University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
flowchart I[University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (52)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterizing Colloids With Acoustic and Electroacoustic Spectroscopy
- Detailed Paleotemperature Profiles of the High Arctic from Perennial Spring Tufa Deposits
- Intra-aggregate Biogeochemical Dynamics of Chromium Contamination and In-situ Remediation
- Carbon isotopes of lipid biomarkers in modern travertine deposits: Implications for biogeochemical dynamics in hot-spring systems (Yellowstone National Park, USA)
- Effect of Sediment Mineralogy on Microbiologically Induced (DMRB) Changes in Divalent Metal Speciation
- Gram-Positive Nickel Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Riparian Sediments Contaminated with Ni and U on the Savannah River Site
- Metal Reduction and Mineral Formation by an Alkaliphilic Fe(III)-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from an Alkaline Leachate Pond
- Quantifying Uncertainty in the Geochemical Model of a Soil Solution
- Use of Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence to Measure Trace Metal Distribution in the Brain
- Application of Flow Field Flow Fractionation-ICP-MS for the Study of Uranium Binding in Cell Suspensions of Shewanella oneidensis
- Geoarchaeological Evidence for Multi-decadal Pacific Climate Change
- Lipid Composition of Soil Profiles and Water-Soluble Colloids Collected Within the Atlantic Coastal Plain in South Carolina
- Reductive Dissolution of Iron Oxides and Iron-Rich Clays Enhanced by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
- The Application of Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence to Dendroanalysis: Nickel in Salix nigra L.
- Tritium Phytoremediation at the Savannah River Site (SRS), USA: Water Management, Operations, and Research
- Carbon Biogeochemistry of Marine Sediments at the ODP Leg 204, Hydrate Ridge
- Carbon Isotope Signatures of Microbial Mats in the Jackson Mountain Hot Spring, Nevada
- Carbon Sources to Authigenic Carbonate Rock at Chemosynthetic Communities: Lower Slope of the Gulf of Mexico
- Carbon-Isotope Fractionations of Autotrophic Bacteria: Relevance to Primary Production and Microbial Evolution in Hot Springs and Hydrothermal Vents
- Lipid Biomarkers and Stable Isotope Signatures of Microbial Mats in Hot Springs of Kamchatka, Russia
- Seasonal variation in tracer movement in a forested experimental plot using manual and automated sampling techniques
- An improved technique for soil solution sampling in the vadose zone utilizing real-time data
- Change in Microbial Community with Salinity in the Sediment of Lake Chaka, a hypersaline lake in Northwestern China
- Chemolithoautotrophy and its Relation to Magnetism and Biomineralization in Marine Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Comparison of Archaeal Tetraethers From hot Springs in China, Russia, and the United States
- Distribution and Carbon-Isotope Composition of Lipid Biomarkers in Lake Sediments on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Effects of Climate Change on Autotrophic Microbial Communities in Lake Qinghai on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Field Scale Dispersion Measured with Tile Drains
- Kinematics of fibrous vein growth: insights from stable isotopes and trace element data
- Longitudinal Dispersivity in a Radial Diverging Flow Field
- Molecular Fossils for Understanding Biodiversity During the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Transition in China
- Overview of Microbial Ecology and Geomicrobiology in lakes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Arkashin (A) to Zavarzin (Z) Geochemical and Microbiological Characterization of Core Samples Collected at Two Thermal Pools in Uzon Caldera, Kronotsky Zapovednik, Kamchatka
- Community Structure and Population Dynamics of Bacteria and Archaea at Hydrocarbon Seeps/Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico
- Dispersivity variability in an Atlantic Coastal Plain sandy loam
- Effects of gas Hydrates on Archaeal Community Structure and Carbon Cycle in the Gulf of Mexico
- Evaluating the Holocene Dynamics of Oceanographic Processes in the Southeast Brazilian Bight Using Accumulations of Calcitic and Aragonitic Shells
- Evaluation of Soluble Phosphate Sources for Nickel and Uranium Immobilization in Contaminated Sediment
- Global Distribution of Crenarchaeol in Terrestrial Hot Springs: Temperature Control or Biogeography?
- Relating Productivity Events to Holocene Bivalve Shell Growth Rates
- Ca and Mg Incorporation in Siderite at Low Temperatures (< 50° C): Results from Laboratory Experiments
- Pyrrhotite: an Iron Sulfide Mineral Formed During Growth of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria at a Hematite Surface
- Iodine sorption by highly weathered soils
- Model Simulations for Evaluating Water Use Efficiency at the Field Scale
- Sensitivity Screening the van Genuchten/Mualem Soil Hydraulic Parameters
- Geochemical Characteristics of the Contaminant Waste Plume in the F-Area of the Savannah River Site: From Kilometer to Micrometer Scales
- Adsorption of bacterial plasmids in pure mineral mixtures
- Quantitative study of Portland cement hydration by X-Ray diffraction/Rietveld analysis and geochemical modeling
- Removal of Radioactive Materials from Groundwater Using Porous Iron Composite Media
- The Use of Phosphate Amendments for Chemical Immobilization of Uranium in Contaminated Soil.
- Metal Biogeochemistry in a Constructed Wetland
- Uranium Partitioning to Sediments in a Contaminated South Carolina Wetland