possible Role in Geomagnetic Reversals, Mantle Plumes, and Superchrons
- Scattering of Superthermal Solar Wind Electrons Inside 5 AU
- A determination of the melting slope of MgO from first principles
- Building a Global Science Education System to Undertake Genuine Astrophysics
- First Detection of Hard X-ray Emission From Solar Type III Radio Bursts
- Kepler Education and Public Outreach: Finding Earth-sized planets
- Microbial Metabolism in Permafrost and Ice
- New Techniques: Muon Glaciology and Ultrasonic Logging
- RHESSI Microflares Statistics
- The Roles of El Nino and Solar Forcing on Cloud Cover
- A Habitat for Living Microbes on Silt Grains in Greenland Basal Ice at 3053m Depth
- Accelerated Particle Spectra and Abundances in the 2003 October 28 and November 2 Solar Flares
- Apollo 12 Glass Spherule Ages and the Meteoroid Bombardment History of the Moon
- Nonthermal X-ray Microflares
- Planet-wide volcanics correlated with Last Glacial abrupt climate changes
- Calorimetry on a Chip: Toward Heat Capacities of Microgram Quantities of Iron-bearing Minerals
- High-Resolution South Pole Dust Log and Evidence of Low Sulfur Volcanic Eruptions
- A 40,000 year record of Central Antarctic wind speed
- A Study of Pitch Angle Distributions for Six Solar Impulsive Electron Events
- Dust Logger as a Tool for Regional Correlations: New South Pole Age vs. Depth
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Evaluation Of Sensitivity Of Mass-independent Oxygen Isotopes In Aerosol Nitrate To Environmental Factors Using A Photochemical Box Model
- Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Rapid, High-Resolution Tool for Detecting Biomolecules in Glacial Ice
- Searches for Microbial Cells with Fluorescence Loggers with Single-cell Sensitivity
- The Incomplete Impact Record and Implications for Ice Core Studies
- The Turbulent Cascade at 1 AU: Energy Transfer and the Third-Order Scaling for MHD
- Celebrating 400 Years of Astronomia Nova: Johannes Kepler, the Kepler Mission, and the International Year of Astronomy
- Geomicrobial Optical Logging Detectors (GOLD)
- Hard X-ray Emission From Partially Occulted Solar Flares
- Hydrogen Peroxide Formation and pH Changes at Rock-Water Interface during Stressing
- Physical Driver for the 62-Myr Cycle in Fossil Diversity
- Polarizability of Si-O Bonds in Olivine as a Function of Temperature: a Raman Study
- Turbulent Cascade Rates and Geometries in the Solar Wind at 1 AU
- Antarctic dust and paleowind speed from an automated synthesis of ice core records
- CINEMA (Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields)
- Fluorescense Measurements of Microbial Life in the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- RHESSI and TRACE Observations of Emerging Flux Reconnection in a Solar Jet on August 21, 2003
- Seeing the Invisible: Educating the Public on Planetary Magnetic Fields and How they Affect Atmospheres
- The Turbulent Cascade and Proton Heating in the Solar Wind at 1 AU with Emphasis on High Cross Helicity States (Invited)
- The Turbulent Cascade and Proton Heating in the Solar Wind at 1 AU: Comparison with Observed Proton Heating and Dynamics of High Cross Helicity States
- The curious relationship between volcanic fallout layers and millennial climate changes recorded in polar ice
- Design, Construction and Calibration of a Near-Infrared Four-Color Pyrometry System for Laser-Driven High Pressure Experiments
- Study of Flare Energetics Using X-ray, Radio, and EUV Observations
- Sum Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy (SFVS) of Water and Hydroxyls on the Corundum (1-102) surface: Acid-base properties from direct observation of protonation states
- Third-Moment Studies of Cascade Dynamics in Solar Wind Turbulence (Invited)
- A New Estimate of the Earth's Land Surface Temperature History
- A Study of Temperature Trends Using Rural Sites Identified from MODIS Classifications
- Convective Taylor Columns in Rotating Rayleigh-Benard Convection
- Energetics And Heating In A Solar Plasma Ejection Observed By RHESSI And AIA
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy of the 2003 October 29 solar flare using RHESSI imaging
- Heating and Diffusion of Test Particles in Alfvenic Turbulence
- The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Averaging Methodology
- The Earth's Response to the Interplanetary Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes
- Atomic Magnetometry in the Lab, in the Field, and in the Sky
- Perpendicular Ion Heating by Low-Frequency Alfven-Wave Turbulence in the Corona and Solar Wind
- Recent development of The Gamma Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar Flares (GRIPS) instrument
- Lightning VLF wave propagation from source, through ionosphere to inner magnetosphere using WWLLN and Van Allen Probes
- Magnetic Field Disturbances Associated with changes in Lithologic Stress
- Modeling Tsunamis and Hydroacoustic Waves from Megathrust Earthquakes
- Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Pyrrhotite domain dynamics
- The impact of domain aspect ratio on the inverse cascade in rotationally constrained convection.
- Mobile atomic gravimeter for geodesy
- A mobile atomic gravimeter for gravity surveys
- Absolute gravimetry and gradiometry with portable cold atom interferometers
- Chattering Dust to Map Fracture Flow Path Topology and Geometry
- High-Pressure Nano-seismic Events in Serpentine as a Function of Shear Stresses
- Imaging Stress and Magnetism at High Pressures Using Spin Defects in Diamond
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- Timepix3 Chip: Calibration Procedure and Results
- Using Machine Learning to Superob Observations for Use in Aerosol Data Assimilation
- Van Allen Probe Observations of Electric Field Irregularities within the Plasmasphere Including Examples of Very High Altitude Spread-F
- Voltage Waveforms Associated with Dust Impacts on Parker Solar Probe