SUNY Buffalo, New York
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 19th Century Eutrophication of a Remote Northern Lake: Impacts of Climate Warming?
- A comparison of measurements of short-term hillslope degradation rates with model long-term rates
- Accomodating Multiscale Analytic Element Models With the Nested Superblock Approach
- Bedload and Total Load Sediment Transport Equations for Rough Open-Channel Flow
- Carbon Export for Surface Layers in Alaskan Rivers: Estimates of Contributions from the Surface Microlayer
- Channel, Lava Tube, and Edifice Flow Models: Developments and Recent Applications for Mars
- Extraterrestrial Accretion From the GISP2 Ice Core
- Geologic Constraints on Conduit Formation at Explosive Basaltic Volcanoes
- Geomorphometric Analysis of Debris Flow Terraces at Mount Rainier, WA Using Spacecraft Acquired Topography
- Integrated Structural and Geochemical Studies of Granite Magmatism, Maine Appalachians
- Jocotitlan, Mexico and Shiveluch, Kamchatka: planetary analog volcanoes for debris avalanche deposits formed by edifice collapse
- Lava Flow Fields on Earth and Mars: Scales of Comparison
- Local Modelling of Groundwater Flow Using Analytic Element Method Three-dimensional Transient Unconfined Groundwater Flow With Partially Penetrating Wells and Ellipsoidal Inhomogeneites
- Mechanics of Bedload Transport in Open-Channel Flow
- Nonlinear hydrological dynamics on a desert bajada
- PIV measurement of granular flow speeds: implications for volcanic flows
- Reconstruction of the 1730-1736 eruption of Montana Colorada, Lanzarote
- Reevaluation of the 1737 C.E. Earthquake Based on Paleoseismic Evidence Collected Along the Coast of Kamchatka, Russia
- The Western Hesperia Planum Region of Mars: MGS-based Revelations
- Three Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Rheology in Orogens: A Field Perspective
- An Innovative Technique for Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Track Ice-Flow Velocities at Depth, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Compositional Variation in Magmas Supplied to the Southern East Pacific Rise, 17°-19° S: Implications for Magma Reservoir Dynamics
- Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging of Glaciotectonic Sediment Deformation in an Ice-Cored Moraine Generated by Movement of the Buried Ice During a Re-advance of the Active Ice, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Information fusion techniques applied to eruption forecasting
- Interpreting tracer breakthrough tailing from different forced-gradient tracer experiment configurations in fractured bedrock
- Land Cover and Land Use Changes and Their Impacts on Groundwater Resources and Carbon Cycling in SW Egypt
- Modulation of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization by Proteins and Small Molecules Investigated by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy
- PEG Simulation Insight Into the Construction and Cross-Sectional Morphology of Levees
- Pahoehoe Flows with a'a Margins: Surface Morphology, Emplacement Styles, and Fractal Dimensions
- Reducing Dependence upon "the Grid": A Framework for Contaminant Transport Modeling using Analytic Flow Solutions
- Three types of crust: Inferred emplacement rates and styles of a megablocky flow field surrounding Sabancaya volcano, Peru
- Uncertainty analysis using a modified Point Estimate Method
- Use of Global Topographic Datasets in Geomorphology Education and Undergraduate Research
- A Challenge to the Flux-Tower Upscaling Hypothesis? A Multi-Tower Comparison From the Chequamegon Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study
- Amplitude Variation With Offset (AVO) Analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar Data for Direct Detection and Delineation of NAPL Contamination
- Automated Geographic Simplification Tools for Development of Regional Scale Groundwater Flow Models
- Automated Parameterization of a Transpiration Model: A Comparative Study of Bayesian Analysis and a Procedure Based on Fuzzy Set Theory
- Azimuthal Resistivity Analysis Using a Capacitively-Coupled Resistivity Meter for the Determination of Hydrologic Parameters
- Controls of riparian areas, hillslopes, and hollows on storm-event evolution of stream water and chemistry
- Coupling Near-surface Geophysics with Three-Dimensional Geological Model Building for Environmental Investigations
- Do the fractal dimensions of evolved lava-flow margins distinguish endogenous and exogenous growth?
- Enhancement of Aquifer Vulnerability Indexing Using the Analytic Element Method
- Erosion and its Effects on Geophysical Granular Avalanches
- Geology and stratigraphy of the Tacan Volcanic Complex, Mexico-Guatemala
- Glaciogeophysics at Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
- Instantaneous Initiation of Bedforms from a Flat Sand Bed
- Interannual Variation in Stand Transpiration is Dependent Upon Tree Species
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Dense and Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid in a Rock Fracture: Scaling Implications
- Morphologic Comparison of Submarine Lava Channels on the East Pacific Rise and Simulated Channel Flows
- Physically Modeling Stream Channel Adjustment to Woody Riparian Vegetation
- Predictive Uncertainty and Scalability of Transpiration in Heterogeneous Watersheds
- Role of the Analytic Element Method in regional-scale GIS-based modeling of groundwater flow and transport
- Use of Thermal Information to Estimate Stream Baseflow
- Volcanic Hazards Associated with the NE Sector of Tacaná Volcano, Guatemala.
- 2D Resistivity in Discontinuous Permafrost, Fort Wainwright, Alaska
- A Tephra Database With an Intelligent Correlation System, Mono-Inyo Volcanic Chain, CA
- Automated Laser-Light Scattering measurements of Impurities, Bubbles, and Imperfections in Ice Cores
- Calibration of the Geometry of Hydraulic Conductivity Zones in Groundwater Flow Models
- Channel Formation in Viscous Fluids Independent of Scale and Composition
- Characterization of Geochemical Factors Controlling PCE Sorption to Carbonaceous Matter by Lithofacies
- Edge of Field Nitrate Loss and Oxygen-18 Dynamics in a Dryland Agriculture Setting
- Effective Conductivity of 2D Isotropic Formations: Performance of the Effective Medium Approximation
- Emplacement of Large-volume rhyolite lavas in the Eastern Snake River Plains: The Reynolds Creek flow
- Estimation of a Stopping Criterion for Geophysical Granular Flows Based on Numerical Experimentation
- Flow Emplacement Styles and Flow Rates From Flow Margin and Channel Topography: Examples From Terrestrial Field and Martian Altimetry Data
- Flow-Channeling in Fractured Bedrock: Combining GPR, Tracer, and Hydraulic Data
- Flow-Channeling in Fractured Bedrock: Ground Penetrating Radar Investigations and Interpretation
- Gender Diversity in Planetary Volcanology: Encouraging Equality
- High-accuracy Lake Level Measurements as Calibration Observations in Regional Ground-water Modeling
- Hydrogeophysical characterization of bedrock fracture orientations using azimuthal seismic refraction tomography
- Lava Lakes on Jupiter's Moon Io
- Lava flow-field emplacement at Rock Corral Butte, Eastern Snake River Plains, Idaho: It's doesn't look like Hawaii from here
- Measuring uncertainty in modeling toxic concentrations in the Niagara River
- Nonlinear Modeling of Dam-Break Flood Wave Induced Sediment Transport and Morphological Evolution in Rivers
- Numerical Advances in the Modeling of Highly Heterogeneous Domains Using the Analytic Element Method
- Optimal Mesh Generation for AEM-based Eulerian Transport Simulators
- Partial Derivative Modeling of Shallow Seismic Refraction Tomography Data, Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Separation in storm-event trajectories of DOC and nitrate concentrations with seasons
- Simulation of Earthquake Strong Ground Motion Using the Specific Barrier Model
- Spatially Explicit Observations Elucidate Simple Scalars of Forest Canopy Transpiration Along Moisture Gradients in Semi-Arid and Humid Climates
- Spatially Explicit Observations to Elucidate Simple Scalars of Forest Canopy Transpiration Across Environmental Gradients
- Uncertainty in Computational Simulations of Geophysical Mass Flows
- Validation of TITAN2D flow model code for pyroclastic flows and debris avalanches at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, BWI
- Water and solute exports across catchment scales with varying proportions of hillslope and valley-bottom saturated areas
- Application of Two-fluid Models to Debris Flows
- Characteristics of a Small, Rain-Generated, Ash-Rich Lahar, Volcan Tungurahua, Ecuador
- Comparing Ideal and Field Tracer Transport in Fractured Bedrock using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Dust in Polar Ice Cores as a Climate Change Indicator
- Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers: Fickianity, Gaussianity and anomalous transport.
- Impacts of low-conductive zones on transport in highly heterogeneous porous formations
- Inferences of Competitive Effects on Transpiration from Spatial Patterns in Stomatal Conductance.
- Insights into Highland Patera Volcanism using Mars Express HRSC Data
- Integrating TITAN2D Geophysical Mass Flow Model with GIS
- Leaf-Level Light Responses and Canopy Light Distribution Corroborate Hydraulic Controls on Spatially Variable Canopy Transpiration
- Midge-Inferred Temperatures from Three Interglacial Periods in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Parameterization of Natural Depressions in Distributed Hydrologic Models: Implications for Scaling up Predictions of Sediment and Nutrient Yields in Ungauged Agricultural Watersheds
- Performance of a new algorithm for analytic-based modeling of groundwater flow on super-regional scales
- Propagating Input Parameter Uncertainty in Geophysical Mass Flow Modeling
- Quantification of Reflection Patterns in Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
- Storm-event water and solute exports across catchment scales
- Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences Fellowships in Geosciences: Outcomes from NSF-REU Support to the Council on Undergraduate Research
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Algal Blooms in the Lower Great Lakes
- The 2005 Vazcun Valley Lahar: Evaluation of the TITAN2D Two-Phase Flow Model Using an Actual Event.
- The Complicated Geologic Histories of Large Venusian Impact Craters
- The Past, Present, and Future of Satellite Remote Sensing of Ground Water
- Use of Geostatistics and Plant Hydraulics to Explain Spatial Patterns of Transpiration Across Environmental Gradients
- Volcanism at Hualca Hualca Volcano, Southern Peru
- Characrterizing frozen ground with multisensor remote sensing
- Does Spatial Variation in Soil Characteristics Affect Tree Transpiration Responses to Vapor Pressure Deficit?
- Examining Variability of Methods for Determining Within Plot Soil Moisture Content.
- From data to information and knowledge for geospatial applications
- Hesperia Planum, Mars: New Constraints on Fluvial Modification and History
- HirnantianShelftoBasinGradientinSeawaterd13CValues:EvidencefromtheNevadaCarbonatePl atformDuring theSeaLevelLowstand
- Hydraulic Inferences for Mars From Geologic Mapping in Margaritifer Terra, Mars and Measurements of Terrestrial Analogs.
- Incorporating Dual-mode Sorption Into Groundwater Contaminant Transport Models
- Incorporating spatially explicit crown light competition into a model of canopy transpiration
- Input Uncertainty Propagation Methods and Hazard Mapping of Geophysical Mass Flows
- Ionian Paterae: New Insights from Observations, Numerical Modeling and Laboratory Simulations
- Lobe Emplacement of a Large-Volume, Evolved lava flow: Large-scale Pahoehoe
- Long-term change detection from historical photography
- Model estimates of leaf area and reference canopy stomatal conductance suggest correlation between phenology and physiology in both trembling aspen and red pine
- Most Recent Eruptions in the Southernmost Mono-Inyo Craters, California
- Not Just the 8.2 event: Dynamic Early Holocene Climate in Arctic Canada
- Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Transport Using Analytic Element Method for Highly Heterogeneous Anisotropic Formations With Estimation of Effective Hydraulic Conductivity
- Rapidly Melting Ice Caps of Northern Baffin Island: Insights From Cosmogenic and Conventional Radiocarbon Dating
- Reconstructing Holocene Glacier Changes in West Greenland From Multispectral ASTER Imagery
- Selection and Calibration of Subsurface Reactive Transport Models Using a Surrogate- model Approach
- Selective glacial erosion and organization of ice flow at the continental fringe: Empirical data from the northeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Signatures of Glacial Erosion and Retreat in the Landscape: Cosmogenic and Numerical Modeling Constraints
- Simulation of Near-Vent Pyroclast Deposition Using a Navier-Stokes Based Plume Model
- Spatially explicit reservoirs improve the prediction of sediment and nutrient storage and transport within distributed simulations of agricultural watersheds
- Stability of the Laurentide Ice Sheet Since the Middle Pleistocene
- Subglacial topographic effects on the geothermal heat flux of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The insertion of fjords into continental margins and their potential influence on ice sheet geometry
- Understanding Outgassing Activity with Measurements of SO2 Fluxes and Seismicity at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Using the Analytic Element Method for the groundwater flow solution in a contaminant transport simulator based on the deterministic Streamline Method
- Why Did Sudicky (1986) Find an Exponential-Like Spatial Correlation Structure for Hydraulic Conductivity at the Borden Research Site?
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping of the Denton Hills, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica: Mapping relations between glacial and tectonic landforms
- Analytic Element Solution For Inhomogeneities In Hydraulic Conductivity Placed In Anisotropic Porous Background
- Assessing the effects of transient and long term phosphorous storage on the total phosphorous yields in distributed hydrologic model
- Be-10 Ages From Northern Alaska Range Moraines Help Constrain the Timing of the Penultimate Glaciation in Eastern Beringia
- Characterization of spatial variability of hydraulic parameters in fractured rocks: Interpretation of pumping tests at the Altona Flat Rock Experimental Site
- Comparing the Grand Canyon of the East to the Western one
- Contaminant transport modeling using the Analytic Element Method and the deterministic Streamline Method
- Cosmogenic Exposure Ages From Northeast Greenland Constrain the Extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Coupled Water and Carbon Exchange Processes in a Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem
- Coupled hydraulic and photosynthetic feedbacks on forest transpiration throughout the growing season
- Crustal geothermal controls on ice sheet dynamics of Greenland
- Current State of an Intelligent System to Aid in Tephra Layer Correlation
- Does small variance of ln K (~0.3) represent less geologic heterogeneity? A recent lithofacies study at the Borden aquifer
- Effect of Particle Size on Tephra Sample Drying
- Effective Conductivity Of Highly Heterogeneous Anisotropic Formations: Does The Self- Consistent Solution Work?
- Estimating hydrogeological parameters in the vadose zone using tomographic GPR first- arrival traveltime data - applications of the eikonal solver within an MCMC-Bayesian inversion framework
- Fire and Ice: Lavas on Io, Cryolavas on Titan
- Flux-based semi-analytic prediction contaminant transport in a GIS environment
- Geophysical Investigations of Ground Ice in the Arctic: Considerations for Mars
- Getting Started in Academic Careers: On the Cutting Edge Resources for Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Early Career Faculty
- Late Holocene Climate Change Inferred From Varved Proglacial Lake Sediments on Northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada
- Moraine pebbles and boulders yield indistinguishable 10Be ages: A case study from Colorado, USA
- Overlandflow and Rainsplash Erosion Rates of Scoria Cone Hillslopes Affected and Unaffected by Wildlandfire
- Plumes and Wind I: Jetstream Interaction and Implications for Air Traffic
- Plumes and Wind II: Potential Hazards to Air Traffic From Inyo Craters
- Reference Canopy Stomatal Conductance Explains Spatiotemporal Patterns of Tree Transpiration
- Relating GPR Signal Response to Fracture Fluid Salinity
- Revising Methods for Moisture Removal in Tephra Bulk Samples
- River Response to Deglaciation: a Case-Study of Clyde Fjordhead, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada
- Signatures of Glacial Erosion and Retreat in the Landscape: Cosmogenic and Numerical Modeling Constraints
- Sorption Impact of Chlorofluorocarbons to Carbonaceous Matter on Groundwater Age- Dating
- TITAN2D Analyses of Dome-Collapse Pyroclastic Flows on Montserrat
- The Polarization Signature of Arctic Fog during the Polar Sunrise
- Wind-Driven Particle Mobility on Mars: Insights from MER Observations
- 10-Be Chronology of Late Pleistocene Outburst Floods in the Upper Arkansas River Basin, Colorado
- A Lagrangian Approach to Tephra Deposition Modeling: Pululagua BF and Fogo A
- Accuracy Assessment of Models for Predicting Multi-scale Spatial and Temporal Soil Moisture Using Multiple Methods
- Commonalities and Contrasts in Location, Morphology and Emplacement of Large-volume Evolved Lava Flows
- Constraining a Carbon - Water Flux Model for a Sagebrush Ecosystem With Multiple Data Sources
- Estimating Nonlinear Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Sorption to Low Carbon Content Aquifers Using Surrogate Compounds
- Evaluating Overburden Impacts on Geophysical Responses and Their Applicability in Deep Water Reservoir Characterization Through Inverse and Forward Modeling
- Evaluating Subglacial Bedform Internal Composition as a Control on Elongation - a Case Study From the Southern Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Holocene glacier fluctuations on northeast Baffin Island, Arctic Canada inferred from lake sediment records
- Importance of the Terrestrial Cosmic Ray Flux on Climate
- Linking Form and Function: Using LiDAR to Detect Variable Stomatal Conductance
- NASA's Planetary Geology and Geophysics Undergraduate Research Program (PGGURP): The Value of Undergraduate Geoscience Internships
- New Enhancements of an ERS1-2 + ICESat Digital Elevation Model of West Antarctica Using MODIS Imagery, Shapelets, and Kriging
- On the Representativeness of Plots for Scaling Ecohydrologic Processes in Forests
- Qualitative Assessment of Flow and Transport Mechanisms in Bioremediation Processes
- Reconstructing the history of major Greenland glaciers since the Little Ice Age
- Slow Effusion to Large Explosions: Shifts in Eruption Style at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
- Testing the Nunatak Refugia Hypothesis in the Eastern Canadian Arctic with Cosmogenic Nuclides 14C, 10Be, and 26Al
- The Impact of Non-Passive Monitor Behavior on Developing Tree Ring Elemental Concentration Based Chronologies of Environmental Change
- Using 10Be dating to pace Laurentide Ice Sheet retreat in polar landscapes: Rapid fiord deglaciation on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada
- Using Self Organizing Map with geochemical compositional data.
- Using an intelligent system to aid in tephra layer correlation of the tephra beds of the Mono-Inyo Craters, California
- Volcanic Geology of Negit Island, Mono Lake, CA
- Volcanic Variety: The Tyrrhena Patera Region of Mars is the Candidate for Change
- A Mechanistic Understanding of the Role Drought-Induced Stress Play in Regulating Photosynthetic and Respiration Activities of the Sagebrush after a Precipitation Pulse Event
- A depth-averaged, two-phase flow code for hazard mapping that satisfies both hydraulic and granular flow extremes
- A stochastic approach for model reduction and memory function design in hydrogeophysical inversion
- Accounting for the extreme events tail in probabilistic hazard maps for volcanic eruptions
- Arctic Environmental Change Recorded In Lake Sediments from Baffin Island, Canada: The Past Century Compared With the Past 200,000 Years
- Climate-Soil-Vegetation Control on Groundwater Table Dynamics and its Feedbacks in a Climate Model
- Comparison of rapid assessment techniques for signatures of dynamic equilibrium in a disturbed stream
- Development of A Stochastic Bedload Transport Model
- Dome forming eruptions: a global hazards database
- Dust loading in Gusev crater, Mars: Results from two active dust devil seasons
- Effects of Canopy Wetness on Evapotranspiration in Native and Invaded Tropical Montane Cloud Forest in Hawai‘i
- Evaluation of Zeolite Permeable Treatment Wall for the Removal of Strontium-90 from Groundwater
- Fall Deposits Associated with Major Ignimbrites and the Question of Total Eruptive Volume
- High resolution seismic reflection profiles of Holocene volcanic and tectonic features, Mono Lake, California
- Ice jam flooding: a location prediction model
- InSAR observations of localized deformation of volcanic deposits apparently triggered by regional earthquakes: Examples from Hawai`i and Lascar volcano, Chile
- Information Products Laboratory for Emergency Response - IPLER
- Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration in Volcanic Risk Mitigation at Galeras Volcano, Colombia: A Participative Workshop to Reduce Volcanic Risk
- Long-term Carbon Loss and Recovery Following Selective Logging in Amazon Forests
- Magma ascent and lava dome evolution at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
- New records of Neoglaciation in the northeastern North American Arctic (Invited)
- Probabilistic Analysis of Particle Deposition and Resuspension in Open Channel Flows
- Quantifying Complexity and Data Needs for Coupled Models of Hydrological and Carbon Flux Processes
- Reconstruction of Greenland Ice Sheet Changes from Laser Altimetry Measurements
- Response of Jakobshavn Isbræ, west Greenland, to Little Ice Age climate change
- VHub - Cyberinfrastructure for volcano eruption and hazards modeling and simulation
- Water Scarcity in the Northeast Corridor During the Nineteenth Century and its Correlation to Infrastructure Development
- What is a Volcano? How planetary volcanism has changed our definition
- 10BE Surface-Exposure Chronology of the Left-Lateral Moraines of the Former Pukaki Glacier Lobe in the Mackenzie Region, South Island, New Zealand
- A New Two-phase Flow Model Applied to the 2007 Crater Lake Break-out Lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand
- A modeling framework for evaluating stream restoration techniques and ecosystem response
- Alteration minerals on the Santiaguito lava dome complex, Santa María volcano, Guatemala
- An assessment of leaf wax hydrogen isotopes as a climate proxy in proglacial arctic lake sediments
- Assessing Variability and Uncertainty of Water Quality, Geomorphic, and Habitat Indicators to Evaluate Western New York Stream Restoration Projects
- Bayesian Synthesis of Multiple Data Sources to Test Specific Structural Hypotheses Within an Integrated Model of Water and Carbon Flow
- Complex plumbing of monogenetic scoria cones and implications for Strombolian-style eruptions: examples from the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field (Nevada, USA)
- Coupling Power Generation, Geologic CO2 Storage and Saline Groundwater Desalination to Address Growing Energy Needs in Water Constrained Regions
- Determining surface elevation change of small ice caps on Greenland
- Digital Map of Tephra Deposits of the Mono-Inyo Craters, CA
- Dual US-Europe Graduate Degrees in Volcanology
- Ensemble modeling of the Eyjafjallajokull plume of 15-20 April 2010
- Evaluation of the removal of Strontium-90 from groundwater using a zeolite rich-rock permeable treatment wall
- From Outlet Glacier Changes to Ice Sheet Mass Balance - Evolution of Greenland Ice Sheet from Laser Altimetry Data
- Geochemical and textural comparison of two different scoria erupted from Llaima volcano, Chile
- Greenland's Biggest Losers
- Ground Penetrating Radar Field Studies of Lunar-Analog Geologic Settings and Processes: Barringer Meteor Crater and Northern Arizona Volcanics
- Groundwater Controls on Vegetation Composition and Patterning in Mountain Meadows
- Groundwater Subsidy: Quantifying the additional water available for root water uptake
- High resolution, long term reconstruction of surface evolution in northwestern Greenland for investigating dynamic glacier behavior
- Importance of snowmelt-derived fluxes on the groundwater flow in a high elevation meadow (Invited)
- Innovative Camera and Image Processing System to Characterize Cryospheric Changes
- Laboratory Experiments To Investigate The Effects Of Bank-Toe Vegetation On Distributions Of Stresses On Streambanks
- Launching an Academic Career: On the Cutting Edge Resources for Geoscience Graduate Students, Post-doctoral Fellows, and Early Career Faculty
- Modeling Fate and Transport of Fecal Coliform Bacteria Using SWAT 2005 (Case Study: Jajrood River Watershed, Iran)
- Monitoring Spatio-temporal Dielectric Permittivity Variation in the Shallow Subsurface through Bayesian Inversion of GPR Data
- Monitoring the Chaiten Rhyolite Dome: Interpretation of Airborne Thermal and Aeromagnetic Data
- Organic Chemical Sorption Heterogeneity in a Sedimentary Framework
- Pyroclastic deposit differentiation from LiDAR roughness texture at Mount St. Helens
- Response of Jakobshavn Isbræ to early Holocene abrupt climate events
- Response of Multiphase Flow to Microtopography of Rock Fractures
- Subaerial lava pillars: Evidence for non-explosive magma-water interactions in Iceland
- Surrogate Models and Uncertainty Quantification for Hazard Map Construction
- The Nature of Excess Intercalation of a Quaternary Ammonium Compound in Smectite Clay
- The effect of topography on pyroclastic flow mobility
- Titan2D simulations of dome-collapse pyroclastic flows for crisis assessments on Montserrat
- Two coarse pyroclastic flow deposits, northern Mono-Inyo Craters, CA
- Using Mini-RF To Improve Accuracy Of Lunar TiO2 Maps
- A 50 yr Eruption of a Basaltic Composite Cone: Pacaya, Guatemala
- A comparison of solution schemes for modeling reactive transport with nonlinear sorption
- A coupled carbon and plant hydraulic model to predict ecosystem carbon and water flux responses to disturbance and environmental change
- An Irregularly Shaped Maar in the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Nevada
- Application of a wide-ranging two-phase Debris Flow Model to the 2007 Crater Lake break-out lahar at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand
- Comparison between AVHRR surface temperature data and in-situ weather station temperatures over the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Detection and characterization of debris avalanche and pyroclastic flow dynamics from the simulation of the seismic signal they generate: application to Montserrat, Lesser Antilles
- Examples of transport of volcanic ash
- Generation of a new Greenland Ice Sheet Digital Elevation Model
- Heterogeneity in Sedimentary Aquifers: Effects on Chlorinated Solvent Mass Storage
- Holocene temperature history at the west Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments
- IceBridge Provides Novel Evidence for Thick Units of Basal Freeze-on Ice Along Petermann Glacier, Greenland
- Initial Analysis of Inner Crater Eruptive Deposits and Modeling of the 2005 Eruption of Ilamatepec (Santa Ana) Volcano, El Salvador
- Intense monotonic infrasound at Volcan Villarrica: Insights from an Integrated Seismo-acousto-optico-thermo-UV imager field approach
- Investigating Human Impacts on Past Irish Landscapes through Multiple Prospection Methods
- Lake Erie Seiches and Their Impact on Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in the Buffalo River, Buffalo, New York
- Modeling and assessing hazards associated with pyroclastic flows at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- More than just a catchy title: The rewards and challenges of geoscience blogging
- Outcrop Analog Analysis of Lithofacies Distributions within Borden Aquifer Sediments, Ontario, CA
- Plumbing of Continental Basaltic Volcanoes from the Mantle to the Surface, 2: Geochemical Variations of the Pliocene to Recent Volcanic Products of Lunar Crater Volcanic Field (nevada, Usa)
- Plumbing of continental basaltic volcanoes from the mantle to the surface, 1: Insights from field relationships at the Lunar Crater Volcanic Field (Nevada, USA)
- Possible ENSO Effects Observed in Central Greenland Snow Accumulation
- Pre-emption-based Regional Sensitivity Analysis (PeRSA) to increase watershed model calibration efficiency
- Properties of Repetitive Long-Period Seismicity at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Rapid dynamic thinning events during 1985-2010 on Upernavik Isstrøm, West Greenland
- Relative effects of advection, sorption and diffusion on transport and tailing of chlorinated solvents
- Research collaboration, hazard modeling and dissemination in volcanology with Vhub
- Spatial Dynamics of Nitrate in a Developing Wetland within a Mixed-Use Watershed
- Spatial pattern of hormone and antibiotic concentrations in surface waters in Delaware
- Stochastic Modeling Of Bedload Transport By The Continuous-Time Markov Chain Process
- The ICESat-2 Mission: Concept, pre-launch activities, and opportunities
- The Influence of Pump-and-Treat Problem Formulation on the Performance of a Hybrid Global-Local Optimizer
- The Mohawkian Chronostratigraphic Problem: building a reliable timescale by combining biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and tephrochronology
- The emplacement of pumice lobes ascertained from surface morphology and granulometry; examples from the 1993 deposits at Lascar Volcano, Chile
- Unearthing The Eruptive Personality Of El Salvador's Santa Ana (Ilamatepec) Volcano Though In-depth Stratigraphic Analysis Of Pre-1904 Deposits
- Use of Plant Hydraulic Theory to Predict Ecosystem Fluxes Across Mountainous Gradients in Environmental Controls and Insect Disturbances
- Using GRACE and other independent observations to generate extended ice sheet mass balance records and bridge future data gaps
- Volcanic Eruptions at Mid-ocean Ridges and the Influence of Magma Supply on Eruption Dynamics
- A Framework for Debugging Geoscience Projects in a High Performance Computing Environment
- A new application of a finite element heat and mass transfer numerical modeling code (FEHM) to heat and fluid circulation in lava domes
- A new look at mobility metrics for pyroclastic density currents: collection, interpretation, and use
- A precise <SUP>10</SUP>Be production-rate calibration from the Baffin Bay region: implications for high-resolution dating of ice-margin change
- A preliminary 10Be chronology of Scandinavian Ice Sheet retreat from southwestern Norway
- A virtual community and cyberinfrastructure for collaboration in volcano research and risk mitigation
- Airborne ICESat-2 simulator (MABEL) results from Greenland
- An overview of a GIS method for mapping landslides and assessing landslide hazards at Río El Estado watershed, on the SW flank of Pico de Orizaba Volcano, Mexico
- Assessing the Extent of Influence Subglacial Hydrology Has on Dynamic Ice Sheet Behavior
- Basal Freeze-on: An Active Component of Hydrology from the Ice Divide to the Margin
- Basaltic scoria plates at Llaima volcano, Chile; preserved bubble walls from large strombolian bubble bursts
- Characterization of Tephra Fall Deposit at Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Nevada
- Cluster Analysis of vents in monogenetic volcanic fields, Lunar Crater Volcanic Field (Nevada)
- Comparison of monogenetic volcano clusters on Earth, Venus, and Mars
- Decadally resolved quantitative temperature reconstruction spanning 5.6 ka at Kurupa Lake, Arctic Alaska
- Diagnostic evaluation of rainfall-runoff models via multi-criteria calibration using formal and informal MCMC sampling
- Dynamic observations of the 8 January 2010 pyroclastic flow from the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat ascertained by high-definition and FLIR video analysis, as well as geometric analysis of the DEM
- Ecosystem Carbon-13 Isoscapes and Uncertainty Estimates for Africa: Integrating Remote Sensing and Field Isotope Measurements
- Effects of forest type and environmental factors on forest carbon use efficiency (CUE) using MODIS and FIA data across the eastern USA
- Engaging Undergraduate Math Majors in Geoscience Research using Interactive Simulations and Computer Art
- Entrainment of granular substrate by pyroclastic flows: an experimental study and its implications for flow dynamics
- Experimental analysis of bubble-driven magma motion in a volcanic conduit and how it affects lava lake sustainability
- Exploiting Expert Knowledge to Enhance Simulation-based Optimization of Environmental Remediation Systems
- Exploratory Water Budget Analysis of A Transitional Premontane Cloud Forest in Costa Rica Through Undergraduate Research
- Facilitating Classroom Innovation in the Geosciences Through the NSF Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (TUES) Program
- Geochemical fingerprinting of Wilson Creek Formation tephra layers (Mono Basin, CA) using titanomagnetite compositions
- Ground Penetrating Radar Field Studies of Planetary Analog Geologic Settings: Impact Ejecta, Volcanics, and Fluvial Terrains
- Hazards of Monogenetic Volcanic Fields in the USA
- High-resolution seismic imaging, Mono Lake fault zone, eastern Sierra region, Walker Lane, California
- Hydrological Processes in a Pre-montane Tropical Forest
- Improving accuracy of glacial isostatic adjustment models and ice mass balance using GRACE, InSAR, altimetry, and regional atmospheric climate model output
- Insight into the processes of erosion derived from the distribution of single-clast Be-10 measurements, Pisco River, Peru
- Insights into High-Resolution Physico-Biogeochemical Processes in Nearshore Environments of Lake Erie Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
- Investigating Greenland Ice Sheet response to external forcing from laser altimetry record (1993-2011)
- Kinematics of time-mean and turbulent flow associated with circular impinging jets used to assess in-situ soil erodibility indices
- Lacustrine records of Holocene ice margin change at Paakitsoq, western Greenland
- Model space exploration for determining landslide source history from long period seismic data
- Modeling net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide in a beetle-attacked subalpine forest using a data-constrained ecosystem model
- Modeling reactive transport with nonlinear sorption and pore diffusion
- Monogenetic problems: source, ascent, and eruption
- Nonstructural carbon dynamics are best predicted by the combination of photosynthesis and plant hydraulics during both bark beetle induced mortality and herbaceous plant response to drought
- Novel Geostatistical Characterization of the Borden Aquifer, Canada
- Paroxysmal eruptions at a persistently degassing basaltic andesite stratovolcano : what changes ?
- Plant hydraulic controls over ecosystem responses to climate-enhanced disturbances
- Quantifying the Influence of Search Algorithm Uncertainty on the Estimated Parameters of Environmental Models
- Rapid ice collapse in Disko Bugt: A new 10Be chronology of the last recession of the western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Steroidal hormones in agricultural runoff: Lessons from studies at multiple scales in Delaware
- Stochastic modeling of the MADE plume
- Telescoping Strategies for Improved Simulation-based Optimization of Environmental Remediation Systems
- The Evolution And Plumbing Of Monogenetic Volcanism Associated With Llaima Volcano, Chile
- Using stochastic NWP ensembles for volcanic ash transport and dispersion model outcomes
- 10Be chronology of the Drygalski Moraines, central western Greenland
- A Framework for Uncertainty Quantification for Volcanic Ash Dispersion Phenomena
- A cloud pattern recognition algorithm to automate the estimation of mass eruption rates from an umbrella cloud or downwind plume observed via satellite imagery
- A new 10Be chronology of the LGM in the Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska
- Application of Gambler's Ruin Model to Sediment Transport Problems
- Application of Sediment Trend Analysis in the Examination of Sediment Transport Dynamics of Missisquoi Bay
- Assimilation of surface altimetry data on 79 North glacier using automatic differentiation and ISSM. (Invited)
- Bark Beetle Impacts on Ecosystem Processes are Over Quickly and Muted Spatially
- Basaltic Magma-Water Interaction on Earth: Recognition Criteria To Aid Planetary Mapping on Mars (Invited)
- Characteristics and Behavior of a Two-Hour Oscillation in the Buffalo River, Buffalo, New York
- Characterizing uncertainty in the motion, future location and ash concentrations of volcanic plumes and ash clouds
- Communicating uncertainties in volcanic ash cloud hazards: Implications for the operational real-time environment
- Comparing ice margin response to early Holocene warmth, Disko Bugt region, west Greenland
- Contaminant Transport in the Highly Heterogeneous Sedimentary Formation at Canadian Forces Base Borden, Ontario, Canada
- Crowdsourcing Stream Stage in Data Scarce Regions: Applications of CrowdHydrology
- Developing Sustainable Models of Volcanic Processes on the Shared VHub Platform
- Developments on informal approaches to multi-criteria calibration and uncertainty analysis of hydrologic models
- DomeHaz, a Global Hazards Database: Understanding Cyclic Dome-forming Eruptions, Contributions to Hazard Assessments, and Potential for Future Use and Integration with Existing Cyberinfrastructure
- Elevated Methane Concentrations in Trees of an Upland Forest
- Experimental analysis of bubble-driven magma motion in a volcanic conduit and how it affects lava lake sustainability
- Fake ballistics and real explosions: field-scale experiments on the ejection and emplacement of volcanic bombs during vent-clearing explosive activity
- Fusion of multi-sensor surface elevation data for a better characterization of rapidly changing outlet glaciers in Greenland
- Gravity current model of the volumetric growth of volcanic clouds: remote assessment with satellite imagery and estimation of mass eruption rate
- Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss and Outlet Glacier Dynamics from Laser Altimetry Record (1993-2013) (Invited)
- Holocene evolution of the western Greenland Ice Sheet: Comparing geological reconstructions of ice-margin change to geophysical ice-sheet model outputs
- How resilient are vegetation communities to climate change at the Ciha Fen (Johnson County, IA, USA)
- Hyporheic speed bumps: the affect of focused groundwater discharge on the function of the hyporheic zone
- Improved Uncertainty Quantification for Physics-Based Atmospheric Models via Generalized Polynomial Chaos
- Improved integration and discoverability of tephra data for multidisciplinary applications
- Improving scaling methods to estimate eruption energies from volcanic crater structures using blast experiments
- Integrated melt inclusion and crystal zoning study to track the timescales and pre-eruption dynamics of violent Strombolian eruptions at Llaima volcano, Chile
- Integrated observations of processes and products of large scale cratering experiments
- Millennial scale ice dynamics and the spatial partition of Greenland mass change (Invited)
- Modeling alteration potential in cooling lava domes
- Monogenetic scoria cones, proxies of an evolutive magma chamber. Llaima volcano, Chile
- Online collaboration and model sharing in volcanology via
- Precursory acoustic signals and ground deformation in volcanic explosions
- Predicting leaf area index based on environmental constraints to canopy development
- Quantifying Volume of Groundwater in High Elevation Meadows
- Quantifying and interpreting the changes in forces during the major retreat of Kangerlussuaq Glacier in South-East Greenland using a 2D force balance analysis
- Quantitative comparisons of three modeling approaches for characterizing drought response of a highly variable, widely grown crop species
- Quaternary Eruptions of the Mono-Inyo Craters, California
- Rapid Response Tools and Datasets for Post-fire Erosion Modeling: An Online Database to Support Post-fire Erosion Modeling
- Realizing life-scalable experimental pyroclastic density currents
- Reconstructing the late Holocene expansion of mountain ice caps in west-central Greenland
- Resources to Transform Undergraduate Geoscience Education: Activities in Support of Earth, Oceans and Atmospheric Sciences Faculty, and Future Plans
- Rockfalls at the Soufière Hills volcano, Montserrat: scaling law between potential energy loss, energy dissipated as seismic waves and duration
- Shallow Plumbing Geometry of a Monogenetic Volcano, Lunar Crater Volcanic Field, Nevada
- Simulating stand-level water and carbon fluxes in beetle-attacked conifer forests in the Western U.S
- Small Scale Coronal Dynamics observed with Hi-C
- Social.Water--Open Source Citizen Science Software for CrowdHydrology
- Subaerial, submarine and extraterrestrial volcanic morphologies: Comparisons and contrasts
- Susceptibility mapping in the Río El Estado watershed, Pico de Orizaba volcano, Mexico
- The ICESat-2 mission: design, status, applications and pre-launch performance assessments for monitoring cryopsheric changes
- The perfect ash-storm: large-scale Pyroclastic Density Current experiments reveal highly mobile, self-fluidising and air-cushioned flow transport regime
- Towards scaling interannual ecohydrological responses of conifer forests to bark beetle infestations from individuals to landscapes
- Using GRACE measurements of time variable gravity, elevation changes from ICESat, OIB and ENVISAT and surface mass balance outputs from RACMO to improve ice mass balance estimates
- Warming and extensive glacier recession at Southern Hemisphere middle latitudes during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Widespread Hydrologic Events Beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- A Tale of Two Forests: Simulating Contrasting Lodgepole Pine and Spruce Forest Water and Carbon Fluxes Following Mortality from Bark Beetles
- Alpine Glaciation on Baffin Island over the Last Millennium
- Analysis of Sub-Antarctic Lakes Using a Coupled Hydrology and Ice Flexure Modeling Approach
- Assessing landslide susceptibility, hazards and sediment yield in the Río El Estado watershed, Pico de Orizaba volcano, Mexico
- Deposits from Multiple Shallow Discrete Blasts with Variable Explosion Depths: Analog Models
- Developing Sustainable Modeling Software and Necessary Data Repository for Volcanic Hazard Analysis -- Some Lessons Learnt
- Environmental impacts on the evapotranspiration of an water limited and heterogeneous Mediterranean ecosystem.
- Evaluation of the biophysical limitations on photosynthesis of four varietals of Brassica rapa
- Forecasting Seasonal Water Supply Impacts from High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing
- Fusion of Multi-Sensor Surface Elevation Data to Reconstruct Surface Elevation Changes over Zachariæ Isstrøm, Northeast Greenland, 2001-2013
- Groundwater Storage Dynamics in High Elevation Meadows Affected By Complex Aquifer Geometry
- High-resolution DEM Effects on Geophysical Flow Models
- Holocene Temperature Reconstructions from Arctic Lakes based on Alkenone Paleothermometry and Non-Destructive Scanning Techniques
- Identification of Regime Transitions in Umbrella Cloud Growth for Short- and Long-Lived Eruptions
- Identifying dissolved organic carbon sources at a gaged headwater catchment using FDOM sensors
- Incorporating Non-Linear Sorption into High Fidelity Subsurface Reactive Transport Models
- Incorporating Plant Hydraulics Into Phenological Modeling
- Inferring unknow boundary conditions of the Greenland Ice Sheet by assimilating ICESat-1 and IceBridge altimetry intothe Ice Sheet System Model.
- Influence of Lateral Flow on the Predisposition of Aspen Mortality during Drought
- Insight into the Pacific Sea Surface Temperature- North American Hydroclimate Connection from an Eastern Tropical North Pacific Coral Record
- Lacustrine Records of Holocene Mountain Glacier Fluctuations from Western Greenland
- Mobile Phone Based Participatory Sensing in Hydrology
- New Gravity-Derived Grounding Line Depths Highlight Role Bathymetry Plays in Ongoing Greenland Ice Sheet Change
- Nonlinear Chlorinated Solvent Sorption Impedes Remediation in Sedimentary Aquifers
- Peeking Under the Ice… Literally: Records of Arctic Climate Change from Radiocarbon Dating Moss Emerging from Beneath Retreating Glaciers
- Point-Source Contributions to the Water Quality of an Urban Stream
- Probabilistic volcanic ash cloud simulations: Characterizing the uncertainty and moving into the operational environment
- Quantifying the Stress Responses of Brassica Rapa Genotypes, With Experimental Drought in Two Nitrogen Treatments
- Results of the Tephra 2014 Workshop on Maximizing the Potential of Tephra for Multidisciplinary Science
- Simulation and Analysis of Icesat-2 Point Clouds
- Sources and Radiation Patterns of Volcano-Acoustic Signals Investigated with Field-Scale Chemical Explosions
- Sparse Representation and Multiscale Methods - Application to Digital Elevation Models
- The Holocene Record of Alpine Glaciation in the Arctic
- The Svalbard Barents Sea Ice Sheet deglaciation and its contribution to meltwater pulse 1a: Constraining ice sheet history with geomorphological mapping and <SUP>10</SUP>Be exposure dating on Svalbard's southern cape
- UQ -- Fast Surrogates Key to New Methodologies in an Operational and Research Volcanic Hazard Forecasting System
- Uncertainty Response of Physics-Based Atmospheric Models Due to Internal Heating Parameters and Geomagnetic Storms
- Use of PCA in Tephra Correlation and Importance of Thickness Values for Volume Estimation
- A Linear Spatial Spectral Mixture Model for the Improved Estimation of Subpixel Saltcedar Cover along the Forgotten River
- A Newly Updated Database of Elevation-changes of the Greenand Ice Sheet to Study Surface Processes and Ice Dynamics
- An overview of a GIS method for mapping landslides and assessing landslide susceptibility in the Río La Carbonera watershed, on the SE flank of Pico de Orizaba Volcano, Mexico.
- Bark Beetle-Induced Mortality Impacts on Forest Biogeochemical Cycles are Less than Expected
- Best-practice checklists for tephra collection, analysis and reporting - a draft consensus from the Tephra 2014 workshop
- Chaparrastique (San Mighel) Volcano Eruptions since Dec. 29th, 2013, El Salvador
- Complex terrain in the Critical Zone: How topography drives ecohydrological patterns of soil and plant carbon exchange in a semiarid mountainous system
- Decadal-resolution early Holocene temperature and precipitation reconstruction near Disko Bugt, western Greenland
- Deformation of a Volcanic Edifice by Pore Pressurization: An Analog Approach
- Distribution of Ejecta in Analog Tephra Rings from Discrete Single and Multiple Subsurface Explosions
- GeoGirls: A Geology and Geophysics Field Camp for Middle School Girls at Mount St. Helens
- Holocene Climate Change in Arctic Canada and Greenland
- How pyroclastic flows attain high velocities- new insights from large-scale experiments
- Ice Sheet Evolution and Deglaciation Chronology of Southwestern Spitsbergen Illuminated by Three-Nuclide Surface-Exposure Dating (<SUP>26</SUP>Al, <SUP>10</SUP>Be, and <SUP>14</SUP>C).
- Ice-Free Greenland during the Mid-Pleistocene
- Identifying Components of Groundwater Flow, Flux, and Storage in Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite, California
- Improved Timing of Deglaciation of the Southwestern Scandinavian Ice Sheet Using <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating
- Incorporating Community Knowledge to Lahar Hazard Maps: Canton Buenos Aires Case Study, at Santa Ana (Ilamatepec) Volcano
- Insights on the Plumbing System of a Stratovolcano and its Interaction with the Local Tectonics, based on the Petrology, Geochemistry and Textural Analysis of Satellite Scoria Cones. Llaima Volcano, Chile.
- Interseismic coupling on the Hayward-Calaveras fault zone from InSAR
- Investigating genotype specific response in photosynthetic behavior under drought stress and nitrogen limitation in Brassica rapa.
- Investigation of Controls on Ice Dynamics in Northeast Greenland from Ice-Thickness Change Record Using Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM)
- Linking Rainfall Variability and Carbon Cycling in a Green Roof Ecosystem
- Linking the spatial variability of glacier mass loss to fjord geometry
- Magmatic versus phreatomagmatic fragmentation: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
- Mass Balance and Evolution of Supraglacial Hydrology over South-West Greenland
- Modeling compensatory responses of ecosystem-scale water fluxes in forests affected by pine and spruce beetle mortality
- Paleo-reconstruction of the Jakobshavn Glacier during the late Holocene using ISSM and Paleo-data of Margin Migration
- Parallel and Preemptable Dynamically Dimensioned Search Algorithms for Single and Multi-objective Optimization in Water Resources
- Plant Survival and Mortality during Drought Can be Mediated by Co-occurring Species' Physiological and Morphological Traits: Results from a Model
- Quantifying Sub-Glacial Abrasion at Jakobshavn Isbræ: A Novel Approach Using In Situ 10Be Measurements
- Records of Local Glacier Variability in Western Greenland During the Holocene From Lake Sediments, Ice-cap-killed Vegetation, and <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating
- Spatial Elevation Changes Observed at Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland, and Comparison with Kangerlussuaq Glacier and Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Sustaining an Online, Shared Community Resource for Models, Robust Open source Software Tools and Data for Volcanology - the Vhub Experience
- Tectonic Geomorphology and Volcano-Tectonic Interaction in the Eastern Boundary of the Southern Cascades (Hat Creek Graben), California, USA
- Tephra ring interpretation in light of evolving maar-diatreme concepts: Stracciacappa maar (central Italy)
- The Evolving Structure of Young Volcanic Eruption Clouds
- The Holocene Moraine Record of Scottbreen, Spitsbergen, Svalbard
- The Integrated Role of Water Availability, Nutrient Dynamics, and Xylem Hydraulic Dysfunction on Plant Rooting Strategies in Managed and Natural Ecosystems
- The NSF IUSE-EHR Program: What's New (and Old) About It, and Resources for Geoscience Proposers
- The Transformative Impact of Undergraduate Research Mentoring on Students and the Role of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) in Supporting Faculty Mentors
- The Use of Leaf Functional Traits for Modeling the Timing and Rate of Canopy Development
- Thermal State of the Greenland Ice Sheet Interior: Thermo-mechanical Modeling and Sensitivity Analyses
- Toward a Master Chronology for Western Greenland's Fjord Stade Moraines: New <SUP>10</SUP>Be Ages from the Søndre Isortoq Region
- Using Multi-level Methods for Geospatial Data Representation to Enable Efficient Analytics of Large Scale Simulation Outputs
- Validation and Assessment of Heritage and New MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Products for the Creation of Unified Earth System Data Records
- What Dominates a Craters Size, the Largest Single Explosion of the Formation Process or the Cumulative Energy of Many? Results of Multiblast Crater Evolution Experiments
- Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Providing resources and support for new faculty to succeed
- 1-D Photochemical Modeling of the Martian Atmosphere: Seasonal Variations
- A Multi-nuclide Approach to the Exposure Timing of Alpine Summits in Northwestern Svalbard: Results from in-situ <SUP>14</SUP>C Measurements in Quartz
- A new method to model thickness distribution and estimate volume and extent of tephra fall deposits
- Abrupt Early Holocene Hydroclimate and Temperature Responses to Freshwater Forcing in Baffin Bay Drove Rapid Ice Sheet Change
- Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting over the United States Using WRF-Chem
- Application of MRF-based Stochastic Joint Inversion of Transient Hydraulic Head and Electrical Resistivity Measurements to Identify 2-D Fracture Zone Connectivity
- Assessment of Hydraulic Conditions Supporting the Recruitment of Asian Carp in the Illinois Waterway - A Case Study Using Known Spawning Events of 2015
- Beryllium-10 dating the last retreat of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream at Utsira, western Norway
- Comparing the Records of Calving Front Position, Elevation, and Velocity for Neighboring Glaciers in Sermilik Fjord
- Confronting a Process-based Model of Temperate Tree Transpiration with Data from Forests in Central Panama Exposed to Drought
- Documenting Temporal Changes in Channel Geometry of the Buffalo RiverResulting from a Large-Scale Environmental Dredging Project
- Early Holocene glaciation in Baffin Bay
- Electrical Resistivity Monitoring of Heat Tracer to Characterize Lab-Scale Hydraulic Conductivity Distributions
- Estimates of heat flux during magma-water interaction: An experimental approach
- Evaluating the Usability of Spatially-Interpolated Endmembers for Spectral Mixture Analysis with Imaging Spectroscopy
- Evaluation of Kilauea Eruptions By Using Stable Isotope Analysis
- Forecasting Brassica rapa: Merging climate models with genotype specific process models for evaluation whole species response to climate change.
- From measuring land subsidence to characterizing aquifer properties with InSAR
- Holocene Mountain Glacier Variability in the Sukkertoppen Region, Western Greenland
- How Plant Hydraulics can Improve the Modeling of Plant and Ecosystem Responses to Environment
- Hydrologic Evaluation of a Humid Climate Poplar Phytoremediation Barrier
- Hydrologic Process Parameterization of Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Solute Plumes Using POD McMC
- Hydrologic Process Regularization for Improved Geoelectrical Monitoring of a Lab-Scale Saline Tracer Experiment
- Impinging Jets and the Erodibility of Cohesive Sediment
- Interseismic coupling of major faults in the north San Francisco Bay from InSAR, GPS and seismic data
- Investigation on Turbulent-Sediment Interactions in Sediment-Laden Flows Using Two-Phase PIV
- It takes two: New constraints on Cordilleran Ice Sheet extent and retreat from <SUP>10</SUP>Be and radiocarbon dating
- Local processes and regional patterns - Interpreting a multi-decadal altimetry record of Greenland Ice Sheet changes
- Long boundary drainage as a source of lahars: Can big cracks make big floods?
- Modeling coupled nitrogen and water use strategies of plant productivity through hydraulic traits
- Modeling the sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Holocene climate variability using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM).
- Numerical Modeling of Artificial Recharge: Determining Spatial/Temporal Sampling Resolution to Quantify Infiltration Rates and Effective Hydraulic Conductivity
- Observed Seasonal Trends of Hydrogen Isotopes in Environmental Water and Sedimentary Leaf Waxes in Temperate Ecosystems: Implications for Interpreting Leaf Wax Paleoclimate Records
- Optimizing Locations of Stream Restoration Structures to Maximize Hyporheic Zone Path Lengths in a Pool and Riffle Sequence
- Peralkaline Rhyolite Achneliths with Evidence of Post-Emplacement Vesiculation at Aluto Volcano, Main Ethiopian Rift: What can these unusual pyroclasts tell us?
- Quantifying Current and Future Groundwater Storage in Snowmelt Dominated High Elevation Meadows of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA
- Quantifying the Urban and Rural Nutrient Fluxes to Lake Erie Using a Paired Watershed Approach
- Refining interseismic fault slip and shallow creep on the Hayward and Calaveras Faults, California, using UAVSAR, satellite InSAR and GPS data
- Relationships Between Subsurface Processes and Eruptive Products at Maar-diatreme Volcanoes Using Numerical Modeling and Tephra Ring Componentry
- Remote-sensing supported monitoring of global biodiversity change
- Seasonal and Topographic Variation in Net Primary Productivity and Water Use Efficiency in a Southwest Sky Island Fores
- Similarities between Last Glacial Maximum and present-day mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet
- The Role of Geology to Constrain Vegetation Patterns in Humid Wetland Communities
- The propagation direction of mafic radial dikes inferred from flow-direction analysis of an exposed radial dike sequence, Summer Coon Volcano, Colorado, USA
- Time-Dependence of Passive Degassing at Volcán Popocatépetl, Mexico from Infrared Measurements: Implications for Gas-Pressurization of a Lava Dome
- Topography mediates plant water stress: coupling groundwater flow and rhizosphere-xylem hydraulics
- Unique Elevation Change Pattern Observed Over Shear Zones at Similarly Behaving Outlet Glaciers in SE Greenland
- Using stable water isotopes and borehole NMR to inform an ecohydrological model in a subalpine and upper montane catchment in the Rocky Mountains
- Variability in Annual and Average Mass Changes in Antarctica from 2004 to 2009 using Satellite Laser Altimetry
- <SUP> 36</SUP>Cl, <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>26</SUP>Al analyses from the GISP2 bedrock core and the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Chlorophyll fluorescence is a rigorous, high throughput tool to analyze the impacts of genotype, species, and stress on plant and ecosystem productivity
- Chloroplast Movement May Impact Plant Phenotyping and Photochemistry Results
- Cokriging of Electromagnetic Induction Soil Electrical Conductivity Measurements and Soil Textural Properties to Demarcate Sub-field Management Zones for Precision Irrigation.
- Comparing two models for post-wildfire debris flow susceptibility mapping
- Cristobalite X-I: A bridge between low and high density silica polymorphs
- Crystal structure of Earth's inner core: A first-principles study
- Determining and Interpreting Detailed Ice Surface Elevation Changes of the Glaciers in Upernavik Isstrøm, Northwest Greenland, 1985-2016
- Development of a Suite of Analytical Tools for Energy and Water Infrastructure Knowledge Discovery
- Drought is Coming: Monitoring Vegetation Response to Water Scarcity through Variable Chlorophyll a Fluorescence
- Early Holocene hydroclimate of Baffin Bay: Understanding the interplay between abrupt climate change events and ice sheet fluctuations
- Ecohydrological dynamics of peatlands and adjacent upland forests in the Rocky Mountains
- Employing Eigenvalue Ratios to Generate Prior Fracture-like Features for Stochastic Hydrogeophysical Characterization of a Fractured Aquifer System
- Energy-Water Nexus Knowledge Discovery Framework
- Evaluating the relationship between the photochemical reflectance index and the light use efficiency in a mangrove forest with Spartina alterniflora invasion
- From Plant Hydraulics to Ecohydrology: a Case Study of Water Limitation in Aspen Forests
- Gauging leaf-level contributions to landscape-level water loss within a Western US dryland fores
- Hydrogeophysical inversion using the prediction-focused approach : methodology and application
- Identifying Stream/Aquifer Exchange by Temperature Gradient in a Guarani Aquifer System Outcrop Zone
- Incorporating Spatio-temporal Phenological Variation in Detecting Exotic Saltcedar Using Landsat Time Series
- Length-scales of Slab-induced Asthenospheric Deformation from Geodynamic Modeling, Mantle Deformation Fabric, and Synthetic Shear Wave Splitting
- Monitoring diffuse degassing in monogentic volcanic field during a quiescent period: the case of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma,Canary Islands, Spain)
- Multi-proxy Organic Geochemical Reconstruction of Holocene Hydroclimate Near the Western Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- Numerical analysis of pressure and porosity evolution in lava domes during periodic degassing conditions
- Paleohydrology of the Polar Urals from the Last Glacial Maximum Through the Holocene
- Quantifying Groundwater Availability in Fractured Rock Aquifers of Northern Ugandan Refugee Settlements
- Simulating Hydrologic Flow and Reactive Transport with PFLOTRAN and PETSc on Emerging Fine-Grained Parallel Computer Architectures
- Spatiotemporal phenological changes in fall foliage peak coloration in deciduous forest and the responses to climatic variation
- Studying Suspended Sediment Mechanism with Two-Phase PIV
- Subsidence in tropical peatlands: Estimating CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from peatlands in Southeast Asia
- Testing Proximate Cause Hypotheses for the End-Ordovician Mass Extinction: Do Patterns of Change in Biomarker Signatures Support a Linkage Between Graptolite and Phytoplankton Community Changes?
- The Powell Volcano Remote Sensing Working Group Overview
- The belowground frontier is key to understanding terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change
- Three-dimensional Fore-arc Sliver Dynamics: Insights from Numerical Modeling of the Alaska Flat Slab
- Topographic variations of water supply and plant hydraulics in a mountainous forest
- Towards a Web-Enabled Geovisualization and Analytics Platform for the Energy and Water Nexus
- Visualizing Three-dimensional Slab Geometries with ShowEarthModel
- What Are We Missing? Insights From Quantifying Effective Hydraulic Conductivity at the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface Using Point and Synoptic Measurement Techniques
- A Comparative Study of Slab-edge Driven Mantle Flow in the Alaska subduction Zone, the Cocos-Nazca Gap, and the Vanuatu-North Fiji system
- A Novel Approach Using Localized Time Series for Modeling Greenland Ice Sheet Elevation Changes from Long-Term Altimetry Record
- A comparison of the hydrogen isotopic composition of plant leaf wax n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids from Lake El'gygytgyn (Russia) during the past 125,000 years
- A modern isotope hydrology of the Turkana Basin
- A new method to estimate the source vent location of tephra fall deposits based on thickness and maximum clast size measurements and its validation and application
- A prediction-oriented hazard assessment procedure based on the empirical falsification principle, application to the Atenquique debris flow, 1955, México
- A two-stage GIS-based methodology to support optimal Green Infrastructure allocation for large cities.
- Aggressive remediation or long-term management? Insights from oral histories of practitioners and stakeholders
- An Optimization Tool for Green Infrastructure Planning with SWMM
- Analyzing laser altimetry time series with SERAC and machine learning to investigate subglacial control on Antarctic ice sheet dynamics
- Anomaly detection in Energy-Water Nexus
- Assessing the Generation of the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake in Terms of the Dynamics of a Fore-arc Sliver System
- Asynchronous response to late Holocene cooling by glaciers in the Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the Arctic explained by weakening AMOC and intensified Aleutian Low: a data-model comparison
- Basis-Constrained Bayesian-McMC Difference Inversion for Geoelectrical Monitoring of a Field-Scale Heat Tracing Experiment
- Bridging Earth Systems Sciences with InSAR: from Quantifying Land Subsidence to Estimating the CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Emissions Associated with Peatlands Oxidation Following Deforestation in Southeast Asia
- CUAHSI Virtual University: An inter-institutional framework for graduate education applied to the hydrologic sciences
- Classifying global dust-emitting regions by causes of variability
- Combining Multiple Sampling Methods to Quantify Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange at a Previously Characterized Field Site
- Computing time series from ICESat-2's ATL03 data product
- Development of an Electromagnetic Induction Guided Precision Irrigation Scheme in Western New York
- Do closely spaced crevasses in Greenland connect englacially to reach the bed?
- Do surviving trees foretell forest growth declines under warm drought climates?
- Exploring Renewed Methods to Identify the Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns of Fallout Radiocesium in Watersheds
- Extracting mangrove forest phenology with Landsat and MODIS data fusion
- Field observations on sediment-magma mingling textures at 71 Gulch inform analog experiments using remolten basalt
- Field-scale volcanology experiments workshop - outcomes, science and recommendations
- Flow Resistance in Mussel Covered Stream Beds
- GeoArt: Understanding Earth Processes Through Art
- High-resolution modeling of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM): Comparison with geologic proxies and sensitivity to climate forcing
- Hot spots of nutrients, trace metals and endocrine disrupting compounds in Potomac Watershed
- ICESat-2 Over Antarctica and Greenland: First Evaluation of Land-Ice Elevation Products
- Ice-sheet Sensitivity to Abrupt Climate Change
- Improved surface reconstruction of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream and application to modeling ice dynamics
- Incorporating Realistic Channel Geometry Data to Improve Continental-Scale Flood Forecasts with the National Water Model
- Insights into volcanic crater morphology and proximal deposits from multi-blast large scale experiments at University at Buffalo NSF Collaborative Blast Workshop
- Investigating the role of moisture source seasonality in the meridional gradient in precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and d-excess seasonality along coastal western Greenland
- Laminar and Turbulent Lava Flow in Sheets, Channels, and Tubes: Estimating Terrestrial and Planetary Lava Flow Rates
- Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change
- Linking the atmosphere and ice dynamics in Greenland
- Long term eco-geomorphological response of wetland to rapid relative sea level rise in micro tidal environment
- Magma-to-water heat transfer rates with implications for quench-induced fragmentation
- Major Increase in Winter and Spring Precipitation During the Little Ice Age in the Westerly Dominated Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Mangrove Growth Monitoring Using Multi-temporal UAV-LiDAR
- Measuring and Modeling Runoff, Soil Erosion and Sediment Yields to assess Management Options in the Post-Fallout Watersheds of Iitate Village, Fukushima, Japan
- Meter-Scale Experiments on Magma-Water Interaction
- Modeling Nutrients Dynamics in Nearshore Lake Ontario
- Modeling the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Committed Dynamical Response of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Modeling the Transport and Fate of Oil-Particle-Aggregates (OPAs) in Rivers after an Oil Spill
- Modeling the Transport of the 'New-Horizon' Reduced Graphene Oxide—Metal Oxide Nanohybrids in Saturated Porous Media
- Modulation of time-mean and turbulent flow by suspended sediment
- Monitoring Dimensions of Biodiversity in a Mega-Diverse Region of Southern Africa: from Traits to Communities to Ecosystems
- Monitoring and managing hormones, nutrients, and salts in drinking water sources
- Multi-disciplinary Insights in to the Effects of Vegetation Change on Hydrologic Partitioning.
- Observation-constrained modeling of wildfire spread in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) communities in California
- Observational Data-Driven Surface Concentrations Derived from Aircraft Profiles and Satellite Total Columns
- Pairing lipid biomarkers and sedimentary ancient DNA to reconstruct paleoenvironmental change in the Arctic - preliminary results from the PACEMAP Project on Baffin Island
- Predicting crevasse and moulin formation through analytic modeling
- Preserving the MIS 4 Glacial Record in Beringia: Laurentide Ice Sheet Configuration Disrupts Large-scale Atmospheric Circulation During MIS 2
- Probability of Vent Opening: a Long-term Volcanic Hazard Assessment of Harrat Lunayyir, Saudi Arabia
- Quantifying Arctic Holocene precipitation seasonality and relative humidity using leaf wax hydrogen isotopes in lakes with contrasting residence time: A case study on western Greenland
- Quantifying groundwater contribution in mediating plant response to drought across various geology and climate conditions
- Rapid Cordilleran Ice Sheet deglaciation during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Reconstructing Arctic precipitation seasonality and moisture source during the Holocene using paired chironomid δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and aquatic leaf wax δ<SUP>2</SUP>H
- Reconstructing Holocene ice sheet margin history near Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, Southwest Greenland, using radiocarbon dated proglacial-threshold lake sediments
- Remotely sensed geodiversity for identifying and predicting biodiverse landscapes
- Rigorous comparisons and combination solutions of land ice mass changes from GRACE mascons and ICESat.
- Seismo-acoustic measurements of an outdoor, field-scale, explosive "volcano"
- Spatio-temporal Detection and Analyses of Shifting Vegetative Boundaries in Alpine Treeline Ecotones in the Western United States
- Spatiotemporal phenological responses in fall foliage peak coloration in deciduous forest to environmental changes
- Statistical and Geospatial Analysis of InSAR data for Characterization of Processes Controlling Motion of the Slow-moving Berkeley Landslides
- Statistical theory of probabilistic hazard maps: a probability density function for inundation edge location
- Stream periphyton metabolism correlates with hydraulic signature
- Streamflow and stream temperature forecasting based on real-time citizen science data
- Synchronous Early Holocene Summer Hydroclimate Variability Throughout the Eastern North American Arctic Driven by Changes in Poleward Moisture Transport
- The SCIAMACHY O<SUB>2</SUB> airglow retrievals: implications to mesospheric temperature and greenhouse gas remote sensing from space
- The Snow on Ice Project: A data-model collaboration for assessing Greenland Ice Sheet change during periods of Arctic warmth
- The Spatial Relationship Between Rooftop PV Suitability and Adoption Factors - A Case Study of Buffalo, NY
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- Transfer of lipids and C<SUB>37</SUB>-C<SUB>39</SUB> alkenones to open marine waters by dense water cascading events
- Unprecedented (1851 - 2016) atmospheric conditions drive recent record surface and ice dynamic mass losses over the Greenland ice sheet
- Use of Social Media to Deliver Volcano-Hazards Information and Build Trust During the 2018 Kīlauea Crisis
- Using Principal Component Regression to Predict Soil Nitrogen Supply Potential from Electromagnetic Induction
- Variation in Interplate Coupling Between Downgoing and Overriding Plates: Implications for Great Earthquakes in Areas of Flat Slab Subduction from 3-D Geodynamic Models of Alaska
- Volcanic eruption time forecasting using a stochastic enhancement of the Failure Forecast Method
- Wonder Woman is a Climate Modeler: The "Scientists are Superheroes" program for empowering youth
- 3D Immersive Visualization Facilitating New Paradigms and Scientific Reproducibility in Solid Earth Dynamics
- A Mass-Conserving Bed Solution for the Hubbard Glacier from Airborne Radar Data
- A Novel Hierarchical Learning Method for Remote Sensing Data with Applications of Greenland Ice Sheet Changes from Laser Altimetry
- A Physical Model of Moulin Formation and Evolution on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A Statistical Approach for Spatial Mapping and Temporal Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions using Monitoring Data
- Active subglacial water storage detected at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland, through detailed elevation reconstruction
- An Overview of EvaluateUR-CURE: Measuring Learning Gains and Providing Student Feedback
- Analysis of the Potential to Estimate Large-scale Soil Texture Map from Remote Sensing Imagery to Facilitate Dry-season Irrigation Farming in Developing Countries
- Assessing Change in Summer Arctic Moisture Source and Aridity over the Past 7,000 Years Using Leaf Wax δ<SUP>2</SUP>H in Baffin Island Lake Sediment
- Bridging the Gaps: Synthesizing the Ammonia Monitoring Network with Satellite Ammonia Measurements
- Characterization of a Shallow Firn Aquifer at the Matthes-Llewellyn Glacier Divide, Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Choosing a Numerical Method for a Terrestrial Dynamical Core
- City-University Partnerships to Reduce Thermal Vulnerability: a living labs approach for more thermally-comfortable and equitable communities
- Constraining periods of reduced Greenland Ice Sheet extent using in situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be-<SUP>14</SUP>C-<SUP>26</SUP>Al measurements in recently exposed bedrock surfaces
- Controls on Overriding Plate Deformation in South-central Alaska: Flat Slab versus Oceanic Plateau Subduction
- East Greenland firn aquifer water extends the efficiency of the subglacial hydrological system beyond the melt season
- Efficient Wave Propagation in PyLith Using libCEED
- Electromagnetic Induction Prediction of Soil Texture of an Agricultural Field in Western New York
- Examining the Utility of Continuously Quantified Darcy Fluxes through the Use of Periodic Temperature Time Series
- Exploring biomarkers in Beringian Loess as an archive of orbital-scale Pleistocene climate change
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Geometry and Time Dependencies of Intense Magma-Water Interaction Experiments on Decimeter and Meter Scale
- Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss rate will exceed Holocene values this century
- Ground-based transient electromagnetic characterization of the temperate Vaughan Lewis Glacier at the Juneau Icefield, Alaska, in the presence of crevasses
- Grow deep roots now or wait? A coupled carbon-hydraulic framework for understanding how trees acquire groundwater subsidy to during drought
- High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing of the Atmospheric Composition over the Middle East
- How does playing The Wedge Game affect undergraduates' outlook on solving the climate crisis?
- How far away can a rapidly draining supraglacial lake induce a crevasse?
- ICESat-2 validation efforts for early mission data quality of the geolocated photons
- Improve the Accuracy, Long-term Consistency, and Speed of the SAO OMI Ozone Profile Product
- Improving hydrological models with the assimilation of citizen science data
- Increasing community engagement using forecasts of streamflow, water temperature, and aquatic species habitat derived from citizen science observations
- Investigating rain barrel effectiveness on combined sewer overflow reduction in a city-scale watershed using R-language and SWMM
- Investigating the Nature and Behavior of Water Level Changes and Oscillations in the Buffalo River, Buffalo, New York
- Investigating the role climate reconstructions play in the simulated retreat history of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM).
- Magma Ascent up a Fracture: Effects of Non-Newtonian Rheology and Thermal Gradient on Flow and Cooling.
- Maximum Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet Recession in the Early Holocene
- Methane enhancements and hotspot emissions over the contiguous United States revealed by oversampling TROPOMI data
- Modeling the Impact of Evolving Moulin Shape on Subglacial Pressure and Conduit Evolution
- NASA's Uninterrupted Ice Sheet Laser Altimetry record; First Results from Combined ICESat, Icebridge and ICESat-2 Observations to Investigate Greenland Ice Sheet Changes
- Periodic pro-glacial lake drainage events drive dynamic behavior of Narssap Sermia, Southwest Greenland from 2000 - 2010
- Phreatomagmatic explosion triggers - special pleading?
- Quench-induced fragmentation of magma during subaqueous eruptions
- Rhyolites from the Mantle, Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica
- Slab-driven Asthenospheric Weakening Facilitating Tectonic Plate Motion
- Snow on Ice and Climate Literacy: Linking the past, the present and the future
- Software workflows and tools for integrating remote sensing and organismal occurrence data streams to assess and monitor biodiversity change
- Southern Greenland precipitation d<SUP>2</SUP>H during interglacials of the past 500,000 years inferred from terrestrial leaf wax biomarkers preserved in Eirik Drift sediments
- Spatial Pattern of Beta Diversity of Plant Species in the Greater Cape Floristic Region of South Africa
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Alpine Treeline Ecotones in the Western United States Under Climate Change
- Subsurface profiles of crevasses in the temperate Vaughan Lewis Glacier, Juneau Icefield, Alaska inferred from transient electromagnetic (TEM) data
- Temporal Changes in the Morphology of the Buffalo River Resulting from Environmental Dredging
- The Effects of Freshwater Mussel Assemblages on River Form and Function
- The Influence of Oxygen Depletion on Downcore brGDGT Paleotemperature Reconstructions - Evidence Over the Holocene from Baffin Island Lake Sediment Records
- The influences of large scale forcing on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over Darwin: observations and modelling.
- Using Principal Component Regression to Predict Soil Nitrogen Supply Potential from Electromagnetic Induction
- Using a Deep Learning land use classification method for estimating Total Suspended Solids (TSS) loads in urban runoff - A comparison of two case studies
- Vegetation response to climate warming across multiple interglacials inferred from High Arctic lake sediment
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- Water isotope proxies and forward modeling in lakes with contrasting residence times yield estimates of Arctic Holocene precipitation seasonality and amount
- What lies beneath: using sea surface temperatures to reconstruct sub-surface continental shelf ocean variability near Helheim Glacier, Greenland
- Wildfire spread in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) communities in California: Introducing the urban fuel
- A 200,000-Year Plant Wax δ<SUP>2</SUP>H Record from the Canadian Arctic Reveals Summer Moisture Source and Aridity Change in Step with Temperature and Plant Community Shifts Across Multiple Interglacials
- A Satellite Data-Driven Framework to Quantify Sources and Lifetimes of Atmospheric Pollutants and the Emission Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A first horizontal accuracy assessment of ICESat-2
- A multi-million-year record of vegetation and ice-cover in the basal sediment from the Camp Century ice core, northwestern Greenland
- Air pollution reduction and mortality benefit during the COVID-19 outbreak in China
- Analysis of the Change in Water Elevation and Oscillatory Behavior in Buffalo River, Buffalo, New York
- Ancient DNA in lake sediment reveals High Arctic greening during the Last Interglacial
- Aquatic and terrestrial plant contributions to sedimentary leaf waxes in a modern Arctic lake setting: Improving interpretations of Holocene climate change on Baffin Island
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Boundary Inflow Estimation for Greenhouse Gas Imaging Satellite Observations: Application to MethaneSAT
- Combined Modeled and Explored Moulin Shape Informs Subglacial Pressure Dynamics in Western Greenland
- Development and Validation of the TSIS-1 Hybrid Solar Reference Spectrum (HSRS)
- Did the COVID-19 lockdown allow for the first identification of NH3 transportation emissions using satellite-based observations?
- Distribution and Evolution of Crevasses Draining the Firn Aquifer in Southeast Greenland Identified with a Ghub Tool
- Dust- Droughts Relationship in CMIP6 Simulations
- Effect of relative lava-water motion on the spreading and fragmentation of submarine lavas
- Estimating Erosion Rates from the Western Greenland Ice Sheet Using Proglacial Lake Sediment Volumes
- Evaluate-Compete: A Method for Assessing Student Outcomes in MATE's ROV Competitions
- Evaluating the Hypotheses of the Steady-state Phosphorus Models for Lakes
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Under Current and Future Climates in Buffalo, New York.
- Exploiting the Redundancy in ICESat-2 Geolocated Photon Data (ATL03), a Multiscale Data Reduction Approach
- First results from MethaneAIR: An airborne simulation platform for the MethaneSAT mission
- Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists
- Greenland's committed sea-level contribution calibrated by altimetry observations
- Hemispheric asymmetry of dust shifts the latitude of tropical precipitation
- High Resolution Tracing of Wildfire Smoke
- High-Resolution Biomarker Proxy Records of Arctic Climate Change During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition from Lake El'gygytgyn (Far East Russia)
- Hunting for Ice Age Refugia: A <SUP>10</SUP>Be-Based Deglacial Chronology from the Northern Alexander Archipelago, Alaska
- Hydrogeological process-based constraint for high-resolution proxy-modeling in hydrogeophysics
- Hydrologic changes in the Polar Ural Mountains between 24 and 1 ka using leaf wax hydrogen isotopes
- Hydrologic constraints on supraglacial canyon evolution in Greenland using high-resolution DEMs, ICESat-2 altimetry, and a new numeric model
- Improving the Spectral Fit of NASA's OMI Formaldehyde Operational Product
- Insights into the last deglaciation of Alaska from <SUP>10</SUP>Be dating a moraine sequence deposited in the western Alaska Range
- Investigating Holocene Hydroclimate using Sediment Cores from Florida Panhandle Sinkhole Lakes
- Investigating the Possibility of Cascading Lake Drainage in the Pakitsoq Region of Western Greenland using an Analytical Ice-Flow Model
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Keeping the physical in physical volcanology
- Lake Water Isotope Gradients in Arctic Norway, Sweden and Finland: Implications for Proxy-based Precipitation Reconstructions
- Linking above- and below-ground responses to temporal repackaging of precipitation in a semiarid grassland agroecosystem
- Mechanisms for Slab-edge Volcanism Along the Pacific Rim of Fire: A case study of Alaska
- Mechanisms modulating warm Atlantic Water temperatures and inflow toward Helheim Glacier in southeastern Greenland
- Paleotopographic influence on basal deposit emplacement in a large caldera-forming eruption: field study of the Upper Bandelier Tuff, Valles caldera, NM
- Poroelastic Problems in Pylith
- Precipitation modulates Greenland Ice Sheet size during the Holocene
- Predicting Tree Function and Mortality in a Changing Tropical Environment
- Quantifying Water Availability in a Climatically and Anthropogenically Changing Western New York
- Rapid Thinning at the Grounding Line of Northeast Greenland's N79 Glacier Revealed by New Elevation Reconstruction
- Rapid reconfiguration of the Greenland ice sheet margin
- Regional Crustal and Lithospheric Thickness Model for Alaska, the Chukchi Shelf, and the Inner and Outer Bering Shelves
- Revealing the Complex Role of Human Behavior in Urbanization and Resilience of Communities under Flood Risk
- STOAT - A cloud-based toolbox for the intersection and analysis of remote sensing and spatiotemporal biodiversity data
- Short- and long-term subglacial erosion rates from <SUP>10</SUP>Be measurements in recently deglaciated bedrock at Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Spatial patterns in seasonal Holocene precipitation inferred from Western Greenland lake sediments
- Spectral Calibration of the MethaneAIR Instrument
- Spectral diversity predicts functional, phylogenetic, and species diversity across a hyper-diverse biogeographic region
- Statistical analysis of the correlations between climatic factors and Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance
- Support for a More Extensive Greenland Ice Sheet in Southwestern Greenland During the LGM
- The Failure Forecast Method applied to the GPS and seismic data collected in the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) in 2011-2020.
- The Spatial Distribution of Plant Biodiversity in the Greater Cape Floristic Region of South Africa: Comparing Distribution Models with Expert Range maps
- The Use of Electromagnetic Induction Proximal Soil Sensing to Gain Insights into Spatial Variability in Vineyard Fertility and Productivity
- The role of urban canopy architecture in precipitation redistribution
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Water-filled ditches: Surface expressions of dead crevasses that are not connected to the bed
- Where Are Forests Going in the North-American Mountains Under Recent Climate Change?
- A Last Interglacial plant wax 2H record from the Canadian Arctic reveals the combined influences of winter moisture transport and catchment vegetation cover on paleo precipitation records
- An Open Source Tool for Visualizing ISM Intercomparisons
- An Update and Implementations of the Community-Driven Best Practices Recommendations for Tephra StudiesFrom Collection Through Analysis
- An automated, open-source tool for outlet glacier elevation change detection via altimetry-DEM fusion
- Are the Sermilik Fjord glaciers terminus-controlled, runoff-controlled, or runoff-adapting? Decomposition of glacier speed maps at Helheim, Fenris, Midgard, and Pourquoi-Pas Glaciers, 2006-2019
- Assessing potential impacts of climate change on the Western New York aquifer under two CMIP6 scenarios
- Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Version-4 Formaldehyde Product
- Best practices for building a more inclusive glaciology through
- Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- Centennial- and orbital-scale erosion beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Citizen Science in a Professional Science World: Is Citizen Science Dead?
- Collaborative Sea-Level Science on NASAs Science Managed Cloud Environment: Toward an Earth Information System
- Community Engagement in Measuring Extreme Flow Events
- Comparing the Shallow-Shelf and L1L2 Approximations using BISICLES in the Context of MISMIP+ with Buttressing Effects
- Controls on plant leaf wax distributions within individuals and communities across a latitudinal transect of the eastern Canadian Arctic
- Coupled Models in PyLith for Earthquake Cycle Simulations
- Effect of watershed disturbance on seasonal flow: role of climate and watershed properties
- Estimates of low-level Arctic mixed-phase cloud boundaries using multidirectional oxygen A-band retrievals
- Estimating Greenlands contribution to past sea-level highstands using ice-sheet models and subglacial cosmogenic records
- Field Observations Reveal Short Moulin Life Spans On The Pakitsoq Region On The Greenland Ice Sheet
- Flow to fracture the effective viscosity of dome lavas from Chaos Crags
- Geochemical fingerprinting of interstitial waters reveals the potential infiltration of geothermal fluids to the Chilean Margin
- Improved Characterization of the Tundra Ecosystem Preserved in the Camp Century Ice Core Subglacial Sediment, Northwestern Greenland
- Increasing Retention of Minoritized Genders in the Cryospheric Sciences
- Introducing GreenDrill: Retrieving sub-glacial bedrock cores in North Greenland to test ice sheet response to interglacial warmth (and supporting your research?)
- Mapping forest age in North and South Carolina using time serial Landsat observations and field inventory data
- Modeling Spatial Heterogeneity in Satellite Validation Against Pointwise Measurements
- Modeling Varying Background Viscosity and Its Effects on Mantle Dynamics in Southeastern Alaska.
- Modeling the Influence of Meltwater Inputs on Subglacial Hydrology Downstream of a Perennial Firn Aquifer: The Dance of SHAKTI Below Helheim Glacier, East Greenland
- Morphotypical variation and geochemistry of planktic foraminifera in the Late Holocene Arctic Ocean
- NOx Emissions in West African Cities Inferred Using TROPOMI Observations
- New Luminescence Ages, Provenance Data, and Ice-Sheet Modelling from the Camp Century Subglacial Sediment: Implications for the Glacial History of Northwestern Greenland
- Numerical Modeling of Frictional Melting Dynamics Constrained by Surface Micro-Roughness
- Of Humans and Glaciers A Glacial Chronology from the Coastal Pacific Migration Route
- On the role of temperature in dust variability and projections over semi-arid regions
- Plant Hydraulics Predicts Non-Stomatal and Stomatal Stress Responses in Vegetation Models
- PolarMERRA: A Polar-Focused Global Reanalysis Project for Scientific and Stakeholder Needs
- Pulsebeat of early Holocene glaciation in Baffin Bay from high-resolution beryllium-10 moraine chronologies
- Reconstructing the Ahalanui flow branching event of the 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption of Kilauea (Hawaii, USA)
- Roles of the subglacial drainage system and bed topography on driving the evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Seismic Constraints on the Structure of Alaska: A Review
- Simulating the Holocene Deglaciation Across a Marine Terminating Portion of Southwestern Greenland in Response to Marine and Atmospheric Forcings
- Simulation-Optimization Methods for Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows using Green Infrastructure
- Social science to support soil carbon policy
- Spatial and Temporal Lags in Meltwater Propagation Through the Greenland Ice Sheet Hydraulic System
- Surface Topography Observations Needed to Advance Cryosphere Science in the Coming Decades
- Taters, trout, and/or trees? Understanding landscape scale tradeoffs among ecosystem services and using critical zone science to evaluate the effectiveness of artificial recharge to create synergies.
- Testing the Effect of Lateral Slab Edges on Three-dimensional Subduction Dynamics in the Aleutian-Alaska Subduction Zone
- The Effect of Initial Slab Dip and Interplate Coupling on Dynamic Mantle Weakening in Subduction Zones
- The Role of Human Behavior in Achieving Sustainable Communities Resilient to Floods
- Up to the Moon and Back: Interdisciplinary Planetary Volcanism at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Validation of lacustrine proxy system modeling for Arctic lakes
- Volcanism, glaciation, and sea-level change at the Mount Edgecumbe Volcanic Field, Alaska: Implications for human occupation of the Northwest Pacific coast
- Weather pattern variability produces dust variability in the North American Great Plains
- Were rapid late glacial climate changes expressed throughout the Arctic? An example from the Polar Ural Mountains
- Winter Limnology: How do Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemistry Shape Ecosystems Under Ice?
- Winter/Spring Runoff is Earlier, More Protracted, and Increasing in Volume in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin
- Workflow for Generating ASTER DEMs to Assess Elevation Change for Greenlands Marine-Terminating Outlet Glaciers
- A 500 ka record of glaciovolcanism in the Mount Meager volcanic complex, northern Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, Canada
- Alaskan Alpine Glaciers as Recorders of Last Glacial Maximum Precipitation and Temperature: Insights into Polar Paleoclimate
- Analyzing Behavioral Responses Captured on Video to the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai Eruption, Atmospheric shockwaves, and Tsunami
- Assessing the influence of matrix diffusion with finite block size on particle transport in fractured media
- Associations of Long-Term Exposure to Community Noise and Traffic Air Pollution with Cause-Specific Morbidities in Older Adults
- Building crevprop an open source crevasse propagation model to investigate a firn-aquifer's ability to drive hydrofracture on Helheim Glacier
- Community-driven Action Plan for the Hydrology Section to Improve DEI(Justice)
- CryoCommunity: On the need for strategic goals to guide EDI efforts across the polar sciences
- Daily Space-Based Observations of Nitrogen Dioxide Inequalities in Major U.S. Cities
- Development of the MethaneSAT L0-1B processor
- Disequilibrium Rheology of Lava from the May 2021 Eruption of Nyiragongo Volcano, DRC
- Dust Trends in the Western US and their Impacts
- Effect of Plate Coupling and Initial Slab Dip on Dynamic Weakening in the Asthenosphere
- Effectiveness of Green Infrastructure on Watershed Scale Flow Regimes of Urban Streams in Cleveland and Denver
- Estimating short-lived air pollutant emissions in the United States using new generation satellite observations
- Experiments on Multiblast Craters: Probing Transient Crater Depths in Multi-Explosion Events
- Field Observations on Lava Deposits from the May 22nd, 2022, Eruption of Mt Nyiragongo, DRC
- Forecasting vegetation dynamics in an open ecosystem by integrating deep learning and environmental variables
- Formaldehyde Products from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Instruments on the Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 Satellites
- Global Observations of Total, Stratospheric, and Tropospheric BrO Columns from OMPS-NM onboard the Suomi NPP Satellite
- Impacts Of Extreme Floods On Agriculture In Pakistan
- Implementation of Vertical Profiles for Velocity and Particle Concentration Into a 2D, Depth-Averaged Model for Dilute Pyroclastic Density Currents
- Implementing Earthquake Cycle Simulations in PyLith
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Configuration Influenced the Arctic Water Cycle through Multiple Interglacial Periods
- Measurements of Stability and Lifetime of Film Boiling States at the Magma-Water Interface
- Modeling Continuous Erosion Processes of Soil-Mantled Landscapes
- Modeling Ice Thickness Change Reveals Distinctive Dominant Glaciological Control Across Glacier Types
- Modeling Mechanisms for Trench Parallel Flow in the Cocos-Nazca Subduction System
- Modeling the Production of Heinrich Layers with an IRD Enabled Iceberg Model in MITgcm
- Morphological Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Scoria Cone Degradation at Lunar Crater Volcanic Field
- New Features in PyLith Version 3 Including Multiphysics Capabilities and Higher Order Discretizations
- Novel Approaches to Imaging Exudate Dynamics in the Rhizosphere
- OMI Collection 4 Formaldehyde Retrievals: Towards a Multi-Sensor, Multi-Satellite and Multi-Decadal Dataset
- Opportunities for crowdsourcing in urban flood monitoring
- Particle Size Distribution Functions for River Bed Material Sediments in the United States
- Polar Impact: A Field Work Survival Guide for All
- Polar Impact: Working to Illustrate, Support, and Promote Diversity in the Polar Community
- Poroelastic Faulting in Pylith
- Preliminary Results from a 15 kyr-long Sediment Record from Parrot Lake, Dall Island, Southeast Alaska
- Quantifying terminus ablation for 58 tidewater glaciers in Greenland over the last century
- Rapid changes in the Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier, Northeast Greenland, grounding zone revealed by altimetry-DEM combined reconstruction
- Reconstruction of Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Balance Using Laser Altimetry Measurements
- Seismoelectric exploration of a perennial firn aquifer at Helheim Glacier, Greenland
- Simulating Suspended Sediment in Large U.S. Rivers combining Artificial Intelligence and Earth System modeling approaches
- Spatial and temporal variability in twenty-first century sea-level changes
- Subglacial Lake Monitoring with ICESat-2 And ICESat Laser Altimetry Using Enhanced SERAC Methodology and Machine Learning
- Synergistic Integration of Wildfire Models to Simulate Fire Spread in the Wildland Urban Interface
- The Ecosystem Monitoring and Management Application (EMMA) Workflow: Automating Change Detection and Reporting in the Hyperdiverse Fynbos of South Africa
- The Impact of Hurricane Ida on Nitrogen Oxides Emissions in Southwestern Louisiana Detected from Space
- The MethaneSAT Mission: Progress and Future Plans
- The NASA Biodiversity Survey of the Cape ( BioSCape )
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
- Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Asthenospheric Flow and Plate Motion in the Boso Triple Junction
- Understanding Satellite Observations of Nitrogen Dioxide Inequalities in U.S. Cities Using a Spatially Varying Coefficient Model
- Validation and intercomparison of five formaldehyde products from four satellites (TROPOMI, OMI, OMPS-NPP, and OMPS-N20) with FIREX-AQ and WE-CAN aircraft observations over the United States in fire seasons
- Vegetation Dynamics in Alpine Treeline Ecotones Worldwide 1985-2020
- Wetter Winters Coincided with Warm Mid-Holocene Summers in Northwestern Russia: Insights from Lipid Biomarkers and Proxy System Modelling
- Winter Subglacial Hydrology Modeling: High Water Pressure and Spatially Variable Transmissivity
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Cluett
- Aditi S. Bhaskar
- Alan Fried
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alek Petty
- Aleksandra Pachalieva
- Alex Gardner
- Alysha Helmrich
- Amir H. Souri
- Amy G. Ryan
- Anabelle W. Cardoso
- Andrei V. Kurbatov
- Andrew J. Christ
- Anne J. Jefferson
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Arnold Wilson
- B. A. Keisling
- B. D. Loomis
- B. E. Smith
- Brandi Downs
- Brandon L. Graham
- Branko Kosović
- Brian McDonald
- Briana M. Wyatt
- Brooke Medley
- Bruce Chapman
- C. A. Williams
- C. Carr
- C. Morrill
- C. R. Nowlan
- Caitlyn Hall
- Carlos E. Ramos‐Scharrón
- Celia Trunz
- Chad A. Greene
- Chenyang Wei
- Christa D. Peters‐Lidard
- Christopher S. Lowry
- Cinzia Zuffada
- Claudia Cenedese
- Colin R. Meyer
- Cristián Chadwick
- D. B. Gorbey
- D. F. Sumy
- D. M. Peteet
- D. S. Mackay
- Daniel Martín
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David A. Sutherland
- David Hyman
- David McGee
- David Shean
- Denis Felikson
- Dominick M. Ciruzzi
- Dominik Fahrner
- Donald C. Pierson
- Donald Slater
- E. S. Cochran
- Eamon Conway
- Einat Lev
- Elisabeth Gallant
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- Eric J. Steig
- Erin L. Hestir
- Francisco Suárez
- G. A. Catania
- G. P. Waite
- Gifford H. Miller
- Gisela Winckler
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Greg A. Valentine
- Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu
- H. R. Dietterich
- Harihar Rajaram
- Holly Kyeore Han
- Hong Yi Li
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- Huiqun Wang
- Hussam Mahmoud
- Ingo Sonder
- Isabelle De Smedt
- J. L. Ball
- J. N. Bassis
- J. Z. Mejia
- Jacopo Taddeucci
- Jason P. Briner
- Jeffrey D. Hyman
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Joachim Jansen
- Joerg M. Schaefer
- Joseph A. MacGregor
- Joseph P. Tulenko
- Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Julio Sepúlveda
- Justin Quinn
- K. Chance
- K. L. Allison
- K. M. Fischer
- Kang Sun
- Kasra Shamsaei
- Kaustubh Thirumalai
- Kenneth S. Befus
- Kristian K. Kjeldsen
- Kristin Poinar
- Kyle E. Fitch
- L. A. Stearns
- L. Ruby Leung
- Laura Gemery
- Lauren C. Andrews
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Lei Shu
- Lei Zhu
- Li Hu
- Linette N. Boisvert
- Lizz Ultee
- M. A. G. Demetillo
- M. D. Covington
- M. Femke de Jong
- M. J. Croteau
- M. L. Rilee
- Margaret Garcia
- Martha K. Raynolds
- Maryam Yousefi
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Michael Everett Mann
- Michael Heap
- Michael P. Erb
- Miriam C. Jones
- Mohsin Ramzan
- Neil P. Lareau
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nicolás E. Young
- P. Moitra
- Patrick Keys
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Phillip G Resor
- Ravindra Duddu
- Richard A. Mortlock
- Richard I. Cullather
- Richard Querel
- Robbie M. Parks
- Robert Lewis Walker
- Robert M. DeConto
- Robin S. Matoza
- S. Anandakrishnan
- S. E. Mikaloff Fletcher
- S. M. Evans
- S. R. Hemming
- S. S. Wei
- Sahra Kacimi
- Sally E. Pusede
- Samantha Bova
- Sarah E. Crump
- Simon L. Pendleton
- Sophie Nowicki
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Stephan Kolzenburg
- Steven C. Wofsy
- Steven P. Loheide
- Surui Xie
- Susheel Adusumilli
- Sébastien Roche
- T. C. Bartholomaus
- T. F. Hanisco
- T. Neumann
- Teresa Scolamacchia
- Thomas Wagner
- Tian Zhou
- Timothy H. Dixon
- Timothy W. Juliano
- W. R. Simpson
- Wade Permar
- Winnie Chu
- Xiaotao Yang
- Xuehui Guo
- Xueliang Liu
- Yog Aryal
- Yuxuan Wang
- Zeli Tan
- Zhenduo Zhu
- Zolal Ayazpour