SUNY Plattsburgh, New York
flowchart I[SUNY Plattsburgh, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (27)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Structural Disorder and Origin of Kerogen in the Apex Chert: A Comparison With Fischer-Tropsch-Type Carbon
- Evidence For A Series Of Large Freshwater Discharge Events To The North Atlantic Immediately Preceding The Younger Dryas
- Micropaleontological Record of Post-glacial History in Lake Champlain and Adjacent Regions: Implications for Glacial Lake Drainage and Abrupt Climate Events
- Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen in Three Particles from Comet Wild-2
- Chemical Composition of Wild-2 Dust Collected by Stardust
- Infrared Spectroscopy of Comet Wild-2 Samples Returned by the Stardust Mission.
- Structure, Bonding, and Composition of Precambrian Carbonaceous Materials: Evidence of Early Life or Abiotic Processes?
- Variable Marine Reservoir Effect in Bivalves From Champlain Sea Sediments in the Lake Champlain Valley, USA
- Organic Coatings on Primitive Grains in IDPs: Implications for the Formation of Solar System Organic Matter
- Mesozoic fault reactivation along the St. Lawrence Rift System as constrained by (U-Th/He) thermochronology
- 'Edutainment' as a Proxy to Transfer of Experience in Marine Exploration
- Influence of groundwater-surface water interactions on trace element concentrations in a semiarid mountain catchment (Red Canyon, Wyoming)
- Sources of Interplanetary Dust and the Zodiacal Cloud (Invited)
- Anthropogenic Aerosols and the Dust Bowl
- Anthropogenic Aerosols and the Evolution of U.S. Droughts
- An Unexplained Pulse of Late Cretaceous Exhumation in Northern New England
- Fossil Shorelines Record Multiple Sea Level Highstands and Surface Deformation on Million Year Timescales at Cape Range National Park, Northwestern Australia
- The Effect of Recent Aerosol Trends on Solar Radiation in the Central and Southeastern United States: Implications for Regional Hydrology.
- An Interdisciplinary Module on Regulating Carbon Emissions to Mitigate Climate Change
- Assessing Climate Change Within Lake Champlain
- A methane observation and monitoring network for New York State
- Comparison of the CH Stretching Spectra of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and Ceres with those of Interplanetary Dust Particles and Meteorites
- Plant Traits Explain Seasonal and Spatial Variation in Denitrification Within Spartina Alterniflora Wetlands
- Identifying Cross-Well Fracture Connections in Open Boreholes Using the Dissolved Oxygen Alteration Method
- Nitrogen Retention During Forest Succession: Testing a Revised Conceptual Model
- The Role of Dead Wood as an Ecosystem Nitrogen Sink
- Is There a Link Between Ebullition and Solute Concentrations of Methane in Peat Pore Waters? Field Evidence From The Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, Minnesota (USA)