Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
flowchart I[Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1326)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (238)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Experimental and Computational Investigation of Solute Transport in Satiated Variable-Aperture Fractures
- Assessment of Surrogate Fractured Rock Networks for Evidence of Complex Behavior
- Cascadia Slab Structure and Intraslab Earthquakes
- Combined Lightning Observations Using the TRMM and FORTE Satellites
- Compaction Localization, Fluid Flow and Acoustic Emissions in Porous Rock
- Comparison of Cloud Fractions and Cloud Properties Retrieved Over the North Slope of Alaska.
- Coupled Gas-Liquid Diffusion in Porous Media Using the Dusty Gas Model
- Effects of Reynolds Number on Mixing and Dispersion
- Estimation of Thermal Transport Properties of Lithophysal Tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Evolution of Transport Properties in Sintered Glass Bead Packs
- Fingering, Nonmonotonicity, Fragmentation, and Pulsation Within Gravity/Buoyant Destabilized Unsaturated/Two-phase Flow Systems: Near-Pore Scale Simulation Using Modified Invasion Percolation
- Flexural Origin of the Puget Basins: Implications for the Seattle Fault and Puget Basin Tectonics
- Geologic Noise in Near--Surface Time--Domain Electromagnetic Induction Data
- Grain-Scale Deformation in a Weakly-Cemented Analogue Reservoir Rock
- Gravity Destabilized Fracture Flow: Current Understanding and Extensions
- Impact of Moisture Content and Grain Size on Hydrocarbon Diffusion in Porous Media
- In-Package Sorption Controls Over Radionuclide Export from the Proposed Repository at Yucca Mtn
- Infiltration Into Sandy Alluvial Deposits: Effects of Moisture-Dependent Anisotropy?
- Lateral Hydrothermal Circulation Beneath the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Thermal, Chemical and Modeling Constraints.
- Molecular Models of the Structure and Hydration of Sodalite and Laumontite Zeolites
- Numerical simulations of coarsening of eutectoid structures: Implications for grain size in the lower mantle
- Packing Systematics of Stishovite
- Performance of Longwave Radiation Instruments: Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Irradiances During Arctic Winter
- Physical Controls on Heat and Fluid Fluxes Associated With an Exposed Basement Outcrop: Numerical Models of Hydrothermal Circulation in a Midocean Ridge Flank
- Porous Continuum-Scale Modeling of Gravity-Driven Fingers in Unsaturated Porous Materials: Extended Flux Laws and Numerical Simulations
- Pressure-Saturation Relations in a Horizontal Unsaturated Fracture and the Evolution of Phase Structure
- Probabilistic Assessment of Radon Transport at the Monticello, Utah Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site
- Refraction Microtremor as an Alternative to Boreholes for Earthquake Hazard Assessments
- Simulation of Borehole Failure Phenomena Using Discrete Element Modeling
- The Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring (ARM) Education Program: An Integrated Approach
- The Role of Complexity in the Prediction of Contaminant Transport in a Fractured Rock Vadose Zone
- Time-Domain Sensitivities for Elastic Wavefield Data
- Transport Within the Earth's Vadose Zone: Process Based Issues for Scaling
- Unsaturated Flow Through a Fracture-Matrix-Network: Dynamic Behavior of Flow Pathways
- Vertical Mixing of CO2 and CH4 with Gravity Effects
- Visual Investigation of Flow Through a Capillary Barrier
- An analysis of the role of fluids in fracture initiation and propagation using direct simulation of the coupled fluid-solid system
- An investigation of the parameters controlling interphase mass transfer in variable aperture fractures
- Computational Memory Reduction for Finite-Difference Elastic Wave Propagation Algorithms
- Computational Simulation of Reverse-Time Seismic Wave Propagation
- Diffusive Mixing of Stably Stratified Gases in Subsurface Reservoirs
- Effects of Adsorption Constant Uncertainty on Contaminant Plume Migration: One and Two Dimensional Numerical Studies
- Evaluation of NCEP Re-analysis Radiation and Cloud Products in the Arctic Based on Comparison With Ground-based and Space-borne Measurements.
- Geologic Sequestration of CO2 in a Depleted Oil Reservoir: A Field Demonstration
- Kinetic Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes in Subsurface Environments: Coupling Transport, Microbial Metabolism and Geochemistry
- MT Impedance Estimates at the Kilahuea Volcano Site
- Magnetotelluric Investigations of the Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Material Testing and Constitutive Modeling of Alaskan Frozen Soil
- Modeling flow and sedimention of slurries
- Non-Unique Transmissivity Field Calibration and Predictive Transport Modeling
- Numerical simulation of permeability upscaling as a function of minipermeameter support
- Performance Assessment for the Recertification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Process Based Uncertainty in Vadose Zone Flow and Transport
- Role of Actinide Solubility in Assessing Performance of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Salt, Sediments and Seawater: Marine Magnetotellurics in the Gulf of Mexico
- Structure and Dynamics of Mineral/Water Interfaces: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Clays and Clay-Related Phases
- The Role of Diffusion in Solute Transport and Reaction in Porous Media: Results from Direct Visualization of Laboratory Experiments
- Uncertainty Analysis of 1-D Multiphase Flow Calculations for Mixed Waste Systems Containing Surface-Active Solutes
- Where's that Slab?: Simultaneous Inversion and Resolution of the Cascadia Slab Reflector Geometry, Wavespeeds and Hypocenters
- 3D Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Simulation of Acoustic Waves in Turbulent Moving Media
- Analysis of Measurement Error and Estimator Shape in Three-Point Hydraulic Gradient Estimators
- Anomalous diffusion of electromagnetic fields in the near--surface
- Computational Modeling of Seismic Wave Scattering by High-Porosity Geologic Inclusions in the Central Basin Platform of the Permian Basin
- Contaminant transport in a variable aperture fracture in the presence of monodisperse colloids
- Determination of Solute Distributions in the Vadose Zone Using Downhole Electromagnetic Induction
- Erosion Measurements in Linear, Oscillatory, and Combined Oscillatory and Linear Flow Regimes
- Evaluation of the Effects of Potash Mining in the Region of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Carlsbad, New Mexico
- Evolution of Neural Networks for the Prediction of Hydraulic Conductivity as a Function of Borehole Geophysical Logs: Shobasama Site, Japan
- Experimental Analysis of the Role of Fluid Transport Properties in Fluid-Induced Fracture Initiation and Propagation
- Formation of Compaction Bands in Sandstone as a Phase Decomposition Associated With a Non-convex Stress Potential
- Generating Reproducible Heterogeneity for Laboratory Flow and Transport Experiments
- Measurements of Sediment Erosion and Transport with the ASSET Flume
- Monitoring Sediment Transport, Stream Stage, and Salinity with Time Domain Reflectometry
- Multi-scale characterization of rock fracture surfaces using roughness analysis and geostatistics
- Numerical modeling of laboratory permeability upscaling experiments
- Pecos River Water Management Project
- Phase Structure in a Centrifugal Field: Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity and Angular Velocity
- Predicting Macroscale Physical Properties Using Microscale Image Data
- Preliminary Assessment of Basin-Induced Amplification of Weak Ground Motion in Pahrump Valley, Nevada-California
- Saturated Zone Anisotropy Near the C-Wells Complex
- The role of fracture intersections in DNAPL migration below the water table
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Basic Transport Parameters at the Horonobe Site, Hokkaido, Japan
- Using Waveform Cross-correlation to Detect and Identify Regional Seismic Phases Based on a Reference Event Set
- A Systematic Approach for Developing Conceptual Models of Contaminant Transport at the Hanford Site
- A fractional calculus approach to interpreting transient electromagnetic field behavior in near--surface hydrogeophysical investigations
- A look at the data from ``Constraining the Magmatic Budget of the EPR at 9 N Using Broadband Marine MT''
- Agent Based Modeling Applications for Geosciences
- An Example Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis at the Horonobe Site for Performance Assessment Calculations
- An Introduction to Problems Encountered with Well Instrumentation
- Basaltic Dike Propagation at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA
- Determining the Influence of Groundwater Composition on the Performance of Arsenic Adsorption Columns Using Rapid Small-Scale Column Tests
- Distributed Computing for Seismic Data Retrieval using FISSURES DHI Client FMI Implimented from MatSeis 1.9
- Effects of Bedload and Suspended Load on the Separation of Sands and Fines in Mixed Sediments
- Estimating Upper Mantle Hydration from In Situ Electrical Conductivity
- Evaluating Water Demand Using Agent-Based Modeling
- Evaluation of Net Infiltration Uncertainty for Multiple Uncertain Input Parameters Using Latin Hypercube Sampling
- Flow Dimension Analysis of Pumping Tests in Geometric and Random Fields
- Forward and Inverse Simulations of Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Demonstrate the Resolution of Fine-Scale Hydrological Features Within Heterogeneous Unsaturated Media
- High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Forward Simulations of Flow Into Heterogeneous Unsaturated Media: Comparison of Simulated and Geophysical Data
- Hydrocarbon Exploration Using Marine Controlled-Source EM
- IPY to Mark Expansion of Research Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska
- Improvement of 3-D Automatic Surface-Wave Tomography Picks Using Windows Defined by the 1-D Refraction-Microtremor Method
- Influence of Fracture Intersections Under Unsaturated, Low Flow Conditions
- Integration of Complex Models Into a System Dynamics Based Basin Scale Planning Model for the Upper Rio Grande
- Investigations of Observed Water Level Rise in the Culebra Aquifer; WIPP Site, Carlsbad, NM
- Mapping hydrogeophysical structures with time--domain electromagnetic methods: Resolving small-scale details with large loops and three--component measurements
- Mechanics of a contracting reservoir in an elastic half-space with an intervening visco-elasto-plastic layer
- Monitoring Sediment Transport, Stream Stage, and Salinity with Time Domain Reflectometry
- Options and Consequences: Water Banking/Leasing Issues Explored for the Rio Grande in Southern New Mexico
- Poroelastic Wave Propagation With a 3D Velocity-Stress-Pressure Finite-Difference Algorithm
- Relationship between horizontal flow measurements in wells and flow in the surrounding formation
- Specification of infiltration and lateral boundary conditions for the site-scale saturated zone flow model near Yucca Mountain
- Toward an Agent-Based Model of Socially Optimal Water Rights Markets
- Upscaling and Uncertainty of Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Adaptive Finite Element Modeling Using Unstructured Grids: the 2D Magnetotelluric Example
- Automated Dispersion Curve Imaging for Seismic Hazard Evaluation Using the Multiple Filter Technique
- Dispersion in Saturated and Partially Saturated Variable-Aperture Fractures
- Dissolution of DNAPLs from variable-aperture fractures: Parametric simulations and a proposed fracture-scale model of mass-transfer rates
- Evaluation of Alternatives to the Southwest No-Flow Boundary Condition in the Culebra at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Finite difference modeling of global geomagnetic induction using finite-difference methods on nested quasi-regular triangular grids.
- Flow Dimension Analysis of Pumping Tests for use in Hydraulic Tomography
- Generalized Radial Transport for Tracer Tests in Fractured Rock
- Identifying Spatially Variable Sensitivity of Model Predictions and Calibrations
- New tools and concepts for understanding the evolution of mineral surface area for extrapolation of environmental kinetics
- Numerical dispersion, stability, and phase-speed for 3D time-domain finite-difference seismic wave propagation algorithms
- Pore Size Distributions Inferred from Modified Inversion Percolation Modeling of Drainage Curves
- Pore-Scale Hydrodynamics in Sandstone as a Function of Porosity
- Quantification and Characterization of Chloride Sources in the Rio Grande, Southwestern United States
- Quantifying the Micromechanical Effects of Variable Cement in Porous Media
- Sub-centimeter scale analysis of dispersion for solute transport through laboratory scale cross-bedded sandstone
- A Probabilistic Performance Assessment Study of Potential Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites in Taiwan
- An Updated Site Scale Saturated Zone Ground Water Transport Model for Yucca Mountain
- Colloid Transport in Saturated Fractured Media: Numerical Estimation of Attachment Coefficients for Yucca Mountain Tuff
- Comparison of Drainage Experiments in Sand Packs With Percolation Based Simulations
- Coupling Legacy and Contemporary Deterministic Codes to Goldsim for Probabilistic Assessments of Potential Low-Level Waste Repository Sites
- Decision Support Modeling for Water-Use Planning With Sparse Data
- Error-Savvy Analysis and Design of Batch Partitioning Measurements
- Experimental Study of High-Energy Processing of Protoplanetary Materials
- Finite-Difference Numerical Simulation of Seismic Gradiometry
- Generation of Transmissivity Fields with Non-radial Flow Dimensions
- Laser Simulation of High P-T Planetary Processes
- Life outside the matrix: Preconditioning and solving the discretized 3D Maxwell equations in a matrix-free paradigm
- Meeting Temperature TMDL's Through the Development of an Ecosystem Marketplace Using a Systems Dynamics Approach
- Micromechanical Effects of Cement on Deformation of Porous Granular Media: Example from the San Gregorio Fault, California and Laboratory Studies
- Modeling Groundwater Flow and Infiltration at Potential Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites in Taiwan
- Modeling of time-lapse seismic reflection data from CO2 sequestration at West Pearl Queen Field
- Modeling the Contributions of Ungauged Tributaries to the Rio Grande: A System Dynamics Approach
- Multiscale Lattice Boltzmann / Finite Element Flow Simulations
- Opening of the Barrow Global Climate Research Facility
- Pore-scale simulations of resonances using full-waveform finite-difference numerical modeling
- Probing Deviations From Traditional Colloid Filtration Theory by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Quantitative Forward Modeling on the Effect of Growth, Diffusion and Exsolution on Calcite- Dolomite Thermometry Data
- Reduced Resolution Groundwater Modeling in the Rio Grande for Real Time Scenario Evaluation
- Sediment Transport and Water Quality Model of Cedar Lake, Indiana
- Solving for Efficiency or Decision Criteria: When the Non-unique Nature of Solutions Becomes a Benefit
- The Site-Scale Saturated Zone Flow Model for Yucca Mountain
- The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Groundwater Monitoring Program
- X-Ray Absorption Imaging of Diffusion in Diatomaceous Mudstone and Hard Shale from the Horonobe, Japan site
- A Eurasian and North African Crust and Upper Mantle Model for Regional Seismic Location
- An Example Multi-Model Analysis: Calibration and Ranking
- An Updated Site Scale Saturated Zone Ground Water Transport Model for Yucca Mountain
- Analysis of Modern Techniques for Nuclear-test Yield Determination of NTS Events Using Data From the Leo Brady Seismic Network
- Collaborative Modeling in New Mexico's Upper Gila and San Francisco River Basin
- Computation of Travel Time Through 3D Velocity Models for Applications in Real-Time, Global Seismic Event Monitoring
- Computational Modeling of Low-Altitude Airbursts
- Confidence Region Estimation for Groundwater Parameter Identification Problems
- Demonstration of the "Point Seismic Array" Concept Using Co-Located Rotational and Translational Sensors
- Dispersion Analysis Using Particle Tracking Simulations Through Heterogeneity Based on Outcrop Lidar Imagery
- Evaluation of the Effects of Cementation on Specific Storage of Granular Porous Media Using Discrete Element Models
- Facilities Enhancement for IPY at Barrow
- Full Waveform 3D Synthetic Seismic Algorithm for 1D Layered Anelastic Models
- Igneous Activity at Yucca Mountain: Technical Basis for Decision Making
- Investigating of the effects of target heterogeneities on terrestrial crater formation.
- Markov Models and the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Estimation of Sorption Rates
- Outcrop-Based Lidar Imagery to Develop Millimeter-Scale Models of Heterogeneity
- Screening Models of Aquifer Heterogeneity Using the Flow Dimension
- Seismic Sensor Characterization Using Three-Sensor Coherence Analysis
- a New Saturated Zone Site-Scale Flow Model for Yucca Mountain
- A 3D Tomographic Model of Asia Based on Pn and P Travel Times from GT Events
- A Global Model and Methods for Accurate Real-Time Calculation of Regional-Phase Travel Times
- A semi-analytical solution for transient streaming potentials associated with confined aquifer pumping tests
- An Intercomparison of 10 Atmospheric Model Dynamical Cores
- Assessing the Accuracy of the Velocity-Memory-Stress Finite-Difference Scheme at the Earth's Surface
- Coupled Biological-Geomechanical-Geochemical Effects of the Disturbed Rock Zone on the Performance of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Detailed Regional Resource Mapping in Nevada Using Natural and Mining Seismic Sources
- Effects of Heat Generation on Nuclear Waste Disposal in Salt
- Exploring Solute Transport and Streamline Connectivity Using Two-point and Multipoint Simulation Methods
- Extent of the Disturbed Rock Zone Around a WIPP Disposal Room
- Field measurement of average soil moisture content using cosmic-ray neutrons: a ground truthing tool for the SMAP mission
- Global Catastrophes in Perspective: Asteroid Impacts vs Climate Change
- High Resolution Aqua Planet Simulations With the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) Using the HOMME Spectral Element Dynamical Core
- Infrasound Sensor and Porous-Hose Filter Characterization Results
- Integration of Geophysical and Geostatistical Methods for Shallow Aquifer Characterization
- Integration of Thirty Years of Hydrogeological Investigations at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Site
- Lidar Imagery Based 2D and 3D Representations of Outcrop Heterogeneity for Groundwater Modeling
- Magnesium Oxide Carbonation Rate Law in Saturated Brines
- Observing Soil Moisture and Snow Water Equivalent at the Sub-Basin Scale with Cosmic- Ray Neutrons
- Parameter Estimation of Transmissivity Fields with Non-radial Flow Dimensions
- Processing Aftershock Sequences Using Waveform Correlation
- Recent Improvements to the Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Flow and Transport Models for the Performance Assessment of the Yucca Mountain Repository in Nevada
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations of Cavity Generation/Collapse and Resulting Wave Heights From the Impact of Tsunamigenic, Subaerial Landslides
- Solution Methods for 3D Tomographic Inversion Using A Highly Non-Linear Ray Tracer
- Stochastic Inverse Modeling of Large-Scale Fractured Domains: Example of the Culebra Dolomite in the Vicinity of the WIPP Site
- Surface Water and Ground Water Interactions in an Irrigated Valley in Northern New Mexico
- The Effect of Cement Distribution, Abundance, and Morphology on the Mechanical Behavior of Granular Porous Media.
- The Flow Dimension and Aquifer Heterogeneity: Field evidence and Numerical Analyses
- The Hydration Sheath
- The U.S. Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska
- Thermalization and scalings in turbulence
- Using 3D Geologic Models to Synthesize Large and Disparate Datasets for Site Characterization and Verification Purposes
- 3D Travel Time Prediction for Earthquake Location - An Assessment of Methods and Models
- A Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Event Location
- Anoxic Corrosion of Steel and Lead in Na - Cl ± Mg-Dominated Brines in Atmospheres Containing CO2
- Aquifer characterization using transient streaming potentials generated by flow during pumping tests - New developments
- CO2 Dissolution in Variable Aperture Fractures: Controlling Parameters and Proposed Constitutive Relationships
- Characterizing water flows in irrigated valleys of northern New Mexico
- Determination of Uncertainties for +III and +IV Actinide Solubilities in the WIPP Geochemistry Model for the 2009 Compliance Recertification Application
- Elastic-Plastic Coupling and Localization of Porous Sandstone Under Axisymmetric Compression
- Experimental Work Conducted on MgO Inundated Hydration in WIPP-Relevant Brines
- Exploring the Limits of Waveform Correlation Event Detection as Applied to Three Earthquake Aftershock Sequences
- Multi-Scale Transport Properties of Fine-Grained Rocks: A Case Study of the Kirtland Formation, San Juan Basin, USA
- Multiscale Bayesian inversion of binary permeability fields from static and dynamic observations
- Nano-scale Petrography of Permian-Basin Halite by TEM
- Planned Additions to The U.S. Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska
- Poroelastic Seismic Wave Propagation Modeling of CO2 Sequestration Effects
- Problems with the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) Impact Hypothesis
- Second Greenhouse Gas Information System Workshop
- Sleeman Coherence to Determine Digital Recorder and Infrasound Sensor Noise
- The Nature of Airbursts and their Contribution to the Impact Hazard (Invited)
- Thermodynamic Properties of Magnesium Chloride Hydroxide Hydrate (Mg3Cl(OH)5:4H2O, Phase 5), and Its importance to Nuclear Waste Isolation in Geological Repositories in Salt Formations
- True Tri-axial testing of Castlegate Sandstone
- Very Broadband Rayleigh-Wave Dispersion (0.06 - 60 Hz) and Shear-Wave Velocity Structure Under Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site
- 3-D Seismic Imaging of Sedimentary Underplating at the Corner of the Cascadia Mantle Wedge
- A Regional Seismic Travel Time Model for North America
- Arctic Sea Ice Model Sensitivities
- CO2 Interaction with Geomaterials (Invited)
- Carbon Sequestration: Enhanced Evaluation of Uncertainty
- Cloud Super-Cooled Liquid Water Estimation from Satellite Data
- Comparison of caprock pore networks which potentially will be impacted by carbon sequestration projects
- Comparison of the Seismic Effects of Soil Disturbance and Void Space Over Shallow Cut-and-Cover Tunnels
- Computing the Electrokinetic Response with Simple Models via Eigenvalue Decomposition
- Dual FIB-SEM 3D Imaging and Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Porosimetry and Multiphase Flow in Chalk
- Energy Extraction from a Hypothetical MHK Array in a Section of the Mississippi River
- Estimating parameters and uncertainty for three-dimensional flow and transport in a highly heterogeneous sand box experiment
- Fuel from Wastewater - Harnessing a Potential Energy Source in Canada through the Co-location of Algae Biofuel Production to Sources of Effluent, Heat and CO2
- Generation of Pareto Optimal Ensembles of Calibrated Parameter Sets for Climate Models
- Geologic Controls Influencing CO2 Loss from a Leaking Well
- Measured Close Lightning Leader-Step Electric-Field-Derivative Waveforms
- Micropillar Compression Technique Applied to Micron-Scale Mudstone Elasto-Plastic Deformation
- Mixing-induced calcite precipitation and dissolution kinetics in micromodel experiments
- Modeling the Near-Term Risk of Climate Uncertainty: Interdependencies among the U.S. States
- Molecular Simulations of Carbon Dioxide and Water: Cation Solvation and Wettability
- Multi-National Collaborative Modeling of Water Dependent Resources in the Tigris-Euphrates River Basin
- Nanostructures and radionuclide transport in clay formations (Invited)
- New Demands, New Supplies: A National Look at the Water Balance of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Sequestration
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Banded Iron Formation Precipitation
- Performance predictions for a mid-IR lidar suitable for measuring N2O in the boundary layer
- Pore-Lining Composition and Capillary Breakthrough Pressure of Mudstone Caprocks: Sealing Efficiency of Geologic CO2 Storage Sites
- Posterior Predictive Modeling Using Multi-Scale Stochastic Inverse Parameter Estimates
- Rayleigh Wave Numerical Dispersion in a 3D Finite-Difference Algorithm
- Reduced Order Models for Uncertainty Quantification and Parameter Estimation in Subsurface Flows
- Robust Emergent Climate Phenomena Associated with the High-Sensitivity Tail
- SALSA3D - A Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Event Location
- Simulating Environmental Changes Due to Hydrokinetic Energy Installations
- Spatio-Temporal Self-Organization in Mudstones (Invited)
- Statistical Methods for Evaluating Uncertainty Reduction Achieved by Increasing the Spatial Resolution of CCSM Simulations
- Surrogate Models and Uncertainty Quantification for Hazard Map Construction
- Temporal and spatial variability of surface water and groundwater interactions in a semi-arid agricultural valley
- Testing Requirements for Performance and Reliability of Marine Hydrokinetic Components and Systems
- The Scenarios Approach to Attenuation-Based Remedies for Inorganic and Radionuclide Contaminants (Invited)
- The effect of error models in the multiscale inversion of binary permeability fields
- Thermal Hydrology Modeling of Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste
- Thermal-Mechanical Modeling of Deep Borehole Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste
- Uranium transport experiments at the intermediate scale: Do more heterogeneous systems create more complex behaviors?
- Variation in Biofilm Stability with Decreasing pH Affects Porous Medium Hydraulic Properties
- Acoustic Emission and Ultrasonic Characterization of Jurassic Navajo Formation Deformation During Axisymmetric Compression Testing
- An Overview of the Source Physics Experiments (SPE) at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)
- Balancing Energy-Water-Agriculture Tradeoffs
- Bayesian inference of multiscale structures in porous media
- Behavior of water in supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>: adsorption and capillary condensation in porous media
- Breaking it into pieces for storage: An engineering approach to enhancing supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> entrapment
- Calculating Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance for the SALSA3D Global Tomographic P-Velocity Model with a Distributed Parallel Multi-Core Computer
- Can a COSMOS probe measure other environmental variables other than water content in the soils?
- Characterization of NCPA Infrasound Sensors
- Comparison of Laboratory and Modeling Results for High Strain Rates in Support of the Source Physics Experiment
- Data-Intensive Discovery Methods for Seismic Monitoring
- Design of a Hydro-Turbine Blade for Acoustic and Performance Validation Studies
- Detecting repeated seismicity int he Tohoku-Oki Earthquake using Waveform Correlation
- Dynamic simulation of connections between population, water resources, agriculture, and energy: Towards a global synthesis
- Equivalent Resolutions of Dynamical Cores in the CAM5 Framework - Established in Terms of Precipitation
- Evaluation of Pore Networks in Caprocks at Geologic Storage Sites: A Combined Study using High Temperature and Pressure Reaction Experiments, Small Angle Neutron Scattering, and Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Failure of Castlegate Sandstone under True Triaxial Loading
- First Deployment of a New Mobile Laboratory for Greenhouse Gas Attribution Studies
- High-resolution, parallel, continental ice sheet modelling using nonlinearly consistent solution algorithms
- Implementation and evaluation of an inexpensive low-power low-noise infrasound sensor and its use in a dense sensor network around an active volcanic vent
- Influence of Intermediate Principal Stress on Deformation Band Formation in Porous Sandstone
- Influence of the pressure on a fracture aperture controlling a fracture transmissivity
- Infrasonic Observations of the Final Flight of Space Shuttle Atlantis
- Iodide Sorption to Clays and the Relationship to the Surface Charge Environment
- Laboratory Testing of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Surrogate Waste Materials
- Laplace domain automatic data assimilation of contaminant transport using a Wireless Sensor Network
- Low-dimensional models for the estimation of anthropogenic CO2 emissions from atmospheric observations
- Measurement of streaming potentials generated during laboratory simulation of unconfined aquifer pumping tests
- Measuring water adsorption on mineral surfaces in air, CO2, and supercritical CO2 with a quartz-crystal microbalance
- Model Resolution, Model Covariance, and Travel Time Prediction Uncertainty for a Global Tomographic P-Velocity Model
- Modeling Coupled Processes for Multiphase Fluid Flow in Mechanically Deforming Faults
- Modeling Reservoir-River Networks in Support of Optimizing Seasonal-Scale Reservoir Operations
- Node Resource Manager: A Distributed Computing Software Framework Used for Solving Geophysical Problems
- Optimizing Spanwise & Streamwise Spacings of MHK Devices in a Trapezoidal River Channel
- Parameter Uniqueness And Uncertainty Associated For Multirate Transport Models Applied To Core-Scale Test Data
- Pore-scale simulation of calcium carbonate precipitation and dissolution under highly supersaturated conditions in a microfludic pore network
- Predictive uncertainty analysis of a highly heterogeneous field-scale groundwater model using null-space Monte Carlo
- Quantitative Risk Assessment for Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- SALSA3D - Improving Event Locations Using a Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle
- Scattering of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the presence of interchange instability in a finite-beta plasma
- Seasonal-Scale Optimization of Conventional Hydropower Operations in the Upper Colorado System
- Seismo-Acoustic Observations of Explosive Sources
- Shear-Wave Anisotropy Study Using Shallow Seismic Reflection Data at the Climax Stock, Former Nevada Test Site
- Spatial-Temporal Change Detection in NDVI Data Through Statistical Parametric Mapping
- Statistical Surrogate Models for Estimating Probability of High-Consequence Climate Change
- The Anisotropic, Elastic-Decohesive Constitutive Law in CICE: Implementation and Results
- The Effects of Heterogeneities on Seismic Wave Propagation in the Climax Stock
- The Impact of Geologic Heterogeneity on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection with Simultaneous Brine Extraction and Economic Uncertainty for Large-Scale CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration
- The Oliktok Point Arctic Research Facility (OPARF)
- The Role of Pre-stress in Shear Wave Generation from Explosions
- Using Prediction Markets to Generate Probability Density Functions for Climate Change Risk Assessment
- Variation in Hydraulic Conductivity with Decreasing pH in a Biologically-Clogged Porous Medium
- A new parallel library and scripting language for analysis of ultra-large climate data sets
- A short-standoff bistatic lidar system for aerosol cloud backscatter and fluorescence cross section, and depolarization ratio measurement
- An Integrated Risk Approach for Assessing the Use of Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts in Hydroelectric Reservoir Operations
- Bistatic Radar Observations Of The Moon Using The Arecibo Observatory & Mini-RF On LRO
- Bridging the Gap: Ideas for water sustainability in the western United States
- Calculating Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance fro a Global Tomographic P-Velocity Model
- Capturing 3D resistivity of semi-arid karstic subsurface in varying moisture conditions using a wireless sensor network
- Change Detection via Cross-Borehole and VSP Seismic Surveys for the Source Physics Experiments (SPE) at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)
- Characteristics of pore structures in Selma Chalk using dual FIB-SEM 3D imaging and Lattice Boltzmann Modeling
- Characterization of the Source Physics Experiment Site
- Cometary Coma Collisions on the Moon
- Coupled Flow and Mechanics in Porous and Fractured Media*
- Coupled Multi-physics analysis of Caprock Integrity and Fault Reactivation during CO2 Sequestration*
- Data-Intensive Discovery Methods for Seismic Monitoring
- Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Reconsolidated Crushed Salt to 200°C
- Effects of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) Arrays on Wave, Current, and Sediment Circulation
- Effects of a Potash Mine Roof Fall Observed in Nearby Monitoring Wells
- Effects of fault-controlled CO2 alteration on mineralogical and geomechanical properties of reservoir and seal rocks, Crystal Geyser, Green River, Utah
- Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Behavior in Three Lithofacies of the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone, Illinois Basin, USA
- Energy sector vulnerability to climate change: adaptation options to increase resilience
- Estimating fracture spacing from natural tracers in shale-gas production
- Experimental Evaluation of Water Films on Mineral Surfaces in Hydrous Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Extending Waveform Correlation techniques to Broad Regional Monitoring
- Finite-difference numerical simulations of underground explosion cavity decoupling
- Frameworks for Assessing the Quality of Modeling and Simulation Capabilities
- Improved cavity detection from coupled seismic and hydrologic models
- Infrasound Observations from the Source Physics Experiment (Tests 1, 2, and 3) at the Nevada National Security Site
- Inverse Modeling of Experiments to Support More Realistic Simulations of Sorbing Radionuclide Transport
- Iodide interactions with clay minerals: Batch and diffusion studies
- Is Hazardous Waste Injection into Basal Aquifers a Good Idea?
- Microstructural analysis of reconsolidated crushed salt at 250 °C
- Modeling and Experimental Investigations of Mixing-Controlled Geochemical and Biological Reactions at the Pore Scale
- Modeling transient streaming potentials in coupled saturated-unsaturated zone flow to a pumping well
- Modeling water, ecosystems, economics and culture in traditional acequia irrigation communities of New Mexico and their linked watersheds
- Nanogeochemistry: Size-dependent mineral-fluid interface chemistry
- Near-Surface Seismic Refraction Methods to Characterize Areas of Karst Geology near Carlsbad, NM
- Network representation of pore scale imagery for percolation models
- New CAM topography generation software
- Observational Constraints on Scale-Awareness; Illumination of Scale-Incognizance in CAM
- Pore Scale Investigations of Transverse Mixing Limited Reactions
- Prediction-Market-Based Quantification of Climate Change Consensus and Uncertainty
- Radial flow towards well in leaky unconfined aquifer
- Reactivity of Reservoir-Caprock Minerals in the Context of Geologic Carbon Sequestration
- Reconsolidation of Crushed Salt to 250°C Under Hydrostatic and Shear Stress Conditions Scott Broome, Frank Hansen, and SJ Bauer Sandia National Laboratories, Geomechanics Department
- SALSA3D: Validating a Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Event Location
- SNL-EFDC Simulations of Tidal Turbine-Related Changes to Hydrodynamics and Flushing
- Self-organized geodynamics of karst limestone landscapes and coupled terra rossa/bauxite formation
- Sensitivity of the Community Land Model (CLM4.0) to Key Modeling Parameters and Modeling of Key Physical Processes with Focus on the Arctic Environment
- Shock-Induced Melting and Vaporization of MgO by Multi-Mbar Shock and Release Experiments
- Simulations of the Influence of MHK-Turbine Operation on Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport for Scotlandville Bend, Mississippi River
- Site Characterization of the Nevada National Security Site from Body-Wave and Ambient Noise Tomography
- Snow water equivalent measured with cosmic-ray neutrons: reviving a little known but highly successful field method
- Source Region Modeling of Explosions 2 and 3 from the Source Physics Experiment Using the Rayleigh Integral Method
- Streaming potential response during pumping in a fractured rock aquifer
- The 2012 Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP)
- The Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: 1998-present. Data and Major Results
- The Role of Water Activity and Capillarity in Partially Saturated Porous Media at Geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Sites
- Thermoreflectance of gold: A temperature gauge for ramp compression experiments
- Towards a Unified Test Case Suite for Global Atmospheric Models
- Uncertainty Analysis and Bayesian Inference of Emissions and Transport from Urban Areas
- Upscaling of U(VI) Desorption Modeling from Batch Scale to Decimeter Scale
- Using the Sandia Z Machine to Probe Water at Planetary Conditions: Redefining the Properties of Water in the Ice Giants
- Using the Variable-Resolution General Circulation Model CAM-SE to Simulate Regional Tropical Cyclone Climatology
- Variation of mudstone mechanical properties by lithofacies, Upper Mancos Shale, San Juan Basin, NM
- Vertical Flume Testing of WIPP Surrogate Waste Materials
- Wavelet-based reconstruction of fossil-fuel CO2 emissions from sparse measurements
- a System Dynamics Approach for Looking at the Human and Environmental Interactions of Community-Based Irrigation Systems in New Mexico
- 3D Finite-Difference Modeling of Acoustic Radiation from Seismic Sources
- <SUP>220</SUP>Rn as a method for identifying point sources of groundwater discharge: Expanding the dissolved gas tool kit in groundwater stream water interactions. (Invited)
- A Comparison of Mass Transport Models for Evaluating U(VI) Desorption at the Decimeter Scale
- A Framework for Optimizing the Placement of Tidal Turbines
- A Global Model for Regional Phase Amplitude Prediction
- A New Network Modeling Tool for the Ground-based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Community
- A multiresolution random field model for estimating fossil-fuel CO2 emissions
- AMF-3 ARM Climate Research Facility
- An Assessment of Water Demand and Availability to meet Construction and Operational Needs for Large Utility-Scale Solar Projects in the Southwestern United States
- Application of a regional seismic travel time model to event detection and location at the International Data Centre
- Characterization of hydraulic fractures and reservoir properties of shale using natural tracers
- Climate, Energy, Water, Land and the Spill-Over Effect (Invited)
- Combined AC-STEM and FIB-SEM Characterization of Shale
- Constraining Paleo-Hydrologic Flow Fields from Iron Oxide Cementation Patterns
- Derivation of Pitzer Interaction Parameters for an Aqueous Species Pair of FeCitrate- and Mg2+
- Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Climate Data Analysis
- Evaluation of Parameter Uncertainty Reduction in Groundwater Flow Modeling Using Multiple Environmental Tracers
- Extent and effect of fault-controlled CO2 alteration on reservoir and seal rocks and implications for geomechanical failure at Crystal Geyser, Green River, Utah
- Feasibility of using backscattered muons for archeological imaging
- Finite-Difference Algorithm for Simulating 3D Electromagnetic Wavefields in Conductive Media
- Foundational methods for model verification and uncertainty analysis (Invited)
- Geomechanical Modeling to Predict Wellbore Stresses and Strains for the Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Materials
- Held-Suarez simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model Spectral Element (CAM-SE) dynamical core: a detailed global axial angular momentum analysis using Eulerian and Floating Lagrangian vertical coordinates
- High Performance Simulation of Environmental Tracers in Heterogeneous Formations
- High pressure and temperature electrical resistivity of iron and implications for planetary cores (Invited)
- Hydrologic interactions in snow-melt runoff driven semiarid watersheds
- Impact Vaporization of Planetesimal Cores
- Impact of hydrogeological and geomechanical properties on surface uplift at a CO2 injection site: Parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification
- Impacts of Potential Future Droughts on Electricity Generation
- Improvements in sub-grid, microphysics averages using quadrature based approaches
- Integrated Energy-Water Planning in the Western and Texas Interconnections (Invited)
- Integrated Mapping and Imaging at a Legacy Test Site (Invited)
- International Collaboration to Improve The Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Investigating the Thermal Limit of Clay Minerals for Applications in Nuclear Waste Repository Design
- Krypton-81 and Groundwater Flow in the Culebra Dolomite Near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico
- Linking Material Properties and Microstructures to Characterize Damage Associated with an Underground Explosion in Granite
- Modeling Hydrodynamic Changes Due to Marine Hydrokinetic Power Production: Community Outreach and Education
- Modeling the Chelyabinsk Airburst (Invited)
- Modeling the Infrasound Acoustic Signal Generation of Underground Explosions at the Source Physics Experiment
- Modeling water resources as a constraint in electricity capacity expansion models
- Multi-Station Broad Regional Event Detection Using Waveform Correlation
- Multi-model GCM ensemble simulations of idealized tropical cyclones
- Multirate Transport of Natural Tracers in a Fractured System
- Numerical and theoretical analyses of underground explosion cavity decoupling
- Open-Source Development of the Petascale Reactive Flow and Transport Code PFLOTRAN
- Phase Transitions of MgO Along the Hugoniot (Invited)
- Pore characteristics and their emergent effect on water adsorption and transport in clays using small-angle neutron scattering with contrast variation
- Pore-Scale Investigation on Stress-Dependent Characteristics of Granular Packs and Their Impact on Multiphase Fluid Distribution
- Recovering Seismic Green's Functions Using Icequake Coda Interferometry at Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Refinement and Testing of the Probabilisitic Event Detection Association and Location Algorithm
- RoMi: Refraction Microtremor Using Rotational Seismometers
- Seismic Characterization Using Joint Body Wave, Surface Wave and Gravity Inversion
- Seismic Spatial Autocorrelation as a Technique to Track Changes in the Permafrost Active Layer
- Simulating Land Ice Evolution within the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) climate modeling framework
- Site Characterization of the Source Physics Experiment Phase II Location Using Seismic Reflection Data
- Southwest U.S. Seismo-Acoustic Network: An Autonomous Data Aggregation, Detection, Localization and Ground-Truth Bulletin for the Infrasound Community
- Temporal variation of velocity and turbulence characteristics at a tidal energy site
- Test Results of High-Resolution Low Power, Portable Micro Barometer
- The effect of permeable biofilm on micro- and macro-scale flow and transport in bioclogged pores
- Transient streaming potentials associated with brine flow in rock salt
- Transitioning to Zero Freshwater Withdrawal for Thermoelectric Generation
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Tethered Balloons and U.S. Department of Energy Arm Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska
- Upscaling of reaction rates in reactive transport using pore-scale reactive transport model
- Using Spectral Losses to Map a Damage Zone for the Source Physics Experiments (SPE)
- Using the International Monitoring System to Validate SALSA3D: A Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Crust and Mantle for Improved Seismic Event Location
- Variable Resolution Modeling of California Snowpack within the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Variation in hydraulic conductivity with decreasing pH in a biologically-clogged porous medium (Invited)
- Vertical Flume Testing of WIPP Surrogate Waste Materials
- Water Resource Impacts Embedded in the Western US Electrical Energy Trade; Current Patterns and Adaptation to Future Drought
- a Multiple Data Set Joint Inversion Global 3d P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Seismic Event Location
- 3D Printing and Digital Rock Physics for the Geosciences
- A Historical Forcing Ice Sheet Model Validation Framework for Greenland
- AMF-3 (ARM Mobile Facility 3) at Oliktok Point Alaska
- An Experimental Investigation into Failure and Localization Phenomena in the Extension to Shear Fracture Transition in Rock
- An Ice Sheet Model Initialization Procedure for Smooth Coupling with Climate Forcing
- Applicability of surrogate-based MCMC-Bayesian inversion of CLM at flux tower sites with various climate and soil conditions
- Applying Bayesian Compressed Sensing (BCS) for sensitivity analysis ofclimate model outputs that depend on a high-dimensional input space
- Arctic Storms in a Regionally Refined Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Assessing Vulnerability of Electricity Generation Under Potential Future Droughts
- Assessing regional anthropogenic emissions from observations of atmospheric CO2
- Atmosphere-based estimates of non-CO<SUB>2</SUB> greenhouse gas emissions for the U.S. derived from <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> during 2009-2012.
- Atmospheric Moisture Budget and Spatial Resolution Dependenceof Precipitation Extremes in Aquaplanet Simulations
- Cohesive model applied to fracture propagation in Indiana Limestone
- Comparison of Modeled and Measured High-Resolution Optical Spectra from Lightning
- Constraining ammonia dairy emissions during NASA DISCOVER-AQ California: surface and airborne observation comparisons with CMAQ simulations
- Contribution of Oil and Gas Production to Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> in the South-Central United States: Reconciling Bottom-up and Top-down Estimates
- Coupled Hydrogeophysical Inversion for Characterizing Heterogeneous Permeability Field at a Groundwater-River Water Interaction Zone
- Density Estimation Framework for Model Error Assessment
- Department of Energy Arm Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska and Plans for a North Slope "Mega-Site"
- Determination and Statistical Analysis of Infrasound Sources Near Socorro, New Mexico
- Development of Modern Performance Assessment Tools and Capabilities for Underground Disposal of Transuranic Waste at WIPP
- Development of a Thermodynamically Consistent Constitutive Framework for Castlegate Sandstone
- Development of constitutive parameters from true triaxial tests performed on Castlegate Sandstone
- Digital image analysis of stress-dependent granular compaction and its impact on multiphase fluid distributions
- Do high-resolution global climate models simulate climate extremes better? A validation.
- Estimating Turbulent Surface Fluxes from Small Unmanned Aircraft: Evaluation of Current Abilities
- Evaluating Sediment Stability at Offshore Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Facilities
- Experimental Determination of P-V-T-X Properties and Adsorption Kinetics in the CO<SUB>2</SUB>-CH<SUB>4</SUB> System under Shale Gas Reservoir Conditions
- Explicitly Synchronizing Soil Water and Carbon Nitrogen Reactive Transport Using CLM-PFLOTRAN: Does Sequential or Synchronized Implementing of Soil Processes Matter to Soil C Stocks?
- Extending SALSA3D: Adding Secondary Phases to a Global 3D P-Velocity Model for Improved Seismic Event Location
- Geomechanical Modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Site to Predict Wellbore Stresses and Strains for the Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Materials
- Geomechanical Modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Site to Predict Wellbore Stresses and Strains for the Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Materials
- Geomechanical Response of Jointed Caprock During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Geological Sequestration
- Geomechanical variability within the D-E Member of the lower Tuscaloosa Formation supporting the SECARB Phase III CO2 Injection Program
- Imaging the Subsurface with Upgoing Muons
- Increasing the multiscale/multiphysics capability of CAM-SE using implicit time integration and GPU accelerators
- Large-N Over the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Phase I and Phase II Test Beds
- Lg-Wave Cross Correlation and Epicentral Double-Difference Relative Locations in China
- Long-Term Effect of Fault-Controlled CO2 Alteration on the Weakening and Strengthening of Reservoir and Seal Lithologies at Crystal Geyser, Green River, Utah
- Microstructural observations of reconsolidated granular salt to 250°C
- Multiporosity Flow of Gases in Tight Shale Formations
- Noble Gas Tracing of Fluid Transport in Shale Reservoirs
- Oedometric Small Angle Neutron Scattering: In-Situ Observation of Deformation Partitioning in Clay-rich Samples
- Parameter Estimation in High-Dimensional Climate Models
- Post-Chelyabinsk Risk Assessment for Near Earth Objects (NEOs)
- Preparing CAM-SE for Multi-Tracer Applications: CAM-SE-Cslam
- Proppant effects on maintaining fracture permeability in shale.
- Quantitative analysis of nano-pore geomaterials and representative sampling for digital rock physics
- Regional Analysis of Energy, Water, Land and Climate Interactions
- Resolution in Electromagnetic Prospecting
- Role of the Capillary Transition Zone on the Dissolution of CO<SUB>2</SUB> into Brine in Saline Reservoirs
- Seasonal changes in H/V spectral ratio at high-latitude seismic stations
- Seasonal, Day-of-Week, and Diurnal Trends in CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Observed at the Sandia Livermore Tower in Livermore, CA USA
- Spall Effects on Infrasound Generation
- The Social Network of Tracer Variations and O(100) Uncertain Photochemical Parameters in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Towards temporal monitoring using coda correlations of icequakes on Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Use of a Regionally-Refined Model for Simulations of North American Climate
- Using Runoff Data to Calibrate the Community Land Model
- Variable-Resolution Ensemble Climatology Modeling of Sierra Nevada Snowpack within the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Wave Resource Characteristics Near Humboldt Bay - Results from a 10-year Hindcast
- Wave energy converter effects on wave propagation: A sensitivity study in Monterey Bay, CA
- Wenchuan Event Detection And Localization Using Waveform Correlation Coupled With Double Difference
- 3D Printing and Digital Rock Physics for Geomaterials
- A Hybrid Multiscale Framework for Subsurface Flow and Transport Simulations
- A Perspective on Diagenetic Geometries and Patterns of Iron Oxide Cement and Coloration: Understanding Challenges and Complexities
- A Scalable Multi-chain Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method for Inverting Subsurface Hydraulic and Geological Properties
- AMF3 ARM's Research Facility at Oliktok Point Alaska
- Adaptive Self-Tuning Networks
- Airborne and Ground-Based Optical Characterization of Legacy Underground Nuclear Test Sites
- Alteration of Mancos Shale by synthetic hydrofracturing fluid
- Analysis of a Multi-Stage Sounding Rocket via Ground-Based Infrasonic Observations
- Bayesian Inversion using Physics-based Models Applied to Dome Extrusion at Mount St. Helens 2004-2008
- Bayesian calibration of the Community Land Model using a multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo method
- Beauty and the beast: Some perspectives on efficient model analysis, surrogate models, and the future of modeling
- Benchmark Study of 3D Pore-scale Flow and Solute Transport Simulation Methods
- CAM-SE-CSLAM: Consistent finite-volume transport with spectral-element dynamics
- Characterization of Heat-treated Clay Minerals in the Context of Nuclear Waste Disposal
- Characterizing 3-D flow velocity in evolving pore networks driven by CaCO3 precipitation and dissolution
- Climate Change Impacts on Rivers and Implications for Electricity Generation in the United States
- Comparing observations of fossil fuel-derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> in California with predictions from bottom-up inventories
- Derivation of Pitzer Interaction Parameters for an Aqueous Species Pair of Sodium and Iron(II)-Citrate Complex
- Detecting and Locating Seismic Events Without Phase Picks or Velocity Models
- Developing Path-Dependent Uncertainty Estimates for use with the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
- Effects of Aggregate Morphology and Size on SP2 Measurements of Black Carbon
- Effects of Spatial N nutrient mobility relevant to plants, soils and microtopograhy on plant growth and soil organic matter accumulation by using coupled CLM-PFLOTRAN biogeochemical model in an Area in NGEE-Arctic Intensive Study Sites, Barrow, AK.
- Efficient high-dimensional characterization of conductivity in a sand box using massive MRI-imaged concentration data
- Electromagnetic Measurements in an Active Oilfield Environment
- Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
- Evolution of Elastic Moduli for High Porosity Sandstone under True-Triaxial Stress Conditions
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Pore-Scale Multi-Phase Flow Dynamics
- Full Waveform Inversion Methods for Source and Media Characterization before and after SPE5
- Geomechanical Engineering Concepts Applied to Deep Borehole Disposal Wells
- Geomechanical Modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Site to Predict Wellbore Stresses and Strains for the Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Materials
- Geophysics, Remote Sensing, and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Integrated Field Exercise 2014
- Hammering Yucca Flat, Part One: P-Wave Velocity
- Hammering Yucca Flat, Part Two: Shear-Wave Velocity
- Hybrid Multiscale Simulation of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes in the River-Groundwater Interaction Zone
- Imaging Fracture Networks Using Angled Crosshole Seismic Logging and Change Detection Techniques
- Imaging a vertical shaft from a tunnel using muons
- Improved Bulletin Generation Using an Iterative Processing Framework
- Improvements to a High Spectral Resolution, Radiation-Hydrodynamics Model of a Lightning Return Stroke and Comparisons with Measured Spectra and Inferred Plasma Properties
- Improving Throughput of the ACME Climate Model by Parallel Splitting Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics
- Influence of the spatial distribution of cementation on the permeability and mechanical attributes of sedimentary and fault rocks
- Infrasound Generation from the Source Physics Experiments
- Integrating Ensemble Data Assimilation and Indicator Geostatistics to Delineate Hydrofacies Spatial Distribution
- Inverse Estimation of California Methane Emissions and Their Uncertainties using FLEXPART-WRF
- Laboratory Scale Hydraulic Fracture and Proppant Injection
- Measuring Changes in Electrical Conductivity of Fractures from DC Resistivity Data in an Active Oilfield Environment: A Model Study for Surface-Based Data.
- Mechanical Characterization of Mancos Shale
- Micromechanical Tests and Geochemical Modeling to Evaluate Evolution of Rock Alteration by CO2-Water Mixtures
- Microscopic evidence of grain boundary moisture during granular salt reconsolidation
- Mini-RF and Arecibo Observatory Bistatic Observations of the Moon
- Modeling Seismoacoustic Propagation from the Nonlinear to Linear Regimes
- Modeling the vulnerability of hydroelectricity generation under drought scenarios
- Monitoring Seasonal Changes in Permafrost Using Seismic Interferometry
- Multi-Fidelity Surrogates of Groundwater Flow
- Multi-mode Observations of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Strokes
- Multiscale Multiphysics Caprock Seal Analysis: A Case Study of the Farnsworth Unit, Texas, USA
- Multiscale imaging of carbonate rocks and representative sampling for digital rock physics
- Net Resource Assessment (NetRA): A Collaborative Effort Between USGS Science and Decisions Center, the Science Impact Laboratory for Policy and Economics (University of New Mexico) and Sandia National Laboratory
- Numerical Investigation of Fracture Propagation in Geomaterials
- Numerical Modeling of Deep Borehole Disposal Performance: Influence of Regional Hydrology
- Overview of the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework Study
- PFLOTRAN Simulation of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Single Waste Panel
- Parameter Sensitivity and Transferability Study Across Major US Watersheds
- Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance for a Global Tomographic P- and S-Velocity Model
- Phase 1 Validation Testing and Simulation for the WEC-Sim Open Source Code
- Planning and the Energy-Water Nexus
- Ramp Compression of Copper and a Pressure Standard to 450 GPa
- Real-time realizations of the Bayesian Infrasonic Source Localization Method
- SALSA3D: A Global 3D Velocity Model for Improved Seismic Event Location in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- Scientific Infrastructure To Support Manned And Unmanned Aircraft, Tethered Balloons, And Related Aerial Activities At Doe Arm Facilities On The North Slope Of Alaska
- Scientific Infrastructure to Support Atmospheric Science and Aerosol Science for the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Programs at Barrow, Alaska.
- Site Characterization for a Deep Borehole Field Test
- Site Guidelines for a Deep Borehole Field Test
- Sparse Polynomial Chaos Surrogate for ACME Land Model via Iterative Bayesian Compressive Sensing
- Stride Search: A General Algorithm for Storm Detection in High Resolution Climate Data
- Tethered Balloon Operations at ARM AMF3 Site at Oliktok Point, AK
- The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage
- The Role of Groundwater and River water Interactions in Modulating Land Surface and Subsurface States and Fluxes: A Local-Scale Case Study along the Columbia River Shoreline
- The Wettability of Shale by CO2 and Its Impact on Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Towards quantifying uncertainty in Greenland's contribution to 21st century sea-level rise
- UAS-Borne Photogrammetry for Surface Topographic Characterization: A Ground-Truth Baseline for Future Change Detection and Refinement of Scaled Remotely-Sensed Datasets
- Uranium plume persistence impacted by hydrologic and geochemical heterogeneity in the groundwater and river water interaction zone of Hanford site
- Use of the Fracture Continuum Model for Numerical Modeling of Flow and Transport of Deep Geologic Disposal of Nuclear Waste in Crystalline Rock
- Using Delft3D to Simulate Current Energy Conversion
- Using KLSH to Rapidly Search Large Seismic Signal Archives on a Desktop Computer
- Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing
- Water-Free Shale Stimulation: Experimental Studies of Electrofracturing
- A DFN-based High Performance Computing Approach to the Simulation of Radionuclide Transport in Mineralogically Heterogeneous Fractured Rocks
- A Multiscale Simulation Framework to Investigate Hydrobiogeochemical Processes in the Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Zone
- A Pilot Study to Evaluate California's Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using Atmospheric Observations
- A Three-dimensional, Implicit, Thermo-mechanical Computational Model for Polythermal Ice
- A Trends Review of Geophysics Research in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- A Variable Resolution Atmospheric General Circulation Model for a Megasite at the North Slope of Alaska
- AMF3 ARM's Research Facility and MAOS at Oliktok Point Alaska
- Aeras: A Performance Portable, High-Resolution Global Atmosphere Model
- An update on unmanned aircraft operations along the North Slope of Alaska to understand the lower Arctic troposphere
- Analysis of Mancos shale failure in light of localization theory for transversely isotropic materials.
- Arctic Atmospheric Measurements Using Manned and Unmanned Aircraft, Tethered Balloons, and Ground-Based Systems at U.S. DOE ARM Facilities on the North Slope Of Alaska
- Arctic storms simulated in atmospheric general circulation models under uniform high, uniform low, and variable resolutions
- Assessing the fracture strength of geological and related materials via an atomistically based J-integral
- Asteroid-Generated Tsunami and Impact Risk
- Atmospheric Model Effects on Infrasound Source Inversion from the Source Physics Experiments
- Automated Sensor Tuning for Seismic Event Detection at a Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Site, Farnsworth Unit, Ochiltree County, Texas
- Calibration and Recovery of Nuclear Test Seismic Ground-Motion Data from the Leo Brady Seismic Network
- Changing summer basal traction of the Greenland Ice Sheet at high temporal resolution using inversion of GPS-derived surface speed
- Characterization Efforts in a Deep Borehole Field Test
- Characterization of Dilatant Shear Bands in Castlegate Sandstone Using Micro-Computed Tomography
- Constitutive Modelling for High Porosity Sandstone: Castlegate Sandstone
- Coupling a three-dimensional subsurface flow model with a land surface model to simulate stream-aquifer-land interactions
- Detecting seismic waves using a binary hidden Markov model classifier
- Developing a weather observation routine during ICARUS
- Developing and Validating Path-Dependent Uncertainty Estimates for use with the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Development of a Pilot Learning Module on Water Energy Nexus Using a Data-Analytic and Hypothesis-Driven Approach
- Development of a Wave Resource Classification System
- Ecohydrological and Socioeconomic Relationships in Disturbed Woodland Ecosystems of the Western U.S.
- Effect of grain size and angularity on seismic velocity in unconsolidated sediment
- Efficiency and flexibility using implicit methods within atmosphere dycores
- Electrochemical Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks
- Electromagnetic Measurements in an Active Oilfield Environment
- Energy-Water-Land-Climate Nexus: Modeling Impacts from the Asset to Regional Scale
- Evaluating Approaches to a Coupled Model for Arctic Coastal Erosion, Infrastructure Risk, and Associated Coastal Hazards
- Evaluating an Explicitly Coupled 3-D Soil Thermal-Hydrology and Carbon Nitrogen Reactive Transport Land Surface Model - CLM-PFLOTRAN
- Experiments on Adaptive Self-Tuning of Seismic Signal Detector Parameters
- Finite-Difference Algorithm for 3D Orthorhombic Elastic Wave Propagation
- Flood Dynamics Using High-Resolution Data and Probabilistic Assessment of Uncertainty
- Fluid Interactions with Explosion-Induced Fractures
- Fractional Progress Toward Understanding the Fractional Diffusion Limit: The Electromagnetic Response of Spatially Correlated Geomaterials
- From Ground Truth to Space: Surface, Subsurface and Remote Observations Associated with Nuclear Test Detection
- Hexahedral Finite Element Mesh Capturing Realistic Geometries of Bayou Choctaw Strategic Petroleum Reserve
- High-resolution, Antarctic Ice Sheet simulations forced by submarine melting simulated by the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME)
- Identifying Electricity Capacity at Risk to Changes in Climate and Water Resources in the United States
- Imaging CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoirs using muons borehole detectors
- Imaging Fractures Through Relative Velocity Change Using Ambient Seismic Noise And Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS): A SUBTER Pilot Study At Blue Canyon Dome, Socorro NM
- Improved Carbon Flux Observations over Urban Areas Using Carbonyl Sulfide (COS) to Differentiate Contributions from Biosphere
- Information Criterion Comparison of Two Deep Convection Ensembles in the ACME Climate Model
- Injection-induced earthquakes on basement faults caused by injection into sedimentary reservoirs
- Insights into seasonal active layer dynamics by monitoring relative velocity changes using ambient seismic noise
- Integrated Remote Sensing Modalities for Classification at a Legacy Test Site
- Investigating the Relationship Between Waveform Correlation and Seismic Source Mechanisms
- Is the Silicate Perovskite to Post-Perovskite Transition Boundary Consistent with Earth's D'' Discontinuity?
- Laboratory Noble Gas Migration Experiments through Rock
- Lithofacies and Diagenetic Controls on Formation-scale Mechanical, Transport, and Sealing Behavior of Caprocks: A Case Study of the Morrow shale and Thirteen Finger Limestone, Farnsworth Unit, Texas
- Modelling Near-Surface Metallic Clutter Without the Excruciating Pain
- Multiscale Porosity and Mechanical Properties of Mancos Shale: Evaluation of REV and Scale Separation
- Multiscale imaging of carbonate rocks and upscaling for digital rock physics
- Next-Generation Climate Modeling Science Challenges for Simulation, Workflow and Analysis Systems
- Numerical Investigation of Formation Thickness and Wellbore Orientation on Caprock Integrity During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration
- Numerical Modeling of Thermal-Hydrology in the Near Field of a Generic High-Level Waste Repository
- Numerical modeling of flow and transport in the far-field of a generic nuclear waste repository in fractured crystalline rock using updated fracture continuum model
- On the Edge: the Impact of Climate Change, Climate Extremes, and Climate-driven Disturbances on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in the Colorado River Basin
- Optimization of Sensor Monitoring Strategies for Emissions
- Outsized impacts of hyporheic exchange on coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling in river systems
- PFLOTRAN Verification: Development of a Testing Suite to Ensure Software Quality
- Paleoclimatology Supports Physics: Our Energy Choices Will Have Large and Long-Lasting Consequences for Climate and Ecosystems
- Performance Assessment of a Generic Repository in Bedded Salt for DOE-Managed Nuclear Waste
- Phase field modeling of crack propagations in fluid-saturated porous media with anisotropic surface energy
- Physics-based conduit models of dome extrusion: Steady-state solutions applied to the Mount St. Helens 2004-2008 eruption
- Plane Wave Electromagnetic Reflection and Transmission from a Thin Geologic Layer
- Pore Structure and Diagenetic Controls on Relative Permeability: Implications for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage
- Pore-scale modeling of moving contact line problems in immiscible two-phase flow.
- Quantifying Hydro-biogeochemical Model Sensitivity in Assessment of Climate Change Effect on Hyporheic Zone Processes
- Quantifying Hyporheic Exchanges in a Large Scale River Reach Using Coupled 3-D Surface and Subsurface Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
- Quantifying hyporheic exchange dynamics in a highly regulated large river reach
- Quantifying the impacts of parametric uncertainty at FLUXNET sites in the ACME land model
- Rapid and Robust Cross-Correlation-Based Seismic Phase Identification Using an Approximate Nearest Neighbor Method
- Real-time noble gas release signaling rock deformation
- Recent Observational Efforts Using the DOE ARM Observatory at Oliktok Point, Alaska
- Reducing Errors in Satellite Simulated Views of Clouds with an Improved Parameterization of Unresolved Scales
- Results of a Study Demonstrating Automated Techniques for Waveform Correlation Applied to Regional Monitoring of Eastern Asia
- Role of Grain Crushing in the Alteration of Mechanical and Flow Properties of Sandstones during Mechanical Failure
- Shock Temperatures of Major Silicates in Rocky Planets
- Shock and Release Data on Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO4) Single Crystals
- Study of Transport Characteristics of Motile Microorganisms Using Micro-Scale Devices
- Surface-Wave Tomography of Yucca Flat, Nevada
- Testing the Feasibility of Imaging a Complex, Highly Conductive Environment with Field Instruments via a Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Induction Forward Solver
- The Effect of Hydrous Supercritical Carbon Dioxide on the Mohr Coulomb Failure Envelope in Boise Sandstone
- The Need and Opportunity for an Integrated Research, Development and Testing Station in the Alaskan High Arctic
- True Triaxial Failure of Granite: Implications for Deep Borehole Waste Disposal
- Use of Digital Volume Correlation to Measure Deformation of Shale Using Natural Markers
- Using Helium as a Tracer of Dynamic Rock Deformation
- Using bets to reveal people's opinions on climate change
- Using multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to calibrate geoscientific models
- Utility of Characterizing and Monitoring Suspected Underground Nuclear Sites with VideoSAR
- Value of Spaceborne Remotely Sensed Data Products in the Context of the Launch Phase of an On-Site Inspection
- Waste Not, Want Not: Role of Waste Generation, Management, and Treatment in Food-Energy-Water Nexus Interactions
- Water Partitioning Between Bridgmanite, Postperovskite, and Periclase in the Lowermost Mantle.
- Weighted Iterative Bayesian Compressive Sensing (WIBCS) for High Dimensional Polynomial Surrogate Construction
- kISMET: Stress and fracture characterization in a deep mine
- "Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Research Facility at Oliktok Point Alaska"
- 3D Orthorhombic Elastic Wave Propagation Pre-Test Simulation of SPE DAG-1 Test
- 3D printing application and numerical simulations in a fracture system
- A Comparison between Predicted and Observed Atmospheric States and their Effects on Infrasonic Source Time Function Inversion at Source Physics Experiment 6
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Synopsis of Stage 1 Research Strategy and Results
- ARM Tethered Balloon System & AALCO Activities at AMF3 Site at Oliktok Point, AK
- Acoustic source mechanism for buried explosions: coupling to ground motions investigated by physics-based seismoacoustic simulation
- Automated Techniques for Waveform Correlation Applied to Regional Monitoring of Eastern Asia
- Biogeochemical reactive transport of carbon, nitrogen and iron in the hyporheic zone
- Brine Migration in Heated Salt: Lessons Learned from Field Experiments
- Computer Simulation To Assess The Feasibility Of Coring Magma
- Constitutive Modelling and Deformation Band Angle Predictions for High Porosity Sandstones
- Detecting Seismic Events Using a Supervised Hidden Markov Model
- Developing a Fracture Model of the Granite Rocks Around the Research Tunnel at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory in Central Japan
- Development and Performance of Alternative Electricity Sector Pathways Subject to Multiple Climate and Water Projections
- Development of Pflotran Code for Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Performance Assessment
- Discrimination of Man-Made Events and Tectonic Earthquakes in Utah Using Data Recorded at Local Distances
- Drilling Magma for Science, Volcano Monitoring, and Energy
- Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Soil Nitrogen Reactive Transport in a Polygonal Arctic Tundra Ecosystem at Barrow AK Using 3-D Coupled ALM-PFLOTRAN
- Effect of Layering on Cracking Initiation and Propagation under Uniaxial Compression
- Effects of ice shelf basal melt variability on evolution of Thwaites Glacier
- Electrical Conductivity Distributions in Discrete Fluid-Filled Fractures
- Embedded Model Error Representation and Propagation in Climate Models
- Estimating Biases for Regional Methane Fluxes using Co-emitted Tracers
- Evaluating the Waveform Correlation Event Detection System (WCEDS) through comparison with an analyst catalog
- Event Discrimination Using Seismoacoustic Catalog Probabilities
- Evolution of Cement-Casing Interface in Wellbore Microannuli under Stress
- Exploring the Nonhydrostatic Threshold with Multiscale Dynamical Core Tests in ACME
- Failure of Sierra White granite under general states of stress
- Feasible Electricity Infrastructure Pathways in the Context of Climate-Water Change Constraints
- Forsterite Shock Temperatures and Entropy: New Scaling Laws for Impact Melting and Vaporization
- Gas and Oil Flow through Wellbore Flaws
- Geomechanical Modeling of Fault Impact on Caprock Integrity During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration
- Global and Regional 3D Tomography for Improved Seismic Event Location and Uncertainty in Explosion Monitoring
- Hierarchical Material Properties in Finite Element Analysis: The Oilfield Infrastructure Problem.
- High-resolution integration of water, energy, and climate models to assess electricity grid vulnerabilities to climate change
- How do subcritical cracking rates and styles influence rock erosion? A test case from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
- Hyporheic Zone Residence Time Distributions in Regulated River Corridors
- Illitization of Potassium, Cesium, and Ammonium Exchanged Smectite
- Imaging electrical conductivity, permeability, and/or permittivity contrasts using the Born Scattering Inversion (BSI)
- In-situ Microbarom from Ocean to Stratosphere
- Influences of Coupled Hydrologic and Microbial Processes on River Corridor Biogeochemistry and Ecology
- Insuring Water Sustainability for Resource Extraction in the New Mexico Permian Basin
- Investigating an implicit thermo-mechanical model implemented in FELIX
- Joint body- and surface-wave tomography of Yucca Flat, Nevada
- Leveraging Long-term Seismic Catalogs for Automated Real-time Event Classification
- Machine Learning Techniques for Global Sensitivity Analysis in Climate Models
- Maintaining Quality and Confidence in Open-Source, Evolving Software: Lessons Learned with PFLOTRAN
- Mechanical changes caused by CO<SUB>2</SUB>-driven cement dissolution in the Morrow B Sandstone at reservoir conditions: Experimental observations
- Mechano-Chemical Interactions at Cement-Geomaterial Interfaces in Repository and Borehole Scenarios
- Mode-I Fracture Toughness Testing and Coupled Cohesive Zone Modeling at In Situ P, T, and Chemical (H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-NaCl) Conditions
- Multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for computationally expensive models
- Multi-scale Modeling of Arctic Clouds
- Multiscale characteristics of mechanical and mineralogical heterogeneity using nanoindentation and Maps Mineralogy in Mancos Shale
- Multiscale pore structure and constitutive models of fine-grained rocks
- Nanoscale Stress-Corrosion of Geomaterials in Aqueous Solutions
- Noble Gas Release Signal as a Precursor to Fracture
- Novel Experimental Techniques to Investigate Wellbore Damage Mechanisms
- Optimal Experimental Design of Borehole Locations for Bayesian Inference of Past Ice Sheet Surface Temperatures
- Optimization of Emissions Sensor Networks Incorporating Tradeoffs Between Different Sensor Technologies
- Performance Assessments of Generic Nuclear Waste Repositories in Shale
- Persistent Homology fingerprinting of microstructural controls on larger-scale fluid flow in porous media
- Polymer nanocomposites for sealing microannulus cracks in wellbores cement-steel interface
- Powder-based 3D printing application for geomechanical testing
- Quantifying Coastal Hazard of Airburst-Generated Tsunamis
- Quantifying Km-scale Hydrological Exchange Flows under Dynamic Flows and Their Influences on River Corridor Biogeochemistry
- Quantifying human behavior uncertainties in a coupled agent-based model for water resources management
- Seismicity rate surge on faults after shut-in: poroelastic response to fluid injection
- Sensitivity analysis for the coupling of a subglacial hydrology model with a 3D ice-sheet model.
- Shale-brine-CO<SUB>2</SUB> interactions and the long-term stability of carbonate-rich shale caprock
- Simulating Hydrologic Flow and Reactive Transport with PFLOTRAN and PETSc on Emerging Fine-Grained Parallel Computer Architectures
- Solar Hot Air Balloons: A Low Cost, Multi-hour Flight System for Lightweight Scientific Instrumentation Packages
- Stochastic simulation of ecohydrological interactions between vegetation and groundwater
- Subsidence from an artificial permafrost warming experiment.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Chukanovite, Fe<SUB>2</SUB>CO<SUB>3</SUB>(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>(s): An Elusive Ferrous Iron Carbonate Hydroxide Mineral
- Systematic Evaluation of Salt Cavern Well Integrity
- The EGS Collab Project: Stimulation Investigations for Geothermal Modeling Analysis and Validation
- The Need and Opportunity for an Integrated Research, Development and Testing Center in the Alaskan High Arctic
- The Role of Model Fidelity in Understanding the Food-Energy-Water Nexus at the Asset Level
- The Unconstrained Event Bulletin (UEB) for the IMS Seismic Network Spaning the Period May 15-28, 2010: a New Resource for Algorithm Development and Testing
- The principal Hugoniot of Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> to 950 GPa
- The use of the multiwavelet transform for the estimation of surface wave group and phase velocities and their associated uncertainties
- Thermal Analysis of a Nuclear Waste Repository in Argillite Host Rock
- Towards routine measurements of meteorological and aerosol parameters using small unmanned aerial and tethered balloon systems
- Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems to Study Atmospheric Processes During Sea Ice Freeze Up
- Using Co-located Rotational and Translational Ground-Motion Sensors to Characterize Seismic Scattering in the P-Wave Coda
- Using discrete wavelet transform features to discriminate between noise and phases in seismic waveforms
- kISMET: Stress analysis and intermediate-scale hydraulic fracturing at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- 3D DC Electrical Responses of Complex Fractured Environments Modelled by Hierarchical Finite Element Method (Hi-FEM)
- 3D Nano-porous Chalk Rock Construction using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks
- 3D Orthorhombic Elastic Wave Propagation Simulation of SPE Phase-1 Experiments
- A Case Study of Wave Energy Forecast Improvement Using Data Assimilation
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Overview of Results from Stage 1 Research
- ARM research using Unmanned Systems: Science, Operations, and Findings
- Acoustic Energy Flux Into the Upper Atmosphere
- Acoustic point-source representation for vertical ground motions induced by buried explosions
- Application of a Spectra CS-18 Seismic Calibration System at Sandia National Laboratories
- Assessing Energy-Water Dynamics with Scalable Agent-Based Modeling Approaches
- Azimuthally dependent scattering of high frequency vertical component seismic data at the Large N array, Source Physics Experiment
- Bayesian Framework for Structural Uncertainty Estimation of Land Models
- Bayesian Source Location using Seismic and Acoustic observations
- Brute Force Evaluation of Neumann Series Adequacy for Electrically Conductive Fracture Response in the Presence of Strong Cultural Artifacts
- Changes of optical properties and viability from aging bioaerosols under various laboratory controlled atmospheric conditions in an advanced rotating drum
- Chemical-Mechanical Effects on Subcritical Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Fused Quartz
- Classification of Local Seismic Events in the Utah Region: A Comparison of Amplitude Ratio Methods with a Machine Learning Approach
- Climate And Water Resource Change Impacts On U.S. Electricity Infrastructure Development and Adaptation Opportunities
- Climate Impacts on U.S. Electric Sector Evolution and Water Use Under Varying Market Futures
- Crack Propagation in Layered Analog Rocks with Oriented Texture
- Criegee Intermediate-Carboxylic Acid Reactions, A Potential Source for Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere
- Cryopegs of Northern Alaska
- Damage Accumulation and Wellbore Stability
- Dense Array Seismic Study of a Legacy Underground Nuclear Test at the Nevada National Security Site
- Design of a long term hydraulic fracture and flow system
- Designing observation networks using Earth System Models to reduce uncertainty in regional carbon fluxes
- Detecting P-waves in Streaming Seismic Data Using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
- Detecting Seismic Events Using Ensembles of Features
- Deterministic wave elevation prediction for real-time impedance matching control of wave energy devices in intermediate waters
- Development of a Tightly Coupled Numerical Model for Arctic Coastal Erosion, Infrastructure Risk, and Evaluation of Associated Coastal Hazards
- Diagenetic Capillary Heterogeneity Influences Multiphase Flow, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage in a Depleted Brownfield Reservoir
- Drainage network generation using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
- Dynamic River Stage Variations Lead to Multimodal Residence Time Distributions of Hydrologic Exchange Flows
- Effect of zeolitization on noble gas transport through natural materials
- Effects of stream-aquifer-land interactions on evapotranspiration in semi-arid ecosystems: insights from integrated modeling
- Electrokinetic Laboratory Methods for Permeability Characterization
- Estimating Biases for Regional Methane Fluxes Using Spatially/Temporally Varying Random-Field Representations of Biases
- Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH
- Evolution of Concentrated Brine Composition at Elevated Temperatures
- Expert Assessment of Organic Carbon Stocks and Vulnerability in Subsea Permafrost
- Exploiting Model Structure for Global Sensitivity Analysis in E3SM Land Model
- Extreme wave height estimation for energy resource and conditions classification
- First detection of lightning infrasound using a high-altitude balloon
- Formation Pore Pressure through the Tuaheni Landslide Complex and the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone at IODP Expedition 372 Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Fourth National Climate Assessment Findings on Energy Supply, Delivery, and Demand
- Fractional Helmholtz to Help Detect Fine Scale Features
- Gas Hydrate Accumulations in Thin Sands.
- Geomechanical Investigation of Stacked Storage in CO<SUB>2</SUB>Sequestration
- How Model Coupling Influences the Perceived Vulnerabilities of Connected Energy-Water Systems
- Hydrogeomorphic Controls on Hydrologic Exchange Flows Dynamics within a Large Regulated River Corridor
- Imaging Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Using Semi-Permanent Continuous Active Seismic Source Monitoring: Results from the DOE EGS Collab Experiment
- In Situ Hydroxyapatite Permeable Reactive Barrier Performance at the Old Rifle, CO Uranium Processing Mill Site - A field test has been performed to assess the effectiveness of the Sandia National Laboratories patented in situ hydroxyapatite permeable reactive barrier and source area treatment technology to remediate uranium at the Old Rifle, CO site
- Incorporating stakeholder's interaction and negotiation processes into water management decisions using a coupled agent-based modeling approach
- Infrasound Event Classification: A Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches
- Infrasound Observations Using High Altitude Balloons
- Initial Characterization of the Zenifim Formation for Nuclear Waste Storage
- Injection-induced seismicity along multiple faults: magnitude and rate in a 3-D poroelasticity system
- Insights Into Modeling Earth's Water Cycle From Superparameterized-E3SM Simulations
- Integrated Multi Scale Multi Sector Modeling - Poster Presentations
- Integrated, Multiscale, Multidisciplinary Research of Arctic Change and Impacts on Security and Infrastructure Resilience in Alaska
- Investigations in Stimulating Crystalline Rock: Hypotheses and Uncertainties
- Linear Equivalent Seismic Sources from Simulations of Underground Chemical Explosions
- Machine learning assisted microscopic image analysis for unconventional reservoir studies
- Mechano-Chemical Interactions at Cement-Geomaterial Interfaces in Repository and Borehole Scenarios
- Microseismic monitoring of meso-scale stimulations for the DOE EGS Collab project at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- Modeling Energy-Water Dynamics and Regional Interactions in a Multi-Model Framework
- Modelling the Hydrologic Response of a Montane Upland Watershed to Climate Change Scenarios in Northern New Mexico
- Modifying an ice nucleation parameterization to include feldspar dust in E3SM
- Noble-gas Transport in the Subsurface Under Partially-saturated Conditions
- Opportunity to Plan and Develop a Comprehensive US Arctic Research Infrastructure Network Hub at Oliktok Point, Alaska
- Overview of the EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Validation
- Pore morphology, permeability, and constraints on gas hydrate accumulation in sediments from the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, NZ
- Progress towards Venus Seismology through Balloon-based Infrasound Remote Sensing
- Pycheron: A python-based library for automated real-time seismic quality control with applications to nuclear explosion monitoring
- Rapid recognition of fracture-generated phase components using machine learning methods
- Sampling Venus' atmosphere to measure noble gases and their isotope ratios
- Scientific and National Security Missions Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Facilities in the Alaska High Arctic
- Seasonal Effects of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) Array Environmental Risk Assessments
- Selecting Multiple Borehole Locations for Maximizing Bayesian Information Gain on Past Ice Sheet Surface Temperatures
- Stress-Corrosion Fracture of Silica in Aqueous Solutions
- Study of Greenland subglacial hydrology at medium-high resolutions
- The 2018 Dynamic Networks Data Processing and Analysis Experiment (DNE18)
- The ANCorr Method: An Algorithm for Synthesizing ANCorr Templates
- The EGS Collab Hydrofracture Experiment at the Sanford Underground Research Facility - Campaign Cross-Borehole Seismic Characterization
- The FEW Nexus in Sub-Saharan African Countries: Connections between Resource Availability, Governance, Socioeconomic Development, and Health Outcomes
- The First EGS Collab Testbed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility - Discrete Fracture Network Characterization
- The Gem Infrasound Logger: a Low-Cost, Lightweight, Open-Source, Self-Contained, Easy-to-Use Infrasound System
- The Iterative Processing Framework: A New Paradigm for Automatic Event Building
- The Open Source PFLOTRAN Simulator
- The Quest for MCS: Simulating, Detecting, and Analyzing Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) and Contiguous United States Regions (CONUS) in Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Regionally Refined Model (RRM) configurations
- The effects of atmospheric model variability on the inversion of infrasonic signals at the Source Physics Experiment
- The potential role of Criegee Intermediate + ROOH reactions on secondary organic aerosol formation
- Thermal-Hydrologic Modeling for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel in a Generic Repository in Crystalline Host Rock
- Three-dimensional OpenFOAM-PFLOTRAN coupled model for mechanistic simulation of hydrologic exchange flows in varied hydromorphic settings
- U.S. DOE ARM Tethered Balloon System at AMF3 in Oliktok Point, Alaska
- Uncertainty quantification of urban flooding simulation by using a reduced order modeling framework
- Using Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation to Improve Process Understanding of Hydrologic Exchange Flows in Dynamic River Corridors from km- to Reach Scales
- Vaporizing Forsterite: Implications for Planetary Accretion and Distribution of the Moderately Volatile Elements
- What Can Microseismicity at the First EGS Collab Site Tell Us About the Subsurface Fracture Network?
- A Comparison of Computational Issues in the Evaluation of Hankel Transforms for Geophysical Electromagnetics
- A Faster Super-Parameterized Model: Results From the New SP-E3SM
- A Multiscale Seismic Deployment with 463 Sensors Following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in Eastern CA
- A Probabilistic Modeling Framework Utilizing Ocean Drilling Data to Forecast Current and Future Thermodynamic Conditions On and Below the Seafloor
- A high-resolution discrete element sea ice model for simulating sea ice dynamics
- A mechanism for induced earthquakes at large distances and depths from injection wells
- A semi-implicit barotropic mode solver for the MPAS-Ocean
- AMG Preconditioner for Multiphase Flow in Engineered Simulation Domains
- ARM Aerosol Measurements Using Unmanned Aerosystems
- Acoustic emission analysis of fracture initiation and propagation using physics-informed machine learning methods
- An Analytical Framework for Water-Electricity Resilience Planning in the U.S.
- An Automated Bolide Detection and Lightcurve Pipeline for GOES Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- An open-source framework for probabilistic gas hydrate systems modeling
- Analysis of hydraulic fractures performed on the 4100 level at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- Analyzing Microseismicity Triggered by the DAG-2 Chemical Explosion Using Fiber Optic DAS Data
- Applying waveform correlation to aftershock sequences using a global sparse network
- Arctic Sea Ice Internal Variability in E3SM and Its Response to Anthropogenic Forcing
- Baseline Characterization for Change Detection with Joint Inversion of ERT and Campaign Seismic Data
- Benchmarking Current and Emerging Approaches to Infrasound Event Classification
- Bluff geometry and material variability influence stress states relevant to coastal permafrost bluff failure
- Building a better super-parameterized model: Unleashing the CRM
- Calibration and Propagation of Model Structural Error for E3SM Land Model
- Capillary Pressure Derived Relative Permeability Relationships
- Chemical controls on granular compaction in calcite
- Climate-Water Adaptation for Future US Electricity Infrastructure
- Climate-Water Impacts on Interconnection-Scale Electricity System Planning
- Cloud resolving climate modeling on upcoming Exascale computers
- Comparison of Wind Noise Reduction Systems for Use in Temporary Infrasound Deployments
- Creating a Densely Instrumented Subsurface Observatory: Combining Active/Passive Seismic Arrays and Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Fracture Characterization at the COLLAB Facility
- Dam Induced Hydrologic Exchange Flows Alter River Corridor Thermal Regime
- Damage Mechanics Challenge: Simulation of Failure Load and Crack Geometry
- Data-driven inferences for aerosol and marine low-cloud interactions using ship-based databases and open-source satellite imagery
- Detecting seismic wave arrivals using multi-instance learning
- Deterministic-Chaotic Gas Migration in Bentonite: Evidence, Characteristics and Phenomenological Modeling
- Development of a Tidal Energy Resource Classification System
- Development of a Tightly Coupled Multi-Physics Numerical Model for an Event-Based Understanding of Arctic Coastal Erosion
- Diagnosing the sensitivity of grounding line flux to changes in sub-ice shelf melting
- Direct Observation of Co-seismic Deformation at 1.5km Depth: The EGS Collab Fracture Stimulation Test
- Discrete Characterization of Abyssal Hills: Unraveling Temporal Variations in Crustal Accretion Processes at the 10º30'N Segment, East Pacific Rise
- Downscaling GPS observations for watershed-scale hydrologic loading
- Dual-Use and Multiple-Use Applications for Earth Systems Observations on the North Slope of Alaska
- Early Results from the E3SM Global Storm-Resolving Model
- Effect of Fluid on Crack Propagation in Amorphous Silica by Molecular Simulation
- Eigenvalue Uncoupling of Electrokinetic Flows
- Euler-Lagrange simulations that capture fully resolved physics for particle-laden geophysical flows
- Evaluation of Implicit-Explicit, Additive Runge-Kutta Method Efficiency in HOMME-NH
- Evolution of Electric Sector Water Sources Under Alternative Electricity Futures
- Exploring the Use of Ultra-Low Resolution E3SM Simulations to Predict Sea Ice - Free Summers, and to Elucidate the Role of Arctic Sea Ice in Polar Amplification
- Extracting Bolide Light Curves from GOES GLM Data
- Fast and Scalable Digital Rock Reconstruction using Spatially Assembled Generative Adversarial Neural Networks
- Feature-based Bayesian Inference and Sequential Tempered Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Seismic Event Monitoring
- Fracture Characterization, Modeling of Hydrology and Non-Reactive Transport at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, Japan.
- Gas Transport Under Far-From (Capillary) Equilibrium Conditions: Topological Dependencies, Feedbacks, and Mechanical Couplings
- Geochemical characterization of eroding coastal permafrost and organic matter fluxes to the Beaufort Sea near Drew Point, Alaska
- Geomechanical Characterization of Geo-architectured Materials Using Gypsum-Based 3D Printing
- Geomechanically-Induced Electrical Resistance Responses During High-Pressure Flow Tests in a Stimulated Fracture Zone
- Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt: WIPP Experiments and Simulations
- Hele-Shaw experiments and phase-field modeling of weak viscoplastic materials
- Hyper-Differential Sensitivity Analysis to Support Geophysical Inverse Problems
- Image-based Analysis of Gas Densification and Enhanced Storage in Nanoporous Rocks
- Importance of Water Operations and Water Rights in Assessing Future Climate Impacts
- Improving Mesoscale Convective System Simulation Fidelity with Superparameterization
- Integrative Approaches to Building Planet Earth: New Wide-Ranging Equations of State
- Liquid-vapor coexistence and critical point of Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> from ab-initio simulations
- Local to Regional Energy System Impacts of Water Management and Agricultural Decisions in the Southwest: The Importance of Scale.
- Mechano-Chemical Interactions within Engineered Barrier-Geomaterial Interfaces
- Mixed-Mode Fracture Propagation in Layered Printed Rocks with Oriented Texture
- Multi-label classification of mineralogy distribution in shale images using machine learning methods
- Multi-omics Integration for Substrate-Explicit Biogeochemical Modeling and More
- Nonlinear tracers and subsurface sensing with chemical waves
- Observatory- and model-based efforts to understand the influence of cloud-nucleating particles on clouds in Arctic Alaska
- Partnering for a Resilient and Secure Arctic: National Labs and University of Alaska
- Physics-informed Recurrent Neural Network Surrogates for E3SM Land Model
- Pre-training of urban flood simulation for real-time flood forecasting within uncertainty quantification framework
- Preparing the Exascale Energy Earth System Model (E3SM) for Exascale Computing Platforms
- Probabilistic Sea Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models (ProSPect)
- Production and fate of metal chelates in alkaline soils
- Properties of Carbon under High Pressure-Temperature Conditions inside the Cores of Rocky Exoplanets
- Quantification of Paragenetic Controls on Chemomechanical Sensitivity of the Morrow B Sandstone During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection, Farnsworth Unit, Texas
- Quantifying the adaptive water management decision in the San Juan River Basin under climate change
- Quantifying uncertainty in E3SM land surface model predictions using surrogate modeling approaches
- Reducing the cost of radiation in multi-scale atmosphere models
- Regionally Refined Modeling of the Atmosphere in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Regionally refined test bed in E3SM atmosphere model version 1 (EAMv1) and applications for high-resolution modeling
- Reusing Operations & Maintenance Records: Moving from Reactive to Proactive Management of Solar Photovoltaic Sites
- Software Tools for SALSA3D Model Interrogation, Event Location and Travel-Time Computation
- Stimulation and Flow Tests in Deep Crystalline Rock - The EGS Collab Project
- Stochastic simulation and inference of complex ecohydrologic processes with uncertainty quantification in an Amazonian catchment
- Strategies to Develop a Year-Round Comprehensive US High Arctic Research Center in Alaska to Serve Broad National Interests
- Surrogate-Based Bayesian Inference for Source Localization
- Testing The Exchangeability Of Two Ensembles Of Spatial Processes - Evaluating Proxy Influence In Assimilated Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- The Potential of Integrated Machine Learning Algorithms for Tropical Cyclone Detection in Advanced Climate Modeling
- The Unstructured APhiD: A Finite Element Formulation of Maxwell's Equations Using Lorenz-Gauged Potentials
- The development of the Terrestrial Dynamical core (TDycore) library and it's coupling with E3SM
- The effects of uncertain stochastic variations in Earth velocity structure on the inversion of seismic data for the time-domain moment tensor.
- The effects of well casing corrosion and completion design on geo-electrical response in mature wellbore environments
- Towards isotopically-enabled models of the stratosphere with implications for geoengineering
- Uncertainty Quantification for E3SM Land Component using Low-Rank Surrogate Models
- Underground explosion and bolide airburst detection using balloon-borne infrasound sensors
- Understanding Ecohydrology in a Managed Watershed through Integrated Modeling and Observations
- Use of ARM's Tethered Balloon System to Collect In Situ Atmospheric Measurements
- Using Dynamic Vegetation Modeling to Explore Boreal Forest Canopy-cover Shifts Under Water Stress and Changing Climate
- Using Ensemble Data Assimilation to Estimate Transient Hydrologic Exchange Fluxes under Highly Dynamic Flow Conditions
- Using Machine Learning to Compare Simulated and Observational Sea Ice Extent Data
- Variations in Moderately Volatile Elements in Planetary Bodies from Impact Vaporization
- Vertical Profile of Atmospheric Particle Composition via Tethered Balloon System
- Vertically-Resolved Nanoparticle Concentrations Observed at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Water-Driven Constraints and Adaptations in Coal-Fired Power Plants
- 3D Orthorhombic Earth Model Effects on Seismic Source Characterization
- A Framework for Practical Factor Fixing Demonstrated with Uncertainty Quantification of a Water Quality Model
- A Framework to Evaluate IMEX Schemes for Atmospheric Models
- A Marine Hydrokinetic Turbine Design Targeting Enhanced Operational Performance
- ARM Unmanned Aerosystems - Capability and Potential
- Accumulation and Dissipation of Water Associated with Flooding in the Missouri River Basin
- Acoustic Wave Generation by Finite Surface Motions Simulated by Full 3-D Finite-Difference Method
- Advances and gaps on propagating the impact of climate change on future water availability through the energy planning process: a Western US Case Study
- Analyzing Newspaper Articles: Opportunities, Strategies, and Risks
- Application of a Paired Neural Network to Aftershock Identification
- Application of unsupervised machine learning approach for characteristics of microseismic events at a CO2 injection site
- Applying Compression Distance Metrics to Seismic Data in Support of Global Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- Assessing the Repeatability of Acoustic Signals Originating from Closely Spaced Events
- Assessing the vertical structure of Arctic aerosols using tethered-balloon-borne measurements
- Assessment of infrasound location capabilities using ground truth infrasonic events from the Utah Test and Training Range, Utah, USA
- Characterization of Permeability/Porosity Relationships as a Function of Rubble Pile Polydispersity during Room Closure at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Collaboration to better understand Arctic change
- Comparing Higher-dimensional Velocity Models for Seismic Location Accuracy using a Consistent Travel Time Framework
- Comparison of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and Co-Located Geophones of a Chemical Explosion in a Borehole at Blue Canyon Dome, Socorro, NM
- Computational simulation of coupled poromechanical processes in deformable fractured and porous media
- Crop-specic exposure to extreme temperature and wetness for the globe for the last half century
- Deep Learning Denoising Applied to the University of Utah Seismic Stations Network Data
- Detection of small-magnitude Earthquakes using balloon-borne infrasound sensors
- Developing A Metadata Schema for Use in Geoscience Projects
- Development of an Automated Bolide Detection Pipeline for the GOES Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Dimensionality Reduction and Physics-Informed Recurrent Neural Networks for Climate Land Models
- Evaluating microbarom source models using infrasound recorded on a stratospheric balloon
- Evaluation of Fracture in Cement-Clay Systems through Application of Non-Local Peridynamics
- Evolution of Sandstone Properties Undergoing Cyclic Hydrostatic Loading
- Experimental Determination of Conditional Solubility Constants of Wyoming Bentonite (MX-80) at Elevated Temperatures
- Experimental Investigation of the Role of Temperature on the Threshold Gradient of non-Darcian Flow in Clay/Sand Mixtures
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Shale
- Exploration and Meteorological Data Collection Of Venusian Atmosphere using CubeSat-based Solar Balloons
- Extending Theory-Guided Data Science to Consider Social Science Domains
- First Round of Testing in the Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
- Fluid flow in low-permeability media: Nanoconfinement and nonlinear dynamics
- Formic Acid Catalyzed Isomerization and Adduct Formation of an Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediate: Experiment and Theory
- Gas Transport in Clays: Dilatation, Dry out, and Behavior Transitions
- Generating actionable information through the fusion of text and timeseries data: A case study of extreme weather effects at Photovoltaic plants
- Geospatial Analysis of Wildfire Coverage in Newspapers across the USA
- Helium (<SUP>4</SUP>He) Measurements During a Chemical Explosion and their Implications
- Ice Sheet Model Mesh-resolution Dependence of Damage Advection and Calving
- Impacts of including global vegetation demography and dynamic plant competition in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- In-situ experimental study of the coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical behavior at WIPP using resistivity and distributed fiber optic sensing
- Induction of convective flow due to salt exclusion during hydrate formation in coarse-grained sediments
- Initial Validation Results for the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) Model
- Initial results from precision spark resistance measurements
- Interfacial chemistry in geologic nanopores
- Investigating Field Scale Fracture Network Deformation Using Radiogenic Noble Gases
- Investigating the behavior of clay in cement systems
- Lab Measurements of Noble Gas Capture from Water Saturated Non Welded Tuff
- Lightning observations with the Long Wavelength Array in Sevilleta, New Mexico (LWA-SV)
- Low-Rank Tensor Network Approximations for Earth System Models
- Machine Learning Application for Permeability Estimation of Three-Dimensional Rock Images
- Machine learning approaches for modeling spatio-temporal patterns in subsurface energy production
- Modeling Drying of Cement-Clay Composites with Non-Local Peridynamics
- Modeling Studies on Blowing Snow Process Associated with Extreme Arctic Weather
- NRAP-Open-IAM: A New, Open-Source Code for Integrated Assessment of Geologic Carbon Storage Containment Effectiveness and Leakage Risk.
- New Approaches to Handling Stiff Acoustic Modes in a Multi-scale Modeling Framework (MMF) Cloud Resolving Model (CRM)
- Not All Disasters Are Created Equal: Evaluating Differences in Fire and Hurricane Media Coverage
- Numerical Investigation of Hydraulically-Driven and Chemically-Driven Fractures in Geological Subsurface
- Observations of Stratospheric Aerosols from Heliotrope Solar Hot Air Balloons
- Observations of ship-induced cloud tracks and methods for quantifying the duration of track visibility
- Operational Impacts of Drought and Changing Electricity Load on the Western U.S. Power System in Low and High Renewable Systems
- Operational and geological controls of hydro-mechanical coupling effects on induced earthquakes in Pohang, South Korea
- Performance-Portability Results for the Non-Hydrostatic Atmosphere Dycore of E3SM at Cloud-Resolving Resolutions.
- Physicochemical properties of atmospheric particles at different altitude via tethered balloon system
- Physics-based Simulation Can Facilitate Hypothesis Testing for Increasingly Dynamic Coastal Permafrost Systems
- Precipitation forecasting using machine-learning-based ensemble aggregation with Wasserstein-guided weighting
- Predicting gas and hydrate presence on the U.S. Atlantic margin using geospatial machine learning
- Prediction of Flow and Reactive Transport using Physics Informed Neural Networks
- Probabilistic Predictions of Gas Hydrate Formation near Blake Ridge using Dakota and PFLOTRAN
- Probabilistic Predictions of Offshore Gas Hydrate and Submarine Permafrost Distribution Along the Alaskan North Slope
- Projections of 21st century sea-level rise from Humboldt Glacier, north Greenland
- Quantifying Chemomechanical Reservoir Sensitivity to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Using Paragenesis, Flow-Through Experiments, and Strength Testing at In Situ Conditions, Farnsworth Unit, Texas
- Quantifying drivers of uncertainty in land model predictions at global scales using machine learning
- Quantitative Characterization and Analysis of Natural Fractures to Revitalize Production from the Unconventional Cane Creek Formation of the Paradox Basin
- Realtime forecasting of CO2 flow using variational autoencoder with ensemble-based data assimilation
- Recent performance improvements in DOE E3SM fully coupled model
- Reduction of problem dimensionality by merging hydrologic models with a probabilistic learning methodology
- Rock-Fluid Interactions: Fracture Formation and Fluid Distributions
- Sea Ice Climate of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, Version 2
- Seal System Research within the Brine Availability Test in Salt at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Seismic Tomographic Modeling of Israel and the Middle East: Improved Resolution Through Optimized Model Parameterization
- Semantic segmentation of rock images using deep learning methods
- Solar Climate Intervention: Establishing baseline metrics for the lower stratosphere using the heliotrope solar hot air balloon system
- Sources and Spatiotemporal Patterns of Anthropogenic Infrasound in Urban Areas
- Spektra CS-18 Seismic Calibration System: Reference Measurement Distortion Reduction
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Applications for Induced Seismic Data Analysis of Fracture Initiation and Propagation
- Temporary Wind Noise Reduction Systems for Infrasound: Comparison Over Time and Response Analysis
- The EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Flow at the 10-meter scale
- The Venus Atmospheric Dynamics and Infrasound Seismology (VADIS) Instrument
- The influence of spatially variable resolution in fully coupled E3SM simulations
- Thermally induced acoustic emissions in salt at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Ultra-wideband (>1 GHz) electromagnetic measurements of lab-based discharges and comparisons with lightning
- Uncertainty Quantification of Moment Tensor Inversions due to Earth Model Uncertainty
- Updated Simulations of the FEBEX Full-Scale In-situ Heater Test for High-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal in Crystalline Rock
- Using Publish-Subscribe Methodology to Improve Water Data Sharing
- Using Waveform Correlation to Reduce Analyst Workload due to Repeating Mining Blasts
- Using seismic gradiometry and machine learning to discriminate between explosion and earthquake seismic sources
- Utilizing Field Data and Numerical Modeling to Constrain Reservoir Parameters During a Salt Heater Test
- Vertically-Resolved Nanoparticle Concentrations Observed at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Water Risk for the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Water Supply and Demand in the Future U.S. Power Sector
- Water transport pathway in clay interlayer upon dehydration
- Weather Impacts On Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Plant Performance
- A Comparison of Turbulent Inflow Statistics at Six Tidal Energy Sites
- A Flexible and Modern Design for the Next Generation E3SM Atmosphere Model
- A Quantitative Comparison of the Strain-rate and Velocity Data Measured at the Source Physics Experiment, Phase II
- A Statistical Analysis of Bolides Detected by GOES GLM and its Implications to Planetary Defense
- A Tale of Two Models: Projecting Water Scarcity for the Colorado River Basin
- A decadal reflection of case studies encompassing the Panta Rhei paradigm
- A framework for data-driven solution of linear poroelasticity using continuous conditional generative adversarial networks
- A low-order wind-resolving model for predicting transport processes in row-organized agricultural canopies
- Adsorption and Pore Size Effects on Gas Uptake and Diffusion in Zeolites
- An Assessment of Nonhydrostatic and Hydrostatic Dynamical Cores at Seasonal Time Scales in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SMv1)
- An Automatic Tool for Data QC in Seismic Arrays using Signal Singular Values
- An Instrumented Reference Hydrokinetic Turbine System for Load Response Characterization at a Tidal Energy Test Site
- Arctic Cyclones in Reanalyses and E3SM Simulations: Changes, Driving Mechanisms, and Ice-Ocean Impacts
- Biodegradability of Organic Matter Eroding Along the Alaska Beaufort Sea Coast
- Brine Availability Test in Salt: THMC Simulations of a Heated Borehole in Salt
- Case Studies Using Machine Learning for Tsunami Forecasting
- Channel Transformation and Plasma Decay During the Lightning Return Stroke
- Characterization of tidal current velocity profiles for hydrokinetic energy conversion
- Combining new advances in modeling dynamic vegetation and nutrient competition to improve boreal forest predictions to changing climate
- Comparative Study of the Performance of Seismic Denoising Methods Using Regional Data
- Constraining subglacial hydrology with ice surface velocity observations by solving an inverse ice dynamics-subglacial hydrology problem
- Coupled Chemomechanical Feedbacks from Experimental CO2-Rich Fluid-Rock Interaction in Uncemented Lithofacies of Morrow B Sandstone
- Coupled mechanism of capillarity and carbonation in the oilwell cement during ScCO2 invasion
- DAS monitoring of large and small chemical explosions in variable geologic media
- Deep methane pulsing as a mechanism for concentrating microbial methane hydrate in marine sediments
- Density-driven Displacement of a Hydrocarbon by Water
- Development of A Machine Learning Based Framework for Well Spacing Optimization in Unconventional Oil and Gas Production
- Diagnosing cloud and precipitation processes at the individual cloud scale in E3SMs global 3km convection permitting model
- Dust Devil Heartbeat Detection on Infrasound Sensors
- E3SM Atmosphere surrogate construction using machine learning and reduced order modeling methods
- Effect of molecular interaction on macroscopic phenomena in geological CO2 storage
- Efficient Predictions of Global Free Gas and Gas Hydrate Formation using K-means Clustering
- Estimating the Magnitude of Completeness for Earthquake-Generated Infrasound Bulletins in Southern Nevada
- Evaluating spatio-temporal trends in infrasound propagation using seismo-acoustic arrivals from repeating explosions
- Evaluation of Offshore Wave Climates along the Alaskan North Slope using K-means Clustering
- Experimental and numerical study of 3D pore-scale calcium carbonate dissolution and precipitation
- Exploring Model Resolution for the SALSA3D Global P-Wave Velocity Model - Current Status and Predicted Improvement via SMART Subsea Cable Sensors
- Exploring Surface-Groundwater Interactions and their Implications for Water Scarcity
- Factors affecting soil biogeochemical development in the glacier foreland of Midtre Lovenbreen, Svalbard
- Functional Tensor Network Approximations for E3SM Land Model
- Fusing geospatial datasets to identify patterns and controls on Arctic coastal erosion
- Geometric Structures Underlying Parameterizations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Geothermal Reservoir Characterization using Deep Learning Based Inversion Approach
- Global wave energy resource classification system
- Helium (4He) measurements during vacuum crushing of rock
- Hidden Markov Model Application for Unsupervised Clustering of Microseismic Events at CO2 Injection Site Reveals Hidden Zones of Weakness
- High Frequency Seismic Interferometric Measurements and Characterization of Stimulation Induced Velocity Changes in the EGS Collab Experiment 1: Evaluation of the Stretching Method
- High-Frequency Seismic Interferometry and Monitoring of Stimulation Induced Velocity Changes in the EGS Collab Experiment 1
- High-order, property-preserving semi-Lagrangian tracer transport and physics-dynamics-grid remap in the E3SMv2 Atmosphere Model
- Hit twice by the curse of dimensionality: spatio-temporal land model calibration using Karhunen-Loeve and sparse polynomial chaos expansions
- Ice sheet initialization as an integral part of ice sheet modeling
- Implementation and Analysis of Performance Portable Programming Models for cloud resolving GPU-enabled climate modeling
- Improving land model predictions through parameter calibration enabled by machine learning
- Induced Fracture Geometry in Layered Media under Mixed Mode I and III Loading Conditions
- Inferring Gas Flow and Fracture Network Damage After a Subsurface Detonation Using Explosive and Geogenic Noble Gases
- Intercomparison of in situ cloud and fog data obtained with CDMS and CDP/BCP during IFFExO campaign
- Interpolation Semi-Lagrangian Element-Based Transport (Islet) with p-refinement for extremely high-resolution tracer transport
- Inversion for the Basal Sliding Coefficient Field under Uncertainty for the Humboldt Glacier.
- Investigation of Ground-Coupled Airwave Applications on Seismo-Acoustic Stations
- Joint geophysical and numerical insights of the coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical process during heating at WIPP nuclear waste repository
- Measuring Multicomponent Adsorption of Tracer Gases on Natural Zeolites
- Mechanical and hydrologic characterization of the Ghareb formation to support high level nuclear waste disposal
- Mechanisms for microseismicity occurrence due to CO2 injection at Decatur, Illinois: A coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics perspective
- Microbial functional composition across diverse environments: a dataset to parameterize and benchmark microbial-mediated soil organic matter decomposition models
- Microseismic event detection and phase picking using deep learning methods
- Modeling Capabilities of Waveform Feature-Based Bayesian Inference for Seismic Monitoring
- Modeling Induced Polarization of Thin Features Using Hierarchical Finite Elements
- Modeling Tracer Gas Adsorption and Transport in the Vadose Zone with PFLOTRAN
- Modeling of diffusion in complex fractured porous media by using hierarchical material properties
- Moment Tensor Inversion of Microearthquakes in Anisotropic Rocks of the EGS Collab Experiment 1 Testbed
- Multi-component Ambient Noise Tomography across Northern Taiwan via Bayesian Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity and Phase Velocity with Formosa Array
- Multiscale segmentation of rock images and ensemble approach for deep learning methods
- Near the Brink: An Example of a Weak Layer in the Tuaheni Landslide Complex, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Numerical and Experimental Validation of Coupled Poro-elasto-plasticity of Geomaterials
- Optimal time step length for Lagrangian, interacting-particle simulations of diffusive mixing
- Performance of the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model (SCREAM)
- Philosophy and Progress of the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model
- Progress Towards Balloon-Based Seismic Studies on Venus
- Quantifying the Influence of Short Timescale Atmospheric Dynamics on Infrasound Propagation
- Quantifying the Known Unknown: Including Marine Sources of Greenhouse Gases in Climate Modeling
- Remembering Scott Carlton James, Dedicated and Passionate Researcher in Marine Energy
- Research Infrastructure in the Arctic and New Initiatives for High Arctic Research Centers
- Risk Reduction Optical Experiment (RROE) Lightning Campaign and Early On-Orbit Results
- Shock response of a magma ocean analog to 1 TPa
- Single-Station Backazimuth Estimations for Earthquake & Explosive Sources
- Soil Carbon-climate Feedback during 21st Century
- Stratospheric Sampling Strategies for Balloon-Borne Datasets of Aerosols and Gases
- Structure-preserving, high-order and oscillation-limited transport operators
- Subsurface Characterization using Deep Learning Approaches
- Subsurface Gas Transport Benchmark for PFLOTRAN Code
- Sustainable Bioenergy Crops in Continental US Cultivated Lands
- The EGS Collab Preparing for Experiment 2
- The Effects of Different Hydrograph Shapes on Flooding-Induced Respiration in Riparian-Hyporheic Zones
- The International DECOVALEX Model Comparison Project: Recent Advances in Simulating Coupled Processes in the Subsurface
- The potential contribution of Humboldt Glacier, North Greenland, to 21st century sea-level rise
- The uncertainty in InSAR-based active layer soil water storage estimates over the Arctic Foothills
- Tidal energy resource assessments using moving vessel measurements
- Time-integration of coupled-component Earth system models via discontinuous-Galerkin-in-time methods
- Ultra-wide-band (>1 GHz) radioimaging of lab electrical breakdown
- Understanding Lightning Interferometry Images Through Simulation
- Use of an Uncertainty Quantification Framework to Calibrate the Runoff Generation Scheme in the Energy Exascale Earth System Land Model
- Validation and sensitivity analysis of lake methane dynamics in Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Vertical Profile of Phase State and Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosol Collected at the Southern Great Plains Site
- Wind-driven flexural-gravity waves in first year sea ice as observed by a seafloor distributed acoustic senor deployed to the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.
- 3-D Joint P- and S-wave tomography of a fault zone in Rock Valley, Nevada, the Nevada National Security Site
- A Comparison of Bolides Detected by GLM and USG Sensors
- A Simple Chemistry Approach to Prognostic Volcanic Aerosol in E3SM - Modeling the Mt. Pinatubo Eruption for CLDERA
- A comparison study of density-driven flow in fractured porous media
- A stochastic operator model-form uncertainty representation of missing microstructural information
- Accurate Equation of State of Fluid H2-He Mixtures up to 5.4 GPa.
- An Automated Detection Pipeline and Statistical Analysis of Meteors Detected by GOES GLM
- Arctic Cyclones in CMIP6 Historical Simulations
- Assessing long-term impacts of cover crops on soil organic carbon in the central U.S. Midwestern agroecosystems
- Automated High-Resolution Tracking of Sea Ice Extent Offshore Oliktok Point, Alaska, using Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Machine Learning
- Brown Carbon Fuel and Emission Source Attributions to Global Snow Darkening Effect
- CLDERA: A Novel Foundational Approach for Attributing Impacts to Localized Source Forcings in the Climate
- Calibration of the Arctic Coastal Erosion Model at Drew Point, AK, Over a Permafrost Bluff Block Collapse Event in Summer 2018
- Characterizing Subsurface Structures at Rock Valley, Nevada
- Climate Threats to Ecosystem Services from Reservoirs
- Climate and Water Risk to the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Combining stress- and damage-based calving laws reproduces recent behavior of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, and enhances 21st century ocean-driven retreat
- Continuing Intensification of Arctic Cyclone Activity
- Control of surface hydrophobicity on water transport, swelling/shrinking, and intercalation of external species into clay interlayers
- Data Transfer between the Models before and after a Partial Drawdown in Salt Cavern
- Denoising Seismic Signals Using Wavelet-Transform-Based Neural Networks
- Detection of Convective Vortices on Infrasound Sensors through Cross-Correlation and Template Matching
- Detection of Infrasound from Low Magnitude Earthquakes at the Nevada National Security Site
- Development of a Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic, and Biogeochemical Modeling to Predict Permafrost Methane Emissions
- Development of volatile organic compound samplers optimized for use on uncrewed aerial systems and marine vessels
- Discrete fracture network modeling and uncertainty analysis in Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment Framework
- Effect of Geometrical Properties of Fracture on Heat Induced Fracture Flow Near the HLW Repository
- Effects on Signal Propagation Across the Transition Between Dissimilar Optical Fibers for Distributed Acoustic Sensing Analysis
- Estimating Seismic Source Attributes Using Seismoacoustic Models and Acoustic, Seismic, and Rotational Motion Data
- Estimation of First-Year Sea Ice Thickness with Seafloor Distributed Acoustic Sensing.
- Evaluating Urban Infrasound: a Low-Frequency Ambient Noise Model for Las Vegas, NV
- Evaluation of Ground Coupling Tests of a Fiber-Optic Cable at the Sandia Facility for Acceptance, Calibration, and Testing for Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Evaluation of a Variety of Novel Infrasound Sensors and Sensor Packages
- Extension of Regional Infrasonic Processing Tools for Global Analysis: A Case Study From the January 15 2022 Tonga Hunga Volcanic Eruption
- Feature Pathway Detection using Random Forest Regressor Feature Importances
- Flood risk to power generation in the United States
- Fracture Detection and Monitoring at the First EGS Collab Testbed Using DAS Ambient Noise
- Gas adsorption and transport in kerogen and the associated chemo-mechanical effects
- Geomechanical and geophysical properties of gypsum-based 3D printed geomaterials
- Geophysics in the EGS Collab Project: Our Eyes and Ears
- Ground Coupled Acoustic Signatures on Nodal Geophone Arrays
- High pressure-temperature phase equilibrium studies on Martian basalts: Implications for the failure of plate tectonics on Mars
- High-Resolution Gravity Analysis for Rock Valley Direct Comparison: Towards a Joint Inversion of Gravity and Seismic Data
- High-resolution regional hindcast datasets for wave energy resource characterization in US coastal waters
- Hydrogen Storage in Solution Mined Salt Caverns: An Overview
- Hydrogen induced reactions with minerals in salt cavern in subsurface hydrogen storage
- Impact of Low Mantle Viscosity and Thin Lithosphere on Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, Over the Next 500 Years
- Impact of thermo-mechanical properties on deformation behavior of potential host rock for nuclear waste disposal
- Impact on Projections of the Antarctic Ice Sheet due to Regional Sea Level Interactions with Ice Flux and Ice-Shelf Basal Melt: Coupled Ice Sheet-Sea Level Model Results following the New ISMIP6-2300 Experimental Protocol
- Improving Biological Fidelity of Arctic Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Permafrost
- InSAR Estimates and In-situ Observations of Supra-permafrost Water Storage in Undisturbed and Burned Areas in the Arctic Foothills
- Influence of Antecedent Geology and Shore-Oblique Sand Bars on Nearshore Hydrodynamics
- Inversion of electric fields for hierarchical conductivities to assess well integrity
- Investigating the Atmospheric Oxidation of Methylamine with Multiplexed Photoionization Mass Spectrometry: Insight into the Reactivity of C-centered and N-centered Radicals with O2
- Investigation of Atmospheric Waves recorded by Seismic Sensors at Local to Regional Scales
- Large Lithospheric Seismic Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Lightning Interferometry with the Sevilleta Long Wavelength Array
- Lightning Radiometry in Visible and Infrared Bands
- Machine Learning Applications for Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Multiple Satellite Images
- Machine learning applications for event detection and phase arrival time estimation of microseismic waveform data at a CO2 injection site
- Mapping microbial functional diversity and its environmental response for application in Earth system models
- Microbially-Mediated Transformation of Smectite into Illite
- Modeling Sea Ice Fracture in a Discrete Element Framework with a Cohesive Contact Model
- Monitoring Fracture Stimulations at the EGS Collab Testbeds Using Elastic-Waveform Inversion of CASSM Data
- Multiple Continuum Approach to Modeling Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Networks
- Multiporosity Parameter Estimation of Multiphase Flow from Imbibition in Tuff
- Newton Trust-Region Applied to Porous Media Flow and Reactive Transport
- Non-linear seismoacoustic responses of explosions in different geological materials: a parametric study of different emplacements and comparisons with experimental data.
- Observation based benchmarks may improve representation of soil organic carbon dynamics in Land Surface Models
- Observational data of uncrewed systems over Southern Great Plains (SGP)
- Opportunities for the AGU Community to Engage with the National Security Community, a Panel Member's Perspective
- Patterns of Segmentation in the East Antarctic Lithosphere from Full-waveform Inversion and Long-period Ambient Noise Tomography
- Physics-informed machine learning of permeability estimation in 3D sandbox experiments
- Potential seismicity along basement faults induced by geological carbon sequestration
- Progress Towards Balloon-Based Seismic Studies on Venus
- Progressive reduced order modeling: a road to redemption for data-driven modeling
- Radio interferometry of centimeter-scale electrical breakdown in the lab
- Recovery of Forsterite High-Pressure Polymorphs in Gas Gun Shock-wave Experiments
- Reduced order models to project future trajectories of bioenergy crop yields and soil carbon changes
- Regionally Refined Model of E3SM Version 2: Overview of Atmosphere, Land, and River
- Remote Sensing Surface Explosions with an Ionospheric Doppler Radar
- Revisiting the Use of Summary Rays in Global Body-Wave Tomography: Application to the SALSA3D Global Wavespeed Model
- SCENTAR: A Nodal Array to Study the Structure and Seismogenic Behavior of the Southern Cascadia Forearc
- Seismic and strain monitoring of the EGS Collab experiment #2 testbed: Dataset overview and initial results
- Single Particle Measurements and Machine Learning Approaches to Study Vertical Distribution of Biological Particles
- Solar Balloon Trajectory Performance Prediction and Evaluation
- Stochastic Inversion with Maximal Updated Densities for Storm Surge Wind Drag Parameter Estimation
- Subsurface Characterization using Deep Generative Adversarial Networks in a Bayesian Inverse Modeling
- Surface Chemistry Controls on Crack Growth in Plagioclase Feldspars
- Surrogate-assisted Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of a Great Lakes Coupled Regional Climate Model
- Systematic Comparison of Ground-Based and Satellite Measurements using TOVS and Radiosonde Data
- Testing and Design of Discriminants for Local Seismic Events Recorded During the Redmond Salt Mine Monitoring Experiment in Utah
- The Agricultural Ice Nuclei at SGP (AGINSGP) experiment: Understanding sources and variability of ice-nucleating particles in the Great Plains
- The Damage Mechanics Challenge Results: Participant Predictions Compared with Experiment
- Towards the development of a baseline in ground-based ice-nucleating particle properties across the world
- Ultrasonic Velocity Anisotropy in Crystalline Basement Rocks of the Central United States
- Upscaling soil organic carbon measurements at the continental scale by multivariate clustering analysis and machine learning
- Using Temporal Graph Neural Networks to Leverage High Fidelity Observation Data for Improving Generalizability of Hydrological Models
- Using shockless ramp compression to investigate melting in Earth's mantle
- Vertical Variation of Size-Resolved Aerosol Composition over the Arctic Reveals Cloud Processed Aerosol in-cloud and above Cloud
- Water in Silicates: A Combined Shock and Spectroscopy Study
- What Controls Lateral Segmentation in Cascadia? Sub-Slab Density Anomalies or Slab Age Variations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bennett
- A. C. Stanciu
- A. Komjáthy
- A. V. Rocha
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Albert J. Valocchi
- Alberto Montanari
- Alex Rinehart
- Alexander Y. Sun
- Alla Zelenyuk
- Anastasia Piliouras
- Andres Castro
- Arkke J. Eskola
- B. Chidester
- B. J. Phrampus
- B. M. Carpenter
- B. M. Hare
- B. R. Hillman
- Beat Schmid
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Bethany T. Neilson
- Bin Peng
- Brandon Dugan
- Brian R. Elbing
- Bruce M. Howe
- Budi Gunawan
- C. A. Rowe
- C. R. Terai
- C. Sterpka
- Caitano L. da Silva
- Cheng‐Nan Liu
- Chet Hopp
- Clément Estève
- Colin Wilson
- Corinne D. Scown
- Cyndi V. Castro
- D. C. Templeton
- D. M. Ricciuto
- D. R. Toomey
- D. Schutt
- Dan Lu
- Daniel A. Knopf
- Daniel Bowman
- David Mimoun
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Donsub Rim
- E. A. Silber
- E. E. Hooft
- E. Emry
- Elise K. Wilbourn
- Elizabeth Berg
- Eric Guiltinan
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Evan H. DeLucia
- Eyal Shalev
- F. C. Lin
- Fabien Margairaz
- Fan Mei
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Gabriel García‐Medina
- Gavin C. Cornwell
- George W. Kling
- Gijs de Boer
- Glenn Edward Hammond
- Gopal Penny
- Gourihar Kulkarni
- H. E. Edens
- Hailong Wang
- Hari Viswanathan
- Hassan Beydoun
- Heeho D. Park
- Hemanth S. K. Vepuri
- Holly Kyeore Han
- Hong Yi Li
- Hongkyu Yoon
- Hsin‐Hua Huang
- Hunter Brown
- I. M. Howat
- J. B. Johnson
- J. C. Rowland
- J. Gosselin
- J. I. Walter
- J. N. Bassis
- J. R. Dwyer
- J. T. Freymueller
- J. W. McClelland
- James Badro
- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
- Jeffrey C. Smith
- Jeffrey D. Hyman
- Jeffrey P. Chanton
- Jennifer A. Holm
- Jennifer Harding
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jerome D. Fast
- Jessica Welch
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jiannan Wang
- Jiaxuan Li
- Jin S. Zhang
- Jing Zhang
- Jingyi Chen
- Jitendra Kumar
- John D. Wilding
- Jonathan Ajo‐Franklin
- Jonathan R. Delph
- Jonghyun Lee
- Joshu Mountjoy
- Joshua D. Carmichael
- Joshua P Townsend
- Josimar A. Silva
- Julia S. Reece
- K. S. Obenberger
- Kai Zhang
- Kaiyu Guan
- Kaiyuan Mei
- Katherine Todd-Brown
- Kathleen McKee
- Ken Chang
- Khachik Sargsyan
- Khurram Aslam
- Kristopher L Kuhlman
- Kyle G. Pressel
- L. J. Pyrak‐Nolte
- L. Ruby Leung
- Laura Szczyrba
- Lexie Goldberger
- Li H. Erikson
- Liwei Zhang
- Louise M. Farquharson
- Léo Martire
- M. Bayani Cardenas
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Flanner
- M. I. Behnke
- M. L. Begnaud
- Matthew J. Hoffman
- Matthew Paul
- Matthew R. Norman
- Melissa K. Ward Jones
- Michael B. Underwood
- Michael G. Baker
- Michael Nole
- Michael Schmidt
- Michael Stock
- Mingxuan Wu
- Naruki Hiranuma
- Nathalie Voisin
- Neala Creasy
- Nicholas B. Engdahl
- Nicole D. Jackson
- Ningyu Liu
- Noémi Petra
- Olaf Scholten
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. E. Thornton
- Pascal Audet
- Patrick Dobson
- Paul J. DeMott
- Peir K. Pufahl
- Pengcheng Fu
- Pengfei Xue
- Peter Caldwell
- Peter Olson
- Qi Tang
- Qi Zhang
- Qing Zhu
- Quentin Brissaud
- R. C. Aster
- R. F. Grant
- R. J. Mellors
- R. W. Porritt
- Randall J. LeVeque
- Raphaël Garcia
- Rebecca J. Sheesley
- Rigobert Tibi
- Robert E. Abbott
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert Jacob
- Rubén Juanes
- Ryan P. Mulligan
- S. D. Jacobsen
- S. T. Stewart
- S. Uhlemann
- Samantha R. Weintraub
- Samuel Kachuck
- Siddharth Krishnamoorthy
- Signe K. White
- Stephen B. Ferencz
- Stephen J. Bauer
- Stephen Price
- Steven D. Allison
- Steven J. Goodman
- Stuart Cohen
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Swarup China
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- TC Chakraborty
- Taiyi Xu
- Thomas C. J. Hill
- Thomas J. Ballinger
- Thushara Gunda
- Tian Zhou
- Timothy J. Kneafsey
- Ting Chen
- Tongxi Hu
- Tyler R. Jones
- Umakant Mishra
- Vasily V. Titov
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Vincent Sassard
- Vladimir Lyakhovsky
- W. Payton Gardner
- Wen‐Yi Zhou
- William J. Riley
- William K. Eymold
- William Pringle
- William R. Walter
- Xiangdong Zhang
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xingqiu Yuan
- Xylar Asay‐Davis
- Yan Feng
- Yang Yang
- Yao Zhang
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yong Wei
- Yu Wang
- Yun Qian
- Yuxin Wu
- Yves Guglielmi
- Zeli Tan
- Zezhen Cheng
- Zhao Yang
- Zhaoqing Yang
- Zhuonan Wang
- Ziqi Qin