Bard College, New York
flowchart I[Bard College, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (31)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Nyanza Project: Interdisciplinary Research Training In Tropical Lakes
- Deep Pacific Carbonate Chemistry During the LGM and Deglaciation: Reconstructing ΔCO32- using foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios.
- Lessons from the Mid-Pleistocene on Orbital-Scale Tropics-Subtropics Phase Locking
- Preciptation Parameterization for Idealized Land-Atmosphere Sahel Models
- Deformation of Directionally Solidifying Alloys, and the Earth's Inner Core
- Effort Optimization in Minimizing Food Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions, a look at "Organic" and "Local"
- Measured Surface Radiative Budget Changes in the Northeastern US and Resultant Regional Climate Change
- The GHG and Land Demand Consequences of the US Animal-Based Food Consumption
- On the Non-Radiative Nature of Recent New England Warming
- The World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN): A Review and Update on Global Lightning Research
- Climate-agriculture interactions and needs for policy making
- Grain Growth and Loss of Texture during Annealing of Alloys, and the Translation of Earth's Inner Core
- Changes in water, carbon, and nitrogen fluxes with the addition of biochar to soils: lessons learned from laboratory and greenhouse experiments
- Deformation of (hcp) Zn and Zn Alloys, and the Elastic Anisotropy of Earth's Inner Core
- Landuse Carbon Implications of a Drawdown of Ethanol Production and an Increase in Well-Managed Pastures
- Rapid Warming of the World's Lakes: A Global Assessment of Recent Lake Temperature Trends Using In Situ and Satellite-Based Records
- Some analyses of vegetation zonation on ice wedge polygons
- Deformation of directionally solidified alloys: evidence for microstructural hardening of Earth's inner core?
- The structure of melting mushy zones, with implications for Earth's inner core (Invited)
- Biology of the Coarse Aerosol Mode: Insights Into Urban Aerosol Ecology
- Structure of a mushy layer at the inner core boundary
- An Interdisciplinary Module on Regulating Carbon Emissions to Mitigate Climate Change
- Marine sources influence fog bioaerosol composition in Namibia and Maine
- Aerosolization from freshwater at the spillway of a small dam
- Grain Boundary Sliding in High Temperature Deformation of Directionally Solidified hcp Zn Alloys, and Implications for the Deformation Mechanism of Earth's Inner Core
- Arctic Tundra Fires Promote Greater Methane Hotspot Occurrence in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, USA
- Comparing solar wind data collected by MESSENGER spacecraft to simulation data by AWSoM model
- Creating an Accessible and Interactive Air Quality Data Network for Public Libraries Serving Diverse Communities in the Hudson Valley
- Educational Imperatives borne by the Potential Application of Climate Interventions within the Context of Climate Change
- Investigating the Utility of Coral Ba/Ca from Tobago as a Proxy for River Discharge and Regional Hydroclimate Variability in the Tropical Atlantic
- Upstream Mercury Solar Wind Conditions from MESSENGER Observations and Validation of the AWSoM Solar Wind Magnetic Field Model