University of California, Berkeley, Department of Earth and Planetary Science
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D upper mantle Q structure from waveform inversion and its interpretation
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of Permo-Triassic Bentonites from the Shangsi Section, China
- A New Mechanism for Pore Pressure Changes Induced by Distant Earthquakes
- A Prototype Field Instrument for Detection of the Nitrate Radical by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
- A Search for Temporal Variations in Wave-Propagation Characteristics Associated with the 1993 Parkfield Aseismic Transient
- Accelerated Buildup of Stresses on the Southern San Andreas Fault and Surrounding Regions due to Post-Landers Viscous Flow
- Access to Strain and Other Low Frequency Geophysical Observations
- Accuracy and extension of high-pressure, high-temperature equations of state measurements in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- Analysis of a Century of Instrumentally Recorded Historical Earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Region
- Anomalous Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> as a Potential Tracer of Biosphere Productivity
- Collaborative Projects at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC)
- Constraints on Frictional Heating of Faults From Fission Track Thermochronology
- Constraints on the timing of the Permian-Triassic biotic crisis: New U/Pb zircon-ages
- Coseismic Hydrologic Response of an Alluvial fan to the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan
- Determining Flow Type and Shear Rate in Magmas From Bubble Shapes and Orientations
- Development of Structure and Slip Along Strike-slip Faults Near Pear Lake, Sequoia National Park, California
- Effects of Imposed Large-scale Flow During Convection at Large Rayleigh Numbers: Plume Dynamics and Heat Flux
- Equation of State of Transformed Natural Peridotite at Lower Mantle Pressures
- Estimating Whole-Catchment Chemical Retardation Factors Using Spectral Analysis of Reactive and Passive Chemical Tracer Time Series
- Estimating slip distribution for the Izmit mainshock from coseismic GPS, SPOT, ERS-1 and RADARSAT measurements
- Experimental Studies of Crystal Structures and Elasticity in the Deep Mantle
- Exploring Parameter Space in 3D Inversions for Density in the Mantle
- Fractal Dimension of Earthquakes From Relocated Seismicity
- Geomorphological Evidence Bearing on the Paired Compressional-Extensional Fronts of the Northern Apennines
- InSAR Constraints on the January 26, 2001 Bhuj Earthquake
- Instrumental Record of Debris Flow Initiation During Natural Rainfall
- Intercomparison of NO<SUB>y</SUB> chemiluminescence and TD-LIF measurements at the University of California - Blodgett Forest Research Station
- Isotope Hydrologic Variations of Choshuichi Alluvial Aquifers After the Chi-Chi Earthquake
- Lateral Heterogeneity in D'': Constraints From PKP and PcP Travel Time Data
- Long-term rates of chemical weathering and physical erosion in extreme climates, measured by cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance
- Measurements of the D/H and <SUP>13</SUP>C/<SUP>12</SUP>C Isotope Ratios in Stratospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> from the POLARIS, STRAT, and SOLVE Campaigns
- Modeling Western U.S. Deformation From Plate Motions and Elastic Strain Accumulation
- Modeling δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and δ D of Stratospheric Methane: Implications for Kinetic Isotope Effects and the Isotopic Composition of Tropospheric Methane
- Morphologic Analysis of Channeled and Unchanneled Martian Debris Slopes: Searching for Process Signatures
- New Insights Into Southern Hemisphere Temperature Changes From Vostok ice Cores Using Deuterium Excess Correction Over the Last 420,000 Years
- New P--V--T Equation of State of Gold: Application to the Post-spinel Phase Transition and the 660-km Seismic Discontinuity
- Observations of NO<SUB>2</SUB>, Σ PANS, Σ Alkyl Nitrates and HNO<SUB>3</SUB> During the TEXAQS-2000 Campaign
- Open System Processes in Basaltic Magma Genesis: Evidence from High-Precision U-Th-Pb Isotopic Measurements of Phenocrysts
- Paleo-Environmental Change in the San Francisco Estuary Using Marsh Vegetation Records
- Physical Modeling of Sediment Transport in Steep Boulder-Bed Channels
- Plagioclase Preferred Orientation in Anorthosite by TOF Neutron Diffraction and SEM-EBSD
- Plume Capture by Divergent Plate Motions: Implications for the Distribution of Hotspots, Geochemistry of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts, and Heat Flux from the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Preliminary Finite Fault Source Inversions of Aftershocks of 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- Resolving 3D Anelastic Structure of the Upper Mantle
- Routing Bedload Sediment Through River Networks Draining Steep Uplands
- Sensitivity Simulation of Magnetic Field Induction Associated with Mantle Electrical Conductivity Anomalies
- Single Grain (U-Th)/He Ages from Apatites in Acapulco Meteorite
- Single Phase <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of Rajahmundry Trap Basalts Contemporaneous With Late Stage Deccan Trap Volcanism
- Source Rupture Process of the 26 January, 2001 Bhuj, India, Earthquake (M 7.6)
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Stable Isotope Systematics of Modern Precipitation in China: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- Spectral Analysis in Catchment Hydrology and Geochemistry
- Structure and Kinematics at the Juncture Between the San Andreas and Southern Calaveras Faults
- Testing two Mountain Building Models Using Coseismic GPS Data
- The Damping of Large Sediment Input Signals due to Attrition, Channel Morphologic Change, and Storage: the Fly River Watershed, Papua New Guinea
- The Post-spinel Phase Boundary in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> and the 660-km Seismic Discontinuity
- Towards Forward Modeling of 3D Heterogeneity at the Base of the Mantle.
- Towards an Anisotropic Whole Mantle 3D Elastic Velocity Model
- Transient Tectonics of the Hayward, Calaveras, and Mission Fault Junction
- UrEDAS Operation in California by SDR in collaboration with Caltech and U.C. Berkeley
- Using Point Measurements from InSAR to Detect Transient Deformation
- Using Stishovite to Constrain Semi-Empirical Density Functional Models of Silicates, Such as Aluminous Perovskites
- Water in Planets: Dissociation of H<SUB>2</SUB>O at High Pressures and Temperatures to a New Form of Oxygen
- Waveform Constrained Seismic Velocity Structure in Northern California
- 500 Years Ground Surface Temperature History in Northwestern Ontario From Borehole Temperature Profiles
- A Multi-Proxy, Paleomonsoon Record Based on Speleothems From Central China
- A diffusion-decay model for steady-state U-series disequilibrium in the mantle with implications for island arc lavas
- Addressing the Uncertainty in Prescribing High Flows for River Restoration
- Advances in the Use of Waveform Inversion for Modeling Mantle Elastic Structure
- An Empirical Relationship between Liquefaction and Seismic Wave Energy - Lesson from the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan
- Anelastic Seismic Tomography and Mantle Dynamics
- Archaeal Lipid Genes: Clues to Life in Acid and the Evolution of Membranes
- Biogeochemical contributions to soil formation and landscape lowering
- Broadband Observations of Plate Boundary Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Calibrating the International Monitoring System for Moment Tensor Solutions
- Calibration for Coda Derived Moment Magnitude Using Berkeley Complete Waveform Moment-Tensor Solutions
- Causes, characteristics and consequences of convective diapirism on Europa
- Challenging the Standard Model: Equation of State of Natural Peridotite at Lower-Mantle Conditions
- Combining Real-time Seismic and Geodetic Data to Improve Rapid Earthquake Information
- Constraints On The Rupture Mechanism Of The 2001 Bhuj Earthquake From Satellite Imagery
- Core Heat Flow and Suppression of Mantle Plumes by Plate-Scale Mantle Flow: Results From Laboratory Experiments
- Crystallographic Relationships of Silicate-hosted Magnetite Inclusions Determined with Electron Backscatter Pattern Indexing (EBSP)
- Denudation Rates Along The Uplifting Northwestern Coast of New Zealand's South Island, Inferred From <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Sediment
- Deployment of a Long-Term Broadband Seafloor Observatory in Monterey Bay
- Detection and Location of Potential Sources of Background Low Frequency Surface Wave Energy
- Determination of 3D Crystal Size Distributions From 2D Measurements: an Application of Stereological Correction Routines to Prismatic Microlites in Obsidian
- Efficient Visual Data Exploration in High-Resolution Global Dynamical Models of the Earth's Mantle
- Elemental Sulfur Reactions at Low Ph and Their Implication for Microbial Activity in Acid Mine Drainage Environments
- Energy Released by an Asperity Model of an Earthquake
- Equation of state of K+Fe at high pressure: K in the Earth's core?
- Erosion Rates Over 40-Year and 5,000-Year Timescales at Caspar Creek, Northern California
- FReDNet: a Continuous GPS Geodetic Network Monitoring Crustal Deformation in NE Italy
- Finite Fault Inversion of the September 25, 1999 (Mw=6.4) Taiwan Earthquake: Implications for GPS displacements of Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake Sequence
- Formation, Transport, Aggregation and Coarsening of Biogenic Metal-Sulfide Nanoparticles in Contaminated Near-Surface Aqueous Environments
- Global Anisotropy and the Depth of Continental Roots
- Hillslopes on Alluvial Fans: Investigating Links between Climate, Fan Deposition, and Diffusivity
- Hydrological Properties and Flow Paths Change with 4.1 Million Years of Soil Development in the Hawaiian Islands
- IRIS Infrastructure: Contributions to the Study of Earth Structure and Earthquakes at the Global and Regional Scale
- Improved Data Access From the Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- In Search of the Adriatic Microplate
- In Situ Observation of Texture Changes During Phase Transformations
- Instrument Testing and First Results From the MOBB Observatory
- Investigation for Anomalous Focal Mechanisms: Bárdarbunga Volcano, Iceland Events
- Kinetic Energies in Oblique Pumice-Pumice Impacts and Coefficient of Restitution
- Linkages Between Hydrology and Biogeochemistry, Explored via Spectral Analysis of Catchment Hydrochemical Data
- Long-Term Rates of Erosion and Relief Growth Along the Converging Southern Mexican Margin, Inferred From <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Sediment and Regolith
- Long-Term and Seasonal Variation in the Effects of ENSO and PDO on Snowmelt Runoff: Examples From the Pacific Northwest
- Low-Gradient Debris Slopes and Implications for Water-Driven Sediment Transport Processes on Mars
- Magnetic Properties of Single Crystal Clinopyroxenes: Anisotropy of Remanence
- Mechanics of Fault Formation by Fracturing of Dikes
- Microbial Communities Associated with Biogenic Iron Oxide Mineralization in Circumneutral pH Environments
- On the Mechanisms of Solution of Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> in MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite at Lower Mantle Pressures and Temperatures
- Oxygen Isotope Anomalies in Carbon Dioxide: From the Laboratory to the Stratosphere
- Oxygen Isotope Evidence for the Role of Crustal Contamination in the Evolution of the Chalupas Caldera System, Northern Andes, Ecuador.
- Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> as a Tracer of Terrestrial Biosphere Productivity: Investigating the Influence of the Stratosphere
- Paleoenvironmental Change During the Holocene and Last Interglacial in San Pablo Bay, Northern California
- Prediction of Sediment Transport in Steep Boulder-bed Channels
- Seismicity Induced by Groundwater Recharge at Mt. Hood, Oregon, and its Implications for Hydrogeologic Properties.
- Simultaneous Inversion of Normal Mode Splitting Coefficients for V<SUB>s</SUB>, V<SUB>p</SUB> and ρ Using the Neighbourhood Algorithm.
- Source Kinematics and Dynamics of the 3 November, 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska Earthquake
- Temporal Variations in Depth of Seismicity During the Earthquake Cycle and Changes of the Brittle-Ductile Transition
- The Analysis of Otolith and Calcite Strontium Isotopic Composition with the SHRIMP-RG Ion Microprobe
- The Coupled Spectral Element/Normal Mode Method: Application to the Testing of Several Approximations Based on Normal Mode Theory for the Computation of Seismograms in a Realistic 3D Earth.
- The Effect of 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake on the Groundwater Flows of Choshuichi Alluvial Fan, Taiwan
- The Isotopic Composition of Continental Iron and Implications for the Global Iron Cycle
- The role of continental tectosphere in sublithospheric dynamics
- Thresholds of Alluviation in an Experimental Bedrock Channel and Controls on Rates of River Incision into Bedrock
- Towards Forward Modeling of 3D Heterogeneity in D" region
- Unexpected hollows: numerical modeling of soil production and non-linear soil transport and the initiation, persistence, and dynamics of unchanneled valleys
- What is the Origin of the High Q Anomaly at the Boundary Between the Locked and Creeping Segments of the San Andreas Fault?
- Why Don't Hotspots Move?
- 17O as a new tracer of the hydrological cycle
- A 100-Year Average Recurrence Interval for the San Andreas Fault, Southern San Francisco Bay Area, California
- A Decade of Regional Moment Tensor Analysis at UC Berkeley
- A Mantle Dynamics Perspective on Generating an Early Lunar Dynamo
- A Multi-Proxy Speleothem Based Record of Asian Monsoon Variability During the Last Glacial Period
- A new concept for seismology on Venus using orbiting radar instead of landers
- A statistical approach to atomistic simulation of geophysical solid solutions
- Absolute calibration of the intramolecular nitrogen isotope distribution in N<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> and its influence on oxygen vacancies in the lower mantle
- An explanation for the surface area of continents versus oceans
- Basalt-Iron Reactions at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Borehole Tensor Strain and Pore Pressure Noise from Mini-PBO Sites in the San Francisco Bay Area: Comparison with Parkfield Instruments
- Broadband Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area Measured at Mini-PBO Stations: Implications for PBO
- Characterization of novel archaeal lineages associated with acid mine drainage in Iron Mountain, CA using anaerobic cultivation and cultivation-independent genomic analysis
- Connecting Aseismic Slip and Microseismicity on the Central San Andreas Fault
- Constraints on Density and Shear Velocity Contrasts at Inner Core Boundary
- Coseismic Slip Distribution of the Denali Fault Earthquake as Estimated From GPS Measurements.
- Detection And Location Of Long Period Surface Wave Energy Sources
- Detection of Seismic Stress-Drop Anomalies in the Mendocino Transform Using Coda-Derived Source Spectra
- Determination of a Permeability-depth Curve for the Oregon Cascades Employing Numerical, Analytical, and Statistical Methods
- Did Melting Glaciers Cause Volcanic Eruptions in Eastern California? A Natural Probe of the Mechanics of Dike Formation.
- Drainage Divide Migration, Orographic Precipitation, and Uplift in the Southern Andes
- Effects of Long-Term Acid-Mine Drainage Contamination on Diversity and Activity of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in a Natural Salt Marsh.
- Effects of climate and mineral supply rates on long-term chemical weathering rates in granitic landscapes
- Electrical Conductivity of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> above 1 Mbar
- Environmental Influences on Microbial Mat Community Structure and Mineralization.
- Ephemeral Sedimentary Basins and Limits of Lateral Plateau Growth at the Eastern Puna Margin, NW Argentina
- Erosion Rates Over Millennial and Decadal Timescales: Measurements at Caspar Creek and Redwood Creek, Northern California
- Estimate of the Temperature Field of the Mantle and its Contribution to the Lateral Heterogeneity of the Earth's Interior
- Estimates of slip rates on Bay Area faults from space geodetic data
- Evidence of Powerlaw Flow in the Mojave Desert Mantle
- Finite Source Imaging of Seismogenic Structures of Central Taiwan: Results from six Mw > 5.8 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Aftershocks
- Fluid Influenced Faulting in the Long Valley Volcanic Region
- Geochemical Records of Bleaching Events and the Associated Stressors From the Great Barrier Reef
- Holocene Evolution of the Middle Fly River, Papua New Guinea
- How the Structure of Aluminum Goethite Affects Iron Release
- In Situ Observation of Anisotropy Development With Pressure to 50 GPa in Olivine, Ringwoodite, Magnesiowuestite and Silicate Perovskite
- Large Scale Anisotropy in D" from Global Waveform Inversion
- Laser-driven shock compression on precompressed water: Exploring icy giant interiors
- Liquids in the Diamond Anvil Cell: High Pressure-Temperature Chemistry of Formic Acid
- Long-Period Microtremor Observations in the Santa Clara Valley, California
- Long-term monitoring of electromagnetic signals along the San Andreas Fault
- Low Temperature Thermochronology From the SAFOD Pilot Hole: Constraining the Thermal History With Apatite Fission-Track and (U-Th)/He Analyses
- MOBB: Data Analysis from an Ocean Floor Broadband Seismic Observatory
- Mapping the Extent and Rate of Overbank Deposition Using Mine-Derived Sediment Tracers Along the Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
- Measuring Landscape Scale and Testing Landscape Evolution Models With an Airborne Laser Swath Map of the Gabilan Mesa, California
- Measuring long-term Rates of Physical Erosion and Chemical Weathering Using Cosmogenic Radionuclides
- Mechanics of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002, Mw=7.9, Denali Fault Earthquake
- Mechanisms of Biogeochemical Influence on Phosphorus Bioavailablity in Cold Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Modelling of 3D Attenuation Structure in the Mantle Using a Waveform Approach: Successes and Challenges
- NCALM: NSF Supported Center for Airborne Laser Mapping
- Network Structure Control on Bed Material Grain Size Distribution
- News from MIDSEA Seismograms on the Upper Mantle of the Eurasia-Africa Plate Boundary Region
- Non-steady State Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Undisturbed Watersheds Due to Diffusive Sediment Transport
- Observations From Magnetic Force Microscopy on Crystallographically Oriented Magnetite Inclusions in Clinopyroxenes
- Observations of the Isotopic Compositions of CH<SUB>4</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>, N<SUB>2</SUB>O, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Stratosphere: Implications for Biogeochemical Tracer Studies and Global Isotope Budgets
- Orientations of Exsolved Magnetite Inclusions in Clinopyroxene and Plagioclase Determined With Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)
- Preliminary Estimate of Production Rates for Terrestrial Cosmogenic <SUP>38</SUP>Ar from Calcium
- Properties of Distinct Biofilm Communities at an Acid Mine Drainage Site
- Quantum theory and high-pressure experiments on iron-potassium alloying: Radioactivity in the Earth's Core?
- Reactivity and Speciation of Heavy Metals With Nanoparticulate Goethite
- Results From the Expanded and Upgraded High Resolution Borehole Seismic Network (HRSN) at Parkfield, CA
- Revised Boundary Perturbation Theory for the Direct Solution Method
- Role of Water on the Fate of Organics in Reduced-Smectite Suspensions
- Shallow Anisotropy in the Mediterranean Mantle From Surface Waves
- Simultaneous Inversion of Mantle Mode Splitting Coefficients for V<SUB>s</SUB>, V<SUB>p</SUB> and ρ Using the Neighbourhood Algorithm.
- Stable Remanence from Crystallographically Oriented Magnetite Inclusions in Clinopyroxene
- Strong Ground Motion and Liquefaction During the Chi-Chi Earthquake
- Surface modification of lattice dynamics in ZnS nanoparticles
- Systematic Variations in the Trace Element and Isotopic Compositions of High-K<SUB>2</SUB>O, Medium-K<SUB>2</SUB>O, and High-TiO<SUB>2</SUB> Volcanic Rocks From the Zit cuaro-Valle de Bravo Region of Central Mexico
- Tharsis: Consequence of Mars' Dichotomy and Layered Mantle
- The Adriatic region: an independent microplate within the Africa-Eurasia collision zone
- The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province: Age Comparison Between the South Carolina Dykes and Morocco Lava Flows
- The Denali Fault: Crustal deformation before and after the 2002, Mw=7.9, Denali Fault Earthquake
- The Evolution of the Seismic-Aseismic Transition During the Earthquake Cycle: Constraints from the Time-Dependent Depth Distribution of Aftershocks
- The Influence of the Grain Size Distribution of Sediments Supplied by Hillslopes on Rates of River Incision Into Bedrock and Steady-State Longitudinal Profile Form
- The Quantification of Mass Loss via Geochemical Weathering in Hillslope Processes
- The Role of Conjoining (Tie) Channels in Lowland Floodplain Development and Lake Infilling
- The role of magma porosity in explosive magma-water interaction
- The wintertime AO influence on early season Indian Ocean Monsoon intensity
- Theories of Mars' Interior: An alternative to plumes as the origin of Tharsis
- Time-Dependent Land Uplift and Subsidence in the Santa Clara Valley, California
- Topographic Development and Exhumation of the Santa Cruz Mountains, From Fission Track Data and Deformation and Erosional Modeling
- Towards a Physical Understanding of the Effects of Depth-dependent Rheology on Mantle Convection
- Towards the next generation of global 3D upper mantle Q models
- Tracing the Sources and History of Subsurface Contamination at the Hanford Site in Washington Using High-Precision Uranium Isotopic Measurements
- Transversely Isotropic D'' shear velocity structure beneath Central America studied using waveform inversion
- Understanding Fe-K Alloying at High Pressure Using Density Functional Theory
- Waveform Modeling of 3D Structure of D" Region Using A Coupled SEM/Normal Mode Approach
- A Combined He and Os Isotopic Study of the HSDP-2 Core from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- A Modified Method for Saline Lake Calcite Isotope Analysis: Application to a Study of Climate Change over 200,000 Years in Death Valley, California.
- A Numerical Study of the Factors Controlling Valley Spacing in Landscapes
- A Volcano Reawakens: Multiparameter Observations of Activity Transition at Galeras Volcano (Colombia)
- A Whole-Mantle Three Dimensional Radially Anisotropic S Velocity Model
- A search for temporal variations in the scattered wavefield associated with the 1993 Parkfield aseismic transient event: a calibration between borehole and surface instruments
- Analysis of the global distribution of water isotopes in the NCAR atmospheric general circulation model
- Anisotropy of Silicate-Hosted Magnetite Inclusions
- Bayesian Inference of Lower-Crustal Viscosity Near the Kunlun Fault Based on Geologic, Geomorphic, and Geodetic Data
- Block modeling of Crustal Velocity in Italy and Surrounding Regions
- Can Springs Cut Valleys Into Bedrock?
- Chemical Weathering Processes and Mass Losses on an Actively Eroding Hill Slope
- Chemical potential constraints on the composition and subcellular localization of proteins
- Combined Study of the 1992 Landers, 1999 Hector Mine, and 2002 Denali Postseismic Deformations: In Search of a Common Lithospheric Rheology
- Coseismic Slip Distribution of the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Creep on the San Andreas fault near San Juan Bautista and its relationship to large historic earthquakes
- Crustal Deformation Along the Northern San Andreas Fault System From Geodetic and Geologic Data
- Deep Lithospheric Mantle and Heterogeneous Crustal Flow Following the 2002 Denali, Alaska Earthquake
- Definition of Seismogenic Faults by Combining Seismological, Geological and Geophysical Data: Case Studies From the Aegean Sea Area
- Deformation Experiments at High Pressures in Diamond Anvil Cells: Texture Development in MgSiO3 Perovskite
- Deformation of polycrystalline Ca-Perovskite up to 50 GPa
- Detecting Seepage Through a Natural Moraine Dam Using the Self-Potential Method
- Diamond-Cell Measurements of Fluid Viscosity and Activation Energy at High Pressures
- Distributed Computing for Seismic Data Retrieval using FISSURES DHI Client FMI Implimented from MatSeis 1.9
- Disturbed Sr and Nd Isotope Systematics in Zircons With Concordant SHRIMP U-Pb Ages
- Dynamic Weakening of the San Andreas Fault by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability During Marine Isotope Stage 5 Based on Speleothem δ <SUP>18</SUP>O Records from Wanxiang Cave, Central China
- Effects of Climate on Long-term Rates of Physical Erosion and Chemical Weathering: Evidence from Cosmogenic Nuclides and Geochemical Mass Balance
- Effects of a Low Viscosity Zone on Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection in the Terrestrial Planets: A Physical Theory and Numerical Experiments
- Equation of State and Electrical Conductivity of Helium at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Equation of state of iron sulfide at the conditions of Galilean satellite cores
- Evidence for a Sharp Lateral Boundary at the Southern Border of the Pacific Superplume
- Excitation of earth's incessant free oscillations by Atmosphere-Ocean-Seafloor coupling
- Experimental Insights on Friction at the Base of Geophysical Flows
- Experimental Study of Surface Erosion by Granular Flows
- Flow Banding in Volcanic Rocks: A Record of Multiplicative Magma Deformation
- Frictional heterogeneity and heat flow
- From Technological Materials to Mantle Minerals: Perovskites at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Geomorphic Effects of Boulder Placement on Gravel Capture and Retention in a Regulated Reach of the North Umpqua River, OR.
- Glaciology and Geomorphology at the Mountain Crest: Cirque Development
- Gutenberg Lecture: Bridging the gap Between Seismology and Oceanography: New Phenomena in the Background Seismic Wavefield
- High Resolution Anisotropic Structure of the North American Upper Mantle From Inversion of Body and Surface Waveform Data
- High Resolution Seismic Network (HRSN) Observations of the 2004 Parkfield M6 Earthquake
- Identification of PKJKP using data from a Broad-band Seismic Array
- InSAR Observations of Time-Dependent Postseismic Deformation in the Mojave Desert: Resolving Tectonic From Non-tectonic Processes
- Kinematic Modeling of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Kinetic analysis of room temperature structural transformations in zinc sulfide nanoparticles using simultaneously collected SAXS/WAXS
- Laboratory Modeling of Self-Formed Leveed Channels From Sediment-Laden Flows Entering Still Water
- Linkages Between Physical Erosion and Chemical Weathering, Measured by Cosmogenic Nuclides and Geochemical Mass Balance
- Liquefaction of Sensitive Soils during Earthquakes
- Locating Sources of the Earth's "hum" using an array-based Method
- Long-Wavelength Shoreline Deformation on Mars
- Magnetic Signatures of Martian Volcanoes: Evidence for a Second Dynamo Episode?
- Mechanical Dauphiné Twinning in Quartz on a Regional Scale: Texture of r and z Rhombs in Mylonites from Neutron Diffraction
- Microbial Community Structure Responses to Long-Term Acid-Mine Drainage Contamination in a Coastal Salt Marsh
- Modeling and Measurement of <SUP>39</SUP>Ar Recoil Loss From Biotite as a Function of Grain Dimensions
- Nonvolcanic Deep Tremors in the Transform Plate Bounding San Andreas Fault Zone
- Observations and Modeling of Microseisms in the Santa Clara Valley, California
- Observations of Infragravity Waves at the Monterey Ocean Bottom Broadband Station (MOBB)
- One More Time: Tornillos From the Beginning
- Plagioclase-Hosted Magnetite Inclusions From the Bushveld Complex
- Plan for a Sierra Nevada Hydrologic Observatory: Science Aims, Measurement Priorities, Research Opportunities and Expected Impacts
- Planetary Interiors: Parametric Modeling of Global Geophysical Properties
- Pressure-Induced Valence Change and Hydrogen Disorder in Fe(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>
- Quantifying topographic, structural, and lithologic controls on large landslides
- Rates and spatial patterns of sediment dispersal across the lower Strickland River floodplain, Papua New Guinea
- Relationships between River Discharge and Stream Bed Scour: Implications for Redd Scour on a Large Regulated River
- Rodinia, She Do Spin: A (prequal) tribute to the legendary 2001 AGU poster, "Pangaea, She No Spin"
- Scales of mantle heterogeneity
- Scattered Wavefield Within the San Andreas Fault System, California
- Seismic evidence for present-day plume upwelling at the core-mantle boundary
- Simulating Ground Motions from Geodetic Data for ShakeMaps
- Site-specific N<SUB>2</SUB>O isotopic compositions from Brazilian Amazon soils and their implications for the global N<SUB>2</SUB>O isotope budget
- Source-Averaged Basin Effects from 3D Ground Motion Simulations
- Spin Transition in Earth's Lower Mantle: (Mg<SUB>x</SUB>Fe<SUB>{1</SUB> - x})O Magnesiowüstite at High Pressures
- Steepness and Concavity Controls on the Expression of Reach-Scale Channel Morphology, Debris Flow Deposition, and the Spatial Distribution of Salmonids in the Pacific Northwest
- Structure, Kinematics and Recurrence of Microseismicity in the SAFOD Target Region
- The Effect of Large Roughness Elements on Local Flow and Bedload Transport
- The Effects of Hyperaridity on Soil Production and Transport on Hillslopes: Adapting Geomorphic Models in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- The Eruptive History of the Talpa-Mascota-San Sebastian Volcanic Field in Western Mexico.
- The Fine Structure of Water-Quality Dynamics: the Wave of the Future in Catchment Hydrochemistry?
- The Importance of Being Plumes: Entrainment, Isotopes, Melting and the Vertical Structure of the Earth's Mantle
- The Parkfield Earthquakes: Then And Now
- The Topographic Control of Chemical Weathering in Hillslope Soils
- The relationship between snowpack and seasonal low flows in the Sierra Nevada: climate change and water availability in California
- The use of Airborne Laser Swath Mapping Data in Watershed Analysis to Guide Restoration Priorities: the Napa River Watershed Study
- Thermodynamic control of microbial sulfate reduction rates and consequences for the form and distribution of metal sulfide nanoparticles
- Time-dependent evolution of stress over the past 200 years in Southern California
- Tomography of the global Earth based on the Spetral Elements Method
- Towards a dynamical link between the formation of mantle plumes and the longevity and composition of hotspot volcanism
- Trace Elemental Analyses of Suspended Sediments in the San Francisco Estuary and its Tidal Marshes
- Using airborne laser swath mapping to quantify sediment production and transport processes
- Using the response of streams to earthquakes to study hydrologic processes
- Variable Nitrogen Isotope Effects Associated With N<SUB>2</SUB>O Isotopologue Production: Towards an Understanding of Denitrification Mechanism
- Variation in aseismic slip and fault normal strain along the creeping section of the San Andreas fault from GPS, InSAR and trilateration data
- Variations in the marine Ca cycle and implications for paleo-CO<SUB>2</SUB> levels over the past 24 Ma
- Water, Mid-ocean Ridges, and Dynamic Geochemical Layering of the Earth's Mantle
- A Simultaneous Imaging Method of Multiple Scattering Modes for Detecting a Fault-Zone Heterogeneous Structure of the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield, California
- Age of the Xalnene Ash, Central Mexico and Archeological Implications
- Asthenospheric Anisotropy Beneath North America
- Bedrock and soil contribution to the runoff formation in a headwater catchment: experimental observations and simulation using the hydrological distributed model GEOtop
- Boulder Clusters as Flow Refugia for Juvenile Salmonids and Aquatic Invertebrates in Steep Mountain Streams, Klamath Mountains, Northern California
- Bubble Expansion and Magma Fragmentation: the Importance of Decompression Rate
- Ca Isotopes in Evaporite Minerals from Death Valley, California: No Evidence for Non-Biological Fractionation during Precipitation
- Calibration of the Permo-Triassic Magnetostratigraphic Time Scale: Constraints from the Dewey Lake Formation, West Texas
- Can Interlocked Grains Reduce the Mobility of Gravel Bed Rivers?
- Can coarse surface layers in gravel-bedded rivers be mobilized by finer gravel bedload?
- Characterization and Localization of Iron-Oxidizing Proteins in Acid Mine Drainage Biofilms
- Concentration-Discharge Relationships Across Temporal and Spatial Scales
- Constraints on Lateral S Wave Velocity Gradients and the Shape of the Pacific Superplume
- Coseismic and Postseismic Slip of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake from GPS and InSAR data
- Determining the Equilibrium Fractionation Factor Between Calcite and Dissolved Ca in Solution: Ca Isotope Measurements of Pore Fluids and Sediments From ODP Site 807A
- Determining the Topographic Manifestation of Widespread Landsliding with High Resolution Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) Data, South Fork Eel River, Northern California.
- Development of a Regional Velocity Model Using 3D Broadband Waveform Sensitivity
- Disturbed Landscapes as Natural Laboratories For Testing Hydrological and Biogeochemical Models
- Duration and Eruptive Chronology of CAMP: Implications for Central Atlantic Rifting and the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
- Dynamics of Downslope Unsaturated Flow
- Earth Analogs for Potential Martian Biomes and the Search for Life on Mars
- Earthquake Warning Systems: Characterizing Prediction Uncertainty
- Effects of Fe spin transition in the Earth's lower mantle
- ElarmS Earthquake Alarm System: Application in Northern California
- Elastic Constants of Brucite (Mg(OH)2) and Diaspore (AlO(OH)) to 12 GPa by Brillouin Scattering
- Evidence for Extended (5-10 Ma) Emplacement of Ferrar Dolerite from 40Ar-39Ar Geochronology
- Evidence of Power-Law Flow in the Upper Mantle Beneath Southern Alaska
- Evolution of fault scarp knickpoints following 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in West-Central Taiwan
- Fault Loading Variations From Repeating Earthquakes Along the San Andreas and Calaveras Faults
- Fish movement and dietary history derived from otolith δ13C
- Generation of meltwater by dike intrusion on Mars
- Geochemical Controls on the Mobility of Lead and Silver in Tropical Floodplain Sediments.
- Geochemical Systematics of Hawaiian Post-shield Lavas: Implications for the Chemical Structure of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
- Geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic glasses associated with early Homo sapiens in Ethiopia.
- Hawaiian Analog for Martian Amphitheatre-headed Valleys
- Hyperarid Soils in the Atacama Desert: A Terrestrial Guide to Mars Soil Formation
- Implications of Europa's broadband seismic response calculated from physically consistent models
- Implications of the Postseismic Displacement Field Generated by the 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 Earthquakes, as Measured by CGPS
- InSAR constraints on the kinematics and magnitude of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake
- Insights Into the Origin of Earth's hum and Microseisms
- Inversion of long period seismic data for the source process of the great Sumtara-Andaman earthquake
- Is Heat flow in Sierra Nevada really as low as suggested?
- Isotopic Modeling of Dynamic Geochemical Layering in the Mantle
- Isotopic Variations in the Post-Shield Lavas of Mauna Kea, Hualalai and Kohala: Evidence for a Koolau Component
- Joint inversion of InSAR and teleseismic broadband waveform data using ABIC: application to the 1997 Manyi, Tibet earthquake
- Kinematic Modeling and Complete Moment Tensor Analysis of the Anomalous, Vertical CLVD Bardarbunga, Iceland, Event
- Kinematic Source Model of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Kinematics, asperities and seismic potential of the Hayward fault, California from ERS and RADARSAT PS-InSAR
- Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell at the Advanced Light Source
- Life on extrasolar planets: the persistance and stability of cyanuric acid in protoplanetary conditions
- Long-Term Rotational Stability of Dynamic Planets with Lithospheres
- Long-term field measurements of mineral-specific chemical weathering rates at Rio Icacos, Puerto Rico, determined from cosmogenic nuclides and geochemical mass balance
- MIDAS: Advanced Remote Sensing for the Exploration of Icy Satellites
- Macroscopic Bubble Network Formation in the Presence of Crystals
- Microbial Diversity Under Long-Term Forcing by Acid-Mine Drainage and Metals Contamination in an Urban Wetland
- Microbial Ecology and Resultant Biomarkers Preserved in a Terrestrial Analog of a Martian Spring System
- NCALM: The National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping-Past, Present and Future
- Nature of Repeating Earthquake Sequence: Observations From the Chihshang Fault of Eastern Taiwan
- New Continuous Timeseries Data at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- Nonequilibrium Magma Degassing: Results From Modeling of the ca. 1340 A.D. Eruption of Mono Craters, California
- Observations of Infragravity Waves at the Monterey Ocean Bottom Broadband Station (MOBB)
- Observing the San Andreas Fault at Depth
- Optical properties of silica (SiO2) at lower mantle conditions: Implications for conductivity of molten mantle
- Physically-based Hydrologic-response Simulation of a Steep, Zero-Order Catchment
- Plastic deformation of MgGeO3 post-perovskite beyond 100 GPa
- Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Data Analysis
- Postseismic Deformation Following the 1997 Manyi (Tibet) Earthquake: InSAR Observations and Modelling
- Prediction of Sediment Transport and Patch Dynamics in a Steep, Rough Stream
- Preliminary Results from the C4MIP Phase 1 Simulations Using the CCSM3-CLM3-CASA' Coupled Model
- Propagation of sediment pulses in flume experiments simulating gravel augmentation in armored channels downstream of dams
- Protein Distribution and d34S Variation Within Microbially Formed Metal-Sulfide Colloids Provide Clues to the Mechanism and Kinetics of Extracellular Biomineralization
- Quantification of Biogeochemical Mineral Dissolution Rates in the Vadose Zone
- Radial and Azimuthal Anisotropic Structure of the North American Upper Mantle From Inversion of Surface Waveform Data
- Refining the Thermal History of the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia: A Test of the Remagnetization Hypothesis
- Repeating Earthquake and Nonvolcanic Tremor Observations of Aseismic Deep Fault Transients in Central California.
- Response of Bed Surface Patchiness to Reductions in Sediment Supply
- Rheology of Suspensions and the Emplacement of Tongues Crystal-Rich Magma Within Sills
- River corridor geometry: Scaling relationships and confluence controls
- Scaling and Complexity in Small Earthquakes - the Orinda Sequence
- Sediment Transport Equivalence Aross Scales of Bed Form
- Seismic constraints on the physical reference structure of the Earth's mantle
- Seismic imaging of the Newberry hotspot track
- Self-Formed Meanders (With Cutoffs) in a Laboratory Flume
- Space-time integration to assess ecological response to river restoration efforts
- Striped Bass Habitat use in the San Francisco Estuary Determined Using Otolith Microchemistry Techniques
- Strontium Isotopic Variations in the Koolau Volcanic Series, Oahu, Hawaii: Results from KSDP Drill Core
- Testing Model Predictions of the Evolution of Valley Spacing
- The Asthenosphere and the Horizontal Length-Scale of Mantle Convection
- The Critical Zone Exploration Network: A Tool For Understanding Earth's Weathering Engine
- The Effect of Hyperaridity and Boundary Conditions on Hillslope Soils and Geomorphology in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- The Surface Area of Continents and Oceans and the Cooling of the Earth
- The Transience Of Soil Mantled Landscapes: Quantifying Sediment Transport Processes
- The Unusual Magnetic Signature of the Hadriaca Patera Volcano
- The effects of nanometer-scale mineral structures on the magnetic remanence of silicate-hosted titanomagnetite inclusions: an electron holography study
- The influence of variable discharge on channel morphology and rates of change in an experimental meandering floodplain river
- The role of laboratory experiments in physical volcanology
- Towards Higher Resolution Global Mantle Waveform Tomography
- Towards Inverting Seismic Waveform Data for Temperature and Composition of the Earth's Upper Mantle
- Towards a High Resolution 3D Attenuation Model of the Upper Mantle
- Trace elemental and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic compositions as a method for identifying sediment sources in a major coastal estuary
- Trends in the Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Tropospheric Nitrous Oxide and Implications for the Global Budget
- Two Million Years of Desert Aerosols: Evidence for Non-Biological Isotopic Fractionation of Ca in Hyperarid Soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Two-Dimensional Turbulence of Shallow, Plane, Jets and the Development of Subaqueous Levees
- Velocity profiles and turbulent structure over the sand bed of the lower Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
- Vertical Segregation in Pyroclastic Flows
- Vesiculation Rates of Obsidian Domes Inferred From H2O Concentration Profiles
- Watershed characterization by spectral analysis of hydrological and hydrochemical time series
- 3D Radial and Azimuthal Anisotropic Structure of the North American Upper Mantle
- A Dynamical Systems Approach to Watershed Characterization
- A source representation of microseisms constrained by HV spectral ratio observations
- A unifying mechanism for hydrological responses to earthquakes
- ASF RADARSAT data reveal rates and mechanisms of contemporary surface deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area
- An assessment of surface wave and normal mode spheroidal Q models by forward modeling of Rayleigh waves
- Analyzing the Spatial Pattern of Deep-Seated Landsliding Evidence for Base Level Control, South Fork Eel River, California
- Applying the Spectral Element Method to Model 3D Attenuation in the Upper Mantle
- Array Analysis of Small-scale Mantle Heterogeneity Using PKP Precursors from Doublets
- Automated Search for Tremor in Parkfield and the Bay Area, CA.
- Automatic detection and rapid determination of earthquake magnitude by wavelet multiscale analysis of the primary arrival
- CALREF, a stable reference frame for the Northern California
- Chemical weathering rates along a steep climate gradient in the Idaho Batholith
- Climatically-Driven Changes in Bedrock Erosion Rate and Process on Semiarid to Hyperarid Hillslopes in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Comparison of Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar results from two plutons near Prince Rupert, British Columbia
- Configurational entropy and Al partitioning in silicate perovskites of the lower mantle
- Constraints on Lateral S Wave Velocity Gradients around the Pacific Superplume
- Creep on the faults of the northern San Francisco Bay Area documented by PS- InSAR
- Dating Landforms by Th-230/U on Pedogenic Carbonate: What, Where, When, and How Well?
- Decadal sediment accumulation rates on the floodplain of the Strickland River, Papua New Guinea
- Deformation of the CaIrO3 Post-Perovskite Phase to 5 GPa and 1300 K in the Multi-Anvil Press
- Diamond at Extreme Conditions
- Direct Detection of Temporal Variations in Seismic Scatterers at Seismogenic Depth Attributed to the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Distribution of Slip at the Juncture of the San Andreas and Calaveras Faults from Repeating Earthquakes
- Doing Hydrology Backwards: Inferring Landscape-Scale Rainfall and Evapotranspiration From Streamflow Time Series
- Early Detection of Eruptive Dykes Revealed by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) on Nyiragongo and Etna Volcanoes: Implications for Dyke Wedge Emplacement, Monitoring, and Risk Assessment.
- Evidence From Gravity and Topography That Actively Forming Coronae in the Beta-Atla- Themis Region of Venus are Underlain by Transient Mantle Plumes
- Evidence of off-fault deep creep from repeating seismicity along the northern Longitudinal Valley Fault in Taiwan
- Experimental determination of elasticity of iron at high pressure
- Field and Laboratory Observations of Bedrock Erosion by Granular Flows
- Full Moment Tensor Analysis of Western US Explosions, Earthquakes, Collapses, and Volcanic Events Using a Regional Waveform Inversion
- Geochemistry of Post-shield Lavas and Submarine Tholeiites from the Kea and Loa Trends of Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Geomorphic Response to Global Warming in the Anthropocene: Levee Breaches in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Watershed
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and the GRACE Satellite Gravity Mission
- High Pressure Behavior of Organic Materials and the Early Earth
- High-Resolution Synchrotron-Source FTIR measurements of hydration rinds on volcanic glasses as applied to archaeology
- How much steam is created when pyroclastic flows enter water? Does it matter?
- How to Make a Super Eruption: The Roles of Magma Supply and Crustal Structure
- Imaging Fluid Flow and Hydraulic Conductivity Using Geodetic Data
- Improvements in mode-based waveform modeling and application to Eurasian velocity structure
- Infiltration of Sand Into Gravel Riverbeds With Alternate Bar Topography
- Investigations of Sediment Pulse Morphodynamics in a Flume with Fixed Bars
- Laboratory simulation of gravel augmentation downstream of dams: the effect of hydrographs on sediment pulse dynamics
- Mantle plumes and long-lived volcanism on Mars as a result of a layered mantle
- Mechanisms of point bar growth and accretion in experimental bedload-dominated streams
- Modeled Response of the low Gradient Portions of the Fly and Strickland Rivers to Post- Glacial Sea-Level Rise
- Morphodynamic Scaling of Floodplain Tie Channel Levee Formation From Experimental Sediment-Laden Plane Jets
- Near Real-Time Regional Moment Tensor Estimation Using Italian Broadband Stations
- Neodymium and strontium isotopic composition of the Strand Fiord Basalts: Cretaceous Volcanism in the Canadian Arctic
- New methodologies for objectively extracting valley and channel networks from LIDAR data
- Nonequivalence of the octahedral site of cubic Fe3O4 magnetite
- On the anelastic contribution to the temperature dependence of lower mantle seismic velocities
- Oxygen isotopic fractionation during bacterial sulfate reduction
- Paleohydraulic Interpretations of Wave-Modified Hyperpycnal Flow Deposits
- Physically Constrained Inversion of Long-Period Seismic Waveforms: Insights on the Nature of the Transition Zone
- Postseismic Mechanisms of the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake: Constraints from InSAR.
- Postseismic deformation after the 2003 Bam, Iran earthquake from InSAR time series
- Pressure-Temperature Stability Studies of alpha-FeOOH Using X-ray Diffraction.
- Process Based Explanations for Correlations Between the Structural and Seismic Segmentation of the Cascadia Subduction Wedge
- Reality Check: Using the 1906 Simulations to Assess Performance of Northern California Networks
- Response of alternate bar topography to variation in sediment supply in gravel-bedded rivers
- Rupture Process of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake from Near-Fault Seismic and Geodetic data
- Sediment Supply and Relative Size Distribution Effects on Fine Sediment Infiltration into Immobile Gravels
- Segmentation in Episodic Tremor and Slip All Along Cascadia
- Seismic Constraints on Slab Interaction With the Transition Zone
- Seismic Velocity Gradients Across the Transition Zone
- Short Wavelength Topography on the Inner Core Boundary
- Simulations of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Scenario Earthquakes in Northern California
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of Ettringite at ambient conditions
- Stability of hcp phase and temperature variation of axial ratio of iron near Earth-core conditions
- Studying the 2003 Siberian Altai Earthquakes With InSAR and Seismology - Dextral Strike-Slip and Anticlockwise Rotations in the Northern India-Eurasia Collision Zone.
- Temperature Calibration for the Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
- Test of Innermost Inner Core Models Using Broadband Absolute PKIKP Travel Time Residuals
- The Effect of Compositional Buoyancy on the Stability of Continental Lithosphere
- The Fate of the Juan de Fuca Plate
- The Influence of Variable Discharge on the Morphology of a Model Meandering River
- The Northern California Earthquake Management System: A Unified System From Realtime Monitoring to Data Distribution
- The Oxygen Isotope Composition of Carbonate-Associated Sulfate: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Relatively New Paleoceanographic Proxy
- The Prediction of Landslide Size Using a Multi-dimensional Stability Analysis
- The equilibrium fractionation factor between CaCO3 and Ca2+ (aq): Fractionation mechanisms and diagenetic Ca isotope effects
- The evolution of a weathering profile and the rates of soil and saprolite production
- Thermal demagnetization of Martian crust by magma intrusion
- Toward Earthquake Early Warning in Northern California
- Transition Zone as a Boundary Layer
- U/Pb and Ar/Ar Dating of Latest Permian Magnetic Polarity Reversals in the Ochoan of western Texas
- Universal Recurrence Time Statistics of Characteristic Earthquakes
- Valley Formation Mechanisms and Short-Term Methane Precipitation Rates on Titan
- Viscosity of bubble- and crystal- bearing magmas: Analogue results
- Water-Vegetation Interaction in Mediterranean Climate Zones Under Global Warming
- Watershed mean residence times and travel time distributions: how accurately can they be characterized?
- Windows on Martian dynamo history: electron reflection (ER) magnetic signatures and crater retention ages of basins and volcanoes
- 2D Lattice Boltzmann conduction-advection model with phase-change: Developing a new tool to assess melting/crystallization dynamics in magma chamber.
- 3D Radial and Azimuthal Anisotropic Structure in North America
- 3D structure effects on local and near-regional seismic wave propagation in the San Francisco Bay Area
- 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Volcanic Glass
- A Real-Time CISN Test Bed for the ElarmS Early Warning Algorithm
- A fine-scale turbidity record as a view of fine bed sediment supply, transport, and dynamics
- Anisotropy in Experimentally Compressed Kaolinite-Illite-Quartz Aggregates: Microstructure, Preferred Orientation and Acoustic Velocities
- Application of ElarmS to earthquakes in Japan
- Asperities on the Hayward fault resolved by PS-InSAR, GPS and boundary element modeling
- Asymmetric motion along the San Franciso Bay Area faults. Implication for the magnitude of future seismic events
- Attenuation Tomography of Northern California and the Yellow Sea / Korean Peninsula from Coda-source Normalized and Direct Lg Amplitudes
- Binning of shallowly sampled metagenomic sequence fragments reveals that low abundance bacteria play important roles in sulfur cycling and degradation of complex organic polymers in an acid mine drainage community
- Biochemistry and Ecology of Novel Cytochromes Catalyzing Fe(II) Oxidation by an Acidophilic Microbial Community
- Calcium Isotopes in Marine Sediments and Soils: Paleoceanography, Diagenesis, and Soil Processes
- Changes in Trace Metal Cycling Driven by Sediment Redox Conditions
- Communicating Ocean Sciences to Informal Audiences (COSIA): Universities, Oceanographic Institutions, Science Centers and Aquariums Working Together to Improve Ocean Education and Public Outreach
- Concurrent Evaluation of Magma Production, Volcano Growth, and Geochemical Structure in Mantle Plumes: Hawaii Drilling Project (HSDP) Results
- Conditions Necessary to Create and Maintain Meandering Channels: Inferences From Flume Experiments
- Constraints on Lateral Variations in Temperature and Composition in the Upper Mantle From Inversion of Long Period Seismic Waveforms.
- Delineating Post-Seismic Transient Relaxation due to the Bhuj Earthquake on January 26, 2001
- Detecting change in ecological controls down drainage networks
- Detection Method of Low-Frequency Earthquakes in the Non-Volcanic Tremor Beneath the San Andreas Fault
- Did an Earthquake Trigger the Eruption of the Sidoarjo (Lusi) Mud Volcano?
- Do repeating earthquakes talk to each other?
- Does Rock Mass Strength Control the Rate of Alpine Cliff Erosion?
- Dynamic Weakening of the San Andreas Fault by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- Effects of Temperature on Ilmenite-Hematite: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties in the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia
- ElarmS and the next large earthquake in Italy
- Electron Microprobe Measurements of Nitrogen in SiC
- Evaluation of stress in high pressure radial diffraction: application to hcp Co
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Boundary Conditions of Over-Water Pyroclastic Flows
- Extracting Low Frequency Earthquakes From Tremor
- Far-Reaching Transient Motions After Mojave Earthquakes Require Broad Mantle Flow Beneath a Strong Crust
- Finite Frequency Upper Mantle Tomography Using the Spectral Element Method
- Finite-Source Modeling of Micro-earthquakes on the Parkfield Segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Five Years of Data at the Monterey Ocean Bottom Broadband Seismic Station (MOBB)
- Forward modeling of a transect of ground motion recordings of the 3 September 2000 M5.0 Napa/Yountville earthquake
- Generality of Fractal 1/f Scaling in Catchment Tracer Time Series: Implications for Catchment Travel Time Distributions
- Global Observations of Short Wavelength Topography on The Inner Core Boundary
- Global and local probability density function of non-reactive solute concentrations in heterogeneous porous formations
- Grain boundary diffusion in garnet and fast-path diffusion along diffusion channels in plagioclase: Growth of garnet reaction rims at granulite facies conditions
- Hidden Dykes detected on Ultra Long Period seismic signals at Piton de la Fournaise volcano ? Constraints on the upper reservoir pressure state since 1992.
- High Resolution Mapping and Interpretation of Channel and Floodplain Topography With a Narrow-Beam Terrestrial-Aquatic Lidar
- Illuminating Slab Remnants in the Lower Mantle Using PKP Precursors
- Imaging Mantle Convection Processes Beneath the Western USA Using the EarthScope Transportable Array
- In-situ Laser Heating and Pressure Change With Radial Diffraction to Investigate Deformation of Deep Earth Relevant Minerals
- Interpreting Seismic Constraints on 1-D Thermo-Chemical Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone: Implications for Mantle Dynamics
- Investigating the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas fault using a Maximum Likelihood Persistent Scatterer Technique
- Is it possible to crack in the absence of tension?
- Is the critical Shields stress for incipient-sediment motion dependent on channel-bed slope?
- Isotopic Exchange in Igneous Zircons
- Isotopic approach for determining the structural components of silicate liquids
- Kinetic competition during chemical and photochemical reactions at iron oxide nanoparticle surfaces
- Large-scale deformation of Tibet measured with Envisat ScanSAR interferometry
- Lattice Boltzmann model of lava lake convection and solidification
- Linking Faults: Subsurface Creep on a Contiguous Fault Structure Connecting the Hayward and Calaveras Faults
- Long-term slip rates of the Elsinore-Laguna Salada fault, southern California, by U-series Dating of Pedogenic Carbonate in Progressively Offset Alluvial fan Remnants.
- Magmatic Lensing: A Mechanism for the Growth of Large Crustal Magma Chambers
- Magmatic history of Martian highland volcanoes and Tharsis: clues from electron reflection magnetometry
- Mass and Composition of the Continental Crust Estimated Using the CRUST2.0 Model
- Measuring Moisture Dynamics in Soil and Rock Along a Steep Forested Catchment
- Microbial Energetics Beneath the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Multi-scale Quasi-periodic Rate Changes of Nonvolcanic Tremor at Cholame, CA Following the 2004 Parkfield Mainshock.
- Natural Microbial Assemblages Reflect Distinct Organismal and Functional Partitioning
- New Experimental Method for In Situ Determination of Material Textures at Simultaneous High-Pressure and -Temperature by Means of Radial Diffraction in the Diamond Anvil Cell.
- Numerical model for analyzing the effects of sediment supply on river morphology and streambed characteristics
- Observations of Infragravity Waves at the Ocean-Bottom Broadband Seismic Stations Endeavour (KEBB) and Explorer (KXBB)
- Observations of tremor using newly available seismic datasets in Cascadia
- On the body centered structure of iron at Earth Core Conditions
- Persistence and Transience in Bed Surface Texture
- Petrology, Pressures, and Temperatures Along the Mariana Sub-Forearc Slab-Mantle Interface
- Phosphorous availability influences the dissolution of apatite by soil fungi
- Physics-Based Continuous Simulation of Long-Term Near-Surface Hydrologic Response for the Coos Bay Experimental Catchment
- Postseismic deformation of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake from GPS, Gravity and InSAR data
- Predicting Structure and Function for Novel Proteins of an Extremophilic Iron Oxidizing Bacterium
- Pressure-Volume-Temperature Equation of State for alpha-FeOOH Using X-ray Diffraction
- Recalibrating ML for the California Integrated Seismic Network
- Recent Trends in USA streamflow: Implications for the Water Cycle
- Rupture of the Northern San Andreas Fault and Possible Stress Linkages to Cascadia
- Scanning for Unusual Seismicity in the Mendocino Triple Junction Region
- Sediment Supply and the Prediction of Bedrock Channel Cross Section Evolution
- Seismic Tomography and Structure of the Transition Zone
- Seismic imaging of scatterer migration using waveform data of repeating earthquakes
- Sensitivity of Carbon Inventories to Natural Climate Cycles
- Solute Generation Within Soil Pores Under Variably Saturated Conditions: A Simple Dimensionless Model
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (CZO): hydrochemical characteristics, science and measurement strategy
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: integrating water cycle and biogeochemical processes across the rain-snow transition
- Stabilizing feedbacks in-glacier bed erosion: Constraints from numerical simulations
- Status Report on the 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb Dating of Tuffs in the Dewey Lake Formation of West Texas Towards Constraining the Permo-Triassic Magnetostratigraphic Time Scale
- Structural Phase Transitions in AuIn2 at High Pressure
- Submicron-Chemical Speciation of Late Albian, Well-Preserved Fossil Samples from Tlayúa, the Mexican Solenhofen.
- Sulfur Isotopes as Indicators of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Processes Influencing Field Scale Uranium Bioremediation
- Sulfur and Oxygen isotope variability across Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Events
- Temperature Measurements and Melting of Shock-Compressed Minerals
- Tennessee Hollow Watershed in the Presidio: Science Education Partnership
- The 28th September 2004 Parkfield earthquake revisited through high-rate GPS data inversion.
- The Elastic Properties of Natural Portlandite Ca(OH)2
- The Fingerprint of Present and Past Rainfall on Soil Geochemistry
- The Impact of Climate and Boundary Conditions on Hillslope Erosion Rates in Northern Chile
- The Mechanics of Deep Tremor and Slow Slip
- The Structure of Water around Hematite Nanoparticles
- The complex evolution of transient slip revealed by precise tremor locations in western Shikoku, Japan
- Tidally-driven Fractures on Europa: Historical Overview and New Modeling Techniques
- Unraveling Molecular Mechanisms for the Unusual Fossil Preservation and Biomineralization Pathways in Tlayúa, the Mexican Solenhofen
- Velocity Contrast along the Hayward Fault From Analysis of Fault Zone Head Waves
- Watershed Restoration at Richmond, CA Field Site: Science Education Partnership
- Weathering Rates Across Natural Landscape Gradients, Measured Using Cosmogenic Radionuclides
- 3-D Isotropic and Anisotropic S-velocity Structure in the North American Upper Mantle
- A Calcium Isotope Record Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary From an Isolated Carbonate Platform in South China
- A Case Study of Stress Proxies on the Hayward Fault
- A Global Model of Mantle Convection that Incorporates Plate Bending Forces, Slab Pull, and Seismic Constraints on the Plate Stress.
- A modeling analysis of internal elastic strains in polycrystalline cobalt deformed under high pressure
- Accuracy of time-domain and frequency-domain methods used to characterize catchment transit time distributions
- Active Extension of the Messina Straits and Kinematics of Sicily and Calabria From Elastic Block Modeling of GPS Data
- Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography in the Pacific Northwest Employing Earthscope Flexible Arrays
- Analyzing the Capabilities of the ElarmS Methodology Using a Japanese Dataset
- Bed Topography and the Development of Forced Bed Surface Patches
- Boundary Condition Effects on Hillslope Form and Soil Development Along a Climatic Gradient From Semiarid to Hyperarid in Northern Chile
- Brillouin scattering in polycrystalline materials at high-pressure
- Clever Cobbles, Embedded Accelerometers: Quantifying the Internal Dynamics of Experimental Debris Flows
- Closing the Peroxy Acetyl (PA) Radical Budget: Observations of Acyl Peroxy Nitrates (PAN, PPN, and MPAN) During BEARPEX 2007
- Collecting and Using Low Latency Data at Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
- Comparative Study of Phyllosilicate Fabrics in Fault Gouge, Shale and Schist
- Comparison of the Cut-and-Paste and Full Moment Tensor Methods for Estimating Earthquake Source Parameters
- Compositional Stratification in the Upper Mantle: Seismic Evidence and Geodynamic Implications
- Connecting an Ocean-Bottom Broadband Seismometer to a Seafloor Cabled Observatory: A Prototype System in Monterey Bay
- Debris flow boundary stresses and bedrock erosion: large scale laboratory experiments
- Defining Reference Conditions for Assessing Biophysical Status of Rivers
- Deformation of MgSiO3 perovskite at high pressure using diamond anvil cells and in- situ radial diffraction
- Degree-2 in the Transition Zone and Near the CMB: Bottom up Tectonics?
- Distinct Element Modeling and Large Scale Experimental Studies on Bed Stresses due to Debris Flow
- Earthquake early warning in California: Evaluating Hardware and Software
- Erosion Rates and Debris Flow History Reconstruction: a Comparison of Carbon and Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating Techniques
- Evaluating Temporal Variations in Fault Slip-Rate and Fault Interaction in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Exploring the Rheology of Tibet from Postseismic Deformation Following Recent Large Earthquakes
- Fault Interactions in a Four-year Sequence of Large Normal-fault Earthquakes in Southwest Tibet*
- Finite-Source Inversion for the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake using 3D Velocity Model Green's Functions
- Finite-Source Study of the February 21, 2008 Mw 6.0 Wells, Nevada, Earthquake
- Fluvial Transport of Gravel in Debris Flow Cut Channels
- Frequency dependence of attenuation: new measurements from normal modes and their geophysical implications
- From Polycrystal Plasticity to Deep Earth Anisotropy
- Geochemical Characterization of Moisture Sources Supplying a Forested Ecosystem in an Unchanneled Hillslope in the Northern California Coast Range
- Geodynamics and Rate of Volcanism on Massive Earth-like Planets
- Geomorphology: the Shock of the Familiar
- Giant impacts on early Mars and the cessation of the Martian dynamo
- Glacier Dynamics Within a Small Alpine Cirque
- Global Upper Mantle Radially Anisotropic Model Developed Using the Spectral Element Method
- Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project: Objectives, Successes, Surprises and Frustrations
- Hematite-Ilmenite with Magnetite from the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia: Single Crystal Magnetic Experiments
- High Pressure Equation of State Studies Using Ethanol-Methanol And Argon As Pressure Medium
- High-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Jehol Biota
- High-pressure properties of diamond (carbon) from shock-wave experiments to 10 Mbar.
- Hillslope Hydrologic Response: Integrating Field Observations And Mathematical Modeling
- Hydrologic Dynamics During the Dry Season In a Steep Forested Catchment
- Imaging Lithospheric Discontinuities Beneath North America with Teleseismic Ps and Sp Receiver Functions
- Implications of Laser-Driven Shock Experiments for the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Improving Weather Research and Forecast model (WRF) for California Carbon Emission Inventory Study
- In Situ Determination of BCC-, FCC- and HPC-Iron Textures at Simultaneous High- Pressure and -Temperature by Means of the Resistive Heated Radial Diffraction Diamond Anvil Cell (RH-RD-DAC): Implications for the iron core.
- Inference of Shallow, Weak, and Stress-Dependent Asthenosphere at Active Continental Margins from Postseismic Observations: Confirmation of Experimental Power- Laws
- Instabilities and Small-Scale Flow in Earth's Core
- Inversion of Long Period Waveforms and SS Precursor Data for Thermal and Compositional Models of the Upper Mantle.
- Kinematic Coseismic Slip Model for the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan-Beichuan Mw 7.9 Earthquake in Sichuan, China from Joint Inversion of ALOS, Envisat and Teleseismic Data*
- Lake Chabot GPS deformation network. From tectonic deformation monitoring to calibration network.
- Long-Period Seismic Noise at the Farallon Islands: Island's Tilting due to Infragravity Waves as a Possible Source of Earth's Horizontal Hum
- Magma periodic bursts into shallow volcanic reservoir. Implication for the quantification of intruded magma volumes.
- Magmatic activity inferred from tree activity at Mt. Etna
- Mechanisms linking sediment supply and bar morphology: Results from a straight flume with alternate bars
- Mitigation of tropospheric effects on site velocities of the Bay Area Regional Deformation network
- Modeling of the Byerly's False S Phase for the Earthquakes off the Coast of Northern California
- Moment Tensors for Very Long Period Signals at Etna Volcano, Italy
- Nonvolcanic Tremor Activity in the Parkfield-Cholame region of California and the 2003 M6.5 San Simeon and 2004 M6.5 Parkfield Earthquakes
- Normal-Mode Seismology at nHz Frequencies
- On the Resolution of Radial Viscosity Structure in Modeling Long-wavelength Post-glacial Rebound Data
- On the Vertical Gradient in CO2
- Paleomagnetic stratigraphy and geochronology of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) from the Middle Atlas and Western Meseta, Morocco
- Past and Future Methane Loss From Arctic Gas Hydrate Based on Pore-Fluid Overpressure
- Postseismic Relaxation Along the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield from Continuous Seismological Observations
- Precise Relative Location of San Andreas Fault Tremors Near Cholame, CA, Using Seismometer Clusters: Slip on the Deep Extension of the Fault?
- Pressure Oscillation in Magma Chamber due to Replenishment During Volcanic Eruptions
- Rates of Extension Along the Fish Lake Valley Fault and Transtensional Deformation in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Realtime Earthquake Detection and Hazard Assessment by ElarmS Across California
- Recovering the Attenuation of Surface Waves From Noise Correlation : Synthetic Tests in a Spherically Symmetric Earth.
- Redesign of the Electronics and the Mechanical Sensor of the STS-1 Very Broadband Seismometer
- Regional 3D tomography of the upper mantle using a summed source approach
- Regional Moment Tensor Inversion for Source Type Identification
- River network extraction from LIDAR using backwards-in-time diffusion?
- Searching For The Optimal Landslide Size
- Seismic Evidence for Dilatational Source Deformation of the Yellowstone Accelerated Uplift Episode
- Seismic Evidence for Remote Triggering of Fault-Strength Changes on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield
- Seismic Imaging of Stress Transient
- Seismic evidence for overpressured subducted oceanic crust and sealing of the megathrust: Relations with ETS in Cascadia
- Smooth Crustal Models Derived from Surface Wave Dispersion Data for Waveform Tomography based on the Spectral Element Method
- Space Geodetic Imaging of Earthquake Potential in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Spatial and temporal constancy of seismic strain release along the Death Valley-Fish Lake Valley fault and Pacific-North America plate boundary strain distribution
- Stable Ca Isotopes in Tamarix aphylla Tree Rings, Death Valley, California
- Stable Oxygen isotopes in otoliths to reconstruct salmon and striped bass habitat use within the San Francisco Bay estuary
- Statistical Investigation of Slip Evolution in Kinematic Source Inversions
- Strath Terraces, Lateral Planation, and Sediment Supply
- Structural instability of FeOOH at high pressure
- Structure of Amorphous Titania Nanoparticles
- Structure of iron at Earth Core Conditions
- Subglacial drainage and morphological switching
- Subsurface Creep and Geometry of the Hayward-Calaveras Stepover
- Testing the next generation of algorithms for geomorphic feature extraction from LiDAR: a case study in the Rio Cordon Basin, Italy
- The Final Phase of Drilling of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- The Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Argon and K-Ar Based Geochronology
- The Overdeepening Hydrology of a Small Cirque Glacier in the Vermillion Range, B.C., Canada.
- Thermochronology Meets Cosmogenic Nuclides - Comparing Pleistocene Landscape Denudation and Catchement Erosion Rates
- Thirty years of stratospheric mean age tracer measurements: no observable change in the stratospheric circulation
- Tremor-tide correlations at Parkfield, CA
- Trends, seasonal cycles, and interannual variability in the isotopic composition of nitrous oxide between 1940 and 2005
- Triggering effect of M>4 earthquakes on the earthquake cycle of repeating events at Parkfield
- Uranium Association With Framboidal Pyrite and Magnetite-like Phases in Alluvial Sediments
- Uranium-series Comminution Ages of Pleistocene Sediments: Effects of Sample Pretreatment Procedures
- Water Discharge and Cirque Glacier Hydrology at West Washmawapta Glacier, British Columbia, Canada
- Waterfall erosion, rock toppling, and the formation of amphitheater-headed canyons in fractured rock
- A Seismological Portrait of the Anomalous 1996 Bardarbunga Volcano, Iceland, Earthquake (Invited)
- A framework for computing global plate velocities and exploring the parameter space of driving forces
- An alternative hypothesis for high-T 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum discordance in polyphase extraterrestrial materials
- Anisotropic domains in the North American upper mantle
- Beryllium-10 Production Rates for Late-Glacial and Holocene western Norway and Implications for Records of Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Demise
- Brillouin scattering and preferred orientation of polycrystalline MgO at high-pressure
- CISN ShakeAlert: Using early warnings for earthquakes in California
- Ca isotope fractionation accompanying precipitation of carbonate minerals from alkaline lake water
- Changes in Arctic Vegetation Amplify High-Latitude Warming Through Greenhouse Effect
- Changes in permeability caused by dynamic stresses in fractured sandstone
- Comparison of the SGS models for dynamo simulations in rotating spherical shell and plane layer model
- Comprehensive Test Ban Monitoring: Contributions from Regional Moment Tensors to Determine Source Type and Depth
- Controls on Shallow Landslide Size, Location, Shape, and Frequency
- Coseismic Kinematic Slip Model for the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan-Beichuan Mw 7.9 Earthquake in Sichuan, China from Joint Inversion of ALOS, Envisat, GPS and Teleseismic Data and Preliminary Postseismic InSAR
- Coupled calcium and carbon isotopes in the aftermath of the Permo-Triassic Extinction
- Crustal deformation and rupture processes related to upwelling of deep CO2-rich fluids during the 1965-1967 Matsushiro Earthquake Swarm in Japan: A hydromechanical model with multiphase flow
- Current Capabilities in Laser-Driven Dynamic Compression Experiments
- Deciphering the Holocene Duration of a Small Rhone Glacier, Switzerland, using in situ 10Be and 14C (Invited)
- Deep Earth Geopoetry: a Permanent Megastructure Above the Core-Mantle Boundary?
- Denali Fault Earthquake Postseismic Deformation Models (Invited)
- Detecting Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases Forcings using Shortwave CLARREO Spectra
- Detecting Land Surface and Cloud Feedbacks using Shortwave CLARREO Spectra
- Do bedrock river terraces record climate change? Evidence for episodic bedrock terrace formation due solely to meander bend growth and cutoff
- Efficient computation of NACT seismograms
- ElarmS: Big earthquakes in Japan and realtime testing in California
- Empirical Green's function waveform inversion method applied to the Parkfield SAFOD repeating earthquakes
- Evidence for and against density stratification at the top of the liquid core. (Invited)
- Evolution of Earth’s Mantle: Pathological development versus congenital abnormalities (Invited)
- Evolution of Permafrost and Gas Hydrate across the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean
- Fast Determination of Moment Tensors and Rupture History: Application to the April 6th 2009, L’Aquila Earthquake
- Forward modeling the origin of seismic anisotropy at the base of the mantle
- Full and Constrained Moment Tensor Inversions of Basal Icequakes Beneath Gornergletscher, Switzerland (Invited)
- Further improvements to a century-timescale simulation of the response of ocean sediment methane hydrates to climate change
- Geomagnetic field intensity at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary: Preliminary Results from the Widgiemooltha and Black Range Dike Swarms (Western Australia)
- Gradient Measurements of NO, NO2, Total Peroxy Nitrates, Total Alkyl Nitrates, and Nitric Acid during BEARPEX-2009
- Grain-boundary effects in Brillouin scattering at ambient and high pressure
- Gravity constraints for True Polar Wander on Mars
- Heat transfer coefficients for natural volcanic particles
- High-Pressure Elasticity and Stability of Osmium: An Analog for Iron in Earth’s Core
- How strong are lunar crustal magnetic fields at the surface? Considerations from a reexamination of the electron reflectometry technique
- Imaging and spatio-temporal analysis of turbulent mixing of hydrothermal water discharging into a river (Breitenbush Hot Springs, Oregon)
- Impacts of the 2009 Sumatran Earthquake and Its Relation to the Great Megathrust Events
- Investigating fault coupling: Creep and microseismicity on the Hayward fault
- Isotopic evolution of Hawaiian shield basalts over 4.5 million years and implications for plume structure
- Joint inversion of long period waveform and surface wave dispersion data for crust and upper mantle structure using the Spectral Element Method
- Lithospheric Discontinuities Beneath North America (Invited)
- Long-term trends and dynamical modulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide seasonality
- Magma siphoning and the mechanics of Large Igneous Province eruptions
- Magmatic activity on Super-Earths: What do we expect to see? (Invited)
- Mapping the extent of fault creep along the Hayward-Rodgers Creek-Maacama fault system using PS-InSAR
- Measurements and modeling of contemporary carbon-14 levels in the stratosphere to constrain stratospheric dynamics and the global carbon cycle
- Micro- and Nanostructures of SAFOD Core Samples - First Results
- Microstructure and Elastic Anisotropy of Shales
- Might rock moisture in shallow fractured bedrock underlying hillslopes provide vegetation resilience to future droughts?
- Modeling preferred orientation and seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle (Invited)
- Modeling the morphodynamics of the lower Mississippi River as a quasi-bedrock river (Invited)
- Network Sensitivity Solutions for Regional Moment Tensor Inversions
- Nitrogen oxide fluxes over a ponderosa pine plantation during BEARPEX-2009
- Non-volcanic tremor in Cascadia: Segmented along strike, anti-correlated with earthquakes, and offset from the locked zone
- Nonvolcanic Tremor Evolution and the San Simeon and Parkfield, California Earthquakes
- Numerical simulation of seismic Ambiant noise in the 10-50s period band using the Spectral Element Methods
- Paleomagnetic signature of the tangent cylinder (Invited)
- Plastic deformation of polycrystalline MgO up to 1250 K and 65 GPa
- Pore fluid pressures, porosity, and permeability of the Cascadia subduction zone plate boundary
- Pore geometry, avalanching, and subsurface flow: A sand infiltration model
- Postseismic deformation monitoring and modeling of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake, constrained using GPS and InSAR measurements
- Preliminary Analysis of Bankfull Width and Its Relationship to Drainage Area and Precipitation
- Progress and challenges in global mantle attenuation tomography (Invited)
- Radiative transfer through cracks on icy moons - an observable transient phenomenon?
- Relationship between Fracture Mechanics and Heat Transfer in Moulin Formation
- Remote Triggering of Fault-Strength Changes on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield (Invited)
- Robust Distributed Earthquake Monitoring with CISN software in Northern California
- Rounding of Clasts by Abrasion and Comminution in Pyroclastic Density Currents
- Seismic Anisotropy beneath Cascadia and the Mendocino Triple Junction: Interaction of the Subducting Slab with Mantle Flow
- Seismic Evidence for Dilatational Source Deformations Accompanying the 2004-2008 Yellowstone Accelerated Uplift Episode (Invited)
- Shallow fault-zone dilatancy recovery after the 2003 Bam earthquake in Iran (Invited)
- Shear Zone Localization in the Lower Crust: Rock Mechanics Experiments at 10-mm to 100-km Scales (Invited)
- Spectral Element Simulation of Waveforms Obtained by Correlation of Ambient Seismic Noise (Invited)
- Strain Accumulation Across the Messina Straits and Kinematics of Sicily and Calabria From GPS Data and Dislocation Modeling
- Stratification of the Outermost Core by Reaction with the Mantle
- Structural stability and sound velocity of Kilauea basalt glass at high pressure
- Systematic Search of Non-Volcanic Tremors Triggered by Regional Earthquakes Along the Parkfield-Cholame Section of the San Andreas Fault
- TerraSAR InSAR Investigation of Active Crustal Deformation
- The 3D Coseismic Deformation of the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi Taiwan Earthquake, Obtained from Sub-pixel Cross Correlation
- The Anomalous Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Carbon Dioxide: Photochemical Experiments, Kinetics Modeling, and Stratospheric Observations
- The Bergschrund Hypothesis Revisited
- The Birth of a Fault: the nature of deformation at Lake Pillsbury, CA
- The Crust, the Slab Gap, the LAB, and the Mantle Wedge in the Mendocino Triple Junction Region
- The Fate of Water in the Cascadia Forearc Unveiled by Teleseismic Imaging
- The Paleomagnetism and Age of the Modipe Gabbro, South Africa
- The Zebra Stripes of the Atacama Desert: Geomorphic Evidence of Quaternary Climate Changes
- The current status of earthquake early warning around the world (Invited)
- The importance of crustal corrections in global anisotropic modeling
- The role of chemistry in under-predictions of NO2 in the upper troposphere
- The snows of Juventae: Mesoscale simulation of atmospheric response to chaos formation
- Then and Now, 25 Years of Progress Using Portable Arrays: The IRIS-PASSCAL Program
- Thermal conductivity of MgO and MgSiO3 perovskite at lower mantle conditions (Invited)
- Thermal reactivation of shallow crystalline mushes, the dual role played by volatiles
- Tidal flow and dissipation in planetary cores
- Timing and duration of the Last Glacial Maximum and Termination in the western United States and Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Topographic and lithologic controls on occurrence of cobble-boulder channel beds: implications for salmonid over-wintering habitat
- Toward a 3D Global Attenuation Model in the Lower Mantle from the Earth's Free Oscillations
- Towards a continuous seismic scanning in the region of the Mendocino Triple Junction, California (Invited)
- Towards high-resolution mantle convection simulations
- Transformation and deformation textures in MgGeO3 post-perovskite: Implications for D” anisotropy
- Triggering Effect of 2004 M6 Parkfield Event on Earthquake Cycle of Small Repeating Events
- U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Butedale pluton, British Columbia
- Unique Chemical Signatures Returned by Crystallization of a Basal Magma Ocean and Constraints upon the Thermal Evolution of the Early Earth (Invited)
- Using Postseismic Geodetic Data to Constrain the Sunda Downdip Transition Zone
- Validation of 3D Ray-Theoretical and Finite-Frequency Tomographic Images of the Western U.S. Lithosphere: Comparison of Synthetic Seismograms Generated via the Spectral Element Method
- Variability in the oxygen isotope composition of sulfate in the modern open ocean (Invited)
- Variable Creep on the Concord fault from PS-InSAR and SBAS
- Volcano-seismic events during 2004-2008 at Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy): clues to the dynamics of the hydrothermal system
- Volumetric Strain Associated with S-waves
- Water discharge and glacier hydrology of West Washmawapta Glacier, British Columbia: implications for cirque glacier sediment flux
- Water-level oscillations in response to S- and Love waves
- A 2-D basin-scale methane hydrate model: equilibrium and transient sensitivity to ocean temperature. (Invited)
- A Dynamic Tree Approach to Environmental Transport on Hillslopes
- A lattice-Boltzman model for noble gas diffusion
- A stratified layer of light elements at the top of the outer core
- An Experiment to Test Geophysical Methods For Monitoring Fluid Re-Injection at the Wairakei Geothermal Field, New Zealand
- Application of PSI to Investigate the Berkeley Hills Landslides
- Berkeley Sensor Database, an Implementation of CUAHSI's ODM for the Keck HydroWatch Wireless Sensor Network
- CISN ShakeAlert: Progress Toward Using Early Warnings for Earthquakes in California
- CISN ShakeAlert: The Decision Module for Earthquake Alerts
- Ca-Mg-Sr-Nd Isotopes in Granitic Rocks of the Lhasa Terrane, Southern Tibet
- Characterization and Modeling of a Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological Experimental Facility at DUSEL
- Climate Change Time-to-Detection Simulations using IPCC Models for Shortwave Forcings and Feedbacks
- Constraining Three-dimensional Anelastic Structure of the Lower Mantle from Earth's Free Oscillation
- Continuous Source Monitoring: the Hyatt Power Plant Generators
- Controls on the weathering front depth on hillslopes underlain by mudstones and sandstones
- Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research (CIDER): Contributions to Education (Invited)
- Coupled evolution of magma chambers and flow in conduits during large volcanic eruptions
- Crust and Upper mantle heterogeneity in the Mendocino Triple Junction from teleseismic P-to-S scattered waves
- Dauphine Twinning in Quartz: An Indicator of Deformation Conditions
- Deep Crustal Structure beneath Large Igneous Provinces and the Petrologic Evolution of Flood Basalts
- Deformation of MgSiO3 Post-Perovskite and D'' Anisotropy
- Design, Construction and Calibration of a Near-Infrared Four-Color Pyrometry System for Laser-Driven High Pressure Experiments
- Developing Regional Seismological Reference Models for Mineral Physics Interpretations
- Distinct Element Modeling of Dry and Wet Bouldery Debris Flows
- Earthquake Early Warning: Tools for System Assessment
- Field Observations of Supraglacial Streams on the Juneau Icefield
- Flow Focusing in Layered Ocean Sediments
- Flux-gradient relationships of nitrogen oxides over a ponderosa pine plantation during BEARPEX-2009
- Fractured Bedrock Storm Flow: a New Pathway for Runoff Generation
- Global Inventory of Methane Hydrate: How Large is the Threat? (Invited)
- Heterogeneous lower mantle shear attenuation from ScS-S differential t* measurements via instantaneous frequency
- Homogeneous crystal-rich vs. zoned crystal-poor ignimbrites: how much strain accumulates in large magma reservoirs between a new magma recharge and eruption? (Invited)
- How do rocks of very different properties erode at the same rate: Erosion rates of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero escarpment, Brazil, derived from cosmogenic nuclides
- Impact demagnetization at the moon and Mars: new results from hydrocode simulations and multiple altitude magnetic field data
- India Plate Motion, Intraplate deformation and Plate Boundary Processes (Invited)
- Inevitability of low-latitude melting on Mars: implications for the sedimentary record
- Influence of the global LVZ on the tectonic style of a terrestrial planet
- Insights from GRACE and GPS data on the seismic cycle and mantle rheology (Invited)
- Investigating Vaporization of Silica through Laser Driven Shock Wave Experiments
- Investigation of a stratificication due to the light element from CMB using a numerical simulation in a rotating spherical shell
- Joint Inversion of Seismic and Geodetic Data for the Source of the 4th March 2010 MW 6.3 Jia-Shian, SW Taiwan, Earthquake
- Laser-Driven Shock Studies of Precompressed CO2 in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Salton Trough/Gulf of California Region from Sp Receiver Functions
- Long-wave radiative forcing due to mineral dust aerosol
- Low-temperature deformation in calcite veins of SAFOD core samples (San Andreas Fault) - microstructural analysis and implications for fault strength
- Mantle plume interactions and the spacing of Tharsis and Elysium on Mars
- Mechanical constraints on inversion of co-seismic geodetic data for fault slip and geometry
- Micro-topography controls on incipient motion in very steep, ephemeral streams
- Microplate kinematics, strain accumulation and geodetic fault slip rates along the Sicily-Calabria segment (southern Italy) of the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary from the analysis and modeling of dense GPS networks
- Mid Latitude Afforestation Shifts General Circulation and Tropical Precipitation
- Moderate Ruptures at a Megathrust Segment Boundary: The MW 7.2-7.3 Simeulue Earthquakes of 2002, 2008, and 2010
- Moment Magnitudes of Small to Moderate Size Regional Events from Coda in the Middle East
- Morphodynamics of supraglacial streams (Invited)
- NOx Chemical Sinks in the Upper Troposphere
- New Insights Into Decratonization Beneath Northeastern China From the Joint Inversion of Body and Surface Waves (Invited)
- Non-Hydrostatic Studies on High-Pressure Iron Analog Osmium
- Objective Delineation of River Bed Surface Patches from High-Resolution Spatial Grain Size Data
- On the Generation of the Earth's low Frequency "Hum" Through non-Linear Interactions Between Atmosphere, Ocean and Solid Earth (Invited)
- On the origin of seismic anisotropy at the base of the mantle (Invited)
- Onset, Persistence and Structure of the Magnetic Field in the Early Earth (Invited)
- Ozone Production in the Southern San Joaquin Valley: A NOx Perspective
- Preferred Orientation and Anisotropy of Clay minerals and Pores in Posidonia Shales
- Rapid Estimates of Postseismic Slip from GPS Data in Northern California
- Recharge Along a Steep Hillslope
- Rhelogical constraints on ridge formation on Icy Satellites
- Seismic Constraints on Fault-Zone Rheology from Repeating Earthquakes at Parkfield, California
- Shallow triggering of explosive volcanic eruptions
- Simulating the response of ocean sediment methane hydrates to climate change
- Slip distribution of the Aril 14, 2010 Mw 6.9 Yushu (Qinghai, China) earthquake constrained using InSAR observations
- Solution composition-dependence of the Ca isotope composition of inorganic calcite
- Sound velocity and density of Kilauea basalt glass at high pressure
- Spectral Forcing and Feedback Signals in IPCC Simulations: Simulations of Next-Generation Observing Systems
- Spin crossover and iron-rich silicate melt in the Earth's deep mantle (Invited)
- Stability of the Ice-Hydrogen Interface at Giant Planet Core Boundary Conditions
- Stratification of Azimuthal Anisotropy in the North American Craton (Invited)
- Strength of diamond at high pressure from shock wave experiments
- Structure Function Analysis of Scaling in Water Vapor Observations from AIRS
- Sulfide Oxidation across Diffuse Flow Zones of Hydrothermal Vents
- Surface Kinetic Model for the Fractionation of Trace Elements and Isotopes in Calcite Precipitated from Aqueous Solution
- Tectonics and Unroofing of the Santa Cruz Mountains, California, from Low-Temperature Thermochronology and Catchment-Averaged 10Be-Derived Denudation Rates (Invited)
- Temporal patterns of slip rate on the Little Lake fault, eastern California shear zone, from terrestrial lidar, cosmogenic radionuclides, and InSAR analysis (Invited)
- The Askja volcano eruption in 1875 - where did all the water come from? (Invited)
- The ambient noise and earthquake surface wave tomography of the North China Craton
- The importance of downstream bed surface coarsening in predicting the wave of incision in response to a sudden base level drop at the mouth of a river: the Holocene Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA
- The influence of solution stoichiometry on surface-controlled Ca isotope fractionation during Ca carbonate precipitation from Mono Lake, California
- The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary and cratonic lithospheric layering beneath stable North America (Invited)
- The non-mass-dependent oxygen isotopic composition of CO2 in the stratosphere and laboratory: Evidence for another anomalous kinetic isotope effect beyond ozone formation?
- Tidal triggering of LFEs near Parkfield, CA
- Topographic effects on run-out distance and liftoff of pyroclastic density currents
- Toward a Joint Inversion for Global Mantle Shear Velocity and Discontinuity Topography by Incorporating SS Precursor Waveforms into NACT
- Toward global waveform tomography of the whole mantle using SEM: Efficient simulation of the global wavefield using a homogenized crust
- Towards a Realtime Detection of Small to Tsunamigenic Earthquakes Using a Continuous Moment Tensor Inversion
- Transport, deposition, and liftoff in laboratory density currents composed of hot particles in air
- Uncertainty analysis in global aerosol size distribution and composition using ensemble based data assimilation
- Using simultaneously curvelet filters and SEM simulation of seismic ambient noise : a possible way to improve ambient noise tomography
- Validating 3D Seismic Velocity Models Using the Spectral Element Method
- 'Super-Parameterization' - a Better Way to Simulate Regional Extreme Precipitation?
- A Multi-Method Experiment to Investigate Geyser Dynamics: Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- A Source Scaling Comparison for Selected Japanese Earthquake Sequences
- Ab Initio Simulations of Superionic Water Ice in Giant Planet Cores
- Ab Initio Simulations of the Interiors of Gas Giant Exoplanets
- Airborne LIDAR: high resolution shallow water bathymetric mapping
- Apparent Stress of the M5.8 Mineral, Virginia Sequence and Comparison with Other Crustal Sequences using the Coda Ratio Methodology
- Aseismic Slip, Repeating Earthquakes and Fault Interaction in the Loma Prieta Aftershock Zone
- Automation of high-frequency sampling of environmental waters for reactive species
- Autonomous Sensing of Particulate Inorganic Carbon Dynamics
- Boundary Stresses due to Impacts from Dry Granular Flows
- CISN ShakeAlert: Decision Module Enhancements for Earthquake Alerts
- CISN ShakeAlert: Using early warnings for earthquakes in California
- Carbon Flux Explorer observations of ocean carbon sedimentation
- Characterizing Slow Slip Events on the Hayward Fault from Two Decades of SBAS-InSAR Data
- Climate destabilization on tidally locked exoplanets
- Communication between multiple large earthquakes at different spatial scales across and beyond the Tibetan Plateau
- Complex Ruptures of Large Earthquakes Imaged by ALOS L-band SAR with Other Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Constraints on ocean biogeochemistry during the end-Guadalupian biotic crisis from stable calcium isotopes
- Controls on banded pumice and enclave formation during magma mixing
- Convective Dynamics in Planetary Dynamo Models and the Secondary Role of Magnetic Fields
- Convective momentum transport and its parameterization
- Crystallization of a basal magma ocean recorded by Noble Gases
- Determination of Interfacial Free Energy of Goethite Nanoparticles using Diffraction-based Method
- Dryout of a Steep Hillslope During Periods of Extended Seasonal Drought
- Dynamics of Bubble Ascent in Mud Volcanoes
- Early stages of carbonate mineralization revealed from molecular simulations: Implications for biomineral formation
- Ecoclimate Teleconnections: Remote Control of the Mid-Holocene Green Sahara
- Effects of anisotropy and fabric development on convection in ice Ih mantles
- Effects of fluids on faulting within active fault zones - evidence from drill core samples recovered during the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) drilling project
- Effects of rotation on mantle dynamics and lower mantle mass anomalies
- Evidence for unexpected peroxy nitrates and their atmosphere-biosphere exchange
- Feedbacks Between Inner Core Freezing, Melting, and Evolution of the F-Layer
- Field observations of particle impacts by debris flows and debris floods on instrumented rock samples
- Fluid Focusing in Compacting Marine Sediments: Implications on the Age and Spatial Extent of the Methane Source for Gas Hydrates
- Free-Surface Vanishing Traction Effects on Shallow Sources
- From magma to ash: Generating pyroclast populations during the Halema'uma'u eruptions from Kilauea, 2008-2011.
- Full Moment Tensor Analysis at The Geysers Geothermal Field
- Gadolinium Gallium Garnet at Multi-Megabar Pressures
- Global Tranport of Radon and Methyl iodide in a Cloud-Resolving Global Climate Model
- Global azimuthal anisotropy structure of the upper mantle
- Global dust simulations in the multiscale modeling framework
- Heterogeneity in Light and Water Availability Drives Sap Flow Patterns in Steep Terrain
- Heterogeneous lower mantle shear attenuation from ScS-S differential t* measurements via instantaneous frequency under Central America
- Hierarchical structure of river networks revisited
- High Pressure Elastic Constants of High-Pressure Iron Analog Osmium
- How the interior viscosity structure of a terrestrial planet controls plate driving forces and plate tectonics
- Imaging 3D anisotropic upper mantle shear velocity structure of Southeast Asia using seismic waveform inversion
- Imaging of Bioreduced Sediment: Tc(IV/VII) and Fe(II/III) redox kinetics and DTPA as a conservative tracer
- Impacts of organic nitrate chemistry on NOx and O3 in California: Model results and comparisons to observations
- Inertial effects during outgassing and implications for the effusive-explosive transition
- Internal Deformation of a Rapidly Exhuming Orogenic Wedge in a Paleozoic Microplate-Continent Collision, NW Argentina
- Interpretation of seismic signals at Lone Star Geyser in the context of surface activity using visible and infrared video
- Investigation of Aerosol Radiative Forcing with Multi-Wavelength Data Assimilation
- Investigation of roles of subgrid scale (SGS) terms in dynamo simulations in a rotating spherical shell
- Is Tibetan Crust Hot?
- Joint Seismic and Geodetic Analysis of the 2009 Padang, Sumatra Intraslab Earthquake
- Large extensional shallow crustal aftershocks on previously unknown faults triggered by the 2010 Maule earthquake, Chile
- Lattice thermal conductivity of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite and post-perovskite at the core-mantle boundary
- Lithosphere-asthenosphere structure beneath the United States from joint inversion of body waves, surface waves, and receiver functions
- Lithospheric Control on Spatial Patterns of Active Faulting in the Southeastern Sierra Nevada, California
- Lithospheric and thermal structure of the Moon from gravity and topography
- Long-wave radiative forcing due to desert dust
- Measuring thermal conductivity at high pressure and temperature in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- Microscopic framework for modeling the co-dependence of calcite growth kinetics and impurity uptake
- Moment Tensor Inversion of the Mw 5.8 May 16 2010 Deep Earthquake in Puerto Rico
- Networks within networks: floods, droughts, and the assembly of algal-based food webs in a Mediterranean river
- New Lakes in the Taklimakan Desert
- Observational constraints on projections of the ozone response to NOx controls in the Southern San Joaquin Valley
- On the Seasonal Variations Of Stable Water Isotopic Composition Over The Asian Monsoon Region
- On the importance of lowermost mantle melt in the long term evolution of the Earth
- Periodic flow instabilities during Lone Star Geyser (YNP) eruptions, as deduced from acoustic measurements
- Probing the Deep Rheology of Tibet: Constraints from the 2008 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.9 Wenchuan, China Earthquake
- Progress in understanding U(IV) products of biological uranium reduction in the Old Rifle, CO aquifer
- Quantitative Comparison of the Variability of Simulated and Observed Hyperspectral Solar Radiance
- Quantitative textural analysis of phenocryst zoning patterns
- Quantum Monte Carlo Computations of Phase Stability, Equations of State, and Elasticity of High-Pressure Silica
- Radiogenic calcium isotopes in granites from the Lhasa-region, Tibet: limits on magmatic contributions to crustal thickening during collision
- Rapid detection of great earthquakes using moment tensors: the example of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Refining Upper Mantle Structure in the North American continent using Spectral Element method
- Refining the Late Quaternary Paleomagnetic Secular Variation record in the Mediterranean Region as a Chronologic Tool for Marine Geology Investigations
- Reorientation Timescales and Pattern Dynamics for Titan's Dunes: Does the Tail Wag the Dog or the Dragon?
- Reorientation of Vesta: Gravity and Tectonic Predictions
- S and P Travel-time Curves: Using Elemental Data for Direct Characterization of CMB Heterogeneity
- Scaling of water vapor in the meso-gamma (2-20km) and lower meso-beta (20-50km) scales from tall tower time series
- Seismic and hydrologic properties of the subducted oceanic crust in Cascadia
- Seismological Constraints on Deep Mantle Processes
- Shallow Fault-zone Dilatancy Recovery after the 2003 Bam, Iran Earthquake from Eight Years of InSAR
- Small-scale Lateral Variations of S670S Characteristics at Okhotsk Sea Observed on the US Transportable Array
- Source Scaling and Ground Motion of the 2008 Wells, Nevada, earthquake sequence
- Source of temperature plateaus upon heating and cooling in laser-heated diamond-cell experiments
- Spatially varying upper mantle of eastern China caused by Pacific Plate subduction: constraints from body-wave tomography and SKS wave splitting measurements
- Streamflow Response to the 2010 M8.8 Maule Earthquake
- Stress State and Bending Dissipation in Subducting Lithosphere
- Strong Rocks and Weak Faults in the Lower Crust of California
- Texture and Anisotropy of Shales from The Officer Basin, Western Australia
- Texture development in FeO across the cubic to rhombohedral phase transition
- The Cooling History of Obsidian Lavas as Recorded by Compositional Gradients Surrounding Spherulites
- The February 21, 2011 Mw 6.3 Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake - a Shallow Deadly Rupture Triggered by a High Stress Drop Blind Fault, Inferred from InSAR and Static Stress Modeling
- The High Conductivity of Iron and Thermal Evolution of the Earth's Core
- The Rotational Stability of a Convecting Earth: New Theory and Applications to Paleomagnetically-Inferred TPW Over the Past 100 Myr
- The Seismic Structure of the Mantle Wedge under Cascade Volcanoes
- The effect of fines and grain size distribution on pore fluid pressure, shear rate and bulk flow resistance in large scale experimental debris flows
- The frequency dependence of friction in experiment, theory, and observations of low frequency earthquakes
- The influence of sediment supply on bar-pool morphology in a laboratory meander
- The onset of the geomagnetic field as predicted by core evolution models
- Theoretical scaling law for heat transfer by quasi-geostrophic convection
- Time-Lapse Monitoring for Detection of Transient Stress Changes in Geysers Geothermal Field
- Time-resolved Study of Early-stage Formation of Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticles in Simulated Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Solutions
- Topographically driven predictions for river food webs: responses to land cover and climate change
- Topography of Earth's Inner Core Boundary
- Topology of the Mantle Abyssal Layer; Superplumes Big and Small
- Toward global waveform tomography with the SEM: Improving upper-mantle images
- Tracing the Origins of Coarse Sediment in Steep Mountain Catchments
- Trends in the relative contributions of microbial N<SUB>2</SUB>O production processes
- Uncertainty across the CMIP5 ensemble of climate projections: Connecting cause and effect
- Uranium-series Comminution Ages for Dating Detrital Sediments: Investigating the Methodological Underpinnings
- Why do gravel bed rivers meander?
- a Model for - America Interactions in the Middle Cenozoic, and the 37-25 MA Flat Slab Episode in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes
- 3-D Seismic Velocity Structure of the Hawaii Hotspot from Joint Inversion of Body Wave and Surface Wave data
- A Bayesian transdimensional algorithm for earthquake location and 1D velocity model determination
- A Numerical Study of Pore Fluid and Gas Migration Patterns Within Arctic Shelf Sediments Associated With Relict Off-Shore Permafrost
- A look deep inside the a hillslope reveals a structured heterogeneity of isotopic reservoirs and distinct water use strategies for adjacent trees
- A new method for subsampling large InSAR data sets
- A theory for Rayleigh damping in the free troposphere
- A three-step Maximum-A-Posterior probability method for InSAR data inversion of coseismic rupture with application to four recent large earthquakes in Asia
- Ab initio Calculations of Iron's Solubility in Metallic Hydrogen in Giant Planet Interiors
- Ab initio calculations of elastic constants of plagioclase feldspars
- Accurately resolving PIC and POC from autonomous floats
- Al-tobermorite in Pyroclastic Rock-Seawater Environments: 1963-1967 Surtsey Tephra and 2000-year-old Roman Baianus Sinus Harbor Concrete
- All-Electron Path Integral Simulations of Warm, Dense Matter: Application to Water and Carbon
- Altitudinal increase in size of sediment shed from slopes revealed by tracer thermochronometry
- An 'Older Little Ice Age' ~3 kyr ago? Evidence from mountain glaciers in northern mid-latitudes
- Anisotropic Shear-wave Velocity Structure of East Asian Upper Mantle from Waveform Tomography
- Azimuthal anisotropy layering and plate motion in the Pacific Ocean
- Basin-wide heat transport induced by earthquakes
- CISN ShakeAlert: Beta Test Users Receive Earthquake Early Warning Alerts and Provide Feedback for Improving Alert Delivery
- CISN ShakeAlert: Decision Module Enhancements for Earthquake Alerts
- CISN ShakeAlert: Next Generation ElarmS
- Characterization of Mineral Assemblages in Ancient Roman Maritime Concrete with Synchrotron X-ray Techniques
- Characterizing CO2 induced frame alteration using low-frequency shear wave measurements: Laboratory investigation of a representative sandstone
- Consolidation state of marine sediments west of Martinique, Lesser Antilles volcanic arc: preliminary geotechnical analyses from IODP Expedition 340
- Core (M)HD: the surprisingly weak influence of magnetic fields in geodynamo simulations
- Counterintuitive effects of substrate roughness on PDCs
- Coupling a landslide susceptibility model and a ground water model for predicting the timing of shallow landsliding
- Creep Transients and Fault Interaction from Repeating Earthquakes Near San Juan Bautista, California
- Crustal Structure Improvement for the Caucasus Region
- Crustal thickening drives arc front migration
- Detection of the Lehmann discontinuity across the Pacific by SS precursors recorded at USArray
- Development of a Broadband VIS/NIR Reflectivity Diagnostic for Dynamic Shock Compression Experiments
- Development of weathering profile of a forest hillslope in clay-rich sedimentary system
- Direct observation of phase transitions: in situ diffraction measurements at the crystal scale
- Direct observations of flow path evolution during reactive transport in porous media using clinical nuclear imaging tomography
- Diverse Propagation Characteristics of Tremor Episodes along the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone and Implications for a Migrating Slip Pulse
- Dynamic chemistry in the perched groundwater flowing through weathered bedrock underling a steep forested hillslope, north California
- Effects of thermal quenching on the breakup of pyroclasts
- Electrochemical response of a biofilm community to changes in electron-acceptor redox potential elucidated using microbial fuel cells
- Episodic Tremor as Indicators of Slow-slip Events (SSE) at Parkfield, California
- Evidences for a more restricted Icelandic Ice cap re-advance after the Bølling warming period
- Evolution of magma textures during deformation: Insights from in situ X-ray tomography experiments
- Experimental Determination of Sr partitioning and Ca Isotope Fractionation in the CaSO4-NaCl-H2O system
- Extreme chemistry: Megabar shocks in precompressed Nitrogen
- Flat underthrusting of Indian lithosphere beneath Tibet
- Flotation Experiments with Seafloor-Sampled Pumice Lapilli, IODP 340 - Preliminary Results
- Free subduction dynamics of a thermo-mechanical slab with non-linear rheology
- Full Moment Tensor Analysis Using First Motion Data at The Geysers Geothermal Field
- GPS Instrumentation and Remote Sensing Study of Slow Moving Landslides in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Hills, California, USA
- General scaling behavior in Rayleigh-Bénard convection with and without rotation
- Groundbreaking constraints on emissions from GEO-CAPE: case studies of CH4, NH3, SO2 and NO2
- Growth of the inner core by snowfall
- Heat flow in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell and the thermal conductivity of iron-bearing oxides and silicates at lower mantle pressures and temperatures
- Hydrogen-oxygen compounds at megabar pressures
- Identification and quantification of individual chemical compounds in biogenic secondary organic aerosols using GCxGC-VUV/EI-HRTOFMS
- Imaging the complex Farallon subduction system with USArray derived joint inversion of body waves and surface waves
- Improving on mass flow rate estimates of volcanic eruptions
- In-situ physical properties of submarine slides along the Lesser Antilles Arc derived from rock physics models
- Intensified Plant Activity Following the 2010 M8.8 Maule Earthquake
- Intercalibration of multiple thermochonometric systems at the Little Devil's Postpile contact aureole
- Inversion of Receiver Functions without Deconvolution
- Investigating Fault Slip and Rheology Along the San Andreas Fault in the San Juan Bautista Region
- Investigating the translation of Earth's inner core
- Keep your Sox on: Community genomics-directed isolation and microscopic characterization of the dominant subsurface sulfur-oxidizing bacterium in a sediment aquifer
- Late Cenozoic Deformation of the Kuqa Foreland Basin Revealed by Aapatite (U-Th)/He and 4He/3He Thermochronometry
- Late Miocene tilting of the Resting Spring Range, California, with implications for mechanisms of crustal extension
- Liquid-liquid separation explains "non-classical" behavior during calcium carbonate crystallization
- Long-wave radiative forcing due to dust aerosols: observations and climatology comparisons
- Looking at Dauphiné twins in vein quartz from the High-Ardenne slate belt as a potential paleostress indicator
- Low Velocities in the Oceanic Upper Mantle and Their Relation to Plumes: New Insights From SEM-based Waveform Tomography
- Magnetotelluric Sensor Development for Planetary Subsurface Exploration
- Mapping Deep Low Velocity Zones in Alaskan Arctic Coastal Permafrost using Seismic Surface Waves
- Metagenomic Reconstruction of a Microbial Community from a CO<SUB>2</SUB>-driven Geyser
- Modeling Breadcrust Bombs to Better Understand Their Transportation Mechanisms and Thermal History
- Molecular energetic calculations predict nanocrystal growth via oriented aggregation
- Moment Tensors and their Uncertainties for M3 Earthquakes in the Geysers, California, from Waveform Modeling and First Motions
- Multi-Dimensional Shallow Landslide Stability Analysis Suitable for Application at the Watershed Scale
- Near real-time noise removal for the Monterey Ocean Bottom Broadband (MOBB) seismic station data
- New P-wave Velocity Images of the Lowermost Mantle from a Bayesian Inversion of PKP, PcP, and P4KP Differential Travel Times
- Observations of Anisotropy in the Vicinity of LLSVP Boundaries in the Deep Mantle
- Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Effects in Soil Water via Cations Adsorbed to High-CEC Clays
- Paleointensity during periods of rapid reversal: A Case Study from the Middle Jurassic Shamrock Batholith, Nevada
- Plate motions: Simpler than they look
- Probing the Deep Rheology of Tibet: Constraints from the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan, China Earthquake
- Prospects for projecting the impact of Earth system processes on Integrated Assessment
- Rapid late Quaternary slip on the San Andreas fault zone in the Coachella Valley and the distribution of slip across the Pacific-North America plate boundary
- Real-time GPS Strategies for Rapid Response Applications
- Real-time magnitude estimation and rapid fault characterization with GPS data for Earthquake Early Warning applications
- Reconciling geophysical and geochemical observations to understand craton lithosphere architecture
- Regional climate control of glaciers in New Zealand and Europe during the pre-industrial Holocene
- Rock-moisture dynamics in a hillsope underlain with weathered and fractured argillite
- Role of temperature differences between surface and deep reservoirs in geyser dynamics: Insights from laboratory experiments
- Self-consistent Modeling of Elastic Anisotropy in Shale
- Simulating reservoir operations in California for use in a coupled land-surface and human impacts model (CLM-HUM)
- Simultaneous data assimilation of CO2 and meteorological variables within LETKF coupled with NCAR CAM model
- Slow-downs and speed-ups of India-Eurasia convergence since ~20 Ma: Data-noise, uncertainties and dynamic implications
- Solid phases of FeSi to 45 GPa and 2500 K
- Source evolution and longevity of the Lusi mud eruption, Indonesia
- Source-Type Identification Analysis Using Regional Seismic Moment Tensors
- Species differences in evergreen tree transpiration at daily, seasonal, and interannual timescales
- Spectral-element global waveform tomography: A second-generation upper-mantle model
- Subgrid-scale buoyancy in convection-driven dynamo simulations in a rotating spherical shell
- Surface Slip During Large Owens Valley Fault Earthquakes
- Systematic Behavior of the Non-dipole Magnetic Field during the 32 ka Mono Lake Excursion
- Texture and shape preferred orientation in mylonites developed under a complex kinematic frame: the Lalín-Forcarei thrust (NW Iberian Massif, Spain)
- The Inverse Homogeneization: Incorporating Discontinuities in Smooth Full Waveform Inversion Models
- The Role of Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Science for a Sustainable Energy Future
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory: Landslide-wide kinematics revealed by combining satellite and airborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar with continuous GPS observations
- The dynamics of an experimental gravel bed meander with constant discharge and sediment supply
- The stable isotope composition of transpired water and the rate of change in leaf water enrichment in response to variable environments
- Three-Dimensional Velocity Structure of The Geysers Geothermal Field, CA, USA
- Time Resolved Nucleation and Growth of Monodisperse FeOOH Nanoparticles Observed in situ
- Titan North Polar Lake Hydrology from SAR Stereo Topography
- Towards a global 3D upper mantle attenuation model using SEM
- Towards a spatially and temporally constant Karakorum fault slip rate
- Understanding the sensitivity of the Particulate Inorganic Carbon sensor to major particle phases
- Using <SUP>137</SUP>Cs to Trace Soil Redistribution by Overland Flow in Qilian Mountains, N.W. China
- Using Smartphones to Detect Earthquakes
- Weakly-rotating Convective Dynamos: Application to Uranus and Neptune
- Web Services and Other Enhancements at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- What Really Lies Beneath? Defying Conventional Geophysical Inversion and new Observations From the Crust to the Core
- 3D surface flow kinematics derived from airborne UAVSAR interferometric synthetic aperture radar to constrain the physical mechanisms controlling landslide motion
- A large-scale study of CAPE-based mass-flux closures and precipitation
- A nonmagnetic differentiated planetary body (Invited)
- Adapting ElarmS Earthquake Early Warnings for Cascadia: Development and Testing of ShakeAlerts in the Pacific Northwest
- Ambient Seismic Noise Monitoring for Stress-Induced Changes in Geysers Geothermal Field, California
- Anisotropy of the Juan de Fuca plate: Slab gaps and asthenospheric entrainment
- Antarctic Peninsula exhumation and landscape development investigated by low-temperature detrital thermochronometry
- Application of Seismic Array Processing to Earthquake Early Warning
- Autonomous Particle Recognition and Analysis of Carbon Flux Explorer Imagery
- Azimuthal anisotropy layering in the Pacific upper mantle
- Basin-scale transport of heat and fluid induced by earthquakes
- Booting Up Plate Tectonics: Feedbacks Between Mantle Viscosity, The Wavelength of Mantle Convection, and the Mode of Planetary Tectonics
- Burst, background, and triggered low-frequency earthquakes and non-volcanic tremors
- Characterization and modeling of earthquake source processes at the Geysers geothermal field
- Chronostratigraphy of the terrestrial Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary interval in Northeastern Montana
- Collaborative Investigation of Remotely Triggered Tremor and Earthquakes in Latin America
- Compression behavior and phase transition of MgO - revisited with Quantum Monte Carlo simulations
- Constructing a starting 3D shear velocity model with sharp interfaces for SEM-based upper mantle tomography in North America
- Contemporary vertical uplift and modulation of seismicity due to groundwater removal in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California
- Creep Variability and Seismicity at the Junction of the Calaveras and San Andreas Faults
- Deep vs. shallow expressions of continental cratons: Can cratonic roots be destroyed by subduction?
- Deformation and seismic anisotropy of silicate post-perovskite in the Earth's lowermost mantle
- Domes, pits and small chaos on Europa produced by water sills
- Double Ridges on Europa Accommodate Some of the Missing Surface Contraction
- Dynamics of Bubbles and Particles in Mud Volcanoes
- Efficient Mean Field Variational Algorithm for Data Assimilation (Invited)
- Estimating gas escape through taliks in relict submarine permafrost and methane hydrate deposits under natural climate variation
- Evidences of a Lithospheric Fault Zone in the Sicily Channel Continental Rift (Southern Italy) from Instrumental Seismicity Data
- Experimental development of low-frequency shear modulus measurements during flow-through CO2 induced dissolution
- Extreme rotating convection experiments and implications for modeling the dynamo
- Fast geodetic strain-rates in eastern Sicily (southern Italy): new insights into block tectonics and seismic potential in the area of the great 1693 earthquake
- Flow paths inside a hillslope (Invited)
- From Demonstration System to Prototype: ShakeAlert Beta Users Provide Feedback to Improve Alert Delivery
- Further constraints on the Ultra-Low Velocity Zone beneath the north-central Pacific
- GOCE satellite gravity gradients: a new probe into the Earth's mantle
- Geyser preplay and eruption in a laboratory model with a bubble trap
- Glaciation and topographic evolution of the Central Patagonian Andes since 6 Ma
- High-Pressure Studies on Iron Analogs with Application to Planetary Cores
- Holiday CO2: Inference from the Salt Lake City data
- How Fast do Microbes Consume Organic Matter in Marine Sediments?
- Imaging the West Bohemia Seismic Zone
- Investigating Fault Slip Budget in the Cocos Subducting Plate from Characteristically Repeating Earthquake Activity
- Investigating the low-frequency earthquake and non-volcanic tremor system
- Investigation of Seismic Events associated with the Sinkhole at Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana
- Isotope fractionation by multicomponent diffusion (Invited)
- Isotropic and anisotropic shear velocity model of the NA upper mantle using EarthScope data
- Lava Flows Cooling: The initial hypothesis
- Low temperature thermochronometric constraints on exhumation and landscape evolution of the eastern Lhasa block, southern Tibet
- Low velocities in the oceanic upper mantle and their relation to plumes: insights from SEM-based waveform tomography
- M9 Megathrust Earthquake Cycles
- Magnetic Structure of Goethite α-FeOOH: A Neutron Diffraction Study
- Meander Formation in Supra-glacial Streams
- Microscopic Evidence for a dense liquid phase of calcium carbonate (Invited)
- Midlatitude Storm Potential in a Changing Climate
- Monitoring moisture dynamics in weathered, fractured bedrock
- Multiple redox states of multiheme cytochromes may enable bacterial response to changing redox environments
- New slip rate estimates for the Mission Creek strand of the San Andreas fault zone
- Normal Modes: Investigating Signal and Noise Phenomena Across Instrument Types and Deployment
- Observations of atmospheric methyl peroxy nitrate during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry experiment
- On the Temperature Dependence of Organic Reactivity, Ozone Production, and the Impact of Emissions Controls in San Joaquin Valley California
- Organic carbon sequestration in soils and sediments along the land-ocean continuum of the Fly River, Papua New Guinea
- Parameterizing large-scale dynamics with the weak pressure gradient approximation
- Planet Within a Planet: Implications of Principal Component Analysis of Global Tomographic Models
- Probing Shock Compressed Silicon Metallization using VIS/NIR Reflectivity
- Probing the Deep Rheology Across the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Constraints from the 2008 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.9 Wenchuan, China Earthquake
- Quantifying Tectonic Controls on Regional Cenozoic Surface Evolution in the Eastern Lhasa Block
- Quarzt Fabric Insights Across a Low P-High T Shear Zone
- Rheology of hemipelagic marine sediment
- Ridge to Trench body-wave tomography of the Juan de Fuca plate system
- SIG-VISA: Signal-based Vertically Integrated Seismic Monitoring
- Saltmarsh Evolution And Estuary Dynamic During The Last ~8800 Years In The Coastal Plain Bahía Samborombón, Argentina (35.5° S). Pollen And Stable Isotope Analyses
- Scaling Laws for Impacts into Wet Substrates: Applied to the Bomb Sag at Home Plate, Mars
- Seasonal variability in Tibetan seismicity 1991-2013
- Seismic Imaging of Reservoir Structure at The Geysers Geothermal Reservoir
- Single Crystal Diffraction for the Geosciences at the Advanced Light Source
- Source Parameters of ~ 750 Repeating Micro-Earthquakes in the Parkfield Area
- Source Scaling of Micro-Repeating Earthquakes in Parkfield, CA
- Strike-slip Fault Structure in the Salton Trough and Deformation During and After the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake from Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Taking low-temperature measurements of remanence beyond the state-of-the-art: new three-axis data from Umkondo Province sills
- Testing Geyser Models using Down-vent Data
- The Inverse Homogenization or "Downscaling" of Smooth Tomographic Models: Separating Intrinsic and Apparent Anisotropy
- The breakdown of dipolar magnetic field generation in planetary dynamo models (Invited)
- The effect of assimilating AIRS-XCO2 on global CO2 surface fluxes
- The effects of artificially impounded water on tide gauge measurements of sea level over the last century
- The profound reach of the M8.6 11 April 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake: short-term global triggering followed by a longer-term global shadow
- Tidal Forcing of Low Frequency Earthquakes in Northern Cascadia and Implications for Plate Boundary Properties
- Time history of the Martian dynamo from crater magnetic field analysis
- Towards implementation of the GRiD MT algorithm for near real-time calculation of moment tensors at the Alaska Earthquake Information Center
- Two-phase deformation of lower mantle mineral analogs
- Ultrasonic Measurements of Unconsolidated Saline Sediments During Freeze/Thaw Cycles: The Seismic Properties of Cryopeg Environments
- Variability of Indian summer monsoon over the past 252 kyr revealed by stalagmite record in Southwest China
- Warming and extensive glacier recession at Southern Hemisphere middle latitudes during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Water column profiles of particulate inorganic carbon in the northeast subarctic Pacific Ocean
- Western Tibet: Low-temperature thermochronology data and interpretation on exhumation history.
- A Comparative Study of Two Large Low Velocity Structures at the Base of the Earth's Mantle
- Advancing Late Mesoproterozoic Paleogeography With New Constraints From The Keweenawan Rift And The Umkondo Large Igneous Province
- An Objective Mechanical Modelling Approach For Estimating the Distribution of Fault Creep and Locking From Geodetic Data
- Broadband Seismic Observations of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
- Characterizing seismic and aseismic deformation along the Chaman fault system with InSAR
- Contrasting Mantle Plume Structure: Imaging Hawaii, Iceland and Yellowstone
- Critical zone co-evolution: evidence that weathering and consequent seasonal rock moisture storage leads to a mixed forest canopy of conifer and evergreen broadleaf trees
- Critical zone evolution at the hillslope scale
- Crustal and mantle structure of the North America Continent using SEM based Full Waveform Seismic Tomography and Trans-Dimensional Inversion.
- Deep Upper Mantle Anisotropy from SKS Splitting Delay Times and Higher Mode Surface Waves
- Different styles of postseismic deformation after the 2013 M7.7 Balochistan earthquake in Pakistan and the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake in Mexico
- Dominance of Viscoelastic Relaxation after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed By Seafloor GPS Observations
- Dual Megathrust Slip Behaviors of the 2014 Iquique Earthquake Sequence
- Earthquake Early Warning Beta Users: Java, Modeling, and Mobile Apps
- ElarmS EEW Performance
- Finite-Source Modeling of the South Napa Earthquake
- Geodetic Signature of Slow-Slip and Tremor in Parkfield, CA
- Global Catalog Analysis Shows That Dynamic Triggering Or Shadowing Of Remote M≥5.5 Earthquakes Is Rare
- High Resolution Transition Zone Discontinuity Images across the Pacific Ocean from SS Precursors Using Local Slant Stack Filters
- High Temperature Emplacement of Clastic Breccia Dikes and Implications for the Development and Magnetization of Impact Craters
- Interpreting the Paleomagnetic Field Using Stochastic Models
- Interseismic Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area and Creep Estimates on the Calaveras Fault from InSAR Alone
- Investigation of Seismic Events Associated with the Sinkhole at Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana
- Jointing around Magmatic Dikes as a Precursor to Conduit Geometry Evolution
- Monitoring seismic velocity changes associated with the 2014 Mw 6.0 South Napa earthquake
- New paleomagnetic results from Ladakh, Western Himalaya support multi-stage collision scenario between India and Eurasia.
- Of Mantle Plumes, Their Existence, and Their Nature: Insights from Whole Mantle SEM-Based Seismic Waveform Tomography
- On the surface roughness of a braidplain in an Alpine proglacial area
- Predictability of Hydraulic Head Changes and Characterization of Aquifer-System and Fault Properties from InSAR-Derived Ground Deformation
- Probing the Lithospheric Rheology Across the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Based on Postseismic Deformation
- Regional Moment Tensor Source-Type Discrimination Sensitivity Analysis
- Response of Volumetric Strain and Groundwater Level to Earthquakes
- Rupture Process for Hayward Microearthquakes Inferred from Borehole Seismic Recordings
- Slow and Go: Pulsing Slip Rates on the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Stochastic Monte-Carlo Markov Chain Inversions on Models Regionalized Using Receiver Functions
- Surface deformation and seismic signatures associated with the eruption cycle of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Testing for supply-limited chemical erosion in field measurements of soil production and chemical depletion
- Testing the Shock Remanent Magnetization Hypothesis at the Slate Islands Impact Structure, Canada
- The Convoluted Earthquake Cycle of a Creeping Fault
- The Effects of Stratospheric Chemistry and Transport on the Isotopic Compositions of Long-Lived Gases Measured at Earth's Surface
- The West Coast Earthquake Early Warning Global Navigation Satellite System Working Group
- The age of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition: New data from the Sulmona paleolake, Italy
- The link between collisional tectonics and arc magmatism in the Paleozoic Famatina arc, Argentina
- Towards an Improved Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions, SKS Splitting, and Surface Wave Dispersion Data for Layering in the North American Craton
- Twenty-Five Years of Postseismic Viscous Relaxation Following the M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.9 Loma Prieta Earthquake
- Uplift and seismicity driven by groundwater depletion in central California
- Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation Following the 2012 Mw8.6 East Indian Ocean Earthquake
- 2500 high-quality genomes reveal that the biogeochemical cycles of C, N, S and H are cross-linked by metabolic handoffs in the terrestrial subsurface
- A Numerical Model for Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in a Stably-Stratified Layer in Earth's Core
- Age of Carving the Westernmost Grand Canyon: Conflicts and Potential Resolutions that Reconcile Geologic and Thermochronologic Data
- An Unexplained Pulse of Late Cretaceous Exhumation in Northern New England
- Assessment of thermal comfort level at pedestrian level in high-density urban area of Hong Kong
- Authigenic Mineral Cycling in Roman Seawater Concrete with Campi Flegrei Pumiceous Ash Pozzolan
- C and N Isotopes in Ostrich Eggshell as Proxies of Paleovegetation and Paleoprecipitation: Extraction, Preservation, and Application to Pleistocene Archaeological Samples
- Cascadia Initiative Reveals Accumulation of Buoyant Material Beneath the Subducting Juan de Fuca Plate
- Clausius-Clapeyron Scaling of Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) in Cloud-Resolving Simulations
- Correlative Cryo-Tem Cryo-Stxm and Cryo-Shxm Investigation of Selenium Bioreduction in a Contaminated Aquifer
- Deep Learning for Climate Pattern Detection
- Deformation and Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Two-phase Lower Mantle Mineral Analogs: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle
- Detection and Attribution of Extra-Tropical Cyclone activity in CMIP-5
- Do Jack Hills Detrital Zircons Contain Records of the Early Geodynamo?
- Early Neoproterozoic Global Change Through the Lens of the Tambien Group, Northern Ethiopia
- ElarmS Earthquake Early Warning System Updates and Performance
- Evidence for MAC waves in the core and implications for the thermal state
- Fine Scale Structure of Low and Ultra-Low Velocity Patches in the Lowermost Mantle: Some Case Studies
- Finite Element Modeling of Crystallographic Preferred Orientation (CPO) in Two- Phase Aggregates: Rrelevant for Anisotropy of the Earth's lower Lower Mantle
- Genome-enabled Modeling of Microbial Biogeochemistry using a Trait-based Approach. Does Increasing Metabolic Complexity Increase Predictive Capabilities?
- Geodetic Measurements of Slow Slip and Tremor in Parkfield, CA
- If Rocks Could Talk: Origin Stories of Stream Sediment Told by Apatite Helium Ages and Cosmogenic Nuclides
- Imaging Anisotropic Layering with Bayesian Inversion of Multiple Data Types
- Imaging segmentation along the Cascadia subduction zone
- Including Short Period Constraints In the Construction of Full Waveform Tomographic Models
- Integrating hematite (U-Th)/He dating, microtextural analysis, and thermomechanical modeling to date seismic slip
- Interrogating the Effects of Radiation Damage Annealing on Helium Diffusion Kinetics in Apatite
- Investigation of Seismic Events associated with the Sinkhole at Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana
- Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- It's About Time: How Accurate Can Geochronology Become?
- Kinetics of NO<SUB>x </SUB>in the upper troposphere: new constraints on satellite remote sensing of lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB>
- Late Cenozoic Vertical Motions of the Coachella Valley Using Apatite U-Th/He and <SUP>4/3</SUP>He Thermochronometry
- Layered Structure Of The North American Upper Mantle Inferred By The Combination Of Long And Short Period Seismic Constraints
- Long-period Seismicity at the Napoleonville Salt Dome: Implications for Local Seismic Monitoring of Underground Hydrocarbon Storage Caverns
- Measurements and Modeling of Radiocarbon (<SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>) from the Lower Troposphere to the Middle Stratosphere and Implications for Use as a Tracer of Large-scale Atmospheric Transport and Stratospheric Residence Times
- Mechanical Twinning and Microstructures in Experimentally Stressed Quartzite
- Moment Tensor Analysis of Shallow Sources
- MyEEW: A Smartphone App for the ShakeAlert System
- Newly Discovered Exposures of Neoproterozoic Diamictite within the Samre Fold-Thrust Belt of Northern Ethiopia
- Northern California Earthquake Data Center: Data Sets and Data Services
- Observations of Particle Organic Nitrate from Airborne and Ground Platforms in North America: Insights into Vertical and Geographical Distributions, Gas/Particle Partitioning, Losses, and Contributions to Total Particle Nitrate.
- On the Improvement of SKS Splitting Measurements by the Simultaneous Inversion of Multiple Waveforms (SIMW)
- Prioritizing earthquake and tsunami alerting efforts
- Remote Determination of the <em>in situ</em> Sensitivity of a Streckeisen STS-2 Broadband Seismometer
- Rock magnetic effects induced in terrestrial basalt and diabase by >20 GPa experimental spherical shock waves
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Flow from Ridge to Trench Below the Gorda-Juan de Fuca Plate System
- Smartphone MEMS accelerometers and earthquake early warning
- Source Characterization of Formaldehyde in the Wintertime Eastern US
- Temporal Variability in Seismic Velocity at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- The role of vegetation patch spatial configuration in landscape-scale flow-vegetation-sediment feedbacks
- Time-dependent Induced Seismicity Rates Described with an Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence Model at The Geysers Geothermal Field, California
- Toward Expanding Tremor Observations in the Northern San Andreas Fault System in the 1990s
- Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of C1 and C2 Criegee Intermediates: UV Spectrum and Reaction Kinetics
- TremorScope: A Tool to Image the Deep Workings of the San Andreas Fault near Cholame, CA
- When Did Midcontinent Rift Volcanism End and Where Was Laurentia at that Time?
- A Hybrid Finite-Volume Fourier Method for Modeling Wave Dynamics in a Stably-Stratified Core
- Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation Green's Tensor Analysis at The Geysers Geothermal Field, Northern California
- Ambient Vehicular Noise recorded on a 2D Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Array :Applications to Permafrost Thaw Detection and Imaging
- Analysis and attenuation of artifacts caused by spatially and temporally correlated noise sources in Green's function estimates
- Anisotropic Lithospheric layering in the North American craton, revealed by Bayesian inversion of short and long period data
- Are Decadal Fluctuations in Length of Day Caused by Magnetic Waves in the Core?
- Beamline 12.3.2 at the Advanced Light Source: direct strain measurements and micron-scale phase maps
- Biogeography and Metabolic Potential of Soil Microbial Communities Across Local Environmental Gradients Illuminated Through Metagenomics
- Characteristic repeating sequences following the 2012 M7.4 Ometepec earthquake
- Characterizing Interferences in an NOy Thermal Dissociation Inlet
- Classification and Localization of Extreme Weather Patterns with Deep Learning
- Constraining spatiotemporal patterns in exhumation across the southern Tibetan plateau from inversion of low-temperature thermochronometric data
- Constraints on Inner Core structure from P'P' array-based observations
- Decadal change of summertime ozone and organic nitrates over the Southeastern United States
- Deep and Complementary Afterslip on the Anza Segment of the San Jacinto Fault from Joint Inversion of Strain and Earthquake Data
- Deformation and Uplift of the Santa Cruz Mountains: Re-evaluating and Augmenting the Restraining Bend-Advection Model
- Discrimination of Thermal versus Mechanical Effects of Shock on Rock Magnetic Properties of Spherically Shocked up to 10-160 GPa Basalt and Diabase
- Do rivers really obey power-laws? Using continuous high resolution measurements to define bankfull channel and evaluate downstream hydraulic-scaling over large changes in drainage area
- Dominance of atypical oxidant sources in the polluted wintertime boundary layer: insights from the WINTER C-130 aircraft campaign
- Dominant controls of deep afterslip and viscous relaxation on postseismic displacements following the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Early Career Investigator Opportunities in Geophysics with IRIS
- Ecohydrological Consequences of Critical Zone Structure in the Franciscan Formation, Northern California Coast Ranges
- Effect of Surfactants on the Growth of Individual Cloud Droplets
- Effects of daily, high spatial resolution a priori profiles of satellite-derived NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions
- ElarmS Earthquake Early Warning System 2016 Performance and New Research
- Evidence for initiation of frictional partial slip as the mechanism behind nonlinear stress-strain hysteresis in rock fractures under seismic-frequency torsion
- Explorations into Data Assimilation of Short-lived Chemicals
- Field evaluation of a low-cost, high-density air quality monitoring network: BEACO<SUB>2</SUB>N
- Hydraulic properties variations response to seismic activity in the thick alluvial materials overlying an active fault: the Chihshang Fault (Taiwan)
- Hydrothermal Rock-Fluid Interactions in 15-year-old Submarine Basaltic Tuff at Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
- Imagining CO<SUB>2</SUB>: development and assessment of interactive visualizations for high resolution greenhouse gas observations collected by BEACO<SUB>2</SUB>N
- Implementation of dynamic sub-grid scale (SGS) model for dynamo simulations in a rotating spherical shell
- Integrating Low-Cost Mems Accelerometer Mini-Arrays (mama) in Earthquake Early Warning Systems
- Layering of Structure in the North American Upper Mantle: Combining Short Period Constraints and Full Waveform Tomography
- Lithospheric keel stratication from anisotropic Rayleigh wave tomography in eastern Canada
- Low-Stress Upper Plate Near Subduction Zones and Implications for Temporal Changes in Loading Forces
- Measuring Aseismic Slip through Characteristically Repeating Earthquakes at the Mendocino Triple Junction, Northern California
- Median Filtering Methods for Non-volcanic Tremor Detection
- Metastability of Subducted Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone: A Collaborative Geodynamic, Petrologic, and Seismological Approach
- Modeling and Measuring the Effects of Radiation Damage Annealing on Helium Diffusion Kinetics in Apatite
- Monitoring an Induced Permafrost Warming Experiment Using ERT, Temperature, and NMR in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Observing and Modeling Temporal Variations of Seismic Velocities at the Geysers Geothermal Field, California
- On the Response of Ozone to Temperature at Low NO<SUB>x</SUB> Concentrations
- Plate Tectonic Cycling and Whole Mantle Convection Modulate Earth's <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>22</SUP>Ne Ratio
- Plume Evolution and NO<SUB>x</SUB> Lifetime in the Denver Metropolitan Area
- Populating the Advanced National Seismic System Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog
- Probing the lower mantle composition and thermal structure: Insights from D``
- Pushing the Limits of Geochemical Tephra Analysis from Ice Core Samples
- Quality of Green's Functions Improved by Automatic Detection and Removal of Coherent Anthropogenic Noise
- Reaction rates of Criegee intermediates with water vapor and hydrogen sulfide
- Refining interseismic fault slip and shallow creep on the Hayward and Calaveras Faults, California, using UAVSAR, satellite InSAR and GPS data
- Response of Hydrothermal System to Stress Transients at Lassen Volcanic Center, California inferred from Seismic Interferometry with Ambient Noise
- Role of structural and functional connectivity in wetland ecogeomorphic feedbacks
- Seasonal Creep on Longitudinal Valley Fault, Taiwan: Fault Hydrology before and after the 2003 Chengkung Earthquake
- Seasonal slow-moving landslide and hazard in Aizawl, India revealed from InSAR
- Seismic Monitoring of Permafrost During Controlled Thaw: An Active-Source Experiment Using a Surface Orbital Vibrator and Fiber-Optic DAS Arrays
- ShakeAlert Users Transition to the Production Prototype System
- Spatial variations in the size distribution of sediment supplied to channels: A synthesis of detrital thermochronometry from 11 size classes in Inyo Creek, California
- Stress-induced traveltime variations at SAFOD revealed by continuous cross-well active source monitoring
- Studying the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale and Superchrons by Scalar Models and Feature Based Data Assimilation
- Subduction, Extension, and a Mantle Plume in the Pacific Northwest
- Subsurface metagenomes uncover a vast repertoire of hypervariable proteins encoded by genetic elements in uncultivated organisms and viruses
- The BErkeley Atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Observation Network: design, calibration, and initial evaluation of a high-density CO<SUB>2</SUB> surface network
- The Onset of the Sturtian Snowball Earth: New Geochronology and Chemostratigraphy from the Tambien Group of Ethiopia
- The Relative Importance of Aqueous vs. Vapor-Pressure Dependent Pathways for Particulate Organic Nitrate Formation
- The Relative Importance of HNO<SUB>3</SUB> and RONO<SUB>2</SUB> as NO<SUB>X</SUB> Sinks in the Colorado Front Range
- The potential for geostationary remote sensing of NO<SUB>2</SUB> to improve weather prediction
- The strength of the Mesoproterozoic geomagnetic field: new absolute paleointensity estimates from 1.1 billion-year-old Midcontinent Rift volcanics
- Tropical High Cloud Fraction Controlled by Cloud Lifetime Rather Than Clear-sky Convergence
- UAVSAR derived 3-D surface deformation from repeat-pass interferometry and pixel tracking at the Slumgullion Landslide
- Untangling the Causes of Variation in ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> Yield from the WINTER Campaign
- Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing to Monitor Large Scale Permafrost Transitions: Preliminary Results from a Controlled Thaw Experiment
- Using passive fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing to estimate soil water content at a discontinuous permafrost site
- Using the heterogeneity distribution in Earth's mantle to study structure and flow
- Vertical Distribution of <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Free Troposphere and Stratosphere
- What can seismology tell us about water in the mantle transition zone?
- Why do Models Overestimate Surface Ozone in the Southeastern United States?
- 4-D permafrost thaw observations from ambient road traffic noise and a very dense distributed fiber optic sensing array
- A geodetic matched-filter search for slow slip with application to the Mexico subduction zone
- Anisotropic tomography of the Indian continent and the geodynamic role of its keel
- Building a Communication, Education, an Outreach Program for the ShakeAlert National Earthquake Early Warning Program - Recommendations for Public Alerts Via Cell Phones
- Capturing Postseismic Processes of the 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan, Using Dense, Continuous GPS and Short-repeat Time ALOS-2 InSAR Data: Implications for the Shallow Slip Deficit Problem
- Central Pamir crustal thickening to thinning switch: timing of an orogen wide event?
- Characterization of Aftershock Sequences from Large Strike-Slip Earthquakes Along Geometrically Complex Faults
- ClimateNet: A Machine Learning dataset for Climate Science Research
- Comparison of GPS and GRACE hydrological loading signatures in Myanmar, India, Bangladesh, and Bhutan
- Comparison of Large eddy dynamo simulation using dynamic sub-grid scale (SGS) model with a fully resolved direct simulation in a rotating spherical shell
- Earthquake Monitoring with the MyShake Global Smartphone Seismic Network
- Effect of ray and speed perturbations on ionospheric tomography by over-the-horizon radar: A new method, useful for SuperDarn radar
- Effect of shales on tidal response of water level to large earthquakes
- ElarmS Earthquake Early Warning System: 2017 Performance and New ElarmS Version 3.0 (E3)
- Estimating Transient Water Storage from Hurricane Harvey Using GPS Observations of Vertical Land Motion
- Frequency-Dependent Tidal Triggering of Low Frequency Earthquakes Near Parkfield, California
- Geodetic Finite-Fault-based Earthquake Early Warning Performance for Great Earthquakes Worldwide
- High-Precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of the Deccan Traps
- Hunting for shallow slow-slip events at Cascadia
- Identifying the Dynamic Catchment Storage That Does Not Drive Runoff
- Imaging Stress Transients and Fault Zone Processes with Crosswell Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
- Imaging the Alaskan subduction zone with joint inversion of ambient noise and teleseismic surface waves
- InSAR time series analysis of ALOS-2 ScanSAR data and its implications for NISAR
- Inference of Time-Dependent Deep Fault Slip in California and Japan via a New Approach for Joint Inversion of Geodetic and Seismicity Data
- Investigating the source of anomalous PKP travel-times on south-Sandwich to Alaska paths
- Lithospheric layering in the North American craton revealed by including Short Period Constraints in Full Waveform Tomography
- Low-Computation Strategies for Extracting CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Trends from Surface-Level Mixing Ratio Observations
- Low-cost, high-density sensor network for urban emission monitoring: BEACO<SUB>2</SUB>N
- MEMS Accelerometers Mini-Array (MAMA) - initial results and lessons learned
- Magnitude and Rupture Area Scaling Relationships of Seismicity at The Northwest Geysers EGS Demonstration Project
- Mantle Flow at the Edge of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone from Shear-Wave Splitting
- Moment tensor analysis of the 3 September 2017 DPRK announced nuclear explosion and collapse aftershock
- Multi-scale, multi-method geophysical investigations of the Valles Caldera
- Multifrequential Periodogram and Phase Analyses of Earthquake Numbers and Hypocenter Depths in Central California
- MyShake - Smartphone seismic network powered by citizen scientists
- NOISY DISPERSION CURVE PICKING (NDCP): a Matlab friendly suite package for fully control dispersion curve picking
- On the existence of tropical anvil clouds
- Petrochronology of high-grade blocks of the Franciscan subduction-accretion complex
- Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Postseismic relaxation process and lithospheric rheology inferred from eight years of postseismic deformation after the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Quantifying the short- and long-term controls exerted by the basal and lateral boundaries of the Slumgullion Landslide from creepmeters and 3-D surface deformation
- Quantitative relationship between slow earthquake migration speed and frictional properties
- REM-3D Reference Datasets: Reconciling large and diverse compilations of travel-time observations
- Relating runoff generation mechanisms to concentration-discharge relationships in catchments with well-characterized Critical Zone structures and hydrologic dynamics
- S-wave tomography of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Searching for geodetic transient slip signals along the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Seasonal variations in shallow Alaska seismicity and stress modulation from GRACE derived hydrological loading
- Seasonal water storage, stress modulation and California seismicity
- Seismic waveform classification using deep learning
- Sentinel-1 TOPS Multitemporal Interferometry for Monitoring Slow Ground Motions Associated with Tectonic and Hydrological Processes
- September 3rd, 2017 underground nuclear test in North Korea: Results from satellite radar imagery and dislocation modeling
- Site Response for Micro-Zonation from Small Earthquakes
- Slow, fast, and post-collapse displacements of the Mud Creek landslide in California from UAVSAR and satellite SAR analysis
- The HayWired Scenario - How Can the San Francisco Bay Region Bounce Back Better?
- The Rise of the Hindu Kush and its Role in the South Asian Monsoon
- The influence of Critical Zone structure on runoff paths, seasonal water storage, and ecosystem composition
- Tidal and seismic response of the Arbuckle Group: First results from Osage County, Oklahoma
- Transient Viscoelastic Relaxation and Afterslip Immediately After the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- Using low-frequency earthquake families on the San Andreas fault as deep creepmeters
- 3D Reference Earth Model: Regionalized and Smooth Flavors
- A Global Survey of Submicron Aerosol Acidity (pH)
- A multi-proxy approach to understanding Late Pleistocene Eastern African paleoenvironments at archaeological sites in Kenya and Tanzania
- A multidisciplinary assessment of heat flux at the core mantle boundary
- Acoustic point-source representation for vertical ground motions induced by buried explosions
- Asymmetric growth and decay of the geomagnetic dipole field examined with numerical dynamo simulations
- Atmospheric trace gas (NO<SUB>2</SUB> and ozone) dynamics over coastal waters near polluted urban regions
- Capillary Effect on Groundwater Response to Earth Tides
- Characterization of slip pulses within the upper Cook Inlet 2008 - 2013 slow slip event in Alaska
- Combining global tomographic inversions with geodynamical growth models to constrain the origins of Earth's inner core features
- Constraining Lower Mantle Plume Anisotropy: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
- Constraints on Deccan Traps eruptive timescales based on high resolution terrestrial mercury chemostratigraphy
- Contemporary Atmospheric Methane: Addressing Contradictions and Pathways Forwards
- Coulomb Stress Changes by Long-term Slow Slip Events in the Southcentral Alaska Subduction Zone
- Deformation Observed in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption and Earthquake Sequence Using Differential Airborne Lidar Topographic Data
- Dendra: A Real-time Cloud-based Time-series Curation System
- Distribution of long period seismic "hum" sources following a large storm in the north Pacific and their relation to Infragravity Waves
- Effects of Methane and Hydroxyl Radical Chemistry on Decadal Methane Emissions Estimates
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the long-term evolution of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Estimating plant xylem vulnerability from sap flow data set
- Exploring Deformation Mechanisms at the Base of the Earth's Mantle with Combined Constraints from Geodynamics, Mineral Physics and Seismic Anisotropy.
- Formation of tropical anvil clouds by slow evaporation
- Geomorphic Expression of Active Tectonics across the Indo-Burman Range.
- Granite Geochemistry Constrains Major Crustal Thickening and Uplift in Southern Tibet to between 45 and 30Ma
- Ground Motion Estimates in Earthquake Early Warning: Performance with Global Seismic and Geodetic Data Set
- Improving Bottom-up Emissions Information Based on Air Quality Measurement and Modeling Feedbacks - The KORUS Emissions Inventory
- Inner Core Dynamics From Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy
- Interpreting long-term changes in the paleomagnetic field using stochastic models and dynamo simulations
- Interseismic transient deformations along southern Peru and northern Chile subduction zone.
- Investigation of dynamic sub-grid scale (SGS) terms in dynamo simulations with small Ekman number
- Kinematics of active deformation at the Mendocino Triple Junction
- Measurements of Cloud-Active Aerosol Particles in the Marine Boundary Layer from 80 °N to 85<SUP> °</SUP>S during the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) Mission
- Observed shallow landslide size distributions controlled by the spatial correlation of strength variability
- Observing and interpreting urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> and other emissions using a dense network of low-cost, near-surface monitors
- Observing the Small Scale of Aseismic Slip along Continental Strike Slip Faults from Space
- On the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geochemically Distinct Lavas in the Deccan Large Igneous Province
- Plate tectonic cycling modulates Earth's <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>22</SUP>Ne ratio
- Present Day Interseismic Slip Rates of the Xianshuihe Fault Observed by InSAR
- Probing fault frictional properties during afterslip up- and down-dip of the 2017 Mw 7.3 Iran-Iraq earthquake
- Quantitative relationship between slow slip migration speed and frictional properties
- Relationships between Na-Ca exchange, reaction temperature, and Sr isotopes in deep-sea hydrothermal fluids
- Revisiting the "Crème Brûlée" model for the Mojave Desert, Southern California
- Seasonal Modulation of Deep Slow-slip and Earthquakes on the Main Himalayan Thrust
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Local Emissions Dominates OA Budget over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS-AQ
- Separation of Sources of Seasonal Uplift in China Using Independent Component Analysis of GNSS Time Series
- ShakeAlert v. 2.0 Testing and Certification
- Significant contribution of anthropogenic dust to fine aerosol mass during a Chinese haze event as measured by KORUS-AQ observations
- Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath Alaska Determined from the Joint Inversion of Arrival Times and Waveforms of Regional and Teleseismic Body Waves
- The Full spectrum of the response of Low Frequency Earthquakes to periodic stresses near Parkfield, California
- The Intersection Between U.S. Energy Economics and Ethane-to-Methane Ratios in Constraining Methane Emissions from the Natural Gas Sector
- The Kilauea 2018 eruption: Insight from surface deformation and topography change observations
- The geodetic signature of slow slip events in the roots of the San Andreas Fault Parkfield segment
- The potential of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) in teleseismic studies from the Goldstone experiment
- The probabilistic structure of the geodynamo
- Timescale of Events Around the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Links Between the Chicxulub Impact, Deccan Volcanism, and the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
- Towards a satellite - in situ hybrid estimate for organic aerosol abundance
- Towards full Waveform Box Tomography in the Deep Mantle: the Case when both Sources and Stations are Outside the Target Region
- Tracking the Weight of Hurricane Harvey's Stormwaters Using GPS data
- Trees use deep rock moisture, yet the xylem of their stable isotopes do not fully record this moisture source
- Unexpected far-field hydrological response to a great earthquake
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating of an Alluvial Fan Complex Reveals New Slip Rates on the Santa Cruz Mountains Section of the Northern San Andreas Fault, Sanborn County Park, Saratoga, CA
- <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U Burial Dating of Ostrich Eggshell: Initial Tests of a Novel Pleistocene Geochronometer
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of 'Recent' Aqueous Activity on Mars
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of Giant Plagioclase Basalts of the Deccan Traps
- A 1.1 billion-year-old anisotropy experiment: a study of anorthosite xenoliths within the Beaver River diabase
- A Feature-Based Estimation the Parameters of a Model for Earth's Axial Dipole Field on kyr and Myr Time Scales
- A Refined 4.5 Ma Paleomagnetic Pole From Basaltic Lava Flow Sequences on Kauai, Hawaii
- Ab Initio Crystal Structure Prediction with Symmetry and Geometric Constraints
- An assessment of turbulent/hyper diffusivities in geodynamo simulations
- Assessment of Airborne Instrument Uncertainty via Measurement Comparisons and Precision Analysis
- Challenges in Modeling Organic Aerosols in the Remote Troposphere
- Characterizing creeping faults using InSAR: a case study of the Xianshuihe Fault
- Climatology of Continental Shallow Cumulus Using Five Years of Stereo Photogrammetry
- Combining Luminescence Dating and High-Resolution Imaging to Analyze an Evolving Microcontinent, Isla Ángel de la Guarda, Gulf of California, México
- Complex wave decomposition of geomagnetic secular acceleration in the equatorial region of Earth's core.
- Connecting Lower Mount Sharp Strata: how does the Clay-bearing Unit in Glen Torridon Relate to the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Constraining the Eruptive Tempo of the Deccan Traps to understand potential climate consequences
- Constraining the tempo of Ordovician cooling
- Controlled-atmosphere thermal paleointensity experiments and the history of the lunar dynamo
- Coseismic hydroenvironmental changes in response to 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.0 Kumamoto crustal earthquake, southern Japan: insights from multidisciplinary approaches
- Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be-<SUP>14</SUP>C-<SUP>3</SUP>He Observations in Gotthard Pass, Switzerland, Document Snow-Related Rock Temperature Increases During the Industrial Period
- Coupled Precipitation of Light Elements from the Core into the Mantle: Importance for Powering Earth's Dynamo
- Deformation transients before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Megathrust Earthquake : What does the GPS tell?
- Dendra: a real-time cloud-based time-series curation system
- Deriving Fleet-wide Emissions Factors of Aerosol from Dense, Stationary Networks
- Development of the Arabian-Nubian shield and the tectonic boundary conditions of the first Cryogenian snowball Earth
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the stability of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Enhancing seismic hazard with declining annual water load in southwest Taiwan
- Episodic tremor and slip dynamics in south-central Alaska
- Et tu Etna: Volcanism, Climate, and Death of Caesar
- Evaluating the Consistency of All Submicron Aerosol Mass Measurements (Total and Speciated) in the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- Evaluating trends in mobile CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions using a near-surface, high-density urban monitoring network
- Evidence for Enhanced Inorganic Aerosol Formation in Pre-Monsoon Haze during KORUS-AQ
- Experimental Visualization of Electron Density Across the High-Pressure Fe(II) Spin Transition
- Extreme Climate, Carbon, and Continents: Quantifying Earth system feedbacks in the late Paleozoic
- Facilitating Sharing and Reuse of Geologic Samples: Recommendations from the National Academies
- Fault rheology of the Muji fault inferred from postseismic deformation after the 2016 Mw6.6 Aketao, northeast Pamir, earthquake
- Fault stress inversion reveals seismogenic asperity of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Feedbacks and Eddy Diffusivity in an Energy Balance Model of Tropical Rainfall Shifts
- Feedbacks in the Response of Regional Monsoons to Remote Radiative Forcings
- Geodetic Measurements of Slow Slip Events Southeast of Parkfield, CA
- Geodetic imaging of the stress shadow: large slip deficit on shallow megathrusts
- Geomorphic Expression of Active Tectonics across the Indoburman Range
- Gravity change associated with Kīlauea's 2018 summit collapse and recovery
- Growth of the broader Indonesia archipelago as a driver of Neogene cooling
- High latitude vertical profiles of <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> across the tropopause from the Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) Mission
- High-Pressure Nano-seismic Events in Serpentine as a Function of Shear Stresses
- How muddy meanders work: erosion and deposition of mixed sand and mud in an active meandering river
- Imaging Stress and Magnetism at High Pressures Using Spin Defects in Diamond
- Imaging the Root of the Yellowstone Hotspot: Preliminary Results Using "Box Tomography"
- In-situ investigation of periodic bedrock ridges in the Glen Torridon area with the MSL Curiosity rover, Gale crater, Mars
- Inferring evolutions in core processes using stochastic models of the geodynamo
- Inferring sediment dynamics using single-grain feldspar post-IR IRSL luminescence dating in southern California, North America
- Inner core anisotropy - Seismic evidence of slow translation of the iron-nickel inner core
- Interplay Between Fault Creep, Locking, and Earthquakes Along the Chaman Plate Boundary
- Interseismic strain accumulation and uplift at the Mendocino Triple Junction from geodetic datasets
- Intra-rift deformation and transition to marine conditions on southeastern Isla Angel de la Guarda, Gulf of California, Mexico
- Investigating Hillslope Self-Similarity: Field Observations of Weathering Profiles Across a Sequence of Repeating Ridges and Valleys
- Investigating Possible Biases of Filter Measurements of Submicron Inorganic Salts onboard the NASA DC-8
- Investigating the Formation of Nitrous Oxide and its Isotopic Composition in a Corona Discharge with Applications to Plasma and Atmospheric Chemistry
- Iron mineral transformations during weathering of sulfide-bearing shales and sandstones
- Isotopic constraints on fluid-rock interactions associated with the Little Devils Postpile magmatic intrusion, Yosemite National Park, CA
- Jupiter's static tidal response from Juno and improved CMS theory
- Jupiter's tides with Juno: a mid-mission update
- Land Plant Evolution Decreased, Rather Than Increased, Weathering Rates
- Limited exsolution of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> from the core over the past 4.5 Ga
- Measuring Postseismic Deformation of the 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili, China, Earthquake Using InSAR Data
- Mechanism of post-seismic permeability evolution: insight from the long-term groundwater level monitoring
- Mechanisms of Trace Metal Mobilization and Retention in Weathering Sulfidic Shale
- Mercury Chemostratigraphy and Geochemical Box Model Constraints on Large Igneous Province Eruption Rates: Case Studies from the Deccan and Siberian Traps
- Modulation of seismic attenuation at Parkfield, before and after the 2004 M6 earthquake, and one example from the Geysers geothermal field
- Multi-decade Analysis of Ground Deformation at the Koa'e Fault System (Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii) Using Structural Data and Air Photo Correlation.
- Observations of Active Deformation at Long Valley Caldera from Sentinel-1 InSAR Analysis
- Observations of Subaerial Ash and SO<SUB>2</SUB> during the Havre 2012 eruption with satellite imagery
- Off-fault plastic failure reconciles geodetic measurements and geologic structure within the Santa Cruz Mountains, San Francisco Bay Area, California
- On the Spatial and Temporal Variations of Fault Damage and Related Properties
- On the broadband instrument response of fiber-optic DAS
- Performance of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System During the Ridgecrest Sequence
- Predicting Halogen Crystal Structures at Megabar Pressures
- Predicting Wildfire Favorable Conditions in California at Subseasonal to Seasonal Lead Times Using Remote Predictors
- Production and Fate of Alkyl Nitrates During KORUS-AQ
- Quantifying changes in dipole polarity reversal frequency using a combination of geodynamo simulations and stochastic models
- Quantifying organic aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constrains on physical and chemical removal of OA provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantitative evidence for a Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity
- Quantitative relationship between aseismic slip propagation speed and frictional properties
- Rapid cooling of submarine lava domes and caldera hydrothermal systems, 2012 Havre eruption
- Rapid-response GPS following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Re-evaluating the crustal contribution to volcanism along the Izu-Bonin arc: a geospatial and geochemical approach
- Refining Active Source Seismic Refraction Field Configurations for Applications in Critical Zone Studies
- Results from the Curiosity Rover's Traverse Through the Clay-Bearing Glen Torridon Region in Gale Crater
- Rupture History of the July 4 and July 6 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
- Seasonal variations in crustal seismicity in the Western Branch of the East African Rift System
- Seismic and aseismic slips contributed to the foreshock-to-mainshock triggering during the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Shaking Water Out of Sands - An Experimental Study
- Shear Wave Splitting Analysis in the Eastern Caribbean Plate and its Implications for Mantle Dynamics
- Singular Spectral Analysis Decomposition of Geomagnetic and Stochastic Axial Dipole Moment Models Reveal Long-Period Oscillations
- Source stacking followed by cross-correlation: application to synthetic and real long period data for full waveform inversion at the global scale
- South Sandwich to Alaska anomalous inner core phase observations explained by upper mantle slab effects beneath Alaska
- Spatial and temporal trends in exhumation along the western Antarctic Peninsula from detrital apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry
- Spatial-Temporal Trends in Deccan Volcanism
- Spatio-temporal foreshock evolution of the 2019 M 6.4 and M 7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- Squeezing Marsquakes out of groundwater
- Strong Variation and Simple Classification of Near-surface Seismic Anisotropy of Taiwan Revealed by Coda Interferometry
- Sulfur Concentration and Isotopic Composition across the Terrestrial Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in Montana, USA
- Sulfur from source to surface
- Surface and subsurface dynamics of the Slumgullion landslide, CO from Sentinel-1 and UAVSAR radar images and in-situ observations
- Terrestrial climate records from clumped isotope compositions of wood methoxyl groups
- The Effects of Cloud Radiative Feedbacks Over the Ocean on Monsoon Energy Sources
- The Non-Mass-Dependent Isotopic Composition of Ozone: New Laboratory Results on Its Pressure and Bath Gas Dependence
- The density of LLSVPs: towards reconciling results from modes and tides
- The effect of land surface properties on atmospheric circulation and energy transport
- The hunt for a universal friction law: a bristle-based rate and state dependent constitutive relation simulates high velocity rupture experiments, connecting fault friction across loading conditions
- The importance of paleobathymetry in understanding the variations in paleo-ocean carbonate compensation depths and carbonate subduction fluxes over the last 100Myr
- The pahoehoe to a'a transition as a shear instability in stratified lava flow
- The probabilistic structure of the geodynamo
- The role of small shallow landslides in landscape evolution as revealed by high resolution differential lidar surveys and field mapping
- The role of the solid earth in regulating atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> levels
- Thermodynamics of Liquid MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> at High Pressure and Temperature
- Thickness characteristics of pāhoehoe lavas in the Deccan province, Western Ghats, India, and in continental flood basalt provinces elsewhere
- Tidal distortions of hot Jupiters characterized with numerical methods
- Towards a next generation global seismic mantle model based on full waveform inversion
- Transient glacial incision in the Patagonian Andes from 6 to 3 Ma
- Tree mortality during the 2012-2016 California drought: role of climate and lithology
- Tsunami Data Assimilation of the 2015 Torishima Earthquake
- Two-dimensional Model of Pāhoehoe Lava Flow at the Single-to-multi-lobe-scale
- Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured by KORUS-AQ
- Understanding the interactions between tectonic processes, erosion, weathering and climate. New insights from the DynSoil-GEOCLIM modelling approach
- Using Machine Learning to Denoise High-Frequency Ocean Bottom Data: Applications to Travel-Time Tomography
- Validity of the Deccan Chemostratigraphy and Extent of Deccan Formations Beyond the Western Ghats (India)
- Was the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Preceded by a Massive Slab Deformation Event?
- What Are LLSVPs? Geodynamic Insights into Lower Mantle Chemistry and Structure
- What record will the Greenheugh pediment and associated landforms in Gale crater reveal about Martian climate history?
- 15-year Acceleration Along the Japan Trench and the Sagami Trough
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of the Malwa Plateau subprovince, Deccan Traps, India
- ALOS-2 Time Series of Long-wavelength Deformation near the Mendocino Triple Junction
- Active subduction and strain partitioning in western Myanmar revealed by a dense new GPS velocity field
- Ambient noise surface-wave tomography of the San Francisco Bay Area, California
- An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
- Application of the Very Broadband Rheology Calculator to Inference of Transient Creep Data and Extrapolation to Upper Mantle Structure
- Assessment of ultramafic silicate weathering fluxes derived from high-resolution sampling: an example from the Zambales ophiolite, Luzon, Philippines
- Bayesian seismic refraction inversion for critical zone science and near-surface applications
- Bridging Earthquakes and Mountain Building in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA
- Brines on Ceres: Origins and Transport Processes
- Carbon Cycle Recovery After the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction: a Terrestrial Perspective
- Characterizing creeping faults using InSAR: a case study of the Xianshuihe Fault
- Clustering Interseismic Strain Rates Near the Mendocino Triple Junction
- Combining the Role of Sulfur and Carbon in long-duration models to assess the climatic impact of Large Igneous Provinces
- Comprehensive Fault Slip Variation Effects on Deformation Partitioning in the Eastern Turkish Plateau
- Constraints on the Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Glen Torridon Clay-Bearing Unit from the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite
- Continental scale seismic anisotropy in the north American upper mantle: constraints from full waveform inversion
- Crustal fingering facilitates free-gas methane migration through the hydrate stability zone
- Dendra 2.0: a real-time cloud-based time-series curation system
- Dense networks for constraining urban emissions: Examples of dramatic and subtle changes during 2020
- Emissions and evolution of SO<SUB>2</SUB> from biomass burning during FIREX-AQ
- Equation of state of Mg, MgO, and MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> at Mbar pressures
- Examining single-grain luminescence dating uncertainties between upstream fans and downstream sediment deposits in the seismically active southern California
- Exploring Extrasolar Planets in the Laboratory
- Exploring and contrasting the impact of changes in land surface properties to changes in atmospheric CO2 on the global hydrologic cycle.
- Failure Process of the September 22, 2017 Wrangell Mountain landslide in Alaska
- Fingered water infiltration in soil suggests higher resilience of ecosystem in water-stressed climate
- Finite Source Modeling of the 2019 Ridgecrest Aftershock Sequence
- Fluid-fluid displacement in porous media: completing Lenormand's phase diagram for arbitrary wettability.
- Forcings and kinematics of slow-moving landslides revealed by airborne and spaceborne SAR data
- Geomorphic investigation of fold characteristics and linkage across the Indoburman Range
- Gibbs Free Energy Calculation of Beryllium at Megabar Pressures
- High-temperature, high-pressure behavior of lithium fluoride
- How limited belowground water storage can shield forests from drought
- How much and where? Exploring Excess Density within the LLSVPs by reconciling Stoneley Mode and Earth Tide Observations.
- Hydrate Formation on Marine Seep Bubbles and the Implications for Water Column Methane Dissolution
- Imaging the Yellowstone plume in the deep mantle using Box Tomography and a hybrid adjoint-normal mode method
- Imaging the meso-scale structure and dynamics of the upper mantle beneath the Atlantic ocean
- Improving the Resolution of Rates and Dates by Integrating Paleomagnetic and High-precision Geochronological Techniques
- LIP flows may not have been as thick as they appear
- Laboratory Methods in Surface Hydrology: Using Engineered Surfaces to Verify Analytical Solutions for Overland Flow on Complex Surfaces
- Large Freshwater Phages with the Potential to Augment Aerobic Methane Oxidation
- Machine Learning for Efficient Prediction of High Spatial Resolution NO<SUB>2</SUB> a Priori Profiles
- Melting of Elemental Sulfur at High Pressures
- Minimizing water losses during crop irrigation by optimizing irrigation schedule and introducing soil heterogeneity
- Modeling Boreal Forest Expansion as a Driver of Accelerated Warming and Deglaciation following the Last Glacial Maximum
- Modeling how rivers digest boulders: long residence times and coarse riverbed surfaces lead to preferential wear of boulders through in-place abrasion
- Modeling of postseismic deformation following the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Modeling the updip migration of the 2018 Boso slow slip event with geodesy and seismicity observations
- MyShake + ShakeAlert: Integrating Smartphone Seismic Sensors with a Traditional Earthquake Early Warning Network
- MyShake: Lessons from the first year of public earthquake early warning delivery in California
- New evidence for climate and erosion history in Gale crater, Mars, from Curiosity's ascent onto the Greenheugh pediment
- Non-isotropic nano-seismic sources detected at Transition zone pressures in Serpentine.
- Northland: the climate of a world with a hemispheric continent and a hemispheric ocean
- Observation of Spatiotemporal Creep Rate Variation Along Southern San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults from InSAR Time Series and Repeating Earthquakes
- Ocean dispersal of the 2019 Tonga pumice raft and insights on submarine eruption mechanisms (SW Pacific)
- Partial coupling and earthquake potential along the Xianshuihe Fault, China
- Polygonal fractures in the Siccar Point group: evidence for late, near-surface fluid cycling in Gale crater, Mars
- Poroelastic and elastic deformation and stress changes in the seismically active Salt Lake City region
- Probing the Ice Shell Structure of Ocean Worlds with Gravity-Topography Admittance
- Progress in Prediction Using Geomorphic Transport Laws
- Quantifying changes in electron density observed across the Fe spin transition
- Quantitative relationship between aseismic slip propagation speed and frictional properties
- Reading Quaternary landscapes with luminescence signals from detrital clasts and sand grains
- Reconciling estimates of viscoelastic mantle structure using transient rheology - Glacial Isostatic Adjustment across North America and Antarctica
- Reconstructing Martian environmental change across a major unconformity at Gale crater: sedimentology of the Stimson formation at the Greenheugh pediment
- Recovering Mesoproterozoic geomagnetic field intensity using anorthosite xenoliths hosted in Midcontinent Rift diabase
- Regional Precipitation Influenced by Stationary Wave Changes in Model of Mid-Pliocene Climate
- Seasonal Seismicity in the Lake Biwa Region of Central Japan Moderately Modulated by Lake Water Load Change
- Shallow lower mantle viscosity modulates the pattern of mantle structure
- Simulations and Experiments Reveal Effect of Nanopores on Helium Diffusion in Quartz
- Spatial Dynamics of Rhizosphere Microbiome Across Different Scales
- Spatial Variation in Bedrock Weathering Under a sequence of ridges and valleys in the Great Valley Sequence of Northern California revealed through geophysics and deep drilling
- Surface Slip Variations And Off-Fault Deformation Patterns In Complex Cross-Fault Systems Revealed From 3D High-Resolution Satellite Optical Image Correlation: The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
- The Globally Coherent Pattern of Autumn Monsoon Precipitation
- The SPiRaL global-scale seismic tomography model and full-waveform predictions from this non-full-waveform image of the crust and mantle
- The Search for Fatty Acids on Mars: Results from the First In Situ Thermochemolysis Experiment at Gale Crater, Mars
- The effects of climate change on cross-boundary larval flows in global marine fisheries
- The relative importance of landslides and soil creep for eroding steep soil-mantled hillslopes
- Timing and patterns of glacial incision along the eastern Antarctic Peninsula: Insights from low-temperature thermochronometry
- Toward Integrating a Machine Learning Signal Classifier in the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System
- Towards A Next Generation High Resolution Global Elastic 3D Model of the Whole Mantle: Constraining Vp/Vs and Density/Vs Scaling Factors
- Transient Carbon Cycle Evolution in Response to Neogene tectonics
- Understanding the Role of Phycotoxins in the Biological Carbon Pump of the Southern California Bight
- Upper mantle structure beneath Alaska: implications for inner core anisotropy studies from analysis of PKPdf, bc, ab absolute and differential measurements
- Upstream-migrating channel blockage causes rivers on fluvial fans to dechannelize and avulse
- Using multigrain crystallography to identify the onset of plastic yielding and stress-state in mantle minerals.
- Vredefort Dome Origin Confirmed as Meteorite Impact Site Using Residual Strain Measured by X-ray Laue Microdiffraction
- A Multi-temporal InSAR Method Based on the Strain Model and Its Application to the Geysers Geothermal Field, California with ALOS-1 and Sentinel-1 data
- A unified framework for earthquake sequences and the growth of geological structure in fold-thrust belts
- Adjoint Waveform Tomography of the Crust and Upper Mantle of the Western United States for Improved Waveform Simulations and Source Characterization
- Bridging Earthquakes and Mountain Building in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA
- Complex Fault Geometry and Diffuse Deformation During Large Earthquakes Revealed From High-Resolution Optical Image Correlation: The Baluchistan (Pakistan, 2013) and Ridgecrest (California, 2019) Ruptures.
- Distribution of Creeping Faults Based on a Global Search of Repeating Earthquakes
- Extension of aseismic slip propagation theory to slow earthquake migration
- Getting ready for L-band wide-swath InSAR era: Practices and experiences from JAXA ALOS-2 satellite
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: How do Lithospheric Layers and Asthenosphere Interact, and What are Their Rheological Properties as a Function of Depth?
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What are the transient rheologies of Earths lithosphere over the spectrum of deformation timescales, from milliseconds to tens of millions of years?
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What causes some faults to slip in major earthquakes, while others appear to creep and/or undergo episodic slow slip?
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What is the Absolute Stress in the Lithosphere and Below?
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What physics governs fault networks? Can models make non-retrospective predictions that can be supported and/or falsified with near-future observations?
- Great unsolved questions in Tectonophysics: What is the role of inelastic off-fault deformation in the fault life cycle?
- Joined Inversion for the Rupture Kinematics of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, With GNSS, InSAR and High-Resolution Optical Imagery Data: Rupture Complexity and Diffuse Deformation
- Modeling of postseismic deformation following the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Spatiotemporal Variations of Surface Deformation, Shallow Creep Rate and Slip Partitioning between the San Andreas and Southern Calaveras Fault Constrained by InSAR
- Stress Orientations and Driving Forces in the Indo-Burma Plate Boundary Zone
- Tectonic Geodesy of Western Myanmar: Strain Partitioning and Active Subduction Revealed by a Dense New GNSS Velocity Field
- Towards Reconciling Rheological Models of the Tibetan Plateau from Seismic to Geological Timescales
- Vary low fault zone friction indicated by the varied frequency-dependent tidal modulation of low frequency earthquakes near Parkfield, California
- Where the Fault Meets the Road: Structure, Deformation and Rheology of the Urban Hayward Fault
- ALOS-2 Observations Across Spatial Scales in Central and Northern California
- Characterization of the spatial and temporal distribution of fault slip and ground subsidence along the Chaman plate boundary with Sentinel-1 InSAR
- Diffuse Deformation and Surface Faulting Distribution From Optical Image Correlation and Relation With the Rupture Process
- Fine-scale complex fault structure and slip along the San Andreas Fault: Contrasting seismic behaviors in localized and diffuse fault zones
- Forecasting landslide inundation from precursory motion: the 2021 Chunchi, Ecuador disaster
- Interplay of seismic and aseismic slip on the San Andreas fault near San Juan Bautista, central California
- Modeling Proposed Deep Slab-Deformation Processes Behind Potential Precursory Signals Preceding Large Subduction Zone Earthquakes Using Finite Elements
- Opportunities of Remote Sensing in Landslide Research
- Phase Shifts Between Seasonal Hydrologic Loading and Surface Deformation Reveal the Rheology of the Lithosphere in California, USA
- Rupture complexity in a data-integrated numerical model for the 2021 M8.2 Chignik earthquake: implications for rupture asperities and tsunami hazards
- Spatiotemporal Variations of Surface Deformation, Shallow Creep Rate, and Slip Partitioning between the San Andreas and Southern Calaveras Fault
- Synergizing P/L/C-band SAR to monitor landslides along the U.S. west coast
- Varied frequency dependent tidal triggering of low frequency earthquakes near Parkfield, California suggests very low fault zone friction and varied nucleation time
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Aaron Tran
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Andrea Chiang
- Arthur R. Rodgers
- Bo Li
- D. R. Shelly
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Douglas S. Dreger
- Duo Li
- E. J. Fielding
- E. O. Lindsey
- Emma M. Hill
- Fabian Walter
- Felipe Aron
- Frédéric Masson
- G. E. Hilley
- H. C. P. Lau
- J. M. Nevitt
- James Biemiller
- Jeng Hann Chong
- Jihong Liu
- K. M. Johnson
- Kang Wang
- Kathryn Materna
- Keisuke Ariyoshi
- Kristel Chanard
- Kyle Bradley
- Laura Wallace
- Lion Krischer
- Lujia Feng
- M. Simons
- Michael Afanasiev
- Michele L. Cooke
- Naoki Uchida
- Pauli Kehayias
- Qiang Qiu
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. M. Allen
- Rishav Mallick
- Roland Bürgmann
- Ryan D. Gold
- S. E. Minson
- Shihao Yuan
- T. Taira
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- Victor C. Tsai
- Whitney M. Behr
- Xie Hu
- Xinxiang Zhu
- Yann Klinger
- Yifang Cheng
- Yu Wang
- Yuankun Xu
- Yuexin Li
- Yujie Zheng
- Zhangfeng Ma
- Zhong Lü