Lawrence University, Wisconsin
flowchart I[Lawrence University, Wisconsin] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (39)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Depleted Mantle Component in Kerguelen-Plume Related Magmas
- Active Urbanization and Channel Adjustment in Apple Creek, Appleton, WI
- Guided Inquiry for Teacher Enhancement Utilizing Internet-Delivered Geophysical Data
- Evaluating the Split Window Volcanic Ash Detection Method Using the Numerical Dispersion Model Puff
- Renovating the Curriculum from the Ground Up
- Accurate Granulometry Of As-Substituted Nanophase Ferrihydrite Particles Using Static And Dynamic Magnetic Properties
- Impact of variable bed morphology on transient storage, hyporhic exchange and nutrient uptake in a field-scale flume
- Built to Last: Curricular Planning to Stand the Test of Time
- Frequency Content of Subduction Zone Tremor and Similarities to Volcanic Tremor
- Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils in Riverside Park, Milwaukee, WI: Character, Bioavailability, and Distribution
- Possible Record of Neoproterozoic Ice Sheet Collapse: The Kapp Lyell Diamictite Sequence of southwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard
- Elevated soil lead concentrations in residential yards in Appleton, WI, a small Midwestern city
- Fluids, fault zone permeability and two distinct types of pseudotachylyte
- Initial characterization of carbon flows through microbial communities in Beowulf spring, an acidic hot spring in Yellowstone National Park
- Water uptake of trees in a montane forest catchment and the geomorphological potential of root growth in Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Rocky Mountains, Colorado
- "Closing the Loop": Overcoming barriers to locally sourcing food in Fort Collins, Colorado
- Spatially-resolved stable isotope analysis of a hypersaline microbial mat
- Studying "beating" patterns of modes between North and South hemispheres' solar cycles
- Spatially-resolved carbon flow through a hypersaline phototrophic microbial mat
- Stable isotope analysis of dissolved carbon species of Hot Lake, WA
- Strategies for cooler cities? Ecophysiological responses of semi-arid street trees to storm water harvesting
- A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading
- The Relative Proportions of Water Group Ions in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: A Preliminary Study
- Uranium Isotope Ratios in Modern and Precambrian Soils
- Gravimetric determination of the Thickness of Taku Glacier: Impact of Glacier Thickness on Subglacial Hydrology and Potential Erosion
- Investigations into regional ozone concentrations in the Bakken-Williston Basin using ARTEMIS, a mobile measurment platform.
- Decoupled Mg and Li isotopic trends in the wake of Marinoan glaciation
- Investigation of Ozone Production from Natural Gas and Oil Well Methane Emissions with Three Mobile Atmospheric Sampling Platforms
- Mapping Ozone and Methane in Western Pennsylvania around Natural Gas Wells
- Methane and Ozone Concentrations from a Plugged Abandon Gas Well in Western Pennsylvania
- Topological Data Analysis of the NASA ATom-1 Data
- Applications of Topological Data Analysis in Atmospheric Chemistry
- De-noising Data for Topological Data Analysis
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the NOAA Climate Program Office Congressional Communication Strategy
- Measuring particulate matter emissions from an industrial sand mine using ARTEMIS - a portable instrument suite
- Using GPS Vertical Land Motion Data to Determine the Effect of GIA and Post Glacial Rebound on the Relative Sea Level Budget in Greenland and SE Alaska
- Using tide gauge and GPS data to quantify the effects of short and long-term Glacial Rebound and Adjustment on the local sea level budget of Greenland and Northeast, Canada.
- Biogeochemical Modeling of Reactive Oxygen Species in a Marine Environment and Role in Iron Cycling
- Rhizospheric Microbial Community Characterization of Leafy Greens in Hydroponics