SUNY Albany, New York
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A 400-kyr Long Planktic d18O Record From the Sulu Sea: Constraints on Ice Volume and the Tropical Hydrologic Cycle
- AMORE: Atmospheric Modeling Of Radiation Experiment
- Absolute Accuracy of Surface Irradiance Observations for Climate Research Applications
- Factors Controlling CO2 Exchange at Harvard Forest on Hourly to Annual Time Scales
- High resolution oxygen A-band and water vapor band spectrometer
- Hydroxyl Reactivity With a Series of Nine C6-C9 Alkanes From 230-380 K
- Long-term accuracy of surface spectroradiometry in the UV, Visible, and near IR domains, and Impacts on Derived Products
- Mobile Gas and Particulate Emission Studies of the New York City Transit Bus Fleet
- Northern vs. Southern Hemisphere Forcing of Climate Change in the Western Equatorial Pacific
- Performance of Longwave Radiation Instruments: Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Irradiances During Arctic Winter
- Preliminary Results of the Carbon, Heat, and Moisture Turbulent Measurements over a Pasture in Eastern Amazon.
- Preliminary Results of the Measurement of Ambient Aerosol Composition During the PMTACS-NY 2001 Using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Role of Anti Carbonyl Oxides in OH Production from Ozone-Alkene Reactions
- The relationship between changes in surface water temperature and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>seawater</SUB> in the tropics and subtropics following the Last Glacial Maximum
- Advances in Continuous Mass Measurement Technology: TEOM Mass Monitor at 30° C with a Nafion Dryer at Rural and Urban New York State Locations.
- Cloud Droplet Effective Radius Derived from Ground-Based Remote Sensing at the ARM SGP and NSA sites
- Comparing the Retrieval of Aerosol Properties From Several Solar Occultation Measurements
- Comparisons of Speciated PM-2.5 Mass at Rural and Urban New York State Locations
- Coral Evidence Indicating More Spatially Coherent South Pacific Interdecadal Climate Variability Since ~1880 A.D.
- Dynamics of the Intertropical Convergence Zone of the East Pacific
- Elemental Carbon in Highly Polluted Urban Fog in South Asia
- Gas Phase Emission Ratios From In-Use Diesel and CNG Curbside Passenger Buses in New York City
- Geologic Evolution of the Gyala Peri Massif, Southeastern Tibet
- Geology of the Northeastern Nyainqentanglha Range, Central Tibet
- Intercomparison and Evaluation of Semi-Continuous PM-2.5 Nitrate and Sulfate Instruments During PMTACS-NY Summer 2001 Campaign in New York City
- Late Holocene Environmental and Hydrologic Conditions in Northwestern Florida Derived from Seasonally Resolved Profiles of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Sr/Ca of Fossil Bivalves.
- Measurement of Ambient Aerosol Composition Using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer: New York 2001 Supersite Summer Intensive Study
- Measurement of Nitrous Acid (HONO) During PROPHET 2000 Summer Intensive
- Mobile Particulate Emission Measurements of New York City Transit Buses and Other in use Vehicles
- PM2.5 Technology Assessment and Characterization Study in New York - PMTACS-NY: The 2001 Summer Field Intensive in Queens, NY
- Product Analysis of the {OH} Oxidation of Acrolein and Methacrolein in the Presence of {NO}
- Radiocarbon and Stable Isotopic Proxies in Deep-Sea Corals from Hawaii
- Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen Partitioning and Ozone Production Efficiencies during the PROPHET Summer 2000 and Summer 2001 Measurements Intensives
- Significant Atmospheric Implications of Nitric Acid Photolysis on Surfaces in Low-NOx Environments
- Source of Detrital Chrome Rich spinels with melt inclusions from the Cretaceous greywackes of the eastern Tethyan Himalayas: hot spot volcanics, not ophiolites
- The Indo-Pacific Coral Diploastrea: A New Archive of Western Pacific Temperature and Precipitation
- Upholding or fatally altering the boundary conditions for channel flow of the Southern Tibet middle crust
- 4D constraints on melt source-rock input and granite production in continent-continent collision; a case study from a 50 km wide swath through the Himalayan magmatic arc
- Age of Initiation of the India-Asia Collision in the eastern Himalayas
- Assessing Public Health Impacts of Heat and Air Quality Under a Changing Climate in the New York City Metropolitan Area
- Climate Change and Ozone Air Quality Over the Eastern United States: A Modeling Study
- Field Measurements of Atmospheric Elemental Carbon Concentrations in the Northeastern US Over a Quarter Century
- Health Impacts of Air Pollution Under a Changing Climate
- Monitoring forest-atmosphere exchanges with remote sensing
- Preliminary Identification of Major Faults in the Namche Barwa: Results from a NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM Calibrated With Field Mapping and Seismicity
- Product Analysis of the OH Oxidation of Acetic Acid in Air in the Presence of NO
- The role of dew in controlling HONO surface-air exchange during the night and in the morning
- Decadal and Lower Frequency South Pacific Climate Variability Since 1619 AD from Replicated Coral Records
- Assessing Surface Ocean Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool Using Nitrogen Isotopes of Sedimentary Gravity Cores From Kau Bay, Indonesia
- Assessing the Paleoceanographic Potential of the Coral Montipora venosa at Fanning Atoll, Central Equatorial Pacific
- Determining the Best-Estimate of Cloud Drop Size From a Variety of Remote Sensing Instruments
- Effects of land use and climate seasonality on carbon fluxes in the Amazon: scaling from landscape to region using data from MODIS satellites and from a network of flux towers
- Environmental Changes on the Eastern Black Sea Shelf During the Last 12 ka
- From molecular clusters to particles of CCN sizes: Effect of variations in galactic cosmic ray flux
- Ice/hydrohalite crystallization structures in sub-eutectic freezing experiments in the system NaCl-H20 and possible implications for the properties of frozen brines in Europa: A preliminary report
- Identification of a large-scale, N-S extensional feature in southeastern Tibet, using NASA SRTM data
- Measurements of Near Surface Concentration Profiles to Study Bromine Surface Enrichment and Nitric Acid Uptake of NaCl-NaBr Single Crystals
- Reconstructing Holocene Climate Variability and the Indonesian Throughflow in the Western Equatorial Pacific
- Temperature and [CO3 ] Effects on Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in the Benthic Foraminifera Species of Hoeglundina Elegans and Cibicidoides
- The Importance of Ion-Dipole Interaction in Ion-Clustering Thermodynamics and Ion-Mediated Nucleation
- Tracking the extent of the South Pacific Convergence Zone since 1619 AD
- Uptake of SO2 on HOBr-Ice Surfaces
- Active uplift and erosion of the Namche Barwa-Gyala Peri massif
- Development of an Eddy Covariance System for Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Exchange
- Does Lightning Return-Stroke Current Attenuate Very Rapidly With Height?
- Enhancement of HONO production from HNO3 photolysis on surface by organic matters
- Examining Regional Late Holocene Oceanographic Variability in the WPWP From a Gravity Core Record From Kau Bay, Indonesia.
- Geochronological Evidence for the Tectonic and Topographic Evolution of SE Tibet
- Historical Trends in Atmospheric Elemental Carbon Concentrations Across Northeastern US, 1850-2005
- Identification of Organic Aerosol Sources and Their Impact on Ambient Aerosol: Aerosol Mass Spectrometry in the Lab and the Field
- Organic Aerosols in Rural and Remote Atmospheric Environments: Insights from Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Oxygenated and water-soluble organic aerosols in Tokyo
- Phosphorus in Hermatypic Coral Skeleton: Incorporation Mechanisms and a Potential Seawater Phosphate Proxy
- Phosphorus, Barium and Bioactive Metals (Zn, Cu, Co) in Coral Aragonite: Relationships to Upper Ocean Productivity
- Photochemical Production of Oxidants in Sea-Salt Aerosols
- Production of sub-micrometer aerosols by bubble bursting at the ocean surface: a potentially important global source of CCN
- Relative Importance of Primary and Secondary Aerosol Components in Fresh and Aged Air Masses: Results with Environment Canada's Regional Air Quality Model
- Southern Pacific Ocean Measurements of Dimethylsulfide Air/Sea Flux using the Eddy Correlation Technique
- Structural and Tectonic Geology of the Namche Barwa-Gyala Peri Antiform, Southeastern Tibet
- Structure of Developing Tropical Cyclones
- Surface-based Observation of Aerosols Indirect Effect in the Mid-Atlantic region
- Testing a Warm Cloud Parameterization With Data From Field Campaigns Over Beijing
- The Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Fresh Aerosols Produced at the Ocean Surface
- Trace Element Chemistry in Urban Atmospheric Aerosols
- Vertical profiles of aerosols, O3 and CO at Whistler, BC during Intex-B
- Abrupt climate change and collapse of deep-sea ecosystems during the last 20,000 years
- Aerosol Optical Effects on Deep Convective Clouds and Radiative Forcing
- Aerosol Properties Over the Eastern US in July 2002: Comparison of Long-Term Measurements With Results From a Coupled Meteorology-Chemistry Model
- Analysis of Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Data in Pittsburgh, Mexico City, and Blodgett Forest by Positive Matrix Factorization
- Atmospheric Elemental Carbon Concentrations in 1835 to 2005
- Characteristics of Anomalous Precipitation Events over Eastern China during the Past Five Centuries
- Characterization of Positive Matrix Factorization of Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Data With Real and Synthetic Data
- Climatically Driven Loss of Calcium in Steppe Soil.
- Dusty Gusts and Rusty Dust: The Role of Iron in the Contrast in Physical Properties of Surface Soil between Sahara and Sahel
- Geologic Hazards Associated With a Proposed Dam on the Yarlung-Tsangpo River in SE Tibet
- High Resolution Mass Spectrometry of Organic Nitrogen Species in Atmospheric Fog and Cloud Waters
- Indirect effects of mineral dust on warm clouds
- Insights into the Sources and Chemical Processes of Submicron Aerosol at the Whistler Summit, BC based on Aerodyne High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Long-Range Transport of Asian Sulfate and Its Effects on the Canadian Sulfate Burden
- Long-Term Trends in Trace Metals Concentrations in Sediment in Lakes in Adirondack Park, NY
- Measurement of Oxygen-to-Carbon Ratios of Organic Aerosols and Implications for the Atmospheric Evolution of SOA
- Microphysical Modeling of New Particle Formation and Growth in Tropospheric Volcanic Plumes
- Neogene Extension Along The Aegean Forearc Ridge As A Product Of Rapid Slab Roll-Back
- On the contribution of H2SO4-H2O binary homogeneous and ion-mediated nucleation to new particle formation in the global troposphere
- Optical Remote Sensing of CCN
- Particulate and Gaseous Species in fog and Clear air in Highly Polluted Urban Region of South Asia
- Simulation of Asia Dust and Cloud Interaction Over Pacific Ocean During Pacdex
- The Mg/Ca of Mixed Layer and Thermocline Dwelling Foraminifera From the Eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific
- The Role of Adiabaticity in the Aerosol First Indirect Effect
- What is the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin?: a cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from BrasilFlux network
- 1,340 year long Late Holocene stalagmite stable isotope records from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- A ~2500 Year Sub-Decadal Oxygen-Isotope Record of Late Holocene Tropical South American Hydroclimate From Laguna Pumacocha, Peru
- Aircraft Measurement of HONO Vertical Profiles Over a Forested Region
- Characteristics of PM2.5 Carbonaceous Aerosol in Urban New York State
- Climate Change Projections for the Tropical Andes Using Multiple Emission Scenarios: Implications for Future Glaciation and Water Resources
- Evaluation of New Secondary Organic Aerosol Models for a Case Study in Mexico City
- Forest Fire Derived Black Carbon in the Adirondack Mountains, NY, ~1745 to 1850 A.D.
- Fossil Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) as Paleothermometers in the African Tropics
- Glacier Mass Balance Variability in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru and its Relationship with Climate and the Large-Scale Circulation
- HCHO Activity Gauges Ozone Production and Aerosol Production Rates in Both Urban and Far-Downwind Atmospheres
- HONO Flux Measurement at a Forested Site in Northern Michigan
- Heavy Metals Contamination in Coastal Sediments of Karachi, Pakistan
- Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxy Radical Measurements in a Forested Environment During the PROPHET 2008 and NIFTy Field Campaigns
- Identification and Characterization of Biogenic SOA Component in Ambient Aerosols Based on Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Insights into changes in precipitation patterns in Brazil from oxygen isotope ratios on speleothems
- Measurement of Nitrous Acid in Blodgett Forest during BEARPEX 2007
- On the Interpretation of Oxygenated Organic Aerosols (and their Subtypes) Arising from Factor Analysis of Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Data
- On-line size-resolved chemical speciation of PM1 with a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometer during the 2008 Beijing Olympics
- Open Ocean DMS Air/Sea Fluxes Over the Eastern South Pacific Ocean
- Organic Aerosols in New York City -- Insights into Sources, Processes, and Seasonal Variations Based on Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Simultaneous Eddy Covariance CO2 and DMS Flux Measurements in the North Atlantic
- Soil Carbon Vulnerability and Black Carbon Stability
- Statistical and Dynamical Assessment of Regional Land-atmosphere Coupling
- Stratospheric Aerosol Injection for Geoengineering Purposes
- Study of new Particle Formation in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Using WACCM/CARMA
- Sub-Sea Ice Sands Offshore of Dry Valleys: Potential Links between Onshore and Offshore Cenozoic Records
- Surface and Subsurface Changes in the Indonesian Throughflow Region From the LGM to Present Inferred From G. ruber and P. obliquiloculata Mg/Ca and del 18O
- Understanding the Evolution of Organic Aerosols in the Mexico City Airshed in 2002, 2003 and 2006 using Positive Matrix Factorization
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Measurements in Karachi, Pakistan (2006): a Comparison With Previous Urban Sampling Campaigns Worldwide.
- What Controls Particle Formation in Boreal Forests?
- A 1200-Year Record of Rapid Climate Changes Across the Tropical Americas Identified from Lake Sediments (Invited)
- A numerical evaluation of global oceanic emissions of α-pinene and isoprene
- Accurate decadal-resolution SST chronologies from deep-sea sediments spanning recent millennia
- Carboxylic acids in gas and PM2.5 particulate phase at a rural mountain site in northeastern United States
- Climate forcings of changes in paleoprecipitation patterns in Brazil from oxygen isotope ratios on speleothems
- Dusty Gust Fronts at Synoptic Scale, Initiated and Maintained by Moist Convection over the Sahara Desert
- Effect of mineral dust on cloud microphysics and precipitation of mesoscale convective systems
- Multi-Scale Analysis of Climatic Controls on Stable Isotopes in Proxy Records from Tropical South America (Invited)
- OH and HO2 Concentrations during PROPHET 2008: Measurement and Theory
- Organic Aerosols in New York City — Insights from High-Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Size distributions of secondary and primary aerosols in Asia: A 3-D modeling
- South American summer monsoon variability during the Holocene: Evidence for precipitation partitioning between the Andes and the Amazon basin
- The Indonesian Throughflow: Oceanographic responses to Holocene changes in the mean Pacific state
- The Role of Insolation and the Equatorial Pacific in South American Climate during the Holocene: A Paleoclimate Record from Laguna Blanca, Venezuela
- The Role of Ions in New Particle Formation in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Using WACCM/CARMA
- Above canopy OH and HO2 during PROPHET 2008 and CABINEX 2009: Measurement and theory
- Characterization of Highway Traffic Plumes in New York City with a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Climate change impacts on water resources in tropical mountain regions: an Andean perspective (Invited)
- Comparative analysis of carbon, water, and energy exchanges in co-located mid-latitude forests at various stages of development
- Comparison of the PRECIS regional climate model performance using lateral boundary conditions from GCM and reanalysis data over tropical South America
- Contributions of Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Observations to Investigations of Moisture Evolution during the Development of Tropical Depressions and Storms
- Decadal and lower frequency changes in the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) salinity front gradient over the last 210 years and relationship to Pacific-wide climate
- East African Droughts of the Last 2 Millennia: Insights from Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotopes at Sacred Lake, Mount Kenya
- Evaluating the SPCZ interannual changes with both instrumental and coral-derived SSS data
- Evidence for more extensive ice shelves along the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the Little Ice Age: observations from the LARISSA project in Barilari Bay, Graham Land
- Explaining a Consistent Morning NOx Maximum in the Clean Air Forest Boundary Layer
- Global Estimates of Lightning Peak Current from the WWLLN
- Investigation of HOx radical chemistry under a forest canopy during CABINEX-2009
- Lunar Regoliths: Solving Geochemical Mysteries Using Lunar Impact Glasses
- Measurements of HONO Above and Within a Mixed Hardwood Forest Canopy During the 2009 CABINEX Field Campaign
- Mineral dust altering cloud microphysics and precipitation, and exerting LW cooling effect
- Modeling the Gas Transfer Coefficient and Gas Fluxes in Stratified Lakes
- Nucleation and growth of atmospheric particles: Contribution of ion-mediated nucleation and role of low volatile organics condensation
- Observation, Analysis and Prediction of Atlantic tropical Cyclone Formation (Invited)
- Observational study of the 1997/1998 El Nino-Induced Changes in Rainfall Vertical Structure in the East Pacific
- Prediction of particle formation and number concentration over the United States with WRF-Chem + APM model
- Significance of Nitric Acid Photolysis in low NOx troposphere: Model Simulations
- The role of induced entrainment in past stratiform cloud seeding experiments
- The sensitivity of ISCCP optical depths to sub-pixel scale cloud field variability: Implications for climate model-ISCCP comparisons
- Vertical profiles of HOx chemistry within a mixed hardwood forest during the 2009 CABINEX field campaign: Evaluations with a one-dimensional canopy-chemistry model
- A Zonal Mode in the Indian Ocean over the Past Millennium? Isotopic Evidence from Continental Climate Archives and Model Simulations
- A high-resolution oxygen A-band spectrometer (HABS) and photon path length distribution
- Aerosol properties and their direct radiative forcing: GEOS-Chem-APM simulations and comparisons
- Assessing Oxygen Isotope Variability and Sr/Ca Ratios in the Non-massive Coral Genus Isopora as a Paleoclimate Archive
- Characteristics of aerosols in urban and rural areas: GEOS-Chem+APM nested grid simulation and comparison with observations
- Comparison of near surface turbulence during cooling in a temperate and an arctic lake
- Deglacial changes in Tropical Water Isotopologues
- Effect of successive oxidation aging and kinetic condensation of organic compounds on global particle properties and implications
- Evaluating the Influence of Solar Radiation, Coral Extension Rate and Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Skeletal δ<SUP>13</SUP>C in a Network of Fiji and Tonga Porites Corals
- Late Cenozoic strengthening of the forest-tundra-snow albedo feedback with respect to temperature and its role in increasing climatic instability
- Linked Extreme Weather Events during Winter 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 in the Context of Northern Hemisphere Circulation Anomalies
- Mineral dust events over the Mediterranean: Multi-platform characterization and comparison with GEOS-Chem simulation
- Modern influences on simulated Andean rainfall δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and application to a Holocene speleothem record
- Multiscale Analysis of African Easterly Waves
- New Perspectives on Intermountain Cyclones and Cold Fronts
- Oxygen A-band Spectroscopy: An Overlooked Resource for Ground-Based Inference of Physical and Radiative Properties of Clouds
- Physical Controls on Carbon Flux from a Temperate Lake During Autumn Cooling
- Retrieval of vertical profiles of stratus cloud properties from combined oxygen a-band and radar observations
- Retrieving Latent Heat Vertical Structure Using Precipitation and Cloud Profiles
- South America Monsoon variability on millennial to multi-centennial time scale during the Holocene in central eastern Brazil
- Studies of record low Arctic ozone during the 2011 winter, and comparison with previous years
- The sensitivity of regional sulfate aerosols to climate-chemistry interactions
- Variations and trends in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> mass, sulfate, and carbon concentrations at a rural and an urban site in New York State
- A Climatology of Central American Gyres
- A Comparison of MJO and Non-MJO Convective Initiation Events
- Adopting Model Uncertainties for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Prediction
- An Operational Approach to Predicting the Global Circlulation Impacts of Simultaneous Interaction between the MJO and Equatorial Rossby Waves
- Apparent Coupling between Atmospheric Convection and Oceanic Kelvin Waves
- Assessment of climatic controls on a tropical network of high-resolution, stable isotope records over the last millennia
- Atmospheric Elemental Carbon from ~1000 to 2005
- CALIPSO AOD and vertical profile: comparisons with other sensors and GEOS-Chem-APM simulations
- Central American Gyres, Tropical Cyclones, and Heavy Eastern U.S. Rainfall
- Dimethylsulfide air/sea gas transfer in the Southern Ocean
- Evolution of Interannual and Decadal/Interdecadal variability of the SPCZ since the late 18th century using a network of Fiji coral δ18O time-series
- Factors Contributing to Initiation of a Primary MJO Event Using the Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) Dataset
- High wind speed measurements of dimethylsulfide air/sea gas transfer by eddy correlation in the North Atlantic
- Impact of Climate Variability on Forest Dynamics in Eastern Amazon: the Role of Large-Scale Droughts, Local Droughts, and Other Disturbances
- Impacts of Wind Farms on Local Land Surface Temperature
- Impacts of aerosol microphysics on cloud water over the Eastern United States
- Improving monitoring of tropical forests using year 2009 SEVIRI data
- Interannual Variability of the Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves
- Ion-mediated nucleation and aerosol indirect radiative forcing
- LASG/IAP AGCM study of aerosol direct and indirect effects
- Large-Scale Influences on the Genesis of Tropical Cyclone Karl (2010)
- Mini MJO Events, or MJO-like Kelvin waves: A Discussion of Slow Eastward-Moving Convection in the Tropics
- Multidecadal Hydroclimate variability of the South American Monsoon System during the last millennium over Peruvian Amazon
- Observations of Cloud Top Entrainment Instability Induced by Aircraft Wake Downwash
- Precipitation Heterogeneity in Western and Central Indonesia During the Past 500 years: Proxy Records and Mechanisms
- Similarity scaling of turbulence in a small temperate lake: implications for gas flux
- South American Monsoon variability during the past 2,000 years from stable isotopic proxies and model simulations
- Synchronous interhemispheric Holocene climate trends in the tropical Andes
- Synoptic and Mesoscale Aspects of Ice Storms in the Northeastern United States
- The Relationship between Oxygen A-band Photon Pathlength Distributions and 3D Structures of Heating Rate Profiles
- a Structural and Thermochronological Study of Santorini Detachment in Santorini Island, Aegean Sea
- A High Resolution Look at Black Sand Particles from Sand Dunes of Saudi Arabia Using Electron Microscopy
- A transient simulation of the last four glacial cycles -- Deep ocean ventilation on orbital time-scales
- Amplified warming at high elevation in the tropical Andes? (Invited)
- Analysis of the origins of east Pacific easterly waves
- Assessing the Value of Enhancing AirNow Data with NASA Satellite Data
- Chemical Composition and Sources of Aerosols in Finnish Arctic: 1964 - 2008
- Daytime aircraft HONO Measurements over water surface during NOMASS Field Study
- ENSO-driven flooding events in East Java, Indonesia during the past Millennium
- Emergent Predictability in the Northern Hemisphere Associated with Arctic Sea Ice Anomalies
- Ensemble-based diagnosis of the large-scale processes associated with multiple high-impact weather events over North America during late October 2007
- Evidence of Teleconnections between the Peruvian central Andes and Northeast Brazil during extreme rainfall events
- Global Water Vapor Trend and its Diurnal Asymmetry during 1995-2011 Based on GPS, Radiosonde and Microwave Satellite Measurements
- Long-term observation of aerosol cloud relationships in the Mid-Atlantic region
- Low-Molecular Weight Carboxylic Acids in Gas Phase in a Developing Megacity
- Oxidation During NOMADSS
- Physical Controls on Carbon Flux from a Temperate Lake During Autumn Cooling
- Progressive Derechos in the Presence of Closed Upper-level Subtropical Anticyclones
- Rates of global temperature change during the past millennium
- Reducing spread in climate model projections of a September ice-free Arctic
- Refining the climate role of tropical cyclones: Key constituents of the summer Hadley cell?
- Rescue of Long-Tail Data from the Ocean Bottom to the Moon
- Risk assessment of inhalation exposure to Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in school children
- Sahel Rainfall in Multimodel CMIP5 Decadal Hindcasts
- Similarity scaling of turbulence in small temperate lake: implication for gas flux: implication for gas flux
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming of 2012-2013, its predictability, and its impact on the Northern Hemispheric winter
- The Annual Cycle of Moist Convection over West Africa
- The Dependence of Transient Climate Sensitivity and Radiative Feedbacks on the Spatial Pattern of Ocean Heat Uptake
- The Intense Arctic Cyclone of Early August 2012: A Dynamically Driven Cyclogenesis Event
- The Multidecadal Atlantic SST - Sahel Rainfall Teleconnection in CMIP5 simulations (Invited)
- The Relationship Between Solar X-Ray Flux and Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Energy
- Turbulence at the Air-Water Interface in Lakes of Different Latitudes
- A Composite Analysis of Cross-Equatorial Total Energy Transports by Tropical Cyclones
- A New Approach to Construct Representative Future Forcing for Dynamical Downscaling
- A Phase Space for the Structure and Near-system Environment of Tropical Convective Systems
- A Transient Simulation of the Last 800 Thousand Years
- Aerosol Mass Loading, Mixing State, Size and Number in Present Day (2000) and Future (2100): Study with the Advanced Particle Microphysics (APM) module in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Aerosol-stratocumulus-radiation Interactions over Southeast Pacific and Their Implications to SST
- An Assessment of Air Quality in the Surrounding Holy Places of Mecca, Saudi Arabia during Hajj
- Anticyclonic Wavebreaking and the MJO
- Assessment of Sea Ice Predictability in CMIP5 Decadal Hindcasts
- Assessment of the Aerosol and its Radiative Forcing Simulated from the GEOS-Chem-APM with Remote Sensing Data
- Atmospheric Black Carbon Concentrations in the Finnish Arctic over Five Decades: Comparisons between measurements and model
- Atmospheric Rivers and the Connection to Heavy Rainfall Events in the Southeastern U.S.
- Atmospheric Science Research at the Whiteface Mountain Adirondack High Peaks Observatory
- Atmospheric aerosol impacts on sea surface temperatures and medium range forecast.
- CO<SUB>2 </SUB>flux spatial variability in a tropical reservoir in the Central Amazonia
- Characterization of Nonmethane Hydrocarbons at Three Urban Sites in Western Saudi Arabia, in Lahore (Pakistan), and in Singapore
- Characterization of Pollution Transport into Texas Using OMI and TES Satellite and In Situ data, and HYSPLIT Back Trajectory Analyses: implications for TCEQ State Implementation Plans and High School/Undergraduate STEM Education
- Cloud Radiative Forcing in East Asia Simulated from IAP/LASG GCM with a Physics-Based, Two-Moment Statistical-Numerical Cloud Scheme
- Cold Episodes, Their Precursors and Teleconnections in the Central Peruvian Andes (1958-2009)
- Comparison of Large Oceanic Eddies from Satellite Observations and a High-Resolution Coupled Climate Model Simulation
- Decadal Modulation of Global Surface Temperature By Internal Climate Variability
- Diurnal Variation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration above a tropical reservoir in the central Amazonia
- Dominant Factors Controlling the Hydrometeorology of Northern California: Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers and Sierra Barrier Jets
- Dynamical processes and forecast uncertainty associated with an extreme-rain-producing atmospheric river over the southeastern U.S. during late October 2007
- Eddy covariance flux of sulfur dioxide to the sea surface: Air-side resistance to deposition of a highly soluble gas
- Emergent Predictability in the Northern Hemisphere Associated with Arctic Sea Ice Anomalies
- Establishing a Long-term 30 Year Global Solar Resource at 10 km Resolution: Preliminary Results From Test Processing and Continuing Plans
- First steps toward development of a stable isotope forward model for tropical ice cores: cold air incursions and snow days at Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
- Forced vs unforced drivers of Atlantic SST variability - linking forced role to magnitude of aerosol forcing
- Global Warming or Global Cooling in the Holocene?
- High HONO concentrations in aged biomass burning plumes in NOMADSS campaign
- Impact of Land Initialization on Short-Term Forecast Skill During Episodes of Wet and Dry Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- Impacts of oxidation aging on secondary organic aerosol formation, particle growth rate, cloud condensation nuclei abundance, and aerosol climate forcing
- Influence of Interhemispheric Asymmetry in Volcanic Forcing on ITCZ Location and Oxygen Isotope Distribution
- Poleward Tropical Moisture Transport and its Link to Four Sequential Extreme Weather Events over North America in October 2007
- Processes influencing rainfall features in the Amazonian region
- Projected Increase in Lightning Strikes in the United States Due to Global Warming
- Recent shift in the sub-seasonal teleconnection between tropics and Arctic in boreal summer
- Remote sensing of PM2.5 from ground-based optical measurements
- Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Spinup Time to the Initial Entropy Deficit
- Sources and Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Fine Particles in Rabigh, Saudi Arabia
- The Relationship Between Upper-Tropospheric Disturbances and Subtropical Cyclone Life Cycles in the North Atlantic Basin
- The State of Ambient Air Quality of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- The West African monsoon: Contribution of the AMMA multidisciplinary programme to the study of a regional climate system.
- The influence of El-Niño Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation on secular rainfall variations in Hawai'i
- Tropical Cyclone Interactions Within Central American Gyres
- Tropospheric HONO Distribution and Chemistry in the Southeastern U.S.
- Understanding particle growth events response to changes in hydrocarbons and sulfur dioxide for a rural/urban site in Beltsville, Maryland
- Understanding the Role of Water Vapor Transport in Extreme Precipitation Events in Nepal
- Using GPS Water Vapor Measurements to Validate, Calibrate, and Improve Microwave Satellite Water Vapor Retrievals
- Aerosol-stratocumulus Interactions over the Southeast Pacific: A Process Study Using WRF-Chem
- An Airborne and Ground-based Study of a Long-lived and Intense Atmospheric River Impacting California during the CalWater-2014 Early-Start Field Campaign
- An Evaluation of High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Simulated Snow Cover Using Satellite Data (With Implications for the Simulated Snow-Albedo Feedback)
- Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing as Indicated by the Reversion of Warming-elevation Relationship
- Atmospheric Compensation of Variations in Tropical Ocean Heat Transport: Understanding Mechanisms and Implications on Tectonic Timescales
- Baseline Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in the Northeast U.S. Over 2001 - 2010
- Climatic Impact of the Bølling-Allerød over Eastern South America
- Cold episodes in the Peruvian Central Andes: Composites, Types, and their Impacts over South America (1958-2014)
- Comparison of Ground- and Space-based Radar Observations with Disdrometer Measurements During the PECAN Field Campaign
- Contribution of Fossil Fuels and Wood Combustion to Carcinogenic PAHs in the Ambient Atmosphere of a Tropical Megacity
- Evaluation of Atmospheric Precipitable Water from Reanalysis Products Using Homogenized Radiosonde Observations over China
- Global climate sensitivity derived from ~784,000 years of SST data
- Ground-based observations of aerosol-cloud interactions in the North East of the United States
- High Resolution Climate Modeling of the Water Cycle over the Contiguous United States Including Potential Climate Change Scenarios
- Impact of Dynamical Downscaling on Model Representation of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength
- Internal Waves, Upwelling, Convection: which Facilitates Greenhouse Gas Evasion?
- Investigation of Black Carbon Effects on Precipitation and Surface Hydrology over the Western United States
- Large-Scale Antecedent Conditions Associated with 2014-2015 Winter Onset over North America and mid-Winter Storminess Along the North Atlantic Coast
- Measurement of Atmospheric Black Carbon Concentrations, [BC]<SUB>atm</SUB>, in the Arctic Region from ~1700 to 2013
- On the Influence of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves on African Easterly waves
- On the Relationship between African Easterly Wave Structures and the Probability of Tropical Cyclogenesis in the Tropical Atlantic
- Reduce the uncertainty in dust aerosol IN effect on cloud top temperature
- Revisiting the potential of melt pond fraction as a predictor for the seasonal Arctic sea ice extent minimum
- Robust Effects of Ocean Heat Uptake on Radiative Feedback and Subtropical Cloud Cover: A Study Using Radiative Kernels
- Separating the Effects of Northern Hemisphere Ice-Sheets, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations and Orbital Parameters on Global Precipitation During the Late Pleistocene Glacial Cycles
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Observations of Urban Mixed-Layer Heights from Surface-based Lidar Systems during DISCOVER-AQ 2011
- Stratospheric Ozone-induced Indirect Radiative Effects on Antarctic Sea Ice
- Structural Characteristics of Nocturnal Mesoscale Convective Systems in the U.S. Great Plains as Observed During the PECAN Field Campaign
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- The Chilean Coastal Orographic Precipitation Experiment Pilot Project (CCOPE-2015): Overview and Preliminary Results
- The Effects of Aerosols on the Summer Precipitation Over the Tibet Plateau
- The Influence of Water Vapor Absorption in the 290-350 nm Region on Solar Irradiance: Laboratory Studies and Model Simulation
- The West African monsoon: Contribution of the AMMA multidisciplinary programme to the study of a regional climate system.
- The statistical inhomogeneity of surface air temperature in global atmospheric reanalyses
- Understanding Land-Atmosphere Coupling and its Predictability at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Using High Resolution Regional Climate Models to Quantify the Snow Albedo Feedback in a Region of Complex Terrain
- Using snowboards and lysimeters to constrain snow model choices in a rain-snow transitional environment
- What Has Caused the Recent Changes in Global Evapotranspiration from 1982-2010?
- A Cloud Top Pressure Algorithm for DSCOVR-EPIC
- A multi-proxy record of Holocene hydroclimate change from a windward montane wetland, Molokai, Hawaii
- Atmospheric black carbon concentrations in North America from 1850 to 2014
- Changes in Precipitation Characteristics over North America by the Late 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Simulated by a Convection-Permitting Model
- Climate sensitivity increases as ocean heat uptake declines: a linear systems perspective
- Climatological Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Changes under Moderate Vertical Wind Shear
- Cloud Properties Of The Daytime Earth As Observed By DSCOVR-EPIC: A First Look
- Contribution of Organics to Atmospheric Particle Formation: Temperature Dependence and Implications to Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Dependence of Estimated Precipitation Frequency and Intensity on Data Resolution
- Development and Field Testing of the Latest Open-path and Enclosed-Path CO<SUB>2</SUB>/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Flux Measurement and Research Systems
- ENSO variability of Quelccaya Ice Cap δ<SUP>18</SUP>O driven by monsoon control of vapor isotope ratios
- Factors Leading to Dominica's Extreme Precipitation from Tropical Storm Erika
- Forward Modeling of Oxygen Isotope Variability in Tropical Andean Ice Cores
- Hemispherically Asymmetric Volcanic Forcing of Tropical Hydroclimate and Water Isotopologue Variability During the Last Millennium
- High latitude forcing of the South American Monsoon System during the LGM and the Holocene
- Holocene changes in monsoon precipitation in the Andes of NE Perubased on δ<SUP>18</SUP>O speleothem records
- Impact of aerosol microphysics on cloud optical properties and implications to atmospheric oxidation capacity
- Implementation of Globally Simulated Dust within a Physical Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Imprint of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Western Canadian High-Arctic climate
- Investigation of n-Alkane Distributions in Modern Plant Litter from Hawaii wetlands: a potential proxy for past vegetation and hydroclimate changes?
- Mechanisms of elevation-dependent warming over complex terrain in high-resolution simulations of regional climate change
- Modeling Aerosol Climate Effects over East Asia: Aspects of Synoptic-scale Variations
- Modeling Evidence for the Strengthening of Vegetation-Snow-Albedo Feedback from the Mid-Pliocene to the Pre-Industrial
- Near UV Absorption by HNO<SUB>3</SUB>/NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> on Sapphire (a-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>) Surfaces
- PW Characteristics during the 2013 Colorado Flood using Ground-Based GPS Measurements
- Response of Stratospheric Ozone to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- Saharan Mineral Dust and the Dynamics of African Easterly Waves: Sensitivity to Spatial Variations in the Zonally Averaged Background State
- Spring Phenology—A Newly Identified Ecophysiological Role of the Deciduous Forest Floor.
- Testing the Reconstruction Potential for North Pacific Circulation Anomalies inside the TraCE-21ka Paleoclimate Simulation
- The Evolution of Drought Transition Periods in the United States Corn Belt Region
- The Influence of a Precursor Central American Gyre and a Northerly Surge into the Gulf of Tehuantepec on the Formation of Hurricane Patricia in October 2015
- The Simulated Response of Mountain Breeze Circulations to Regionally Enhanced Warming Caused by the Snow Albedo Feedback
- The State of Ambient Air Quality of a Mega City in Southeast Asia (Karachi, Pakistan)
- The Teleconnection Pattern between Hawaii Rainfall and Large-Scale Circulation in Present-Day Conditions and during the Holocene
- The covariability of North American land-atmosphere coupling strength and rainfall characteristics in reanalyses
- Twenty-Five Years of Flux Observations at the Harvard Forest; Mature Northeastern Forests are a Consistent Carbon Sink
- Understanding Atmospheric Adjustment to Variations in Tropical Ocean Heat Transport
- Understanding the Dependence of Radiative Feedbacks and Clouds on the Spatial Structure of Ocean Heat Uptake
- Weather Regime-Dependent Predictability: Sequentially Linked High-Impact Weather Events over the United States during March 2016
- Why do Models Overestimate Surface Ozone in the Southeastern United States?
- A Cloud Top Pressure Algorithm for DSCOVR-EPIC
- A Global Look at Future Trends in the Renewable Energy Resource
- A one stop website for sharing sea ice, ocean and ice sheet data over the polar regions
- Aerosol effects on clouds and precipitation over the eastern China
- An Assessment of Fine Particulate (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) Air Pollution in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- Antecedent Synoptic Environments Conducive to North American Polar/Subtropical Jet Superpositions
- Assessing surface radiative fluxes and developing surface turbulent heat fluxes over Arctic sea ice
- Below-Canopy Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry and Dynamics in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest Canopy during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Campaign.
- Chemical Processing of Organics within Clouds: Pilot Study at Whiteface Mountain in Upstate NY
- Cloud Chemistry in the United States: Problems and Prospects
- Convective Mode and Mesoscale Heavy Rainfall Forecast Challenges during a High-Impact Weather Period along the Gulf Coast and Florida from 17-20 May 2016
- Distant and Regional Atmospheric Circulation Influences Governing Integrated Water Vapor Transport and the Occurrence of Extreme Precipitation Events
- Disturbance Driven Rainfall in O`ahu, Hawai`i (1990-2010)
- Estimation of Melt Ponds over Arctic Sea Ice using MODIS Surface Reflectance Data
- Examining Diurnal Variability across the Equatorial Pacific Basin associated with ENSO
- Examining the eastern Amazon Basin breeze circulations, channeling and boundary layer properties using altitude controlled meteorological balloons
- Fine particles from Independence Day fireworks events: chemical characterization and source apportionment
- Forecasting Malaria in the Western Amazon
- From the Lab to the Model: Using Historical Data to Forecast and Understand Harmful Algal Blooms
- Improving Prediction of Large-scale Regime Transitions
- Integrating Polar-Orbiting Products into the Forecast Routine for Explosive Cyclogenesis and Extratropical Transition
- Intercomparison of Chemical Multiphase Box Models
- Investigating the Sensitivity of Nucleation Parameterization on Ice Growth
- Is Forest Ground and Soil a Net Source or Sink for HONO?
- Land-atmosphere-aerosol coupling in North China during 2000-2013
- Linkages Between the Great Arctic Cyclone of August 2012 and Tropopause Polar Vortices
- NOAA's National Air Quality Prediction and Development of Aerosol and Atmospheric Composition Prediction Components for NGGPS
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Destabilization of Quasigeostrophic Disturbances by Trace Shortwave Radiative Absorbers: Application to Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols
- North Pacific Westerly Jet Influence of the Winter Hawaii Rainfall in the last 21,000 years
- Observation of Nitrogen Chemistry During New Particle Formation Events in Rural Upstate New York
- Observed Ozone Production Efficiencies at Rural New York State Locations from 1997-2016
- Oxidized Nitrogen Balance over 15 Months at Rural and Urban New York State Locations
- Simultaneous retrieval of sea ice thickness and snow depth using concurrent active altimetry and passive L-band remote sensing data
- Stratospheric and Tropospheric Contributions to the Flux of Moist Static Energy Across 70ºN
- Summer precipitation anomalies in Asia and North America induced by northern hemispheric non-monsoon land heating versus ENSO
- The Characteristics of African Easterly Waves Coupled to Saharan Mineral Dust Aerosols
- The transient behavior of whole-canopy fluxes during dynamic light conditions for midlatitude and tropical forests
- Towards Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice - Impacts and Challenges for Adaptation
- Understanding the robustness of Hadley cell response to wide variations in ocean heat transport
- A Fast Radiative Transfer Model for Simulating High-Resolution Oxygen B-band and its application to DSCOVR EPIC observations
- A Predictability Study of a Polar Low Linked to a Tropopause Polar Vortex
- A SWAT-based optimization tool for obtaining cost-effective strategies for agricultural conservation practice implementation at watershed scales
- A methane observation and monitoring network for New York State
- A one stop website for sharing sea ice, ocean and ice sheet data over the Polar Regions
- Assessing the importance of climate variability for predicting West Nile Virus mosquito infection rates and human risk in the Northeast US
- Atmospheric Ammonia over the United States: Comprehensive Model-Observation Comparisons
- Bridging the Weather-to-Climate Prediction Gap: Progress by the NOAA S2S Prediction Task Force
- Challenges for Malaria Early Warning Systems in the Amazon
- Characterizing the lagged effects of temperature and precipitation on malaria risk in the Peruvian Amazon
- Clarifying the role of soil moisture on low-level jet dynamics and the impact of SMAP data assimilation on forecast skill
- Cloud diurnal variation in CMIP5 models
- Contribution of Successive Oxidation Aging of Organic Compounds to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Implications for Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Cumulative Extreme Weather Events and Subsequent High-Impact Flooding in Southern Japan in Early July 2018
- Daytime Global Cloud Variability as Observed by DSCOVR-EPIC
- Diagnosing the Characteristic Interaction between the Polar and Subtropical Jet Streams during North American Jet Superposition Events
- Divergent Hydrological Response to Large-scale Afforestation and Vegetation Greening in China
- Dynamical and thermal mechanisms of wet season convection and freezing level variability in the Peruvian Andes derived from WRF modeling and coupling a decade of surface and satellite observations
- Emerging Airborne Observational Strategies for Improved Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Prediction
- Ertel Potential Vorticity Charging in the Tropical Atmosphere
- Is Sea Surface a Source or a Sink for Atmospheric HONO?
- Linkages Between Tropopause Polar Vortices and the Great Arctic Cyclone of August 2012
- Mechanisms for the State Dependency of the Forest-Tundra-Short Wave Feedback: Comparing the Mid-Pliocene and Pre-Industrial Eras
- Mobile Laboratory Measurements of Ozone, NO<SUB>2</SUB>, and Submicron PM During the 2018 LISTOS Field Intensive
- Organic aerosol nucleation, climate and land use change: Decrease in radiative forcing
- Ozone Sonde Measurements from Flax Pond, Long IslandDuring the 2018 LISTOS Field Intensive
- Physical Mechanisms of Tropical Cyclone Intensification in Environments with Temporally Varying Vertical Wind Shear
- Physics-Based Analysis of Cloud Information Content in EPIC/DSCOVR's O<SUB>2</SUB> A- and B-Band Channels
- Precipitation Characteristics in the Community Atmosphere Model and Their Dependence on Model Resolution
- Process-Based Evaluation of Stochastic Perturbed Parameterization Tendencies on Convective-Resolving Ensemble Forecasts of Heavy Rainfall Events in New York and Taiwan
- Retrieval of Snow Depth over Arctic Sea Ice using a Deep Neural Network Approach
- S2S Prediction and Sources of S2S Forecast Skill: A Focus on Stratospheric Pathways
- Seasonal variations and long-term trend of dust particle number concentration over the Northeastern US
- Shift of daily rainfall peaks over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: An indication of pollutant effects?
- Sources, Sinks and Processing of Newly Formed Particles in the Remote Free Troposphere: Comparing In Situ-Measurements from the Nasa Atmospheric Tomography Mission with Chemistry Climate Models
- South American Altiplano hydroclimate response to volcanic eruptions over the past 700 years; a first approach using a tree-ring reconstruction
- Springtime cloud radiative characteristics and associated circulations over southeastern China
- Structural Changes in the African Easterly Jet and its Role in Mediating the Effects of Saharan Dust on the Linear Dynamics of African Easterly Waves
- The Contributions of Tropopause Polar Vortices and Remnant Tropical Moisture from Tropical Storm Alberto to the Development of Two Intense Arctic Cyclones in June 2018
- The Efficiency of the Hadley Cell Response to Wide Variations in Ocean Heat Transport
- The changes of particle mass, size, surface area, and number concentration over the Mid Atlantic States due to anthropogenic emission cuts from 2000 to 2017
- The environmental Sky Imager-Radiometer (eSIR) and its application in Atmospheric Observation
- The precipitation over the equatorial and south tropical Andes and its relationship with atmospheric mechanisms associated with the eastern Pacific and western Amazon variability.
- VOC Characteristics and Sources in Diverse Cities of Asia: Hong Kong, Seoul, Mecca and Lahore
- A Framework for Land Acquisition Strategy of Best Management Practices for Hydrology and Water Quality with a Rainfall-Runoff Model: Case Study in Michigan City, Indiana
- A New Method to Homogenize Atmospheric Radiosonde Daily Temperature Data
- A high resolution UV spectroradiometer and its application in solar radiation measurement
- A new coupled modeling system developed for Arctic sea ice and climate prediction
- An Assessment of the National Water Model's Ability to Reproduce Drought Series in New York State
- An investigation into daytime HONO chemistry in the marine boundary layer at Tudor Hill Marine Atmospheric Observatory in Bermuda
- Anchoring of atmospheric teleconnection patterns by sea ice loss in the Arctic and its link to winter cooling in Central-East Asia
- Atmospheric Thermodynamic Changes Under Global Warming
- Changing Climate, Changing Data: Exposing Climate Data to New Users Through's Resilience Community
- Contributions of Internal Variability and External Forcing to the Recent Decadal Variations in Atlantic and Pacific SSTs
- Deposition of Sulfur Dioxide to the Coastal Sea Surface: Air-side control of Air-Sea Gas Exchange
- Diagnosing Factors Influencing the Forecast Skill of Two Intense Arctic Cyclones in Early June 2018
- Disease Forecast Model Intercomparison Project: A Case Study with West Nile Virus in New York and Connecticut
- Diurnal Effects of Regional Soil Moisture Anomalies on the Great Plains Low-Level jet
- Dynamical downscaling of near-term internal climate variability and change for the main Hawaiian Islands using WRF ensemble simulations
- Effects of spatial patterns of ocean heat uptake on the inter-model spread of the Transient Climate Response
- Embracing Uncertainty in Downscaled Climate Projections: Providing Guidance to Stakeholders in Hawaii
- Evaluating the effectiveness of low impact development practices in reducing urban stormwater runoff quantity using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool
- Evaluating the skill of GPM-IMERG satellite precipitation estimation over the mountains of central Chile
- Examining the Forecast Skill of the Synoptic-Scale Flow Associated with Arctic Cyclones
- High-Impact Weather Events over Hawaii and southwestern United States in February 2019 Due to Complex Large-Scale Flow Interactions over the North Pacific
- High-Resolution Dynamic Downscaling of CMIP5 Model Data to Assess the Effects of Climate Change on Renewable Energy Distribution in New York State
- Hydroclimatic Response to Volcanic Eruptions over the Last Millennium might be muted in the LME CESM
- Hydroclimatic variability in central Chile since the 13<SUP>th</SUP> century
- Impacts of Wildfire Activity over Western United States under Changing Climate
- Initial Performance Assessment and Science Highlights of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS Radio Occultation Data
- Intercomparison of Proxy Data and Model Simulations as Key to Understanding Internal Variability of the South American Monsoon System.
- Inverse Modeling Constraints on Sources of NH3 using CrIS Remote Sensing Measurements
- Investigation of the levels, composition and reactivity of OVOCs in the marine boundary layer of Bermuda
- Large-Scale Midlatitude-Polar Flow Interactions Leading to Rapid Surface Ice Melt over Greenland and Sea Ice Volume Loss over the Arctic Ocean in June 2019
- Linking Radial Growth Phenology to Reflection Indexes in Coniferous Species.
- Long-term Changes in December-February Precipitation over the Southern Tropical Andes and Its Connection with Western Amazon Convection
- Measurements of nitric acid and particulate nitrate in the Marine Boundary Layer in Bermuda
- Modeling approaches and experimental methods to study green infrastructure practices: A review
- Multiple Equilibria in a Fully Coupled Carbon-Climate Model
- Need for Mountain Observatories for Composition of the Atmosphere (MOCA) Network in U.S.
- Objective Classification of Upper-Level Coupling to the Great Plains Low-Level Jet
- Observations of New Particle Formation in the Remote Atmosphere from NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Ocean heat transport makes the world warmer: coupled cloud-convection-circulation response of an aquaplanet to idealized surface forcing
- On the Importance of Surface-Enhanced Re-noxification as an Oxides of Nitrogen Source in Rural and Urban New York State: Potential Implications for Photochemical Ozone Production
- Ozonesonde Measurements from North Shore Long Island Region During Summer 2018-2019 LISTOS Field Campaign
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> trends in China, 2013-2017: contributions from different components and emissions
- Recent CFC-11 Enhancements in China, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea
- SMAP's added value to Great Plains low-level jet forecasts explained through local-to-mesoscale land-atmosphere interactions
- Saharan Dust Transport during the Incipient Growth Phase of African Easterly Waves
- Short-Term Solar Irradiance Forecasts Using Sky Images and Radiative Transfer Model
- Sinuosity as a Metric for Quantifying Tropospheric Polar Vortex Modification Associated with Arctic Cyclones
- Stratospheric and Tropospheric contributions to the Poleward Energy Flux across 70ºN
- Switching skies: sensitivity of temperate and tropical forests to altered cloudiness
- Teleconnections Governing the Interannual Variability of Great Plains Low-Level Jets in May
- Temperature-Dependence of Water Vapor Near-UV Absorption in the 290-350 nm Region
- The Downstream Impacts of West Coast Ridge Regimes over Northern and Central America
- The GRUAN Task Team on GNSS Precipitable Water (GNSS-PW)
- The Impacts of the Multi-decadal Pacific-Atlantic Interactions on South American Temperature and Precipitation
- The Structure and Evolution of Persistent Ridge Regimes across Western North America during the Transition Seasons
- The fast response of South America Summer Monsoon to ice-rafted detritus deposition in the western subtropical North Atlantic
- The significance of the nontraditional Coriolis terms in tropical large-scale dynamics
- Toward a Malaria Early Warning System for the Western Amazon
- Why Should Water Vapor Near-UV Absorption Be Included in the Modeling of Atmospheric Radiation?
- A Case Study of Heavy Rainfall Associated with Weak Subtropical Disturbances in the Gulf of Mexico
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Impacts of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Stratospheric Variability on Tropopause Polar Vortices
- Achieving >90% Sensitivity in Forecasting Malaria Risk 12 Weeks in Advance in the Amazon
- Anatomy of the MJO in Upper Tropospheric Circulation
- Application of Ensemble-based Sensitivity in Operational Observation Collection During Extreme Weather Events
- Attributing Radiative Feedback Evolution to Regional Ocean Heat Uptake
- Comparing ensemble- and time-averaged Reynolds flux composites at different scales to capture ecosystem sensitivity to light change.
- Comparison of trends in the Hadley circulation between CMIP6 and CMIP5
- Composite Analyses of Low-Skill Arctic Cyclones during Summer
- Composite Analysis of the Processes that Govern the Structure and Evolution of Persistent North Pacific Wintertime Ridge Regimes
- Constructing a Synoptic Climatology of Greenland Surface Ice-Melt Events using Self-Organizing Maps
- Controlling particulate nitrate pollution in China
- Cost-effective conservation practice implementation strategies in an agricultural watershed
- Desert Amplification and Its Diurnal Asymmetry
- Diagnosing High Sinuosity Regimes Associated with Greenland Ice-Melt Events
- Dynamical Drivers of South American Monsoon Variability over the Last Millennium
- Dynamical downscaling of near-term internal climate variability and change for the main Hawaiian Islands using WRF ensemble simulations
- Effects of Spatial Patterns of Ocean Heat Uptake on the CMIP5 inter-model spread of the Transient Climate Response
- Estimate of PM2.5 concentration in New York State during fire seasons of 2016 - 2019 using machine learning
- Exploring model representation of aerosol pollution over India using airborne observations, surface measurements and remote sensing
- Impact of mineral dust on summertime precipitation over the Taiwan region
- Improving Parameterizations of Snow in the National Water Model with Observations from the New York State Mesonet, to Better Simulate Snow and Streamflow in the Northeastern United States
- Investigation of the Low Short-Range Predictability Associated with the 3 May 2020 Derecho Using a Convection-Allowing MPAS Ensemble
- Large-Scale Flow Patterns Conducive to Central American Extreme Precipitation Events during Autumn
- Linked Extreme Weather Events over the Western United States during February 2019 Resulting from North Pacific Rossby Wave Breaking
- Lyme Disease Modeling and Risk Factors: Comparing microclimate measurements to New York State Mesonet observations
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Physical Impacts of Stochastic Perturbed Parameterizations on Microphysical Processes in an Adaptive Habit Model Ensemble: A Case Study of Heavy Rainfall in New York State
- Process-Based Evaluation of Stochastic Perturbed Parameterization Tendencies on Convective-Permitting Ensemble Forecasts of the 1-2 June 2017 Mei-Yu Rainfall Event over Northern Taiwan
- Rainwater harvesting with rain barrels and cisterns for sustainable urban stormwater management
- Statistical Downscaling: Predictor Selection and Model Evaluation for Future Rainfall Projection in Hawai'i
- Stratospheric-Tropospheric Coupling and Extreme Cold: A case study of the January 1985 Cold Air Outbreak over the United States
- The Circumglobal Teleconnection's Role in Modulating the Interannual Variability of May Great Plains Low-Level Jets
- The Compressional Beta-Effect: Analytical Solution, Numerical Benchmark, and Data Analysis
- The Effects of Climate Change on Renewable Energy Distribution: Using High-Resolution Dynamic Downscaling of Multiple Global Climate Models to Inform Energy Policy in the State of New York
- The Potential for Future Climate Change to Affect West Nile Virus in New York State
- The impact of NASA SMAP soil moisture data assimilation on Great Plains low-level jet wind forecasts
- Use of machine learning to reduce uncertainty in anthropogenic radiative forcing associated with aerosol-cloud interactions
- Using machine learning to derive cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations from commonly available measurements
- Vertical attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation in closed forest canopies: average trends, patterns of variation and model implications
- A Lake Sediment Record of Holocene Climate Variations in South Asia.
- An exploration of kinematic wind fields derived from Doppler velocity retrievals from airborne conically scanning radar observations of snowbands during IMPACTS 2020
- Analyses of Snow Depth and Mass Budget over Arctic Sea Ice in CMIP6 Models
- Arctic Climate Feedbacks and their role in Arctic Amplification in ERA5 and CESM1
- Barents Sea ice subseasonal variation forced by circumpolar intraseasonal atmospheric wave during the melting season
- Carbon Cycle or Ice Albedo: A Tug-of-War That Leads to Multiple Equilibria
- Characteristics and Origins of Frontal Convection During IMPACTS on 25 January 2020
- Disentangling Climate and Human Influences on Lakes in Yunnan, China Using a Multi-Proxy Approach
- Drivers of heat and freshwater transport from the Pacific to Indian Ocean using proxy-model synthesis
- Dynamics and Evolution of the Longest-Lasting Persistent Ridge Regime over Western North America
- Educational Efforts of NCAR Earth System Data Science Initiative: Making the Python Scientific Ecosystem More Accessible to GeoScientists
- Elevation-Dependent Feedbacks Influence Future Climate Change in the Tropical Andes
- Enhanced Climate Changes in Mountain Regions: High Elevation Trends in Temperature and Precipitation and Their Comparison with Lowlands
- Evaluating monthly and daily gridded station-based precipitation datasets; challenges and recommendations.
- Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of nutrient management strategies in an agricultural watershed
- High-Latitude Anticyclonic Rossby Wave Breaking and Record Heat over Parts of Northern Europe, Arctic Russia, and Northwestern Russia during Late June 2021
- Identifying Sources of Large-Scale Variability Linked to Forecasted Track Errors of Tropical Cyclone Sergio (2018)
- Impacts of long-range transported mineral dust on summertime convective cloud and precipitation: a case study over the Taiwan region
- Improving Long-Range Drought Forecasts with Soil Moisture Data Assimilation and Dynamic Downscaling: The 2016 Northeastern U.S. Drought
- Intercomparison of Box Models Simulating Cloud Chemistry
- Investigating 13C values in stalagmites from tropical South America for the last two millennia
- Investigation of hydroclimate shifts around 1000 CE in the high Peruvian Andes
- Is LHS 3844b 1:1 tidally locked? Constraints from thermal phase curve modeling.
- Lake Records of Hydroclimate Variability in the Southeastern United States from the Middle Holocene to Present-Day
- Mapping surface soil moisture at 30-m resolution and assessing its spatial variability across the United States using SMAP-HydroBlocks
- Microphysical features of typhoon and non-typhoon rainfall observed in Taiwan, an island in the northwestern Pacific
- Moisture Budget Analysis for the Hawaiian Islands Region Using Dynamically Downscaled WRF Simulations
- Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy Characteristics as Determined by the New York State Mesonet Profiler Network and Offshore Buoy-based Lidar.
- Oxygen stable isotopes in tree rings reveal 300 years of precipitation variability in the South American Altiplano
- Pangeo and Project Pythia: Helping Geoscientists Navigate the Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Precipitation Sensitivity of High-altitude Polylepis pepei in Northern Bolivia
- Project Pythia: A Resource to Help Geoscientists Navigate the Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Radiocarbon and wood anatomy as key novel tools to generate an annual tree-ring chronology from Prosopis alba in the tropical Bolivian Andes.
- Resolved Convection Improves the Representation of Equatorial Waves and Tropical Rainfall Variability in a Global Nonhydrostatic Model
- Rising Planetary Boundary Layer Height over the Sahara Desert and Arabian Peninsula in a Warming Climate
- South American Monsoon Variability Over the Last Millennium Captured by Oxygen Isotope Paleorecords and Isotope-enabled Models
- South American hydroclimatic response to large volcanic events over the last 600 years. A data-model intercomparison
- The Contributions of Dynamical and Diabatic Processes Preceding and Accompanying the Late JulyEarly August 2019 Major Greenland Ice-Melt Event
- The Last Deglaciation in South America, Past Climate and Environmental Changes as Recorded in Cave Archives
- The importance of speciated observational constraints for improving aerosol pollution attribution over India
- The joint impacts of Atlantic and Pacific multidecadal variability on South American precipitation and temperature
- Unique interactions between viral genotype and mosquito population determine regional variability in the effect of increased temperature on vectorial capacity of Cx. pipiens for West Nile virus
- Using Temperature-trait Mosquito Models to Predict Changes in West Nile Virus Risk in New York and Connecticut Under Future Climate Change
- Variations in Rain Shadow Precipitation Patterns over the South-Central Andes
- Vertical Profiles of Ozone Concentrations in the Lower Troposphere Downwind of New York City during LISTOS 2018 and 2019
- 17O-excess in tropical cyclones is controlled by integrated local and remote evaporative conditions
- A 1,800-year Air Temperature Record from the Tropical Andean Highlands based on Branched GDGTs from Lake Chacacocha, Peru
- A coordinated enhanced network strategy proposal to monitor North America's major agricultural systems, prove NASA's satellite products, and improve hydrologic prediction
- An Observational and Modeling Strategy in Support of a Regional Hydroclimate Project "Digital Twin" of the United States
- Analysis of the Predictability of Warm-Season Derechos Using a Convection-Allowing MPAS Ensemble
- Climate Impacts on the Radial Growth of Tree Species in the Bolivian Amazon
- Climatic Influences on Lombok Strait Precipitation over the Past Two Centuries from Coral Ba/Ca
- Coarse particulate matter air quality in East Asia: implications for fine particulate nitrate
- Composite Analyses of Amplified Northern Hemisphere Persistent Flow Regimes
- Estimating Drought Series and Events using WRF-Hydro
- Estimating Methane Fluxes from Large Point Sources in New York State: A Methodological Intercomparison
- Evaporative Water Loss of 1.42 Million Global Lakes
- Foreign anthropogenic emissions exacerbate PM2.5 pollutions in the eastern China through nitrate chemistry
- Greenhouse gas emissions from the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field and comparison to previous reported emissions
- Human influence on global surface water observed by satellites
- Idealized Model Simulations of Arctic Cyclones and their Interactions with Sea Ice and Tropospheric Polar Vortices
- Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Black Carbon and Carbon Monoxide Emissions in the New York City Metropolitan Area
- Integrating Unique Observations and Models to Improve Offshore Wind Resource Assessment and Energy Production Forecasts
- Internal and External Drivers of South American Summer Monsoon Variability During the Current Warm Period.
- Intraseasonal Hydroclimate Variability in the Yucatán Peninsula During the Historical and Maya Terminal Classic Periods: A Proxy Record of Paleo-MJO
- Investigating Impacts of Local Circulation on Coastal Ozone Problem in the New York Metropolitan Area
- Investigating the Accuracy of Global Climate Models in Calculating Freezing Level Height in the Tropical Andes
- Investigation on the impacts of transported smoke on air quality over NYS using WRF-Chem
- Linkages between North Pacific Jet Variability and Rainfall Disturbances in Hawai'i using K-means Clustering
- Mean State AMOC Affects AMOC Weakening through Subsurface Warming in the Labrador Sea
- Multiple Equilibria in a Coupled Climate-Carbon Model
- New York Loved Heavy Metal in the 1980s: Unyoking Impacts of Collective Human Stressors on Regime Shifts in Trophic States of Lacustrine Systems
- New insights in quantitative wood anatomy and radiocarbon dating as complementary methodologies to study tree species from the Central tropical Andes.
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- Project Pythia: Transforming Software Engineering Education for GeoScience
- Sources and sinks of HONO in a rural forest environment
- Successes And Vision For Open Earth Sciences
- Suitability of the QG Omega Approximation of Large-Scale Vertical Motion in Different Regions and Weather Regimes
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- The efficiency of poleward heat transport and its role in polar amplification
- Towards an end-to-end data assimilation system for atmospheric composition with the JEDI framework.
- Two millennia of tropical rain belt expansion and contraction driven by Pacific decadal variability
- Understanding Glacial Patterns Within Lake Sediments of The Peruvian Andes
- Understanding the impacts of nutrient management on agroecosystem sustainability
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adriana Bailey
- Aiguo Dai
- Ali Nazemi
- Amy Frappier
- Anderson Banihirwe
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andrew N. French
- Annmarie G. Carlton
- Armin Sorooshian
- Arne Biastoch
- Aronne Merrelli
- Aubrey L. Hillman
- B. Ervens
- B. L. Konecky
- Brian A. Colle
- Brian E. J. Rose
- Carla Maldonado
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Claus W. Böning
- Colette L. Heald
- Craig R. Ferguson
- Damien Irving
- Daniel Rothenberg
- David D. Turner
- David P. Gillikin
- Deep Shah
- Delia W Oppo
- Eric F. Wood
- Falko Judt
- Fangqun Yu
- Feng He
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Francina Domínguez
- Gab Abramowitz
- Gan Luo
- Gang Zhao
- George H. Allen
- Gerald M. Heymsfield
- Guillaume Gronoff
- Hai Cheng
- Hartmut Herrmann
- Hong Liao
- Hugh Coe
- Huilin Gao
- Hylke E. Beck
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jacob Pate Warner
- Jamiu Adetayo Adeniran
- Janet Sprintall
- Jason E. Smerdon
- Jesse Nusbaumer
- Jing Li
- Jiwen Fan
- Jun Hu
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- Justin R. Minder
- Justin Sheffield
- K. W. Bowman
- Kazuyuki Miyazaki
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kristian D. Hajny
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Laura Hyesung Yang
- Laura Torres‐Rojas
- Lee T. Murray
- Liming Zhou
- M. C. Barth
- Maryam Abdi‐Oskouei
- Mathias Vuille
- Matthew C. Long
- Matthew T. Jenkins
- Maxim H. Couillard
- Maxwell Grover
- Ming Pan
- Mukund Palat Rao
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nathan J. Steiger
- Nathaniel W. Chaney
- Nick Pepin
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- Noemi Vergopolan
- O. Elison Timm
- Oscar Chimborazo
- P. B. Shepson
- P. S. Stevens
- P.J. van Oevelen
- Paul A. Dirmeyer
- Pay Liam Lin
- Peter K. Peterson
- Plinio Jaqueto
- R. Commane
- Rajesh Kumar
- Rebecca Orrison
- Renyu Hu
- Seong‐Joong Kim
- Shaoneng He
- Sidhant J. Pai
- Stephen R. Guimond
- Stephen R. Kane
- Sujata A. Murty
- Sujay V. Kumar
- T. M. Shanahan
- T. N. Knepp
- Thomas W. Giambelluca
- V. Faye McNeill
- Valdir F. Novello
- Valérie Daux
- Vernon R. Morris
- Victoria McDonald
- Volker Wulfmeyer
- W. R. Simpson
- Wade T. Crow
- Xiangfeng Wang
- Xin Qi
- Xinrong Ren
- Yanda Zhang
- Yao Li