Aberystwyth University, Institute of Mathematics and Physics
flowchart I[Aberystwyth University, Institute of Mathematics and Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (36)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Damping of fast and ion cyclotron oblique waves in the multi-ion fast solar wind
- Observational Associations Between the Solar Corona and Solar Interior
- The morphology of the dayside ionospheric trough and the nightside stagnation region: a coupled study
- Transonic Heating Effects in the Auroral Thermosphere
- Interplanetary Propagation Of Coronal Mass Ejections: Results From Interplanetary Scintillation Observations Using EISCAT
- Interplanetary Scintillation Observations of the Large-Scale Structure of the Solar Wind Using EISCAT
- The Role of Heat Flux in Governing the Thermal Behavior of Alpha Particles in the Fast Solar Wind
- Off-radial flow of the solar wind from EISCAT and MERLIN IPS observations
- A 3D view of coronal mass ejections in interplanetary space
- IPS observations of the inner-heliosphere and their comparison with multi-point in-situ measurements
- In situ diffraction studies of magnesium silicate liquids and glasses under extremes of temperature and pressure.
- Non-resonant heating of ions by Alfven waves with a spectrum
- Intrinsic Instability of Coronal Streamers
- The Effect Of Fast And Slow Solar Wind On The Venusian Upper Atmosphere.
- A Heliospheric Imager for Deep Space: Lessons Learned from Helios, SMEI, and STEREO
- Imaging Coronal Mass Ejections and Large-Scale Solar Wind Structure Using IPS and Thomson-Scattered Sunlight (Invited)
- Remote-Sensing Studies of Heliospheric Solar-Wind Structure Around Two Solar Minima
- Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3-D Reconstructions of CMEs, CIRs and Interplanetary Shocks, and Comparison with In-situ Data
- Streamer Waves and Associated Coronal Seismological Study
- The 2009 Heliosphere Campaign: MESSENGER Data Analysis and Preliminary Results
- Variability in the slow solar wind at solar minimum
- Current and Planned Solar Wind Observations Using the EISCAT and LOFAR Radio-Telescope Systems
- Imaging Coronal Mass Ejections and Large-Scale Solar Wind Structure Using Thomson-Scattering Measurements from SMEI
- Modeling the multi-component solar wind from the surface of the Sun out to several astronomical units
- New Elemental Maps of the Nearside Lunar Highlands
- SMEI and IPS 3-D CME Reconstructions, and What They Indicate of Heliospheric Solar Wind Acceleration
- Transient Structure in the Slow Solar Wind
- UCSD Time-Dependent Tomographic Forecasting with Interplanetary Scintillation and White-Light Observations
- Flow of an aqueous foam through a two-dimensional porous medium: a pore scale investigation
- Highlights in Remote-Sensing Observations of the Inner Heliosphere During 2011 and 2012 Focussing on the EISCAT and LOFAR Radio-Telescope Systems
- Multi-Technique Remote-Sensing Observations and Modelling of a Coronal Mass Ejection
- The Ability of Radio Heliospheric Remote Sensing Observations to Provide Global Solar Wind Parameters
- The Role of Prominences in the Dynamics of the Solar Corona
- New insights into the complexity of the source regions of the solar wind (Invited)
- The flow of an aqueous foam through a two-dimensional porous medium
- An Introduction to Photospheric Flare Line Diagnostics