SUNY Stony Brook, New York
flowchart I[SUNY Stony Brook, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1384)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (335)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Natural Bonding Orbital (NBO) Analysis to Explaining the Effects of T-O-T Bond Angles on <SUP>29</SUP> Si and <SUP>27</SUP>Al NMR Chemical Shifts in Aluminosilicates
- A No-Net-Rotation Model of Present-Day Surface Motions
- A Study of Melt Inclusions in Tin-Mineralized Granites From Zinnwald, Germany
- Acoustic Emission Activity and Spatial Distribution of Damage Associated with Compaction Band Formation
- An Evaluation of SeaWiFS Derived Chlorophyll Concentration in Massachusetts Bay
- Carbon Export in Coastal NW Mediterranean Sea: Sediment Trap Records and <SUP>234</SUP>Th:<SUP>238</SUP>U Disequilibria Modelling
- Controls of Stress and Strain Over the Anisotropic Development of Permeability
- Coupled U-Pb isotopic studies and synchrotron x-ray microbeam analysis of geologic systems
- Determination of the elastic properties at high pressure without pressure scale
- Determining the age and Original Seawater <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr From Altered Aragonite Marine Cements of the Laborcita Formation, New Mexico
- Elastic Wave Velocities of Stishovite to 10 GPa
- Elasticity of Majorite with Enstatite-Jadeite (50:50) Composition.
- Examining the Role of Multiple Carbon Sources in Isoprene Synthesis in Plants Using Stable Isotope Techniques
- Fluvio-Sedimentary Responses to Late Quaternary Climate Change in the Lower Latitudes
- In Situ Determination of the Growth Rates of Wadsleyite During the Phase Transformation of San Carlos Olivine
- In Situ Investigations of Ion Exchange Processes in Microporous Materials
- Isotopic Composition of Marine-Derived Methyl Bromide
- Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Development of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Margin: Response to Sea Level, Sediment Supply and Rapid Climate Change
- Linkages Between Modern Oceanic Processes and Fossil Carbon Flux in the Cariaco Basin
- Localized Failure Modes in a Compactant Porous Rock
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Vanadium-Bearing Black Shales at Zhangcun and Zhengfang, Eastern Jiangxi Province, China
- Mineralogy of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers: Implications for River Switching and Late Quaternary Climate Change
- Multi-anvil Press with an X-ray Probe
- Phase Transformations in the GIS Structure upon Ion Exchange
- Problems With Correlation of the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary in North America
- Quantitative Analysis of Strain in Analogue Models During Oblique Convergence
- Rheology of San Carlos Olivine at High Pressure and Low Temperature
- Scaling Changes in the Cascade of Solar Wind Turbulence in the Log-normal, P and Castaing Models.
- Seismic Evidence for a Rapidly-varying Compositional Anomaly at the Base of the Earth's Mantle Beneath the Indian Ocean
- Strength of Stishovite at Lower Mantle Pressures
- The Origin of the Type III Inclusions in Diamonds Refined Using Calculated Phase Relations in the System En-Di-Jd
- The Seasonally Varying Isotopic Composition of CO at Barbados: Observations and Inverse Model Results
- The role of fracture energy in earthquake stress drop: Should apparent stress scale with seismic moment?
- Thermoelasticity of Iron and Aluminum Enriched Silicate Perovskite
- Time-resolved in-situ measurements at high pressures and temperatures: new opportunities at synchrotron radiation beamlines for crystal structure, elasticity and rheology studies with large-volume press
- Trace Element and Nd-Isotopic Evolution of Eastern Laurentia in New England: Late Proterozoic to Middle Ordovician
- Uranium-Lead Ages of Lake Margin Tufa Calcite From the Middle Miocene Barstow Formation, Southern California
- Use of Ar-Ar ages of individual mica grains to determine the provenance of loess
- Using Surface Observations to Constrain the Direction and Magnitude of Mantle Flow Beneath Western North America
- Using Surface Observations to Constrain the Dynamics of Western North America
- What about MLT Dynamics Did We Learn from UARS?
- Yield Stress of Periclase at High Pressure and Low Temperature
- An Integrated Approach to Understanding the Driving Forces of Deforming Western North America
- Analysis of Mantle Flow Beneath the India-Eurasia Collision Zone Using Seismic Anisotropy and Surface Deformation Measurements
- Biomass, Growth and Grazing Responses in the SOFeX Iron-Fertilized Patch at 66°S
- Blending Model Results With Observations in the SBC/SMB Study
- COMPRES: Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences. New Opportunities for High-Pressure Earth Science Research.
- Carbon K-Edge Scanning Transmission X-ray Spectromicroscopy (STXM) of Uranium Binding to Bacterial Cells
- Changes in Continental Area Inferred From Space Geodesy
- Changing Distributions of Methyl Halides, Nonmethane Hydrocarbons, Alkyl Nitrates, and Dimethyl Sulfide during the SOFeX Iron Fertilization Experiment
- Compaction, Dilatancy and Failure in Porous Carbonate Rocks
- Complex circulation patterns in the Hudson River Estuary as revealed by bed form patterns
- Constraining the "African Anomaly" Using Geodynamical and Seismological Observations
- EXAFS Characterization of Uranyl Interaction at the Calcite-Water Interface
- Elastic Wave Velocity Measurements on Mantle Peridotite at High Pressure and Temperature
- Elastic wave velocities of iron-bearing Ringwoodite (Mg<SUB>0.8</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.2</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>2</SUB> to 12GPa at room temperature
- Elasticity of Mantle Minerals and their High-Pressure Polymorphs at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Elemental Sulfur Reactions at Low Ph and Their Implication for Microbial Activity in Acid Mine Drainage Environments
- Eleven Years of CHiPR [1991-2002] and Its Legacy
- Estuarine Processes and Fluctuations in Oyster Presence Within the Hudson River Estuary During the Holocene
- Evidence for Biologically Driven Seasonal Topographic Changes on the Inner Shelf of New Jersey
- Exploring the Castaing Distribution Function to Study Intermittence in the Solar Wind at L1 in June 2000
- Fe:C Ratios Within the Plankton Community During the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX)
- Forearc Sliver Motion: Comparing Theory to Sandbox Experiments
- Geodetics in a Sandbox: Implications for Measuring Strain at Convergent Margins
- Integrating EarthScope Research and Education on a National Scale
- Integrating Three-Dimensional Mantle Convection Models with Lithospheric Dynamic Models
- Interactive Geophysical Mapping on the Web
- Interactive effects of nitrogen deposition and insect herbivory on carbon and nitrogen dynamics: Results from CENTURY
- Kinetics of the Pyroxene-Garnet Transformation: Preliminary Results
- Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling Inferred From Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Measurements and Surface Deformation Rates
- Mapping its boundary in the South Atlantic Ocean for a compositional anomaly at the base of the mantle
- Modeling of the Tidal Section of a River System by Pre-College Students Using GIS and Field Data
- Multibeam Sonar on the Inner Shelf of the Eel Margin: Nearshore gravel-floored troughs
- On the Issue of Excess Lower Stratospheric Subtropical Transport in GEOS-DAS
- Plankton Community Response to Iron-Fertilization in the "Northern Patch" at 56°S
- Plastic deformation of San Carlos olivine at high pressure
- Preliminary deformation results to 12 GPa pressure using the Deformation-DIA
- Pressure-Induced Amorphization and Phase Transformations in LiAlSiO<SUB>4</SUB> β-eucryptite
- Quasi-linear Theory of Energetic Particle Spatial Diffusion in Static MHD Turbulence
- Quasi-static Propagation of Compaction Band in Sandstone Induced by Stress Concentration at a Circumferential Notch
- Rheological constraints on deep earthquakes
- Seismic velocity and attenuation structures at the top 400 km of the inner core
- Single Particle Composition Measurements During TexAQS 2000 on Williams Tower: Visual Data Mining with Interactive Dendogram
- Synthesis and characterization using neutron diffraction of the first examples of high-pressure stabilized A- and B-site ordered perovskites
- The Impact of Iron-induced Phytoplankton Blooms on the Heat Budget of the Mixed Layer
- The Multianvil Press Research Facility at GSECARS
- Thermal Analyses of Magnesioferrite
- Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements in Conjunction With Synchrotron Radiation to the Conditions of the Earth's Interior
- What is wrong with Decker's pressure scale
- Anomalous top layer in the inner core beneath the eastern hemisphere
- Behavior and Elastic Properties of Mantle Perovskites
- Benthic Communities as Indicators of Geological and Biogeochemical Processes in the Gulf of Papua
- Building A Collaborative And Distributed E&O Program For EarthScope
- Can we achieve consistent inner-core models from ISC travel-time data and waveform data?
- Carbon Cycling And Diagenetic Carbonate Formation in the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea
- Cation Order-Disorder of Dolomite at High Pressure and Temperature
- Changes in Continental Area Inferred from Space Geodesy
- Cloud Structure Over Tropical Pacific During 1985--1999: Preliminary Analysis
- Constraining the Vertical Coherence of Deformation in Central Asia Using GPS, Geologic, and Shear-Wave Splitting Data
- Data Assimilation of SAGE II Data: Solar and Volcanic Effects
- Deformation Kinematics and Dynamics in the Philippine Sea - Eurasia Plate Collision Zone in the Taiwan Island Determined From Recent GPS Data
- Development of Discrete Compaction Bands in Two Porous Sandstones
- Development of a Chemiluminescence Method for Gas-Phase HO<SUB>2</SUB> Detection
- Displacements of the Aleutian Low and the Hawaiian High Pressure Systems During the Solar Cycle.
- Dynamics of the Central Mediterranean Region
- Education and Outreach Programs Offered by the Center for High Pressure Research and the Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences
- Effect of Confining Pressure on Compaction Localization in Notched Samples of Bentheim Sandstone: Experimental Observations and Finite Element Modeling
- Effect of Plasticity on Stress Heterogeneity at High Pressure
- Elasticity of Unquenchable High-Pressure Clinopyroxene at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Elasticity, Equation of State, and Pressure Calibration Studies on MgO Using Ultrasonics in Conjunction with Synchrotron X-radiation
- Evaluation of WRF Model Against Satellite and Field Measurements During ARM March 2000 IOP
- Gravity Wave Parameters Derived from High Vertical Resolution U.S. Radiosonde Data
- Mineral Physics and Mantle Evolution
- Mineralogical Models of Subduction Zone Tomography
- Monochromatic Powder Diffraction Coupled With <SUP>19</SUP>F and <SUP>23</SUP>Na NMR: A Study of K<SUB>(x)</SUB>Na<SUB>(1-x)</SUB>MgF<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite
- Multibeam Sonar Image Classification
- Neighborite Under High Pressure: In Situ Angle Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Study Using Synchrotron Radiation
- New Laboratory Measurements of the Spectral Line Parameters of CO Applicable to Atmospheric Remote Sensing.
- Nonlinear Gulf Stream interplay With the Deep Western Boundary Current: Observations and Model Results
- Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Measurements on Super-saturated Water Vapor
- Process Related Interpretation of Acoustic Data From the Hudson River Estuary
- Progress in Modeling the Gulf Stream in a Duo Grid North Atlantic Ocean/Caribbean Sea/Gulf of Mexico model
- Relationships Between Early Diagenetic Processes, Carbon Remineralization, and Sedimentary Dynamics in the Gulf of Papua Deltaic Complex
- Relaxation flow law of Fe<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> olivine and spinel at high pressure: A stress and strain measurement using x-rays
- Response of the Ganges dispersal system to climate change: a source-to-sink view since the last interstade
- Seismic Constraints on the African Anomaly in the Lower Mantle
- Silica cycling in mobile mud deposits of coastal French Guiana
- Stress Magnitudes in Asia and North America: Implications for Strength Profiles
- The "African Anomaly"
- The Cause and Consequence of Compositional Anomalies at the Core-mantle Boundary
- The Joint Influences of Climate, Litter Quality, and Soil Fauna in Regulating above- and Belowground Decomposition: a Pan-Tropical Study
- Theoretical study on structural factors correlated with <SUP>23</SUP>Na NMR parameters
- Transpiration: A Test of Optimality Hypothesis
- Uranyl Incorporation in Organic-Bearing Soil Calcite
- Use of Carbon Isotopes in the Analysis of the Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget
- Using Quantified Analogue Models to Investigate Rheology's Role in Causing Extension in Foldbelts During Convergence
- X-ray Stress Analysis in Deforming Materials: Models and Observations
- A Comparison of Geodetic Strain Rates With Earthquake Moment Tensors
- A New Methodology to Probe the Failure and Compactive Yield Behavior of Porous Rocks Under Undrained Conditions
- A Priori Models to Examine the Potential for Geochronology to Determine Sedimentary Cycle Durations
- A Wave Equation Migration Method for Receiver Function Imaging
- An experimental crystallization study of a proposed high-Fe low-Al Martian parental liquid
- Building on Current Space-Based Geodesy to Infer Long-Term Tectonic Reduction in Continental Area
- Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Regolith at the Gusev Plains
- Climate-induced variations in the sourcing and weathering of fluvial sediments: Deltaic records from the monsoon-forced Ganges and Brahmaputra dispersal systems
- Compaction Localization in Notched Samples of Bentheim and Berea Sandstones: Mechanical Experiments, Microstructural Observations and Stress Analysis
- Constraining Lithospheric Stress on Mars From Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Topography, Gravity, and Crustal Thickness
- Crystal chemistry of NaMgF3 perovskite at high pressure and temperature
- Deciphering the Role of Climate and Sea-Level Changes on Observed Decadal-Scale Variability in Salt-Marsh Sedimentation.
- Dependence of Water Solubility in Mantle Olivine on the Silica Activity
- Depth Transects Of Sediment Properties And Aquifer Arsenic In Araihazar, Bangladesh: Implications For Arsenic Mobilization
- Effect of Partial Melt on P and S Wave Velocities in Olivine-Basalt Aggragates
- Effects of Boundary Conditions and Convergence Geometry on Deformation Style at Oblique Convergent Margins
- Elasticity of Ferropericlase at High Pressure and Temperature: Implications in Earth's Interior
- From the CMV Oleander Project: A Study of the Shelfbreak Front of the Middle Atlantic Bight From Long-term ADCP and Hydrographic Data
- Geochemical Modeling of Evaporation Processes on Mars: Insight From the Sedimentary Record at Meridiani Planum
- Geometry and P- and S- Velocity Structures of the "African Anomaly"
- Gravitational Potential Energy of the Tibetan Plateau and the Role of Mantle Circulation in Driving the Indian Plate
- High Pressure - Temperature Effects on Cation Ordering in Magnesioferrite, MgFe<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>, Using in situ Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction up to 1430 K and 6 GPa
- In Search of the Mixed Derivative partial<SUP>2</SUP>M/partial{P}∂ {T} (M = G, K): Joint Analysis of Ultrasonic Data for Polycrystalline Pyrope From gas- and Solid-Medium Apparatus
- Inner Core Anisotropy in Attenuation
- Investigation on cell assemblies for mantle rheology
- MEDFLUX: Association of Organic Matter With Ballast Minerals in Sinking Particles
- MEDFLUX: Organic Biomarkers in Time-Series and Sinking-Velocity Traps
- Major Transient Floral Change During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Mineral Physics Constraints on the Composition and Lateral Heterogeneity in the Lower Mantle
- Movies of Finite Deformation within Western North American Plate Boundary Zone
- New Sections and Fossils From the Southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming Document Faunal Turnover During the PETM
- Nonlocal Self-Consistent Wave Model for Field Line Resonances Sustained Auroral Arcs
- Post-perovskite transition in NaMgF3
- Rapid response of a large river system to climate change, and its efficient downstream transfer of the signal: How is such close coupling of source to sink achieved?
- Rare Earth Element Evidence for Paleolake Chemistry
- Regional and Local Control of Arsenic Concentrations in Shallow Aquifers by the Permeability of Surface Soils
- SH Velocity Structures in the Transition Zone Beneath South America and Northeast China
- Seasonal and Interannual fCO2 Variability in a Tropical Coastal Upwelling System
- Sediment Transport and Deposition in Tidal Riparian Wetlands During Drought Conditions
- Slope Instability and Gas Hydrates in the Hudson Canyon Region, U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin
- Strain Localization and 3-Dimensional Distribution of Strain Gradient Inferred From X-ray CT Imaging
- Temporal Variability in the Nutrient Chemistry of the Cariaco Basin
- The "African Anomaly" and the "Pacific Anomaly" in the Lower Mantle: Similarities and Differences
- The Effect Of Floodplain Evolution On The Distribution Of Arsenic In The Shallow Aquifer Of Araihazar, Bangladesh
- The equation of state of the lower mantle for a pyrolite composition: Implications from the PVT data, PREM and a linear shock-wave Us-Up asumption
- Toward Resolution of Imbalance between Microbiological Energy Demand and Supply to Cariaco's Redoxcline: Horizontal Productivity Gradients
- Turbulence and the Third Moment of Fluctuations: Kolmogorov's 4/5 law and its MHD Analogues in the Solar Wind
- Variations and Dependency of Sedimentary Processes and Morphology of the Hudson River Estuary
- Voyager Interactive Web Interface to EarthScope
- A Close Coupling Between Salt Marsh Accretion Rates and Sea-Level Change Determined Through High Resolution Lead-210 Geochronologies: Evidence from Long Island, USA and Implications for Coastal Zone Change.
- A High Pressure Post-Perovskite Phase Transition in NaMgF3--a MgSiO3 Analog Material
- Ab inito calculations on the properties of CaSiO3 perovskite at high pressure and high temperature
- Acoustic Anomalies in Magnesioferrite up to 700 °C
- An Assessment of the ECMWF Model Simulations of the Arctic Clouds Observed During the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and P-Wave Velocity in Core Samples From the Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project (TCDP)
- Combined X-ray and Ultrasonic Measurements Under P-T Conditions of the Mantle Transition Region
- Combining Data From Bathymetry, Sub-Bottom Profiles, and Sediment Cores to Improve Sediment Budget and Accumulation Rates in the Hudson River
- Complex Seismic Anisotropy at the Edges of a Very-low Velocity Province in the Lowermost Mantle
- Complex Seismic Anisotropy in the Earth's Inner Core Beneath Africa
- Density and Viscosity Measurement of Liquid FeS at High Pressure and High Temperature Using Synchrotron X-ray
- Dilatancy and Failure in Basalt From Mt Etna Under Triaxial Compression
- Droplet Growth by Turbulent Coagulation - Comparison of Theory and Measurements
- Effect of water on compressibility of San Carlos olivine and its implications
- Elastic wave velocities of Fe-bearing ringwoodite under pressure and temperature conditions of the mantle transition region
- Elasticity of Hot-Pressed Minerals of the Earth's Transition Zone Determined by Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy
- Elasticity of polycrystalline MgSiO3-orthoenstatite to 1373K
- Estimation of a Time-Dependent Strain Rate Field in Southern California Using Continuous GPS Stations in the SCIGN Network.
- Evaporites at Meridiani Planum and Implications for Surficial Processes on Mars
- Geographic Boundary and Shear Wave Velocity Structure of the`Pacific Anomaly' Near the Core-Mantle Boundary Beneath Western Pacific
- Himalayan Response to Quaternary Climate Change as Recorded in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
- Hydromechanical Behavior of Country Rock Samples from the Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project
- In-situ Sound Velocity Measurements on bcc and hcp Phases of Fe
- Indonesian Throughflow Response to the Madden Julian Oscillaion: Numerical Modeling Experiments
- Measured and modelled chlorine partitioning in the Antarctic stratosphere, 1998 - 2004
- Measurements of Active Chlorine in the Antarctic Ozone Hole: 1986 to 2005
- Modeling the Rheological Dependence of Strain Partitioning in Oblique Wedges During Active Collision and "Post-Tectonic" Relaxation
- On the ``Center of Actions'' and the Long-Term Variability of African Dust Transport Across the Atlantic
- Permeability Evolution During the Growth and Interaction of Localized Failure
- Permeability of Whole Core Samples of Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan TCDP Scientific Drillhole
- Phase transformation in CaIrO3-type MgSiO3 at ultra-high PTs: implications for the solar giants and terrestrial exoplanets
- Pressure Sensitivity of Olivine Deformation Mechanisms and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy of Deep Upper Mantle
- Rheology of the aesthenosphere
- Strength of the San Andreas Fault Zone: Insight From SAFOD Cuttings and Core
- Structural refinement for NaMgF3 perovskite under high pressure
- Temporal variability in inner shelf morphology shown by repeat multibeam surveys off Long Island, NY
- The NaCl Fusion Curve: New Experiments to 5 GPa and Constraints on the Liquid Equation of State
- The Role of Electron Carriers for Thermal Conductivity in Super-Earth Planets
- The Very-low Velocity Province at the Core-mantle Boundary, Surface Hotspot Motion and the DUPAL Anomaly
- Thermoelasticity of San Carlos Olivine from Simultaneous Ultrasonic and X-ray Studies to 8.2 GPa 1073 K
- Three Dimensional Modeling of Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics Elucidating Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling
- Upper mantle shear and compressional velocity structures beneath southern Africa
- Variations in Lower-Mantle Temperature and Chemistry From the Perspective of Seismic Tomography
- A Comparison of Chemical Weathering Styles on Earth and Mars
- A two-dimensional hybrid method for calculating seismograms for seismic waves propagating in anisotropic media and its applications
- Alpha to Beta to Gamma-spinel transformations in Mg2SiO4
- Analog Models of Contractional Wedges: Opportunities and Limitations in Testing Theory
- Characterization of a Strain Rate Transient Along the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults Following the October 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake.
- Compactant and dilatant failure in porous carbonate rocks: Phenomenology and micromechanical modeling
- Comparative Analysis of Mars Odyssey GRS Chemical Abundances with Other Mission Global Datasets
- Decomposition of Organic Compounds at the Martian Surface
- Effect of Continental Keels on the Lithospheric Deviatoric Stress Field
- Elasticity of MgO to 11 GPa 1073K with Absolute Pressure Measurement: Insights on Current Pressure Scales
- Elevated CO2 Effects on Mercury Content of Forest Soils
- Evidence for a newly discovered 2300-year-old tsunami deposit from Long Island, New York
- Experimental investigation of the Peierls stress of olivine at high pressures using the deformation-DIA
- Hemispheric dichotomy in seismic structures of the Earth's inner core
- High Resolution Analysis of Evolving Horizontal Deformation Fields in Model Wedges.
- High pressure deformation in two-phase aggregates
- Interactions Between Biogenic Silica (BSiO2) and Organic Carbon (POC) During the Recycling of Sinking Particles
- Investigation on Deformation of Olivine at Subduction Zone Conditions
- MARs Tools for Interactive ANalysis (MARTIAN): Google Maps Tools for Visual Exploration of Geophysical Modeling on Mars
- MD computer simulations of the structure and dynamics of water in the interlayers of 10- Å\ phase
- MOZART Simulations of CO and δ 18O by Sources
- Mapping Shear-wave Velocity Structures of the "African Anomaly" Along a Northwest to Southeast Arc From New Zealand to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Measuring the Turbulent Cascade in the Solar Wind
- Micromechanics of the Brittle-Ductile Transition in Indiana and Tavel Limestones
- Multi-proxy geochemical approach to interpreting sedimentary deposits of a complex margin system: The Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin
- New Developments on Automated Data Analysis System (CEAD)
- On the stability of a geodetic no-net rotation frame, effects of frame translation, and implications for the ITRF
- Organic Matter Isotopic and Pigment Composition as Markers of the Provenance and Transport of Particulate Matter at the Gulf of Lion Upper Margin
- PVT relations in MgO: a ultra-high PT scale for planetary sciences applications
- Plate Motions, Lithospheric Stress Field and Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling
- Pressure-Induced Amorphization in Stuffed Derivatives of Quartz
- Reconstruction of the Past Trend of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Based on Firn Air Samples
- Relation Between Width and Length of Compaction Bands in Porous Sandstones
- Relative Sea-level Variability in the Western Atlantic Basin: Causes and Consequences to Coastal Systems
- Room Temperature Equation of State for Fe3P-Schreibersite
- Sediment transport through the Gulf of Lion canyoned margin, NW Mediterranean
- Seismic Velocity Gradients Across the Transition Zone
- Sound Velocities and Elastic Moduli of Fe- and Al-bearing Mg-Silicate Perovskite by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
- Strength of SAFOD Fault Gouge Under Hydrothermal Conditions
- Structural Characterization of High Pressure Behavior of "Crystallographically Challenged" Materials Using PDF Analysis from X-ray Total Scattering
- Structural feature and Shear-velocity structure of the "Pacific Anomaly"
- Tabletop Tectonics: Diverse Mountain Ranges Using Flour and Graphite
- Thermoelasticity of Fe-bearing Wadsleyite from Simultaneous Ultrasonic and X-ray Studies to 12 GPa and 1073 K
- Thin Sheet Modeling for the Seismogenic Crust of Western North America: How Strong is the top Slice of "Sandwich Bread" Above the "Jelly"?
- Timing and Magnitude of Tropical Climate Variability in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela During Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Towards a Thermoelastic Reference Earth Model
- Towards an Operational Model for Prediction and Transport of Oil Spills in the Black Sea
- Understanding MgSiO3 Post-Perovskite via NaMgF3 and CaIrO3 Analog Materials
- Underwater Landscape Evolution in the Peconic Bays (Long Island, NY) as revealed by High-Resolution Multibeam Mapping
- Using Drill Cutting Separates to Estimate the Strength of Narrow Shear Zones at SAFOD
- Validity of the Thin-Sheet and Flexure Approximations for Layered Lithospheric Geometries With Marked Contrasts in Viscosity or Effective Elastic Rigidity.
- Vector Third Moment of Turbulent MHD Fluctuations: Theory and Interpretation
- Weak Elastic Anisotropy in a Cracked Rock
- A Best-fit Lithosphere-Mantle Coupling Model Constrained by Plate Motions and the Velocity Gradient Tensor Field in the Plate Boundary Zones
- An Eight-Century High-Resolution Paleoclimate Record From the Cariaco Basin: Baseline Variability and the 20th Century
- Attenuation and modulus softening at high pressure and high temperature
- Character of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) at the Coast of Mallorca Island
- Cloud Structure Anomalies Over Tropical Pacific During 97/98 El Nino
- Comparisons between phyllosilicate-bearing strata at Mawrth Vallis and Terra Meridiani
- Constraints on Mantle Composition from Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements at High P and T
- Discovery and Distribution of Chloride-Bearing Deposits in the Ancient Cratered Terrain of Mars From THEMIS
- Discrete Compaction Bands in Porous Sandstone: Stress Scaling and Energetics of Propagation
- Effect of phase transition on the P wave velocity in regions of coexisting phases
- Effects of Chemical Weathering on TIR-Derived Bulk Compositions From Deconvolution Models of Mineral Mixtures
- Elasticity of Fayalite and Spinel Polymorph of Fe2SiO4 at High Pressure and Temperature
- Evaluation of microphysics and precipitation-type frequencies in long-term three-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulations using passive and active microwave sensors from the TRMM satellite
- Evidence for Material Removal and/or Subsidence of the Martian Lithosphere from a Global Dataset of Surface Faults.
- Evidence for possible widespread alteration of basaltic terrains on Mars
- Experimental Constraints on Trace Element Behavior in Martian Evaporite Minerals
- Experimental Constraints on Trace Element Mobility in Martian Basalt
- Experimental Crystallization of Dry and Wet Humphrey at 9.3 kbar: Implications for Compositional Diversity of the Martian Crust
- Experimental Deformation of San Carlos Olivine Single Crystal at Mantle P and T: Evidences for a Slip-System Transition with increasing P.
- First-Principles Study of Elasticity and Decomposition of Phase D
- Geologic context and characteristics of bedrock exposures in Mare Serpentis: Implications for martian surface evolution
- Herbivory As A Driver For Biogenic Methanol Flux From North American Temperate Tree Species
- High-Resolution Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability During Interstadial-12 From the Cariaco Basin
- High-precision relative earthquake locations in the Tonga-Kermadec subduction zone and implications for the mechanisms of deep-focus earthquakes
- Hudson Submarine Canyon Head Offshore New York and New Jersey: A Dynamic Interface
- Hydrogen Disorder and Elasticity of Phase D at High Pressures
- Joint Application of Concentrations and Isotopic Signatures to Investigate the Global Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget: Inverse Modeling Approach
- Jointly Constraining Upper Mantle Seismic, Thermal and Compositional Structures From Mineral Physics and Seismic Data
- Lattice Dynamics and Thermal Equation of State of Platinum
- Linking Surface and Cumulus Lithologies on Mars: Evidence From Experimental Phase Relations
- Low Cloud Climate Feedback Mechanisms in Idealized Simulations with the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM3)
- Magnetic and electronic thermodynamics of fayalite
- Measurement of Activation Volume of Dry Olivine at High Pressure
- Measurement of Energy Cascade Rate and Dissipation Rate in the Solar Wind: Theoretical Approach Based on Third Order Moments in Axisymmetric MHD Turbulence
- Measurements of the wavevector anisotropy of solar wind turbulence
- Multi-anvil High Pressure Facility at National Synchrotron Light Source: Then, Now, and Future
- Olivine Instability: An Experimental View of Mechanism of Deep Earthquakes
- PVT relations in MgO: a ultra-high PT scale for planetary sciences applications
- Perchlorate in Turfgrass Systems, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY
- Phosphorus Speciation in Skeletal Aragonite of Deep Sea Corals
- Possible Association of Oyster Terrain Mound Features in the Peconic Estuary on Long Island, NY With 8.2ka Meltwater Pulse?
- Rigid Basement and the Evolution of the Pakistani Convergent Margin
- Seismic Velocity Structures of a High-Velocity Area Near the Core-Mantle Boundary Beneath Eastern Eurasia
- Sound velocities of iron sulfide at high pressure and high temperature
- Stable isotope probing of chemoautotrophic biomarkers in the Cariaco Basin
- Structure Determination of Nanocrystalline Materials
- Structure Investigation of CaSiO3 Perovskite at 91 GPa
- Temporal Change of the Earth's Inner Core Property: Observations and Interpretations
- The Acceleration Gradient Tensor Field in Southern California Estimated using Continuous SCIGN GPS Data
- The CARIACO Time Series: Carbon fluxes in a tropical, continental upwelling margin
- The Cariaco Basin Ocean Time Series Program: Linking Modern and Ancient Processes
- The History and Dynamics of Anoxia in Cariaco Basin
- The Turbulent Cascade at 1 AU: Energy Transfer and the Third-Order Scaling for MHD
- Thermal Transformations of Lepidocrocite and Akaganeite to Hematite: Examination of Possible Precursors to Martian Crystalline Hematite
- Transformational Weakening During the Perovskite-Post Perovskite Phase Transition in CaIrO3
- Tropical Climate Variability During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Results from the Cariaco Basin
- Using Google Earth to Explore Strain Rate Models of Southern California
- Using Satellite Measurements to Evaluate Clouds And Their Seasonal Variations in 10 Atmospheric General Circulation Models
- Velocity and Anisotropy Structures and Thermal and Compositional Models Beneath Eastern Asia and North America
- Water at the Bottom of Upper Mantle: A Key to Reconcile Mineral Physics Composition Model with Seismic Wave Velocity Jump at 410-km Discontinuity
- A High Resolution Study of Black Sea Circulation and Hypothetical Oil Spills
- A New Flexure-Dominated Lithospheric Stress Model for Mars, Driven by Pressure Differences at the Base of the Lithosphere
- Acoustic velocities and thermoelastic properties of FeSi at high P and T
- Application of X-ray CT Imaging to the Study of Compaction Localization in High Porosity Sandstones
- Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Drift Studied Through Radionuclides
- Changes in Hadley Circulation, Azores High and Winter Precipitation over East Africa
- Characteristics of Lateral Heterogeneities with Thermal and Chemical Origins in Pyrolitic Lower Mantle
- Constraining composition of Mars using geophysical constraints and mineral physics data
- Constraining the development of the upper martian crust using orbital and in-situ thermophysical, mineralogical, and geochemical observations
- Constraint of sulfur influence on bulk modulus of liquid Fe
- Crustal Buoyancies Dominate over Plate Boundary Effects in the U.S. Basin and Range: The Requirement of Weak Faults
- Deformation and Failure Properties of Colli Albani Tuff
- Detailed structure of the transition from the "Pacific Anomaly" to the surrounding mantle
- Dynamical Modeling for Generally Shaped, Layered Lithospheric Geometries Using Continuous Field Variables
- Dynamics of Mars and the Origin of Tharsis Constrained by Gravity and Topography
- Effect of pressure on the structure and compressibility of hydrous ringwoodite: a first principle investigation
- Estimating the true amplitude of the Southern Hemisphere storm tracks using COSMIC data
- Exploring the Role of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Living Silica Stromatolites in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Cariaco Basin
- French Guiana Fluidized Muds: Predominant Sulfur Transformation Pathways and Prokaryotic Players in a Coupled System of Carbon-Sulfur-Metal Biogeochemical Cycling.
- Grain Boundary Structurally-Bonded Water in Olivine Aggregates
- HONO Flux Measurement at a Forested Site in Northern Michigan
- Heavy boron isotopic composition of Pennsylvanian brachiopod calcite: implications for pH, CO2 and secular variation of seawater δ11B
- High resolution climate variability during MIS 5e; SST and oxygen isotope records from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- Hudson Submarine Canyon Head Offshore New York and New Jersey: a Dynamic Interface II
- Ice Core Data of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Over Antarctica During The Last 170 Years
- Improving the Representation of Subgrid-Scale Turbulence and Clouds in Coarse-Grid Cloud Resolving Models
- In-situ Elasticity Measurements on Fayalite to 8.7 GPa and 1073 K
- In-situ Elasticity and Density Measurements on Melts and Amorphous Materials at High Pressures
- Joint ARM/GCSS/SPARC TWP-ICE CRM Intercomparison Study: Description, Preliminary Results, and Invitation to Participate
- Joint Application of Concentrations and Isotopic Signatures to Investigate the Global Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Budget: Inverse Modeling Approach
- Kudzu (Pueraria montana) Invasion Doubles Emissions of Nitric Oxide, a Precursor to Tropospheric Ozone.
- Lithosphere-mantle coupling: constraints from the World Stress Map
- Mapping Submarine Groundwater Discharge - how to investigate spatial discharge variability on coastal and beach scales
- Mesoscale Organization of Maritime Tropical Convection: Large-Eddy Simulation
- Mg- and Fe-Sulfate Layers in Aram Chaos, Mars
- Objective Analysis of CLASIC data
- Observations of the Effect of Non-steady State Injections of Oxygen Into Anoxic Waters of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- Pair distribution function study on compression of liquid gallium
- Possible origins for phyllosilicate-rich materials observed at Mawrth Vallis: Evidence from fracture patterns and reflectance spectra
- Repeating earthquakes in the southwest Pacific subduction zone and temporal change of the properties of the Earth's core
- Seasonal variation of biogenic methanol fluxes from a southeastern deciduous forest
- Significant Groundwater Discharge of Nutrients to Western Long Island Sound Inferred From Radioisotope, Nutrient and Organic Geochemical Tracers
- Stony Brook Mineral Physics Institute Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Structural Aspects of Synthetic Ferrihydrite
- Structural Feature and Shear-Velocity Structure of the"Pacific Anomaly"
- Sub-surface Models of Long- and Short-wavelength Gravity Anomalies in Pennsylvania
- The Arctic Oscillation and its Influence on Sea Ice and Polar Precipitation
- The Infrared Spectra Study of Dehydrated and Dehydroxylated Clay Samples
- Turbulent Cascade Dynamics in the Interplanetary Plasma
- Turbulent Cascade Rates and Geometries in the Solar Wind at 1 AU
- Undergraduate Course on Global Concerns
- Understanding Laboratory-scale Methane Hydrate Dissociation in Porous Media: A Model for Marine Hydrate Occurrences
- Viscoelasticity of partially molten rocks at mantle P-T
- What forces the zonal asymmetries in the Northern Hemisphere winter climate?
- Which is a better paradigm: Northern Annular Mode, North Atlantic Oscillation or Centers of Action?
- A campus-based course in field geology
- A long-term forecast of shallow seismicity based on the Global Strain Rate Map
- A two-dimensional hybrid method for modeling seismic waves propagation in laterally-varying anisotropic media and its application to central Tibet
- Ab initio density determination of subducting basalt
- Anisotropy up to and Beyond the Outer Scale of Turbulence and its Radial Dependence
- Aqueous Alteration and Martian Bulk Chemical Composition
- Asian Monsoon and Western Pacific Precipitation Variability in the Super-Parameterized Community Climate System Model
- Biological Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) emissions from the planktonic diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
- Brittle faulting and cataclastic flow in Tavel limestone
- Cation Disorder in Spinels of Fe2SiO4 and FeAl2O4
- Character of submarine groundwater discharge around islands
- Characterization of Sulfate and Clay Mixtures Using Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Characterizing putative chloride salt deposits on Mars using THEMIS and TES data
- Cloud-resolving simulation of the diurnal cycle of precipitation over land: the role of the large-scale forcing
- Comparison of The Christiansen Feature Position and Lunar Iron: Evidence for Space Weathering Effects
- Compositions of Bedrock Containing Craters on Mars as Viewed by TES, THEMIS, and CRISM
- Constraints on the Nature of Hydrothermal Magmatic Fluids that can produce Sulfate-rich Alteration Assemblages on Mars
- Differential lattice preferred orientation in MgO at high pressure
- Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment: Initial global mapping results (Invited)
- Dynamics of Great Basin Crust-Mantle Coupling
- Dynamics of the seismogenic layer of Central and East Asia: Fault friction and the role of crustal buoyancies versus boundary conditions
- Effects of anneal, grain size and water content on deformation of olivine at subduction zone conditions
- Effects of viscosity anisotropy on global mantle flow, plate motion, geoid and topography
- Elemental Compositions of the Martian Surface and Atmosphere and Their Influence on Future Mars Science
- Environmental controls over methanol production, emission, and δ13C values from Lycopersicon esculentum
- Establishing a long-term, global stratospheric HNO3 data record combining UARS MLS with Aura MLS data by means of ground-based measurements
- Evaluating the role of alteration processes on the spectral diversity of Iapygia Terra, Mars
- Evidence for Multiple Depositional Periods in Aram Chaos, Mars
- Fenton Oxidation of H2O2 under Low Temperature Hydrothermal Conditions: Implications for Organics on Mars
- Geographic boundary of the “Pacific Anomaly” near the Earth’s core-mantle boundary
- Ground-Based Microwave ClO Measurements from Mauna Kea and Comparisons with UARS and Aura MLS Measurements
- Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation on Kaolinite Particles, Particle Surrogates of HUmic-Like Substances (HULIS), and Organics-Containing Urban Aerosols
- Hudson Canyon Offshore New York and New Jersey: Active Circular Depressions, Fans, Ravines, Methane Discharge and Water Masses
- Impact of Phase Transitions on P Wave Velocities (Invited)
- Iron/Light-Element Alloys at Extreme Conditions and Their Implications for the Earth's Core
- Kinetic, Magnetic and Cross-helicity Contributions to the Turbulent Cascade in the Solar Wind
- LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer: Compositional Investigation Coverage and Early Results
- Local Scale Emissivity Variations on the Moon from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
- Martian Weathering Environments of the Amazonian Indicated by Correlated Morphologic and Spectral Observation in Acidalia Planitia
- Melting curve of NaCl determined using synchrotron x-ray radiography
- Micromechanical modeling of cataclastic pore collapse in limestones
- Midinfrared Multi-technique Spectroscopy of Synthetic Olivines (Forsterite to Fayalite)
- Mineral Physics Test of Lateral Heterogeneities with Thermal and Chemical Origins in Pyrolitic Lower Mantle
- Multi-scale modeling of clouds and process studies using CRM and MMF frameworks (Invited)
- On the Relationship Between QBO and Distribution of Tropical Deep Convection
- Organic Coatings on Primitive Grains in IDPs: Implications for the Formation of Solar System Organic Matter
- Precise Stress Measurements with White Synchrotron X-rays
- Rare earth element and uranium-thorium variations in tufa deposits from the Mono Basin, CA
- Records of Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Back to ~1950 AD from Greenland Firn Air
- Regional Crustal Components of Martian Heat Flow from Mars Odyssey Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (GRS)
- Relationship Between Differential Travel Time of SS Precursors and Mantle Temperature and Composition Based on Mineral Physics Modeling
- Relative humidity across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum via combined hydrogen-oxygen isotope paleohygrometry (Invited)
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Estuarine and Atmospheric Processes
- Role of Fractional Crystallization, Magma Recharge, and Magma Mixing in the Differentiation of the Small Hasandag Volcano, Central Anatolia, Turkey
- Seasonality in the tropical Atlantic: an 800-year record of seasonally-representative Mg/Ca data from the Cariaco Basin
- Structurally-Bonded Grain Boundary Water in Forsterite
- Sulfur Distribution on the Martian Surface Determined by Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
- Sulfur concentrations of the Martian surface derived from orbital Mars Odyssey GRS and in-situ MER APXS measurements: implications on the selection of future landing sites
- Summer Rainfall over the Sahel Modeled by the Atmospheric Centers of Action
- Temperature effect on post-perovskite textures development: Implications for seismic anisotropy of the D” layer
- The Extent of Denitrification in Long Island Groundwater using MIMS
- The Role of Aqueous Alteration in the Formation of Martian Soils
- The SH-1 Reference Model for Shear Wave Splitting Observations in Western North America
- The Turbulent Cascade and Proton Heating in the Solar Wind at 1 AU with Emphasis on High Cross Helicity States (Invited)
- The Turbulent Cascade and Proton Heating in the Solar Wind at 1 AU: Comparison with Observed Proton Heating and Dynamics of High Cross Helicity States
- The effect of Non-Stochiometry on the Stability and Elasticity of Phase D
- The olivine-wadsleyite phase transformation in mantle peridotite
- Using EarthScope data to study the mantle structure beneath Central America
- Using Radium Isotopes to Characterize Coastal Mixing Processes: A Sensitivity Analysis
- Weakening of CaIrO3 during the perovskite-post perovskite transformation. (Invited)
- X-ray total scattering at high pressure (Invited)
- Advanced Elasticity and Density Measurements on Melts at Mantle Pressures Using Ultrasonic Interferometry and Synchrotron X-radiation
- Anelasticity and Transient Creep in NaMgF3 Perovskite at High Pressure
- Biomarkers, microbes, and geochemistry of the Cariaco Basin chemocline: A comprehensive and multidisciplinary investigation
- Carbon isotope fractionation between Fe-carbide and diamond; a light C isotope reservoir in the deep Earth and Core?
- Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in a Multiscale Aerosol Climate Model
- Cloud-resolving modeling of aerosol indirect effects in idealized radiative-convective equilibrium with interactive and fixed sea-surface temperature
- Combining Borehole and Laboratory Observations to Explain the Stress State of the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD (Invited)
- Control of Submarine Groundwater Flow and Chemistry by Onshore and Offshore Buried Peat Along a Developed Long Island Shoreline
- Deformation of Natural Pyrope at Mantle Conditions
- Direct and indirect effects of anthropogenic aerosols as simulated by SP-CAM global climate model with superparameterization of clouds
- Distinguishing Phosphate Structural Defects From Inclusions in Calcite and Aragonite by NMR Spectroscopy (Invited)
- Dynamics of the Seismogenic Layer for Deforming Zones in Central and East Asia
- Evolutionary search for novel superhard phases, or can TiO2 be the hardest oxide? (Invited)
- Experimental Degassing of Cl, F, OH, and S Bearing Lunar Magmas
- Fine seismic velocity structure of the 410 km and 660 km discontinuities beneath eastern Asia
- Geometries, structural features and velocity structures of the Pacific Anomaly and comparison with the African Anomaly (Invited)
- Heterogeneous Oxidation of Biomass Burning Aerosol Surrogates by O3, NO2, NO3, and N2O5
- High Pressure X-ray Diffraction Study of Na0.875 K0.125MgF3 Perovskite
- High pressure synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and infrared spectroscopy study on brucite
- High-frequency Waves in the Asian Monsoon: Results From an Observational and Modeling Study
- High-pressure and high temperature deformation studies of polycrystalline diamond
- Hydrometer in the mantle: dln(Vs)/dln(Vp)
- Influence of iron on the strength of silicate perovskite at high pressure
- Investigating the atmospheric energy spectra using ECMWF analysis: Regional dependence
- Investigating the direct and indirect influences of light on short-term changes in methanol production and emission in Lycopersicon esculentum
- Large variations in Southern Hemisphere biomass burning during the last 650 years from atmospheric carbon monoxide and its isotopes in Antarctica
- Mafic high inertia crater floors in the southern highlands: Implications for a widespread post-impact modification process on Mars
- Magnesium-hydroxide-sulfate-hydrate formation at 200°C: Implications for sulfur fixation at the Lost City hydrothermal field
- Marine Phytoplankton as Efficient ice Nuclei in Immersion and Deposition Modes
- Martian Surface Composition From Multiple Datasets, Part I: Statistical Analysis of Global Mineral Distributions From MGS-TES
- Martian Surface Composition From Multiple Datasets, Part II: Chemical Analysis of Global Mineral Distributions from MGS-TES
- Medically-derived I-131: a potential tool for understanding the fate of wastewater nitrogen in aquatic systems
- Micromechanics of brittle faulting and cataclastic flow in Alban Hills tuff
- Mio-Pliocene Benthic Foraminiferal Biofacies Changes in the Canterbury Basin
- Nature and Composition of Planetary Surficial Deposits and Their Relationship to Planetary Crusts
- Reconstructing the history of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation using high-resolution Mg/Ca paleothermometry from a Cariaco Basin core
- Relative thermal diffusivities of perovskite and post-perovskite analogues
- Short-Term versus Steady-State Crustal Deformation: Are Some Anomalies Driven by Transient Coupling with Mantle Flow? (Invited)
- Silicate Mineralogy of SPA: A New View from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Stratospheric ClO at Scott Base, Antarctica, March-November 2009
- Sub-grain scale mineralogy of Hanford sand after reaction with caustic tank wastes
- Sulfur, Chlorine, and Bromine Variations in the Soil Profile at Gusev Crater, Mars
- The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (adcp) as a Tool for Ocean Exploration
- The Cariaco Basin Ocean Time Series: Production, Flux and Remineralization of Biogenic Material
- The Effect of Organic Material on Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation - Insights from Microscopic Analysis of Field-Collected, Laboratory Generated, and Marine Biogenic Particles (Invited)
- The influence of methane seeps on the paleoceanography of the Western Interior Seaway of North America: evidence from stable isotopes in well-preserved shells of a seep fauna from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Pierre Shale
- The tropical Atlantic response to abrupt climate change during Interstadial 12
- Theoretical prediction of new mineral phases in Earth's mantle and core (Invited)
- Third moments and the role of anisotropy from velocity shear in the solar wind
- Third-Moment Studies of Cascade Dynamics in Solar Wind Turbulence (Invited)
- Using Apatite to Assess Volatile Contents of Primary Lunar Magmas: Potential Pitfalls
- Using geodetic, geologic, and seismic data to constrain asthenospheric flow beneath Tibet and SE Asia
- Using repeating earthquakes to determine temporal medium changes: theory and an example
- Water in the Lunar Interior and the Apparent KREEP-Mare Dichotomy
- A Tropical View of Atlantic Multidecadal SST Variability over the Last Two Millennia
- A geographic boundary in the lowermost mantle beneath Central America
- Assessing how well climate models simulate storm track variability
- COMPRES X-ray beamlines (X17B3 and X17C) for the diamond anvil cell at the National Synchrotron Light Source
- Carbon Isotope Composition of Caribbean Sea Surface Waters: Response to the Uptake of Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Characterizing possible dehydrated and/or dehydroxylated phyllosilicate deposits on Mars using thermal and near-IR spectroscopy
- Compaction and strain localization in porous rock: Contrast in behavior between sandstone and limestone
- Dependence of Up-Scaled Reaction Rate on Flow Rate in Porous Media
- Elasticity of Mantle Pyroxenes from Experiments and First Principles Calculations
- Evaluating Forecasts of Central US Mesoscale Convective Systems in a GCM with Explicit Embedded Convection
- Evidence for widespread effusive volcanism near the Noachian-Hesperian transition in circum-Hellas cratered uplands of Mars
- Experimental Degassing of Volatile Bearing Martian Magmas into a CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich Atmosphere: Magmatic Vapor-Driven Surface Modification and Contribution to the Atmosphere
- From Elasticity to Plasticity with a Sinusoidal Stress Field at High P and T
- Groundwater nitrate attenuation during transport through a subterranean estuary in a Long Island Sound embayment
- Insights into the Light Element(s) in Earth's Inner Core from in situ Acoustic Velocity Measurements
- Intragranular porosity in Hanford sand grains after reaction with caustic tank wastes: Quantification and implications for reactive transport
- Irregular Earth's Inner Core Boundary
- Laboratory Spectral Analyses of Microcrystalline Silica
- Lattice thermal conductivity: Computations and theory of the high-temperature breakdown of the phonon-gas model
- Little Ice Age to modern climate transition of Meso-American climate derived from speleothems
- Major compositional provinces on Mars: a record of igneous processes and H2O-rock interactions
- Mantle transition zone in the views of seismology and mineral physics
- Mars as a System: The Role of Magmatic Volatiles in the Compositional Modification of the Martian Crust, Surface, and Atmosphere
- Multi-Anvil, High-Pressure Apparatus: A Half Century of Development and Progress
- NASA's Student Airborne Research Program as a model for effective professional development experience in Oceanography
- Particle Characterization and Ice Nucleation Efficiency of Field-Collected Aerosol Particles
- Phonon Quasiparticles and Anharmonic Perturbation Theory Tested by Molecular Dynamics on a Model System
- Planning for Mars Sample Return: Results from the MEPAG Mars Sample Return End-to-End International Science Analysis Group (E2E-iSAG)
- Prediction of Plate Motions and Stresses from Global Dynamic Models
- QBO-ENSO Connections and Influence on the Tropical Cold Point Tropopause
- Re-Analysis of Ground-Based Microwave ClO Measurements from Mauna Kea, 1992-2010
- Seiche Induced Variations in Submarine Groundwater Discharge
- Shear-enhanced compaction and strain localization in porous limestone: a study based on X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Image Correlation
- Simulating texture evolution of olivine aggregates under dynamic loading
- Source characteristics of major large deep-focus earthquakes based on finite fault inversions
- Stony Brook's Graduate Courses in Clear, Vivid, Conversational Communication
- The 2D versus 3D imaging trade-off: The impact of over- or under-estimating small throats for simulating permeability in porous media
- The Paleoceanography of Cariaco Basin and its Relationship to Deglacial and Abrupt Climate Change
- The Role of the Intertropical Convergence Zone in Controlling Mineral Dust Transport in the Tropical North Atlantic
- The anisotropic turbulent cascade at high frequencies, the effects of instabilities and the correct way to measure magnetic fields when considering small scales.
- The influence of marine biogenic particles on ice phase initiation
- The influence of methane seeps on the paleoecology and geochemistry of the Western Interior Seaway of North America: evidence from C and Sr isotopes in well-preserved shells of a seep fauna from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Pierre Shale
- The isotopic record of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric carbon monoxide since 1950 and its implications for the CO budget
- The land surface climatology of the Variable Infiltration Capacity model coupled within the NCAR Community Climate System Model
- The mineralogy of Fe/Mg-clays formed in low-temperature hydrothermal sea floor environments and possible formation mechanisms on Mars
- Thermal infrared study of central uplifts of Martian impact craters
- Three patches of low-velocity zone above high-velocity D'' layer
- Understanding Low Cloud Feedbacks with High-Resolution Models: The CGILS LES Intercomparison
- 2D imaging in a 3D world: Observing sub-grain scale variations and secondary mineral precipitates in reacted pore networks
- A Comparison Between Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes in Observations and Climate Models
- A method to calculate synthetic waveforms in stratified VTI media
- Albedo and Christiansen Feature Relationships among Remotely Sensed Extreme Lunar Compositions: Olivine and Silica Rich Locations
- Applying Chemical Imaging Analysis to Improve Our Understanding of Cold Cloud Formation
- Constraints on Permeability Resulting from Secondary Porosity in the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Continental Ecosystem Instability During the Late Triassic Rise of Dinosaurs
- Controls on Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in a Subterranean Estuary, Stony Brook Harbor, NY
- Deformation T-Cup: A new Kawai-style deformation device capable of controlled strain-rate deformation at pressures in excess of 20 GPa
- Detailed features of a subducted slab in the lower mantle beneath Central America
- Determining rupture process of great earthquakes with a joint method of back projection and polarization analysis
- Dynamics of Great Basin Crust-Mantle Coupling Through Combined Analysis and Modeling of EarthScope Seismic, Geodetic, and Geologic Data
- Effect of grain size distribution on the development of compaction localization in porous sandstone
- Effects of shock metamorphism on clay mineralogy: Implications for remote sensing of martian clays
- Evidence for persistent faulting consistent with the 23 August, 2011 Louisa County, VA earthquake
- Evolution of Strain in Obliquely Convergent Analog Doubly-Vergent Wedges
- Felsic Volcanics on the Moon
- Flyby of Io with Repeat Encounters (FIRE): Designing a New Frontiers mission to study the most volcanic body in the solar system
- Heterogeneous processing of biomass burning aerosol proxies by OH radicals for a wide range of OH concentrations and detection of volatilization products
- High resolution radiosonde observations of turbulence associated with breaking gravity waves
- High-precision U-Pb zircon geochronological constraints on the End-Triassic Mass Extinction, the late Triassic Astronomical Time Scale and geochemical evolution of CAMP magmatism
- Hurricanes during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Identification of a new class of chloride-bearing unit on Mars
- Laboratory and Remote Spectroscopy of Volcanic Rocks from Mauna Iki, Hawaii
- Learning to Communicate Science: Stony Brook University's Approach
- Magic - Marine Arm Gpci Investigation of Clouds
- Marine Low Cloud Sensitivity to Idealized Climate Perturbations: The CGILS LES Intercomparison
- Measurement of BVOCs by PTR-ToF-MS in a ponderosa pine forest during the BEACHON-ROCS campaign
- Mid-infrared Optical Constants of Clinopyroxene
- Partial melting as the Cause of the Aesthenosphere - Lithosphere Seismic Discontinuity
- Photosensitized Heterogeneous Oxidation Reactions of Organic Biomass Burning Aerosol Surrogates by Ozone Using a Novel Irradiation-Permitting Rectangular Channel Flow Reactor
- Potential Marine Organisms Affecting Airborne Primary Organic Matter
- Predicting new phases of carbon, carbonates, and carbides
- Prediction of hydraulic and electrical transport properties of sandstone with multiscale lattice Boltzmann/finite element simulation on microtomographic images
- Production, Organic Characterization, and Phase Transformations of Marine Particles Aerosolized from a Laboratory Mesocosm Phytoplankton Bioreactor
- Projected changes in storm track activity under global warming based on CMIP5 multi-model ensemble simulations
- Reaction time scale of partial melting of KLB-1 peridotite and temperature gradient effect
- SUPERPARAMETERIZATION - A Promise towards a better Global Climate Model : An Indian Summer Monsoon perspective
- Satellite-driven predictions of animal migrations in response to short and long-term environmental change
- Simulating Wave Propagation in a Faulted Medium Using a 3D Finite Difference Method
- Slip History of Global Major Deep-focus earthquakes
- Strong Seismic Scatterers near the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary in the Location of the Past Sunda Subduction
- Study of Aerosol Indirect Effects in Radiative Convective Equilibrium with Fixed and Interactive Sea Surface Temperature
- Study the Interior of the Earth Using Ultrasonic Measurements: Progress and Challenges
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Stony Brook Harbor, NY
- Synchrotron Studies Under Extreme Conditions: Tackling the Multi-Phase with the Multi-Anvil
- The Dynamics of Eastern North America: Intraplate Strain and Stress
- The Elasticity of Synthetic Polycrystalline Grossular and Almandine Garnet at High Pressures and High Temperatures
- The IR spectral properties and mineralogy of thermally altered phyllosilicates and possible formation mechanisms on Mars
- The Potential of Amorphous Solid Secondary Organic Aerosol to Form Mixed-Phase and Cirrus Clouds
- The impact of sediment remobilization on lateral and vertical heterogeneity in the sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite (δ<SUP>34</SUP>S): a case study from the Gulf of Papua deltaic complex
- The relationship of velocity structure, slip distribution and aftershock in the hypocenter area of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- The terrestrial water storage changes in the continental United States inferred from GRACE data and simulations from land surface models
- Thermal infrared spectral analysis of compacted fine-grained mineral mixtures: implications for spectral interpretation of lithified sedimentary materials on Mars
- Time-dependent Measurements of Dissolution-precipitation Reactions Caused by Caustic Waste Solutions At the Hanford Site Using Synchrotron Computed Microtomography
- Ultrasonic elastic wave velocity measurements of polycrystalline MgAl2O4 spinel at high pressure and high temperature
- Ultrasonic elastic wave velocity measurements of polycrystalline pyrope garnet up to 20 GPa and 1700 K
- Ultrasonic measurements of the elastic wave velocities of peridotite KLB-1 at mantle P and T
- Using 20th Century reanalysis data to examine Northern Hemisphere storm track trend in the 20th Century
- Using GPS Derived Shear Strain Rates in Southern California to Constrain Fault Slip Rate, Locking Depth, and Residual Off-Fault Strain Rates
- Validation of a simplified land surface model and its application to the case of shallow cumulus convection development over land
- Widespread Magmatism as a Result of Impact Related Decompression Melting on Early Mars
- A GigaLES of the TWP-ICE Field Campaign
- A Holistic Description of Immersion Freezing of Water and Aqueous Solution Droplets Using a Water Activity Based Model
- A New Method for High-precision Earthquake Relocation And Application to the Aftershocks of Lushan Earthquake, China
- A new method to determine earthquake depth: stacking multiple-station autocorrelogram
- Aerosolization, Chemical Characterization, Hygroscopicity and Ice Formation of Marine Biogenic Particles
- Anisotropy structure beneath the eastern edge of the North China Craton
- Anomalous Shear Properties of Coesite at High Pressure and Implications for the X-discontinuity in the Earth's Upper Mantle
- Aqueous Alteration of Outcrops on Endeavour Crater on Mars Inferred from Spatially Oversampled CRISM Spectra and Opportunity Rover Data
- Characterization of pore structure and strain localization in Majella limestone by X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Image Correlation
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Comparison of back projection methods of determining earthquake rupture process in time and frequency domains
- Deformation of Peridotite at Upper Mantle Conditions
- Density and elasticity of superconducting niobium nitride under high pressure
- Dependence of Heterogeneous OH Kinetics with Biomass Burning Aerosol Proxies on Oxidant Concentration and Relative Humidity
- Depositional architecture of fan deposits and preserved bedforms on the southwest margin of Mt. Sharp from HiRISE imagery
- Determination of Anion Ordering in Mixed Apatites via Multinuclear Solid-State NMR & X-ray Crystallography
- Developing a 3D constrained variational analysis method to obtain accurate gridded atmospheric vertical velocity and horizontal advections
- Distribution of ultra low velocity zones at the base of the Pacific Anomaly beneath the northeastern Pacific
- Distributions, Sources and Sinks of biogenic volatile organic compounds in the Southeast U.S. (Invited)
- Do CMIP5 models project increase or decrease in Pacific winter cyclone activity under global warming?
- Effects of Super Strom Sandy on Depositional Environments Offshore Long Island, New York
- Enriched Pyrite δ34S Signals in Modern Tropical Deltaic Muds
- Evaluation of Model Microphysics Within Precipitation Bands of Extratropical Cyclones
- Evolution and Impacts of a New Inlet Formed in Fire Island National Park by Superstorm Sandy (Invited)
- Experimental Weathering of Olivine: Effects of CO2 and H2O2 on Secondary Phases
- GPS detection of ultra-low-frequency crustal resonance caused by Hurricane Sandy
- GRACE monitoring terrestrial water storage change and drought in the continental United States
- Global Mineral Mapping of Diviner Data from 8-50 Microns
- Ice Formation Potential of Field-Collected Marine Biogenic Particles
- Immersion Freezing of Water and Aqueous Ammonium Sulfate Droplets Initiated by Humic-Like Substances as a Function of Water Activity
- Impact of Hurricane Sandy on the Shoreface and Inner Shelf, Offshore Long Island: Evidence for Ravinement?
- Impacts of Background Field Removal on the Seasonal Cycle and Trend of Cyclone Statistics
- Investigating ancient microbial biosignatures with Micro-XRF in situ elemental analysis
- Kinetics of Partial Melting in a Mantle Peridotite
- Methane and ethane at high pressures: structure and stability
- Micro-Spectroscopic Chemical Imaging of Individual Identified Marine Biogenic and Ambient Organic Ice Nuclei (Invited)
- Mineralogical Mapping of the Banded Iron Formations using Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectroscopy and micro-Raman Spectroscopy
- Mircobeam X-ray total scattering experiments at the high-pressure beamline X17B3 at the National Synchrotron Light Source
- Nanoscale Origin of the Dichotimous Viscosity-Pressure Behavior in Silicate Melts
- Pan-Spectral Analysis of Classic Martian Low-Albedo Regions: Updates on the Nature and Distribution of Primary and Secondary Mineral Phases
- Photosensitized Heterogeneous Oxidation Reactions of Biomass Burning Aerosol Surrogates with OH Radicals under UV and Visible Irradiation
- Present State-of-the-Art and Future Developments in COMPRES Synchrotron-Based Multi-Anvil Research
- Provenance and Diagenesis of the Yellowknife Bay Formation, Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Quantification of biogenic volatile organic compounds in the boundary layer during the 2013 SOAS campaign
- Reactivity of Iron-bearing Minerals in Deep Saline Formations subjected to Carbon Injection
- Regional Topography Variation of Earth's Inner Core Boundary
- Rupture characteristics of the 24 May 2013 Mw 8.3 deep Okhostk earthquake
- Sand on the move: Post Hurricane Sandy analysis of the coastal sediment budget and bedform migration at Jones Inlet, Long Island, NY
- Seismic scattering and velocity structure near the Earth's core-mantle boundary beneath the South China Sea and north Indonesia
- Seismic tracking of Hurricane Sandy
- Soupy surface muds: a probable Sandy storm horizon with a potential source fingerprint
- Structure and Variability of Mediterranean Outflow Water Flow Recorded in Contourite Sedimentation in the Gulf of Cadiz and west of Portugal
- The Lassell Massif - a Silicic Lunar Volcano
- The comparative strength of the SiO2 polymorphs (using the new deformation T-Cup)
- The lithospheric stress field from joint modeling of lithosphere and mantle circulation using constraints from the latest global tomography models
- Tidal Amplitude Changes over Time Observed in Borehole Strainmeters
- Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Surveys of the Intertidal Zone: Implications for Submarine Groundwater Discharge
- Towards an Mineral Physics Reference Elasticity Model (MPREM) of the Mantle: Ultrasonic Measurements on Mantle Peridodites at High Pressure and Temperature
- Uncertainty quantification and parameter optimization of moist parameterizations in the GAMIL2
- Upper mantle anisotropy structure beneath eastern Tibet
- Wave Gradiometry for the Central U.S
- X-ray scattering total scattering at high pressure (Invited)
- A 40-year record of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric carbon monoxide concentration and isotope ratios from the firn at Greenland Summit.
- A Study of the Role of Filamentary PV Mixing on the Sharpness of the Extratropical Tropopause
- An Effective Method for Small Event Detection: Match and Locate (ML) and Its Applications
- Analysis of El Niño-Southern Oscillation Phenomena's Effect on the Gross Domestic Product of Western Pacific Nations
- Analysis of the Organic Content of Marine Aerosols with X-ray Spectroscopy
- Anelasticity of the HCP Metal Zinc: a Key to Understanding the Dynamics of Earth's Core
- Calculating the Scattering Properties of Fine Particulates on Planetary Surfaces
- Characterization of Individually Identified Ice Nucleating Particles within an Ambient Particle Population: Implications for Ice Nucleation Description
- Characterizing Carbonates from the Sheep Pass Formation, Nevada Using Laser Ablation ICP-MS
- Chemical provinces reveal Elysium Volcano's compositional evolution
- Cloud Formation Potential of Biomass Burning Aerosol Surrogate-Particles Chemically Aged by OH
- Cloud resolving model study on the QBO influence on tropical deep convection
- Combined X-Ray and Raman Spectroscopic Techniques for the Characterization of Sea Spray Aerosol
- Compaction of quartzite at low pressure using synchrotron X-ray diffraction multi-anvil apparatus
- Constraints on Mantle Composition of Western North American from Direct P and S Wave Velocities of Mantle Peridodite to 10 GPa
- Developing a 3D Constrained Variational Analysis Method to Calculate Large Scale Forcing Data and the Applications
- Diverse, Alkali-Rich Igneous and Volcaniclastic Rocks Reflect a Metasomatised Mantle Beneath Gale Crater
- Evaluation of Mixed-Phase Microphysics Within Winter Storms Using Field Data and In Situ Observations
- Experimental Constraints on Alkali Volatilization during Chondrule Formation: Implications for Early Solar System Heterogeneity
- Feldspathic Rock Spectral Detections on Mars: Geologic Context, Possible Formation Mechanisms, and the TES/Themis Perspective
- Further testing of anisotropic plasma turbulence theory with spacecraft observations of the solar wind
- Future Predictions of U.S. East Coast Winter Storms and Associated Impacts
- Hurricane Sandy's Impact on Coastal Sedimentation on Long Island's South Shore: Results from a 2013 Rapid Response Study
- Ice Formation Potential of Laboratory Generated Biogenic and Anthropogenic-Biogenic SOA Particles
- Improvement of Systematic Biases of Climate Forecast System (CFS) Model through Revised Convection-Microphysics and Superparameterization
- In-situ Diffraction Study of Magnetite at Simultaneous High Pressure and High Temperature Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Influence of Dynamics and Chemistry on the Diurnal Variation of VOCs in the Planetary Boundary Layer above a Mixed Forest Canopy in the Southeastern United States
- Interpreting Recent Global-Mean Temperature Changes in the Lower Stratosphere Simulated by Climate Models
- Introducing DIASCoPE: Directly Integrated Acoustic System Combined with Pressure Experiments — Changing the Paradigm from Product to Process
- Investigating the Systematic Biases on Intraseasonal Time-Scale in NCEP CFSv2 Simulated Indian Summer Monsoon - an Effort of Improvement through Superparameterization Technique.
- Investigation of Water Nucleation on Designed Single Crystalline Oxide Surfaces - a Step Towards Understanding the Complex Behavior of Atmospheric Aerosols
- MID IR Optical Constants of Orthopyroxenes.
- Manganese in Endeavour Crater Rim Materials, Mars, and Implications for Habitability
- Methyl mercury uptake by diverse marine phytoplankton and trophic transfer to zooplankton
- Microseismic sources in North Atlantic Ocean
- New Seismic Evidence for Localized Temporal Change of the Earth's Inner Core Boundary
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- Observing BVOC Emissions, Oxidation, Deposition, and Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollutants to Form SOA in the Southeast United States
- Partial Melting, The Low Velocity Zone, and the LAB
- Photometric Correction for the Thermal Channels of the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment
- Probing ice nucleation events on individual particles relevant to cloud formation
- Regional and global crustal context of soil and rock chemistry from ChemCam and APXS at Gale crater
- Response of Simulated Mixed-Phase Arctic Stratus Clouds to Slowly Activated Ice Nuclei
- Reversibility of Lpo in Olivine during Deformation at High Pressure
- Sandstone Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars, As Observed By Curiosity
- Scale-aware Parameterization of Liquid Cloud Inhomogeneity and Its Effects on Simulated Climate in CESM
- Sediment Mixing in a Pockmark Field on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand - Implications for Paleoceanographic Reconstructions
- Seeking Ancient Microbial Biosignatures With PIXL on Mars 2020
- Seeking Signatures of Martian Magmatic Evolution within the Greater Thaumasia Plateau
- Seismicity in Eastern North America: What Is the Source of Intraplate Strain and Stress?
- Solar wind turbulence: anisotropy, anisotropy, anisotropy!
- Source Processes of Global Major Deep-focus Earthquakes
- Spectral Characterization of Phobos Analogues Under Simulated Environmental Conditions
- Statistical Analysis of Small-Scale Bedforms Formed by Hurricane Sandy Offshore Fire Island, New York
- Stress Variation Caused by the Terrestrial Water Storage Inferred from GRACE Data
- Strong Seismic Scatterers Near the Core-Mantle Boundary North of Pacific Anomaly From PKP Precursors Recorded by Antarctica Arrays
- Structural and Spectral Characteristics of Amorphous Iron Sulfates
- Structure and Variability of Mediterranean Outflow Water Flow Recorded in Contourite Layers in the Gulf of Cadiz and west of Portugal
- Structure of Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> glass up to 140 GPa
- Submarine groundwater discharge is an important source of REEs to the coastal ocean
- The Bidirectional Exchange of VOCs between a Mixed Forest and the Atmosphere in the Southeast US
- The Driving Forces of the Large-Scale Deformation in the India-Eurasia Collision Region: Joint Modeling of Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics
- The Role of Experimental and Statistical Uncertainty in Interpretation of Immersion Freezing: A Case for Classical Nucleation Theory
- Tracking Silica in the Earth's Subduction Zone and Upper Mantle
- U-Pb Dating of Carbonates: A Complement to Clumped Isotope Analyses
- Variations in the association of H<SUB>2</SUB>O with sulfur on Mars
- Wave Gradiometry and its Link with Helmholtz Tomography Applied to USArray Data
- A Reduced Complexity Framework for Evaluating Convection at High-Resolutions
- An Ultrasonic Study on the Polyamorphic Transition in La/Ce-based Bulk Metallic Glass to 12 GPa
- Changes in Sub-daily Precipitation Extremes in the Super-parameterized Version of NCAR's Community Atmosphere Model
- Characteristics of predictable MJOs
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Comparison of laser-ablation and solution-mode ICP-MS techniques for measuring speleothem <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr values
- Constraining The Radiocarbon Distribution Within Major Components of Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon
- Decadal prediction by using the CESM: A Case Study on the US 2014-2015 Winter Extreme Event
- Degassing pathways of Cl-, F-, H-, and S-bearing magmas near the lunar surface: Implications for the composition and Cl isotopic values of lunar apatite
- Detailed spectroscopic analysis of chloride salt deposits in Terra Sirenum, Mars
- Earthquake Characteristics before Eruptions of Japan's Ontake Volcano in 2007 and 2014
- Elasticity and Pressure-induced Phase Transition in Coesite from Experiments and First Principle Calculations
- Engaging Students and Teachers in Immersive Learning Experiences Alongside NASA Scientists and With Support from Institutional Partnerships
- Explicit representation of low clouds in a global atmospheric model: initial results from Ultra-Parameterized CAM5
- Exploring a Uniformly-Rotating World in Global Radiative-Convective Equilibrium
- Exploring the Integration of Field Portable Instrumentation into Real-Time Surface Science Operations with the RIS4E SSERVI Team
- High-energy X-ray diffraction of melts and amorphous solids at extreme conditions
- How the Assumed Size Distribution of Dust Minerals Affects the Predicted Ice Forming Nuclei
- Humidity, Radiative and Surface-Flux Feedbacks on the Multiscale Organization of CRM-Simulated Tropical Convection
- Identification of microcrystalline rocks using thermal emission spectroscopy
- Impact of ENSO on Western Pacific Cross-equatorial Flows
- Inconsistencies in future changes in tropical cyclone statistics between CMIP5-class models and state of the art high resolution atmospheric models
- Investigation of the Influences of Entrainment-mixing Processes on Cloud Microphysics Using a New Cloud Parcel Model and Observations
- Joining Seismic Interferometry and a Migration Method to image Earth's shallow structure
- Key Recent Scientific Results from the Opportunity Rover's Exploration of Cape Tribulation, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Late Cenozoic deformation of the Eurasian and Burma Plates due to subduction of the Indian Plate beneath SE Tibetan Plateau and Myanmar
- Late Triassic tropical climate of Pangea: Carbon isotopic and other insights into the rise of dinosaurs
- Linkages between Icelandic Low position and SE Greenland winter precipitation
- Lithospheric Structure of the North American Continent from Ambient Noise Tomography And Wave Gradiometry
- MSL SAM-like Analyses of Hawaiian Altered Basaltic Materials: Implications for Analyses by the Mars Science Laboratory
- Mantle Composition and Temperature of Western North America Revealed from Direct P and S Wave Velocities of KLB-1 Peridotite to the Condition of Transition Zone
- Nature of Year-to-Year MJO Variability: SST-Forced vs. Internally Driven?
- Nucleation at the Contact Line Observed on Nanotextured Surfaces
- Oceanic Path Effects of Microseismic Waves
- Prospecting for Diverse Igneous Rock Types on Mars: Pixl on "black Beauty" Nwa 7533
- Quantifying the VNIR Effects of Nanophase Iron Generated through the Space Weathering of Silicates: Reconciling Modeled Data with Laboratory Observations
- Quantifying the flux and fate of methane into the Hudson Canyon at the edge of methane clathrate hydrate stability
- RIS4E at Kilauea's December 1974 (D1974) Flow: Establishing the D1974 Flow as an Ideal Mars Analog
- RIS4E at Kilauea's December 1974 (D1974) Flow: In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Fumarolic Alteration.
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E at Kilauea's December 1974 Flow: Assessing the Integration of Portable Infrared Multispectral Imaging into Planetary Surface Exploration
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E at Kilauea's December 1974 Flow: Chemical, mineralogical and spectral characteristics of Hawaiian basaltic alteration products measured with portable instruments
- Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by Lunar Simulants in Simulated Lung Fluid
- Response of mixed-phase boundary layer clouds with rapid and slow ice nucleation processes to cloud-top temperature trend
- Shallow Water Hydrothermal Vents in the Gulf of California: Natural Laboratories for Multidisciplinary Research
- Source complexity and the physical mechanism of the 2015 Mw 7.9 Bonin Island earthquake
- Student Journalists in the Field: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Communication
- Subtropical cloud response to increased carbon dioxide in single-column models
- Systematic Characterization of Cyclogenesis in High Resolution Climate Model Simulations
- Tectonic Seasonal Loading Inferred from cGPS Measurements as a Potential Trigger for the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Temporal Change of the Earth's Inner Core Boundary beneath North Pacific and Eurasia
- The Composition and Physical Properties of Chloride Salt-bearing Deposits on Mars
- The Elasticity of Synthetic Polycrystalline Complex Garnet to 9.5 GPa and 1000K Determined Using Ultrasonic Interferometry
- The Impact of Trends in the Large Scale Atmospheric Circulation on Mediterranean Surface Turbulent Heat Fluxes
- The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- Understanding the Lifecycle of Organic Carbon Through Multiple Generations of Aging
- Upper Mantle Anisotropy Structures Beneath Eastern Tibet and Northeast Asia
- Vertical Velocity in Shallow Convection for Different Plume Types
- Wave Gradiometry and Helmholtz Equation Solutions Applied to USArray across the Contiguous U.S.
- A Hypothesis for the Sensitivity of AGCMs to Horizontal Resolution at Hydrostatic Scales
- A New Approach for in-situ Determination of Pressure and Temperature in Multi-Anvil High Pressure Apparatus: Application to the Study of Elasticity of Hafnium
- A New Method for Fast Acoustic Velocity Measurements at High Pressure — Changing the Paradigm from Product to Process
- A Simulated Chlorine-Saturated Lunar Magmatic System at the Surface and At Depth
- A new 94 GHz radar/radiometer suitable for studying cloud edges
- Asymmetric morphology and 12-year migration of sorted bedforms off Long Beach Barrier Island, NY, revealed by CHIRP seismic data and repeat multibeam and backscatter surveys
- Changes in Sub-daily Precipitation Extremes in the Super-parameterized CAM in Response to Warmer SSTs
- Chronostratigraphy of a salt marsh sediment core from North Cinder Island in the Town of Hempstead, Long Island, NY, using radiocarbon and pollen
- Cloud and Circulation Feedbacks in a Near-Global Aquaplanet Cloud-Resolving Model
- Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study of a Squall Line Case from MC3E - Properties of Convective Core
- Cloudiness and Marine Boundary Layer Variability at the ARM Eastern North Atlantic Site
- Conservation status of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in relation to projected sea-ice declines
- Curiosity Rover Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) Grain-Scale Observations of Silica-Enriched Fracture-Associated Halos in Stimson Formation Sandstones, Gale Crater, Mars
- Data-Informed Large-Eddy Simulation of Coastal Land-Air-Sea Interactions
- Distribution of iron oxides in lower Mt. Sharp from Curiosity and orbital datasets, and implications for their formation
- Effect of Fe Content on Olivine Viscosity at the P-T Conditions of Terrestrial-Planet Interiors
- Effectively Modeling Mid-Infrared Spectra Using T-Matrix and Radiative Transfer Hybrid Models to Improve Planetary Remote Sensing Analysis
- Ensemble tropical-extratropical cyclone coastal flood hazard assessment with climate change
- Evaluating Ice Nucleating Particle Concentrations From Prognostic Dust Minerals in an Earth System Model
- Evaluating cumulus entrainment retrieval methods using large-eddy simulation
- Experimental Approaches to Understanding Surficial Processes on Mars: The Stony Brook Experience 2000-2016
- Experimental Investigation of the Stability and Fate of Ferrihydrite during Aqueous Events on Early Mars
- Flux observations of isoprene oxidation products above a South East US forest point to chemical conversions on leaf canopy surface
- Formation of Anorthite-bearing Blocks and Crystal Ejecta in Volcanic Systems: a Role for the Azeotrope in the Plagioclase System?
- How to constrain snow particle scattering models? A novel approach using triple-frequency radar Doppler spectra.
- Impacts of Entrainment-mixing Processes on Cloud Microphysics Using a Cloud Parcel Model Accounting for Entrained Aerosols
- Investigating the Scale Dependence of SCM Simulated Clouds by Using Gridded Forcing Data at SGP
- Micro-Raman and Micro-FTIR Spectroscopy of Experimentally Shocked Bytownite
- On the dominant impact of vertical moisture gradient on mesoscale cloud cellular organization of stratocumulus
- Oxidation of Tree Oil Containing a Complex Mixture of Sesquiterpenes: Keeping Track of the Carbon
- P Wave and S Wave Acoustic Velocities of Partial Molten Peridotite at Mantle P-T and MHz Frequencies
- Planning for the Paleomagnetic Investigations of Returned Samples from Mars
- Potential decoupling between the regional monsoon intensity and local moisture conditions during the last millennium in central Brazil
- Preservation of Primary Carbonate Clumped Isotope Compositions: Insights from Fossil Brachiopod Calcite
- Process Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Climate Models
- Reconstruction of Topography and Lithosphere Dynamics Within the Basin and Range of Western North America Since 36 Ma
- Relationship Between Turbulence and Drizzle in Continental and Marine Low Stratiform Clouds
- Shallow Cumulus Variability at the ARM Eastern North Atlantic Site
- Silicate Mixtures Under Simulated Lunar Environment with Applications to Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Simulated Lunar Environment Spectra of Silicic Volcanic Rocks: Application to Lunar Domes
- Sound velocity of 23 Å phase (a new Al-bearing hydrous Mg-silicate) to 14 GPa
- Sources and fate of organic (DOC, POC, CDOM) and inorganic (DIC) carbon in a mangrove dominated estuary (French Guiana)
- Studying Effects of Cloud Area Structure on Entrainment-Mixing Processes, Droplet Clustering, and Microphysics with a New Particle-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation Model
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Moist Baroclinic Wave Test Case
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Supercell Test Case
- The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP-2016): Results of the Tropical Cyclone Test Case
- The Importance of Lower Mantle Structure to Plate Stresses and Plate Motions
- The Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Geoporphyrins: New Results from the Paleozoic and Mesoproterozoic
- The Ongoing Poleward Shift of the ITCZ over West Africa
- The Time-Dependent Evolution of the Tropical Cyclone Low-Level Wind Field
- The comparisons of anthropogenic-biogenic-atmospheric interactions in pristine, clean, and polluted environments using ambient PTR-ToF-MS spectra
- The effect of sintering pressure on the anelastic properties of pyrope
- The investigation of terrestrial analogs for the paleoclimate of Mars
- Third-Moment Descriptions of the Interplanetary Turbulent Cascade, Intermittency, and Back Transfer
- Transequatorial Coronal Cloud Prominences Versus Transequatorial Channel Prominence
- Ultra-Parameterized CAM: Progress Towards Low-Cloud Permitting Superparameterization
- Ultrasonic Acoustic Wave Velocities of Neighborite (NaMgF3) Across Orthorhombic and Cubic Phase Boundary at High P-T
- Understanding the source of seasonal predictability for the winter Atmospheric Rivers
- Uplifting the Stable Crust of the Colorado Plateau through Crustal Hydration and Warming
- Using Molecular Tracers to Understand BVOC Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollutants in the Southeast U.S. and Amazonia
- Using Satellite- and Ground-Based Simulators to Evaluate the US DOE Climate Model (ACME) Simulated Clouds
- Using long-term ARM observations to evaluate Arctic mixed-phased cloud representation in the GISS ModelE GCM
- VNIR and MIR Spectral Features and Detection Limits of Minor Phases in Chloride-bearing Mineral Mixtures
- Variability of and Factors Controlling Precipitation Production in Shallow Cumulus - Results from the ARM Eastern North Atlantic Site
- What are the roles of air-sea coupling and resolution for the Northeast Pacific stratocumulus to cumulus transition in the Community Earth System Model?
- A New Ka-Band Scanning Radar Facility: Polarimetric and Doppler Spectra Measurements of Snow Events
- A Study of Precipitation Susceptibility Based on Large-Eddy Simulations of VOCALS-REx Case
- A tropical cyclone genesis prediction method using machine learning
- APS 6BM-B Large Volume High Pressure Beamline: A Workhorse for Rock and Mineral Physics
- An effective parameter optimization with radiation balance constraints in the CAM5
- An intercomparison of methods for solving the stochastic collection equation with a focus on cloud radar Doppler spectra in drizzling stratocumulus
- Basic state lower-tropospheric humidity distribution: key to successful simulation and prediction of the Madden-Julian oscillation
- Characterization and consequences of intermittent sediment oxygenation by macrofauna: interpretation of high-resolution data sets
- Chemistry and Isotopic Composition of Slab-Derived Fluids from Serpentine Mud Volcanoes in the Mariana Forearc
- Collecting, Managing, and Visualizing Data during Planetary Surface Exploration
- Constraining the physical properties of compositionally distinctive surfaces on Mars from overlapping THEMIS observations
- Constraints on Late Paleozoic Ocean Response to Climate Change Based on Brachiopod δ<SUP>11</SUP>B and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr
- Context, Biogeochemistry, and Morphology of Diverse and Spatially Extensive Microbial Mats, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- Continental Shallow Convection Cloud-Base Mass Flux from Doppler Lidar and LASSO Ensemble Large-Eddy Simulations
- Contribution of Seawater Surfactants to Generated Primary Marine Aerosol Particles
- Development of Capabilities for New Experimental Studies on the Elasticity and Rheology of Lower Mantle Minerals
- Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing monitoring for the volcanic surveillance of Tenerife North-East Rift Zone (NERZ) volcano, Canary Islands
- Domain-averaged, Shallow Precipitation Measurements During the Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA)
- Dynamic Bubble Surface Tension Measurements in Northwest Atlantic Seawater
- Early Diagenesis of Trace Elements in Modern Fjord Sediments of the High Arctic
- Effect of Phase Transformations on Seismic Velocities
- Elucidating Microbial Species-Specific Effects on Organic Matter Transformation in Marine Sediments
- Evaluating cumulus entrainment retrieval methods using large-eddy simulation
- From the Lab to the Model: Using Historical Data to Forecast and Understand Harmful Algal Blooms
- GPS Detection of Biot's Slow Wave in the Earth's Crust Triggered by Hurricane Sandy
- How the Emitted Size Distribution and Mixing State of Feldspar Affect Ice Nucleating Particles in a Global Model
- If Frisch is true - impacts of varying beam width, resolution, frequency combinations and beam overlap when retrieving liquid water content profiles
- Immersion freezing of internally and externally mixed mineral dust species analyzed by stochastic and deterministic models
- Impacts of decreasing extratropical cyclone activity in summer on extreme heat events
- Impacts of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Storm Track Activity, Surface Air Temperature, and Precipitation over North America
- Influences of Scavenging and Removal of Surfactants by Bubble Processing on Primary Marine Aerosol Production from North Atlantic Seawater
- Investigation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions: Insights from Cloud Parcel Model Simulations
- Investigation of Cloud Microphysics Impact on Surface Solar Radiation and Its Direct and Diffuse Partitions Using WRF-Solar Model
- Low Cloud Feedback to Surface Warming in the World's First Global Climate Model with Explicit Embedded Boundary Layer Turbulence
- Magnetite Authigenesis and the Ancient Martian Atmosphere
- Micro-FTIR Spectroscopy of Experimentally Shocked Basaltic Andesite (SP Flow, AZ)
- Mineral Fractionation during Sediment Comminution and Transport in Fluvio-Deltaic and Lacustrine Rocks of the Bradbury Group, Gale Crater, Mars
- Modulation of MJO-Associated North Pacific Storm Track Variation by the QBO
- Moist Thermodynamics of Tropical Cyclone Formation and Intensification in High-Resolution Climate Models
- NCAR CESM2 release of CAM-SE: A reformulation of the spectral-element dynamical core in dry-mass vertical coordinates with comprehensive treatment of condensates and energy
- New Cloud and Precipitation Research Avenues Enabled by low-cost Phased-array Radar Technology
- No Radiative Heat Transport Through Pyrolitic Lower Mantle
- Observation of ice nucleation events with high spatial resolution
- Pressure and graphite effects on electrical conductivity in pyroxene
- Pressure-induced amorphization in plagioclase feldspars: A time-resolved powder diffraction study during rapid compression
- Primary marine aerosol production: Current uncertainties involving interactions among bubbles, marine organic matter, and the sea surface microlayer
- Process-Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Global Climate Models
- Properties and Fluxes of Primary Marine Aerosol Generated Via Detrainment of Turbulence-Modulated Bubble Plumes from Fresh North Atlantic Seawater
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E Science Journalism Program
- Radiative-Transfer Modeling of Spectra of Densely Packed Particulate Media
- Radiocarbon (<SUP>14</SUP>C) Constraints On The Fraction Of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon In Primary Marine Aerosol From The Northwest Atlantic
- Reactivity and Air Composition at Taehwa Research Forest During KORUS-AQ 2016
- Role of internal atmospheric variability in the 2015 extreme winter climate over the North American continent
- Sensitivity of tropical convection in cloud-resolving WRF simulations to model physics and forcing procedures
- Similar sediment provenance of low and high arsenic aquifers in Bangladesh
- Simulating Bubble Plumes from Breaking Waves with a Forced-Air Venturi
- Sound velocities of the 23 Å phase at high pressure and implications for seismic velocities in subducted slabs
- Specific Heat Capacities of Martian Sedimentary Analogs at Low Temperatures
- Statistical Compression for Climate Model Output
- Stress heterogeneity in siltstone using synchrotron x-ray diffraction
- Systematics of Alkali Metals in Pore Fluids from Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes: IODP Expedition 366
- The Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Count and Size on Rotation Rate
- The Gulf Stream in Ocean Reanalyses: 1993-2010
- The Impact of Condensed-Phase Viscosity on Multiphase Oxidation Kinetics Involving O<SUB>3</SUB>, NO<SUB>3</SUB>, and OH
- The Impact of Varying the Physics Grid Resolution Relative to the Dynamical Core Resolution in CAM-SE-CSLAM
- The Occurrence of Ridge-and-Runnel Beach Morphology Associated with Deep-Water Wave Steepness on New York's Ocean Coast
- Tropical Control of the Gulf Stream Path
- U-Pb Dating of Calcite to Constrain Basinal Brine Flux Events: An Example from the Upper Midwest USA
- Understanding the Geographic Controls of Hazardous Convective Weather Environments in the United States
- Understanding the Scaling of Extreme Precipitation Using a WRF Squall Line Case
- Understanding the influence of topography on the dynamics of the North American monsoon in climate model simulations
- VNIR Reflectance and MIR Emissivity Spectra of Ordinary Chondrite Meteorites Under Simulated Asteroid Surface Conditions
- Variability and Prediction of Winter Atmospheric Rivers over the Northeast Pacific in Response to ENSO
- Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) Community
- A Continental Scale Assessment of Antarctic Food Web Dynamics Using Three Decades of Landsat Imagery
- A One-dimensional P-velocity Crustal Model of the China-North Korean Border Region
- A Stable Gulf Stream in the Past Two Decades
- A high-resolution 3D Vs model of the Alaskan crust and uppermost mantle revealed by surface waves
- A modern isotope hydrology of the Turkana Basin
- A multi-proxy approach to understanding Late Pleistocene Eastern African paleoenvironments at archaeological sites in Kenya and Tanzania
- APS 6BM-B Beamline: A Dedicated Large Volume High Pressure Facility for Mineral Properties Research in Earth Science
- Aerosol Indirect Effect in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Earth System Model (CAS-ESM)
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions over the Eastern North Atlantic
- An Eleven Year History of Seasonally-Driven Stress Changes on Faults within the Plate Boundary Zone in California Inferred from cGPS Data
- An earthquake swarm beneath Sulzberger Ice Shelf in Antarctica, I: Spatial-temporal distribution from 2010 to 2017
- An earthquake swarm beneath Sulzberger Ice Shelf in Antarctica, II: Source properties of its largest earthquake (Mw5.6) on June 1, 2012
- An end-to-end pipeline for earth observation-data-model synthesis for Antarctic decision support
- Assimilating New Types of Data in Inversions for Lithospheric Shear Velocity Structure
- Bridging the Weather-to-Climate Prediction Gap: Progress by the NOAA S2S Prediction Task Force
- Bringing citizen science efforts into coastal acidification monitoring
- CRISM Atmospheric Correction with DISORT: Variation of Pressure and Opacity Input Parameters on Derived Single Scattering Albedo and Linear Unmixing
- Characteristics of the Planetary Boundary Layer Observed on July 9 and 10 During the LISTOS Field Campaign
- Clumped isotope geochemistry of East African Rift carbonatites
- Composition and Properties of Particles Sampled at Different Altitudes in the North Atlantic
- Comprehensive Spherical Harmonic Analysis of the Distribution of Io's Volcanoes, Mountains, Heat Flow, and Other Geologic Phenomena
- Concurrent Postseismic Pore Pressure and Strain Changes Observed in Anza Region, California
- Coordinated bulk, micro- and nano-scale analyses of experimentally space weathered olivine single crystals
- Correlation Scales of the Turbulent Cascade at 1 AU
- Crustal Stratification in the Continental China from Receiver Function Analysis
- Detecting climate change impacts on North Atlantic hurricane precipitation and size in a high-resolution climate model
- Diagenetic groundwater models and the distribution of salts observed at Gale crater, Mars
- Dynamics of Benthic Iron Cycling and Sediment-Water Column Fluxes in Glacially Impacted Arctic Fjords
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- Evidence for Shallow, Oxic Waters in the Gale Crater Lake.
- Examining Differences between Observed and Large-Eddy Simulations of Shallow Cumulus Cloud-Base Vertical Velocity
- Expanding the reach of inquiry-based climate change activities
- Exploring Machine Learning Models for Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations
- Field Logistics for Terrestrial Analog Environments
- Fluorine concentrations in geothermal springs as an indicator of rheological weakening promoting active deformation in Western North America
- How strong is the relationship between the large-scale environment and tropical cyclone climatology in climate models?
- Hydroxyl Radical Generation by Respirable Lunar Analogue Particulate Matter and their Long Term-Persistence in Simulated Lung Fluid
- Ice Formation by Particles Collected in the Eastern North Atlantic and Interpretation of Laboratory Mineral Dust Immersion Freezing Studies
- Impact of Dynamical Downscaling Two CMIP5 Models on the Historical and Future Changes in Winter Extratropical Cyclones Along the East Coast of North America
- Improving Trigger Functions for Deep Convective Parameterization Schemes Using Machine Learning
- Influence of Stratification, Internal Waves, and Sand Waves on Seasonal M<SUB>2</SUB> Tidal Current Variability
- Insights into Cold Cloud Microphysical Processes Using Radar Doppler Spectra
- Intratooth isotope profiles of fossil suids from the Koobi Fora Formation (East Turkana, Kenya) indicate seasonally variable body water, a potential proxy for hydroclimate in the past
- Investigating N<SUB>2</SUB>and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production in Nitrogen Removing Biofilters for Onsite Wastewater Treatment
- Investigation of Tissintite Formation and Its Implications for Impact Studies.
- Joint Bayesian Inversion Across the USArray in Alaska using Surface wave Dispersion, Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity, and Receiver Functions
- Leaf to Landscape Scale Remote Sensing of Arctic Vegetation Structure and Function
- Locating Microseisms by Covariance Matrix Analysis
- Love wave Tomography of Antarctica from Ambient Noise Data
- MJO-teleconnection in climate models: skill metrics and the role of the MJO and basic state
- Mapping modification of deep crustal structure in the Wyoming province using xenoliths, crystalline basement exposures, and receiver functions
- Measurement and analyses of visible to mid-infrared spectra of volcanic analog site materials for supporting portable infrared spectral imaging
- My Data, Your Noise: Tube Worm Mats and Implications for Seafloor Survey Best Practices
- New Analysis of High Pressure Data for Olivine Deformation
- New, Novel, and Non-Traditional: Development of Unorthodox Experimental Techniques to Study Materials at High Pressures
- Observations of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds during the Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study (LISTOS)
- Overview of SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments
- Penguins as paleo-climate proxies: Radiocarbon dating indicates a late Holocene, north-to-south, penguin colonization in the northern Antarctic Peninsula.
- Phase Stability and Thermal Equation of State of δ-AlOOH: Implication for Water Transportation to the Deep Lower Mantle
- Plant Traits Explain Seasonal and Spatial Variation in Denitrification Within Spartina Alterniflora Wetlands
- Presence of Legacy Nitrogen and Its Impact on Nitrogen Release in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Pressure Induced Velocity Softening in Natural Orthopyroxene at Mantle Temperature
- Process-based MJO evaluation in SubX and S2S hindcasts
- Quantifying the Link Between Southwestern North America Paleo-dynamic Evolution and Basin and Range Extension History within the Pacific-North America Plate Boundary Zone since the Oligocene
- RCEMIP: Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Model Intercomparison Project
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E Science Journalism Program
- Raman and Infrared Micro-Spectroscopy of Experimentally Shocked Basalts
- Reactive Uptake of OH radicals by Temperature Modulated Aerosol-Related Substrates
- Regional Grid Refinement in an Earth System Model: Impacts on the Simulated Greenland Surface Mass Balance
- Role of Arctic sea ice in the warm 2014-15 Eurasian winter
- Seismicity in Sichuan-Yunnan Area of China
- Sensitivity of Cloud Feedbacks to Turbulence Closure, Microphysics, and Grid Size in Cloud-Resolving Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Shallow seismic structure beneath China revealed by body-wave polarization and Rayleigh-wave ellipticity
- Significance of Boulders at the Compton-Belkovich Volcanic Complex on the Moon
- Simultaneous mHz and MHz Elastic Moduli Measurements at High P & T
- Some useful light-scattering trends for retrieving properties of irregularly shaped particles
- Sound velocity of OH-chondrodite: implications for the hydrous subduction zone
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Mercury in Annual Forage Fish, the Atlantic Silverside (menidia Menidia)
- Stormwater Ponds as Hotspots of Biodiversity and Biogeochemistry: A Comparison of Natural and Created Wetland Ponds
- Strain-rate and temperature effects on kinetics of phase transitions in albite
- Studies of Young Hawaiian Lava Tubes to Develop Techniques for Interpreting Lava Emplacement and Inferring Past Environment on the Moon and Mars
- The Impact of Mixed Mineral Dust Particle Populations on Atmospheric Ice Nucleation
- The Role of Desorption Lifetime and Adsorption Energies in Multiphase Chemical Kinetics
- The Role of MJO Propagation, Lifetime and Intensity on Modulating the Temporal Evolution of the MJO Extratropical Response
- The Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community
- The paleoenvironments of Late Cretaceous methane seeps in the Western Interior Seaway (SD, USA) from carbonate stable isotopes
- The sensitivity of the INP number from different mineral species to fundamental dust properties in a global model
- Thermal structure of the Antarctic lithosphere constrained by 2-decade seismic data
- Thermophysical Properties of the Regolith of Phobos
- Timescale of Paleoceanographic History at Iodp Site U1474, Natal Valley, Southwestern Indian Ocean
- Topographic Influences on the North American Monsoon
- Toward a Phanerozoic History of Earth's Surface Temperature: The Oxygen Isotope Record of the Paleozoic to Early Cretaceous Time Slice (PalECTS)
- Tracking Thermal Metamorphism of Ordinary Chondrites via Raman Spectroscopy of Organic Materials.
- Tropical Cyclones in High-Resolution Community Atmosphere Model version 5: Evaluation for Western North Pacific
- Understanding Land Surface Controls of Severe Local Storm Environments over North America: Role of Elevated Terrain and the Gulf of Mexico
- Understanding Volumetric Glacier Change With ArcticDEM
- Using Intensive Field Data for Evaluating Simulations of Mixed-Phase Clouds from WRF Cloud Microphysical Schemes
- Using NOAA and Mount Wilson Observatory Sunspot Data to Investigate the Impact of Joy's Law Tilt on Simulations of Solar Cycle 22 with the Advective Flux Transport Model
- Using magnetic helicity to diagnose wave vector direction in solar wind turbulence.
- Volcanoes Impact Climate on Local to Global Scale through Their Emissions
- A New Convective Trigger for Better Capturing the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Weather and Climate Models: Observational Evidence and Modeling Results
- A Preliminary Crustal Shear Wave Velocity Model for the continental China
- A three-dimensional receiver function migration method imaging the crustal structure in Sichuan-Yunnan Region, Southwest China
- An Exploration of Extreme Precipitation from Tropical Cyclones over the Eastern United States in Variable-Resolution CAM
- An orographic-drag parametrization scheme including orographic anisotropy for all flow directions
- Analysis of Extreme Precipitation Patterns Associated with Tropical Cyclones in the Eastern United States
- Application of MJO Teleconnection Diagnostics to CMIP6 Models
- Assessing the Accuracy and Precision of the Airborne Mass Balance Technique
- BiLateral Operational Storm-Scale Observation and Modeling: BLOSSOM
- Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposures - Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond
- Characterization of the Effects of Anisothermality on OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data
- Cold Pools and the Organization of Tropical Convection in Global Cloud-System Resolving Simulations
- Comparative Study of Ice Nucleation Parameterizations for Dust Minerals in Climatological Simulations With a Global Model
- Complexities in the Interpretation of Melt Inclusions in Aluminous Spinel-bearing Plagioclase-rich MORB and Island Arc Magmas.
- Composition of deep crust imaged by USArray
- Composition of deep crust revealed by systematic survey of crustal Vs and Poisson's ratio at large seismic arrays
- Constraints on shallow subglacial structure beneath Thwaites Glacier from joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave data
- Contrasting Dynamics Governing Winter Extreme Precipitation over the Ohio Valley and the Pacific Northwest
- Convective Removal of Lithosphere and Uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains
- Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure of the Alaska Subduction Zone from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Diversity Responses to Landscape Change in the Basin and Range Province: Tectonics Influence Macroevolutionary Dynamics and Faunal Structure in Mammals over the Neogene
- Elastic Wave Velocities of Polycrystalline Wadsleyite (β-Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) containing 0.26 - 1.00 wt.% H<SUB>2</SUB>O at Simultaneous High pressure and High temperature by Ultrasonic Interferometry in Conjunction with Synchrotron X-radiation.
- Establishing terrestrial paleoclimate interpretive framework for modern biogenic carbonate from Ethiopia and the East African Rift System
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Evidence for water-rock interaction in VNIR and TIR spectra of B-type asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Exploring a diagenetic origin for X-ray amorphous material in Gale crater sedimentary rocks
- Flat and Sharp Earth's Inner Core Boundary Beneath Mid-Eastern China Determined by PKiKP Spectrum Fitting
- From Highlands to Basin and Range Province: the role of lithospheric geodynamic evolution in southwestern North America since Late Eocene
- Geographic Controls of Severe Local Storm Environments over North America: Role of the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf of Mexico
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- High-resolution Vs tomography of South China by joint inversion of body wave and surface wave data
- Ice Formation by Ambient Tropospheric, Laboratory Generated SOA, and Mixed Mineral Dust Particles
- Impact of Seasonal Variabilities and Synoptic Conditions on Vertical Profiles of Trace Gas and Aerosol Properties over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Indirect Ocean Capture of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Inferring Causation in the Double ITCZ problem in E3SM
- Influence of elastic crack closure and bedding anisotropy on effective stress behavior of clayey sandstones for permeability and deformation
- Initiation of erosion of cohesionless and cohesive soil mixtures: Effects of density and fine content on the erosional behavior of soil
- Interpreting the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in the Southern Great Plains Using North American Regional Reanalysis
- Investigating Opposing 20<SUP>th</SUP>-Century Precipitation Trends in Chile and Argentina using Observations and Models
- Laboratory spectroscopy of terrestrial volcanic ash and potential applications to Martian remote sensing
- Life Cycle of the North Pacific Atmospheric Rivers Modulated by the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Machine Learning Prototype for Spectral Classification and Regional Mapping of Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) Data
- Magmatic and impact-induced gas-solid reactions controlled the early evolution of the martian surface and atmosphere
- Mineralogical evidence for water-rock interactions in ancient Gale crater, Mars from the CheMin instrument on the Curiosity rover
- Mixing State and Composition of Aerosol Particles Collected During the GoAmazon2014/15, HI-SCALE, and ACE-ENA Field Campaigns
- Modeling Spectra of Transparent Mineral-Bearing Media: Implications for Spectra of Chloride-Bearing Deposits on Mars
- Monitoring urban greenhouse gas emissions: Lessons from the NIST greenhouse gas measurements test-bed program
- Multi-layer Cloud Conditions in Trade Wind Shallow Cumulus - Confronting Models with Airborne Observations
- New Insights into Sediment Provenance and Climate along the IndoBurma Ranges, Eastern Bangladesh
- Normal, Drought, Heavy Precipitation Year: the Contribution of Variable Seasonal Loading on the Horizontal Strain Field in California
- Novel integration of multi-scale remote sensing improves characterization of tropical phenology from individual tree-crowns to landscapes
- Observations of blowing snow impacts on ambient particle abundance and chemical composition in the springtime Arctic
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Preliminary Results of Simulation of SOCRATES period with Global System for Atmospheric Modeling
- Quantification of CO2 and CH4 Emission Rates for New York City
- Quantifying tropical cyclone rainfall from weather to climate scales in numerical simulations and observations
- Reconciling differences between large-eddy simulations and Doppler-lidar observations of continental shallow cumulus cloud-base vertical velocity
- Shallow Martian Seismic Velocity Structure Inferred from InSight's Seismic Signals Produced by Air Pressure Variations
- Shear Velocity Model of Alaska via Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity, Phase Velocities, and Receiver Functions across the USArray
- Sound Velocity of Natural Topaz at High Pressure
- Source complexity of the 2018 Mw 8.2 Tonga earthquake and its relationship to the slab geometry
- Source properties of 17 June 2019 Changning earthquake (M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.2), China
- Steady State Deformation and Ultrasonics: A Study on the Elasticity of Polycrystalline Olivine
- Stratigraphic and mineralogic investigations of chloride materials; Towards unraveling the timing and conditions of aqueous alteration in the southern highlands of Mars.
- Temperature-related Martian seismic events observed by InSight
- The Role of Extratropical Background Flow on Modulating the MJO Extratropical Response
- The Use of Field Portable Instrumentation in Planetary Surface Exploration - Development, Testing, and Implementation Strategies
- The azimuthal seismic anisotropy of Antarctica from ambient noise Rayleigh waves
- The strength of Southern California from rheological and geodynamical approaches
- Time-dependent immersion freezing explained by stochastic nucleation processes and substrate variance
- Ultrasonic Measurements of Sound Velocity of Iron-nickel (Fe<SUB>0.9</SUB>Ni<SUB>0.1</SUB>) Alloy up to 8 GPa and 773K
- Upper Mantle Anisotropy in the Continental China from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Using Evaporation Stable Water Isotopologues to determine Great Lakes Influence on Atmospheric Moisture
- Varieties of Rafting Experience: Application of Novel Techniques to Develop Objective Criteria for Distinguishing Cryogenic and Biogenic Transport Processes
- 1-Meter Resolution Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Imager Concept for Lunar Polar Exploration
- A 4-D geodynamic model of the lithosphere: the coupled influence of tectonics and surface processes on crustal deformation, basin development, and drainage evolution in southwestern North America since the Late Eocene
- A High-resolution 3-dimension Compositional Model of S. California and Its Implications on Crustal Strength
- A New Seismology-Derived Geothermal Heat Flux Map and Its Tectonic Implications
- A large, negative clumped isotope ratio observed in atmospheric carbon monoxide
- Advancing Open Data Sharing Across the Earth, Social, and Health Sciences for Pressing Societal Challenges
- An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Air Quality and Meteorology Measurements
- Anorthitic plagioclase in plagioclase ultraphyric MORB: new considerations
- Assessing the Meteorological Impact on Methane (CH<SUB>4</SUB>) Emission Changes in New York City During the COVID-19 Shutdown
- Building a Climatology of Extratropical Cyclones and Fronts and Their Associated Precipitation
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Clumped isotope geochemistry of carbonates formed in association with shallow water continental methane seeps at Prony Bay, New Caledonia and Elba, Italy
- Comparison of Multiple Approaches for Quantifying Winter Greenhouse Gas Emissions in New York City Based on Aircraft Measurements
- Constraining Paleoenvironments on Mars from Infrared Spectral Observations of Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Alteration Products
- Constraints on the Biopersistence of Olivine Particulates from Experimental Dissolution in Simulated Lung and Gastric Fluid
- Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure of the Alaska Subduction Zone from Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Dispersion and Receiver Functions
- Determining Nonstationary Dynamic Events during an Air-Sea Interaction Field Campaign
- Developing AN Augmented Reality Application for Enhanced Geologic Outcrop Analysis
- Development, Implementation and Process-Based Evaluation of a New Unified Boundary Layer and Convection Parameterization in Climate Models: The EDMF Approach
- Early Miocene evolution of C4 vegetation and open ecosystems across equatorial East Africa
- Empirical formulation for multiple groups of primary biological ice nucleating particles from field observations over Amazonia.
- Estimating anthropogenic CO2 emissions from New York City using aircraft measurements and dispersion modelling
- Evaluation of the MoDIE method for measuring photochemical mineralization of dissolved organic carbon
- Event attribution frameworks for quantifying climate change impacts on hurricane rainfall
- Evidence for Extensive Diagenesis in Gale Crater, Mars from X-ray Amorphous Component Compositions
- Formation of Coesite in a Shocked Amygdule from Lonar Crater: A Nano-IR and Raman Tomography Analysis
- Future Changes in MJO Teleconnections and its Impacts on Precipitation Extremes
- Geochronology and Stratigraphy of the Ekitale Basin, Turkana County, Kenya
- Glacier-driven Chemical Alteration of Volcanic Rock: Implications for an Icy Low-Temperature Geochemical Cycle on the Surface of Mars
- Heterogeneous OH oxidation kinetics of amorphous organic aerosol surrogates at typical tropospheric temperatures
- How do we build collaborative science for better urban planning and climate change adaptation?
- How well can a nudged global cloud resolving model represent mesoscale cloud features and precipitation within Southern Ocean boundary layer clouds?
- Identifying ancient dune processes in the Stimson formation of Gale crater from the Greenheugh pediment to the Emerson Plateau using geochemical data from ChemCam.
- Image processing tools to improve THEMIS-based compositional analysis accessibility
- Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentration in New York City
- Investigating Changes in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Aquaplanet Simulations Under Idealized Warming
- Investigating boron isotopes for identifying nitrogen sources supplied by submarine groundwater discharge to the Long Island Sound
- Investigating the effect of a weak lower crust on Basin and Range extension history.
- Lateral viscosity variations within the lithosphere and their role in affecting the dynamics and seismicity of central and eastern North America
- Linking Thermophysics from Earth to Mars
- Linking geomechanical characteristics of soil with erosion of steep shore and recession of bluff
- Low Frequency Bulk Modulus of Partially Molten Peridotite, KLB-1
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- Martian Seasonal Frost and Snowfall in the Northern Mid-Latitudes - Growing the Seasonal Frost Cap and Contributing Environmental Factors
- Measurements and models of COVID-19 impacts on short-lived pollutants and greenhouse gases over the eastern US
- Methane Fluxes from Zambian Tropical Wetlands
- Micro-Spectroscopic Analysis of Ice-Nucleating Particles in Relation to Ambient Aerosol in a Remote Marine Environment
- Multisensor Agile Adaptive Sampling of the Atmosphere Driven by Real-time Analytics
- New York City greenhouse gas emissions estimated with inverse modelling of aircraft measurements
- New seismological constraints on the crustal structure of Mars and the Moon
- Penguins and Satellites: Employing novel methods for inspiring and engaging diverse audiences
- Persistent warmth in the Turkana Basin, Kenya, from the Late Miocene until present day
- Potentially Young Carbonates in a Small Crater in Huygens Basin, Mars
- Probing the Impact of Nascent Structural Motifs on the Hydration of Newly Formed Atmospheric Clusters
- Provenance and Groundwater Lithification of the Stimson Sandstone, Gale crater, Mars
- Quantifying Significant Weather Impacts of Projected Change in Storm Track Activity
- Quantifying and attributing methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO) emission changesin New York City during the COVID-19 shutdown
- Quantifying changes in carbon monoxide (CO) vehicle emissions in New York City during the COVID-19 shutdown
- Radial Anisotropy and sediment thickness of West and Central Antarctica estimated from Rayleigh and Love wave velocities
- Redox evolution, climate and geochemistry on early Mars
- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions seen from the in-situ aircraft observation over the Baltimore, MD-Washington, D.C. area during COVID-19 pandemic period: Mass balance flux estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and source sector attribution using activity metric data
- Repeating nontectonic seasonal stress changes and a possible triggering mechanism for the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequences in California
- Response Manipulation vs Diurnal Observation: A Direct Comparison of Two Methods for Quantifying Stomatal Behavior in Tropical Forests
- Retrieval of Vertical Air Motion in Shallow Convective Clouds
- Revealing the sub-ice geology: crustal composition determined by seismic networks in Antarctica
- Seasonal extreme precipitation over the United States in CMIP6: Present-day evaluation and projected changes
- Seismic Velocities Distribution in a 3D Mantle: Implications for InSight Measurements
- Stable-Conservative Behavior Of Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon?
- Studying biodiversity at sub-pixel scales in Landsat imagery
- Synchrotron X-ray imaging in 4D: Spatiotemporal evolution of damage and compaction localization in triaxially compressed porous limestone
- The Effects of Carbonate Decomposition on Clumped Isotopes from Heavily Altered Limestone Clasts in the Steen River Impact Structure Breccia.
- The Prevalence of Precipitation from Polar Supercooled Clouds in Observations and Models
- The Response of the Large-Scale Tropical Circulation to Warming
- The Role of Cell Wall Esters and Foliar Emissions of Methanol and Acetic Acid in the Response of Trees and Ecosystems to Abiotic Stress
- The Suess Effect Revisited: It's not what you may think
- The role of SmallSat Radars in the Next Generation Spaceborne Precipitation Observing Systems
- The role of elevated terrain and the Gulf of Mexico in the production of severe local storm environments over North America
- Toward understanding precipitation effects on cellular organization transitions using ground-based rain evaporation rate retrievals constrained by aircraft measurements
- Toxicity Provoked by Exposure of Human Lung Cells to Lunar Regolith Simulants
- Tracking Meltwater Source Availability in Taylor Valley, Antarctica Through Automated Snow Detection
- Tropical Variability of Idealized Coupled Aqua and Ridge Planets using the Community Earth System Model
- U-Pb Dating of Oligocene-Miocene Petrified Wood Carbonates from the Turkana Basin, Kenya
- Using Cloud Radar to Retrieve Entrainment Rates in Stratocumulus Clouds
- Using Fully-Polarimetric Radar Observations and Microphysical Modeling to Understand Ice Precipitation Processes
- What Are "Essential Services" for Marine Shallow Clouds? Physics-denial Simulations Evaluated by Observations during ACE-ENA
- What shapes Ice Shell of Enceladus?
- A Dynamic, Open Science Tool Quantifying Point Source N loading to the Long Island Sound
- A Joint Inversion Algorithm of GNSS and InSAR Time-series: Tracking Nontectonic Surface 3-D Displacement Fields and Strain Patterns
- A Long-Term Record of Antarctic Ice Sheet Loss During Millennial-Scale Ocean Warming
- A high-resolution inventory for inverse modeling ofNew York City methane emissions
- An overview of PIXL results obtained during the Perseverance rovers exploration of crater floor lithologies at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Analyzing Turbulent Kinetic Energy predictions at the grey zone from three WRF-PBL Schemes, with comparison to Aircraft measurements over New York City
- Assessing Bias and Uncertainties in the Airborne Mass Balance Technique
- Automating What Can be Automated, Doing Manually What Cannot, and the Wisdom to Know the Difference: Assembling the Pieces of a Multi-pronged Pan-Antarctic Monitoring System for Penguins
- Automation and Runtime Improvements for the Incident-based Scenario Evacuation (ISE) Collection of Models
- Changes of the Overturning Circulation Strength with Warming in the Radiative Convective Equilibrium Model Intercomparison Project (RCEMIP)
- Chemical composition of the first rocks sampled by the Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, Mars
- Climate Change Attribution of Extreme Rainfall Throughout Hurricane Season
- Comprehensive model evaluation to maximize utility to model developers, scientists and stakeholders: Towards Coordinated Model Evaluation Capabilities
- Convective Vertical Air Motion Estimates by the Spaceborne Doppler Radars of NASAs Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Observing System
- Developing and Verifying a Subseasonal Outlook Tool for Extratropical Storminess
- Development of a Mid-Atlantic Surf Hazards Awareness and Research Coordination (SHARC) Network: Collaborating to improve the forecasting, Understanding, and Prevention of Surf Hazards
- Dynamical properties of marine boundary layer clouds derived from ground-based observations in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Equilibrium and Effective Climate Sensitivity Inferred from the Historical Climate Record Using an Empirical Model of Global Climate Compared to CMIP6
- Evaluating Aragonite Fossil Shell Clumped Isotopes as a Paleotemperature Recorder of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
- Evaluating tropical high clouds in global cloud-resolving simulations with observations from CERES and DARDAR
- Examining Mineralogical Variations through ODP Site 959 in the Gulf of Guinea
- Experimental Investigation of Vapor Transport of Fluorine-bearing Gaseous Species During Degassing of Synthetic Topaz Rhyolite
- Experimental and Empirical Evidence for Carbonate Isotopologue Disequilibrium Driven by Meteorite Impact-Related Decarbonation
- Exploring the Effect of Bathymetric Resolution and Bank Vegetation on the LES of Natural River Flows
- Exploring the Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Ocean Heat Transport in Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Aquaplanets
- Fine-scale Earths monitoring using a novel integration of multi-scale remote sensing observations
- First atmospheric results produced by the SuperCam instrument on Mars2020
- From storylines to anthologies Systematically examining the implications of climate change on known weather extremes and their multisectoral impacts
- Future changes in the MJO in CMIP6 models
- History and Applications of Giga Large-Eddy Simulations
- Hydrology and geomorphology of Mount St Helens debris avalanche ponds influence the ecology of colonizing amphibian species
- Idealized Aqua-Planet Simulations of Tropical Cyclone Activity: Significance of Temperature Gradients and Hadley Circulation
- Impacts of Southern Ocean Sea Ice on Antarctic Snowfall and its Moisture Sources
- Implications of sound velocities of natural topaz on the seismic L-discontinuity
- Large-eddy simulations of marine boundary-layer clouds associated with cold air outbreaks during the ACTIVATE campaign: roles of large-scale forcings
- Linking Thermal Properties of Terrestrial Sedimentary Environments to Mars
- Lithospheric geodynamics and landscape evolution of the East African Rift System since the Oligocene
- Methane emission fluxes from Zambian tropical wetlands
- Middle and Late Miocene paleoclimates from clumped isotopes of soil carbonates, Turkana Basin, East Africa
- Natural Vegetation Responses in Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G6 Experiments
- Nonlinear Viscoelastic Attenuation of Olivine Aggregates at High Stress Amplitudes
- Novel Indicators of Biodiversity Status Based on Financial Portfolio Metrics
- Object-based analysis of fronts and frontal precipitation in climate datasets
- Observational evidence of precipitation suppression by turbulence in marine boundary layer clouds
- Observations of the Jezero Crater Delta Front by Perseverance Cameras
- Phase transitions of olivine induced by high-energy X-ray Free Electron Laser X-ray heating DAC experiments at HED Instrument, EuXFEL
- Potential Ecological Impacts of Climate Intervention with Solar Radiation Modification
- Prioritizing GCMs for Regional Dynamical Downscaling
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Projected Precipitation Change Related to Projected Change in Extratropical Storminess
- Real-time attribution of anthropogenically-driven coastal flooding
- Reconstruction of Flood Flow Turbulence Statistics in Large-scale Rivers Using an Autodecoder Convolutional Neural Network
- Researcher-Community Partnerships for Application of Integrated Resilience Modeling in Planning
- Seismic, compositional, and thermal structures of the crust near the South Pole, East Antarctica
- Simulated and observed vertical velocity statistics of marine shallow convection and implications for downdraft parameterizations
- Sound Velocity of fcc Iron-nickel Alloy at High Pressure and High Temperature
- Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project
- Temperatures and Timescales of Dolomitization of Ordovician Carbonates Along the Wisconsin Arch from Paired Clumped Isotope Thermometry and U-Pb Geochronology
- The Dynamics and Microphysics of High-Latitude Clouds during the COMBLE Field Experiment
- The Impact of Seasonal Phenology on Photosynthetic Water Use Efficiency: an Evaluation of Patterns and Drivers in Temperate Deciduous Forests
- The Non-Linear Response of Rain-on-snow Floods to a Warming World: Perspectives from High-Resolution Storyline Simulations
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- There and Back Again: Transformation Plasticity Across the Quartz-Coesite and Fayalite-Ringwoodite Phase Transitions Revealed in Synchrotron D-DIA Experiments
- Thermodynamic and Dynamic Contributions to Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Increases in Observations and Models
- Towards a self-consistent crustal thermal model of the continental U.S.: a Monte Carlo approach
- Trace Element Incorporation in Natural Vapor-Deposited Topaz: Insights from Microbeam XAS
- Uncertainty quantification of LES results of the flood flow in the American River, California
- Understanding Secondary Ice Modes through a Combination of Fully-Polarimetric Radar Observations and Modeling
- Understanding the geographic controls of severe thunderstorm environments using real-world and idealized global climate model experiments
- Using Isotope Tracers of Meteoric Water to Investigate the Effects of Hydraulic Restoration on Water Flux Across a Large River Island
- A fossil signature of collapsed highlands: the gravitational body forces effect on dynamics and structural development of metamorphic core complexes
- A numerical modeling approach for landscape evolution of the East African Rift System since the Oligocene: the interaction and interconnection between mantle convection, lithosphere dynamics, climate, and surface processes
- A shale-water interaction model and its sensitivity to each input parameter over the entire domain
- Agile Adaptive Polarimetric Radar Observations of Isolated Convective Cells from the TRACER and ESCAPE field campaigns
- Airborne Doppler Radar Observations of Convective Updrafts and Downdrafts from the ESCAPE Field Campaign
- An Experimental Investigation of Germanium-Bearing Phases Deposited from Magmatic Gases: Implications for Germanium Enrichment in Gale Crater, Mars
- An Investigation of Turbulence and Microphysical Variations Within Winter Storms as Identified by Enhanced Spectrum Width Layers from a Ka-Band Radar
- An Investigation of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Particles in Sunscreen to Protect Against UVB AND UVA Radiation
- Analyzing "Grey Zone" Turbulent Kinetic Energy from Three WRF-PBL Schemes, with Impacts from Buildings, using Aircraft Measurements over New York City
- Boron Isotopes as a Tracer for Nitrate in Coastal Settings
- Boron Isotopes in Seaweed Fertilized Tomato Plants
- CUNY-SUNY Speedway: Connecting Lehman College Faculty and Students to Opportunities in Stony Brook University's Department of Geosciences
- Characteristics of Microscale Updrafts in Winter Storms Accompanying Snow Bands Along the U.S. Northeast Coast Using High-Resolution Cloud Radar Observations
- Characterization of an Electrochemical Approach to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- Compressional and shear wave velocities of hcp-Fe at simultaneous high P-T conditions: Implications for the Earth's inner core
- Contributions of Troctolite Melting in the Shallow Mantle to Mid-ocean Ridge Basalt.
- Crustal Structure Constraints from the Detection of the SsPp Phase on Mars
- Crustal composition determined by seismic properties in Antarctica and its implication on the crustal thermal structure
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Decomposing the links between clouds and the large-scale tropical circulation
- Deep Causal Bayesian Network for Modeling Spatial Seismic Building Damage from Remote Sensing Observations
- Deformation of Dry Fine-Grained Olivine Aggregates Under High-Pressure
- Detection of Spray Aerosols associated with Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms and the Effect of Atmospheric Oxidants on their Longevity and Potency
- Effects of Immersion Freezing Physics Parameterization on Simulated Ice Crystal Formation in Long-Lived Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Evaluating the simulation of precipitation by storm type in Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Examining Impacts of Aerosols on Convective Cell Evolution Using Cloud Resolving Model Simulations and Radar Cell Tracking Observations
- Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE)
- Exploring the Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Precipitation and Sea Surface Temperature on Different Time Scales
- Faunal Stable Isotopes Describe Eastern African Hydroclimate Across the Afro-Eurasian Collision
- Fine-scale element mobility and alteration styles recorded in Jezero Crater floor rocks by PIXL
- Fluid-filled granular media in confined geometries: a photoporomechanics study
- Forced trends in the tropical Pacific and global tropical cyclones: An investigation using a statistical-dynamical downscaling model
- Greenhouse gas emissions from the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field and comparison to previous reported emissions
- Heterogeneous Hydroclimate and Vegetation in the Middle Miocene East African Rift Valley
- High-Resolution C-band Radar Observations of Convective Cores
- Highly Differentiated Lavas Examined by PIXL in Jezero Crater
- How Do Early Diagenetic Processes In Arctic Fjord Sediments Change As Glaciers Retreat?
- Ice-Nucleating Agents in Sea Spray Aerosol Imaged by X-ray Microscopy and their Immersion and Deposition Ice Nucleation Kinetics
- Idealized Baroclinic Wave Simulations and Field Observations to Explore Convective Multi-Bands Within the Comma Head of Winter Storms.
- Impacts of Accelerating Decarbonization in China on the Country's Power System and Public Health
- Inferring the depth-dependent VP/VS of the crust: embedding H-κ stacking into Monte-Carlo joint inversion of multiple data sets
- Infrared Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Investigation of Atmospherically Relevant Ammonium Iodate Clusters
- Integrating Unique Observations and Models to Improve Offshore Wind Resource Assessment and Energy Production Forecasts
- Internal-stress superplasticity: A new mechanism for inner-core dissipation?
- Investigating the Age, Abundance and Origin of Chloride Salt-Bearing Deposits on Mars
- Kilometer-scale extreme weather storylines in variable-resolution global climate models
- LRO Diviner Observations of Lunar Red Spots: Implications for Thermophysical Properties
- Mapping the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath the Midcontinent Rift Zone of Minnesota and Wisconsin Using Seismic SPREE (Superior Province Rifting EarthScope Experiment) Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- Mapping the tectonic boundaries using statistical data analysis and its preliminary application to the US and Antarctica
- Microphysical Properties of High-Latitude Clouds during the COMBLE Field Experiment
- Mineral Reactions during Hydraulic Fracturing - Differences and Similarities in Lab Experiments and Field Operations
- Minor Minerals Analyzed by PIXL – Major Insights into the Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks in Jezero Crater from Phosphate and Fe-Ti-Cr Oxide Minerals
- Nonlinear Viscoelasticity and Transient creep of the Upper Mantle in Response to Large Stress Changes
- Optimizing battery storage deployment strategies to maximize decarbonization of China's power system
- Oscillating Open-Cell Convection in Marine Cold-Air Outbreaks with Snow
- Overview of the CHemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) Campaign Conducted Along the Coastal Alaskan North Slope
- PIXL's augmented capability of detecting perchlorates and Fe-Ti-oxides using multispectral measurements
- PIXL's multispectral observations in Jezero Crater.
- Policy-related Gains in Urban Air Quality May Be Offset by Increased Emissions in a Warming Climate
- Preliminary Findings From a Small-Scale Field Trial of Coastal Enhanced Weathering with Olivine in NY, USA
- Present-day Evaluation of Extreme Precipitation over the United States: An Inter-comparison of Three Configurations of E3SMv1
- Pygoscelis Penguin Colony Locations and Diet Compositions along the West Antarctic Peninsula could be Driven by High Retention and Accumulation of Simulated Krill
- Rapid Deposition and Intense Mineralization of Organic Matter Drive Marine Silicate Weathering in the Japan Trench: Initial Results From IODP Expedition 386
- Rough Amazon Suppresses South American Tornado Potential
- Seasonal and Inter-annual Variability in Methane Emissions in Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD, USA
- Second Seismic Anchor Point of the Martian Crustal Structure Away from the InSight Landing Site
- Simplified Fully Automatic Atmospheric Correction for THEMIS Infrared Data
- Sound Velocities of Stishovite at Simultaneous High Pressure and High Temperature: Implication for the X-Discontinuity in the Upper Mantle
- Spatial attribution of aircraft mass balance experiment CO2 estimations for policy relevant boundaries: New York City
- Stoichiometric Mineral Identifications in Mars 2020 Perseverance PIXL Data using the Automated MIST Algorithm
- Subseasonal Tropical Cyclone Prediction and Modulations by MJO and ENSO in CESM2
- Summary of Deep Convective Cloud Cases Observed During the TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER) Intensive Operational Period
- T-Matrix Light Scattering and Hapke Radiative Transfer Hybrid Model for Spectral Modeling of Bennu
- The Acoustoelastic Effect in Polycrystalline Quartz at High Pressure and Temperature
- The Link Between Extreme Storms and Climate Action: A Study of Coastal New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut
- The NASA INCUS Mission
- The evaluation of fronts and frontal precipitation in high-resolution climate models
- Thermal Emission Spectra of North American Rocks
- Thermomechanical Models of Extension Across the Turkana Depression within the East African Rift
- Towards the development of a baseline in ground-based ice-nucleating particle properties across the world
- Trace Element Mobility During Volcanic Degassing on Mars: Insights from Experimental Degassing
- Tracking Mesoscale Convection Systems in the US in E3SM Multiscale Modeling Framework
- Turbulent Eddy Variations from the Coast to the Olympic Mountains and the Impact on an Atmospheric River Precipitation Event.
- Understanding how Changes in Water Table Affect Mineralogy and Diagenesis: The Lower Carmel Formation as an Analog for Evaporitic Lakes on Mars
- Understanding the Kinetics of Electrochemically derived Magnesium Hydroxide for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- Understanding the Observable Range of Point-Source Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- Variability of Hygroscopicity in Smoke Aerosols Measured in the United States and Southeast Asia
- Vertical Profiles of Reactive Bromine near Utqiagvik and Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollution
- Wetting Experiments of Mars-Analogous Surfaces in the Southwestern United States
- What is the best technique to dynamically downscale regional climate change?
- What knowledge gaps related to convective cloud-scale dynamics and microphysics should we expect to fill with the new spaceborne missions?
- Wormhole Formation in a Porous Medium: A Three-Dimensional Study of Its Length Scaling and Effect on Permeability
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Akinsanola
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. H. D. Koeppel
- A. J. Beyersdorf
- A. J. Brown
- A. Karion
- A. M. Fridlind
- A. M. Rutledge
- A. Mittelholz
- A. Steele
- A. W. Frederiksen
- Abhishekh Srivastava
- Adam B. Sokol
- Adam H. Sobel
- Adam Herrington
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alan Robock
- Alex Hall
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexander Laskin
- Alexandra Huddell
- Ali Khosronejad
- Allan H. Treiman
- Allen Hope
- Allison A. Wing
- Amy J. Williams
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew Cross
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Andrew Walker
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Angeline G. Pendergrass
- Anita L. Ganesan
- Anna Horleston
- Anna McPherran
- Armin Sorooshian
- Arya Udry
- Attilio Rivoldini
- B. Banerdt
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. P. Weiss
- Baosheng Li
- Ben Kravitz
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamín C. Bostick
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bingbing Wang
- Boniface Fosu
- Brenda Dolan
- Brendan J. Orenstein
- Brendan R. Carter
- Brian A. Colle
- Brian Medeiros
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- C. Gately
- C. M. Elder
- C. Nathan Jones
- C. S. Bretherton
- C. S. Edwards
- Carey Legett
- Caroline Beghein
- Caroline Seyler
- Casey Youngflesh
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Cecilia Durán
- Cheng Zheng
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chia Ping Huang Yang
- Chia‐Ying Lee
- Chloé Michaut
- Christian Che‐Castaldo
- Christiane Voigt
- Christina S. McCluskey
- Christopher D. K. Herd
- Christopher J. Johnson
- Christopher L. Wolfe
- Christopher P. Loughner
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Courtney Schumacher
- D. C. Richardson
- D. L. Goldsby
- Daniel A. Knopf
- Daniel Gilford
- Daniel R. Chavas
- Daniel R. Green
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Daniele Visioni
- Darren Pilcher
- David A. Randall
- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
- David C. Catling
- David Flannery
- David J. Wald
- David Lowry
- David Painemal
- David S. Matteson
- David W. Pierce
- David Wallis
- Derek J. Posselt
- Dié Wang
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Doyeon Kim
- E. G. Nisbet
- E. L. Moreland
- Elise K. Wilbourn
- Eric C. Bruning
- F. A. Darbyshire
- F. Nimmo
- Foivos Karakostas
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Franck Montmessin
- Frank O. Bryan
- Gabriel J. Kooperman
- Gan Zhang
- Geet George
- Geoffrey Roest
- Gerald G. Mace
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- Hailong Wang
- Hemanth S. K. Vepuri
- Heng Xiao
- Henri Samuel
- Hongyu Liu
- Huancui Hu
- Hui Li
- Hye‐Mi Kim
- I. B. Glenn
- I. J. Daubar
- Isla R. Simpson
- Israel Silber
- J. A. Hurowitz
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. Chen
- J. D. Stopar
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. David Neelin
- J. R. Johnson
- J. R. Whetstone
- Jacob Shaw
- Jacqueline Austermann
- Jadwiga H. Richter
- James T. Haber
- Jef Caers
- Jennifer L. Druhan
- Jiaqi Li
- Jiwen Fan
- John Leif Jørgensen
- John Wheeler
- Johnathan Hair
- Jong‐Hoon Jeong
- Jorge Núñez
- Joseph Pitt
- Josephine Y. Aller
- Julia Szinai
- Justin I. Simon
- K. A. Bennett
- K. H. Williford
- K. L. Siebach
- K. R. Gurney
- Katherine L Hudson
- Kathryn M. Kumamoto
- Katia Lamer
- Kenneth Davidson
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kevin A. Reed
- Kevin T. Uno
- Kristen L. Rasmussen
- Kristian D. Hajny
- L. D. Woodham
- L. M. Flesch
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lauren A. Edgar
- Leah D. Grant
- Levi G. Silvers
- Lisa Upton
- Louis S. Hansen
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. C. Daly
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. Schmidt
- M. E. Wysession
- M. Nachon
- M. P. Panning
- M. T. Lemmon
- Mae Saslaw
- Man Xu
- Mariko Oue
- Mark A. Sephton
- Mark Smalley
- Marta E Torres
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin van Driel
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Matthieu Plasman
- Mei-Ling E. Feng
- Melissa Bukovsky
- Michael J. DeFlorio
- Michael M. Tice
- Michael P. Jensen
- Michael S. Dinniman
- Michael Strasser
- Michael Wehner
- Michelle Cain
- Mikael Witte
- Min Luo
- Ming Zhao
- Morgan L. Cable
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. Mangold
- Nan Rosenbloom
- Naomi Goldenson
- Naruki Hiranuma
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- Nicholas Siler
- Nicole Riemer
- Nicoline Frederiks
- Nienke Brinkman
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- O. Forni
- O. T. Lord
- Oliver S. Boyd
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. B. Shepson
- P. Lognonné
- P. O. Hayne
- P. Y. Meslin
- Pamela C. Burnley
- Paquita Zuidema
- Paul J. DeMott
- Pavlos Kollias
- Peter A. Alpert
- Peter K. Peterson
- Peter N. Blossey
- Philip M. Orton
- Philippe Lognonné
- Phoebe L. Zarnetske
- Pierre Beck
- Qian Luo
- Quancheng Huang
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. A. Yingst
- R. Anthony Shaw
- R. Atlas
- R. Bahreini
- R. Commane
- R. E. Milliken
- R. J. Salawitch
- R. J. Smith
- R. L. Storer
- R. Paul Lawson
- Rachel E. O’Brien
- Rellie M. Goddard
- Richard H. Moore
- Richard Seager
- Roger C. Wiens
- Ross Maguire
- Rubén Juanes
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- Ryan Patnaude
- Rémi Cousin
- S. F. Sholes
- S. M. Tulaczyk
- S. Piqueux
- S. R. Hemming
- S. Tharimena
- Saiprasanth Bhalachandran
- Sara C. Pryor
- Scott D. King
- Scott E. Giangrande
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sean W. Freeman
- Sebastián Carrasco
- Seth Stein
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Shih-Yu Wang
- Shun‐ichiro Karato
- Sibo Chen
- Siheng Wang
- Simon A. Hunt
- Simon C. Stähler
- Simone Tilmes
- Stefan A. Talke
- Stefan Metzger
- Stephen M. Saleeby
- Steven K. Krueger
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Susanne M. Straub
- Suzan van der Lee
- Swarup China
- Sébastien Merkel
- T. D. Glotch
- T. S. J. Gabriel
- Tanguy Bertrand
- Taylor Shingler
- Thomas R. Knutson
- Tilman Spohn
- Timothy J. Lang
- Timothy Logan
- Tobias Borsdorff
- Tom Pike
- Tony Yu
- V. Z. Sun
- W. E. Holt
- W. R. Simpson
- Wei Li
- Wei-Ching Hsu
- Weisen Shen
- Will Krantz
- William I. Gustafson
- William J. Gutowski
- Xiang Yu Li
- Xiaodong Chen
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xubin Zeng
- Yanbin Wang
- Yueyang Jiang
- Yun Qian
- Zackary Mages
- Zexia Zhang
- Zhe Feng
- Zhengzhao Johnny Luo
- Ziad S. Haddad
- É. Beucler
- É. Stutzmann