Army Corps of Engineers
flowchart I[Army Corps of Engineers] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (543)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (53)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ground-Motion Recordings from the June 18, 2002, Darmstadt, Indiana, Earthquake
- NASA MODIS Products For Military Land Monitoring and Management
- Permafrost in the Fox Permafrost Tunnel
- SH-Wave Seismic-Reflection Evidence for a Tectonic Origin of Anomalous Stress in Near-Surface Unlithified Sediment, Midcontinent, United States
- The NASA Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX)
- Field Test Results of the CHARTS Airborne Coastal Mapping and Charting System
- Integrated Modeling of Infiltration, Evapotranspiration, Recharge, Subsurface Flow, Surface Runoff, and River Flow with First Principle, Physics-based Approaches
- Are There Poincare Waves in The Chesapeake Bay?
- Coupled Simulation of Wetland Hydrology, Nutrient and Vegetation Dynamics
- Is wetland mitigation successful in Southern California?
- Fetch-Trapping in Hurricane Isabel
- MHD Intermediate Wave Magnetosheath as Affected by Solar Wind MHD Disturbances and Magnetospheric Reconnection
- Morphological Implications of Oceanographic Measurements Acquired along a Mega-Transect at the Mouth of the Columbia River, USA
- Wave System Analysis of WAVEWATCH III Model Performance
- Wave-Current Interaction and its Effect on Sand Transport at the Mouth of a Dynamic Estuary: Mouth of the Columbia River, OR
- A Model Study of the Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Turbidity Maximum
- Distributed Hydrologic Models: Can we reduce complexity and simulate multiple processes in a watershed?
- Little or no Thermal Weakening Under the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Long-Term Measurements of Drag Coefficients and Waves in High Winds
- Meeting Temperature TMDL's Through the Development of an Ecosystem Marketplace Using a Systems Dynamics Approach
- New, Consistent Sediment Transport Formulas for Coastal Inlets and Nearshore
- Sediment Transport and Water Quality Model of Cedar Lake, Indiana
- Two-Stage Agricultural Ditch - Hydraulic and Sediment Impacts (Sebewaing River Basin, Michigan)
- A Method for Computing Infiltration and Redistribution in a Discretized Moisture Content Domain
- Coastal Morphodynamic Response of a Shallow Sediment Mound Forced by Strong Tidal Currents and Large Waves
- Corps Water Management System (CWMS) Decision Support Modeling and Integration Use in the June 2007 Texas Floods
- Determining littoral sediment transport paths adjacent to an eroding carbonate beach through net sediment grain-size trend analysis: Lanikai Beach, Hawaii.
- High-resolution (spatial and temporal) Hydrodynamic Modeling in the Lower Mississippi River Delta
- Hubbard Glacier Update: Another Closure of Russell Fjord in the Making?
- Identifying Subtidal Coastal Environments Using Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB)
- Near Realtime Monitoring of Tidewater Glacier Advance and Retreat: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- PEST Compatible Software for More Efficient Levenburg-Marquardt Method Based Model Calibration: HEC-HMS / Watershed Model Applications for Demonstration
- A New Approximate Solution to the General Infiltration Problem for Layered Soils
- An Observed Regime Shift in SE Michigan Bankfull (Q1.5) Streamflow Records
- An efficient, advanced regularized inversion method for highly parameterized environmental models
- Correlation of Arsenic and Other Metals in Natural and Anthropogenic Environments in Massachusetts, USA
- Education Outreach in Village Schools during the SnowSTAR 2007 Alaska-Canada Barrenlands Traverse.
- Extraction of Coastal Wavefield Properties from X-Band Radar
- Geologic Influence on Different Time and Space Scales of Coastal Evolution of the Northern Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Geophysical investigation of permafrost, Shishmaref Alaska
- Improvement of Armor Stone Performance for Protection of Great Lakes Coastal Navigation Areas
- Integrated Overland, Vadose Zone, Groundwater, and River Flow Modeling in Watersheds
- Monitoring Tidewater Terminus Dynamics Using Laser Ranging and Fixed Photography: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- More efficient evolutionary strategies for model calibration with watershed model for demonstration
- The Impact of Corps Flood Control Reservoirs in the June 2008 Upper Mississippi Flood
- The impact of Holocene soil-geomorphic riparian development on the role of salmon- derived nutrients in the coastal temperate rainforest of southeast Alaska
- The influence of heterogeneity and spill conditions on NAPL dissolution fingering
- Albedo and the Mechanisms of Melt Pond Evolution on Seasonal Ice
- Daily Time Step Refinement of Optimized Flood Control Rule Curves for a Global Warming Scenario
- Differences between the lab-scale fracture of frozen-rewarmed antarctic sea ice versus larger-scale in-situ fracture (Invited)
- Effect of subsurface storm drainage network on flood frequency in urbanized catchments
- Estimating Frequency-Of-Occurrence Of Extreme Water Levels In Kotzebue Sound And Norton Sound From A Storm Surge Model For 51 Years Between 1954 And 2004
- Expansion of the On-line Archive "Statistically Downscaled WCRP CMIP3 Climate Projections"
- Extreme along-beach variations in morphodynamics attributed to nearshore bathymetry and underlying geology over the short-term, Onslow Beach, North Carolina
- Gas diffusion through columnar laboratory sea ice: Implications for transport of biogenic gases
- High resolution Arctic snow observations: SnowNet (Invited)
- Hydrologic Terrain Processing Using Parallel Computing
- Impacts of Colonial Deforestation on Sediment Organic Carbon Fluxes and Budget Using Black Carbon Chronology: Waiapu Continental Shelf, New Zealand
- Implementation of a Temporal Variational Data Assimilation Method to Retrieve Deep Soil Moisture
- Integrated Geophysical Examination of the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel’s Fairbanks Silt Units, Fox, Alaska
- Investigating Tidewater Glacier Advance/Retreat Cycles Using a Multi-year Dataset Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Last Major Ice Collapse (17ka - 16ka) of the Anchorage Lowland, Alaska
- Mass-conservative level-set methods for two-phase free-surface flows
- Modeling right-lateral offset of a Late Pleistocene terrace riser along the Polaris fault using ground based LiDAR imagery
- Predictions in ungauged basins: Potential challenges and development of a one parameter model
- Statistical Downscaling of CMIP5 Global Climate Model Simulations for Use in Regional Impact Studies
- The Persistent Life of Snow (Invited)
- The Temporal Evolution of the Albedo of Seasonal Sea Ice
- The influence of heterogeneity and spill conditions on NAPL dissolution fingering
- Uncertainty in tile drain locations: Implications for hydrologic modeling of agricultural watersheds
- A Record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Surface-rupturing Earthquakes Along the Lake Isabella Section of the Kern Canyon Fault, California
- Challenges and Methodological Development for Comprehensive Assessment of Environmental Quality: application to military land management
- Controls on wetland loss during large magnitude storms: a case study in Breton Sound, LA
- Estimation of probability of coastal flooding: A case study in the Norton Sound, Alaska
- Fugitive Dust Emission Factors for Puff and Mobile Military Sources Measured by Micro-pulse Lidar - A Summary of Results
- Geomorphology of the Trinity River floodplain in Dallas County, Texas
- Improved Eulerian-Lagrangian techniques for complex transport on unstructured computational meshes
- Non-Stationary Annual Peak Flows in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan; Potential Evidence for Climate Change Observed in the Mid-20th Century
- Numerical Simulation of Flow and Sediment Transport Patterns in Indian River Inlet, de, USA
- Structural and Geomorphic Control on Landscape Evolution by the Kern Canyon Fault, Southern Sierra Nevada, California
- The Cumberland River Flood of 2010 and Corps Reservoir Operations
- The Role of Ontologies for Model and Data Interoperability
- The influence of heterogeneity and spill conditions on NAPL dissolution fingering
- Water Quality Model ROMS-ICM; Development and Calibration
- Applicability of laboratory scale sediment transport capacity model to watershed scale
- Atmospheric Propagation Modeling Indicates Homing Pigeons use Loft-Specific Infrasonic 'Map' Cues
- Battle of Inches: The Spring 2011 Flood along the Ohio River and Upper Mississippi
- Comparing flowmeter, aquifer test, and surface nuclear magnetic resonance data in Central Nebraska
- Comparisons of Satellite Derived Precipitation Products with Multisensor Precipitation Estimation over Southeast United States
- Computationally Efficient Numerical Model for the Evolution of Directional Ocean Surface Waves
- Design and testing of a plot scale rainfall simulator in Sardina, Italy for calibration of a distributed hydrologic model
- Divergent Radiocarbon Age Distributions of Carbon Pools in a Major Temperate River: Implications for Sources, Reactivity, and Land-Ocean Exchanges
- Evaluating Sand Transport Through Two Spillway Diversions on the Lower Mississippi River During the Flood of 2011: Implications for Land Management Via Controlled Diversions
- Finite Element Analysis of Levees with Woody Vegetation
- Flood Frequency Curves - Use of information on the likelihood of extreme floods
- Improving Thermal IR Sensor-Derived Soil Moisture Mapping of the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, SE Arizona using Soil Texture and Vegetation Data
- Investigating the Geomorphic Behavior of the Cape Canaveral Coast Through High-Resolution Beach Monitoring, Sediment Analysis, Oceanographic Observations, and Numerical Modeling
- Modeling of suspended sediments in Chesapeake Bay
- Study of Tidal Propagation in the Lower Columbia River (LCR) Estuary using Numerical Modeling
- The BRomine, Ozone, and Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX)
- Using Forecast Information in Reservoir Operation
- A Comparison between XBeach and Terrestrial Laser Measurements of Surf-Zone Hydrodynamics and Beach Morphology
- Accumulation rates in Northwest Greenland from continuous GPR profiling along the Greenland Inland Traverse
- Assessing the Variability of Potential Hydropower Capacity on Non-powered USACE Dams in Relation to Historical Precipitation Patterns
- Climate Change and Water Working Group - User Needs to Manage Hydrclimatic Risk from Days to Decades
- Development of a coupled framework for simulating interactive effects of soil thermal and hydrological dynamics in landscapes underlain by permafrost
- Energy based method for measuring fracture energy and elastic properties of snow in field tests
- Environmental Flow Assessments in the McKenzie and Santiam River Basins, Oregon
- Estimating the Response of Physical Processes in the South San Francisco Bay for Flood Stage Frequency Analysis
- Evaluating the Relevance, Reliability, and Applicability of CMIP5 Climate Projections for Water Resources and Environmental Planning
- Identification of Hydroclimatic Mechanisms Contributing to Trends in Rainfall-Runoff-Recharge Dynamics of the Great Lakes Basin
- Integration of ground-based and airborne lidar data for improved terrain model generation
- Intercomparison and suitability of five Greenland topographic datasets for the purpose of hydrologic runoff modeling
- Landscape Vulnerability Analysis from Historic Lower Mississippi River Flood in 2011
- Litter decomposition over broad spatial and long time scales investigated by advanced solid-state NMR: insight into effects of climate, litter quality, and time
- Locally conservative, stabilized finite element approximations for simulation of coupled surface and subsurface processes
- Looking back to understand the future: The impact of a century of climate change on coastal inundation in New Orleans, Louisiana
- Model Integration for Real-Time Flood Forecasting Inundation Mapping for Nashville Tributaries
- Ordinary High Water: Concepts and Problems in Stream Delineation
- Radiation stress gradients across the surf zone for hurricane wave forcing: theory and observations
- Scenario Planning for Coastal Adaptation
- Simulating Hydrologic Effects of Urbanization
- The message, meteorology and myths of the historic West Coast winter flooding of 1861 - 62
- Topographic and Thermal Investigations of Active Pahoehoe Lava Flows Using Coupled LiDAR/FLIR Datasets
- Urban Infrasound Observations - Examples from July 4th 2012
- Validation and application of MODIS-derived clean snow albedo and dust radiative forcing
- Validation of CryoSat-2 Elevation Measurements along the Greenland Inland Traverse
- A Framework for Estimating Groundwater Concentrations of VOCs Emanating from a Vadose Zone Source (Invited)
- A National Modeling Framework for Water Management Decisions
- A hybrid level set/volume-of-fluid approach for simulation of nearshore hydrodynamics
- A new paradigm for Summit: enhanced traverse capabilities and satellite camps.`
- Addressing impacts of different statistical downscaling methods on large scale hydrologic simulations
- Are weather models better than gridded observations for precipitation in the mountains? (Invited)
- Developing a calibrated CONUS-wide watershed-scale simulation platform for quantifying the influence of different sources of uncertainty on streamflow forecast skill
- Effects of Atmospheric Conditions and the Land/Atmospheric Interface on Transport of Chemical Vapors from Subsurface Sources
- Estimating the Response and Uncertainty Limits of Physical Processes in the South San Francisco Bay for Extreme Water Elevation Frequency Analysis
- Evaluating the adequacy of climate change information to support long-term water resource planning
- Evaluating the effects of dam breach methodologies on Consequence Estimation through Sensitivity Analysis
- Evaluation of Proteus as a Tool for the Rapid Development of Models of Hydrologic Systems
- Evolution of an Interfacial Crack on the Concrete Embankment Boundary
- Improving continental-scale hydrology simulations (Invited)
- Making it Easy to Construct Accurate Hydrological Models that Exploit High Performance Computers (Invited)
- Mapping of Soil Properties Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Particle Clogging in Filter Media of Embankment Dams: A Numerical and Experimental Study
- Precipitation Downscaling Products for Hydrologic Applications (Invited)
- Process-Driven Ecological Modeling for Landscape Change Analysis
- Relating seasonal streamflow forecast skill to uncertainties in initial conditions, future forcings, and hydrologic modeling
- Revisions Recommended to Bulletin 17B - US National Flood Frequency Guidelines
- Software Carpentry and the Hydrological Sciences
- Surface conditions and error contribution to CryoSat-2 Low Rate Mode signal penetration across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A Variational Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Assessment Approach for Quantifying Streamflow Forecast Skill Elasticity
- Assessing Extreme Events for Anthropogenic Influence: Examples of Recent Cases for Australian Temperatures, U.S. Precipitation, and Hurricane Sandy
- Assessing short to medium range ensemble streamflow forecast approaches in small to medium scale watersheds across CONUS
- Assessing the Assessment Methods: Climate Change and Hydrologic Impacts
- Assessing the Value of Information for Identifying Optimal Floodplain Management Portfolios
- CryoVEx2014: Observations of Arctic Snow and Sea Ice Properties for Validation of Cryosat and Icebridge Retrievals
- Defining and Identifying Functional Habitat to Inform Species Recovery on a Large Regulated River
- Evaluating Investment in Missouri River Restoration: The Missouri River Effects Analysis
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Soil Moisture Dynamics Above a Moving Water Table
- Identifying Preserved Storm Events on Beaches from Trenches and Cores
- Influence of Conowingo Reservoir Infill on Chesapeake Bay Deep Water Hypoxia
- Influence of Fire on Permafrost in Lowland Forests of the Tanana Flats, Interior Alaska
- Kinetic Batch Soil Adsorption Studies of 2, 4-dinitroanisole (DNAN)
- Late-Summer Tundra Methane Concentrations and Fluxes on the North Slope of Alaska
- Modeling Multiphase Coastal and Hydraulic Processes in an Interactive Python Environment with the Open Source Proteus Toolkit
- Non-Hydrostatic Modelling of Waves and Currents over Subtle Bathymetric Features
- Numerical simulation of two-phase flow for wave propagation/breaking near submerged and vertical breakwaters
- Observations of fine scale stratigraphy using a digital imaging system
- Preliminary Model Results of Beach Profile Dynamics with Stratigraphy
- Procedures to Evaluate the Magnitudes and Effects of Total Water Levels at USACE Projects
- Rapid Prototyping of Hydrologic Model Interfaces with IPython
- Resilience Simulation for Water, Power & Road Networks
- Seasonal Variability of Riverine Geochemistry (<SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>DIC</SUB>, δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca, and major ions) in Permafrost Watersheds on the North Slope of Alaska
- Simulation of Two-Phase Flow Based on a Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory Flow Model
- Surf zone, infragravity wave energy flux, and runup in extreme conditions
- Surface Fault Rupture from the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake of Aug. 24, 2014
- The Clawpack Community of Codes
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- The Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model
- Tsunamis generated by 3D deformable landslides in various scenarios: laboratory experiments and numerical modeling
- A Needed Paradigm Change for Environmental Soil Sampling at Urban Sites
- A Training Partnership Focused on Climate Change Impact on Water Resources and Coastal Vulnerabilities
- Application of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy under Polar Conditions
- Autonomous Rover for Polar GPR Surveys
- Balanced Sediment Fluxes in Southern California's Mediterranean-climate Zone Salt Marshes
- Bridging the Gap Between Climate Science and Water-resource Applications
- Characterization of Urban Landscape Using Super-Resolution UAS Data, Multiple Textural Scales and Data-Mining Techniques
- Characterizing Arctic sea ice topography and atmospheric form drag using high-resolution IceBridge data
- Comparison of streamflow prediction skills from NOAH-MP/RAPID, VIC/RAPID and SWAT toward an ensemble flood forecasting framework over large scales
- Conceptual and computational challenges in continental-domain hydrologic model parameter estimation: VIC applications over the contiguous USA
- Crevasse Extent and Lateral Shearing of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica, Using GPR and GPS Observations, and Numerical Modeling
- Crevasses, Fractures and Folds within Firn and Marine Ice of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica interpreted from GPR Profiles acquired with an Unmanned Rover
- Developing a Method to Mask Trees in Commercial Multispectral Imagery
- Developing a Resource for Implementing ArcSWAT Using Global Datasets
- Experimental and Numerical Demonstration of Anomalous Enhanced Backscatter by Subsurface Spherical Dielectric Anomalies
- Exploring the Potential of Snow Data Assimilation to Improve Seasonal Streamflow Prediction Across the Western United States
- Fire-Vegetation-Microclimate Feedbacks under Simulated Global Change in Savanna - Wetland Ecotones
- Framework for Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Infrastructure
- Historical Sediment Sources and Delivery on the Lower Mississippi River
- How can we best use climate information and hydrologic initial conditions to improve seasonal streamflow forecasts?
- Hydrograph separation of a sub-arctic glacial watershed, Interior Alaska
- Impact of Spatial Aliasing on Sea-ice Thickness Measurements
- Incorporating Climate Change Projections into a Hydrologic Hazard Analysis for Friant Dam
- Method for Assessing Impacts of Global Sea Level Rise on Navigation Gate Operations
- Model Reduction for Free-Surface Flows
- Modeling Greenland's Climate Response to the Presence of Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Atmosphere and Snow
- Near-Surface Crevasse Detection in Ice Sheets using Feature-Based Machine Learning
- Needs to Update Probable Maximum Precipitation for Critical Infrastructure
- New Tools and Data to Understand and Adapt to Hydroclimatic Variability and Change in Alaska and Hawaii
- Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Quantifying uncertainty due to internal variability using high-resolution regional climate model simulations
- Real-time demonstration and evaluation of over-the-loop short to medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasting
- Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Niger River Basin
- Revealing Risks in Adaptation Planning: expanding Uncertainty Treatment and dealing with Large Projection Ensembles during Planning Scenario development
- The Influence of Snow Depth Distribution and Surface Topography on Melt Pond Evolution
- The present and future of using InSAR to estimate SWE
- UC Irvine CHRS Real-time Global Satellite Precipitation Monitoring System (G-WADI PERSIANN-CCS GeoServer) for Hydrometeorological Applications
- Understanding institutional constraints and preferences influencing the development and use of seasonal water supply forecasts
- Using NMME in Region-Specific Operational Seasonal Climate Forecasts
- Validating SWE reconstruction using Airborne Snow Observatory measurements in the Sierra Nevada
- You Don't Need Richards'... A New General 1-D Vadose Zone Solution Method that is Reliable
- sUAS for Rapid Pre-Storm Coastal Characterization and Vulnerability Assessment
- A 5,000 year snow accumulation record from the South Pole Ice Core
- A Study of Spatially Variable Bed Forms Exposed to Time-Varying Flow Conditions in a Complex Estuarine Environment, the Mouth of the Columbia River, USA
- A Study of the Effect of Hysteresis on Transient Seepage in Levees
- A data driven model for dune morphodynamics
- A systematic approach to community resilience that reduces the federal fiscal exposure to climate change
- Accounting for Atmospheric Rivers in the Flood Frequency Estimation in the Western United States
- An Evaluation of Model Reduction Techniques for Free-Surface Flows
- Analog Ensemble (AnEn): Optimal Predictor Weighting and Exploitation of Spatial Characteristics in AnEn Generation
- Analysis of Wave Predictions from the Coastal Model Test Bed using Operationally Estimated Bathymetry
- Application of the Geophysical Scale Multi-Block Transport Modeling System to Hydrodynamic Forcing of Dredged Material Placement Sediment Transport within the James River Estuary
- Are We Telling Decision-makers the Wrong Things - and with Too Much Confidence?
- Assessing the viability of `over-the-loop' real-time short-to-medium range ensemble streamflow forecasts
- Broad Applications for X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography
- Building Quantitative Hydrologic Storylines from Process-based Models for Managing Water Resources in the U.S. Under Climate-changed Futures
- Certainty and Uncertainty in Convection Permitting Modelling: Downscaling the CESM Large Ensemble
- Characterizing Uncertainty of the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change
- Crevasse Extent and Lateral Shearing of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica: Implications of Ice Shelf Stability
- Development of Gridded Ensemble Precipitation and Temperature Datasets for the Contiguous United States Plus Hawai'i and Alaska
- Dos and don'ts for using climate information for water resource planning and management
- EM Bias-Correction for Ice Thickness and Surface Roughness Retrievals over Rough Deformed Sea Ice
- Effect of Atmospheric Forcing Data on the Large-Scale Streamflow Simulations
- Effects of modeling decisions on cold region hydrological model performance: snow, soil and streamflow
- Efficient Data Assimilation Algorithms for Bathymetry Applications
- Environmental forcing metrics to quantify short-term foredune morphodynamics
- Extreme Rainfall Analysis using Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon
- Geomorphic responses of gravel bed rivers to fine sediment releases during annual reservoir drawdowns: Spatial patterns and magnitude of aggradation along Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon
- Grassroots Engagement and the University of Washington: Evaluating Science Communication Training Created by Graduate Students for Graduate Students
- High Resolution Regional Climate Simulations over Alaska
- High frequency acoustic reflections from an air-snow interface
- Hydraulic complexity, larval drift, and endangered species recovery in the Upper Missouri River
- Initial Field Evaluation of Buoy Platforms and Sensors
- Irregular Layering at mid-depths in two Antarctic Ice Cores
- Modeled and measured linkages between glaciers, permafrost and hydrology in a subarctic watershed, Interior Alaska
- Modeling the Variability and Importance of Snow Sublimation in the North-Central Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Nearshore Bathymetric Change Resolved by Depth Inversions, Sonic Altimeters, and In-Situ Surveys
- Observations of Wave Runup and Overwash during a Storm Event
- Observations of beach cusp evolution using a stationary, shore-based lidar system
- Quantifying Seasonal Skill in Coupled Sea Ice Models using Freeboard Measurements from Spaceborne Laser Altimeters
- Thermokarst Caves, Baydzherakhs, and Thaw Subsidence, Oh My! Combining Ground Based Geophysics and Survey Measurements With Airborne LiDAR to Understand Rates and Patterns of Rapid Permafrost Thaw
- Tool for simplifying the complex interactions within resilient communities
- Web Tools Streamline Climate Preparedness and Resilience Planning and Implementation for Water Resources Infrastructure
- A Framework For Analysis Of Coastal Infrastructure Vunerabilty To Global Sea Level Rise
- A Methodological Inter-Comparison of Gridded Meteorological Products
- A Tool for Assessing Future Capacity Loss Due to Sedimentation in the United States' Reservoirs
- A new large ensemble of statistically downscaled meteorology for hydrologic modeling: towards understanding uncertainty in climate forcings
- Accommodating permafrost in contaminant transport modeling, a preliminary approach to modify the TREECS modeling tools
- An Operational Short-Term Forecasting System for Regional Hydropower Management
- Analysis of Extreme Snow Water Equivalent Data in Central New Hampshire
- Application of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble to seasonal water supply forecasting in the Great Lakes basin through the use of the Great Lakes Seasonal Climate Forecast Tool
- Application of the Streamflow Prediction Tool to Estimate Sediment Dredging Volumes in Texas Coastal Waterways
- Assessment of a new seasonal to inter-annual operational Great Lakes water supply, water levels, and connecting channel flow forecasting system
- Atmospheric Rivers, Climate Change, and the Howard Hanson Dam
- Biogeochemical Attributes That Affect the Fate and Transport of Military Relevant Contaminants Under Freeze-thaw Conditions
- Building a foundation for continued dialogue between climate science and water resource communities
- Challenges in land model representation of heat transfer in snow and frozen soils
- Characterizing and Addressing the Need for Statistical Adjustment of Global Climate Model Data
- Combining Statistics and Physics to Improve Climate Downscaling
- Comparison of Extreme Precipitation Return Levels using Spatial Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling versus Regional Frequency Analysis
- Determining the Financial Impact of Flood Hazards in Ungaged Basins
- Directionality of Spectral and Polarimetric Measurements of Soils
- Disturbance Driven Rainfall in O`ahu, Hawai`i (1990-2010)
- Economic Justification Of Robust Or Adaptive Planning And Design Of Resilient Water Resources Systems Under Deep Uncertainty: A Case Study In The Iolanda Water Treatment Plant Of Lusaka, Zambia
- Effects of Dike Fields on Channel Characteristics of the Lower Missiszippi River
- Efficient data assimilation algorithm for bathymetry application
- Flood Inundation Mapping and Emergency Operations during Hurricane Harvey
- Flooding and Atmospheric Rivers across the Western United States
- Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations: Lessons Learned from a Multi-Agency Collaborative Research and Operations Effort to improve Flood Risk Management, Water Supply and Environmental Benefits
- Geomorphic Assessment of the Brazos River, Texas
- Habitat change and geomorphic response related to sediment releases during reservoir drawdowns at Fall Creek Lake, Oregon
- Imaging the Magmatic System of Erebus Volcano, Antarctica using the Magnetotelluric Method
- Improving Estimates of Regional Infrasound Propagation by Incorporating Three-Dimensional Weather Modeling
- Integrating understanding of biophysical processes governing larval fish dispersal with basin-scale management decisions: lessons from the Missouri River, USA
- Leveraging Past Climate Variability to Inform Methodological Choices and Improve Hydrologic Projections
- Losing ground in mega-deltas: basin-scale response to existential threats to the Mekong Delta
- Marine Ice Crevassing Imaged with Side-looking GPR: Implications for Stability within the McMurdo Shear Zone
- Measuring the Rate of Change in Sea Level and Its Adherence to USACE Sea Level Rise Planning Scenarios Using Timeseries Metrics
- Microbes and Microstructure: Dust's Role in the Snowpack Evolution
- Modeling interactions of agriculture and groundwater nitrate contaminants: application of The STICS-Eau-Dyssée coupled models over the Seine River Basin
- Non-traditional Infrasound Deployment
- Nonlinear scaling of the Unit Hydrograph Peaking Factor for dam safety
- Observations of Lower Mississippi River Estuarine Dynamics: Effects of the Salt Wedge on Sediment Deposition
- Open Source Tools for Adaptive Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Processes
- Open-Source Python Tools for Deploying Interactive GIS Dashboards for a Billion Datapoints on a Laptop
- Pedoinformatics Approach to Soil Text Analytics
- Planning for Sea Level Rise: An AGU Talk in the Form of a Co-Production Experiment Exploring Recent Science
- Quantifying Changes in Los Angeles River Breakout Triggered by Sea Level Rise Using a Hydrodynamic Model
- Quantifying Wave Breaking Shape and Type in the Surf-Zone Using LiDAR
- Real-Time Tracking of the Extreme Rainfall of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria using UCI CHRS's iRain System
- Regional Patterns and Spatial Clusters of Nonstationarities in Annual Peak Instantaneous Streamflow
- Riverine Bathymetry Imaging with Indirect Observations
- SIIOS in Alaska - Testing an `In-Vault' Option for a Europa Lander Seismometer.
- Scientific, Social, and Institutional Constraints Facing Coastal Restoration in Louisiana
- Short term changes in hydroperiod after thin layer sediment placement on a New Jersey salt marsh and implications for design
- Suspended Sediment Loads and Tributary Inputs in the Mississippi River below St. Louis, MO, 1990-2013 Compared With Earlier Results
- The Timeseries Toolbox - A Web Application to Enable Accessible, Reproducible Time Series Analysis
- Three summers of high-resolution, high-accuracy velocity data of Helheim Glacier, as measured by an automated terrestrial LiDAR scanner: methods, challenges, and applications
- Towards high fidelity numerical wave tanks for modelling coastal and ocean engineering processes
- Use of Infrasound for evaluating potentially hazardous conditions for barge transit on the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, Mississippi
- Use of Natural and Nature-Based Features for Coastal Resilience
- Using Space Weather for Enhanced, Extreme Terrestrial Weather Predictions.
- Variable Flow Pathways and Geochemical History of Seepage Under Mississippi River Levees: 2011, 2015, and 2016 Floods
- Velocity Field of the McMurdo Shear Zone from Annual Three-Dimensional Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging and Crevasse Matching
- Warnings and Human Response in the Oroville Dam Crisis, February 2017
- Well-Balanced Second-Order Approximation of the Shallow Water Equations With Friction via Continuous Galerkin Finite Elements
- 150-Year CONUS Quasi-Dynamical Downscaling with ICAR
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages of muscovite from the Appalachian hinterland and foreland basin
- A combined Radar and optical algorithm for refining temporal information in the MODIS burned area product using Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery
- Anticipating and Planning for the National Security Implications of Hydrologic Extremes
- Assessment of Mississippi River & Tributaries Future Flood Conditions
- Bathymetry estimation using deep learning techniques
- Characterization of Reactive Nitrogen Transport in Pittsburgh's Three Rivers During Dry-and Wet-Weather Conditions
- Combining Streamflow and Rainfall-Runoff Hydrologic Hazard Estimates for Dam Safety: Data, Physics and Uncertainty
- Continuous Terrestrial LiDAR data of Helheim Glacier to quantify ice-ocean interactions
- Controls of Alongshore Variable Beach Morphology on Foredune Growth
- Decadal-Scale Morphodynamic Modeling in Support of Coastal Restoration: Sensitivity of Barrier Island Response to Storms, Sea Level Rise, and Restoration Actions
- Developing a Generalized Model Tree (GMT) framework for simulating reservoir systems
- Development of 'Debris Library' and 'GSSHA' linkage-architecture for non-Newtonian sediment fluid flow
- Dynamics of the Tongariro Magmatic System During the 2012 Eruptive Sequence: Insights from Magnetotellurics
- Effects of Saturation and Low Confinement on the Vp/Vs Ratio and Elastic Moduli of Near Surface Soils
- Entropy Viscosity Methods and Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory for Non-Dilute Transport
- Evaluation of using High Resolution SAR Imagery to Monitor Glacier Dammed Lakes
- Examination of Interplanetary Dust Particles Collected from Antarctic Air
- Fourth National Climate Assessment - Coastal Effects Chapter
- From Research to Operations to Decisions: Hydroclimatic Forecasting Advancements for Application to Regulation of Lake Superior Outflow and Water Resources Management in the Great Lakes
- Frontiers Appear at the Edges of Domains: Are We Still at the Edges Now for Assembling Policy-maker Partnerships with Geoscientists for Projecting Climate Change?"
- Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Mg isotopic compositions of volcanic rocks from Jeju Island, South Korea: Implications for the mantle source
- Geoelectrical and Electromagnetic Induction Delineation of Seep Origin at a US Army Earthen Dam
- Geomorphic Assessment of the Brazos River, Texas
- Geotechnical Characterization of Coastal Sediments from Satellite-Based Remote Sensing
- High-Resolution Future Climate Change Simulation in Alaska using a Pseudo-Global Warming Scenario
- High-resolution statistically downscaled climate and hydrology projections over Alaska
- Historical and real-time snow product suite for the Indus River basin
- How does the rainfall change over Hawaii in the future? High resolution regional climate simulation of the Hawaiian Islands.
- How geophysics and geology played a key role in the deepening of the New York and New Jersey Harbor?
- Hydro Climate Tools Developed by UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme and its "Water Family" to Address Water-Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Related Commitments
- Hydroclimatic Extremes as Challenges for the Water Management Community: Lessons from Oroville Dam and Hurricane Harvey
- Influence of Climate Change on Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
- Interception-Rearing Complexes: An Explicit Experiment in Large-River Restoration to Promote Survival of Larvae of the Endangered Pallid Sturgeon
- Lasers vs. Lasers: An intercomparison between lidar datasets, GNSS, and snow-probe transects from NASA's SnowEx campaign.
- Magnetic Susceptibility and XRF Analysis of Urban Top Soils as Indicator of Heavy Metal Pollution in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
- Marine Contributions to Coastal Foredune Growth
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core (SPICEcore)
- Measuring Ice Sheet Surface Elevation Change in the Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Zone From Repeat Terrestrial LIDAR Surveys
- Mississippi River Levee Underseepage Assessment, North of Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Modeling Sediment Transport in Three-Phase Surface Water Systems
- Modeling large waves on a low slope beach with SWASH 1D
- Multi-Beam Lidar Observations of Breaking Waves
- Nearshore Bathymetry Estimation using Batch Inversion from UAS Based Observations
- Quantification of Uncertainty in Probabilistic Storm Surge Models
- Quantifying Tidewater Glacier Surface Displacements Using Autonomous Multi-Temporal Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning; Helheim Glacier Greenland
- Quantitative Hydrologic Storylines Simplify Use of Process-model Chains for Characterizing Uncertain Future Water and Energy Security
- Recent Observations of Airport Runway Modifications Related to the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA)
- Reducing Climate Risks Through Adaptation Actions
- Russian River Watershed Hydrograph Separation Using Stable Isotopes and Natural Geochemical Tracers During Precipitation Events
- Science to Action: Building a foundation to improve the utility of climate information in water management
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Quantification of snow water equivalent uncertainty across North America via ensemble-based land surface modeling
- Spatial Mapping of L-moment Statistical Measures for Use in Development of Point Precipitation-Frequency Relationships in the Trinity River Basin
- Spectral wave predictions from STWAVE evaluated over long duration in the FRF Coastal Model Test Bed
- Strengthening cross-agency bi-national partnerships to improve regional water management and prediction capabilities
- The CHRS Data Portal for Distributing PERSIANN Family Global Satellite Precipitation Data
- The Evaluation of Climate Adaptation Investments
- The Great Lakes Runoff Inter-comparison Project for Lake Erie (GRIP-E)
- The Statistical Adjustment Tool: Methodological Transformations of Hydrologic Models for Improved Flow Behavior Modeling
- The Value of Information (VOI): Using GRACE-based river flow forecasts to improve flood protection and emergency measures
- Tidal Inlet Sediment Pathways and Morphodynamics: A Case Study Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling at Oregon Inlet, NC
- Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of the Coupled Natural-Human Coastal System: The Future of the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Understanding the impacts of compound and cascading event on water resources management. Invited Paper 407719
- Use of a Distributed Hydrologic Watershed Model for Forecasting Stream Flows and Reservoir Storage in the Russian River Test Watershed of Northern California
- Using MODIS snow cover area and SSMI derived snow water equivalent to assess the value of using snow depletion curves predict river discharge and flood potential over the Red River Basin.
- Weather-regime Based Stochastic Weather Generation for Process-informed Climate Vulnerability Assessments of Water Systems
- Whose Ethics? Which Values? And Where Do We Find Them, Anyway, When Producing and Using Climate Science for Enhancing Water and Energy Security in the Developing World?"
- A scale of atmospheric river intensity captures the economic impacts of flooding in the western United States
- Advancing tools to understand and adapt to hydroclimatic variability and change in Alaska and Hawaii
- Airborne snow accumulation estimates from L-Band InSAR during the NASA SnowEx 2017 campaign and validation with airborne LiDAR and in-situ observations
- An Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Framework:Case Study, the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD)
- An Overview of ERDC's Coastal Storm Modeling System as Applied to the South Atlantic Coast Study: Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Analyses of Cool-Season Extreme Precipitation in the Willamette River Basin Using Max-Stable Processes
- Applications of Deep Neural Network to Near-shore Bathymetry with Sparse Measurements
- Applications of the African Flood and Drought Monitor to Vector- and Water-borne Disease, and to Human Well-being
- Assessing Runoff Risk to Support Nutrient Application Timing Using a Hybrid of Physically-based and Statistical Models—an Application of National Water Model
- Assessing land cover change and lowland vulnerability to permafrost thaw, altered fire regime, and hydrologic changes on Interior Alaska
- CHRS iRain, System with PERSIANN-Dynamic Infrared-Rain rate (PDIR) Data for Global Real-time Precipitation Observations
- Climate Preparedness and Resilience Decision Making for Extreme Events
- Climate variability and fill rate impacts on downstream flows from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
- Developing a National Structure Database for Flood Risk Assessment across the United States: an Inter-Agency Collaboration
- Distribution Convergence Behavior of Homogeneous Precipitation Extremes
- Do Burned Boreal Landscapes Hold Less Snow?
- Dos and Don'ts for Supporting Better Water Management in a Changing Climate
- Employing ensemble prediction to enhance the value of Great Lakes seasonal water supply and water level forecasts
- Enhancing river discharge forecasting in the Niagara River: An integrated approach to utilizing multi-source remote sensing data for bathymetry maps
- Enhancing total water prediction for the Great Lakes through calibration of the National Water Model in Canadian watersheds
- Ensemble simulations of hydrodynamic and morphologic change during extreme weather events
- Evaluating the impact of wildfire on flood frequency in southwestern United States
- Examining multi-scale snow vegetation relationships using object-derived measures of canopy structure from terrestrial laser scanning, Grand Mesa, Colorado
- Exploring Novel Strategies to Enhance Use of Existing Water Management Infrastructure: Collecting Unique Observations with Local Partners
- Forest Cover Indices for Identifying Canopy Cover in Multispectral Imagery
- Framework for high-end estimates of sea-level rise for stakeholder applications
- Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Mg isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis and mantle source of volcanic rocks from Jeju Island, South Korea
- Improving prediction of extreme reservoir inflow by enhancing the estimation of loss coefficients in HEC-HMS using Satellite-based Soil Moisture Products
- Influence of Extreme Precipitation at the Scale of Individual Events, Seasons, and Multiple Years on Record High Great Lakes Water Levels and Flooding in 2019
- Integrated Coastal Urban Flood Modeling, Applications, Lessons Learned, Future Directions
- Integrating Human Dynamics Into Flood Risk Management Models
- Level Set Methods for Modeling Air-Water-Grain Interactions at the Microscale
- Managing risks and building resilience through adaptation actions: Challenges and opportunities
- Many-objective Shuffled Complex-Self Adaptive Hybrid EvoLution (MSC-SAHEL): A flexible optimization framework for water-energy systems
- Metropolitan Houston Watershed Assessment: Considering Feedbacks in a Highly Urban Setting
- Microscale Modeling of Non-Dilute Flow and Transport
- Modeling post-storm coastal dune recovery in Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC
- Multi-platform, multi-sensor snow surface properties for energy balance and model validation
- Numerical modeling of wildfire generated debris flows
- Numerical wave modeling with a Boussinesq-type model against insitu and LIDAR recorded field data on a sandy beach at Duck, NC
- On the timing and frequency of beach growth via onshore intertidal sandbar migration
- PDIR (PERSIANN Dynamic Infrared - Rain rate) model for high-resolution, real-time satellite precipitation estimation
- Paleoflood Data, Analysis, and Value for Dam Safety Risk
- Paleoflood Enhancements within HEC-SSP
- Planning for Change: Challenges and Opportunities in California
- Post fire hydrodynamic and sediment dynamic model development from web-based digital data sources.
- Prioritizing Actions to Adapt America's Infrastructure for Climate Change
- Projected Changes in Reservoir Sedimentation in the Continental U.S.
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Probabilistic Storm Surge Estimates Using Surrogate Modeling Techniques - Recent Advances in Research and Applications
- Quantifying the Effect of Post-Wildfire Soil Water Repellency on Watershed Runoff: Numerical Simulations
- Rainfall-runoff relationships at the Arroyo de los Piños, Socorro, New Mexico
- Rapid wave model-based nearshore bathymetry inversion with UAS measurements
- Reducing uncertainty in estimating rare flood events using paleoflood analyses: Insights from an investigation near Stillhouse Hollow Dam, Texas
- Remote Snow Strength Detection Using Multi-frequency/Multi-polarization Radar
- Semantic segmentation of aerial imagery using color-texture analysis and convolutional neural networks
- Separating Aleatory and Epistemic uncertainties in evaluation of hydraulic loading including dam failures with HEC-WAT
- Snow Coupled Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Intrusion Detection of Polar Bears in Arctic Camps
- Spring Hydrograph Generation using LiDAR-Derived Cave Channel Geometry and Water Stage: A Case Study in the Karst Region of Northern Puerto Rico
- Stereo2SWE: Snow depth time series from very-high-resolution stereo satellite imagery
- Stochastic Simulation of Tropical Cyclones for Quantification of Uncertainty Associated with Storm Recurrence and Intensity
- Tectonic controls on the magmatic system of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, the role of the Discovery accommodation zone and termination of the Terror Rift
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Sediment Transport in Multiphase Systems
- US Coastal Research Program: A Transformational Community of Practice
- Using Geologic and Geomorphic Tools in USACE Hydrologic Loading Evaluation, Carbon Canyon Dam, Orange County, California
- Within-Stand Boundary Effects of Snow Water Equivalent Distribution in Forested Areas
- deep learning techniques for riverine bathymetry and flow velocity estimation
- A Resilient Path Forward for the Marine Transportation System: Recommendations for Response and Recovery Operations in a Multi-Hazard Environment
- A Survey on Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Shallow Water Problems
- A new SUMMA and MizuRoute hydrologic modeling resource for US water applications
- Analyzing the Effect of Climate Change on Extreme Flood Events in the Mississippi River Basin
- Assessing the Environmental Forcing of 40 Years of Sandbar Migrations at the Field Research Facility, Duck, NC
- Assessing the Viability of Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) in Western U.S. Reservoirs Where Atmospheric Rivers Are Key to Both Water Supply and Flooding: Summary, Lessons Learned, and Broader Implications
- Can Anthropogenic Barrier Island and Shelf Modifications Alter Estuary Storm Tides?
- Characterization of Annual Runoff Shape Using Curve Fitting
- Comparison of Infrasound Wind Filter Designs
- Compound Extreme Heat and COVID-19 Risks in the United States
- Decision Support Tools to Communicate Hydrologic Anomalies and Impacts
- Deep Bayesian Techniques to Nearshore Bathymetry with Sparse Measurements
- Deep learning application to fast estimation of riverine surface velocity
- Development of relevant and plausible water supply sequence scenarios for application to adaptive management of Lake Ontario outflows
- Dos and Don'ts for navigating model selection in climate change work for water planning and management
- Effect of offshore wave boundary conditions on longshore variability of extreme wave runup
- Estimating Compound Flooding Potential at the Catchment Level: Recommendations for Best Practice.
- Extreme Total Water Level Forecasts in Alternative Futures Modeling to Assess Coastal Community Adaptation Pathways
- Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations: An Agency Approach to Testing, Evaluating and Implementing New Water Management Policy
- From Risk to Resilience: Designing Infrastructure Networks in an Uncertain Climate
- Geochemical controls on mobilization and transport of tungsten in sediments from Fallon, Nevada: The importance of a possible anthropogenic tungsten source
- Improving Parameterizations of Snow in the National Water Model with Observations from the New York State Mesonet, to Better Simulate Snow and Streamflow in the Northeastern United States
- Insights on aeolian streamer dynamics from conventional and doppler lidar measurements
- Investigating the Reservoir Response for the Antecedent Conditions related to Extreme Flood Events under Climate Non-Stationarity
- LIS-Hydro: Authoritative Source for OCONUS Hydro-Intelligence
- Linking Backbarrier Wetlands and Storm Driven Coastal Morphodynamics
- Migrating National Risk Assessment Efforts to Structural Level Analysis: Insights from Recent Projects
- Modeling River Flood Seasonality with Mixtures of Circular Probability Density Functions
- Modelling runoff-erosion processes under post-fire conditions
- Multi-scale Snow-Atmosphere Interactions Over Mountain Snowpack for Climate Applications
- Nearshore Bathymetric Inversion and Uncertainty Estimation from Synthetic Imagery using a 2D Fully Convolutional Neural Network
- Next-Generation Water Resources Modeling System: A Community Research, Development, Testing and Operations Software Framework
- On the use of microscale modeling to improve macroscale non-dilute flow and transport models
- Sensitivity of Simulated Infrasound Propagation to Lead Times and Averaging Intervals of Input Meteorological Data
- Simulating Compound Flooding: A Comparison between HEC-RAS and ADCIRC
- Simulation of Hydrology, Stream Flow, and Reservoir Levels in the Upper Russian River Watershed In Support of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations at Lake Mendocino
- Snowpack ripening and melt-freeze cycles on Grand Mesa, Colorado from field measurements and synthetic aperture radar
- Stereo2SWE: Snow depth and snow-covered area from commercial stereo satellite imagery
- Stochastic simulation of tropical cyclones for quantification of uncertainty associated with storm recurrence and intensity
- The Effect of Soil Water Repellency on Post-fire Runoff
- The Varying Drivers and Impacts of Extreme Total Water Levels in the Pacific Basin
- The roles of storminess and sea level rise in decadal barrier island evolution
- USGCRP's Coastal Focus: Improving the Nation's Capacity to Understand and Respond to a Changing Coastline.
- Understanding Heterogeneity to Improve Snow-albedo Feedbacks in a Simplified Regional Climate Model
- Vegetation controls on sub-canopy snow depth variation
- Where and When Does Streamflow Regulation Significantly Affect Climate Change Outcomes in the Columbia River Basin?
- Wind-driven bed shear stress in the presence of dune grasses: implications for species-driven controls on coastal foredune development
- Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) Hydrodynamic and Transport Numerical Modeling Suite: Modifications and Enhancements for Multi-Physics Monolithic Simulations of Coastal Compound Flooding
- Comparison of Flood Inundation Mapping Frameworks for Compound Coastal Floods
- Deep learning-based estimation of riverine bathymetry using Variational Encoder Geostatistical Approaches (VEGAs)
- Developing A Systems Perspective on Wildfire Impacts to Water Resources and Infrastructure
- Expanding access to FIRO benefits through the Screening Process
- Flood Risk Management Perspectives on Coastal Model Coupling for Compound Flooding Events
- Integrating High-resolution Wetland and Depression Water Storage Data in Major Basin Hydrologic Modeling
- Investigating the Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Flood Conditions Across the Mississippi River Basin
- Investigation of the Robustness of Probabilistic Coastal Hazard Analysis Results to Different Joint Distribution Models of Storm Parameters
- Model spatial input scale effects on a watershed runoff-erosion modelling
- Modeling Future Sediment Transport Variations at a Watershed-Scale: A Preliminary Example from the Chattahoochee River
- Modeling Long-Term and Regional Shoreline Evolution around Coastal Inlet
- Probabilistic Coastal Hazard Analysis: A Comprehensive Framework for Quantification of Coastal Storm Hazards Integrating Synthetic Hurricanes, Joint Distributions, Numerical Modeling, and Machine Learning
- Progress in Data-Model Integration for Long Term Carbon Burial Rates in Coastal Wetlands
- Recent widespread permafrost thaw in Interior Alaska quantified from geophysical measurements, boreholes, ground-based surveys, and remote sensing
- The Effect of Water Repellency on Post-fire Infiltration: Observations and Model Results
- The Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework: Open Source, Standards Based, Community Accessible, Model Interoperability for Large Scale Water Prediction
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- Watershed Model Development for Reservoir Operations, Prado Dam, California.
- An overview of WAVEWATCH III modeling Framework within coupled applications
- Are emerging Earth Observations inconsistent in mapping Global Surface Water Extents?
- Assessing the Reliability of Regional Climate Assessments
- Coastal Modeling Considerations for Compound Flooding Events at Three Flood Risk Management Projects in Coastal Texas
- Coastal Sediment Budgeting to Match Sediment Supplies, Dredging Volumes, and Natural Infrastructure Enhancement for Sea-Level Rise Adaptation
- Computationally-Derived Global River Network Quality: Influence of User Decisions and Environmental Factors
- Engineering Coastal Structures to Centrally Embrace Biodiversity
- How vulnerable are coastal sites in the wake of rising sea levels?
- Hybrid Multispectral And Empirical Model Based Satellite Derived Bathymetry
- Improvements to Roller Dissipation Estimates from Optical Imagery
- Integrating Sediment Beneficial Use with Ecology and Natural Resource Economics to Emphasize Coastal and Habitat Resilience 1087846
- Reservoir Water Quality in the Face of Extreme Watershed Change, From Observations to Models
- Review of the Depth-Area-Reduction-Factor and Analysis of the Texas Historical Storms for the Design Storms
- Suspended Sediment Flux in a Tidal Channel at Seven Mile Island Innovation Lab, New Jersey
- The Great Lakes Runoff Intercomparison Project Phase 4: the Great Lakes (GRIP-GL)
- Training Deep Operator Networks for Coupled, Multi-Physics Applications in Coastal Hydrodynamics
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. W. Wood
- Abigail M. Smith
- Adam M. Collins
- Adnan Rajib
- Ahmad A. Tavakoly
- Ali Abdolali
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Andrew J. Newman
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Bhavna Arora
- Brian Avant
- C. Brock Woodson
- C. Rhett Jackson
- Charles R. Lane
- Chris Frans
- Christopher E. Sheehan
- Christopher N. Janousek
- Dipankar Dwivedi
- E. D. Gutmann
- Ethan T. Coon
- Gregory B. Noe
- Heather E. Golden
- James R. Craig
- James R. Holmquist
- James T. Morris
- Jay R. Christensen
- Jonathan Sanderman
- Jonghyun Lee
- Juliane Mai
- Katherine Todd-Brown
- Lauren M. Fry
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- M. D. Behn
- M. E. Gonneea
- M. Ralph
- Mark Wahl
- Matthew V. Bilskie
- Meredith L. Carr
- Norberto C. Nadal-Caraballo
- Oliver Wing
- R.J. Arsenault
- Rose Shillito
- S. D. Peckham
- S. Kyle McKay
- Shih‐Chieh Kao
- Taylor D. Sullivan
- Thomas A. Douglas
- Tirthankar Roy
- V. J. Bray
- Vincent Fortin
- Vincent Vionnet
- William Ryan Currier
- Yan Ding