Flinders University, Australia
flowchart I[Flinders University, Australia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (93)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (18)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Hawaiian Hot-Spot Swell Structure from Seafloor MT Sounding
- Preliminary Marine MT Results from the Anisotropy and Physics of the Pacific Lithosphere Experiment (APPLE)
- Interaction of turbulence, ice crystals, and water vapour in cirrus clouds
- The Impact of Land Use Change in Southwestern Australia: The Australian Bunny Fence Experiment (BuFEx-05)
- Topography-induced changes in ecosystem structure and its implications for response of terrestrial ecosystem to future climate variability and change
- Evaporation-induced free convection beneath wind-tidal flats
- Free convective controls on sequestration of salts into low-permeability strata: Insights from sand tank laboratory experiments and numerical modelling
- Geophysical Imaging of Natural Free Convection in a Sabkha Aquifer near Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Joint ARM/GCSS/SPARC TWP-ICE CRM Intercomparison Study: Description, Preliminary Results, and Invitation to Participate
- Electrical resistivity structure in the mantle across the Mariana subduction system
- Physically-based modeling of water exchange between surface water and groundwater : Conceptual and applied simulations (Invited)
- Analysis of carbon and nitrogen turnover in riparian soils undergoing restoration
- Developing a new model for the Great Artesian Basin of Australia: hydrologic mixing, multi-scale flow systems, fault-partitioned sub-basins, and mantle influences on groundwater quality, superimposed on regional flow systems
- Geochemical evidence for groundwater mixing in the western Great Artesian Basin and recognition of deep inputs in continental-scale flow systems
- Ocean acidification impact on copepod swimming and mating behavior: consequences for population dynamics
- SPECIAL - The Savanna Patterns of Energy and Carbon Integrated Across the Landscape campaign
- Temperature and velocity structure functions in the upper troposhere and lower stratosphere from aircraft measurements (Invited)
- U-series dates on travertine deposits in the Great Artesian Basin as paleohydrogeology and neotectonic indicators
- A Hydrogeophysical Conceptual Model of Mount Toondina Impact Crater, South Australia
- Catchment scale modelling of changes in pesticide leaching under present and future climate conditions. Demonstrated for two cases in Denmark
- Hydrogeophysical Evidence for Groundwater Mixing At Freeling Spring Group, South Australia
- An evaluation of the impacts of land surface overtopping under sea-level rise
- Groundwater Age Distribution in Coastal Aquifers
- On the interpretation of coastal aquifer water level trends and water balances: A precautionary note
- Untangling the eco-hydro-geomorphic knot: Insights from an experiment seeking to explain patterns, processes, and feedbacks at the catchment scale
- A Moisture-limited ET Upper Bound and Its Application in an Evaporation Pan Based Complementary-relationship Model for ET Estimation
- A system for field gas-extraction of <SUP>85</SUP>Kr, <SUP>39</SUP>Ar and <SUP>81</SUP>Kr using SuperPhobic membrane contactors
- Application of wavelet-based multiple linear regression model to rainfall forecasting in Australia
- Assessing seawater intrusion overshoot using physical and numerical modelling
- Capturing medium scale heterogeneity in surface water-groundwater interactions: challenges and advantages of high resolution temperature data
- Flow partitioning in regional groundwater flow systems as a function of recharge and topography
- Groundwater age structure and palaeo hydrogeology over a 500 kyr time scale revealed from Krypton 81and a multiple tracer study: Great Artesian Basin
- Is the Dupuit assumption suitable for seepage area prediction?
- Optimization of canopy conductance models from concurrent measurements of sap flow and stem water potential on Drooping Sheoak in South Australia
- Quantifying evaporation and transpiration fluxes of an Eucalyptus woodland in complex terrain with varying tree cover using the Maximum Entropy Production model of evapotranspiration
- The predictive consequences of parameterization
- Unsaturated zone 14CO2: implications for groundwater dating
- What can environmental tracer concentrations tell us about groundwater residence time?
- Ecohydrology: no future without a past
- Hydraulic characteristics of fault zones and their impact on groundwater flow
- Influences on water quality in a groundwater dependent wetland system
- Multi-tracer characterisation of saline groundwater bodies in coastal areas and implications for paleo-hydrology
- Seawater intrusion vulnerability indicators for freshwater lenses in strip islands
- Where does the water table outcrop? Analysis of controlling factors across scales
- Calibration and Validation of the Precision Nitrogen Management Tool for Artificially Drained Fields Under Maize
- How Direct Flux Measurements Can Improve Infiltration Estimates in Ephemeral Streams
- Maximum Entropy Production Modeling of Evapotranspiration Partitioning on Heterogeneous Terrain and Canopy Cover: advantages and limitations.
- Significance of the Coastal Shelf Shape on the Saline Intrusion
- Transient forcing effects on mixing in stable variable-density systems
- A new classification of transient seawater intrusion
- Fate of polar organic trace compounds infiltrating into an alluvial aquifer from an urban lowland river
- Field parameterization to determine trigger mechanisms of streamflow generation in an ephemeral-intermittent system, South Australia
- Groundwater residence time and aquifer recharge in mutilayered, semi-confined and faulted aquifer systems using environmental tracers
- Linking Domain-Specific Models to Describe the Complex Dynamics and Management Options of a Saline Floodplain
- Mountain-Front or Mountain-Block Recharge? Unravelling the Origin of Water in Basin Aquifers
- On the coupled effect of topography, vegetation cover, and soil properties on the partition of water and energy fluxes of seasonally water-stressed ecosystems
- Terestrial Freshwater Lenses: Unexplored subterranean oases
- The influence of climate, topography and land-use on the hydrology of ephemeral upland catchments
- Uncertainty of Coupled Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Modelling Methods for Estimating Groundwater Recharge
- Where did all the water go? Surface water-groundwater interactions during a historic flow in the Lower Colorado River.
- Worth of Hydraulic Head, Chloride, Electrical Conductivity and Carbon-14 Data for Groundwater Model Calibration - Insights from a Regional-Scale Example
- Characteristics and Causal Factors of Hysteresis in the Hydrodynamics of a Large Floodplain System: Poyang Lake (China)
- Climate reconstruction from borehole temperatures influenced by groundwater flow
- Complex Regressive (prograded) Barriers and Their Records of Environmental Changes during Middle and Late Holocene in Southern Brazil
- Foredune morphodynamics and seasonal sediment budget patterns at Humboldt Bay, Arcata, California.
- The impact of hydrologic segmentation on the Critical Zone water fluxes of headwater catchments
- The long oasis: understanding and managing saline floodplains in southeastern Australia
- A Synthesis on the Dynamics of Water and Energy Partitioning of Seasonally Dry Forests
- Assessment of Irrigation Efficiencies of an Agricultural Valley With an Overexploited Aquifer Using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data
- Blowout development and expansion and the implications for coastal bio-geomorphic change
- Foredune dynamics after vegetation disturbance and re-establishment: Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
- Understanding the drivers and timing of streamflow for temporary streams
- Effects of a Shifting Demographic on the Water Energy Food Nexus in a Water-poor, Energy-rich City
- High-resolution seismic reflection in Lake Altaussee (Salzkammergut, Austrian Alps): Preliminary results and implication for paleoenvironmental reconstructions
- Potential of Electron-Driven Emissions from Hydroxyl to Facilitate Investigation of Oxygen Input by Cosmic Dust to Jupiter
- Short and long-term water impacts from unconventional gas development: what are the odds?
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- A seven-year lead drought precursor for South Australia
- Active Distributed Temperature Sensing and Electrical Resistivity Surveys to Assess Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction and River Loss in Braided River Systems
- Application of a New TEM Technique to Assist in Evaluation of Changes in Soil Condition to Support Management of Environmental Water to Floodplains in a Heavily Regulated River System
- Can large-scale models accurately represent pumping impact on streams?
- Dynamics of Plant Water Use and Water Movement in Shallow Desert Soils of a Piedmont Site; Insights From an Integrated Hydro-Geophysics-Geochemical Approach of a Highly Dynamic Shallow Dryland Critical Zone.
- Exploring Controls by Pedogenic Carbonates as a Critical Interface on Water, Carbon and Nutrient Interactions in Drylands: Initial Insights from the Dryland Critical Zone Network Cluster
- Modeling quasi-three-dimension distribution of solar irradiance on complex terrain
- Nature has played on a continental scale water-storage seesaw for five decades in Australia
- Observations of Coastal Aeolian Sediment Transport in an Active Surface Layer using Tracers
- A pumping-test analog for characterizing integrated root-zone and plant hydraulic systems based on above-ground measurements
- Clumped Isotope Analysis of Central Australian Carbonates: A Potential Palaeoclimate Proxy for Australia's Arid Interior
- Effect of Extreme Drought and Deforestation on Changing Hydrologic Responses to Climatic Variability of Amazonian Forests.
- Root-zone "Periscope" and its applications for investigating plant-soil water relations and transpiration modelling
- Spatiotemporal monitoring of groundwater resources in Loxton and Waikerie aquifers in South Australia using InSAR deformation and groundwater level measurements