SUNY Oneonta, New York
flowchart I[SUNY Oneonta, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (42)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The local impact of southern Minnesota springtime lake temperature on warm-season surface meteorological parameters
- Characterising Wetland Properties in Relation to the Abundance of an Invasive Species
- Controls on Global-Scale Precipitation Increases in IPCC Global Warming Simulations
- Mapping Floodplain Stratigraphy at an Archaeological Site in Upstate New York Using Shallow Sub-Surface Geophysics
- Precipitation from CloudSat: New Discoveries and Comparisons with Other Sensors
- Analysis of Changes in the Lorenz Energy Budget of the Atmosphere
- Engaging Climate Change Mitigation Strategies as Citizen-Scientists at SUNY College at Oneonta
- Examining the Validity of the Indian Summer Singularity across the Northeast United States
- SUNY Oneonta Earth Sciences Outreach Program (ESOP) - Generating New Drilling Prospects for Geoscience Programs
- Biological Stream Survey of Lower Esopus Creek, Catskill Mountains, New York
- The CloudSat Education Network: A Model for Engaging Education Outreach and Research for Early Career Scientists
- The relationship between air mass frequency and extreme drought in the Midwest United States from 2000-2010
- Vegetation-infiltration relationships along an elevational gradient in the semiarid southwestern United States
- An Air Mass Based Approach to the Establishment of Spring Season Synoptic Characteristics in the Northeast United States
- Rock-magnetic Analyses of Lacustrine Near-shore Sediments to Reconstruct Storm Frequency in Upstate New York, U.S.A
- Teaching Environmental Geology in the 21St Century: A Workshop Report
- Teaching Inquiry using NASA Earth-System Science: Preparing Pre- and Inservice K-12 Educators to Use Authentic Inquiry in the Classroom
- The impact of ENSO and NAO on seasonal temperature and precipitation patterns in Oneonta, New York since 1981
- Air Mass Frequency during Precipitation Events in the United States Northern Plains
- Evolution of dissolved organic matter under lake ice in Lake Hoare, Antarctica
- Hydrogeologic Processes in a Transitional Tropical Forest
- Teaching Inquiry using NASA Earth-System Science: Lessons Learned for Blended, Scaffolded Professional Development
- Atmospheric Thickness Variability During Air Mass Conditions and Winter Snow Events at Albany, NY: 2002-2012
- New Materials for the Undergraduate Classroom to Build Pre-Service Teachers' NGSS Skills and Knowledge
- Synoptic Scale North American Weather Tracks and the Formation of North Atlantic Windstorms
- The use of high-frequency data to engage students in quantitative reasoning and scientific discourse
- A Synoptic Air Mass Approach to Defining Southwest U.S. Summer Duration and Change
- Examining Pacific and Atlantic Hurricane Stage Duration and Length Since 1980
- Magnetic and Sedimentological Analyses of Sediment Cores from Otsego Lake Reveal Climate and Possible Delta Dynamics Throughout the Holocene
- A Remote Sensing Analysis on the Spatiotemporal Variation of Land Surface Albedo and Emissivity in South Florida: An Implication for Surface-Atmosphere Energy and Water Exchange
- Understanding the Impact of Reservoir Operations on Temperature Hydrodynamics at Shasta Lake through 2D and 3D Modeling
- Defining Winter and Identifying Synoptic Air Mass Change in the Northeast and Northern Plains U.S. since 1950
- Examining Hurricane Track Length and Stage Duration Since 1980
- Snow as a Driver for Climate Processes and its Relevance for Modeling
- A New Climate Science Curriculum: Proposed Bachelor of Science degree in Climatology at SUNY Oneonta
- Hyperspectral Drone Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms: Ground truthing new approaches for water quality assessment
- Modeling of Arsenic Transport in Groundwater at Sunland Park, NM
- The Utility of Thickness and Weather Type as a Rain - Snow Divide: A 30-Year Case Study at Albany, NY.
- Development of a lake snow intensity index for the Tug Hill Plateau of New York State
- Newly digitized structural data from the southern Appalachians and comparisons to subsurface anisotropy from seismic stations
- What do Museums Communicate? Embedding Participation as an Integral Component of Science Center and Museum Narratives.
- Warm Winters and Cool Summers in the Arctic During the Early Eocene Determined From Isotopes in Cellulose Extracted from Fossil Wood